- f - ; j ; y ,,!,, ,1 ,. , 1. ' - VOLUME VI. OFFICIAL VOTE OF NEW. HANOVER COUNTX ELECTION AUGUST 6th. 1875. if. r4 -f ? 5 r - t fM I"-' -", 1M7 2H li4 SI 37 J -'T: i7 a7 75. b 17J vi ii zH 5i srrj lio :, -i out :?c 4 Ji iit . . sv 2rr. 231 li 2 ..... sw sri; ill Ifti .2i .M J I IS ?-l 77' 1 ViTi .mi .-.mi li! " -ji rr.i zr. -In 117 -J77 T7 ZT 71 .v. 211 li ii" i; ; m sr ri". isi ii. i. 71 l -."Tl 71 lT I' OSim'ATKS. ,i.,t Ki fl.rlm ... ,., ""' ' K . Knmtli r. tub election: 'rim ' -lopram l-;ch will be foud cUabrrc, it ill bv cii that tho news cnr h cooJ. There seems to be (w'.MjU but Lat the Kcpublicaus will be i'l a majority in tho ConTcn-iH-fi, nl ;cli in ca ii3 of course, that there ill U- : iii'iiiitKatc ndjournmont. Imlwjtivi:? are thai the lUpublican mil ( onviii-On ticket ni" attain a !.j..iiT uii tin .iil; - vote of at least irii thi'ti-.i'iil : j.iin-t the leuiocr:itic pm ( .ivrniivu ticket. In other word-, t wi'1 lure a majoritr in the Con iftitioit, :ui-'rtlie voiee of at hunt one bnt.iri-1 a'nl t.n thoiisnnd Yite in S"..rtli C.irol'H.i ai; Jt milking any tfc.Mi-.-.' t'i tin- I '.'ii-titutioii. CONV KNTION! i;m 4 i io itF.'rritN's i .l,iKltU NKWS FKUM l'ENDHi- f. l. Jlnii iriloiin.i'ii.ii li.'in S'lith V.i-.liiu-t.ii up to 1 2 I. .M. yetcrd-iy, mt IncN time tin- Kepuhliean eandi- ii-itc-t lor CoiiTiutiou were 10 vote khrj.l. Kutire liepublitan Towu&hip tlct elected. fkU i. the 3trtii!'it IX iinniatic B-lnp in the county. WAKE COUNTY. Wait ifjyver 700 1U publican ni.t- i.ni.i OUU COUNTY. i.tiih.ir.l (oiinty rtoie l't pubh- IMI-.K-ON tUNl V. N o-unt and M'Nil ehvtol bran fMil lii.ijoril v. i;u iimoni i-oUNrv. IVclr'j'.- iiiajority I l-Y llfeh mp Iu4ip gave Noiaiciit '21'' nfitt .1 immi and I i on Conveii- Ml. KUUM KALKIGll. - iifillv i:i1. Wc ceiii ily I majority 1n the Coiivontioii and - - ten tlion. it majority of the fiur t.ic. ) l'MS Ctil'NTY. Muskoi, Auj;. . l x roiK fur tViivrulion by a nly ol .V. J; v SixCLAtR. JI.1KPY COUNTY. Takboko, Ac;. C. J-.IM tH lVmoeratk by ixly-(our ily. A. McOik. TliriXlLNlY. ;tru IVmtirrattc wsjorily of tL.KNCUUNTY. AtUt and Blown McU r.re I i.lL- xi.. mi W.J. Max:. ASH COUNTY. fix kOKlox OlUNTY. Wwt am - - a a a . i y an nj;nt. I wciimomTcouni tf. r,J coaaty kaa crttaialy raL. . ' Writ. Ci.lSniM ISMINTY. roaty Va RrfbUaa. III J : . VN ritt trim m wifirir, h' rc- -jmi . - A MKTll U .,i rj wj mi iuk'uIuv'uj ft." :n ci it J1!jOl I mii - imi iimw t7i ixi iaH i ic : ' i ; J if'r a snsi 14 hi 7iii ii- i mi a i?r, ymrffj. ""l ;i IS ltd Mt! XUlVi l I 3 ... KM 8W Sr, i I v....i...j i. ...i .