WtLMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA; SUNDAY, SEPT. 21, 1879 . Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 3S rrrKK)' at tiikToFf'ici: AT. tt'"-M..r I k -1 TE GDNtBAL NEWS. psi-lent Hayc :wJ parly have been rfC.ivt.l i" Pe'n.it. I ; I ,;,.,., -iiHtrM nt i- lo-ifrly '.M'rli l in San Krai.ci' "" S'"'"! City-of Tiki" Tm.iu -lapan threat i prvijara- im '''' .HKlUl'h I'"' hlsTOCOpUullo. fr Chum, tin ''' '1 li "I'tlie ,.,t7r " '"''; re-ilio", "' it I lie :u .'tou:i con-, nl Mr 'onklin;:'s reCtTtion tli rc: 'No man ovt r ' ie i ' I ii'ir I ecept !"ii - reived a Never iv.i admiration more I'l.iMin x I., .i.i I In' moment In- lr Tn.l .in-K Mi. ii III." till" I ll.il l him In j .J'tk to " .',"'' .'"' " Mr Oii'dint;' visit .ii -'a i ili'jia I ' 11 1 "-. ; l oi l .( it,,, toiuiini""- ovation, ':! 'iiel. r'llio ,,.,m-ti.. it '""I'' Mr. ('""k . 1 1 . ns-iio cannot read in i I v.. .it. f :i": nlit.:i an' nunc limn .v ,,t.tle ' I 1:0 lt.a ait iiiiim' in.'i in .i'i i . -t i . .y. . . .... i ii".'.' 1 1 1 i : ' , ' n ami A ;iliam : : . .Their an .i'jV' il' t' l'1 ' : ir.noujy:; niuir lavt- l:itcr ili.iii ' ,M.n-;n lin-ii I ! -. 1,1 iil'l' In f .ii.li i i. .llloll --I I ,.''( I Oil'), III- 71 t ;. iilih i.i '"-,- vviiil- 'iili r'.tp.lit-., liii. 7 v'.. : ' ilnv. J.o v i" i i ally. -t very aci-mn im'i!''! '''lillcai i.iirij: HIT , as IflK 'l in'i wh ii h ha vi oci'iircii, ik ian'igii I 11 1-1 i ilir lnM f. w yiais atti st. I. ill 1 1 l.c ll I ,y, ;il I he l;i Ik l .""vnaior alU ;c (ir k a a cr-n-iiJ- in. nil! to .1 ilin M .in i . . i . .v. .mi ' dt ni'in'iiii J pjnillti inin .iimii t .1-. yiti 1 i ii i i t ii iv,li I' " in i i.- a Diini'i' r w nu n w n hiiiil nil ill hi III". Whrn ii ( an li,' -.ml "I - .1 l i,l Ii" lit. i' his n!. ;s imt . mil w In n h" gi vi m it, lie unv :n rll "hani' ii lin InhlU" and 1 1 u Itn'w," : ,' '. '" -' :'" :'J : j'lii' .Sii it t n V thr I rt aMiiy i -nr'l I, n. iv a t in ul.ir aulhoi -iing-- thf l'li.tnirii nl 'l he Uniitil Slatt-.i, and ll.f V-ii itml' I ii asiiifi al . l'io-li'ii, Ni -w V,iil, riiila.'Kll'lii.i, I Jail imoivf fin t'linin'i, fltifago, St Loiiiv Nfw Oil -nit aii'l lan I'Yaiiei.M'n, lo pay out ,1,1 i.iu ;t wt'll as- silver coin and , u iU-, iii"'ii v'io t in ii'irt ttlilig.iiioii.t l c ;vivt'i,imi'Hl, uii'l upon atlvaiifi'.i -to " il -hui-nij;; tillic "T- a- lar a may Im" C'.iivi im iit ami n;i tn";thlt,'i Mure f Viwai-'td lro Am'-.m v( tlii iviiiiiii-vael, t ittnci iimcut has, in iM'f'hriiir tint.- -jiiviVioiiH, paid out f (,(?!",'. "i(l t'liliro iinioiint :ij'i i,n'ii lift iy t'ofigrcHrt for this paipose was f . .''-.Ui'iioiHl, mi that there s ilL re inafMH f:i,iW1i'iHI in ihtt Treasury , sul-t )i'it in (lie rtiiiisilio;n til" the Seefit.iry n llif IiiU'iinr. This balance is to :be " jui'l wilt vrt v p( M. . ln'.tu party, nl' M.iiaeliusetts Was ceter ir.iijil a! -.Wniet -It r on the l'th. lien. Jluil. ni i--ii!i i ,' ;iml -.speeches yvcic Lilly hv ia-Si n. il 'i ,lt well and l-out ' .-II, ;ti.i 1 ,Siul"is' Ihiniside, Pawes, Ih'ar, amt I'llit i-'. Mr. Stephen' 'M. M i ni in w.u pivfvn't at the orgam ilinrt -iii' Is 1 1 in .tdo' an elaborate, atl- J' .IV ' tmllhl I oil II llp WtKiwaitl, Mil' iif.;tj;ii, aiitl possibly vs lax as iV.l.'i.! i "tfk" ra! the' terminus of the Union U'a- ilrnail. lie is getting up a scheme ""f'T a lit-w trunk lino to connect New ih null the I ninn I'acilie, cither at 'ii.ili.i or liirtlu r (int on the liiu'with t i i;uult I'i'ii. , - This new etin - nv'ii.l.ur.l lim will lu-i iVi eonifHH.iLion V.niih-ihilt anil tile lV.iuisylvan'ia v'vulr.il anil ctlier through routes, l:'vt' Ai'-li-iuini in trouble, ii 'eiu wei!. 4l'.' 1'ieteiit - nicer,' Yako b Klian, i .. . i . IHClllll UK 111. j, li, i ti I ! .ieed on ' the th'ont bv 'Mr ii.il.i, ii,,', H.tvf declared -.the bitter- (!i,'H!l!' lo li)::land and ha sum- .11"'ii:;l l.'-.-tUoi all bis nioit warlike It", tt r, lu.iw said tt-al his (ody iiU'i! i-.tMioipated- in the slaughter of r1" bo" nit euvcy .V-t. til hiium, Mr. 1'uld 4I10 lie t4. ,. li.ivo a ' statement of more ,u: "v" en'iimn- in the 'ci- in .nidi tMiii, the following; "lie knew jvfi'iet'.v will Ui.v, he bad.