HIE WILMINGTtjKJPOT) II M l ! i ii U- Opinion of l'roimneut, Lcm.ocra.13 on iho Ca-uwniioai truest Iota ""HoatfH aadCirculate... .n . c i i-.-n i.n IjitJlinutlicTj f t6 col To till; bruad assertion ye rtinct- There arc several change in the or ku!4w7waStfc by the convention of 18Cp,tlicr than the exceptions matte esc jreiitleincn, which, in my opin ion, the pcopIc ol .North Carolina, win uol williuirlY v-LJd foe Jiiiuict; , t JtMj elUckiuia.cf Iho judge vy mo The abolition of the county courts crs by the iieoplc. " cm section 01 me eiate, wno woui-i up .a . f a Eastern negroes to elect Judges a KALLloll.Oct. 1S74. ;iu: In reply to- yotu Mur .kiug my? opinion in regard' W the1 citllins'of a invention by the 'nert1 Oyif njl MiuMr, lr th4 uri-jls Amending the UoiiatiUiUoii. Uiroliiai. J have to kiv That iyi j .pjoi. flyiTO t ntion for'thepuriKRie indicsiteU would in the and couuty coiuwifrioK, i?o .lax. iky the election of .JudaM Micmrcrffctl, tho remedy Jrfca?y by. clectioi Judges ,pu a general uebci, IajW w far -as txuiity cominiiorri,r8 Ri'ooncvfirfd do -not believe that the while' people In Vthg WtstBit w Uli it' tu Oih'wle ti tlw I J in- lieu :il ui in- VvO i i-M. i mum jJIOllUCr 1 iii North Carolina in li7G would be jt ,jt fZ P.,.icca.,.i,y. The iouM ,J T ' my opinion, be injured ifUt?rjr i( .ii linn U Liken. ",'V 3k! i iiit-rit JJfv Iis!dttf-,teir Hm;to ttf, ijifTiicsjvf toenail avc county Ltvi'O'lir-. I sionerx, anil our people cencrally arc . . . . A... ...li m . A Y - t bc4l.iwi.ie, iiivdic6tlaiitfroififcf i Wtf"f ff" AaLf Ulc tfU,M" w i avui v aii . ji'viioi v wiu vuuiii v vvui v of KU-at harm to the material iutcrrsU of the Mate. M IUn.uirtJTi.ni nil fhw i I wolll.l boil ... - . .. "TTT. J TVS4.i J he iK Iial ol th Loiiscrvati ve WiycTRoHlWvWcr ti) call a touvention. ol inriu Carolina ivv ticket. Not a convention during f iL'Ulature was coii- V.AitpUfe JrTiSirlyfcVtliirds majori itiottyj W TO ?f itd majority, of our wisest lc;iders. a bill was passed at lion i-t taken. A very cursory exam l'oiilitutioii and history ofNorthCvO- in tie Constitution, to-wit: the legis lative and conventional, the intention a., that for ordinary liinc.! aisjj for the correction of ordinary crJl. it was thought hy ou7.h,ef that thtf lejri-lative nioile should beadopteu, and, that the moile of amendment bv the coiiventioti 'w;rs 'rf fy Ik rerfey f ' when the exigency of the lfWW cxtrrmc. and was asubstitutc in a)em- ..,.1 I.-. 11 ttil ir,M rn-f meiil for revolution, and was not to be exercise 1 unless the euHT'ency was reaU We lind ailontioii of the constitution of 177(5. there was no convention of the people of Notfh .Caroling untiL tLc year, S.V., Vieept tlieF cvuheniilns lof .178$ ami 17.-J which were called for the pur iHe of ratifying the Ft'deWl 'ceiwiiti- tion, ami that since iiyi uiiic mere nas Ik'cii ii-, convention otNJopIe, bxi Ucn called fr the puriose amandin;; the contilutioii, ml lui-itf lually done o until the ycarty-l J I lie coiiveniioii wnieii was eaueo in iMil b for tho1 urObU.-of tnKid North Carolina out of the Union, and the fieidun of oflicrr chargdl with Iba duJ J of receiving or permitting, such erJoruiance or otfer to perform, or act mg thereon, be deemed sod held I as a lerunuancc ia i law ,of such act ; and the ttcrson bo offering and failine as aforesaid, and beinR otherwise quail tbe wbolaale prlpes Benerajlj-. In mJUDK Kt?nd hw rrxt lint nod lixl of trstiuionialK. P suUl orUcm bljgbcr prices ave .to be (lice taHrer & Collector. CtrfoF Wilminotox, N. C, June 12ih, 1S75. ) liciljfcliall be entitled to rote in the K A LIEN'S sod purciisenoeoi his EIGHT saint maierJtT to the same extent a y clxx;KK, , may2ltr ! and aufailge, inspeetoror other officer J k"T) f fliprpn ' DDnAMO 1 of election whose duty it is or shall be I f lU 110 bTJiU: U 11 U A 11 to receive, count, certiiy, register, re- 1 1 . trrw.rr- i kiuf iw ik. v.r ' n v I Agents sopiuieUainL'urestlial defy com ""' "A. Mrefw.v I netllkHi for iti ume fclniw erf instrument. sucli citizen who shall wrongfully re-I Try oe. Address EDWAKI) 1'JJTTS, fop; oroimt to receive, count, certify, I waisaiogion,. 