VOLU ME XI. WILMINGTON NORTH- CAROLINA, SUNDAY; MARCH 28, 1S80. . Single Copies . 5 Cents NUMBER 12 li 1 JL,MiisroTOisr J? Q ST Entered at tue Postoffice at VUirMiiffiTnw IV .IJ. is Srrnvn ( ir.iss Mattek ' ; RATES OF ADVERTISING. Fifty cents per line for the first in sertion 'and twenty -five cents per lin (or. each additional insertion. , ; .... Eight (8)lines, Nonpareil type, con 's titute a square. The subscription priee to The Wil mington Post is $1 00 per year; six months 75 cents. Allcommanicrtiohs on busines should be addressed to The Wilmington post, Wilmington, ii. C. Al advertisements will bo charged a th coming summer. His Excellency '-the result of the war has been uuifica e above rates, except on special con the Marquis of jLprnef and her Royal cation of system and -..consolidation of the tracts. I TITE CONVENTION OF THE HE PUBLICANS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILL MEET IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH, ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF JULY", 1880, FOR THEPURPOSEOVNO U INATING TWO ELECTORS AT LARGE, AND STATE OFFICERS. BY ORDER OF STATE EXECU- TTIVE COMMITTEE. ate General News. The c enatc of Rhode Island! have re jected the amendment to the constitu tion giving school suffrage to women. V Mr. Parker C. Chandler, the' reprd-; sentative of Massachusetts on the Sher. ban National Committee, states that a Massachusetts Sherman clufe is just1 aioutt be organized there, and is to ho put in active work all over jhe state.' HiJy gales are, bit win '.and there ae hfavy snow storms in Newfound ' . ri.r J 1 land, N ew Brunswick, Utah, aid nearly all over! the noith. Kansas I Itis ev.djnttLaWheN. Y. Hmaud ' its crew! ara friehtened nearly to death by Sherman's ,,i ;,e:, .fc a. i i . i i m a v b i m strength. This is shown by its mean flings a Sherman and its servile lauda tions of Grant. - j A party of 100 colored people left Cincinnati for New York, on their way to Africa. Tbey came from Arkansas and are! leaving their homes intending to form a colony in Liberia, where they can enjoy privileges which they say are y privileges wmcu luey w Ihem m; the state which they denied have lett. XUCjr lirtYC UtlUt i-V,W 114 i money. j -': .' t The Coffin family are to observe with commemorative exercises, in next, at Nantucket, Mass., October thto two hundredth anniversary of the death of I Tristram Coffifi, the first of their name 1 who settled in this country. They ex pect the re-union to last three days, Oct. ), 2 and 3. To-day is called Good Friday, on ac- cou'ut of the benefits believed by all Christians to have been conferred on humanity by the crueiOxion of Jesus. Tue Saxons named it Long Friday, from the protracteT religious services formerly held on this day, aid the Germa is term it Still Fiiday, irora the; solemn silence observed in the churchesj Chief-Jufetice Daly delivered his an-' nual address ppoff the "Geographical Work of the World in 1873 and 1879," beftrribe American t Geographical Sol ciity, at their rooms in West Twenty ninth .treet. The lecture was of' the,' usual exhaustive character, embracing a resume of explorations nd discoveries by govemraeuttl and private agencies during the years in question. An im-. portant achievement has been thecom- pletion of the measurement ol au arc of of the meridian by a system of triangles extending from the northernmost of the Shetland Islands,, in latitude 61 north, tj the borders of the Sahara Desert in Africa, latitude 34 north. This work was successfully completed lust September. The ,great , difficulty was to extend the line of Iriangulation from the coast of Europe to the coast of Africa, which, after many failures, was finally accomplisUed by means of the electric light, r ' j r President Hayes has received a letter from Bishop Nestor of the Greek Church in Alaska, aajine that the members of hr u-4 f o aaa, -i n aaa m u ur i. y inni hum :t innr k ti i h h iih Bishop wants steps to be taken to pro- tect these people. , . i Daniel Drew originated the term "watered stock." He was a drover in early life, and one day when a party desired to sell him some inflated stock, . said; "That stock makes me think of old farmer Brooks, up id 'Put who aied to salt and water his stock to make the MttiA.Hai.hMVvni, i, n.H 7 r?" - inemi" ine d rotter, told the story . 