v. V I U 1.;, .! C r j jf j fiij n '? i I O- j JvMt!t I' 'I- .)';! fvjfj J.",,5 .r: , , ,-,nTt " t "r (iAiioLiNAi stjndAy. .AtrGUST;';Visso: ; 4 . f " WILMINGTON . Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 32.. I 'n i ,.-. i, ,-l I 'v. i Hi !' t . . i .- ' ' .' i " T T ; - . - " ' ' j 1 . s , 1 iii f. m 1 - j s i ! i .' V 1. LMIN (JTON POST t KSTKliKbiAt. TJli: lWfOFFJCK AT AV iLMLNciToM, N. C, A3 Second Clash vM..VrrjU, 1 r :- " RATJiS Or ADVEltTISING. " ; Fifiy c.nt3 pvr Hue for the first in . rtioJii ;ui(V twenty-live cents ,jer li.ii. (or eacU aamiionai inaciiiou. j :? JCight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con i siif ule a square. . . . The subscription priee to. Tiik Wu. m t rJUToN - loyr CM) per year; oix months 75 cents. ; r Allcoiiunimicrtjotison busiueaslioiild i? aMrcssei to Tji k ,WiLsnw;rpN l)sr, Wilminton N. O. , ? , All a'lvertisenienta will be charged a ho ab)ve rates, except on apecial con - . j - insiioiv jioon K jjishop I food liaviiilhen invMfl by l!uv "Iridu.strial Ashuciatin li ddivr tiicanriualadilref at tbtiir combm F.iir. . i 'AYirn KVii.r,. N. C: Julyol f .'. Ifmih.r, Jr. JZ-'r, r N (!. JitiUtsli ial A.n?ei'ftio:i KAi;j tlli: . . Yimim jnlbriiiiji mo.nl !.iv bviiii' lios'ii lv iIm :i!mv m;iiimx1 s ..M.:i;.i'iiu i ilelsvt'r I he ""opvn ing ;id-iJii--'..-'. oil i l!i" orc.isiMi nf , it Sveutl A ri liM II ll Kn, n receive' L 1 on will .'i'.'f'i ;tW't j t fur" yourself and i(1iAh- .. i ii c tii my LJ;:i r ks i"ir. I lie lnr vftli- be Hsred tbat I ho- interest ht- iie.r.'l .'-hihI 1 uuitet i.il deyel- I my pej!e v.ill .iniliiee nie t- :r, Si. e ;MH -;iri if'H' l he jui si iil, mi ill-' Ml'.rllM ?!ulll)' ll IV'lvi'lfll- .. iiiutj. ' . i. or ;i 1 1 n i I .flbrtJ to improve L .. V. IIimi-i. rii-ii ..i'n. i.il i ii 1 1 i 'l t.i'.iis !.M;M'i'. i I-s tlio' J'jurnaf, .of Industry y makfM ilie coi!ijlmentaiy v rv w ('!)! .h kiiji in him JLiw, m reianon i . . . i - : l i i . : . i i i!i ni'shopV ("itm.srt fif'r. the duty to whi. li lie is iiiviutJ. v e aie uiatiued. h:tt. I Ji.- 1 1.;. 1 loud" roiini iils to deliver ;1 in ijiiotion, and the. 'public t' :i U::isteriy rroduc' iiMi; tor column will be louuiljlh ?ishop J. Vr. Ho'mI, nceeplin m tei lit r'il .'him Iiy the Nort h V)' -I n :!iil (':i 1 1 i iii.l Industrial Association of de he oponingv address . di the I ;-ii.H eood Uraud If'ar jto Miveflne : ii 'fi ll I!'. t lis-eity next SestiMMinr. Ji V 'IIM' (mi ( j.i: .ii : s" t" : ihe i'.rr vices' of l!:tho Hood li..ir DHiucd, the -.Association p.irtJeUhirly lor un.ite. ,rxo uM.itf. ,m ixortn .''.iroijuici i m i. i' I li'H ' Mm l iv iiei I loruch a duty. Of "'large' line, oral'vry, com maud tug ;iiity, e Bishop i damply piaJificd 'ii i i (.;. j toe iirpJiremcJits of such an A'jratn wb congratulate the M,u l ii Carolina-. Induct rial. Association, ind (Jie large, iiuiiibtr of Visitors wht v i!! b;; present, fro,ia all p rts u the :'.';tie, upon this, occasion. I j - M Viiere bo re conciliation prompt i ii r-uiipUte between the' -north and -m!!',!i .iA soon as the ?,uUi gives j'roof 7'i :i purpose to be fail hful o the spirit j ni V i' i"subMan institutions and .of MiStniifighfi vp.xl faith to the govern !H !(. of ihe, reVjrity iairly ascertained." - !'.s(m A Ji crthxr. i ' iVhich nKuns that the Republican piily wi!rs be 'icconctled" when the ' democratic 'p:irty gives up its orgauiza ftii'ti in the south and ail the members l-vcoino Uepubficiin; when tho Demo ri.us will perjure themselves and swear -dint1 Hayes." was .circled .. l'rcsidcnt! iii ,l7t', and that intolerance is liberality, i 1 u if is houestyl imj'ouet elections free ei-M -tiuiif, and pei jury and robbery-the essence of truth and honor. Savannah M't;); -" , f .' i ho us i'dwi not comprehend the Hiiixiion, -and islcvidently not yet rej - Ii -t f ijuetui. ,iu upuiU . nave come rr the tiuth 'if it hd paid that ti e . '. I iiijh i n bouillons would-be icconctled ! !,- i i hr-y eould see the doctrine of sc- '.: i mi ceutroliiri'; . this government, ii'v i;.o-j Davis President "of the United rt ifis, the rtal-shiits, the dirty-'hirtsj f-liul-i'iMi-., the tissue ballot?, the; ! u lu!t ni counts, theAbulldeziojr, the i r.'