I i . i ' i i rK ----- 1. . AT A B AT. ,47 aSV .ST 3d annapnH Hll HP" T I nl HPh''-1 1 : .Vfi v5.?i..y- A V-HfV AS" A VOLUMK VI. WILMINGTON POST ADVER TISING RATES. to r - is 2 - Z r i? . j i x ; ; .i 5 ;i 5 ;i i C O vl I - CO H 3" J 2 5 ; 2 Is c ci i i is X I I ; ; I il w ;i C il C il 3 H 3 2 - - -- 1- .1 ; - m ii , -1 Si'yit'i11.1 ial r.itiM mil be bad fir .1 longer tmif lli.m one n t-f-k. Kiplit ") lino. Nonpareil tye, cou UluU a .-iare. AH a'lTtiM iiicnt-H will le charged ut tin- alMive ralo, except on secial con tnn I -. All' HHi'iiirrli-i nti liiisines should lw j.Mn-i"l lo Tiik Wm.mixuton Pr, Vihiiiiijilii, N. t'. The -ub-K ripli-.n prire In TlIK Wll. MiN'.T'ix l'Kr 1.4 i-l HT J'ear Jir inlo eopie.-; for elnlw of IO or 21) j -r ropy. '1 he eirt nlalKin of the Post i Iho largest of any pacr in North Car diiia. rvery vote! W'jtU h for Iran. I ! -pn'l W' intimidateil! H al' h the h1I hu'ders ! IUiraie f eh'ali at the poll. When you ; t the ll demand the rij;hl to vole. Kverv man who h.i- livid in thetate twelve inoiilliH and in the county thirty ilyha a upht to tote. Wlu-nytm pitolhe olls demand the nht to vole. Kverv man who ha livol in the State '-' iiiLj ami in w county thirty dsj has a rihl to vote. Kvery man who haslired in thelate tvelvr months and in the county thirty Ijijs haii a light . to vote. The cry of No-' Convention is heird tr m every iioartcr of our noble - old North State. Kvery man who ha lived in the Slate twelve months and tn thectunty thirty day ha n right vote. The big lawyers want a Convention bermw they wjntjo be the Judge. The little lawyer. want a Convention to a to get the big lawyer ont of their way and thus increa-w their fee. The campaign i progressing finely. Cumberland may be put downs being all right. Uuxlon and Hlocker will carry the county by or 300 major.- THATl,5O0. Senator Matt. W(hisly) Uansom has been fooling arou ml telling tliw people what he know alit the rascal ity in the Kepublican itjr. Init we haven't heard hiui say one word bont la V twenty-five hurnlrej dollar that ne Wid YaU Vance at the lime that gnat jler withdrew from the contest for Senatorial honor in favor of A. S. .MrrrC5on. tne now. (ivneral. tell us whose money it wa that you M out, what it was paid ut for, ami what became m( M. We all want to know, and you tight jest up ami ted it. II yon wil tell na about this 5,.V0 e wont ij anything mora about your dropping tkat bottle of whisky wheu you ranw oat of the hotel door the other day. 1 IVmocralK wpstart are threatening faervvd a round the poll ami brow, heal anil -fYm rr nti ia men. a ther did ytrruWicau Totera at the lt e?ectiou. Wt tell three rtToIuUouarr upstarta, thai the icopI are bi aoiempcr to be thSwiih. I aoy attewtpt b aaadc f crwhiiie TOtcra in ue hoiC those offending will be heU to a rict atouaUbility. Let such fclkwa hi warning. J, JI. Leuck. aaisaansed -Virtuous ?tmjtm has gowe to the ealrm pat U U state to tell nor? of b inje t as4 isgwUlag ke. Leach ha ch a repauUo in the West at a first W kWbg that it has preceded, hiaa la titers coua lie. AatibCTatku have mXalag to fear trout mih Jimay (!)- (W'k f ? ? - . . ' - H - -"1 . . ; n , i ;!( ')) lit inis communiiy i not exempt ironia ua - . 9 ' JP .i cia.s oi ming. sometimes ..cucu roen wliuare as mean, sneak ingaoOcowanllj Icowardlj natures to a itiiHwlblc for their Tile be. And of all th throat and, ruffians n write an abusive and and neglect te it U the' meanest and most CQwallyf utterly devoid of the least sense' of . . i i , 1 qunca and deeraded. habits., of lire, and who have not the pluck-to xeaept them in any ether war.' I V . :'0n -1 V tv fn-Joafhtf In Ahrir?! UlsiUfirf and Kive the fcllowi. a laic iamnlel baring followed eopy woriiii, eflrA r ..