VIIINGTONpin il CAROLINA, SUNDAY, SEPT. It 1S7S Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 37 VOLUME X. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WlI.ISllNGhTN POST ; IfcNTK'tKb A r Tin: lpiunii u ai WM.MIN.MON.N.U., ApoN... l.A M.rr::': ;. , j , . "' XEW ADVERTISEMENTS : SALE OF The Winuinstoii, Columbia And Au; I a Kail Road, ' i IJuitr I'ecrctf t-f Fore kstiro I - m. I t ' gr ----- yT Ji ,1 r r lul ! he In .- i I I I " 1 1 . K,lil .TSi li.i'vN' "'!'"' ii I . p. ,(itute a -i":tr 'i'l... nli4i-ri olioli prior ! Tin i to- i . . , ...v,:r,iV l'isT l-V fi Ml (.. ) ,HI ' 1 1 : , .six months j. oehiv 1 1 i in 1 1 1 r i i . r t i n i x n bii'iin -. .-liMiikl he' addressed to illK Wll,MiN(;i"N p.wi- U'ilmiinrtoiu N. 0. f . 1 ' . . - -i . LATE GENERAL NEWS. ' 1i:Kai.i:, S it iii!i t 1:'. f 'I r ..,, -N"i- guilty.! : :r; 'f Tin' verdict in til' t li isli r in ease in Mississippi proves beyond doubt l hat a Feniocrat cannot In- t-i.n vicUl in the uillli f;r I'"' rtl r 'of a Ki publican. TTic total, vote of Maine, it' is--ri U mitcl, ' Jil H :i 1 J:;i,0l;O. Kcpoblic;.!! iritjiir ovi r last ".car as lar as pSi'l'i. H,nis, i.t piiujieiin, prouauiy ! Us ;;((! Iii .r(!' Miles of a nii'j'iiity ii i ... .. . ; i r .. I ,1 I l't I "HI, ' 'U 1 I I 1 ' 'H I I'T- e ' I I C 'I I In' i-ti I , (,, ii. I lir.n r A. , li I ii ii r, mv niieer ( 'flli clur hi - W imt, hiis hcin IliiKjc I 'li;iiiiiKi.ii "t mi' ix w i r k in'juiuiH-an Nad' . 1,1111111 1 tec;. ; Tin1 I'm M'li-nt lias mail'- a pleasant m i.1i I" ill'' Cin intuit i Chamber of ('(rniiii i ' ' j- : ' .Mr; r..-il- has I"1' a wii.l, been in t ',hi;i.I;i, I lilt rtu si of lilt' ( Jo VI I nor ( it II Int jri.Uf-1 ' ii.tlanil t Ik'-I'i iiicis l,oiii-r. I JI..H. -J. 'in W, !,,, of 'hila.lvl'hia, l.iti' inini.iirr to ike f'oiirl of .wt . .1 ami s, .li;u Imtii Irmleied a puhiic n'- iion ill ol'l I ImI J' lnlt IK t-Hull. j Tiic jellow i';vt r elo.'-eitit Meinphis .in l-'i i'i iy uitliitM new a.ctt. No in- erVa"e. in Nrw ( irleans nor anywhere (! v.l:iy (ioiil'l lias m-i.iI anotlur t!;t7l. of .;'.u(Hi to Iho I'rt si.Unt of the . . ' i . 'iai'l Asxociation, and tlu: eiUz-'Mis ,.i I'liirliiirir, lVnn;, . Initio.. ? : ', ( i'lV.-1 ioHnian lias ilt svi litl l .tir.- iiKiny.iinl w ill mpport lIo.hin.son. . .Vi Ailur.s, Ala , a in oh of ;;,.)' Inol.f' m o the j;iit anl tt'ok out a man who 'liul hi mi M.iitenei'il tn1 In! hiiii;; for liuu'hf f his! wife, lo !yi'fh film, but h u( ,y 'rot leaily .i;.( I iy wmrlil tic t'p u'e aiu the' 'whole crowd .Htani- JHlll" 1. .' -! . - -I li. l.i' mi i ir.'ini ill l:irvi.'iiiil li:lvi' . .- . .I. ih'iiiiiuitn (lie cllowing ticket : For ,'m, rii.)rr,riiiioi A.. I !.irv, of I toward County, by ;iec!aination; for Comptroller, .Sininel .Mellahan, of ijucen Aiinc!'; for Attiumy General, Francis M. larhy, i'l V;)s!i i n;'ton ; , for Clerk of the Couit nl .V'i'ea'n, Janus MeCulloiii;h, of (Vi il fount v. i I lie 1 'iinn i alio state eouveutioii.of -Vivi niin. have noniinate.l Alex. Al itcli t'il .if .Milwaukee for tiovernoi; Goo. ll Kin.; fr 1-t. Governor; .and'. Samuel Kv.111 for St eretarv of State. l-lie reports in icgard to the cotton " crop 'from the states ot North Carolina, . fohlli farolina, Georgia, Alahaiua, Mjoissippi and 1-A'iiit iana are, that Jc"ltoii has been injured about I'O j cr hv the l weather. I lie Wilinin-tt'ii Mar o.l a My- WfekH ii;i, liaVinj; proved that Iani.'l Welii-tcr w .s an'" arrant ' ecl's,s;onit , has now iIim'ii'vioI that the pcoplciif the uoilli iiio t.istly more "iji'uoi than i f the onth. Uotli of tin '0 propoM lieiis having bten toiu lusi vely' ilimon--ti.flc.l, we' iiiuleistaud that next week t will dcnioiistnito that Knicni.i i of a