mi Ay ' . - I I 1,1 i., . ,H : H VOL 'MivXI; n WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, JULY Ji; 18S0. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 27, i - . ii.Klt.:i)Ar Til K j'OnTOKKK'K (Vll.MlSlilO.N, l A IT Kit I ' KATES OF ADVERTISING. Fifty cent per lin4 for. the firat in (.rtiim an-1 "twenty -nv-e cents per uu l,,r cach'iiiKlitional insertion: Bight (X) lines, Noaparcil type, eon- - dilute a iuare. The subscription price to The Wil- uisnToy Post is fl 00 per year; ix months TS.ccnts. - . , AIlcommunicrtiousonbusincJiahouM addressed- to THE WlLMJNCJTON Tost! Wilmington. N. C. j All advertisements will be --'charged the above rale, except on Hpecial con traits.. : ' -' " ' - ... J :' . NOTU-K. ; . liooms IllHirirt Kxlecirtlve Committee There will be a Convention of the lU'pub'licann of Uiorhird Congressional )itrict mi the 20th day of July,. 1880, nl . Si'nitltville, N.,C, for the purpose of niHuiiiaUng a candidate, for Congress and a 1'reHideiitial elector. ' - O. II. Bkockkk, Chairman. p. no. S ."Lkaky, Secretary.,'' L VI KM'. .' lYnlon, "ihe nephew of his uncle" i. i!i id. .-"i-iiiii' r (MiHcd It , .Mulione of VMrginia Uea'ljiisttir -' llanii'tck haw ,h ilcke i nominate) 1 in V i re in in I' lo rcomU of thet 'Na"lion.l UepuMi-4-Hiii Committee are i-Htivbliahe'd at No. J-fl, I'il'tli i.eniie,' New' York.; . r'J'iirr)' i rumor ihjit Cioii. Arthur wiU rt;;:o mi cliaUmaii of tb , X. 'j. .K.ait! Committee. ' . l'l.c li iubiioan-"o! the Foil rib (Ital--,ih , District have put in nomination t'.VjIoti. MuaoA A.H!eUoe of Ii ilrigh Inr intiiiWcr of Congre ft' lh.it Irnt-. lle.wan.a few year 'ngo ehair ''itianol Ihe I)oniocrati. '.tate tJom-iiutte-', bil ud-'epl" llioi HmojIIicho u.imii,aU"ii now, mi ! lh 1l uhlik tfwir head ..roU'td - lUVigh, and iay that hc'ifol give (.en. : . K. t.ox a iimB fall.'-' ' V "I ' ' l iu re jirx' ;i fuoi inky bick Dt-mo rula nrcrmd here mince, the nomination t liininii id tho iet of iho lit ket , Jit li';iiri'll. .' ' It w.it h little enriou- that Ci r. Jirvi.n!V"iiMwim'0 bwii to lor:iw i;hjii .ill" mliei of WitininglioiC and ii-' vr'hi'n fiiemla in thin city call. "v .!. li'w itxt inviiel? J j a 1 hf rnixofi Col. Iockt ry did not gel "t.N 17" votes for Uovernor in the Con i i.tiiin,-wa tha.' Mr; H.olgrr, wh -,n nin.itfd him hal 'Withdrawn bis .' rtiiif.1 Thi i itated iu Justice to C-ol J I' li iy. . .. . I'lie Sf,u- luin a bee in its bonnet ou 4iy' .'idjrt'-t' (Sen. llancockV an . K:ry lim it kii) a , that he is a r oi U' ii ,.f .l.d.ii Ilancock- who was i mm l. i.i i-i tin- Coiitiiieutal Congress i'i i'7 7 1 and aguei iho Declaration of I" !. j.,ViMvce, in bij leUer. Me died tvli..tit itHij at. d gave ntarly all hia fJr... riy to Harvard ('ollege. .'KlhU AII iAllTUrU V.L.VU ; f IV l'KMIKK. ' tir n rrepii lent end lis a cooi- "'unumion irnm i.urgaw, miicn ft "ilirt i crowded ) UU j ;' l!u llepublicamt aie alive in Tender sr, j-otti'ug renily to form a Dak 'iiK'a id Akthi r tdub. Ther have ' . -1 ' '. . t i l - ":edy liell otic mel:ug. -"The gelitlo- , . '! .' i-optinuyV; ; "I uever' witiuHel ii 'i tmrmony; goocl lV.flinir and deter 'oii.ty to make our great cne vie ' '") on Nov, :M,'"T$." . Monday, the creat 'Iuh's" ntlfl ''I''e'iTea,1 7VijiKTif mado Jrj-"rit ei"-.rt to get a-crowd together, :j tmxc x "Hancock- anl KMgliU Ug 'l U f illow . afleraiul j nil the coat Jad'of tke treat lUiircad Kngt !? JrTi, but with all thi nat a sound board, e icept a mighty hearing, to ;' t'S rul t -m of the bad wUtakey.thai adjnipiterel