4 -, , l , July a-m rucisier, xeport or cive euoei to vao vow? 1 fcL K . - of such citizen upon the presentation I fv trumiito ur-mo by him of his atliuavit stating such otfer. and the lime and place thereof, and jUic name of the officer or person whole duty it was to act thereon, and that lie" was wronsfullv prevented by such persoi V officer from performing wig 1 1 act, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred ThrHars h (he person aggtieTed thereby, 10 oe .recovpreu uy an action ou uie casej with fill costs, and Buch allow auco for counsel fees as the court shall deem just,-and shall also for every such ohencc bo guilty ol a misdemeanor, am shall on conviction thereof, be fined no' less than lire hundred dollars, or be im prisoned not less than one month and I Badges : commenciii not more Utan one year, or both, at the 1 . 1 . uiscreiion 01 tne couru l iKivniVTrtctirn i vcr fc?oc. 4 AndUM further HueledL.vThat ' " o-. : 1... i- 1 ! t a 1 a I ' v I n l , ' .) 11 anjr irsoy, oy lorce, onoery, uireauj, ad for our ( r) days thtriafter. The Ordi iiititniJatiou. or other unlawful means. I shall hinder, delay, prevent or obstruct, MBce ,so r"vides, t't person who or shall combine and conlederate with iai: to oomp'y with the above rc-iuircmcnti', UAUaiMG-uimuy.. llii Ancnw TO 9 Uonble A nebor iM g maudard liomraUa IMk tm BACUN Nor Ui Carolina. ' a. aura, t B . IB -gf HboalUm, V P - - 10 t Hides, , ..... 11 & Western Umosed llama. u- 00 6 bides .i;.... 4 lo"4( Shoataei'.. , U i'ijr miieu- 15 U) 00 to 17 ia: w 18 15U! l!l 1 e BROCKS' EXCHANGE...; No. 13 NORTH FRONT STREET, Si Door SonH or nircell House . rplIB riNEaT.:WIKES,: UQUOKi?, CI- UJtBS and LAGER EKKR In Ibe cllT. A pleasant BrttUard Uoom. furulbhcd with Colleudsr's tables on tho second floor OPEN DAY AFD HIGBT. tildes fcs.. u. ' 1!) '13. IShoaldera V IU.... ltU , , It KEKK-On the hoof.. :. " 8 BAlUtKlMsptritsTnrtciiUiiej 1 Hcvood liaod, eacli. 2 60 is c w-1 or s , each . new uir, eacn....i apr 30 tf W. 11. GKUKEN, t lroprietor. ... 3 00 1IEESWAX-V9U t7 i ' BMIUKnrWiliuaixla, 8 00 c l IW Northern........ . 00 mM 00 BUTTKK North Carol iua, . 3U -' ; 30 qslres that the amo bCould Bo lulo ef- VAttvP'mV iZl 'U W feet June 1st. "..1.; -t- S UOT1CE IS 11E11KBY UIVKaN, tLat uli I w V,' mj. I' " !'.! !iltfUlrv-iim sfc ri'llfc IHXJ ORUINA'NC FOR lWJ!RR-' Parlies owning or keeping any dop, cither Srialeor female, arts required to rtit-fer ;tbe Mate. V . OOKlf KK-Iava, V . 1UO B....- 18 same at this office; aud procure the requit ed ookJi meaL-v bush'ei." olliftrn Irk liimfnr iloilv ' iro upnt rr nh. 1. ' 4, a I will be sablect toa ikiibII v of 'ten (lO)doN feated by more than 1,U0 majority, Cat more than this, of the delegates clcclcd, a xnajority. 