f ii m 4 i 1 i i h V THE WILMINGTON POST. W. I?. CAN A DAY, Editor and Proprietor. J. J. CASSIDEY, Associate Editor. WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. JULY 28. 1876. Candidatec Opposed to Convention and Pledged to an Immediata Adjournment. For Constitutional Convention. NKW JI.VNOVKK OMTSTY. Hon-. DANIEL L. KUSSELL, J. II. SMYTH, Esij.. Okn. S. II. MANNING. CI ' M UK It LA N I tt'l'NTY, Hon. It. P. UUXTON, J. C. HLOCKF.tt, Es. 1 CIIAVKN OIUNTY. Ii. II. LEHMAN, JOHNS. MAN NIX. I.ENOIK COUNTY. IHC1IAK1 W. KINti. Kin KINiillAM O iTNTY, OLIVKIi H. DOCKEBY. III.AHKN ( OI NTY. a. Mcdonald. WAKK COUNTY. KI('HAKI) C. ISAIXiKK, ALEXANDER 15. DAVIS. MADISON C. HODOK, JEREMIAH J. NO WELL.' V I LKKH COUNTY. ' Ini.. T. J. DULA, Ukn. J. (. A. BRYAN, ItKKTI K COUNTY. F. W. HELL. . I.IM.M. OMBK COUNTY.' w i". maiison. . mvai:k. lnllsVrilKtul'NT v. W. H. WHEELER. KKXNKI.IN (HI'STY. It. F. ItULLOC'K.JR. MAUTIN COCNTY. J. J. MARTIN. NASII nil'NTV. J. J. SHARP. ' W KKKN COUNTY. .1. W. THORNE. NsN Col'XTY. A. M. IMi;t;.N. Ton nhip of Wilmington. " Ft Mi MAOISTKATES. AT I.AItliK. .1. .1. t'ASSIDEY, .1. C. HILL. Im W aki. HENRY ltREWIN;TN 1. Waij. S. VanAMKI.VJK, Wai;i W. H. MooKK, Irn Wni ALEX. SAMlWlN, ' yiu Wa'kh -ANTHONY HOWE. 1HAT VANCE BAYS. Gov. Vance spread himself on the 19th at Wadesboro, and the destruc live were supposed to be liappv. The Governor was heavy on the Republ cans in his usual stvle. i. e.. lots of smutty iokes and no arguments. Bnt jokes will tell, and if a bad cause Jean ever be boosted into .notoriety by wch means, Vance i certainly?, tho man to do the boosting.. The Aryusiaja ha appealed to the people in a timet touch ing manner to go to the polls and vote for MEN ! (no women allowed there All he could say about the present Con stitution was. that "that instrument although it had some excellent things in it was nnsuited to us," and all eke that could be added was that ''the Gover nor made a genuine Vance speech," but the Anjui "would not attempt to give even the substance thereof." The Governor was honest enough to say that the present Constitution "had some excellent things in it," and the only objection that he could raise against it was that it was "unsnited to us." But the Arym failul to tell its read ers that not only were the hearers of Vance sadly demoralized and unsettled in their minds on this Convention .ques tion, but that he himself could not get his enthusiasm worked up worth cent, and when he left the Court House in which he had been speaking, that be admitted that the cause of the conven tion is ts. was a 'lost cause, and expressed the opinion that the democrats would fail to carry their point Vance said in this Wajdcsboro speech that the Homestead I GOOD AH AUAINST OLD men of North Carolina1 this representative man of your State says about your homestead. The Re publican Party gave it to you in IStitf, and the democratic party in 1870 seek KtaKeu irom you; ana Nance our Vance Zeb Vance, tells you at Wades boro that this Homestead Law that se cures a shelter for your wives and child ren against tho rapacity and meanness of your rich creditor, ,"is not good as against old debts"! ! f ( We think that the poor men of this State will ponder well and long before they will alow themselves to be wheed led and cajoled into voting fjninH a party who gave them a Homestead, or fur a party that would deprive them of it. AAV AVAS NOT btivrs ! ! Foor this is what I-UK fONsTAHLK. SOL. W. NASH. 1K 4 I.KKK. S. T. POTTS. .