-r , .' ' i' ' ,. i , "f " i V T ! t r r t 1 . ; j : 1" .j': T . rtJsVH'l Oil I; ' IT-Vi 1 1 J A , 'X- i n i - ' . m. 1 1" f . ir" t "T rt" ; ytLStm&iON;- north carolin av da'aitgtot' 241879?:;;: i J -11 -I. - . f Siigle . Copies . 5 Cents 3 , ij 6 ; u k r uu.w,. r- n mm ! lilt I I I I 1 I iAi'i l Ivy vr ' , " , ' 1 VL WlLMINaTOM POST Entered at the PosTOFyicE at Wilmington, N- C, as Second Class Matter. ' RATES OF AD VERTISI NG.7, " Fifty cents per line for the first in ertion and twenty -five cents per lino (or each additional insertion. " Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. ' All advertisements will -he charged at the above rates, except on upeciar con tracts; . Special rates can bo had for a longer lime than one week. v ' i The sulwcriptioii price to .'Tim; WilV minuton Tost ia $1 00 per year; flic months 75 cents. j ; Allcommunicrtionson busiiiesshoiiid bo addressed to Tub WilminutN. Post, VVilminfitonN. O. ; j . j LATK (1ENEUAL r BWS. 1 ' ' ' - - ; . , " A society , willed tho "Fariner' AlH- ance" has held iis annual meeting nt iSyracuse, and has instrticlcd the' hk-al brandies to vote in such a way oh to benefit tb agricultural intertst flgaii'.Hl railroads and other monopolict. ' r Kinj; Otewayo of the Zulus is umk i'ng furtlur trouble.' 1X is in a Hwamp with about 6,000 followers, but Sir Garnet Wotsley is prcssiiig liiui with '10,000 nieu j : .. ' ' ' It is slated that Lord Duller in is to ! be appoiuted to the Vice Royalty ..'of1 India jn place of Sir Edward Ilulwcr Lytt.on. " j . . : A ca. raising the question whether tho Catholics can prohibit the burial of i isoiih not Catholics in their conic terirs, is btlore Judge Drunt in New York, . .' ' '. ' ' .-, James llarksdale, on the 0t.h inl shot Ueury M. Dixon in tho streets ot Yazoo City with a double barreled shot gun, and ho died in a few hours from internal bleeding. It is now reported from Yazoo that Dixon's character was had, but nothipg iasaid about Uarks dale. This is tho usual mariner of ex cusing tlie murder of anti -Democrats in the south. Thoy said thcamo thing nbout Judge Chisolm, but nothing aiut UuUy. .! At Madisou, hid., on the '20th iusl., ji ii(U) soldiers, tho survivors of 40 reg i JciiU held a. reunion aud i grand AUr ilay of proccssious ami sjecches. ; Tlio Ker. W. II. II. Murray, who has been accused of recklessness in business and bankruptcy, states that he; only owes tl!),0D0, and if his assets aro.'poM imjer the hammer they will pay all ho owes and hsave'.bint a handsome sur plus besides. Ho is known as Adiron dack Murray. Political preparations are going on briskly amohg-aU'parties iu TcBusyl fania and New York. . .tfocr.ctary Scburjt uiado 4 pleudid address on the night of tho 20th at Cin finnati to an juimcjiso audience, and fej8r(tary IrJhprmarj (j red his first gun at Steubenvill. j The Iluroau of Statistics is preparing a statistical abstract of the United States, which promises to bo one of tho most interesting documents ever pub- tf lishpd by .ho goyer nmcpt, 1 will coa lst of about 150 pages, and will embrace tables iu i:eferenco to finauce, coinage, commerce, emigration, tonnage, navi gation, postal service, railroads; Agri culture, and mining, The tabulations p ill be op the style of tho British statis tical report, Tho volumes for 187i and 1870 will both be out by January : next.