-.. I 1IKUN8WICK COUNTY. Uruuewitk county ha" gone for E. W. Taylor, auti-Convention, by about 175 majority. Later. OlBcial vote of Brunswick .vc3 Taylor 12U majority. WAKE COUNTY. Wake 700 Republican majority. Wc have awept the btatc so far as heard I X'Ul. T. B. Kkdoh. WAYNE COUNTY. All the township heard from. Fair clotli ami Gianthaiu, lit publkans, i elected by o( majority. NEW 1IANOVEU AN1 TENDER COUNTIES. I be anti-Convciilioii candidates iu New Hanover and Pender counties arc elected by about 17G0 majority. The following id the aggregate vote in the live wardrf of the city for Town ship oiliccr.i : MA.lsrMATF. J. J. l'n.K'y J. f. Hill Henry Llrewlonlos K. Van . mrliiKO W. t. loort- Aler. Saoip"ou Anlboiiv HtiHi' CI.KItK. y. t. ivii. I OX TABLE. Mol. W. Na-sh SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Al ttl . Jiowc . A. II. MorrU J. Hamaou -. nl7 L05 1V1I 2UII Mil jottj I t I axi2 I a M CONYKSTIOJt CAUIUATH8 xaukiit, lamy, .uiuueiu, .Moiugoui EI KtTTKIK j ery C ;rtain, Cumberland certain rote T.rutfwiok county EJ. W. Taylor. I 61. New H; lover and Tendcr-Jno. II. I S,ythe. S." If. Tklr u ig. (i. Z. French. Bladen Alexander McDonald. I RoKon-R. M. Normant. NV1 Mc-1 CJl I Tiehmoittl 0':ver II Dockcrv I UW- -RieWrd W. K-ug. Macon, Martin, McDowell. Nabh, iV-vm -W T frV-cWi.CSconwII.IM-on.Onalow, Orange, Titt, Rock- lirat.il. im i I Craven-R. F. Uhman. J. S. Manix. l-t- 1? I ?V..l.r.r I. 1)4VIS1 143, M. C. lbnlge, J. J. Newell. l.r Tonl A. . lourgee. A. a. llol-1 . . . . ... . . . . ton. I Mecklenburg W. M. Kerr, Rufua I Iktrringcr. Eilgvcouibe W. T. MaUon,'A. XIc t'aU. Halirn- J. E O Hara, J.'J. Good wyn. Gaston Jaiuc llotrmau. Mart:n J. J. Mart:i. Jul ou B. R. Hiuoaat, T. T. Mas 81 . Jouc. -J. T. SotU Greco Jao. D1 Wf Ten J. W. Tboinc, J. O. Croa- by. ' Noi Ssiuptoo Wm. Bowan. 1 , Tho Rllowinu am tho rttarr from Rocky Toiut To wr diip: Toe MajUt-mtca-A. Ge-berj. 2C3 ... t w i oi- Levt Nixon, 235; L. T. Wood. For Towns p Clerk E. T. mo, 240. For School Commute A. Gaori IJ. . . r..vr. 2S;TeterMcInUrA23I.MatkwCin. 234. IX bog a s to Convention S. ll.Maa- ning. 2S3; Jm. II. atylbe. 233 ; Geo I ,vrh t; w rtrras 1 03 I JL 'rreoco,, iw k. iiryaa. 1 w liobt. btrangr, L I ., . " it I Tho follow lag . the vote in Hall-1 Towuhip (or delegate to tho bUU I cHtvrwtktn : J K. O'ltara, CM. J.J.GoodwTa.tX ! 1I.E.T. Mane nr. 140. . lUtbird II. SUnlth, 110 Th conaty s;ivr 15ta or mi Ilespectfttlty r. T. J. Hat is. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1S75. HfX'lvf.ENBURO COUNTY. IrouJ oows from old Mecklenburg. She bos redretnetl kcmulf Tui nobly, and has gone ltcpublicau by 300 ma jority. 'I Chariotte, Aug. 5. Mecklenburg lia.s gone licpublicao, Good new fnm everywhere. It. E. McDonald. LENOIU COUNTY. I eiir eutiiily had gone !XiU iiKijorily lor ih Convention ctindidaU-;. Ialcr. Lenoir counly " elect i llou. f v v-;.... i... :.. i i i J. IV. 