.THE WILMINGTON POST. . WILMINGTON. N. C. JULY 18. 18C9. Southward Hot 1 intelligence irom. nil sources reacn us 01 the concentrating of European attention upon the fair fields of our Southern lanrT and soon may wee , able to repeat much more properly than if the rebellion had sue cseded. Southward the atar of empire takes its course." But a little more patient labor on the part of those patriotic men enlisted in the diffusion of knowledge with reference' to our greater material advantages than, anyj other section of the country; but a few more months of contiuous effort on the part of our immigrant agents and writer on the subject of u land lor the million.'T and all our extended coast will teem with the hum ct debarking thousands. We predict for the iall and coming winter an activity among our 1 South Atlantic and Gulf ports such as never seemed possible since the speculative ays of '37 and "'SS'Vwh'en'we were all to grow rich and eTen swamps-and everglades in Florida were laid out in village lots ! No great fin ancial convulsions can overset our) plans and ' the people of the South may goon1 find in the- busy hum1 of trade and the awakened spirit of enterprise sufilcient at traction and profit to permit no time to be wasted in partv strife and bickerings over paltry offices nevr te be wished for had the work! of reconstruction gone on' quiet!. Again an opportunity is to be granted our I people to turn to account the wealth to be found at our doors. mines of Perhaps I the super-abundant folly still smouldering 'in nam w pouIs may burst out in a general raid on all strangers bo that the tide maybe stemmed awhile longer, but we look on the bright side, and prefer not to acknowledge the existence of such idiots as the ones we quoted in our last issue people jwno refer to the national flag as?M the tyrants ensign," and console themselves for their well merit ed obscurity that they can s:il! scatter venom through tbecolumns ot sympathetic jour- nals. We do not think' these people suffi ciently numerous or influential to injure greatly the prosperity of the State ; that tby will do this .tto the extent of their limited capacity for mischief we have no manner ot doubt-fbnt'it is a toothless dog whose bark is no longer fearel or heeded. To our shores then, we expect to welcome the myriads from the old world, and for this " let all wise, provident, and intelligent citi zens preparo. v We are happy to announce that the pio neer men are already at work and land is L -now being offered to actual settlers at rates with n the reach of any willing worker. The examplo of Col. Brink wo hope will be Y followed by. many other excellent citizens and large tracts of land be brought under intelligent culture as ho proposes! in his cir cular! annexed : : 'The undersigned having a tract of flue land and being desirous of ; introducing into this section of the State a thrifty agri cultural element, offers the following induce ments to emigrants, or those desirous of set- . tling -in the old North State: This tract comprises from eight to fen thousand acres of the best soil in the State, orio thousand acres f of which aro under cultivation, and inch more easily put in good condition. The Si I is suited to the culture of cotton, corn, potatoes, wheat, -oats, pea nuts, J vegetables and fruits. ; The land is well watered with living streams, and has a mile of fine water power upon it. It contains several thousand acres ot the finest timber in the State, ' '- The tract is situated in New Hanover county, and parallel to, and within one and a-qu,arter to t;wo and a half miles of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, and op posite two stations on the road. It is with in one and a-quarter hours 6i ' Wilmington, ten hours of Norfolk, twenty-two hours of Baltimore, -by rail, and fifty-five hours of Now York, by water. The tract is bounded by a stream navigable forlarge flats and rafts, which can be brought down to Wil mington, any season of .the year, where a first class market can always be found. I propose to cut this tract up into farms of. eighty acres ana upwards, to suit Bettieis, and on the following terms : ! I One dollar per acre, cash. Fiity cents " " in one year. Fifty cents " u in two years. One dollar " " in three years One dollar " " in four years. ( in fivftTHftrn One dollar