Si . : I,UME VI. roTpOST ADVER If rtSlWO RATES. to H ii ;i J ta i -- v...:,;r,i:- B 3 : t - i - " H 3 a. " " C 'C' . r : i S i - - 5 c 5 H S , J - - - - - :,i rattle J n be had fur a longer .T -jrv. iBlwrtiBcniculi will be charged at Vllf.imWfnifrtioniitiJ'H-iuoS5!ioUld Mn--l ' TlIK WlI-MINOTON . . wt, Wilinincton, N. (.V ;. lrffiiiori rio t THK IL- ,ms r-T w '"J Kr year i. t... ..l.i. ..r in "i ,rrtif- Tnc circulation ti mo r Ue tUrgMtt Jwf anj iacr in Ink l'jr4i. - trrrrj vole! i'l b flllioiid.itol! jrr W clicathiK at lUe iiIU. .VWnrn t 1 1 tv-polU demand the rrtT man wli" nan 'lrrtr in iirccuiiv ht m-Hitli aifl i" the-omul thirty fca- a eight l t-. KK.i.wi r.l-tlf nll(Mlvni.nmlllio St tn rfy 1(Tlix-liTvlin thctate r ii.W'Ui-ml in tin-omiity lliirtr Ua rirlil l rtr. KTcrjr liian wlm haliviil in thcLatc IcIt niunllitaiHl in lli com(y thirty r ha 4 libl to rule. Y.tKtj uan h intho talc A xt mwillii anil tu tlic cvmitj thirty ?ki a fight v lr. i llWlbc w-opk Kant thu llyrortcad kttMuit, which enables them U) havo awn Rr thefr faniiliw, abolished? ti4 (or IVmocratk: dclegatm. IV lh jndc want the old cti. . ilfljhrcnt fur debt, tlic odious rr'" r",( l'illry and stocks, re- flfc!lod. If !, Tote for iHrnio- fl UixKd Viaatificaxion .In onler tu H Tat in the Senate or Hoic of twrUtlT? ! 1 If : 'sm, Aoto for ocnlic iklepatc. SiTrnrt Uack anytUuiV all 1U 1 w art lUhoncai. Ye ay Scarcn f Uach is both diihonest and a aid. I SWathkun (K-ti ihia trTrniftp, it Wav tbewlc, of North Caro- brr. if rnlarvd lr the U icbai IVic rv (row. all Iar1 tf North lnJioa i pnJ, hkI c are cvrtain of Ed vkkxj u-Jy fur the puuc map l 1'warrBlioq. local of tiw Jwtroal bad better M ib law cuuerrainr selling liquor I tWetkva day, JLf, Lefor4 be ttodcr r to intiK-l iaUeaacn U their Vtt AVhbkry Raawin has' drpartctl Vafr, tad Whshietocs here p itl ao oljeci to pta, car C i throat Jkin hb kite '- . pWr tkkH, aad be cerUla jv ktej KUr tkact aa bocaiaate4 by the TUa CVMiaty aal TowUilp CVm- utasek. ' : .! it:. . IVeHcratk LrgUlaUre lat f r,rM noo l.tbo mb r f4 rnfrrty free taiatioa fintm U' ear4 Ut 23 of the r". Iba Uburiae: aa ad the we ( - rae 0( Tevabip CDTcmaaeat f the eaaaaseeaevt of tittle local Mt- H twn Ul (e ad ifi-3 J ; I i , r. v. . r - ll "W- "V HJJiJ l R-jlIIJUl m wm aw Li i r fXfin lo eJovBdj i Oil T . ,v)o boiiiirm rxf .TR-iV inn .i.: , mio oil J oj uioivsiq Till FT - , .y:--.-y.'!?.fO..'"-leni V ILL TV EX POIT irrHVV III litCllt, who nay ntove than tbrtsi4isurUiBxifUiaib' tasea of flip city, sdjrt a rtr wTnie chiefklniinajV - i . i i. . - i i. . . . . r thinff-1.. W Js.tfiA -ifw,AViiii, Tut A trES'B.irVellwird ' wrld lie! t didn't wiii't: AneW'tb. bkve'ajrytfrfnr' noy aubutr.aHAmaaw5v;0. hU yr&2r0T affairs of tlrHTw:WirMhA(Ain..lfPH ,lk f wrvtaitJbttolUfctiM TOM? f..r that mirh u.rtkimn!kAWWmiyi'l'iM MK-lW lH' IMlftWK.Si remove! alLisabaKiirai iwnixhvnii, ?1 9U1JI--Vt in iorth CarHij,oVWJ iSJlud thoiilhaslaai iTriKtCQfii' drrcd the ,f bftftf,. OTKMfr'MW orrrtbrow tbe WIWWWHMHJft! S'tT NMreiUtf. 'MK- 'Allcri, ted Slate, UnibriP"wK:!ttW(Wf and ruin to UertdWbtirfOiiUt o!sl Why U it thirt mttiiitate. dtbt:i neartiKkllH and ubrl. ba licV i' ir) 'ftOπ agi-IT . h-ici A ibiifw ,oio oj IVcauso the Dciinici atiei'erty old out the fund winch iiw.rcwTC rrau iaia i: : 'i.i;i..j.Li &:.J:j,iA mM -tkJtVJI ril. . worthier Cotjrabral;bgrta,: r.n A TV J 07 )'-:T.i,3 oifl I'll i; jEW;j-a'he)i;eiiuWiCiirj?ietj throtiirli their" ljtrYietiWf 868 JiW the tint to pf Itt'a'tic jtfa crati dedroia aabpi:vthes(libia1;opi.l(ithi i vdfli we ,'ruijat i Hay that Mr.' stitutioiiul law -ahi" rrttifnUaitf ild. as v-p - , - - I law that diorran'e jt'i-j tho Jews rreler..ihlr jriwiq tliiit jiiauc them frcd, or tfiwr MeaiJierio fvyUld airaiu enHjaTctrntia The JUv Ml:b"tfrttTHb,tfWa'hl negro voOi ar tutvattyl tu .tbc,,a!,v!