OFFICIAL. MISCELLANEOUS. OFFICIAL. RAIL ROADS. V J 1 - Cranberry u. XiUiTou:- it is sam mac tie is a Tl Ti 1 -1 . 1 o blades ot grass to grow where only one rew before, than the mightiest of conquer or successful statesmen. This rule! will so apply to him who adds in any way j to the means of sustaining life . or of adding the wealth or comfort of the masses, e country in the neighborhood of Wil mington has been sadly neglected, and the w large owners ot land have pursued a selfishly ignorant policy that hrs culminated in poverty, distress and general stagnation of all that can make life enjoyable. Like many of the desert spelts of Jersey or Dela ware, the laud ju this neighborhood may be caused to yield abundance of material wealth to the wise owner, and among the articles to which we call the attention of our land owners '"s the cranberry recently referred to as ,the ".blessing of poverty stricken- countries." Thpro can be little doubt but that the sandy and swampy regions about, the Cape Fear can,be made to yield monstrous crops ot cranberries, ' worth in ;any market three, four and five dollars per bushel. 'Any sort ofjsvvamp or bog land drained by ordinary ditches and spread over with sand will yield -cranberries sufficient to pay for the land twice over in one season. An experienced farmer thus writes from New Jersey: " Two sorts ot land are found appropriate to this vine the savanna swamp an4 the cedar , muck-swamp. They differ rather in degree than in nature. The savanna bay has black sour swamp muck, mixed with sand. In the cedar ,bay there IS: little or no admixture ofr sand, the peat being ajike in alf parts of the bed, black and sour, varying in depth from one to six feet. A savanna- bay is more easily put in, but is not so sure as theother, and in a great number of cases they have not been successful. Vines should be set out in the fall, and in the season following a few may be gathered. The third year will bring a bojinteous harvest of one hundced to two hundred bushels to the acre. - The terrible murders of seven persons which lately took place at Pantin, in France, have been! commented on as additional in stances of the ferocity which sometimes ex hibits itself among the French people. But it is due to justice in this case to notice that the names of those concerned in the fatal affair aa far as discovery has gone 1 are not French, ;but German. The horrible TrauDmann is evidently not French by de- scent, even- if he should haye been, born in Franco. A clergyman was warning a usurer against the immense interest which the; latter was in the habit of demanding from his debtors. "Do you not know, unhappy one," said the faithful pastor, "that if you always insist on receiving nine per cent, interest, you will shut the door of heaven against yourself forever ?" i'Oh," replied the usurer, "look ed at from heaven, the figure nine presents the appearance of a six, and that much per centage is quite lawful !n A Catholic editor, in answer to an inqui ry touching proper reading tor youug-lio- mamsts, says : ; VAs to that idol of a debauched genera ;Ar. nhorlpa Dickens, in regard alike to Christian faith, Christian morals, the decen cies of life and the proprieties ot our verna cular, he ought to be oxcluded from all lists of books fit to be read." A Scotch minister, so the story goes, be-: ling asked If he was mot tired to death alter preaching a sermon two and a half hours lpng, of which he had been: telling, replied: "Aw, na, I was as fresh as a rose; but it would have done your heart good to see how tired the congregation was." viauucuj i II 1 1 II 1 1 I ii l i to I Tli I A correspondent of the liuJttl llaks abouT 1 Keeping irranes. It is the easiest matter in the world, providing the grapes are a kind co Keep, such as the Diana, Isabella and others ill h r-ll !rf t: ( rt the mi intnh- rJ h iTT will keep till m the spring, and! then be better than at any othei time. . Simply gath er when ripe and put for a few weeks where the air, under shelter, without, artificial heat, ruas access to them, say in a chamber, or any other out-room with the windows