One dollar in six years. Thu1 it will be seen that a tnan with from one to tw Lundred dollars can put himself in possession 6r a good larta, which at onco places tho means within his reach of making himseii independent.1 : " ' ' ; n t & These lands were worth before the war from $12 00 to $30 00 per acre, and as toon as the country baa fully recovered from the effects of the late war they will go up to or beyond their- former ' value. There tare houses on the different farms for ' the com fortable accommodationoitwohuudred persons. ' : 1 : ' i The advantages herein offered to emi grants may be summed up as follows : t 1st. Cbeap lands, and the bestclimate in tbe worlil with but three months of mild Winter in the year during! all of which time the farmer can prepare his lands for tho early Spring crops. Burnlmer not warm er than in th Northern States. , ( 2d. These lands aro situated near, and of easy access to -all the -best markets in the States, and being twenty days earlier: than Virginia and forty-eight hours nearer mar kets than Charleston enables the producer to get his early vegetables to tho Northern markets in advance of any other section, thereby receiving - the xtra prices for the first of tbe season." 3d. There is no portion of the State that has as good a record for health and longev ity as tue site ot this tract. f"v" ; . 4i b.The inhabitants, ; surrounding, ... are celebrated tor their? orderly conduct, and are considered to t preeminent "J or aim Dlicitv ot manners, consistency 'of-' charac ter, aud devotion to principle-- fltb. This is tho most liberal proposition ever offered in the State to :t migrants, and ttlers.! ...'; 1 I 'U' , Cotemporary journals agree !wfth'"uVin drawtBg.jhe attention t 'of the Southern jopla toTlhgfeat iorttmes Wltljiui their grasp f jf Ibeyj tVi bt,f tX wt tl,e toCfiSBf ability and energy. The :class of men now leaving England, and ennanyj4rql!such a character ttiat the goVernnntsi osing this valuable material are getting alarmed and are endeavoring to check a movement as natural as the flow of the tides. ; South ward " they will "come, now " tFai re-1 publican institutions are assured to them, and soon we may be able to chronicled an inundation of brain and muscle such as the good old North State to greatly -needs.-"" Licentious Literature Men's minds are formed;by reading, and the daily or weekly intellectual food in fluences the intellect, thoughts, and' desires even as the physical frame is affected' by the amount, quantity or quality of nutriment taken into the system. Careful ourselvess of the character and tone of the articles and selections we publish, and careful to jealousy lest our craft and profession be : dishonored by dishonorable publishers, we have from" time to time in the course of our editorial career, attacked the ribald ; the coarse ; and j me vuigar wuo ay some misiortune became masters ot ft printing press. Bo careful are we of tho character " we have established, and the high standard we have ever before us in the masters of our art ; that even the acerbity of political strife seldom tempts us into personalities or to forget for a moment that u the thoughts of the people follow us even as the waves follow the breath of God." Again we seldom fail to cultivate friendly , relations with our brethren of the cress. and save one of tT7C instances in the last aecacie we nave never missed personal favor from our political orponents. As in all trades, callings or professions thre will be " black sheep " ; there must while God withholds that " millenial light" of which the poet's speak be some so base ; so mean, aud soulless that each drop of honorable blood we hold from an unstained source, re volts at friendly or other than antagonistic relations, and we would be false to our faith, our tace and our country did we fail to de nounce the licentious literature" now per mitted to issue from thoao vat cess-pools ot iniquity where " commerce reigns and honor long has fled." We refer to the class f papers profusely illustrated' and entitled Days Doings, Sporting Times, etc. If there be any old time statute our excellent judi ciary may be able to use, we implore them to use, or direct its use for the suppression and prevention of the sale of tho papers mentioned. The young ; the unformed minds of our community must" be , protected and he who offers to the public "poisons" must be held responsible for injuries donc ; Had Repinings. " Yes this is Wilmington-one of the oldest settlements upon the Atlantic coast, once, represented in her legislative halls by men of learning, and of wisdom and patriotism, now; represented (alas! for the word) by her former slaves and by aliens." Yes, this is Wilmington, "one of the oldest, &c.," that is destined under the rule of " her former slaves" and the 44 aliens" to be that which her squatters for they lived like squatters we mean her V ancient and honorable" citizens woo were stud' bv our cotemporary to be 44 men of learning," etc. Now tho term " squatters" wo apply in its proper sense to people who j squat on a piece of land; never improve the same, except to get sufficient to feed on and finally die and leave the pleasant memory behind ot doing that which any other beast could do-4"ate, drank, died." The record of the " oldest inhabitants" have given them the epitaph we write, and 14 their former slaves'' with the 44 aliens" from more prosperous sec tions of the country living here as mis sionariesseek to build up the waste place, and make them blossom like the great Norib and West. Had the writer of the article referred to ever travelled beyoud the precincts of his chicken coop ; had he mingled among his fellow citizens whom he is pleased to term 44 aliens" his ignorance and narrowmindedness, would have flown awaNr in company with his prejudices. , Un fortunately tho Journal instructor of the people wants instructing himself, and the sad spectacle of a man presuming to lead public opinion is presented to the world who cannot define the word " alien," and imajgines the h glories of the future," are fastened to the editorial joggle board he ride's. r The praise the Journal offers to the mere faction of vagabonds who seek, to divide the Republican party is exceedingly appropri ate. We rejoice that Messrs. Price and Larkins have at last found an organ and a man to play the same. The melanchoUy swain, who for his sins is condemned to grind out wearisome balderdash for the Journal of indigestion ; u wonders" where Judge Cantweli received compliments proceeding to quote from the Sentinel The fact that Judge Cantweli was a good soldier while he believed in his u lost causa" is no dishonor ; that he posses sed1 wisdom and honor sufficient to accept the situation and observe his oath of allegi ance is something even. the editor of the Journal might imitate without injury to his reputation for sense or decency. ' It is stated in a Mississippi paper that a w young lad'i was flying a jdte when a storm took, him and kite, several miles landing the'youth in & tree-tojp. "Kite flying" is dangerous in more places than one on the banks of the father of "waters? . "'' Oxe of the emigrant agents of tlifr State Of Hinnessota lias just : returned from En rope, and reports that he has succeeded in indbcirg seventy-five thousand Bwedw .tct conie tb that State this year. - 1 : - We arecheereclandfincouraeociby th let ters ot such good men and true Hi&liiw!d,i winds up by : saying "the Impudent as opr MndJ;Tt&imftte 8mitb; Would there were morc-hici, ' Wilmington Water Works. The mingfonlWaterps Compahy; of which Senator Abbolt U President, are now called upon by our suffering people to press forward their enterprise. Abundance of water can be had adjacent to the city and of sufficientlevatiotrto carry it to j the topi ot the highest building in Wilmington. We have I before, referred to the necessity for these works should fire break out in any part -removed from the river. With dry wells arid tinder like wood workhouses, the citizens might wake up some fine morning homeless and destitute. The city will al ways be found wanting in attractions to her citizens and to strangers until this very ne cessary means of cleanliness and comfort are brought home to each one residing within our corporate limits.. Arguments as to the great benefits it will confer upon us are not needed and our ne cessities are so great that we can but cry to me powers tnat oe "give us water lest we perish." The enterprising gentlemen who have Joined together tor the purpose of making Wilmington a cijy indeed worthy of the name deserve the thanks of the community. That they will receive every encouragement! we