, a . . . . , ! M fT V -; ; ii : .;'! a.." V .Si: .'tr.';ssl& r5!' :i-'.-.'i---.-W5i?.- ; JL 'I TILJi Tholi V T 1 ? J IS. I) : a A FF AIRS "test accounts from Los, Pin of an'- that Our.iy has left for his ranch ef, wl en: he is L hoidja iiual council, and 'tKuiand tiit - surrender of the chief V:o participated in ibc White river mas.-acrf. T.e Los Pines dispatch savs: ' 1 ' ; l)mECTOR10Fi;L01)GE Bti'John's Ldfdsre Noli F &-Afr,W Thursday evening of each month, ujL Ida 4 sonic Hall ! Wilmington JLoo 3if, FA A M, ro et a 3d Tuesday in ea.:H motitu, at Masonic Half Cone rd Chapter Jro 1. It A M, meets 3 J Monday in each-mouth, at Masonlg Jlali. I Wilmington Council Co. 4, ItaudOM; meet 2d Monday in each month, at. .Masonic rrnti - - -. , - -.,,!, a ,-- - - , t "Ail 'or iiohc" were 'Gen. liatchV ' wLinW kvU.JfiO I" parting words to Ouray," as" that chiel meets 2d Wednesday in each mo;nih,&t Ma- hit tho OummUhfner's room yester- sonicHaM.' . lLl, i 1 'd..y -ibr lis .'ranch, to hold a final In- cr??i3 PV, " Irau ebuucil, which ere thi, has decid. aTiiS?cint& i d the fate of the Ute nation. Ouray I. O. O. F. - Jully realizes the situation - and knows vaP? Fpar Lodge No 2, mecta every Tuss-i (har, if the ultunatum of-the coram Us l eA1 - 2.. :; J si'ju H riot corhphea wuh. tne Utes day erenins. , , mu-it co. l he surrender of the pnso- P.1! Encampment No. 1. meets 1st r. 1.1P1.-r!nil1ifl r-t.r-r. and 3d Friday evening of each month. new -m very- aoubttel. Chief duero, Kebecca isadeamMt uta-wi t.,.iv. Acn.'id in Dower ' to ' Onrv. lienor o evenings of eaaa mnntiu mediciii.e' man, has a lame following 4llL?liL51i??T5f f ana has uene more than all the others f I n r r t) hniller tlie commission. from ' accoai- North State Lodeo No. 233, meet lsf and plishihg.it work- He is in favor of SdjSuaday in easi month, atjaoleio'sic p w war, and at fJie time of the White o. kJ s. B. liivvr trotiblc8 wanted to massacre the Manhattan. Lodge' No'loS, Jneets 21. and; . ople living in the garrison, and was "y each. montht 3 o'clbpfe v'i only restrained by Ouray. If. the War r.rrio ' t' - r , m . i Cornelius Harnett Council Nf?31, meets D.partinenr is t'-i talie charge of the 2d and 4th Monday eventnj oeach month. U'.es "and. tlie irojs are ordered on rrTne above l odges meet atJdd " Fftiotva , i Hey utuft co.i:e quickly, or the Los nutnlea tratclweQa vr, cnm, IJiuvs Ageney may , be the cene of a kxiuhts OF PYTlklAS. f tf.coia VTnue riyer aiiair wnen sto.-cwall rxlge No. 1, aieeta every :&u tiuray starts for Washington there will dav it C.tstie ilau, on Third Mrea'. , ,,.; iL no one hdt t'vri.!r-in. th voiinff J.r!M.,'lIt94twv.oryU:hiura. . . . - ----- ... -D uiiy uveiii'.L' ai ensi o lis i- . . , s . oueks, and Uuero is so hostile to "the j Ki.d vion t Ilanlt No,22i, jiject.i:d Fiiday i unues mar lie isiiiaoie to cue icoie at " r '. "- - ; u,- Wilminztoa Lodra " No. Gil rastivfverV Cicitement in Colora- Wedriesd jfy-eveal.ng, at ielnperanco J.Iaif,, I on 1 nr. ul.rnof. I , - ) ! ,t 9 k .1 T. . i f I . . , w .' i do on me. uce question, ana mucn tear M, o. it: il.J r.. , hat Gen. Hatch and the while settlers W.youilr Tribe No. 4, -niceSs '.eve.y Tuei .. , , " i i rru Jay evening, at Ihctrillall wy Prince's hs. ! the Irontitr may be indaBger. The twteu front and Second etreeU - i ... : --77 j , . , ?.. .. r " ' x- j --k --"4 ...