mm 1 I v. u J J no 1 W . ! H LU-i : ; . M'l .I't J V'i" ; ' VOLUME X. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINUjNDM;; JM X 1S30 Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 52 .i WILMINGTON POST I Entered at the Tostoffice AT VlLMNOTON, N..C.I AS SECOND LL ASS Matter 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING. r Fiftv cents per line for the first in ilertion and twenty-five cents per lin for each additional insertion. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. The subscription priee to" The WiiJ MtXGToX I'OST is i vv per yeai six raont'i 75 cent?. All commuriicrtions on busines should be ' addressed to The Wilmington Post',' Wilmington, N.-C. I Ali advertisements will be charged a, the above rates, exfcpton' special con tracts. - ': ilKIMJP.IACAN 'NATIONAL COlS- VNTION. - V n A NATIONAL CONVENTION I of tlu; Renublican party "will meet at Chicago, on Wednesday, the 2d DAY X'F Jt'N E NEXT, at 12 o'clock,' litoon.'for. the nomination of caudi dales to be supported for Trcsi'lent aud ice'-'-President at the next election. lUpublicans, and all V who- will co operate withrthem in supporting the nominees of the party, are invited to looi'e.two delegates, from each Cod k :U)hal district, fourat Jarcc Irom ich State, two from each Territory v l 'two from the District of Columbia, to represent, them in tbe Convention. J. L). Cameron; Chairman. ' oMA-j P. KEOrMf, .Secretary. 10 Haralson, John P. Joncs 1 ,wi-ll Clayton. Wm. E. Chana:er, (ifeorjre'U. Uortiam, (icorgo A. lialscy, .imel H. Elbert, Thomas C. Plat;, Marshall Jewell, Wai. C. Cooper, S m M. Harrington, II, W. Scott, Win. J. Papuan, JNelaonW.Aiuridge, J; mes G. Deveaux,vTohn J. Patterspn, m es P. 1 toot , ; . W. m . 1 lu le, t ; .loha C. New, E.J.Davis, J i .1. W p. hn Y.Stone, M . b. Col burn, hn A. Martin, John W. Maeon, m. C. Goddloe, 'Elihu Enos, 9 . li.sU'inehbaek, 11. C. McCormiuk, William P. Erye, ... Newton" Edmund?.? c 0. Eulton, S. J. 1)0 wen, hnrM. Eorbes, Tlios; Donaldson, Alex. 11. Bcattie, Stephen B. Elkins John It. Mc Bride, wis 11. lieatb, l.ii T. Averiii, , M. Huchanan, .). Eilley, j r. Osborn, . ' c. Grange Jacobs, L Jas M. Oarev. y LATEST NEWS. The reception ai the r.x . f i . t ecu live Mansion tin New ear. is reprctse ntcd i.l i..t..o.lf nt .nuusuallv eleirant and fcJ lift V ; W V I r " I brilliant. Mrf. Hayes . was drcesed more elaborately than is her custom. ;irtUc Cabinet were present, all the ' Judges of. the Supreme' Court -except Judge Hunt, theArmy and Navy ofli ceris, led by Gen. Sherman and Admi- ral Porter, Senators, &c, &c. Only at Jry' few places were wines or other : drinks offer d, buttea, coffee, choco late and oiher refreshments were I dU" pensed. The Diplomatic corp .-ippcar-cd in full dress, as' vill as the Army and Navy, All else in full dress, ex- II t T,.nr)j who vfr( a frock V cejt 1 c av. . ; Gnvprnor Cornell was inaiiguriiitd wiih simple ceremonies at AlbanyVou Thiusday. The mother oi me new Governor was present, dbtin-uished -by her fine features ami high bear im:, ' ami scaled ri'extU lrrvas the new 'i urlli wife, simply dressed, and viovei'.c v it'h a bC 1 j. , .uet of roses o: breasi.. berls hai beat.-n ihe Afgnaus out of ci;: ht, and driven ;hem in herds i,,fk i ronntrv. He has. reoccKpuu J-i 'ratal and is scudins forces 4a pursuu ffhe ejng'rebels. Commutiications aUjreAtom!. . . . 