r A i i' . 'I III. WILMINGTON; N. G; , SUD MORNINGV OCTOBER 3, 1869. NO. 313. T 1 1 IPOS 5 WILMINGTON POST. I . . i .-n " r U SEMI-WEEKLY. t irWto . i - - - I CHAS. 1. X,AJL Y EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.! TEKMS OF SUBSCmrTlOX I K VAHIAULT J N A VSCJ; .-Per Year.-. .....'....:'. J sf-no Six Months. . . Three Months . One Mouth. .. .-. 2 60. 1 50 HATE3 OF ADYllTlslN(i: ! A-dveniscments. will be .iaserted. at;tl 00 per ' square for first insertion and 50 cents "for each subsequent insertion. ' Ten lines or less, solid minion type, constitute a square. i ' CITT, : " Lo ! the poor Indian";- -summer. Where is it ? Mayor Neff and Thursday. family returned home , Luc lxvcr is rapidly rising, consecpuent .upon the late rains. -Look out for counterfeit pqstagc stamps. Don't let them slhk to you. ' Multitudes of co.ots in the city ; ; butTof ra'ier dubious appearance. . - i i : We are pleased.to see oi1 esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. George Myers, back again in oir iniUfsl. ' GureitTzens are talk' of dispensing' Hith the moon absolutely. The, gan is (Ba beaul'ijy btilliant." ; . The Rev. 3. . Ir?dcu ill -preach in tho City HrH, 1 lay at l-OcLck. S arc cordially inItcd to aticnd. " Little Jack Plane" will -finish hk com position on the"" Comet". next week after he has come. the " comet-her"! on the u cort. MayorSreii state . that he will agree to pay for the laying of Nicholson pavement :n front of his hnrcrt other! property uwnoi.s ag"oo i o follow srit. - Oiq by one the waudercra retina, and anions them we notice llou. E. M. Shoe maker, the late Union. Republican Chairman Of the County Commissioners. The St-h With com mcUd able enterpi 1st:, copil our State news i ! laot ' Buudav fo- irsciiion ycstcrday. t Alas ! for. a sur, yi ;th iti light. . ; lias to bou'OW "Ashl'?.nvi;'Pa.,' is naviua 'mir street's with : .ate. . ' ' - - s- Len Flute w ould be i 'tlMif ,t we .H'"t to be :- on thr- ! r mirioi'. i i slate' lor that. Sher'ti Sdinic'-: yesterp.ay, oii. execution, sold ell ilfe light, 'title" and 5 -iter est of Tho's. M. Gurdnci in Uhs tl icc dn.tioiir, on block j.'onc bi:n"'.'i..l a ; ri'.ut-r.'-, as la'-l d.-wn .on W n; ?gl. u map, r im)u . ; hmj'w j i- li'.epU.:'k walk on 'Sdv. ith street ne: .KuHbcrr ,is'r:i 'exccv.ent assistauw for the sr ""con. It has a se'duoUvo dec1' no; and in thete -clouded evening', with the ,we..-k dOEcs of g.ic. we shun it as if. a Iper. inh Cape Perr Bu A'Ticinji n me' last n I-and clceiCjl thef I'wbg.oi'ikcrs : IL If r;f t'-n, Ttccretai Jai ,Mc7). Frer.ehj Trr'as-irer. Tne bond of each has been accepted for $5,000. . 1 i " To-day is the first of October, and the second month of Autumn." . 1 : New Lerne Jc arnal of Commerce. 1 There's intelligence for the ijeoile. Or.r jeaders will please not forget that this is October ; and moreover " the second month of autumn."! . Tho Superintendent of Common Schools Gen. Rutherfo.d, rcolved upon engag?jg home talent" for our ; ;hqols ; requests us to state that all persons desiri jg appoint ments as teachers," will forward their ap plications at once to his biHce at the City Hall. ;; A ' j. Mark Twain thinks that soda water is not reliable for a steady drink. It is too gassy. The next morning etter icL'nking . thirty-eight bottles he Jonnd himset full of gas and cs tight vs a balloon. He hadn't r. i article of cloti :ng .that he could werr ex cept .lis umbrella. The body of a colored man subsequently recognized as that of John Hopkins, was found floating t.owa the. liver about 2i mij.es from the city". The body was considerably decomposed, having been several days m tho waler. Coroner Allen summoned a jury -nii.rVl an inoucst. Verdict, accidculf.1 drowning. tm Yesterday morning about eleven o'clock, ; a white boy about twelve years of age, while playing around the dock on Water street accidentally le". overooaru, in aooui n-tecn . feet of water. He sank twicer but when in the act of siuking