v : . ! : :,, i!;- - . v XXTv i ' j Til' VlLMIflGTeWPOSTu 1 . WILMINGTON, N. 0., SUNDAY MOKNING, OCTOBER 31, 1869. NO. 321. VOL. 111. fx Vrr- ...( .. . ' wrr lllK WILMINGlOjN L'V1 ' PUBLISHED SEMI WEEKV- orriiinniHViiVV lUHTOU AND PROq TEUMSOF sClOKirTlO .......f I 00. -Per. Yc;tf..f : Ji.v -Months. . ... Three Months. . One Mouth. .... .. 1 50 ... 50 'KATES of ADVERTISING : ' Vtvertiecment ' Vil! be inserted at .$1 00 per -mare for firet iucrtion "and 50 cents lor each abociuent insertion. ; j Ten Hue or K'6S, solid miniou type, constitute a 6 piarc. . ; ! : ; CITY. Jo'Vt arrjvh:. Peanuts arc plentiful. Bananas arc coming. The circus is coming. Enforce the Yagrant ordinance A Marxhul-cd throng Our 4 chuiti gnu Oau the prevailing mania for red ' dresses bo termed the ucnrhl, fever 2 1 :! . l-What is smaller than an ants Why; its lontjue of course. inn Uth I Can a deceased lover- be duck .. called a lead Can a small waist be Called a faxf.e of health? . . 1 ! . ( Good girls are making slippers (or their 4i papa V. The Street Railway -is pay 'tab' conductors. That is, Our '-protest " has not been d'rnt cd. ;T (S? ltght .. :. ; The Norfolk Ihnj Boo,- imitates "Our 3Ianufactui nig Interests." i The Cape Fear Building Association, will liHve an ollice at Abbottsburgh. j Heinsberger sends us a copy of "Turners ' N. C. Almanac for 1870." Thank?. Ex Judge Samuel J. Person of this city died yesterday moiniug'ut 1 o'clock. j Expressly express groceries by Myer ex 111' .1 - more Better than, he " used to was." Munson, : who is still the rn- i.rcdlavc clothier of the of the State oi JN. C" tor pampnict copy of Transactions at lCth Annual meeting." The City and Superior Court, adjourned yesterday out of respect to the memory lot ex Judge Person. I 1 "Why is the city editor, of the Xlxxdard, a literary plagiarist? Because he is a W(hit taker! The Greensboro lttrit cries for wood due them. Let the editor commence with his cranium '.. C 1 Ye Cods! Charleston shippers refuse to ship through a Republican stevedore. And this the home of chivalry ! Greensboro follows in our wake, and ad- 1 i r - f vocatcs the establishment of rcajling rooms. Greensboro is not as verdant as its name , . j. .. - jmucaic. . Uudcr th o su)erinteudcuce of Rev. Mr. Pierce, the city directory is beiug compiled ; arid weTiope soon to anuouiicc its comple tion. ' . - ' 'Puke two letters from money , and there, will be btit one left. Ex. j " Wc knew a fellow who took jmoney from two letters, and there was'nt auyj left. , A petition is in circulation protesting ajgaiust the reappointment, by the County CommissioncrB of R. S. Waldrou as Regis ter of Uccds. . I . ' Alec'' Cummings, formerly city editor of the Trihvin', anil subse'iueutly of the Sin, will commence the publication of a daily in Philadelphia soon II aketi's Anov ! Members tl the "Har nett Bat CLub" arc requested to meet in on Sloudav the cdiwnal room of thu Post evcningjat.iour o ciock. iraportaut business: Forrest G. MoopE, Sec'y. Many of p.ur subscribers, during the next week will find the red cross on their papers. This is -sufficient jn.Niwc hope1 for them to come up to the Captains office " and set- :tl'ei " JiisGK xCEFUL. The streets uupavtd ; the BidewalHs completely covered with refusb filth aud de caying leaves, the wharves crazy anil infected with disease! and well Dur- fed knows. " I -. . : i : , The arrival of Silas N. Martin j in our city gives pleasure to Hosts of personal friends. Mt. JJartin.looks wpll, and has recovered his o health during his jouineyings in the old voxld. Strauc countries for to sec. Where are all the shootists that formerly flocked South about the fall of the leaf to cugage in the pleasant pastime o( popping " the birds ot the air;" or mayhap diving into the deep with barbed hook after the fiuny tribe? Our weather is of such a character that oue may be excused for repeating with the old Athenian. "On these mildj days the G ods strive at the Olympian grounds' Cdtnc out muscular Christians and with boat or ball shew that manhood still remain?. The Journal recognizes our specialty of propagating manufactures here, j by aping our well-timed articles on " Our Manufac turing Interests." It reflects unbounded credit on the Post's enterprise. But then every scholar acknowledges his tutor ! D'ye ken '. W no Xr-Thc'"J 'body of a white child apparently about two days old, was fouud suffocated to death at the Wilming ton and Weldon Railroad depot yesterday morriing about 11 o'clock. Coroner Allen held an inquest, and the jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the fact. A ' clergyman of the English Episcopal Church lately startled his readers bv preach - .' 