- tion of tlieRidicitL.t'alttyrUi HiiMV:! Ycs Mr.Vrtt.'Wd'esliairKCt them. Kiglity thou-u.otl.rteg'ra tiilc, ml thir ty thouinil wbi W. tfotw.'fiir. 'the .Ujepubj licans wobUIhiaIo hc Jmndrul cr4. thttf cote f -How aro you'-tu ever: come that, rcntlcmcTV? " A few-' more such adietauuiis froui ' tbc( Vrira w'dl be quftTjiKteeable.. : .-.!!.-,. The itr ' TronmledConfuderalu tul-di.-rs weje refused (tlful Mk,byahd lalo Lrislalurc JO purchasi aytlftrlarj limb in jplacv iff. llipe.fUicy.loat n, en dcuvuriit lo itx ricb meii!alavet'but. a ltromUt'ttt Ieritwiratlo apor tropoc to tax tileiii 'td pay-tTJe pwncra dt xttpv lare f.f .t)ieK WT..i.FWil!VcHi injiiiiicxj lileirdi cf (WfereJ-jr.ioj .) i ! Wi i ii.1') if.i: -tf Who !owr"lionni iof icaecrat4 wver WH'd ir 'al' heart Mr'TaWf'Af1 c hosicatcad Who crer injrad of a law the note ybjves who . am .not-itt . fa Uir'fkL liaviux he oirU rfXnlV1f ?r lbc collection (MXtni. 1 ii 1 Lctitibe rcnicrobere! that noarly all the kawjera of tho SUte, aid all tho money sharks and note abaters bcloDg to the, Ifciuocratic party, and arc- wait inp anxiously in the hoi'c that tho'Con stitutioij will be overthrown o that they cat fill thejr jockcU. i t , WitoU of the Journal wiy that all da tire ijepublicana arc diliBet. They are ao itaturally dishonest themsclTca, that thofc- nkc out Uejublici5 are so. Any fan seofnirl whowMll Hot ay honcot ijjtrvl work 1 ne mru tor labor well performed, arc too mean and coutta.kc.W Wl4liiAllteUlsrlbilTi: Kepyblkan. and for bard 'yiy, the FAlltors of the Journal can beat the ...! I world. ttcufubcr, fellow-citiaen. that.tW LKmoci4ici fchunf ivrf iV4rt rTWlXH tbreatei vd to lit an old and highly rea per ted L-itiaen of lUlebhbauiip. be wovkl 1 ot stop titllimy a( a ublic yo ltUcal p -caking. Fcllow-eitiiens, don't this Ion 1 like tVo Mmcs Hi A followed the Co ttcoUon of 1S6I ? The Mine ni'cn wl o stopped ttrt vtoyblfroru tali- carry tl e CbnYenlioo. mm " Tut NI"slciiT?,,.!io8. u? Uietneii who earn 'tbir"b'reaJ Vf'tu'e twtAt o ' Ibeir brow are io teres ted in the pr crTt:o" t&tU CVlrmut5dii that k res to them their Homestead Law, t ! MechrjM and laborers Lka L ,w and alt tko mxaj other Ut thai wt re made by tbe KpbiB par tyU'lStor their beBrnt ami pre- cilyaniirw, aad VaaDockkelew, who doat sM . AlWaa. te. trmU iUk .eife jcr, ate the me who jtajRX.ilcthaaics to Tololaraiat.lbeir.ow interests ami retara (to smrb Umee aa eafwtea , Ibej pis t whea a aegTO wiW maC sow hi, fac in the atreeia ai algbl p ism 1 rvca kk aiaaterml be poor aeea w re abot o the same Aig. Meehaik ami -kieeiaf -mnmat afford fayfb.r. , r f If tlie tVeaotraU kaTe a eaajoritr ia lb cvretttfov pe ami aaedeeate! bk roles will b a soiree as tea's leaibJjereefWf la Neetb Oaroliaa. . I .-r . ii .11 1 J-i i mm t' ' ''' ' f i'Hi.l "g ; v -lV- A -U -.4-'-- -- -gV-J-'- a r . BUJ 1. - r K yj. oJp',li : e-(U OS 3 r."-? iii. iL'MOdidT lAHLfLLT.H ieK)( hrr1 'rt JUSIWCJ : t ri V, wW4 HM"?' 'gMMt TalM' "iW lato'u an Wc'tf T)u JllrOll I -c j 'jlJ'BiM'Ibe r.jW Jbxltb Wfci:irf I nillivin. I hllL-l.'UU- - 4UA liH. Ai'af vnn nT-j 1 . : l nUn t t ' "! l' i ' J - ' rV'l aitd was fol- ;'thc so-calk'd' euamiou:oi auc. couvcuuou movtiutni lrirJ3ffiMii:k;:i; AlleiiT bread biuiwelf, 3j(llUi,,.H!or 'tfllow. little litw Vfhat 'waSartMotUfurliiur, anJiwe kaovr tho icoi flc 01'. Kfiiiis'lck will neVc 1 IbifeoU tlV V$Jf,:0jdf .'Valiant 'young ipraiar Air.vUiX'aw.,., , nunq l.Mi' uc wlia followed Mr. Alkn, ttud:EOMicd him mid n is convention 'tirtti:tipreI!.2oot'ii'uil dnitwu." , W .!Y.TftfeWtij subakct!) !coiuiikteiy-unihilu VjtjoUtdiscHiiilopa before- but Upon Hloaij jxuui'i A taiiuoV ,bv ticejllil. "j 'IT i 7 " r J , T "r ' IoiiJ, auf jiii iclufr: of :luqic,4 the ciiiuia&iu of lillo, denjai 'crowtj ! iirtcrVascd aud taer- faftet-ohcer rwiit , the air. Toor lawyer ' Allen; Sive iitWd;Un, and arc of.tlve. I tliero wuj ni;t u single cr-i on in. Ukt crowd, bt who' aid. 