C .'A If .y; jl r vw- v . . . v i i , - , Ajr' rv- ' .o l i ' ..4 , 4, i,. -mom I . - i . VOLUMK VI. - . . . '- ' - - iV - " 'If WIldTIIWOTOr? POST ADVRR TIRING RATKS. : - - n h - J . : : ' ri ' '-. 1 .-. " 1 ' ' r' f -'- I - - I - ' ; 1 , t : - - -- r - 1 r ..1: I 3 I -- I 3 -If; - I Spwl.il Teleprun (o Ihe Tost. j I'-Hlor "Unljfjt: '.. . .. f. r.i'li, If..- K.ifirr (r.ibbr, I failo fr put m fln rtpp'ar.irt nl S?n- j Mm hrmic .Ifi.J l.iT,.,rifi m..fif t ),, 1 I . ftnnT.it r.i'rrj the ( .tivi-nt ;. tin- j ' w'lirli full riM liirco pay. i mftit fir yotir work, wilt I.- a Wih1i..1. j Vtt in luin.lrc I ,r r.ic( b ; rlif.iff.1 mit nT th lri;i camel ! th" -wvt of yi!ir l.row. Tli' lrm" mtr Mirty nfvr h.nvi 'l'tio" iinytliin ff.f vofir h'nrfi. Thty ,,,-v, r tr',11. Ko j innncr, ttiat itif Jast i!o, frc I M-rl Will to .ffNct rih liiiuKopli . -.t'xinnt UrS but ihSy hate' t.tU'tt in vr ry ifit.lfro to TK.Vf' ', intorc st-. , MKCIfAXIt;. W- common. I u, thf m )i.-uiic .t,,,, lil.orii r inrn .f AVitminpiori ilM. ,-r,m-i'inn?.'ifi.n (. l.o f.-tn,.! in :m.itInT .! uii -f-n.vl rr?i:iTiT ". T!n- Irulli- , (T'ivIdiiI .,rr- -fir-h tfint tlx fbe nxrciillvo Conirn'iltwjof the He ptiMican j.irtt of New tltnovtr aiul rcn-Ier cntmtioH met tr-.li-nl.iv limmin'i. ij i:ikc nriiyu on thQ rnattir o( tlmro "igfialioii of Ju.lfi.. ICu.ell asacaudf Jatc fr-jin I li in onuty f.r lli i Convrn tlan. .rm!rc nii-gll l. ttrr (ivhici n',n i'-uV-Mxlic-I in tin- r.isr of .,.t 8urijarl was ro.i.l. mul, on ni'.lion, Jim rrtijrrint ion w.-is nc ici I. flic ('Mtiwmltcc tli-n hi nl ii . it... wlM-tlMM of ft Mii;,I.Ic- pi'fsoil to .fiil UiC ra'-ancy, an. I itir.-.i, nn.iinonIy rcsulrc'il tlunt tin; ri.nn j of (IciKdK FitV.Nl Jl, t i.i'Jor County' be -mWHtiU'd H.r tfi.ii ,f Ju &v Huvoli. S. II. Manm.no Chni'ii. II. I. S -o-rr, Sec 'it. iiV'i fJ !, 'I f. I p.- i''"rr -1 .. 1 in I if ! II" vl k I'll' ' I .i...r, llll1.' - ' 1 I 'i 'rt i.cM.ii, 1 f , , , 1 ., . (! -it r i.i'.-, -.1 . ; 11 W r 1 m 1 v . .1- 1 ' I 1 1 .1 ...o 1 i .'iKif riit' 1 ii t ."itr 1 , iv:.r ,'..-!' . f.l , r m-tt? iii-. 1. r . .!!. 'ft i-.r . . iv ! ! - ' Ii i ir-.liii 1 N'lifli you p. t (,e ,t.m;IIMj ,,0 rtrh( to vole. TrFKH H l)i IIimsli t.- Vrs- fTl.iy .'iftt riioMii f), pnty !icrir .Mor-ri- ii-i.l ofTn-.-r J. . .'-lK- .Uti inpto-i to .irr'. .1 man n.iiiicij John Ifi w. It, .ti ;i -,;., from tlic Fnjrf..r four! uf lliii county, cha Mm wit, .,11 .it'Vav. 'I'li. y came 11 son inti-t ,( J the a'i .it .'-iiIi '-, -liiji yrip, ana he nt"ll c alien. :iti . in , ilium... 1 . . I I J i :irr jT.M!i:il!y : 'f i f 1 1 ' f. ! w ijli ' ',,,'! ,I'n;'in t ;i vtvl Iviiit ( ti!- writer, rri-1 L riow lilm to one of '''" li.irf .mm! .u-iliril out tJje thr most .cn-iMr, m.fn-trioiM ;inl I t:r, r, t -t cflio.