VOL. II. WILMINGTON; N. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 18. 1869. NO. 291. THE WILMINGTON POST. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. CHAS. iTgRADY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION IKVABIABLY IN ADVASCJ5. Per Year.. . . ... . Six Months. . ..$4 00 . . . 2 00 .... 1 25 ... 50 Three Months . . . J . .' . One Month. .... RATES OF ADVERTISING : Advertisements will be inserted atil 00 per square for first insertion and 50 cent for each , subsequent insertion. ' Tealinei or less, solid minion type, constitute a - square. ' - . church" intelligence" Services will be held in the several churches in his city, to-day, as follow : 1 ! : WHITE. St. Thomas' Church (Catholic). Services at the usual hour 7 and 10 o'clock, A. M.j Vespers at.Si o'clock, P. 31. St. James' Church (Episcopal). Morning Prayer at lOi A. M. Evening Prayer at 5 P. M. Sunday School at 3 A. M. St. Johns' Church (Episcopal). Divine services at 101 ocloek, A. M. and Sr P. M. Sunday School at 4 o'clock, P., M. v First Presbyterian Church. , Divine services at 101 A. . M., and at 8 P. M. Front Street Church (Episcopal Methodist). Services at 101 A. M.tand 74 P. M.,"by Rev. J. HiDally Sabbath School at 9 A. M . Seaman' Bethel. Services at 101 'A. M and 74 P. M.rhv liie Kev. John N. Andrews. ' COLORED. A. M. E. Church, Cor. 5th and Red Croa Sts, Divine services Prayer meeting at 5 oeldck A. M., preaching at 10:30 A. M. and 3:30 and 7:30 P. M. i Sabbath school nt 1:30 P. M. Rev. D. P. .Beaton, Pastor. Zion's ill. E. Church, Cor. 7th and Church. Servicee at 10:30 A. M., and 3 and 7:30 P.M. Rev. "Ellis LavenderPastor. Presbyterian Chapel, cor. 8th and Cheetnut Services at 10:33 A. M., and ,7:80 P. M. Rev V. T. Cair, Pastor in charge. ! 8t. Paul's Chapel, cor. Fourth, and Orrnige i (Episcopal.) bervitea 10;SO A. Mi, and 7:30 P.-51. 1st Baptist, corner Campbell and Fifth. Services t 10:30 A,M., and 3 P.M., and 7:30 P. M., M. M. JohnHDu1, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9 P. M. . ; Ebenexer Chnrch, (Baptitt,) seventh bttM etn . Orange and Ann gtreetti. Services at 10:30 A. M., and 3 and 7:30 P. M. Rev. Wm. H. Banks Pastor ; Job"1:,kimiso.-, -Wc arc now prepared to execute, at this office, all manner oi Job Printing. To OCR Headers. Subscriber will no Lice that the 'cross on their paper denotes 'time ilt'' Jitd wc would be pieced with ' pfouip renewal ot subscriptions. j Cheat Advertising. All our irieucisarc cordially invited to' send notices for this lmSsiJ olurnn at the exceeding lr)w ; price of 10 t ' TS K LINE. . "-'V C ' cblic'an County Exkctutite Com- He?. :The Committee arc requested to 1ITEB.- Theatre ut 9J o'clock, Monday meet, at the 'ul and punctual attendance morning. A . ! is requested. ' Pkunch, Chairman. Geo. . v Citv Court hare The Grand Jury of t. been discharged. ( oldiu regular oouie oi our peupic utc L W: p -hope they meetings to pray for rain. will succeed. . i tux list fi;ti7mic will tnkp. ncvtice thflt tnt The will be ready for revision to-morrow Board wait three days only' ' The mau who dumped a bushel j! egg. in front of the Post probably; wanted to yolk our harness making neighbor. Li- - . : - he I We would call attention 10 luc smi; oi w- few baco by order of the United States Aj-arstia. The sale takes place 27th inst. at 12 o'clock. Warning to smokers : A man was killed lU-ljOUlSYUie iuu ulli'-i vtj hogsbcad-of it fell ou him aud broke his neck. - J 'u i rumored that a "bathhouse" U to be parted, May: the philanthropic citizen who r ' - . -. l I atteUQS lO ims uuiu ..-v . t a - iui. 1k..; i ,. iHnrornn it)iii i ; , '-cl'- I It icre aua ucittmei. , i , 1m I ail The arrest of George W. BetU tor dbor- Iderlv 'conduct caused him to be fined twenty dollars v which the Mayor remitted on the be intercession of certaiu geutlemeu. ,: !.:-; , mm Tho thrift of our steady going working people houses. 