1 lSen.Granf'..a-lti a speech it Beau- fort and 'was received by the CoLector .of Customs an 1 city llicc:s at bivan- .I . ... li.tll. L ' " '.'' : Daniel S mw,, fasidaist, relusoi ; to take his seat in the Maine Lestore. The famous Irish agitator, Parjell, ' .... Cxitliinl arnvcu at v and was itCC sirrfV lv his friends with "feat aittiitions. ti, (.mf. Johannes, a'las Utorge .x Liv; v . Junes, is dead, lie was a soluiero innunr- liu't not : without some good r.s, Ue hi title of Count, no body knows how. Colorado his' had the most prosper ou'vearin its history. Only 21-tail urcs, aitlc', 7,000,000 lbs. of wool, and 2,250 i.iO bLhels'of wheat. The1 produce o e IK Uh6,uhKS has ecaf 10,1 10,S2, an in crease of mere thanine m.ll,iou ,oye dast year. ' '';! Senator Hilliard of Alabama is dead and1 a committee of the benate has gone to Atherrs, Ga., to attend the "funeral. . ' , : - The ?dnd Jot followers ol ban ,iran clsbo afe hawking cu CArcelon- . l?it body to fit head." " ' ' L James Anthony Froude iu one of his articles intheNorth Ameru aa Review, an "Romanism and the Irish Race in Mhe Uuited States," makes the follow ing remarkable declaration: Land, properly speaking, canuot be owned by any man. It belongs to all tho human race. -Laws have to be made to secure the profits' of their in dustry to those who cultivate it, but, the private property of this or that person which : be is entitled .to " deal with as he -pleases, land'aever ought to be and never strictly is." General Grant and party left Wash ington at 5:20 p. m. in Tom Scott's palace car and proceeded via Rich mond, Danville, Charlotte and Colum bia to Augusta, whence he' went to Beaufort, S. C , to attend an emancipa tion celebration,, and thence to Savan nah, and thence to Feruandina, where he takes the steamer to Havana. He spent a few hours in Augusta, and was enthusiastically received. ; : There was a joker at Grant's recep tion at Beaufort. The ex-President had ejeprtssed a desire for a specimen ot the phosphate fossils. A gentleman brought him the jaw bone and the back bone of the mecralonvx. and remarked to him that it was a fair specimen of I arolina chee& and back bone. 1880. , We wish, all our readers especially, but "ah the rest of mankind" a happy new year. May the whole world, and everybody in it, grow better and be come more happy. And more particu larly may the readers of the Post be come more intelligent and prosperous and happyevery year of their lives. May the fools get wisdom, the lazy get industry, the bad become better, the vicious become virtuous, the im poverished become rich, the wicked good, the sick, well, and all : rascals re pair tlio injuries they have done to mankind. Tlii i; i much more that we wish. II we.-cwuld -have our way the coming iu year would be one of undisturbed happiness-prosperity and comfort. We bid a (iisiiuct and final adieu to the old year. Let it be buried and forgotten. 0 WohwantJio repetition of it. But we advise all people to make the most they can of the year which is before them. GTTY ITEMS. Chew Jaeksoirs Brst SweetNavy ; ; iy . Tobacco. i . I N (j OLD. )Ve ind pay TWENTY DOLLARS IX (j OLD to any person who 'sends us the L. UGES T NUMBER of PA Y 1NG SUBSCRIBEHS up to the. 1 5th day of Jaumrrj, IS 80. . , . ED 11 OR POST. . - i . , Some Statistics of. the (ity for the yea ii 1579. We jrivc below some statistics of the city for the year just 1 closed. These statistics bave been gathered from the heads of departments which are reported and are correct. mortuary. OafclalcGQ adults and 54 children. Total 11 i. Of this number 7 were still born iiiiautSj and 10 died elsewhere and were brought here for interment. IkUccuc 14 adults and 21 children. Total 35. Of -this number 2 were still- -. .... Ln'ri-i inlm ?mrl 1 rliPfl fnotvliorpfarifl was brought to this city for tntermeht. Pine I'orcst ( GaWI-UI adults and ui rluMrM! Tnhl s Tho (Tfcof. est number was in uciooer, aua the smallest (G) in February and April, Pavhcr s C2ccrv-Fortv-seven adults and .44 children. Total 91. Of these . ( r , , .; Ollly !tb IL O WCre WUlteS, laUperS fiom ihir (ountry are not iucluded .in tlte ;.bwe import. U,, :,;,;-;, , nA, Grand tidal, 103.. HYMENEAL The Register of Deeds issued a1 total of 229 marriage licenses donng the year jufct closed, of which 80 were for ; ja The figures given be.ow were com piled by Col. John L. Cantwell, irom tbe bocks ol tfie i'roauce .xcnange. , i ,,. . 