- ..a. . 7 : T"T'-''" .' ' i I i- - ' - ; ... it - I -t i - - Hr. Vv'ii.1 j 1 ",js ' X ,ii ; t if . . . pf Hill v'iytv l: fif :Jny:-inomtht. ' There isjmith L'ibinet having had the matter under ,;.sHlerajUon, do not , seem to believe iSSSi'SSSl I "... L ,t il,r.. u -rtnir A.frir.i il inrv.rriit;nn ana ilea cross streeTs. i ! J i!s-tifyifig fears of danger toGen.IIatch in each month, corner Kightik aui P.inrcai hi MASONIC (Coloii dSdlMnda ween YVaiuui bs huiers.trorn the inaians, ine wasu a. u. o. o. r Free Love Lode, umet Ut aim 3d TatSay In 4ic'cofdauce withlho decision ar- Uoi eu Lyre Loasre, meet 'tei "and :i 'J!Vn- i: i(oii telegram says: rived at by the Cabinet this afternoon, VJti"treeV Secretary Sehurz has telegraphed Gen.. . " T VT'nv r d Avn'-n c. ' ": Hatch to nig,lUhat thfefnendly fcouth-,. aeou Esther meets every Mouday irn I te chiefs may 'be brought to iu. . r. Washington. The Secretary does not. f I Liberty, meets eyery Tuesday think that there is any reason for ap- ingonums.' insets "every TtUstla'y erenlns! v,rehensinn with regard to the safetv of Unl-m, meets evo-y Vedne4da9 1cniiiB& Loving Union, meet ,xJvsry VedueiUy this view of the situation is also taken Damon and Pythias; tnoet every Thors ( ,.n 1 tof r!i nnfl hi rnmnaninns. and ij-iu. . ; . . .-. .. eveui!. -. - -It- . . -1- .wv-.r bv the Secretary ot War and General U:yp , ., I , German. Gen. Sheridan, before lea- - ThS ir'g the city today, this aiternoon had third stories, iii tha wesfend, o liva-us's an interview with Getiherman, when, bZ: Jroni What can oe learned, it was ae-. I mouth, comer second and. Princess sti-oots t - idrrl to tnaL-o- Mia hft. nnssihln nisnn.l hiliofi of the troops in order to: secure .liilir immediate avaiiapimy in caso 01 :idy sudden emergency. It seems more than probable that the hostile Utes will( carry their points and f. r ;i vent th e d e ri very of th e cri minals, wliich will make war inevitable. It will be Sfteij that Gen. Sherman has ('tdortd a precautionary disposition of Lie trows. CONFIDENT " - ' 1 i'-t " , s - v OF Olii ABILITY TO BltiS ' il ' THE- 1 i - : j u'.hyru. Houses lor TVew iiiilumt Jf Froin the rroviucncc Jturnai.j Wo have always had an idea that , i' rnciiean style 0 f a rch itecture, if it 1 " f X ,G f :kT.Lt -:rkxUii-i' ' r&&H??miizV"& hiclil will seiche2I), Callimd 6ea'.them; -u.: "--:;idl2;"d'.,-f ;sVn?, .uecTtf : , y.p.pANAPv SPLENDID DRAFT, SORSE? v .-, ;n - - 7 ioiioioif ssedu? p."Wfrx ti a""opsratca ta ?M3NpE! MAiLn 2s EW F u IlNITUEE AND' "TABLE 'TiDraiRB.tft lease mj True: No. I. :Arxivci etTIahiiet i,.!!..':27A'.' P-M o ' - J r'. -s Charlotte at i.L..lt;:2areii4 i ,t 1 "! !l fftinis" Bail t?-?cpt finjiOfayi &M coaaectwa lo,l&i igti4 tm ija Stsrrf - ; 4 LMve !Chatlott MlTT No2. .Abi ve at Hamlet-- aLwji. MLia , Ko. l T maEes lid dv ." fi'l No. 2 Train is Daily essast xoaisilUrSaflS SIIELBY -DIVISION- HAIL.' FREIGFflT! M ht'-: PASSENGER-AND'i2XPlik4a n? 4 r'--.'-l tfsve Chsr!oae.:;.:.l5:iO,AVn.ir V -??- f Arrive at fchelb 1 ?.A .. . t r N ; i o X Leave 'Shelfcy.u:.u2.:m lMM"f VAltK.t this city, lor a term of jrara Jt- l wi'tWa" hH -Edr the Bluing Ilijom H-I t f j onohalf mile c-f tho city market! Th'efene . V .