Hher order of eivili' itiou than 1'r.nice, ai d Hngland irore "i:nornt,; I'lin l'iilj;ari.i. timi. .,. ' 11 J I .loo I became linpovcr llus1 in iMiiouiciiL'iii of icpu.ltatiuu i f luv -late !tbl by the lenioerats ol L'Ui.raiu. ll is meet that his rphau i.V.v re.i, now also impoverished, idiculd ;'H"t lliiiifere be left in want. r " "'.flu- li.Hi. John H, French, recently i -rp-ant at Arm of the irciutc,. ii i i-pokeu of us one of the, iVnuui-ssioiu r of the Pistrict of Columbia. Jluro has ben an outbreak in Af j,li.iuUuu laiiJ the lUilish envoy and Miitc have' bceu murdcre.l. Thcro ii 'n attempt to iucitca general ftvejH. l'lic Fresident , Gen. W. T. Shu man, and Atterncy luMer;l Ucvens, have pane lo Ohio. j ' kale 1'um. SpiaiUc, tiuough iin .11 .11 ,.. Ml I'li .ll.'. II P 11 I lllintt I .... ...wm... .... -.. . lui fiii'.l .i pcttiion in ;he. S'ipicmo ir Vtut ol Uh.lo Island skiti ' ihe ?p- sna.tiuut of a tiustrc ot ttust.-ts to! uW v liaise of hor"Tpfeptty, and alief ins that lar husband, William Saguc, aud hcrnlf are lit now lituig utther a hiuband aud wi V. , Alcau Icr 11. Steven caurgu vivt he dMi'i think much cf I'ncle batu- my 1 ildcu, and prefer lieu. 1 laucuck' lUe Fcmwiatic .candidau for I W UtnL 7. . " - - ., - l-'iiVy ("' - i" ' .,.,ti.llt ah I (' '"'' 1 tSr !i a hlrii-'oaf t - - - !'. i- s ... a . It. :'.':. ' - ''"..- v ,.... i,- ' v ' . : , I '. ; ' '. ' ., : '' - -f ' ' 1; .' ' ' :'' ' ' - '' , ' . ' . ' ' . " r :. . :! ' , ' : : . . . :, j .- - , .. , .- , .- , . ; ii liKl'UBUCAKS HAVE WHIP'' I E l.!!KK C 'MI;INEl). EENBACK8''. AKb DEMOCRATS A wi ll knowii :iml respected citizen ofi.Vcm o onrity, S?.' (J., came to United v;,. w.ii...-. -.t ..i,.o.i iiMsnio in hOpprens an orgHDization I known as "Mceki-rs, lortut-d to prevent ..... . . . -i . . am;j?ainHliu of r.iccu, aiul punish col- o.ul mm narrjvd to or hring with. wlnto women. He btaten that the or- raiii.aiion whipi'cd one colored man i it i s , itimlay night preceding knee 8 iuur.:t r nor aiiovas lel t'lisllllo lifts been . i , . . . i t- rt;a,'-'ril with the mission of ofliciallv ikin tin- h:n;d'of the ArcliiJucliesa I 1 ' r I M.ii ii-(,'ln inline of Austria mi marriage wi; !i Kin Alfoiifo of fpain. I . i; "is aid that (Jen. Grant's house at I in:u iitii. urumn iiousc ai ., is ati ready and wailing .1 that the General writes to '.! in :u i !.,. i i Vlllll llil, J II., J for !iii!i, ;iiid t a hi.rd at Galena that he is going tln ie to' live. , . Thi ilon. JJtnry L. Fierce of Matsa cIiiim tts talked about as the Ilepubli eao e; i didate for Govcruor, denies ex plicitly that he was engaged in trade wii'h k lu lu and bloekaders fluring the w.'t, :a charged by Gen. li. F. Duller. i :. . li I. i. i." .. T...1. rl. I ..o. ..ouu ivcii.h uuuguunuc Supeiio. Court, died at lieidsville ou l... 1.1 I :u ll . wi,:. juv .'in inn., .ijj.'u md m u iriiig i member of t ,. onsn ss, and a Whic can didale for Governor in old times, and in his patmv dajs was more than a re- w... . lul.L. I -iwi-'r n oiM.onf. I t v i i Lfe- in " j v i nun i ivij wvi,iiv i orator. Me was one of (hose whom the u-1'r.-I..Llli. !.'.m..ftv..l fin.1 M.o uu lie ha'K been one ol the most uu '.... !.!. -H..1 v.,.l....i ..i' ..H r.,ri.,or ..... hit iii. i. '. lrn s in ws irom .uuinejusi come ut um n i Wli it'll - iii-ikeH the Di'iiw look surly. 'i'lii.l'r Ii it'll vilIhi'i! limii's nrf nil runt, iluw n . 1 - - I Th, v v... ..:.ss1i huriv-buriv. ' - - j - - . ...i.i i i i rr : . r iL. i el i imrksua 10, 01 JUissK-sippi, 01 iue verdict of Maine, concerning the mur- il r of 1 )ixon. ill Svnilh Carolina continue to kill while and colored llepublicans alter the Maine Election?. ! i . i j- I .11 . . , Honest money and tree ballots was J . I the. ,war . cry that won the Maine an.d , ,. - : Caliloruui election, , I .1 line siys that no more llepubli- J" in the south shall bemurdered on account of their political; opinions. '''. 