quit, frei.T to try. to ,ffif a lat'e cnthnsiasm in honor of ftrfti.I fUg and the Kir ? U lw Mteileiinivety adrerlil, Jt rirr bevn wy mifvrtune t wit- and C4 we'd be Urmed a fut f fr. e. UJ the right apiril bee r"?a or iranitej, li mak it a gaU "?'" tay to pay revttance 9t rt i (wt to Jeed done by our frc-iathera, ' v.u d iAxt duUW tw a grao4 4veeM W tbegxwj po) f tHir e litil lVoder are detrrsilaed not 'r te rV:5l tni ijtio cxvleRaua Of l a )-vU;ic!l ui.k. ' 1! aid moreover that the teotuina ta at lU'eigh lby thi; Repahlicmia t--itf t grraict totkuUasu i Hvtijbcy aaya it W the atroag ataiAiivkHU tweotjyear. Ylc H olBte4 tat Ucktl Oat giw r ItK.l'UUI.JCAM STATU -VltnTlu!..; CON- 4 I j lat Day- Ju8 th. The Convention met ; at abut 10 A.M. '' -. The first business was the considera tion af the new plan of organuation. We have not at band a full copy of the report'of the committee but will - jub lisii it next wek The charjgea were dot very material from tha old pltn except la minor detaila, such aa the p pointment of the state cammittee by the (r greaioual Districta, instead of br t tin chairman of the htat Conven tion, . I aa htrtlofora betn the prac tice. The ntw plan adopted is the Name in principle as la unually adopted by 'thtr National Republican Conveu tion.s : During the discussion on this subject some member introduced a resolution censuring the committee of j the 3d. Congrronion&I District, and tha county committeo ot New Hanover for apr pointing delecntrs to Chicago, and to the Sute 1 Convention. Inasmuch rrs this bad jleen done by the State Execniive Committee ntmine confradij ivnfi io -selecting the delegates at; largo, and Hy tho. .several. v!ongrersio nnl Coinmif'tees without cxcej)tion, ex cepting the 2nd, Congreoional District, the Hon. II. C. Uadger moved to lay the rt-soltition on the table, which wnii done I'jnanimously. j ' The Coiiveiitifln then elected Dr.-J. J. Mott id" Iredell and Ooli I J Younk of Wiik i', nif mbers of the State Com mittee a' large. , They n!no confirnu-il the election by Dijitrict.'i of the following ' . ll Coogreiional District A. H. Hi. kn f HeJufort. I I 2nd Coiujrecsional Ditrict Mi -Held Thornton of Warren. ! Srd CoiigVea'""1 Ditrict-W. 1'. . ' . it' i C.niHiiav of Tew ' Haho'rer. i i .. '1'h t'origes-don il I)itrict Uojjrrs, 'of llraYiTillr. . C. ; M. T. B. .V.h Congrcsximial District Kcogh f (Suilfofl tlth (Jviiv re-"i'iil Jenkins of (,! tsttm; 7th Congressional Cooper of Iredell, Sib Congressioinl Districts Hare, of ltuthe'ford. The, Hon. William t A. -More Ctiowan becoinrii a member of iho State Committee- rx-offi io, Thero was considerable discussion Onrin the arsiQn, but finally 'at about I', p. in . oo motion of Hon. W. P. Can ada)' of Vt-w Hanover, . three i reusing tliftrji w,ro, given for IV Naliopal ticket, ('AKiaji and Arthur; three for the-8ate tickrt of North Carolina ; and tltrce i'or tho invincible and glori ous Republican psr'y. And thus ended the inont intelUg"1. eilbuijialic: and harmonious cuvotiitin eyer-lield in Nortii Candina, by any party. Every body went away couridcut aud dclcr micd that the ticket would be carried tv triumph and vittoiy in November, and the, right o the poople and-the inte-j roats aud honor ot the Old North State bo vindicated, by the luxlon, the Car ringers, the Norjinetita, tho fcToores, the Dockt ries and the j Kterilts, aud boats ot other eUainpioua Of her huitor and K-y. .:.-:r..