I . . j . - - ' ' WW WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY", OCT. 5. 18711 . Stogie Copies 5 Cents NUM13EK 10 W trAnMTON ,,()ST I . .. I I . I 'I.' V T .. .. i r " K i niAMTi' I. - . ll.VI - - HATES of a"""1""'"' , I mio1 fur lift' iir.-l ill ..i .,';.M i v - ti v ? rents per lire ,,11 ;,ililllloii.o ... :i i.. . .iit () lin,! ."l!I,'lM " !.r ""- lni; Wir. lir year! riie Uiili-Tiit'i' l"'r lur .. .. : . ii nit A lVAKNINO TO Ollic BOSIKEBS - MEN. '. . AVc have information, winch we con sider reliable, that the Raleigh Air Linjj Railroad Company are negotiating fur the controling interest iu the Carolina Railway Company, and ;if they liaye tint succeeded they will in a few days unless our merchants and business men looli ofler the matterThey must not allow themselves to be deceived, for the matter comes to ,uh too straight nut to bo t rue, and it should be looked ,,r. NV'jloi".-t..fi, . . : . ; ( s i'-ilvi'rti.teiii.?ntrt wiH be charged a L above MtfH, .'Xc.t nil special eon LATE GENLRAL NKWS. ii ..i .. .. i. .. i. i ... tVl'C !MIU'll Hl'HIf I" 11 II Ul 11- 'ii of San I'rinii-r", mi their; oval ion afti to hi r at. onee. 1.1. There in not n moment To! 'LTV ITKNI..S. Jl'.V lire." Jackson's Rest Sweet Navy NOTICK. ( mil cm I e.-poiiileiit.s mint cutlail their pimlu. tioiix. Let t tieiti cultivate brev and confine tlieniselTCH to their i.ti:ll., it I- Cl.l'11-VI' In w il i.iess llijV I f nf f.i in . 1 1 lunar 'ii vi lege a I ..I hi- I hi- t ; t ii r ril v . I In' crowds Jurt'l null" I'l'l loiui.lr. IliH I il 1 1 -1 in lua'c lii M ; V' i v ( ij 1 1 i i an .ij.- i i "l I tl! Juf .Clinin ir 1'nni'M'i mi. iii.ii Jmiiiin in s'l i;i'li'J';l 1 1 V illllilsi'M Wf ,vlirl n ) nl I In1 " I In 1 1 1 r 1 1 ry i ' huh' ..I iilir ill.. Il Ml li.iiu III. ,nlrr iiNi.-j .r,iti;. .t iJrtii:.r'.r ! m r irruw.-i out l fcn.if;in.,i', aii'l I Ins evi'lciicr rim l(iiv nl iimii'.i' inn w I lie lir.-.l 'Tiiar . J iMiir nf i l ii II I I 1 1 I I lirl.i III' IT "I I " " " ' j i . i "11 'lni .liilfii ! i . mr.-liiil Is Im il. il vi n. .i I i .. II .11 .. , I. : .... Ill liil I . I ; I 1 i HI l : .1 H f I ? .1-1 1 I 11 ! I . I : I nil li-i.IV IVIII'll' III A I Ml HUM II cifil l si. III.' III'M ,l(i l.l ;tk v 111' Ullll llio ll' t I IIMl I-IIM Ol' I'Yl'll !ll;li.ll ill" ' ll'iiil.j" ; Ijiv h;mIIi "niM-sti;;:ilin ;c linlnil tc vw iii ssimi .it fi'pi'lia; Iva isi.ii i-i U'r-ving tlio li.ir','.- a;;aiiuf, nator flic I'rcnlcijt li.ii Itc'i itct ivc I at i. J'KI'li, M aii'l mailt' iiiiic a l"ii;', tiiinniti'il ainl ili':i" ml ' !i . . . i . The Aii'cm il li'f iih'.n-nii. ayn ! l'jitrirt Allnrln y N;irtlirii j-, l i-'mi! 'i ''.itulinii. it in V;iiliiiiliiii.i lie says Ihiit, un1'aliilm.ln Uio tw-: .or .three Iim hV yilK-.i mutiU-rt -ainf -;il t t-i:i luunii'r.m.iUort ;n' n tmrV iM v tpiii-t tfr li.it lalitiiilc. Tlio milv ' tncu: that ri'.iii"; ;in.v ji.iriiciil.ir cviiciiii'iit at vrfw-iit ii lio .i'ifo.'itjiiiy in : i ii i (.-i pa I 'iivlnni in ( i.-iroitmi, nii'l the only it ii ro of thai event ivliieh - ivtiirc.-i 'iitirii (iiiiiuli'r.itinn v t n i .m i ,u lwnv to kcc; t!ic colored, men frmu '( in. Hit' I'lan iiiuil in l.ivnr it In 4c tin- iniiiiiiialuins in tli" rim n id, liu'h miiio lni! y!ii;o I Kmii-'ct u s 'l k aJiiiillcil, a;nl ilren'i'leet. in Jill IIIUIIUT. TIU'li! "ii, IniWi'V.'l, ;i iit; aii'l a ifriniH one, i;i tin; Lionn.e iit. inil this uiiinisei t let tlji.. It, ib.iuw in in f.ivor (if imr .