111 the street, and it became an adage. .7 ri .1 . w - At a nservative meeting held ia Hackney, Sir Stafford Northcote se- erely condemned Gladstone,1 for using offensive language toward Austria: Gladstone, in a recent speech, said the Emperor bad-called -him a pestilent fellow. The meeting was very uproar- ious, owing to the presence of a number of Liberals. Sir ; Stafford Noithcote was obliged to bring his speech to a close on account of the disturbance. GecGrant is still in Texas, receiv ing civilities, j several Democratic papers are urging Col. William JohnsOn of Charlotte, for Governor. Halifax is promising itself a fine time Highness j the Princeis Louise are ex- pected to fipend a portion of the season in that city, ad this fact is said to have induced many people from the upper provinces land the United States to spend the summer there; V Besides; Princes Victor and Geonr sons of the i nnces v lcccr anu ueorgp, sons oi the Prince of Wales, are to visit the port n her Majesty's steamship Bach ante, ,. i '. new at Jamaica.! His Royal Highness Prince Leopold will also, it is reported, pay a visit to this continent, and the Holigonians,! of; course, expect to re ceive him with the other scions of roy- aity. . ; - ' " ' : ' The Democrats of Pittsburg held ten local conventions? to elect delegates to the state convention. In every conven tion t'?e Tildeu men carried things be fore the m by an overwhelming majorK ty. The entire delegation, eighteen strong, was iostruqted to vote for Tilden all the tims until thevwere cither beat eu or had won. In several conventions resolutions denouncinir benator WaH ' - i . lace, and condemning liis course in Congretf", were passo.l almost unani i I . 1 ' . " I mOUSlV. I j j - Of the twenty-nine papers published bt colored men in the Uoitid ' States !.,..' i . .. .. . I a'i out seven rare in me south; beven 1 I . i -.H - are printed in Noith Carolina, three I in Tennessee, three in Louisiana, two! each in Alabama! Texa. and Missouri, .! . -,k ; '.-nr.. v::: mw r . n ma. - ! - i..i b im w & ' and Kentucky. Washington ? City has two of them, New York two, and Kan-1 sas California and Pennsylvania ene each. TUK BEST BILL PASSED ! The Best bill authorizing the sale of I the Western North Carolina Railroad passed both branches of the Gtneral Assembly on Friday. The Totein SenaVe stSod 30 to 11, and iu the H the House 89 to 21. It.will be seen that most of the western Republicans voted for the bill. Most, if not ail, the amendments were vj)ted down, and Best is master of the situation. Best, means John W. Garrett, President of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, which now controls a line fromj Baltimore to Danville via. Lynchburg, and has a charter from Danville to Statesville, and thus wilL control the great trunk through the mountains in the interest of Baltimore. Good bye ! North Carolina f Welcome outside monopolies! We shall give next weelc a full history of the rise , progress t and I consummation of this stupe ndous grab. The Strongest and Most Available. John berman will not withdraw. He ii a candidate, is in earnest and wi.l remain in the field. In all his underta kings he jhas been successful. Defeat ha$ never perched upon his banneif Tho more he is discussed as a Presiden- Ual candidate the stronger he groW; and itiU already manifest that of all the candidates namea ne is reany tne strongest; and most available. ' His Be- Dublicanism is conceded i bv all. His record, public and private is without a, stain, -tiis nomination wouia not put tuc uixiij ou iua uvicuaivc i ij , uuu agement of the finances has won uni- versal