-no under- ft M . t . . .1 t - 1- i -.it mi nun inti tv w ii ii-ii ,i 1 was il'lt t the l-;ll nbtlLtiiil 'ia hold my '',k .1 in tnent longer lli::i I p'ras'ed II' lei'e iMcdiut before ho went, hi 'ul l.iii-nsj;;. at th:t tiiiu-, hit. ihtuvHMi m Ihue suvei4t.ve publish- , tl ml. ru ws MUvV'liia return, all prote I i lie kiu'j lie, had no muIi under U'I lli w,tu ,,..' ... M. Ji'Ui-i U sip il l woU kll iWII ' a in ni .i r ui.ui loi ye.u, a inl ij -.Attio oriiitiAtor id tho Kjitem 0 ' v um h turr. vbsjippearrvl about , .t'o nn gi.( an I ua trace tf him 1 . 1 '. I he NvhhmI iH iu-K ratio ' vVtnuiitlcv v'tt -t p. 1 locrther iti Sw Ymi itl it uirvlittt; ven uul ol Klt) eij;lil .rii-i. rtii J, not hor an'.? vcrv 'f'val nuiunt ol ctithuijtm. , I'Afinl Drew, a dl.nguuli-.' I .(w liork tiuir.ricr i dcf l, agtsi ; Tb J rami Lodge of thtfl. O. K F. in session at Baltimore. " " K ing Cci j wayo ot the Zulus ba been caiturJt and all the principal Zulu chiefs have surrendered. . The Hurrcnder of Lord Cornwallia at Yorktowa on the ISth of October 1881. m to be celebrated on the 19th, of the coming month. The occasion in worthy a nlendid demonstration. ', r Jur Senator Vance has Weu intei viewt'd on hia way to Kaunas, aud says: "A lvt'i'itblican administration means for in t'cur yours of Buffering and tyran ny. '! Wr hhould' like td know who lia c.xj'rTt' irfal any "sufl'ering and tyran ny,'' or vvfiat Vance meant. ,- (.iold-iiiilli ilio Coiuuviollrr of Geor gia, was full ud guilty on every count of the impeachment,, and in forever dii jurtlifuri froiii holding office in, the ist.ite of I tiigi:i. There are still other case mi h ind for chopping-off official lit'iuls in fii'ornia. li murdfrcr, liuck Walker, who Homo liriK- Ago (only). killed a negro, by tin? name of Frank lkll, 'a8 a few days ago caught (so called) by In cousin. The lael.-i are about as follown; About two months ago lluck Walker, u Deui ocr.il, l('ok a' hoe and killed a colored i.i .ii lilicati, iind tlien .strps o?ut in the w -; i he Shcritl giveM liim full lime to 1 i I'.'ic all preliminaries, and then lie ri-i l ho Democratic Ciovcriior to oflor ; a reward of f2(M). Whereupon Walkei i- brought iii by his cousin aud is e. nihil before a leading Democratic .liiiHec o the l'o.ace, and is released on a si i.tw In Hid of 000. Wallet was a fool to put himself to the jiieonvenience of going in the woods. S!i mi!. a Democratic Solicitor make an ai t( ii'pl o convict him be will fail. llu it' never has been, and we feel very safe in saying there never will be, a while Democrat convicted for murder ing a eoloicd man. The value of a. colored man's life is shown by. the amount of (he sliaw blind' Mr. Justice llloddwortli put tho murderer under only live 'hundred dollais, and that amount we arc in formed is not secured as the bondsmen are not worth the : i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 .'' 1 1 he colored people should plinish the nniiilcreis of. their color when iht) Jaw fails to do it their lives would be con-ideieil nunc sacred by the present ollieers of the state. We do not advise them to take the law in their own hands, but tho question should bo care fully, considered by them, what course should be pursued from tho fact that there arc murders daily aud 110 one over "punished for the crime. Xot a xiny'r while Ikmocrat in (he south has I'irn htoi'J, sincr the war, for the murder ; if" colored I'tdn.. Yc my it is a matter fur if. t'ttfoml ienp(c to well consider, aud the sooner they take steps to see that the law is properlyf enforced agaiust the nuiiileieis of udoi'bd people, as well as the niu.dercis of white, tho better it w ill for them, aud the more secure will bo their lives. ."?ince waiting tljo above, wo under stand, from a perfectly reliable source, that the friends ot Valker sent Iroiu Hurgaw down ta Mr. French's rock ijuairy,. some twelve miles, after this itlood worth to examine tho case, not wilhsianding that there wero two other .lus.iccrt at lhirgaw. liesidesj we un tiert.'