-I' I lie VRjitratic factions1, if nut f r a e.iinli i' (It tlicir on ii . j. 31 r. 'Si'r.igiic'i tiiMec " w-.i-i nln-iil lM"li t'li'.uiniiclit-t ly f ti,n, Hint allhiMi:' he w.ii ai'diti'iMiiivil 1 ''"t " Mr. I'liali'tt', tni-iitc tif f'iauic i'it:ite. -flie cl'ivet of Klie 'it: Id inakean iu,entory nf pinp : in'llic liiiVii,-, ilial .Mm. Sraj;iie (U iii.lic.ite wli.it i,i i lai-ned a her 'oiml pri'pi-ri v.. . , . , l lit llhui-anil ili'll.iii M awarded m Ucvchly .Laiiiii-eilield, in the V'Urt a- A!, i i i . (of heiii:; :.'fs(iTy .tn the h) i m 1 1 1 1 l: and ii'vini v' lliouu'vMt, a ear an, in. mi'i.ni w;,s ,,,,t l,v (ie. WaUcr. ,,. i ,,i iie iVii-i Ui'tlin !J'.i.tifcjJ i.:i,iii!i itiin., L Vlt'. fVVC.itly ilJuue.I I' C'HJ,I, r.-.l . .. r'. i r. Write only This advice y, Mil'jeet. Don't wandi on one .side of the pape i-i j;ivi n beeause we ar Jddiged to throw many gooiLai't-iehrit intnjlhe scrap uas ket on account of length. Within eet lain 'restrictions our columns are 'ope.i to iltr ivlnjle world. IJe abort," in-ci-i e ami pointed, . This advico ii not ni'-oii! Cur sonie of nur jvery cxeellent coiii riliiilurs, who are modelc. . ty subscribers, Ikj desire the iVbT in 1 1 it svllle with our canvasser when he eallt on them. We only ctiy one dolLu a year. All can pay that Amount, and j t : i -;. who do not, and will not, i i. '. , in in:, nave I in l ust , j'.very man liolil I have- the Republican news, and (an only gel reliable in,fu niation o ;!i a Rciu'ulican paper. II,.-ll.r bll Wl h i ill w w. lip III I 'l ' 01 i - to the t'cit- u client .itatc "";:taiu!.ili- ' the nmutrv f'''-'Ul ,'J;;iJj'; i X its l' ic:gn r.'Ur, t the incie.i'o til' tail? ;,fitt , tK- M1Hi.t e.uiduioili of Ki.r.pv.ia (..Hi,,,;, tieim.u.y ' &1 i . lihtji.'j. ;tlUII. ho - thv f.vld-i.t it.i: four fv J.ci.t Un.lud thousand Mil iiner the ibfiK, and the l!ie i rand total ihe f ' i two million tum f l!i;..l clu.iie ot tin. I , i .i t urn iei ko:nl (in tuo t ut debuted a L-ani- "'ifl'll !! ..I 1I...-... .....I I ... I I IB.! 1 1 """'l .ll'l" ,", l-atl.Utllfll l L-.-ll.-f .IU- V'mud. t'Mi ,k. . .1 .. '1 - ha!" mn, .,,t pM,li " if l I til 1:11 ! . I .1 A ' 1 l!V WZyrr ,t 'II 'A' ATI DOLLAR Hl.l j'lM 7' to tl,r icr.i who sch,1.i in fn irirsf 11 'i 111" r iJ joi'ini iStifwri ' ' u-ilhiiv l!ir mil I line Months: "or hy ti'Y'ttli l,t!o(httr, 1,S7!- The emiit at Klizabethtown convened on .Monday last. ji n. Ro'bt. I!. Klli it w.h here on Sunday lasi.nn his way bono- from V :l- liinloii. iMssoitno.v. Messrs. tVerner it l'rmpcrl, -heretofore' partners, doing basinos as barbers, have dissolved. The iness at No. 11 North (Front Htrcct 1 be carried 011 by Air. juo. Werner, whoso many friends wiU be glad to see hack in his old quarters. Air. inerisvery popular with the eo- , 01 account of his imiform courtesy t polite attention to hi- many -iis- lottrcn. Mj(,y l. live long nod pros- l,, r . !'' . Coia I'eier C 1 Iains, , laigineer in ii zm of this Light House District' at Smiil villc 011 Monday and Tues- last, making a survey of the Raid ad Inland sui rouiulings jnrr the pur- p so of asccitaiiiir.g wlutlier it wa necessary Jor not to re cstablbh the ild plea.t light. The pilots, mer anlf and the C ollector of the I'ort have 'itittoncd for the light. Col. 1 I .. ; ii iV. w . . . : . 1 : 1 1 . . .1 ..i.i in hi. 1 niii oiiiiui vine 10 iuaries ton, S. (.'