'' V'--:: ";- j 1 r " .'V ' '' : -:;-..r:. j -.. -i 'f - J lit r 4 : uiflj. i .- 1 j i . m I J! ' ,-'.i . -.4 . 1 J-. 6 I - . . J - i . : h V; K i VOLUME IX. WILMINGTON POST ADVER. TISINGr RATES. ' Ififty cents per.. line for the first in tilrtton (and twenty-five -cents per line ' far'eivcli additional insertion. . " j ; . - ; . . - , ;lEjght (8) lilies, Nonpareil type; con- ' stitutc a square. . I AH advertisements,wlll be charged at -t!!$ above rates, eicept on special con tffllCM. ; '. '. '.: ' ' ' -. . - 1 i f nn n ' Kn 1 . . 1 ' C. . n- 1 . tittie than one week. , ; Iriie subscription priee to Tiie'Wil per i year; is $1 00 six. mon ins cxcins.r All communicrtions on busincsshould l,o ;aJ dressed to The WiiiMiNGTON a Polrf Wilmington, N. C. H. Kennedy, Business .Manager. CITY ITEMS, v 'K slight ! frost was reported on the h& grounds on Monday night, but no , il.tmage therefrom.' i: 4 i;fsent is such an early .spring fbrege h an early .spring for" it will, rain this week. 'fVlite.s'thj ' ; ."'9 ;:, i at jl'he annual meeting of . the Wiming t(i Oonipfcss ajid Warehouse Company -.J will be held on Tuesday, the' 2nd of tifi 1. storm signals have been i set on iagistrate'o offices' for some days, !, .Ill aili desire if' not an indication of the . brC'.ik in thd drouth v ' 1 1 iif-apivniitqd caudid.it(M, f r the i ll'i :i.4rn. f i 1 1 i r M I ow-e'i t i ztjns. s h on 1 d 'iiieujer, that the last man in, is of ijc'4 the.lU-ot man out. f Huh, Geol. Kane Mayor of Baltil m!rcii'assc a few days iilf our city ou hii return from the. south. Mayor lisli-j. b'Vte Vu the lionors lroma full hand. i -;V '!' -z-. '-''. : ; '. -" ' ill 'ilit' colored man, who picked up a fair 'of r eye glasses on Chcsnut street, pi'Uvt'eu -Third and Fourth streets, on" Jiuini.iy wvxk. wiu itave mtin ui UfiMV printing cflice; Iw will receive I I lhehatik-i, Sci., of the owner. ;T -, ' " '.','. Tb market home is; undergoing a ' f Ipiigiieeded improvement, and with its iicvgas lamps, and. the Joseph's coat i.;iit wtars in paint, it will b? noliced as ; the f first public advancement of Ithe prx'stnt Joara;in'tnc Uecorative arts. I j v 'Cliiekeu disputes, dog fights, and the . t liM;sveni to haycan attraction for some fof litr Vbcstw citizens. We have .no , a . f I ,., ! . ..j ... 1 (Icsie'to interfere as to a matter of. re i line I . taste, but we mention it merely nswujjgcsung inai- ii uugiu ureas uown : Ithe'? color Jiuo.!' ; v i- :-:.y:k-.1 , I ' Hi ' -.1 : -T,iepcnalty 'for breakliig windows, r skill 1 boys, is now, one shingle, One exjtqscd view twenty motions of the j rigli ;'! arm , thd- pay men t of costs- and jiKtiV?! Jmd the! end of justic is satisfied. I !?o sitys Justice Harriss, biit the end of l the liov is not as' well content. ; Charlotte Draiiiaitic Company,. vveaHiderstand, arc soon to give an en- tcrtaumentVin this city- for the .benefit of John's -Episcopal Church. They r.u ill Ireceive a kind welcome, and lair ; ; k 1 i.e-.jv i U . for. this object put all of the i'jaiiuiJiQmo in marching ordr to ensure V JfV lull audience. ', ' ; - 'ft: " .IA- i'-'.hTniMnff continues to arrive in our lVlt'jr. l'fcights are dull and the de- hian4 4ight at ( most : of the; southern ' liport.; i Wilmington sepiris always to be p abUjIo turn out somethipg for a cargo 'S-Sftid o; send any vessels away that p.re ,ookti freight,1 . : - : J.s. AT'.. - T V S A ' 1 I T I1T . i. !. V"urainger. ana r . w. i;Krrili iNtrtimor. as a committee from the f CiKuuWr of Com?f;crce, are now in j,V asfiiniou upon an invitation of the : Uhafriifan t itlic 1 louse . Committee', in te ihtc rests of establish ing ; steams'P cj!iuni?riicatiorl with foreign ports. V .'