-r J,.!lowiii!; in an'-tlier . U'oirrhttiit liK-n l-l tin-. f.rnin:nnlt . , Ixiaf. l,. n w '10 v,irl, .if li BO HANDS , WAJITED J'utut wo!. J . will ivc.icgiiljr (.pi- "iin"; men, lor ll nxtf wi jonlhi , :. T.a,-i f Wattlt for frawl ir" -if. ) ,.Tr'-rjrf tti'.xl'i'tt U'UojHiur wiU be in bi oflke iioxt. to tlic Court Uotwe, frpm MA', M. trt 1 fir tlie recistratioii if voters ' The following rc tb bruj-f r Kvvt utrati.m iu tJi XJtinl Vnr From 6 tu II A. 31. ; from r to 7 T. Kvcrv Jay until election. ., liistruiu hi 1 in U limin-it n tfir fnv " I ho r.r.-vfirt '.,i..;ititi.(!i ,.c 1 l'3 ' f rrtlife'f !ef 1 flnf.y t;.ai, (,... it prt?ior(s e. ni , r!)ifi;'"t)i,- 0,.., ' - No li itii Iirn .ConiiiViiu.f a . 1' and hern diaml iiv jiu.i , tbercfor "Oiotilvl -fite.'' if .. - i. . ... 1 . 1. . e asn iiie it tti.-i.- )- ai,v ::i ; tr.- city OX1 (n'ro- MTIouy lx.r man Tilt: CxiAH.KyKR3.--Xhe ccntivc eoraniiUeo ltve.cfcc(ej'tlie tt cliallcugcn at the dint-rent ioiln r'acei on election Uay': Fust WarJ, Ui'pcf JLiTisiun.-rJ U' Wlnlney, John iSUU ber, Vi Ji JJowcJ lower.--, Utn JJoor i!oe. John Kvanelist, CJcorgi JI Alaroi,, ilpmy Jvuui, j.u.vanl Antrum, Joixpn, Jake llur-lcaux, Ilcnry Xcal, MifWu ILk-liarilson, UidiarJ Krowjr, . I.bort J'Mnni-y, Kit Cnrrie, John viafi, Viji Hvliut'd, Henry iigjletou, Uliaiu, H'alker, (ircn Stniili, (; 1. MhIivmi. Sainl Norton. U'l,. n Ifi-w.-tt I .-.ml that he ' ,ral afJ- i-ircr ' 'I t i.-iojj . J 1 . t 1 r t v li wnrV if hfs lii-,, s . v. rv , ton "t I 1 1 t i Iti'Ie lln- oftii rt I,.. ;,..,,.... I . ' a i r, j i ilyopt r. Ui.-Orue li 1 Jinir- l r.iiiM.ini ri'.clt r of I he T l'u- I lie r i v. r. r a ,a r i ri - I 1.1 1 I,.- . !f ' I'diiT tiian In- ny an! a r . nst. mt n a-It r of t he ! i"t' tin Jvwt aii-l other rter- n o-T i T h r x? ? - 'JroA n i in Iv t.o.fr'i in the (.rtlirit I N-i.! -. ; it tie f b,- ,1; -.T M'i i ear . r "o The f !e , f ;.e.- Mr. -i't-ifi .f t -fit! , ,,- !h N'-rfli r..!ina Mir l.i.fll m't-i.ini! 1 1 n mlrol . .,f .,.,r men ! ami I; it!i revt n(. ii f,'..ia e trent imi. If- w ,i 'of I he i i it .Hi' I i . . ' toil. ( hvcn I . v )..,.. i:ii. WOUI't " "vii n'lUI.'.lt HUIIG ill.. - I., i r i.. ... .. lakm ' jyweryr- in .i Acting, ciuile.tia.la.boiii.p cJaMs J 'T" ';'" j arty, whose rc l-r, nta- i 1 r 1 1 t . . ... lim-uHy he m.ii'.i; ho nriMo, Kced, Allai Krait ,tm i, i it.,.. ... ;'. ' I-'i.e, IJcnry uca. MuuuU iioally i-tileil nt Vi:,,"N, Vn. Tueker.'ll )anviH Jlolmcn, ie i i it ,i ii! i arrii - U'att l. for ftaud: :, 1 t t - . . . i . Ii i..f i. i. .ft i ... . i i ,,, 1. 1 t, i- f.-h M,- ...!.(. 1 Iff .' . 'tt'llMt" ,f It . I. -fl ff I 1 .. I.. ,. Iv I I. If. . i i. n . 'i i . I ? , . , i t-i t;-fi'h I'm! ii l f f 1411 I 'it !..(. I iri' ri."r hot Miri'i.i r !I,c I.mhI, -une ! ' 'th i f. I. M. .il n wiI ,.rt :.n .mi. ' ' ' 1 Ll"' ' l!- Newton I Jove. , a-i.f i..:m!V hi. I. n i 1 :lU,' ! ""I""1 ''Univ. C. n . S. II. Mai.niri ' -l.-lv- .ie. ..n.ii:ii'-.ar. f.. '.o r..ni:,l in ! " "' """I ("'!'- '" I' ( keej.in ex-.t;- .i-l...-r!ioo. A!f tin- i-. tl.v re- J ''"'r 'ri'' ' - "ii.l vf living nl' r.f I ri-w rr.it ie in'e. 