feel assured, only we ask that the initiation be taken and the reservoir established at once. In the time intervening between hari vest and winter, laborers may be had at low rates and the weather will better permit of their progress. Let but the public feel as sured of the work's advancing towards com pletion and a rapid rise in property may be looked for. The energy with which our street railway has been pushed is sufficient guarantee for success of the Water Works and this we shall continue to recall until the work is finished. When a Bank loses its entire capital, either by legitimate business, or the dis honesty of its officers, as is sometimes the case, it generally suspends busines3 and winds up its affairs. Ought not a political party to do the same ? The proposition needs only to be stated to be answed in the affirmative. Now tbe entire stock in trade, it3 capital paid in aud its capital promised in the future of the Democratic party has been the negro. So long as slavery lived its capital was sure ; but when that "domestic institution died," it became a question of just how long the capital would last. It seems to us that the end is reached, and the "bottom dollar," or rather the "bottom nigger" has been paid out. Virginia has done it. The eiection there last week has demonstrated that he the inevitable cuffee is now like a white mau in politics, no better and no worse, and hence the bottom of the Democratic political banki ng capital has bceu reached. He is no longer an "issue," and cannot bo made one. A. good many journals, having nothing etee to do, are engaged in President mak ing. On the Democratic side they are try ing to run Geu. Hancock for Governor of his State in oxn lor resi dential race in 1872. Ou tbe other side a well known journal of New England, the Newburyport Herald, nominates George S. Boutwell for the P'resideucy, and a Wash ington correspondent of the Cincinnati Com mercial elaborately echoes the proposal. : The astute bolter Price declares his sym pathies are with the "conservatives" ot "Wirginny." Did wc not tell you so? Larkins declares his sympathies aro with anybody who will give him a drink of whiskey ! Poor Price Leaky Larkins ! Hon. John Bigelow has been, offered the nosition on the New York Times recently vacated by the death of Mr. Kaymond. Tbe inducements offered are $10,000 a year, be sides a large share of the stock on the most reasonable terms. Mr. Ohio Flagg states that French grapes are frequently crushed by men stripped naked : the " sweet' burguudj" is said to derive its richness from the filthy French who ' go their whole figure" on the fouler a pied. The scamps are having a farewell howl, and every time enough hurra donkeys collect to hear presto ! The " chinning " com mences and the vulgar Price and the scamp L-e-a-r-k-a-i-u-s do their beet to disgust every decent citizen. m f mm : A t il' A A Pennsylvania " conservative tniny years ago purchased a waggon loaded with plank, and not getting all the profit he wanted, drove under a sbed wnere tue waggon and load still remains : A FARiiEB is said to have thrown his vest containing greenbacks on a fence, and a calf seeing the green, gobbled the greenbacks. Our Republican bolters it is said are trying to play calf ! ' The Pricc-Larkins bolting iaction have attempted two "-indignation" meetings and aroused the indignation of the people against P. L. & Co. ! The World thinks that 41 in Virginia the Democracy have acted with great practical sagacity and have achieved a most gratify ing result." . Low breedlnzof the Democratic Press Speaking of that gifted and accomplished christian gentleman, Rev. Mr. Jamevliynch, a-Democratic paper publisheda Rankin county, Miss., calls Mm "this'dweet-scented pimp of perdition agD.foT the estab lishment of Loyal LeapJaes, Presiding Elder of the Methodist Ch?Ch North, agent of tbe IVeedmanfa Bura Alderman ot tbe city o iJackiDjQperintendent ot Education for the 8te 0f Mississppi, loud praying ff-Wi : drunken vagabond, stirrer up ol Wtfa arir l disacntions.1 and lyiusr coward". black scoundrel deserves to be tied up to & vphiomriff cost and . Riven one imnarea lasheB od'1 his bare baek, 4- i BRIDE And uridegrooji. Essays rs for Young ilea o'nj the interesting of BrWgroom ito'Brid iajthe iasUta- relation ox isridegroom 1 tion of Marriage a Guide to xaatriraonialXeUc- 4 lty, and true happiness. ; Sentbj mail in sealed I letter envelopes free of chareer"Addres,HOW ABD ASSOCIATION, L fiox P, Philadelphia, Pa. fTrom Uispensatory of the United 8tateo.J DI08MJL CJ2LVJ.T4 BUCHTJ LEAVES. ; Pv2wri3.