-i II.Mtl. O'AOUTTfcK. ALFRED HOWE, A. II. MORRIS J. E. SAMl'ON. JETTING SCAKEl. The Albermarle AVMr is becoming alarmed at the ghost raised at its own bidding. Some time ago it advanced the aristocratic theory that money should control thetltstiuics of this State rather than brains, and wanted to insert a provision in the Constitution that they desire to adopt in September to the effect that every legal voter be allowed one rote, and for every three hundred dollars, that a man might own or claim he should be entitled to one additional vote. v 3?ow we all know that none but the aristocrats and their cli-pie advocate a PERFECTLY FRANTIC. I Extracts from the Western Address. The Franklin Courier has become On the 1st day of Janaary, 1851, the perfectly frantic and will have to be Western members of the General Asscm plrced in a straight jacket and have its bly of North Carolina, without dis head shaved it it does not become tinction of party, issued an address to cooled down; the temperature at this I the people of the State, from which present time is entirely too high to al- "remake the following extracts: low of such ravings, andwe tell it that & , That Ji it frantic appeals art. in -rain. I noEtica! nowar bMiin and derived The sap head of that paper rmats and from the people only" la power in the raves about the "odious, agrarian mite Senate of North Carolina derived wmi uft of miscegenation and degradation e" people' only f" Let it not be said so loudly that we are inclined to think hand in hand Tht jncipig has no that he is like a certain hsh mat, to application here. It is true that our avoid beinir cantured bv its pursuer, ancestors foueht the battles of the Revo- stirs up the mud and hides in the filth lutjon upon the principle- that , they . v w . I TT 1 1 I" 1IUL .J t-TJ la ALU J V vu that beclouds the water, uc prate . th ev wcranot reo-seBied. Iit about miscegenation ! He talk about wbo represented ? certainly the people a white man that married a negro! I those who paid the taxes not the i i..w!,.iJ nf mpn nf him tmn in taxes themselves. Out ancestors never North Carolina-and throughout the I r.. Ti14.vVlarma. and iustly South, the probabilities are that, with J that they should be represented. hold office for a limited rieriod. There is no Other officer known to onr laws, but who is limited to a short period, after which his power is laid down at the foot of those from whom he received it: and in determining whether they will again place him in , powr, the J pass upon the manner inwhi)n 'tis of these offices are of tHe higbseZ- acier and imporxance, nq rauwr .rc ?Qiring in the incumbent, fixity atd RtefntT of character. Nofi-CtHa fitte resulted from riving the electron of these officers to the people and certain f ly no corruption of the people, nor of the officer has been the consequence. And it certainly is not a question of much aithcalty wnetner wosnoatajuB cursed with a bad Judge during his life, iL-in . despite of all precautions 'one should unfortunately be elected. In no other instance is such a curse iaflicted. Can any other be greater? I The present modeof appointing Jus tices of the Teace is universally admit ted to be worse than a farce. A certain their victims to yield and not A and the mc Pr.n. ana - . . , . . ciple which prompted our ancestors to couuura imuu heir lecherous embraces, loriol contest, and sustained they desire app rA i.aronta numomiie i:t : ;M KA reftU ftt tOC ClCfK I . i . i - i - r a AVAninrr ia tor tnart tttr riio nnrnnui the arts and wiles of the seducer who In the Senate, property is represented' :--"V---- Tu 'mXZI , . . i : :-U I BnH nnt. the. nennle ATM! the same prin- 1 uv iunmu i. in tue names oi mose pointed : and they are read at the clerk's table. Nobody hears the names, or cares to hear them. It is understood to be the season for sport and is one of those customs of our Legislature long known and recognized and never departed from. They are frequently selected by the members of the Legislature for the influence which eaeh can exert at home in some parti cular neighborhood. And it is wel known that many of those appointed are wholly unfit tor the proper perlor mance of the duties entrusted to'theinl And some of those duties are of the highest imiMirtance to their several counties. They enjoy and exercise the power to tax the people; they impose h have induced themselves to tbeii and have become parents of numerous I tm in it. which terminated in the nrnefnips. aro. nnwi llinc to ' ac- I achievement of onr Liberties, should i .t . I nmmnt us . to war itrainst