'J 1IUIIUIU1 ilUU IHU majority. W.M. W. N. IIUJJTEl-f Jitill Istter. Republican iiwijority in Lenoir five humlretl; Green tlireo huit drcd; Johu.Htoii four hundred i;nd Jouea a gain over last year. II. L. Grant GKKENE COUNTY. Urcene county gives 2UU majority agaiuHt' Convention candidates CHANGES. llie follotvinx counties sent Demo - crat9 to Hie laxt LrgtNlature and now elt anti ('oiivcntion delegate : Wake, Vayiii',Guilford, Gaslou, Meckleuburg, Lenoir, Greene and Uiehiuoiid. WILSON COUNTY. It irt snid that Wilson county Ujla elected trun'IctarT. dem.. by 300 ma- jority. itviiiv iiiit'VTv Indications are that Union county t i- i r . ... t - ... : l nas gone lor nudiy. iwepuuiieuu, oy 'ji wU w ....Jv...j. ULAHEN COUNTY. Iil:it1rrilMi u ( Koimhliran maioiitv : - , .-j j , jioooivsuurv; t itcpuuucaii luajoniy. t -vr-.i. .. i i.i: uiunu i.inuii it.o u ttvuMiit.tu utk- luo loilowi.ug counties Have gone against Convenlioo, ee. .aiu : Alamance, Ashe, IVrie, Uladcn, Brun-twiek, Cawr'l, Cliuwan, Chero- I kce, Craven, Dare, Edgecombe, l-'or- I sytho, Gaston, Granville, Greene, Guil- j ford, llal:"ix, Heiider.-oii. Hertford, I John loii, Jiiie;. Lcinne, Madison, I Mecklenburg, New Hanover, North- ampton, Pa.iotank,;Teruiuians, Tolk, iJicli,,,,,,,,) K,,U'son, Rutherford , Wake, .. ... I ' Warren, ashinion, v ayue, v likes, l -. lit KoK invention. Alleghany, Alexander, Anson, Burke, Cabarrus, Car ret, Caldwell, Catawba, Cleveland, Ciluiiibu", Currrituck, Davie, Dupl i, Frai n, t.ate", Hay- wood, Hyde, Irelell, Jackson, Lincoln, j ingham. Rowan, Samjison, Stanly, Swain, Ur;on, Watauga, Wilaon-Tote POUBTFL'L COfSTIW. Ilinf-.p lUiiivimlM Caniih'ii t'lav Chatham. Harnett. lViwn, Moore, - - . . . J liantlolph. friokes, Mirry, Trai-'y Ivania nd Tyrell toU-i Cumberland olec - Buxtou and Block er by 200 majority. Where i.i wotild-be Judge Bart Ful ler? Go back to yot grtcery bop, you oily and maugy pimp of Ku KIu aristocracy. You are not fit to lick the boots of a gvutlcmau like Judge Bux ton. Oa reflection we ajologixo for the abovo obHcrvation and say we th'V: Fuller U fit to "ek a gentleman's boots. w can th tks.f ttoUiimr he is so we" fitted lor. ' . GoLPsaoao, N. C, August G, 1875. Editor Tost: The conflict is over and old Wayno h covered hcraelf all oxttmilh K7 When we take into coaMderaUon that county wt U-t year 123 Denocrat- am that they had tho appotatmeat of registrars and h41 holders and tho vm,DK "dtaaUgo the Couaty Commta- atoocfa intended to take by appointive mod ,b-wdest mcl. and lectiag om our ile our beat worker in tho Mveral UnUi whcr w had tho wrO, aaU la tfco uUxrs aucfc had wH tho backooe tu cuuieod Hrhu in a roaloOrd cast: w for it all Uhwc odds w Law w hippo I them tT Ami' ce. I have failed to ; Jrwi Wo vaT (4ccted our tkkei by nearly woe bn tdrtO. asa- krity. anI Kepnbncana ant CJirTyiuf hirn bsKan4 hxiwf jnbilani. Kve tUinc pnl dT jutvily al ail ifco towwahips. W had at thin place a lev (I am (lad to say a fm) Wya who aeesard Jrairvssa of creal'ag a row bat they tuWd. Wo aiw wiUip: t tVrow tho saantle of chantv m ail tko Uwn hlonf Umss) Wya ami atUibnM it o tW bad whisky they nonshl tho day Wfor cJcdka. , A. TUrrvfCaS Voir k Hup'k Public Instractiuu m 173. c o A laauiucc.. Alexander Alleghany AllHOIl Ahe ,,, iiuftrt I'rtTtk- ItllUll'll IrunsviiU l(uneMiilv . I l.iwi y.'i .... M 2 .... i.iiK. i.irr. TV Z'-, .... .1 1,1 is Six 1,:K7 ... l.iiik t,m ... i.i stn .... i.iwi :- si., -it - ... i.m 7;rj m HI i; ..." i? t.TS, I ... 