"rilK WILMINGTON POSf . W'ILM INC TON", N. C. NESDAY. iyUGUST 4, 1875. II communications . 1 .... for the State Committee ..l.llr.Hl bXtf . , r r vr. ii.iriiiiii ran ifi a . ffll, Secretary N. C. Hcc to lleimb'icaiis. K-joih ICei. Statb Kx. Cum. N TIO.AL. IIoTKI.. i:aUi;;!i. r i '.....fr.inii t! I rill in.K. ' KxrnitivcloiiiMiiii.t-H f i . . r,rw,r l inniH ii.itcly .i ioni,;.ltt.e Mf ihe naim" -f inemVr, ( tli.-n comp-ut i--1 "l,uT i,.,,,,rc;. tWm.ui ill aUi -l m applica for ?Hnikrr, pivinjr time an-l ,.taccf"r holdi"S iii.-clins. Ml H-r- throughout lh- St.ito np " 1 to Convention, iH please corrt-s-Lid f"vlv with the Sl;,t'- Committee ,,o all nulii-r rvlatin- to the Cnvm- tK - Tiioma, I.. Ki:h;ii. Chairman. K l. from I lie- Western A.l.liraa. . m - - ,.,olnrs.fllit(;iKr:il Avii.i- .- blY ,.f North l-ar..Uii:i without !i-- .. ..f i.irl V l.ll the we mate lh Jt. of ti.e Male, irtnn which I.iIIkw hi i xlracu:. .. v IV. 1 1 of Ki-ht' -ys " That all ...litical i-.vr i ViU-I ln .1. nvol ,. ,..,.'. Is H.wt r m Hie U"m, f Srthl arolii.aNkiiv.-U from '.lj,oifr it n..t Iw" Mid . ;.. ..i,,n an.l n .r. ntation go ! "l in bin '- cThat . rim ipl li.i- no ;....ii;.m li.r.-. It i true lliat our n.Wrsf'"-'l't tin l.alllisol llic K vo bitiori ujH.ri tli-- rim iph- that they i"t t '' u1 l,y u "y " hit h tlu v m r. nol rvprf hi ntnl. I'.tit whore,'r-nli.l . o rtainly the pr.-pie thtt !" paid he 'axes -not ll:e Uirt t!i. iiiM lt. tr .iiu-:..rs neier tlaimol that thvir property shouM irprrM-nlol. Thev elaime-l, and ju-tly to... that tl j .-hould be represented. la the d ilate, .nyrr(y i reprex i tvd ami nt Ihr f ! : a-id the .-ame prin ciilc wl'i -h prompted our ametor.H to that gl"ritit iontet, and Mitainnl iii-W i" i'. whieh terminated in tin AtlirnniUlt "f ,,,,r lal'' ilii-, "hould ..j.n.t iii to ur against thi net wii'tff-. aiitidjepublieau remnant of I fcii.la! aril.H raey by whieh the pi.oplo rvtj(.I lV a txwIV 111 Ti MICH Hit V iiie i rryroeiiUd. j Apply the prineiple and ee j its i:i- j i;itire. ten men in any . miieli i.roiK'rtv ami pav ami pay as l:itnlr.l mm V " . " - 1 . . biii. h nil.lie laT at t;ve in iti.it'u'r e.'llilt v l li. v all ii it the arm- pvvi " d j..-..peity. K iehnt the fife hiiii"Utd i equally inen tid in IjC itrr-.-Tvati.iii '" hit little ndte a rillnVotllu t.il. ha- i' by the wcal ot hi brow. It t nil lio wltirli to ui.iintaiii iM ir.iilr f-r hi l.imily. It is the deviih-iiee tf hi--. ci.ibSrvn for itjuea (ton t .utiTiance. And yet, by the preMTit .vti'in, I lie ten are epial to the lirtt hunJred. It this jti-.tiee? Is Urn Liberty Ixt war break out let civil fumniotioii nrisK whose livt hrj ox jH.J f.r tlu- prutertioii of This proper ty ? Who are sent l"rth to fight tlic battles i'f voiir country ? The live hun dltl Si f.'f'l' t i;jit the l.atjlc o yyur country ; to v inijitate iU honor ; lonuiuUin" its glory ; leaving their irrs and little ones to struggle on in poverty and in.ligenec - while the ten a ltnje, enjoy their wealth, and Uuit of the honr'ir and g!or .l ilici cvUHlry, the bravery, the fiecdom, aiui equality of it citizens Save us from urh l'revl.i!i -save us from Mich equality It i- no Irevdoiu it is no e.ualitv. ll U .low uright t ranny ty ranny in it m.t o.iou . form. The fry grinding into the I n-t the many j,a.h thc irmi Uucl of He - iwer liader the pretence of Ueiiig derived front 'the H.