the third time, a' colored man by" the name ol Alexander White, caught him by the hair , of the head and brought him ashore ; morj dead than alive ? , rrii- liUTo Fellow was scut home to his , x uw . . . j parents. that is to A be expended" exclusively for educating their ob i.Idien. .i.:tj. - if common school if well sup- j port d vt"!l be the pride j id honor of the i lvfiv ' md : and ic dVolvoR onl thn Shei'fi to collect; and the public to promptly pay. Wetjster's Unatjkibged Dictionary. I 'i ai3 is beyond doubt the best and most com- ! pleto dictionary of the ; EDjish language ever pub"shed. The labor jaiid research bestowed by the editor&n its: re vision jire apParant 00 cve-y page. On the whole as a dictionary and repository of useful infor- j mation it stands Without a rival. NamtilU DhjjalJi. M , A Bia Stotit. A rstLer excitable resl- j dent of Brunswick, who wished to be con- sidered travelled," aas a faculty of " know- j :ag as much as anybody" andlon a late oc- casion when some one mcntioued the scene of John Brawn's death, our traveller cried out : uOh, yes, I've been there at home I can show yea a piece of the very sour apple tree cn which John B 'own wa$ hung I V We cheerfully recommen ! to parents and Kur.vr:ans, the old established and popular institution of leprning presided over by Mr. , J. N. Hinton. The building known as the ; Jewish Synagogue, on South! Front street, has been secured by Mr. Hi ntbn thereby . rf- fording ample room for any number 0f scholars. Tho sixth annual session wiU tr e place on Wednesday October 6th. , ., Circi'nrs canta-'mut' the full routine of ' siudy, terms, &x cr be obtained at any of j o;ir book trior: i. j The streets of tho city might all be prop t 'y paved tvd ouv citiz. js agree to jstand c-ual sha'-es of the necessary expense. Many c the finest residences are rendered unsight ly by the teriible condition of the pave ment o norneniing the. ?niihcdiate i."out. One thing is veiy 'certain, and that is, som -tliinj she 'ld he deac NjW else the wet season ids r j with the usual amor it o2 inconvc l 'cuccs suiiounding pedcslilans, as well as " a plentiful iack" of energy being noticed by ."sitois who "have asked for the last fifty vcars " Why is tl-;s thus? " I 'The Giaud Juiy for the .quiiy Ilaucver will soon convene ? ij se? of New ion, and many "-uportynt matters will come before it fcr;o.!id'jiation. Or" people look with much - itcrct upon; certain taatters to be prci5i!3 utl, p 'AVaiihoagTi the apparent apathy or.tbeso'calied- "leading legal ny.nda", to thcipcace fid good order of tlie community seems to have pio'alyxl certA:a so-called " good cif Si'ricicnt good and .t:ae ;' me i '. we tx rct- be found to inci:ct L: '"ig iuv xtment, that e il doers may ;e v?rri''is; and not chei ish! contempt for. "1 ;u ".ice of tb; ViO'ir n' -traion of our citv, Vfe c .deibat the City Hall yesterday, and i:. no chle:nces of the ter.'fic battles, e id ch 11 S '.iCe, ssid to have had their meld in that qa: tcr. No ccwcn ng Macbetlj, ncr o rstci ig-MaduT was hce jto great ri. We ogled our Supei' itcrtdenti of; Common L! jioo1s, who safely enseon3qd in a 6 x 9 apii iment, was busily engaged ' i shedcV rg c rpious 1 ' es of blue black .;nk,,? o'cv im seemingly u'heonsrious of maculate paper the mimic ay. 'Taught but ,th cooing d billing of those emblems of innocence :id love the igcons, who have domiciled themselves in thq building, e2lioed back our botsteps as we entered and retired. The be iign Duifee, waxed eloquent ovr lis deers (det vs?), and the blue eyed boy deputy, was as impertrvbable, though as gaM.ant and gentlemanly as ever. Nor martial tread Nor sentinel's cry E'r disturbed the silent night Spiritual Manifestations.