1 lit y si:ow a laning ou irom me ngures ol lbib. 1 be reason assigned Dy tnose iithUU in incse matters, : are mai me . . i . . -l . .1 producers are holding bac their pro duee f r better vc ices iu the spring. Thty a'co say that this is the first time since the war that farmers have been p -cuniaryiy ab'e to do so. The long flow stage of water ' in the Cape Fear and Black rivers has seriously in torfert d with tho receipts of naval stores As to the iox oris : The demand during the fall for grain Leigat from Balti more and New York have kept a great many vessels away from this port up to this time, which would othewise bave taken cargoes of naval stores to Euro- pean porta. T"pre are riow thifty yes st-ls In port loading, and between forty and fifty on their way and to ar rive. When those crafts receive their rar-i.e the exports will far exceed those of the : corresponding period of last year The following are the receipts and exports alluded to : The receipts from January 1st, 1879 tn T muary 1st, loeu, were uz.-is-i Daies cotton, 103.312 casks spirits turpentine, 590 379 barrels rosin, oo,iyi parreis rar, 131,361 barrels crude turpentine.agalnst receipts from January 1st, 1878, to January 1st, 1879 117,803 bales cot ton, J 14,356 casSs spirits turpentine, cm cuts ut . . " " . -4 vva,uv uarreis rosm, o,zoparreis tar, 168,007 barrels crude turpentine. The exports were as follows : From January 1st, 1879 to January 1st, 1880, 50,252 bales cotton coastwise and 37,48 bales foreign, a total of 87, 738 bales cotton; 22,242 casks Spirits coastwise' and 68,982 foreign, a total spirits of 91,224 casks; 44,S91 barrels rosin coastwise and 468,001 foreign, a total rosin of 512,892 barrels; 44,651 barrels tar, coastwise; and ' 22,721 for eign, a total tar of 67,372 barrels; 2,905 barrels crude turpentine, coastwise and total. This is against, Exports from January 1st, 1878 to January 1st, "1879:. 54,230 bales cotton coastwise and 76,232 bale3 foreign, a total of 130,462 bales cotton; 11,019 casks spirits turpentine coastwise and 07,152 spirits foreign, a total of 118, 1 cask apiritf ; 65,679 barrels rosin coastwise and 516,279 rosin foreign, a total of 681,958 barrels rosin; 32,008 barrels tar coastwise and 31,176 tar foreign, a total of 63,184 barrels tar; 3,087 barrels crude turpentine r coast wise and 1,449 crude foreign, a total of 4,536 barrels crude turpentine. , ARRIVALS. The following was drawn - from the report of Harbor Master Price to the Commissioners of Navigation, and does not include any of the fleet of small coasters or "corn crackers." j American, 63 Strainers, 50,233 tons I Bark 424 10 Brigs 152 Schrs .2,575 32.8S2 86,114 50,879 23,557 J,066 75,502 t ( Total Foreign 226 146 Bark 82 Brigs ' 9 Schrs Total 237 .RECAPITULATION. 226 Arrivals 86,114 237 " '75,502 American Foreign it Total 463 161 016 " We publish these statistics as a mat ter of interest and news, but more es pecially with a view of letting oup up country friends ste what is doing in the principal .-ea jort of the State. The mortuary statistics will compare most favorably with those of any other city in the United St'aies, and we give them as an evidence of the gootLheallh of the city. .. ; 'A Useful Book. In these days of trashy, and evanescent publications, it is refreshing to receive even the iutima-' tion of a work of real substauce. Such we regard the new governmeht book, just announced in prospectus by George N. Lampbere, Ei., the well known . ; , ' . 