this most tuunicuLC kucui nave iu vuen how --- i .. n f -L . l i. . . , . ., j odious anti-Kepublicaa remnant oi ciates who bray and boast of similar do- dal aristocra by which tho people meslic relations. Brave men ! noble and are taxed by a body in which they are chivalrous irentlemen ! ! who beect no-1 not' represented. Uierous families of illegitimate colored Apply, the principle ana sec us in- children, and curse and abuse a man J . Droucrtv"' flnd Day as "having a white skin but none of the J much public tax as five hundred men other instincts or feelings of the Anglo in another county. ! They all own the Saxon race," because he married a wo- P'0 i-iy. vf. man that he loved. We ask these licen- --ti" hi Remits" a tious democrats why It is that a wnite I -if her of the ten. iEach one has por- I . . 4a w. ill I (avni mnoh vnnrfc l O V1T f M ft II f hiMA I IT1 - and feelings of the Anglo Saxon race" by the scat o njs nrow. -" :;r;; . when he marries a woman (colored tho "J.. . f. ,mii i :a i,- ate roads, build bridges, court houses r it I "v. - - . I .1 . - she m correct, ay be) and yet it is all perfectly deren(jence of his. children t, and propsr, and high toned,' and I tion for sustenance. And r,.r ii.n. and iails: reirulate thepatK)!, and gov yet by the I crn whole pIice of their several hivilric to indulge in as many colored present system, the ten are equal to the f "w""" exercising ong.na. .niainc, lo indulge in as many coioreu l.f, ... . J, la ... Ur sdiction in all cases of accounts un- concubines as the state of their huan- ") . ' i.."!i. i.., ;'i der $100. and actions on account under win aumit, ana oegei ana raise up .omntion ar scwhose lives are ex- r,lJ,'"'"K vvu.j , tbu,ghtcr-ayv, their own daughters, of posed for the protection of this proper- where business oi tne mgnesi, Jmjwri r ti, fi i,..,.. They have exclusive jurisdiction of the uanicn ri vuuiiui iuv iiiv i - . m . dred po forth to ficht the battles of probate oi wins; oi granting iciwrs oi " . . I . ?. their own flesh and blood, to become what they know they trill become? Why is it ? Should a man love his own oflsnrimr lvx because he knows that nine chances in ten they will follow in lis own immoral footsteps; that they, too, will become defiled, and that too, probably bv their own fathers? Don't ;. . j v,.r rnunirv: t, vindicate its honor: administration; uicy apoinv guaraians, in maminui its plorv : leavinir their wivoa nnil littln ones to strueirle on in 1 counts, .w,...n.-.r nnil "i n.l iirfnrO . UK h I lo fh tpn I CStatCS. Ililllll ...- ' stay at home, enjoy their wealth, aud boast of the honor and glory of their country, the bravery, the freedom, and llifv I.miir t)i:it. Ilipirown l)osom friends enualitv of its citizens. tavc us from - . . r u sucn ireeaom save us nom eum ive in adultery and licentiousness with their own daughters? Dou't they even know that the hated toyycrs do the same thing? Who ever heard of one of the chivalry challenging to mortal ombat on the bloody field of honor a a . 1 man who had seduced one oi ineir daughters, if that daughter happened to have a dusky skin? Who ever leardofoneof them objecting to his ronslitv ! It is no freedom it is no enualitv. It is downright tyranny -ty ranny in its mosi ouious iorni. me few grinding into (he dust the many under the iron heel of power jmwer under the pretence of being derived from 'the people only. ! ' "Property lias no rights independent ot persons, lou can given uu rignis, nor Privileges, i.or immuiiuics wnicn affect it alone. It w matter, and can- Will tho hornet wTdte reople of ne lention, and in the event of their v. i;..i -..i .T... k-n.lrt.if r"nE control of it, il was their aim . . . . i vU- ii. miu iuiiiuvii i riunut; iui tins n l 1 .h.. hi ni Ini lilii bftlM llWHfll I 1 iitrlft l.k llitfir nu ii ill riictiiiii I ' . r a ricu man, ior norariniy reason vul Do Oh, that tlio HHpic cotini nu ly ur cause he is rich, an aiKlitional vote at OortAHl tho ini'irtity ami mckeunes I erery election fur every three humhil th.it in sought to bo oretralel upon I dollars that he might claim, althu' 1 -1 i . i 1 1 i i. : .i I i.i . . inrni oy mc n ungmuj mm uiuicu i migai ueu nig a 1001 as me man who divines of the Democratic Tarty. j first advanced the idea, while a poor man would be allowed but our vote. provided he was able to show his tax own dusky daughter becoming the wile not fcci nor enjoy rights, but in conse or even the mistress of a nigger ? quence of its possession, you may give .,..u,ul i oil n.i. riul. ..,.1 iu oirner iolitical power and pnva- II ' V 1 1 tl 14 .