7 -1 . T ' m . -i. .j, x'n V I. ......I u ri inv 114 ' tVinii Kulwson j . e countv, aayu his county is for bhermau , " . , i ,, . c ,i . ' for Fresideul and lhixton for Governor. J uJge.Tourgye says that f'NortU Car- olhm i Kcpublican ou a fair count." That we are going to have iu 1S0, or a li"lit. . "wi i ' North Carolina Is twenty thousand Kepnb'ieVii majority, notwithstanding wmt wtak kneed, fore head llepubli- cms miy say. Lord rcrrell. should end and get tho murderer of Kt'ice and put them on as route agents iu South Carolina, as he skeins io prefer that claa 6f persons to at t as lii subordinate. l oo reooi t on our strccli last week, ii a duel had lakeu pWe, or wpa abont t.wake place, between Col. 1. J, Voui g and Ce'l. 11. C. liadger, we ufi dcistauil, is rulirely untrue. Ohio is next" Svlicn the third jurj man is heard concerning the "MisU ipj'i pan,"' killing of white and colpred liepublicaua da tho aoulh must ard Uall slop, y the jury, as r as heard from. .' YVl Misisippi hear the thunder frmu Maine, indicating; the trcmndeu -urtv lhaj vlLl" foe over thf fomrtry in when llfetnirg wHl'strtke the PcubKiafiC psrty, , ' Svimlv I.htl',-'14yt-, of Auson coaair iv riu sus that iho people of IustuuiUt lor ihcituo. Jno. aherwan foi rrt- idear aud U, r. Uiitoo lor yviiuraur. He has made several srwlH- l their behalf. Tue Greenback ivty wa lite caick cu hatched by a ivctuocratle heo; liul th-o4d chickeu carried tt yoaojt ! out m Uo Uj tu mo, aod liaise and j Califoroia lure made it Tcrji. Ohio wH gite it i aJ 'w Yotk will I lJf 4 lUxl icaca before It U M I cuoush tocrww. I . - - . . . . ' ' Mai 20 ENATORS- OUT OF US1 AUK BUl'UCAS IN MAINE. NKW YOKK DKMUOHACY, Tammany Bolts and Nouiitiitus Julin Ki'Jly lie New Vurk J)cm(;cratic emu n- tion which im-t.4." Syracuse i n Tiuns dayt noiuiiiatcd' tlie followiitir tiikct:- Lucius Kobinsou ( (lit; iMc-t nt ; .v:) lor Governor; Clarkson ,. tYlt r, f..r Jt Governor; Allen V. Uc.;vc.h, f'.rSi-cu:l;iry of titatc; Tlioiuas W. Ak'oit ltr (Jtnhp i...ti i . . r. r . ri- . irouer; ...cuius iwiu kin, i.r im mm.h-i; and A. S'li-!, Maker ...for Attorney General, Un the nomuiatiou ol Uobwiun me Tammany dvltatei withi'riw in a ''oIy, Vul W" convenlion. in another 1 l 1 t i r . i T : i " lia11' antl "nuiated for Governor- .Job KT of Ncw Yolk i!k' li iiaii. anu noiuinaiei ior i iovt-1 n:r.ji.inn ot iammany. Incy :ieo ajoiiiltu a coin mil tee authorize l to dt .-i;;n:ite the. rest of the tie':- '. This is ii mio:',m I'm tin. T.i'h ii ;wii of the party. Mr. Courtney wtm r; .-,.ie-! cvi t. the Tammany Kdteis' iwid" : very j-were sjiceeh ;:a'i!'ft K'oliin-oi'. denouncing him hviie.-. u i . i ! v titt' meat t : . . ol " t'i:.!ier ' A'!1 , ' lUvid 1)lI(ly , ,., a-Minst J I JJj 1 1. -, .fH'STli;!-. M -v'-V .. Uwing ,to ;o uu. na. i-i.i. -m:u..,u we have received, e .iicen'in ;, t . is law ojli- - ccr. we ,KJl"1 u l,'r la '.ni.- 1 1 wi 1 1 be rt-.l' lobe re ibv i i: i n ad'-r.s that .some iionth s a " . '.v .' ubli.' i tin I V- - - I i f iaciscoueeriiiii -.i i" w . .m! .i i; :c iuy..eiui. .u I "i i' r.o-ii uvuinii.-ic afterwards he I- .v n; i!..' vonu-.d .ln,i i;) ,i in. " :;; 1,1 iil-i-'lal' I i ' I . t . ..U I It,' I . . I " . .1 : : i ' n want lUe case to go I'lMme tue L rimni - Court being alraitl ot luvr'esult and . .. ... . . .. , mil exposure. We .t:s nil u nu"'! tun readers of the mur'tlei ol a 1.1 in by the uaxne. of Jones, wiiiie the constable and nuothrr man were trying t arrest' one Randall Jordan, whom the Justice was auxious to send to jail, in order that he ight get his costs iu h f. n iiiei" c;i-e he mi i. I i I....1... w..' ...,. I1UU II ICU au.lll.l ii ..n - ? . , , , . -ni;..Li ;..r. I-....