-nile only.' Trupvrtv his no rights lu.U jk "i.li nt of person. Von can give it m rights, prit ilege. i.r iuimuiuli. wliich itTret it alone. It is matter, and can Rot lirt'l liar enjoy rights, but in coiisc tieace pf it s- vioa, you may give 1U owner political pwvr and privil rrrv If, then. protct citizens in ,e'i.njoiifeiifr u Kd''l) ,,,tf Mr.r t.f hundreds i-nially enlilUxl i pn.tcct in a the owner of thcii arKU! I hi enjoyment tho lc? iKi Tou nie.Liiro enjoy metil by the quantity eiijovetl? fupso you take Uym tlir ne"h man hu lln.uinds it i voir hi-, .n't. If vim lake fnm the pwr" m.-xn li hundnl it is Wtuvh will cling to hi all if a. .r t'itiiucity j Which III MftrouiiA it with more gUarIs ; use it RKrv taring lr"; amf ajore' carelully trvvitlo that it shall not l consumed r profu. and lavL-h ca'vnditurrw of ovvrn:nent Ills notorious that the t'C cvmpuin most of hjgh txt, and Ij natural ; it i ha der fur them to jay them. It diminishes the aggregate tf each more, although the amount ta f lc away 1 lcv and every Mxr aiaa loew and eprvts improve con Mm, ob daj lo becomw rh-h. lleoce it u In Wotcrn North. Carolina ar more interested In the prescrva tw of Uve projity; because, al '.W.th w may have towr slave, we tore .'iry 9trmrr and. uf Course rtmter nunbrr of perom . I .'watch a,-Trrrio! JJS'J i- 1' M u ire X UqoV' YTo tavv mure d ner, and)tavrof every her of property ; ami fewer of that prrsoir who hav nothing to jV7, tad nothing to proU-etor defend, (t$Utli 6a eXtatoHtn '. I of ia t i al r oeoewsary that they tWjwVl prtsa lh waar kid of prop "'.aad that whoald W.dirai-t taitataa, !a4irwt Uiew art sl reyfwaUtlv of th wealth il maaity wbrrt they are collect-d- Tha aavouat WpuhUc wvuex4 Vrwd la ih city t! New York Uko rvtetf th wewlth of that rity. Idai4ys r uiri ire la-lirtcv Wfaraish ftoadeX Of tbt wraith of th cwatfy ia whka they arrf fri. ; It is idle, lic to say you must give,' mure loiiucai wetul iathc rich than hd oor the owner of thou.ajidH than the owufcr .of buiiJrdjp.l ghbagandl owner of any particular species of pruj erty will afford it much more effectual 1'iutcviiun iuiii wnc omrrw uw saoie a mourn anu 8ccie, unuer any form of government uiai would be tolerated for a moment I i a free cnuatry-." 3Iany of our citizen are greatly 01 tKwcd to the election of Judge by the legislature, av is reijuiretl by tlie Con stitntion. It cannot, be disrttUet'tliat our own Legislature has. in many in dance, been the fccene f mtrigiic en tireiy at war with our ideas of the nu rity of the bvn:li; and in which it waa it.... n;.it.. i..JaV ieations were made the tct for AtnetHi :r oilier, but itimply party ocrviceji- ix-iri.siatnre are email bodie. uniallt elected upn tolitfcal party ground and that, too, frequently at the wacrince d the best nrteresjts of the peowf." Under the circumstances many be lieve that the people would Ve the saf est depositories of this power. 