1 have becuinlorui- Jd fy a vJbS JsLfa lricnd, were le- publicans. rj rThe people. rQoojy, witliou r Jiarty ajud cuaHPd in many localities that we could liotliave carried the election in 11 was regarded by many of the them. ocrs of the Legislature of 1870, w wo: for tq. WTfUI have been electeil if their constituents had becu aware that they would have done so. worse, lhau .luis, luc-.lajiurc lo I'arry North Carolina paralyicd the opunsition to (irtutt, hu. his fc-clectioji was due, more fo tlo rlsnlt li Nofth Caroiila id August, tjuut to pay oilier cause. ' ' Ifi 1870, IMciVwi'n 1e another great ontcsl lor the 1 TcsiuencytJ lViMlTnia,llft,tWWaii-r of its r.. . r- t- :f , t ' - . fiaic election irom veiooer 10 .ovem- jlbei, i mo Uiit'jr WiCj Keystone .State. II ybof-f lrruwt Tss the doubtful honor of being the Keystone fctate in that Controversy. f'Rrcrf cllurt will -bo the eoiivi ntlon of I5GC' JucWg CAi'cd under l'ltideiitial 1 roclamation, and Us coiiciuion- Uiug rcpudQcHiy lAcjT:lS3' ?i"d (IMIb0 5j. iieople, are not to be consiuefedin UiisTfroui beyond the limits of th oniiiecllon.' r n. ' m -ci - : The M.licy of tire JStMfr 'fflrti being' w t II ovUkil'itU la mU uaTntiu,wi . . . ir 1 I he pivplt except Uom c.iraoUiruiry .e;i.-ioii., is there anything in the mi-i lilieal eoudilioii of lite tato that , will ii.:ify Mich hetson at this tinio? n" A i rv earnest and able advtcatjsof made by both parties to carry the stale-... .r.l.,. " lweMiuire the olI tax to be paid in ac aua Cllnhe by many beyond the limits of the Mate Eyerjr yoU-that ''can; be induced to go p(o tlie iolls will be caWied there. And II ZsofUl CWo 1 Mta fakers ivo willuavu four, years more of Republican rule at Washington. The advoeate.V oJ' the convention in- 1 that atthoiich-lt may be im-petli-fnths a pearly inmsure, it is riuht iu it- tUiwvu1Af." If utiojnilAr, it will, Ml. rail uro will not boiietit, but grtatly iu- iurc our ,sny. i.enin tiierd is no ubofl fjuestion of riIi t or wrong iu- "rtdvw. and it ine.xie'dienl. it is politi cally wrongT My deliberate judgment is, that if this convention scheme is MM tU ubMfaiiuili with us in August last will return to WiiyIMlivUf '!! f1l1K many con servatives will, I fear accompany them. ..WWII ,rW t oei prnicv, mil to rrurw an expen- ihe loiiveni'mn inotcnidikt, it:rtply tuykif lf rntsjAMlMrt, it K'beraim .t i an interrogatory rroni ineasionie ne .ilv lor a convention, at(Sl that he deirel a coiiveiilioti in wrdeD that the I jure ,our ,srty. !sit-(4 therd is no . .nt it ut ion iiouii in.- auienuoi in inree ..iitieular: ; ' ' I. Kctyiiring tilt Judges of the f?uje 1 nr Court to rotate. I -. Wiujialg W fXlt'JVflw'i li'i'ii eoiivicteii 01 an iniamous crime I from voting. " l IMM o. lUiin in the po'.l ta to Ih.' paid .1. a ipialilieation of a Jolcr t 't In ici'ard to the first ahe seeona of ther-e amendments, alter reuisidcrablel meiit which hits alieady proved i dis iiKpiiry 1 am sat!-lied that they wUryjiatrous, wjopld Iw Miicidal. meet Willi L'lii very muc opoaiuo 1. fT-"! irom i-itiu r ol tne great HMiticai jutrti 1 tt. ( , I 1 h.tvu heard at least two Ol tu X.3 I l.iVtr ol ihc !irl iiruiKKl f JwZ,)CTti, -AU tit-l hup .I' tl.. iii xiirituUHr It ai opinion that every nieinoet T ja dieiary would give his eroaal luSu cnee to the preiposol amendment. As ore its pa-ige uenrv any lAgisia tur' that can now lo elet lel, retjrdlcm of ju olilical coiupIct.iyn. As to the thin) rroniw1 anSendineut, it A liclieved by Uia.uy (Cous thalAt irt t woiiM be to 'iltniiiiuh the Kepub-' I lean ote in the 3Utetveral thousand oti1, iluTvby injuring a Cu:rval.ivc tiiiimph. TIhi tiiHaM.-d ;rK;uduoiiiitfe iiu. the iiicrea.M.-ff taxlttion' trriliLutd be Itruct "any citizen from doinr any act imreu to ue aone 10 quaiuy mm to 1 tars. vote or from voting at any election as a foresaid, .such person shall for every such ollence forfeit and pay the sum of live hundred dollars to the person ag grieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, with full costs, and such allowance for counsel fees as the Jane 18 tf T. C. SEliVO, i ' i i I,' . . .I ! CHy LlerR A Treasarcr. PLOTTS .sta, ORGANS 15 , 13 M 31 S 35 iS SO W 27 1 25 Ml 0 00 COTTON TlKH-f i 8 & UUMtJSTio tuieeu iig,4-fiy u iu 11 kara.V uuucii ia ( FISH alack eroi, No. 1. V bbUtf 00 30 00 xno. jj'v doi ....v. v mi Mackerel. No. 2, Vbbi... ki 50 4 No. X V M bbt. , . 