- -V . H, -. 1 r . i ' ' " t - . 1 . ... t . . " . ..! . .va UJ 44iqiM Ai t ; u n Anyone wishing w leworacn pirm,wui i Sfl-j '2 - oOr-dnt3" 3 00 "sptav, :.in . - i ftiiriik'UiY Jhaay fer month 31 001 jLAb!e'"B3.ardJi$:2 d0:pemji3iith. lette Tutisdayp, Thursdays BBvaterda ; Lauriabarg, J'.iondays,- Wednesdays -ut.d. -irridars.i : w .., . " - ; ," i --Cicss centettion msds- r.V CliaxicUe vltH' Trains of A. 4 q; a. L. It. i:,;and a, 4 y,; Passcnlsers for Aj-hcviile via clihsr vcwW: leaving Wilmington uL7 p. m., viii: anlvp! attestijialiouatup. in., nest!-. " f: ,, 8 eepinjr-Car ticcoiumdatiorts ftti'rWfW' For pjil-iy , I.o ;s of ?,r.cmoryt- Ir.dif-o'olif lioii to Kxovtio'i ii s i. K- io.". u o, lirelth, Trunblsd wilii Tiionghts of 1 e:y , Dimness ef . V ii-iin, t'cln in tha B-ic'c, C.iwrf. and it.iad,Xlu-5ho: IJhipi to the iluad, Pai.e Couutouance aMd Dry iSiiia. i -- 'if-th'eso .sjinpltoms'.are. uUoryhd to po On, .very:'li-e'.i'ueutiy - Ep-i'.fiptio'' Fits ai-l Cyti-emap-tioh, i'jUenv, V h a." the . -.ii sti tat v.i 'bems Rlliefeli it. r'iiulro."i-.t.Ue; aid ofi;,n luvigora'iag ij(-4ici:io; to &tro:'.gih-.-;n. and tone ap'thef-yscair- will eh X i. L -ii-i,-' J' -i 'J ; 5J it ? r Or -J.-ZUiJ .3.- ft J. I. M 4 ; f -I I .3 TO QUALIWT- AM B t : ' u.- J" w " ." t : . 1 ' ' - 1 ' ! I..--'!. " " --: ' ! " ' '. t vcr .came,' would be evolved out of the would extexu! a eUterA;i 'kviUfiaa lij it g ea.binl, or,- U that is too-embryonic a our iri c;iil3: ah,d".ps tr-o.ns :to nsid cxvav hou sisi'g; f!-it'ivsei d:i:j", a It ) !", ' i. 1 y fi rm, fr;m 'lhe southern plantation lncour ,tncj bom'rc:parey like, and we are glad to see that the , , ' .liiri'' aril ii i in f. inn! Kev. i;r. mcon: is trying ine eipen- Is .... , l ivt i all s rts of , , - ; t v mcnt in - his. new he use. at Norwich, ... .- ; ; : ' i lti '.yviin. . .Tbp great uiuerencd in inetemt - pDftPFPb ;ro 1-erature of Ihefccawns iu this.country '.a.'. Off ivakes it almost imn-Srdblc to build a r t " ' ! t i,' ''j,.. i r.-i Varying in Blzs from a box of Cigars. bagM n iusc suilcu ioc couuuiu aim v,oacii4- . - " . Vnve all'-the year round, and of bourse Shot, - smalP. box of BUlg, . Latidanum a vily has limitations' in regard to Vpace Castor C ll,-paregoric, Pal aiailcjr, Soap and fiurroundings'whicli cannot be dis- Candy, Baking : Powders, Soda and Hatches rvgarded.. Hut the southern plantation to a 'sack of SaUf barrel' of iiauplr, keg o. hi itic has picturesque and appropriate GUupowder .arrel 0f Mulled bdi oWti i.hx'nontti wliir.h ftr Antirelv wanting I : i 1 -'.) to the angular frame, building of the ro11 of Eaggibs, bundle of Ties, tierces ai . New LnglamU states, and which seem Rice or Ham?, to a logsliodi of Jlolasei .. ...Ul. a? -.lni.frlnrmnnf Intn ho hfaf I : .- .. . . i I . . r ' I that it Is an .irnnossib.uty to r.veiUto ip irr inifrmpnt for t'.nn vpnience and com- I : : i !ort lis well, providing there is space detail, sui2.ee it to say, it Cjiitai:;g ever: .'mgjVaiid su?ro;ndurgs that ca!i rbe tbinglhe dea!i;ror c3asaE1W hood" ' made appropriate. Some ol the old . .j, : " t., ; ' : uiaiisionsotVVrrginia aad.theUarolinas, - - 0 "r''i 2l v.hiro they were not built in the baa- AORlAsI & 0'LLS? .'