1 he op. MrUmity and facility for corruption and intrigue would not exist, and the it-ople, in actin?, would not be influ enced bv the frar of denunciation or puni-Iiuient of party men. The gystepi has been trietl in many 6UU-3 . of the Lmon. and found to operate m wel that it in much-to be doubte.1 whether it will liot, in time, be adopted in all Others, too, think that they ougbt to hold oflice for a limited period. There is no other officer known to our laws, but who is limited to a nhort period, after w hich his power Is laid down At the f.ol of those from whom he received it; and in determining, whether they w ill again place hiua 111 owrr, they pas upon the manner in which' bis duties have been discharged. Jlany of iIk-sc office are of the highest char acter and imjKrtance, aud equally re- uiruiK m i"tgrity rrsiiltol f. tlue olhce luirmir in the incumbent, purity and inteirrity of character. o eviu hare roin giving the election 01 ers t the people and ccrtain- Iv no corruption of the people, nor f I he lheer has be.n the consequence. And it eertainly ii wt a question of uiiicli dillicult.y w iictiicr vvc should be c;irMd with a ual Judge duriug IiLj life, if, in despite of nil precautions, one .-hould unfortunately be elected. In no other instance is such a curse inflib'ed. fan any other be greater? The present fnodeof apjointiiig Jus- tne3 id the 1 eace is universally admit ted to be worse than a farce. A cor tain evening is set apart for the purpose : and the members from the diliercnt eon 11 lies hand in jhe names of those they desire -apintcd ; and they are read at the clerk's table. Nobody hears lh- name .'or care to hear thorn. It is understood to be the season; for sport and U one of those diatoms of Qur LciiiJaturo hngkt)wii and rtHJOgmacd and never departed" froia.' - They arc tri.piently hclected by the members of Legislature for the influence which each can exert at home in some parti xul;a neighborhood. And it is well known that manv of those appointed are wholly unfit ftt the proper perfor mance ol the duties entrusted to them. And sonic of those duties arc of the highest importance to their several counties. They cujoy and exercise the I Hi we r to tax tho jioople j they impose taxes much more heavy than those im posed by the legislature. They regu late mails, build bridges, courthouses and jails ; regulate the patrol, and gov ern the whole police of their several cou n ties ; besides exercising original jurisdiction in all cases of accounts un der $100. aud actions on accotiqt RRdof 1H; besides presiding in Ooquiy pourls, where business of trie lijhest import ance to the intercsta of all is transacted. Thev have exclusive jurisdiction of the probate of Wills; of graining .letters o administration j ineyappoini gviaruiang, and control tho settlement of their ac t)iints,""and of the settlement of aU estates. There arc many other import ant duties they perform they are in fact, the groat Conservators of the peace .if society, and ujhui the proper ana et- ieient performance of Ihoir duties, de end.s in a great measure, lite social or- ic der, morality, jn?ace and prosperity of every community. Surely, men upon whose qualifications for office, and pro ber conduct, o tuuph dvpends, hduld be selected with great care. ' here is no amendment to the