- -JCiiCv o . A i ' -v s. .rr i . 1 i i 7H: -t ii 'tl'' "it i , '.'.-ii'l.' in 14 l. 1 . i -f . ..w Ll I I I ! ill i 1 I 1.1 i ! ... i I , Vv cy t-u 1 - : : - A ' feCT- hT' .. : '. .-.!. .,.-.. i.. ,,y mL -:.-jmM ' mmM s?. -' "" ' t 4 f fill 10 DV.Win KAOV H VKUY 8hiv XO CIT AXOE FOR ITS UECOVERY: SrvrivltHUllH TUKASON miade odious : . 4 -' ' r, - 'f-.7 LATH faEWERAL NOTS. i'l.v !;i(rht frP Ohio is t'uit. ro.-lci'rt iitajorily 'is til! i!0,0(7;lll( tlriit the -t. III M II I H .v til I !.,.....': .. Vi moerats, and the liu(i:e ; 7 . lie pubiioir.- ii'H nf II ( uhifh its full im nibcrHhi.p. I f tn h tr.it thV Ivepublic.i'i. ha-, both hous.-i,' and oil j;in: ball-ot. '! ;, Iowa, has I ltd it (ocrint by "i O'lil ninjoiiiy tiv. r all, aiid ! .So (U)) over the l nioerat, . ad l(;tr");00U over 1iUrPOiil,Siek.rM. ; ! Mi. Joseph ( th-;-' lh7 vvid.nv t! llur ! ' I;it ,ls'ph Oales, Iho tl'isti-nguisiu d t-ditor ol the old Xnfioint, I IttU Uhi: uc died , in Washiugton on tht- l.'t!i iitt , j' lUthe age, ol M. Mrs dales- w:im tiu'e 1 if i ilt! IiH is (!' Virinia-,nv;is-a U:mU i in .sitCicty, jijmI lor ru:t ny yi-atri ilislin gui.HieJ for ht-r boauly :uil UvC(tiiii.sh- Tin1 Ule Irulian.i haye all stumptMl j1 froiijl llic K'ene of tho ' Thoruburj; bat (lf,7mil it i.i not known where tiiov juv, CJeu. Morrili'd coininan' lias Kcoutoil the country for filly itiiW-s aromul ilrorc, and fouiid nothing.' Some think llu-y have gono to the souther'i Utcs, but lust ncw.i.s that-ihcy are friendly and pad nothing to;do with the late ligl' ting. JS.inla To and Tu.s- fPTi'ViMrsfrcs fire ti-tho ellecl that the A pat hos ate l. organizing for deprcd;ir ii'iH ainfijave already cfni'.inenced. (iov. j.irvi.4 and i:.lFare in l'idiad l .hi,i iit.U iuliiig the uurting of th- Giv-, iUr '('( le ,01 Ihirlti n lafs,' h 4) iiuikc .. 1 1 1 -': iik iiIk for ctUibra 1i.ii ttif r ..ti nujal I the xumn'ltr ol O'l ii v, .tl V.orkuwii. ( v. O. U-hH'k.er, lnierna! lit ve nne AgcMit, has ttiieartlud -l tensive revenue frauds in the county ol asttj.n. 4 A .severe hurricane h reported O:? the I me of tite KiiX4pc:m steamers. Wheat in Chicago rose-" to' s am theti letl to 1.88.,5 on Friday. Corn de inclined IJ cts. and lard fell 20 cts. '! A greatlhurricane in Spain and atix incli snow storm in Austria. - teh. Chandte jn otie ol -his -speeches, in I New York aatd : In the days of .Jackson South Carolina raised the Hag of rebellion, and the threat was then made that unless the tarill law was changed to suit a lew discontents under (JaDjoun they would -"overthrow the government, 'an J General Jackson at once exclaimed : "Let South Carolina commit the first overt act of rebellion asrainst tho government, ami, by the Kternal, 1 will hang John C. Calhoun !" - .(applause) an'd every man, woman tnd child ui America at that time, Jut the Union. When they said this to Old HeUxWiMJe otuuto pis answer was. "tientli-'uiea. don't .UelaV.it on any ac-e.n"t-'! (Laughter.) Hut they, went into it and Uvere do tented, and we re stored to them all their right of citi-. zhship- Wc took them to our bosoms as brethren, hoping they had repented of their sins and heresie. We killed for them the fatted calf and invited ihem to ttjp'feftst, atid they gravely in; formed u that' they had always owned that calf (Laughter.) ' 1 Creu. Ciraut is in Oregon. The yellow fever having incre ise'd is now diminishing. flip Cjate City tjaartli ol .tlanta, Cia., are being bamueted in Hostou. The Holbrooks in Cutter county, Kentucky, have killed, all the male members of the Underwood: launly, ex cept an old man, who is wounded. No pne has bcen'arrested although these 'uVuVv b w'been