.i'ul that the trial of the case' was hastent tl without any of the important state witnesses being present, )r. Jn neti. the physician who made tho post in.i' U'iii exaiuSuatlon 'of the murdered man r U, wss.not at the trial.- So the utf tir was a grainlarc", in the shape of justice --Wood worth shouhl be indicted for : ho mauuern which he u as acted in the matter.- NVe intend to inresli 'gate the outrage further for our next issue. ' ' : -1 We uiiileistand that an S(KMi'as the fa icv whs nver at r.urgaw the cousio wiio brougiit' Walker in, started for Ualel-ii a tier tho reward. Asa mailer of information for our rvaders wo publish below Ihe electoral vote of tlio staler:. AIhIwhiii.. ; tl MlnitfMilA 5 MlHttourt. ..... NrbrnahN S NtraU... 3 New HftmiMiblr, . f At knim.is. .. b IttUIoraU .. . (',UiitO a 'onneotlem .... K-Uttilti- . . S New Jer?., . Morll.. .. North ltrullo . . New Yora .a5 thlo . a Orccou... . S Wel:l ... ll ri . ;n 11 . .i.' Mtl'lota .... tni1l:tltn.... 1W A kail . ... KtMilueky l.lHUMHII. M:tltl. I Vnai" I vnul.-v.. .....".'. Kliixl Iliu4 ... Te n n esw .'. -1 i IVlM f M Astotius'U .13 Mie!ilmu-..... U M .rxlatxl MSKSS1 . ..... Vermont V Inc 1 11 U ... 1 1 Wml V Irvlnm. & WltnMa.. ..... . f , ,.- lnUI Nec sKitr ivMLHeUoioe I" The Koputlicn now bare a mnjori- ly rcpicsftiUtioa n Vmjn of 1'Jof the ttatCA. wUh Indian doubtful. il.vl U not Wvn tor IVuiovratic frauds' and rssUik- the llrpublicau would h.xe, aud nit rixhtfully eutitleU U 21 of the oate. To rvtHftel carxr in South Africa, f the Zolu King Cvtywayo, .llllJ, l-l. "V "--K 'JJIM JtHh i auBOUcd br tclrmnb I iloV.ch fra Capetown. V - T1IF. 11S ESI DKNT. Mr. Hayes has' been having a good time at Youngstown, Ohio, in a reunion of his old llcgimeur, the 23d Ohio. Artillery, aud music, and Hags, aud banners, and processions and speeches saluted him at . every station from Cleveland to' Youngstowu,, where an immense assemblage greeted him. lie made an addrcss, nearly the first words of which will on ucsount of their significance arrest the aKIr,'0,, nation. He said: 'i There is a subject i.iiorcsiing to every citizen, and especially to thitse who served 111 the Union.. Army, in regard to which I wish to srv a ft w words: Since our last reunion,, in several of the statt'x and in Congress events have occurred which have revived - the dis- iission if the uucstion as to the object for which we fought in iho great con flict from IStil to lSoo, iind as 10 wliat was accomplished bv theiff'! triumph. of tho Union cause. Tdo question .is, what was settled bv tho war? What mar those who foisght for tho 'Union. justly elaim;aud v.haf ouirht lliosi: who lought for secession faithJuUv to accept as tlio legitimate resnlls of the war?" An eminent cit iv.;n. 01 our stato, .vtr. (Jroesboclf. said som.-;'. -years ':,' thai war legislates 1 ,..,fe...w 1 1 1 th now constitutional auienilnicjiJs as..p:nt el the legislai inn oj' thi' vvav.fir (In- 1'nioiij aiid said with signilictint en'iph'iiais, 'and they will slam'.'' The iju:il lghls ainenduicnls :'.r( tin- legislation ot Ihe war for ihe I'liOri- ainl ihev ought to . stand. Crt .U .wars alwavs e"ilatJ. He then sketched brklly Mr. Lin- coln's declarations as to the results of the: war, at CfeMysburg. lie quotes Iiis anguagc as follaws . : " ;' "Four score and "seven year- agoji" said Mr. Lincoln, ' ' oil rd'at hers brinight forth on this ( iit incnt' :t- new nitiitoi'. conceived in libtj'y, and d; .licit : to tho proposition that aii moo eii-ated eqlial. Now we.'a'o l i i: a great Civil war, testing w he! her ih:I:, naiiiin, or any other .'nation so ii.uei ived and so deilieattd can long endure.' Ami :ig.iin, in clo.-iug he said;. 1-It is rather for us ys ." . :: ib.