.tard Greek style with pillars ana por- iica?, are perljci mudeis oi picturesque WHOLESALE GROCElt .ippropriateneis ut -surpasseu uy tue i,:ivi'I ft ti rriVf I'.n 'lfintl TilOlr VflTV ii regularity givts them a charm, and fcoutheastxor. Front and Djq .b3.; ilu y Itave atouce an amplitude, a cozi- j . ; 1 ! . r ncss, and-a suggestion of comfort.. The.' WTT.MTHTOl" Q AthiiVincys oh th outside tho.ibofacon ' . features 'suggest the simplicity of con- 130; -Ky&tli venieace, but are none the less perfect !" : -?f?jltl narts ot'thft funeral ' dchiin. and show ""' r v:-"j t that 'the adaptation of means to ends is TTll fl t QIC P F nQp-pfillf P?: rl 1 'iH wVliit-' - the real secret ol perfect architectq' UMW. dlbl bdlbMlul: U-U boiue dav vve exnect tQ see fiometmng , MnTrcrJ more in this style rather than in imi . ; t - - 1 1 A 1 L . t.itiou tJt cswiss enaiets or any oiuer : - . . ; form of European architecture opt of On SeeoauV ; Bt'tcea; Piinssi tui 'j piaee and incongruous in: Amencau : '. iwi . : l . ,.qrrou!Kings, aua nayvug no parucma .Che?tnut .Streets. f . cdnveiiienbe or beautv to recommend rt" ... r - - -. .... 0m ...v.w.ww-.v. .. . . with attendance.- at vu .i .,. . - i . .. i - . . jvvnie -open entries anu oroau inaz&m i notice. ,or i he amJ le 4. . ;Vvp-t J, in ih :'! ' "-"' a j idi ever Hi?-: 0 Traius .llioto to;.- aud f rom1KJ?srt,tc, Wilmington-".- 'K . :- ": '.- - to aa d tiiim o1Ja W U?t att4 ; .1 uO f '.Wft. tlcij--ta , r.Jsiy si.rii ' j lie ' "-1 i r" f-ctt 4 tif I't'AH V'WM decTtf I! HAVE a splendid tract of 'fandJa the' ' ' old Newbern Road, that contains the best 'Mischllaneoust r ir i ; r-.r ,r.- &3 k Wordlof idfce to Mv Patrons,' , m Branchg.my, arrmcnablo Hie to recieve New Arrivals 6f Styles, of.lho . t OLl ii, 1 t I Ait R, iU ,1 4 Mv 5rtelc will tell in the Future as It haa V It the Past. . . , pall and ex&mlnefVre yxrJ purchase, j 1 blyBcfaootsnoeB canctrbe Etirpasscd Vy' afeatirlw,s itatf'ayAf'ftiwM iillo 11'-' fi:f -4si vcciy x wni give jtu some ot my Paraa.KfftcR no time this week. . J 1 1 Vqqtv 91101 iWiii.o "Auismn i.i 4tJi JOKl'i H WdT ."' .?t 3 r i2 4T1 0 a-'ROSENTHAL. lb sdt ol Mii'iiflrr l:'-.'AA'.MR.-l..j.- . Mi-y.-:-diiv ifetfof theBlmW!Cai;p 'O ,,t.r' lit I30ok of 5i I All new, and strictly flrtfc-clfWft, ftp d told I ... ; u .at tue lowest net casn wnoiesaie lactory i : ; prices, direct to tho purchaser: ,J ' These J " ' ; ' Pianos made one of the finest display at J ' f '.:ircu unanimously recommended, fOr 4he Biqh est iiolsoks over iz.ouu in use. itecuiariy incorporated Manufacturtng: COPactory' jmt:-$-m: ixt established .over -87 years. . The. square, liranas contain jviatniTsneics - new i patent Duplex Overstruny-8caler-he greatest yolhx-Pi'arcs! i'-.. Miff . l-u-i- u; r' iitk-v !-r .fcig'c-illl-dHrlUions of . I.-wt -uxsi'tlii's r-tyie-'i.SintiintUnirall the :.d f.'id' u--cfu' dtsfixua lor Ladies' and 1 in ii- M-f Purcell Housed -V af lAc I,'i 'eT ami I lUllUUVCUit'llU J.I MIV AXbVtv2 VI U lUiUU 4VL,vithF?eheffi and;Fn?iish waking; Tim'Uprlghtlaraithe Finest in if! -. i.w a - ii" t . r. i Tii Li!?' ( u i .rtfi . 