--Is it a Guost ? Another of those mysterious visi- ations, accompanied by frightful noises and groans, ha3 set the whairs" of the resi dents of : street u standing on end Every evening about tho hour of mid night, in a large white frame building near our City Hall, there is a long white robed figure presents itself before the upper win dow and after gesticulating in a warning manner, retires. Immediately after, is . heard the most unearthly yelling and groan ing imaginable. The residents have be come alarmed and know not what to attri bute it to. Some say that the; supernatural visitations are owing to the j death, under very suspicious circumstances, of a certain person some few years ago, and the noises cow spoken of have been heard time and tmc again, but not of sufficient importance to be noticed by the general community. Lately, however, the groans have been - i more frequent, and as before stated, always accompanied by the same spiritual being. : Others again say and with appa lent tiuth thatitis the murdered spirit of a soldier, whose "taking off 'j was by no means according to the " strict articles of war." , Whatever the cause, or whatever the means, profound ignorauce at present seems to be our lot. Since the discovery of the one mentioned by us in a previous number of the Post, and its consequent collapse, we are speculating on the result of this sec ond discovery. Suffice to say that ; we are receiving constant reports of the doings of 0ai labolInS citizens, are reminded the Doll tax. collected iv thk Sheilff his or her ghostship and will keep cur readers posted from time to time of fid 'sights and" -.''sccslea discovered by us ulat- 'ing to the "murder most foul, strange, and ? lataral," : " ' masticated protestations deafen the ears cf yC r dmiuistrators of the law ; and erudition oluPcxperience" aVailcd against the wicked oflspi 1 3g or defeated care but inexorsbls justlcu shook her band rrHitant, tadjereni- tv was wont to aain preside in fi l robed diguity o'er the excited mutitude. - ! i Mary, ave her unfortunate prototype, Lcwailed toe late that harshly ordained no TviHin ear. . Peace ; be still,M was the cry the crier and amid profound silence MarJ listened to the following fiat of justice: " You are fined $20 and costs, with this provision, tuat tne Mayor ana uommf naity eve hereby respectfully requested to remit the same, on condition that you leave the city on the in.ii day of Oc.ober next, Anno Domini. 1860, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, P. M. Meanwhile you are to be in custody cl the Marshal. Sic cmpcr tyrannis. An Isdubitujlb Evidence of Progress. !1Vljm tbe City Marshal's record of erection '.of br'ldgg, and build' ng improvements, ; Vieave compiled the following: ! Number cf buildings erected in the city . i ii. . Ul 1US lu jenr : PIpjJ 183 13 6 uivn a. ...... "Ware Eousea Stibl -i "Work f hops. .. School Hordes lee Houses. .. . L ook Hou e . . U-aces . Sn1oon .. "Oiztile.y Yuloeipcdo Kirk i Ite IIor30(biick.). Repp ,vJng or ex' jnrions: i Siores:.. ' DwOimrs 4 10 IN PROCiLSS OF CONSTRUCTION. Lu'heran Chi""ch, First Baptist Church, Methodist Church (col'd). ; The aggregate value of the buildings, ( xJ usive of the churches, am junta to the flaUciing amouut cf $276,500.. The ap p . ui ate valuation of the churches is stateel to be $ 16,000. Paid total $322,000. The si act) :, of course, ere of wooel, with the eiw pt'on of the cne nv vUed 4okIck." Sreh stupendous eyuenccu of thi." p nil enViuise, has ra; been our lot tockrdirlb p clo. Tw . huncved and seventeen bu'ldin's erected. 5 i the biief space of ouo year, inku u et r.:tious city of cavce twenty -five uhoasan l inhabitants, exhibit a m""acuior p-ogreis, from the feudal istic, ante le'kk tp.'rit which -.Iwaifed n.l b'?ghte-l ov fa:.r 1. 