Constitution more imwrioiisIy deniandetl by the public good than this. If they tax tho people, ought not tho people to elect them? This is a question lor them to decide when in Convention assembled. It is made a oucstion. too. by many.1 w he' her the election of iccrctary of cHatc, Cmiptroller and Treasurer, ought not to Iw civen to the people : and all other ojliceri noy clod by the Leg-j islalure, o a general characterf when other duties connect them with the whole Slate. It ha hocn prooted too, to provide tor the election of a Lieutanant (cov entor to preside in the lcnatc, and who shall a Shu me the office of Chief Magis trate of the State upou thedaath of lha ineumln-nt. We all rwjernbt; thft long struggle to elect a resiirg ofjcer in the' Senate, i? years ago, and again two vrar ago, when that (body was equally divided. . IJentenant Gov ernor would have removed that diffi culty. The lct Thp latitat ft reouire that the jrcjidmj offilcer ol that body shall not voto upon nuestions renvUng be foro it, except io ca uf tie, and when his vote may nutkc Ipv Ad he Is qcj nertftKuJ ' ipwk'fpl whoa the House i in Committee of the Whole. One Senatorial District is therefore neccarily almost whollv dis franchised. The impropriety of th Uic of things will readily occur to aiL Manv other complaints exist against the prwt lnv;itut;qi. Uvther imjuVcncU P mow consisleat with tht projres of the age. The adenee or pjTtniment Is Kxresv as every other sxieoc. Pple improve; their means of knowledr increase- thcJr dicuiuslxa c vhaasi Vheitv rwlalki Jon one aoothei', and' towards euiaeos ot their sister Sutc. alter. Our sister Slate everywhere around us are taking adranUgwofiaU ag of improvement U iai prove their form of coTerwaaent, ado4Hd whaa the rights of her od were comparatively tilde ksxjww. Is our CjasUtatioa tUo to rtceive anj taprovrmewl from the spirit that U ahrasvdf It North CarHa aka to hr Ml? Is haVe t'coclla. hoHad in lho shackiea wkh have kept her Uhib'sx W-'fc4terr4n U bauds teal? lsWIshansatUkaAaUOQg man in his mignl.'aiid S.toand that she shall be free? fiiened br John Gray Bynam. Cat vin J. Webb, Jesse B. Sloan, Kuther irford'; N. W. iWoodfiu, Marcue Erwin, i 'isuncomue : iv. i. xaoc. j. m. a. lrake, Jesse Thornburgh, Randolph; Jqo. A. Lillington, A. II. Caldwell, 0. (i. Foard, Stephen Doulhity Rowan and Davie ; G. F. Davidson O.'G. H'Koj, E. M. Campbell, Jos. M. Bogle, Iredell; lrancisL(Oclce, SUnly; A M. roster, Wilkes ; John A. Gilmer, D. F. Cald well, Calvin II. Wiley, Peter Adams. Guilford ; Rufus Rarringer, J. W.Scott, John Shimpoch, Cabarrus; Alfred G. foster, das. 31.' Lcacli, JJaviuson ; A. II. McMillan, Ashe; David W. SUer," Macon; John ltayos, Caldwell; J. II. Maugbton, Chatham ; AugustR. KelJ Iy A. Russell, Moore and Montgomery; Samuel Fleming Yancy ; II T. Far- mer, iienuersoii; 1. it. vaiawcu, x. J. Walton, Durke. ' ' The Proposed Convention, Ye hewers of wood, drawers of watei, and delvers of the earth generally, says, the Ashcvillc Pioneer, hear what Wm. J. Yates, editor of the Charlotte Dem ocrat, has to aay about Convention and the prospective pay for emancipated 'negroes,' and then bare your backs to the lash: " If a Convention is called let it bo unrestricted let there be no nanderine or promise- to Radicalism or imported Yankee. idea.s-Iet the old time prac tices be restored, including' the -whip- pingpo4 and qualified suUrage, liut it. . understool, . we think, that the Iegirilalufe cannot limit the action of a Convcition,and if the Convention meets it caji do as it pleases. 