'i Vi.' ' VOLUMK VI. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1875. Single Copies 10 Ctnls. . NUMIU'JR .)., .jjhy-A . y;Aw w ' nir Cj WILMINGTON POST ADVER TISINl ItAlM. x r. i t-: s s ) r. j K3 H i" :-t- t . 4- li i -ii- c CO H i' ti Ci ; : I - l i ' i ii y. ;"i 5 x 1 -1 -. --. I . OS - -- - x. 1 1 1 :-. - - 3 Sj-eriiil r.itt-? ran be had for a longer time Ih.iii vnv week . Kijilit Cl lin-, Nonpareil tyv, cou--titiHc a 'i.iri-. All advertisement--, will be charged ut the alvc r.ilc, except on ?ctial con trail . .II c ii-mirrliirn on btisint-.s .should Ik addre-s"d to TlIK Wll.MINl.TON 'ir, Wilmington, N. t'. TIh MiIjvripti'Mi pri.e to TlIK W'll. min'otm -J'osi is $.1 " er year fur linle copies for cImIm ot HI or '2D J er copy. The circulation of the I'oj-r i Hie -Jarjrest of any p:Hr in N'tirlli Cir ilin i. r i very vott ! Watch f-fr fran.l ! lon'l li- intii'niTlatitl! Wat h the k,II hohlors ! IV ware f healinj; at the olU. Wlit ii you to the mIs h inaml the tiht to vote. i F.Tiry man w!r han lived in lhctate IwcUe nioulh-i and in the county thirty il.iToha- a right to vote. - - Malt Wihi-kcyl Uansom df ppped hiM Uulo when coining out of hit hotel to mule a prerli. .Adjonrnnieiit n ill amount toXo Cou rt ntioti, ami the Homestead and rftif . (rape ill be .safe ! Who will be compelled to pay the jt'rfVHNNi f.ir the propositi democratic lawyer-! nn-l itlilor convention ? No minority convention now. Let the eople eak ill the polls in an un mistakable tone, irr rrr no iwyrr I'oor men, if you rrinh to rcfaiu a reectable oilioii anions the more fortunate of your fellutr-citixeiis, do not be led to your ruin like a lamb to the laughter. Mow much of tho $600,tHKi-thc ciwt flhe Ieniocrntic Convention in North Carolina do you suppose the "lawyers and editors of lcmoratic ncw-ipapcra will piy 1 Voter of Wayne cuuniy, remember that WTT. lKulch ToUtl in the Con-fe-Kratf Congrv for a bill exempting any man from military duty who own ed twenty n'ave, but Toted for con scription, wliich forced every owr man l- fijchl for rich men property. Why ! nte rhxparnt voice of Ianiel K Kowle .dent in I hit momcntoua hor .Srntimr. ,J Jud e Kun! Hak for hiniMdC Here i what he ay; "A call of Convention Rr the pur ote imlicated, would be unwise, inex pnlient and productive of preat barm to the material interests of the State." -.- unnj 2-. 7 ? - : t : r Jcji ? ; 3 Ladre of North Carolina, the IVmo cratic prr i calling on vi a to uae ymr influence :ain4 Republican, on account cf tit il Right. We rail upon yow, ladie, to u your influence gainst tho great evil that ha been jcrowinj; for the lat dfty years, with Ik lead i g IVntocrkU wh aociaU with negro woroen in the closest manner V kwn lo ciety. Wh kty. Oen. Matt Y. Ranon, th Dully Hoy of the destructive democracy,- importeU to this section tor tht Tfpo of intrectins free mca bow to so as to pnl tbciuselvea in slaverr. 'w leaving tht Parccll IIovm ycattr 7 Mrning, accUenUlly dropped a tit af whisk tj from hu poclet which fcH ( tho floor aa4 th rrecios dento cntK document was !ol AUv'foor Malt! Whatdid yo do lo Minrira tion whew try lag to lool thoaj Bran wktmf boa tTory Tota! : loornba of Uoorgia,- threatened in t60i t tear uown me puiar oi tne tney mteou to taae lrora tnc people the J Whenever Ke publicans liear Demo Federal Contitution and call the roll power to elect their Jadgcs, Magia-I craf Drate about icnorance. thcr should of bis .lafes at the foot of Bunker Hill, ine ame twn oi men wno rooorsea tion. Suppose they are allowed to carry out their plans Will there not be dan- irnr f f lis ml 1 Jal mVAb1 havittfr a-nlllff in ..r ihmlif .liTMbo;..rr.llr.l in North Carolina? GmdUtition. -" - ...B - t the people everywhere In North Hl l"m "aT,r wicir determination to overthrow the 8oprewie Court, because it has pronounced the milie u. F ,in. u ..ure iiju. Wilmington, by which the people were deprived of the power to elect tbeir offi c(r?t, unconstitutional, ami