'thy ne: The-' tet.yf'bv victory,- a- anAi nicp, ''fr'be wrkinfiuj. . ojf ;bvti! Iiartiodjoili bowb 6v. Uie Ciinstilur. lis of vtir tJfatc' iunl said '.tliey w'juld tlib fihtiiig ' $q provUioii? ii dneVl; ! !Thi pvlIo vf lir rvvick: villj ; jvypj hi uKK-btedLltt-ilr. i Jluaten Torino ifca scrvTce'lc' 'B. rendered tbcTri: M ' -. lru itsw; u . ,4iaiiud , iyrouguiy . arOiiiHI utidt iiUwi:l .W. .TuyUfrtluj ljtf-ig aa,Chbiu, v'H bc iolccledi Use Air. OowartViti'tf ' isuerAUic CVu YctU-o-ii uiaubx.f wJiidd. iii,:.jontyk V'q (Aeah- vf ha iw ,y ; sin .evry;niau , ,t(bM'b;iys!'hir;ie iiiliUiliofi of lil utn1 n ;ii.v yf m i' i; .j.-io' cYarte' -Ovji vt'u.t, i 1 , f-i licui'ii ounfi;'. ' .-Ami-ti'oiJ Vcntivn. Ijrom. yr, meu auU, UfiK-Wv ' our (Joii8litutioiiv dtanJ with etw , off 16: give; ua'tbe' cbcyns'tVe 'deiVy wlic .you ! ,Ui;ax ' - from '. our vi r- xftyi 1 ..ii.;;: i" ';;.! TITk OkBMAJW.' rWill -thv V'erunui- tliauii of tbw'clly -vro t'iw; audi men as 'arrj'Tei'rescnreHl by" Kii'rVlhtrU . , J-.;-.;t-1 11., 1 . . . .. t , and ValiiKcya ; wvuiu. .,jV"7 them tht rifcjl, not oiily tQ voteatovfd' .. V ' 1 ' ',,'1,1 wvuld. denyj - ru' inc to tUetr-enwir wti,' oouwuia reaiuoi 1 h .1 1 1 , L . 1 1 them n'thtfr mercantile land hll o'ln-r . . I. .1 . . - .1 ... ..... .. 1 ... . 1 . xm. iir'v uui ii imiuuii ... . L ' ' ' ' : ' -;v4 ' vimo w w "-v i,. . V. Mrou heel t UoaaKraic,urioftm tna . , . .. ' J( i with every md.guityf Cer- I ir (.leriuarr Trlcntlf 'iraTe not i treated tainly oti forgottea tliev will .m v m wv ar v. m r 1 lani.vf.i ,fii.u:ioQ't .tin IE H KT -Wr rt ft J'esi:dji "of tlrtrfis-. tbUSO- thing, 'ami tVrtainit V Tor.' ' 1 lie oJ-iect ul tlu i t. nll iinff.-tte Vole lor nttMl 1 who would t hia- a.d CoWd lUq.b!:eaii and jrc ,. ,:,,... , . ; : . : voot ilioiH irom vo'.mg t iik :o. ut.,v briDWubula return of those ,unhiiiy ? uays. ... .ui r j f,XKjWt Aei- 4 HviU vaiuUtM never k new wtiat 'troeuont was uiun that greitiid 'pTCtiotw uxk .Va' tfufi-, fetollli thttu Ijy fl'hMvi'HVH party in thevUetou.of ltS.'biifci Mtbe C oititlsAiott iw ike -inVw livihe under, t hlca feiaTaubxH.'to1 tTfry tb-r man rigL'( ibat, :ir , uccr. deawtyfof PosscMiMMiUforw. TJUe aCteUKruk,. the neb-' ";.' 4he ituwyetv, tbe r hunery IdehiovVtfe editor of kl pers tiaVi,CB'.l;'f. puUri vyt; of theii w and alw; thu. -wiws and littiooreof. tbcsr esuplqyeato fioi hungry whtV fAry ;fattt;fi n. thyir ill giltcn yuii ' 'jtycxr!Us, 2ik you tu vute U; dialxanchtow your selves i ad put yaur ocvkt uader Uadr cruel ir.akcrfsi" 'Will you do it Wlp you oo Ver Ue Jfor men who yr)J preserv i your .uMtiielWaj ajid s;i rou in tour rtgbuf , ,i .1. ! .VoUv Voio. idecbybka b lers jiwr wk-k.Tt Larriib17r1W- T I Mr7 cbaats 1 &u4 up jrour aloiy W ukao do thtsba ThoidiT uet eivd UewU e dalr'towarda watinp ta VK- w w rLKS lVNmTtTltN.' It b bjthe' dctilUh spirit of trc.o and rv- stranl la waien every pawiui ougB j to Wml a bel4a l.bW. It is a s;rrg.J aatrarika Aittpcarakar rights aaratmYt T . - - Umi of itma mt . abuswiaaWoatWosmts i ever lalajrwatai- ta Jtuevst cauviia to eaalaea m poopie. i La every lrrr s4 bis eoartmeaU taa amlis aad : eota dowa tbtemslatasjsta .tire oacUy tn eeait eotfatrrviAbcO your' mcirHaora, amJjLTtaaatta7oJ Talk u. tbeta of the Uaarwra that await tam if sk kijaJkiaf saaa aboaid -aacW ia caitr im aal laei treasvsmUa marposos. ' la .w isaloToarLule avoMtioaav mBj -daTaae va-bf to.saeta or- C uaaTTOi'iA It a fit, i.. .cSfiK Wif' daily; BWaA-tfyiibrtctt VaJjtlH'aa ywi ciu vIo': tdiJahr."