-, id--it i;ii..i.l . Lin in u -'J : tlieBtepsl.itlicr oi tue ooy Vinoui ..iiiHice ..... Uraciy hau beiore liiitt, an.i wii no ne was forced to turn loose, uvi;e: to th-' fact I that llahdal Joidau and1us.wil cms j ployed 'Mr. Dellaisiy, w hieli iorct d 'lie I boy's disinistal. This, on the pari tf I J , 1 Jordan, made Justice tir.uly veiv mad. i He loutid iiut that, some . -ix mimtlis . . . , previous uiiuuin mh.hi n..u ueen slapped in the face by .I.-iiiau, .while they were ,'at work together m a tie.d- Justice Grady sent alter this hoy, and I.'.. j i y .'l.i j told nun il no oi l iiuttaKe t iii a war- j rant for Jordan, that he Gradv) would fi , ,Vh , v th;1 . v ; , i,,,.,...,, uitihy cucmViGrady. ami senleiie.d to pay the costs. Jordan could not p.iy it and was ordered to jail. This vengeaiec en the part of Grady, cause l povr Jones to lc85 his life. The cohtal) e lel Joid.fa remain at French's rock .piat ry,a: F.ecky ro'tut, for three months before ara s' ing him. Ho knew, we understaiid. that he was 'there, but lie said, "wait until fter my trial lor it kdiing of Joins. " W sUto tn.,e matum, u.. lhal rcadcrscan sac w.hat a.n am-'unt ol bad blood is used by a man oee;ipiu; the wr position of a Justice of Fa c. aad wlio uses his otlicial j o.-ilian to w.-c ik ea geance en a p.or .Jeu -eeie sv. red Chew Jaeksoa's ,Lsi Swvcl ayy Tobacco IV ' " " Thhe weather ha V. vvy b u the past Week. About 10 fXiiitMCHivs iirmo! this citv on Wedao iav , l.i'.. Thc p pu.ino'i el" Wil.n;n a. Ill 1 i" j70 RlVO,d ; j ws, ls , ,4 If you wjti. a ry l-.o is s sf"'W, 1. Cao.'d.iy. i e e....i date you. Tbc nttiV he 't -.-I i o 1 ad .v - r iv lie Iav: IVlLtlSaw, Isi, i. v i i,c j wa!k tyM C.arkto. c lko iiilU Mr. Y, W 1 ' ti ten :viU tea-re Fnl aireei LVj'ol al b.w. Unit hi u; ihi I'nJerhi:: Savi oeMi-k . Momlay' tbsTi4ht iVt aud Uhrd Fact ry MiUy'tn F e iS re J !,. dirjto d ? tie named place. -'.auS' a 4 4 C ht I'ha neaaJ Up. ilOUhE OF IwEPBEciEXTIVES II AS. 35 MAJOEITY. ) ' : We hear of several changes ofloca- tioti of business houses lobe made on the first of October. Jl :.......,.. ....,) l,,if In... ...i I au,uTO.w rtUU ouedialf lcet of water on the shoal's near iyeTH.c. There are a large number of country merchants in the city purchasing their fall and winter stocks About four miles of the turnpike has been sdielled. The rcmaiuiug ihree miles will be worked on during the winter. Shipments of sturgeons are being made from this city. For the next two months these shipments of stur geon "Will be heavy. A voice was heard from Johnson, crvinsr. "tho revenun ofliceis must be put down, unit ss they will be controlled as they were iu ISTO.j,' Maj, Cobb theproprctor of the Fur- nidi Hoivo want 100 first iv1:i;h oavimr boaiders. Call early it you want to be in time. Don't all speak at once. - The fish and shrimp market h;n been bountifully supplied for -the past two weeks. Fine bunches of fish fell for eight cents jirid shrimps at. live cents per ipiarT. ; . A .restaurant, b.'.r and billiard saloon is to bv: opened at Smithville by a eiti.cii of Fr-nikliii-ttni, in this State. The house "!1 b- opem-l b) the lt i f October. A i;v Novel. W 'have received irom tue iuiimicis, i. i. i eieisou ..:.. i...-..' ii.:i.i.t..'i ;;!'.:'.. ' "i...-i-r ixo.i:eis, i ii voit i (.-ii in, in.- 1...U .May lie tel.". 1 ins very cxceiicm worK is lor sale at i . iieinsoerger s ix:ok . lore, in this citv. IT.,,.." tho blomlP. was on a visit to li." fi.'.iotis Johnson farm, where the riL, M,,Miii',iltf (I,.. in,v;n rows - i...' i.n... s.... 1...