1 V YJ)VYWJW All (rr"o win ci 4rMii Jen hih $11 fT F".f "! ..? '- t nmirm l'nT 3fi J i'tia a To .t.-Hir? pT'pn i?iik'j t si.i o-. ,1 tji f fO "t" WILMINGTON. NOItl n dVUDLrNr.PN-RAY. lSEn"7.i Ml a sag, i:," mpk; mAIM1vX. iU' ln :p 1 l! hN h -N.i J - mm. i n- - 1 ! rfi lfrl I T I m- i,i ! m mm- m . Ik 'w: . .ir v ' . " - " i';"; "5-' "Ci-q.f. ; ;- P-jcrr,- ' ' " ' ' " f iL2 ..ill.,,: giT -, - f f , 4 5 MfT: ' ' . . . " ; r "T''"i rrr-TT -t ii , j via- .i '." '!..?. b. . i, Piiii -j s , T"''fi'ift ytTar-'VTLi'l.n.?;,,- , i. ... -i ' ' ' ' - . rr----r.7-r ,4 .mmx:' I IH- rf lo- l ly ii;.,, 1:111 M ill lot r. 'Hi Mu (0 V i;t- iii a: Mill iull. I A '.' ;.MI . U tern 5! rl IV- f mi; a,,i mid I mil eiWr tern it ... ot ii-lcr i . nl. it Ktob 5 a4 VV r,: r .ft I drik year 4 ill v reins i" i mi' i . .... I i . . I , . f Till (,,r f;ii li:i'lliti"":l1 ' iiiscrlionV . !- Ki'jlit (S) liucs, Nni,:ir, il :l '' J'"'1" : stitutc a s'luarc. . ' . ' ; f l... inlw.Tlll! lull HI K'C tO 1 UK AV1I.-J MiN.abN 1'oht is 'H 0 per year"; Hjx nioiiLln 7- eent-i. . AlleWiiiiiHiiiii'rtiuiiviii i i -i m-.-. - h :i Id :l,,lnsr.l to I 1 1 : Vn.MINi K I'o-ir. Wiliiuiion, in. j LA'i'U GEN -ait ALN ?.W. I'lie new iioiii ilu Ciiliii'iii a i i i; ii (dtim iiinluvvly in accmint !' tlie l.ue niiml.ir .ii' lirUet, a'iu! Ib.v l. ni'ii "I tim'c (.iKi 'inn) i in in. ' Tut ii ,s,i Car n i :",, s 1'. i l.i.n-', 1!'! .u!.!iciin TV I"V'Vni.r fra-U IIhi, ' pi'iinieriTlie, "..K't'Lvoti in S.iu Inn , i .i n. Tin- i:t-'ii!!i' j im ai..- l i l km (I ;.. ii.ix rl-i If I. all' ii ( 'iiij'1 ,ri'siiri Ii , ,,, i h,J"r : i-!;il il i f, .1 nil llr .1 icivi-.l M'-r. 1 t .... V I I i . i, i.-jiiiM .ii'.r. i i'ii. .n r-iiin.a- A I li Ii l"'l . I' i'.h- , i l i--. li:S tl i V i !. 1 1 1 i 1 1 I m .i.ii'.in, vi i ll- li i...--,i - . I '.ii ! hi i i vx .1' II - i Ii K nil". el i I V -i him: nil" line; ' "I i Ii ) l l V I II ' I ' l il IK I II Ii ! Ill II li.t -r ol i ll" We il l II N .'. h In' lie" elcint d l' live1 ( , ..KM l!lC 1.1 1'.lk i lf' I'I' llllik. i . -:i i I li.iV i i i Inn '-' ,. . ..j-.-TTlI'MV f.'v'-i". in Ni y 'i I" i iik,. , ,r! I, aiivl "irv "ii" iniw. In M( ii! i i'. I v i i di.-iViier mi. in -rrlur i-iii - ii.'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 I i 1 1 mrieli. I hey ii i- ..ni 1. 1' niniit y ami are e illiti;: Inndly .., ' . : " Kiir CiIvu.imi Mieduied l' leiiilil' i .nl-.'"-. Him 'lime inini. -lei , Itto of Hi's mu . ami llnie el 1 1 i - liotl:ei liave siir ,, !. i", I, ami lii- Liaal li.i - leen liinm?il. I .i. . U in;' lias Only tvi: three Inl i ilH fiiin'. ' -: ' . - A vi"l nl sturin ("ink plav" in ,Nom OiUmih, ' :uiVl : j .niiisiaiiai duinir i;reat. j , .' - - ! . . . - ii - I - ' ' Ihr. Atnei icaii A-neiatioii . . ... i.i. in Uie Advinice iienl. nl .Science i.s Iii 'S'-SU'll al Sual";a. I . 1 1 -ni iuu , ia t 1 1 a u i.nl.'.l U'ltMini ol Lis mviifioiis, ami ,,oi, t nvininUii.t .liM-u-sioii-i jiave bee.ii ,,.' '.". ;. ';' v. '. ; v - :.1 1 . pi a.'Ht' mi Hatui.'l.iy W( ek Icll r.iii.i'inlie! iili iter tfiree ' daughlor. . I' iSii"i fkiiiiivn- wiicio 'site is lnit it is nuiioicil iliatSlu; Iims " tal'eii relume with . ...in.' Ii ieici'nf her father in New .Kng i . . !. . ' "; ." . ;: Au i i.'i. it wi.ikcy still Ivan been dis- , n , li d in the first warden Washington k Hv iil'IiI iniiler liie nose oi "the 'i'lea- ' ' i 'ei1'''1 iiiv. lhcy have :n icstt'ti-tlietiwnfis, .in. liny will he plinislied. , - . ... i . ii.1 the j s in I ' licit Stniiniy i i i 1 . : I '.i 1 1 lo 1 1 1 i .' luis thine 'and si'.id lit this !:; a i:: tion and iioi a co.nl",Iera-. 