- Tneir odor la strong, dlffoslTe, and somewhat aromatic, their taste ihitterish, and analogotisto mint. j ; ; ''. ' Medical Ibrperties and rMBnchu leave are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organs. 1 ' " - .They are given In complaints of the Urinary Organs, such asGravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder,! Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra,! Disease of the Prostate Gland, and Re-, tentionor Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. The remedy has! also been recommended in Dys pepsia, Chronic! Rheumatism, Cutaneous A flec tions, and Dropsy. . ij : i 1 -Helmbold's Extbact Bcchu is used hyper sons from the ages of 18 to 25, and from 85 to 55, or in the decline or change of life; after Con finement, or Laior Pains ; Bed-Wetting in chil dren. ' - - i .1. ; ;; In afiectiona peculiar to females, ; the Extract of Buchu la anquaied by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis, or Retention, Irregularity, Pain fulhegs or Suppretpinj ot Customary Evacua tions, Ulcerated ' s .scirrhous State of the Uterus,, Leucorrhea, orj Whites. 1 Dissases of the Bladder, Kidneys Gravel, and Drupsicae OwdUtig. This medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excitea the Absorbents iuto healthy action, by which the Watery or Cal careous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlarare- t munt "fo rfHiiAO(1 flfl TCVll fla Pain anil TnAama. tion. - - i ' Helmbold's ExrnAOT Buchu has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Ir ritation of the Neck, of the bladder, snd Inflam mation of the Kidneys, 1 Ulceration- of the Kid neys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the 'Prostate Gland,;! Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for enieebled ;and deli cate constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Ex ertion. Loss ot Power, Loss of Memory, Difficul ty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Hor ror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of vision. Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness; of the Skin, Eription on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude cfithe Muscular System &c. Hbxmbold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Blood-Purifying, and cures all diseases aris ing from habits of dissipation, excesses and im prudences in life, iui purities ot the Blood, fcc , superseding Capaiba in affections for which it is used, such as Gonorrhoea, Gleets of long stand ing, and Syphilitic Affections in these diseases, used In connection with Helmbold's Kosb Wash. bold by all Druggists and dealers everywhere. Beware of counterteltsi Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Price, $ I 525 per bottle, or six pottles for So" 50. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms in all Communications. Address H. T. HELM BOL, 59 Droadway, N.Y. I None are genuine unless done up la steel engraved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemi cal Warehouse, and 6ianed H. T. HELMBOLD. july S -i87-t-aua4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U. . Marshals' Office. J WILL EXPOSE FOR SALE AT THE U. a. Marshal's office of Wilmington, Tuesday July 2,7th, 1869, at 12 o'clock, A. M., FO X 1 TTrr. . .- ACCO : FIVE BOXES MANUFACTURED TO BACCO ; NINETEEN BOXES MANUFACTURED TOBACCO; ELEVEN BOXES MANUFACTURED TO BACCO; FORTY BOXES MANUFACTURED TO BACCO : I NINE BOXES BACCO. MANUFACTURED TO- To the highest bidder for cash, the same having been decreed and torfelted by order of the Uni ted States Circuit Court, held at Raleigh, June Term, 1869. , . SAM'L Ti CARROW, TJ. 8. Marshal. By Joseph U. Neff U. S. Dep. Marshal. ' july 18 291-tda Ijoyc's Book Store, i WITH NEW FRONT, NEWLY PAINTED and refitted, is now one of the handsome est in the citv. Having: a eood stock of Books, Stationery and Fa j oods on hand, I will take pleasure in waiting on my old patrons and the public generally at the NEW STOKJfi. b I . JNO. D. LOVE, july 18 291-tf Notice. TVTR. WM. 11. BIDDLE ANNOUNCES HIM JLtJL self as a candidate for the position of Con stable. July IS 29Maug5 Wanted, A SUITABLE MAN AS A STEWARD IN A Hospital. Enquire oi ! DR. WINANTS. 