1IH n .r.nnn of vtraonlinarv merit. A 'B-)ston lady cooled the-enthusiastic admi rers of the "pet parson " with the informa tion that Dr. Channing, the Unitarian, was the author of ail the "good things our young divine had spread bcloro his lambs. The factions city editor of the &.an:lifU devotes nigh a quarter of a column in grat uitously presenting the Fust with a "local" article. But the obfuscated manner in which it is written compels us to decline. It is not a l(tvlard article; ami we fear we would not be a fn't-bettcr than a fool to en dorse it. Sekvicks at tub C-vrnoLic Church. The Rev. Edward Ignatius Taylor, former ly a member of the Anglican Churh, will preach in .the Catholic Church in this city, at meriting service, at 10i o'clock to-day. All Saints' and All Souls' Day, Monday November 1st, is the feast of All Saints, and is a solemn holiday observed by all Catholics throughout the world. The services on Monday will be at 7 and 'J A. M., with evening service at 5 P. M., as usual. "Uamb ! -Blaze Away Sportsman.- Alonrr the vivrr: famn of CVtTV variety ... - - - - - i r, - -- m v darkens 'Uio shadow of the swamps and marshes. " Canvass iv - Suininer and " Mallard ducks tickle ; the w.,ff;r Gf the huntsman, aim ran m uu..- the unerring and remorseless rille.l Lover pf h Mr. Editor : The Sar in its; overreach ing efforts to throw obloquy dn everything Republican, makes a falte statement when it says that Mr. Dupong was appointed a Tim ber Inspector udon my recommendation. It I is well known that I opposed the appoint ment at the time it was first made. Yours, kc, Geo. Z. Frkjscti, The journalistic veteran of the Sutntfurd is pleased to congratulate the humble Post man on his knowledge of the beau sex. Now we do not wish to be vain, but had we the adointages W. W. possesses in tiic shape of an ugly chief as dull as Pike, and a pri v"t door to our sanctum there would be no end of fun and frolicing going on all the time we were not engaged lir reading billet deux, and punching old Pike's nose for intruding on our preserves. j; A hint is as good, $c. ' ' j Akd rVow, Again! The WilmiuStou correspondent of the Fayettevillo Eoglt, thus looks with jauntliced eyes, and mel ancholy leer on the erudite Judge of our Superior Court : j In the Superior1 Court Room, I saw Judge Russell, rolling his owl-like eyes down upon such immaculate gentlemen as the Dcvanes, Ilohucs, Ashe, Cutlar, Stedmau, Empie, and others, and wearing the ail of a man who presumed to suppose that he was a lit em bodiment of Justice. When will impudence receive its fitting rebuke ? When will learn ing and excellence receive their) reward? The existing harmony among lull mem bers of the Hcpublicau paity in this city is a subject for congratulation among lovers of free institutions. The masses of our peo ple, although uneducated, arc fast jbecomiug self taught, sufficiently to know all the du ies of a citizen. The Post has assisted in this great work, and. among the proudest rceollcctions of its conductors will be the fact, that the children of the Republic and the u wards of the nation'' have been edu cated through its honest efforts to the full stature of manhood. " A Floweh Boun to Blush L'EE.,, Iu the City llospital, there exists, probably unknown to the thousands comfortably provided in our midst; a bright, black eyed girl of seven summers. Three weeks ago, this tender offspring, now thrown upon a cold and unfecliug world, was orphaned by the death of its mother. Will not some sympathetic hand, and kind heart take th is more than outcast to its home while yet "untouched by sorrow, or unsbilcd by sin