- V iiilWHIIW .'W ! " ! II ill Mil Hill I '-""M "M -V iifilnii Hi I .-.- f--;.;A-nw-iiMi.iHw I ijJf3tJ"W -uic i.. h t .ri -.aw j1'4 s4 fc Wm irM-'i iM.I afH" in .1. J ii.mm IF mWNl'i' 1 1 L I V !- i i r t i f -1 THE WILMIN6T0K POST. WILMINGTON. N. C, DECEMBER "3," IS60; THE HENS IN COUNCIL. TbtreV tumult inrlhcr hencoop; ;' There7 clucking on the rail ; i la thi some fowl proceeding, f J i - Or IsH a ladies' sale? L; :"f ' Metbinks Til softly eater ! . - What's this?. . Some scratching here ? The dusking hen's convention o rooster need appear! , a f mi Harki what a.fearlul talking ; ! - I'll stand here by the door . . An ncient hen Is elueking Y; , t j And now she has the floor) Her neck looks father withered, ; ' Her feathers much decayed r ' That beak is slightly redder . - - . Thin; When she was a maid. - . Out spoke, this ancient, layer Ilcr voice was thin and shrill . "My sisters,1 O my sisters, ; Tii row will make me ill ; you know I'm" not a chicken, -I'm twenty-one to-day," "Her twenty ! What a whopper ;" I heard a young hen say "The subject of my lecture f Is on our rights, you.know ; 'Tis time that hens, imited, . -' Should strike the fatal blow ; Too 1ob have wc been hatching . ' For other people's shelves The time's arrived, my sisters, To hatch eggs for ourselves " . . ".hall wc give all our scrap! ngs- ' " TO feed another's maw. And have him crowing o'er us v And stoppinfup bur jaw ? . ' Let ns bc slaves no longer, Far rather let us die. 'I want to be a rooster," I heard a maiden cry. "I hate the jituck tip monsters, Who strut, and. fume, and lrct, And think that wc poor females" Are only made to pet. ' Thank goodness I have never Ji , Yet listened to their crow." tUccausc," remarked a chicken, "iou never iiaa a ueau." 'The day U not far distant, Instead 6l jcouscia mens, Our luottosbull be altJcrcd , x - To ruitscia recti hant 1 , . When we shall walk in freedom, . And strut around the street, i With combs upon our noddles, And spurs upon our feet. ' : 'HVhen we shall have our llcnate Composed cf lemale brains, And legislate on lounets, And regulitc our trains. ' We'll have our lawyers, doctors Our cmuirce, and our trade, And cuti,ne horrid monsters" VDon't see it," sakl a maid. "Of course wo can't ignore tlkni, Altho' wc ceuso their yoke ; . We'll kee sonic pretty roosters, 7 Whef neither drinlc nor urifki 'Sow haiid around the saucer, We're finished for to-day "Threo chieks for female snilVage , "Ka! 'chich lerick ! oray !" ,1s - U s ' , . . . : 'She ceased, aud as she hobbled ' - Upon the spar below, j An undent spying rooster : Set up a horrid crow -x(io home ye clucking graunies, You' ve got your work todo Uo home arid mind the chicken A-cock-a-doodlc-do." 01), such a fearful clucking Was never heard before, Each spin :tcr and each main my , 't Made one rush lor the door. "And thus I thought, "Ob, woman, - God sent you here below To help your fellow mortal To bless him, not to crow." OUR WASHINGTON LETTFB. fFroni our own Correspondent. J t Washikston, Nov. 29th, 180'J. . Osar 1?ust The summer ot nuict is . 5 - A. past here at the Capital, and the cOming Congressman is here, aud constantly arriv- iBgcarpet bag ia haad some large' and others decidedly small.l Day after day we greet on the streets the old familiar fates of " honorable gentlemen" from East and West ami even way' down in North Carolina. Later,' the bigger. 