291-tf july 18 COACH SHOP. -f- THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE ESTABLISHED a carriage shop ou third street next door to 8outherland & Steagali's Ne;w 8tables. They solicit a call from all in want of Carriage, Waerons, etc. Repairing in ill the different branches neatly and promptly done, and all work warranted. HATDEN & HaNBY. ' july 13 89V2t - " - - ; y rRE TREASURER AND COLLECTOR RE- quests that Merchants aPDealere would come up and pay their Sific Tax lor the month of July. Thoef bailing to. setUe by August 1st, will ' be dal with according to law. HEW BOOKS. rtmE BRIDE'S FATE, SEQUEL TO THE J Changed Brides i r H.ns Breitminus Ballads in 1 volume, beanti- folly bound; I 1 The Primeval Man by tho Duks of Araryle; Gates Wide Open; Gates Ajar; , ' Leonora Caraloni, by Trollope; Breaking a Bitterfly; The Last Anthenian by Rydberjr; Fanchon; Th Cricket for Geo. Sand; Cart up by the Sea, by Biker: Little Foxes, by Mis. Stowe; Fairfax, by Jbhn Esten Cooke; Bed Court Farm, bv Mrs. Wood: Gold Elsie by Mrs. A. Li. Wisten: Service Afioal, by Admiral 8emmes For sale Lire Book 8tore SPECIAL. BUCHU 'July VL ' . i- l - . a 1 PLMCELL IIOUGL; Jm K. DAVI, - - - : -I t proprietor; J . ." , i4 i ' v ' ''- THE ABOVE HOTEL IS THE ONLY FIRST CLASS HOUSE in the City ot Wilmington, and offers to travelers every comfort and atten tion lound in the best ho aces In the country. 4 . june 10r 7 r rrti; - 290-tf 1 :- c- . r 1- 1 ! i CLIFFORD HOUSE, lO Nortla JBrocLt St., ... WILXINGTQX, X. ,,a, ; FINE BOTTLED LfQUORS, SEGAR8, OLD ALES, POBTER Ac. FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY OR MONTH? ! J, A. CLLFFOXlDt Proprietor. 287-tf june 27 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT ,,AIJOTIQ,N, THE UNDERSIGNED; BY VIRTUE OF A decree of the Superior Court of Aew Hano ver county, will expose to sale at puone auction, at the Court House door in the city of W liming ton, on Thursday, the 23d day of July next, the foUowiug described real estate, to-wit : : One LOT, corner Front and Princess, being thirty-one and a half (311) feet on Front street, and running west with Princess street sitxy-sii (bo) leet, on wnicn is situated the store now oc cupied Dy Sutton fc ChUds. SIX LOTS on Princess, adjoining the above, being 20 feet eacn on rrmceBS street, and run ning back 81i feet, with buildings thereon. ONlfi TUKJfilS iiKHJii bTUKE on south side Martcet, having 181 feet front on Mar ketbtrcet, and running back feet known as No. SKAiarket street. UN IS ktxxU&Ei BIUKl sruuh. siukk on Market street adjoining the above 26x70 being No. w Market street and occupied by u. Marcus. ONE TWO STORY BRICK STORE on north side of Market street,-16 feet 6 Inches by 6p feet. being No. 13 and occupied by D. Newman & iireenbursr, together with building immediately J in rear of same, 25 feet 0 Inches by 15 lect (J I inches, A RICE PLANTATION iu Brunswick countf. containing 4W acres, ot wnicn 7U acres are cleared, with improvements thereon. A VERY DESIRABLE PLACE ou Mason boro Sound, about 7 uiles lrom the city, con taining about 160 acres, with dwelling house and other improvements. Term of sale one-third cash ; balance iu equal payments at six and twelve months. Notes with approved security, bearing interest from date, litle reserved until purchase money is paid, with power to sell on purchaser's account pon failure to meet the payments. DAN'L L. RUSSELL, Commissioner. june 17 28-ts NOTICE TO SHIPPERS I BY AIR LINE! FIVE STEAMERS A. WEEK FBOA PORTSMOUTH TO NEW YORK. THREE TIMES A WEEK TO PHILA DELPHIA. TWICE A WEEK AND TO BOSTON, Daily to Baltimore. COTTON WILL BE TAKEN ON TIMEj TO be delivered in four days to Nc lork; three dayst o Baltimore. jf orlGit to re tne entire jrreujM tnrougu. The W. & W. R. R. Company will now have an Agent in Portsmouth to look out tor tor its in- terests and its goods both ways. 6. L. FREMONT, JEner. and Bup't. art ,1 TVuT O .n--J L. A. HART. JNO. C. BAILEY WILMINGTON. IRON AND COPPER WORKS, I AND MACHINE WHOP; ALSO Manufacturers orTUKFENTinifi STILLS, and COPPER WORK in all its branches. Front 8treet, below Market Wilmington, N. C. Street, HART & BAILEY. Proprietors aug 5 tf PURE LEMON SUGAR r or v CONCENTRATED LEMONADE. tfcrpHIS PREPARATION OF