becanse it tlielared that the people'a hmes should not be sold to pay old debts. toHttrttf lion. " it. v.i:w .. . i. ii c wiiiic v. . vf tho Dcmrcratic party (ut constito'ionAl reform is a mere i-ham, for the purpose of some revolutionary scheme to ride lheni;elves into positions. The hungry crew have been so long out of power, that it is hard for tin ra to contain them selves until the regular elections take place. They no doubt think that if they get control of the Convention they can not only order new elections for the efhees now in existence, but create new one for the many loneing lawyers who hang around their party. We arc firmly of opinion that place is at the bottom of this wild revolutionary clieme, and in order to secure this end, they would be willing to enslave every ioor man in North Carolina. Are Yot ltraily to be Disfranchised? We call the attention of the people to lhe fart that prior lo 1S57 a man was required to own fifty acres of land before lie could vote for a . fate Senator, ml iu order to make bint eliiriblc to a scat in the Seriate he was required to own lliret! Iiunurcu acres. munnsio crats fought' hard to retain these in a i rrm :a lailious provisions iip. uic vunsiiiuiiuu r - . :.. i f : .. : A n i...i ..rA Knallv foreed to surrender. ..... .. . j - , Now thi-sc same aristocrats are urging i reuirn io me um wm " ... .. -.1.1 ..f .....lifios. i lion, ixt no one ue ueceiveu. ii me m t ( 1 Democrats should have control in the Convention a landed qualification will be re.Uir"d for a man to vote and hold a scat in the Ircislature, and at least .. .... fnrtu IhoHMnd ichitc men and ttco-thirih of the cvforetf men tctfl be airjranchifcti. f vnriiurion The Convention of 1801 cost the i - pie oi iNoriri Carolina over iweniy at . 1 ' If a A thousand lires. .Hundreds of poor men are now hobbling over the land, some with a leg lost, others without an arm, and many broken down in health. Widows and orphans arc to be found I n cverv neighborhood. All this is the result of Democratic rule. Their cry was "peaceable secession." The same pirit that animated the Democratic partr in 1851 is newv rampant in their ranks. They led ns through peai of I blood tor lour years, ami u anowru, i will lead us io destruction. iev tlireatened in leoi io xear aown ine ie J; n pillars of the Federal Constitution thev now put forth the same threat ir regard to our ttatc Constitution. Ihcre I is only one way to defeat them, and I that is bv a bold and determined resist-1 ancetothtir tyranny. Let the battlt cry be "our Constitution as it is. So long as eolared peplc in the tfouth I when lawifully and peatfeably assembled, cither lo consult upon the ublic good, or to consider their own interests, are shot down and marderel in cM blood by the white gentlemen of that section, the cry of raising the "blood shirt," now so much in vogue by the Demo cratic pre, bth North and South, will be of no avail. As a sarcasm, it may be vrrv sham, but earnest ' people are put down or defeated by sarcasm, very often. The North gar liberty to the blacks of the South ; it mrde them cit- ixens, for the purpose of placing in their own hands the means ! seii-protrc- I tion ; aad if this .means fai', aid the I coUml prapl re anabie to pivirci l coUreu propU arc nable to protect them. Ives by the use of the ballot, the N.-ih. in iliciion mf its ovi .elf- resjt"ct and honrf b bound j to jBud I torn way t. secure to them the enjoy, irirni oi incir ricnu. ii n u bhib w i :i. . ..r .i.. vi.k i .ii..i I ... l-K..t W. .l ; l I . ii .ra. -kit. .l ii. I be secured to each VHi.-Cr9M. 2 i I enjoyment nnst ahkr, at whatever . . . I .vi. . 1. r I . H MW linwu; tin misih vi vvwihvh- .chool ed-caUon have been put within the reach of 4,0lrt,000 negroes who be- lore had no chance Mt7 lcarw.