'llufr erv I "'!'U "r ':,! "I" '''' '"""'j-lyfrt .r:irral,!e -. , o,u, ." I I, ,-.:,. f ' -Mor thin--, the t e.Liierai i u-l " th..t i! , v,-rv mil', f " . I I. e -!! M T V I !iir x ;i i r t v mi 1 -f ! i-, in ,r '.i- I !i.-v !i .1 ii- '"' -I '. r : e r x t ;ir v it! ' .'.I I ti . rjai'i i -sion." I h, . aniteafcf the 1 i. iii.-eratii I :i injai.t ii then ! ir.,iii- i ... ,i .,...1 -i .1..'- . I I l1 t.i !-( rin-f :.tt I ; i v Ihn ..ti nril iii 1 -f I ',, i, ar .Ion n . ( N-.r'h '.in iii ,-i th" . irli. ll: Hit tin- Ml - l.''ii;eil Si.,r. - j (T jtiT.I 1 . II' II, I ,M e ! ,x I'm .i ! t-. . r - . ., i ... , . . ..j . i Mij.-nii, .miiici j nrier, i-naui xv-at, Wilty Modify, lanitl C,al xi:k, John JI Im.mv'11. J'ro,! Jlrown, I-'i' liar l ; Hail, Sfej-hrn Jiilianl. S-eyml WnrJ. Jj.Ji, A Aolic, e'-r'e JI .Ijeksoii, Gourfe'v E Uerdtn, 1 W MtVi-il, A MtKmic, L J f(aWy. pavlu t, Tlia-1 JIuard, Wash Jlovvar.J, j S an.ly Stewart, Mosc W hit in, S.iml j Stirling, I .uil Howard, ucuc Mur- I ray, Win i red J'.rjwn, John W Ukwb f aiiy other da . Under im reK-rii 0nhU"UUioij w I'-'ivc cnjojretl rivilr-t-4 thai, ivonjould never havii Uo4cd(t in vtU- ltUin da.vs,. abd it lUafUirnfji.jt, tv .u.4 who fianu d I he ia- Uagoil jvuitfLioii , and iiiiuuiMiio', but U. U'f4,bcuito iucumbcul iiHift uh to sec la(. (,!vy ;irj U'Hylw idgetl or imulu yJOju raUve. . 'l iiogit!at.tljciioii to Uit I'rc'aefHCvut-litution aiHjnfi t- b thai it waa. , framed ivluk' (Jen. . Cauby was iu comnmotl of (ha state, and its ihert fi.re, nurd 4 uh ioc-i xiyt iociuc am ?ur; for Oortatiturii-iit luA.. .1.U . ...... . - .....nv., in. .iiiii- iia l . .1.; . , . t 1k under it benWicioat, (?) fooVniotiV have had the roof 1(J frym over tht Jieiul of tholr fain life for tJeht and tlf oMTirUt io Crd -lifhr a- bext1 triT con lis- otiir n w h h ay unr n t I he specified tivenly.ori. day iu jail for tin Kaine orfenco ; and ciild not xomc of ohr taffkeiiteM and !ti.ioin txiint oi.f hoiwe- that thfy hum Imitt fir which j tacy nuver ixceiv-d th. ir fenrd earned j wacoa for the xanL of a Ja theiur That this Juicer fxtHti is n ppa ri t to all. and rather than have" t lie fid r. o. ntijrurated, I xvould prefer to m,-,. the JTPAeiitlrtirtMutio,rre!!in!n inf:i t ereri thoagk it had 'to l.ij protreted hv the bayonot. Working men, the hi i.-to-jrats J.aw crer since the narl e, tainperin;?- xxitji th neprnes. Fnt tin v r n .e v.'r, !,. secure Ihtir votes l.y fltf kin-.K ot'in dncxmieiiU,- ami .s:lH jui n willing to liave tlieni on 'their sid.- ns the pooi fVhtte men, in hut they VM-re she,xn a decidol rel' ren. e, (!,',. uarn- h. a evernlirto'-t im n unit oltm-r to the ftf j .Uhlic.m prty, JfStterlv, wo have ! teen the subject ol'their underest ,v,n. j iinefation. In irn ''IIM.Ipsl Hie ;..!.t-.!i,A ''.V " 'a' i 'ta!.t ..n ' 1 ' ' '- ' (! the j n, ,, (. . ,' it , r'bf- 'iH. rh. ' r Ctl r" of tl ';tif jih.-r.'l ii - ! - i V'tl. p: ; t l..j h. l"!IU.' !! i- 'i i-f!i d u ?tii .!. -' iiu -. fa i n;. i nu i off er Htim l e,;n:e th in that . an-t adoptiBu.tla? prt nde. nu. j iru' from Utc .!' d, . f V;-, i..