-tt. we here highly rcsidve ih i't i i-e ii 1! shall not have died in v.ii'-; that ih'' uaMou shall., under iiitl, have .1 new birth of iVctdom; and tliat government of the people, y the people, ami for the p. ople. sljaLL not perish from the earth.'' Wo statement ol the true olin-ets ot the war more complete thaa this has ever been 'made. It includes- ! ifoiu all Nationality, Liberty, Kimal l.ihtsy and Self Ciovernment . These nrr the. principles for which. the Union 'ier lought, ami wlneu it was his awn l maintain and to i t 1 1 . iiune. - Mr. llayis then ipiolesp: idler Me. I Lincoln coiieerning th-e . sophism el states rights and ' secessimi, and :tdd- that; . . " . 'r'; Mr. Liucolu,hcld that the United States is a nation, and that iis iiover- mcut posscses ample power under the Constitution to maintain ils auUioriiy and ontorce its laws in every part of its territory. The denial -of this prin ciple by those who asserted' the doc trine ol state rights, aim who rightly claimed tliat it was- inconsistent with state sovereignty, made an issue over whieli arose one of the, leading contro versies which led to the civil war de cided that controversey in favor of nationality, and in favor of the -supremacy of tho National tJovcrmei.t. After extended observations 0:1 the present aspect of public a Hairs, and the true policy of the Nation the Fresident closed by saying; . To lestablish now the stale rights doctrine of the supremacy oif the states, and an oligarchy of race, is delibe rately to throw away an essential part of ; tho fruits of tho Union victory. The settlements of the war--in favor of equal rights and the supremacy of the laws of tho nation are just and wise and necessary. , Let them Hot be. sur rendered. Let them lie .iith'."uU y ae copied aud firmly enforced. Let them stand, and, with tho advancing tide of business prosperity, we may confis dently hope, by the blessing -of -Divine Providence: that-, we shall soon enter upou an era ot harmony and progress such as has bocu rare'y cni-v-' auy peopie. lU'TLEU S TIL iU V. There is no doubt but ll.o J'.utlcr' movement iii Mas.sachuselts is ass ,1 mi fig, such proportion as to attract the seri ous attention of the -Republicans. 1'-!'.- lcr is now cudorsed by three conven tions, aud if two tif -tlicm wer. Svtme- what nondescript, the la-t at Worcester did in fact take a gind deal of 'die bulk of the Democratic parly f too utate, hobides quite a sprinkling of f.-rnuT Republican. Uutler 's couilu'iatkvn, it ta riaiti, carry with them too icueh weight and magnitude ty o igooml, tr laughed out of ij;,at, or t be snerxed al by iho Kcpublican. Last year the T-utler ju.n broke into the hall of the ret;ul.ir Dcnuvral'-c veulioa, raisl a lumn'.t drove the regulars out. 1 aptiutxl the whole para phernalia, and noiiiin 'til TUit'er". . Ho git at tbctclevtiou noa:'y I l.".o.v v' Thi jeair th Butleri.es. taking t'..m- lvc tUo rctlr lVttnvr.i!, l.?d t'neir cvdtcnti'ou i 1 tho ame hs'l I unani- oiouly tromina:?. Ba 'cr, ty; a set t.f dclcgitcst fvg;ilaily" a-pvr.'.-.! ia lv av- cratic caucus. Whst Uiej ao)uired by fcaud ll J-car 'tSet t.Mi ly n-il UwytAT. OfcHirolb' rruUr I tm tral U hold o'Kvcutkfl r.d rut out a ticict. Itut a tl-tif iKict lat , . v J . I ....! " . . . t. F1' oneygo aisui 1. ; lc prvpv t Preivt no tcry brill afnl th year. CITY ITEM'S. Chew Jackson's Best Swctt Navy Tobacco. ' ly H. E. Scott, Esq., has returned from an extended visit to Chicago nd the west. '. . . . - - The water en the' shoals near Fay ettcville is reported to be lower than it has been since 1871:"' ! '' '' . ' t ... ' ' i.i". 1 1 -' . .";-,; Col. D. Lt. Mediae of;,thia city is to deliver the addrcss at the Charlotte Fair on the Gth of November. An ice factory is to be established iu this city by Northern Capitalists in the Clarendon Iron Vorks building. ' Coroner Ilewlet held an inquest over the body of a newly born infant on Sun day last, veniict death from-natural causes. -. ' " ; The meetings at the Fifth Street M. ll. Church are held in the afternoon and at night, instead of morning and evening. Hie eighth annual scssiouof the col orcd Daptist Sunday School Conven tion meeis iu Goldsboro on Wednes day next. Tho lie'. Jas. 1. Taylor, Pastor of the