7 60 w Mackerel, No. 3 V bbl... It 00 (1!50 Mallets. bbl. . 5 SO 00 I . l nrrl n tr U I.I.I r . IM a. W ... A. v 4M....u, y t.. - v w V w DryCoiL t bbi..M......:., 0 FlAIUll-'iiMi! bbl . v... 5 oO M 6 00 Kupor, Northern, Vbbl...Mi. 6 25 7 00 Kxtra do. 1" WjI,..,.. "6 2o W 7 50 Family V tobi :7 25 & 9 73 ' City MM-rJuper i bbl loUistui " - Kxtra Vhbl M 49 V M " Family V bbl...10 00 10,50 1 Kx Family W bbl...a'ir30 00 08 KEItTlLlZKIiH Peruvian Uuano, V 2000 ls...80 00 00 00 ArnanlAl.MlA.1 f. v 4l,la t T (aha I ,. iiafl I v vcicuiuwu pm nicu ifin 11 ui nine, tic" court sJiail deem just, and shall also for I ant desixn and thorough const ruction. .send lor eataiocuu. Address RliWAUU riXlTTH, WfpisUiiigtoa, N J July in Baazh's rhosphHte Carolina Fertilizer " Uroundliane, lione Meal " Flour, Navassa Uimao, ' Complete Manure " Whann'g l'hosphate" Wando-I'boephate, " BergerAltruUi'ii iilios. Fhoinix. IlillllUL. Wilcox Glbb Co., nminspo .., I aateuusano JKNT3, WAVE' AND FKJlATlK, TO J GMJE Vt llOUS- evcry such olfencc be euilly oflt)isde- mcauor, and shall, on conviction there of, be fined not less than five hundred dollar, or be imprisoned not less than one rnonth and not more than one -year, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 5. And ( 1 further enacted, 'Ih&l 8ell rictures, everywhere. Fourteen tl if anv icrson shall nrevent. hinder' I control or intimidate, or shall attempt and W.at agents a- : to prcveut, hinder, control or intimi- I en make more money fu this business uaia any person irom exercising or in , ,, ' , exercising the right otsuflrage.tv whom than 1 " U1 on a 10'ouo arm- st,,ckcd Uie right oX suirrage is sectireil Or guar- " Your rictores please everybody." " I re- diiloed by 'the .fifteenth amendment to Wlved the M you rent, and sold Slrtbe neat the constlfTUlon of the United States, , by mcauft bribery, threat, or threats It." "rictures received, ami more than LBftIl'1 of deiviDg such person of employ- ,, w,,a tu flr.sttd:,..siui KfoLore." Kough eViie'p'i niciii or occupatioii, or 01 ejecting sucu 1 IHrsbn from rented house, linds or "JI"d u Hl l u" honest picture dealer." other property, or by threats of refus- seven years siabiishe-d ing 10 renew- lenses or contracts ror 1a- borJor by threats of violence to Uiimsclf or fciinily, such person so otfending shall bo deemed guilty of a misde tneakior and shall, on conviction there of, be fined not less than live hundred dollars, or be imprisoned -not less than one month and nut more than one yenr, or both, ut flie discretion of the court. 'oec. C. 'And be it further enaclci. That if iwo or more icrsohs shall band or coiupirc together, or go iu disguise up on tlio public, highway, or upon the premises of another, with intent to vio late any iMovisioii of this act, or to in jure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any citizen. with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise and enjoyment - of any right or privilege granted or sc- ...00 00 ao 00 .....t 00 r iw ....00 00 t0tl) 00 .;.00 00 fej (10 ....00 00 fe57 O0 .V),00 (94 00 ....05 00 &67 00 ....00 00 &70 00 ....00 00 (C70 0U -..00 00 uO0 00 00 00 0J lo & 00 22 limp 21-3iii yjlLTNKYfc COI NorxWcii, Coun PLOTTS' stab Arc nfipclfect j i-uro.1 l him by the Constitution Of K-irpasses In tone and powrr any Heed or lawi of the United States, or because of I can heretofore man iirctured in thlscouu- UUUA2 X W OKA.lN-'orn. store. V 5 ibs 1 16 ft 1 20 uorncrKO, Mi rcs w (at 00 Corn. vcli bushel 1 15 o 01 1 OatsV bushel Ai & reas. cow, bashel l 1 25 m lItl)Ei-eeu, i lb 07 w 8 iiry. -?id . iz 11 HAY Bastern, -p 100 lbs 1 iS m 1 50 Nortrr-KHrer. vlww 1 so m 1 -is HtK)P lliCXN tn -. 