1 1 ,"i. ; . - .-.nl the inns -to the Ufl Shin "i iinli. ( 'aiolina that Caji form i savhtiu i i.an.h'i tones, that lia!lotb. stuijiii M'ii ', and shall, stn forever. ... iii the iievs to the V. psi -si J'l'i .dint ...in iiiuiiderer; Calii'o; ni l declarei in V..-T.vef lio'inei :',c th.it every Ainer i, m .hall have a lijiht to vote in . ei t uh o ivith his own pniiiieal ..i '.'' !'.- pi;i- nii'1 e .( in i.i 'P. in. Pavers , -I i . I . I l'auv . i i.on'liahli-10 bo - . i n I uh taes sli ill i r Ins 1 1 .ins .i any .jo.rl i.-i tC'jVi'Lia ; lu pii'p-. , i!,i'i -dial I it liis'e' to lid up tntl rt. ,it lo bii H linn, he shall bo gilt!--i "I a iii'i-,l. lueauov, and on t oii ietoni '.. "' puutslicd by tine not -c -' . tni;; io.'.v 'd-itai " i;:'i,r!-a.,i!",l not , , t . ,lin.-'' ihiiiv ila, aud i kid.. ill te ''r ". tr,,v - t: x. !;.. l i - i o' llie :.i.sess(ii s to have tlie ii'-ecuted. And cve:v tivr- I i,.r t-'invt v iMiuniissi.nner -hall 'E,.' p.vV.i lo c ud lor pel '.ions ami' i Jl i . and iu eiai'iine U ness vind ' a.iniH.i'.ti r oalhs. -ii . 'J I . The count v ;oin,.ntion ti'ssii.iH insftr.i me al"ii ac' , -"t'.i' iav hsl tnr Vach township iho d'M' 'ii.ni aa.l .i:iiaii,i:i ol all pr.p i ;', not ...M ifln. with the name ol the, poifc nisj -.ippttsi'.J i, i v b i',,r a poll ta Ui faucd Ul'gtttt iheniseltcs lo, HU.riiia'ilj charge ail mi h pciseit.Y with douhttf tht) tiwith which ihev woul.Fothciwise b 'chargeable, iuiKiks stMUelory ex line therefor bo rcuderl; aiul all per -em who aie liable for a poll tavv-"d .tuilvillUly Uil Mgiv;themfves: in, a;id all perous u.ui oua property .uul ft'.iiutW l ul t list ii ihi. ifie tune allowed tefr tht 1M lakr and ttio county couuuIIs5,iin rs, .shad li" on conviction thfrev.f Iv tuw.i i notuioiv thau tfaj dvlUiK or -.pni' e-iiM iki more i u imhij ".'. . I null cac' wh.:rc the hi--i .rcoiumSKnier h!x.Ci .atf cr.-iji'.od cr iu -auv iuturo vcar . ..bajt oian u vutvr 'uiou tlu? dupiiiAte of their C M (III I4UV1 Ol u M v,r,...... .,- .:.. ...K.L.. i.i...i,m i auv land or totiu lo;.Miuatl icih i ii turn coo. in, jui'j.-v. - i Uatl U'luuit Uu:vl waoi Uiey enter the same on th ilatdic-ilo of the next .uccilms yer, ,yl. t i the Hc tUecurent yai lUo hhpw Uv 1 l'..r 1 ii.nI III: -Bfii--. vT- -tttnTOMAMIVM' 1.. I J m-STLraTOI i I i i .. .I'V,1 .x "VUVCWIUUI L ! I 'AVNH ?A7-UVBlw'.i i ; -r- : ; , 'ifT ;: ; -:" ryv :;: : :; . :' " ': "..: . ;- :-; .-. ,' .' i '" Vt ;' "''""".r :-:- '::.:-; ..:';;:v . '.':. : .v ;' . ; '. - f'"i': ' ' ; ! : ', : ,:- ;,.v ' .:;:: ; :. ..'... '::.: - .. -:- . :.- :' : ." -.' .: ;:.' : :L '' ' ' l: ''''. ' ' "': . -.-':- : '' . '.: : ' '. : : ' ' : ' M "''- . : . .'"::. .:' " I" " B'.VH . w. il.-TL1 Ulvl i 4 tr,fll.VrtJ.- -.rS. - Tt Art : t. V iWJU fill VI "S.!.W i''VPT v til TVW , Ca u rouNi a elkcts Va Repujji.ican t iOV K KM)ii ' JBY 20,0(K) MAJOEITV OVCH. ix MTu'tiAt, (Ireenback ait "Ho son-. '! ;.! J- I'M.ivt?." . 1 ; have (.-cape'l 2 taxation,' with twenty five per centum in Jtdditioh theK'to; as la i- 1 irk as the. s.iid lan'ds have cscirpeil tasafion, utiIeVi the .nieantimc such i.inils (ir-ols have changed ownership, in wlii;li -a.se only the taxes chargea 11 shire jt'.e last change of ownership 1 1 rtl 1 fio added. Where no assessment lias 'lire ii made for Ae'jears in yrhkh said pn rly has so escaped tatation, llie i'i niuil!i?iriiers shall he atilhorl-d tn va'm and nsawK the'rame for those r ' 1 1 Ues iijetliii!i to the valuntinii of i it. r iiiMin li ly havo Aht riyhl, iji accyr? d..!"