1.5c.-, l. ls.il ... i ,l? i i;n ... J.sin i.nis ..n, 2i, t'.n 7oi r.i Hi7 241. ... 1..U7 707 l.lHi 2.TC.' ... J.liiT. l'JI is ... 1.IU 1,2I 1,7!H HTl ... l.U'il a.luti . ... l,ft i.iis . .. l,u:' i,.n . I- il o7t . 77m 4! . ... 2.2!H 2--,7". Hilll SM .. l.:C ,Vl., I .. lj&HH 3,Vj ; S73 SLV "1- old l.liiJ Mi; .. Mi . .. i.Ki 1,1.' .. 1.1''1.(I5.J .. .. irk". ;' . ifii 4-: .. i;i7 .. .. ... ....- . 2.1W 1,727 .. S.TJ ;'-1l .. :?rj .. 1.07" "ir. .. 1.402 j.s;i .. 2iJh 3,OU .. 1,01:' l."S! .. ic: ::v, . l.fcsj i.aii N 1.1117 .. rrw w, .. SSTh 7(W .. 1.7W .. 211 I" 1 .. . I.-JL7 i.r.s .. 1.217 1,1'M .. l..S; 1.IK7 .. . l.lVJ !l.s .. l,o7 MX) .. 7- 7W .. l.xH l,i" ... !f -. VI ... i :t."t ij ... i r! ." ... ! ;rri 11 ... '. nuij. i H.if " ;,;io ... ! ; 2,1'N ... ' .1!'. 7.V. ... ei it: .. 2,ll-'I 1,7i;i f' !H . .. i.i;: ;.i-i ... 7U-'. 71n ... - i it: ... rrrz! i I uurfcu.... ICaharrus. I C-lltlW.'ll faiiKlcn I'nrl-orrt "miwfll., f '.-tfjxwbu ('luilliHin Iierokeo t'liowuu :iay 'lcvt-l:iHii ..... t'ulumbus (.'raven f -Ill.llu.rUti.l I uritucb iiuviasou iHivio Duplin liEL-.- I Korsvthu J Jlf11" I JaU,; (imiivlll. I Orewuo I Hallrax. ".. Harnett .... Haywood... llcnueruu I j onJ I Iroloii Jackfttiii Joluisou... Jones I inoir. I Macon I injimniiii. l Mnrtln I Mciwwi'ii . Mecklenburir Mlicneil Montoniery 1 MIMICS I Niwb . , ..... I Nnrbamiunn. t'nmow irnriKe lutMiot:tnk l'uruVitmaiis lYrson P1U , I"olk Knndolpb , RlcMnotid Hockingiiuiu.. Kuiifcrfoni".'" .(j Hfokes Kwain"".."."..!!"! Tyrri. I. -. ."k" Warren".'..! Washington... Wniat wy NVIIkoa Wilson ... YatlWin A'aucey. .. ToUI... Kixstox, 'N. C, August G, 1S7.. Editor Tost : Dear b'ir : The following is tho vale of Lvnoir county all the Umiudiipa hoard Siii : R. M. K' i", liopub'van, ll'i; J. M. Wooten, lK'm.K-rat, .., Kings majority l)2. W. F. Lo."; i; Iudepeiitleut, and claiuu-1 to be a lie publican, n jcivod livo votes; Kng's majority over IiOi.in l.U'J. Very rc.;ct ifully, Ww. V. N. Hlm k.:. Engclliard, Ix'aeli, Vance, Bart 1 al ler, Stalling, Ts,n Lee, Gler u, Footo, Malt. Wli"ky l: -lioui and Weak Whisky Waddell all sick. ve.y .-ick. Poor fe"ow-, jut my " i my lif'e Ik J. Jolin.iou'j Sttaeeabor. Audrcw Johnson not yet toid iu hit grave, before h"s succc"tr in the Unit t' ttes tn-nato u puktil out, Geoeral W!'iam B Bate, of Nj divillc, Tcp leiwee, :1 the iuju. He " the one who contested the matter so strongly with Johnson, and wuc ol h i icud thought at ouc lime he u.