Cod will reward the kind one. What auswer ? . . The Reg ister's Office . There are m an y applicants for the place made vacant by the death of Mr. Anderson. The appointing power is in the hands of the County Com missioners, and the Republicans who placed Messrs. Keycs, Hewlett, Garris and Wilson in nosition have a right to demand that . , . Rpnhiip,n hn made Register. The following names are mentioned as being in the field and. anxious lor the Reg ister's "oflice : Messrs. Woodford, Loudon, Wood, McQuigg, Dudley, Ireland, lligbie and ' WaUbvn. The last named gentlfcman bnvinrr rfr.nvrroA bis health Can onCCOrC hold ofricc. M -- -; The Coming Fair. We have been the recipient of a polite invitation to the "Cape Fear Agricultural Association Fair," with presentation of ticket of membership.. Wc are extremely grateful for thej thoughtful act, and will endeavor to v look in " during the progress of the exposition, daily. And here, we take - advantage while scrawling, to extend the " right hand of felloAf ship" to all our brethren "of the press visiting us, and will endeavor to make their stay com fortable while in the city. Tiic fair commences on the 10th of 'No vember, and those who contemplate exjiib- J-," T 11. 1 jT? T 1 - Hmg articles suoum pusn tilings. ror Ulc MeilCUC Ol iuoso. cuuousiy lucuneu u would say, that everything presents a ll at tering prospect for an enlivening, brilliant and successful consummation of the wishes of the Association. For particulars address J. A. Engelhard of this city, Secretary of Evecutive Com mittee. Periodicals- Magazines. Van .N'os trand's EiUjliiur'nuj MtHjazhtc, for Novem ber is again welcomed to our sanctum. Every Engineer. Architect, or any person interested in the mechanical arts should subscribe for this excelfeht periodical. Its November article on " Steam Boilers'' can be perused with profit by every person without regard to profession. Published by D. Van Nostrand, New York, 5 per year. Ajqdii.oiSs ; that gem of New York weeklies is again before us. Each number seems to increase in vigor, brilliancy, and artistic merit. The thirty-second number has, besides seven beautiful illustra tions of the New York charity institutions, an eight I p;ige " art supplement" of tiic ancient gardens of the East. D'u Mo'iatxrclt. This eclectic ladies fashion magazine, with its handsome en gravings and parti colored plates lays daz zling our eyes as we write with its brilliant rainbow colors. It1 is neat, pretty and de- it - . Fr.iu.u L'.'slh Js'dijs Mojaiine. This i ungiiL moniuv, makc, h.,ppy our sucial usual, are abHJf "lAiiffliBitWrf'' icism. The dancing season has 0 vl.ouu im.-j wicinj'.i etviMr , . ; i . . ..,1 and balls arc of daily occurrence. Pass ing by halls devoted to the sports ol' Ter psichore you caa hear music burdening the air aud catch' the cheeiful voice of the cal ler as he cries "haiuls around I '.wiicn they proceed to hand 'em around. Dancing is an exercise that seems peculiarly adapted to the juvenile leg, and it is only in rare instances that you find a person past mid dle life that is addicted to h. Occasional ly, however, there: is one whose love for it, age and considerable -ipiantity of rheuma tism arc unable to quench. -- We have one m our mm. i s eye now who used to attend "dauting school" every winter with us young ducks, whose head was white as snow, but whose dancing was as buoyant as that of any of the young folks. . Witli' him )ld age ne'er cooled the Douglas blood.'' It Yl- OC? Mrtfiitrtnl!),! 1 . . ... j , i iion ever, mat ho - -wasn t quite as bojmt the next-day and, he limped a little, though he stoutly denied being af fected by the night's dancing. ! The following is the amount of State Taxes paid by tl.cTnsurauce Companies of" thiscitv to Sheriff Scheuck, for the monthd -of" Jul v August aud September, 1300. Said returns and lU'eniimns 1m premiums having been made under oath : Phoenix . ; . . Home. City Fire.... Merchants' . . , ? r,5 s j . . -JO or. . . 17 . . 10 O 'i .. 19 40 .. 19,10 : . , 6 49 JO C9 . . 17 16 . . 137 29 .. 10 61 . 23 51 . . II 90 . . 39 13 .. 16 54 . . H1 31 .. 3V 99 .. 4-i 12 .. 12 01 . . 10 0- 7 55 .. 