..: with tU law relative thereto, to .l'ii ai he fire theJUuind ofCounty Cvni-iui--iuiu rs and have the same properly a.ijni.l. ' ,. '. . -j ':' .-i-o Machinery Aet f 1871, i?ectin "I I' any person hhall complain be J'.t" lin t'oniniissiouerij that he has pro- jh ny, cuiier real or personal, v na: uecn nii; if,-, ijy ,.vhHio1, . or that he l eh ni ii ivith jiu escessive tax,' he shaj.1 intM ni his cliMin in vrUiixj, aud thy s-'uall Ii.mi any eviuence adduced by hign and"..-JiLi.ll tjuuit)uu.,.and. eamiqe aify w ii it. v, iieeesi.iry .foe. aust decision )f i)'" 'i n ini. If they decide agaiiilt iii.' c'U'i'Udu.iut tUev -haJljlso t;ile ! j i.lyairnt against : hint '-for ilSe cost f mvi .-.i i.iiliiiu,:hut l' the t ounty C-oigv int simu fs Khali liiei he has cause ler complaint, they shall direct their clefts tin ruder A tine account i hereof.'' : . L ITKMi OTICK. : ur t onespoinlents must curtail tbtlir pi' M hi c( ions.' Let them cultivate breV- ily, and voiitine themfelrcs to tliir sui.j -"I. Don't -wander. Write only mi .iiiciiidc of tho paper. 'I'hi.s advice i i ven because, we are obliged to throw iU my gy; I articlca into the scrap bas lift ni Mccountof -lenfflh'. Wittyu cc i tab. restrictions our columns ate npi-n tn the wluolo world. . Ite shortj iiH cisive and pointed. This advico is Apt meant for soins of our very excellent contributors, who arc models. !. City subfcribcrs, who desire the 1'qsr tiuist settle w ith our canvasser when he calls ou them. We "only chary? one 'tdhir a year. All can pay that ainoirnt4 ami tnoso who do not, and, will not, cannot have the lVsr. Every nian should have the Republican news, and thev-can only get reliable information thrmigh a lej-ivbliCHii papec. . Chciy .JarkijuV Jest 'tobacco. , . , SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT., V, u-i'J icii TWENTY DOLLAR ' - . ! , - , (). I'llU'F. to (he pcisoikxcho tciuls a ''hi Airjtif; tiuviltfe ij oinij t$ub&ji ', ,' vilki'i ).!c ncxl . lh'ce vital fo: or by J V''i -try of Orfohrk 1S7V- " ' I'all and see W. I. , Csnailsy's lioe j ' , No I interment in IkMoue CW leiy tltiiing tho past-week. - s :r ' ' - - ""' '-: . Only oho child interred iu Oatdale Ceub Uiy dining the week. j U.itiiagv; licenses wcro issued to one white ard cue ctlorel conple durinp: I tc wet-. . ' ' Uno. thi' lanidua rQttpcindcnt uf llie N: i beautiful ityonihi, ivo undeitand." ' , , - . ; ' ' ': , I Iu. children and -onp 'adnU ere intei 'ctt in rnne t-'oret Criwetefy tiui ing toe p t-l ft -t k . Wc understand that Mr. J.l.O'Mtcts has sent in his application to become a ii, "1,1 yk tWJIirtJsi Associatian- r.vui C,.f i.i crivN. A collection of Mix rire !nd' lautiful frns shells,' moss, birdj wing and tbrtoic seeite I hive Wn ' cn' ushlWrivm at illfiftn U,,., .UuM. U 'on I . s . e - i, , tb lnnrHt by U K loW ' of this cit , : who is now in the impIOT j tuit ii i jUWMMJi yn iU'Hop i he wiw uoCitf- Cuitlajf .v ia:-.w . i "'ou.g in conopiiKf of tlw mJ?p t s,uv .DUyof Al''ibhtee, Two ,,()u ..uaii uil. uu iLt little afitt i a -risrv .'MOKl.i4y i-nd'uct aaJ ..L...,! : . t . - I'w w', lhcwta . . , r j ... . - , ' j . . - . ' . i hvi- amUU U baigira&I, J Friday Ui Mayur ia left iew el Mik t t l,u Tganl rtmp aar ot .; ktuMajkW 1 r Caufokxia SEsua a j uul Kbi t's JUBtUATION TO '-.US.. I our. liersmjs jiie t-1 1 1 ( ( I cuuulv j.