-j r . - Wr 4u1vl to cueitiuti that nLtr W aii, fn our "Katrauu the Couientioq,5' on tlie iosidccoluhius,,lt.tK0 to 50,000 hius,-' our westeru frieuds iclaim that it ought re.d '.rHJ000 to 60.WH) white?,'- and where we said "from 70,000 to M.000 colored," it is claimed there arc Dot more than 06,000. This calculation in baaed on the statistics ahowiag the largo emWraiton of colored pttplo . to the tjulf States Jexas, thp north an4 places fouth of here, and the great number of whites, especially young mcu who have ciiie 'otre'r rtu the epubli aaos, aa th(j only'; hp for future for Jforth larulin, 1 . l.N XI KMUttl A3. In ihix i itv. oo the Sib' ioat, after a lon and ioful illuov, Mary Ive, daughter of Sylveoter and Lucit A. l'etteway, aged 9 yn 6 months and Death )ia robbed us of a loved one. Noi knew little Mary .but to late her. 5wet, geul'.e aud kind, aho won aa U were, "toTO at first sight" She waa loo pnro fr thwv wsrld, heav w her home, steep aoi uctaet aa4 taihor. oonvw not tind friends, though toe Dark Robxvl Aoftl M DtXlb hovered aroand your fisid s4 daed in hi csU graaj mu hiil daiUag. It ui oesuesqVt ai aha kaa reacheU that sphoro for' which ww ' uuat tiiht if wo wowld wio," Sh has goae to thai hoe where akxaeoa, eor nw.fkla aai death, art aakawwa, and that "oat loo so hor oswcUoUag gia.M The lot a ffr wtlm so that whew JeatVa coU Wy hand U &c t ttt y4 fJ f l4 hr ii ah cmaat coast ttcs. 1 m qcAiv I II I DiMHct-T. N 1JIU Ilia tUiiltl l I JilV 1 J. VJV Jl."1 ADOP i'ED AT RALEIGH JULY Till. TLe Hon li. C. Badger, chairmau ot the CoEjmittee ori riatform and Ilcao iu lions, reported from that committee the following: .- Tn.e Republicans of North Carolina iu Convention assembled, renew the le-des m?.de iu all their former plat ioniis. And they declare as follows : 1. That they cordially approve the noninations, recently made at Chicago oi Jarucs A. Garfield for President, and Chester A. Arthur for Vice-lrsaident ; jp-'t it they will most cheerfully and actively -Wote themselves to their elec s indispensable to the preserva tiou of the Republican party, and of k i...pu'ic, in its integrity. And that bey fully endorse the .principles set iorli iu ni3 platform, adopted , by the Republican convention, which conven ed i i tj'c uiy of Chicago, on the 2nd .tar of Juue 1830. 2. TLrtt liey have seen, with' great apptehenHion and alarm, the rapid con-h!:-4iioii and engrossment of our rail road systems, by and under the control oTocrohip of foreign monopolists ths.1 such ccnsolidatiou of capital gives pOTtr to the monopolists to oppress the !nT c- of thu country by ! unreasonable and unjust local taritls and fares, and i . .-s to tbea the power to control the Ifgisuliv ar'.ch of go vert nient, in the pis.'!r.e of laws'in their interest, and ruinous io those jf the people ; und.that thry havo sceii with regret, mat thesa monopolidta arc making an insidious invasion among the leadjcra of the iJem ociaiic party, which culjminatfcd on the 17th day of Juue, in the engulling and iv.illo Aing up of the whole Democratic State convention ; and that while they hve no desire or intention to make an Urjust war upon these mouopolies.they do domand that tlic Legislature shall pae laws to govern and control them, n thit they Khali i' be permitted to 2u- ri uiiotte ag.tin-a our own peoi.de, nil . 'pl.nrej ; h reas)-:iab!e limit uu IuchI tari2 and l'aree. - 3. Tht they view with anxiety the cu3'liti--n o the Western North- Caxoli-' ii -liailro:id, -which, through the hot habte and ill coiiiderel conirncts ot the Demr-L-rati)". tat: udmii'Hti.t'.i'in, is sur roiindcd by'logai trunbies which adord ..' r"iief lioiu luxation, and threaten to; dtlay lor a o:g time, if not. altogether def-at, the eoniplelion of th if work so hrvrsary for the welare and develop ment of iho state, nl tspeciit;ly the wKieni oii ntics. 