!,' . "1 . J iel .-'ill' l ' ' I a r ": . T 1 rifvu&luicl ffiatVotx'ann6t -otc:f5rhfclo'!1 'flruoihe'iiiio of albUafe 4urVo dd ifot-tist in 8tnpping-wis Lum-. kf the few iriviieci'S seoarcd pWbe 1, 1,1 lo- J f 1 1 . 1 " - I0919IU Mi1 GAltDIfBK, EW2.':,; ; ai'6 tliiit he'iir'npt a'iati9!lat iiAif .M rri- .f4'lc' iu tpTbWftili?p: '6f Vll - Wftfel Ji!i'T-ue. Kt'nuD!iaHii',WilI' V.' BcrMrbkicin partv'. "Lt (n - s'icV tV-' ''ifbrrid'fjr tlil'ii'trinc' 'liaye ibthftij '. BikCj jriiizal!$b;' of any iueperi' deuVor pOtsiae Votid. ' ' '''"':'' Ip:::- Let' 'ni - !(l!dncrvat;ve-lieinocrat . be driven hto a fcupjxrt of the infamous uiiptlof ihc rcvoIul'oniaCrfl vpyrcrs tUe(pcppliv,:"u-re arc many nioYi w'lib,' a:itbeuhjth!cy cnuoVe'thl- r-rmcTpTc'sof tVc hfy( cratie'iiiii ty in tl:e 'naaTn'aVfe' ufcV7ilY !bilosed to the ruirtuu-; issue lofstd U oh llieiii l-y the l it? Jopi-'a-turei-: Lttjtn.h nun fantl 'f.rml Tb'c. iraQ and true citizens of ll:e State ar6 gqod atnl U House LtaeS, whttn be iv:i3 a nn'iw of tlio- -Confederatic .CoBgrestv procwiial in rxemptida ftotn tld arciy fUr ti tiiKti Itaincd Miiier of Ddridm tojiivy for which I ip-liuij'ti note for three hundi reach i tiMrJc !red li BUit'biaoj war Leach st3f Wd' tfrK note to W 7injin wli sin d 'St'licf fyi' t!ie aujliji Li'ucli ' ac't'inj a- c'oirn'scl for tJfU IjIaMiumI, aji.u w.iicn t.'io ease tame 1 tif tifta! jjiiTgniViit .wan vndOVd aratntt f the philijiiiTon ibe rroul thal'corrup- .CMW?f44Ma c'rrul','y sod' hU olfieiiil 4eaito0 ilt iSi.-i.-i ii obtain money. . White ;Sla-06. t KoTy .working wbsto iuan vhp voie tiv4 be hiuciatie ticket to-day voU's to .vii'tualty Mi-'laff biuiseiiL Au looi'of. Uiis:!w:eaH point Lo tlio Litudlciul ,arul Tenaiit Act which a3iow every land-; toril'tu A-ize upon the 1 rovwoi. ;thtir J tetiiuUd (jiiiiy have rahxdti t Mrv u- in waiyiuluflwr, JuYeu.if ibe;tcn-. arit' fauiilied .urvv : iir ; consequence. 'tTiul U this but uflwrrH 'licit iik!i the i . -.. i - it...:- -T . . i.. OWCr 01 wuwcii .i-ucar jwto it iuuiwi vo a VouifiifOft pi'-? jfvery livtic if any bi t ter.lh'i,1ijt.Ia.l in, which the tij'ored'iiieii wv'J'f M before and Jufln the war? Arc .yoli Vrcrn-rca for thw,' working U1CU . . -- I jft (':c ('.V rwi wi,T, that ii' lHiuor all 11.11 V ' -f.-... J ....... r.. . . 1 1.: .il- l,.,k-i. .1 in i ij .r 111 t iLlll'ill. llioil'lliey w Mf Viu.e .luuiinsviiumwn: '.-v.-.'i.l i. 1... "i.i i.r v..t:,ir - :-i r -.- , tuil, rH, which in can's that every uiun a ! , ,. J, namt wI.lW ree.terci .ua4j, and ui unci w v. - : ' """n at tire tlllUS ... i 1 . goeb YoUYititt nauiO. - jvi, clu and - he wt.l Ui rQ- : : u . . tuurcd:to ar m a toao uittd cuniigb Ut i,l;Uli by. thu.-.. -lauding around, i.jh cHiidiiLile or caiulidate.s lie votes .j r sf ihey vote tl 10 in., u..ii;ui ii 'iicaci t if e. i . iiij-ii't t, i !. i. i. . cXVcutjo turn them out ot'eniproy- -S.ttUf- ..'i:l Hit ! At llauU. Tfcet)mc for arguun'iit li:i weii nih a& fhe time t-r WOU& qaii! riel. rtfore? Ihw Uauc i.t our paper reacht. nhe'Aiitiwi ol'tl.- t'!.iU;.'-!,V v-.:ers of wtu' piroiiiia win no niusi n,-nn ui 0v1lpK. I vme which may deVW) tin ir petomi'and puJilical i.'H-rati Ur ) tr- hap gelierations to iic ' rX-ilien of North L'arnlna pfrl.for tLc . are 'J f ciWnt which you! t aei.r.ii& i Cletfrly leuelenuiue in wnKt,iitt.'lHm. a. L . i vu tvi leasi tour sisiujik: si n-r. uo i, L W " W ' vnmvs wsaiiiin ss-x. a irai iui n iiuitui- i tVlo-Vkiur tountrv, vi urfatnU and YONrweHf. ion are cat:a ojHin u Teardean'thoonianic laTT4or ttai4i. Yv'lr :j aked,ly a !Vv jdi.