-7. UVVM UV fat Ji 4,J.k .1.;. ...l.;, WU if, men, you ,.roim . . h..u. w.. J ihpunmvmont of properlv. 11 not the i i ..r . . I J . , . ' ii ...i i uearn oi a uegru mini cu """"i'1" i possessor ot hundreds cquaiiy enmieu to force himself socially into the family f to protection as the owner of thou- sands? Is his enjoyment me icssi Do you measure enjoyment by the I Ktthe mechanics, the xor respec- ciety herc'tl.ey were under the old rTl.en he approiKhcl the polls. I a ....... -nu now me polling jkiHIkmI caul dron throws one W. W. Itrifnn to the surface with the rot of the scum, and h rise to explain in the llnji-lvr that the article that appeared in that paper tfo which we have alluded) was writ ten by him as a contribution and not iltcndcd as an editorial at all! And the weak-kneed editor, alter seeing what a fool he had made of himself in The 1111.VMM of the invplo ol North I publishing such an article, and after Carolina are ior; the pRM-ul cohMtu-' Wany private letters received by lion of the State was made lor, and Milts th rendition ol the poor Hoplc. IK) yiMi know ihe fact? If so, in the name f UWrty rally for tU nuinUtn- Constitulin of the State? If so, vote lor the Democratic Candidates forCon- vcntion. - m Convention under control of the lVuioeratic party means destruction of every hoe of the oor man; it means no shelter for lovel hk"s, to thJ fio now have homes. IVw'are before it is Iih late. The picscnt Contitution of theSute placr the ihi man on an equal foot ing ith rieh ristr.its ; elevates the lAPotcr in hh n-ly.'nd gives him cjual Hlitical rights with the men, who un der the old I onMiiulioii, ever had their L I k - I nm iiMn nn uiii. , . , i ft W it the lVniMcratic Tarty of Noiih Camlini that gave protection ami rnctMiryrmrnt to labof ? Was it ihi- patty that gave the poor man, white ami black, a homestcd law that lutwifr ami lillU onr- Might not b tuinol xit into the cold wiutry ttorm to mtify an nijns4 claim of oe. heart -lri. rwh cmlitoc? Wa it UiU lVntorralK- destructive him frvtm the faithful throughout the State, pnteting againt his ill-advisetl ami untenable position, adds a very meek note at the lottoni .of Urimn's can!, explaining that he was absent when the article rvferrruSto was pul eil,lih ami lay ihe blame ion his printer. Alas, oor printer ! Hut ami the nholo thing entirely too 'thin to bear examination f . In Connecticut, on Wednesday the IIouk of Representative, now in ension at Harttonl. voted l2 to J to tK4ine indelinitcly the bill giving weuien th risht to m th hIM at prvMdrntial cIeitHn In a delitrra tive body of nearly two hundred titvnr ber, uoly teuty nujotity a hrrv o the rtHitn ' A iuarter of a rrd- turj ago, we doubt if the tVnnrctK-ut lleoae wowM Hav girrn a s"gV otc inYavor rnw J2! We way a nell nak iw our miosis that. diMH-llv: rrty that gaw the imxhal.oih dieu I of Ihv States, i4Uiinr Ihe Territory of Ian. that be might t c heated and I vyoiing. wifl pve the mother, the n.l1ot out of tM da.lv earn i r n.r ee nd the dangh tees the privilege th nfct of hts children ? No ' No ! Th iVnwralK lrtf arr. ami ff alnay oppucd tw the re, afid it they -get control of the tVwvvutioai, calledr.ataiaa the will of th eoe4o, they witlexpunr trt arU front W tiUybrr. and plnce the tr nsibtUr OMatitntam. I oav Ueneeal Lee. Time ntket all thinr rvt. nf.Tvtlin. H".t itm, v. i!aeral lctirrl vl o. hw.1 thai the war rrvonlt of thk- late Coo fejeraey fully ttirilf him front the bUme in the rrt he took in tlx Kittle