4 93 5 P 3 7o . . 27 06 . . 1 5"2 5?5 9 00 . OS 3 J Uuiou Fire. Merchants it .Mechanics Manhattan Life. , , Widows & Orphan's Friend North American Lite. . Underwriters ' Etna'..., World Mutual ..... '.' .' '."" V ivputablc Life Equitable Atlautic Fire. . ....... v Phamix, Harford '.:'.'. ' ' International, New York Connecticut Mutual Life New York Life r. . " ' Piedmont i ife North American Fire ........ Monumental Fire James River Fire. ; Jefferson Fire. . .:.-," Insurance ifc Savings' Fire. . . . Washington Fire..". Security Fire '. Security Marine. . ...... .... . . . . Li ve r pool , Lo u do u & ' til o be . . -Etna Lite. f SSstf 95 . 44 50 Ll?o '. per et . f S45 45 1 hereby "certify that the above return is correct. J. W. Uluesck Jr , i Sheriff New Hanover Co. Wilmington, N. C, Uctx 109. bSsdsmen for the Officers of thb ; "Cuba." The following are the gentlemen j whonave become security for the apppar- j ancc of the officers of the "Curia"' named ; in ! Commissioner Rutherford's decision. U, C. Brockj J-A-Mebaue, J. M.McGowan Ni M. Stevenson, J. C. Baumar, and D. M. Buie M Dv ; i sa; ' ' . Tiiib " Cuba" Again ! Promptly at noon j yesterday. Commissioner Rutherford ap- j neared m his seat, and delivered the follow- ! ing decision in this remarkable case : Thb United Stite vs. Tub OrncERs; or tub Stbambr "Cuba." In this case the de fendants, twentv-five iu number, are charged with a violation of the 3d section of the act of JODzress of April 20th, 1818, known as the tratittr Law. The charercs bcinff : "That did fit out. and arm. and did procure to b-&cd out and armed, within tae limits oi injwjmiea States, a certain ship or TeeseJCalled the "Cuba,'' ith intent that the said vessel shall he employed in the serf ice of the people of Cuba, to ert&e and commit hostilities against the peo ple of Spain, a country with which the united States is at peace." I have carefully reviewed the testimony giTen on the examination, aud considered the argu ments of counsel, as well as the cases cited iu support ot their positions, and am of the opin ion that but two acts are shown to have been committed, within the limits of the United States, from which an intent to violate the Neu trality 'Laws can be inferred. These were, First, The enlistment ot the witness, James Gor don Jr., byD. D. Monro, one of the defendants ; and with this act no one, but- the defendant Munro Is shown to have been connected. Second, The act of taking on hoard a cargo of coal from the schooner James Pedmorc, th testimony of all the witnesses unite in showing that this coal was taken on board the ''Cuba" while she'was lying in Long Island Sound,;insidt Montauk Point, and therefore clearly within the limits of the. United States, and though she were more than three miles from the Bhore. From all the evidence as to the position of the "Cuba" at the time he received tne arms, that she was more than a marine league from land, and without the jurisdiction of the United States liJ S?c" So ttatSeS?So d?L dants. v?ere merely passengers on the vessel, l 1 who had taken passage at a foreign port, and that others had joined her on the high seas. That these persons had exercised no .command and had no control over the.vessel or its crew, until after the arms had heen put ou hoard, and the coal shipped, and not until the "Cuba" was oh the high seas, and heyond the limits and ju risdiction of the United States. It is claimed by the defence, that as no proof has been oilered by the prosecution, that the United States i3 at peace with Spain, this being as they claim a material point; of the charge maie against them, that the Commissioners can not take judicial notice of the fact, and that the prosecution having failed to prove it as a fact, that the whole charge falls to the ground, with thib view of the case I cannot agree The public acts, treaties, Ac, made by the 5 United States, with foreign countries, arc judiciously noticed by the Courts ot the United States, and the lact that peace exists between the United States and Snain. is a public matter affecting the whole people and need not be proved. ; Much has been said by both the prosecution