First iJaptist Church, returned to this city Friday evening'. He will fill his pulpit tj-day. i Col. Ii. U. llice, who has been north "to see his Uncle," returned on Monday last. He is much improved. ' Further comments unnecessary Uii'.i, ttr- blonde, is traveling. lhe last wo heari of the celebrated corres pondent "Uno," he was in WiisXingum, being iutervitwed ss usual. The attentijn of thoKe interested is called 10 the advertisement of the City Attorney in tiis isjtuo, in regard to the pay 111c it of citytaxes. IJev. J. Exiiig, a native of thi city has bceiifeccutly elected Pastor of the Baptist church in Monroe, N. C, for thoensuing year, a position, he has Tcpt ably til led for the past year. Mr. Udwai I L. Hall jJ sou of Col. U. D. Hall of this city, died in Atlanta Georgia Sunday last. II is remains were brought to this city, aud interred in Oakdalo on Wednesday last. Oliver Hargett colored was brought to lids city Thursday night, in the cus tody ofOflicer Hand, charged with com mitting a nameless outrage upon a white woman in Pender county 'about a month since. T "Uno" should again visit Johuson, and hear tho music of the sweet sing ers of jihat celebrated county, and while under the influence proceed at once to write one more otimiinication trom Ooldsboro. " i Major J. C. Winder, formerly of this city, Superintendent of the-llaloigh oc Gaston and Augusta Air Line Kail Loads, has been appointedJConsoUing Engineer for the Oxford, and Render sou RailHoad, Sai.i: or Valuable Property. The large two story brick dwelling house, situated on corner of Front and Mulberry street, was sold on the 17th Inst., at public auction. Mr. Wru..Cal der became the purchaser for ? 3, 250. Terms one-third cash, deferred pay meuU at oue and two years. K o ai t A 8 es.' Sol ic i tor M 00 re 's 0 pi u ion is that Magistrates. d i0i have 2'r'..'.V.vT"on iu c:scs which grow out of a refusal lo work the public road?. Ho says there is no doubt but that the legislature intended to invest Msg's trates with authority to try such cases but ow ing to the phraseology tf tho bill they wero -debarred the right to assume final action. The Jewish New Year commenced ou ISth i nst, from the creation of the world, s010. The day of aloucmcnt Yum Kiffen, falls oa 27th iust. U nder the ministrations of the P?stor Rev. B. B. 1111 asaiated bf Kst. Mr McPheisou aud wifetbo retifal iU ihe Fifth Street Mtucdtt Church, cem- tinjties great interest i manifeateil at their mcctingst. Over HV persows haTe pr.fe.sl couvcrstoa. Uai uu.iMiLirAtr. IlwiUak Cily B!uc, Olwrliti Vance GuaixUand Kat lla!oih Guards. commanJ of, Lieut. Col. A. J. lUswood. arrived in thi city la. Mou.Uy uighl. Thw tUrro coju isnnic (Coaipoi the Mh UalUlioo (col otod f the North Carolio Stale GuArxL and had frvtu IUleigW tThT Uit 1 he ah Ihe ciov4 tviiaK .4 Ium cily were iiectel wxi rtcwTtd bv lo!. Mabon oa WednoJay Ui. The tUiliog tui'.iiurf ttl for tbeir aoe lbursLy uaofitiik;. Vk W lhT conducted tbetu8lrr ia uch a cr a to rrrtite U cowmcocji ljil A-er propie. Father Gross is a native of Baltimore Md, and a brother of Bishop Gross, of Savannah, and is about So year9 of age. He was educated at St. Mary's College, a Catholic institution in Balti more, where he fitted for the priest hood. He came to this city in 1SCS, which shortly after his ordination with Archbishop, then Bishop Gibbons, and has been the pastor of St. Thomas' Church eyer since. ;He is held in the highest esteem by our citizens generally. Special Agent Chambcrlin, ofr the Pest Office Department, arrested tho Post Master and his Deputy, at Came ron, Moore county," N. . C, htst wejk, charged with robbing the inuiis. Tiity were carried before the U. S. Commis sioner and bound i over to the U. S Circuit Court. Tl:e 1'vrl Master aud-his Deputy are both Democrats; Cham bcrlin is a brick looking after these fellows. He is the same person who had one of our ciiizjus arrested sonn weeks agn, here. Thk Nr.w Vic.vi: Apostolic -Uer. Mark- Gross, pas-os: of 'StTijiomas'. C;tholi;! Church, of this cLrv, ha.s been- designated Vicar Aposilie of jNoi tli Carolina, by His lUluc-s, t he Pope. The. posit ion is that V1 aTJi-hop If the Catholic ChurcdX of equal power, dig nity and authority with any Uishoiof the- Church the only dilfeiencw being that thefield of labor is not tdevated. to that in a Dioreso. thcie not hciiu rient number : of Jl maji C'ajl holies nthjn the limits of North varoliua to cause it to bo ma le Dioceslc Tno.w.vs D.i:r.Y, K.