- ' ; i 1 :'- ' ! r i . Henry T. Rogers, the man lowborn i Trof. Morse sent th first teTogram over ttuvline from Washington to Baltimore, ;:je; . Idcst telegraphic operator ju the I'nited Htatca, and the inventor of tho fj!lem of hignaU used by the United Stales, died iu Baltimore lastsweolt, km , ; The great storm of wiud and rain' which struck our coast ou Monday moruing, swept from Florida U) Ict EnglauJ, and far as tho Misslssirph It was a fierce hurricane, tt most place. iLoVIerophU pestilence baa increased daiiug the week. But the quarantine has been removed from NeJV 9rlena and Mobile. Vicksburg ha loiposcvl i aaaranUna airaiust i downward i bound steaiuera. - -u Advice from Collector Babsoo. of fjlouceater, Masa,, ho is cruliing in the Bay ol St. I.awrencc, reprtsenta that msckerel fishing in th bay this season b a compt fallnrt. ( Many firms r going out of tho business. Two barbers: ono in ltalin a4 lb ttfef OrV, tig got rlw la ofanUerlr wd i uni- ridotia rmUesoaa, bj ahaTiog-blW, snurdercd him by ataoDing wuu h.- and sbootlnc with a revolver. The murderors bto coafessej, tad Qtfi property nhkb they stole hw beenre- cortftd. It occsirrta m wwi Tb rlou in Quebec bate beta p. Irtsscd ' The report ws aoadB las tt Week that Mrs.''Sartors wli'o waa foHrjferlJ'' ;MJa Nellie Jrat a'ugiiieii. tlraptj bad died ip England. The report caaseid great1 grief ! to4 AtMeridana everywhere, but( it was a mistake; ' It was ot Miss JjTeliie utoW jifrVfeaVlorls ,whd U 7 AJ ) lo j? .luajt uiiQ r.equ4r9a,awqpflti,ow shares of the Panama canal' stock has not. been,'' (aken up, JMHe is coming to Ajnerics, ..TbfW, WH'fa ot believed by our best engineers,, to! be lensioir , ,.?i.-.,..H, fnr. ,-( i m n "TT" j ! ! ? ; i i.j.,r.,l M-tr Fvh W,lnl?glo Tost. IVnroqrstic party-sucJeedel In elt i fiW 'niitlortiy bf Iierislature i 'f ' S o r i h: Viri inaV frf ' 1 $70. initm m'e-, ujaieiy. pcfeupp to, Mrenginea, ana fortify tbifr parly throughout th state, ' hiilatrguttegai'ipfvste'ai of vilahras ' Iegis!atrrnr .tile object tT thfcliajs io turn over io.tte Democratic miiorje8 in all sections bating Republican major ities, the iKwfc,r; control, i offices nud patronage," and io overthrow,1 set iiMfile and annuj the tutfjage arid power i.b , Krpubticaii majoritiisV and to eniirely strip the Republicans of the privilvo of 'holding any offic bf trust ' or .rt..flt' throtigbout the State, so fi ,1 h; mo,' cob'e'VccqlppIib! u far as uodei;. t!) XiiHUtut4ofl.i . f ,Tu k e the cUjr tf W i tan i ngton fori ix ahiph: fAboiionW-tMird Of ies'entire vol.:- Democracies anq aQOuttWp-, thirtl.i UepubUcan: The Democratic iniiK.i liy have fiinypower'ao complete -.iit ro.l; Apjoiritihg all 'the police, and tin: complete' con trol'of its' revenue arid putrot.age. K ' - Tiiis rcVull was1 secured by abolish ioir tlie division "ot the city into' wards and then going into the centre' of the city and taking; a few blocks' iu which the Democrat had, a majority of voters and makeof these fW blocks the wards, and then cut tho balance' of the cityt. co v eiing many hundred Hocks', which were overwhelmingly'-Republican, into two wards. Each ward Was then author i.od to elect two Aldermen, and instead of "7 to 8," the Democrats got '6 fco 4 of the ten ' Aldermen; By this means lh flcpubli'cana are virtually disfran chised, and the Democratic minority coolly pootet all the spoils, and i gjory In thb-fraud.' n' ; ' I ... Netf Hanover county, in which is the city of Wilmington, with its fifteen hun. dred Republicarl majority, la also tamed over lo the Democratic" minerity bj.the tehit&lure'!in,thiway: the election Ot mfljoritieij by'lhe voterSj Ws 'abolished and they were then eieotei oyine uem. ocratic Legislature, on the recommen dation of the County Democratic' Ex ecutive Committee. ' To this Board of Magistrates is given all the power and control of the county, revenue, election and everything elseV-they biving the appointment of the Coa.M. C. vAtnm sioners., , , ,. ... -.! What 'wtfup ot'NyilmiqtQn'apA Jrew Hanover county, is also true "of very Itepublican county and city in this stita. A bae. minority of Republican Magis trates was "appointed, It Is1 true, bat it was dano by the Democrats asa 'tub thrown to thp