4.vo iremucr 01 v:i sovereign riaie v;on vention should regard the dictation of a mere legislative body." 1 . " The restrictions imposed m the bill as it passed I lie Senate are degrading aud disgraceful to the people of the State, csHVcialIy in its pandering to the prejudices of our fanatical enemies at Lho North. NO NOUTHCAROLIN7 IAN SHOULD KVKR SAY THAT HE IS WILLING TO SURRENDER HISCLAIMFOR DAMAGES IN THE UNLAWFUL EMANCIPATION OF AND DEPRIVATION OF PERSON AL PROPERTY, AKTIIOUOH WE ARE ALL NOW OIToSKUn-OKEESTAULISHKrO SLAVERY IS ANY SHAPE." CARPENTER & MALLARD, , (sUCCESSOKa to) J. S. TOPIIAM & CO. HORSE BLANKETS. Largest and 'Cheapest Assortment of Trunks in the City, SADDLES, OF ALL KINDS, IIAUNKK. rI, t.AHX. , AIll,K It I .AN K Kirs. FEATHKU Hl'NTEliy HUru.V mtlHSMFii. Cl'HHVtlMI,' MAHIiLKKY IIAKDWAKK. ol nil kill. Ik, CHEAP FOR CASH, dec -V)-1 y INSUKANCK AGENCY OF $40,000,000 Assets Ropre seated, Kinr: iyM.'KAXCi: companies : Liverpool of Ix)!idoii ec Globe , England, Hamburg Drcincu, 0erru,a,uy, Mobile Underwriter, Mobile. Virginia Fire ami Marine, Richmond. City, Richmond. Southern Mutual lUplraontJ. Old North State, Warrcutoii. 'cnii, Philadelphia, lome, Columbus, Ohio. Vmaxon, Cincinnati, Ohio. Also Manacem. for North OnroilD, of ths MI-rTKOIMLITAN INisUliANCK OOMPA- NY. N. V. nsd Azents nts wautcJ for 14 n nil KuovfuplrUte t and Fire 1 oMiwnn-M 1 rrttorv. iiroeo on l-rtnovas, lolwrii Front aad WILMINaTON. W. C. -THE CITY BOOK STORE HAS ALWAYS In slaek. fall assort, iwul 04 sMJUidard hdU Miscetlsaifuna Works, .Hitj tQu latest ratukaUonsoftha day. - ALSO, A e mblHr stHt sf litsnk Rook a. Writ- uit luin-r. t'-u vloiw. intend ltepvr. Inks. MuHian. c. with w L-ur Murk of Ut- mKvU luKtran wU, tiukLsr. RmJos. Vlotlws, I sir, Mfvs J llW mloM, Arcurueoos, stew Allot lh wUi V soM riin.r n caiB No ft Market Btrset, rd 6 WMmtnttav, V. C. mm URGAKS STAR" Aav pevwoa wishlwc lopwrcbaae a parlsw nrrwsv vkrfp tasrvw Is nostra I few uw -Mtwr. srvMill do w4 to writ tar swwlsl rMsA. ks Isirlarv this twstrvwissik AtnvBS Ei PROSPECTUS or the: educator r tcr rXv rA Cle,' N t. Tl K r.PC'c-VTV'IV m h4rwJ mi sworwl sflrf4alsJisswm.til .nsesslty avrwu! lalk IwursslstrflbweoSoeol vosh mt Nufft crotw: wast will k Ik utinst uf Try swaoswrw esviewtaisO. t kai ikal etas ot ewr ciunat wkosaost trr m arol 0 sUweal tow wwd aw arftk. wait wwt Mrirtrv- a rwrtr wws.sr TIIK KlirOATAk wkltrsiw Uw w kw wlwetpWw t4 scy mis jry Sw ls mmmef. hart ws4 ktwfflsi mi ikw Isimii sMftamsv, tatvwirs. . m w H ps) ss 1 1 1 srwl It f TIIK aucciK. TTIvr OF !TIWCsUriTIO!t Osis Iw sOJtwwww rsa . 1 IWS. t W Wl 1 S T.