and the delenee upon the duties ol" a Commis sioner actinias a Committing Magistrate, the prosecution taking the ground, that it . wa3 the province of the Commissioner merely, to in quire into the matter, and ascertain, if the of fence charged had been committed, and if this fact appeared, it was then his duty to hold for trial any person or persons whom there was probable cause to believe had committed the offence. What would be. probable cause, must of course rest-entirely in the discretion of the ui-jotiK mm to the arreat anaovanpp ..n,f : r viuu. auu pense attending such proceedings, on slitrht evidence, which creates only a suspicion against the aeeuscd, and where it is evident that a iurv would not convict. J J The defendants Edward Hig-ms, Thomas L. Dormn, G. AV. Read, F. J. MeNulty E Valiento P Ingraham, G. W. DuBose, It. Somen II, S Cooke, A. Mason, Autonio Munoz, Wm! 11. Robinson, Stephen Karney, Joaquom Aiuiar, J ohn Mullay, and W. J; Faberty arc discharged. The defendants David A. Telfair, D. D. Mun r e, Nicholas Esling, R. H. Gibson. W. U. Phil lips, Louis French and John Lynch, will be re-quip-ed to gire good and sufficient bail in the suin of five hundred dollars each, far their ap pearance at the next term of thci District Court of the U lited States for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, to be held at the United States Court Room in the city of Wilmington, ou Monday, the ilrst day of November, 1809; to auawer any indictment that may be found againt them, and in default of, finding bail as aforesaid, that the 6aid David A. Telfair, D. D. Munro, Niehoks Esling, R. II. Gibson, W. D. Phillipsj Louis French and John Lynch, stand committed for trial. (Signed) Allan Rlthbkfoko United States Commissioner, lor the" Cape Fiear District of North Carolina. Alter the delivery of the decision, couu- sel for the (lioveriinient' movcd for the dis-'i charge of the ofliccrs committed, on their own recognizance : but ;the .Commissioner denied the application. -The; United States District Court will nkcet in this city Monday morning and the " case" will immediately be presented for adjudication. ; The govern-,' mont witnesses were commitl'cd to custody of Marshal -Ncfl. I ITnv Intior , ; liiK cixy uosruii. Io?iMtal I Thej very word sens surround- cd with an atmosphere of lov4, of kindness, of charity and )eice! How grateful should a city feel that it has a leluge or asylum for helpless infancy or decrepit senility. Sure ly, without irrevcrance we can rightfully term them "gifts of God." au abuse, or a culpable neglect. And the honor of the Physician be it said : "The saddening wreck of unpraeticed hand, " And deadening odors of ttilted air,'' are uukuowu within the polished white cor idors and the immaculate beds adorning the;ueat wards on the several floors. The building is co nip used solely of brick, of three stories iu height and of a rectaugular semi-Arcadian, semi Gallic architecture, and covering au area ot probably 100x30 feet. The first thing that impresses the visitor ou e'uteriug, is the quietness that reigns 1 through the whole building, not even broktu by the Matron's tread. To the left stoi cs and men, from the " Fetrel,' Ue Char ter Oak,"' the "Only Sou," the-" Martha Wash iuirton " and the Virginia Seymour:" I believe ' i e 1 1 , i.v-iijtu- n.iuug v.iiciiaucti uesac, : "i oiiicb, ur ucrman Bilvcr, and almost wo set out for this handsome'.; little edifice iSkne is- l . . .. . ; inicKntss ma Dc increased as desired. Price on 1 hursday last, resolving to spare not the cents, oO cents and f 1 a bottle. Address all peu iu chronicling auythiug that we deemed j !iadclphitXANDEU' 137, S'an80m 6trce1' II .'