0 ail7 to UD-Oiottberu, fc. 16 17 Nortn Carolina i lb, 00 a 00 LIMK 14 bbl..... 1 55 LUMBEIl City steum sawed sawed. M fl.lM 0t (ff 00 ilunk.-y M ft ( -1 25 00 West India cargo, accordliii; to qualily, V M it -J) 00 (.r21 00 l)resed lioorinx, nea8iiied-.A!0 U0 0 .jo 00 .ScantliiiK and boards, com mon, VM ft... v .-. .15 00 (H 00 MOLASMFJs Cuba.hhd VKah U) . uuna, ituis, y nai 4i (nt 62 a 'gar house, lihds, V gal ' sti (u ' bbls iA tal 4U w. 00 Syrtrp. bbls, iil... 1 m so N MIaS Cut. 4d to MdrV aeir.. i 75 m 5 50 Ulta Kerosene, V gal .... In 00 10 fin 1 00 fw 1 10 Jt t it k ldrts PKANIJTH W buKhcl. 1 M itl'l A1UKH-weL f4 bUKli. SO (. 1 00 Irish. Northern, v bll 3 f S 50 PtMiK Northern, city mess.. .00 00 tmZi M mm, t. ooi...v ..oo ou iu oo ITirnc, V bbl W 0U c00 00 Hump. V bbl , .1....00 00 WOO 00 KICK Carolina, V lb.. o & ti rit India. V m Houicli. V bushel KAUis country, v lb Quarantine Notice. ' n Ttirnt PtlRTUKK N0T1CK, all ver.l L from Ports South of Csne rrsr, will cone id at tbe VislUmr Btatloa Bear De-p Water Point-, at await tk loriwclion ef Quarantine Physician. AH vessels, from Port where Yellow Fe Ter or otter Infectious disease exibts, will on r com red to sndcrro a rhrtd and pro longed qnanuttioe. - ! i - - All Tewel or boat of anv cbaricter Lt Ibe sicknc&s on botd on urivaL or tiavinir . T " oaa sick dm 8 ssy time dariDir tl e vovsire. I are required to come to at the station for In spection, withoat retrard to the port from whence they came. Vessels aot Inclndcd as above wui proceed without detcnUoa. : Pilots arc cspcially csioioed to make careful ennuirv. relative to vessel, ciew. Ac ,and if toot satislted with the stair menu of the Captain or Commander, or if the vessel Is in a nltfaj condition,! be will l-rini; th vessel to at the Station for faith r eiaiu iaatioa. , , Pilot's willtoJIv vlolatioe the Qu laws are subject to forfetiure ol their branches; Masters ot vessels to a flue of two hundred dollars a day for every day 1 hey violata the Quarantine laws, and all other person liable for ech and every oflcuc. All vessels subject to visiiatiou under Jhese retntlationa will aet a 0ajr iu tho maiu rlKBiDg, iort side. F. W. 1-OTTEK, Quarantine rhysiclaa l'ort of Wllmlni; ton, N. C Smith ville. N. C My S tit, IS7U. Junet tFl ' Moss Wantied. 10 (M)0 rOT2 CUKKD MOS. A pood price will be juild, by SEW A D VEU TI8EMEX TS. The JPost Its STRICTLY A RErUBLIUH PAPER lH voted to Tho Great Principles ur thf Na tional Republican Party, lit nexxiidauct. wllk Ibe 1'1I1LAIKLI1I1A rhATHlKM, liidrpf ntlrnl ii (o IKm.Bat Ntt a lo Tarl). July 0 tr IV A. HM1T1J. KEEP COOL. 1CK TS PLENTIFUL AND CHKAf AT new ick hoijsl:. I Dock st, between Water aiH Front sta. : WllmUiKton. N. C, U. 11. J. A 1 1 It FINN, ttay 11 2m proprietor. 7 5 . v rJ .Iird. cal : :itf perfect rpivrioronrajts as re il:uiufi 'i i,wi n..i i f;tctnriMl. C-jrrati-ouddlKa.ijlcilcd with o- l itmin si ..ul .... ....... ... n 1 . V. . . 1 . . I 1 7 n ' ' KDWAKI) l'LOT'l"8, Washington. N. J ju'y 0 bin lUvmc vf (he WllmuvjUm Marlet. Zijit-" (. i.'(-. -.;' .'