-w.viar.,' Will ika . .i.liunJ.M.t ' ' giv t WiLMtXIOX J. J. Cakwjidy Fw: I sec that yon have been growling considerably of late i that damn dirty sheet of yours about the d eiuocrata in the city having negro rs.sr and iipfn. children ' sidv you (Jod damn black hearty Cod- II 1541 riV.M'H Ilt-VTII I'lllllimi. .1 I at might ICepublican son of bitcb, ifyeu were to throw a stone ru one of your arou ud vou vou would strike of vour a . ? I B I ....... ..i. .1.1..... ....i i ..... ......... ti.L. r " " you wish it. lou, canie out in your paier this morning with one of your uanin lies a nsuai. 111 your icuer ... a . . '.a . 1 " a from W Uavhingtou is the one to which I aIIu.I.. Yio will know if jmit kiu-U mo 1 out rage a i reported had have taken I place that we would have beard of it in other sources than through your pa- ikt, iHitwbocouia ex pect an v better of a lieing uod dam rascal as you are? Lajsidy what iu the bell do you think of yourself any how you damn sneak inc thief, you havn't rot the hon esty nor Ih? principle of gentleman to pay back the money to a gentleaaan that he had borrowed to defray the Ex- oenses of burvinir his wife Talk about i.i inuiauo cuuuren uaring aemo- crab for their father, here in the city V..M know vnur -lf vnu ilrnnn linr lou know your sell, you uamn liar that tlrer is not that many Mulatto ... -tn ! I .hii.fr... 1.. K. ifr.i An. shut up your cab on this score, there I will be nreu a piece irume star that wi close you. ana you snmrcrer man would nrint trash as ro do in your paper l deir you lot provo what l I- . - . - . . I you say you van concering tuoeo Jdi-1 as you and then to put himself so oiach I below a negro as you nave ougnt to ne tared feather &. burnt as I believe that is about the worst punishment they could inflict on damn rascal. But By Cod the name of rascal does not half signify what you. Now yon have been running down such such men of high standing or all classes such lion A. M. Wadded Ac where can you point out one of your party that stands as high as he does Yours, A NOV. THAT WlllaKY OF llANHOM'S. The isfnr,.akig of (Jcneral Ra ki'sscedi at bmilhvilKe on Frfd Ran- softi s sneecii ai cmiiuviile on r ridar last, says the Senator "labored under a severe hoarseness and, the indisposi tion Incident to rapid and 'arduous campaigning." Poor Malt! And then he lost hi- throat medicine. jMU M he wat leaving the hotel, too. The pre scription on the bottle is .)d,tQ have read Sect, Old, Jrer J be well taken before shaken. And it is also said that when this throat medicine for "hoarseness and 4he 'ilaipoition in cident to arduous campaigning" was found to toowca yi wihtand the shock of a collision with the videwalk, thirteen little lickspittles dashed off io thirteen 'd iWreol 'directions, returning with thirteen thcrv bottles .of, .throat medifipf U. thiilHfded to sample, each severally for itself, so that when he ami the little lickspittles fcuwl themselves M SUhtille, -the eloquent speaker was laboring under th indiapodtioa incidenl to fr ca" pftignliig.r roor JiaU! The Democrats oi Svrry hare noefll- natcd Joseph Dobson, ol if iter for thy Sth Judiciar PUtrict, ai their candi date for CouTeatkw.and still they bowl and howl; ami how,lcaiwe Jtweph Martiai Solkller ler'the 24 Ptalrici, has been nominated by le ItrmKli 6 IYH rcry UIa" that both 1 are eligible, aad it1 b almplT or Jo against your Joe. Sec every rotci j Let it be lefw f miid, tjtal rTJ man la XorU Carolina, wbois enUtWU to rote. Kclbribk U te?t In tho CW TTwthw. Th fact that Mt W w' iSLcl hoUcr' doca'ttot CUn,iaJtf( hi r v.. MxlLltl 1 See ewj Tte .....r r 11 mi it 1 1 m w m 1 w r t. mnn r r, . . a i t a a a . n mi v ijii- i i i i a. t i. a a iiiiibi.ii hub laaaaiai aa-a na rx .atirTHaiw: a a a a aa a . . .iaiaaK.1 kuv. a m ana-m - j a ; .. 