-eonientcd, ambrtk ivi bad wen, lo Ji-'pcl the at'li; pine that hew rci.n in our ttc4nv arV, a4 ctnlakl im m yiofaa, thdfcWim. of wUki mai dtiyex yea iww .yoar nvrjsp a-d IiJwirige jyou acaiit m'.o .aU tbe U.r ifikenaution and biUiied. Ueirtu- K-ftre the god aud iruitt4 unl iorih tatrwiUa baaUo yuu i5 i tvu j.e WieeAef the aprnvU uf Ve.J4Wnied tUdgeri MiHer aud otlwr bin!iai4 a teMec of the lar !. Kcia'erabeT that y " " JT fc WxMltC A,d. ipi. saf saaitkad, diguiB; lawyer aa4t . . i : . . ion Kae .: iw o.ea lcaTotiit NOW'topuJ yia t. k kotrd o'jite.- Usrm teltev-Htxrcasw' Ua to la 4 sUtttj2 , SjaraiaaJ'aAti Ltrj! LiTl TUI ION- If sKkoi.od. ita resal ia -eotsipg CU Ui etll. avcr aaaw i iiaaea is iNartb ltwlasa. , ilsxs) fev we aaj J ia siasa m aJiraaacct s pawu fwa esst 4dva4 4ht arl4. i4ibarerIea Caaea: ort!!." katst tie iatctxaa oi.4rTKJr, .rtuvtaaft as tbeflr ettttr sw I i t " t t ! os .'J lr.Tjoin! noirfc'j tl P if I ib -,uo 1 I; I) li-ji!: t' iroiJ:)::fi i lo i;ii)r;.:.!ji::I jij onl if.rtmnvtti Silt -j f 1 itc n. -irrr I .!-;: - II! 't 11 -ooi..i; viiit'1! v-i win j kid Th 4'eikTiJ!i,r3keV' wan-Wadflcl! PUifi Ar6Wrjfl thfe cnWC'adiwt,'Cbvrri;-' Ur. ) ui -ill J Tic,fy5;tUbet Ijrou would fAVAJjOM349l?'V?lM .,T....'T . ..i i ., t mrV'rbr noUonWw- " "- Iar afi'VoW faroiiic8: hre yL . 1 1 yori Mh'oit 'maybc lost: l h.liJi 'ioi;wio.ayJii3..Jr4fWpre ibHUYcri.'J mfe Jkind f juea a.hij "JH.'W ....lf, ! ... , .. . i- l ':--.u..r .?. v.M:''i.3iii' jtVV.quyvf jio fiisuco men u me euiioia at.UiQ.JoUrJuJ, that theV can no longer tfo,p!;yoU;i'to voio-iyr'iheiri:' ' ,' ' i T :L ii: t .. . I i ... i'.'C II W lOO.I UJgiW UOWHII4 M WW' CiiT "Sniillt.lin Johaaou .'couuly.; ;,Ue feaJd lre Siaar tiot going theac; bt cause iriSvulilickrryitlioottnty .1:1, tionvlilit L'ici'i he !p' a Democrat and of , .WadiMl vvas one; of the first native Nttn ioliuiaud. who declared in fa :oji .ofaeLroxutr"rti;, now he iaaiukiug f. ;ta'nwt' nitiviti .who aro. He pnuitljemii.-; iliorvWeak whiekcy Wad- Mull Ujti 'aibud rcco-d aa a blooded tvii-lo.inJn. ; w ;-, ; n 1 1 ard. ;ik1 bis jvirty arc fine fel,- ltnv.V rr roorlwhitu men lo look to for security' ar only El.. ... . - ... : Ml, in. tueir iloinesleaus, lr.tney gj-iited ,tutv enough lo put .nioi"iatjoa loOwdoep on t,Iierr property ;t4, l,-lf tlioir creditors from gblting thi-i fi kftt H - mr oed( wage. ; w , , , . , ,. . 1 mm ' '(ufliipi'of liuplf rr', wanta tlic tvbip-' y'l'il't'C' be' !sayi, 'for poor meni) Sow tfa! rkkjr re'rnoyes a peck of tiaVofaflo'C-'Ibr -family 'UsP.'Im) will bo wiiM'V.11 abtl ''dwIraWbUe-k' MaVk man v. wanU to dislrariclrrw loor men lui -i.iclucfloHOi'f t Jtee L:uidJur nnd Tt'eu'aiil! Act :t.ssed by the last; DtiBio- ciatic'LcgKhitHre. ' . i : "'r':';M !:. n; mm r. , ;. , - ... ; !,:iii''tyiimd..lfa.i told thej'cople .every - wTicre, ho has j spoke,' tha t f Me 1)ijiii i au-v'r'i'"" V; " 4konjresiauf'f wbu'1; oc . iaH .ii -nc. .is' toujcialjouia a. speeinjc ,of , Ihe bal aiioof liir:p4ity, wc ralher flunk jioor 'white intu.w,ij.l. be afraid to trust thtui. 'Wean oi.u ou.t a 1 Tonicbtead or two that wiik danger, of being loat, without wailing lor tho Dcuocrat3 to get con trol of llio, JoiivciiUon, lroni the fact til at hv la.i,feiled.t,o,pay bb-ird worked pi-i liter's for th-jir hoyetsUy earned wages and' llu frqby, ha-. . placetl theit at the Are Ijq yoteca of NorUi .t'avjliua prc-pari-1 Id uirniider, thoir rjht .to, vole for jud-ii. .solicitora and miigialratca Iv-ibey yih tb, Li cneral Assembly to apjtv.iji't thyst olliecra? Are they will ui' to .i.ko. .up Free .tMtruigo?, IT a uort;upt puihje, o.r vindictive .Solicitor, ur '.Uy. upeteut magitralc ia saddled ujxu Ui . in, do they desire biiu Jto re .taiii j'.'ji liiito for Ufc; or would they like, lo Uavp i Uance to vote for a bet ter tea:i! U till bis placu when hii time expire J . These arc ;iijortant ques tions. I'Lc CxiiiveniieKi &elicuicrs wil to t-i-e, jtll power .from. the. people to ch'Hc icir.,ovp luleis. If they do not,iwhj dop't'tbey ay;ao?. We sup- UAr "fUjaiieu paee . .prevents tllCW-V fire."