confidence. His nomination will be followed by an overwhelming elec tion. Elizabeth City Carolinian. '!' i ' ' ! Capt. Thos. A. Jerome seized 1200 cisrars the other day. packed in an old trunk with false insides and bottom.and a knot-hole about half an inch in, diam- eter in the bottom. The main civity of the trunK contained nothing out old clothes, t.nd was sent from Sagua la Grande CobaJ! in the bark Mary Stuart, The cigars were closely packed in the fala(i aperture of the trunk. The smug- gling Spaniard to whom the old trunk was directed, was considerably taken aback by tho exposure and wont make tt,i1i An 1 200 ritrarR.' Tfc ia said uiuvh v r rwww w-kv- . that riParlr overv ressell sailin? from the Wesi Indies containg such baggage as this. Th firt American natent for an in- .1 'i ' vention waa issued to Samuel Hopkins nf New Vorv1Jnl3l. 1790. and waa for an improved method of makiriir J pearlasb and potash. It Js written inn ; plain: round, old' fashioned 'hand, ia T 8lsnu .oyrKe.rY"ain?WD tieti by "iid.". Kan w , . ' General,; as being conformable act of Congress to promote mrtm anA itM ilf.liv.rv to th crintA IS certified by Thomas JefTerscn with the 1 seal of' tho Uuited States. , changing Sontlmeat at the South ; From the New Orleans Times, Feb.23. ' ; We have recently seen, or rather here at home, another striking indica- tidn e.i the changed relation of tho south and of southern statesmen and think- fera toward r tho nation. In the nohlr. and classic, oratien ot the Hon.Thomas J. Semmes, pronounced at the unveil ¬ ing of the Washington Artillery moa- umenton the 22J, there several remark able anjd significant passages pertinent to the present discussbn. After sketch-, iog, with a-'fewj masterly strokes, the historical course which' culminated in the civil war, he proceeded to say that interests. Ever since the cessation of hostilities the centiipetal forces of the political v system have been operating with extraordinary energy. Day by day the states have declined in import! ance and power. State pride and state loTe a,re g5adl,allv ding beneath the 8DlPndor ofcentra Md nnwaf 4 Stateship which conferred citizenship, ia displaced by citizansh.n indeDcndeht .. -2. V -u .... . . of stateship All this plainly tells us that the cause for which the heroic dead 'sacrificed their lives is lost indeed." The orator proceeded to say I that the wounds of the war have1 been healed, but the ideas evolved by the war have since controlled and directed the development of the nation. "Can any . one expect to stem the current of ideas of which the new naliou is the evolu-. tion?" Reaction is nt to be expected. Theiefore we look , to the future "not for the vindication of political doctrines which the logic of events has demon strated to be speculative theories, but for the physical, intellectual ana social development) of t' b southern land, wnica nas Dioom&i with Hublmi effort and 3 olrous the flowers of 'de ivii ..r-.i l v m 1 1 1 1 .1 xUr. ieinmes tlien: went that it is thought that the iLI.DIl III rriiiTiri on science of the iiineteeniii century, has. sniv.1 t.h nr.iil-.tii ,,f orir.)vu,riiir)2 masses F rrn1 , ... .. . I IT ui pcuic nuu.:uii it, ,VdS. ;suil UlVei'" smed territory a problem which to philosophers i seems so difficult. Rail- roads telegraphs and telephones have annihilatnd j-. f 1 . , distant ofhcer3 isvoo lenger a source of 'arhir,' tti ua.:. ..u:i the net-work of free institutions. sDtead throughout the states, is an eijmeut of wuscnaiuui luriumg a pruecuon .... O rr . n cr f lha n rrrr . n Af 'n-.TL; Hi And after concluding this su&iee: Mr. bemmes said: "If these views be eor rect, the patriot my contemplate with the magnificent future, and allowing his heart to swell with the pride of an ticipated ' grandeur, -.feel no regret for the los3 of political theories.1 onca con- sidercd necessary for the preservation f constitutional government and the maintenance of individual liberty.". Victor M. Rose writes to the