-y-' -I,' I j , " . n ', : Vf 1 'The -case i against tile property own- vrs on whom the city has a claim for laying Ithel Belgian payemeut on Front ; -01, were tried before Justice Wag- iivr,u Monday last, where the turn J did not exceed 200. .The decision was IHvor of .the city. Tlie ; Superior li Cotirt will have the saine mattei before K ihcm at the next term. Jesso- J JCassiddy, Esq., an old citi '! and late Associate Editor of the IVr,-returned to the city last evening 1 after,; an absence of Jiearly a . year, in I 'Uinta. He left with a height 0 f about I su feet two and a j diameter of No. 20 wire fiincf nnr rpttirns rpxpmniiuir natyr David Davis. His many friends 3.,0, . . o are pleased to welcome him bac k. iinmon's & Co's minstrels exhibited ftt the Opera House on Friday and I calilrday of last week, but not to even r Jiouses. The Post occasionally no i ices an entertainment i . to, occur on The ast of one ' week and thVrsti of the next, k and the treasurer tV notices that his time is tiilly emplostrfat the pox office. We will flay, hbwVVfr, that ;4t was an excellent company. Maoistrates MEEiiko. The coun ty Magistrates will liave H meeting on tlie 30ih day t)f tlTe month., at the court house, and organize as a Board. The purpose of the meeting I is to provide ir the carry ingout out the election law, but the purposes may not end here, and sundry offices may bo considered as an appropriate tail to the cat. t We mention, as an unusual thing, that on the eye of an election, as we are at present,' no candidates are in the field for the! various offices to be voted for in August. It is to be hoped that a number of Kepublicanswill duly an- t ripuuee themselves and pay; for adver tisements in the Democratic papers, w.iere . it U to be ' presumed - their strtngtU I lies, as, ia days tf old, inhe locks of Sampson. r, ' i , r xjic Mayor's court lor the week has, in a.busincss point of view, been dull. few trifling case of infringement of tlie ordinances were, disposed of on short interviews with the city is now at his Honor, and peace. Several tramps who had through walking tick ets were, advised not to stop over under tho present passenger arrangements. The hotels are considering" whether a protest hi important in the matter, as we go to pres3. , ; . ; i . So.me of the postal jstgenfs desire to have tlie jew uniforms' of the police of a d i 11 Vren t cu t and f color of those prcs scr i bed for them j as th4y are under the impression, ihat.: tbey qanriot withstand the 'demands made on them for police service. -As they can wear citizens cloihcs when not on duly it seems as though there was no occasion for grief.. How" witl it affect them to 'meet1 the Ucvenue Mariqe Army and .ftavy of ficers, who are burdened with the same color. Ur is this, whole matter la sug gestion of somebody els? , Jefierson DaVi?, offWayne county, arrived at the? Manning ; House on i Thursday last. It was hot Jefferson de Mississippi, , but there yiras-Jso much in a name that our iellow citiZ3ns flocked around to see "our old "chieftain,". as i' Bcview has it, aud!i Wanted to do something- more than ordinary. John Smiih, of Virginia, Lately came near falling a victim to jthe jsame ova tions, but Pocahontas not being along the Cornet Band was-not called into requisition. . . - ;i j: .. j . .. ; 'file that .steals my purse steals trash. But lie that steals my good name, etc." County Commissi ONERs.-The Coun ty CommissionersJ were! called in spe cial session on Friday last, and a full Board was present. ' ; Mr. J. K. Brown was appointed coun ty surveyor, specially, in the casejof Messrs. J.N. Ma flit and Wtri, B. Giles The report of Messrs. J.! F. Divine and J. F.; Post, accepting Little Biidge over Smith's Creek, was accepted. ? Mr. Duncan Holmes, who has con tracted to keep the above mentioned bridge in repair for a term of five years, presented his bond, which jthe Board accepted. f The Board then adjourned. ! j Mr. Geo, W. Gates formerly of the S3. C, Itailway, " and later master ma- mechanic- appointed by the Commis sioners of the N. C. Railroad and re-; moved when the new Board came into power a year ago, has, we are pleased to know, has been reinstated after one year's trial of a Mr. Marsh 'i'ilt. Gates is experienced in his profession and is a practical, and theoretical engineer, with a knowledge built' up from hard work and much study. His thorough knowledge of "all that -pertains to the rolling stock of railroads should have retained' nlm in his place when he was deposed but the correction of the error then made is more complimentary io his efficiency a'nd skill than any recom mendation. V ! -: : i Collector) f Cutet)Ms.