-AW Y i IIWAi. I tv. n-J.l l. iu miklU. to u thm I luu Ta . aVgToe. aot o, . had no rXamt to kara, but the IVmocracy pas- ed law snaking it a renal offence to teach them ; and in sosna of the Desaa critic Bute to this day. the school system, through whkh lbex may be fitted for the new dalle which devolve apoa them aa ciliaraa, is looked upon with dadav-c, not, to ns any stronger tn If the IIWAi had added to lU sUtement taat ncarrj. ii nos qwie, i many poor whites were no ocucr a i Man vu tkiv m mm tjs - k. .1. - - - I. tVM mm ii i rt BaWaf I n wvniu m-Tw wrm ace rate, and toM W vaoia truth. tr-Mir. " I Whearou go to lhe polls demand lb I richt to vat . I j Charge it upon tk recohu.onittt, that tratea and State officer, and place it in nana oi me iegwiaiurc. Urfflm n.;rhvrmu ih nnl.r m I Democratic candidate for Constable in ikfohTownship.lmberU I i "--i'. "uv i t'L!. : il. i liely trkt'rprdlB Fay etter ille a few years A 1119 ib iuv mimv num n hu wa puu t w-i -a i . I P lot forger. He rry veil but not i it oiHKr.ii inn veuucniic cinuMuie aeeord with bin oartr in wm t nr to I restore corporal punishment and re - es tablUh the shipping yol. - " . . . I Jet it be constantly borne in uind, mil ii me mmoirai nave a mKriiv f.l v . m in the Convention, the late Legislatore : win again assemDie, ana u suouia do 7 i a I remfmbercd that it is the ame body I i.a.I ka . - An II r i . . i v. ...... v.. ... v. i , , , , c , , , " , "-" "I dollars and allowed the rich man an exemption f fillet n hundred dollars. It is the same Legislature too that' Josiah Turner said swindled the peo ple out of hundreds of thtusands ol dollars. Keep these tbincs steadilv in viewj iel low-citizens, and vote accor dingly. Beware ot cheating at the polls. j O ncral Ap uliy The Ottfcrrafire press try hard to in fuse some life and enthusiasm into the rank and file of their party, but it is "no go." They complain that even many of their leaders arc apathetic, and citl upon theni in vain to fill the apKintments made for them. It is no KU.ui.m- ,oo. o. icui. who have not got some pnrat purK- Thoe of vour leaders J ses to serve, ami who are sagacious enough to lead anything, see the hand - writing on the wall, ami Know mat you are aoomeu. x . . I lniir uurlv nr minor rnnr tiartv I...l-N ..n.l.r.io K; ...ioll..r...T.-.. i . - - . - i j the fxople, and Itourbon like learn nothing by experience. In tho last i : .. .1 : i . i 1 - " "" ' v lili i L .. ,,' orin - ,ft ni' thf ..,. iiiir i n-iiMii v wiiii. aim iionr viu hic the. name wllh the 8ame cards : r i -j - " - It won't succeed, as many of your apathetic leaders well know, and will have nothing to do with it. i o i will le badly beaten, and you had just as well own it. Every man wh'4ins lived iu the S.ate twelve months and tn tlic'c. unly thirty djys has a right vote. Uuprecedented. Nlver in-fore in North Carolina, did a party conduct a canvass as tne ton scrvatives nre conduct ine this. Thev ak the people for their suffrages, yet " studiously conceal from the peeple, what 1heu intend to do if elected. Vote for me. thev bee-. What for? To amend the Constitution. In what pa ticular? Now if any one has received an answer to this last question up to this time, even by the most iHTsistent questioning and crosa questioning, cj - Cept partially in this vounly, wc nave yet to hear ol it. In Wake county .ur candidates after hard work, have dragged from the.ro, likedrawinj teeth, that they want the Constitution amended, so that tho eltc- I tj0n ol Judges and Justices of the Peace shall be riven to the I ecislature. This, aud a property qualification for voters In the feenate, ii the Wake part of the platforrn; but what it is else- where, no one can tell Wesav again, that this reticence an a most momentous question is not only unprecedented, but means mischief. The people had better not trust them. Slavery ! . If you vote for the-Dcmocratic candi dates, yon vote to endorse the men who I pawl the infamous landlord and Ten-1 ant Act, which is intended to reduce tne j poor men of the State to the condition of slavery. Remember that thi infa- I nous bill docs not allow the man who I rents land to take anv of the crop to I i.:- r :i i ti. u...1lr.l i.l w ThU fa'lho fiM 8lrp toward. I maEiDg wrCi of por white ai d colored men. ' . -ft 1 ll vnc inniof rata carry iuci.ii- i m - m . ml vcolion tuey win order me irgisiaiure i VA ikU rwtal mill ni I d.tbt .mod the act so that, it the ten- I B.U C-WSrtir f . mKWmj ww ... Mw I ant should becomrm lebtel to 'hcland-I joid tor rent or tor supplies furnished gu uriit, ioo uuiuiuru nm us iim i r... I - - : IL. L 1 ...f .