N. Y. Sun fiom Kemper City, Texas, as foi- lows, wnicn win do aumittcu to he a grotesque admixture of troth and ab surdity: i ' ; The Bob Toombs sort are Gr&nt mene and seek to destroy the republic because they could not dominate it, and liko Samson of old, would pull down ths fabric upon themselves, so that the crash but destroyed the Philistine, within. They have no future. The Hamptons and Nichoilses are traders, and deliberately sacrificed Mr. Tilden in the interests of themselves. They. are amoitious, and imagine they have a glorious luture. rl ho .clique ot which Lochrane is an exponent arc a species J of fungi adhering to all social confedera-. VI UJJLlU kilt. jllIIU UUUtl. ABUtlllUU was a worthy exemplar. They antlci pate a future of corrupiion, Grant Rings, &c. These mea would vote for Grant, doubtless i but they represent tho southern sentiment just as the three tailors did the municipality ot London. Unhappy King Cety wayo is confined in a narrow cell, aad only permitted to walk on the ramparts accompanied fey 3i I a sentinel Tho TKirino. nt ( 10 I u "T . 7 ' .?V . ; J this means is impossible, wbile the poor fellow has grown so stiff, and ua wisldy, from Coafinement, ch'ange ' of habit and diet, that it is as much as he- can do to keep himself steady on his- legs during the long and dreary prom. enade upon the stone pavement, with the" two military guardians their slow steps behind him. He is most desirous to cross the sea and see Queen Victoria. : who. heibelieve.rwilf entertain him sumptuously, and punish the soldiers who have degtroyedxhis msalie fields, burned his kraals, and killed his young men. : The N. Sun: When Grant comes to be ElaushteTed in the convention "as he deserves to be slaughtered the Graen Mountain candidate may loom up like the suow clad peaks of his na- tive sUte. The Tillage of Samilia San TJjniin Z was neany ai ournea oy are. xuo I i ' ii - i i c? - rriT The buildings covered six acre., and included the Custom House. liro. Juiizauuui xuouipsuii, mupauctu 'mm- 1-I1 . 1. r11. Al- ,.... lit -.L -AAM v 4-n y I- AmnWvn 4-T mroP1BL 111 u OUiiUUO relative cost oi religion, living, euuca tiorf, turn and tobacco. .Bum costs the "I : m, mm. rt .-m- ---'- . ? country yearly 500 o,; ; religion, $47,036,450 : and education, $9o,40,- How to get rich go to work, like a mau. work and . auu cer i ' jlvi.- i- I . - i . , , - ,. vf i- dolpn. f Attorney- 1 l, a year, wueuiei iuvy uu w. muki. m0ruiug ervices,.auu auuuuiswreu me pnea with ail oi the - newest ana latest ot - I . 1. A I. il. - T . 1 H.w . - - AW..t. I ' - Z ' I 4 ..... J -I t . ... II I. . . - r . mm I . to the The question naturAlIy arises, why.no. fite of confirmation to 13 persons.'- At improvements in '.machinery, and wiH tho useful I drink it, then f , . li;A-'nuCn 'w!ii flt Sr. ;Jhn'. kd .t,, r ;; J,;.0 ;;. . n,...?.--: ... CIT UTBMS. Ch'ew- .Jackson's -Best . Sweet Navy Tobacco. , - . .',. ly Easter. . - - -- Shout the glad tiding3. There were no interments in Oakdalc this week. ;: Numerous entertainments will be given after Lent. -4, 4 ,, ; ' ,; J i m ; '- . ' " Never stop to talk- in chnrch after the sermon is --over.-1 'J' .-;-p; f : ' J Criminal Court convenes on the first Monday in April. , . , Lager Beer is now br ght to this city in refrigerator carsj f ! ; I There were no irl termed in the Cath olic Cekieiery thisre ek ' ;- '1 ?- A mince pie at bed tiui3 the shorts est route to the menagcrii' j V The churches .will beautifully decorated with flower.. Three persons were inimersed at the Baptist church last Sunday night. r - There was only one interment in Bellevue Cemetery this week, that of a child. : ' i ' . - Two car loads of corn were" brought I to this city by the way of nati railroad, I ! ; he Cincin- I In Pine Forest Cemetery ; there have been five interments this wcekj two adults and three children. : ... - ....... - .1. The Little Giant Steam Fire El.e;inc Company No. I, celebrated its eleventh anniversary on Monday last, - The