- ihe lotrteal i-oticliwioi:. a: rix e 1 at. .M!un ; H,UiJ,,!.i'ii - t....v n...,, xi c a i nie Ipaiier- .f the V . patty n ho above ail M lien detcrvo ti he di-frtiiiiMir fo, tb.eit ubehiott a-'ainvt the l'ovp riniif bt: and , t i)! a-ttfv mi tl r.. i rii - 'a! . j.ct a I...M Ui' X ' -!, ui ' !''. din iuh I .-.a. li v I cn c"!'. Vidio: 'i Up ;i:in t'l'temr.! to demol ish tin; temtdc Of liheftv Tl .v ,.!.,.. ericy of -tiUfTiiRr, our f rr'tit' State Oui-i'irutipn h the re.-ttit of a ron-pir-itcy, and U( Knders 6f the TVir.oeratic partv. if in a nruoutv m t!,e (.! . .. Corrvfttnn, ir?!!' 'dt'eeive t!i..- i'.. icrn 'Tv i1.c.retrK-tions pr li the ami as xvhea 'jhey ate for -eesiAtr r,rrai'-t ! . i; .( t'..-. r ei.:,-'-' .,i , ribi ae i p ied l!ie Tho WiN... ; lje tl bn .t . v,,; tOlltlui t i tl. i f..-:i t!.: -J . . ; CliarloMe lcn;..uit pin- i y-t rcti.r.iuJ t.vr.t.i his late Uvv's. Iiie A ix.u. , daneer . f I,, hie uttu'.'iti i ! ttin.my i. ;,f ij.cat ii,;x' if l.:-.; iX i.ij ;.uif pe,' uTfi '.r.ierc i. 1 -: v , i- r.-.-, i .tt ' h. '.: py-u . f i t;; ;: ';. r k,r K.,(!, V) ;V .i t IV . it f i ie. i . , p.iie-e l' (I- f :l..:' let' I,... l;ix-e x en voi . tor t n ! lilila! -.. yo u '.-ote to X'. i.o p. i.-.-' l intinoi- Tr n;w f A.;', X In. h (iliee I lie pi.(; t!li li ( I conii,:i.n of -i.ivn x J i;( i-;. i :! t.liS II l.'UIII li-- Ijl i If.l S ; t .p, l i.in u J,-. r.-',;s lan.l ( i, he ,i , crop ; .i i ;s faiT.dv lie ! t !. o ii!N4-or: iVai.- if I j i i i, 1 ; i l l ,(Vi : il : i lief! i ". : i7r . . . r,- .. .1 ; State. U,r :" i;... ! Mu,ltcr' lltjWrl Wf- Wri J'r, '.i.iHy bi a 1 1 1 i i ' i ne. II i r v III Tlieri- il eaintx-i i.rii r .i.i - .1. . i: . . . ' . f einor urn- was , iirawn. lVlil. !i ha. the uefire'i eiterf, tli. white man's j-arlv f fiH vietoriotM mri to keeji n in ttxei traces t i negroes xxtie in nfe ih.- tar- ! get for nil their atta. ks : hi i.r;vile:,w j must Im ttrt.-i ileil a'ml to do this t :...' Constitution of the state n,n-t t l cluuijrcd,. and to th- point J xvi-h (., i direct th-a!.;en tton ,.,K,r ,vf,ilrJ men. and ay to them ihat every I blow that is rnnnd at the fhivih-. Vif I t I !M v ar i- ii 1 1, ii - i'or i! i , n. i,v ( ; ' I.V! ' !: ..'y .', -:!ii if 1 del'ted to t: si t f i t'titp !"i-l , I i ha ,'.:!'! Ill ' .' ' " 1 ' i Ills ii ! n , '!;- ot p ii I I V ' r vv j i r i a' - ei .ti.e he ' I 'it. I md i ! V I I I'll fi ll. ore to r.-t M .1 ! i th 'i" in; the en lit. hexa. liihle "nd in 'A )! II lt VI ii i . Il" l.. , l .1. r. , ( ,r ihn pillar i I tie Inleral ( , n-f i ! II t i. -li ; I " ' . (iff .. i i.i I'f.rt 1. il 1 1 ... . ' 1 ' ' !'"":. - - t l : . . II I I , I .1 (. J M ii card to rnr Siate C.,f,cfif,itir n. There ' "'""""""I ,!l Lmnniil to the. i i . on. r iie. ;x ?i v tn if ill t r at f hi m. and f lM '' '""''j a-. I t lie. i rtxv of l7niiv,l,,v,in,,1.vv,1.l 1 1 at h .y u !.,.!, 1 .-u-d .Jrtet miniil rf. ( Wl-'o rttie vx Jo. enr.se eiv il i u-ht irtmioi'.l , ..,. , ,tr ti,,r,r ,i-'aner t.