-Ui,,. i j: rj i:i the t ycloi'o oue hiuy and Jour niinujlt.s of day light thu month The fc'ch'r. Jny. L. tidim if on the marine railway for repairs. t)pen air meeting at 'V.nd Icy Vs iirove this afternonn, at 4 ' oetoc'i. ' Those vh' wimt a spilemlid mule will dojwcll to si..- '. 1'. Canada v.- The Ciiiiiinal. Cmil ul w ll.uiover Coiintv convev.s ni -t liK crtv. the liit rdondfiy in (V'toher. . ! ' -r ' -4- A small party of oveuiMoneiU Ironi FavellviUc arrived in this city on Tuesday inoi nin lasf. The Uev. Jos;. TLjlvfo .; isill haplise . I lie loot of i"li ' o"i,;c.;. about twenty coil i ris Qucni triv ' i lit i ii .Wan i :. ('; Journal ill .'niv ' ol . V-oiiM'ftoir ,"o j.,.r liiKral lo tli v T olli'f. price y ilf Iji- Maid. i r-t-n - - . ... si " ; W. 1'. f .in'.lavi t.. for biilv. '.'. '. -. : iv fu , Mi. L Au;.l ha- a an .IJdi on Teleph me at F!eiiuii;loii, for the c ii Tieuecs of t lie Wdtninuiniii i- ; at that place. V '"' i' .' "u . . - . . l'of. Agoolini ii hi.l'li'ailoitv, ...and propose teaching daik-ior. jjc'tool 'in. Charlotte -ami' Concord tw.htc tnih-rt distant. ' I From ,or,(0!i to; ( ofo Jtfist. is of a, ,( will Uo made in ibis imimcdlatoyi.ciiMiy of Wiliuitigttjii thi.- year. , L;st .jt-.ir not more than Hj,(H0 to Ji'KiO tusle ' . wcro made. .;:- ' - A very targe line in'ile lor ..de." Ap ply to W.T. Caeady. Tlie market is well supplitlcd with beef cattle, ami anion;'; droves brought in aro sonic very fine looking youug lieeyps. tbis.low has ' p H;r Kent the besi looking beef.. . StcamboaLujcii compliuti of ac'auvt.y of water on the shoaU ncar ? Fnyettvillc. "As they use it only for navigation they have reference oniy so far as it rm s for boating pii'poc. i J. .. .'-.-' : : i 1 Eight huckstoM, who icfusetl r1 pyy the market In were marched up be fore the Mayor on j Tuesday last and required to pay their tax an ' t -;oil tif a warrant besides. : . ' : i i ' i ' Movctiients iu pine straw are lag giug. Fersous claim that theic i nut ,U)axgitt enough iu it. at prceul prices, Laud t,hey arm trying to mule ;i t"'i,.cr on tli e Jicw-.Yo'rk umnufacturt rs. Thieves made nu tniicco-sfti! ai- tempt at burglary at the re-idenco ot Mr. Ch'as. Schwarl.-. on the c rner of Fiflhaud Mulberry MreeH, on 'Sunday morning- last. They were dlscoveied and frightened ol.- The- Ibr- lfcutpte, orth Caroliua. which wnt asbore nesr 1 .Jipc! Henry ilurW the iecnt eycioiio hasbevn got ten off. comparatively unn-jMrcAl and has breti tow-cd ii.ito-1 tampion l. ud. She will proceed to HitiiHiore. Iir p -u of deslination. S AJ1KU a,lloi.i.t.i.. s'eri i ' '.i-"1 luiu of Columbus ! County w.. u. ib,i city on Wediiesday last J. .. kin- f i- the thief wtao victimi.cd Mr. J.uiiejYtciv u oj irt) alUt a moiUh .;ii' i yc ous lobbed Mr. StvxeuV b. us viie i f theia, Jolui . , Fault, liyhnvl, hax tveu captuxeil. . AlutT' pcrwns h ive prlVssi liiafi at the Fifth stfel Meili .1. . :. ..f ii.. VIUUVil niT llie IviiniiViHMir'" i roiumttim thtr.' wr-A. Lhrl - T". :5:' j L . ....' J . Rer. li R Hall iii Vr fr Mrs. Mcrherso,: Ph. s!.ok. Vl" rK 'O 'mo.-. .-..".. j W d. it ou it.w cjiuci vi : FiMiii 4ii I j., csrKaH raiivofri Ci atuxt .miac'stai y b.rf.'ttneiu'.4'o of yV t ' '- t iiiw. .Ml. Moit ii s in 4l ia mu, , ,. o( eart maial n ii a rba, .: , V' '-: '. : California lebtftaiBepubJicaqLegis-lafbure- A gran-i aU,fOHiptet iptor over flie Oreenkatfe.irctiiocraey, ' , ' The, usual rpnjtj qf ; Masonbqro ii nd ; w a d 1st uiW jiy ' a Vu rgl ary p n ------ -rrfrt so tfalurdajjaatj ' Jhc friwgjif n thjcf was abroad in Ibp Jand, " and toqk awjiy onljj a fqv eatables. .. . I,. ' The pilots '"reriott of'sonudings last month, taken 'at' mean low water, shows 11 feet; fi itichvsWliaW HeadChaaael 12: .feet, 0 inchesion Western Bar and S feet ( inches on Iho rip.