-J-Since our last issue. Horii Joseph C. Abbott, wh for nearly foar years has been Collector of this port, bias resigned 1 and ex-Mayor taoaday .has been appointed to that of- ,fice and been confirmed by the Senate. Gen. Abbott; represented the State in tiieTJ:S.' Senate from JS68 to 1871 and earlier was a iaember. of thejConf vention which framed the Constitution under which thfe; state waradmitted subsequent to trie war.- As 4a Senator his views were liberal, ahtl, although a. prominent EepubLcan, he was not a partisan in an extreme sense, but advo cated the interests he f represented in the Senate in a manner to insure the rosnnrt of the better ! portion of tho people of the state irrespective of party, Ex-Mayor Canaday was not an appli cant for the ofSce of Collector in the event that Gem Abbott desired a re appointment when hU present commis sion expired.. ; Gen ;Abbott retires; from an uncompleted term With an adminis tration approved; : by the commercial interests, and Mr. Canaday as has suc: cessor will enter upon the duties of the offie? with administrative abilities well known inour community, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY; ? F os to ffice Regulation". The Postmaster-General has amcLded a reg ulation of the department 'governing the j transmission of printed matter, which is very important, inasmuch ''as! it overrules a long, established! practice in the department. Heretofore nothing but a business card was permitted upon a wrapper of printed matter. The Postmaster General has now given! instruction that any master in. -print! Vhich may be- transmitted within an! enclosure may also be transmitted at the same Tate if printed upon the wiap per or ; cncelope. This includes busi:i ness cards, directions for returning and any printed natter on the outside of a wrapper br -'J envelope!. Postmasters,! howeyer, are instructed not; to regard requests for the return of such matter unless stamps to pay the return postage are presented. ' There 13 an advertisement in our col ums to wliich wo take much pleasure in refering our readers, because we believe ipjit and can conscientiously and heartily recommend it. We refer to Hall's Hair Rencwer. We. remember many cases in out midst of old and middled aged people who Jormerly Wore grey hair, or whose locks where thin and jaded, but who now have presentable head pieces, and with no little pride announce to their friends that they havn't a grey hair in their heads. It is a pardonable pride, and the world would be 'better off, if there was more of it, for when the aged, make themselves attractive tq others they arc' more certain to witi and retain the esteem and respect to which a burthen of well spect years entitles them. Try Hall's Hair Ilenejver if age or disease has thinned or whitened your locks and you will thank us for our ad- vice. m Handle Kcws. Wdhbnrq, W IWJ :,;;:!, , : Board of ALDEUMEN.