-ih (airly eleeUd instead of the ex-l'ioideut. General Bate is a laayer by profcjioB, but, of coarse, g:ucd hU militxi title by being in tbo Confederate service. We take but little stock in eio;s of this character. Souic. tc ajo, how ever, he add wed a lelier 10 a CVrf-d-erate reuaioo, and used "s nexcet- tionablc languagv : "Nor d they, (ex C-oa U-ia -- dicrs.) yiehl wecedencc U my in bive of conntry and in tnc hi-Ii hupci ol Us cootinoeu glory and grv n :k-jo. Hiv ing onco ccctHvi Ummo Uftt iw, by arbitnuncnt of the ij, uWy wooM forlett that honor wh U t Jcj-ct thaa life to the trac sutdH-r neve I'm y to act otherwise tfcjn ia toe W-4 uf taith." wnt apo th Ut WffM M t . - j I J tJ" (. aaj I ww nnvw not at any l tho fact teat ut to oar tho only 44W in which wc hare a apr- ! rial intrvrst; that lUgUy xmtr, J iu iVsmc wnr ahamr. ad ia it t L!b j raXrioOc asxl aaaaJy iwr aiu vc muh wr ba ndvmnrk, ia a ctrs nayt ta twrratlnc. ttwj.lwsiij and r- ANOTHER Sl'EKt'il FliOM ENGLE1IARD. HE "GOfo BACK" ON CONVEN TION. LANGUAGE MORE FORCIL'LE THAN IDL1TE. WHY, OH ! WH Y, MY HEART, 11 IbS ti ALNESS.'' )iii Sjec!al u poiter was on hand and look down iu Iioit baud and in .sliort older the leinarks of Major Joseph A. Enleliai'd of the Wilmington Juur- mi', on the reception of the electiou on Thuiotlav ni'-lit. It seems that tho Major and Co!. Bill Saunders, llauked by u few saileiilcs and hangers-on a i uii lid their ollice were assembled iu their little back ukui with the outer door closed and securely locked, the glass sash in the inner door carefully screened with old papers, and the tal low dip buruiug veiy dimly, when a messenger boy ntalicd in fiautically waving a teielegrain. liie iVlajor ex tended his haiul from the rotundity of liij o'ots'sty and nervously tore the mis sive open. J liimeuialcly ins already elongated countenance proceeded to still l'uither elongate as ho read a tel egram vu in D. II. Hill iu Charlotte conveying the information that Meck lenburg county had gone lor the Iiadi- cals by IKK) majority. Col. Bill Saunders uroou and re- ma: ked tliatTT-tiUbuugh he was unaceus IoiikJ to public speaking, lie would just bed - il" it was not an outrage uii the f ecdom and dignity of a brave ind noble people to have such things occt " iu the bi'oad light of this XlXth century and not o'er come us like a hot day in August. i'rofound sensation on tiie !ait oi ' ic saiieiuea. ine Col. hav: ig dePvcred himself of these eiotpuent remarks, ,:ghtcd his long stem pipe and resumed l,;s Mat, when the Majormajestieally mounted his edito rial staud, m' opened l,rs mouth and taught them, aaying:- Frieiid:', Countyincu and levers; hear me lor my cause, and bo silent that ye uiayhe.il uiycjthalledvoicegoing oiHujone-oKuuu derandauuiuiiatingau ..1 I . !.- II F-E-l.