going on for several veara. It was a family feud of tp most ; deligiitlui character according to lha. sort of civilization Thirty-six buildings have been burued ia Shfcdiac,- tfey' Eruuswick. oss 00,000; diiding Calhoun, tnew thai tie wiuitt tl.Y it. " Theti, again, later, rebcliion raised it' li-idcoCfs head and threats .v.Wilailv and hourly made to dissolve -. r-SfJ MoT) ' nr.ini?"if. fcilvK Kail Tucker say V tluiipeop'o of V. j? inia sustained no dam ige by uibol h tri slavo prdpertv: it was merely t K I s if l.Owjroni a white , pocket ati( . 1.1 ' '1. .'nu ' .1 " r ' - ,1 II l t ....:.. k I .- J I . I i I lift rtr it in a mack nnp.r.f.lni snows u-Mv inuen . -ihj; Kioyrror ine rtar onai tionr if the people. Tbe.destruQ.tion ol ihj l ibr of the state carried with it the ' L-imI li.is no nnrket value nkv j, n . Virginia, and a it, yields no j i' li - an inveMinent, is itilrinsieally xi 1 1. 1 .s -flichmond Whig Dmi At l a woman s rights t-onvenh'tn in sv-f !', the -Governors uud lady gave Ilnou vrc-ptmn, audi Ohi Hull and Si r. Ihi'i" gavn ! the.Hji f a tmet rt. j)r. .hi'i.i i.'Iolmvi Snirib td Ctueago read n ! aprrup()n the ; woiueii til" south in winch slu s.-iio! : The need of , the wotiili . - f 1 i . . . . ; ; . . i , . " ' r f i-. inu ; V'n." - iiiunt j ik rimi. -x ma . nv uii- ment is ncces-arilyuCslow growthftom lornier cuslnm and education., The need 1 the women of tho south is en courage hie ht.". In poverty,1 loneliuess, and sorrow they are working out their own salvation. . 7 r ..The Savannah Actus says that tho col ton crop ol Mississippi this year will turn out to be a good one, and the sta-tlsticiHiij-' who is already at work, says that more than fifty rpcr cent of it is produced by while labor. This is one of the most gratifying. Uhings we have heard of. If the hittv labor .of the soti'h can be utilized the south may yet iin.w rich.'.-. ; : - . . m n . JOUN.SilEltil - - ?. ! ' The news from Oiiio.lhal Charles Fster the Kci'ttblican candidate for G i'vi iMior, is 'eoled by 20,000 nia j)rity .ovtr . the Democrats and CirtenbaCkcri combined, makes the aomimttixm of ilon. John Sherman by the next National Republican Con vention la certainty. It was under stood when Foster ' was nominated that ho was Shermau's candidate and Foster's defeat would, be Sherman's defeat.) Therefore Foster's, election makes Mr. Sherman the strongest can didate who could be nominated by the Republican Convention. With Sherroau as the neit Republi can .candidate wc shall carry the elec tion, even if New York should go Democratic. :Shermaii .can and will carrv a solid north. He can and will carry North Carolina by a very large majority also. Grant don't want the nomination, and will hot take it, and his frieuds will support Sherman. omu an:? iowa. The voting of the two great Irahs- Altcghany states last week was as dis tinct in its antecedents and its making tip, as it I is comprehensive antl popem sivn in its results. The canvass in both, statcis was conducted openly and boldly upon the issues raised by the conduct ot the Democratic Congress at the last session, on the questions cognate to re sumption and' resumption itself, and on tho general ' principles of Republi canism. And under these conditions the triumph lacks no clement of complete ness. t is true that Toya oOuld hot be considered debatable ground, so staunch and impregnable is its Republicanism, but the largeness of its vote j and . the broad volume ot its utterance1 give it sigiitjcanee Ita Qhio, hofvevcr it was a battle grouiid,. Thp Xjemojrat eu. ploy c4 strategic portions, ot their own selection. They werip assaulted in their own fasLaegses, aud visited with a rout as complete as it was significant.' It was, indeed,, a victory of the jjstal warts as againrt the epecious pleadings of "free elections," "reform" and the gen eral baseless sophistries of the Demo cnits. '. " '-r;;--";.7;h''-'': The fact that , on ; 'this dtbatable ground, about which people two months ago were spepulating as to chances, the result has been gQ decisive, goes, far j,r-, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA;; S.UWDArTr.OCT 19. 