-Since, our last ifsue the Aldermen have been in session twice, Mayor Fish bl ate presi ding at each meeting and all the mem berst were present as usual deeding were as follows: The pro- : fTiURSDAY Evening, 21st iust .Therconsider .tiou of the apportion - ment bill, which was a special ord r for the evening wa.i discussed and the re port of the committee and the views of the AiJermen were hear I. "The final determination of the apportionment i as follow?: 1 -' i"'''J;M V "i ''' For the Police'Department, $15-277; Streets, Fire, $6,170, Light, $6,393; Sanitary, 1 ,590; Elections-, $400; Public Buildings, $1,850; Printing, Ad vertising and Stationery,1 $700; j Prison ers, $150; Miscellaneous $100; Extraor dinary, $1,700. Total $40,500. ! , The resolution now goes to the Board of Audit for concurrence. , The salary apportionment; was fixed by the Board at $5,040, but was after ward stricken out. ! ; I The Mayor was authorized to deter mine the pay of the street hands, the Board adopting S-3 cents as the maxi mum and 75 cents,PS the minimum for a days work. i; By order of the Board the police are to own their unifonrs after a . years service, minu buttons and insignia, if during that time they perform service without reprimand. .! f ' .-!," . . . 'March 20. ;,' By invitation of the Mayor, the; Ger man Imperial Consul appeared before the Board in the interest of the German bark Violette, now detained ?d quaran tine!. The vessel wishes permission to 1 ' L ... 1 1 i ll ' :i ' loaa wnnouc coming to my cuy, or re quiring the assistance on 7board of any persons, excepting the crew. v The ves- i n. -rf 1 T I ": ' TZ... fffii. leil liio ae iiaaenu, jauuary oisi, auu naa several cases cu yuuow lever uur- ing , the voyage, and two deaths, and was duly entered at, the Custom House!. After the ' statement made Peschau, the Mayor stated that by Mr. he did not wish to interfere with the com merce of this port by any factious . in- tarfernece, but that his reason for not allowing a cargo to be lightered to the vessel! was arrived at after a careful consultation with the Superintendent of Health and ether eminent j physi cians 'of the city. He offered, however, to allow every facility for loading if means could be devised by which it could be done without persons from here going on board or alongside of the ---On motion 'of Alderman Myers, as follows:5 -A f . '. -'.'.. v::M , .; JZcsoived, That the bark Violette hav ing been out from an infected port, over fifty days, and no new cases oi iever ha vice occurred within thirty-five days, that she be allowed to put in her cargo at Smithyille ' from lighters; provided, that no party engaged in loading be allowed on board ot said vessel. , , The following vote was had: ! YeasMyers, Flanner, Foster and VonGlahn 4. y " , t Nayes Fisblate (Mayor), Bowden, Vollers, King, Hill and L.owery-r-0. The tax ordinance considered at the previous meeting was adopted. Alderman Foster, who has taken a great deal of interest and has been to some considerable expense in obtaining the Moftet bell punch to exhibit to our citizens, offered thefollawing resolution j which was unanimously adopted: - ffiesolvbd, That His Honor, the May or, appoint a committee of three to in quire into the lawfulness and practica bility of adoping the MofTet Bell Punch; as a privilege to retail liquor. r Foster, ..Voller and Hill were ap poined by the Mayor under the above resolution. , " ! The Mayor's private detective was allowed $35 per month, to be deducted from collections made under his reports ofviolations. ' j Adjourned. i ' - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE TREASURER A COIiLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C. '; ? March 21st.167S. ! TAX notice, ? TAXES PRIOR TO THE 1 YEAR 1877, not raid by the 27th insl Will be ad verlised on the 29th Ihst. By resolution of the Board of Aldermen no wjaiviDg of advertisement will be al lowed'' HEN UY SAVAGE, inh 22-2t nac Treasurer and Collector. OFFICE TRKASURER A COLLECTOR, ; y CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, I March 21, 1878. V" -It'":. iiiaraiitnie Notice. QRDERED-TILVT NO VESSEL ARRI iii in tlie River from any infected Port will be allowed to enter this Port after the 20th day of March, or before the lth day of No vember, 1S77. ; ' -Re order of the Board of Aldermen. ' HENRY SAVAGE, mh 2t nac Clerk and Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE OAUOl INA CENTRAL)! RAILWAY COMPANY, V : Wn-MiNGi-ox, N. C, March 1, is. 8. J ! . I - -.