--..-- Oar! young ! frieinl, Mi, 'S'lioiii.-is Darby, v. as tin a visit to his family and. -frknds in this j city last week. Mr. D.tioy is iinv rc- siding iu Florida, where be is tri t lie I lumber' ami naval! store business, aud: ire glad to learn he i.i doing! splen didly, Tom has a way id makiiig'ev'ery- body he comes in 'contact yilli his friend. He is one el those young men who works because he likes i, under standing business at" 1 ven'rs i of age far better than many -men, do at oO. Whatever he undertakes prr.:qcts. ' Ho returned some two years ago ::iiTi ini.k one of Wilniitigtoii'.s luauti'tiii voung ladies south with him' ami Sic don't appear lo regret that investme'it eitl.er. We know we speak the st-niitiu nts of the people of this place wh' it we w ish him and his a long and happy life. 'City': Colrt. Toby Williams, a tramp, hailing from Charleston S. (j. was found lurking about the Post office last Sunday morning before daylight, and was taken in by a policeman. His case was turned oyer to a l. S. Com missioner for investigation. Thomas Foy, colored, ai rested a a suspicious characterj with a bag of cabbage, which he colnles-ed to haying stolen, was turned oyer to the! Manias trale. ' j ; XV m. Walker, colored; arrested for druukenesd aud disordely conduct lined !f5 or teu days ia the coy prison. Throe other parties were arraigned on tha same charge, but on account ol extenuating circumstauces judgement was suspended in their cases. Dink Holmes, colored, was arrested lor assault and battery, but the pro.it cutor withdrawing tha suit, tb.e d. lend ant was released upon payment ol'cv ats John Patton, colored, was fuund j asleep 011 the street and conveyed to j tho guardhouse. j lie was adm-.in'i-'aod aud discharged. j Maiy Anderson, ai utgnc-1 f.-r dtsri orderly conduct, was disch.irteed. Tilly Halt, aBaa Matilda IVi ik!., Charged with disorderly C' l-tS net, wa disejuarged. Jane Hints, charged w e u m:" j-.-.a'.e otlonse wa KUtcaceel to pay f: ie or. remain in custody ten d.i 's. Mag McKoy, colore-J. for a like f fence received a siutUar eatiiue. A countrvtuan r;f 'el for drunken- j ners, w as j released after soe"di!g she night in a cell.- Four reuil merchants wlu were brought up fef falling o pay their licen tax wet riucil 15 each. NKW ADVKLTISEMENT-s. FINAL INI OTI C E !- TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS. 1'INAL NT!Cr". b. r. i y .'itts n V, t ' ov'.nt fllV TAXti f " l! ft- 'rr sunt K ia .-rrxliic w Kb i - a-i latracU4MMi th Mjtw a ItuM i.f Ai- .fcrmro. n.l a pr!i n.: of Ut- 4fT'.i- ntat sm t n.itk'-M t r rsj, ti m, t-t'? tim t tMMk Uttrs Jc .ii t- tit4 ta MkliCcl4or UrrS va.t-vi.4acr . ;-Tj, Tr vLT s Krf tfat Ai 1 sw-ret.'-f 2Mb. lt pvnuaal Pr"rT, .. thrust j. Jir i4 aciUKtMaVs ,Us Mr: Sv t.. (llb.. ww T L.i ll!."iad tfc lw vt tv K .trscetabt ofthv Mairvar 3J IV..-4 wr taru, tw td 3t4 .4 A;- fe f-rv-jw-r oCAcrr U musMty ih rw .. m-.i Jm Ktsrst. My o?wtJe -lsaH sottnuwu lt.i TMi. au 4 i i' v rtfVliy ram4 ostV. ta- at". rr if MsiU:. s4 pimU AT r4 -1- r tit tr tar&JC ta si - U y nn si of itt Mij lasns. ta An.iaujst r NE W AD VER TISEMENTS SALE OF " The Wiimington, Augusta B; Columbia And il Road, 4 Under Decree oi Foreclosure VIRTUE OF A CECfiEK OF, Circuit Court of the UnlteU States, for the District of Norths Carolina, 4tli3udlcial IHstxkit, made ia the case ot Xieorge U. lirown and .Kooch Pratt, trusteee com plainants, Against The Wilmington, Colum bia, and Augusta Itall KoadCoinpany, le fendant, the undersigned, Duncan J, Uevane, Commissioner appointed by said decree, will sell by public