-L-0-V C-I-T-l-Z-E-N- lledoni I drub 1 ioasa I y II dsr Jd cluuuaotviDJo. llrn 'witolxrob a'ducucIo uliprroc?it eia'oc duwh o cl1.1 -m siNrrsylftiM ;ol'is b.Mocab arujit,B"oinAtili ;;: -jt .nv.t !nove iauiscnu';;as-'Jl gofhiglin e'osua a h,i(4UHQ'rRi j ojilnifitpaao tp.otis, juiro-cgP n-enrac stsf tj li o;r i a. i Hi'iti aiojrip'opjpdi r en rit..i.ij ai;JAi?f Jjao-Lair trUiaei'jreps o iuh.iS liwU;M i;. o.Set .nf . i itG' tl;Un d jlh I ituiiK' e . y y -rah co on? K lli ccaoooh t IclspaliAMeeshUt'outrna ttaeoerecsris ur,0s!firc-t eeNNubytWittrcarrit?afl i!ic-t!teCniacifdyThhiircklt3;coihtvl ghtdlrr liauawttas.iit-ec'Heet 1' prist ab iSavlmcikg raoentc rgreha'e'Afrnji'-en Arccriiwjtcyrtler 1 usMabt'reEwa?II HmmrmM raso naiMMC4nol-TxaaAniL V mAiil. assn tslUNYcKrr'c!altsl!rvTa,ntoBtalcF catK-vati CkyUwitnarm KH-oanl&'ca Mi - I'TlLr'inti.ctic lpdiLFaraoliI n5rouitbi'.NKTCllMt IlcnaA iti''ciol LArr.)llr7rsailLiMaiaiB kUi . WtOeonjoM I K.mlrs0r.icooatoKn raMbAl kFH oiorfy ooovltw KF rct$J Pia....t't ceutAapv.au M dte C. asCCeiV. y 34 DCS f LM . nc lclltl U .caa A" ,'a....jaeh hlacAt, r Ir i;J..,lu0w U il'-i'cmr a I lit Utirba Iv.uuA Aj b ssatocau b iconiKhDN llUha.ti be C HVx u.jU It!- mtJOh ocLK ill Ulr, ..iiutB b!o .IjCa t ii.)W, rf to n i en j ua cAe j bt tui iu Jts ButuJ riS u ,t 7 li m wii.r i tU .sioaturvyi ApA r Kio la tlyl o .s f 1 1 lax U..111 t. nu Itsi j r.: C Full i I : o ris tK . k- I tin n:.Ofc.BLa.at ..Urn. .oFa I telas Kl.' 1 a s i. oajlttt jCaovrtamcnLl c k mt..,tejta0 MuUMacklni.h BboaalaWa rta ffiaiist. I) ..iUSaacl ' 1 b o atosUUTIa OaUUTtM f!lwnda rS Cidtrfr 1 tsr3 tLri lcTo .Lnnasanaw o-'VniM i!AiCniirnirTsal iDCn ar bUKtft?rinocUCroft-rtwwrt UX tofhfYMCS m I Wei iKrlbtn, i?Xll Ji4aij . .j i.U xin ti t w.t era . r..:. d ...o el .e4r-a CA4a.Ic n ta Ma il tJ,ic.T'ar3e W ls 51 r-arV tl.;ar rU-pe rrt vS I ar... J UwtvkWl t't'A 11 c-1 iSMtf aititSJM i o.aj 4tltF afcll M mKii to a. fc yTa f m,nS t I i-e t w Ma caWur aJiS b3hr . 1a)V i b tt - t b . . V U H.VU kira a vy4T Ws w tat twa.. -a at I Tt - . a. . wdaja-MU - rji f a.t fS- . Ann w- t a r. a ana if "V'JV Vji Tjii . ataar aTa rro as r . r. (H U tav l . . r ati . Ml w ja.w w. v r-t- -V. -r4w m a a a a V - . rwt'At intja j WILMINGTON' POST ADVER TISING RATES. O C H W H 55 W 2P E 1 1 i O 0 S 2 - v Cl U C l; w ; ta- i ' i 0 tT Ca Ci O Ci to a . - ::iciiiiMMM C O S 4. li Ci m c . 4- u OOt'KHJC'KHJ I-liiW O . wl O v O Ci O Cl o cn o c ti nts3co;:iii:ii-i.w. B O O O O w w w w O Zj O C O O O c Ci !i a. is co :o to (; m m vOIMSCOCv.lClMSCJ 005 1 - -1 n :i-iiioci-i O O w O vjl O i.1 O Ci O .1 O Ci I 'J C"- Cn k-COOSIiliMM O w iU CCi w v. H li ij. is C t O Cl O CT O CI S Ct C i O Ct C a- - iTS Ct Ct 4- i- CC Z3 i ti O O COS IIJMIiC.-Ci CiC i 3 o o ci 1: 0 'i ; o 1 c-t O O O Ct tiv C O C O OtOCOCi u ft Special rates can be had for a lomrer Lime than one week. Eight (S) Iinta, Nonpareil tyie, con stitute a square. AH advertisementd will be charged at the above rates, except on iqiccial con tracts. ..llconnnun?fertio!is on busihcssliould be addressed to The Wilmington Tost, Wilmington, N. C. The subscription price U Tin; Wil mington TorfT is .' 00 icr vear for siii"le copies; for clubs of 10 or 20 00 jkt copy. The circulation of tho Tost is Ihe largest of any paper ia .North Carolina. A7v 1 V A I) VJiRIJ KM EN Ti. 