1 1 ri.i i j-4i v w va a a-'vaj. iaii A. V ..,V,r ; X rM in)i? :'thu I to write for Illustrated and , Descrmtive l-p-iA '-f-rl-viic-til- is a s printed in the I v-awwos"" w M I'ltgw mimmiu iree, i li 0 !ru-H'a'; :vs" wiV.C " -::. :;-.: v.;; J. apr.l3r-j5m40 : 3?yi"5ilil -h DAY! SCX J .1.-.K.(.',0 1 B?mit)fast;s ; ,t't"V;.v.r1t'Fj . i'"A- Free Lovo Lodg6 ! Noi 1469GiiO' "iiitt j'i "-gal 3DHNr$fERNERrl IT t -fit .TTone butlhe most experienced, workmen, f w lploycd Ih this establlshmenfT ,r j M(Manufetctnre oL -Xotiloi. HairlOll. duli! r ogto e. Renovators. Dyes, BeautMers, &jc. i , ;Ki! ' .- il l TlTT v A ' n iivnco o:. aiql . 91 llij. t'Sv Xu ,!ii.H( jj&0 i.J il'ji1ft! U Mai i ;.' . , A. J JONES.PNP '; ' '. , - t. 1 . a. M. GRElflN, f r,0;bS i ;'L.; .pfil-i.Kti 4 : : r "tv .-- 'rp:.j:t K1 lif &!. i':..- . rf,':-T-rrr4'4i)j?irrjf -fV I " 1 .--.tl- ' --' uc"v4,.rvw;at T.,A.rr.l ... r a --:v.. -Tv'--5: .r:.;S b-iATrfc- - jf,A, - . ; . - . rats thi-s-H -rdV'l-'y-wr" 1 h, V icai-s an1. i aius Cf 'i: ' i "hlvidacy Liwc'.'st,;-. i Liver Uqnsp.m'", ; . "'-'. -' .i "Kerpoua lii?biliiY,; i ..... .. ' 1 .r'itepsy, '.-iPAlMljib, Genera! Ill ileal In, ---'-'-' --"r -Wt- ..r ff-i fiiiiufeu pr;U; jrA'i. '0 pstj, U irrjoud-iil'' : "Iqf?'? s.: r-; &. dCi-ng .cats .5 iWaiVfcv i-l-? t; : aiiSo'OHV bitV-Aiiln J'f, lVig'il Chane jtndatittoil),'nt,i4u':lrM.tj".. ' lv ' ' r? r".:n3 f 4"r Wil.t.,7i - i 0U'JiC?J ;. I .1)1 v. Z, : 1 " " 'I -;...'..' - O-tarfi.", '"TT ."..::.;' j .rfl2-Il k ..r -iV!i'w-.f -i-w-f '"'-?i "ifl .rt" 1 .-a -7, , 3-.. Uiata.gl5iJ$r.V ?iw';r) UjV-I -r .41... . . ..ii-r r rt I"" i. r x i:Kvf jti-I?.''t il'-01.:lU,vil-f . KfUptlOSiS,-' i-VlU i,'-.' '! ' " ""' : ' -:" FasssrerrMti & tW.t?: lLmd.icli.o'Pa-ia' in -thV2bo-ihlers, Coah, will i"aa aitWlOwfe'5 A'X.-.'i f-Uiw -.t - Taslli in 4h'a .Mouth, :Paipilaiion of the f t a v tt TT A"n.P'tp,r-ri,:,U iieaiD. Pain in the ' regwu It lbs Kidneys, D Y rr'.;i1.?:A1 r.p.d a tbou-sid o.:.ier-i;ainfaS syiaptO-i, ar: the Qilsprings 01 lysoeysii.. 1 1 .i I- - ?3 mj . ;7 i ! ! 1 1 1 i Hi 'i&uli&uLjL1 u .D U u u u Lorn- Vilrv?.fr?J?C'trt rilnit ' ;'c;;ct,B.v.. ........ g. . .m Til t n ; I j i :f -4; jSf.M-.f ''. 'h '-i'-'i"-- .-.--r.r.; U i Arr:V3 at vt ejiiiOt t-.. -f.-vi .':-:l'5iri.-J'Jfr5?, i;i)uv ;f.f i f.V .1 1. . . ,.4..J;;.-j li.4y. j .'h;3f3:4ilie Wl . . ; ix DrAULEY"Warden if-;Stl ... - I -; v. , " a., . . 4mU . ! 'i n r;: yuJ? :J'j.-K:cuTLAR,bhaPiiu; - . ttiyt.-vri. -r?-T.i5 I ' p r.-. r-j...--x-- tegular meeting 1st and 8d Tuesday in ' " i: m:W-f 'B-h li5) 1 I: rklV,1 SX;1 each month. - Lodge Room upper floor, cor- 1 fil. ami" TtTinti oi j vi Mnafscturerasitnd irfaoiosale. dealers . !i !; IffiM;SHEElrjlROH:WAIE; . I ; . J -JU. vi; . . ,; ,..!. ... i- '1 43 U. j IrtJ Xi V X f ! O X It JVC' a r i . j i i - - . ..4 . :.- -. ner nocna water sts,; ,mayir . io,v ILd. 5 Goldsa Lyre ! Lodge; Nol; 1608 G;;U;fijii;; ;. -TOtlN W. AVERY,Nk t , ji ';-; ! -0it lHfbWjri, lilH- ?.y,- tl GODPUKY WILMS, "S:" ,, Y'- -TJ ! .M'-i'lLi.i .ivi.-' : JE. A. DUDLEY. PN (i i; ,L,:4!E n Jul .piliU ! ,; ... . -! .--. 't' t'ti V.f P. Wr. LAWRENCE, Treasurer t. . . , . . , A. A; DUDLEY. P ? , .f-' at, if U:h) -,:iin ii: Vhi'-f ik W 31. MARSTDrJlR. PK'.G-d . sit J 4. -. t ; - j " : . .'i, i MOllRlS McFARLADi 1GS -ir. h ?"'',u '' "f '.ai "r .-; h;i,.4 1t---Uf:2 et;d exits'. '-TL4' - IT Iv' .