. I -.. . . - r 1 ; A I j i n uK dn AkkU'.v. -Mr. Jacob C ll.i. -ley a native of ofSbrra Leone pi the western coast of Africuid educated there, has delirercd several lectures in this city recently upon . Afri ca j and its 'product , resources and people- Mr, llaz.dey is familiar with that part ot est Atrica, which lie about dcgrois cither side o( the equator, 1 hiis at diilorcnt tinier travelleil over Very dusty in this city. Rain i needed very badly. "The receipts of cotton at this port yestcrdaj' wero 805 bales. v . 1 -. 'Klections comes oil' in Ohio on Tues day the 14th inst. t. There is a scarcity o wood in the market. i - . 1 m -, . - ! v 9 ! I The Criminal Omrt convenes to niorrow There are thirty threei cases xjii the Criminal Court Docket. ilarriag licenses were issued to two co'ored couples during the week. . Three adults and one child were iu terred in Oakdale Ccmeti ry during the week. i Twii iuferineoU in Ik-llcfi'ue Ceme tery during the past week, i One adult aud one child. Six children and two adults were interred in Tine Forest (Vnietery dining the pst week. All frofci ly 011 which taxes are un paid will b advertised on the." first of Noveni1)rrJ iHeo 'Sheriff Alaniii jit's ad. Our friei'd Jenkins, of the 1'ost Oliice at (."harlott" will please accept -our con gratulalions for adding himself to the noble army of martys. We will add that ie is a niod'l h-isband, and has been for three r-onths. 1 Filter I'.OOM '7 l oK KrEAIM AN.-" ' The ljilth Ward liucket Company lias changed its name from the Fifth AVard Utcket Comjiany, to ' Chiirlcs AIt ,Sted- man I'iro fJo nnmy." This is consid ered the first i loom for Maj. St'dm:Mi hiij candidacy, for Congress And wo suppose from this that the campaign for the! Democratic nomination for Con gress has fa,irly (ipen-il. Next1. 1IKV tiOOHi lil SINKSS Of THIS CITY We (shall haye "oim lhingLto say about jlh(! wauls and heecssities of this place in dry goods matters in our next issue. v e shall review some ol the establishments which call them selves first class, as well, as rive the ifferenee between Wiln'iiug' ! mi, New A'ork & Italtimore prices, it will aston ish our readesr and we think Vili be of value to them. 1 As the excursion train ofcolored poo- de, which arrjvedjiere about 1 o'elock . hursday aflernooii from South Caro ina, was passing Nichols, S. C, a col ored man by the iwme?' of Williams. who was on board, jumped oil' ami his forcheail struck a cross ie, killing him instantly. His father-in-law resides at NicliOlls, and it was; lor the purpose of paying him a visit thai he made the fatal leap Williams Was identified by his father in-law at once. 1 This month has five Wednesdays, five Thursdays and five Fridays.! Br. barque Indiana, Brans, from this port, arrived at London, on the 26 inst. mmomm j -j :'.- The U. S. District Court convene! in this city the first Monday in November. Coal sells in this market for $5 50 per ton, which is $1 cheaper than last vfiutcr. About 300coIorc!.'ii.v-?')V r .. a?iiilei, o. O., arrived in this thy on Ihursday. The Tileston Institute has about 300 pupils rind a corps of ten experienced teachers. Nor. brig Gloria, Ommeudseri, from this port, arrived at Trieste on the 26,th ult. . ! j The Boards ol County Commissioners, Aldermen and Audit meet to morrow afternoon. -. j Superior Court of Columbui CJotinty convenes 011 Monday next t