- 'J'hey ay the reason wdiy Mr alacks changed: his name to CTafks, is that he desired tu.fciit .JSlanhatiaii Heach and Mr. ' rbin ivoulloit take him jn, therefore he changed hi na'ne. ' lie .leaves next' week for ?'ihesgreat water- in'g placet. ? , Uwitt iAiiilio-Ic. J. C. V:U-kai,-iu,; his repoi-j oi the deaths in the city duriug UieJ mouth ol f August re ports the. Mai dc;Uh.s, both while a, and coloretl, jidtilf sis4 eh'ldreh, at SJ, as toMows. Five rhite ?msles, fire fe males; stx'cihiidfen, 'four adults. - Five colorett mates;. seventeen' tieoialt?!-; ck'.ven adults and eleven eiiildren. 1 1 , Svx KizvvyilL :,r dhunly nght, coloicd,,was ispectcsl.j'f buigliing tht; resitleuc-wlj MrAW J. jMotl. His premises were jsearched nhd 'several articlr which jivtjrij toleu from Molt soirto tinje ago ; were rccoveitjtl. At llie lime of Uie burglary Wright vVas in the Woijk lloui, serving out a tvrin fr cijsI.s aid thoiiiUinot being the nian who robbed UmohW it was ascci tainetl titrrt Mr.-Mlt's suspicions wcrt tibt irr'ontylhA'iCs IliJwTTbe arm-, ted and lichl to answer 10 the charge oi Inrreiiv at th.next term of the Crinn- nnl l.urt. t h'licers I l.j L. fc'chrivCr and C. llj 6n.lo succei'ded Thursday nijtht in making' tho capture of diandall Jordan colored, in Cape Fen township, He was brought t) this city a id committed to iail Jo awiui, bia trial. It will be remembereil from' o(Ticer! that tli is ' man escaped Schrirer on the TJth of Jib' iu.-bi! Jieiuj; then in o?tody char- CM u I si- UN'Uiu uuu luaiicij, aim thatn nit nttc-mpt 'to recapture him, the "ofTuS r 1- accidcrdly ; shtjit and killed Williauf a-iiies, who- had been stini- "moned tt iiA-jif t iu-jUjakiVE Ihc arrest Since that tim Jordan has. eluded pnruit arid laplure unti 'his arrest ycstcrJay. ; . - -. -- iiaauu i, liauiliu Ortfana-Katlor' bel by over lOtSOOO tlulUUtea pur chtjjora. .--. , .j , Not low est priced, poorest aud uear v:,V, 'Tufhi;net priced, best andVhe ip-ost- Coatbul lkU M'ijo Ithan inferior organs. ' tiiveiivetian s lUoo.tfac!i'.'B, fint twice! jM long.' Victors ut ui v. oi id's exhibitions. Acknowledge Ul by disi uteres ca1 aud eomelcnt musi: ciaii. yj'ui j'irM, iudiputablCi uch n no her organ uiaker in the world can' ffAin.fi-if'': '" Glotiow news fur purciiaseps, New Suica Cr.t'n l 7ifjc! taction. S-tii. ew Prices. .' -V '. i i...v. 17 7 V--' S' f'T-K IV. l. day., Uial. FrcUW, jiAivt boti t Vr. can doii't fUt. S.U oa! cas UrnM. Keiitctl Jilil Pid lorj lKdivercd anywhcie in the Srmh f..r : ex-tra. Fvr VuUisiiluuVr ad lri iTt't; ivAur., Stas,4U . iiA-, Miuagi AVh'ilesaltJ; Southern btpoU iV.-J sVcVt'rf'l Hitjfrry. f' :ipci 4 iiy Cot.r TriP M.-.nr 11 warltV icha'ritV f-Urmsi of the owrtunr.( rf1 .11"- kIIk1 hf raeral.t r-J- . ' hirsii4ioJe;tj- rce4 ; .