.i.rs itii'in'iig Mipreaic, and the 'Vi.st.igf of tho legislation consc jj "Xni "upon ihe war. oblilerattd from it'I r 1 1 ii it hooks," as il.clv declared he i' i? n.h d to. -Tbal will he a delightful I" tied wl.cn Nnv Yoik has a shoe; 'i ing District, and Ohio lias'a.isut bme VV.ule Hampto'n I " 1mu'h I'til.V ol' (icorgia ate not a . ii ......!.. 'i'!., i..:. i .... .V.'.,.1 ' ! .! :y, taki.n thirty ballots for the ll ii'Miitiation of Guv. Cohptitt; and at Ali.it time 11- Voles in the t-tale con- vvuiiun r-tood out solidly ;igainst him. .'1 his obstinacy s not an aecidert. and tiuisi intiui froriit thing significant. ; Men . who yvvill go so far without yielding, viil Oe likely to gji iuitber. AVhat V piak'es the situation worse is that this , 112 men constitute some of the ablest :oi.d best'Dentocrats in the state,, who Ate disgusted at -llieccrruptidn of Gov. VV't1 ill's adminrstrittion. Ot:c of the - most iiUp and distinguished of Georgia's ; lvjmocraU .says tliat when the Demo cratic, investigating 'committee had gone "Jwn, through all the strata of filth '""t juastiacss, they found" Colquitt at the Very boltom stratum, and they Ucd -.u absolute terror and, have investigated -. no' more; 1 ; ' r ' :.; i. 1 .' ' lr. fe'. Siaco tho above1 was written life state . couvQUtibn has adjourned without making any : n,ominatiou lor Uoyemor, but a majority of the dele gules Trcfiiiihiended 3ovi Colquitt'' by resolution, and the nhole j convention nominsled the balance i of the state lick!. The . antl Colqui;t,,;mincrily however remained ia th hall after tho Qdquitt men' left,' aoU' lippolnXed a' eorniimieeoi rune iu ueciue wn (a uo, kud Hro to jf Krt yer.soon , . The opin ion is that they will nominate a candi date for Governor and a' fall state" ticket. If i.hVy do it iSj believed b mpst'neople that tolquttt 7wjll be verirpqlmiDgly. defeated, and K'tbaps'tbe whole? Dem- ocraticjliekeli ' Colquitt Inrtf :beMfore relicdf i n a' rood many Itepubllcan votcp, nider the qircumstancestn9W the Repuh'iens will run a full ticket, with a chance I' getting a full vote. ' ' -"- " . ' -- M' j Till: M! I II ASIKHIGaN IIUVIkW :: i FOirAUiitTST.' ! l-.v;: . '.- 'tiioit -giving the usual Ai of ii r,t fi jtf f jnllr ii Ulmtfch several of, tpij dfsijuisiiifHH are'Htitkin -end' welp wor thy attention, fcrii'chlis lh "Nullity of be Kmaiiciiiatioii ICetlict' .written' by Hit hard 111 laoa Vd 'MaaachuseUs the purpoj'-e of which in to--t hew ihat the iii:n!ci'aiion Proflamatjon of Mr. J.iiieoli; had no llect except s a' war measure, . A noth' r ; i. ."The Law, of N ':r'.''per l.ibel." which av news? p.ipri n(n will lino ihstttictive ?nd in ici'sHfg' ('iKtr'es F.1 C'l'Ogdon, lio; (IimIvw no ''Kecenl, LjlViaMM. RiV,Mi; hum h HtiT.jliotij to. ( jolrlwin rtnilh's i'i-i lll O" i , It 1 lit ' ! "s n"t ," ! ' M r . -i oogloii is a n ' ii i j r r i f Vtw i - f Aa n'd ' de fe uds '" ' . ' 1 1) ; ! s install .ciiit i s. , Any foue wliq lias I'iih to the hbit of watcning for hit. ' evih.n's 'arlieleii,' finui the time his gvi-iu Hamcd out in the old New I h d ford. Ah rcury to ..hj lalyr saitasm3 in. lb- Tiilnnc, will tnj-y the somewhat roJto kio: style in which he trea'n the -, . , . ? , . . . . , J poels. - '. ' " "" ' '' ' ""''" r u i - i ' , ' . : -.