1 ' chief of the appointment Bureau of the Treasury Departments-It is a work on which the author haf been for some J time engaged, and is ne of the results of his actual experience of the practi-. Civls workings ol governmental atfairs. " bear? the appropriate title of the United States Government; showiug all ,1UJ wscnuai jcaiuicu wmcnunu, me I I ipn aratmns nf Innpnpnnpnrp thA N a- I tional Constitution, the three' grand divisions of the government, legislative, executive and judicial, with their sub- divisions the powers and duties, exer- cised and performed by th principal Oirera nt th crnnprnmpnt t and !H-a consequence, showing to what officer 1 application should De made witli reLer- ence to any claim of a government ertv furnished to or taken by its agents: and the mannerof procedure in making 'application fr public lands, patents, r T .!, -ail tit- nHnni ramidinrio . QUV V till K J ilV w MA M. MLU WV V V - J 0f the working departments of the gov- ernment of tne United States, wilt be literally exhibited in this book of Mr. Lamphere. We think, judging by the prospectus before us, and by what we have the i".."":' rV :r: .ul .i i peient aim renaoie autuur, mis win proye tQ be what we have characterized it as a useful book. Washington, Lx I -t . wunyc. American. Leoion of no or. - Clarendon No. ,Wilminxton, N. C.j Of this order, a beneficial asso ciation, was instituted Friday night by N. Jacobi, Past Commander, with the following office's: ; Commander J. I. Macks. v ? Vice-Consmander Owen Fennell. Orator W. S. Nornient. iledical Examiner Dr. W. J Bellamy. ' Secretary B. J. Halle U. H. Collector Jacob Weil. Treasurei H. M. Bowdin; - Chiplaiu Wm. Laikins. Guide Hll. Kasprowic. Warden H. McL. Green. Sentry W. M. Haukias. . Trustees R. E. Heide, Roer Moore, A. Shrier. Htmesbau -Jjnring the month of December 3o licenses were issued, of which 15 were for white and 21 for coiortu tuuiic, mc Kicicsb uumun for any one month issued during Ihe i present mtuuiucm mui wi wuitr. Happy Ne w Year, f r f .1 Resolve to dp better, and Jive,, up it. No interments ip Bel levue; .Cemetery this wek. : 'i. r ; Only one interment: itt-Oakdale..:this week. !1 Ti3,''?VSial U to , A house without a newspapers like a house without iwi ...aJji)i V Sweet potatoes are scarcean'a in dev mand in this city.iriii'i m 'n&iiw' ; ' Thre are QM$$2W 1&M and torty-uve on tue.way; niti nu , r; f In inForroJteui ifMt been seTen mtermentstbis weeJr-laiee adults aid fburichildrenya ii i a i The body of a white infant was found near "'jump ana nun" dt, a coiorea woman on Wednesday last, .. j, j CTbere are two perons.conip1ed.inf the county jail in this icityriehArscsJ with; murder, and one senteocerHo death. : Every man is a miserable dinner in church, but out of church ;it . is. unsafe, to say much about it. except to a small man. VHS. t 41 The Register of 'Deeds1 has (issued four marriage, licenses .thh.week jtwo j of which were for white and two lor colored coupiesJ ' ,,t-' ' ' ' :fi f. - ' j ' ' .j, ; i-ij,;;:,, Capt. W. H. Sligh.ofthe Penitentiary Guard of South Carolina, brought a re quisition for Ilenry ' Mack, an escaped convict lrom tbe pen s, wnp captured in this city last week. ' was At a meeting of the County Board of Health, held Thursday night, Coir Wj L, Smith was re--elected President and Dr. J: C. Walker as Superintendent. The Rev. T. Page Ricaud and family, ate safely domiciled, at the parsonage of the Fifth Street M. E. Church of . this city. They were "pounded" on the night of their arrival here. I The lirst shad of the season; were in marktrt yesterday, There was only one pair caught which, were leadily disposed