LEMON RE- X tains in great perfection the natural fla vor of the fresh fruit together with its agreeable acidity. The facility with which a Glass of Lemonade may at any time be made with, it. equaling any that can be made with the fruit in its natural state , recommends it to every house bold and gives it an especial value to travelers and excursionists, upen land or sea, and to the sick.". i Twelve cases just in store at - GEORGE MYERS1, 11 and 13 Front Street. CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. june 13 2S1-U Notice To Tax Payers. Orf ick or Cocktt Cokmissiokxbb, 1 HMv HakovxrXoumxy. i V Wilmington, 5". C, July 7th, iSS. j THE BOARD OF COUNT? COJfKtlSSlOy ers will hold a meeting at Court Hou' in Wilmington on the 10. to revisa Tax Lists of WilmingV aQd ape Fear ships. The mecti "Will continue IK- THREE DAXO- and hear r - lELLANEOCS, alter wnicn Ja no compuunw w plainf.A By oroWoftht Board, be ieanj WALD' .0 v julyt ' Cleric. 1? i'urnal copy. 288 td QDAANTINE NOTiycg" tion. All cekla Trnvlnr. Via A I W Kfftkn.....nn.i on board On AJiXi AFTEB J L: NE 1ST, A ItLVRRWA from porta south of CapeFta r will rSSSS at the visitine station near fimitv llAr11 c?me to w ;r i ip rnr imwAA. examlnaUon. TeaseU other k th the Sses ut T,1111 a Med ground fine orchard, beau te W-PW fflffitST1 S5teSff?.w all necessarv : . aiaswra .:i ve&sei k vUi tv Z llV p;o7id'w waerpeuaities Qaarw j-Atine Fhysldaa. 276-Uwlf, IJiVl VEBSITV OJP VORTH THE FALL SXBJioKybFjTHIS ivftTTTrT tion will mm JjtiLZ&?. lOTITU prox., and continar j tweS wVek. vZl A?e Tho.88 EerlnS tickets can select any number and Mormal Depar, rtmenti Tand ; a cenersi AnJI I HvlfL -tSJJ e number ordered has been lbeaeaTJtinT AMttctowVetheslalTf free of cnargc, to fuSftfi T tiSbe?nf SiS?5 fture of the Becretary. vpwy ana of the Stated W tZT1 mldente . ET.We &r torchant. bank, . at 1 Appiy to f ae.Presideil , . , ESTATE SALE. o-misriD SALE :! "i ' V OF . f ; REAL ESTATE 7.,r" AND PEUSO AL PROjPEIlTF -Angtist 2&tlx9 1869. flORTHCAROLUlAv Real a nd Personal Estate & gency , RMEMGU, .V. C. i CAPITAL 8TOCK $130,000, B CB SCRIBED AJSD BY; BE8POS8IBLE PERSONS, CHARTERED'BY THS LEO: ISLATUBE OP JiOBTH CAROLINA i JOSEPH G. HESTER, President, JOSEPH DIXON, Vice-President. JOHN SKINNER, Secretary. ROBT. G. LEWIS, Treasurer, lord $5,000. Supervisors of Drawing, CYRUS P. MENDENHALL, 8ION H. ROGERS, JAMES H. FOOTL. 8,000 Valuable Pieces of Property to Drawn for, Wort h $146,094 b9 73,3 IT Tickets to be sold at $2.00 Each t REAL ESTATE! SEVEN FINE RESIDENCES FotR is th City or Kalxigu ! Unc Residence in Raleigli, N. C, One ' One - ' " ' One " " " One 44 Warreuton 10,000 V.Q00 6,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 One 44 Chapel Hill One uotei in lajiorsvule WST OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Samples on exhibition at HESTER BROS. & CO.", , No. 26 Fayetteville St., Raliigh, N. C, r at the regular cash prices. v ' 10 Fine Pheatona, tG00 each, made by II. D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Md........ $ G,000 10 Fine Top Bugjrtes, S50 each, made by II, D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Md-,- &r& 50 1st Premium, 7 octavo Pianos, mado by Tremaine Bros., N. Y., $650 each, 32,500 5 Parlor or Church Organs, 6 6tops, S350 each made by Tremaine Bros., NL Y W350 ' 500 Sewing Machines, Wilcox & Gibbs, fttO each 30,000 500 Bilk Dresses, best article, 12 yards each, $40 20,000 6 Velocipedes, $75 0 24 Rolls Brussels Carpet, 45 yards each, t $135 per roll ,ow o Salamander ssafes, llder s patent, best la the worm, saou each. 1,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 8.S00 2,000 1 Cash Prize, 31,000 gold. 10 Cash Prizes! f 100 each. 200 do do 10 do.. G72 do do 5 do .. 1000 do do 3 . do SOOO Priies. v alue of the total ain't, $146,694 All of the above is put in the drawinjr at the regular cash selling prices and will-be disposed of by a regular modeol Drawing, and in order to accomplish this, the Company will sell 7&34T tickets at 2 each. Tho-Drawing will take place in the city of Raleigh, immediately alter sale of tickets, of which due notice will be given, at least one week belore the day of drawing. The Company is working under ihe yrovisions of a special. Charter granted by the General As sembly of North Carolina, which compels the Company to comply l'aithlully with all contracts. Copies can be naa on application to tue jom- pany. i All the above mentionea property win certain ly be uisnosed of as above stated, and those drawing it will bo invested with tho title i? iei simple. , . ' No member of tie Compauy is allowed to purchase any tickets.! .