- in iciliii wuai ineir iiesigns . ... i . .i - t t.'LVpfNfS-Tf' lit: HA it rooms. .r'A7, ahudlng, to 1 his being day, 'ujpe'-'s aU the bar-rooms cIocumv - ..& in liin dilv will be chI, auLaya no , i ,,,. cfre. th-,!,. Umr ieen ucdW- t;-.e sothoriticn, and in tbhj . . t r- part:cutir'thrrc bar been. ' a neglect ot duty' ( ; ' : ' Pohil.VtliM fntflfttiiwi will eie tftU pit dfm H tSe langUie T the law wbtcfa Mhe STutbbtitirt V "Issue or farc&ci'; Alf U; H arV fnvte' uscfo! htrormatlow to ''J fadk4 ltrit ha dNine r wioatb: .ftUK if ini wwv vyuf. iwu vn i. Vhw.itiiw ta'iWue orders to"obenre thvi Uw11i4sr to oliTetbe common law of tralbfu iSsi 'kndf bowery which the JWftMi K fetfi n h-nt i uUetiy IbrfM tcr. livbalilyif tbere"wa ?tvwEat faei l-Ar htwlw force ia tbw eity, I be Jkrxh, wowVf be- britet ptinted and wf5$i !rtbfwt p!cr tbaa wlwrt H mmm-- Ua ,.4 ' ' ' " ;. :r ' ' "' l.lUtbUiiy-1'rcWvat. ; lM fc wmtatlc poprrw ar vasxi d-rod Uuss iadgs Uaxaoa baa Xt dtiord ,i awaseif caadadata fat Cu f o3 itb a H49 adjomra at U'aaa Jadfo llwma of Ed xsbrkad JmU iVUsraa of MacAkm- l bane itaeftrd thsmlve 4 aal ia - totliaf eWir yadeial rabn. I a tl' Mcrrini ouj Svrepson'a ttoriiey, whd assfaed 1 wepsonj iii' all of hi -toAHn, iV 01U spcaiiiig for Coav'ch- li I I I I I I I a. . . a. ; a mil rr? i r i n wt.m u 1 J kl J -.iiini I '.'JilTMl-V? ' i SiBgfe&piO Cents. Tl 1'' O TY ITEMS - : . HANDS WASTES To cut wood. I will ghfel fftgular. cut ploy men t to the above numbcy-xof ood worxing men, lor mo ae! mori,n .J . - ' : . .-1 p I. f i 1 1 ! ' i V i i-. L-RFWistiATiO-r-iri 2d.'-Ward.-4-'Dia; I I I I' I I I I . r .-. f 0CbBoor:will be in bis ofljcnest to tae -uourc liouse. irom auAtMk iq i Pvif.,'ad from 3 lot! J?i li. 'every day Tk:Uw; registration of voters. - Tbe following aM tbe lioUre Jbr Keg i uc iouowmg are. ao nouns sor iifg IsTlratWfr ui thef Third Wartlr from, '4 It A.'M. ; from 5 to 7 P, M, L vcr 6 cry uay tin til election. t.'t .1" :v-:,:; :H 4 .;t; ir .( 1 'Ti Challegeus. Tbe,i(Uy cx- loWjrig laimed Kepublican3to, act aa cTialivngchi at the iliteretlt UVg place's On (election day: First Ward, Uppeeiilodii-iiiVii W hitney.iJolin btatcher, Wm li Howe,, Db L TyWcrs, Wra Henry Ifowe, John Evangcliif, George 11 Ada Wf8; lien ry Kuhl,' Edward Ancruai t J-J Nixton J Jkke l$brieaux, lleu,ry. If cai;. rKenl Krcharusi a, Kicttrq prowiv ICpbert rhinueyj, Eli Currie,; Jphrt Patps, Hoi mes; Hen ry . MidrBeton , WJllia ox Walker7, preen StriilH, Oed It ilabsoD,' 8anil Norton. i . , -: nrst: K'ard. Lower ! DivisioBi J. W Telfair; Jphn Hoper, GeorgcrLlUpg- ion, ww en Love, uwca puxney. imis-c Hooper, ias ALowery, WmJ Kellogg, E Mcliriio. Saml Reedi, Alieti '. Gratis. Elijah Iiane, Henry Lgcp ifdaq-se) Nlcbols, Wm. TuckerJUairtalIolnita, Clias'iyafcpsdn, Jainc5THc1.:?r8harrt-j Sweat, Ivilcy Moseley, VlMnlVl-Xlratl-Vick, J(lin H IiOWla. ViW 1 Hrow-h, Richard T Hall, Stephen. JlaUard. j florid Ward. .