'guns will be here and the 8oui'ous tones of Banks or the strident roice of Butler will be heard in our public places l where' 'most do congregate the bcrers and tliC bored. Already the ignoble army of lobbyists are gobbling all the de sirable boarding places, and many . modest statesmen will fain sleep in quarters remote from the Capitoliau hill ; because iorsooth Mistress Congressmankept from an early application, the modest sinner who like Kayinonds virgin wished to do improper things without her " sinning" being sinful. ' ' HE MOHAL1XKTH. 4 sfiAb, wella-daj ! "Wc old Capitolians could many- stories tell of coming and going meu that would cause'cousUtucnts. to help loving mates ever to retain at home the idlehands" that so much tk mischief "find to do here iu " old Wash Vv We won't tell f tales, however, on our brother officials. For I that write vou hold an 4i orifice" the right houorablci Touch-me not obtained aftur such r i efforts as made Iruculeut secretaries and their imps tremble lest the euergy used in asking lor position should be turned to be rating the "i Department" for short- comings but too patent to observing minds, .... . THE SKASCUS'. The seacou will1' be unusually biiiliant, aud the festive etficitrs are old dress suits, and the 1 brushing up their idies God bless em --are wasting their- angelic energies in devising such' garments as ' modists grow wild oyer ; and female miuds con o'er, and ' o'er again until distraction sits triumphant where before only calmness reigned before " OUR BOARDING I10U5ES. Our boarding houses are best described ' - - .' r i -i .. ' . . - i tnusiy by " one who knows." He'3 been thar r " Of the poor ones and the fashionable ones, it is difficult to say which is the worst. Iu the poor Ones you eat; sleep, and asso ciate with a fearlul lot ol cheap humauity, aud in the fashionable you are the victim of anietiquettc born of the heartless, money getting economy of the aneieut witch who coutrols the concern. It is vulgar to be warm; it is vulgar, to have sunshine; it is vulgar to eat a hearty meal. So you die by inches, in lull dress, with the grim form of the old lady forever watching you." Your correspondent being an old habitue and .acquainted with Brown" never gets thus "tuck in" and therefore warns all ouicrs to the Capital to seek old UV. B." for information and advice belore' invest- DSor resting his pedal extremities else where. Tom Miller used to know some- thing, but he's married, and r consequently .no'accbunt;" L; : V;'-rr ' , i 0 i' f v LOOK OUT "-Poll "Vrt A pi ixt tiiUvu Iti I -po :McTXl Triddcrln ct TliSt waya .M: eccn better-tiniest aad raheViieth! 4n waitfof greenies homhd-gobblethl ?cVctf; afac. fiajtpdoxf .waarsupposedf to gobble the oldest inhabitant ;fot the Oape. Fair.rj Look out my -loy for ?lthia "yeriwidtfen bue is always irimourniri and ajipeab for sympathy under tte ialsc pretence of cricv- ing for a late lamented, j This isJ asUUtle plan, devised to keep you from questioning tne cm or grumbling . over the fare." But for business arranixemcnt the widow 'would bo pleased to dance . a hornpipe . oyer the giravc of the departed, who when alive. most proDawy got drunk, and nearly pounded her life out. ' ' - There are inany dead beats atuhe Capital but the beatcnest dead beat that, ever did live, is the " essence of ole CarolinajcaHed Beau Hickman.: . Look put for him my boy, and tell .your readers net to lend him quarters nor ary hall." t society. ' - ,Oar 'society is of a most gregarious char acter and mudlr more spicjf than before the war. Bar rooms are almost as plenty, and visitors seem to think.it their bounden duty td get ; most ihagbificently .drunk before. calling on: the liekd ;pf ''departments" or) attending the regular u receptions.' i Don?t you do this, old Post, when you come here, arid take care " that Joseph I. raeaii the 14 General," locks his casket," before he trusts his noble form vithin the Imperial forum. Thero be niauy fair damsels lying in wait for our martial sand-hillcr, and it' will rc- quire more than yp:irtan virtue to j tbist f l rr assaults upon the citadel. 