Recrister of Deeds has! issued bnt two marriage licenses this, week J both of which were for white couples. I The freight ' business '' has fal en off considerably lately,, ami ths raIro2d , . iYjno. an ea3v time DO?s ard "..ving au easy. uiub. aPl- M W.iUanning is, making an aidition of seven rooms to his betel at Wrightsville, together with lothi r im proyements. J . The Rev. T: Page Ricaud, had anoth er proof of the appreciation of h'M con- gregation on Thursday niht IlMwas again pounded. Valentine Kurz, a German abqiit 58 years ot age, was louna ueau in ihe woods about three miles, from this city on Sunday last. v ; Captain John U. Allen has bee h ap pointed superintendent of the cen- struction train of the Western XJnion Tf leraph.. Company. , A There will be a grand entertaiiimen4; given on next Tuesday and Wednesday .evenings to raise funds for the comple tion of St. Luke's Clkurch. The truck .'urns were somewhat in jured by the cold snap on; ; Thursday morning. Capt'. Fi M. ..Woo ten is said to liave lost heavily in green j peas. Good Friday was very generally ob served in this city. The banks, Produce Exchange, business houses on the Wharf and City' Hall were closed. The Rsveuue Cutter Colfax while on a cruise up and down the coast, a few days sicce, encountered , three largo whales.tlie average length of each whale being about fifty feet. ;" , John Wells, a young white man, -i: e (... -; -....-- S UUMUff cuuulJ' wa8 WUi" i1"1 VyJ" wu"ui . -v swer to the r to tne cnarge 01 larceny at I- 1 a the neXjt term of the Criminal Court.' . , i , - A bill has been introduced in Con- gress by Mr. O'Connor of Ssuth Caro lina, providing for a survey of the pro posed iuland lioe: of ship navigation between the Cape Fear and the St. John rivers, Florida. A liitle colored girl abut5 years of age, was burned to death a few daf 3 ago, on the plantation of Mr. S. C. Fullwood of Brunswick I county. Her, cloth ins: bscameignated and her entire body was soon enveloped in the flame's. tf or f ricil lirmiorlif !.ssistarif.R. Orange Presbytery met at. Washing ton on the 21th inst.; Fayetteville Pres- bytery at Laurel Hjll church, Richmond county, on the 21stof April.; Mecklen burg Presbytery, at Dallas, on the 19th inst.; Wilmington Presby tery, at Brown Marsh Church, Bladen county, on the 2oth inst.i. v.tv ., CosFirvMATioN.'-On the eveaing of Good Friday, Rev.- G Bernhim er, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran churchi administered the rife of confirmation to girls "and 3 boys. ""'''"';.'. ..' ' Bishop Atkipsbu ; svisited Sc. Mark's .Wa !. nM,l.,l . ml .aftniii.la. 'HUVlw;, v i..v-v--,- wu firmed 10 persons. I EsiSCODal Church' last SuUdaVJ at the I tl.rao nnw in t!Vr.v Tf . fr. t.a.t.n. I Tm. Subscribe for the Post. Advertise in the Post. Read the Post if you want to get all the latest; news.. , Gen. Jos; iC Abbott, we understand, is south on business. i - - Gov. C. H: Brogden was 1 at' Golds- boro on Wednesday last. ' ' ' " T"! ' ' d Hon, S. W. Watts was in the city on Thursday last' as lively as ever. .', ; "--V . "'"V J ni- " Eighteen leet ot water is. the. latest from ' cur improvemenis in the Cape Featchnnel. i -iK'-" Vox Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis and all affectious of the Lungs, take AVer's Cherry Pectoral: ' . ' ' " ,, ,. i -viinl" . . ' :: Hon. III. l.:sr Scoit;s;itepreleht atiye from this couiy dn in the city ; last week, looking healthy. This year is leap year, but girls, take our advice" and look; before you leap- especially if he is a ; priuteY,'T. Wages are down very low, and he couldn't buy you, 'as papa did, a si.k bdnuet every season. .'