THE WILMINGTON POST, wimmaTON.iN. on . -4 - i' ' SUNDAY MOEJJIKQ. JAN. 4. 1880. J? JtiUJLYl VY ADnill U vj.ii Grant's Quiet Visit. WATCHING ' THE UAINE UTO-j DLE." , :';y. ,1 ii . t, . ' POSTMASTER GENERAL KEY'S ',. WAR ON SWINDLERS. NEW DEMOCRATIC TACTICS AGAINST SECRETARY SHERMAN. WAsniKGToy, D. C, J an. 1, 1880. Durinir the past week Washington has been one of the most nneyentfnl of places. General Grant came, it is true, -but his coming ! caused scarce a ripple of excitement. -There was np "Grant boom." here. Simply and fluietly as any other citizen, he came td the city went to his old church', called at the Departments, and visited with his old friends. There was respect shown mm in the raising of hats when he was on the streets walking, or driving. Of en- .-. thusiasm there was none. But the "show business" has commenced again in Gponr?. . Some of his friends wish it'could cease. V ,. . ) The New Year has come, and this, its first dav. is Derfect. -The calm of the , -past week is only broken by one event worth noticing tven here. It is that the Republican National Committee ! has made an official call for the Na, L tional Convention to meet in Chicago on the 2nd day of June, next. Maine is still the topic of conversa tion. The President allowed himself to be interviewed last Monday.: He was of the opinion that an understanding would be reached. The reporter said, "that the Democrats will back down, do you mean?" k,They cannot do otherwise." was the President' answer. In the meantime a meeting of promi nent southern members of Congress ha been held here, and they telsgraphed to Governor Garcelon to hold ut.i He promptly answered that he would. To sav what will, or whst will not be done in Maine, is ihe merest guess' work That the Democratic Governor and Council are committing a great wrong tbtm is no doubt. Nor is there any doubt U" at a very slight incident or ac cident might caute bloodehed, the re suit fjf which uo man could foretell Meanwhile not a little talk w going on among the politicians as to the effects of the Elaine Muddle" on the coming Presidential campaign. "Blaine must settle this in favor of 'bis party, and show that he can control his state, or he will stiimi no chance at Chicago next June," has Ik-en -said many times iu nay hearing. That it' will have its ef fect in some degree i con tdd by many of his friends here. - The war made on the lottery coin panies by the Postmaster General is at tracti ng im:,ch attention. On the one seems thai if ouce each mouth from 300,000 to 500,00ft of the intelli gent people of this enlightened country want to send from $1 to $10 each, to c Generals Beauregard and Earley, and other ex'Confederate officers in Louis iana and Kentucky, it is nobody's busK ess excepc tuose wao sena. iney now that not oue-hali of all that is 2ul is accounted for in any way, and they have been told again and again, that the big prizes are either not drawn at all, orif drawn, they are as a rule clrawn by those in oiluti ju with the ipanagers. I Why attempt to" stop these ibolsfrom Investing in Beauregard's and '-Earley'a lotteries? : On the other hand ' i is urged that the mails should not knowingly be made the medium by which thieves and swindlers may fatted on the public. Mr. Key"" attempted to prevent the traflic in lottery , ticket, through the mails. 1 During the lav week some of the ablest lawyers of the country, foremost among them Senator Carpenter of Wisconsin, have been con testing his fiction in the Courts in be half ot the lol tery companies. Not a , all dismayed the Postmaster-General followed up his war on the lotteries by ordering that all letters directed to four New York city banking firms o great newspaper reputation, should be Seturned to th senders or sent to the eadletter office. On the heels of this order came the explanation. These banking firms were myths. One man was behind them all, and he was sim ply engaged in swindling the public. It is estimated that he spent about f-lO.OCO annually in advertising and that lie must