of The vain of a pni do'nt depewd I i npon the rK-e," ai4 the (rllow hoi AJjnmaent will to a hU nilen patent medicine alata- I OMveataon, and. the HomoieW ChrMmav , 9Ac wUI W ul ! of a respectable white man? Who ever heard of a so called respectable white man, one of the chivalry, who did not boast of linvn with negro women ? They who raise the greatest hue and cry on this subject and make the most urgent appeals for the suppression of the evil, are usually the ones who are the deepest in tho miscegenation mire. Major Iceland, the South Carolnina "Kukltix prisoner" who at the las'. commencement of Williams College receive 1 the honorary degree of Ioctor of Thilosophy. sends from New York to the Charleston News an ingeniou and enthusiastic letter tietailing his ex pcrienccs during his visjt to his Alma Mater. After praising Massachusetts hsopitality and the liberal spirit mani fested bv the Williams alumni toward the Soutlr. and irratefully acknowledg inir . personal honors. Major Lelane says: "In this body of rh alumni, em bracing some of the most distinguished names in the I nion. sentiments oi cor dial sympathy for the iSwuth and words of rood cheer and encouragement for the future came warm from the lit o oiiie 4f their best men, which I only wih "could penetrate every corner ol my distant Mate. It seems strange, even to mvelf. to be writing in this train alut this people, but I believe that even it IarnweU Hhett were with me, he. too, would have 'to "cave Major Icland also quotes ex-tiovernor Wa.-hbiini, of Massachusetts, as vouch ing for the sincerity of tJovernor Cham berlain, and say: "I may add that theso sentiments have been uniformly re located by all the literary associate of (tovernor Chamberlain with whom I have chanced to meet." Ta Receipt - Hadire of Hlavery l'p to I.v2, three hundrcl acres f land n.is required beLre a man could take hi- Mat as a Senator, ami no man could vote for a Senator unless be owned nHy acres of land. Tb anjutt h-crinin.tion agaioat Ihe jor wkitr utum abolished in ISil. It w now pip-d tv the same men h oopoa eI Free Xitfrage, to require each man to produce hi receipt fr the previous vear ta. tetore he m nimweu to deit ht ballot. This nut rare U mmrsl at the i-r -i.'e man and the negro. The proposition, stripped of it fdumage, i iiwplv a prpvtK to di ranchtse frtv housanI whit men ami iiiy thooaBd colored men for the purpose of making thia Siale permanently IVnxweatie. To require a frvwa ia exhibit hin tax reeeipt Srl-.fr .l.-j-uinjc hi ItlUti. irold be aitavh nc llre of lrery U) the ngbt to m, and to that extent would Butke every nua a fArre. Swch m the I Vtnorratie peprMtk. There W aw( a lendtnej I mortal ia the Stale who H Co( in favor of thin pffwtkm. Which, me Neeth t nroiina, will you trwnt, men n hi pewfkW to diranehlnr ami deprive von of ynr rhl In ee4 ia thi manner KVct iVatocraj to the and of the settlement of all There are many other import- iiii duties tliev nerform thev are in fact, the ereat conservators of the peace of society, and upon the proper and ef ficient crrormancc of their duties, de pends in a treat measure, the social or der, morality, peace and prosperity of every community. Surely, men upon whose qualifications for office, and pro ber conduct, so much depends, should be selected with great care. There is no amendment to the Constitution more imperiously demanded by the public good than this. If they tax ihe people, ought not the people to elect them ? This is a question for them to decide when in Convention assembled. It is made a question, too, by many, whether the election of Secreiarv of rotate, Comptroller and Treasurer, ought not to bo given to the people ; and all other officers now elected by the Leg islature, of a general character, when other duties connect them with the whole State. It has been protosed, too, to provide lor the election of a lieutenant uov- One of the immediate results ofth Centennial Gush which now pervad certain classes in both sections of the country is the proposition to organize a