-I.- ' i i 1 i ,i .,u ,v her. Poor thing, she n sick ifiet ; leh labor. That is Settled. 1 n.i r i.ei. James liradley, colored, met. wi'. ii a painful accident ou Thurs day. He was thrown down a pair of stepi and cunsitlerably bruised, by a wooden in aritif piece ho was carrying on his shoin Icr at the time of the acci dent. The pop'i'.ati'jn of New Hanover ciunty, aeeoroifg to mo census reports, is as loiiows. in liou u was in 170'J" 10,(H5,:in 1770 11,770, in ,17W b,.soi, ibijwi.w, iiiiiw u.iw, in ....... . ,i. . .-...-. ' . ... 41. - . ISO lO.Sot;. in 1S30:!10.95G. in 1S40 F'i.oI, in 1S50 17,008; in 1SG0 21,715, in-lsS70 27,'.,78. 'It will be seen that the county has increased iii its population ia 120 year?, 10,777- fl- I ' 1. II flM'IsJ Thi t emau is one ot Hie best newspaper . '-. ' 1 men in uic siaic, ami a nmu mijti t i very decided ability, who is bound to make his mark in th" statu, in the losat prolessicn. He rs a hard student, a l oM, aggressive writer, arul a stump '-eaker mat very icw men care to mem. , TlJU .'(...-m' Hovn.- ; Mf p M luii, w!. bi. bid- j , ..... '.r 0L..;r ii... r. i Ul I , lol lUt, voioi v V V ' i - -. -s. s. torn Houso and ihc crccljon of a new brick but hi in in the back yard for a oial bin and water c!ect. Mr. Part' bid, ve uade-Jlaud, was ?2, 150, which being thu luwrst oa Ihorccooitnen 1 ition ol .Mr. Thorna, tli architect, . . . . m. . . ti accepted ' y tue icpari.ncTn. i nc ( va,;k i i bo oompkud in 00 Jys. i i'itt Vn k i n . ;. There. an cn J'u ...mant . t-"tKe Hall out Kraii A Vot.GUbn's tore,lien by the Cake ,a ! V..iking rvK-ety, for the Wricfii of St. Slfphtu A. M. K. i hun h, pu Tnc- .!.-y ni'hl Ut. The Ad lowing are thf uAmes of the wa'ters for the prf 5? cake. , J. l. w'utiay. II. TuiJ, C. W. Xor MtrJ, It. H . Holmes. F. II. Jacktoa, IX Ho'-nrct, Cnok,T. Tate aoi J. M-rrj: . 4 ' I". j-V were" !: J. U- White- ra , W. ll. Naafc. . Jako Jr 4. Ki!o,;T. IF Merriek d iioiH. Morri, lie jud tavc dexsded to tate Ibe DAVIS, ItEPCBLICAX, ELECTED' G'JV- EBJfOR OF MAIE. Messrs. Cronly i'i 1 M'jrriss will sell next iv, at 'the licad of the market, oi.c .-fi.!u; vi.r' h-.'-st lloiucs & lots in the eitv, :i il-.i." corner of - Seventh Jc Wullmit, hlixct. Those wLo'rc;tlIy dcs5re :l t!,,k.I1(U,i bursain should be there. DlEl-Ou Town CreeL,. ituus.vick j-couoly, on the lllh inst., Mrs. tfusao Tart, wife of liev. f . 1 1. Tart, of Marion District, tf. C, fc'h'o leaves 'the small ehil-lre:i, one inf.iul o;;lv i':nr days old. , Mrs. Minnie Scott Marin, wi.e of Major James C. Mann, formerly of this city, but now of San Francis co, died at her husband's residence in that citv on the 27th of last month. Her unanticipate 1 death bririgs sadness "to many friends who knew her here, and who still reni-mb.T her-charms of nianner and her genius. Death oi- Mi:. Gila! n.. iilrt 10- U-rcsling old gc-.tlcman dbd hereon Sunday !;-.s!, of ilver comp'.-iiut. JIo was a 1 Iuiigaiia.u and was born to tilled rank in that. country, where be now has two brothers and a daughter liyi'n, who are people -vi' i ::nii. 1 lo was educated at, the University of IVstii, and ha 1 sat iu the Hungarian, i'.srliau:eul. This might sc. in stranre! if In- had been an Eeglishuiaii, b'ut in Hungary all the sons id a nobleman have rank and title i tjualiy, and seats by ri:ht of birth in the Diet. Arriving in ;Ainerica about 25 years ago, he lived in. New York for a while with various ' l'-b. k, an-l abe-ut 11 years a,'cani!.' U U's city, w!)Cr,e he has lived ever since. At lirst he u,.l(L, .kj,.!- bane's, bul l'e-'v ! nuUc! ci"ars V-.un pure Havana, - 'lor ,vlii ! L.. 1,.1 .r,,.l ,,,v . iki;h, I w (.s - f-j -' I v - ... v . .,!, i . 