'I'HK MKHHEli. UK lltLl. LoVK I lAIINiK, Nt. I.K3I. ofth. U. I". . tl C. K. will rHebrato Ih.-lr Ktairlti A nnl vt rvnj jr on Tl'KSDAV. A lU4lim' ioril, hy a intrude thrtniK.h lli" 'l mcl..il sli tt U. iid mi tul drt'w. lit Iki !! vtTttl al St. su-lii-n A. M. K. Church hI :) u't-lock. To i lt. with a Lovcc :uid Soiree at 7! a o'clwck. Thu public art- rf sptt'tlully In viUtl to at tcud. .1 Ati'i; Jn nwj.v. t liui'n. Ji. tMH, a Jok. W i i.i. is, Wksi.iv HirwiL, AUKKHI. Uol'.INSOV. (.'oiumittc or ArrausenituU. A. KoiiaM, Kltior Mauaccr CI JITOIU) IIOl'SE, ON MARKET SIX i:F.T, HKrWKKN Kyj) ANI TlllltH. IN the bust n im psrt of ihc city. Sfl.-julid bttartl both tranid.-nt and crtnanHl. llouito newly furiilli.l,nud table w II nu IHIotl wtUi every lumr ttio murk t :uiorti Tcrais iuodt-r..rf.; us I n-lm UIVIUEND. AT I MKKT1N.; K TI1K liltT"IW l i Ik- lUnk of NawIanovor. bcM thl day. uivitin-i ti nvc Hsc cvnl. waa a-clnrt-i.t outoT tu earnlnc of Utn ll-oik (or llitj lt six miNiU, fv-tyablc on mi I nflrr .An-KU-4 UHli. H. U. WALLACK. J nly 31 t, 17 j. -it 4 oahit t . llECUTIYE COMMITTEE. 'IMIK MUMllKlwStiKTHL KEI'Ur.ldtN I Ktccotlvc (VimilU ot .Irw lUnovrr and leader oi ilio are rvitrli to be pmMrnt St a uifrttn i .U1 tk. nilUrr. iu br held al the t.'oarl II.huo. lit Wilmiitslwu. on Mouday. Auo Al. I7"i. al 19 o'clock, A. 1. I'.y .mxmt 4MtinttUs H. II. MVNNlNU.t U-Mfti.4u II. K So.rr. t.-r-rclary j u.y ji, it CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGIN EE KING AT TH K ; HKNHKKLA EH ILITECTIM ;c ISSTiTtTK, TJ-jOY. N. T. loittracUon very rmriieal. jtraUm aari aim . il la I bis coaalrr. t inJa.li. ttblaus rsrlal poailfao. kmiti m4. MUi. Kbr Umf Anttut tUit. cueuuaiac ItnpromS t Vara of PM4y. t4 tall lanki . lar a blmai aw . iOiAAJai ItiUiW'NE. Ton o rial Removal. Li AUT&i baa frrfttaant 1X4 abark as4 nartaJ of Juiui cnrravavf an4 ruaatal to IK atkao toraatfty anmfaarf by kin. ta maarwat tMIVnl! llokM. bca b ta tUa bfa oa4 toSra ti aa 4 Umi rwara mity U raa am btaa. that rit ta IW lUiH- t9t4. a.a Ji .a t Mta a4 'atB atlaw.ttMr4 .jrMa. ALL PIPKU.S Q COT ! IW Uvana r 4MJy TV Drtrssl rbi(lt tissansv rasa fa. f"11 fiiasiat Ifas i NUMBER 15. lWm OflCANS Now i)d bcauiiriil d.i,M(s. Acnl4-waul- e! Address KUWA1U IVTThT Wmhtne- Pay j Your City "Taxes. On ICS of Tk'k.xvueu ano l'oi.i.iu.-rui:.l ClTV OK WltJJNT.N. N. V.. V , July L7IU, ISTi. J 'I'HK liTY TA' 1UHIKS FOK s7j IIAV X. lue Ixtn milvtHl al Una ..l.to , U.t-10.-dvrsijrntsl Is iuW rcarcd to roMt-rt 11m rUf Tit Jem ou ICcal liluic and lVrbtmitl ITopcrly fvr?liri. A Lt. I'A'KTfKM art) tlicrrfoic nolllK-l un.l rrttitisu-a loclvuVltiH uiaitcr iiun d.alt a UMitKm.un.l torrtUlilllils oUicc and "oay np" wHllout furUivr duUy. CITY IXH'IMKK uro ultio t-cclviblo lu uayiueal or city Taito. T. I'. NKUYiicvS Tl'cUAurci uud Cwllt t-Utr. J"Jy J,-tl ! flUlK UJSIViUtSITY UK NcOCi ll l AKO- L - 1.1 N A. This lutUluUon will bv re-opcut.