AVhite ville, N. C. Hoik Jno. Newell, member lof the Legislature from Bladen County, Was in the city yesterday. an iu Rev. J. P. Kinsr has received vitat ion to hold a series of meetings in Brooklyn IlaJI. Schr. Georgia R. McFarland sraiJed from Bath, for this port. AI?., on the Slronir, tlr inst II Id a tii ihf nnit 01' tScnegnmbia aud Liberia, and the Gold Coast. Ho is o familiar wi'h that country that his addresses re rc i ib!e as well as interesting. He --t Hi s the pru luct of gold to bo $iHJ,(HH) annually; palm oirjj ftM.tHH); palro ker nc's, $p)tiHH; caiu ,wooilt80,iHl0; ivory ;tO,tiKi; jH-anuti il,'KH.,lHKV; also tea, i,jilVe, bt'ttcr, hides, gum, wax, arrow r.Hd. gi"ger, mahogany, monkey skiun, p: rrots, and umny other things. There aile Kuglish nu.il teameri which ply conUntly between Knglish and V1!'! ASii'Mii iHrts We cannot pretend r . to giw anything like aiiy idea of lle i.Uaitvr ol things trratcl ujvaby Mr, Hj.-eU'y 111 the course uf hit lecture. lie pppcam in the Afrkau cv'utne, and il aitralcs the customs and habits of the cvuntiy by pcvimctu of their manufac- tijri.r-. mi Ii a nuff palm vil; Ikxc cti, ncat. l4lrt Cloths, cayenne, I f.'l ' "d itumrn u other thioc. I'M u lUU-.OJIII Cme to Ihi .Miinl,. tuivio tvntfunjjl Fait-of ' is;t; mrrvhint tq UU uo iuntry vi uciiig tue tncttna ol le Utwrt-o It cvunirr t.l ! ..:.. tl k I .... ! I .vi in. a. 1 1 1 nri icviurr anu panorama - j ckhibhiuf etnc and tctattj iQ w l""-- I, ti tn-lin,,!' ih,,) , M un'il. pl.iv iu it,,. iiuc idi.dirv.u" Mai r.flti hictlnd i,l4v, ! o HMiingtradel I .VfiiC4- !!i nc I 1 ' . . . i --L l,,.li!.... f .f.9Jiat, hajtf m airnd a U, .imtrv wilt W JcHtcicU ie the City Sit T ''Tl mM 1 '. Tucdlv eieuioi:. th 7lb. iat, tttiji0j- lUtf Urd tmirj . , . , . . , wpi humi-.?!.! t ,w Ib nl Tu,irtnf l o clock: iJmiwwo ttf Im ct. f r aJuU, cd 4cU, tjr rJjKfro. Mai. (Jr.o 1. v'uamui-:i;i.in. -The officer whoso name heads this article is a Special' Agent of the l'ost Ollice De partment, who has been operating in tho interest of the mail service in North Carolina lor several mo.nths past. He has corrected many evils;- made many arrests, and. brought to grief several mail depredators. Ho has ju-t made an important : arrest of one lili Sanders, a mail rider on ,1 he route from Troy to Bosteck's Alilks, N. C,, who it seems has been robbing the mails on his route for the past year or two, and to such au extent that, it has been leg.irdcdati unsafe means of communicating! But the Al.ijor.with his usual skill and tack in such matters, has Mircesslully detec ted and Urrested the Culprit, wh'o has since made a full confession of his wicked practice, aud 110 doubt Will pay the penalty at Albany, for a term of five years. The people along the line ol this robbery are delighted, and speak in the highest praise, of the energy and determined action of Maj. Cuanib.-rliii in their behalf. Tiie .Major ku ws bow to do a job of this kind, as well as any mau living. StRiot s Aix ipkn r.. A serious acci dent befell three ladu-s Thursvlay while driving! out late 1:1 the evening. The home attached to tue phaeton iu which the ladies were riding levamc fright cucd and ran rapidly dowu Front Mnct, where ' he vehicle cvllitcil with a heavy truck iu front of Messrs. Adrian Jk. Voller' store, bicaking the stras ta the vehicle, which luckily re!eMl the hone, which jtM rapidly away and the