- i , - - , f .tva M. lt WfV efcarprU " V. t I i ii i I Democracy . ixn '(1hi;iBACK.si: A5AIN SICK- 5ohtinue4"TrOm ISatnrday, wassetA bqt. low fhr twnfTi3ftTti trv Bool'offj!K?T! t Solon b ktAu gl -cti arfcrf ri t p i it- ras BentbeWJr s lie w; to Xutigtieio be intefviiew hI ' '' --x a pjt j Tueisifivlfriaoriiiii; he rrayor'd fo-e was e'r brcll attended; - F ' I Henry' McJSeitt, coldad, arraiguca ftir tjistpriliirlyi comluct on-isiniday nior-4 tilne.'atirtLfang House fTbexleliirJ dint utealrtl iuiltv. and rra veil tlie mercy ijij tho cour't, in conocijtieuce H wuicJi his atooor.sai'i outy w ii!ie-or ten Auiysfin the tity prisonT- ! " h Onocaseof drxiiitueai w .u cisposcil 4f by a setenC" of 1U tine -vr tweury clays bclovjr. ' - . " ' . j j Mitchell tjpietji, aneoiorcxi ludi or insolence to'a 'iolc6mai, wtut ordered locketl up'uniil Wctluesdity luutoiu. V i?olon tshiogle, having cooled oil' w rcimired to pay a ! i'$-k.v .'.On Wifditesday thj MuVfiv XJ.irC was iiotv.l vt?!l attended. but thy, caio cout-uuedi Ii'omi ywileiday, . iit which the deleudsiil. pie-M'd pievii;U cop viciiou bio.io.n Atuiti.ito,. waalagaja calk-it. llitrt iHurnruir aud aiUi KiVJPt? th?.-wiEnrW ii thu cuau a. hcariiii'Ihe Mayor imi'o?! - iuiy -,ui - . , . 1 ' del'eililiint. ' i U . A colored man i . .q'.tiiwl lj"T being tlruukai'd d -iu,. pfcovjid suh au mmtcpt iiiid'h- i;uo'd; ehoae ter that the cau was disiuifc-cd. iifid Ibe party reiiieiud. t t ,.. BoAuti ol Alii:umn.- The lloanl of Alderman myt ni. ' lieulaj; jnjuilhlT session, ki l ie t it v 1 1 Jii "i! "MoielaV last: ,. j ' , .ConuhktCv' o:.t t'irc 1 .';ai ( uii '!' i e- ported prugress' on Atoci man J-osler --! resolmion tv. 'ostabU-jVa stattdiir l lor i - tcrosciiQi oil. . Committee on Stact and Wharvts reported progrc-s on AT Urmai Flau uer's gate ordinance. A l.iri. r fr,.,n f1'ii,l I'ri: TTarhnr Master was read and tclerred to tltli Chief of Folite. " '' Special committee on the matter ul Alex. Cddham reportetl protjas. . Aldcrmau lovdeirs resolution, of fered at last mcctiug, in rchttk iij to lUv' petitioiijof Mr. N t'it, yvwatV .p'tel : tlai he. matter bo refgrred to tU. atiornoy who lias it la charge. ' . : . t Commuuicatiou from ti;c J):jarl of Audit ami Finance, disapj royjng tltc appropriation ol U0 for the urihe ol taking a ccasu.s. of. the city,L-wa . , ! :' . s- - reau. .., .-. : .: , Coniinuniuatiun fruui'tbc Aive fixiTl relative to the Cfilcctmn uf laics, va also read, and, ou. mqtiuu uf AVerman Vvntflaliu, it waa rul'crtcd to the Com luitteo on Finance. Hid of J. F., Caitcla iu. u il way aW Little Budgc.wa-.,.uad and re- Alderiuan .llow.lcu uio'v-il Ah..; iUv uigbiVjauitof a jay i.o tapiV. -jtid itom WO t- pet iuulb. Caniid. Report of - iho Chu t ot the Fire Pe paflmeut wa.s rc:id aud t-rd, ic l o i lie Alderiuan Flannc; ujf 'ved Vla-v; Mayor notiiy tic Ayh',- v I'-fH Telephone Company t'.iut au!t- tht' tcriiis rthv C'talra'ct cnU i.d vm- ith them aie cvpioiixl with in C.cvi' V thitty day- be i- instim-Udi; bj uu lkuu'U to anpu'l the .:.;('. ., t'jjiJ. : Adi uriu.l ".. ' " 1 . - - - ;-Hakv,J HaO vi';;.vHVsM.!':' 1 U - A fiH i Cai L oAi 'i t'"' 'V kif" LixifUfuu, t-U'f nout-.t"i A'fa AnCueAn--ch-''ncrji . fJtAtm -r -btis I; Cl I-.' Tonnage, 1 Vi-V ! Tol4l Mtft,, ...u 1 j :? , ; i I -f tW ! fi r m u To Afcr.w4 Uifr l Vi'c. t'' otf"' f! i of u'njiiaual atcfet: a i.fj ti Sj !h t?V! UV one t f He s .Tire l;r?Tf-3 np-q- I afar lie coj;.' -- 1 " ri,; , 4iait was; h a.raw ut l U, ,' . - - I ' V, . f Af r.1 fciWHII It Mkrr tthC j L i H : -"i' ' "isw ?D,c'ree;of '-'Fir8tltHre' ;,"! eilt4 .UJ1 .C'-V.4. iiifntMtdMuow ii ju&irici ol xtiorui curoiini, iin ,1 uaicota liihtrlct."' nd U tlK)'0aM(i. t36rre a. lirowu Aiiil hUicU PiUt, trustees , i-onv-rlaln.nil,tifeaiifsit 'the WllinlafftohiMumf pevaueTConimisstouer ar?iH)inted by- Sat dcifeer witl sollby public suction, to Uie lHittietti. iMUUen at tUi Ouiut Uoiue-ctuorfio J.hw, Oily of n'il-miugton, In tbe ktata of North i-nrortBii! dn wkHnKSDAY; THE KilWf -iJ.W liy OUTUBt'li. A l.i'UiVit Ji'vajOxM.. the entire lial i,Wa4, as tbc Biuuf v-msis auu;s nuw ufra, jLDtnvn tw no: Wlf.MlMUTWWi COLUUlia dfAUttUSr HA4L iiOAl, lending (rw4l) VtjfjOi wauiuictou, m tne state oi jsontnroimi. i to tlir rttv of Vlombia. 