4. That thb RepuJoiC;in parly has al w jvs been the fiieud of cdacalioh, .Mid no-.v kgin renews ha. pledge to the pe?, pe of North Carolina to continue ns efforts with iiici east dvigor, iiutil there shall be a complete ard perfect sysleni . f public instruction. 6. 'kni they -recognize the nicchkiiic A lt-.icr n tncr bone ann,Mi'cw oi land, and pledge thei;s ives to pro- tecCNthcir riUis ami prouioty tlieir jo li'icarf ducational, and material inter ests. 6. TliatXthe .recent Uonstitutiontl- uuiei'dmen'vswere pas.d by a convan tiun -which waiwot c.oipyv..d t ai ma jTl' of elcuted thslesles', hii1 the csn--tfi ol wuicli was siHleu frni t lie Rc pU'.iijHa msjorily, by an infamous and admitted fraud on the voters rd' R ibc Srj ountr. j This '.corrupt inn', on the pari of l inocracy,deinoii'israie!the fact that ttieir psrty will acru';!dXal.;njL violation of law in the interest ; of pHrty toi re'-'acv ; tu.a inav tne ii'mirr.ii Dailv is not the fiieiiduf re:rtseu::itivef ovviuu.vnt jor ; ot the people. 1 i 7. That the present svstcm of county ! irrivrnnieu: in North Carolina is utterlv i uLverae of the, rights of ihe'citivuf; is the grosv.it political robbery evtr piCt: -rl iu ilii-S or any civilized cuu:i try ;r i u'ost damnable fruud ever dti or i-ctioned by any pi!itical nartv. aud calls for the uiviualihed con- 'eui.a-'.on cffall who have the name of. frtcn'en, without regard to party aliUia t: . We c!aim the right ot the people to eWit every clScer in the state, from tc Chiet. Kxecutire down to; the hntiir bleat oSicUi.i aud demand that this rig'.i hail not be denied nor abridged; that an honest count shall follow a tree Li'Lv, aud the majoriry shall, determine who enah euact and adoitnister its lawa. ; i J a. Xhcy dcuwunce the IVniocrklic partv as an oligarchy, rontrollctl by r&ilfoad coiporations au'.l- ar:iiocr;Uc iDiiuBrrs, and it uot airested id its ourso.it wi!l overthrow the mosicher- iu tx i. cats of tho ietplo The ten- a-Qej to the concentration of dange- roaa powers, lor privat au4 corrupt tuds, $9 hands uf a few, has re ceulty waaifested itself in a vittal part vf our Srtatfr government, and in a way to xcite thee greatest apprehensiaa. Tho kiuerinteudent ut t ubnc lnstruc ti.n; uw rndorsd by his party noiui nation, and without rrgArJ to the pop ular wish, hasdemandel to have vested in bio hand, that is in tne bands of a ctiitrsl bsad of which he should be tho Uf tbe absolute rhtht ofc!icut;n i a hat text br. oir cu.Urcn tua'.i us?, wv4.?bT heaa mould the opiaions ot Ue rU'v; generation; can strangle, for tho l-oacht ot personal or auctions! uvocite, all cooipuiin in local Mto:ure, aad opto up for his o2c, to nt:atjlTccnM;te4 f"pulax lite had fnirity, a faithful and nruttahio ooorcw of corrupt jobbery. Tat Uey fiMar. ttt M aoa aa the lawRord land ttaast act,-a de tiotd ler tho bene uv of a few, t op pros tho aaih'.e and defenceless citUeo. Thai they jeocnc th prr toat road la wo of tho stale1, as oppreo livs to tho laborer, and demand . their axasadcaent, so that burdens ot baild tag aad repairiag them shall ho bora Aoto csvialty by all claser of the pevt- pl. j - - - i - ' rhcrefort wao adeMed- llorrah. harrai, tterrah.aa "urty- throoi thoca&ad Isrrat Uareld and! Arthar, tkkot. . &axto a ad oir i cit-v: items: f Chew