- ! t ALL PARTIES TU WHOM THE CARO LINA Central Railway were lustl v in debted ,for services rendered . or supplies furnished prior to the Road passing into the hands of Receivers on April ,rtb, 1876, will please present the same at once for exami iiation and paymeut. : . i ( I. 15. UIIA1NQEB, , march 1f. f ' Receiver; ZIMMERMAN & AyniTE, 1 ' - General Upholsters & Paper Hangers, N. V. Cor. Second and Princess Sts., J WILMINGTON, N. C. Window .shaues, Wall paper Mattresses, Feather Beds. Pillows and. : ' Bolsters, Picture Frames, Cords, Tassels, Nails, &c., &c. COOKINGG L ASS PLATES, ALL SIZES. Zimrrierm m's improved Store and Win dow Awnlms, very low for cash. I COPAllTNEUSHIP NOTICE. In, AYE THIS DAY GIVEN WILLIAM El SPRINGER an interest in hiy HARD- i- : . : ;!' " -v- . - ' ' "I' WARE BUSINESS. The style of the nrm will hereafter he JOHN DAWSON & CO. JOHN DAWSON. N. C. Jan. 21, 1878 feb 1-lm Wilmington, SPECIAL PR0CL1MATI0X. TU THE GOOD PEOPLE OF WIL ! klNGTUN: TF YOU WANT THE VERY BEST BEEF, !-' PORK SAUSAGES, v ' &C, &C, &C. KINGr'iS MARKET, On Second Street, between , Market and A k Princess streets. ; jan 1 ly ISAAC W. KING. D. L. RUSSELL Attornev at Law, -.;: Office iai residence, coroerof Second and Dock Streets. , mar26-ti CUTLERY; JUST RECEIVED mHE BEST CiUALTTIES OF POCKET J. Knives, Razors, Table Knives, Scissors, Cirvers. Steels, &c, and a general variety of the best HARD w AUG. or saie aiiowesi prices, at Si. JAlUm Hardware Depot, No. 10 South B'ront street, Idee 21 ly HOME MADE CANDIES. ittaRRASTED PUREf .AND FLAVOR XX ED with the very-finest Essential Oils of Nutmeg, Lemon, Cloves, Peppermint, rinnamon.Sassafra. Wintergreen. Aniseed and Hoarhound Herb. A full supply of Bananas. Oranges and APPies. on nana. i S. G. NORTH ROPS, ! Fruit and Confectionery Store, inarch 1 , , .1 II II , ,.. i MARCH 29, 1878." SEW ADVERTISEMENTS SOL BEAR I & BROS., , j . j 18. 20 MARKET ST. QFFER TO THE PUBLIC, AT the " : "v. . "": s ; '4 - ' ' - - ' "!' --: ' . . j. I " .. ; . LOWEST NET TRICES,;. ' l',!!.rr;!; ; . ,Hr ' ONE OF THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCKS OF READY MADE CLOTHING 1 ." . .'"'. GKlNTS furnish goods, Boots, I Iioes, llafs, i'.-ils and Dry oods, Give us a call eforc. purchasing else dec 21 tf. wlherc. COAIi VOAIj. JF .YOU WANT .TO KFEP WARM AND yet. the worth oft your 'moiney, buy your Coal from the inn s. i - best ' I ersigncJ. . We have tbe GRATE? and STOVE COAL. in the market. Also that superior ENGLISH COAL. for quick and hot fl res. ' Send Ihe cash? nd orders will be lilled WORTH A WORTH. promptly jan H-tf D. M DAliT. PRACTICAL PLUMBER, STEAM AND GAS FITTER, WILMINGTON, N. C, AN STILL BE FOUND AT HIS OLD C stand, Journal Buildlner, Princess street. wnere ne is prepareuto uo an Kinds oi work in his line, cheaper than ever before ottered to the public. Has constantly on hand Bath'Tuos, Water Closets, Wash Stand, ' ; Pumps of all descriptions, Drain Pipes, - Gas Pipes, j Gas Futures, &e., &c. Personal attention given to all work. Satisfaction guaranteed. -december 21 tf NOTICES. FULL LINE OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Fancy Arliclcs.ToiletSoaps, &c, at the lowest cash prices. ;. ' ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO ; 1 ' In great variety. ; The utmost care arid perboual attention given to preparing prescriptions, at BURBANK'S Pharmacy, v dec co i'ront autl' Brl ncess sts Undertaker. Carpnlcr and Calinct ; Malcr.;, ;V OPPOSITE CITST El ALL, On Third Street. j : . i ' ; i i y ILL FURNISH COFFINS, CASKETS, with attendance, at tlie very shortest notice..