. t.tl I - ! I ,1 . f . I . . , T . I. ..I I ... . I . ?t H I . n -.. to on the entrance, is the Dispensatory De partmcat. And here are arranged Macbeth's imprecated, that he lain would have canines feast upon, and likewise Romeo's cherished potion that arrayed the fair and gentle Juliet in robes of spotless white. But a truce to sentiment ! This little labratory of "undefeated care" has within its sanctified confines a piece of ulcerated bone, which Dr. Winauts extracted from the leg of one of his patients, preserved in alchohol that is the particle of bone-not the patient ! Oh, no ! This bone has an interesting his toryias it was taken from the sufferer, when si prominent surgeons pronounced it im sible, and moreover, that amputation was only safe and sure remedy. Here are bottled snakes of rattle, and of glass. Now, no joke is intended we consci cntiouslyN affirm, but wc cannot help it. Can the surgeon tell us how a glass snake incar cerated in a glass jar, would not jar against the glass, and consequentlyjar a snake al ready jarred : How can we get out ot that ? We cannot and thefore betake our self to WAltDS K. AND L. And here are several cases ot typhoid and billions fever ; though most all rapidly recovering. The unfortunates were seated chiefly ou their beds, quietly perusing the contents of several newspapers, and the scene indeed is one we never shall forget. With what resignation yonder sufferer with glassy eye, quivering lip, and pallid features looks up to us as we enter. Ah ! casual reader, might not a poor, distracted mother, away off in her needy, humble cot tage be praying now for the return ot i that J wasted frame ? But that voice is weak, that i' hand is paralyz-d with inexorable disease. i ' c heart '.eats gladly aadjoyousl, at I & i A 1 r i last reiurumg strengiu, -auu in a iw weeKs what a scene will be enacted at the. cher ished fireside! We 'draw the curtaiu on this picture and With your kind permission reader, wrc take your hand and lead youHto WAl.DS J. AND II. These are the females wards, aud are on the next lloor above. We therefore ascend the broad iron staircase ; and the soft creak ing of the hinges, aud the weirdly mu sical, but hollow death-like toughing of the invalids told us that the grim demon Con sumption, -kept watch here. Ah ! reader, here lingers e'en hollow-eyed Despair, and seductive Hope, who live but in thf shadow i of a moment, and like a. thought expire! Here lies, iu all the misery and remorse Of .fatal habit, thj victims' of opium. It only needs to listen to the body-racking cough; witness the hollo v cheek ; die skeleton hand) and the spectral eye to tell a tale of slavery to the greatest curse under heaven. Approaching this woman geutly, wc asked her regarding the treatment she received at the hands of the surgeon, articulating the half suffocated' words." '" The coughing pains you I suppose V "Ves sir, very ninch, especially iu cold weather; but still rmust be conteut So ; we left this bed, and quietly wended our wav to th& rti. ,. . 1 uer mis sutterer. ani nere we rrnmt,i i ' ofctractiogL ZTTIT And here came the same' reiteration we had heard in the other depart ments. "What ! the doctorsir Oh! heis like a father to me ; and I doij'tf care where I say it, beffind his back, or before his face." Alas! we deeply sympathize with the surgeon, with such a family. 'Tis great, but it seems that the duties arc not uncongenial to liim. Lightly leaving these disciples of Lazarus and Job, wc emerged from here au X descended to the KITCHEN AND LARUEJi. - j u these rooms, savory meats, and the de- llclou5 odor of luscious chops and steaks b"ylag under the careful hand of a neat and ! J caterer delighted our olfactories, - From this to the "larder,' where neatlv ar- ranged -shelves groaned under the weio-ht of "'esu beef bread,, onions, milk,- syrup and Gutter. And en is-saut, we would bear j humble testimony to the rigid discipline, ! uud effective organization manifested here Zr! miri:ea in thC COtcml)0raC0 clcpaitnients. ; We turned in mingled regret and happi- uss from the tccne of the hospital ; rcgrei, j thut a murmur should ever disturb the scre- L". OA security and existence,; happi ness, that sympathy and pity with their un sullied hands, and untainted breath stand 'Ministering angcl herci" The cciebratc-1 Silver PlaHnrr for r-nnUr,,, m. lorks, spoonsharucss mountin-s, or anv article . w OUR GROCER Y EXPRESS. TS NOW IiUNNIG TO ALL PAIiTS OF JL'lilE City ; DELIVEUIXG FAMILY SUPPLIES iuuncd lately ou receipt of the order. HOUSEKEEPERS will find this a GREAT CONVENIENCE, sav ing much valuable time of