have received about $2 I 000,000 from the people of the country. ilis plan was simple. He asked you 1 to send $10 to him and he would put it Jnto a stock combination and you should share the profits, he to take His commission as any other broker, If Ihe $10 was sent, in a short timet you tvould probably receive anttice that your $10 had made 50 which waa placed to your credit. Still Jater, no tice was given that by some pressure of the "bears" m the stock market the $60 with, the $10 had been lost. If yoa Ti anted tot you could remit again aid the banker would try once more, &C The point was that you never received any money back. Pad as this swindle was, and how great it was all now know. It is "small potaUcs and fjw in the hill," compared to the lottery swin die which General Kev is endeavoriDg ,uu -fuu mo luaoKB oi ice people ui me nuwc i l --j w . r . a a Mt n i a i nation. - I Secretary Sherman made resumption of specie payment a success when eterjr Democrat in Ihe Jand said it was imnnfiiniK. nn snrrpfuipu in rciuuu- i ing a large portion of the national debt 1 harinr m nt interest in bonds bearing four per cent interest, in spite ,lL 6 t ... i - of the active opposition of the Demo- cratic politicians and pre83; and in doing so he saved the people about $15,000,000 a year in interest alone. There is still a large portion of the debt bearing six per cent interest which soon I - . . I becomes due, and wnich must De re funded. Mr. Sherman asks authority from this Democratic Congress to-re fund this six per cent debt at four per cent, and urges most conclusive reason why that is the best rate foi the people. Mr. Fernando Wood, of New-York, Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, thinks he is an abler finan-, cier than Secretary Sherman, and he proposes to introduce, as a Democratic measure, a bill providing that that portion ef the debt soon falling due shall be refunded in bonds bearing but three and a half per cent interest. This rate Mr. Sherman thinks is too low to be successful in view of the fact that much ot the capital that was seek ing investment in bonds is now going into manufactures and commerce. Having failed in making a single point against the Secretary heretofore, Demo cratic partizan malice now takes this new shape to thwart him. H. C. F. THE liXOlU". Present Condition of Itel'usees in Kansas. Topkka,. Kan., Dec. 31. A staff correspondent of the Chicago Inter Ocean, who has been making an in vestigation of the exodus iu Kansas during four weeks' travel through the State, writes a letter from here giving hisi conclusions. He estimates the number of . refugees in the State at 15,000. Of tbse he thinks that proba bly one-fifth were able to buy a little land, and are making good. progress in farming. Mst of the others have found, through the "Freedmali'ii Reliel Association, places as laborers, a?id are giving good fiatisfation. In no county did he fiud them burdens upon corporated charities, but the demand for these laborers has been stretched o its fullest : capacity, as the accumula tion of refugees at .tie barracks (now nearly 700,) for whom no places can oe found, clearly indicates. Judging from what he has learned from refugees themselyes, and from the increaMjjg numbernow from twentyfiyb to fifty arriving every day he predicts that the movement to Kansas willsoon as sume such proportions agaiu'as to as ton is h the country, and unless the tiic can be turned or ihe charity of the North more readily bestowed, trrtt suffering which the relief committee, although laboring faithfully wir.h the means at their command, has not been entirely able to relieve iduring the recent cold weather, will soon be turn ed to general destitution and greit suffering among the pauper refugees. Pegram, the negro pedestrian, who came out fouith in the recent footrace at the Madison Square Garden, is des cribed by the Bc st'en Ileraid as a pious Baptist ot that city. He ascribes his success to prayer. "1 prayed for strength," he says. "1 thought of that Terse in the