4 Cassio nttimd mo" lest 4 poke tliec umU r the lib which is called the "till h" ;tnl play iheo false like; ' , ' 1a(.o. ; N. Ii. Thtre'ri a Culau JuiitH" r Yu - ta hero in town and t'hev hlc after old Fhh hope -tljey'll catch him. Ooirt you ? Our whale has- turned out a verv 4t sirat" Iago. that's so. A;KICirLTUUAL. V I . i Pumpkin curb's the' heaves. Plow, at least eight inches for" wheat. -Don't put uncurcd grain in your bam. Crocuses .should be planted in November! Clean your farming implements with lard oil. . ".;. -r , - ! Build your fences and clean out the ditches) now' , . Five bushels of wheat make a i barrel, o ' flour. , Steam 'will soon be universal on all plan tations., i Troy, N. Y., sends two thousand five hun dred barrels ol potatoes, daily to New (York city. : Lettuce and spinach can be raised a month earlier 'in Sping, if planted in Au tumn. Equal parts of Sulphuric 'acid and spirits of turpentine mixed, aud applied -daily, will cure warts on horses. i " Ono hundred and twentv-five irallons of syrup from cane raised on one-fourth of an acre," is the last whopper. TTKereMs'Vwc"nty;th"rcc pounds of nitrogen m a thousand pounds of dry potato stems. Farmers think of that; aud hereafter save all vegetable matter. Some of the Canada farmers have struck a good idea; they have formed themselves into seed clubs, each ouc to raise choice seed ol some one kind lor the rest of the members, I 1 The grain threshing should b done as early after harvest as may be practicable, in order ' that advantage may be taken of the market, to sell when it is likely to bring the best pricei. ; ' Lands that are overstocked not only yield less food, but the Animals pastured upon them make a jess yiem in oeci or miiK than When the stock is in proportion to the ca pacity ol the lands for producing food. iTo make good cider, rack it twice before using, boil it pvcrj a brisk fire, aud fill the bottles while warni, so a3 to exclude the air. Then seal it immediately. As long as the air .is kept trom it, it Iwill be perfectly sweet.. - lu plowing down green 'crops, attach a heavy chain to the frout of the plow beam, which drags, so. that it docs not choke the plow. In this way it can bo plowed down jo nicely that one would hardly believe two feet of clover had been turned under. Z. E. Jamesou, of the New England Far mer thu3 sums up the requirements of the t - .... ii . . . . 1. Theoretical Knowledge; because there should be an idea how a thing is to be done before' it is attempted. Practical: knowledge; tlfis should in part .be. gained' as an apprentice, so that the result of failures may be, where it belongs," a loss to instructors. 3. Executive ability ; without which knowledge cannot be welt applied, 4. Favorable circumstances'; or, in other words, the blessing of God, shown in health, favorable seasons and providential care. Agricultural colleges are one of the means to increase kuowledgc. , STJ AUGUSTINE NQBH AL SCHOOL COLLEGIATE irJSTITUTE. ST.i iV it'' wiitntl" T HER IfJNF.Tl J for the educatlon.of colored teachers, ffjii JZ? viTr,innfiav Sftntember iith. Appli cants must be able te read and write and under stand the four primary rules ol Arithmetic. Tuition and the fee of books will be free to all, but pupils, who are able, will be required to pay their board, iu whole or in part. Aid will be triven towards board ln special cases. Applica tion, stating age, qualification and pecuniary ability! should be inade to - REV. J. BRINTON SMITH, ... : ' I ' Principal sept 19 ;fK:ti vs-i ujiv : 309-tf ' w ISE'S NEW RIVER OYSTERS. OrHori lef t at.' i : HARRIS' News Depot nov 23 "tMKCBLtlNEOtJs;;:- '3Vl C 3.' i ' '-A-ff-i ..; OUR EXTENSIVE WAREIiOOITS XXTE ARE P1IEPARED TO EXHIBIT ; TO f T the. Visit at'our Fair the aargest and most varied assortment of Cabinet Farnitnro ever oercd to the citizens of - the two Carolinas,' Our stock comprises all the latest styles of ' y rKLOR. ANpl,p0ip j.; BALL SETR: i -'i; H ; :OFJCENIX LIBRARY iFURNlTUREj and every yanety-of Bedheads, Bureaus; IVash- i f j - stands, Chaireess 1 mc premises is our upnoiatering avd Bed ding Manufactory on an extensive scale JNoBe but the best ol workmen employed and 'all of our work guaranteed. Ar full line of all the latest styles of window shades, i wall paper, curtain hands and upholstery generally j - ! I We also deal, extensively in sash blinds arid doors. t ...r:.. f;irVj v;vi v.