auction, to the highest bidder, at theCourt House door in the City of WUmiHgtoiv in tue elate of .North Carolina, onVVEHNiSDAY, THK K1KST DAY UF iJCTOlfiCR, A. D.. 1879. at 12 o'clock, M., the entire Kail Road, as the same exists and is new used, known aathe WIL.MINUTON, COLUMBIA d; AUGUSTA KAIL. ROAT), extending fmm tlw city of WiiminRtou, ia the state or North Carolina 'to the Oity of Columbia, in the state of South Carolina, a distance of One Hundred 'ami Jfinety-One Mlleswith all the tail vays, Hights of Way, Depot Grounds, and other Lands, Tracks; i Bridges, Viaducts, fl rw j SSi a 1 1 tvn It n bog ft - tr i n A 1 1-1 r 1 1 cog e ar Houses, Freight Houses, Wood Houses, Machine snops, ana au otner snops, nouses or Buildings, and all Locomotives, "l ender. Cars aud other KolliDg Stock or Equip meuts, and ail Machinery, Tools, Imple ments, Fuel and Material of any kind for constructim?, operating, .repairing or re placing the said Kail i 4oad, or auy part t hereof, and atl Appurtenances or Fixtures of the same, belonging ito, or purchased by, said belore named defendant, together witU all and singular thel Corporate Kights, hranehises and privileges of th isald above named defendant, as the same are set forth in the Indenture Of Mortgage referred to iu the Kill Hied in said case, and all the estate, rights, title, interest property claim and demand of said defendant, in aud lo auy and all ileal and Personal Property, or etlects herein beforo referred to, or which is owned by said defendant. TEItMS OfF HALE. ' . The purchaser will be required to pay in Cash, on th day.ot sale, or within Thirty (.'') Uays thereafter, the torn of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and the residue of the purchase money in three equal payments, at Three, bix and Nine Mouths, trom the day of sale, with interest from that date at the rate of six per centum per annum. The purcl!aer or purchasers imyfpny any iart of the purchase money not required, to bo n.ii.i in Cash, iu any of tho outstanding bonds, or the coupons thereof, secured by tlie Jiiortgage, or deed of trust, referred to l u tho Bill aud decree in said cause, to the extent of the pro rata pereenuige of the par value of tho said bonds and coupons which the holders thereof will be entitled to re ceivenpou the distribution of the proceeds of the said sale under the aforesaid decree. The certificates of indebtedness mentioned in the Billand decree In this cause, will'be received in payment of the purchase money except the sum of Twenty Thousand lhtl lars above mentioned, at ihe aine rate as coupons of tho mortgage bond", provided that the coupons pledged as collaterals lor said certiticates, and to a -like ainouul therewith, shall accompany and be sur rendered with the Maid certiltcates. l'oss-ession will ho delivered to the pur olciser whenever aud so soon as one hail of all the purchase money shall have been paid to i lie undersigned Commissioner, and tite . purchaser or purchasers, shall iiavo assumed all the contracts and liabtlitits of in-.' Keeeiyer herelofoie npioiuted iu llits eaiisA, and shall have indeiniutled him a--.:.mst ihe same, aud when the Court shall so order under the terms of the decree, DUNCAN J. DEVAXK, Commissioner aii-;" Vol TiE'AtiOASs.wni r i: tt it v i v i s PAIN - KILLER ISTHE Best Family Mediciae of the Ae. And iiliv it should be kept always ueur at hand: 1st. 1vin-KuJ-kr Is the imtst certain holera cure thaf medical science has produced. -'ml. 1 MN-K.u.1 r.B, llarroa and Dys . outcry remedy, seldom 11 ever falls. :ird. I'ain ICn i t k rwlll cure Cniiiipt. or r.tiii.- i i ' parl'iil Uio tj.lru. A siin;1' - tisu illy alfi-cts a cure. 1' i N ICi i.-i.Kt; Will cure.lysi rpsla Aud Iudlvlioii, I! used according IlllK f i Ulrec- lllMiS. Vti. POiX-K n.i n: W an alinl never fall Uicute lor sudden CoM, CoUfbs, Ao u. e. I'.i -K illkk has pro e.l a 'overrtlgn lU-e.i -Iv lor Fever and Ajiif. nndrhlll 1'i'Ot; it haa cured the uml obMtaale nil. l"l K I l.l. KH sit a llnarafiil I un- jii.iiol li-r Kr"l l'-tu . litll'lu.i.. Kurn, Itrutse. Ctit. sprain, .to. s-.h. r.i-KtLXXM ti.v runs! r - of Kin Dtu.itlsia and Nrurallaaiter JtaTi stsnliut. nt.. i vT-Klt.U B will .IcjaruT ruu. Tri or.. Whitbw M4 sofr. alUi rejid Vrvtti pain after the Bnrt rpllcalo. . h. Vt Klt-t TV-. CMit llelche, &d TVKtliAcbe. i ; llj. I Ai.KlUIS l .