Jacbtou'a Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. . V )' " - 1 Hot, hotter, hottest. Oh, for something cold to drisk. No interments past week, - in BoUevue for the k Five intermeata in Oakdala Ceme tery the past week, 1 ; ! Seven interments in Fine Forrest during the past week.. "; . ' ' - '. : The thermometer stood at irojn 90 to.pi degress yesterday -j; : ' . : v Ob, "Dimokrats" ain't you sorry Buxton's been nominated. A horse belonging to James Dry dropped dead on Monday last. ' No interments in. the Catholic Cemetery daring the past week! Tii Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses, during tho past week. i This is our motto. Garfield and Ar thur, Buxtoa aud Canaday, with victory in November. Bishop Atkinson is, we regret to learn, still seriously ill at the residence of his son Dr. Robt. Atkinson in Balti more. The market Carts have again taken upjtheir jjtaud on Market street. The ordiD&uce requiring ,them to stand on Front street has been suspended. A lire was discovered at the residence of Mr. John Wilkins on Monday morn msr last, but was extinguished without rnuch damage. C'upt. C. D. Myera has been appointed tecial Agent of the Census Depart ment for the cullection of statistics iu this city relatire to. the manufacturing interests. - A colored man named l'restou Mc- Charles wh picked up on the streets Tuesday night by the police, Buffering from severe hemorrhages of the lungs. He was sent to the poor house. I'hysicians freely prcicribo the new .Food Medidne, "Malt Bitters," be t au-e uJoreiy)urishing, BtrengtheniDg, and purifying than all other lorms of a.. wtiil nlrtn lu i.i jgtioiis urged against malt liquors. Ui.r drug stores are now supplied wun "Malt Bitters," the yew Food Metliciuc which has done so much good and cook s to us so highly recommend ed. ''Try it. It mar save you a heavy doctoi V.ll. 4t - Mriils ;re. taken daily from all the i y hiaiJ-'fixeSiHt o'chxk, except the, one in front of the old market ht.!ie, which, htjini: much used by the inerchants, ia left until the last, being it-mutied invariably, Sunday's included,, at rA M. and 4,30 l M. A saiH house in the .neizhoauruooi iof Second and -Marsteller streets, be longing to a colrd man by the name of York , ElkinsaccideuUlly Caught tire Thursday morning, abut 1 o'clock, but the flame were exiniguiahed with-. out patch dKmagr -Datu vr A Famous ScKht. Newa 1-as reached here that "TirxaaXJack," whose real name was J. B. Omohundro, a famous scout of the plains, died at Leadville, Co?., Juno 2Sth. Ho wi be remembered by many of our rcaderj as having accorpppid Butlalo Bill on his lirat appearance brre aomo rears ago, and was his right-hand man on the stage. He also passed tbroujh here about a year a;;e in company with Dr. Carver. He was an Englishman by birth; but came to this country when quite a youth, since which time he has been almc&t cocitanlly on the IroaUer, where he gained great notoriety aa an Isdian acoul. ' He was one of the bot of scouts, and has rendered some vala abic service during cor late Indian troublta. j' . .' iXarxt-taTtos or OritctJts. Thursday evening Dli D, N Jacobi, aai;ed by D G Guide, T K Toot, D tl Guardian, Jeeao lie, and t Gl Son tincA U llaakina, ioatalled f fal. Wtrlsg ocen ot Oaoliaa ldt No 431, Knights of H?ar; . " I V -Waiter Cvney. D J A prioger. V D-N W Scheoek. A Cajtoa iUea. li-Geo N Harris. F R Jtrp L DaJJej. Chap Kv C 31 Paja. Treao W A WiUaoa. ttaide-U B Willi. Gaardiaa R M Uoswtosu Seat J il Mdfowa. We Uam that the Lad u la a rery rhia aad ftmfttimm