13 seen in tuc erecuon oi pumuiouo Fnllv one thousand houscg have T been erec ed during the past year Uturd'ay all Mr. Prices in? ol euco and vulgarity was loudly applauded by promi-1 nent rebels; while Union men and aliened year to reach, for ins ta cc. V uo 8Lar AV tiorm 'lnnVHd Jind felt disyusted. line Do vou comnrehe Bd ! ATuC .,tart citizens looked and felt disgusted ; i ,. -' ' : VpfitPi dav Gen. Estes arrived in town from ,TCU1U ;U to reports aU doing H Mbc rejoicmg in his plantation when ho well, and upper Edgecombe obTindftficri of rain. Wish we had some. . ... ,m'm ; I J, i u ia cwiri 'Mow shoes" are cominc itifash-1 V - - ' I . - i I rJ-i. ,11m . it-tho snmu cftlnr ftK the. itocking, and the stocking the same color 1U11 lUi' u.vl " I as tbe dress-, ftlso, the ladies are universally 1 udornd with thi large "sailor collar." I We were pleased to meet in our sanctum' Hon. E. K Proctor, who bag bo worthily rep resented his section in the Legislature, and who has alwavs remained a true friend of the Post. - The Republican County Committee met last night and resolved that they would ex amine the credentials of the delegates to the Convention on its re-assembling on Monday morning. , . - The Sevex Hills. Any information of the " seven" particular f biha ths editor of the Journal states that the city of Wil mington is built on, will be gratefully ac knowledged. "Joe " has'nt got seven little Mils yet or wc would think Ac was the " Hills." Hon. A. II. Galloway requests us to an I nounce that the statement published iu the Sentinel of his acting as a disturber of the j peace is an utnitigatcd falsehood. The facts being that he quieted a number of cit izens who were desirous of punishing some copperheads. ! i i. 1 j! The "Baz Wai.'1 The Star gliinmerer evidently ihinea under a cloud when it ac cuses the Post of indulging in " scrips " of : miserable paper we don't buy of the lumi nary. 1 The u Baz Waz " must be a waggisiT ; joke on the occular local of the Journal, and the mysterious paragrapher of the luminary! I The Wilmington Water Wohks Com past has been dulv organized and the fol- lowing officers elected : j - President. Hon. Joseph C. Abbott. Secretarv and Treasurer. General Allan Rutherford. j Direclors.-l)r. J. E. Wmauts, Hon. Geo. Z. French, Gen. L. G. Estes. j j We would call attention to the adv ertise meut olMessrs IIayden,& Hauby. These gentlemen have a most convenient shop near the large livery stables of Messrs. Souther! and & Stcagall, and wc hope that abundance ot patronage will bo meted out to sucb go.l mechanics and worth; men as the tirm we have mentioned. Lillington Ticket. The following tick et was adopted at the Republican meeting, iug as-embled at Lillington, Towuship ot Lincoln, July 10th, 1860: Justice of Peace. W. H. Bivcus. T. H. Bell I Township Clerk. A. J. Mclntire. Constable John Bell. MilcB Armstrong, johirCro"' """" Ta vlor- The meeting Thursday night was like the previous affair, a most lamentable one for factionists. The meeting was presided over by W. H. Moore who is declared to have attempted to favor the Larkins faction, but notwithstanding this, the howling nonsense of Price was made redicufous by the sober argument ol Mabsou and the he nest soldier ly statements of the gallant Eagles. Mr. Arnold made some ' remarks and the meeting adjourned with groans for Larkins and enthusiastic cheers for Eagles and the regular ticket! , Some rioters were arrested and one paid the penalty of his folly by paying the city Court a fine. Experieuc has shown that in au exces sively cold night, when the temperature fails to ten degrees, or five degrees, or be low zero, the change is most fatal to the aged, to the very young, and to those weak ened by disease. A cold night has been known in certain localities to kill all per sons above eighty years of age; husband and wite, brother and sister, being found dead iu their beds in the morning after such a night of cold. Some people, there tore, rather illogically conclude that night air is fatal, and advise that the windows ol peeping apartmentsshould.be kept closed iter ,mghttall. This is a mischievous resy. tNtuuately in such weather as this, will be Uly -to carry it into practice. . V ji "out a Star. Wc intend a few Arn ' - uto- " . :v,Q n i,;f,. : that shW 1 onlr u . " nserva:esat tue moderate P'"" " oren ttollaw. a J- whP.n ueonh cau be Po? e tor four aC Urc but tin "twinRie, twin. muestar 'vi we have all n ticed since early v.niancy first learned us to , a ilm our tlio Ai 1 v Ustinguish between tu'c