open. Then there will be no evaporation, land con sequently no mold, or but little worst, asi the grape itself losc3 but little moisture, its thick skin holding it. Then put in, dry wooden boxes, covering the boxes. Lay dry; leaves or cotton in the bottom, knd cov er with the same for a second tier of grapes. Two are enough, or at most thrtje. This way is varied somewhat. By it I we keep our Clintons nice and wicey till May. March and April find them prime. Put boxes in a cellar where the temperature is uniform and'coolwith the medium! bet ween the dry and damp, such as will keep fruit generally. Rural New Yorker. ! SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER .IN-THIS SECTI3H. ! THe. Podt JS THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF NATIONAL, State and County Government ; the only unpre judiced exponent of pure National Republican doctrines and ideas ; has the ablest co;rrcspon dents ; largest circulation, aud is altogether the best i . ' FAMILY NEWSPAPER I In this region. iP All payments in advance. . j" $4 00 per Year; $2 50 lor Six Months, and 1 50 for Three Months. aug .2 301 JStfIPSI MAPS!! I HAVE THE AGENCY UN THE j STATE for Watson's Series of United States Maps. The best and cheapest Maps yet maldc, compiled from the latest official sources, highly colored, varnished and mounted on rollers. I No. 1. A Railroad and Distance 21ap ol the United States. Containing ! all the Rail Roads completed, in process of construc tion or in contemplation. The commencement and terminus of each. Total kbeth and dis tance between the several stations." The cost of building and all necessary information about Rail Roads, on one side ; and a Map ot the Western Country and of North aud fcouth Amer ica, and Alaska on back. Size, 3i byU feet. Price $3 00. I IV o. 2. A Railroad JUap of the United States with Census. Of evert County around the border on one side; and elegant map of the World and of twelve of the principal jetties of the Union- on the other side. The most pop ular i map for general use of the series. Same size as No. 1, and same price, $3 00. i No. 3. Same a3 No. 2, on face, plain on back, same size. Price $2 50. No. 4. The American Republic, a small map of the United States, mouute4 on rollers as the others, size, 2 1-3 by ,3 1-3 feet, and cheaplenough for everybody to have one. Price. 1 00 j Map No. 3, at least, should be in every School room and residence. I want an agent in each county to canvass for these maps. An active young man in each county can easily mike from $3 to $5 per day. To those who will undertake to canvass the county thoroughly a. liberal de duction from above prices will be made. One agent sold thirty of these .maps in one town in three days. 1 I For terms address J. A. JONES, Bookseller, Raleigh, N. C. oct 14 ! 316 tf i i- Sheriff's Column. TN CONSEQUENCE OF TIITC 'FREOTTPTCT JL defacement and destruction of notices placed m wre imouc streets mave determined nereaiter to advertise sales and publish all official notices pertaining to my office in the columns of the Hereafter all nersons desiring fennwTedre ft matters pertaining to sales, &c, over which 1 may uave control, win una them advertised in mis column. j. w. SUHENCK, JR., , 15heriiL ' ilmington, N. C, Aug. 22, 18C9. EXECUTION SALES. XY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY EXECUTIONS to me directed, issued from the Superior COUrt Ot New Hannvcr ennntv at Unrinfr trm 1869, 1 will expose to sale to the highest bidder ,; ON THE 18TH DAY OF OCTOBER, James Dawson, ) The interest of v VMre. E. A. Nixon. Herman H. Robinson, Ex'r. ) H. H. Robinson Ex r. , in bOO acres of land at Porter's Neck, in "amcu xownsmp. D P. Murphy, ) The interest of H. H. vs. V Robinson, in Dart lot Herman H. Robinson. ) 5. block 113. in Citv of nmuiugiyu. as iaia out in Turner's plan. treo. 1?. Baker, ) TJie interest of H. H. A - , vs Robinson, in part lot 5, B. , Robinson, Et al. ) block 113. in City of Wil- uugkuu, ao iaiu out in lurner s plan Caleb Mottand others,) The interest of H. TT vs. VH. Robinson in part Ivlty OI Wilminp'tnn 'n lniJ ; nnt in Tnmtf'o , - i J w au.uwa a jpian. Join W. Nash. Thft int frst rt TTorn-17 Tot-. .