Jadie. Xlr. Ii. II. litaui and lur two daughter. Airs. J. N. Ilint..t ami Mr. Thim Shepard. were thrown , vio lently to the ground, Mr. Grant being lvdly injurtxl by haTiog her tight arm werrly praincU and her shoulder dis-IvK-atevJ. Air. Hiptoo aa tery severely bruiN l!r.Shcvird and a little girl who waa als in the phaeton rscaip-U injury. Mrs. Granl, the ruot ipjurcd of t! e J'artv, e ar:g'd t learn U Uviog very well, and Air, llmton, ihowgh aevertly bruiel and cut aUmt the bead and face, U not xrkuly in jurvL II wn '4tte a niiracUu r- C friHtt de-uh. Ger. banpte Louise Dorothea, from this port for Trieste, cleared on the 8th instant, from Gibraltar. j. j Schr. Tost Boy, Golt, for this 01 1, from Bucksport, Ale , was in D itch Is land Harbor last Alonday. 1 - -- j 'the breakfast bell is now rung at 8 a. in., the turnout bell at )X. m,. and tluft for the market to close at 10.30 a.m. No ab ttem.MiL in interest i 11 the revi val at the Fifth Street AI. K. Church. Up to Sunday last there had been one hundred aud fifty-two conversions, aud seventy had joined the church. j A colored man named Atkinson was st 1 tick on the head by a block on Thurs day while engaged in clearing away the debris from the late fire at the WiU' iiiiuglmi Compress. The wound was painful but not serious. A. W. Reiger, Ei., of Bruuswick' county, lost by fire his barn and about 2,(100 I ushels of rice together with the" machiiH iy contained iu the building. Hethink-, the fire to have beeu acci dental. His loss will amount to $1,000 over and above his insurance. George H.-nry and Catharine Myers, both colored children, iudulged iu a list icutl'on Thursday in the southeastern portion o the city. The little girl was getting the best of the affray when the boy struck her on the head with a class bottle. The blood flowed freely. Fikk on tiik Sot'xii. A Iwo story frame dwelling on the Newkirk place on Aliddle sound, the property of Air. James Spriint of this city.wasdestroyed by tire on Alonday last. The lire is supposed to haye been the work of an iucr r.diary. There was au insuraoce of $.V0 on the building, which does not begin, so to speak, to coyer the loss. Bi Kiii.AKY. Daniel Richardson was arraigned before Justice Hill Thursday on the charge of larceny and burglary. The evidence was conclusive, and unless Uicharojson can make better cae be fore the Ciimiual Court he will no doubt pay the death penalty, which is the punishment meted out to burglar., wheu caught, by the law. - IxcKEkrE.-fThe receips of Cotton at this port during the month of Ser teniber 1575, were t,27S bales again. t lfl.tY; bales lor September ol the pies ent vt ar, making a iblTerrnct in favor ot this jear? rrveipta forjthe month inn goue v( 75v. The?e figure are correct and can be relietl upon, as they were furnished by Col- J. 1 Cantwell, Socrctaiy ef the Kschanrr- Gen. Itobt. B. Elliott, ofjouth Caro Iina, has been invited to deliver the address at the Industrial State Fair (colored) at Raleigh, in November next and the General has accepted. There fore our colored fricuds may expect a very able anil appropriate address. We do not know whether he is much of a granger or hot, tut he knows how, to raise some things. ? Mt'A'iFicENT Gift. Messrs. Wil liams & Murchison, through their junior partner, who is also President of the Wilmington Compress Company, has presented Col. Iioger Moore, Chief of the Fire