Trhalc," to break the force of Republican indignation,1 and as fit, as possible .their places will be filled with Democrats. i (' ' Ko JDcraocrat: in ."Wilmington, teret tbrows a dollar's worth of business into he hands of a Rtpnblican .Mjar'sstrate, and tho Republicans who, by Uie way, now haro the principal part iof the business, should return the compliment and see i?. U that hot a dollar of iheir business snouia go to mo iwicwniia. Every time a Republican carries bnsi nm .to a Democnltie MasisUate be "kisses the hand that smites him 'f and stands every readr.tq. disfranchise hjiu .-Uiur re,meuy or ait oi iuo ivuiguiuw, heaped upon us as a party, la i make our next Legislature Republican when we can feed them from the same apooa they have so lone forced to oar lips v ,.Iu J&S0 ome the natDplalecuon, which will enable us toliu,otti our foil votier strengtbj ana etui uepuo iio.,.: l.itn. fflMt wTltat intertsU at suke throughout the whole slat .tole rate nci splits on out " legislaUTe ticket, and bring em ana nominate t7 best men wnaire, mnar"i poioic .Wt 'iliml' V.rr-.. 'iV--I ... i - I t averv RtIMlblican KO loVOta UW and rnao thi an object to work for, and - UitU worK ior is anu .m grant ua rktory in 150. - $ ! TurVo eoninern UoTtrnori rinabbf rrv anniiiaraiiortrjisrsDSsuirau. rVom the Colembua rOA) Kwret as tk rVwnfiHlarataSmrvivXtri As90cla ilou of Augusta' heU a meeting at their pall last Monday aremn anii wm- ..,:..tf1vn'-rrr.tL3lhe".L0n0t .ox WMtr,-w - - v . Knnorajrv saesaben 1 rMi.kl fmm Gov. Nkhctbt Of Loil ana ; Uo. CtdoniU, and Senaloe Vo. of North Carolina. Tn letters qf.lae twoGoTernora, kowettr.Trtr W by U ptltateaecreUritJiiLfc ine aa- sociauoa acciaeu uas uoco ism wmc did nt cos-tUir the honor ec-rreJ an them vorthy oi aa anttjrap UUtr, they should not be present! ataoeg thearcUireaof theaaeociaUoa. Oood. Tha O lTtrrt or ueora- t a rOITYJTEMB. t Chew , Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco...-v . . .' ' Iy' . ! - : WANTED An active young man to .take charge of the Post subscription list; both city and country. " .1 u ' '': ' SPECIAL A2TNOUZ7CEMEHT. , ! i f f Jcti Ii V - . r i . - " We will give a TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD rtECE la the person wha sends us (he largest number of paying Subscri- bers. within the next three months: or by the 15th day of October, 1879- Marriage license wem issued to only one colored couple during the week, No interments in Bellevue cometerv daring the week." See special announcement, a twenty. .dollar gold'piece to be giVcu away. ' ." .,pnly one interment, an infant, in Pino 1'brest Cemetery during the week. ' ' " ' ' . - ' " ! , Watermelons are plentiful but; not cheap, j Two vesseU Joads arrived in bis city on Friday. ; Rev. B. R. Hall assisted by Mri and Mrs. McPherson is conducting a revival in the Fifth Street Methodist Church. Lots Houses, Homes. Houses for the homeless, for sale cheap, by Wv 111 Canaday. Call and see him. The Steamship Regulator went to sea yesterday.' She carried ttie ship- vrrccked crew of the Marion to New York. ' The Rev.' Jo'."P. King of the Second Baptist Church will immerse about twenty persons at the foot of Queen street this afternoon at 4 o'clock. . i- It is said that every-thing . in "corn cracker" lino' from Hatteras to Wil mington has cither been beached, cap sized or sunk. ' 1 , , An attempt was made to rob tlie residence of Mr. Jno. A. Birker, cor ner Fifth and Castle streets, on Friday morning. The thief was frightsned off A new Black River steamer thu Joha Dawson, was launched at Point , Cas well on Friday. She is owned by Capt. RP. Paddison and David Sherman. ;.,.';: .The steam tug Governor's Island was .robbed on Tuesday night of c!oth ing and other other articles. One ar rest was made but nothing