-r li:..iCti jl. Trices as low as any Furniture House : North or South. A call respectfnlly solicited. 1 1 ti'ranitc Trout Buildings, I South Front Street. , ;. ;uov. 18 . - , . ; U2G-tf ! T' . .-'I.. ; rr : - ' . ' Equality Life Insurance ! Of It is more liberal to the insured than any other Company, and will eventually become purely mutual and btlowj to the insured. . MiMtainc Us 2amp7ilcts before yoa in&ure, it is to your interest to-4o so. Principal office 1015 Main street, KICliAiOND, VA. Agents wanted every where. ' Agency in this City at the cilice of the "Wil mington Post.1' Address ROBERT J3EGGS. nov 14 34J6-ly SCi&OOIi BOOKS. rpEACIIERS AND PARENTS ARE RESPECT Jl lully invited to examine my assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY, which is now very complete. JOI1N D. LOVE, oct 3d . j 31o-ti FOR A VALUABLE HOUSE AND . LOT ON Fourth Street, between Hanover and Brunswick, known as the llostier liouec, will sclt on the SUi of December at public' sale if not disposed of privately. The lot will be sold in two parts, to suit purchasers. Terms.oue hatf cash, the balance three and six months. WILLIAM KELLOGG, Executor. nov. IS . , w 32G-tds SENT FREE! M. 'O'KEEFE, SON &. CO'S SEED CATALOGUE And IJUIDE to the FLOWER AUD VEGETABLE (JARDEN, FOR 1870. Published in January. Every lover of llowers wishing Ui is now and valuable work, free ot charge, should address immediately M. O'KEE FE,SON&CO., Ellwauger & Barfy's Block, Rochester, N. Y. nov 18 32Gtjun HANKtJ HOUSf! .... - .1 -of ? ' JAY COOKE & GO. No. Ui) WALL iSTUEET, Comer of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. WE BU Y and sell at the uiObt liberal curre prices, and keep on hand" a full supply ol GOVERNMENT- BONDS CF ALL ISSUES, SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMPOUND INTER EST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase andTsalo of STOCKS, BONDS aud GOLD. . I CONVERSIONS. !, e convert the several issues of Seven thik TiKsinto Five -twenties on the most rAVOiu. BLE teumb, taking the 1st series at Govebk ment Rate?, allowing a cammiseion to dealers. Circular with full particulars 'Turnk-hcd upon ap. plication. , .1 A Y COOKE & CO Auction Every Night '; ' . AT -j lO South front Street. rpHE EXTENS1NE STOCK OF JL ... Will be offered at Auction every night till dis- lOSCU Ol. . F. F. FRENCH, nov 'Si ItJS-tf OKVWU COUNTY KX. 4 MINER, Nnw llnnovrr (i ouutyi Wilmington, N. C, Ndv. 25, 1SG9. JL An Act to provide lor a System of Fubllc instruction," Notice is hereby given,; that I wIH commence the examination of such persons as may apply lor employment as Teachers, m lae Public Schools of New Hanover cpnnty, at my office in thu Cit? Hall, in the city Of Wflming. ton, on mursaay neceiuucr i.ut , ' Applications for examinatioUj should be ad dressed to me iu writing. '. ; r , Applicants will heexaraiueio the jfoHowiug studies : V ' FIRST GRADE. , Ortho-raphy, Rcadiup, 1 Writinjr, , Gtoi?rphy, History, English Grammar Boofc-Kcepiug, Al; gebra, and Natural philosophy. 4 , m r v i SECOND GRADE. Orthography, Reading Writing Arithmetic, Geography; History, and EnglishGrammar. I All applitante will be required to produce sal tpfactorv evidence of good moral character. County Examiner, nov S3 " 323-td Comjpauy. I L Ml JS :,! 