cosalitaai assl thatiu aataaVerahip is r4d!y ia creiag. . ' ; The yacht Flirt, nee Rosa, has chal engeu tne Kesuess to sail a race over the Wrightaville conrae for the cham pionahip of the Carolina Yacht Club. Tha Kestle&s having accepted the', chal lenge and by consent of the challenger &nd challenged the yacht Ripple and Lizzie, will he permitted to enter the race.. It will be sailed on Thursday next. -, . ' At a meeting of Orion Lodge, No G7, 10 0 F held Wednesday laat the fol lowing officers wero installed: N-Q H O Craig. . V a W S Hewlett. Socretary T B Yopp, , - Permanent SecretarX W O Farrow Treasurer -WS Warrock. ' Chaplain A G McGirt. , Conductor G M: AltafJer. Vaden W J Tenny. R 8 to N G S A Craig. L S to N G- L Tata Bowden. RS to V C-C C Parker. . L S to VGB F Penny. R S S John Barnes. L SS-WT William. I G C Stewart. O GC D Morrill. The Regatta. The regular Ju regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club wis sailed over the Wrightaville course oVi last Monday. The following boats eq tered and started as recorded: j , I The Bessie Lee, Commodore A A Wiggins, at 2h. lm. 30s. j .1 The Restless, Cipt. S. 1". C'owau,i 2hlm. 45s. -J The Spray, C'apt. II. li. Latimer, a 2h. lm. 48s. j Ml The Flirt, Capt, Johu Flywera, at 2h o.J oo. - ; i H'i The Lizzie, dpt. W. S. Parsley, hf 2h. 3m. 26s. ' J The Ripple, CVpt. N rwood Giles, 2h. 4m. 53s. ' f The start was pretty and the radO wa3 exciting. The yachts came in atS the finish in the following order Restlee a, . 3h 4.9m Spray, 3h . 55m Flirt, 3h, 4Gm " Lizzie, 3h r43m Ripple, 3h 30m ii 20s 42 23a By an unanimous vote of the Judges, Messrs. W. L. Jewett, A. R. Campbell and Wo. Latimer, and the Regatta Committee the Flirt was ruled out for louls and non-compliance with thu flag was given to the Restless, she ! be- -ing the second boat in at the - bnisn. The time actual! taken lo sail the race is as follows: Flirt, lh 42m 37s Restlesi, lh 47m 35s Lizzie, lh 43m' 57s Ripple, lh ibm "s Spray, lh v 53m 54s Cocmty CoMMissloN'KRS.-The Board of County Commissioners met Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. - Present, Col. Wm L Smith, Chairman, Commission H A Bagg, A J Grady, Jas A Mont gomery and B G Worth. The County Treasurer submitted his monthly report, showing balance gen eral fund to be $12,751.70 and balance of School Fund on hand 0,475.13, of which last ameuut ? 837.04 remains un distributed. Report of Special Fund shows a balance due the Treasurer of $523.21. Application of L G Cherry to retail spirituous liquors was granted. ! The Register of Deeds was authorized to list delinquent Poll Tax as provided for in Section IS, Chapter Tl, Laws of 1S7 . - 1 nomas Hunt was released from Poll x on account ol beiar a crir-ole. v lae follow inr named twwoaa were drawnto crve as jurors at the August terra. cfjtbe Crimiual Court, to wit: John A Farmer. The U Mchloy, N A Rojer, C wNstukcly, S Soeeden, Jno H Thcca, GeoA Pk Harry Loeb, Kphraioa CiahopX Daniel M Yatea, R W Chadwkx, Gee Tlannett, Robert E Lee, Geo F Tiliey Henry Middleioa, Benj FarTow, Wm H Waddell, Jo B Worth, Thoa Hanett, HMcL Greta, Isaac B Northrop, John p,Uoa,4eso Un, .nUio Uuah, DatidWaIh, David C-orT, B i Turlinxtoa, X M Robt b son. On meet on the 2nd Monday of BkMih I Ja!yJ at brrixaiE.CociT.