--Joseph. A, Ashe, George II Jackson, Ueorge E licrdett j W McNeil. A McKiniie, E i j Tenny packer'Thad Howard Wash Howatd, Sahdy felewart, Mosoa Whiting, &xm Stcrtirtg, Danl Hbwnrd, fleorge Mar ray; Wni West, Frcd Brown, Job h W Hunter; Robert West, Edward Joyncr, Wrii BlfcWilUauis. J N , Yan3oclen. Gufy;jJ)ayis. , lidwd Mallett, JasptJ BiBliop, VmJN Alallelt. . -. Third Ward James Heaton; J W Hpiecr, Gilbert TelfairJwUtteli; Washt: tucker, H E Jackson, Joha U'Uhnrn! ITtim Kitijr, liandal Jones. John1 iHjww, 1 George Hayes, Malhew Ahe, Ulias Anderson, Haywood Ear kins,1 Friuk Atkinson, Wni'Jobnson lo Mo;(eley David White, D Wheeler, .a Ji':! i :JL... t'..j. w i iivtriu ii iiuaiun, uivu ,i wu. Fourth Ward. Joseph J Cutlar. Wm miali; Silas K Deann, Jesc Mar tin, John Scaln. WA J.orJau. .David Ftice, 1ibt Leonard, Feter McKcevcr King MeCall, Josh 3Ioore, A L Brown, iiioa 'Blown, ?andy Jonex, XV H Ki'lley; Wui White. Wiwht Hwc, Hanover JuhiMjjn, Jas 11 Harris, Alex Bryant. Henry Hill, Nat Conner, Uhaa, ffoutheriand, John H Howr,- Thoa Itceil, JIows Grainger, Jr. ' ; :' '' Fifth (Ward. Hiram Hanklns, lrW Jones, James a H. Davis, E D HcWlctt; Itoarie, Halifax T; iJeonard, Rrbt Lonard,ERiehar(l5on, Wright SimmoTs, Allen Sim mono, El ias Cam p beil, ltopt Bus. 'Joh Hill, R H Martbi, Henry Loftio, Josh, Edwd Bird, A J Dinton, Washt Jlowe, Henry Knicht j Moses Connor, Alfred Conner, Moses Grainger. MIliTrA 4IK5BUAL XKC1I UoTghed bis tHrnimiarioh 'in '-the Confe-Jdratc artny as a Lieut -CVitoiiel, after "cb jryes had been preferred against him, fori conduct unbecoming an tJpctr- anl a frnitrmirti't and x went home and accepted a Militia (.er!hrWu trp out oflpc war. Now' thlT'ts' ihe, great ar Ilorso wbo WMUea another war, so aa to seed poor men into it aVm. while he, cv4ni-fUr, remain at home, . urWe want tbe whipping pott re- caUbladtcd u ruler tbe direction of WHITE OFr1CFJa--CJWrrr Vrrn- ocrttl, . - s ' ' ' t This (means that Justkrsof tbe Tcaca elected f'r I iie fchalt"ertGT7Jtc tbe CWutyj Court a ofoW, ami . 't6a If any por white oc colore! maa otil oe cooyHiid vf misdemeatior and b tc-o ptor ,tpjiy tbe fine aod cost; bii bact shall 4 lacerated, abtle tbe'rldr nabob can baU t own w'py by payleff a tc dolbuaj ' ' l "" VmJ A trrakaat, lb .steal Hiab, rrtrU of Uasocraey, voted tax Aba Cvwrrtrumw of IL aeaiaK aUaoias; the s44Jra' fsauiie aa exewrtioa Liioa of two lialrrd aa1 t Ay dultanla fsraitarr, pwaltry asfcl tW of Ur. TV, r.oxiber. Mbra tMirav aas ia tlx islwiaa of C-iwioJrral carremr aad dsd ot aaswaat to aor tbaa a few dsUr of oar peearat aaoary.' , , If Gt. nrakaat altfabf W a sarmbrv oftm? ewsjrbar Can at tun aiH W mat a tktsaautsi of labariaaaea : , Ami if GraJaaat ots that way, w Ut sttrwr tm 4 hi faemlaf admfcrrra USvm V4f rltnMUoj, mat tarn r r , "... ..t. -- - .: . a - -' .ioiahT tip iaiiiH T ibJil'H oiii .wrroziiur; i oi b'ilofiilfTotiilnii' Absurd lli cats SiWm 1 nmnrn. Argum mVUlbdgar(fl'arVi'I f'H;. avail. The questions at issue have been presented fuUy. NotbinlsHww4 need ed to insure a complete victory-for the Republican arrfjtati-Ocefttjcai fiut .iruKiv. umr a tew aavs more are ieus, bui remember that 4uriti9 that Vune hundreds of falsehoods iri 11 bVput i forth to deceive the people. So far as argument is concerned the aieinocratic party havio long sinea abiudenod Ib6 ' attempt. The entire campaign has been conducted on thejr jart;ltt bt.. . . appeahi te tho pa'cufinand -irejUdicW'(UI of, tho people. There is pnyr pno re 8oareo now left thdofudjlht, ia.toj spread abroad as many, ridoua, ru- j ,t mors as pbetsiblc during tho Wt few days of Uw canvass. Our mcnt4 must therefore bo on the lookuuc iHir lyittg extras and absurd elatemeuU.1 The time is nc ar at hand for the people to assert tbe r rights. LeViioihilkWerVe the anti-1 Convention men from their duty in tl is hour of pcriL jlAJJ'wo uee! is a full ' ote, and the uVcnuon L ouwbyfrnn ten to twenty jiujjurity. ffpT.lue fa ohRyi.cjwt.l4;sBsl gyoet-i ung a p puiar majority ui. twenty boesand. Constitution, j: u n i. - mm .i.vvutJj .! Every oor and uucdUe6.teil Vwi.ts. whito or