1 W r ' i a 0 ; to c ut" . i nZ7i iT , Altorieyi:indCbriielIdr at Lawj YV of Claims and beforfithe 'eeverajj Pcpart ntenta. vA.'lM i'-tzti b-rwr: r' J , For Cottonf, TurpenUpe. Tobaceo&c;i seized in the State lately in: rebellion by TJK S. Trcasu nry Agents, r,hy the UJ 8. Army. -? 1 ; For snpplieai taken or ; purchased by L officers of the U. 8, Axnay : -1. , For rent or use of property 'Or property dc stroyed.,;tf ?;& i H&tw j - - : For. horses lost, killed 6r which died in tie Military Service O;'1'"1' -. " For; Back Pay and Bounty ari&8ettlcmeut ' of k The Adjustment T Claims before lie: Bureau S of Indian; Afiairsa i i J I - - . , We , mtket?rlmiinafy'iTaiftnnatl6ns at the ratcnt OCJce to sec 'whether the Jntentfon has been anticipated, andiglvclttTdrmation for 15. , ..All jneccssarr drstxrimri amt nonor 'nirtarwl (Charges forbtaining patents reasonahle. ', . " " Tor other property. vi t-- ; ? fTThereis.a large amoUritofPrizS.Ioney undistributed, which is due to Sailors; "now de ceased, whoBerved in the United States Navy. The friends of deceased Sailors i would do well to write to us, that we may, look into the ac counts in tlie Navy Department, unless they are sure the same has been settled, i "! C&"ldberal per centage allowed Lawyers send ing ua cases. ..: ? :": -- f -,V ' .-- Business with any of the Departments at tended to with promptness. I nov C , ; . . : ,i , .... 333-tf THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Assortment of the followinff .goods in the city : - - i : . " SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, YALICES, TRAVELING BAGS, SATCHELS, HORSE JBLANKETS, BUGGY RUGS and ROBES, BRIDLES,' COLLARS, TRACE CHAINS, HO R8E BRUSH ES, CURRY COMBS, WHIPS, SPURS, AXLE GREASE, STEP LADDERS, FEATHER DUSTERS, Saddlery Hardware; and a large lotot Second bau : Saddles, HarncBs, llamcs. Bridles, Reins, Halters, Ac, cheap for cashj at . r. ' No. t South Front street,. Wilmington, N. C I- ': : .., j. s. tupuam & co. uov4J ; . : 323-3m , WORDS OF CHEER. On the Errors of Youth and theFollics of Age, iu relation to MARRIAGE and SOCIAL EVILS, with a helping hand for the erring and unfor tunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, IIOWASD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Fa. sept . j Sll-JJin. CLIFFORD HOUSE, 1 0 iSI brth Front St., " -? . JVM& Grox : a, . FiniimTihiEp iQUons , segaks,' OLD ALES, rORTER, &c. ! FURNISHED ROOMS BY! DAY OR MONTH. ! J. A. CLIFFORD, . Proprietor. June 37 , , .. : . - 287-tf COLTOrrS POCKET MAP OF FiORTH GAROUriA. ! V NEW EDITION JUST MADE TO ORDER, xl The most accurate map of the 8tate J,q be had. 'Has th riew counties, Eaihj county col ored separately : witir mineral deposit .pointed out s Has a line dfan between the coast growth and pine region,' another between the pine and oak growth, and another between the cotton and tobacco regions, nicely bound in pocket form. Price, post paid, CO cents, i For sale by J. A. JONES, Bookseller and Stationer, Raleigh, N. C. oct H. : ,. k 316-tf DR. J. E. WlilAflTS, JgXAMINING SURGEON, PENSION BUREAU, Wilmington, N. C. auglG 299-tt i MONEY i Is ah article despised by none, aud we are now prepared to show how all may possess it in abundance, by following a few simple instruct ions which will be given j '-: - ':i&BI3; of charge, except the trifling sum ol t25 cents, as; a guarantee of good faith, olie. busineas is in exhaustible, and.thousandsTare now, engaged in it; while to their friends the cause of ; their great success and prosperity remains a mystery. Any: party engaging will frequently receive sealed packages by express or mail. Further than this the business is all to yourself, -. ;: 8 ; - . the article can "be carried in th vest pocket, ex cept when wanted lor use. It needs your at tention but one or two days in the week, or a couple of hours daily, which, can be aftr 'Other business is over. No additional