of at seventy-five eeii!!. " ','':' I ' - ' - Ban K.y. On he ti rst i nsta n t, . Mary, wife of Rev.' V. H. Banks; pastor of Ebernezer Baptist Church ,of :this city. The funeral took places pa the 2nd of January, 1880. Slie was born in liamsburg, Va , July ,.4,; 1 S45, ',1 't, ' If rout biilr Is COraing.OUt, or liirniug gray, do not murmur, over ajinifprtuue von can so easily avert. Ayers, '.Hair Vir will remove the cause bl your grief by restoring your hair to its liatu- rat and tharewith your ' good looks and good nature.' J; rZ- Vh Henry Junes of Cape Fear tpwnship, to work tbe county road on tbe 27 ill of .August, 179. At that time his (Jlijicl - was lying c the point of death and dTiea tne 8Jl"ie yun LecemDer .ttj da but worked five subsrouent davs. the judgment being given for the j y --w- m . day on wnicn ins cnuq ci.eq hANDSOme Present to Col. Mab- sqn. wg saw a very: nanasome xua- onn n mo a wKmK wa Trctanfivf!fk Col. Geo. L. Mabson. during Christmas by Messrs. Hunter Edwards, on be- halt of the Industrial Fair: Association of this state. W are pFeased ' to see guch an acknowledgement of ; services rQnoral K fVn rwiniunt f tha npAcini during the late Fair. -held'uuder J the auspices of the Association.' WilkikgtoNj N. C, - Jan. ; 1st, 18S0J I I he depositors : -or the :b reed m an s Saving and Trust Company, ' (jresSdent in Wilmington) are hereby invited to meet the .undersigned at the Court House on'Mondav nicht. Jan. 5th-. 18S0. I ' M CB 9 i 9 at 1 oclock r, ro.-.w veryjrespeciuiiy, G.; L. Mabsori, J. G JSampspu," James A. Lowcry, Tenry layior. Daniel Howard and Duke Davis. : j j r IT i nnnh T L c t t? t 'cs T? T7TJmt .Wnh Pri.-P TTurhnr lfr.,tnilt(.R i rt- . - the following report of the arrivals of Tesels at tis port, &.c:l for the month 1 - t : - of December: American. . m- .Tonnage. Steamers, 4 t '6 14 21 11 2 1 - -' 3,380 ' .;?-: " 775 . 3)207 Brigs, - Schooners, Total, Total, - 7,362 Foreign. ' ' 1 Tonnage. : 5,450 Barques, 1 ; Brigs, i Schooners, v ' -: - ' 148 To al, : 30 ; Total,' 8,420 Total arrivals ; 51. .Total tonnage 15,782. '1 h V Dobiiib : JdANher , s gallows im hich Allen Alathis is toi pay the death penaity ou Friday next; 'for the m'urder of Reuben5 erring, has'beeri r reeled iu the j ill V yard, . and". Sheriff Manning . has . tried ; it - with heavy weigh ts in order -'to tsee if ! it wadi3 smoothly. Ic made ihe jest in order to' prevent any bungling, on of the execution , - ; i ri v uMi-i i' The execution wiil be private and only the number r'cquyed by law will be allowed to see Alien .MathU swing into eternity.. x , UtV- Mil'. A We learn that a white man has ar rived here as - agent to drum up exodusters. We hope our colored peo ple will give him no countenance, and vnat ttie iviayor wiil see tlial he :s laxei Hie any other drummer. , ; New Yeas's Day. The draymen of this city gave a grand street parade on. the lsjt instant. Forming in front cf Capt. Hill's residence, oa Front street, with the military in line, they march ed up Front to Dock, up Dock to Sec "ond, up Second to Princess, upllribcess to Fourth,' and out Fourth to Hilton Uraye. Appropriate speeches were delivered by Messrs. W. H. Brewing ton, John H. Whiteman and Captain Gause." After tke speaking was over the procession re-formed and marched to the city. The proeessioa crave three cheers for Col. E. B. Brink, W. P. Can- aaay. a. u. jiiunas, juayor .Lisiib:a!e and the merchants of the cityv ;! They marched to the City flail and adjourned to meet next Thursday night for the purpose of effectiusr a dravmans brganization, which we hope they will be able to make beneficial jfor they have lODg needed seme protection that the law. don't give them. e have the very best"; and most reiiablb set of dray man of any city in the United States. They are the harde&t v;orked and poor est paid, for -the, responsibility they tiave, of auy labor In this country. We hope them success. 