1S79 n(ir!s ii i v i : 'eonlidfiice lo Kepuhli iliri everyAvliefe as t thi' future. It ji'a! renioni,i'i t wh it is t nunc when the prop'r of the two ntlo-r grt states of New York and Pennsylvania echo back the voices fr-m bevoud Iho Alh-ghaniesj. , !!. t-Vli .Mfi tiKISbU.M. ' We hail tin plo urc of n eeting tin distinguished gentleman it !.' .h gh a few dah au.i 1 1 m sp. o.ii health aiI Mvnted to be .enjoying the -jh rious uew'rt IVfin ( ) mi at tl Iowa. Me hoi. ted a loS to tho I'air At-socialiou lor a iac . The name d i e fox ' i'huimaii," antl thY propusr in ha.e the. fox as the ireu'livans chased the foxy old Thurni m in t) no,. l)c. (itissjui states that he is itdl a candidate fir the Republican nomina tion for Governor, ami says' lie would not accept the 'nomination ' if tendered him by- the Republican convention, lie further stales that he is in favor of Judge Ruxton. He says Judge Rux'on can be" elected (if nomiualed by the Republicans) by-a very handsome ma jorily. He Kays if the Republicans will nominate IJuxtou he will take hold of the canvass and give' it his personal attention. And he has no doubt of the success of the state ticket, if good men are nominated with Buxton. - With Buxton as the candidate for Governor and Grissom in charge of-the canvass, and Sherman electors in the lie'd suc cess will certainly be our-. ... . ii - . . The Detm-cratie partv were exceed- 9 ., m , iiigly anxious for a complete capture of the southern states from the Republi cans. They succeeded by the most fiendish outrages ever committed by any people in making -the south sec tional; but now when the -north havo put the stamp of condemnation upon their conduct, they (the Democrats), are loud in their prayers for a better feeling between the sections. They shoot colored men and white Republi cans; they bulldoze the Republicans of the south from voting; they stuff the ballot boxes to carry election; thejy break up Republican public meetings; they enter secret society 'meetings of the colored people that are not political; they kill the children and outrage the women; they n.urder the ministers ji the Gospel, because they are colored or white Republicans. And then, after all these hellish outrages, tkey abuse the Union people of the north lor being solid. The mills of the Gods grind slowly, but exceeding fine. The shot gun policy of tho Demo crats made the south solid for Demo cratic gtate rights. Therefore the Dem ocrats can't complain that thc north should also be solid for the nation's rights. CITY ITEMS. Chew - Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. ly iKsroxrrqRS. Messrs. William Kirk wood and E. E. Ilewes, Government Inspectors of steamboat hulls and boil ers, have' been here in , the . discharge of their respective official duties. Col, A- M. VVaddell will deliver a lecture on the Aucient IJistory of North Carolina, at the next meeting of the Iistorjcal ud Scientific Society of this city. Due notice of the lime and place will be given. . Fire at Wiiitevillb. Abut two o'clock, 14th 7 iust., a fire occurred at Whiteville, Columbus county, on the W'P &' A. R. R.y cousumiog the store and