rent, taxes, or help of any kiud. All engaging must be ot first WATJBlt . r j , . - ' Nooebut good smart men wanted, who can fcerp their business to themselves, act confiden tially, with me, and make froinfo to $10 for ev ery hour's service, s - r Act promptly. Begin now aud a Fortune is your?. Inclose with your address 35 cents, and you will get full particulars by -etiirn mail. Address, - E.F.UALLET, Box 350, Titusville, Fa. nov.. It SM-Sm FLAT FOR SALE. A FINE, NEW FLAT 43X11 FEET. For sale low. GEO. Z: FRENCH, 10 South Front street . :, 323-tf nov 7 V. I ritctrial Hcvcnne. A LL PERSONB WHO SELL SHELL OR j. other Fish, or both, from carts, ia New Hanover or Duplin Counties, are hereby notified to appear and take out a United 8tates Internal Revenue license on or before the 15th ol this month, or they will be assessed and charged pen alty according jto law. . . : ; i r F. G. MOORE, ; rv' i " ' Assistant Assessor. . riffif rnmir Water and Princesa streets, over Sheppersons store. ,a t 'I V. IRON AND COPPER W0RIIS : AND "" Tjlv o MVOXllTVE SHOP, a LSO ManufacturcrsofTURPENTlNE A. STILLS, and COPPER WORK In all ita branches. 71 t! ' ' Front . Street,. bclov; Market Street, WiliniagtoniW. tJ . : DART & DAILEY. Proprietors a5 47 U St. betwccn75thandI0th 5ts. NOTICE EIISCELLANEOUS. JUST OPENED j j AT 5 36 IIIKKET STREET, ,. ' ' Photographic Under Mr. VauOrsdciriS V Gallery, AN ; E N T I R E iv jew rxvobic, consisting of the Latctt -Styles, , STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, DliESt ;GOODS,' i I " ' SHAWLS, i CLOAKS, ;WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, aud FURNISHING GOODS. j . TERMS CASH, with the .. motto, Sales and Small Prottts." ' - it Quick M. M. KATZ. ; - ';;;, 315-tf i oct 10 THE UNDERSIGNED; ; 1 HAS TAKEN AN OFFICE, OPPOSITE THE Court House, in the rear of Squire Mc Quigg's Office. -rf ' j - Business promptly attended to. .. J. NUTT. ! sept 0 oOO-tf RESTAURANT. OYSTERS rEOE ALL ! W. MOORE RESPECTFULLY INFORMS. the public that he has opened a Res taurant (with BARBER SHOP in connection) on Water street, between i Market aud. Dock ;i over the Auction room of Messrs. West, Mcarcs and James. , Delicious dishes of all kinds, oct 24 310-tf A CARD. A CLERGYMAN, WHILE RESIDING IN South America as missionary, . discovered a safe and simple remedy forthc cure of Nervous Weakness Early Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the wjidle train of dis orders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate t will send the recipe for preparing and using this' medicine, in a scaled envelope, to anyone- who 'needs it,' Fixe of Charge. Address, ' -;. . JOSEPH T. INM AN, :. Station D, Bible House, ; 4i New York City. sqtlU : :j , - 309-6mos r OEO, Z. FRENCH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Commission 1 Punctual attention paid to REAL ES TATE, LUMBER and PRODUCE. 10,000 Acres of Land in dilfercnt parts of the State for sale. oct 28 v 320-U ST0MGE 170R ALL-KINDS OF MEUUilAJNUlSIi; AT 10 South Front Street, GEO. Z. FRENUH, .f f , 320-tf oet2S, BEECHER STRAWBERRY BAS KETS. rpHE BEST IN USE. For sale by the Agent for North Uarolina. . GEO. Z. FRENCH,. 10 South Front street. ;oct2S S20-tf THE ART OI' ORNAMENTiNG GLASS. This easy and cheap proees of ornamenting act almost anything on paper, can tc used. By his process you do not translcr tne copy iroin he paper, but let the paper remain on the glass,- and it forms a beautiful Irosting. 1 he materials used costs but a few cents, and cau be had at any drugstore. Agents wanted in every town in the United State's. A nicely bound boot of 3(i pages, containing recipe aud . instructions, sent to an address for 25 cents. Address 1 HE M AM F. M ERRILL, Barkhamstcd, (Jonu. 