1 1 i , o.-iU- r served iu usanners, had but few with "U,MU "u 1U1W" "li lua Tro' t i i i . i .... served Ins old manners to the li( was buried faru th.' First, iVeVoytcriau Church! and uuiie a number of his 1 fiicnilsiollowed bun to vjah-uaie, aim " j .' covered his grave with ll ves. St' open Deaths- We. learn of the. sudden death -Tours day of Mrs. Mary K. Vv'eslbrook, c.u i ii' V i ! i son ot .nr. a. i. u ei-iorooK. oi r.-je-KV Point, I'euder comity. The deceased lady was very nearly sjvcii:y yers of age and for eotuc tiaiu pas. has been sutl'erir.g lrenr an abecatitm of the j mind, and on Tuesday, while 'stall .-.l1'- icring irom tu:s mentai disorder took an opiate wmeit resu.lcl in nor death I r ....... . . - Jir. William r-.iftior ot.c oi li:c most resoceted ami much t Uvmt citizens ot TUiplia county, dropped dead in bis livid near Koi ia-viile Thursday aftei no;; !. IK- was 7" years of age :ui l he di: 1 livt'.l a n-SIf i't o.l i-iti.-l il..l .in ln.n ' - I est man ol l'..i:u i-io ..i i, .i:. , , . . . , truly a good man hath depute-!. I l.ilr?':Lja I.vcretl a it :.ia: 'l throuirU the h i-id while t rv ii t ock his revolver to .-'i o an e..i: pri. J oner. ! (il l A 11 Y. Tl r i a lii'ittUiig vivrui .f t. ;. l.m.r along .the path i" ; nu t u t.Ue v. . ;.,l:t.i:fe the ptvadirig L atis at.d unf..! liu.r imi'ii. the tr.u'.or oilt .1 e.ias imis ti . r, .e. aud all tho beauty la... '.Kis.-i r.eiUc'.ior. present lhe:iiMl t. il.f jnil'.'ljn tiea d.:h erttcru tticbartnsl it.toiy nrolp and ua:oh fs .fira t vtc tf tii ni-t ...vcti and u;h;y CUerlhciJ. So has d'atii t the t.ouip of my frieal5, Mr. and .Mr. Mesjuovn H u.-. of Keyv!!te, I'i'.UlKrugh e e.iu'y. i . jr.4 earried away tho "fH-t t-t the lie'ho:4." UtUo II vtat M.4111.N- Li t k d.. 1 oa Ihr morn l tic ef Ati;tist .Tth. 17.', of pu:.-sU i-vr throat, njrtsi two j-ar and f-.-vrn moalhs. Bfing a thlid of u rrBaikbi- brnhi ii.iti- ll atnl aflcctioaate tlisixii. u ii . a. i.ui ulurai thi JruuuJ tu;:i itu:J thl!n Uie iu.t rinu-si an.ltnd.r lo1 h. y renU and a.i tho lui. U....1. t is ::-ur thai volci which u-.uic to th j .irfV:.: cr.rt:c c; a.fU.: t: iU...ii. ThskU.j tik.':.u.pij Ai.a ; ; T i.xtv-'. I ic:-.-.:-tc--i 1 nxl sptrtis. as4 '.1.5 with a acvkr fa.n-...- a- Frc "i. -;a 1 Ia. T. A N U'.Vj. A D v r.i.n-i:M LNTS. AT AUCTION. By X. CROKL.Y. Auctioacar. j AIT UX o"r 'c, A aria' - Kotu-; , i . i . M. h-- Ji! ;its s-jiC 'T 'f'm d l-it ti;.irt ! sr t rkUt v -j 4.?ri. "?! Ti.j..tiz r,- -. .a-it fSrr T "". rai5 lsa i o.' ft 51 Arti'--iefv .KTl' : uk a l:::,mi:k ok the l lrcuh Court of tho Uulttd StiUs;,for tlje In-ti u-l. o! r'ortli "lurolm , nil Judicial i i .U H-!, sit ide in tho i'ase ot ' lieorge s?. linmn :iuJ Enoch lTHtt, trustees com- .!;ioia;ils. against The WiliuhiKtou. Coluia- ti.a u:ul AUusUi lluil Uoad Com puny, LK fctuloiiit, tii undersigned, Innm J, liovanii. Cummissiooer appointea Dy said docroe,' will sell by public auction, to the l,;..K... l.i.t.Hn.. a. .l.A .-..l.t U..,CA .l,r. I.. 11 ... IV II 1 VI... 1 , .uu v.. V .11' .-VJ wv. ... I he Citv of Wilmington, in the state of .North Carolina, on W'KDNESDAY. THli FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, A. 1)., 1S79. at II o'clock. Mi. the entire Kali I load, as the Kline exists and is now used, known as the WILJIINUTCEN. COLUAIUIA AUUUS1A HAIL KOAD, extending from the City of Wilmington, In the state ol North Carolina to the City of Columbia. In the state of South Carolina, a distance ol" One Hundred and Ninety-One Miles, with all the;Rall ways, Rights of Way, Depot Grounds, and other Lands. Tracks, Bridges, Viaducts, Depots, Station nouses, faigtne nouses. Car Houses, Freight Houses, Wood