Centenial Leeien. to be composed of military organization? from the origi nal thirteen States ofjthe Union. It is assumed that theparticipat ion of such an organization fn the Centennial cere monies at Philadelphia next year would prove to be an acceptable feature of the occasion. The Petersburg Imlrx and Appeat, However, is rude enough to throw cold water upon the proposition by propounding the following : j'IjS it proposed to have any colore troops in the Centennial Leeiou ? Am! is Butler to lead the column once again? it is well enough to understand fully all the particulars of the program me i-rv. . v j vuv sa wrasil Diana. Of course, if Boston Gushers and their southern Democratic friends have full control of the matter, these ques tions may be answered in the negative But ieasmuch as the blacks fought side oy aide with the whites in the war against Great Britain, and as they earned their title to citizenship by ngnungtne same way for the preserva tion of the Union in tbe late civil war. there seems to be m sufficient reason why they should, not be recognized at the UentejiniaL celebration of the na tion's nativity. But the southern Dem ocracy may be counted out when the liuaa leads them so far in the direction of reconciliation as to accept among the results of tbe war a submission to the fact of colored citizenship. Thev gush tip ton to that point, and are wil ling to embrace all the 1 an sees who stay at home and vote the Dcuiocralic ticket. The moment, however, that the "eigger" Intrudes or a "carpet.bag' ger asserts himself as a citizen, they re fuse to gash worth a cent. JCrfmbfinn. The Proposed Convention. Te hewers of wood, drawers of watci, anq del vers of the earth generally, says the Asueville Pioneer, hear what Win J. Yates, editor of the Charlotte Dem ocrat, has to say about Convention and the prospective pay for emancipated negroes, and then bare your backs to the lash : " If a Convention is called let it he unrestricted Jet there be no pandering or promise to lladtcalisiii or imHJted Yankee ideas let the old time prai ticcs be restored, including the whipping-post and qualified sutlr.ige. Hut it is understood, we think, that the Legislature cannot limit the action of a Convcntion.and if the Convention meets it can do as it pleases. Nomembcrof a sovereign Mate Con vention should regard the dictation ol n mere legislative body." The restrictions imioscd in the lill as it passed the Senate are degrading and disgraceful to the people ! the State, especially in its pandering to the prejudices of our fanatical enemies al the North. NO NOIiTllCAUOL.N IAN 8IIOULD EVKi: SAY THAT HE IS WILLING TO SITUKKN DKU II IS CLAIM Ft U I ) A MAG KS I N 111 E UNLAWFUL EMANCIPATION OF AND DEPRIVATION OF PEJJSON- AL PROPERTY, ai.thoi .ij as k auk A IX NOW Ol'POiiKU .TVRKKSTiUil.fslllXi. SLAVERY IX ANY slIAPK. Uilaiogtuii. Uluubla A M. nsia Ii. I(. CoBpan). Vii.iNuroM, N. C., Jely I, CHANtiK UK ft lltlH I I. road: NIUHT t. iNtul ull r funilav. Jul) 4 1 It. IIm- lowini; Miituuie 111 ir iii't ft th-. AM T.rt KM. 1 1; AIN, (tlaily) Leaxt WilmintU'ii . Leave Klurrnee. . . Ariivc at C'oluiiil U Arrive ul Aucuts . . . . Leave Ancutda.. Leave ('"luuihia. . Leave Fhrfnee Arrive at Wilminy ton .: f . t i -V A. M l.l'i A- M .VISA V ..4.15 I. M VIS P. M . I.I" A M I 10 A. M tatcxtliis train, liavii, N ilmin. tiM at r p. in. L)ay PiM-ner Train l m pi r tmj Leave Wilinm .Inn Arrive at Hon in r Leave Florence . Arrive at Wiimii'ii'on ..o m u IV m I - l" IV M Ci'lllll t I l I K'. 11 i Willi N K llllM lot t'h.i! Ulon, ril i'i li Kri 'iclil 1 rain m, list-i-n r ( i 1. Ii nlliilinl lir t'u'umtu Moiuj.-., Jin ! .out r'ul4jK IliroiH'li Ktiulit liuin Iily iut 11 inl jy 1 L afe W i 1 ii 11 i-1 . ti . Arrive al Klorrn . . AfiiH' at I 'oltimt'i.t Lt'.ivr 'liiiiUiH Leave Klotriu e Arrive at Wilmn t. .1 r I II A '' on A f. . i A I IH I I 1 I. Ill . I , I Mrli .Ol i. In I. 1- .i i (l.-iy I'Iiiii-.I.o in. I nn. I .r 1 1 1 v 1 1 in 1 1 1 in- l.i .111 I I 1 ii Willi 1 W 1 1 i 1 'i' .MII t 'I M..n. il V. M I ii Tnr. X l u.i r.i--t-n 1.. 