'oct-23 320-lt PURE WHISKIES. CUMBERLAND COUNTY, N. C , RYE AND CORN WHISKIES, made by JAKKETT & SANDFOKI), guaranteed free from adulte ration, aud kept by alt the principal dealers in this State. . , , ;i;hcsc Whiskies are made by the' Distillers formerly in the employment vf Col. Puryear, ol Tadkin county, and rivals that celebrated Whis key known as "Puryear's Best," in purity, fla or.and taste. -T y J ".. V ; ,1 , ' ' . Persons ! desirous of acting as Agents fur the sale of ourlskies will comhiunicate with the Proprietors at Fayette vilie, N. C. : : ' JARRETT & SAIIDFORD. ;. uov 11 ' - . ! o-J5-lin j FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ; WILMINGTON, ; . N.' V. United Slates Depository and Financial :iv;'i ': ' : DiniscTons: . f - r - W. H." McRABT, JAS. H. CuADKOUUlr 8.D. Wallace, r , ; Eli Mukuat. ' 1 EdwiwE. Bubuuss,' President Asa. K. Walkkk, Cashier WicLa&kins, Teller. f "; ,' 4 ! IL M. Bowdkm, Book-Keeper. &D. Wallace, JBClcrk. , rnUIS- BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR THE COLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bonds nd Securities. " . - NOTES OF SOLVENT and other State Banks , , . nnrrhitftfui and sold. 5" f ?" EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND fiOUTU : ERN CITIES always-on hand and for sale. t COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in h United States, with prompt returns. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and carelul attention AOS. 14 .: 6mo glass with paper is a pleasing ana proutaoie em ployment. .Lithographs, Photographs, Steel Plates. Wood Cuts. Pea or Pencil Writing, or in WJlQihgtoaA;mHik R. R Co , 1 - ui ( 1 hi Ii r 1 Ornc ChiktEhq AGSrZEiNTrnDfcKT 1 tilMGE yFf SCLTBDULBt GN AND AFTER SUNDAY, the llth inat., 5 our PASSENGER Train nn this road will leave Wilmington at 6-J AiJI. and 10:00 P. M., and arrive in Wcldon 6:00 A.'M. and 2-.50P. M. Leave Weldon at 10115 A; M. and,7:45 P. M. Arrive at WUralngton 4:S0 AvM.'and 7:15 P. M. The day train wiU nbtntt on Sundays. ; a aauy mrougn. OfeigM train . will leave Wil mington (Sundays texcepted) at 3:00 P. M., for the accommodation of TrackTarmer. Passcn. gcrs can alsogetaccommodationsonaaidfreijrht train as far as Goldsboro'. 1 - f . -11 cf. L. FREMONT, arM Engrlnccr 8upt. aprillljr-j .5 ceil rtVsrQ -:J? f 7262-U cnAUQEt'OFfnninmrTRAiii JVikmikgtoh, & -Weldon RmioAB Co., j 'Pmci 1 Chisi Esro'R ajtd Grs'L Scp't I A' I , VfjtssjSQto N. C; May 28, 1SC9. ) ON AND1 AFTER THE 23th INSTANT THE wi ff cint ipto ,1B-run as follows : Leave Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 1-o'clock, P. , M., and arrive at Wilmington same days at 8 o'clock. P. M. . 0 ( , 8. L. FREMONT, - may o0 Jing-r ana sup't. 277-tf WilmingtonJancJicHiac R.R.C GENKBAL SUPEaiNTESDENT'B OfFICB, ) i VYilmiugtox, N. C, April 10, 1808. f ON AND AFTER APRIL 11, PASSENGER Trains of this Road will run on the follow ing Schedule: EXPRESS TRAIN. j Leave Wilmington daily at, . 5:15 A. Al. Arrive at Florence. iu:3 A. M. Arnvc at kmgsvillc ................. l:45 P. M . Leave KingsvUlc. J .,., , , 12:40 P. M Arrive etJorcncc....M..J. 3:55 P. 31. Arrive at Wilmington.... 0:15 P. M. Express Train connects closely at Floreac , with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston . and ChcTaw and Darlington Railroad for Cheraw , and at KicgsviUc with the South Carolina Rail road for Augusta, to which point cars run thrmujh without change. .t . f ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. liCavo Wilmington daily at. 8;05 p. m. Arrive at Florence 2:40 A M ' Arrive at Kingsvillc. . . . L o;oo A Tu Leave KingsviUo. ........... .. . . f 4:00 P. M. Arriveat llorcnce,..;..,;r,,.. .... 9:40 P. M. Arrive at' Wilmington i . . . .v.a. . . . . 5:10 A. M. v Accommodation -Train connects , closely Florence with the Northeastern' . Railroad lor Charleston, ap4 at Kingsvillc with the South Carolina Railroad for Augusta. Passengers for Columbia should take the Accommodation Train ? wm. Macrae, ' :' ; : Gen'ISupt. aprl .... 