'Nicholas DeBocs was-the ciiief-mar-, shal of the procession, assisted by Messrs.Vohn. .H Whiteman. A. WiU Hams, (jreb. Murry, J a? Braiilfv and J. S. Tucker . . ! For tliol'Jsfc. Metropolitan Club. The above named club is composed entirely of the select young gentlerneu of our city, and was organieU exelus-lveiy lor t!:e pleas ure and ebjoymeut of tl?3 'most fastidi ous of onr young societyX w.ho' s? em to appreciate its Value. Theyuve a New Year's evening entertainment., at tbeir hall, in Currie's Block, on Thursday .evening, January 1st, I860, A gand promenade and march van the begin ning of ihe evenings ' ebj'oyment, and was indulged iu by each couple; in the hall, with as much grace and dignity as any we ever " witnessed. After -the many other erjometrHs, charactaristic. of such respectable gatherings, wencV ti'ced two very large tables i:i the hall, ladea- with the luxuries of life ; every thing to suit the taste of the moht fasti dious wast here. Afters supper was over the club was then addrtsicd by Mr, Edwards of Raleigh, N. C. Our colored friends thave long since bfetled such an organization. . 1 - -v i-'or tiic 1 ht. " Bo:;-to. At the residence of V. K. Price, Esq., on, Thursday evening, January Ht, the ladies anil gentle man of the 2nd T'rebyieri:iii Lveenm, gave a most eelieni sociable, l-llf r-i'.l .T 1.1. ' . 1... .ill and infiir to Mr. Ji. Is I layior, bride, who arrived here fiuni Pennsyl vania, the home of the bride u Christ mas Eve. r " ()UAUTULY JVIKETIXC.S i'Oli THE Wilmington Distkict or the M?rH odist Kt un iiaori, , bouTii i" hist Round, 18S0. The following are the appointments made by the Presiding Llder of the Wilmington lJistnct : Bladeh, at Bsthleheai, January 1 0 and 11. . I Elizabeth, at Elizabeth townVIJan aary 7 and IS. Whiteviile, al. Whiteville, January 24 and 25. . Waccamaw Mission, at . Betaesd.i, ' January 28. i Brunswick, at ha run, January ol, and February 1. ' bmithville fetation, leornary 3 and 4 Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Febru ary 7 and 8. . Wilmington, at i rant Street, Febru ary 14 and 15. i TopsaiiTat Prospect, 1 ebruary 21 and 22. . New River ..Mission, February 25. Onslow, at Swansboro, February 2$ and 29. Duplin, at Magnolia March G, and 7. Clinton, at Andrews' Chape-, March 13 and 14. A fuil attendance of the District Stewards is requested at the Parsonage of the rront cstrect. Oiiureh, la. WiN mington, on the lo'.h of February, at 10 o elect, a. m.' L. S. Burk he A.D, Presiding Eioe'r. Consumptlou Cured. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable, remedy, for the gpeedy and permanent euro ftr Csa sumption, Bronchitis, C;iarrh 1 Asthma,- and1 all throat and i'-ing, atiections, also a positive and tadical cure for Ner vous DeunUy and uil Nervous, Com plaints, after having tested its wonder ful curative powers in thousands of cases,- has felt it his du'.y to make it known to his suffering fellows. - Ac tuated by this tnbtive and a desire to relieve human suffering, .1-wiil send Tree of charge to all why desire it this recipe, in Germnn, French, or Dglish, with full directions fr preia,riu:r and using. Sent by m:ll by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, JSx. , sept. '16 iyt. NEW TviiVEltiTSEMENTS, ELASTIC'' TRUSS Has & Tn-l 'Ee-Vc from l 1 oiiet. Bil i fa ctTJt-, f.ap(. i brl'Oo all rciiicns of lite lo!y, wiiiS ths la! li n the rnj prcao bark the lofest5ns3nstx tccmctwSd wltK liiO ilesrr. Wish i'sP.t itesure the Hernia !s JiaJil irrcly dftTnd nldii. nl nufcil cere certain, itli e,T, nicheaD. SenttytnaO. Circuhr; Us. . 