1 iHi.uli . it-, 1 . .1 in,, 1. 1 , v,i lli:li-l.t .'Mil Ii- 1 in . I Imiil.l .,,. S,.., K. l I -:.s It. I'll I 1 , 1 1 1 lllillll: lull Tin imil: Ii i1 li . ini.; 1.U.-...II iu.,t (tain, lor t.'Ii 11 1 .-I Kir .oiil A ii c'- I. IVMK. NIh.l..siiN. Jul v 'Ml In 11. JSiifi 1 1 11 1 1 ml, 1,1 Ulluiu'ion Vcl(lu K. ( OfllJIilll). R. 1 I l I II I I.I Ml.ll W I I III I lltt ll I I I I; I N I I S I I VI I N . 1 ., I nut- v !. I. i Xo a&d j toartatMi aad ym dWr-arht' yvct ' rlf vai yvajr fnrdaV quantity enjoyed? Suppose you take "nor to ;pr.uc. 5 from the rich man nis tnousanus ; r, ; ;-..i i.u If von tnko from Urate of the btatcuiion the death of the IH io viii 1 j" 1. . 11 1 a I I th. mn hi InmdrMla it Ls hi mcumueni. e an rememoer me long all tno. Which will -cling to his all "trnggle to elect a presiding, officer in noh Iip. more pertinacity V Which l"" , , .,....,.1. . two years atro. when that body was in 11 aiirrmiiiii 11 un.ii niiiir liihiii.i . u.ii' 1 mf v . - it more anarinelv : and more carefully finally divided. Crovide that it shall not be consumeti Prnor y profuse and lavish expenditures of "''J"' - . t. : .. K..t i.n 1 1 lit government. rott!,i ..rfirr oflhat hilv shll ixxir complain most 01 uign taxes, ann r-"' -r- , tTs natural ; it is harder for them to not vote upon questions pern ing be paythem. itdiminishes the aegfegate . fore . .except in case ol a tie, and A Lieutenant (tov ernor would have removed that diffi- alty. The rules of the filiate reijuire that nav of each more, althonghthe amount ta ken away is less and every poor man hopes and expects to improve his con dition, and one day to become rich. Hence it is in Western North Carolina we are more interested in the preserva tion of slave projierty ; because, al though we may, have fewer slaves, we have more tlare otrner ; and, of course a greater number f persons to Watch J over any aggressions upon 11. me same is true of land. We have more land owners, and owners of every other species of property ; and fewer of that class of KTsoiis who hate nothing to enjoy, and nothing to protect or defend, bnt their rights of person. . To connect together tin? ieoplc of the ttate in one common bond of in terest, it is only necessary that they should iiosscss the same kind j of prop crtr, and that taxes should ibc direct and uniform. Indirect taxe4 are sel dom representatives of the wealth of the community where they arc collect ed. The ahxount of public revenue col lected in the city ol .cr TorK is no sure test off the wealth of that city And many! of : our taxes arc indirect and furnUh no index -of the wealth of the country in which Ibcy are paid. It is Mile, the, to say you must give mere political weight to the rich than the poor the owner of thon.inds than the owner of hundred. A thousand owner of any particular species of prop erty will afford it much more rfTevtual protection than ome owner of the same aatoant and spcck-, under any form of government that ifouU bf tolerated for a moment ii a free country."' Many of our citiscm are greatly p- of JiKirr- bv tbe JOB PRINTING In hII II liratulii ivmcu to lav cIccUoo of J Utirr- Irgilaturc, as U rnjmrrd by tbe Cn- MitalHtn. AlCAatutt Im -lifUMii that bar own IrgUUtore H-. ia luaay in- tancrs, lrcn In nrnf of intrtrae ra ti rely at ar aith oar id of the pu ritv of the bench; and in ahtrh it was ho n that neither character, noruul- 6catKx4 were ma le tbe U-t f-r diorM fot ofhee, Vit laply party fervicrv IrcrLatarr are tnnaU bofies- ttttuJfv elected apo political party gnxirJ" and thai, too, frrqnenllv at the sacrifice f the beM interests of the people. ' I raaer w eifr-anMarare wavy pe- tier IbU Hn. rvet-f wwM te tbe al ri drfoiwir of iU p&mh TV cp rwrUailr l aad Cacihtr tit ttwnrt'xm and iatrwwe ntLI root t-tnt, i4 I he rced by ike Ut of 4eriatio or rmrhaewt of rrty ae. TW nan tried i rata ftate- of the mmtt fMwd lo create m well that H i Mra to W dhti whrthrr it fill art, la I fill art. tm urn, b adfrd hi alL ix-m hWrallr -Sirred tv lMcs fern, Uik