-"'J -luior. j loo, asi iaia out in Turners su m ciiy or vvuminerton. p. F- Eyden, ) The interest of Oliver h Krllv ts. 3Iiver Kelly Wilmington. firi n n . TIT M in part Lot 5, Block 223, as laid out in lurner s. rian in City of .oatiu v ens in 200 acres of land on Colvin's P. Moore. ) Creek in Caswell Township vs. 0. G. Parsley, The interest of John vs. Brown, in part Lot 1, John Biown, et al. ) Block 153, as laid out in Turner's Plan in City of Wilmington. Rich'd F. Debose, and ) The interest of James wife Mary L. , A. Moore H. S. Ave- vs. i intt, Administrator, in Exparte. j j 172 acres of ldnd, on H. S. Averitt, Admin- J Cypress Creek, Colum istrator Jas A Moore. J bia Township. Christian Hussell, The interest of Wm. vs. ; vToomer, in part Lot 3 and 4, (v m. loomer, j liiocic 06, as laid out in Turner's Plan in city of Wilmington. James II. Chadbourn & Co., 1 The interest of vs. V James Grant, in Jacob Grant. ) part of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 15S, as laid out in Turner's plan of the City ot Wilmington. ALSO EXECUTION ISSUING FROM THE SCI'IiHIOH COUxtT rOU THE COUNTY OF LIOCOL.N, 6TATJE OF NORTH CAKOLINA, AS FOLLOWS : Caleb Motz and others, 1 The interest of II, IT. vs-i V Robinson in the folio w- II. II. Robinson. ) ing pieces, parcels or lots of laud situate lying, and being in the City of Wilmington and known in the plan of said City, as parts of lots No. 6 and Gi, block" 13, and oue lot West part No. 4, block 105, one lot parts 4 aud 5,: block 208, as the property of H. H. Robinson. Levied on by iS. Jti. Bunting, late fcherifi of New Hanover county. Abner Robinson, Levied on the interest of v&. Enoch Johnson, on 850 acres Enoch Johnson, t)f laud, situated in Franklin Melton Lee. ) Township, and laying on Up per Black River. ON THE 22D DAY OF OCTOBER. .Tfltnnj If 1 V, I irn vr r. .P- I n The interest of H. C. Cassidey, in Lots No. 3. 4. Wm. II. Payne, M. L. (iuyton, . : Sarah Atkinson, H. C. Cassidey, R. L. Harris, mington. 1-5 and G, Block uy.'as laid out in Turner's Plan of J the City ot Wil- S. A. Currrie, Administra tor of John K. Currie, vs. .J.. R. Fennell, The interest of W. W. Fennell, in 1300 acres of land, situ a t e d in Franklin Township, county of New Hanover, i W. J.Price, sept 20 ALSO ON THE 25TH 3011-td DAY OF OCTOBER. Jno. A Sanders, ) Right title and interest of . i rni m - vs.- i inos. uowaain parts lots JNo. Jas. M. Cowan, - land 2, Block 152, as laid T. C. Mcllheuny, down in Turner's plan of the Thos. Cowan. J City of Wilmington, and known as the property of Thos. Cowan. TAXES, ipOMMISSION MERCHANTS AND LIQUOR J dealers are hereby requested, to pay their taxes due 10th August last on amount sales and purchases of the months of April, May, "and June 1SG9. Returns of taxes for the next quarter will be due the 10th October proximo J. V. S CHEN OK, Jk., SheriiTNew Hanover County, sep 5 ' - 1 : 305-tf. Sheriff's Nolice. A LL PERSONS WHO nAVE NOT PAID X3l their STATE AND COUNTY TAXES, , and who have listed their Personal Property, to an amount exceeding said tax, are hereby noti fied that in case they do not settle by the 20th day of this mouth,-That I shall proceed to Levy on said personal property and collect tax by distress. The office will-be open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., for the transaction of this business. J. W. SCHENCK, Jr., SheritT New Hanover County, oct 7 .314-tf H AS REMOVED HIS CROCKERY, CHINA Glass Ware and Variety Goods Store to NO. 25 SOUTH FRONT STREET, where he is receiving daily from the Northern Cities and from Europe large addition to his already, extensive assortment of House Keeping and Fancy Articles. -Auction Sales daily as usual. ' S. VakAMRINGE, Auctioneers. oct 10 315 3t U. S. Internal Revenue.- NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO SELL SHELL OR other Fish, or both, from carts, in New Hanover or Duplin Counties, are hereby notified to1 appear and take out a United States Internal Revenue license on or before the 15th of this month, or they will be assessed and charged pen alty according to law. F. G. MOORE, Assistant Assessor. OHice corner Water and Princess streets, over Sheppersons store, oct 10 315-tf STATE IIKIVJERSITY. A. S. BARNES & CO., cor. William and John Stts., New York. PUBLISHERS OF THE NATIONAL SERIES OF STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS, U COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING, ADAPT ed for uniform use in the Public Schools ol North Caroli'na, viz: Parker & Watson's National Readers & Spel lers, Davies' Arithmetics. Monteith and McNuity's Geographies, Monteith's History ol the United States. Beers' System ot Pennmanship. Publishers' Descriptive Catalogues, Price List, specimen copies of "Educational Bulletin," mailed free. For special introductory rates, or other par ticulars concerning this admirable Series, ad dress the Publishers, or C. W. LAMBETH, Publishers' Sapt. of Instruction, Raleigh, N. C. ALFRED Williams, State Depository, Raleigh, N. C. oct 10 315 3t FURNITURE HAVIS1G REGEE3TLY EtlLARGED OUR VARER00MS, W E NOW OFFER ONE OF THE LAF.G est and best selected stocks of PARLOR, i CHAMBER, DINING, 1 1 LIBRARY and li OFFICE FURNITURE Ever before offered in tUc 8tate, and at as LOW PKICES as any establishment! Norm or couin BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY, Hnr T?fdrHntr- find TinholsterV DeDartment is oh an extensive scale. We manufacture every description of MATTRESSES, and call special attention to our j i PURE CURLED HAIR MATTRESSES, winch we warrant as represented. WINDOW SHADES & WALL PAPER Our Stock is the largest and best assorted ever rv j : ik t!4. a!1 4Ko NEW PATTERNS for! the Fall Trade, being entirely of new designs, Granite Row Buildings, '.' South Front Street, sept 19 309-tf A CARD. j ; : HAVING DISPOSED OF MY INTEREST in the Saloon at No. 401 North Water street' to R. F. Eyden, Esq., I; solicit for him the liberal patronage thereto:orj bestowed on me. ; 11. A. liAUlj. oct 5th 1S69. . NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN forms his patrons that he lias removed his i BAR ROOM to No 4Ci North Water street, where he will be caPPy t accommodate his friends and the pub lic generally with the choicest! LIQUORS and W 1JN : . i All 1 ' r ' ;i OYSTER" AlLOON is attached to the Bar where the best of NEW RIVER OYSTERS can be had at all times, served up in any style. Families can be supplied oy ne measure uy leaving their orders with f oct 6 ! 3l4-3t THE NORTH CAROLINA ANNUAL CON- X fe iu-nce ct the A. M: E. Ziou Church will meet in Salisbury on the fourth Wednesday (iMth) of November 1809 at 10 o'jelock A. M. In Ziou Church Rev. Thos. Henderson Pastor. BISHOP J. J, MOORE t President, J.;W. HOOD, I Secretary. oet3 4 313-4t REMOVAL. " HAVE REMOVED MY i j AUCTION AM RlSAIi ES- ; TAT E OFFICE i , Over the Store formerly (occupied by A. Johnson & Co. ' S. VanMRIN'GE Auctioneer & Real Estate Broker. oct: ! 313 tl S. VanAMRINGE, AUCTIONEER km REAL ESTATE BROKER, j WILL BUY AND SELL STOCKS, BONDS, REAL ESTATE and all kinds of Mer chandise. ! 1 Also will receive Orders and enter into Con tracts for the delivery of any amohnt of BRICKS and WOOD at the shortest notice. Office on South Wate Street,! Over the Store formerly occupied by A. John son & Co. oct 3 r 313-tf ;TSjIE.UXD'JBUSifeX-ED HAS TAKEN AN OFFICE, OPPOSITE THE Court House, in the rear of Squire Mc- Quigg's Office. ! liusiness promptn- attended to. I J. NUTT: sept 9 v j , 306-tf TEACHERS AND PARENTS ARE RESPECT fully invited to examine tny.assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY, wnieh is now very complete. JOHN D. LOVE, oct Pd ' ' ! 313-tf ST. AUGUSTINE NORMAL SCHOOL 5 L AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. RALEIGH, Ar. d . qpHIS ' SCHOOL, WHICH IS f DESIGNED X for the education of colored teachers, will open on Wednesday, September! 