- Tlmmr I :l it. lUmMiu. Mrftrmi . . a . .. . . . i . . only in North Carolina, bot throughout tha South, axe working to secure this u i .i' n B.Mj.M:..r 1" j - v - v . , . z . a. I iui II IWJ UH"vl l" w j r I tern of slavery they had w'u ' uc! " .KT1.7J rhr wor , Vl wa7 to fat their plana is to vote for KPblican ueiegates wno win aJour ve the UHuUtat When row go to the palls demand the right to vote. Laagwage - said Rochfou caald.-w a given to man, for the better conceal-1 t f hb thooghts; and our crpo I .: .v- .: . .V. I worn m pmiikw xi-wm, crc- u ibeir iB-rnalty and employ meet of I .V .. t 1 2 V .t I iaeir umi, in ntrTwiK w .r-p mrw . neopm m lae oarc as to ineir or however leaked out, to verify another and an older aaytwr. t-wit : "Whom (v coda i tend to destroy, they first aaal aud.1 . ' ! iiil iU., l-told how their nartr took tho moneT i th.t arDrorriated for the Doorchi- : bk m MreB of North Carolina and invested it I " worthless Confederate bond-). Tfell the Deuiocralic party isr 'f . i ' i ... , , , , ' ? ; I r- ' I 1 j . ft tIl.t- . . i . 1 f i inoniiDia iuruie aunamuoi oaor uat I educated children 'now in rag,'and ip I norant even of the teachings' of God's TIl v..c kkifl i . - ... ". itU HICUI UICH IUIUU. IbU 1 i-ci j wr. miu 6 - I vote with a party that has perpetra- Ited snch gross outrages ; upon the I neoole. " ' 1 1 , , ":r-' 1 . . . - I lulurjsu aikh oioktii uaiiu- - . 1.INA. BKfTAlUC t : I The ZtM7v Atm. of Raleicli. in Sat- I urdav's issue, savs this " t the last effvtl I ... .... . ' . .Q. intncnro in axtrrt nm rinitu to w w I . - - ... ivuitiuAi. equality. ' Thus you are warned before hand by the Democrats themselves of the dan Lhe dan- oritv of jority of Conven- ger which awaits you if a majori liemocrats are eiecteu to tnc cvnven- tion. Therefore the colored, man who i. , ? . . win vow lor uonvenuou in mis eicc- KEMEMBER THAT THE KE- PUDUCANS ARE FLEDGEp to IMMEDIATE ADJOURNMENT which rteant AO CON VEX HON. Judge Buxton, one of the purest and ablest men in North Carolina, says: "I am no partizan candidate and am I .V " f"J IhA n Aim n w & kw mw r Vim nnSit.aBl Upon my honor a a gentlem. aad a I Christian, the present Constitution is I the best we have ever had. and if elect 1 erf to the Convention, I will return it to I bc neon c untouched. i f . m .. , . . . . . . au aien n nous io Kaucaioii ar. I Porr MenrJSfeiiBe. I Voters of North Carolina ! The la!e I . . ... AKiaiuro appropriated tne sum oi i - . ....... .. 5l),WW in bonds lo the University, on I which the people will be taxed to pay I an annual sum of $7,500. They did I nothing towards educating t he ; poor I children of the Kale. Are you pre- pared to be taxed for educating rich nabobs' children when your own are anamefully neglected? Jnst think of it. laboring men! lour money is squandered on the broadcloth, gentry, while you, who toil and sweat for a liv ing, are required either to educate your children or let them grow up in ignor- I ance. CbnstUution, I The failure of Duncan, Sherman Jk I Co., is the most important and uncx - I pected financial smash since that of I Jy Cooke, but is not likely to lie as I far-reached in its etTicts. CITY ITEMS. 50 HANDS WANTED To cut wood. I will give regular em ployment to the above number of good working lncn, for tho next six month! , , " W. I.Caxaday. , it ' Z , ... 