'id. Thanks t ) the liberal conccsskn :A o. City Fathers. Hciurs, unst'nted to the i :; 'omilable, and iiiflefaligable Marshal ; ami io ,;ur cit:::ens v;hohave enht. iced the beau ty, and magnified the prestige of or : goud el:. v, ' y their solid investments, the Pcst sir M always be ready to record the--" i"'r" " ig int3iest : l the city's imp'.overnenc. ammaiiw mm nn 1 1 LETTERS M THE PEOP .E. 3Ial;c Relieve. Mr. Editor:-., newspaper of this ciiy k iowu as the Jcj-v.uI, refreshes its.rcad'ers wlS. the lb1' ttim' : j ;t We take it for granted fhac polii? v:Ps, ou-.r:, iu ri hi ii! ii tne contest, end these high positions t.UI ';e prostituted to the ne- ce-s'.iies f I jo pr;:ent. )c are n t f.rc- pcscl t ca .an tar vj'jhl .3. Yirgvnii mint go thii'jn thz Co) jrcsz: nal f rm of rcc.n 'ruciiwi Ijff re hr p: pie can t :t in ai- .uan 3 uith the t ccnviclraa of tliiir duly asciti: nand i7::ir joelfarc as a people The paper was speak'ng of the election of U-iited States Senators in Virginia. If the language meaiis anything, it may be para phrased as follows : Thi3 business in Virginia is all pretence and sham. We don't mean it. v,e uo what we have done in Virginia in older to cheat the government, -and to make ii believe that we accept the reconstruction acts, when we do not intend to do so. Let us cheat 'eim" i This device of the Journal reininds us of ce fe'low m the colloquies of Erasmus: " There was a great gale at sea, and the ship T7as plunging, and rolling, and creaking, and the sea was roailng, and the thunder bellowing. An Italian was on his knees praying to the Virgin Mary, and promising that if he ever got ashore he would put in Nortre Dame a wax taper "as b;gh as she was." nother f lightened fellow also, pray ing, interrupted the Italian, saying : "What do you mean ? You know you can never give her a taper as Irgb as that." To which he Italian, sott rocey replied, " Keep still ! Never you mind 1 It I ever get ashore I won't give her so much as a tallow candle Don't you think, Mr. Edilcr, ' gene.al amne' Ly " ought to ensue, and that at once? Wilmuigtos N. C. Oct. 2d, 1869. Editor cf Tile Post : Dear Sir : Dame rumor has it that by some, as yet unknown means, the rufilans who made the assault upen'you in August la3t, are to go unwhipped of justice, and that you acquiesce in such an arrangement. ; We trust that this is not the case, as we regerd the assault mado on yu as a blow at the liberty of the press, and ah outrage, which ii a! lowed to pass unnoticed wi'l surely re sult in danger to theTuture peace of this community. If Democratic ruffians are al lowed to beat or kill Editors of Republican i v ; Louisa Buchanan, an inebriated dauga.-r t .Aofbr J,m,ow fimi if. mnxr of Bacchu?, was brought before Judge C:ht- , . be a lowed to drop and that y- u at least well yesterday morning to answer foi imH- v :i cep it befotj the people an ! not be a bing too much of the il ardent." GHbly C d pa.;.? f0 anv rneakurcs. lookin" to hushing papers Tilth impunity, or to dictate the aUi c!eshich ?0u are; allowed to pubUsh,let trs know it,' and prepare for it. The Peace able citizens of tlje county !c k wltL anxie ty to the action of the nei, Giacd Jury in Uicaflai-up. ; j , Many Citizens Ocr cci4esiondent is' informec that tho CidTJary havejseveral mattes""' in rand, but ivlll doubtless, if composed of RepubH cr.n3, do their whole v-uly. -. .i Card. ' , Wni,yTN Ocu 2, 1SG9. : The committee of arrangements, for the lt'i5ty.,EaU pn Thiirsday evening next (October 7th, ISQOilwciirertlie use of le curt rodm atjthe City Ea'l which wiH be' ii"edas a reception room. Ladies and gejllemen will please enter tl's room prior to going to the mjiin hall ; and at the same vimc the comm'ttte would 'inform gentlemen that they will elo well to purchase their tickets before 9 1, o'clock, and abolish the old system of awjaitiag until the last mo ment. The arrangements have been agreed noon i i order to avoid confusion end bu3- No boys or lolrcgers will in any case Le al?owcd about the door of the hall. Antl positively no lady ;adn Hted unless her name eppears on the ,:st as invited, j IIsnry N. Jones, I Thomas Rivera, Jno. II. Brown, Geo. W. Betts, i P. Laruington, Jab. Richardson. N. B.- --Person's jdesii ous of invitations for r 1 a-T s.'