. ?.';;: ''u : ; Mr. I. B. Abbott, one of the delegates elected at G oldsboro on Wednesday last, is one of the: editors of the Good Samaritan, a ver'! excellent and spicy little paper published at Newberri, and is an out.poken Sherman paper. Caution. A word to the wise is sufficient. Therefore, we would advisei all parties interroijed to read the "ad.2. ot iir. U. J. Uuuert's in this : issue! headed "Notice,' and . selves accord i only. govern them-j TJie I )ST has the largest circulation of any ppper in the state, and contains all the latest news of every discript4ohJ Advertisers w'iuld do ; well to note thi '! fact, and in the future govern taem- salves accordingly. uoi, Li. w. Mumphrey has ucen re commended to u in a long letter for the Republican candidate for State Treasurer. There is no better man in the state for the 1 A position, or ror any otlier that he will accept. , ;'a Hon. Jas. IL Harris editor and pro pnetor of the Tibrth C rotinct lie pub !i can, was in this city on Friday last, on business concerning liis .paper. We wish MrH&rriis certainly deserves every success for he! it. Every gutdd Re publican should stand by him The delegation now stands in North Carolina eleven for Sherman and three against him, with three more districts to hear from. The delegation from the state will probab ly stand sixteen for Sherman with four Ifor Grants And yet the croakers say that Sherman only has two friends in North Carolina. - 1 I . Mr. John H. Smith- has beeu ap- J pointed and has qualified as Postmaster of'Goldsboroy N. CL, in place of II. L. I Grant, resigned. Maj. Grant has been n Viob made one of the very best jiu . the south.' We wish him every success in his re tirement from public life, ile is one of the m)st energetic business men in the state, and . will succeed if a ny one can. Notice to Marinkes Fog Hell at Pinky Point Light-Station.- Notice is hereby given that, on and af ter April 1, 1SS0, Ihere will be sounded I !..:. t '. 1. A r,i... 1 1. l n: "u"us "uxyeaiuerriuey i o.-w.., juaryianu, a iog-oeu, struct: py ma chinery at intervals of 20 second. . The bell-tower ii located loYeetwest of the light-housed . - By order of the Light-House Bjard: , - ; John J?odg mis, . f Hear Admiral U. S. Navy . V. - Chairman. Office cf the Light Lrcuse Board, "'. J ; I Washington, D. C, March 22, 1SS0. !'. '"" V" . .'. ' ;.'',.' .p . ' ; ANOTHEU IIAILIIOAD TO BE fcOLD. " On -Monday last-' ' Judge Ayery, , , in Chambers, issued a decree for the sale Of the Carolina Central Railway. The j??- Pblbers Addrcs?l Lud sale is to beade Under fbreelosura of 5 ates, bavannah, Ga., Puohshers - j this city, probably-about the latter part of May. The Commissioners named for the sale are Messrs. Junius Davis' - and N. A. Stedman, Jr. . 4 II I c e M 1 l L. Messrs. Pembroke Jones Sf Cow are to 1 erect a rice mill on the vacant Jot on the north of Chesnut street, near Water. The plan3 are being drawn by Mr, Jas. F. Pest and the buildings" will be. erected as sopn as the plans are Completed. The -. . "2 2 -S 'iu . - soon HC W Come i .. ...- r v .. .. in. . ,5 i ;:j v. construction will be under ' the charge think we are. And if we are not misv Leaves Petersburg, daily, except -of a builder from Charleston, the bbiect taken;it would be interesting to tie 'AaivvV-r'-' 430 p m U;n- fn ,r.rt fh rriUxk public to kuow; : the causes of their vSftr rV: 5 .. -- - . - ,i i . 1 1 :i 1 1 v r-. .. - . . Superintendent J. W. Katz, of the Western- Union Telegraph Company, ha, beeuapp.mted.uperinteniei.Mnd J.D.I racy assistant superintendent, of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, in charge of the telephone exchanges at iRichmond, riii t iA. xt1 r ii i Danville, , Lynchburg, Norfolk, and Petersburg, Ya;, and Raleighi Charlotte, .and Wilmington. '.,-.! : , . - , I There will be joint services in the First and Second Presbyterian churches. to-day, conducted by Rev. James M. c, iv r. . . .i -r-. . U. , Sprunt, D. D., in the First Church at 11 a. m., and the Second church at 8 p. mf There will be no ! services in tho First at night, nor hi the Sccind.in the morning.' .. j , i '. TnE Wilmington Ice Companst. The above company for-the. sale and manufacture f ice baa been established in this city with the following officers : Dr. J, E. Winants, President. J. Iv.' Mcllhenny, Secretary iandi