- 1 1 t ? r I j rs n n v. .t the bat- :" ,rl,r ""id e-niality 4jM-4Mrl , tj,. rrr he r.ii..'..:. - , , ; (.., ; i;..;, -nTo-'p-7 ' v-r 1 in .v!,.. Iim.I the I r- r-sf fo ttie J..-fvpb ft!.e Mt.it,; xilv.. ni.HOi.s-iii.l m ?.. .-.... y tl of- ! ,, ,1 l,.r,orr,f j,. .,;,rtr r..r.fr..l the vote , C.iTentioM. xx-.ll V.'ii.irm.iii. In ..!- :.h- v r. . . r'' la in v 1 1. In Im -.( i v i , ' , 1 1 1 i I' f Ill-Hltllx in. I f II I to' ei ' v V I. --4 - ri lit vi ff ;rr hi ir am'.iint t.i ii-il'i..n it i.li.-n'-lb : . no ti.beri d that in 'h r t i I I. Ml Ml it til,- "S'.l 1 1 U XV . t hv I biin:; ni"ioe, t) ihi, eonntrv, t T 1 1 thrill I'r.i'l A fl ir l li. , . ... in:! rt plu-l i um ! hat it. i in-! 1. 1' !.iu i! i.i: i i t-i.ie lIIV.i!r',e.' 1 1 Ills tili-V l..f I . tl. - l pi'tiM ivi- x. ij II . fipi.i J 'U"Mr !(. i. milnlitv i t . "i- fi I I. it.!.-'vf v.,11- f,! Ih- .-ei-l'.li'r i-j. I rei i r f -t o'i n ( tile th-ef . i-i I I 'lie I T i c I-. " ' ; i r.t . r, I ! i n ' 'i wit thai ' i a oreir i ii' e'.Tli.xn nl .! '. "i-i !. rait'.' rvp'-i . xvill e i-e inn. ! !. . t t .in.- ' oi r farmer I . . . 1 . ! ... Ol I . V . I I '7. " I . tl IM lis liii.v til II !!'t- I ..iir. e- 1 I readx and I Vane.-, - I ieT. M I III I;. 'rv.!x- I v or. I iti' ' - II in. 1. 1 .vtHtfi nl f rti4l if ifi n i"l iv.rte lli.Mii.ii e ! a n-l to, . . I l i. . 1 1 - .' ii ! i r ! ' , . ! ff- J . I . tl . . n-s i a-.'ii. i . .'!r.'l'ivl r? :-i..l..i!.!y "t.- '.!!. ed ! I . I., i ., ... ..!.:. . ...-...'.if.. :im ii'iii.i; r. I I , :i m the -n-t, v ill pt fail Mj-en the p, n- j.if 1 Tiivii.n i 5, ii'i.i r. i ..I ttif-ii ( 'onvtli ii r i fjiii . .inn l.VaH ,.f I Clin- lMtto , having faa- l l XM'jl i ' the le- ri-.jt.-rt . i i - niily a th..t l! tli'- Y i it i. Son t b r i ti .i ri -! ' ei at .ii;: , arid , t c .diviivs i ' t " i - i. i x e ,i ' : i j t-iy i I e I . t a i' .!i . 1A1. I i"per! a n . i i tr e j rr- i t ti. iH v- p iri' o It, arnrr i.r K.-.i m. . I - of ,!. f i mr .!Vir- 111. 1 IliellrV d all f!r- xa-f I " pill', i- I 'enu er it!- -;iM refn. -nf ' -i t i "i 1 1 ' t, !l it wire .'filler- ')'' ., live Mcnilliamx. J ' VaiiSoelen - J I'.ury l.ivjs. tvMvei .Malletf, Ja-or lb-liop; Win X Maiiett. Jhird Ward. Jainei ijealnn, J Spita-T, ;dbtrt IVIf.iir, Juhu SHf, Wa.slit i'u.ker, Ji j: Jaclvnj J'dm Dayi Win Couan.Saiul Mcnick, CJ.aa WiUrn, Thos Jving. Jian dal Joijik, JoliTl lawi-, lictirnc JJav. .'.ilio . li .' Ti , - 1v!U- I i ti ii k Atliiw.u. Win .fohnsv.ic. f ' ii'U M'im I.'X, David White, I Wbe. h r, ( Ar. hie Williams, J n ob Wood, j Fourth Ward, .laseph J CuUir, Win I". Hall, Sil.is Jeans, Mar ftin, John Sea In. W A Jordan, I I.i v id ) l'riee, lv'obt I.M'iiard, I'etcr MiKeOWi, I Kin jafe 'all, Ju,h Muvirv, .1 L"J'ron. Am.'.. i:ron, Sandy J.inw, W II Kev, Win Wiiite.' Wa-at U-nr, II in i i t J ilitis'tii, .fas II II tills, Alex I l'-i.i'H, llemy Mil!, Nat C.Dlivi, Cli is . 'llM'ht .