1 ...".. I., il : : u :: 1 J iji j . , .1 .1 mi: l I - - . J "vuw, ""T" " f noooi cAicoiaica ira. tmemiea ' to ae I r--? .x "yr.-rrr-rri L I r ,-....T . w . . f (V-imt : we might mention tlm fact that of a large cla of ktwtrou JMrwo- cejvc tho wlw wcro not if esc nt, and lDfi pur P!W.W,liaBfIJW'1 UelAoalllutaon. : 'ltre eoernj-tkat ,iut &LLLdLUL , j 2)i7y AVfhj fihifl .topcl discu craic gtntftinrn, ' the" fathers of ' the Uic , perp r,whoet) 'muta ,arQ sigtci ConsUtuUonmjlila.tjandUfefc Kegistiut to.'i-i 2d "Ward. Dau ig Cof ypnVpj juatar 4d,ia un muIaUo"'. children . thatV 'tUcy.lfccVVf iatlie vommunibation know .lliat. thel b jthe .designing depagogue who?p. 4eka erf ryl unfair rneaua -.to cheat and O'Connor will be in his office next U d consideration t!en. (Wanfa pros disinclined to acknowledge, wbeel ban? violated this trnth;'bt notMng to rP;H nitAj!ConatHuUoi,w the Court IIous),i .front 10 'A. M. to lor a tUiru lmir-UtHtttulwH. themselves chafed at the home better pouldf be exacted from w P. M., and from t to Gl. M.1, Every day Wc are glad to sec the :icir u thrust we LaTe made on theif licwdti source. . . . W P Caxaday 1 aristocracy and , crush, jto the, earth aD eax to his f eet reatie. and spurn, his for the registration of voters. Faycttevillc tsfcfi.ir'iiuch au active par .Ihero isatime wti erery, doe btfatlc ticket: if not, cast your vole lor l! lii "w . W I will be damn if you nt fee?! re ) ,JV. Won - Mdidatw,- wlio ''l 'UKhti -w;;Jliv. yoors you damn scoundrel w,u ,u-" u,c P" i'oltK. f -TT. i.T. ii. i , Lissioy-aman tmrr-waa oeen laista -uaiv tu.;?iiiuiio. is pre-1 r..-..., . ... fi., c i.m vrl V -V. ,.,jV,mA ; - " A CARD. v., ,.. In the WilmingtoD JbiirHal of ', July , i . I'. . 1 ' - .i,i''7 i ji.t U . , comniunication... iLatl at i iKaUelntOwn; Si. U.,Uuly 28Ui 1873 I srgnedby Dnncari Cdmartie. chalfmabl and Fi McNabb. tfccretarv nurnorU I- . J - - . i 1 m the communicatiou.i nthinir W I . r .a I - . , i , . J1K tjN.lOI'K GIJA1.; 'Do not bo deceived by tha Democrat' rtfaelemderati.C krlry' th at ; Hi 0 action of thqf Cbnvrtition 1 UI be aobriitt'ed by.thcm.t tIio,pcVl I PC (T.bcy. are; deceiving, you. .T&jrl t - J ue- question ot ft 1 tnTeniien, ana 01 course tbey do noi I intend to submit its action. 'Even if '. they were to do so, they reserve to themselves the privilege ot allowing just such persons a they may think prbicr 'to vote and no ofher. How - 1 would it be iflhey were to decide, that . m.n h.(.l.l t t K.. . v.,.. vu . 7 7 ' ,J , " should allow a rich man an additional i.Nrn 11 tin ill n rtril l.lnr o rul if 4 Ka I .1 v"te 'Vr.eviTy live hundred I propcity on which he pay I that evwit' could uni I ratl T -any Constitution trjey thought 1 . . A Itr ..I 1 il . r .1 uruuur : uu u luc nin!Ms ti inc. I pP'e havo ny showing? Certainly not. Take warninc therefore, and .. i r... ....... - i:.i... I IV Villi IUI PIU. 1 1 lUIIUIUUm 3 illC III ' .. , . " vor oi adjournment anu tue picscrva- l'on f our Constitution a it is. JlUMihY' L.WYJSItt, WllU'l'INti 1 POBT, riLLOIlY. I V . . !... i I. 1. .. .. I ,,j . , . of the State arc anxious for a change in the Constitution, ho that thry may ,., , . ... . . fill their: pockets at the people h ex- ,.' . 1 1 , iene. If the J)emocrats get a major- 1 :.. I u.. eTcrJr will have his hands r..n ..t ... : J-8". , W" the homestead men. The old county . . ..... . . court system will be adoptl, and mag- , , . . . f ,.r , , . i-iraus eiciicu ior iijc win lorn ji over ",e l" while ud Colored citizens. Invert little oil. me will Ik- ininished bv the degrading whipping-iKsf, and the nfaniviis jnllory will again be seen on - .. .1 I I c ... ujc r.un-k n juu are preared for these things rote the Dem served. WHAT AKK YOU 101N( TO DU . tVe beg the coplc to ask Jhosc men who favored the call for this Conven tion lhe