Treasurer. - :-r ;.".h . Board, of Directors P. Hcinsberger, DuBrutz Cutlar, J. A. Springe J. Kv Mcllhenny ajnd Dr. J. E. Winants. I ; The depot for the manufacture of ice has been established on Front between J mm V- ft MiUUD 0ira WVlOi . ".Lore Mo Darling." All singers and their "Sisters and their, Cousins and their Aunts," will Ssing this charming new song written by I Edward Orchard and just published by our. great Southern Music House." Why? Because not one new song out of a. thousand is, so , pleasing and its popularity is only a question of time. In sentiment, melody; and harmony, it 'satisfies both sinn-ftr and hearpr. nnd - ... . , once neara win oe caiiea lor over., ana over again. For, soprano or tenor. Easy accompaniment. Elesrant. title page Ask your music, dealer for it or send 40 cents to the publishers, Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga. u I . iLECTIO-T 1 OF ' OFFICERS. At an election held by Sumner Lodge, I. O. of G. S., vof Columbia, S. C. oh the first Monday in February last, the fol lowing officers were elected : W C G B Adams. P W-.N J Waviliaw. V C-4I H Prealeaw. ; FM Brown. RS-J M William v W RW Young. ' ' : F S and A S D--A J Forrest. ' D F-EMcFee? ! T J Loards. ' D 1' -C Alson. ; P-A Pritchard. , ' DL A Kershaw.! - Jor. J A Randall. D CS Reese. . 1 ' J S E Painsett. D KJ Williams. O S J Waldor. . D P L Knott. ! PS GMcFee. P f II A Mci'iicrson. We are truly glad to leant that this Lodge is in a flourishing and thriving 1 condiiiou. dins Aixie's I'raisea! Prosperity Ke turning " Tbere'B Music in ibo Air." With thef return of I good times, don't forget the million fair daughters of the ,i i r i i . .v i , , , . south (God bless them,) who cculd and should .beYuitu from grateful hearts 4l ,. , . . . " the livedo Uay, and night too. Pro- i . n,ir'.hil,lrrt jit. .L..;.'!,. vuic your children with ths means to make home happy by giving . them a Piano or Organ, or, if they have that. " J gend$1.25 to Ludden; Bates for a year's subscription to the onlySeuthern ascription to the onlySeuthern Mus. ical Journal published. In addition to the interesting musical reading m every monthly issue subscribers receive $12 worth of the choicest gems of vocal and instrumental music published in the Journal, .besides $1.00 .worth Music of their own selection. of Sheet Ludden a, liaies, tue great pioneers oi cheap music in the soulh1, are doing all they can to make our homes happy. Inveit the above small amount for the Journ al, ami if you do not feel ieaaid ten fold, it will not be the fault of the en- p n:i . .1 ' ' J Southeru. Musical Journal. r- . 1 i At Ic Again. The Raleigh dispatcher' of the "N. -Y. Times'! has dispatched acrain; Of i U Jti? ffi rt0a nec3sarJ to say that it is. just like its predeeea. sors, oniy more so. jar. Jkeosrh. Mr. Harris ind : others : are verl 'bitter against Mr. Sherntan-and the present a I . ? . - Aaministrauou now, , nut we ; navcan 1 impression that there was a time when they were among their warmest friends is this state. - Ye would not intention-. . -3 .1 . , , .v auy au laem aa id justice. VYO may possibly be mistaken but we do not would fee interesting to the readers the "Times" to knowhow the EiM. m n , i - ' - UtlVC committees "Weie , COmtkOSed, and who manipulated them, in the Ualpiirh vnA nir.cV..k r.i '. " i. . 'TTT . . auu Mvuauaiw jia.uiCbS. Qut WIS ia farmatian thu dintAlAi. K- t i : r-- -v icii vi 1 gently withheld.-.iStafcwife -American List of Appointments by Bishop Atkinson, for his Coming 1 Visi S& FayetteTiUc, E.tl.lW, . , ! March 2S Tarboro, First Sunday after Easter, r - 1 April I P'11.6' A onow Hill, Wednesday, April 7.. St. John's, Pitt count, Friday, April . Greenville,Second Sunday after Earter, April 11 Trinity, Beaufort county, Tuesday, . - ; r April 13, St. John's, Durham's Creek,lWednes-- Al ' . r. dayiAdrilll Aurora, 1 riday, April 16. I Washington,Third Sunday after Easter,. i April 18. Zion, Beaufort county, Mbndai, - Bath, Tuesday, April 20. f 1J, St. James' church, Beaufort county, ., Wednesdav April ''l Makelyville, Uyde county, Friday, -.'