1 wr" w VUKno googmnic ww. Persons wishing to sell will please apply to Robert Kennedy, office of The Wilmington Post. ' " . , i Watch for fraud! Kkoistratio. 2d Ward. Dan. O'Connor will be in his oflicj next to tho Ourt House, from 10 A. M. to 1 P. MJ, and from.1 to 6 P. M., everyday I for the registation of voters. He will ko?p his ofTice oc-u this, (Saturday,) evening from 7 to II o'clock jhe lollowinc are the hours for Reg- fctralion in the Third Ward: From 6 to h a. M. : from 5 lo 7 P. M. Every jj- until election, . - - tfPPES DEATH. A colored worn: n ae J 70 or 73 year, by the .umo of (wie Suiccr. while wn her wav home. ' w w . .i lur, -lt m , , . - - (, O CIOCK OH lllUrlT DirUI. UOTOttCf I mmmm m W - M . . " I Hewlett held an Inquest yesterday I rnorniog, anil tlie jury rendered a ver dk he d(Cca8 j ami her death . , from aveart aiseasr. AOXTHEK JSC PD FIT UEATH. LOTC o Hewlett held an Jnqneai yesterday orrr the body of Sarah Robinsow, col- I . . : . . .'1 aKtU tuoui w rears, ueccasea 4 TV I . TV. f'. -2 K..; death from Ratural caacs- t Ai-rra rirB-rTVa Cllar . . l .ii . I lag case was tried jester Uj before JnsUca aaAmnnge: . I Alex. Ha tier and Moses Hamilton, I rkr.I .ttk ti.i. 1Ttw hit. I . ' , t J " charged on the payment of ce-ta, eae ws aujwuwn i yesteroay before msuce uardner: l rUaiania Jntvix rhirml wilV iImU I - - . " . 1 K www tivva iiwo. Mmv. i omi guiuy ami cmsuuei l jau tn I .cl. m Mt mumjm, ft . . m -own c e-vu, in aiiaawwwas t seems thai Jomn is an eaped1 con Tct from the State nenkeatiary. Dewartaf ckealla at tba yalTt, . - " mi I -i TELL THEM OF IT. Hon will vote to have his jroAYicoY TTJ! the , Kithhis vote rannot be .VUoned, ..... , ,. it.. . .i wuacn, according lo agreement, written . . . . . , rtgti, taken fiom hira,aiid that too.iri the or Tcr,a between the parties should ut hu.n v.'n(1'V I'uiiiaued lace of a fore-warning from the very be a lien on said crdp, or' should be i-jury. No witnesses ouuidoare i . . i ;.i ir.,,i ,.r 'I.. . . allowed to be i-xamincd, and toe pro men who propose to do the job. paid out of said crop 1 hat this lien i-. -i,..,, . ,.,. -' - - . . i rOOB Ullfi BBWAMB ! Chapter (&, Acts of 1S74--'? An Act loAmend Chapter Sixty -Four lUtUe'a BeT!3al-"La1dlord and i Tenant, Act." r SECTID3I 1. Th$ General Awfully of Atortn Varoima do enact, ' That chapter grfttT I sixty-fo&rof Ilattle'S'Kcvisal shall be " I ajneiweu as Jouows s Ctnte out all of orvuvusMui wn, uuiiu?i ouu uuecu, I - i ' - t f . i- it i ..i ..ik -.. 1 r. c. J nud: insert inJliu thereof the following: I See, 13.MyhCn lands tshall be rented ;i um.it wot ai:imuaidi iniruusiu.ui suau uts I t,- . 11 , V"H " rS'iVH wnivtu vi - i cultivateu bv a crotier. unless other- I wise agreed between the parlies to the I leaso or agreement, any and all crops I f .VT v" "'"''f " Dua4 wuwuiw . 1 beif v do testea in posHession in tlio i v i..t iauu w -( w ASStAO k IMA I A nfl IliA lft.'-. h Mmt 4 K A a. 1M..1 j a a m I "nuer we agreement to timcs.ttntil the rent for said land sl.:ll ! a w -' oiiuo cl t (III I he paid and until all the - btipulations I mntainorl in I li o Innan nw nirnwnionl i . -.r: . : r r :r i uuuuiiiiuu in ,uiu. jcuac .or aureeuiem ri l.l I tiA iwrformril or l:ini!iTfu in lifii t il,ereof ahall bo' paid to the lessor or J party entitled to receive tho renf, the I same or his assigns, and until the said same ur nia assiins. aim nuui iuc iu partyorhU aalignaahidl.bo paid for aUdvanccmct30lnaaCiandcx !ensciI,. rilPrral 'im matjmr nn,i s!ivUt ii.lem.V currcJ im making and sa'vlntr said i-rop. and Until lire said party or his assigns l.k-n.i ' .i ' ii -i:.. . I "j uy vna aim B II ALL BB lEf Elililil) TO ALL OTUUril liens; such lessor ori party entitled under the agreement to receive rent for said land, and hif a-signs, shall be en titled against the lessee or cropjier to auy other person who shall gather or remove any part ot said crop without the consent ol said les)r or parly cn- tiUed to receive the rent, and to the possession f the cop until said