was elicited by it. . Anxious about Them. Consider able uneasiness s evinced for the safety of two young Wilmingtonians, Messrs. Geo. R. Dyer and Wm. Davis, who left Philadelphia for this city on the schooner Jno. A. Griffin a day or two prior to the storm. Her owners were telegraphed yesterday, but up to the hour crounroinir - - - i,lsw" w I had not been received. The British brie 'Alaska, for Monte- Tedeo, touched at Smitville on Friday afternoon, with the officers and crew ten in number, of the schoener Marion, Gage, of Thildelphia, and bound from Apalachacola to the former port. The Marion wos loded with lumber and water logged. The Alaska also reports seeing a vessel on fire thirty miles northeast of the Frying Tan Lightship. As Interesting rArEE.The He?. Dr. Mendelssohn of this city is prepar ing a vper on the Practice nd Pro- eeedure of criminal cases under the Hebrew dispensation 8,000 years ago. The paper ia being' prepared by request of, and will be read before tho Histori cal and Scientific Society of this city. It will not be a dry statement but will W enlivened by his skill as a rhetoric ciaa. i . ' At Bbaufort. Mr Jon. D. Wil liams, Jr., of Fayettetille who was one of the inmates of the Atlantic Hotel says the sterm had been brewing all Sunday and burst upon them about Q o'clock Sunday night. U grew stronger and stronger until about 4 o'clock in morning when it was at iu highest At 3 o'clock the water was within about Si feet of the piazza on the first floor. He repaired to the room donrs of the ladiea ia his party telling them to get op and then went through U;e houe waking the other guests. lie agam went down stairs ; and found that the tide had risen very , rapidly and that the water was then about wsist deep on the first Soot of ihebuilding. Horry iog hack to the ladies he ionod that they bad only partly dressed themselTes bat got them cat as aooo as possible. Come ran OU in wrpp, others bare- otcd, l"l0S this, time" the tide had risca frosa 15 to As feet aad it was then p to the second etory window Of t9 hHil4il ?wJHijainftoa Kevberw. Messrs. Oaion and PMway threw a suunot out of the third story window oa the surjins btowrt below -ml rvlaored into the water. They ceeded in making jhq. shore, r V1'! j . ' As lhe ladies waded out the. billiard room it succumbed . to the furj: of the waves and vrind. Almost immediately afterwards the Atlantic Hotel ;waa seen to careen and ia a moment ; there was not one tieabee Jeft-: standing prl the other.:, It was found neoessary to acain move the ladie ; which wa t done w'ith considerable difficulty and fjdanger,; as the velocity j of the - wind had . greatly increased. .The moie had tobf made over la gangway ori ,;wh8fewhich ,ia open to the seas and fury of n the wind. I ?.'t. t ' . l;. uj.' ? ieure ine last one was camea orrer he angwaV. the- boarda 'had ;heen washtdiofTand a gentleman from New bernj was cbmpelled to aw ing one on. h is hack andl crawl aleng the timbers" on his all i foW. i The stores and hu dings Tdn; ? Vatcr !etreet ,were as4ied away wi-betw'ebn fifty and sixty boats lost.' A steam tadnch doing " revenue sertich in the Bounds was driven a- shore up in the woods at least a quarter of a mile from high water mark. ; (1. '-. i - t " . - The loss of the personal effects ef the boarders at the- AtTantic1 Hotel is esti mated at $10,000, ' while that is real estate and damage ib the town' of Beau fort and Morehead' City is ; variously estimated at immense figures. He says no ono can form the least adequate concept 'tii of '-'the5 damage done by a description of 'it.'2 They all spak .in glowing tchns bf the h'erbism of the uufortunate Johfr Davis 'Hughes who lost his life id attempting to -save others ; lie was a " young' gehtleman ' of fine promise. - He