. iO .13 who may have '.:en neglected will css P. Laiiugjton, giving name of per residence, etd. S1!ATE. TiMboro is to have a new weekly. New Berne cotton market is lively. . Raleigh has a new Base Bail Club. Greensboro has been jnvaded by a deer. Poik conutv isdrifested'with horse thieves. Yarn cotton anil mud are .plenty at New Bern;. rive cents a q'oart for scuppernongs at; AaOiaaboro. Our Slate will (yield a'bountiful crop of dry laud' lice. The New Bme: Academv cemmeuces its scrrloa to morrow, i The rain has improved the tobacco crop -currhont the State. Mr. Menninge-, ; o Secretary of State, returned to Rakigh. Trade .betweeiir I'hiiadeinhia aud Newi erne is : lcrcasing rapidly. The Japan clover is not considered of eat importance in this State. The water in the Neuse has risen consid erably since the late .equinoctial. The stockholders; of the N. C. Centrl Railroad mhet at Asheboro to.morrow. Piscatorial lovers wiil reioice that fish is now the prominent dish at New Berne. Hillsborough 72f ccrdcr puts Orange coun ty, against the State for pretty women. The corn crop iii Granville looks gloomy Oats cn the average. Wheat tolerable. ; The State Council of Fiiend3 of Temper ance meet in Goldsboro on Oct ber 6th. The grading on the Western North Caro- . . . i l 1 A 1 II 1 J una iwa i is nnisnea iwemy umes ueyona Morganton Josiah Turner, Jr., has again been show-' ing his asinine qualities in Rockingham county. Greensboro Gazette. Co-ton sold in New Berne Thursday al 21 1-3 a 231 cents. The same dav it sold in ! Goldsboro for 23 a 23 cents. Mitchell has issded an injunction against applying any ofth4 State appropriation to building the brancli Road from the West ern F. C. Road to the lime kilns in Cataw ba. The State tax in Edgecombe county amounts to $11,. .bo ; tne special tax tor rallroad appropnations f 19,269.10 ; and the county taxes for general purposes $17,114. 42. ' Occasionally, when the train arrives at M-.ddletown, a nice young man jumps off aud kissci the best-looking girl at" th3 de pot, supposing it to bejuis sister. He apolo gizes so nice that the girls are getting so ihey look for him regular. Some big broth er vVl jam his nose yet. The New Berne Times in regard to the murder of Col. Nethercutt says : We cer tainly condemn thjb mime as being a teriible one, but as one of the supposed murderers has been killed anil the other taken out of jail and nobody kows what was done with him itji s impossible to farther punish the of- fenders. i Persons wishing to have stalls for the sale of refreshments, on the Fair Ground, must obtain a license from the Secretary, Dr. Smith. As there seems to bo a misunderstanding vith regard to the exhibition of articles at the Fair, we would state that any person can exhibit any article without being a mem ber of the Society, but membership is ne cessary to compete tpr ajpremium. Stan dird. The Penitentiary Commissioners of the State met in the Senate chamber in Raleigh on Wednesday last. The proposals for furnishing , 4,000,000 bricks, were opened and the contract award ed to Messrs. King and Whitelaw, ot Ral eigh, one third soft, at 6.50. The follow 5 jgwere the bids i J. B. Cook, all hard at $10.00, 1-3 soft $0 50 King & Whitelaw. " G-llagher & Cun ningham, " 8 50, 10.50, 9.eo, 9 00, 7 50 ii t it 9 5(J 8.50 8.50 D. G Fowle, Geo. T. Cook, The Fall sesion of the North Carolina Deal and Dumb Institution commences Oc tober 4th. The Directors, as well as Prof. W. J. Palmer, Principal, are anxious that a fall attendance on that day of the students shall take place, The Board of Directors is composed of Hon. David A. Jenkins, Hon. S. S. Ashley, Thomas Coates, Esq., James H. Harnss, Esq., J. B. Neathery,Esq., T. F. Lee, Esq., and Prof. W. C. Kerr gentlemen well qualified to guard the interests of the insti tution, in every particular, and we are wars ranted in the remark, thar they discharge their duties with the most rigid fidelity. LATE NEWS. Cabinet news is dull. Decrease in the public debt, seven and a half millions. The National Bmk of Norwalk has beer robbed