tallow din and the Ai Ugusi -messenger onnc uoas. - ,.MJ:. Ihwnnrlr. rihilnannhTB nf 13 no cuiiuis 1 i van(PTe.A nrp ilflK hi-rn HKtS UilVU s. ' ieamed this vear concerning the stars than was 6Ter beforc kL 1 own. They are found to BUns like our SUl t, and our sun is a star like them. Our sun 400s larScr tuau tncy u ?c m,,,,. hv 1 ' t 05 millions ot miles nwav i while thev are i M 60 lar tliat wc can not comprehend the dLit Qce in miles ; but we can understand' soma t.umS aoou.u wuen w member that if a I on waa 10 S &l ihA rate of eiirht tim es asl und our planet in one second, it wouldj t I - ? J A.. tfJ Uim iicsuy-xw; he star Regu- now known to be sans, lor tt;ey "eiomio. j 1 . - i - f throw out heat like tne suv iuSj F. R. g. has tbW year ig beatiQ tbo r By80f & the EUi ' iuiam discovered fixed star, and he measures it aii peil'fectly wi. an m 'tin oa strument called the -thcrnoeieci.nc I . w ttb a vnti fian the heat a" VOUF I Dreav-u thermometor. This discj overy is tue t. " - great feat ol tins, he cfptury r steam engine. s Why do the Heathen Rage ? The ex citement and trepidation of the two organs of Larkinsthe Journal and Star ; the de sire tothelp u the little villian'! but evident fear of compromising their respectability by accepting such a candidate-r-all these causes the weak knees of the Conservatives to knock together most suspiciously.- Let not the heathen Star men) rage or the Journal " imagine a vain thing success is as far on as ever and all they can do is to suck the congenial tar stick for another half century and awake away off in the piney woods; while we are enjoying civilization and a re publican form of government. The excite ment of some people (democrats) at the in solence of Price and Miller in a Convention i where neither were legally members, and the applause the foolish knaves received from men who have ever beeu the most bit ter enemies of the colored people ; alT this causes us to ask " why do the ieathen rage?'; : - J- ... ,' ' The Convention. The convention that met in the Theatre agreeable ta call of the County Committee, G. L. Mabson in the Chair has adjourned until Mon day next without action. The day was lost through the ill conduct of the boltiog rule or ruin clique, . headed by Messrs. Price, Rice and Barry. It was a very un fortunate act of politeness that permitted men to take scats on the platform who had no other claim to such seats but their un j bounded impudence and file mistake ot treating men withcourtesy and regard, who cannot appreciate, ought, but, the contrary. This conduct will notgain be repeated. On Monday those delegates only whose creden tials have been passed upon favarbly by the County Committee will be admitted to the hall, and all others be excluded. It is expected that harmony will prevail and most of the connty delegates will vote straight tor the right man. A Public Park. The people of this city have long stood in need of a public square or park where, after the cares and toils? of the dav, the merchant, the clerk, the mechanic, and the ladies and chiUlre5.,may resort and pleasurably while "the evening hours away." We are undoubtedly pro gressing; then let us have a park, for. we can never claim to be a city ot auy note un til we have one, however pretentious we may be in other respects. We have fewer pleasures, fewer walks, fewer drives than any other city of the same size, and similar - -j tion of a pubac resort is an important one -iLL..fjitip. A neat and well arranged park would pay literally pay for it; would add dignity to our city, increase its prestige, aud thereby at tract strangers and keep them heresome temporarily ; others permanently, perhaps. Otherwise they would; doubtless merely upass through" and not stop a day or two and upend some money with us,, which would inure to our coiumou benefit, and help us along amazingly. Loves of Bonnets. A beautiful bonnet, recently imported from the, house of Virot, Paris is of real black lace put on very full over a diadem shape, and tastefully trim med. Across the front, resting upon the forehead, are sprays of the lovely linden flow er, above which is a wreath of ivy leaves, looking as natural as though just taken from the walls of some ancient castle. Surround ing the wreaths of linden and ivy are two soft pink roses, from which a vine of buds and leaves trails over the chignon. A deli cate rosebud nestles among the ivy leaves at the left side, its slender tendrils running along the lace, forming the circlet in fronti Long ends of black Chantilly lace, falling from the back, are clasped together by a spray of the linden flower. 