Department, with their check for $300, to be devided amou the fire department as he deems besb as a token of their appreciation of the serriccs oflhe drpatlmeiit during tlie fironttho WilmiDgtoii Compress Com pany's wharf. IDE Cit-. Air. Walker Meares. who has beeii engaged for weeks past in taking a census of the city, reports the total population of the cily aggre gates 17,0041 of which 0,710 arc whites aud 1028S cblored. Tim population iu t C.O .ii-'i i- 1 1 ..... -im, 01 wuicii were whites and .l.hbli were coloied. Iu 1600 the population was 0,oo2, of which 5,102 were whites and l,:'.j who col ored. In 1870 it was '1 H(J of which 5,526 were whites and 7,'J20 were col ored. Thisjshows an increase in nine years of 3.058, nearly 21 per cent. The mortuary statistics show a death rate of 1-1 37 among whites, and 23.51 among colored; the death rate of the entire population being 20 The twoj oldest, persons ate Polly Br ck, white. a:c. .i7,- and Kaincy Corcoran, eoloivd, age I over lMi. . Tin 10 are 217 Pianos, J-7ii Sewing MachtiieN, 13 IS Cows, 370 Horses, li7 Hogs, audvl,178 Dogs."; m m LAUiK Fint;, Loss Ar.oL'r j-'!iMoi " Weduesday morning last about one o'clock the Taylor l'rcss and ahoiii. 1 ::no . - -,- - - j ' j bales of cotton in the ; First Fire dis trict were I' destroyed by lire. The press was one of the two immense Com presses of the Wilmington: Compress Company and cost about a ve.ir a"o $40,000. '1 he fire is su!: st'd to have been accidental. Tnree sec io-is of the' north fire proof waro home wore ruined The fire department worked for a day aud a-half before the lire be could gotten uuder control. As soon as . practicable 1,100 bales of the damaged cotton were removed to: Dickinson hill to prevent it from spreading the devouring ere ment. Friday the smouldering embers- of the cotton on 'Dickinson hill were fanned into flames but were'spcedilv extinguished. Sixty workmen .are now engaged injpouring water oil the burn ing cotton trying to extinguish it. The loss by fire otheCompress Company aiid owners of j cotton amounted to about $100,000 and is covered by insurance. The loss of the Taylor Press will in uo way effect the cotton interest of the city as the Tyler and Champion Presses are in working order and fully capable of pressing the receipts. P,.f,re the Are had been extinguished the C ::i press Company contracted to have the building repaired. iiianop Atkinson's, Appointments. Lincolnton.jOctober 5th, Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Beatty's Ford, October 7th Llligh Shoals, October 9th. Gaatonia, October 10th. Charlotte, October 12th, Eighteenth Ounday after Trinity Statesville, Octobet lltb, Consccra tioa of pie Church. Morganton, October 15th St. James', Iredell Co., October 17lh. Alonroe, October bth, Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.! Wadesboro, October 21st. Ansonville, October 22nd. Rockingham, October 23rd Laurel II ill, October 24th. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HEAD. We stood at au open window Leaning far over the Bill, And If something hadn't happcm d We might have stood there sun But we reached for a banging bhuiur In a blinding uortheajit breere. Bo our friends will have to be Invited To Join in the obsequies. I F WE COULD OSLY IIA.VK KXOWH 1 what a storm wan brewing (U huZ.ii and how far oU that shutter waV. Ave shCu 3 never have ventured our head outid"or that window: but it is ton i,,i Collections at eacli. of these places ehT S!.M,!Ul"f. ''Piyteiy for Diocesan Missions - tV "u lucousequicsou NE W AD VER TJSEHENTS l'KKSOXALl.Y IN ATfENDAXCE AT SATURDAY IsT EXT T. and weWjikoour ioi.ulatk.n onlis lL i uiegrauAt. funeral they ever wiUied. nair Dressing Saloon, ia f -v i 1 ' our"klnd friends- to fin.i ...,i ,xL ....