4iv -tbP atMor.1 Aua rtiactiy-tjae, Mueg, wau ineuiaii w.trr. mshls at Way. rvirirtt ftrtfamt). and olliof Landn. Jraeks, BrklnO.q.Vtadilfltt. Car Ifuuses, Freight HouseB, worii Honse. Machine Sh(syTd allMtier AMUftUft, or Holitihigs, aiHiUainettTleuaert, Curs-ua other Itolliuir ttock oc viui- inent8,' and all Maehlbery, took, Inipl mt'd', Kuel and liaterUl r.any Klixl for otiWructtnic -oncruitiuj;, reparians .or r- plaeiusj the sAid Kai itoiul, ox 'airy paft- t nereoi, hiki air i ,inw';iuro or b lxitrrrs or t iiu some. ilongiitK to, or -iurv)hsl t,y. saia betoro uamea aeieuttanr, loceiuer y ii al 1 and slngrrtar the Conorat ' Riht. ! mncfilses ajifl priylleces olAlt rKl above jiuiiiiLtefeiKUu,.g Uxo ftiuuuiue tet tui Iii jiuiiK;iLleremtu,.g Uxo ftiuuuiue tel tai jn tbu Iudenture of Mortgage reirrcd to' jn thulutlc-nturc or Mortgage reirrca to' m the Bill flJiHTln said case, and aUtho eaUU. n-litsp utlf intresk iHroperkv -cXua aim Owiiuiiiaof eivlU Ueftiudaut, m ami to aoy ;iim .ill i.wi nnu rnfluui x tvt rv j 1 efreetsUcreta before reterred bvf waJtnt s Tae purvlialF wili?ore(iuftyCrii ,4u. uu kao jaay oi biue, pr wiuini liuriy r naj s' ntiereafler, the sam'-of Twenty Tii&nwuid Dollars, nod. tUa residue of tnu KuivliOHe itoitey lu Uiree vuual iiariucats. Hi Tloee, Six and Nino Mouths, Ironi tk Oar of sale, wttu intwost from that data at tho rata vt ix per cwuun per aaiuuuu. Xb piuvUxser ot purcbasurb iuajiiay any part of tlie rurehase money not retittirfSTf 0 PO nai.l in Cash, la any ol itoe antsuaidion bunds, or the coupons tiiertiuf. sueuicd bv the KortK, or iloedor trttut, rtAn-retl to iii Uia.liUl-iw-d deureo.iu sukl Ciiiuo, to the efevu of tho pro rat:i iicreeritasro oitheimr v.ttuoof tuyiVi bouiUiMidotainoua wlileii tne iiomers luerttji win uin'iiiuu'uiiiR ceiveopon 1110 uii louviun 01 nic riroweus tri tlie ua naif under llie ai.ire.saia decre Th (Wtlitcates of iajebtlness- tnenUmu ,1 iiv tlHi l'.illaud decree in LUja vausc. IU le reTfcre,l in payment f the pnrchastiioiiev VxoOt(tlut autu ol Xw taity 'I'liousauii Iol- Jacs, iibove meiitiontKl, at the same rate its ion on s oi uie morutafte ooiun. pforMed lUau the coupons pledged as eollawrals dr sard t-eilinetitos, ninl wu r liko' ainomit ttioicwuiL, sua 1 1 accouiiuLuy, iiud ie tuv lfiHlercd With the said etTttneateR. l'orwsMuu will bo d,J-vi)itd i I ciciser whenever aud so'sihih as one 1 ; pu-s ialf tif silo bd tinrchas.if! money shall havo: b.-u I pant to id" undersigned 'omiiiissioner, iuid 411" ,.iri.-T:;isT-r xrr iHiiruMT7t H1UIII ll;v .WUiiU'UiiU llxn ceiUraeUi ;uid lUibUillivl 111' the" tUeeiycr heretotTSre nppotnted'lh Mf Wif. ana nan nave wnleinntlled him iiinl the same, and when the Court siuilt ,s ordur imitt'r the leruia of thy decree, ... AiUM AJi J. UKYANIV ' cominisstoher- 1 t " f R1SASONS mr ':' 1 is nil: Best F.tmily Medkiitj! or tUt; Ape. . i '. '' I r. And wJit it should be krj falWai "a af ; 1- i 1 ! .fcaiid . " r ) " ; - 4 ' ' ".:. ' i'l I -':! ' "' ' ' ,k ' . , 1 I). rvi.v-Iviu.i 1; is- the .motl eei(.tn "! l fttlrHetu tlial lOIWal Hvaij)U v i rodoced. t s ,ts -- H 4 ' sj t, j ?n.l. r i pr ft 1 f t rft. ?t5 Y'i'.ifYrt-a aiiil t - (iicry r.nnatitr,el,ttiai ifevi-rfaU' -.