fortieth chapter of Isaiah and the last verse, which says'But they that wait upon the Lord shall re new their jsftr.ngth; they shall mount up with wins as eaglej; they, shall run and hot be weary, and tbey shall walk and not be faint.' That's the words that kept ringing iu my ears all the time. If I hadn't been a good man I would not have got where I did-" Since the beginning of -the Miuisterul crisis in Spain, which resulted ia the fall of the Martinez-Campos Ministry, the political excitement in Madrid has been growing in intensity. Gcu. Cam pas was a "favorite with the populace, and his fall provoked much popular in dignation. The army also resented it, officers of high grades threatening to resign and others putting their ! names on the retired list, a'he Liberalstoo, who had been fighting for liberty and' reform in Cuba, believed that alt their labors had come to naught by the dis missal of . Gen. Campos. The I popular excitement was intensified by the with drawal of seventy. Opposition mem bers from the Chamber of Deputies on the day that the new Ministers took theiueats. People beean to xhmif. in public places "Long live the rej.ublic! ' and the situation became critical that troops were held n. rvadintss to preTent; an outbreak. It is not, there fore, surprising that amid so much Eopular discontent an attempt should e made on the life of the King. & Y. Sun. ' . ; , Adjutant BaranofF, who became fa mous during the Russo-Turkish war as the commander ef the Vi afl On Russian merchant vessel turned into a gunboat, in which he whipped a Turk ish iron-clad alter a five off KustendjS in July 187f, has been court-martialed and dismissed from the Mrrice for making use fof insulting linguagt in reference to the Ministry or Marine. A little eastern bov made a smn nnt of apiece of gas-pipo by plugging up the end with a riveL He f5d it nv HIi' father can't find the pipe now, but he could nse the bov fmr one i if h0 could find enough of him. They Don't Forget. The attempts of the Democrats to alienate tbe colored vote frsm the Ke publican party are failures. They may cd - erce them, they may silence them, but to induce them voluntarily to cast Democratic ballots thev never can , u- i vtvurre, auu uu uvvivu0j uarestraiuea, me coiureu wucu .- a. t i A am..- fwM m i vote the ReDublican ticket. The sent ment actuating them all was tersely expressed by Parker Loridg, an ex- 81 g jJJiBSi51iS5B 'ptrty lUUWCU UJB aUU 1 llVCUi inu tUIVUU j i t i : i t ... iaiiHi and it made me free. I was a thing, I I l - a - i Tf . at. ana ii created me a man. xi everx ur- f Alet a Just Wf.S' I shall no longer be fit to live" q hprA . , rnnraA man in ftii for .There is not a colored man in all the south, however ignorant, who doesn t teelall this burning in his heart. Carolinian. Ihe introduction ot American an thracite into Switzerland has directed i c a ii ; the attention of the Swiss to their own coal fields, which they believe may be made to supply their wants. WluxaixtGTOIf HABEEtS. ' ' j ! , , I December 42. - Spibits Turpentine. The market opened steady. Sales of 220 cask at 38 cents per gallon; closing quiet. Rosin. The market was steady at $1 20 for Strained and $1 20 for Good Strained. No sales reported. Tar. The market opened steady at I i lit r ann 11 lit- 1 -1. I $1 10 per bbl,of 280 lbs, with sales at that price. Crude Turpentine Market firm at$ 1 60fa2 60 for Hard and Yellow Din. ! Sales of receipts at Quotations. ! CorroN.i The market tor this article opened dull, with no sales reported. The following were the official quota tions: Ordinary. 101 cts $ lb Good Ordinary, - 115-16 tt S. Good Ordinary, Low Middling1 II 11-16 t Middling 12 I 'rood Middline RECE1TPS. Cotton Spirits turpentine Rosin Tar, Crude turpentine 222 bales 116 casks 765 bbls 121 bbls 100 bb's December 26 Spirits Turpentine. The mar&et tor this article opened steady at 38 "cts p ?r gallon tor regular packages. Sa'es ut'100 casks ot that price. i Rosin. Thei market was steady at $1 20 for Strained and Good ; Strained, No sales reported. - . Tar.