- j ' , : - . . All orders from thf conntry promptly at tended to. . .. .. . Orders for Carpenter and. Cabinet Work solicited, and work guaranteed. .. . Work as low as any in the city. . jan ls-iy JOHN WISKIVI3K, H AIR DUES SING SALMON, No. 11 NORTH FRONT STREET, (South of Pureeel House.) Particular attention given to Ladies' and Misses' Hair cutting and Shampooing, eith er at their residences or at tne tsaioon. jan 4 ly. . . ' f. i PAIR OF -VERY FINK MULES A.NI) f rNV. HnTWK foi sale! Annlv t. A- june 15 I W. P. CANADA'rr Single Copies 10, Cents XEW ADVEllllSEMENVS. HENNINGr & TEEL, .' DEALERS IN i ; ... FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC AO RCULTrjBAIi IMPLEMENTS. IRON, Steel, Nail, Axes, Spades. Shovels.Col lars, Hames, Trace Chains, Ploughs, Cast ings, Carpenter's Tools. Dlacksmlth7s Bel-fciVlc1K,-AnJ11?' fccWagoni and Cart Wheeis. Rims. Spokes, Hubs Axles, Hol low Wnn -1 Pam is.lnn TriT? Spoons, BrushesFish Lines, Hooksinkers, (XttonSeine Twine, Fla: Oillinx Twine! ceme ppe, scales. Beams, Pots, Spiders. Ovens, Fry Pans, Ac. .! We invite especial attention to out fare ani extensive assortment of IRON, selected efPressly for Smiths and Farmers' use, ail 1 1 "ucu more, we ouer at low1 New Established : Hardware House of . No. 0 Market St. 1 ...,.. .. . Wilmingrton. N. C. march 1 PARKER & TAYLOR, . - DEALERS IN . ' Kerosene- Oil, stores. Metals. Guns. . : : ! .i - ' ! Lanterns, Pairbank's Scales, P UMPS, BRASS AND IRON ROSIN STRAINERS. DIPI'ERS AND SKIMMERS. Manufacturera and wholesale dealers , - in ; J. , -. TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. No. 19 FRONT STREET, jan 11 ly WILMINGTON, N. C. Visit or, Communicate ' With Us. WE INVITE AN EXAMINATION OF sam Dies, nrices. terms and nfte-rn 5 ..INVITE AN EXAMINATION samples, prices, terms and offers. Have on hand an d receiving daily sampl es of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Candles, oap, Meats. Lard. &c. -execute oraers ior ail aescrlptions of iuercnaHoise.' receive and sell all descrlp- tfS, Want a DurnhaRer Tnr rn 1An.TTniao Power Double Engine, and Tubular Power, suitable to drive;a Cotton Factory, Mill or LisUllery.J .Also, three pair 4 feet 8tones, with Gear, Shaffing, rfrc; will sell low down! S, We nesrotiate for thfi nnrphaen anA sale ot Turpentine Distilleries. Ac. bu csampies oi Merchandise! sent to any point when requested. - h PETTEWAY & RrTTTTT.ITTrW mh'S-tf - Brokers and Com'n Merchants. Wines ind JLiquors for Hcdicinal Use. inarch l-ptf : - ' : ':'!"'-" y!; ' - T: JOHN DVWS0X, HARDWARE MERCHANT. HAS THE LARGEST AND BEST As sorted stock of HARDWARE in this part of the State. If you want GOOD GOODS and LOW PRICES, be sure to call at the old established HARDWARE HOUSE of V JOHN DAWSON, - 19 North Market street, dee 21 ly Wilmington, N. C. REASONS WHY V JE HRY D AVIS' PAIN - KILLEK IS THE Bjot Family Medicine of the Age ! And wby it should be kept alwaj-s near at v , hand: '; y ; .. 1st. PAix-KiLt.KR is' the , most ' certain Cholera cure that medical science has ' produced. ' ". ', ' 2nd. Pain-KiliiKr, as a Diarroea and Dys entery remedy, seldom if eyer fails.; 3rd. Pain-IdLLEiji will cure iCramps or Pains in any part of the system. , A single dose usually affects a cure. - v lth. Paix Kuleb will cure dyspepsia and Indigestion, if used according to direc tions. . ,'-'..--.; . -I-. - 5th. PAis;-Km.ER is an almost never -failing cure for Sudden Colds, Coughs, &c , Gth. Paix-K ili.eb has proved a Sovereign V Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the mosVobstinate cases. . ...-'. ' . ' : i , . . .. . , 7th. Pain-Killer as a li'ament Is un equaled for Frot Bites. Chilblains, . Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, dc SI lu. Pa in-Killki has cured case's of Hhcumatism andNeumlgiaafteryrars standing. : , 'Jtb. Pain-Killer will destroy Boils, Fcl-' ons, Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief from pain after the first application. 