-1 1 11; win rare ;unj qr '-. .' T pH vl lb t4niv. A d uioaliy .LttKt a unrw i a' i"'1 WiaU . iC H'-l acor Jliif o iii al ,.iwl rue 4 ' y t i v-Ii t.t IK k art afm.nd fl ieriraU Iticcttis, l ,rSadau CotdM, iKti, A th. I vis hiuicii luw pnroila -wt Si!;n ia. i fc.r ttvti Aci a,,.l I bin t". w.r. It hii irM1 tljc mtAl mftlr.ato k: ! 111 . rAfs Kil iA.-a a 1maa. mii i n- lU.ia. C:iK.Cui. i l.' r,s. ... - . i .' - --: . ; - , .-4 - . t. lKi L, ut -ft I : .tu a : kLl Ni.ir u a - -7 ' B"" I t -J : i 4.s-Ki t ba.IU i. t-.s l' WhstT.ri ''4 . rt'if frfm i ilo a:iU ftri"y taaiuao. " . ... iiyj. .! . . a - , -if 1 hw: tKUiaUiaa. ii t f 1 ' e-c 4 nw 4'i!ji (tjnavy jiw. 1 at . mxjm mm im Maor t?i r -i iai Wnti ttrfutmi .atn u 1 ''W'OiKlwBip.u'wlmkriv- ' lifiniiU;4firttxvi.tcii.i . HtxttffA ,!rae"USr'p'-JU V'Wl'l'tUul c misnTTiati' tood tnere stili; f .So our frieuas will have to bsluviUtl To Join In tne obseniAeS. ' i F WB COVl2 UNI.Y II AVB JvNOfN A- Wlint IL ktl.rill u :1s 1,1 ..u .. ., . 1 .. ., . ana now fur ofT that Hmttor w:u lui.vje ycttiiycd oux iicaa ot.sido that ArtnOort bnt It !tool!lu l.r rt-rei stpaelclretr, havo b'eeir &t upon, and our .frwuteiaadtUv'.nMblfto ireamn- .. i mi. i , twm urn...... . . srnl w siakfi ohr ivputHiWm n ris l.eln r m. btauuvoi UUl mi UU' Uitlll'ViuL As he lipBlitkll,lT'uii.i .-I.-, v- i...... ,.. fitklwhenlfp unkiiMit wovfirllv. V.. i. .,!.-. 0r;'kln tm ads'' u Uud out the nu muiuz oril8abo. and w bile tluy are lUnnZi we win 5s uw itmotrnut tiuesiioiii- -o '- " izhnr - 4' UavhVwe'tbetisliivtiuid di:-K-M stoio iu H.tTit rft tni p,U,iM f fiWla iu hi-;,bfi-iueti ' 4 ItavbtWiaiAc priei muel , . T, "w yfcry rtn.s. i-ii.i.no,l .tluir aad uuoole yuv. , . j, . f Havirtf 4 enarfua you for .m ho coods ualivered-. - . ' JtavMl.ire iiukI a :-rtat many mmta'- miTfiustiii iu correct limn vi, Uotiwafl eal)Mi thorvuif u tutralteu- Allot our Hit nds w h' :ai.sif. i- theHlove meslioiis ill ,.. :,se im! huv'lroia 'y:s" f 1.3 Olljr lllra -WSfH1lllHY rtllt inil, ;:nvn (. P.L. BlUllGEl tt &C0. .k lnt lauolm over IasI rei;rtt.lvd U ilolnv.; Hi. lisun. lav s 1 ai r r,i merit fnun soineol ,xir la. it . K I. .1 . WO b.Kl Lalvcu u vi :, v 1 . ,i 1 1 . , I , , . .. , i l ..llien vnH'iTK 1 1. at maktiisriMi :vppe:l to tht ol her,! n,, to 1ii.i Vilsttl. Vt)r. (roi Uim f .s.liii;t,y, o,ks, i:,t Iy a-" thvy -r. '.. kln.l aii.l j ..iiM.l.mie about THir . oaibn to p-icf. Int upios, U4 uvuiivcin'itriiuiifii to .in ii,,- . LAKUE6T lil 0 Pa i L . iicM;FUV ev. r.lonr rn"rtnnlnf.ri j Ulurc tiatotokerii Imm :l i , , ! l :l t !, ,C "l 1. 'ii.ii-.- i I ; a iiti.y neurieg.and ci 1 lttVN I K more; . THE BLOODY CHASM HAS BRIUUED OYEJx. TUli UT'JtUS JOKUi ii c iivti'i.to A -Jinc Jne.td nll.lU OAlS tciyctl to-day, very! low down. TJicMJLU CAl'F. l'LKi , OoUltrliMi uuiiiiig. and MAKTEU.F s Wll.lnt. I.Ct l I , 1 -j,,. ",..,( Ca ortV.ta ntioH ,a,, u . t HI" uiiwi Ht tu,llH. l ul Jii a y i., 1 111 11 in u, , uie i-r w.t n skr m. nu i . i . pr.Kiiiciiiii.Mi Uiiy , . Ui,' In.m'i,. , o. ke-p pric v.T) l.iw, wHi hi r. .,i wtua all otoer cixl er.rj. uiit .. ujry rein lul l uv . ... . . NOT PUIUTANR'AL X.y,uvrm. bit i 1 i,i-ii.s a i. IHpi tUica ivi ll.si 1 1 ,vm i,ji 1 . -JfTvtr: ran ulT"sl ln l-i liimw. s i - . . fNaMIM hklmll tt i, r aiiul.l .. ff ba but Uu m am uu It IUCt Vilf Si i.rrr. ' -S T : ' ' ; a'.! uam ofi i;vi: f I t -kL to,4 os-r at P- b 8R1 Cu J. F s y 1 . I:. iff.;,, ' 4 !

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