-f he market was steady at $1 10 per bi. of 2b0 lbs, with sales at quota tiens. . " Crude Turpenttne Market r firm $1 62 00 tor Hard and Yellow Dip j.iles of receipts. Uotton ihe market for this article opened -.quiet, with no sales. The foli lowing are the official quotations: Ordinary, Uuj cts Good Ordinary, 115 16 4 Strict Good Ordinary, " L,ow Middling, 11 11-16 " if (C fl tt tt Aliddimg, ; 12 Good Middling, . 12J Utton, , Spirits. Turpentine, Rosin, Tar, ' Crude Turpentine. 362 bales 445 casks 3,218 bbls 201 bbb 273 bbls December 29. "jpikits ruRPRNTiNE.- The market was steady at 38 cents per gallon for regular packages. Sales of 300 casks at quotations. , Rosin. Market was steady at $1 0 for,Strained and Good Strained. Sales reported. . " Tak. Market Avas firm, at $1 110 per bbl, ol 250 lbs., with sales at quo tations. ' Crude Turpentine. The market was firm at-fl G02 60 ior hard and Yellow Dip. . " . . - . Cotton. The market for this arti cle opened firm, at the following official quotations Ordinary, 10 cts B ft , i ' i v : . . . .. - " vruuu wruinary, ii o-lo Strict Good Ordinary, ' ' Low Middling, 11 11 16 Middling, 12 Good Middlinsr. J 21 ; U : t tt M it ti it n rEJhlb'TS. Cotton Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, ... - i Tar, Crude turpentine, $4 bales. 1 94 casks. 749 bbls. ia 37 " l . Decembar 30. SriRiTs Turpentine -Tho market opened firm at 42 cents per gallon forregular packages with sales reported of 400 casks. iStThe. market was quiet at fl 2a for Strained and Good Strained, JNo sales reported. , TARSales reported at $1 10 per bKi of280 Ids, the markkclosing quwtL Crude TurpentIio! Tlie nuket Ydiow'rjfp1 11 6U2 for IW- S CojroN-Market opened firm, but closed quiet at the following ofceial quotations: oiciai wruinary, , Good Ordinary, 10 5-16 cU lb (i , t4 . tt tt otnet G. Ordinary LowMiddling, ' 11 IMG Middling ' .. . 12 Good Middling, i tt - u t KEUE1FIT5. Cotton, Spirits turpentine, Roam, i-r Tar, Crude turpentine, 15S bales 467 casks. 2,731 bbls. 144 " 551 " December nr Spikits TcaPExriNE. -The u K opened firm at 42 cents per r .if0"?' ' regular packages, being a , lon 1.' cents with sales of the dav "c?Jlne quotations. &t tneabov e Rosin The market $1 25 for Strained and5e,d dnlUat Straned, with no sal w Tar. Market r - J rePorted. per bbl.. of 280 11 'M.Wirt 'af $1 10 tat ions. wita sales at qac- Cbude Tub- t m was steady at ' iSlw-1?6 mark,jt r 41 6Q for if ard :wd 1 2 6 0 NEW AD VERTISEMENTS for Yellow Dip. closing steady. Cotton. The market t opened nrmi and nominal, and later sales were effected of 400 bales on a basis of 11 cents per lb. for Middling, closing quiet at tne IOllOWing Oliiuiai ijuuiauuus; Ordinary, 10$ cts $ Jb I Good Ordinary 11 viuiuaiTi 16 gQorid Ordinary. - - i ': it tt tt Low Middling, Middling, Gooi Middling, II 11-16 12 124 KEOEirTS. n...... ' Si bales Spirits Turpentine Rosin, :v 210 casks 6G7 bbls Tar, -55 bbss 3SG bbU Crude luroentine. ! ' i January 2. Spirits Turpentine. The market opened firm at 42 cts per gallon, for regular packages, with sales ot ojo casirs ac mat Dnce. closing quicu - ItOSIN Aiartet openea qu;ei at x j for Strained and Good Strained, with sales later v in the day of 4,000 Good Strained at that price. . bbls TAB Market for this article was firm at $1 10 per bbl, of 289 lb?., sales at Quotations. I I with Urude Turpentine. ine mar&ei was firm atjl 60$2 60 for Hard and for Yellow Dip. with sales as otlereu Cotton. The market for this article opened firm, with sales of 100 bales at 12J cents "per pound lor Miadimg. ine Ordinary. iu cents v it Good Ordinary. 11 1-16 Strict Good Ordinary 11 IMG" ! " Low Middling, ! 12 Middliner. 12 Good Middlinar. 