-j. or Drafts, at the risk of the Company.- No property will oe listed unless t-e tine v indisputable. , ... . The ireaaurernas ueeu reuirca tugnc a uuuu for the faitbful performance of his duties. lie is rpd in ricnoeit. dailv. in the bank, all mon- . "f?? . i! UCIivla BID BOIU nuu an vtiv " ww itiveiy drawn and delivered to tne parties draw- ing. Sena two aouars oy express, puat uiuuo order, registered letter, or draft, at our risk, or by mail at your own, and take a chance at the 3.00U valuable prizes oifered. Tickets win oe sem any wucru iu tuu uuitcu States at the Company's risk upon the receipt of a and postage stamp. The plan oi arawing suau oe as iouuwa ; muro shall be two wheels, one a prize wheel and one a number wheel, arranged in some public place iu the city, where any one noiamg a ucnei may be present on tne aay oi drawing, in xue num: her jWneei mere snaji ue io,oi nuncio wnw Dondinir in number to those which have been ' sold. In the prize wheel there shall be Z,w tickets. These tickets will bo deposited In f whep.ls bv a board ot supervisors, wno ina' appointed by the Directors, alter which th shall oe scaiea up anu piuccu iu mo u city, until the time ol ui awing, wnen visors snail Dnng tnem iu mo pit break the seals and tne drawing s p.a ol bv takine a ticket lrom eac . . drawing, be dispos rheel at the Hen from the ,rizc drawn fey aiber to the oho same time, and the prize tlcke prize wneei snail ucsiguaie i. . . a ' i . : M . 1 1 Jl . ? . A. k Am tae tlCKet correspuuuiu iuj taken from the wheel at tlr wheel shall be well shake diftwn. samo time. T The supervisors w ill bf aft and noted for honesty f r each ticket not be allowed to pur. gentlemen well known stock in tho uompar na integrity, who will will be drawn trom chase tickets or own any and a lull report ' y. The numbers and prizes will be publish each wheel by two blind bovs immediately ' vf all numbers drawing prizes Is JSSCRIPr - ih some prominent newspaper rt7kn Fur ter the drawing. BE i'lON OF REAL ESTATE. .-fir - siDrcas bur in the city of ' ' iwueign. iW oiagniflcent brick residence about I mile j r t' the Capitol of the State with 8 acres of C -und, line orchard, delightful spring of water i - .eautiful grove, walks of modern style, abun ' V-dance of evergreens, all necessary out-honser , brick stablft. rflrriairliniiA vi.n, tfct oni 1 XT i j o i aiuc CiU.UW. i n One large and convenient house in the ciCy of , I Raleigh, ou Ncwbern street, thirteen lartr. mn. ASta double parlors, with all necessary out-buildinfiTB'; U acres of ground, and a beautiiul oak trrak v alue o,ow. j - : One largo house ou Newbern and Bloodworth' streets, containing twenty rooms enltahle for a uvuiuftuuuac,unueue8sary oui-DaiJdins. with a beautiiul oak grove in the yard and i acre rrt ground. Value $5,000. 1 - oi One beautiiul largo Residence, on Xcwbern street, eight rooms and basement, four out -build" logs and stable,seven acres ofground, elm cro very desirable and attractive. Value S3 000 One in Warrenton, N. C, known as the Alston property, in perlect order, one of the best built houses in the State, containing fi iaro-a douhle piazzas and porticos, one of th dnr commanding and beautiful residences In th- necessary uui, uuuuuigB. v aiue The property at Tavlora villa by valuabre and cheap. It is a hotel at the county seat of a flourishing and growing village ol I thousand or more inhabitants. anH 5tn,o 1 Bq?f frm a Sod and flourishing College, no school ot better grade, right on the line ofll AUantic and Ohio Rail mart k. ...l.irf ifii?m.OUilJainreglon enery is truly dc !Kf SnSJa5cinatiD contains twenty rJomsr Qne in Chapel Hill, conUinmg A rooms, with fire-places, and oneforty-foot diiintr room! AUn - kitchen, out-houses and oBi-rtnhf.i.fc-J 11 be orenA f ZiT- z wr ,"uw Jiwcei wm do sent. One er?5$! Entire I three cent stamn mnt ka llz? . V" er gentleman of atanding in the city oi Raleirh. address." -T6 cnPti0? and parUcuiars. 1' I l9i i bel. f hec hn this e super- 28Msuj;lS

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