-- ti t 1. ..J.-jr..'iV f . A4 ALEX. LLLlSOJs; Chaplain- - ' ' ; f-f ,T , ' t- L Jl. DAVIS, Jdarshal n" -lr- a'in4 t jVma bni;id .Tty?a.j-? ;:t Un!tt:Tjki ---I ; j.'33( Q rrirdte Ilwspltal. 20Sfl iAJ i4 iw work, prise -&0,-1 .. ioiio rage h rwiaoa r , V: ,1 cr-Ja Irivate. fcitroclc uJ S R olotrr ratrHttfe..C.'l ,,L1? t'v lieS, antl a I -e?5v R Vemala DtsMKiL H Tt. S ru,i at &MllMi l.jtlw in - i-fnil 7vfif?i lift! 5i l Kii -'ujiiv Ki'l O Aii ?K Single Copies I" ..aLailics-aad Gae-jj ' ,Sihil:. vinj - I VEav U rnl MmnlA Vwrul U t "Li U Cn.vmnkLA.. - ff inlnH Talvabte-iafoirnakioa g ZZg iffiKiAv to good taftW1-?1 ; & tf Ll) flO Vl'i 1, V : f lw Tiirfi. - rT 5 n B H rnftwunonL 7nar 1 i V. I - ' A rM II I - 4. -; I - We FmateH, SStt cej 1 smtltm f fccfbm ' I ! 1 -".i,- Hi"!':!"-!'. ) l.ii'j".i O.-li 'i riff'i buy for ii'. i. . . - ,..-t frt W'J " ty,,.:,-1(: )-i'U1.l.' d ?' L ' 'J,'' ) ' . ;p :. lH -.-I'. " I raw a fluemenfc. i OLIN. JOS Cbirk St. tvorroaiuiG.- is never t3 -hi Jfi 5 ' ! r f' iyProere getting, aequntcd-aiid tUyaewho r 1.4 , Tit IS ;f-A' 14. ;M" M e tfv0 . .V '-' f --:.-rw3 -r' s ':- 'V ' '-W ,; hV,. rJ-. - - l iiiliTnPTiT.r' 1 ;., ;?-?. tis -Hit ...' rp-'Xfi Live vti iu t,.Xv-4t Sti.e r ' " ' - L) Vp if v : 'Ml ft them., r Particularly fjr a summer cot- T -;; '' V; b-',TT.; ! tr,?frt4 thcrtf. could be ni finer model than l'Sgll southern bouses, and if an-ex- ; Alt orders from the country rromptlyat welinuiuinc it would' be largely : fot soiiciteK and work guaianteen A rt4i-f 'Jrivlt-i PU iiIv liu i i ii .r , 1, - ; work as lov.asuny iato citHfr I f JV J ,f j dec j-tf - - ., a, wiw.. j ; ii nr.it v : 1 ; t :fi P v.t.fill. - -I' M". - -"' . . ' : : "i "iriar v.-m .- nnita Pvilsie-nt to - Treins oit - (iarb-iro raa.a.. iVM-.Deav liCa'vlr.c'etho lies', tiling -of its vaTuable n-nky M iunt - Jorl Y.rbon ;; ': t .i-O p. jl't ' VV; .1. W";..IwA4v- tlyAt'U'Q'Al"M; rei;, la?5t ,1-rci .' Vf? t r. 6t H:wa; :di:Uirv . i It The estate of the late .Senator Chan- NeW Coal & Votl ITaTil '?s? iKitl J :?.vUl fciiaiufcici t;io torpUt-Livvr, Dv.ve'.s,. ArrNe kf Vtruirron :)TVc-nt "U r-il Lidncys t-Mu-n vhr neij.m.in cteanMus .DepotJ.'ai.t:?. .'i r.'d't :0-??5A' fttr tiio u -of ai t iinpu. u.es, .ana j.paiiiitg , . i.. . i - . .aii' i VAt'-A-IVi N'c!. i.jny, practica , ya -b7 ,tixo .. public;; dler is estimated at about $1,800,000 It consists of twelve stores aud a fine Uwelling in Detroit, a line dwelling ia. Washington, a largo farm near Lan- sinir. 3ilich..'a quantity.' of pine lands, r.-niviirn' Orate Coal and all Xiind? of mr s ui lit! it Ktnr.ir. rren n resentative will probab COAL, at Lowest - VSivs, 'dvtTpdlt v- Tin J.Htvnal of Lida&lnr: Tis with out extra chir-e; f fi :. - Jllh J, f iUU J dally cxesrtt-&aniay.x atnJ -diif KCth VuonJ;aaa'an.rnn!routVr:ft4 I - . .. ". ."- - - - - . , .---- J, . , . 1 ' I K'i'skt T'raiii' mAScjcTd'fe.i'rtescjiAtt ! irl -Weld-on for tali 'p;qiato4li' a inon'ii,. S-lccjpiDj; irau atUched 4io.; ail:.igtt .t-vv lor. inorojtiiai) oo; years, : ; f j fj " wiiOi. niiprcccdeiiteil results ;mayfl3 ly". .' ;. U-i'i KL-i:-. : ';. :-'--J j '. -" ":1 ".' .;' ';.;' :, -' -:' -" J0.aN-F4DIVIKE,--Otfiiraltii.-w-cUverol any address free fiom olsai- n tqtl -' " ; ' ' ' r-. -. :;"5 ? !":! 