.. Xi.um J tu.v 4 ri. .h nil Antrr irti m Li'ii-rr ,vt am moit d, liial all ciltHtl tin LTniteil SLtte- who are or shall be otherwise iU.nlilie.l bylaw to vote at any election-feflhc m.ojIc in sjny i?UC .lerritory.. Jilrct. county nty, ari!H, 6wiidirr) 'khobi ilHtrli-t, municipality, or. oilier .lerritvfi.il ub livp.ioii, shall be entitlcl ami alloweil to tote at all such' clectioti.. without coiHlllioiiofservnuilej any constitution, V . . law, cu-ilotir, usato or regulation of any TaJ loccipts 40 AftifsT, 3. ;i n;i rs TriiPF.sf i.ve Kecelpts 800 nKs. .Aiarket ilull, Willi sales of ol!: k.'at 2S cents icr?irHlloii for South ern jaekaes. " Ho! -licvciiU l.inMbbls. Market ilull. KiIcm last evening, not previously rej-orU.il, of 000 bbls. at $1.37. OU'PK Tcri'Extink I'ceijds ;460 bbU. txtles 6f4oO bbls. at $1.15 for hard, ?00 for yellow dip ami 'and arket steady.' bbK Sales of 40 tluu detiv would greatly bcui tit the I fSutc MTM;rifyrjr( or by, or.uudcr, iu, bbU. at 2.0U Market steady. common Mhooi oi tno taie. iut i i authority, to the contrary tiotwithstand-1 IXittox llecelpt 3 bale. .Nosalcs IlVfc 1"a-H-u- ! tV 1'H WV14 aV 1 111. I " T a , ft t a a ' ...ateriallv diu.iuW.eel by its adoption. 5ec. 2. .1- it frthr H LUd, That " V'VU' quoUton!t' Ihx-siim in every NU contevUeleavctiou I if by or iio-Jr-the-auLkoi-itw TaIl.w... I , - the fund' will in? provideU to pay the I atitotion or laws of anV State or the ort of Wllsalaxa. Awfrwat 3. ii having exercised theanie. such per sontihall bo held guilty of felony, and, on conviction thereof, .shall bo hncd or ljnjiiiicHMietl, or lMtfi,ut the discretion of ot the court, the' tine not to exceel live thousand dollar, and the iiupris onnieut not to exceed ten years, and shall, niiM-oover. be thereafter ineligible to, and disabled from holding ny office or place of honor, profit or trust crea ted by the Constitution or laws of the United States. It ban been tested by many competent Judges and COMMERCIAL. Gtres UNIVEBSU- Hy a kkllllul use of the stop?, and of the patent ,kiiee swell, the music is ;ul:pt l to the human Vlre, nratlixr from the softest flute llRe note toa volume ! souuu. lill Ui l.r stH.lt,, ywtfiui cannat py I Uwa or'aJy Ttrity,vtiiryTiaetlfr'r; -7 lor themselves, wiirh6w,bcrr ( shall In? reuuireU to bi done as a pre- I i ..i. .I.-. - : i a?. I i!" . J . L n .! i k l pv iMrvij;u mavour f iv-viious in uio i rc-UU.ilc ilU JUlieaiiya lor Voupg,anu win necvasruy warn nwuswu ay i ny Mien CeniMilUUoU oi MARINE. UflsurpasciJ by any Iiustrunnnt, Tlie urofirteUr has noteil ert fully for miny yenrHthc Imperfwilons :nl netHlsof I lie reeu uinirumetiis, aui uiri-n u ins rw tleat experience to tlie correction of such Imperfection?, and his exierliiieiits have resulted Id the production of a quality or tone wnien aiKiuniaies sociosciy to tne I'm; oiiii.u i(ijALiTi That It t dillleull lo llstiii;:ulh' ln-lwieu the two. Thlb lustiumcnt hn III fbr Idlest Improicitteul.s And evrryoican la fully an noli d. jn:e Oil Polish, lilai K Walnut. I'.idiKU Casx.8 I hut WILL NOT CRACK OR WARP, Aal forms in a hill loo tou'uplendld Instru- men I of music, A BEAUTIFUL 'pitCE OF FUR NITURE Thla orian nerd oniv- lo H .! to lie ni pr elalrd andla Kld at KXTltKM KLY M? !-. a- i if JL.OW 1H ICJICsS. City v lb BO Mi . fci.tLT Alum bushel I , 'Liverpool, saea...'. 'I ATherlcan, i" suck.... NCUAlt Cuba, lb Porto Kico, v m A Coffee, w lt...,............. It ft. Mi Kx C V ft....A Crashed. R. J. NOAP Northern. Si 1 1 NUl.lt H Contract, l . ( Ainmion. V M I y press saps H t:y press heart. V M STAVBS W O bbl. V M It O hhd, V K.. Cypress, M TAlJlW m - TiMliEK-.sblppinK.il M Mill .prime. V M..... pi M ... l ji i 31 2V" .... S M ... i.i H M ... l "J a w . . v i i't m . 'a 10 lo'j 00 i i w Oil tl, ... n .. ' li". 5 W .. I on ( 6 on ... 2 M : ou .. : ... 9 M (. ..J) mi k2i ...oo oo mi ...IS OU ftVO 00 s ...it no fiw on UO TO A LlaOi'tt if yon wish niiytbliii; li the JEW ELK Y LINE WATCHES, CliOCKci, KIM..S, COFFliK I'OTS, l;KACKI.Klfc, may 1 tf ' e., it Ac. Office of CUy Clcrlt & Treasurer, CH Y UF WILM1NUTON, N. C. j : Juno 24th, 1675. ) AN ORDINANCE C lONCEUNlNU OiWS AMj or HE I. .1.: no cell oo Will, fair V M b M txM no Inferior I o Drill nary. 1 m u m WHISKEY Northern, gal.