29th. Appli cants must bc,able to and write and under stand the four primary rules 61 Arithmetic Tuition and the use of books will be free to all, but pupils, who are able, will be required to Tay their board, in whole or in part.; Aid will be given towards board in special cpes. Applica tion, I stating age, qualiiication nd pecuniary ability, should be made to f , ' REV. J. BRINTON SMITH, Principal-309-tf sept 19 PUR B 1 E M ON ml OR CONCENTRATED LEMONADE. ttrpHIS PREPARATION OFjLEMON RE- JL tains in Treat perfection the natural fla vor of the fresh fruit together with its agreeable acidity. The facility with which a Glass of Lemonade may at any time be made with it, equaling any that can be made w;ith the fruit in Its natural state , recommends it to every house hold and gives it an especial valde to travelers and excursionists, upen land or tea, andto the sick;" Twelve cases just in store at 4 -, GEORGE MYERS, ' It and 13 Front Street. CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. 1 junelS I 231 U STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New IlanoTer Countf, SCPBRIOlB COUBT. James G. Burr, Plaintiff, Abraham Weill, Defendant IN THIS ACTION THE PL1INTIFF claim judgment against the defendantor One Thou sand Dollars with interest lromthe9th day of Septciaper 1S69, upon a Bill of Exchange, drawn by Abraham Weill and Rosenthal, merchants and partners, trading under the name and style of A. Weill & Co., in the city of Wilmington upon A. WeUl & Co., of the city of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, payable to the order of Finlayson & Bro. one day alter 6ight of the same. The warrant of attachment is return able before the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County at his office in the Court House in Wilmington, on the 20th day of Novem ber 1S69, at which time and -place to defendant is required to appear and answer the complaint filed in this action. PERSON & FRENCH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. septlC 30S-law6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County, Superior Court. James G. Burr, Plaintiff, vs. Abraham Weill, Defendant IN THIS ACTION THE PLAINTIFF claims judgment against the defendant lor One Thou sand dollars with interest from the 13th day of September 1S09, upon a Bill of Exchange, drawn by Abraham Weill and Rosenthal, mer chants and partners trading under the name and style of A. Weill & Co., in the city of Wilming ton, upon A. Weill Co., of the city of Phila delphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, payable to the order of Finlayson & Bro., thirty days after date ot the same. Warrant of attachment is returnable beiore the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover county at his office in the Court House in the city of Wilmington on the 25th day of November 1869, at which time and place the defendant is required to appear and answer the complaint filed in this action. PERSON & FRENCH, Plaintiff's Attorney, sept 19 309-lawtiw STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County, Superior Court. James G. Burr, Plaintiff, ) vs. Y Abraham Weill, Defendant. J IN THIS ACTION THE PLAINTIFF CLAIMS judgment against the defendant for Filteen Hundred Dollars with interest from the 17th day of September, 1869, upon a Bill of Exchange drawn by Abraham Weill and Rosenthal, merchants and partners trading under the name and style of A. Weill & Co.. in the city of Wilmington upon A. Weill & Co., ol the city of Philadelphia, in the State ot Pennsylvania, payable to the order of Finlayson & Bro,, twenty days after date of the same. The Warrajat of Attachment is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County at his office iu the Court House in the City of Wil mington, on the 25th day of November, 1869, at which time and place the defendant is required to appear and answer the complaint filed in this action. PERSON & FRENCH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Sept 19 309-iaw6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, . New Hanover County, Superior Court. Williams & Murchison, Plaintiffs ) vs. Abaham Weill, Defendant J IN THIS ACTION THE PLAINTIFFS claims judgment against the defendant for Two Hun dred and Twenty-five dollars with interest from the 29th day of July 1SG9, upon a certain bill of goods sold to said Abraham Weill and . . . mi A C J A . 