servants. . . - OUR DRIVER will also receive orders when put in writiur and return and deliver goods as soon a they can be put up. boots delivered in wet as well as. dry weather. GEORGE MY EK3, 11 aud 13 Front St. Oct ol 3-t STATE. The old Standard office is being demol ished. Greensboro hag a pear weighing nineteen ounces. Over one thousand bales of. cotton await ed shipment in New Berne, Friday. The Wilkes County Court term opu on the second Monday in December. The steamer E. S. Terry, which rau aground at New Berne on Thursday, is again afloat. . ( Superintendent S. S. Ashley and J. TV Hood addressed the citizens of Ooidsboro' on "Education," oui Friday. The Methodists of Goldsboro have post poncd their grand entertainment to the 2d and 3d of November. We wish it success. The Baptist Convention of North Caroli na holds its thirty-ninth session iu New Berne, commencing on the 10th of Novem ber. , ... In Raleigh there are numerous persons," arriving daily from Orange county, seeking refuge from the Ku Klux. How long will this exist ? Visitors to the Baptist State Convention . in New Berne on the 10th prox., will bo for warded both ways on the A. and N. C. R. R., forone fare. Judge Brooks, of the United States Dis trict Court now sitting at New Bernc sen tenced Thos. H. Vinson, Friday to live years -imprisonment at Albany Pcninentiary New York for passing counterfeit money. The Conference of the M. P. Church will meet in Mt. Pleasant Church 5 miles North ot Thomasville, in Davidson county ou Wednesday the first day of December next. T. II. PEGRAM. Asotiier Ku-Klux Outrage. A few days ago a colored man named Lewis John son, Jiving on Blount V Creek, Beaufort County, a carpenter by trade, liadjiist re turned from his day's work; about 8 o'clock P. M., washed and as he went to the door to throw out the water some unknown per son shot him and his whole family ; oinc ol them very seriously. The gun was loaded with bristol shot, and besides hitting John son, some shot passed hiin and hit his trifc and child who happened to be in range in side the house. Johnson is a hard working inoffensive man and no cause but pure ."cussedncss" could have.actuated the cow ardly assault. We will give furiher fact in the case as they develop themselves. -JYl-0 Berac Times. . Asheville was crowded with visitors ou the 14th instant ; the attraction being tht meeting of the Western N. C. R. R. Gen. Jos. C. Abbott presided. The : annual re port of the President, G. W. Swepson, was approved. The Chair appointed General Thos. L. Clingman, Hon. A. II, Jones and A. T. Davidson a committee to address the eatfy mpfcUo? Stat the the road. etora division ol . As directors of the road for the nsiiilJ,r year, the following gentlemen were "u nounced by the Chair duly elected, bavin received a majority of the entire Stock rciT resented, to-wit : G. W. Swepson, Jos. C. Abbott, R. M. Henry, J. R. Animous, Thos7L. Clingmau, W. W. Rollins, A. II. Jones, G. W. Gahagau, A. T. Davidson, G. W. Dickey, M. S. Littlefield, Jos. Keener. Tl, ,. ,1 : I. . in iuu is m excellent condition aud inc new organization gives uuusual satisfac tion. POSTLINCJS. . Pcabody is dying. Geary is in AVashingtou. Lotta has auburn locks. Senator-elect Cooper is 10, Bismarck drinks Carlsbad. Earthquakes arc fashionable.. Stray dogsare a nuisance. Hickory makes the best fire. Fra Diavolo hats aic the thing. Beechcr Stowc is convalescent. , Badeau is bc-daci, the "Life of Ginnt." Soda and lemon juice makes blonde hair. Three thousand six hundred and for ty -two languages spoken. One hundred and sixty-eight tons of coal supplies congressional stoves. Mrs. Andrew Johnson is gradually expires- Mocking birds arc the glultous of orni thology. - Lake City, Florida, has no barber. Bar. bcrous. Anna Dickinson is ''White Senumhprit.. in Philadelphia. One thousand aud five liuadred rir.l. nf carpet covers the hall of the House of Ileui resentatives. The Columbia. Phonix attempts to nm.. Chas. Sumner once a slave trader. Would it take much to prot the falsity of the charge? 4 V - t. ' -M . . ". ' ' ' " , r ... j ... I.

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