12t v ,f KEOJWirrtj. . n . dotton, 210 hales 409 casks Spirits Turpentine liosm, 3,593 bbls Tar, 238 ! ibbls 171 ibbls Crude Turpentine 45 Years Before the Public. ... i ' . THE GENUINE i DR. C. Holi ANE'S L CELEBRATED . - PILLS FOR THE CURE OP Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, SYSrSFSlA AND BIC1C HBAOACHS. Symptoms of & Diseased Liver. PAIN In the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain is felt ender the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of tlie shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite tnd sickness; the bowels in general re costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain,; accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation m the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cougH is sometimes an attendant. -The patient . complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled; his feet are cold or burning, and he com? plains of a prickly sensation of the skin ; his spirits are low ; land although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon tip fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been exten sively deranged. W . . - ' AGUE AND FEVEH; Dr. C, McLane's Liver Fills, in Cases of Ague and Fever, when taken withrQuinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic cart be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. -We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to ive them a fair trial. . For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, tHey are tin equaled. HEffAxtE OF IMITATIONS. The gtnuine are never sugar coated. ( Every box has a red Wax seal on the, lid, with the impression 3Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. The genuine McLAKfc's LirfeR Pills bear the signatures of C. McLanE and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dft. C McLane's Liver Pills prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being fall of imitations of tho name McLane, spelled differently but fane pronunciation. - a dec 8. ly GOLJ mm mm. ,1 Vl V Qm1 VAA J J V- VMM towskfio ' acks need 14 Persn in every W Tf vnn q n 'f cm rrr1 s rit nan F"PwitndIllustrated family publication, n world. Any one can become a snc cessmi agent. Tlie most elegant works of en free to subscribers. The price is o lov r that almost everybody subscribes, wffc nt reports making over $150 ma :. A lady agent reports taking over 400 nor cribersin ten days. All who engage ce mosey fast. You can devote all your " te to the business, or only your spare f ae. You need not be away , from home er night.' You can do it as well as others. ull particulars, directions and terms free. llegantand expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send ns your address at once, xi costs notning to try the busi ness. No one who engages falls to make great pay. Address "The People's Journal." Portland. Maine. angl7-lia, SPIRIT OF THE SOUTH 1 AN INDEPENDET FAMILY NETVSPA PER, devoted to news, politics, litera ture, Ac. i PUBLJSHED WEEKLY AT ROCKING- , HAM, N.C. . HAS BY FAR THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE PEE DEE COUNTRY. TERMS IN ADVANCjS. i &-$?mm$ On.Sythreemon.h. oo oct 12 Editor andPropriet LIVER NEW AD VER71SEMENTS. CAUTION. WOLFE'S Schiedam Aromatic V T HAVING BEEN BROUGHT TO OUR atteaUon that Imitations of our Jartlcle are being sold in this market, notice is herel y given to all'wh n i . njaJ conccr vending of any article, with an pps oj trade marks above described, rlll be prosecuted tinder a reeeut act of the U. S. Congress. UDOIiPHO "WOIiF,EfS SONS A CO., IS Beaver street, New York. advertisements: The Great Carrias Manufacturing House of liis World, :0: EMERSON, FISHER & CO CINCINNATI. OHIO. TOP BUGGIES W Uest material, good workmanship, Laudsomo styles, 4roa and durable'clucUs I . ' m every respect. 70.00 Mannfactarei Dy MERSON FISHER J i 1UUUU part of tlio American Goatinent- They give unfailing satisfaction. ' All their work V. Warranted.. They liav -received testimonials from all parta of ihe county, of purport s;mi!ar-lo the lowiner. hundreds of which are on file subiect to inspection : Messrs. EMfiBSo, FisnEB fe Co.: v . 