4 : " . 0 in bank slock. Esrep- o ; '-',: " i;rC EuCii3 Uale, of Maine, WOOD oahand. Ord, Promptujuw !y quit politics for a jnonth edto ' :;; : : 'X 'PUteniimay coesuH by letter, reccy- .f f' TO ?0Ci)!A"Tf ATi,jhr. 'to ' the camd attention cs by csiiing. ' -1: - m'f i 'N f2QfaMy!yu'Vnit!ity, ,v,uoJapEtenf 1'i.ys iei.uis attc-nd-to, cor res-. J ll'o'rfsItWpriw . pendent?. Ail iitters Knyuid be ia--rt;-scu as. m-dn. .-JXany-mafee more.tha-n ladiiiyiiii. I lO I - i I rflnvp. Kft -nnft .-csn T:?ll IO- E!a I . ;' - :- tins your 'feyeniag and .ffrf - - - c hui-.:rsv.'iIfo:UrgTiko'liSUI:- jtiaheyijM-1 V,:v.g.,;l - 1 " In-avKs ever cii?rcd hefore... " IVas-ipf s.-s-ltas- - ..i'-Ti-"?-'-'"-1- "rr " ;' eov-I3t ' Drur-i-t aa 1 C:;e.;-'. r . u-ii't. tid ,ttlctiy.hc.jiTie-: if.At5'ifH, Kcr ' ' -:; ;"' .Vt" ; t-, . .:.'-?4.','V;.-..vf ret fiUc? '. i..Ji..Jt-- - ii t "J regret we lea.r'v that the North Carolina nov a scotia aud ENQLI31I COAL. jtate Guards are -on the decline, trom FoWLEli OliUisop j? ( r every rU f we hear of this' company ny 9 - lter, b-etVfa &f$ and uiH c'ui?iany going down.; i.ne Lplms it-ire! Hhou d have uooe some- s i f g e e - lhio'4 lor them. Xiis ijegisiature ouftuw xia. -a-oncrireu-.M-, . . . I sers to engage in a peasant. and. profitaV ip 114V0 passes an act -excusing tutrm- uusincis. C' ty, working on public roads aim irom t Vv A I I l.i! j! 1 AfJ VIVA f Ct paying p-jsi-a. va. " J such will romi44 in nn.t. (l.ii nir' Komethinpr for the I itr -encouragement and promotioa" of this .jf""? uspfiry organization. Kneed apply. -,;'.' V 1 AhappyKew Year to U of our mori II friend 3. ' - ' !- y T " .- - -:-; - ri- -. - . - '-r.- . i I mmrfebw nniMnhxi for tlie niAladteA of her cniin -r ' : ' . UirrO- A-i'f' 5Dj kfreo. j Ka aro6 be fcdea spreading for SSyeara.! ' ,,,:,. ,7ototi:owoerslaaarartaiers It la Invaluable. - : it horse, ox, , iM :-ff-r.i,fi J-' T -P - 'A H 0''53! f ' 1! ,!Hexto2Insg;J4nhaent Uapatcluess , .i,; Tf- . S' M i-'l . tJi rfflhedy fOTaneadCTnidanmentsot manandbeosU' . 't-UUv" : " " "' Y Aeli.bottlacftcits.aam :2-lJ'l' .7VTjnr,jJ5 nyj !fetores:tlKSascitnne6S cf an ejKellen O0;rf" ' " " .t H rTl j .11. i Mlonlder-wt,, nange, thorites ami -? c:,:' n-( it 'ctin every cxteYaal trouble of horses, such .. ' ' pwi-ut' i l''1' iS ThetobcanICnstangXlnIment Is the Qtdckef, -- . "7 :J: ilVi-r-d' etOT tlie wtirld' accidents 'cccorrhig In th . J I -l.irt.nfc ii1a onmtni rrtta rtt . nnt f or "hetini ' tlgm,taia rtI3Cndss engendered by eiixjsure. Jar -wti vrl 't ?l.- ?ivu insc-L- jt jj, ticlieaitj?einedy.Jn. the world., .. - ;"' 1 ' " " i ' " : '"; '.vin-1fVi toth'e bonei and a isingl "TV.: 'l-i ?T'V&--WIV1-' (faiiBexife if- i 2 'fl?-- -TJ1 34 t1 b !I?lMongTJi?nt, put ixp Ia,thro . ih:'xiVif Vt : ..;VViftf, ,.f4t)dttle8;thoUrgerone8belngpr -:! AND GAS FlI'lE f ! 1 iX -cMt? ''t WILMINGTON iKt amlil c LVN BTl LL - BS FOtTiD ' At 1 fllS OLD1 .Ut '1X1. ELimd" -. iTmrnal Tlnildln?. Princess street! where he is prepared to dd all kfnds of work I , 1 ban ,nUift?t- "'C'j8 in his line, cheaper than eycr before Off ered S u A -- --'lV 'andV'rmiTfri '.i; 14 cot " Jrti''iU' ''; 1 t ii.'':" ,1; tract 1 mi .'Bk 1 im. u mm 1 -mi t : -r , . ., , , frc ih--"pnlC,'sd-U:iyour a-iJrsss an;i, uij.i!,'ii..'i.a,,;i -?, i ve v.