liens i nre sat slieu, or lus assigns lo llic rcme . a. . v ii5 tutu its t-titj vuut yj i vitu iu cedure upon a claim for the delivery of personal iroperty. dec. z. bee. l . Uliero any contro versy tfhall arise bcUveeii the parties, it shall be competent for the party claim ing possession of the crop by virtue ol the preceding section to proceed at once to have Use waiter determined in the court of a Justice ol" the Peace if the i amount claimed hhall be less than two l i minurea uonais And iu the .Superior Court of the county where the. property is situated, if llio amount so claimed shall be more than two bundled dollars, and at the time of issuing the summons , or at an v time thereafter, upon tho fil ing an affidavit of the claimant selling fjrth the amount claimed and lhe pro perty uikmi which the lien attaches, it shall be the duty of 'the Justices of tlie Peace or of the Cleik of the .Superior Court in whichsoever court the suit shall be pending, to . issue an order to the Constable orWienlras the ease may be, directing him to Like into immedi ate possession all of said prorcr.fy, or so much thereof as shall -be necessary lo satisfy the claimant ts demand and costs and to sell the same under the rules and regulations prescribed by law for the sale of personal property under execu tion, and to hold the proceeds of such sale subject, to the decision of Hie court upon the issue or issues joined between the parties. That in all eases in the Superior Court arising under this act. the return term shall bo the trial term. Sec. 3. Sec. 15. Any tenant, lessee of land or cropper., and any person who sl,a reniovc sr.y part of said crop from ich land without the consent of the Jwncr of the land or lessor, or party en- titled to receive the rent, and without I giving him or his agent live days' notice I nf such intended removal, ami before satisfying all lieus ou said crop, sham. bk ;lii.ty of a .misiemkanok. Skt. 4. The provisions of this act and V I fM V T W H UMIV IIV4UI' 'I J shall apply to alV leases or coutracLs tn l9A turiMiiM in I ri- rim! n hcnsii.'h I ease or contracts to lease arc made, he parties thereto shall be fully subject o the provisions aud 'penalties of said Skc. .r. This act shall take effect from and after its ratification. Ratified tho lOlh day of March. A. D., 1875. Khrtlon ami Iteistratlou laws 1. The registration necearv in the election of deleg.its to the tmvi ntion, I who shall have the iiujIihi atHiiis re quired ol members of the Hou-c Hcp resentatives, of which the" Coiiventi n, si a I lie Judc,) is the same in all re- sperts, as protHleil fir the election of member of the (leueral Asscuiblv, Sie FT k M m T MM W . I W- . K jMtflt 4 JmtftU. lHflK . a rrl - . ue ,l u,,n!?u,.'n 3s fri scribed in chap 52, Hat, Kevisal. Sec. lz, M thvt he must be I years old, I are rewilrd in the btato 12 mouth next pre ceding the eleiti n, a4 ilays in the county in whKh be oilers lo vole. He ts then a qualified, voter,' upcm taking "th ! Ihe rucU UcUtAnd hjZ rl TTi": The In-ruirars appointed by the rtImiJ.uir J.sll rri- ih I ,:1 ... , - e.V in.TchnAT, to show an accurate (1st of elector pre viously rrcistered and still residing therriit, without noirin? och clec j tors to be registered anew. The Ki- mu JL h-f roll the first TLurJj y in July, to and in- eluding the day befcwe the e'ectioa In Aurust, from sunroe to mnmr oa vac IS.t.M.tMnutl AM r.x. WirtW mi4 rio. j;-rm r. A.tV Z, .Vr. js. . o proa can rrguur vm c WJ, wuc" tv xe . - ii . i i ... . iSectlmm. pn being sainted id the fju snar alww him to rrri--- I J mym, arv.raf, i, rnnr. Every prrwa na4 rrri-drr ol 4e tn the WvwhJp re Misrt ia which he resic, Umi. tXtp. 12. L The ITMtrr and JoJ-v ef Crctioa art to axtrwd at their rrp- tive polling places on Saturday before : the election, from 9 a, in., to 5 p. m., when any elector ot such township may ouject lotne name oi any person wno ?as reg'siereu. in sucu case tne neg istrar shall enter opiositc to such name '"challenged," aud shall appoiut a time and place on or before the elec tion day, where the same shall be heard and decided. (The proviso loN this section, Ii.it. Ivev., chap. 52, sec. 10, U simply unintelligible, and is only rcn dcrod of sense by the decision here inafter noticed.) 