'ted rffrtlfeHla 1ST? ftk tljf ewKt of Cnrr. TiiTnors. rirT, Pra?aU, Foil tformat!m cL-cular., atdre(, ; ?r. F U D, Anrora, Earo Co., Ill r .... ' IfSSTiTMTE $10,000. SAFETY Slft.M WiU to Nil to Nf prao wb cm txphtitmLmmp flu4 with oar PATXSTSO SAPCTT ATTACHMENT. May mm mmy lump or bMf. i J rrvTentadiipplac tt4 kBttef. M . . . 1 .!. -I . k Factory and Offict, Bingtiamtgw, Ht Y; jan i it - r - . . Cathartic . Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ail justed to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, and are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases, caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which require prompt and effectu al treatment. Ayer's Bills are specially appl icable to this class of diseases. They a;t directly on the digestive and assim ilative processes, and restore regular healthy action. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is ono of tho many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative medicine. Being compounded of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free from calomel, or any injurious properties, and can be ad ministered to children with perfect safety. Avr.n's Pills aro an effectual cure for Coiistipationor Costiveness, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Lioss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness, Headache, Ivoss of Memory, Numb ness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheuma iism Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neural gia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the I-avcr, mul all other diseases resulting front a disordered, state of the digestive apparatr.3, ' y As a Dinner Pill they hare no' equal. While .gentle in their action, these riLL:-; arc the most thorough and search ing cathartic -that can be employed, and imver give pain unless the bowels aTe inflamed, and then their influence is heal- iag. They .stimulate the appetite and uiosiivo organs; they operate to puniy and enrich the blood, and impart renewed healt h and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co , Practical nnd Analytical Chemists, Lcwellf Mass. l: -:v a:.!. cr.ccuiSTS evertwherb. j ui 1 it . Reasons why I & S It Y DA V IS' PAIN-KILLER 13 TILE Best Fan ily Medicine of the Age. And wny it should be kept l -rnys near at "hand: . Pain-Killeb is the most certain Cbolera cure that medical science has produced. 2nd. Pa tx-Killer, as a Diarrcea and Dys- , en iery remedy, seldom u ever rails. E'ain i j. lyKit will cure Cramps or i'afns mi any part of the system. A .inslo dose usually affects a cure. i'.h. Paix-Killfr will cure dyspepsia and Indigesti n, if used according to direc tions. t h. P a i N-K i lleh i s an al most ne ver-fail iu cure for budden Colds. Coughs, Ac tilh. Pa i ic"i lleb has proved a Sovereign Ketasdy fur Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the most obstinate cases. 7lh. Pain-Killeb as a lioament is un- equaled for FroRt Bites, Chilblains, Hums, truisc8, Cuts, Sprains, tc. 8th. Paix-Killeu has cured cas ol Khcumaiism and Neuralgia after ycarj etanuing. 'Mix. nAjji-KiLLEB will destroy Boils. Pel-' ous, Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief from pain after tne nrst application. lutb. Paix-Killeb cures IXea.daohe, and Tootnacne. ) 11th . P aik-Killeb will save yom days of sickness and many a dollar In time and Doctor's bills. 