--Ia this Cwrt, at Raleirb, Taeoiay, appeals froaa. th Foonh Jadkial Dbtrkt rv caUod and casacsj df0oe4 of aa blears; Wet Oria et ala vs JoaefhiM Grif- fta, froea BWioa; appeoJa hy both plaiatilaa defeat iat; callod aa4 coatiaoed hy cooeat. ;'-:-! D McFadyta ct ak x 3 T Covseil MjU&M T2itMit fx jhmnisi as Ue ei of the diotrit. ' '" , . A A AtfLea, rt aJa, v Jta Paiur 90m rt aX bw OaatVoa; 4Imkei at dele-salaau eoats Vr TT tr lti'i -.. a.liaatra:.v. ra A Me MiUaa rt aH ta EkLsaoa W y-ri um ax taaa wrsu rotxn te4 the paper. j A A ;McKethan vs Mary McGill, from Cumberland; advuari ' taken ' at last term; court took the papers. " j "MB Belden vs. D B Snead, from Richmond; argued by Hinsdale & Devereux for the plaintiff, and J ;D Shaw lor the defendant. : . .i . . Rachel Jones vs C Holmes ( als, from Camberland; , argued hy W A Guthrie and J L Stewart for the plain tiff, and Merrimon, Fuller & Fuller R McCaskill et al rs J W Lancashire et als, from Camberland; adtiart taken at last term; court took the papers. ! Wall & Leak, executors, vs J A Covington et als, from Richmond; argued by J D Shaw for the defend ants; no -f, tgnavl tor the plaintiffs. R L Steele -vs R T Long et als, from Richmond; called '.arid, continued for absence of plaintiff's counsel by coa sen of defendant. A A McLean etals, vs John Patter son et als, from Robeson; argued . by McNeill & McNeill. and WF French for the plaintiffs, 'and Rowland A Mc Lean for the dafendants. . Samuel Bright vs Hayncs Lennon et als, from Columbup; Targned by A T, London lor the plaintiff, and T.H Sut ton for the defendant. J A Eyans, administrator, vs T M Smith, lexocntor, from Columbus argued by A T London for the plaintiff, and T H Sutton for the defendant. T A McNeill et ala vs J P Hodges, guardian, 1 1 from Cumberland; appeals by both plaintiff and defendant; argued byFrank McNeill and McRae and Broadfoot lor the plaintiffs'and N TIT T r 1 i i xvay ior me aeiendant. . , Boabd iof Aldermen. The Board of Alderman met in regular xnonthlv session Thursday afternoon, present : his Honor flavor Fishblatft . and I Al dermen C D Myers, J , F Divine, L II Bowden, II Vollers, 11 Von Glahh, F V Foaterjl W King and J C Hill. The minutes of the last mcpting, were read iand approved. Mr Johu F Divine, win was elected at the last' meeting of the Board to fill jthe vacancy from tho Second Ward, took the oath of office, and hi t in the Board. , t The Ordinance Committee on the kuu tieic.granteu lurther time. I luuimirj i matte: renortoi rrArc The same committee were granted urther time on the ordinance relating to steam whistle oir locomotives .i Petition from Dr H S Norcom be rc- relieved from certain taxes fcrred to Finance Committee. was I A proposition from G R KiDg to furnish, a certain style of lamps was re ferred' to the Committee on Lights! A cotnmunciation from the Board f Audit and Finance disspprOvinc of the purchase of land from .CatcJ Bunt ing was received ami orl-rei ot file. A petition fruni-c.t . .o f.r additio nal poticeiiteu was referred t thedhief of Police, i ; j A communication front the Board of Audit and Finance, appropriating $200 for making deeds to tho city t for property sold for back taxes, waa con curred in. j t j ' petuioM Iron tbo little ( tan t Firo Engine Co, for re pairs to engine house, was ! referred to committee cn Puhltc ltu.il a . 