26tf WilmiDgton, Charlotte & Rut her- .-LuL eJ'J lo Itch fM of -v- 1 jHj ' ' ".41 fl Jltm i'hi win . .... t . '". ' ' iir Rit SnPERiNTENDiirr's Otfice, - J-T Wilmington. N. C.I Mav 15. 1869. f CNAND;FTER MAYu,15TH, the pas Jr?cngcr train on this Road will : leave v il- mington on Tuesday. Thur6dav and Saturday at 7: clock, ; A.(M.. - i;;. V .a. . . Arrive at Rockingham same days, at SI . M. Arrive at Wadesboro (Stage) at 9 p. M; Leave Wadesboro fStaffe) on Tuesdav. Thurs day and Saturday, at 1 P M. Leave Rockinirham on Mondav Wrwrf;v and Friday at 6UiO A. M. ; ., ,y: :' Arrive at WUmington same days at 3 P. M. , W. I. EVERETT. , General Superintendent. may 10 274-tf Sheriff's . Column. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE "FREQUENT defacement and destruction of notices ulat-ed in the public streets lhave determined hereafter to advertise sales and publish ail official notices ; pertaining to my omcein the columns ol the POST..- -. .; '' , Herealtcr all persons desiring knowledge ol matters pertaining to sales, &c., over which 1 may have control, will find them advertised in tms coiumm . J. W. SUUENCK. Jn.. Sheriff. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 53, 18G9. ' EXECUTION SALES. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY EXECUTIONS to me directed, issued from the Superior Court ot New Hanover county, at Fali term j,ooy, I will expose to sale to the highest bidder Horace Abbott. 1, Also all the interest of vs. llio Wiltnlrwrtrin nrA Vfn ( ,W. & M. R. R. Co. ) cheater Railroad Company ISO and a c acres of .land on Eagles Island Bounded by Caie Fear River causeway road.. Thoioughlarc at Northwcstiver, and adjoin ing the lands of A. J. DeRoBsct, aud estate Win, ii. Mearcs. Also ail the interest of said Railroad Company In the Steamer Waccamaw. Sale to take place on Saturday the 4th day of December, lSG'J, at 13 o'clock at the Court House-. OS liu DAY OF DECEMBER. Johii Dawson, Adm'r ) The interest of Arthur vs. V'J, llili in-JZu'. acres ot A. J. lull. J land situated and lying in Cape Fear Township, known as the property of Arthurs. Hill. ' """" ! ' ' ' Bcuj. E Arlington 1 The interest of Arthur J. vs.' Hill in 325 acres of land Arthur J. Hill. ) situated and lying in Cape Fear Township known as "Saus Soucie, '! the property ol A. J. Hill. . t ' octao OJ SiaEUIEF'S NOTICE, : ON SATURDAY THE 4T11 DAY OF DE ccmbernext. I will iposc for sale all the Property purchased by the State at the last sale, toircthcr with such property as Was pur chased by individuals on the Gth November, lbGy and not paiu ior. ; Parties purchasing at this sale will be required to pay for each piece of property as soon as bid off. J. W. SCHENCK, Jit.. : K Shcnff. ' November 30, lt09. M ' ' Toric Woruin Class. WE ARE NO W PREPARED TO FURNISH all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the ; time or for spare mo menta. Business, -new, - light and - profitable. Persona' of cither sex easily earn from 50c to C5 per evenin?, and a pro portion! sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address and test the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To such as arc no Veil satislied. wc will. 6end $1 to pay lor the trouble of. writing. Fulhpar ticulars, a ivaluablel. sample, which will do to commence work ori, and a copy of The Jtonfe7 IMtrary Compan ion. o n c of the largest and best family newspapers published all sent free by mail. Reader, If you want permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO., Acgotta Mains. j v -f A . oct 34 ! Sltt inrnrr:a- ...it 1 m 1 mil hi 1. 1 'r I1! ft t I - v '. $' p. . " K ,1? I t ' 5 m 1 . : r i'l - ? j I'- It 1 t 1 IS ' i- i 1 i- 1 n r . E ! i t'3- i ! I