12ih. Pain-Killeb has been before the publ ic over thirty-seven years and is a uurtly Vegetable preparation, safe to keep and use ia every family. The simplicity attending its nse. together , wi.a ine greax variety 01 diseases tnat , may ne entirety eradicated by it. ana tne great amount ot pnn and suffering that can be alleviated through its nse, make it imperative upon every pereoa to supply themselves with this valu able remedy &a& to keep always near 1 of honl The PAis-KrLsiB is ku wn and ap preciated iu eyery quarter of the Globe. Physicians recommend it iu their practice, while all classes of society have found in it rle'f and conafort. Give it a trial. ne and buy the genuine. KveryDrnr. u. ana nearly every uouniry , Qrocer u uriuui. ma uqj Keep it iur a(.v 13-iy READ We stood at ao open window Leaning rarorer the illlj ' And If omcthlnc hadn't happened We miththare stood there still; put we reached for a bmngins shutter -1 In bllndlnr northeast breeze. Co our friends wUl hare to he lnrlted To Join in the obsequies. l?J!i 2P ONT HAVE KNOWN X J- wnat a storm was brewing (in a teapot! and now fer otfiTluZi. -JZZZZ never nava TentnrMi nnr Iim7 that window; but it fs lale for TeU now: we ara nnnnlmiaii quelehed,haYO been sat upon, and our mends and the public cenerallr aro ro- pvcuoxiy lnriUd to attend the obsequies ro- on SATURDAY NEXT na we stake out reputation on its belnr the grandest funeral they ever witnessed. Ashe slips he tildes, and every time he lthe slips op moot woefally. Velmt ""kind friends" to find out the meaning w will ask the following questions: 5 iScT?' lbe Sleet and dirtiest store la " tne etatet WUnTKSn?lh Block of sooda to . . .. . . i . Harn't we made prices much hlf hesine ire eommeneedf . v Harn't We been rery unaccommodaUnt and impolite to yon? " uwe charged you for all he goods Havn't we made a great noany misUkes " and refused to correct them when our atten- . Uon was called thereto? " 4.Allf oor Weud who answer Mys' to the above questions will pi ease not buy from us any morw RespeStfully and truly. P.L.BRIDGERS&C0. In glancing over last Sunday's paper we regretted to notice the tacit acknowledg ment from some of our brother grocers that making an appeal to the others not to feavo them. We regret this exceedingly, er pecial ly as they were so kind and considerate about our coming to grief, but suppose, aa wo u away part 01 tneir trade, and LARGEST RETAIL GROCEIJV BUSINESS ever doneln Wilmington, we will In the future have to keep from being so tender hearted, and CUT 1XWN PKIcES alltUe mora. THE BLOOD r GUASn HAS BEEN BRIDGED OVER, THE LITTLE JOKERS are not quito gone. A fine line of TOILET SOAPS re f ceiyed to-day, rery low down. The OLD CAPE FEAR is flourishing ana MAAiXiiiLjiS swimming. ; We have been Over an smoked that "Clear of Peace." (a fine Havana it wa),bul still think it would be bad doIIct to ntnn furnishing the papers with our fine literary productions, as they have the tendency to keeDoriees TerTlow. which we. of coarse. . with all other good grocers, desire: only want enough left to pay for clerk's hlre store rent ana taxes. . NOT PURITANICAL. Although opposed tothe drinkins of Liquors, P. lu BB1DGBS AGO, are not I puritanical enocgb to refuse to sell them. I as tbey tblnk no FJIU3T CLA8S GROCERY I dixjmu. can anoru vo do witnoui! DUttner promise tne ladles that they would neyer . find out there was any on the premises, as it must dc uueen eisewnere to oe orunjc. BUMGARDNEB, 9 - STUART'S DEW and DURHAM OLD RYE received this week. , '. TRY OUR BUTTER AND LABp ' The purtst, oldest, and best CORN WHISKEY in the State, to b , bought only at P. L iBRIDGKRS S CO'S . Te feel highly flattered at the no. tk taken of onr advertisements, esnecian v I bv a fellow crocer. who was not surorlsed at I h eaosenco or onr nsuai eunaay morning I ad. on account of one of our friends hawlna I gonaiiOfiew iv wikaruTBui, Act 14 P. U B. d CO i 1 1 .A i if ) - I - t -' .?' :i 1 II 1 4 41 'A i i i t r 4

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