1 A quiet but pretty bonnet is of tulle, over a diadem shape, with sprays of miguonette and emerald leaves resting upon the soft folds of tulle and extending half down a lace ruffle that hangs loosely under the chin. Long scarf ends of black Chautillv lace are ioined bv a snrav of mignonette Concerning Boiler Explosions. We learn from the Loc&niotite, a Hartford In surance publication, that fifteen boiler ex- ...!nc nrriirrsfl in fh? r.rtimtrv dnrincrt.hf Plu"3AV month r sia - ,;uuuueu l no special ; branch of Manufacturing, but were impartial awtriDuteo among steam usersj Nine persou.ere kllled ana, torty two injured some, pbly, fatally. The value of property destroyeo, 60 tar as ascer tained, was upwards of ouo hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For one mo2th, and that by no means the most disastrous oi the year, this is a fearful exhibit. Can nothing be done to lessen tbe risk of such casuali ties? Can nothing be done to ascertain definitely their cause ? The American Ar titari) in its issue of this week expresses the paradoxical opinion that accidental leakage of steam in boilers daily saves thousands of lives aud millions of dollars' worth of prop erty in every part of the world; and that a petfectly tight and cloEe steam boiler, with a fire burning unde it while the f ngiue is at rest, is probably as perfect an infernal machine" as could well be devised by hu man mind. This is rather at varitnee with the dogma of most engineers, that iie tight er a boiler is the safer it is, and ya the the ory of tbe Artisan strikes us as jeir-g the correct one. I ; Magazines, Pbriodicals, Etc.- Godcy ikitft Booh for August contains ast'C alway much interesting matter to lad j-read- era. Peters 2?eic Music still delights the lovers of " the art divine " and his last number is replete with gems of art and refined taste. JThe Galaxy sparkles as usual with wit and wbdom and jthe articles on Prince Na poleon and editor Raymond are worth twice the yaluo oi the Magazine. j Hearth and Uomt is more thau usually rich in stories and pictures, making it a friend at every fireside and the laet number of Appletorft Journal contains the most de lightful summer r reading possible Id con ceive. - I - L We have received 'the IUcanrtrucUd Farm er for July, and Colton's Journal of Qeogra fihy both "excellent and use! ul periodicals. - We would acknowledge the receipt "of La Fnmce -Elegante the mo3t complete fash ionable journal ever published in America. In fact the fashion plates are all made in Paris and the entire work has an "imported" appearance The latest-Fm 7. Leslie ud Home Journal are replete with matter. interesting and amusing Mr. Robert M. De Witt, of 13 Frankfort Street, New York, as the music-loving peo ple now pretty well know, is regularly issu ing a series ol the finest songs and ballade, arranged for the voice and piano by a most eminent and justly popular composer and able musician. We have just received the following pieces, excellent in their All of them arc super different styles : ' " Thy voice U-Near by W. T. Wrighton, author of "Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still." It is of a. sentimental cast, and very melodious. , " Blue Eyed ViUeU ; bv J. T. Jackson, is another poetical arid sentimental song of much merit, that jp remises to become very popular. f " Up m a 3i loop," a sprightly, well-known song byG. W. Htmt, is the seventh gem of this series, and will be warmly welcomed. u The Maidm mid Her Linnet" ; bv W, H. Montgomery, is a beautiful sentimental song. The melody and the poetical conceit are harnioniouslv aud melancholy rendered, and there! can be po question that it will be- come on? nf the most popular songs of the times. LETTERS FilOH THE PEOPLE. SMiTnvrLLE, N. C, July 13. Mr. Editor :-rI herewith renew mv sub- p