7. Any elector mar, and it ii the diity of the judges' Ait eloctiou to chal lengo the vote of any person who may r, b Tofjlring to iM3 Known or su-specveu to- ue -nor. a I votrt inav be reunired lo Likr. an oath 1 1, , ' riii.-w sf tkn' ITniu.! I J ---- - ---w - States, are 21 years old, have j resided in the Stale oik year, and iu the coun ty tJO days previous to the election, and that they arc not disqualified from Totinii by' the Constitution I of the United States or of this St&Lt: and that they arc the identical person as de scribed in the registration books, ic. ' 1 Ins oath jftrnktovciiaaot. be ra.n i r .. . .. . --, . ... , tntnA the 4" f. ( cct.o.,1 have no rhat to oxamiue any ther persoa as to 1Us tl,t,,, or f;lLs,,y- ' on f tf 1,I,UI " uc w,c -1 ,.r.tmt . u"r,1 ttt J 1 case of V aiilokkelcu rv. Cai lhe same as sec. !.', chap. lv, laws el 1871-'72, is unconstitutional, as has been decided-in the Wilmingt-Jii case above alluded U. 8. The votes are counted in the pres ence ol Hie Judges or I.U'clion ami registrars and ot any ol the electors who may wish to bo piescnl; aud after being counted, Ste., aro to be returned as prescribed in tho (.Vuvciilioa Act. NoTK. it will be seen from the fori- i .t a .i kOIn- th;,lt t,,c ''r,;,1,,,, for regis! ra tion are the same as thoe rititi-ed for the election ol" members ol the (.iciicral Assembly. The la.it Legislature amend ed the act further iu this particular. No candidate for ollice .-hould be cither a Registrar or Judge ol r. ledum, in other respects, lhe law i- tin same; ex cept, as the decision ol the .Supicme Court above alluded to, in regard to the em ct of the allidavitof the person proposing to vole, which is conclusive. 9 - mm . - The Convention i.- now a fixed hu t ; no man can prevent its meeting " strain its jioici r when convened, tout It em Home. Another adiuisnioii. M.nk I he words, nor restrain Us power. hvi ry vvhvie t'.io revolutionists are discarding tin re strictions. 1 la v Ion !!y proclaim their intention to cn-l.ve the people. " lp, voters, an I at them ! nk w ai i y;.7o i:mi: a EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. flMIK MKMlSKlasuKTIl.-; I ! Ki'li I! I Ii AN JL Kxirutl ve 'oUinill U-i- ! l ' ll:llnT and IVnder l onnllcs nr rt-iii-i. i -io oe resvlit :tl a iiu-vllMi; ol NiU'l I on inltli v, U i; Ix'ld at Hi. 'nun I'oii . , in lliiiliiKlnii. on Monday. Vu-'ii-.i. u'.l, i-V i. atln u i lmk A. -M. ! rui r uiiiiiniiu-'-. s. 11. MANM N, I luimiuiii. 11. K. S. it r . Soert-1 n i . I uiy :. is7.-;;i CIVIL AMD MECHANICAL X E K R I N(J , '''v. att.ii-; iNssklmi; ioLiKtMC INSniTLTK. T1WV. X. y Iiislrmd'oii v.ry ;rj.licnl. Anvaninrs iiiimii ikiv.s. .1 in tli-. country. iraitial ohlii'ii .-xi cili nl iMtf.ii ii.iiK. l;s.it-ni js..t. !7iv..iil!l urs, .i.irosn in..i . i it Afti.h.s i;kvnk, inwcior. IfaV lOUr Ull-V 1 aXt'8. i mm m. a v ili i;c.K m Twr -i 'eiitf.M ixn ( '..i i tti-ioit. i tin - s ii-M i Tf.i, N. '. ( Juij ;;u, j Hi:i lTV TAX l:imivs im; is;;, . IHK torn r..x-i(sl ;U this . .ill.-. . I lu un- I ili-niunnl n iu . -(.. .s t.i .-..'U-.-l lti 1'ily T:ni on It-.d hs;!i; rl'1 I -. l'r. rl j I-ir IK .. A I.l. I'AUTIKS ore i:i-rvfif no; ill 4 nd r..n-sl l l- il ilir ni.itl r 1 luii.isj;.! ,r I. lid. m, ;-..l l. I lli'n .:lire nnl "'Sy Ui" lll.out In till.-1 drla)'. tTV i'H'IMs arc ul.. nlv.I.ln ri inciii 'i i Hy T vi . i I . l K Tri!iunr I I '. n -.r 'IM1K I'.NlYKiiMTY K Nn!;Tlt l Al;n I I IN A. This IntilulliMi will ! n--i.-rinJ uo Uii 1st SSonday of ScptoMiber next, j Ihf IrtpimJinclhr lil 11 nr.jy In JaMi Iv, u ilii it .. 1 1 .u tmi lu a-t( mi In i.l- l.tJV. It lls ls-t! r tnc." Il7 .1 U '.lui !