was a1 fcrave, kind and chiva'rous aud- by his gentlemanly bearing noble, spirit had endeared him self to these who kuew him His afllic ted parents have our heart fell sympii' thies in their .untimely loss , The Stoum Kino. A terrible storm broke upon this city onj Monday morn ing which is said to bo the : heaviest ever known. The maximum velocity was C8 miles, and was accompanied by torrents of rain.' Houses and trees were -blown down and roofs were carried away, but there was no loss of life. The shipping suffered, but to no serious extent, save to the German Bark Maria.' Sho was looking between the rip and bar, at the mouth of the river, and was grounded during the gale. The mate of the bark' to insure her safety ' cit away ; her masts. At, day iigat the reyflnue cutter! Colfax steamed out, to her aud sent a boat's crew to see what assistance could be rondered.? Thcv found . that tr hsrV hd 'six feet of: wtter in the hold and was pounding heavily on the bottom J At the mate's request the boat hauled' up under the stem of the. bark and, with much dif ficult? , took off ten mcp it was fea;e4 11 y the time, that the vessel would go to pieces, the lnd and sea both be- inj very 'heatf . v The Colfax laid by the barque during the day, and at 10 a. m. made a line fast and attempted to pull her off, but could not start her, At 6 p.m. the .vessel bad ten feet bf water in the hold, and it was increasing fast. The German Consul, Mr. E. Tcschau, his taken lhe necessary steps to repair tie damages sustained by the Marie." - i m - ;! "Worth American' IlETiEw.--Thi8 rrell sustained Review 'opens with an article on The Genou of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by Anthony Trollope. He considers Hawthorne's finalities as a novelist, and auther from the stand point of a novelist. There follows, The Standard of ' Valued by Trof. Simon Ncwcombe ; The Work and Mission of my life, by Richard Wagner ; The Diary of a Public Mat! ; and The Confession of an Agnostic, r Probably . the short article on the Intrigues at the Paris Canal Congress," by A. G. Menocal, an engineer of bur Kavy who threw M. De Lessepa and hw crowd into consternation by his exposure of their plans, will be scad with as, much Mnt tercst as any Loss of the North -Carolixav a telegram was received in this city on Tueeday Ust'sUdng that the Ncwth Carolina - was driven aahore . Monday morning near Cape Henry ' aad now Ilea hirh and dry oa the beach. She went ashorw aa teiribte bnrrkane with the wind N. N. H to E. N. L IV All tails 1 were lost and there was much donbt of getting the ship offan- "" , a ; a ' lesetoe wcauer caaageu very aoon. The men were all landed In safety. She was bailt oa the Clyde abemt two yean ago,epcciyy for thaWilmingtoa trade, M registered tt and. waa Uaed A X. , H eo waa about i- 000 aad it U aaM that abe was iasnrtd te Bet fall Vaiae, ' il4 ' gting thix Powder at Utai. aa taey wui XO Ta-Qea, SS ei taaay, receive a IfUer rota the Secretary ofte Caiis nus r CAadtay aaaaeei War staXing that be cannot farsbh ""' Fick teau for tba wof the Guard by nODDl?a?J, recaM&o otheswH, aa there b mtt M rr aa SratxT. Bax.rx. X. T. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS o. PURCELL HOUSE I;' HOWELLvCOBlfc PROPRIETOR.-! " vr. I- The. Only First-Class Hotel in tee . . I I V ; ' ' - . - THE ROOMS HAVE BEEN NEW- . t; lY'furnished. M i ; ..... ''AtlD TABLE , . i WARE, --I ; 1 jmi'ki t r, I Finr the Dining Room. j , n j TH-VitnTHE JBES1-PF tWiNE?, IA VQUQRS AaClQAP; ,. -J,; "1 Alway -wu.haiitl.-7 Bbaid, $2 0 apd $3 ,00 per day-V ' ; " ,.