...;,. '. , ' April 123 bwan Hurler, baturday, April 24. , St. George; Hyde county, 'Fourth Sun day aftqr Easter, April 25 Fairfield, Monday, April 2G. .: 1 Vanceboro, Craven county , Friday, Abril SO Newberri, Fifth Sunday after Easter, jxav Beaufort, Tuesday, May 4 4 ivmsioH, ascension lay, May o. a a T-v -m r !".-. Holy Innocents, Lenoir county ,l riday, I . ' U j . May 9 St. James' church, morning. fct. Paul's church, evening. Warrenton, Whit. Sunday, May G. Henderson, Tuesday , May 18. Oxford, Thursday, May 20. Kittrell's, Baturday, May 22. ouisburg, Trinity Sunday, May 23. W JS.JJ VJSKiISEENMTb I"--' NOTICE. lfOOD CUTTING, Hunting witli Dos ,1 ff; andGUDs, and crossing the enclosed. premises of either the J. II. Mewett or Joha W, llewett tracts of land is trespass, and the law will he rigidly enforced against all offenders. -. -. ., . ; D. J. GILliEHT. mch 28 1S80 It r' - i - ' Riclnoni ani Peterslinrg Railroad Co, COMMENCING Sunday. March 2 , ' ISM, trains on this road will ruri as follows: j LEAVfl RICHMOND, SOUTH. 12.00 A. M., TiiKOtrcri Mail daily connect ing for Charleston, Augusta, Liken (via Charleston). Savan nah, Raleigh, and Jacksonville. Stops at Manchester and Ches- ter. and Half-Way on sigtai. 5.30 P. M. Accommodation Tkain, itailj jrassengers lasmg tms tram will make close connection at. Petersburg for Norfolk Stops at an stations. j 10.35 P. M., Thbougii Mail dally connect--( j Ing for Weldon, Wilmington, i r Ualeif?h, Charleston, and Savan i 1 nab, Columbia. Augusta. Atlan ; . ta, Macon, Mobile, Montgomery , and New Orleans. Pullman i a - Sleeping Cars from Washingtoa ' t for Wilmington andthe South, i Stops at Manchester andiChcs- . U ter and Half-Way on signal. X- S.20A.M., Freight . Train daily (exeept .1 Sunday), passenger car attached - All trains leaving Petersburg will start from tho Appomattox Depot. Sunday Excursion Trains leave Rich mond at 0.00 A. M. and 5.30 P. M. Leave Petersburg at 9.30 A. M. and 5J30 P. M. every Sunday. T. K KLINE, mch 28 tf Superintendent. FAST MAIL AND PASSENGEE ROUTE" TO THE NORTH AND EAST, VIA. THE RICHMOND. FREDERICKSBURG AND POTO MAC RAILROAD. ""in cj ucuub i uu tuiuuu iruiii v limine ton to Washington, via. this route without ?ange , . 1 I 1 Leave Wilmliigton, W & WR RJ daily at ...c.50am ana8,lopm Leave Richmond..,. .5 p m M2 ni Sunday excepted. j Arrea Washington at 9.23 p m and 1.10 Entire trains run through from Wilmlng'- Arrive at Baltimore at 11.10 p m' and 3.p- Artlffi. ' - hMii VAW V VM -. - " Pullman Palace Sleeping cars on the 6 50 a. m, trains to New York, and on thd 8.40 p m. trains to tVashlngton. C. A. TAYLOR, . - General Ticket Agent. B.T.1). MYKRS, aen'l. Bupt. , mch 2LI j ; m SnnHav uroontori PETERSBURG R. R; COMPANY. OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT, Petersburg, Va., I-eh. ii. lSSO. New York Express leaves Peters burg; daily at...- 1.07 p m Arrives at Weldoa at...;...........3.20 p m Southern Express leaves Peters burg, daily at...........ii.4S p m Arrives at Weldon at . 2.08 a xa GOING NORTH. New York Express leaves Weldon, ! J . daily at 1................!."!.'!. n m 1 .;C3 aKi rewsrauurg ai . . 30 p m UyratExprCflS leaves Weldon v at Petersburg at.... ....... fe.20 a m ti rfllJTht XlTl in" Peo.KpAti r ta7iv,daiKel: Arrives at Peteisburg at, .ouuuikj, a. L50 D m ..- 7.30 p in jure jreiersDnrtrat Arrives at Weldon at. - 7.00 a m - 12.10 p m ! THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. ndS1?'' eIPt day, at 4.00 a m VilXll"Tt I uiWHiug u,i a i uu WlUUilU UK UUUk mill.. I Sleeping car bertha can Bo had for 11 00 1 Riaond to lialtimore. k I - ' -.uruugu ncaeissoiato an points cast or - south, and ba-crajre checked through. f R M; sully. on"i RrintJ U i - -r v.. .:. : r ; r W. J.BROWNj Dispatcher oX Trains mch 21 tf.- - . " I i -j i j i GOIKQ SOUTH. t rir :

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