-cutlo i l.oid, John il lloui , Phoi i ti( kvt. I..1-I, MuM-sifiiAin-rr, Jr. i pi n ii':iii' i Kifth W.ird. - Jliram ll.ifAiu. l.ui? vny U k i : J..H Ma ioiie.l v i - h i i ft,,. I where in t hi. ! lit I aad',' i 1 1 a lite :o . f ti. '. t I ibo nc'Toes i tcllinK'Weet u Ki fh life I rcuistric tutc ol tiio eiiv .i-i inirn xxani the voles ol ei: iVKir m. ti Mr n not e.pi those of halt tha; ntiml.. r in t he (ii -t and s,-eoiid x . .1 1-1.., .1 ... i i .. . im "viiiii. rjiriei farrv i- now oi ttn attiludu of the lxo men who went ..tit to kill a b. ef ; oim of theni v..w t Uohj it oVu while the otlo r knot I.. .I it i.i tbtbead; the hitler 1,,-in-erod-li-yed. xvll be drew the axe hark to i i" - i th tfl'crWe'- Wlio nted ' .!-. v-m i-it j , ' '. lo strike where von .'! j- ' j ,;, j do" Wits' the r.ply. " Then -i w i I ;iimi i i l'.s" wa tue ti ,'nin b r fi e -i.--i I rata ha to used tin- i wbito l-n-n . i ' ' bidd tin1 iii-t'! d.ixv i and 1 1 . . - v ;!i-- i i ' is raised ti mtljet a moilal .mi. i ,v -till? Cfos-,-i-v i deiii.M'1.1, V nr.. I mr :h : : r. ' to -1 1 iev a.re if. il"t ii t ti r ti ' :), h.-.d in 1 'M I ' e r t: i r plirj- 1 1 I e 1 1 I 'i Ii ', Mt lil"l. X. -i '., , I i.(l lie il : i . 1 1 - 1. 1 o : li I V , 1 1 -ti I I i . ' ' (: U 111 I ' th pit ir n h'li mi-'i (!! .r. l io it. J.l'', and I lor one viv t I'M ,tli.- ... ) e bi-li-rc : ii M..W he (. t.-ii Ml 'I ho in x er I ha' itir rM-l I- 1 f I he 1 i-W"rr:irv n. i )'! r r -i r.!. r !.. deprive f Mie li -t l f.. . '.-i f !. ir : ,. r, .ri .,1-lblf t! w hir- o j r.xe tlie way Tor pacing t.rr:-. t- r. r ! tie !o f f hetr ........ i ... I. .. :.: ... i . . i I i-n-.e v i : . j i ihi .Mi'iiij.'ii.i' i .i a n r on r- den ..fa en en i-.n ko!. he jft UKin ..l -T. I ..I i. a i te.e :s-"pie. i.ei uui voier- aK every i one ..f their , a-.didat, s Lj.-xx i-v ( t lie I M ;,r-v 1 ' 1 : 1 " J W'i IhnJ b.-M tiffined bvthc.A J C',it,,,, ul Uovtc, I. i bo i i ii- tf.ni ' l . v iiU' ' fj.-i ! i '. v h nt -. . i. ad. . ei u, i mn d'Ui ii. il r . i r iv,.i. i i . ii.,..- , ...i ii i.iviti. i , it i ui ir l i .:i . .in v it m i !: i ........... IW S IC'J.lilC. iitilfajt T JraIiard. I 4lir,.lv ri'niii- lln! i .-v r. ! K"bl Leonard, S K Uicjiartl.xiil. Wi apht i efl'.s iioin voting ix.t'i t!i ! imm.iw, Vllrn SintTiioii. Klian t'.iiiu ' ;i!iv;:v i.i i,. K ' i , . . ... . . . bt Ka-vi, J.f?h Ilill, l; II .Mar:, ii. j u ..r of dixo.e ri.t 1 1 i Siva h 1 ill i ... i . 1 1 - i il - s , x.v .)!! (j j .... 1. a ' i bo .i.iu I J'i l - ! beil. K ' iMotde i a re t . . . I I" . I i H t . I . I . . i amcri'iiiients t!iry iirninH,- to make ami 1 li"-e t wuooi. a.hoi i aio-i 'In toe ettiteirv'.r!i. -.,-, f " ,-, j,.,r. ilenry J)' Bis lwrs tr v to a--?-.' Se 'at.or- ino Insiti il .;ltit In e.Itr,'i e fovl 1 lir.' ; rtU iSlwk Mi .h.. ff"' i-iirt .ur ! i-Ttr lie , .n e i ri rrtv : ! (r, ne i root . ir.art .-f '-is f I :! f 1- -erirrnla.' tl-e S'a if V ie riliHli.i:i- are binding. They vi'l find that (be whole echeu.t; !