above 'question. If they an swer it satisfactorily vote for them. If they do not, vote ngainst them. If they in tlieir answer do not pro pone to take from the people, in every instance, some right or privilege su- cured by our-present Constitution, then wc will treat, and almost agree that the people are what they take them lobe, towit: fools. "'This trouble is not a Political one: it la honesty, virtue, and intelligence J against roguery, IVaud, ftc I The above is a specimen from the 1 Southern JIm!). This jer is cdrtcd j by a fanatic who, if he had lived two nuiunaigu, wuum niioDtra n proRi- inent witch hanger. Tho associate edi-1 tor was a penitentiary cnrict, whose ami . eiAJUIWINC inoffensive , iheu ! The records of the .Federal (Courts show iL and ret such follows Ulk of rirfWr.raWtf,c, hew.-CbaHi. a Don't be iatimidated! It is said that Col. Win. Johnston wants to be elected to tho Convention this year o as to secare his old place aa Commisary General, which ho hHd during tie time he rat in the Pccewioo Convtnlion of.lSoil By drawrngbU pay as Mayor of Charlotte, fire dvlhus a day as akeaibct of the Coavontioa and f00 a mon,lh as CotnBtary ttea tral, he he pes tt wtake" things ran smoothly at the hraJqaarters of the Charlotte ring."-. . We kaow a ieasocrat stunt keeper. ia this city, who sayt that h o aoi want Kepablicaas to sfcad their money with, hlaf. ThH .my "aame rlBwcrat knows that hm JMber has lived a on a egra Mosnaa lor'Ua last egat years, asxi that he basa WwiWr wbon Vkin Iraot as wh?t wwjgw,an-rLnl he h ftfi impt&mc a iy , that daot aot wanl Kcpwblicaa Vhea yoa rvl1 f1 dra4 the llUtorU. v.; .Wasch fbvfraad! f . Si i" Ocwara of chesiiaj at the feik. . - . , w - r ' im a. ' a . . . . . 1. . . T' ."fiing taguo. aa wwuut- of a , political l V" 'T,!,. tTf W-jTTI . ZTJ .J' 7 tf " f WJPCa!U.ay. ; without Wing rcnWrcU to produce a , the one.. wflpMii mtlng i-t -luubeUitowii: -j Blade. V00 "on! .V:i;.it,,V1MPCe l- 'nfeM0B .'po. you. u . '.:,: i oUrer rvhUrr UireaUnine letter fivmnf.-'aV dangerous to I wfeh toiiurchih'sl'milk Cow. . ' sign hia - name ;to I which t I00V narL Tn ibi altiwimirtft I CoventojUxaUop.M wishing " sell will please I rrominnt lKwcrala Wd mciubei 1 - 1 , , - ... 1 .-. ' - ' ' 1 I . ' - ... a . 1 1 - Ills l - I i .. r .. . ' i ... i i mi i ri.i i -u i mi i in i i . i.- i-i m i i t :.' it i. i I 'i-M.i , Mil i UJITT f I,! T . I TUB 8PEAKIHU,AfTOl Yesterday, accordingto apf oinlntdni a' goodly' number of the citizens Uru.nsKfct Qounly asseroDat lbe JalannffrOm the housetor, warning you I Store, In Town Greek Tewnahipf tofcuakf against the insidiow wile of the reTo- 'it i ' I r Mh vTayloj inr hia -tnI atiui, ghtJ - forward stylo, delivered an-Iblir I : l ?; who cat tlieir bread by; bonei toil and. me sweat, oj ufe proVr, fWS.,fpeec J was iistenetl to. with .marked at ten Ud, J and cflecls will be felt on lhoSth of AnirusL . . ' ' .1 . C' ,! I ! Wood-pile Cowau :rtedWpJy, I'1 :- ' l.whili bccyeato.ahew Ih.enihAt l our nrescnL ConatiiutioiLiw&s 11 most! 1 nbontinstble concoction-' of eril mind. f and sHbi I , the statute j nuch a . rid Vd entirely effaced froni 6flJ.na" "t-fW--W.?a front of the J look and ladder lloiuse. boWftud 'replacca-byne Sir HoW 'nS should be done at once or he and hia fellow-itevolutianista 1 liko thet weie then f Why didtherre-1 somc 5cr,0llV "y"1?' probably bo I i-Anll -mnrtrcsL - But tber -wero Boiuseto nasa tho bill calhur the ,Conven w " 00 many honcsf, hard-working mehpVeeiit I . 1.1 ..... ..... 1.. r. " I:' . 