- I Ir jt ti, oHrWnln-, Ismlrrrr. I!irri-r-rimlAT at Art. Sri.arv tuil tnmilari-i IuIiu(;hi iii Wciini in ll. tn.iiil.iiii Imrmn; u.lul't IamcIiI In I li -l I '..icxr tsvi HitifsriHui tti.lt'l la Act well urt i-.l lh Ux lvaK- Afl Aa t-rwiljr ItJi en Int. J. Tlir oIliti- liu'i ixKtffhljr r-f-a?.1 rr I'm- l s-j? . .-I f mmrvrtMi huniiiig Minoili.. Kir c ltcttl? i.b.iiiifi t-f ilo .;,Krrtr an- pljr hrUffkATrii-; .-n Urj l.ff i Tr.iii. Halt ia. Toiiftorial Ilcinot at. J AUTI Uj rnk4M Um. ttwl a4 "IfW l"w lAita mj maii4 to U .Ixifi hifftartl mci t 4 4 jt hit, la ifirsi .mi tt-.t ffcrr;! rite. vbin b Im it kl vi I iUn . 4 tk aiM( ttmUj lu a t"mx. tmtt amtaro la Um Mt jafwilj ntot jm i mmmm acV-. .U TO A TtXT3Xl tl. Mm, 2 U IVT, FIOTTS' ,r.u: 0EG.I.W at Anmm MJsWAUAt nnv 'f.- term in the n;ul ly. if i - . . . t . i. ..i.. :.. . .. I-:.. J IK Jl)V?tTISEMEXTS. J NOTICE, r l'm:rKviij4 bk an klfxtion iikm I tUtheuual Hlllni; pluren on llio tirl Tliumday lu AuRUKi, lsi, la Ntr Ittuiovrc county for Uio election or tlie followtiig towasltipoftlrcrs, vie WI I.M I NilTON jy V Nrf U I PS.-vcu Majr-l8tr:U.-s. one township ClrrK.ohe lantultc and thrw fvbool I'ommHtrr. ( FKDEKAL WIKT. UASUNIIOKil, IIAK-. NKTT AM I'Al'K FKAK TOWNSlllll Two MalilmteB, out I'lt-rk. one Constable und three .School ConimlUweiwh. j NEW 1IAKOVKU AN'li I'KNUIi It lUl'N TIh lbre Delegate to tliefel .lel ou!! tiitional OuuvcuUuu. 1 - MIMANNIVd. SlicrtiT of New IlMiiovurCuuiiLiv juljr lilw. PLOTTS .ORGAHS 4ii)ino bt-l y durability and woith. Send htr lllutr;llvd catnlofuo Ixfore tiuyloe. Adtlrf Dm iiianutAtiirer, KlVAltI I'l-qiTS. M akUlDglOD, ?i J July U-Sm i . ' t ' I Surpase in tone nna fiwi( mnf Hind r pau heretofore iimuuracturcu in lid, coun try. Ithas tiiu tesll by many cum pi tout HTfis ONIYPAL Salisfaclioii. l'.y ll sklltlut uo Jr the hU p?- of t.r patent knee .sui-ll. the imixlc la :.i,'ld lo tho htinian voice, riluc In t truui llic ru i.l Hole like nuiv lou voluttiti f wuml. Uiisuriid.vH'J by any loMrunrnt. i The i'i-oprli lor lias. noU-.t crilull ! r in Vi y earn I he: lliiH-rliflloli mid In 1 - ! llio n oil iiikIi uiiK-n. mid un l l l-ri llol c-ri.'iirt lo lliu oiritrt'ltoii nl urh Imj'i 1 1. U. hi mid It Im in 'i niiiii.lt. hnv risailt-l In llio .tMliitliiti a i(u.il:l . I ton i- wliuh ustiuiiluie), kociOkt-lT luiiic pipe oiiG.u i i! urn Tlu.t ii i UiilunU lo iiifjiii.iii Ii l - I v. . t be two. 'I hi InMl lino-l lui i Ml -the Latest I ui rot tut ul. A ml i vi-i y ore. i u i Ul I t't.lls'll. I.l.w k Hilly v. ii i :t ni. I o . WuiiHil. r. i.tiul i ll.itl WILL NUT CKACX UU V A B. I lot in . in .nil ill- .ii lo a li lolnl. it Ulrlil l( liil.kll'. A UEAUTIFUI. I'ihCK UK N1TUKK I UJ I'd i s oi c an in l - on l I !( . . . i.. i. Ml I -n n ili .1 i.n.l is ...Id a' I X 11.1 i.ow jimuci:s. .It -.ft4.1 I I I ... I 1 1. . . 1 1.(1 i.lll Ilk . v4:'iiti-i WniiU'ti, i Mitii in u in. 1 I.H'il M Hi ritiint li :i.l. i-s. ll.Ml!. I 114. nt lor l!. 1 ! 111,1 I'.iS . I I . ! . , . j.n-l I -ui;.-l i. A lii. i .i i .i, l'.ifli"!, Mi l -1 1 i , i i it. : li;i-i, i !-., M ti.-li' I Ik r. i.i. ii l.r I'ifcin. I i I ii i r .i 1 . l . al.L'tl :ii.l i I I. II it liiv. I utri -I-., it. i... Mill. lU.l. Alill. m llii Iiiu:iuLii I in . I . kdwa.im) ri.orrs. Uauinon, , I i ji y : -4.i:i. CAKl'KMhK iS. i.IJ..Kl. ( lOl.vlK: i. 1 on 1AM CM TlIK I-ariNl ".mil ( "hfj ju-i A. oi., f !.l H Trunks in ih- Cn. -AHl'il.r.-, Ill' am. I IM-.-. tl MtM.-ss, . . .i.r f, " h.MMiI III vL i r KKriit:u inUTrits Unit i.i.i Km,. I t llltl . iM 4 - ' f. all i:. ; t iiKAi hi; f.-;i ! .V.-Jv I.VsiTRAM.'i: t,VM K IMOOU.lifKJ AsMts U.-x-r. iff ,' 1 1 Li. n-i s r..i t i -; -. 14ltl.l A lltwj-? i . i -' . t.. . . lolil lo-l r r iM i , 1 . 5 U Virpoia Kki yt.t.ir !;. ... . - . I City, KhroL j fVHJlWfn Uulwal, Lp L m.-l OtJ Ntll Mai. t tt! IVaa. UiSiJr'jU 1 1 t Vn! aMrba . H. Aau ataa. twlr.!f .'- j M1-fMU1 AS llMUll f t.' f, 1. ! 1, mmm4 tlu mnavur m- 4 1 Im . ... mw mm famwaraav mw rv.