dack, that votes agiu.t his own interest! TWftkef thisr before yon V9tenthe5thof AHgytil 't' ' ' .rum II' CLIllFOljLUiHOl'SK. ON MAJtK Jif tftitJi iTf, ' 1 ' CTWEtN StXtlND ANU TlUlil. IN uof pari of t)ii fftx, ff It m Jut . Irniiibieut 'ht- -Vrn;inV-i . House no-ly furnlr licit. hKd1l4o rlliais. piled wlluf every luxury the umik vt utU'iiU Terms uiouoruic. t . aug t J , ,li Ii I ii, i aH I iDIVXUE'NX) " tl:isi T4 MKKTINO b' - fit k t rt.?niK7(fii mt the Jtarik uf New ltrfrtbYf a uivuiena oi nvu int.wt oartof UieMirulnKM i.f the llunk. lor Hie l.t-l 6lx ii ion llis, iiayaulo uu m XI' ntU-T Au- UUst i W I YA" juiy aim Ulai. IS7J.-31 irnmn .'in i snirr. STAU (ni!4ue tfMty tluralilllly suit MytMli. Siml for 11 111 ni ruled t'uUiloKiui l:lnri T.iiyloi.- II... luttiiubu-ttirer.. -, KllVVAKH VUJTTtf, WmIiI nciuufU J - i ijuiyuaiu "Si 10TIVB UOMMIfTEE, , riaiB MEMIIKIIS DKTIlK IlKI'l'llt M A fs . 1 Kxicilvc t'oainilttit) of Mi'W llanovit nn PornkT Oninttra txo rniti'r4-l l l preneiii nS, a iiiwIIuk of ktwd Uhm unci; t heUf Mtllic i'ourt IIoum'. la Wlluiiiiuton. on M(iK4:y. August UJ, la iU. ly. w'ciuck . a. m. Jiy imiiTAWiinuinT. , . tS. II. MANIN. t'liwIrMsn. i ll. K. Korrr; Nfrr.tfsjyv 14 i:i " JIUJT ao,i i.v.j 3i CIVIL AND MCOllAniQAl 1110 I I3.U 1 ,li AT XHK llENSSKI.AKIt rNtlfl I! Me 1 '" : iS.STITTTi:. TllOY.1 X'. 'V. IiiHXcuctidn very practical. Anviiijiti ursMrpiutttl In thu country. , 4jrmliuiij- oiilMUn eixrciii-ni mihiouh. titii i4 hif l. trtlh. ' Vtt the AiiiiukI lU'Kistcr. ii'iilammi; MpruiVOil'oiir)w o( siuily, ifl lull hi ii. lm. slOrttui I'iioi. l 1 1 A m.K-M Hr.i iW .Nl:. lMroetoe. , I- . Mm r.u: 0KGA.VS i 'cw pnll Itcnnllful ilrii;iill. Atvnr wni-Aldi-M KUWAUU 1 1 1'lTH, V:iIuii-. tia,X a i July H,iu j J i ; . ; . i ,4 . . i iiour City TaxVs. 1 1 1 . , , t ' TUKlll'KI.U IMl t uiJfcll.U. I Cirv or, i;, WiiilircrrY tax nfKH ko; i. vntv JL lw PTvn rt'lrU l (IiIr ol'ii . . tin m oVtsIkTiM I now pr-..-trti Ui t"i t C4UrXXfs on lu-ui Id-tat ntii 1m.i...i l'rprfrtyTlor IsTi. : i " Al.fiPAHTIKX nit- tlu-rt-forr ntitiltil un. rHUUI to Klvr Uila IlislMar ItmnirUiatr t trutlou. and to mil MLtblS utlkrq '- Y" wlUaut lurUii r Jtlay. ' CITT; COl'hWS' re - tu pay,ocnvie..yTvT , ftV Trt-aun I itnd ,'Mi ! 'I'fll! tW VKltslTTr?f ' ittTlV 'lAlli 1 i ; . i.i na, TtiU lullltullou will Ik.- lc-tfM4 uu ibr : tat Sfoadajrof Srpiosabcr acaf. UlC Pain'rinlloc llic rl Ttiurwtay lo Jut.f IfOS. Wfin a Tacsiiouui lu area a tin it rma- Jl haa brm rrtr(i4tr4 ei t tl tl" Jt?0. ootnblnlnfi, howrvrr, Uuniruiv. ftonsari r Art Nkure and AfriruMan lntrwctSua will be elvtii In hf In i .i Imiwtiu atually Uuctula Urn ht Cwilrsw &MTll lhlrn-t lci rotdl u Atrtrullutr and tk pirriiatiie Aru. Aa J! ru. ha Wt S apnBta. Th . bulMHir tlx. rouctily prpalml fur tfirf rMA'plkMi Uim1t rsl liunamt, t4iMrnu. ply to www rirruuiit tiuuniiKr m uw ,iu Kjk-aii'.r. UATim i: Hccrrtarr WatM c Tt ww. NOl'IOK. Miirni. wiu. h aj fxjxiros hm ii .stawSMul twliinc rt- rtt u. f J , i s I i 1 - . TbanM' In Aa(UU W4A W V lfisat onootr for Umm tSrasioa 4 fwaib oOrttl. tU . tta SutfvolSK MMtn.ia Trwii it,Tfc. iu uuuUi aad tarsV Wasxiwl iuullt rrf kttAt. rwtxr. vaJWHiionL bi. tlCTT aXU CAI'K HiAU TA'W SjiOltlV Taa (Uiwni. t f fc, coMwtaJM aad tlitim nrbaal lkia)UI -U ' xrttrt a in v eji ii rr.ii tb t t y TiaJWtlhrTW IkWttln ta tl fU .k ui4l. tatluaat ioa ttsiios. I WAXSil5i Mcrt y- mJO TO, 'I 1 1 IXafiT'i ASD tET A OOnoM tl ttsy .1 - I aTanorUl Kew)f j Ll AtTH w fs!. tads I'm oira swarai r t soay aad rasw Sf tMf fc totMf 1 tMJk,) Was, to tVatdiOamsfd U rwnrSS it aa. mmm a taslww Ida aM atra4 UV f w4 o fsi2j ta oaS s4sa. tMwtoraua aw re?, fmf HaWay tlU a attaw tasiM aii. (i'Ui4 l i t mm AO .! .1. i It. J 1