1 wuo uau voi-eiiuruiiorijoiiert I : t . t a...u A f au,u'"" " "V'1 u their families while' they were with little weight oou the ears of the I . ar. . a . i mwwi iiAmi n ni i:ruiu'irr nn enow T t al 1 t " him better probably, than he k flows himselt. Next came tho great Mogul of the wnimiiM'ion .Tnumnt wli.w lil off in . ir t i ii iifci Iik ii jii'il lu .nalt:iKl.ifV at V IiV H t.llEPil J of everything except ..Convention, and we shall not attemiHXo follow him. He inli vrUl.t tiiuv flint, a i "on vntion I " - I had been onhral, and it was now only led for the iieople to say whether high- ? 7 a V Ti " toned, intelligent gentlemen should cu, -. j .. , oi" ignorant negroes: scallawags and lT. . n ' - carpet-baggers. His 8Iecch or rather n.n a ,rf.( mwiu ;M.r-,i l" o w , v . . j pith or ,H,int, hnd fell, as it were,till- , .i .- born on the ears of his he.trers. XI ... . ,, ... , . lion. 1. L.Kus3ell,iu;xt took the stand and for an hour and a hall held Hie as sembled crowd spell-boundnd not only made the Dictator of the Jonntatgn back on h is own nnh, but read to hm, from his ow ii jxiitr, paragraph . after para graph that we know lull well he wish ed had never been written. Tho Major's Jlogul's ieech to answer, Mr. Rnsscll I proceeded to i-cntihito. the designs aud puriiosesofthe revokitiouistd. who pro- j posed, if permitted, toUnuoatl that has been done" since the war to bring abont , . .. a- "' . . '' I a irieudiy leciiug among an classes ami to inaugurate, if possible, in its stead another reign of terror and anarchy. His speveh was a noble effort and every assertion made wcut with convincing effect, to the ltearts of h hearers. We only wished that every man, woman and child in Brunswick had been thereto hear him. "There is noue m deaf as tliose who will not hear," bnt .wc are fully -eon vinced that there was not a working niaVi that assemblage who did not go ft, v impressed with the con vie tioh that it was nduty he owed himself, hia Cimilv and his oonntry, to rote jmidsI the miserable creatures who to arin liim of every ,vbtiguof his freedom. ' ! j Vf ' vvmiueuvy a full votico ,of which, until mr next issue, aJ IIoo v ituaV THAT $t,ftOO. , ' x s Matt VjThUkcYy IJ.iusora u can- vasauig North Carol in ostensibly iu tltc interest, of the Contention movement. but really acdjn fact in his;own inter Cit in 5 iew of the act hat he a;anU to be re-elected , Ignited , Siat, Senator next , year, - wt want him, to., in (of av hw many fncod awnrthing about that thjtt ljUQ that bf paid over to et Vance wheo .thai nre paUioto nug naainHMisly retired from the contest in the LrguUturc and alUwcd hia to ob tain the coveted rriae. ?&Vill the t;eerml rise to rxdalnf Wc effcr him theWnmn "f fbc Iteir jf he desire ,to sctKatsclf iibt la the auLllrr Of coarse dt a h igh soaed CWcJrratc wtjnU Mtofe svea thing roy money for aa tfSkfl?oh, a ! M Ojra ile il ialt CosW (trerl,tcll Ws aVoat : S L - ' " " Jadge ISiiaeU and Jaar lUateQcoca fktdy sxlshed, Qaartcsaaastee Ea fetkant at JTowa Cweh 5 tha fmm fc hw caU not sxad the fremxn aad psUtinS whip to mm kecaa was vwa eart of heart ag of ; tWe r.tf mklieaa hsis that were fired lafcf hiat doHamflin the war fighting, and. he exempt 6n I fnV Tyra"a"V v, M anco. um rJ. T . ,, . i . I omuls, now m vou uui,iiiuiiiu iuci( s taxes? . In j a wood contract, that his remarks .... .jUji the ' arislocrata I echoed in the pines arouud. hut fell with thpsnirtamir'i-oiisisfencie. hoW r -t.f ) " " ' UK v MirVfr' rii m 'Hrrit " sr i"v aj a ai w a,w a u a a. w axa. a i i Voters of North -'Carolina, the cood olJ men of the Slateare funding the 1gFcuBd your chtldrenJ-1 Tljcy 1 will not I T2f. u ." 1 i . i .. i ' fm ' , ; ; ' : 'j T T" ' ""H . ' '!"' ' liha,4aiiaWi'mMumr-anwthinf-tA'nttltliAHiii I flattery, and ebun hi secret circulars I ne.ow uoooioine fcnu counties I witbi intended oblytodircrtaiid deceive J UihebnUtennlew. 07h. aainei revoln- Jiionist tdldjrou ,iu,iSCf fair taJe aud HlSK W0U,il. I Lf fllxlilll'fl fA IfV ftl:t ISMtHI. lilt. - 0J thloga'ldf wir.