-. ruM wADDrtx. a toiirtt. km NEW'AltltlV This .A K I I WAOCJtAW. OAPE FEAH FKKaH-j i ' BEATEN UICR. fi i t' II A S, SIDES, SHOULDERS, . . - 1 "i ff iiil'-t ( Dry" Silted and Smoked.) f ll Eaglith and Scotch Alee, 1 ! COFFEES of all kinds at reducsd Prices, FISH, CASE GOODS of all kinds7 TOILET SOAPS, Fine Pale and Common : " SOAPS, Twenty . djuler- , ( ent kinds pf TONIC BITTZRS, Cigarp, Tobacco, Kerosen Oil, Hay, Corn and Uats, WITH HUKDREDS OKOTIIEK ARTICLES OF 1 ' Groceries il Wliolsale, CASH or close buying customers can bo suited always, with Good Goods at Lowest Market Prices. A DRI AN & VOLLERS. 1 jan 8-ly y BEST IN THE - : illU'i WORLD! Every Cfiinrniileecl, W E AKE COMPLIMENTED daily by old and new friends iy t$ Celebrated Brand t Aud ve have the consent to usvj names if nxoaaary. Que trial is all I ive' ask. aid no other llrand will be used. KKUKnntlt THE i : - i ff NtlW I'ROCSSS EMPiRE. DIGS, AND ANY QUAN TITT TO SUIT. FOR SALE tlXLV BY GEO, MYKUis 11 til 13 &ati Frta 1 Qurolina f Central ll ail- 1 way Company. t 1 A fctTPERINTKXDKNTM OFFICK, : WiiotUiOTOM, K.-Crt July IS, itr.i. f f -.. !."i.d . tj in ', ...-i jt .villi i f'U if, if , CDANjSE OF SCUh'Dl'LK. rvH AND AFTER JfeLX ISTU. IS75. tbc Trains wilt be rnaudver this Kall- wsyas otlows : : .i 4 :f I . aaieraii Division. i . i ' . PA?4KNGER AND MAIL. TRAINS-; j IAILY-fan4ay&exe.p1cd.l Leavfe WUmieKtoB al . ,3.00 M AJTiw'U,Chartyttc.r?..., . . .5 30 A. M i.csvb voarjoitc 4.15 P. M 'Arrive In HmiBgton ...... . .7.00 A M FAST ''FRBJOHr AND PASSENGER ' TKAiMoDAlLY-M Sundays excepted. Leave WUwtngtow at ....... -,..,A10 A. M Anita at Charlolte at. 9.00 P. M Leave Charlotte at. 7.00 A. M Arriva at WUffilBgton at.'. . . . 1 .'. .9,45 P. M '" Western Division. ' Leave Cbariottestl'i, ............ 6 Ol A. M AxciTd st BBnaloJor 6nc6y st..t0.l A. M Leave Baff.Tbst. :'..':.: 12-00 M Arrive at 4Jbsrtotte at 4 W P. M Connections., Connects at Wilminetoa, with Wilming ton & Weldon, and Wilmington, Colombia & Augusta Railroads; Semi-weekly New York snd Tri-weckly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia Steamer, and the River Boats Fayettevillev Connects at Charlotte with North Caro ins Railroad. Charlotte and Stalesville Rail road, and Charlotte .and Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Co!nidMa A Augusts Rail road. Thus tupplylnjc tut w hole West, North west and fcoathwest with, a short and cheap line to the tieaboard and Europe S L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer sud Snperlatcndent.' dec ia tf Papers publishing' our echedu'e wid 0 Uce chanire. Want AiMiEe Railway. nn.V Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W., N. C. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. i o CONDENSED TIME TABLE; In eQ'ect on and after Tuesday, April tOlNtt NOKTU. sTi-rioxs BXl-KKSS 8 20 A. M. 8.50 " 10.52 1.35 p. M 4 05 r. u 4.1S . S.3U ll.lt P.M. Leave Charlotte . M -4 V. M Air Utile J'nct'u Salisbary (Jreeusburo, . . . Iiawville ?..".'... Dundee,. Burkvville III 46 " 2 -J0 A. M. 5 44 " 5 66 1135 3.2i f. u rrive at HicLauouJ. . OOINO tsOUTH. -j XtVOWa. MAIU BXPHBSS taave Kickuisnd . . . . , I HS p. m 5.08 a m. " Burkcvillo. 4.58 8.35 " Daudoe,,,. .... 10.33 " 1.17r. m. Danvill 10 3J '. 1.S1 " Greensboro... 2 00 a. m 4.23 " Salisbury .. ... 4.at ' 45 ." Air i.lnc J'nel'n 7.( 5 " 8-3 " Arrive at Uksrlotte... 7 15a. m 8 47 " OOING EAST. STATIOMg. MAIL. Leave Greensboro'... 