- ' ; ! . .1. .; ' ' ' AVilk Rjon, per month $33 00. . i r- . - r , ,t ' ; i TaUc Board, if 2r. 00 per mouth. ' . Ijiope to eeo all the old patrons of th HOUbE, and all their friends, pro raising ' them ' that ' do pains shall be spired to please all. ' i f f . . : ' - HOWELL CORB,' mg 4 tf . a.t , s . Proprietor, ; . - ; "ADVERTJSEMENT.V ' J,5 FWCE. OF SUPEIitNTEN DENT OF ?' ., . . , ,ji ;;-!fiPAlBs..i , . ; j . . Q-stom House Eu;i.1inc, ., , ;m wMfiKrosl. N.C1, August 1878." SCALED PROPOSALS tor tne repalj And llterations required to the U. H. Custom Honse at Wilmington. W. Avtlt ae re celrod until 12 M. ou the 3i day of Sept.; 1875. . , - Hpecificatlons and Plans, anil ny furOjr inrnialion required can be obtained torn th undersigned, or the Collector of Can tons. ' The right is reserved to reiect any and all bits. .1). B.THOMAK, v snK 21 2t 8up't.orKepalr. HAVING THE LARGEST STOCK ; IN THE CITY: ! I WITH ABUIJDANT FACILITIES INCREASING THE SAME; TTTE are, from. our long experience in " business, prepared to oiler x , GREATER! , I NDJCTC EM E N TS 1 f TO rURCII ASERS OFi ! ;" ' 1 '' .- ' . .1 .:' i ,'). : : . cr, And articles in our lino than can be offered by any other establish- : ment, and we Guarantee Satisfaction To all who will give us a call. BaTA FAIR TRIAL I IS ALL. WE ASKa ADRIAN Sl VOLLERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Southeast cor. Front and Dock St?." august 24 tf j SURE CURE FOR PILES. A sure cure for the blind, bleeding, llch lig and ulcerated piles has been dlncovered bf Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called D. William's ludlan Ointment. A single bix baa cared the worst old chronle cases ol twenty-five and thirty years' landing. N) one need suffer live minutes alter ap pylng this wooderful soothing medicine. liUons, Instruments and electuaries do sore barm than good. WUllam's Clint mnt absorbs tne tumors, allays the In tenae It bin g (particularly at night after getting w.rm in hed), a?U as a poultice, gl re in sunt and painless, relief and is prepared oily for Piles, itching ef the private parts atf nothing else. - - ti consulted phTslclans la inUiadel pla, LouinTille. Onclnnatt Indiaaapolli mat thl city, and pent bunareds oTdaUara, aid found no relief until I obtained a box o lir. William's Indian Ointment some or months ago, and It has cured me cjnt pHely," r , JoflXMi U. RTnca.CleaTeLand,u. Has done me more good than all the mdielne I ever tried, and I bave spent nwe than flW with doctors, besides mtd. cLe I am sure cost me more thai j lUrio Smkuso. litrabmaT'lll. . llave sasered tw-;y years wubUch lag ad leerato'liiaa, having aaedeveryrem eflT tat eame to my notice without benefit, tettl I need Indian Ointment aad received Jamedlat reMet. , - , t. , ..j' . w CaaaoLU (aa otd miner), Teeoma, ievadA -..' -- 'No Pile Iteusedy ever gained aeh aptd Bkvor and exteaaJv aalA Hold by all bolemle and retail dragglsu. For sale by .&IlUaBANK. - - 'r " .- aiAirh 3 ly, CONSUMPTION posmtrcjii c crico . i -. - . , .- - All su9ervrs from tnu diaeaae taat are siatosw I be ear sJmmU try lr. Klwaeva treted OMMBMin Pewdera. Te twiwii are t oaly rreearatta k kAatwUewOBQawtoei aadaUd Lf t&e TarxMt aad Lanxfr lad!, ea U ear taub la ifaeaa. ui adaa kKMtlM UZlV? h?,, ..-ey a.ui y pevswaiyeniiiisisoeismr emraue yr. "resetiy ei (raarnatWverikMrist.eas'teriqr I 4- NEWAD VEitTZSEMENTS . Wanted at the Old Kock Quarry.. rtxHItEK fiTJNUBED HAJTOS WANTED X AT MAGNOLIA. QUARRY ON THE CAPE FEAR RJVfiBl? -BTKADY WORK and gooo WAGia. . r. -""r uglSJW'- ' J.CURTtS,8opt.: SALE If The Wilmington Columbia And Ailgusta RaU Road ! ... : Under , Decree of Foreclosure " . BY, VlTlfk tF A DECREE : bV CIlB Circuit Court of the United States, for lhe District of North CaroUni, 4th Judicial District, made in the case ot George 8. Brown and Enoch Pratt, trustees com PMMllllIlta. against Thw WilmlnrUtn rVklnm. hia and AugusU Rail Boad Company, le fendant, the a undersigned, Duncan ' J, vwuo, uHuuuHiomr appomiea oy sara