-'ltteune thrt4Wv.n.i,..l iii ttrnntr nPirrn J law and hunted, u every poor man, 1 si "rt'ww ' . - w'- -. . r ' Von till alter the a9urnnieut,ot .Ceus .gre " " lu,a uiistiiici dutlne" tho"' interim. Were thev not I . i i . inr r. "' l JcnIVu1 " nT 1 gress. adjourned ? Koad, l-owlo, liragg. can the honest people.the lovers of good A aaa iira.u m An Mrilut unnh . I.arll' 7 I tt ha. i k nuivnru udvuuvu ... vj I PlUIMV U1IU& Ul 11AV UIVIIUvl IllfcU, .HIM y e eyJ, lbat awaitb8 the Co(1um. I m'ation of Ihe'ir mischievous, machiha. I tions by voting down thia lrtad and des- I tfuctive measure. It win I loo laie I to stay tue uuo oi revoiuciou aiier it is I . .. ' . . . . .. .. tuliy organized, rsow the is lime lor tj,e holiest, I'acc loving people of the I' 81 ate' to teach these "malcontent that liiey cnnnot tiooUwitik and cram mem into trouble an they, did iu lotil. Murk well and save your .Mate Ironi tne inroes oi anouiei would be more disas ,h-lliiiii ' reotiiion. , . - ' the throes of another revolution, which trous than the late , jMr. Jame lleatoa did noble service at Town Creek iu showing up the re- dku.lvuncss of the eulogies ot tiuar U-rmater Kngclhard over JaII Davis. A traitor .ipplauding the aruh traitor. Mr. .liealon held him up to the scorn and dcrisioii of the poor men of 15 runs wick county., and made the gallant Major no sick of. his nonsense and fool ishness that1 he put whip and spur to his horse? to' get out of heaiing c want Mr. Ileatou to watch his hadceud cattji - Jiigelluir 1 oi the tampuMgamy and i when he docs, tho &iKrmUl.H-i witU LViliOl hh tston 1 Ceueral Matt W(hiskey) Kansoin u 1,,,. in this city on hist Friday' night, speaking alont the Con vention question, that Wilm'ngtoii is all right, and il the rest ol the .State Allows tho lead of Wilmington all would be well." We agree with Mr' W(hiskcy) Uansom in the statement, and wc are glad tu seo that his bead is so level on the subject, though it was noticed that his kuklux friend d?d not applaud liU rcmarka worth a cent. , Wilmington iHlls,aboiit lifleeu hun dred KeHiblican majirity, and "if the rest' of the Btale follows her lead, all w ill be well," and Matt wunt havo a democratic Legislature next year ,on which to sle4-iiis -fmMiey to buy his way bark io Conrcsf. . ;,.skwareof chenlingat the H. nglchard went off in a blaie of pyro tcchuics at Town Crcvk in his cu'ogism of Jelt ivw, i-iaking of him as the purest ainl best, man that thfc country h?d ever teen, and one belter calculated than any one else to educate the youths of North Carolina, evidcutly Meaning tba4 that arch-traitor would fire the Wither ; blood o as to bring about another rebellion, ' tuartcTmaster Kngelhanl is' on the AVat I'alb'. ..The Taliaat w rJitor of the. Journal said al Town Crrek that he loved Jeff UuvU becaox? of fab war recfdtbat he h ihc gtratrsi i-Utc-natt thalbc aofiad erer pri-dnccd, and that North CaroUaa would bo hoa- oml by baring him feared at tlie head of herVnirersity. ' -.-.i ' , - -11 - Ftttditf? thenwclves abnot to be beaten, the fJem'octaU have l?ecwo o'etfcraie. and are remwtin tn all soda of snfaaiews XaWhods gHtcnl u to work vra tW frja4k4 ft the wf e. Keefi stobfy.e rkw lW Hals -Pon, be fright coed drircw ltm jpscr wiUm. frwranm of Nfth Owvi- Yo havo lb le rrrda. 4Hts eornrrol.' Ar Utm rlrrr. -- -VT ' 11 1 .111 t j :lhaid called oa IU rtl rrwwd that h eras SkUsasM ml Tt Cxroavle rheert fee sr rnmJt JcaTDarv ad the rUrrrs imtHj Scwuw of ciaaiisj t the aOa. It 1 .. 1 Single Uapics 10 enw; ITEMS. 50 HANDS WANTED To cut wood. "I'will givHs regular cm ploymcnt to the. above number of good working men j for the vJcxt !is month j apply to Robert Kdrutcdy, olhcc of The I WiLXfi'mimMilvitrp'- .f . I The following are ttio hours for Reg istralion in the Third Ward f From tn li A Mj-if.m n 17 P. 31. ! Even 1 .1 ,..,i;i i . 