of $30,000. No clue. Secretaiy Fish and Commissioner Delano have just returned to Washington. Jude Richardson has resigned the As sistant SecietarysLip of the Treasury. Edgar Sncwden, the clitor of the Alex acdiia Gazzttc, is proposed for the U. S. Senate from Vivgli; a. . The City of Philadelphia has again been curbed by a democratic oob, waylayirgand attacking a Republican procession. POSTLINGS. First fire engine 1685. Whiskey tax will be increased. Philadelphia wants more water. Atlanta is to have Public Schools. Feather beds are injurious to health. York, Pa., is to have a street railway. Fiddle, D. D., is the latest musical degree. Stereotyping invented in Scotland 1785. Thirty -five Velocipede Halls in Gotham. V Fashionable hearse3 " arc thclatest nov- The La Crosse Indians are genuine un- n?73. Oil will not buoy you up not even cast-: or oil. The Indiana State Fair opened on the 30th ult. Turkey toot. Pa., has changed its bamo to Confluence. No regular reception at the White House. Capital idea I Thirteen colored men in the Charleston Custom House. Jersey City is to have the universal plague. Geo. F. Train. Telegraphing in mid-ocean is the last thing advocated. . ( Drouth, drouth, drouth, is the cry from Maine to Alaska. Mftnr.hfister. N. H has two towns called I 7 1 geag and Squoag. One million musk rat skins in St. Paul , Minn. Odoriferous! The bible question in the public schools- Cincinnati nightmare, r ' Thirty Finlanders have landed their fins in Washington. Finis. I 1 : p r rrt Jf ennsyivania eiecupn ior uovemor x ue- eeK- l oor acJter ; St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, holds nineteen thousand persons. Two tailors were on a strike Friday for black eyes. They got them ! Young Men's C. A., of Philadelphia, has rined out the fair sex. Shame 1 Jersey City, Hoboken, Hudson City and I Bayonne are to be consolidated. rphp croned heads are waiting for Napo- j 1 eon's demise. Naughty crown heads I " Steeprock." chief of the Iriquois Indi ans, is one hundred yeers old. " Old rocks'." Prospect Park, Brooklyn, has six) hundred and twenty-four acres. Not up to Central ! The last jury verdict in Scotland " Not Guilty, but we hope he won't do so any more." " Blue Gown," foimsr winner of the Eng lish Derby, is for sale at f 30,000 in gold. Who'll buy I The London Womans journal Noio-A Day 8 -will not be issued until December. Don't pay now-a-days. The World says the whiskey ring has cost the government $50,000,000. Ah! double Oblige us by doubling it ! The Norfolk UeraU says. kl President Jefferson Davis, left Southampton for home I on Saturday last. President of what ? PJEItSO-GItAPilS. Lord Stanley: is married. ' Is Dr Livingstone alive? ' A. T. Stewart has false teeth. Geo. Law is woritt $5,000,000. ;- - .,.:?);. '-;"'-'. Geo. Peabody is in Manhattan. Gen. Piim r'4 " muchly" better. Brigham is d.Il,?ng his militia. Joe. Johnson is 'n Augasta, Ga. Mrs. Geo. Banks i9 convalescent. The Rawlins fund has. reached $50000. Jack Krost is coming. So is Chiistmas. Greeley is to be choosed, from Witcon- ' Greeley and Cady: Stanton are " on the1 outs." " 1 Prince and Princess of Wales are in Palis.'. - - -'.- :';- :.:y-V. ' ' Prince 'Arthur has promised to visit New York. f,;,' ' Butler has been invited to the Georgia State FrU Pilnce papoleon says New Yerk has the prettiest girls. Bagby succeeds Cameron as editor of the Fetersbrgh In3?. Lucille Western has played Lady Isabel"' one thousand iimes. President'Grant will not attend th$ Al lcntown, Pa., AgilcultatalFa!r. ' Grarst, who killed Pollard, is a member of Bryant's nrnstrel 'roupo at New Yorki Mrs. Bloomer werrs the same pan Is she did fi'een years ago. Not hard on pants. Judge Chase and Jay Cooke are fishing at, Ca')o Mai. Sahniu caught end CJjkci to oi '.or. Nf.