-J m 5 OO NortliCaroJ.ua, PmIm 1 7" ft 2 ju WOOL-t'nwnslied, V -Jl . Unwashed. V ! - A.... ii w 40 RATES Or FREIGHT. To .N Ktf . OKK I 'rude TurK'iilliic y lbl 1 ar y iii.l Sij Tiireiiiiuv ? bli lioliv V bbl.... "otton V bull- IVnnutu V bushel TO I'lltUAKCU'lll A CrudoTnrpeulino bbl Tar v Mi .i Flt Turpentine V bbl.. Itoslll V bbl t otton T bale. Cotton uooda v bale 1'eauuU'p bnkhcl Lumber M To UALTiioir TVnde Turpes tioc y bbl l'i r .Slmr IVr sail ing V easel. O I r It IkH MliflM 0XJ jO fllt.r Oil -.'RkA via In una eiM OIW.t o t v Mh .19 Uiik 7 i llOU-r j 4 VUMt I 2S uuin u MUM 0.1 wuiM o ktuik iu (OWM S u4 fiwa 0 7.J in o iii i KorCah. Second hand Instruments taken la exchange. (Male or female,) In every eoualk- In the Ualled State and OuiU. A ltlWal dt- X.rlli ( s.lini iinM nxYUiMl a fr. Iran mrh noMnn nr.n(TlAW.. . V 1 1 . I iuent x rrroluliorui ia Mexicw fttac of koowiusly omit to civo full cf-1 w t .ku Lit.. .;ai i. r r.,1 l.ii,!.aaa: ,. .t-ir r I ' 1 ;t t'. .m.1 -.1- 1 .! I V . .r - rt-:. 1 . . a -V I arent loc lh Wr" trxo. lUaMrUteU iaM ad prlr II (tree. lM-reattoodene lici tea. Aaarem tbe aaanafaetnrr. EDWARD PLOTO or law Persons I VAVU. lath of the rrcat inlitical liartirn. I or dllcvfw ard t ahalt lay ciiarrttl with I Steamer Juniper. Skinner. KaveU. lUit even if I shouM be arMakva iu J tho performance of dalicn hi fariiUliing J villo, Vick A Mebanc. thw, tho ucwa of our lrtv in t!76 U I to citizens an opiortutiitv to icrforiu I Warner Hart, Worth. Farettevilh not a pHi rvAiKin lor uvriung irom tuc i aucn prcrcnaisuc, or to become quail- i ' rii x t ortn. omraouf aclivmiu rvuvl.W ctMaalilu.- J 1 tu.ryUe, Ualiall be the Jut v of every I steamer Wave, tRobiovn. Faveit .: I a- .. 1 - w . .. 1. 'l . . . I t-lll-. :n: a. t tL? " ..o.,,.. ..,.... .. , th wui pim awiiaaerrtu. gira to atl I i v, ... iiiwn v jiurcnimn . ro-t Bnd-to Timelier, Ml-Ili7J ditirxil -jtnctiontMl bjr the wisdom o( lfvre- I Oxcn cf thcL niteU Spates the ajtiue I 'sMmcr Northcai-t. raJtlUon, Toint I . eb.aaa. lmise. etri. wcmvJmm ! tat Miners tH'C.nu.c it wouiu acfc.uksji- juaX-aiJUJ. oaanianaty to perioral auch v .ticli, A 11 Vanliokkelen. a pcctvilcut for Uuipering witlv the j prcre-jvUite, ami to bccom ijualitkU to I CLEARED. -Ntiiuiiuii iiuorem v wijrin j f i ,tvi a lunwi umilKUMI Ol nCV. COlOT I L ,a . Nrty rv-iuireU it. ami cvuvctttMM trt I previous ctmion ofaervittHie: and I ,rT? . .S.' ' J: aaa m. . av . - I W 11 laV & la- BT HA w 41-m V aaa aV Meaner 1 1 art, Worth. Kayctteville, aL a. iit..i. ww ea Tin. Meaaaer Wave. Kolxon. Favetle- a;.Iu.i m..iA.lA. .i.iA.nk.1 u?i I i .i.n ..i' - : iniif, wiiiiams. March Hon. .- f." -..- , 1 Hl HHIWIlS WMMO M MIC IUUO ajC r ' XT aa. . . ,. , " ultivx it to aay then, that ia almoal actioo on the caae, with full eoat, and - " n"oJeietu cry m i too auav uaautnoDi ,arMr4 aajct. aUoXBC tor couom! Jcm jl , xhe th "Cjttibv" rtwuUa rWrJtw tX3arl.a4aU drAa aoi vll aHCr the old toivKhttirrwt MrT'tAheW tbe rf vmth otSamai hVdceAAl jrtli itf of I diiferrm-v tu been peoxlu-ciir of u- J a wttadeaaeanor, and ahalL on cokrrio f ' Mtxoa rat,l rf.TTTf 9 iT.W Uf 1MV. I Cd not leUan fi we return to tnat oia cvxwuatAMt the f hasdl loltlnJor beimprtfd Ua-v it will t tor toivplo( octh I k taaoe'Wth 4d hot dTt truna. J otwervios. ot ruarae. tho I om rfar. nr lih t tho r,- i .. I chanisra rendered taeeeaaary br th war I the- crfj J I !j d I ,j i . a . f I ! JVC. i. AdU Jf metier trA.J, Tk,t I WtshiBloi. M PLOTTS i. SaT-ST and it rrUtM .Vnda . to aay hatv. h hiM keeTxrry ndrah author. J. . xMat' awttnderUadui(A that are b- I th cvaM Ratio Jr Uwaof iJttjLaV.rw I ' tier wu ( eontTtwfia teJ -aw au'toe I thatawa of aaj.Tt - trjrard Mtf aor aeettre aiao Lkai. Ui an chapF U th cuiuit ;rfd aot.Uo aijixsaiiV i rv oac csantTtwft- N' "1 I tha Un of aar Ttmipry jiav act i r I 5Ut U trmipU- acV thifi- ia ahall Iv tttlred to fW f Sow Ij mr -ard t tho ltaatfaexad. rjcwptk. I ntoea.aKa'ri4 ilut arU i VaKt a aM cvllwa I earned latVsrutivVa hy rtaua, o lh I -- - -ryj l ? ji 111 3 ill -w 2iH Atr IUt Irtrvrr Uaw raw atorarr imiumm at a iiwWt rr-tm t -ta. 