-d ou tho 1st Monday, of September next. tliotrrmcndlnxUiu 2nd Tliurwlay lu Ji:nt. IS7IX, Willi ;i vacation tif two wwks ut 4 'In i.-t-nittM. ltlias iKt'ii rf-onriuiiirfl tin th. .f.li-- tic Mysteai. rombiniui:. lovi vcr. Uniiir rlcnlar of Arts Scinieo aad Ai ri tiltur. . I us I met Ion will bout veil lu Ui bnuiriitwol Icaniintr usually Liuulit In tin-lrt -.ll-. . SnocUl liiHtrut-Uou irovidtxl in Arrlrult.irt and tho Mechanic Arta. Au ul.U Fncnliy has bct-a apolntttl. The bnlldln. . tin. roughly rt-fairtxl Tor liiu ruccouou t st-Vtral Duridrexl Kttidenta. l-VrcU culurs uiplanaU'cv rflh? iiImivv ki. l'lyto Ki-JMi'i-. uvn i.i;. .Seeittiy lkuril t! Tiuwi. HaJclh, N. f. NOTICE. U1KHK W1I.1.I1K AN KUiTJO.N ilH.I at thtl U.-u:tl l-lllli.- hua'd mi il... in Tluirwlay In Aiirhh, 17.. In New I lniu.x i ttouuly lor the tUftlon ,t ituo IoIIohih.- lowuship oHlccrs, viz I WILAILNtilHJNTDU N.Slin''-;.. v. ... M . . istraltii. out- Townsli'.n i h ..i.. -....ii.T.. and threo School Cuiunjitttt', KKIIEHAI. l"OINT. MAMiMUilNi ir 4 it. NrTTT ASH CAlM-i KKAK I'tiWNhll 1 1' - 1 wn Ma-jlsl rules, uno 4'!t-rk.i oiu- Con-!'!,:. ind Uireo .Sciiool Coin uiatod each. NKWlfVNiiVKli AMI I'.lt.t I iL;k . . l . Tlli Thi'ttj lv U-uaU'b to lli!u'!l .1. t ..i.ni . tulluual (Xiuvt-ntluu. j I i MA.NNINii. Siiti.:! o.' New lliiijivt-r c uunty n!y H Iw. 1 f-'O TO "- " " A l.LI.N's AMI 44KT A I l.NTKNN I A 1 . ttii May II tl FOR Tllli.lNWKMATION OF THE 1M15L1C, MARSHAL'S OFFICfc, C1TYOE WII.MINOION, N.C . April 11th 17... J N OlfL'Lli tij cbalyi iut ;u il, ,nt lit. clly Uiorv.u-uiy . nuU bUi iinlili .c .1. -I.i n . tts-:lblc, I luvc dlyM.tt tl..- cily int.. I.mh l llmilh HUtrit t. uii .il.-jin. ..in..!.. Ignil bjd.:ly In tsu !: tjii: l-TiiT i)in:ici, lu cj.ir ju of JU-allb t.iiU.i- J. II. CllilT.UXM lli:it irltou ui Uh tily i.i.. U: ..I Maikct afnl llisi ui" KKMMirixt THE SECOND Dl; 1 UlCl . In charge ol ItcalUi c0it.i t . t .Tal.r.. t, , br.iCx.Umt Mirlloii Il ci: t J kit and Wii o: Kl.'.u U-v4j HIE THIUD Dl-slUlt 1. In ibart. ol HtoiUi niliox A , J. lk ni.m; clnbrar.-. thai orUoU u! Ulv tuy tvau. wl Mu kct and cast ui 1 .I'.lt Slrt u. Tilt: IVcHJll 1'L-fTIUi.l. lb tbarrrf Umik tNlkr ti t. W rtibrarr Uut ittivMi U U. l ; t.ti. t.. MwkdMMl Wnluf I'liU Slnt. TIm I IratUli (MiuT tuy be dt.i.-s. t4 ti tl y llo na.-tU. a i4 lby a. m.liw'.tO k lni ti4 rr! V. i.ih at . .. my t KlWx- Jt U b"l-l UuU UK UlllMI El.Htly ou i ratu ttl'h ia !u Uj. ;a.- tat .itl. and brcla Um atKJ cl'satitf a '.hr.'. if -Vtttt tSaiay. Aay pfiwu -,ifv4 "t u. a kaay rrajl tu itUi IU.lb iHOotror ta In vitton in i.b u . i. to ba ooaA or at say oAsv a4 u a..ua Afaail Uavt tb tamt4mX IU.U.W Trnvuac ao rortir af -vim ar wa i ) Uarsa aaarba maUedL aad (Lai watltl) hall be a aMJjcl la aman 4.!W Um oatatawc Iwnnn. 1 ha. y iuH u;.y . aaali 1U . City Martaaal nWiy rttck H .ywf jtarj 4 1I2 pl-j! i 1 - r I i Ex. I !

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