decree: will i seU by pablie anotlon, to the u.BucBviuuejy a fcno veurv uouse aoor in 12 o'clock. M the entire Rail Road, as the pojuv vinw uu w now nuea. anown ae tue Wilmington, la the state ot North Carol iaa tfr, the City- of Oolniabla, in the state of feoum uarounarwoiaisvaee snjno iianamt and NlnetyOne MUes. witharVth:: ways. Rights of Way. Depot Grounds, and other Lands.' Track. - Bridges, V lad acta, Depots, Station Houses, Engine Houses, Car Houses, Freight Houses, wood Houses, Machine Shops, and all other shops. Houses or Buildings, and ail Locomotive, Tenders, Cars and other Rolling Stock or Equip inents, and all Machinery, Tools, Imple ments, Fuel and Material of any kind for constructing, operating, repairing or re placing the said Rail Road, or any part thereof, and all Appurtenances or Fixtures of the same, belonging to, or purchased by, said before named defendant, together with all and singular the .Corporate Rights, kranchlsea and privileges orth aatd Above named defendant, as the same are set forth In tlie Indenture of Mortgage referred to in . the Bill nied in aanl'case, and all the estate, rights, title, interest property claim and demand of said defendant, in and. to any and all Real and Personal Property, or effects herein before referred to, or which is owned by said defendant. . . TERMS OF. SALE. i The purchaser will be required to pay In Cash, on the day ot sale, or within Thirty 3U) Days thereafter, the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and the residue of the purchase money in three equal payment, at Three, Six and Nine Months, from the day of sale, with Interest from that date at the rate of six per centum per annum. The purchaser or purchasers mayfpay any part of the purchase money not required to be paid In Cash,, in any of the outstanding bond8,or the coupons thereof, secured by the mortgage, or deed of trust, referred to in the BUI and decree la said oaose, 40 the extent of the pro rata percentage of the par value of the said bonds and coupons which the holders thereof will be entitled to re ceive upon the distribution of the proceed g of the said sale under the aforesaid decree. The certificates of indebtedness mentioned in the Bill and decree in this cause, will be received in payment of the purchase money except the sum 01 Twenty Thousand Dol lars above mentioned, at the same rate aa coupons of the mortgage bonds, provided that the coupons pledged as collaterals for said certificates, and to a like amouut therewith, shall accompany and bo sur rendered with the said certificates. i Possession wUl be delivered to th mm chaser whenever and so soon as one naif of all the purchase money snail have been paid to the undersigned Commissioner, and the purchaser or purchasers shall Uv assumed. aU the contracts and' liabilities of iue receiver nereiorore appointed in this cause, and shaU have Indemnified ulm . against the same, and when the Court shall so oruer vcr tno terms or the decree, . UyCANJ.DEVANE, 1 votamissioner ausS to 1 : n : v -i-.s t . REASONS Y1X I EUD Y DAV I8 PAIN V KILLER is ma . - ' ; Best Famil7 Medicine of the Age. And why it should be kepi always near at '..,. . . hand: " 1st. Paim-Kiulkr is the most certain inoiiTa cure mat medical science has ,. prouueeo. .1-. . ., . . .. - . fud. r.u-Kii.LKB,walUrraaandDys- AM . . . .. .... ... vuic7 ic-uiouj, kciooni 11 ever laiiA 3rd. Paih-Kiu.e will core Cramps or iwiw in any part m tne system. A i"i.i uw uauatiy aoccu a cure. 1th. rAiw-KtunWlllniredyirraand IndkgeatloAjU need aecordlag to dtree 1 nana. 5th. PaIX-Killkb la analnut nvrr fail s v lng cure fos Madden Uetds, Oaocbs,7 4 e eth. PAl!