1 A Rosenthal, me warrant oi auacnmeni is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, at his office at the Court House in Wilmington on the 20th day of November 1809, at which time and place the defendant is required to appear and answer the complaint filed ia this action. PERSON & FRENCH, Plaintiff's A'torney3. scut 10 308-lawCw STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County, Superior Court. Finlayson & Bro., Plaintiff, vs. Abrahan Weill, Defendant, IN THIS ACTION, THE PLAINTIFF Claims judgment agatat the defendant for Four Hun dred and Fifty Dollars, with interest from the 13th day.of September, IHO'J, upon a Bill of Ex change, drawn by Abraham Weill and Rosen thai mprrliants aud uartners tradine: under the name and style of A. Weill & Co., iu Wilming- t. A W;il -f- On rf tlio Pitv Pliilo. delphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, payable to their own order thirty days alter date. The warrant of attachment is returnable before the Ciprk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, at his olhce in the Court House In Wil mimrt.Nn on the 20th dav of November. 1809 . at which time and place, the defendant is required i 1L - 1. i!l - J : . A 1 to appear ana answer me compiamt men. iu mis office. PERSON & FRENCH, Plaintiff Attorneys, sep 16 308-law6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County, Superior Court. First National Bank ) vs. V Abraham Weill, ) TN THIS ACTION, TllJbi PLAIN riJs'Js' CLAIMS JL judgment against the defendant for One? thousand Dollars, witn interest irom tue om day of September, 18S9, upon a Bill of Exchange drawn by Abraham Weill and Rosenthal, mer chants and partners, trading under the name and style of A. Weill & Co., in the City ot Wil mington, upbn A. Weill & Co., of the City of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, pay able to the order of Finlayson & Bro., fifteen days after the date of said bill. The warrant of attachment is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court, of New Hanover County at hi3 office in the Court House in Wilmington on the 20th day of November, 1809, at which time and place the defendant is required to appear and an swer the complaint filed in this action. PEKaUJN & r xiENCH, Plaintiff Attorneys, sep 16 1 t308-law6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, New Hanover County, ' Superior Court. Robert E. Calder, Plain tifL ) vs. Abraham Weill, Plaintiff 1 I IN THIS ACTION THE PLAINTIFF claims judgment against the defendant for Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars with interest from the llth day of September 1869, upon a Promi- sory Note made by Abraham Weill and Ros enthal, merchants ana partners, trading under the name and style of Aj Weill & Co., in the city of Wilmington, payable to their own order ten days a!ter date of the same. The warrant of attachment is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, at his Office in the Court House in Wilmington, on the; 20th day of November 1869, at which time and place the defendant is requested to appear and answer the complaint filed in this action. PEKSON dfc FRENCH, Plaintiff's Attorneys, sept 16 308-law6w A CLERGYMAN, WHILE RESIDING IN South America as missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of dis orders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by thi3 noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unlortunate, I will send the recipe for xreparicg and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Address, JUSU.PM T. IjNMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York Cify, sept 19 809-6m os Wilmington & Weldon Hi R r Co Ornca CHrETEuo. & Gew. Supbbtmtesdeht 1 WrLscraaTOjr, N. C, April 9, 1868. 