1 JL Tto attenlioW of tho; City F.ilier i, urc""y uea to tne note at ti.e cor- !. .a asa. , a . ncr 01 r iitir ami iwk sirecu-; also to I the damaged condi.liou of the bidewalk the result At(a niceUng of the M rectory of tho Ixi nk of New Hanover, yesterday, Jno Dawson, aud Cl. John V. Att kinsuii, were elected Director to Jill vacancies. The resignation of John . llinson wa ucceptetl in conse quence of his removal to rhiladelphia. Mayors C ovist.--iSnndy iSttwart, mis4.leiue.inor. (iniltv. Jiidmeui siu ponded on "payment t-T'cost. - , 1 Nancy Stewart, on coini'iaint oil Patsy Jones. Miwlcmcanorboth guilty. Costs diVtd.d ' between them. Jerry Forbes and llarri.-t Henry, i'. cl i. ior trnin v: Joseph Chuiiee, Forcible Tru a.-. Judirnieut reserved. 1 in: J'lXiriwiox. - We ack uncled: Uie lect ipt lioui .Air. W. 11. ceieii, tH'crclaiy, of an invitation l thetiiaud Fauiily l.xruiiiuii to miUi ille slid tho l.lack ! i.-li tiiuiiutls on skuuur Waccamaw. under the ati.pit ed ol the Cape Fear Light Artillery, oh Tuesday next, old. iit. We arc reUCted to .Ul-: tlm steam t-r will rt il.iinly .'. to the. iibhiug grouudri, aod that iIhmc der-iriiig torn- joy i ue siiori can i.it it.irc liiein.-el ves A I . . for the occasion. .Siv advertisement. The Wiliiiiugtoii A mature l. aioutic Association gave their proniised enter- taiuuient ut the Ojt:i liotuu on Friday niuld, to a very .ippritiative audieuce. - " - 1'KMMl.r .r. If U I j I'.miiH'U was len.arkaUly sUstalnetl, our : young ti icnd diowiug a keen ap preciation ot the character of that il lustrious patriot. This character was iK'Urnu by a young gentleman who standi at his rat ami van set his toil thousand 'VmV'ailav ;w -well as any oilier primer in me rriaie. The oilier charaeU-rs '-were well su-.- taiiKl, and the nosociatiuii derv'e ihf utmo-l eueourai'euOiit at the hand tf our citt?A ns. 1 ' . J FIlKli Kl'FFEltAUK. Th.eif u who were ohl enonl in l vH to hae lctn actively engaged io olilie., will recollect the hard fought battle and the ultimate triumph .f the old iK-mocralic party uiui. r the Icadrr ship of (iov. Ui mI, icfor' wccnildcet "Kne Sutlrapc" enpraful in i ur Coi: slitution. The present l-ataid Ifrmo- cratic-C-oiiMi vativc . partv pri !-. u. wic out that proviion ami yu back- they say, to the gI old day ( IS&S, when no one wlio did not own .' ttc of la ml, cMihi vol? for Sena'.'rr. ' I ht ihey think that the ihc.tr and of voters in this Mate, with whom free suffrage was a favuntc i.uijuir, will otullify .thtwtlveis t allow lbnsi to introilucc into tbv '"-t.t irtKHi their pet Coutrdcnitc theory, tl at a mw uugi bs no right, ixr h-iw moogh Io vote for a Nrwator? If they are laboriisg nndcr such a delusknt, the ctevtion thin occk will im.4 ct.-rti!y dl-flit. 1 The people wiH iK-rer give up thrif right to rutc in the S-taU- box e-vcia!iy at the baling of itmM: who k tft bt'wfr thfy arrrajW tf elf gorrrwweet. . Lrcry eavdet mill l n mUtl i dwtisg tb la U)vf I.W tai,s Ut decvif tW vpc. lb ik4tMrik taJly will d hard, bat FAWhwit f th tr4 ;luin;ilMM' Ut will W srt tVim AC'n-- ihrj hjlc U Thy U ,- i& !- -Jtv-f m ajMfcw i"ir.rhjy . l iiiji4-rd V due Ukc mu i Va VCSUm sa frwi tW usi ci i tiird tadtaw tWas si wi idtrJ rd rm ikas tWy U ai wh ait rrt f $mlmUm rw 1 thcas mot, Wt jmI mU. tW gwr dkw tW fulfc Uf of Agw aW wr w-l ti I . ' : ! ! .' ;iiw , . . M . ", 117 Cents. jlfanv' Democratic ik11 holder rc jects a votef wlio iwcars l.o In cligibil ' lt, ho should M rijpegrtcd at once to a j - j United States Couimidsioner. Kvcry. j ina.04 vlxj BWtatslio 'is'U aoniVui vo- J tor ha, the right-to detoiit hi ballot nv joftho sirty generally, havo givcu up uiat xuo , lict-UOUcaji .will . carry the tlie iu mis campaign,, n is uoillg vaiuao.e service m the intf