1 !have used one ol your Top Buggies three livery stable, and they have given me perfect Messrs. CorrocK A Johxsox : Nkvi?kkry, s. c.. Julv 17, LSTD. 1 UearHirs: I have been usins the Emersau & Fisher Buiigy thought from voir, us r-- roughly I suppose as any one could, I luwl times with two grown ladies ana wyseit money I paid for it. I say the Emerson A 'I'na fa irnru hloi ronnt'iliAn t.Vin fl-j rriri have been used for several years ly Liveryme.., Physicians, Farmers and others requiring hard and constant use, has fed to an increased demfiu Irom those" localities, to meei which the manufacturing facilities of their niammouth estish-;. lishment have been extended, enablihglthem now to turn out $h good style. 3(T0 fiAET?TAfiRR A WREK EMERSON, FISHER & CCS oct26 That the public may beprolectcil against Imitations and Fisud we speetallv cautin'U purchasers of BENtsOCTS CAPCINJb JvOliOLa Jt'LASTEI-CS tteee that the word CaKUNH on each plaster is spelled correctly. Do uot allow somo'.l.ier plaster i alnieUJil under similar soundios namqs, with the assuranc-s thati it is tho 'same thicg or as jjood. Bear in mind that the only object such Vendor can have is the ;acr. that they can buy im itations at half the pries of the genuine, aud they, hope by this' Fubititut iou Io gain a small additional profit. I . SEABURY fc JOHNSON, rharm.ieeut ieal rhetn'sis. Xew Yorlr. ..-.jn 4-tv- AGENTS WAiN'l'KD.'S: nch'y i i lust rated work", a complete aid briiitanthistory of thegieattcur tf I tJeh. Grant Around the World 7 By H-n.J.T. lloiidby, ihe prince ol ties, criptive autborF, I'tscribps lioyal Entpr. tainments, itoyal Palace Hare Curio-ities-WeaitU and Wonders or the luditg, Cliina Japan.etp. t;.A million people .want it 'tfere is the bjestobancp of your life to make monev. Beware of ''catch -pen ny:' jmlta- -ag by lars. ae- bv unknown autcors. for part leu ? Hubbard Brother?. Publiherg. Philadelphia. dc-J 7 4t $66, a Week in your qyn town. f5 Out- ttt. freo No risk- Header, u you want a busiQCRS at which persons orv either sx can make great pay ait tne nine they work, write for particulars to II. Halle-it s Co., Portland, Mluc. nl b- Coal and Wood fi 8 rjHE MOST rOPULAR YRD ON 1 HE Wharf Is jufi by J. A. S 'iUKOEB, nca- the ' 1 ; ' foot of Chcift vut street. Low pricesrule the dav. Large sales justify the ru'e, All customers served honestly and promptly. ' J A, SPRINGER.. JMi dec 14 ft I? Tn w rW ' V ' So p a g ELc "3 ri- K A - Ucau make money faster at work for us than at anything else Capital not re quired ; r wrill start you. 512 per day at home made by the Industrious. Men women, boys and girls nted everywhere towo'fc for us. Now is tue time. - Costiy outfit and terms free Address Truk Co Augusta, Maine. spl -11 PIANOS & ORGANS FM! FAfJTOBY TO PURCHASER. EVERY f.1Atl HIS 0VH AGENT liwlden & BatM' Grand Introduction gale continued until Nov. 1, 1880. Only sale of. tie kind e?er successfully carried out iu America. 5.0O0 superb Instruments at factory rates for Introduction and Advertisement. New &an of selling: Ko Agwts ! ft Commissions 1 ! lastru wufcimVBMi direct from Factory to Mxehaeers. ISidola 'ipromsanl. Agt&t'i rates to all. Osly house South jellisf on tMs ilan. PIANOS, 7 oct.- $135, i oct. fS'sqStferap $3,7. ORGANS, 9 6tops, '$511 1 13 stops, $71; 13'stdcs, Mirror Top Case, $S6. 4r. Kanffsomi. dfirablV. years crnarantee. 15 fvn test trial. ' i'urcnaBera cuun-t iuu oJfcra and aoo different stpie,' J.oia tbu m . . a 1 A. f A ''a Y7WJ i t'fl tl-m glMnv. , at -hoi-gftie rats Special an instrument -cjJ churches,andPaatorg. terms to Ifuite lwB gale circulars, Address for Introdn.. , . , dec 14 4t XT7,CI', business you can engage in. to X JCiO JL to $20 per day made by any worker otelther sex, right In their own lo calities. Particulars And samples wort h 5 era. Improve your spare time at this busi es?. Address Bthshjt; 4fc Co., Portlanp Matte. : apl 19 ly AGENTS WANTED For the Best and Fastest Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 88 Der cent. Nat ion . I al Publishing Co., Atlanta, Ga. S ex. " 5. R K o H. W H O o W3 g - S US - o PHMONSs rriages ClfV ar?, now in . mo in mm I W W V If ' uuw t xi w I L'l J r5,viA-A,I-rs.,Juiy w.iht;).' : years, n ml three of them two years in toy satisfaction and arc in constant nse. ' vrav.