that xbry ocfht to t Tr4W when bis vote may make a tie. And he is not permitted to speak except when the House is In Committee of the Whole. One Senatorial District is therefore necessarily almost wholly dis franchised. The impropriety of this state of things will readily occur to atl, Many other complaints exist against the present Constitution. Many other improvements could be poiuted out, more consistent with the progress of tho age. The science of government is progressive as every other science. The ieople improve; their means of knowledge increase ; their circumstan ces change; their relations towards one another, and towards citizens of their sister States alter. Our sister States everywhere around us are taking advantage of this age of improvement to improve their forms of government, adopted when the rights of her people were comparatively little known. Ia our Constitution alone $0 receive no improvement from tbe spirit that i abroad f Is North Carolina alone to be still Is the alone lo continue hound in those shackles which have kept her limbs so long fettered in the band of ateel Or shall she ariae. like a atrong man in his miht, and Jtm-ufl that bc shall be free? Signed by John Oray Pynam, Cal vin J. Webb, Jce II. Hoan, Ruther ford ; N. W. Woodfin, M arena Ertrin, IUincomle ; W. 11. 1-ane, J. M. A. Irake, Jr-we Thornburrh. Ranblph . Jno. A. lilliaglon, A. II. Caldwell, O t. Foard. Stephen Iloathit, Kwan and Iarie; U. F. Ilavid-oii. ii. ii. M'Koy. K. M. CawpUll, Jo., M. lzK Iredeil. F ranch Ixcke, Stanly A. M. FoMer, Wilkes ; John A. nirmrr. D. K. CW well, Calvin II. Wiley, Peter Adam. C.uilford ; Bfo Erringer;j. W. Wril. Join Shivpnrh, CWm; 4lfml Cj. Foster, JuJM. Iraeh, H-om . R McMillan, Aahe ; lavd W. sb-r Mactm; John Ifavr, Caldwell : J II. llaachton, tllatUaJai , Atnt U Kel ly, 7 Kttell, Moore mmd Mtrwry. -Hamad Flemiar. Yav : II. T. Far mer, llendcvw ; T. IL CaMt41 , T. ti Waitoa, lUirke. m m The fact K the IVaxxratic rrtv m no( 0t at thts time to (oveni aaryihiMf inym in hum mi im a TU4are 11 ha o leader who rsa ccwtrU Ue tm- tiiitt ad d-mvrdajkt cliaii Hi 0 faith if 14 caMai. Iu mmmttirml Crrwjjh is lb pU T a ctj,tat ef tt oajtf ashl dMircWi. t N at rffwrst aaa4 sp vi lrUm, - UrfVlj f t rtbmlm. Tkmm ImiI trr MiaantOe. Il a I rwb-aAtae of rUo. a4 rwk tW 1 liiri-nia i - NEATLY KXECl'TKU n -by- S. G HAJJi. CMAM.h l)f M.llfcDt'LE. On .out 1 linn h, I'tMi lie 1 r Irain on the V. .V W U..ilrui! Mill 1 tin us lollova MAIL IKAIN Lt avi t 1 im I ii nt, 1! ul) , i!Vj i vi i -tt il, nl . . . Arrive at (ifldtlMiro . . . Arrive at Km k y Mount al . Arnve l i Mini v , Leave W. I Iku .Uilv Arrlvi at Ki'tky MkiiuI jI Arilvr at Ijiijtldlxito hI .1ri1 .it t mull lie 1 K1. il - Illl 7 .0 A 11. ia .1 vi r, .io.r I A II II A I .--i I W N M M M M M KXl'KKS AMI TIIKdl Oil 1 KA1NS 11 j r. m KKK.il : COMMERCIAL PRINTING BILL IIEAIM. CAIttl-s, auiVTIILV 1 A I KM EH IK, 'tirtitfc. j 4 LRTTP.H It K A lift. ItKt FII'TS. At., mil mmi rniMiM;, I la nfflre t rr ni nr. I.V( I I iitl I). il Arrive .it . ..(1 -!. .1 ,. Arrur at It... k. M. :i Airivi t i Una al Lra t W. l.l .ii ,1a 1 : . Arriu .( K... k AtrU r Jt ln.l.l 1.. Arm i. t I' mini "ii j Mail I f m li t. Ki 1,1. .11 I.. 1 1 ri-l A .'t " 1 1 v i. 1 I f ..t 1 II 1 at ,1 . l at " I. . . A A ' l in r . 4i 1 4' A !. I M M M M V w w V A 1 11 1 i 1 (l i I iiic 1 .'.1 i i kl al 1 y , 1 . I ! I 1 1 I . , I . , ' II I I a I.11 1 i.U M .1,1 ' ! I u j 11 ft in SI) MM hi. KXi'U KSM.n TUKKIS I CAIIULINfV CKh'THAL KAIi WAI. MI r. l-'oun 1 1 ! I. I 1 'I fi ll' k.t. 1 '1 Knllralr f w M n I ft Um ttx f I I a I Ut at .Uln ul Ymv A4 UVAtLkXTLtM aAtta Avllw la n l Of th uiMt Sir TKKMS MOOKK AT l- i lfLaTta.Tu c " Wnv .to: orsiu I I N i N. . 1 III l.l. VIM II I I I I M I.! N - I A I I - V. 1 . MMr " al l.f III' I . f I H I I S 1 i i ' " r V i I 1 1 ! v i 1 I v - 1 1 1 . UriitiS-.a'U Off A:n!8!ii(H?fn 1 . iW .1 , riony ..... onsiu " NauiMaaK i laaanaaa. . A f tmum-f (. ..I i . aw. m-4m Jm4. mm a , j - 4

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