-sby says, Packer " may keep his or g zashi-n ai;ve till he kin make a fitc wl 1 a man we k:n elcc";." The Campa:g.i in reensylvaniaSpeeeh ot Scna'or Wilson Tne Philadelphia RcbHcrns had en :ni-" mense rat:iicu!:on meet;ng on Monday riht. Among the speakcu were Senator Wilson, of Ma--achuceUs, a eynopris of r.hose speech is thus fjven :u t'ic Phil adelphia L:ljcr : I Senator Wi'e.on said it wuld not be proper to scr.k of the Iccal pohtlcs or tho local men, out If the statement matle :n re gard to the Demcciutic c?'idi Oiaato was tiuc, he was -ioi deserIng of thcsuppoit of any working man in the State. On tho other hend, Gov. Gec:iy had been firm end steadfast in Lis support of the people. In hisgoveumfnt cf Kansas ho gave the first indication of his leaning towards law and order, end H tho future histoW will make honorable mcntl m of Pen. Join W. Gcaiy. Chcexj.J The cor i'.j br. b n loiuW t but the Cod he :. r' 0 i'rn . :i the hf -id-3 of lie . x: tic. . iCheciv.. Tno Re pu:..';crtipf -jhrtnow tne vtue rnd intel ligence f'ic lr id, r vl it will continue true to the do'." i..: cf llie lb; 'Vers cf the re public. It is rec.;ks r.mpng all duo partlei thalhcve vo t'.'.ccond .cat. Mcccve it by the tr.ndr -ei of coral 1. -ii'.", f 1 lie "t nearer " to 1 ivy f .r all i. ea - x any prrly that hciclr e'.. o. .j. j Aud vc-day thera is t -: 1 o;.r. : 1 iiir.ii r .-Ihc water wVo I;, aot i iaV f .o Repn' lican p-arty. Meii. j it ' v . ai "ty. wl "ch cmljracci 1 e3 it taud t It takc3 al it.c. n where . uo tho Iov;cst mr.n tl'e lc. id, and makes h:n the e.ual v.f t::c lieucst end best in the lan1. Cheers. " T The d: vLv i v c u : If 1 1 V I'X.V'Q to the po :cy wl':cli iu hr . past, 'ino Dei- 1cr::;c i forget the p? k. Yv'e 21a; we will f r've, r.ud v?o . work of J.;e pa-t it of the pr. ent. Cliccr:. eia l eoelrcicii . of I '- cave :.v. :,d ri tho ; t'. .. us to : t fogef. but ' II st; :d by the '. .cm: ; the frith "Vv -ie:i a outh ac ; r vl' says ho supp i:s the re:.t pcVo-of ?-;:rly, tike himj.y the hr,ad, but '.yc you. v itcs to no set cf mm who nave . 1 taer re : is unrc penting rebels. Cheer:;, j These m?n are : 1 fav; r of tho repudiation of Lhc na'ioual cxbt, and tl .ce-fcuidis ot tho Democra'"c press is infavor of tc same rcpuc ?c.tion. To have a la go national debt, end the iterct s-culd be reduced. It would have been redacsd lojg ago if An drew Johnson had not proven a traitor to the partv that elected us. We have now a Pre3ideutjwho will s.t go back upon the pi:Uiple r tne men who elected mmJ Ch22i-3.J ( Slce the Cars of Jhi Quircy Adams there hasnever ' n such an Amrni3trati:n as at present, it: urc '. Trom the standpoint of justice to a!! m j , p.o 3 retrenchment in all dq:rtmen: i At Washington there has been p. reduction of tho clerical force, tnd men arc made t attend to the'r nnde.ulcid Ahat they must . bu 1: rid in the first eri months of the Adn" ns ad.on ue debt has been reduced 19,0- 0, .-CO. Cheers. Eve; j Repnbllceu Ju 1 d go to the polls andj.'o1 for the cause lor which . ocr men Lied cad e"t.l, and wb need success in order to pvcs foi .vrvd to the time1 when specie psyments will ix resumed. In tl's coriec tloi he Sttld he was la favor of t i act of Congress decla.lng that a man .who . bar gains to sell g Id when he has nono to sell, if crnvictcd, shar ?e sent to the peLilentia 1. Cheers. He clvzed -vtrith an eui. gium of who Re public? n p?rty, and c-ged his hearers to sus tain the cansj for which so many meu now sleep in bloody graves. NQTIUJi. THE COXiTITUTION AND BY-LWVS the Cap" Fear Building Association will be ready for srnatore on Tuesday evening next, (5th instant; StocklJoWcrs are expected to pay tbeir first installment when they 6iga the Constit alien. I can be found at the Freedmen's Saving Baik every evening nezt week (after Monday,) be tween the hours of 74 and V o'clock. h R. II. HOUSTON, I " Secretary. oct 8 133-iit . ' .' LOST. ; A LARGE BrIsS KEY, ABOUT A WEEK since, in the street. The finder will be lib erally rewarded by leaving it at tlie oiiicc of-tho Wilmington Tost. aug 16 3Q8.tf , v 1 1 1 :.

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