-vtt &1 ALLEY. a fast hornp, drove him at full spteu, somti- in tac lsuggy, aoa it is io-aay -worin an the -, Fisher Buggies r. ill do. Tir JTl. 1 HTTP TT.. .. creyr ii -. rn in-jiii" in InnnlifiM viirri ilmn :o:- GAflBiA&ES AUS THE BEST- ' - 4m B Saks& county iu the V. S. to ll i,k I'jtlupedis cf Tlituys Worth Knowing "lf &ubsori Iftiii. Tosucli men, n :!h;nod references, ,e furnish llie cir.tllt fr-, eiij give terras th?.t wiH itisnrc a woikrr over l()0 a puRtti. AJUress tNTEUX ATiOS A L I'l B. CO., Uo 2113, lit. Lauis, dec ?-l' ' ' -- ; Bk GGG&PLAN. VS in one nst 8ui fcmbittiog strict wr.!ijrtJittnrrd-rr' sum huj every aiUanTaKu of ctu;itl, wiili- , Kkilliulnianaeiiii'Ut." prolitcliiviai!iIl)rornracr.i i;Ianatlons how nil call nucc-oeJ irwtocU lealinE8,ln.iilei ft'ta, -L.lWiUUi.Cfi & CO., liriHuaU street, k. I AJUiU.:K ()ii(JAN m nut'Cj iOi; Octaves, 2 iuii n;ts i'owcrikiil lite-'-, .siivps, Kiie-e shells, only'&Vy. Ad dresK Tjf ji. Piano io , It! UUckcr st.,.Nevv Vfrk. v dcc7 4 ; $o .to iimsS makt foi tunes every moiith. 1'ook ent free explaining cvk ry thin -4. A.'d 1 ess., Uax tertOo.f .Uanktrs. 1 Vail. SUf-et, JCew York. v . -i' depTl'. ' investmcuraof $23 to $10,000. Circular, with tiillcs- Fill! i n ; s atxl hiekness, tjt.- Vims Uan. e, t onvulswi all Kervous AllIict'ocF, t:iTjKl by . ur. VcjiBt;rg'.s Celebrated 6eriu;in Cui; lr.taillit'ie anu uhcxc lied ruiKidi: WiMiai't A Iri-iiir&ri, n. p.n l il 1 j-ii1 i)rni:u ent firrp. statistics i-how an averji.ue o' cures out of: every 10',( cases. A Free iit.ttle sen 1 10 any sullercrsendl3S us their Kx)"'fsanJ JMI, aidr-FS. U. V. L'ooke-& Co , ill Ve?t 3 t., New York. : !ep7Jt rianos i.1.11 Organs, at Eilraordinary Low Prices ior Cah. lnstallnients leeeiv eu. -iieiiniu vigaijs aitw, Mi; ton, ?w, ?.), . j8,j and $1(K). 7 Octave Rostwood Pian'os aL 130 and 1;j5. fW Jo S110, VM- V plaids. iot used ti inontlii. HiustraUd CaialOKue Mailed. Horace Waters, Maaufactura tt ' Dealer. 8Ctf Bread w.iyl; N..Y.. I. . l!oz, IS"-.', dec 7 It, . v ' ". " . i PIANOS EE !. (,''v r nnil ;-! a. k .V. iy U)i).v, . set ueeiis, ziJvneu SWf teeiis, 2 ! K bee Swells, !Stoo!, liooK, only t!' Jioiulav jvewspaer Free. Address DAM ' Eli F. . IiKA'J TY, Vashinioii,'. J, ' ' jan 1 it . ' I ;" . dThis! Vv'ewant an Aeni iu Ihis- County H whom we a salary of ?lQftpcr 'in dot 11 and expenses to sell bur wondcriul inve n tion, f-amplii free. "Address at anco fSll KlI M AN & CO., Mai nhaH, iliclHTan. ja 1 1 It - ; ", m i- '1 1 v ' 4 Jfif) '5etfirns in at! days on fliiO itivo's'tcd ?px-ivu tufifial IJeports and iofot nin.ti n free. Like. -profits weekly on ticcfi; optons Of-h iofu'J.AclfireiS T. 1 'UTT Kit H il Id -I IT 'st CO, Bankers, ; Wall -St, 'K Y, k jaillit . ; . . . - . . AYS We Avili senl our Ell(;tko-Yji.taic Iklls and other Kieetiic brilliances upon trial for ..TO days io those suffering from Nervous Debility, Kiipuaiaib m l aralj sisor auy dis eases of thp layer or Kidneys, and many other diseafres. AHuret'ure bus rani red or no pay. Address, VOLTAJO CL;T C'O', Marshal!, Micii. jan 1 It ! . ' j 15 FOUNDS SAINED 1H 3 WEEKS. Messrs.;jXiCic & ., 10S2 Hco street, Pisjiadelphia, Ta. . Gent emf.x: Mwe f-eod me lve ve toi-tJesof-Di H. Jajiks C.uinisbis Indiea.f no fch oi I'Hlg aud (Jiutment, lor a friend of ine who is not .cs peered if awd-as ylpur medicines cured ,Uo iir Consumption some tiiree years fgOi I want hirn to fr tlfern. J gained fifteen pounds while tafclry tlc hrst three bcttles. Itespeclfully, J. V, HULL. Lawrenceburg, Anderson Co..Ky. janf-lw I Will be mauled r h a'.? r?!". a to cnstomvT: wluiJt' - - - n-..k crderinjr It. , It conUip hiUk fvfm r''c 600 engmvtnps about SoO pee, and full di-scrifitjoti, lilcn ScUon for planting liOO Taneue Ol pgefaoie inu i wtroeeni, Hoses, cic. lamlujible to all. Send for it. ' Address, j Jan i 15 aj&Sr Hdi? Corbesty , Port I Business in the Woria Expensivl oa fltreo , may. 18-ly. ji ON 30 D HAL ftiS35 1880 iaE-J&

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