-KlU.RKbaa Droved a 8utln Remedy aae Pever and Ague, and CtUU . Fever; it baa cored the moat ft'-ninste Tib- Paix-KtiLaVae a llaametit U na- t , equaled tor FiW .t'ut., fblttaUlDs; uuraa, cnum, viu, rHaanw, e - Rh 1At.ITri a hat Ma ( KbenmatlamaaXewnagteaaeryiare tin. raiy-Kimra win douvr rtotu. r . oaa. WbiUowe Hd Harea. gtvtac reUef . mim pam aner ue am arrruaauoa. Ktb. P-n-KuxxA cstrre Ilradacbe, a4 own acne. Uth. Patv-KjtxxA ui m jvm disya of . alritaea aatd many a 4oUar La tune ISb. Pai-KtiAA baa been bee tbe keovv umrem rente s4 ie as4 la vry nusuiy. Tbe imidty aitcftdiag It . tcets - - - aaay beeskUrsty era4sue4 by it. a4 iftrral aaoaalt4 riaa4Sriag wmem e ajsevusaM lawjaiga iia j make tt Lviwrauve mtmm mi smvv " baye4y iMMm wnm tj vaia- M maeAiil to kerf it ei wars sm Tfee t-tj-;rwtJmb skneTa a4ea hreaMitMsiaeaSHtsUMrifwu . ... . . . . . ' DMM4kTUttif,.n7tvw. ; f?s, a4 aaiy wwwy iry . i, biiL w miDBTon. in the state of orthJtrolina, on WEDNESDAY, t THE FIRST .DAY OF omftKtt Ssjtq - x NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS.i u ' MS Ws stood at an BMn art nil aw''"' ' i : Leaning tar over the aUIJ i r And IT aomethlng badnt happened ' , We might nave stood there still; But we reached for a banging abutter . In a blinding northeast braex, 1 So our friends wUl have to be invited k. xojoin in the obsequies. and -"r ubiw waa, we Mtoold never haye ventured our bead ouuide of tost window, but it Is too late lorrecrH - - , " . wotu upon, ana oar 5??li4a. .aad ;lHibHenerallV are i i. pcvuuuyinvitea lo attend theobseQulesoB SATURDAYNEXT' the graudest funcraTHin. on JUipC - pe be slides, and evervtim . . uw auu.. nunuii;( n v IWTS our-klnd friends" to find out the mean In of the above, aud while they are doinc aa we will ask the following questions: aUdes he slips up most woefully. We leav llavn't W8 the nrllmtt ami 1lr .A i the Bute?. " f V,W"M Havn't we the Wilmington? " C wv Havn't we made prices' much hl'liatiiiM we commenced? ; . , rr ITavn t we been vorv nniiwnmni9iii and Impolite to you? i . . . - . ; ,.:.. . ; i . . Havn't vtrhiivml Vnn fv mil 1a AMila delivered?, " ' ' - - , Havn't nibla k and refused to correct theui when our at ten- muu wm caueu meretor - . 4 au or our friends who answer "yes" to the above questions will please not buy froui us any more. , Kespestfuily and truly. P. L. BBJDGER8 fit CO. In fflanfilnir lnsr h. u reirrwtlwl , n iu . i . . ... ment from some or our brother grocers that we had taken away part of their trade, and SI ?U ppc1 10 tbeothers not to leav IV astlieywero so kind and conrlduruio llbfkll 11 mi AAvnlaid a. .4 . a ....... LARGEST RETAIL GROCERY I BUSINESS ever done Iu Wllmim't iuture have to keen from l.ntn an t,..i. hearted, and CL'T boW.N l'lllcta a Utile more. THE BLOODY CHASM HAS BEEN mUUUKD OVER. THE LITTLE JOKERsJ aro not quite gone. A' fine line of TOILEI' SOAfS re- tn wuay, very low down. The OLD CAPE FEAR is flourishing nil XfAl'Tt'l T 1,' 1 "ill IIIUIUII, "flflf nt IMM. Aim It . . . , w... still think It would be bad policy to U-p iwKwiiui u papwa w.iu our nae literary productions, as they have the tendency tu ami nrlM. vat m . with allotbor good grooera dmire; oair want eooogb la to pay lor clerk's birl lore rent and taxes. ' ; V NOT PURITANICAL.. . AlllaMsmtn rMttWaUtri In ll.A ilMal i mm. S Uaora. P. U iilUHOKlW r lot panuwirai faoutn ut reinae to -l ihnn, aathry UOak ao lltKT CtAiSH UlUl-ilY hTUKK caaanord to be withoot; battbev prosniae ue wmi mat U)y veid aeyrr Bad oat tbere waa any on tb prvmikra, aa It bum be taken eiarv bre to bv aruak. DCMGARDNER, J 1 - STUARTS DEW and DURHAM OLD RYE received lab week. TRY OUR, CUTTER , AD LARD! The buml. oUal, and hoi COILS W II IKET la tL. Sisu, to t-s bowghoslirat P. L BR1DUKRS I C01 T. al WtVf Catut4 at Um 9 IMMii(wwiiMmiittMir s-y aaw gvwwwr, wim w sms mmm Ut msmsm 4 aitf ai '.i4 m-i mm, mm, 1.1 . 1 mm . m. .. t. wi'ewaiaiRaaf.Tt.. u r. u i. com ,