nitnr-r fir nrin trar. A man is known by the company u ha him keep bad company and he will inevita bly be educated into bad principles and er roneous doctrines,and as I believe in the prin ciples aut doctrines of the Republican party, I herewith testify! to that faith by my works in payingjup my subscription. I am pleased to notice the improvement in the paper and the increased amount of readable matter it now contains under your management, and I hope at any rate it may be said of it, by its friends aud supporters in and out of Wil mington, that it deserves success ; but unless its friends work for it and pay their sub scriptions up honestly, their good wishes will not amount to anythings, for Editors must live is well ias other people, and it is not less true in regard to persons as it is to a party newspaper, that in assisting it they assist themselves aud the cause, aud defend their principles froni the constant attacks of their enemies, for it is only through the promulgation of truth that hate, prejudice, misrepresentation and lies, cau be over thrown and refuted, and light and liberty retain its friends jand conquer its enemies for this warfare will nut cease except with the earth itself. Even since the world be gan one party has always endeavored to op press and fvroug the other by imposing upon their ignorancetherefore it is ftransnosinf' Franklin's .1 x o maxim), that " want of knowl nt of j power." In the davs ot edge i wa slavery this truth; was felt, and taken ad vantage ot by the more intelligent class to oppress the other, hence the penal enact ments to. ieep find uslave the minds as well as the! bodies of tbe. colored people in chains ol ignorance. Would Republicans retam their power in this state ? Then let them keep well Fust ed bj subscri bing to the Post for to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Educate ! Educate ! -Educate! by means of the press, aud let the society of the good and noble be chosen as the only party worth assochitiug with andfromwhom can be learned all that is worth knowing of correct principles and let light and know ledge dispel the thick darkness which still overshadows the people, that truth with her refulgent rsys may shine forth like the sun in its noonday glory, revealing the hidden works of darkness and exposing their un clearcsss ind deformity. Free schools, free press; free speech, will always make a free people wbo will take care of their own rights and preset them to their children, if taken advantage of and used by the people. The party may be despised and persecuted by the wickod were Christ's desciples and the good and greaf Reformers of all ages and countries who placed them selves in the front ranks to fight the people's battle, but as it is the cause of truth itself which the Republican party proclaim it bears alon with it also, Justice to all men and liberty for all to do right. 'To do un to others as we would be done by," and that the Magistrate may be a terror only to evil doers, but a praise to tbem who do. well, shielding and protecting them as guardian angels, securing the good ; and industrious in tbe enjoyment of their rights from the rapacious attacks of the wicked who seek to destroy them, For righteousness exal teth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Select good men to represent you and they will make good laws to shield and secure your prosperity, and advance you to a higher and better state of beings but much as may be done by others the princi ple work is to.be d6neby individually culti vating habits of 'virtue and industry which lead to independence from want and pov erty, that others may be jinftuenced by the example and benefitted tytf labors all have a work to do dopeldblc but may become a coworker Mtlif&Fgfcat and Good Master of us all, who will reward those who labor with and for bun in the final sal vation of the good from this world of sin and strife and toil that is the highest re ward and the noblest incentive to duty, se curing to the good and industrious here a conscious. fcppinei8, and in the world to come a more sure and certain reward. Had the people been properly posted and the party under better discipline, the late election in Virginia might