2.15 a. m Co. Shops 3 M " Raleieb 7 3S " Arrive at Goldsboro'. 10 05 a. m ..' " aiATlOMA, UAAU " Leave UoMsbaru'.... 5 0tr. m RalciKU 7.-'-av m " Co. Shops 11.57 " Arrive at Orvenoljoro 1.15 " i '! North Western N, C. R. K 1 ' ' (SALEil IiRANClI.) Luave. Grceneboro 4 W p M Arrive, at Salem MSP M Leave Salem .-20 A M Aarive at Greeuaooro 11.-15 A M Tasaougcr train leaving ItaltiKh at 7 52 p. m. oqnnevta at OreeDinrrt witb tne i.orin crn boa ad train; makina: the .uickcat tine to all Nortbvru cities. Price of tickets same as via other mutes. Trains tissi from nuts erst ol Urecas boro connect at Urccnboro with Msil Trains to or Irom points North or Sooth. , Two Trains dlly, both wsys. Oa Saadajs Lynclikar Acwsaraodatiaa I rave Richmond at ft U) a. m . arrive st Bark v tile pat) na.,lave BurkvlHo 4.S5 a. E., arrive l Kick mo wd 7.58 a. m. No Chasg-o of Cars' between Cuar lotte and Iltchiuond, 2 Hi M."ea. Far lartSer lalortnaUoa aodrvws K. ALLEN, tivncral Ticket Accwl i Urecasboro, N. C r W K T.lA"Tr K giacr snd (ie-'lSuiH-ruiteodent. gotrrii eun i llustratedTvg k Ivuloiuh, N. C. The oiy IU-fhTILVrKU WKKKI.Y in Uis Vooth. M;M r-v Furtr ootwinwa. Ctoalaialng nwn rradla ptatler than any wsvkly poblisbd-l In Ci Mithira Hsa Irs. j Ttw 0rl nan.br of tt,o wrifTHMtN IL- I.rsTK.TKl AUK will k stakrdajr &0th day of Jatnaw 187S The IMUsbc lotcoU swakicf It aw illaw- wtsd record e4 the Umn. ll W1U Uw4 of topic, rotlUcwl, Hiaiartewl. Lifcnwry. d hctewuoc. wbach Is f eciTul iavlsvwst. kiva taw besa lUttssmisuoa taat m ha Tbsj tsUCTUFJtX IIAJCTRATEI AUK ll Ws MiwuU ow new m m. wad kravr tow pwwv.- Ow tU ltd vt cuomksHer wUI hw trfwad the smiwmw mt stawsiy s ibe fee rUer ta h Mi. rtai mA sWkrw.! ws'ms wsvS sArtrt 4 wmU raw dssMetqnwl dftatrwsKwta. ctvtww; kk Ww4 yrrnjt, lwrwry, srWstkisV faijUwsl. tVH4 wad iuil lBtcllkxvreritJstBai evsry twt w aaaawmtaf rvslaVrr sawss awswvd by wtlwry siaC ka rmm mm vwnsty. Hiatal k u kwakw CW m TTTU KIUI I A TUt K m mnml tmr. Uss aNrsstfcn wswcU wHwaw r.(,kw kfswawl. tydwwssdl U mlti t?mf4 tssadaaakk-'Jaj:. ? ' Na Uswiff i'wiii4a tv, KsVosaViW r5y $3 wwr sssaav (wamc a-v . It T. rnalROt. Cskawr. faat-4i ftskwkxKX.C. Oaxolixia. Oezrtral Railways General Freight Department, .--Viaaam?GTOIr( makch ist, ms. rpuE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC Is recpeetfally Invited to the fact that ths Carol! X n Central railway batng eoeawlsted aad rally egwlppwd for siBessv ofTww with lis eoaneetloos at Wilmington, both via dirwctsUwmer ll new awd via Waldoa a ad liortkmowl to toBslUnora, Philadelphia, New York, iiostow wd Providence, aawqaalad facility for bu&iaess shipments from , . i I . ; "W"ilmington. aaad all; Sootern ' Oitiest . TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVXLLE, SHELBY, - Rulhcrfordtea, Ashcrillf, GrctnTille, Spartmbiirg, and all stations on the Atlantk;. Tens, and Ohio, Atlanta and Blehmoad Air Line, North Carolina and Western Ncwth Carol In Kallrowda, as well as all points la Qaortlwwud Ala bama. Nk Insurance iron Eastern elllaa s-nwranteed as km as vlw aa other line. No Ursa In 1 or transfer chwrges, wad RaTEH AL.WAYH AS Kales so sji . pointa rarm&new npoa appiKmuow wist wcnignen. uincvia uukoi ew