-?il'ff,iid-yiu!W arttirfrjrf. tt$tf :. : ;. "a'V., .. ? I A1iiils$ .':u-v-,tjD4l??HA-'"'"'K'"-'-' ' 1 ' ab'i:sV;Myf ?r T '-tf a?fePJtasjH V32MH om:J.VU "1 ' !V- v 1 fc: "v -- & r i-JLJ t" ' " " '-'. -" ' ' L "'"' fiafi A MONTH:;, nc r" ir v--rvir vi'.1 -,'Tl,', i :,.t,: , j ,(i.uv, wtifir:- -f I .wo wlil-f-'tirfc rcvL Meh-'trcmi.-n,. boyis and ; 'iU .slc J'WAhi.- ; r: 1 ,15 oa-cVJd f. O . i J , Uu v aire moneys Us.6-f-u4 Uian .. I , . 1 - j - ,- - . , "rjit.riv!.H":nir .1 S.- Th w.-rV i-! li":i t n i' plcaslx answer tats aavcru- . -: . , , , - 1 nTf-dnt 7vi rch nvoi--'ineo'-htV.- Ktrr. enclosing, stamp for reply, M, r . .,- ' ' . 1 iUUSK iWU ifi5eaP.8L'8tl!13 UU'.i'JU KU1 fi:h .-t 'vtSbi riiii f-vfe Ver, o iVki led-- fp"s fhdse, VlUin to'v.'otl-'VSri-sbanid '-tr.y.ntttling -t?eTitii ries ftfrjyii'rea;! wtt-ycu'cait ui.i hm iiiMdiiiTA'. No room to. ez- a x . I is . a. x i a mi tne paoiie. itoa constantly on oanai-j, ijfts f- J....T''-' b't.s'ni-si -iUw -t ,1 :1: i 4 f PambkWall ciesru'iDtions. 1; DraiK;Pir--- - 3Tf FSXI CUJZJEIP tjT. -jtli-iAUfdcfiereri from this disease that are f t,f.?-V Uasr i?xuce; &a, ccc;?l anxioua to be cweti should try Dr.Kiner m PersouaT attention slven to all work. ft fA Mfnlp. i " irv n n m n t i v e . Po wd ers. These i Batisfacticn enaranteed, j ' I pnV(im an? tha Siffv "breDaratlon khowa rrecember 21 tf ;-!' I thAtwiu ire nonsnmction andalldiseasea -Ki j I of the Tbroatandliungs Indeed, so strong send us their r-oMrcsscs at caeanilfie fur themselves.'- Costly outfit auu term frt?, v 3'liii'3.i:6'ii t?.n 'dyvofopll your time t.fiSXni i r;;rr-i)'M tiriiq toihe basiness. aud. ' v"7i A e ii r nt'aJt 'A Silt , ifinchT . i ;nea,-n u v v - - ; wv c - h IIALLbTT & CO.; , Portland, Maxu9 i tp ri-rr fro rTTT'OrtTSTn themselves. - Cost iy outfit auu term irt?. tSXJXliJ1 iii V- JLii. J. Vtf JU.lili.'VJil J?6w is the time. Those already at work, are f w , . - . , laying up large sums of mbny. Address j : . : nov2l ;-:-:-..-. ;.;v' ;'.;.. :: ::;.. auust-iWy . ...TRUE & .CO, Augusta, J C 5 ';' -a-dav at homo. Agvixts -wanted l4f Oatnt aa.d terms fro?. tTUUE SsOJ Augusta W : -:'" . - ' 7 bfA i i apt fialtii to, them, , aii also to convince, w ;v i t M'irf t r .j. ' ' 1 q'X Acres or Land i uiaaen vounty, one ijyon that iney are no nnmnag.o wu or- ,t .H i anMl ahalf jnlles froniHhe Cape-FeaT1 5ward to every tre, by?maiLl6st paldi aJ- River, Prospect Hill iAnaiag tmt 3 i! i?l. Ermai jbox , j LL.i Hi o r.Acrcs of oen Land, produces Corn, h , Weiloii!twantour mohey'tiiiUl yorf are !"f tvtton, anu is in spieoaia rconaition. , i penecux saiisiiw u iucu vuiauiv jwciw Dwelling and ant HouSiittvgoo4C0nM Ifyoar Uf Is worth saving, don't delay iin dItlont " ' i I giving these Powders at trial, as they .will SUreij cure jr uu. v- Priee, for large box, $3.00, sent to any part of the United states or uanaaa cy .matt on receipt oi price. J ... .!.. ;.S"i.. 3 Cords of Pine wood can be cut on this 4ract of Land. - - a - ". -; . - r - . Parties wishing to purchase willplcasa apply to a.-McDo2aio, Prospect mx Biaden County N. G. ASH & KOBBINS SCO FULTOS STBXXZ, BB00KI.TN, N.T Itarch. 30 1 y, ;:,;V':: ; Vr- '-.H "J ... t t. .. - f