have told a dif ferent tale, nothing less than sheer ignor ance and misrepresentation on the part of the colored people could have induced such members of them to vote . the Conservative ticket against their own interests and wel fare. J.T. S., TJ. S. A. STATE. Hon. E. K. Procter 'states r crops abont Lumberton are suffering from drought. Episcopalians of Greensboro will soon commence the erection of n handsome church. Raleigh is "twice blessed" in as much as amusements are offered in tho way of Cir cuases and street fights every day. The Fayetteviile Railroad has been sur veyed froin Greensboro io the Gulf, and next week the engineer will work- up to Saiisburv. Prices for cotton arc said to be as fol lows : Low Middling, November 1869, 26 Low Middling, December 1869, 26 Low Middling, January 1870 2a Tbe Conservative party is tbe party of refinement and culture the gentleman's party." Witue.?, Joe Turner during his speech at Werxtyorthconn; the Jlics out of his grog witn nam as long and i9ty n a busttrfFs f Greensboro Bcghter. In a conversation with some of the farm ers of Onslow county a day or two ago, we were informed that the crops in that section are better than they have been in ten years. A larger area than usuai is under cultiva tion and the yield promises to be abundant. Especially is the case with cotton. New Berne Journal. A special term for Guilford county Judge A. W. Tourgee presiding has been iu ses sion the past week aud will in all probabil ity continue all this week. The principal case of iuterest has been the case of Goins, for the murder of Smith, removed from Randolph county. The Jury have returned a verdict of not guilty. Greemiboro Bcgit tcr. i It is rumored that another Democratic, paper is to be started iu Raleigh. The Democrats are dissatisfied with the Sentinel because it does not straighten up the Do-! mocracy of North Carolina. Bad as that paper is, we must say that the Sentinel is badly treated how can it Btraighten up the Democracy when the Democratic backbone is broken ? North Carolina Democracv is limber as dard. a rag and etfrc7 stand up. Stan-. At f the educational meetiug in Guilford comity Rev. S. S. Ashley, Superintendent of Public Instruction, introduced aud made a few well timed remarks in regard to the fact that the people of North Carolina have decided, overwhelmingly at tbe ballot box, that the children of the State shall be edu cited. He spoke of the lack of comfortable school houses in the State, that the build ing of houses could not be at the expense oi the school funds. He showed the import ance of educating and traiuing the young men and women of the State for teachers that teachers could not be had from the North or West to eupply the demand hcret because of tbe lack there of good, compe tent instructors. "Tall oaks fron little acorns grow, Large Btreams Irom little fo an tains flow." Seven years tgo the Plantation Bitters were hut little known. To-day there is not a nook or corner of our land where they are not found and used. The sale has reached the enormous num ber oi Five Millions of Bottles annually, and it is constantly increasing.' It only shows what can be done with a really good medicine, and a eystcm&tic coarse of making it known. Perhaps no medicine in the world was ever so deservedly popular as the Plantation Bitters. Go where you will, among the rich or poor, and you will always find these Bitters in use. Their merit has hecorne an established fact, and we cordially recommend them In cases of dyspepsia, loss ot ap petit chilla ant? fever, headache, Ac, &c. Magnolia t. TE&. Snrf; i?Sox to the beet id. ported German Yf?iroe. and 5ld t half price. , Beautiful Woman. If you would be heaa tifal, use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It gives a pure Blooming Complexion and rer stores Youthful Beauty, i lt& effects' are gradual, natural and perfect. It Removes Redness, Blotches and Pimples, cures Tan, Sunburn and Freckles. I 'and makes a Lady of thirty appear twenty. The Magnolia Balm makes the Skin Smooth and Pearly: the Eye bright and clear : the cheek glow with the Bloom of Youth, and Imparts a fresh, plump appearance te the countenance. No Lady need complain of her Complexion