'ORGANS W or fc anaTe. aha a r Kiw ""olutk iivora.t? tnraixct mmtU-f-kOVwt. state lot aVwrrUo. . Xw rae ijr rtwtrrt. X r1mT wm- UlalfwrfNtMNiL AArrr-N- K. ttort L .u.er. i . ; r 11 ttmaMaa;-. X. T. - 1 jar I tmm. at Wiry FIOIR' 0CG.15S wara. ret JIJ. MiaTiinwi Tar V bbl a... pu Tnrpentl ney lbr iituain V bbl I YttOn y bale...: . . IVnoala f. btiHbeL . Lumber y M. T".. Itnrflnv ItYndo Tnrpcutlae y bbl jtoui r iii Oilton y bale. IVaauU y bualil Lumber y M in oi nuiMi ow kHta O 4, )( 2iii IU 0 lOatieu iooe on I OK 6w IUM Vtt UUIbC 0 Ml unx O .ml oum ;u UOV 0 Ti 0 OUt O 10 7U.H b 0U CATTLK rnoiilKj: at lane. lit. IT OftPAIKaii. Ity the IAxikI.oI Abler men of the Clly ol Wilmington. N. "., a- SM rroN 1st. Th t any n.w.or oilin i at TI.KOtANV K I Mi, found r II II ii i at hirr. within tbe corinrate lltults ol ltil eiljr. hall Its ImiMHitided ! Hie Oty Mai.liil and the owner required to iy u ilneol Ten (lO)ilollais bi rorelhc ranie nhatl be r li awl i Sx:2d. Any otdlnaiFCc or pnru thenof cooflKtlm; htrrallh.arc berth rrrtaieO. The abova urdlaancn a adoyUU b the Hoard ut Aldermen on 4I 7 1 Lb day of June 1X7 --and will fo Into rlti-cl. on and anr Monday June i7 T. V. KKl:VtH.-. Otjr Ocrk A Treat un r. And will udvotate the rtiulw l imimv oaekbone on the pint ol the men alio elala to belong to mid party. . It Will be dttVotvd lo i poIii; in i iiH Lki wherevtr found, in'miy and all -attKa, It will stand up lot li cood nrfne ol North Carolina, aud ewry man alio aUit dera the Old Noitb State will tuxinlderiO her cuctn.y. We bh.ill lu hitlnlk wild Ihr ri -t Nottli Carolina to rucouiat'e ltninl(tal'i.i. 0 niifct o t Ufc O 4 9 M 0 Ti 0 lUw 0 j a IOa. A mam M 0 fa 3 a ao II jUM HONEY EI ARRET. Wi&aiiaarax. J C, AprU la. OolJL. auprar. tAJeaancc aUcat oa Mortlacrn eiuea xeaaxe wdajraon Northern ovrwo, touM MO in ! tea rmr.rtail I- Owien cf Doti orhcE or tukasukek a Li.tXTtnc. CYrv or W i L .i.to:. X. r. A" MAJT airwui V bui p rar to uo- !rataa4 all lb rrlrrRrbU afkd ib - DOU ORWJf aXCav ixallU la befy lrr. N j; IS I) I; V. HTM li K T. Loral. iN.lKitial aii! FvrriB Nrw. tilirtl lm WIM l- Ukiu l.' illt I A ( hrrrtt .intrtntmi :j thf Ai-flti At- i r-j7 ,Voi, ( .Vf-M. (Ijm Vmmr, CotimfrtLlTaiid Mru Kurort ! .4diae- I IhatliM ln W edia rtr !niii ih-i. lta) ! lea UBinrum aaiidia ra Merhaadea' or ii X C faaaaa W4 Kx-Oobmu rwndJas tiaaA 4 M LM at Xrw. l iemlTi M In Tf I' WmIIiimiI r W A W K K IkMxi I w-tiuld TIR lkud. a y e . ( C at R Uoanta. e. VUBitpckm Ut Booda, a t . .j .f j renal I r of 10 Dollar aor ac procmrfca the rc urad U-J B tl OIX will attabreat aa tiAff niunaDAV the jrru iMfT. itaa UrAaukc rmMtw Uloac That wwt af ay Wnf whim Ux Mi taaa. the TAX iarw4 1 Mw& !- ieviuaemnDaam)iwu yrjKiM lait - W a WT U 11 Mat trwr ,, . .a t- 3t li VaasClt- d'O TO i tahf nttt aaiy a-U- aaita. wtw haQ j T the !Xu tmmjtaJICK aaaul he rX-jSaf4 '-'j I " r-ll Urn ikUIha r iW- ralraa fmj a tax. aa a- te-i fWJ aWtara la TV 4r--m iw MyW. ry oe-rr mi law htayw. T.C iiJtkvxaa-w Oty (tut Trca(tr. OtfWVWtt.)t(. iatS,y-. w4 wfi aeaarMkjMr Jawtt wjtXi C O TO UACJb a r-AMtUMM All laaaaa(ta t m m U l-t. IL.MIIT"I. . Siloxnitin Pna, 13 Per Am? ifNuiat ff44 a I. L. H lTSS Klil.. Altonn'V al JaIiw. CVVTtUCT. i VJkf AM uutr. Al Urn rtint.