- u ' i ' . me mtcrvi oi town aaa city jioople, i-'e a ' -t ..f arUT.H-rlffe' life time f mtei.! : t. toree upon .'nee seeker... aim jjvtycr. U iica lao a , r jr mau Iioui-tuul j.i Jtwiu", whew I t Mo-.- " It X 1 N Mr .r:iineir. N. C. .' V.' l t'.it: i ii..- I An-. :j, i.v U lit lyil elevate turn. It has -iea rxiet the. M Cih nii n?id f d-trer' l.ier Pan ; ,! ' ii.ijiTen the i:af Mtvt'iiff .p-'.vr th" ' llomcMi a.l : iib, .tlw-.'Mh I lr:pTii-.. t li lot tor lielvr. it I'm "s k to tr. n ht :y v'- . i j ra A d .1 . .1 I .1 i: r. v.oo or im- i v- ! .. ,,..,.,,1,, :, ' -t ..f ..rUT.H-flffe' life time ' 1mtf bouiuu if. i'mw, whew h I M t-t.' 1 1 -1 t..ii: Will too aibm . to the r-r ntan ilu r.ffht to v- Wi Wlil i?i tl' wr..' I'. Me ' . ..... , 1 IS i Ml orihOUed fur JfliL lt'it-n hi. nil.! Lit i i : . .. ' xvithmi? tmioir-cr .i li;i.ii..ilv ..i- .1 f . ; i' m . aiaei-ira'rv n i. rt fait a- lar as ! . . .. ----- -- in nvniui: nun. .4 n.ec. i. line, u -u.jw . . . ' r .- " 1 aUiniv flit r inli-lfs : ,. . , ,, .... . .;.; Iitor .U-e ulnppof at Uic Aiiipi'iac- 1 i , .. f tion ; ami i s rM t o . am! i-,d. r-,: .., ; UJL... . W.I.. .Mr iM,Mc " tWhWrt' 5"Vt ilt Tormc trivial uTewcr. uLtm I 1K ,u vur -1''"- ciMae,. i,t, 11. t. w - -wrnt ie jMti.r fi " u, ,r t!- prrnt Constitution Tiere as dKfraiitV.M-xI, buff tli'A U.teU to .ay I of valiiit the ..Ueution of I.i IWItm- j ari-a'twacv,. awl .iov to. a-om to rif. rst .., his dH-trtm "", a ?, ivir . prrrent all t!ies-. ' for t!e ;.vcrnutut io -aliich 1 lia uo j workmen Vt a subject in xC icb "i mtitot.t gtvinjr an eat , .. , , ... th" nM W ,r ,Vr t'1"" ''Vete for n'.riM;c.Vn'eao,!b!ates :o f Onawiht-u n'.riraUc .r, ,re rtl orc,tt .Ur; .vc, f:,M,,, J?l rUi UiV ""t lM-itf wv,. mttin ihrm .. ... . ,. , . i.-o ' for i.y, Inds it nvcr Limaixi i ' , t . , ,, , ! . , . .. .... ., .1:: , ,,Trnf,,,n w,n owrn1 ''tlufJwi.i AUrn I .ay U-Uow-aork- ' , ; . . WtK, rv.s-xntifTfkrtsf-l.!Jl"',T aadtTrr?nt-.ert,'rtT I inj mt rtrvta. If tle DiniucrU gnl I rn. 1 tMn ait iU Uboti4 dat W i Ik uit-i i,Uq t (.r .i,,, ; ' . i m i x, . , .wr tlw ..V., tit 1. . " ..:..!.. I.-... ..i i... ,i . . I fientiv ka. ie Uu: iMfioi.- ! i-a; m .!. i ' Tl- BAMffW I . . . . I A . . . I ' 4" v " J . .Wtfft...l,li.,.Vl-fl..l.rVfclr.bf-II . .1. jtarnr"oo Connty A cortTpon! U the mrt chrsrl Ttc (Kx-r abito iaan U t ont at Clinton ,?, j reacts U tl, sUtu., of the fn . . j b. rro, and the wlup . laul wi'U .n.uaI Srrln;; accounts Trrxm u n, IkU nMjr,he j,r tf. 'Il black jnar-l t lf k,' heuM .they oJenxi. fint tdi IWfT .... t.V r liivf them if. , ..... , , lafieh "rsrxka v'nii tlmesi last -artrk In mminal law. We for iM man tbo ! IHH M Ihrin alliT.' Thr f , ' , . I Wsi aot tbfro fluistf t.i mL . 