1 . I . m w-iui,,i,j nave rrcnt street o.uvi 'uelWeJn Marstciltr and Martin streets was j reared. Street lampa were ordered to be placed the corner of Second aad Weoter, fecund rod lueee. Second and Dawson, and Boatij'a alley and Brunswick street- ' ' j Alderman Fuster moved to call a meeting tf the liord of Ak'ermea to morrow at 4 P M to receive proposi tions reUuvc 1 to subscriptions to the slock of the CUralina ' Vuual Railroad Company, j f , AlJermatk Divine moved U amend so that the matter W dcfrrml until a full tUUAient ui tbe tuUer be made to the Mayor; and latter to call a anert iog when aaii-rle- that the tisard have aocthrity to au Adapted. j The .t 'xi uf -the rsnaiuoe va streets was tUed io the coaditioo vf Fourth slreet Widgr. , ' Aldennaa Bowdm aaoved u rrral erdtsABC rtlajUag to s&arket carts wciaura. raa4 Jaly TthJISSO. f AUermaa oJcr SE-ovel as aa t that the al oedlaaccw h ssotaoa aa a leaded m4 the so which waa adud. the WidarIaLMkai l Mosstpaay aas auess m cox jt wia tu v -. . . - - m . . aaa taijca s ueosa aaoa otarcr a boad aa ersrased m try th sail tract: theteJsre.' he U casaaisved. hv that Is fccvky orU ao try lie aatWUy al - 1 tJ&fl Wiiataa iUtMUfjsatfmsj itsw laadh axaio SMSyOMdedi Tho -, waaad?!! AUensaa owda toortar edlaaadR. tr j .: s . wherraaj that unless alT the provrvV tho Baxd contract are compUed with ia ac cordance with said contract within fiwaMdy rom thU date, that the city will not consider itself any further bound by the said, contract The Board than adjourned. -5 - NJSW AJJ yjsj iISEEXMTS. .Wilmington & Weldon Railroad PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, . Wilmington, June 28, 1SS0. IMPORTAHT to SUMMER TOURIST. QNT and aftj this date direct connection wUl be made, via. Goldsboro. Knlelgh aud Salisbury , to AthevUlc. X. c. Hickory, N . C.OIcn Alpine. N.C., and all Stations on Ihe Western North C-aroltbn Kai;roadi fol lows: - ?' V iavo WllmluRlon ti M a, id.; airric at Salisbury W 30 p. ui., and at Head of w. N. C. It, R (three miles, trimi Asbovll lllc) 20a.m. : ' - " , Sleerlng cars between Salisbury Head of the Itond. . -1 land llu- This is the only Kouto iuuaint direct ' connection with tie Vcter hvrih C"aro- linajRatlrcad. i Exeursion tickets at uniform rates with allothcr Lines on tale to all Bunim-t r IU - aorta In "Westeru North t srollna. A. rdrK, July 13t General laaaoucer Agcu U lrtf .fn v . prL MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY for three months. Send for llluBtniled cir cular. July 1 lJw lBcjvew. Ladies' Fashion Journal. COSTAlIFU THE L4TSST PAHIS. LONDON ASp NEW YORK FASHION NEWS AND GOSSIP With ttm May nnml.er coinnpucel tu: .-uuijeu, "nr. wesiw,ood a hccretl lor tale at all Vie Bazar Pattern AyJhcit inrovgnout (m country. ' Subscription Price ; w wcitia a Tear, POSTAGE PAIS. Single Copies FiFe Ccnts. FKANC13 WltlUHT. inl.:iyh GKO. II. BOIlST.l?us:tici.s Manager. N'A ft- iliuruiwn) , 1. June 2) tl. BEST: ousincsa now Oclure the tudtiijc ion can make money fa;,iJrat Work fur Oa.thin at nnv!4 ii.. else. Capital not rjuirtl. We wtjll aji .ii you. S12 n day and upward m Jc uj hJ iu- ov me jnuuniTjous. M en women. Ikjv eiria wanted everywhere to work Iu Now 1m the. time. Y.,n - .!......, n. i whole time to the work, or ouij our i 0!- ar- mivtorr ujviui-iqi Will IaT llMrttf MB ...... I1U i o una wuiiaic U dr;-t taa lomaice enonnooa pay l- eugu at once. CoUy UutflL ami iruh r. Uy Ou unity fi treat ooport r making utoiiv caiily and honorably. Addreaw Tn k 4 i o. Kui, .Maine. -jun oua KSTA15LISlIi:i) aa sa SBsaw aaw. m 1853 ol. BEAR & BROS,, 18 &20 Market St.,' WILMINGTON, N. C. iub 2vnr onrtof. am. havOQ eabnjllioe. U ir;tt 4 ae-l oaaplete atork ot. CLOTH LNG ANll FURNIMJItiG GOODS KoeU nl ivailliror. . - . I-' Saiti frets TLty npwuk. 100 Kte iljddlefti nie! Sate : aroa-7 rll fvacaC a rtuiutur CELLDREKS' BOYS' AKD UUiS STBJ1W JLJiD FELT IUTx ----- ..." '. -T - - Come One. Come All, W wi T 1 ' I I t -trl'