1 CHANGE OP SCHEDULE; , GN AND AFTER SUNDAY, the Hth! Inst,, our PASSENGER Trains on this road will leave Wilmington at 6:00 A. M. and 10:00 P. M., and arrive in Weldon 6:06 A. M. and 2:50P. M. Leave Weldon at 10:15 A M. and 7:45 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 4:30 A. M. and 7:15 P. M. The day train will not run on Sundays. " A daily through freight train .wlU leave Wil mington (Sundays excepted) at 8:00 P. M., for the accommodation of Truck Farmers. Passen gers can also get accommodations on said freight train as far as Goldsboro'. ' 8. L: FREMONT, , Engineer & Snot. aprilH 26tl CHANGE DF FREIGHT TRAM SHEDULE. Wiemington, & Weldon Rulboai Co..l ufficb Chief Enq'r anb Gen'l 8ut'T V Wilmington, N. C, May 28, 1869. J V XT A VTT A TTT'Tk nrrr-rk rvrv ' w - .... U Aiiift X llXi 2TH Li STAN T ill E freight trains will run as follows : : Leave Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 1 o'clock, P. M., and arrive at Wilmington same days at 8 o'clock, P. M. 1 8. L. FREMONT, 1 IFtI,t . 1 I A T r n i uiiiuiugiuu cwiuaucuesicr it.u.vo -' GeNKBAL SUPEBINTENDENT'S OHICS, ) Wilmington, N. C, April 10, 1868. f N AND AFTER APRIL 11, PASSENGER Trains of this Road will rrm ing Bcueauie : EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington dailv at. ' k-i s a m . mmm WM VM WU J A. A V TT Arrive at Florence 10:82 A. M. .arrive ai jungsvuie i;45 P. M. Leave Kingsville 12:40 P. Mi Arrive et Florence .... . . . , p Arrive at Wilmington.... . 9:15 P. M. T7 rjy j . Xiipress irain connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and Cheraw and Darlington Kai and at Kingsville with the South Carolina Rail. ruau iur Augusia, io wmcn point cars run through without change. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at . . ..... . . . 8:05 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:40 A M Arrive at Kingsville i 9;"oo A M Leave KingsviUe 4:oolP; Me Arrive at Florence 9-40 P M Arrive at Wilmington . ...'." .'. 5:10 A.' M Accommodation Train connects closely Florence with the Northeastern Railroad lor Charleston, ad at KingsviUe with the South Carolina Railroad for Augusta. Passengers for Columoia should take the Accommodation Train WM. MacRAE, ' ' " Gen'lSupt. . &Pr15 , ' 264tf Wilmington, Charlotte & Ruther ford R, R. Co. i ubnkral superintendent's OlTICH, ) r a xt11!11 N C Ma7 15.-1869. f N AND AFTER MAY 15TH, THE PAS J senger train on this Road will leave Wil mington on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, A. M. Arrive at Rockingham same days, at Si . M. Arrive at Wadesboro (Stage) at 9 P. M Leave Wadesboro (Stage) on Tuesday," Thurs day and Saturday, at 1 P. M. . Leave Rockingham on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 A. M. ' TCUUC0UJr Arrive at Wilmington same days at 3 P. M. !! W. L EVERETT, General Superintendent. mar1Q . 274-tf OFFICE W., C. & R. R. COMPANY, Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 6, 1869. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of this Company j wiU be Ootor0"10"6' n Wedn?S 8eptemtr ?nsntWU1 " ibe o By order CALVIN J. COWLES, Secretary of the Board. I sePt9 406-law-tm fj Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Co., Office Chief Eno'r And Gen. Sup't Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 8, 1869. j Inland Coast Line- Express Freight, Time Freight- 1 Cotton and Merchandise TAKEN AT LOWEST RATES, INSURANCE included, it desired, between this City and New York, Baltimore, and Philadelphia. Cotton daily to Baltimore 1 2 50 per bale, in cluding insurance Five times a week. To New York, 13 50 per bale Marine risk one fourth of one per cent. Cotton to Philadelphia,3 25, in cluding insurance. A commission of 2k allowed to Agents procur ing the freight. Time guaranteed or a forfeit, oct 10 315-3t WILMINGTON & WELDON R R no i Office of Chief Eng. a.wd Gen'x Supt.. V Wilmington. . C, Oct 8,sl869. J s ALL ARTICLES FOR THE AGRICULTU ral Fairs to be held in this State this Autumn will be passed Irce both ways ("Central State" and 4Cape Fear" Fairs.) Persons will pass on Return Tickets for one fare. . Special rates to the Cape Fear will be given hereafter. 8. L. FREMONT. Eng. and Sup't. . oct 10 APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE GENERAL As sembly ot North Carolina at its next ses sion, for the passage of an act to repeal tho act establishing the Special Court for the City of Wilmington, oct 3 313-law30d. DR. J. E. WIHANTS, gXAMINING SURGEON, . j 1 PENSION BUREAU, Wilmington, 1. C. 299 U aug 16 a

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