10th. Pain-Killer cures Headache, and Toothache. V , . Ilth. Pain-ICiller will save you days of sickness and many a dollar in time J ana uoctors bills. . - 12th. Pain-Kili.er has been, before the public over thirty-seven years and is a purely Vegetable preparation, safe to keep and use in every family.. The simplicity attending Its use, together with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely-: eradicated i by It, and . t he great amount ot pain and suffering i that can be alleviated through its use, make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with this valu able remedy ,and to keep it always near at hand. r -, The Pain-Killer is now known and ap preciated, in every quarter of the Glebe. Physicians recommend it in their practice, while ail classes ot society have found in it relief and comfort. - Give it a trial. . Be sure and buy the genuine. Every Drug gist, ; ana nearly every uouniry, urocer throughout the land keep, it for sale. Janl8-ly 4 - ' - -. j . . . GOOD WHARF between Mnlberry and l Walnut streets.- to rent for a term n years.'by . - -- u -- 1 June 15 v -j : f W P. CANADAY O t FASHIONABLE CARDS no two all ke 10c; post paid. Agents' outfit, 10o. oct 12-52t Hubbard Nassau, N V, . 5 iLMlNGtON. ? a NUMBER 10 '.,.'- MISCELLANEOUS.. BAGcaNc;, TIES, &c . . " r I . Me . - -.- 150 RolIsd nalf Rolls BAGGING, : 500 Bundles TIES. I ' . 23 Tons HOOP IRON. ; - : ; ! i . - SM Kegs NAILS. " 25 Bbla KEROSENE OIL. " LIQUORS, TOBACCO, land CIGARS a oinwi ly . j . deo 21 tf I ADRIAN & VOtrLERS. Flour, Sugar, ; Meat, Moksscs. 1000 BHs FLOURof various .brands. ' 250 Bbla SUGAR, of sundry grades, . 150 Boxes MEAT, Hams, Shoulders, ;' . Sides, Strips, Bellies. JKlHhilaoti) PKIcUfnr A cbtii Call on or order diiect from i ' ' ' ' t-1 oecau ADRIAN &. Vflr.T,1.!lJs , RAISINS, LEMONS. ORANGltH, CANDY, i NUTS, j' CITRON, PRUNES, CURRANTS, wvvjais uxa ana jure" CRACKERS. For sale by ''ADRIAN & VOLLERS. Wholesale Grocers, -'r Jor., Dock and Front Streets-, dec 21-lyi f 1 BOOTS AND SllOUS. IUST RECEIVED AN lhi- mense stock of LADIES' , - -.-."' . ' i - FOX and MOROCCO SHOES of all varieties, styles and descriptions; also Q E NTS' Sil O ES In every imaginable, style. CHILDRENS' SHOES A specialty. ! ; . I i ! ...' THOMAS H. HOWKV. Jr., dec 21 ly ' No. 19 Market street. SALOON. THE OFFICE SAL,OOIV; i fH THE STEET WillCH LEADS Fiukl the Dawson Bank to the Custom HouscL IS THE PLACE To get the very t est ! NEW RIVER OYSTERS and GAME. All the delicacies of the season always on ! hand. C 4 m 1 THE THE VERY FINEST LIQU0ES At theDAR, and every attention paid t6 . customers. . C1LL CHRISTMAS AND CIET . i , . , YOUR-EGG NOG. , A MEUR Y), CHRISTMAS TO .ALL..' 7 . dec 21 tf : : - W. M. COLLINS. I Furniture, uarpets. ..' - LARGE STOCK. ALL GRADES. LATEST DESIGNS, LOWES'fl PRICESv V AN ELEGANT ASSOfvTMENT OF . " - I ! - - I - ' CHILDREN'S CHAIRS AND RAT TAN ROCKERS. . Just the thingjfor Christmas Gifts D. A." SMITH & CO., dec 21 tf North Front Iptrcct, FtTENITUKE. F A. SCII UTTE, SOUTH FRONT STREET, JEEP3 THE LAltGEST STOCK -OF :. . - . CHASBER AND PARLOR' FURNITURE " ..' .v.- . . ' . . 1 ' ' I In the State, and solicits an examination. ; For Xmas, Ladies and Misses Rattan . :. Chairs. . '"i . . ', ! NICE IiOTOFCAUFETS MATTINGS and everything usually found in a COMPLETE FURNITURE STORE. dec214t . T N. GitEENWALD. , BEALEli IN DOMESTIC AND l IMPOR- ' TED . .t .' CIGARS AND SNUFFS, North Carolina and Virginia Smo ; iriff and Chewing Tohaccp, PIPE SMOKERS ARTICLE, &c . 'Indian Girl Cigar , Stored Y "j ! : -1 j NO. 20 MARKET STREET, ' . dec 21tf ' . y WjBmpgton, N. C. Country Meitcliants THAT ARE IN WANT OF CASTINGS, Hoes, Trace Chains, Ilames, Collars. Back-Bands, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Axes, Grub Hoes, Hollow-ware and Hardware generally will find it to their interest to go and examine goods and prices at the Old Established Hardware House of i JOHN DAWSON & CO., feb 1-t, 19, a) and 21 Markt SU f .'- 41 4 r. 1 l 4 1 i . 1 i