1 ' a - - w , a "I'll ' ' I T . . , 1 ilWt k.v It that tH. ll.mf ' "V m "v ' . V . iXals tronrt rw 1 1 1 no vrr. iracn i n-dolj-ft-i! in neahlnp trat 'ltacajnarrftsm anl bawtfy boie utanj:, rwptetrTj dl- ' pjitirr ctrrjdpeent man. On Fatnr- rtrty t CT.ntow T&er-J tlt :ar-tl ti Mitt !prnl w-atift debt rn- Tast IfVpabliraw f IK-kr lVnnt 9BaipMi tbXlt of Jnl.rma.lt the low i a taiiwlwatisMsi for Tart-.hip -Trr v itrat-?H kttnt ttrtnbrrr, Lrvl T"l.ij CtrrkF.rrrftt T. WW!. tU - Oco TV. Cam ' l tVmnaiMee MatlHew Carr, t llmrfr, IVtfT W I ttrtt. ' f 1 1 mtM sJst wtadsF ths fol Rr UimhIii Twi. J. ltim, : Walter Vii:iaa (Wa.-' Ju'clatyrr. v " tt- it, TajW. . sxaft Hljr. . " Jj-.urn.tbca ainc a Urpe AOtooat tTf mwj aaa leaving tue organic law of tha lAmf as it nyw ur-t?xaa,;"fioa. taeir Imwn It is kuomi ihak tL i ,T .votsoti itiart..eKr.tic .yr . f -i ' ' I . ! la,-.. T , - , -1 ris;. .lir-i in. hut rS o fTas. tte .IHI fiaff VI l I Uk mi vert active wart ia ih- .Hil. T" WI to rv, , w. if M I l..ll. I Jlrf ffir t.tlff ft. .' .,1..1 . 1 - . tt CIMUI.-J by UiC ouinioii of , u(hCA. I tit ism i.'irio? tUv ... wW stake lii,ct a .' a4 itt j Ull thymb- n :at c e' t K- y i . ! !ic -airsiinrr n-nriisr nif.rifi. -- : i " . - . . - - - t - I t ttJf . mmlvri f tUtpi ncvtr !o iavoli- a-iirtnWasr that ha bo r iberr-J rf 11 iBcr the arnrro! t'o a Tarjt f .t- f m1 f th tt etHtvrniios wnr1. lt-rteWfwY I I ft il b lrne in eii-i.I l!,t ..r, f . , V , , " 4 lawwrmtt Hf l fwj-.J 1 1 & ii.il bf't trtti rHrpv-sifAt Tin T prlt srTTTf matri fartT w to ovjrcU of the -. wtic.texifjrur cvJatific. J ro .tUsfraachi a manriir: Vo ialjJ way loJ to ril J. exaTn an ! cvI-ps! laWiag IjVimj r-wtVli if W IaJ rtftt .l kT ? xw . ai in taie. iik votra i , j . , .....fj., .f,-!. tent rf tw, w hite wenrrm Tet-1 Hat r f- i aKn-eevrT taM lte lta ia4ace4 t Uirir homestead an? !n tfjBjrtr At thia ftaerOfn. MahbTric ool" tb allmr xxprtlrer thror that there ws J at ITUk left of M try. One of their pt A -bs for car T1jV? YWfHs! Tips' Vir Jl-fraMsittj: rdaci 1, j H'Ui I tUl M 1 t tatlca txixa;rxUar ant oc Itom vwCicr I . , , or rJ.iJc4v-aaKr, tLTjijit rsy too. j r litTc.V va.aJ wtl, i U.;ayf ' npua forrjtvte errh' tLat Saof wa tsi kt ta the dem KTfT !r frvrt rvt to r ma,Htr. JU aat Ikat ercrr j- whit saaI "eTerf cUrrl a. will tvte fe lher are ln!jtl m led;aSp f joraenlCf an ex!el la Nort! Carolissa, era. TLis l d o; i2k caaaj .xccleI ft ew tor t. cwrenlejw w ha f lr,xn.HW i. r to Crt s 7 jiaw v : st' i, iKi I CTXl: i4al AilUta. . li ik AJV,ad iJt 1 tVtt , tMkir ? iaJ f.jdr f t ww-a- 5 A. a. f ' l"F ! ""t Wattsft. !tNr '-I . ..1-.S i-! t. . ... ll s r' ' rri tJttii&ar . rtr4kaNi-Tat ft fel Wkt i$ ifltaie. V.Ve iu vi i r..f t f . n'.j , 32 :- p . . -'v' .a? .it l !,-, . . 1t vv . , t ,M y.: . . , I m i;. i -. t- -;i if Ti ' i '.1 jj- . .. lls.lt f Hm. " - r . i . i " 5. f csrtrcjtiTktwn. The tvwLiu aa Ii3.t,rr r 7 ir OmtsM Vvi 4 f l uiWaU iaiu.MMtii , . ctrtJtiJwru w2 h- tltcualj m2f. i tht?f AtiC ii-rrnak ! fiati! timet Uimm 9r'i . . ' Html it, -sfc rt1t iv ' l H v s ; '- " .' - VlM.iil tl ra U tif i m ia, o4 1 . .... . i. . if la? f' ka I a Mkl UasM dk'rt-1 we isifr ifntt..rjr a.T prssrel art spJ j -: jvf C;.. t Til ai- I .! Ji .n ii,. .in ;A .iM I ...i': :. .1 e l 4