stocks of Mr. O. D. Baldwin, and building occupied by Mr.'Elkins as a bar roonj. There was insurance of $3,0() on store and stock qfood. -.t. i: -- - Tf-f! Ohio 25,000 Republican maioritv. whicli insnrfi.q Jnh 188a as President' W. P. Canaday will trade small 'farms for city property. Call and seciim. Mrs. Jessie W. Noyes, a native and former resident ot this city, died in New York on the -9th inst. Removal. The street letter box formerly located on the corner of Seventh and Mulberry streetsrhas been removed to the corner of Sixth and Red Cross streets. - - Iv i . - . . . .- - y If you want a small farm see kw. P. Canaday, who will sell or trade or city property. Personal. R. Seyboth, in charge of the Signal Station at SmUhville, N, C, formerly stationed in this city, has been ordered to Baltimore, and will ha succeeded by W. T. Boyd, of Portland, Maine. i " ' jl Barley and Corn. If you have city property you want to trade for a farm, see W.'P. Canaday. - V ' ' ' ' ' ' New .'Teleurapii Lise.--A move ment is in progress by the business men of our city looking' to the! estab lishment of a new telegraph line, and are in correspondence with lhe Presvj dent of the American pinion Te egraph Company in reference to the pj oposed undertaking, by which arrangement a reduction of rates in messages may be perfected. ' : ' 7 : j The; Eirl .of Mayfield has bad a re markable success. Its publishers, jT. B. Peterson & Brothers, of Philadelphia, have already issued the fourth edition. The leading papers speak of it in termg of the .highest pr.aj$e, and it has; all the appreciation that the most sanguine expectations of the author could have anticipated. It is a deciqedly popular romance: ' I?or sale by all Booksellers, ,(7,, 7T ; - " We call attention to new advertise ments on the fourth page. Ckiaiinal Court. The October term of. the Criminal Court closed on the 13th, at G o'clock P. M., having convened on the Gth ult. Thirty-four jury cases were disposed of, including burglary, perjury, larceny aud other minor offences. The following were convicted and sentenced to the State Penitentiary : Abram McKcnzie. larceny, 5 years. Daniel Richardson, larceny, 10 years each, in two casesi. Daniel Brown, larceny, G years. Gould Foy, larceny, 3 years. . ' Gabc Everett, larceny, 3 years. 4 . , The Solttu Atlantic. It is always pleasant to say; igooJ a Avord for this, our home monthly, which is de serving of'much 'more support than, we fear, it .gets. The October number comes to our table with much agreable reading. General Ciingmau's notes of "Grandfather Mountain, and Jim Bid- die,"1 throws a classic air around a thoroughly mountain character, aud relates freshly aistory of nearly fifty years ago. "John Davidsau's Wife," a story which has been ruuniug a long time, ia concludedr iii this number. And Paul llayne, nearly, if not quite, the first pf southern lyrical poets, has a ballad entitled ."Dorothy the Gift of God." .Wo wish Mr. llayne would improve his style somewhat in such lines as ' -f "In tho HAtx-XT of the siACKE dpid'J And, ! ; - "Aface with its blush-rose, faint," And; .-' ".'