when 75 cents will purchase this delightful arti cle. ' , The best thing to dress the hair with is Lyon's Katharion. . Kosxoo, the qrtat Liver Invigorator, Blood rifer, and Renovator, prepared by Dr. J . J. Law rence, the celebrated Physician and Chemist, is a SArs, rLEASANT, and reliable remedy, for the prevention and ccee of all diseases caused by a Tobpid LI ver. Impure Blood, Disiordkks of the Kidsets, or Debilitt of the Nervous Sts- It regulates the secreti'ous' eradicates all MA. U 111 A. t t irlll I'K I I IK I III? W 11 V I fail T r vous power, and at the same time builds vp and imparts and vigor to the icho.'e systenu For sale by E; Willis, Wilmington, N. C. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP. rpHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX X fating between L. G. Estes, O.C. Hatch, and M F.Hatch, under the firm of Hatch,Eates&Co.. in the city of New York, is hereby dissolved from this dat?. The affairn of the concern will be liouidated by O. C. .Hatch, No. lp Ferry st., Newxork. New York, Mav 1st, 1869. may 6 270 if HOUSE TO LET! A HOUSE IN THE FIRST WARD FOR RENT. Apply at the office of GEO. Z. FRENCH, No. 10 South Front street, ' Up Stairs. june20 283-tf STORE TO LET. SMALL STORE, CORNER OF FOURTH and Harnett trrets. Apply at the offlca ol GFO. Z. FRENCH, So. 10 South Front street, UpStairt. luue 20 283-tf NOTICE. POST OFFICE, i Wilmington, N. CV August 14th, 1563. BEINGS A lioFlED THAT ATTEMPTS TO fraudulently obtain the mails of Merchants, &c.? hav;e been made at this office, I hereby give notice, that mails will be delivered at ;this ouloo . only to persons addreesed, upon their written uiuci, uiu iu pcicuuo &uuwii ai mis omcc TO DO fully authorized to receive such mail. n ED. R. BRINK, P. M. august 19 I 103-tf Ciovemmeiit wrecks. HAVING BEEN NOTIFIED BY TOE SEC retary of the Treasury that a contract, ha ben mswhi by him with GEO. Z. FRENCH and' ROBERT STEVENSON, for saving property from wrecks of all vessels belonging to tho Gov vernmcnt, on and adjacent to this ioast, and having been appointed by him as agent to super intend their operations, I hereby ward all per sons from interfering with said wrecks oraur other Government property ou the coast. L. G. ESTES, n . ' n r ' vou. int. Rev., llnnugloii, Au. Z, 1S67. tf Gr EO. P. ROWELL CO S AMERICAN Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the- newapapon and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British colonies of North America; together with a description of the town and cities iu which they are published. i t NEW YORK: GEO. P. ilOWELL & CO., Publishers and Newspaper Advertising Ascents. 40 Park Row. 1669. - A handsome Octavo Volume of 300 paces bound in cloth. Price Five Dollars; A work of great value to Advertisers, Publish ers and others, who desire ipiormatiou in rela tion to the newspapers and periodicals of North America. The edition will be limited, and persons de siring copies willdo well to nend their orderf immediately to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Publishers and Advertising agents, 40 Park Row New York, dec 20 223-tf wing Especially designed for the use of the Jiiii col PrbftssioTi and the Family, possessing those intrinsic medicinal properties which belong to an Old and Pare Gin. Indispensable 1 to Females. Good for Kidney Complamts. A delicious Touic. Put up in cases containing one dozen bottles each, arid Sold by all druggists, grocers, etc. A. M. BIN1NGER & Co.,- established 1778, No. 15 Beaver I street, New York. ,L) J.JL Clifford, Esq., Agent, Wilmington, N. C, June 24 ,1 284tf JAMES II CARRAYAYf HAIR DRESSING, SHAVING AND 1 1 SHAMPOOIrTG SALOON, SOUTH FROKT STREET, RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS A CONTIN UED share of public patronage. Children's hair cut for 25 ctnts each, may 2 269-tf' Commission Merchant, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO) 10 South Front St. -Up Stairs, WILMINGTON, N. C. rw! Will trva Kticcial attention to the nnrfiase and sale of Lumber, l'lantatlop, Locations for Turpentine Sttwt gj?' On hand, a nubber ,rfUtall F&uaif M! i o" - mm . ., tmubiefor immlffrtnts. Jnn 4-lTltf is ft i

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