Haaover buUdlnx. . .... Ne wpril tr CLYDE'S NEW YORK AND BOSTON LINES. VIA WILMINGTON, N, C. FAST FREIGHT 80IHB 10 NEW New York and Wilmington Steams&ip Ct4 Semf-wwkly, Sailing from flew xort, 1EDESDAY AND SATliUDAT AT 3 P.H1. And from WEDNESDAY BOSTON AND i . New Yorc and Wilmington Steamship Company, connecting with the OLD CO L ON Y R A I L It O A I). AND STEAMERS DAILY BETWEEN Boston and New York. SEMI-WEEKLY. Between New York and Wilmington, Wednesday and Saturday, from each .rt. Shippers may rely on the prompt and regular salllaf of these learners, aud quick li patch given to all Shipments by this Routs. NO Conucctldg at Wilmington wltli the Wilmington. Columbia aad Angtiktn RaiiroaJ. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, the Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear llhn Steamer. ' Through Bills of Laden given to and from all points in North ami South Carolina Georgia and Alabama. ALSO TO New York. Boston, Providence, Fail River and other Eastern Cities. Rates guaranteed as low aa by any other route and time as quick. I.4M-.-0 m over charges promptly paid. MARK ALL GOODS VIA CLYDES WUMIXOTOX JJXK For lurther information apply to either of li. I). C MINK. neral KanlMTi A rent. xi uevonsnirs Birwci, owioo, s nowiing umi, .nw i oik A. D. CAZAUX, Agant, Baltimore and New York Lines Wilaiington, N. C. DAIaTIHIOnE 4ND SOUTnERls STEAX1 TIC AN POn TATION COK1PAN V. VIA WILMINGTON, N. C. FAST FREIGHT ROUTE TO AU F01MTS KORTU OR MIITII. HALTlMOilE. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Semi-Weekly. Hauling from BALTIMORE TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 3 i AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BOfjtON AND PROVIDENCE. Baltimort and WUmijgton Lint Bwlllmore. Bcartoa aad Provtdeaee Llww or via Canal Daily to Philadelphia, aad CLYDE'S Pit I LA DELPHI A AND PKOVI-1 .swv t ivr I KMrsff swwv rvtv im law srwswwt wwd dlvcwict. give ta all waissaswts my uus NODELAY8 Throwgh bilU of ladiac givvsj ls aad lusw, ucvraaajM ALaOTO fkmlUi tttkwsWfrkks. s by way wUsrv MARK ALL OOOI VIA Far fariaet lasas eaatiesi. arjy efvaet af the waatewarwad Agwadae tw Uww. KOWUt irrTIEIlAlltiinArraO w A. D. ClaXAC3L Agnal aWUsaara aad 3r lava Us as, muskaswtswv. N. t saarchaU GB110, limi AID UPE1GHT i? I A N O S. rnitDTwwNJiPK. trai Ustresot Filrj VarraiUd fsrHTiTciri. . rs waie at tltea BasCte. LOW AS THS LOWEST. ' F. W. CLAWIT, Qneral rvtyM Acwt. AH FONTS SC3TD 08 Mil, YORK, Wlltninton, AND 8ATUQDA1, FALL RIVER. the undersigned Agents of the Liar. WM. P. CLYDE A CO, , Oewerwi AgrnU. New York I. Inc. VrUf?' PHILADELPHIA. Bait line re and Wilmiirton Line Semi-Weekly. Between rtwlUmoreandWiltnif.it. i . Baltimore and Pkiladelphla it. Bt Co. Daily tla Canal. Detwewa BwlUmarv wad rhllsdi bis. :o:- WEKTERN ITTII-K. Baltimore and Wilmlngtoi Line Norfbarn CswUwl Rwiirowd and tbs r-u. aad ukks RwUrowd. swinwg wf Utswa sSiaswsrw. wwd wwlrk froaa aJt ta la North aad i"wwi h t r eUtw fkal ikwia. sw smsetaargsw fs (r WlUIDiOTOX JITKAMEl:. BEICI AT REDUCED fkirEi. AT UATHI8 & 'COTS CSafcltf Cmii XL' PRICK 87 OO wV. 8 DO rcn nnrjAxa Wrreeadl m e4rt u II ewe i 1

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