..: J .. -77 Was tlie lAdy hoic iy, swett," 4d other violations of taste, aud forced rhymes. But such lines as: " With the richness of mellowed summer, And the balm of the golden South, O'er the lines of the snow-white forehead, And the curves ot the breathless mouth," are a compensation for many faults. vm I 'liiiiW) iiiwiiii I iwiiiiiiiiftMiL Mmw 1 1 Nll'i'i ' - ; -' Single Copies Cht f aim uiuutiuu Bulldozing. On Friday afternoon at'.Wclock the editor of this paper left Raleigh. He toot a seat in the back end of the last car. There was a lot of country people in the car oa their way home to" Johnson, Sampson and I nder counties. There vere , also a young colored man, well dressed, and exceedingly well' behaved, sitting in the seat just 1 oposite us, the white men were somewhat intoxicated. About ten miies out from Raleigh, the colored man lay his head back on his seat and weDt to sleep, whereupon a very large white man from Clinton, Sampson county, who was 'eating an apple, got up and went to the colored man and look a piece of. apple out of his own mouth and put it in the colored- man's mouth, "whL'h gave the colored man (very justly) great-ofTensa, and he re quested to know what it meant, and protested against such treatment, whicli aroused the white man and, headed by the fellow from oampson, they swore that the colored man should leave the car ami started to put him tut by force, ' using very emphatic language tu tne mean time When the representative of the Post saw the intention ot the kuklux gang, he jumped in between the colored man and his would-be assassins, and told them "that they 'could not hurt him. He alsj made the colored man take a seat and he sit near and protected him to Goldsboro. ' When the cowardly crowd saw they, had some one else to deal with besides a poor defenceless colored man, they all slunk back in their scats except an upstart of a law yer who was drunk, but he was imme diately looked after y a gentleman from Pender. The balance of the crowd satisfied themselves by gritting - their teeth and telling the colored man that they "belonged to the kuklux and had eaten 20 negroes." We will not publish r- -NTJM'BER 42 in the names of these 'contemptible lull dozers unless they should'1 undertake at some future time to repeat this .outia- geous conduct. It is about time lor them to learn that colored men- have some rights which should be respected, and at some time when they little ex- pect -it they will meet their just reward for imposing upon respectable jxolored : men, for some one will be hurt.! U. S. District Coukt New. JjAw. Under the late act of Congress rela tive to Iho organization of jurors fcr the United States Court, Mr. J",' S. McQuigg was appointed a Commis sioner, by his Honor, Geo. Wr.B ooks, Judge of the District Court ! for the Eastern District of North Carolina, to assist the Clerk of said Court i if exe cute the order in compliance with tho" ' act. The names of lour hundred and fifty-two citizens residing in the coun ties of New Hanover, Duplin and Brunswick were deposited in a box, from "which i he following thirty-live names were drawn to act as jurors, and are requi reel to assemble November 4th, 1873, at the Ui S. District Court Room, viz.: P. lleinsberger, C. D.'Morrell, C. Lilly, Norwood Giles, J. II., Dur ham, E. J. Penny packer, ; S. McL. Green, E. B. Wiggins, Morris Bear, A. R. --Black,. & A. Currie7 Wilkes1 ajorri?; ;. Henry Rceder, Iredell Johnson, S. G. Hall, Jas. A. Lbwry, H. Loeb, R. M. , Mclntyre', Edward Stills, E.,F. Cason, C. H. King, Owen Fcnnell, Jr., F. 2,1. .Wpoten, W. H. Northrop, W. J.lW, S. G. Northrop, Cha?. Schriver, Heze kiah Reed, Wilmington, New Hanoyer county;- Edwin Legg, F. MV Wcscotf, Smith ville, Brunswick county, 7 Sam'I R. Chinnis, Town Creek. Clem Hill; Warsaw, Duplin county. G. W. Graham, Chinquepin. I Kedar Bryan. Magnolia. John A. Bryan Kenans ille. - M I i t 1 4 i T l-'t-i I'- - ii ,7 ,- Vf , ' -- .'V' - -:- -: ; .717 " "-. ; - : ; ' ''..' '' :'' .- - : " " i'.' ' -" i ").-' . - - - . g . i ;-' 7'.' ' : .;V -'. ' ' :f;::1 r . - . , ' ' " ! -. -i St :,7 ' ; .' ; -J :--f i 4

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