Houses, VL.tiln. C!l.skma H...I .11 ntha. oliAna STm,.iio or Buildings, and all Locomotives, Tenders, Cars and other Koiung Stock or Xjaip- ments, and all Machinery, Toots, Imple ments, Fuel and Material of any kind for constructing; operating, repairing or re placing tnu jgaiu ltall uoad, or any part thereof, and all Appurtenances or Fixtures of the same, belonging to; or purchased by, said beiore named defendant, together with ail and singular the Corporate Kights, Franchises and privileges ofth said above named defendant, as the same are set forth in the Indenture of Mortgage referred to iu the Bill tiled in said case, and all the estate, rights, title; interest property claim and demand of said defendant, in and to any and all Real and Personal Property, or eil'ects herein before referred to, or which is owned by said defendant. j TEUMS OF SALE. ' i w - The purchaser will be required to pay" In Cash, on the day ot sale, or within Thirty (,:) Days thereafter, tho sum of Twenty 1 housaud Dollars, and Iho residue o the purchase money iu three equal payments, at Thrj.-e, blx and Mine Mouths, Irom the day of sale,: with interest from that date at the rate oiix per centum per annum. The purchaser or purchasers mayjpay any part of the purchase money not required to be paid in Cash, iu any of tho outstanding bonds, or the coupons thereof, secured by the Bill and decree In said canse, to the extent of the pro rata percentage ol the par value of the said bonds and coupons wldoh tho holders thereof will be eu titled to re ceive upon, the distribution of the proceeds of the said sale under the aforesaid decree. The cvrti!icate8 of indebtedness meuUov.ed in the Hill and decree in this cause, will be received in payment of the purchase money except thu Sinn of Twenty Thousand Dol lars above mentioned, at the same rate as otMipous -of tho mortgage bond", provided .that the coupons pledged as collaterals for said cci'tilicates, and to a like amount therewith, shall accompany and be sur rendered with tho said certificates. Possession will bv delivered to'. Dm pur eii iser whenever and so soon as oile hail" of all tho -purchase money" shall luivu iK-eh paid to iho undersigned Commissioner, and Hie purchaser or purchasers , snail have :;si;.mu-. I all the contracts and Jialiiliths of tiio Keceivor hcW-'tofore npioiutoti in this ':us.-, and shall have iudemuiiled him against the snnie, ami wlien Iho Court Khali t j order under tho terms ol" ths decree, DUNCAN J. DF.VANE, Commissioner a.i;;-U)l j- llEASCLNSMVliY. .x e n ii v uivis' i . 1S TUE j ' Best Family Mediciiie of tlio Age. Au l why it should be kept alwajj s mar at hand; . I'MN-Klt.i.ia:' is the bund oerUtlu Cholera ruie that nicdical science has produced. .'n.i. IV in K 1 1 i.k:i, ns a Dl.-.rrtm and Dyn- ni'.rr)- reiueuy, tcnioin llU:erUHa. id. I'o --'"" i kr will cure Cramps or I aii.s .ny psirt Ml the syhtem. siu O 'e luually ailecU a cure. i ll, l' l N-K i t.i. K w ill ev.iv.H rpi tnd l MiiicuMinn, u est-1 areordltig lo direc Hons, '.hr I'Aii-Kti.i.nK U an almost r fail i iiii cure lor sudlcu Cold. C-outfl.f. Ac V. in-K u.t.ri; 1..VS .. -sia s.y.iij. Knn'sly for Fever and Ague, and Chill 1 ew r; it It. ui cured tb utot obxtlnate .. l'A i s i; iLt . s a Uu.-unrul l ut- f.-r 1 r.t Hue. Clittt-lains, tturu. i.ruiko. I ut. .sfraut. av. .. Pi!-Kti.L-M- ha "Ttirr-t -j of 'li-iiniat;m and .Ni tinl at '.. rj.Wi k'.AUdill. I i. I" : " -KC 1 1 t.ts. ttt d-1r,y "rV5'.. FVi ri.. Whliio h4 Hnm. aivStK rvljiet sr.-su pain n;t-r the fir; ppilctlio. iii. I'li' c-'jrr llr'jrt., r4 i H f ttt-Ku 1 1 wl foa ui I : ocjr. aJ tOMdf 4 la tisac ind lvw-i.-'t.sf.. j i. In. rais-ku -mm b Ul it A v co-r.y Vrti. ff mi4.