-:.V . sr.r i . ' 4v- an vtt 11 1 111: '.,,Z anu While theyure itoin-s,o e will ask the following question" V " the State? VlbV USUCM uuadlr,kst torc iu nf ll..i. . "c meuiiin kj 1 1 n . . - 1 wa 111 ..k ,i. ,..ii -r: "vui: "u. x norm rront Street. South ,u"u'i; ques-tion.-: or .Furcell House, ! 1. WILMINGTON. N. C. Xoue bnt.th ,w'. ' . WiirX,!Ue !,"",t tl,M k of tcodi lo (. , , , ---J'wwiv.x.va M wa m IJIVII I ' - . , VIUS esmDinsiiinent, 1 t 1 . I VT... 'A. state ana County Taxes ;i:ry uuao: uu:,:tt,u ; FOR 1S79. Ti'l'TATK ANU COUNTYTAXKS were A due on the first Monday in is-iteniber. ;,u ll"s "ereuy Riven that all property ou wincii tlio luxe are unpaid, will be adver- ii.iv-.uMi me thiol ro vein her, IsTii. r;ty your Taxes promptly andsa Ilavn't wi-. Ii .1.... i , .... 1, , . ----- - V.HI IU1 .1 I 1 delivered? , iitanv mihtaki -1 iot. I suvn rnsl ra. ii. JiAlN.MMJ.siierltl iNew Hanover t'o. Ilavn't we 111:1.1.. n ..r.,..i r."r locttrrtol llitm wi,, ,; ullruii iiuu Mas caned tln rvtn? AH of our friends who M.sWer "y..s- ;., tboabove quest ions will ., a.s.'t.t buy lu.in us any more, ltespe-stii t; v ,,-, .',7 lu"-M WlLMINUTOff, N. C, Stl'TKMHEB -jlll, IST'.I. KM;i l AXDafu-r this date I cease t J act EE TRADER. HKNlUKrrk WATSON. P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. .MJ. ? REAOiNS.witx I" IdlttV lA'V IS' FAIN : KILLER lis THE 1 ' . ., L LARGEST RETa'IL (KCERY Jst iiimily Mcdiciuo of tho Aire. RUHNESS u i w!,y it should be kept always near at', "1 JVLl0!1. . NV""tl",,", Mt "" - ha,d: L.:" cmtJ ovor lilsl Sunday s paper vo enrelted to notiee the taJit In kuoh if-J- . Hient from hoiiie ol ...,r i....,i.., - rnkln ,,ilkc" aW"1y 'art " 'eir trad... a.;', . .,n!n up,,eal tu Wi-'olht'ra nolto leave ..1... " " m utt i onMior:ft 1 tt we have del emu ued to do the 1 ' fl. I I N - i l.l.KR IS 1 II lliwl ... . 1 mill liolcrii cure that luediea I Bcleuce haa I 1 -"I III. Vtl. '. , V.N ,;' as a 1'iano'a and Dyi -. j , ni.iuuiii never tails. THE BL0UDY CiiASM HAS 13EI N liKlDULD, UVER. ImI I'.XIX-Kll.l.l-l: l'::tiis In any par Monthly Rkj'okt. Price reHrts the llaibor .Master We bain that awhile man by the name ef W. A. Rurle, dtei i the lo bcco factory on Ye4ncUy moraisjC, tVtober 1, about I0 o'clock. He wa at wink a bou time before be JieU- Hi home, wt learn, u in Miltoa, X. C. AVilmivgWa i ituatcl 30 aatles Trow bajithviUc, o mite froaa tke ra.hore, $a miles . from Goidbon 11 mile fron WeUoo, 1 f mile from Nebere ISO m ilea frvw IUWifi. 109 mik by M to fijrtliull. s$ amilea (tvm Cfcarlotte, during the month o( September : American. Tonua-.. Steamers, 7 : :,,17 Schooners, , 7 N -,- lr'E 1 L".l?' Banpies, 1 ' j i- j ' Total, ; PJ final, 7;.,;; Foreign. ' - ' l on'u.i-e. Rfig. , " . ." si't Harque. 7 0,01 j T.dat, ! pi T.,tal., n ; , m nsle dose usually allixMs a cure. u!', yi.-Ki.i.ii w ill eurrdyspephia and Jlidiestion.il ied accordiiq; to direc- 1 iui:.-. 11 - lire l 'ramus or I 1 lie nyncai. A THE LITTLE JOKER, gone. arc not piiu -jili. I' UN-Kii.i.Ki; Is 01 1 pin aim isriiever'-fall in.; cure for sudden fold. Coiiah, 4c A line lino nf T11M i.,-i- t " ... ,.