rest of jcace at hoiue and harmou abroad, ajd idctineilto become a slower f i-irencUi in tin State. It had ah extra 'tin wvck con- taimn Jutfei IlAktoiiV hnd Mr. liUH-k- er's add res. The SmmiAm- is n Kwer ful campaign,' do'ctyit and well de serves a titKf-il'. fatpcjiige.' uca-i-n to your noble cnlci'pric, ' hentlemen. I t 1 CI.' . ' 1' SEW M) YEMSEMESTS. Diviibriku. " " A t a .vairtNa of Viis: itiu:-vi- ol Iho liaufc. of JWM-U.,lK)VeP,ln-hl Uil- .h.v. a liivltlena or five or cent. u iti l tt .l out of lac cam In m of tho Hank ur tin- l.iM six moiitlo., aulo Ou un.l all. r Ait ;ui nun, . i p.il',1 " .ll.i.Ai r , July Ulsl, y. r-,,,j ti-liui. EIECUTIYE COMMITTEE. riMIK M KMUKltS OK Til t: IllJ T HIU AN 1 KxrcuU vfc 'euiiittl'je oi tt w ll.ui.ivcr :oit Ivudi-r roi Lies uro rceiu-su- I I l. IX CSI'IH nl It IllfVilllU ! t il l CM llllll. .-. In Th.- Ii.-M ni. tUv 'tart IK'Hio Hi NV'lliuiii il.m. on Monday: Aognst l. I ..!, ut lo o'clock. A. M. i;y fiitKf u;otuniii re. N. II. MANMN(.,llul; .11.111. I.. Siml r. s rrctai v. . !J illy M. JJ-ot CIVIL AND MECHANICAL AT Till: KKNSsKI. I.K n l. I I i I ! iN.sl lTir. K, TKUV. N. In liu-Moh wty' JTHMh'.tl. 11 v.i. I.i. . iiio-iu .is l 111 Hi if, ctiuiitry. i.i Jn.il oi.l.t.ii lAoc lU-iit vH tons. K. -(i.. ' i t. Ii.lh. l-'.w. SI 1. Auuil l.'l-i. 1 -..nl.niiiTi luiiuov. .1 .irM- ol Sfmtv. mi 1 tn 1 1 1. w 1 .. u Inn.. (MlilrcK.s ri;..r. lllxlil.i.s i;i;iM Inrerlor ' Pay Your City Taxy. I'Hli I ll' TlllMI I.I K IS.I I 1. ImI 1. 'iri .k Wh iiih-., . Juli .'.Mi if. , 'I'llKlTlY IA V l:i iKI. I UK ..II .li. 1.1. ill I Ml-IK 1 1 11. 1 w r I'.ni. I I'llyT.iMh on ;cnl .1 Ill- i 11 I I ruiu 1 1 li l7. Al.l, I'.VUTIl-M ii.'II,. i. :.m. , rt 1 r. iin ;. .1 u 1 v uilh in.it 1-1 I ti in. -1 1 .1 . Ii iiUoii. ;iiil in 1 ni Jin., ..Hi. .. .ititl "..i.) uji w lllioiUJlil Uin l l.ij. I ITY '1I;T1NS :r mIm 1 1 rn . ...I- 1 1, la nivtil ot l'il laivt T l . SI- UN itc, TtVtsurc r unit c ..:ln-i.r. Ju!y i ' .in fJOOliXJiWS Mil. t .M. loii.i-U 1 .nr... '. I :t 11 111. Ii I t:..;.- Iir..-lli In . ,i .- 1 Mi?, li-. ... VV tltnoitoii in.t t r -. I't 1 a ' y lliul a . (HUM) FAMILY I-M'I KMhN - i . Will lt fclirt nn.I.-i i, -Mi I '. 1 11 CAI-I. 1 K.VU UHIIT .AIM ILL .1.1: V I. 1 .-in 1 1 in ill.- aii.t t!-c Ui,..k I ivi, 1., ..ii.,: ii 'I'm ,ly Ihc II ilfc). ti Ani'ii.l i.itl Ti.-U.-li lor l itli in. 11, .j TiK-ti f.r Im ttvs . I liil.li. 11 ttMUr " - .1 "I i I 1 . . nt ... -olii-niiTf 04 fnmHi... tt ' TImi'i' it ho i.11. b.l I.i..) fi. p .tin I II. - 1 .mii.ill riJ n' no ). n .. a it. I il. 1 noinuva an c-mvj.I m'..u -i ' Ul 't'KKMIMI Ntf-IVH'US lu..ii m t tTY nna". U l! Hill ,1M Vt ill d' . , . . i 1 III' I . III i . )..- it-M. I . ! It. I ' i. 1 . ,. ' ii aM.-ii..ttV -i ivn. I'...n ijr n..t ia.M- li.. . ., i.m.i.i fllkl I" f.ll l H I);,- -., k J1. M rlrjrurij iiuNii.ikl4tti . ... u ; -. AV.I Tl It iu I. 1 t v . -itn: II. '.. II inm i: IL !, II Ml:!-. W, II. ci KKI X, t .".on. , t u y it m, Wl u. )..h 'imik i,;aT.tt-rn m uti, . . .r. 1 - I l. fhU intllaliua ill Ik n ,4. n , i 1st ZloMLayof Bpl.Mkb:r ut. .th ImhUinvI l it 1 . r i.t Il h M MTCWIK.I .rtlt.. ll4, un;lauiift V(ici, ti f:.ic j An, K-' ,4 ttt!tuf U.imUiM Mi V ri ! iTVLl R I f tflmfmVr il !Ktp4 Ml.,, Hfkll(U iHWi l.r. t..I it, tuw.i. ixl tUa M-hj e Att .Ktk t irwtijr Imw t-r njt4. 1u Uliiri C ruufltl-r rrf..t tmttUt hihiI i. trrir t-tu i v f- fijf KKsii-r. nm.i, 4ttty Ht4 at 1.l I i , . Juk--WS. H " NOTICE. IMII lil. Vt II i.UU AW iCilH I ll fuHltmmtf Mt . 11 k I tkummip Mr law imM T .3 . ; rn.i W f.HT.mi i.im.w il . CTT At Crti H.IH t.w .Mii Tcrw M itwwc, t r. wr t Jm Ul s l 1 3 1 - ti, tlt?-til"Vlfl l M .-. M ttlwiii,i tfcw,liHi . " ' ? ' - anu iU TO - - .' a txrv A3f ct v t 1 1. tvr. - i ' u4 f! -

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