-iko. fca.' U fce-P aa4 i ry Usxk. y Ti. '.t...-'rt".y mllmDSlvg : nmm, V1Jsr :M its. (ra tftrlf of T 1 1 i UiMl if 4 A0 JSt C4 . kalwfMIt tha. ran ; '.i tMu aa Hf 1 lifefrU aKkr "masl I'M)-;; luir ;u -t J j " j V. t fcr T ;-"kC:t-ta 1 k s ...j . i imttki ta 4rw-r of tk ..m.. l-V. -r rifKai.-4 it ia I-. trKlK .tj.,. rt tn n Vm - J t-ajr th r -. F-Ty Jw t .-exraf I. a? s - . l" V lvul at an i; Cu w iii.luw - lA-aniiit; far ovei thesli!. Ai-d if s.nui thing hat'u'l !i. -pp. 1 t ! Wc uiilit have s'Wkh.1 Ii"'i'.ie stii : But wc reached for a bHiigiiij; shuti. r ' - Inrtbliudiug norlheas! bre -.c, So our friends jwill have lo bsinv i..l ''To join inXh'e obsequies. 1 IF WE COULD ON'LY HAVE K.MiWN what a storm wm and now far oil that shutter was, we should . . UUIUI our nead outside ot th l window; but it is too late b.rrcgrpu nowfx, we are nonplussed, ctimpb tely squel6hed, have been "sat Uhii. and our ii iuui .iiii vne puuiic generally ; spectfully luviied lo attend thcobseui ire r- obseqiyesou SATURDAY NKX L' and we stake our rkj'tiUitioti on ii-; houg the grandest funeral Micy ever witurssctL ' As ho all pa he slUlcsnd e erv time !i slides he slips up mwt wfcfullv. 'Ve Icuvw our"klnd friends" to Hud ut the mcanimr oftheabove, and whilo Ujey are tlomc so we will ask the following quvMioiii.; Havn't we the usEcst and dirXes; -toro la tue aiaier iiavn l we the ih-ui kl i.- . ro.i Wllmlnglou? . " J eV llavn't we made prices nuu-u hKbeiice we commenced? . s . llavn't wc been verv n.. i .i.. and liuiTolii,, i.. v. "" Havn't we ch delivered? " ' " ' fllavu't mmiv misliiltHi' and refused to corn-ci Hit iu wheii t)urailcn tion was called thereto? lAU of our friends who answer "ys' I the above qnest ions will pl,:,N,. ,,,.t buy trom us any uioro. Itespc-siiuily m t, ,,1 ? L. BRIDGEEo ctCO. In'glanciuu .suiiu.n ,. , in,-r v.. regretud l not ioo t ho t uut. 1. ki..iwls'. - nielli irom SMincol our brolbcr i; roeir's l!iL .we Imd taken awav nan ot i'i,-i ii-i.X. .....i making an appeal to Hi.-,. th. is not to iexwi .neni. w o regret t id . exeee.iiM i v i-Kpee tal ly as they were so nfnd ;lr .1 .". um.lri n'o about our comin;; t.i s-i-n'' !,.. we have tteteri.iiucd to ilo i 1.. LA IU 5 EST Klirvii; GIIDv'FFA" lH'Sl.NI'SS over done, i.i W il:,,;;. : :.. , . - Vi ,,i i tl,f, future have to k.-on i:. .t t. uA. r hearted, aud I L i'laiWN i'Klt I a nuio more. THE BLOODY CilASal HAS l?Ei"N BRIDGED OVEii. THE L11T1.E JOKEUs aIcn, tM ,u gone. A lino line of TOIL 11 1' mJ A FS re ceived to-day, very low- down. The OLD CAFF FFAK is ib.'uri h t.(; and MAKTKLLE w itutuing. - liavc been over i mi,..U1 ii at "CiKar ur lV.-e."' la tine lit. u.n It .. .'.t.t Ktllitbltlk 11 Would be I. ad ht! :'! cl.. lurulchtng the pptTs with .ir Urn l.u r i y productions, as tin y hae the lend. n.' ! tsrp prlcru very tow. wliirh wr. ul omr.- tUl nil a tier g-iMxl i;r.ictr. d ire; . rt want enouah left to pay I cltit: . i.u tore rent aud Uiu. NOT PURITANICAL Al'.hoUj;'i opp.wis. .. .i . i l Liquor. I. I.. l lillKjl- l-s .11.. a.r. li.-l puritanical rnuuih t n.iu.r t. W IKHii, aa thry think PI Rf l CI .AS.'i !'. ll:i sTultl. can atl..r. l.i kml iwa, t!-,nf promt lire ia l:- tl,t 11. r y ..til l !. j . find not tln-m via at. y t!ii!friu.,w M 11 muni b tAk !l !. :t to In i:t.u.. LUMUAUD.NEF.. bTUAUT'b IEV i . ' .'.! ... J iJt F.HAM old i:Vi; receiTel tiit ck. TUY OUR LI TTFU AN it LA LK Thr ptsr-S. idot. aai brt C Y, i . WiiL-fKLY m iKt boogU &; v at P.L BRIDOSRSlTuS "I. !,' Ui hH'kif ?Mlirt.Vs.i .it s TT a Stii- itmr.. m .fft'M e a. araa1 f mi- tirmi &i - s. i r. i. iv tj ' A. ka t r. i " E : 1 i.' 1 i t 1 1 i . F If Ji ' I l4f s i . -''"' x

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