-o.l I ,1 1, ceiyed to-Jay, very low down. Thc OLD CAFE FEAR is tluurMi....- aim JlAKlr.LLK l'll I H.-iji. t K .:i profit Siiverciirn- We hayo bcji .v r u.d nn..kt,i; '," "? Aaue.an.lCUlll "Ctur,.i IVmi ,a lit,,- llanu u w-w b. i i x ,11 h is cutekt the iutt obotiuatc 't'1 ,h' t wout.l L bad "v . ti uuiin Km n, incy nave tin '.T.p I'V," v-ryh.w, whirl, Tt?l.:rS Killkk lisali-U iiir Sibils HruiM, Cut, spra'tiis. c. t Ilil 111 y l.i & . . f . will, nil other cn---n.. oA., I V -r, a 'iiuaiiii'in i un. 1 waufr vniniKll l-ll l.kt... ... . . .. l-r,..! ....... I . . . - U(l a I . imin. 1 ItllOlAlIlH I IVUh 1UU Ulll'l Total niimber of American au i For eign vraseljs, IV.- total a -noma of Ameri can and Foreigu tennage, ll,7o. ' . rii.r M'uxi'ixiis. The pilots rejxrt the ayera'gt- s- tuid ! ing at the mouth of the liier, for the month of ScptcuilH-r s follow ; iu Raid Jleai Channel 11 fett, ou the Weten Itar 12 ft, oh the Rip $ fu t To thi is added a rise of 1 or ht t of water at high t'ub WiJrox, X.T'-,'Sp. '.-., l7 . llBtR Ir:-I am gl.l to Mr tUat from Col. lhila, of Wilkc. I lexrntsi that our part t i in a vigorous condi tion in the mono tain country, in favor of a compVtc rrorgani,aaiion and a fall tatc ticket, w ith Ruiton -f-H i vcm..r. . . 1. ; i . . . 1 i-ivii.i. i,a rornl rut of iinii,m ata 7Seurijiaitryfar 'i.j V u-Kii.i.r will .l.tro rbnis. F-l- f.ro, 1 .tiu :uier uie nrl ippllCAlion. NOT rURITANiCAL. !. f ic Kll.l.fcK l'oUarhe. fnrr llrn-ta.hr. and AllhoUst, .pp,vr, III ll,r ilflUkHii.- 1 , .--"i. mtwh 10 tcil II. in "lhjr,h,u HlTtl.ss,,i,K liV ("lVKr. ranalTord l-ik niiinHii, bulil, , "-0 Ui l,r- would llr, t "".'Tt ""'I!" fMM.-, inn. il nx-Klt i.k Ul f..o day ol Nrk," and many a d dmr to Ulna d !r.r hill. l-:h. I':x-Kiiik h. Iwo l-rf..rr lb j'uMic.urr tbirt) mni ;am,,ai. 1 "r 'y rselbli? prrp-rUn. nr- lo ik -- nx,d u In ry Umlly. Th simplicity alU-ndioc H n. krtbr Willi lhrrl variety of ilimm tfeal f bcentbrrly cidicatJ by it, and the srrat nbiount rwUa noJ t-uttrriWLf thai can b tlcvUt.l ltor-tih iu'm it HBrrMt uxa rurry prrwnOi ("Ul'l'lj Uf!UlTr With tfcjji TniW ' rrtiicijj to kcp kl &waj aw TV t ix-KiLiRtl now kit : wq aadaita . xii-.4m in CTffi eatrur of IK at ws'l d-- j l"bjcii nKummnd it la Utr-.t rr- The Republicans of the W maod a vifors fi-bt A alone it, ! IZXZZZX TJJ l ! Itoe. 1 know thai .e. bate, abi;io nTVi mtfi BllJ.U.l . . . . I lhr..!-l.ll.. I..l 1.. . ' X- - - - 1 -vi i-i.i ptf-n iy opi, ttJI t -i ""- -r it mi m.. . 1 r.' - . . ...1 1 w iitir n againn larm, an-4 t-y wili i l v 4H11, I ! ioal, ?i w and will W sbd Uvbrar I from jvsi .,51 .fn i m ETC 4T 90 Rcpviblican ar fa?! o,f hspe aa4 piri and c-or party i aiaiag rapid !y mrry day. 11 The IVaw:raU Kate o.w! aw-.-ce tales ia Xorth Caro'iaa ,tr by pet rent, than a cx!W: J pc. TKSI I. Wh la tin io-vf TkiaV oHu fimr law (. n ruin i i?y ? .t, uw t iifaxJi.43 rr4 - rrt.ke. iffu UyViWiva ww a:l t Wi Mfti 4 tiWMW .4.1, tl t Sxw BU.MGARDXER, SI U A UT S iKW and DURHAM OLD UYL received this wtek. tky on: m riLu and lri Tb frt. ukjoi, ati Un tu Ulll.fl-. . 11 .t M.i ia ti u U bought oelf at P L BRIDUKRS S m. r. w smms ktii tuu...,-.. ... . t T7 , "J , mHttw1 m m mC i bwi. . n It i . 1 , 1 !' ir 1 - 1 4 s.. i 1 t 1 f i t I ; X

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