-' n.. Mid n J sv 4-if Id Usit tb. I'iio-Kiuu Iumi bca bfr t?v .liiu w tr U ut ir y ' r vftd t i urr!jr efsJ; is-rliir .'9 U lr- aa4 l srrjr tataiy TT nmi ijxtf stU4iaa It tav. 1 mslli if ..:, lh t-t ut I -a.i v Uf ?f-y t-t.:STT!y riat4 ky it. a4 itecrus uwwet x rua a4sSeia La In a-irft fcisi U.nmf a 4s suO.- ! itcj-fsSJ afctatury (ktvcmi bMty Utlm wKi tbts Tsi- raw4yjhaa m lrf it aivmy aar TW I i -K ria a i a-ww ka n n a.4r- crain ta rv-r 6artr 4 tlh ' sl maij rlT V iiry v, uiwrtwi ta aV U Urn . 1 ERTIS EMENTS. We stood at an open window leaning far over the slll.i And il something hadn't hapieiHd We might have stood there still: But we reached for a banging shutter In blinding northeast breeae, So our friends will have to be invited To join in the obsequies. IF WE COULD ONLY HAVE KNOWN what a storm was brew insr tin n tesipotl and now far ort that fh utter was, we eh-nli never have ventured our head ouisidu r tht window: but it is too hue ioritrr. tH now; we are nonpius-e-l. couMO.etely squelched, have been sat npii. ii'ul our friends and the public gcnertO'y nre re- Kpecuuuy iuviiei toaltend ihtniwii(icivu. SATURDAY NEX V and we stakcour rejiutation On 1: iniii uiegrauuesi iunerat they ever wiiut-ssed. Ashe sl'im he slides, and i v. rv t-.m. h. slides he s-lipsn most wo-iuflv. "Ve ie.vfi ' our"klnd friends" to find ou the me iiiinj of the above, and while thev m e ihei .'so we win asu the follow ing qtustioii!: Havu't we the ugliest aud dirtiest More ia the State? llavn't we the poorest stock o gtols Id Wilmington? llavn't wo made prices -much h:hciuee we commenced? Havn't we been very uuacei inmodating and impolite to you? Havn't we charged you for all he goods delivered? ' . Havn't we made a ureal nianv mistakes and refusinl to correct them whcii ourattv-u Hon was called therel i? ' All of our friends who :.nswcr "v" to the above quest ions will please not buy i!uui us auy more. Uespestlull v nd iiuly. P. L. BRIDGES S &G0. Iu glancing over last Siunl:i". pajvr w regretted tonotico the tacit iieh.i,owl.H;a nient from hoim-ur our broil. s r ; r.n-. in ;ii!.t we had taken away purl ol liu-.r u.u:e ami making nu appeal to theoilu rs Ul,t !.. 1 uvu them. Wercgretthisc xceediii: iv. .ee-.a. ly as they were so kind am! i'n-i'1. tat.) about our coming to triel. lot--MipiHio aa we have determined in dv th.- LAKCJEssT IHMaIL (JlloCCUV Ll'LMiNs ever done In Wilintnuton. we w i t i ul future have to ke. p in.ui L.-nig t tnU-r hearted, and Cl T UnW.N PHKi s. u litu more. IHE BLOODY CHASM HAS 1'KrlN BRIDGED OVER. THE LITTLE JpKEK? are not .p..:o . gone. A line line of TOILET OAlV- it ceiyed to-day, very low down. 1 The OLD CAPE PE.Ml is ilounslung ana ilAUlhLhh swyuiniing. We have le !i over a1.. .h. ;..! i. il Cigar of li-a-e." ta Hue li.'ivana ii w.- Kllil think It would be bud hoi u-yl I furnish lut; the pnpn wHI (itir tine i ;! :..iy riKlocUouB, as tin y have the it i.dr-i,. to ip tin1t Very low. wlueli e. o! nii.r. With all other fiwul nrt-er. dram ; m ly aant rnoucn left to nay l r i ut u.ru store rent aud taxes. K0T PURITANIC A!. Altboach opf"-l t. the Ui(Unr. 1". l lillllttF l-' d ( ( t puritanical rtKiluich to rrfnie to !! fl-; an they think ma IT ItT CI.A .l;is V.Y MTUllE-cau afford to be w about ; tmlti c prxmUeth' Ialirtbat tbry uil r. i T find (Kit there was any on t tie prr ., s It mut t lak n rie here to Ik ariit.1. bumuai;dne.k. ; STUAET DEW and DUKHAM OLD EYE received lbi week. TRY OIT. nt'TTEU AND UtU TlM UI4, vUlevt. kiHt tX HlN ' W il 1 K K Y ia h ."ui, u be ! bcTlit w< al NEW ADV 1 1 j 1 . V P L BRIDuKRS hCVi r. ttmS a-ft-" f fiti.i i tt -' lMv tk M f WSl even. vrc;-k 1 . 1-.T-- by a Uom vW m i ta is i md mmt mesi W Jet t m ftoSaMsf t -4m.li T. U Is CO