- I.'.ii iIm i'ii iclc of aitieltf, b.ijt lior in tn'ti n.-t ami m ils eoudetisAtiuM of'.in- Im mi. it urn, is an -ie wrjttt-H by Mr. All-'ii Thorndifee Ili e on Ilie "Kuined itii s of tViiti:il iVmerici' What .w;ik e.xpe t5tii?u ai licului ly 3 Mr. liic V kUU uieiit Ilia,; M r. Pierre L'-iillaid, 'he of tfie NWj Yoik niit- lii'caius, .; ctiK u i! . ion a contract with t he l' tehci (ovcrnmcnt,' to join will t', on eten erms,'in the .expense ol a im w splpiation of the ruiirs of Centi -y I Aniciica, with . a view , of pre- pa i ing v l Ik way for d ciphering the heireiy ph iff, amgng tln'se ' mills, in order-to open up if jiojsible, wlaatever there !in,iy bo coin cahd in thbsju .mys- tc li-'urca itiating to -an ancient and civilized .pebble inhabiting America. It is to be. undoubtedly, in its financial means,, kntl J in its Ecicntilic outfit the most?- perfectly fitud out exploration which! ha etrcr visited these woudeiful ruins. They will go under the patron- age hot i of the American and the govcrnmeills, and with the of tho local guvcrL-mcnls of America. The i xptdition. French consent Central having'witft it men killcd in theEcience of -detJphcring heirglyphs, artists to take photographs of this marvellous s :1Uu a ryj, engineers to take ineasure nients, and Fchplars to put the infor mation acquired into intelligible shape, promises! more than that of . Stephen's, of many years ugo, br of thoso old ypanii rds and Mexicans who bave roamed among those iuins or ome an cient civilization who possessed knowl edge of engiiicci ing, architecture, and statuAry, livaliiig those of Egypt when they built the Pyramids.'. I (t Word 1'rom Pender. ' Fditou Post: The Democratic part' of Pender 'hat a , meeting at thi3 place to-day, for the purpose of geting recruits for the Hancock, Jarvis and Shackelford club. . But they not only failed to get recruits but lost Eome.of their members. It seema thstt there was, an. article No. 2, that tho thinking por tion of the people could not swallow. Article No. 2, was to the , effect that niembeis of paid club Bhould support the nomiucGS of thd par&r without a Binglc exception, and that the different townships ehoula be divided into 8 eee tionp, and a vigilent committee be op, pointed to talk to, and .persuade the luke-warm tuid curelecs to, confc once liiore to the polls and j save llio Pcrao cratic party. It was also Stipulated in said article, that there be one "man ap pointed in each respective section, to act as a kind of patrol j to watch on the jday of election and see that all the ser vants (the poor men of tho party) are at (he polls, and ready for work early ; land in case any should bo absent to go after them, and use the party lash sufli-; ' .t '. ' .i . t t ii.:. cicnuy to oring lucmiu utuv tu uy uicu work. .-..- :- ,. :;;f;?:,; ':'; y 'After the reading of article No4 2, -it was no u?c trying to harmonize. Vnerc were 'two sides to the question itt the meeting and both would bo heardJ And like the harmonious and enthusiastic mcctine at Point Caswell sometimj ago, there was -' a "general cuss-out, and a . . . mi - motion lor adjournment. -. i ne people of Pender will vote the KcpuRlicah icket on the day of election in spite of frnl. ' PrvriWit: -; ': -(.'r -- -,'i avi-v;,?.: .HM'rl i;-- '- : ; ;-' f:'"..! , ' !. ;: y--.:--, .. -';:v;-:':--f: v - ..V' -- V .-";;'. 'v :..- ,.'.,' " i -,; ' - .:.--.'- r-.-.,. - ."'"' "." - : " ' , "' - ! !-"-.' ; -! "- : ' '-I '!'-'.'- ; . ' . . ' : ' I '-'."'--- "' '-;!-" -i- . :f ' ' l;'';'::'If " :- ; . - . :" , - . - vw', 1 ' ' Ml i " ' :' "i' ' f i - ; ' ; 1 ' '-"' - "r '.--: 't.-' i P From Washington It ET U B LIC ANS EVEI1Y WHERE ; CONFIDENT.-GENERAL dAIt- j FIELD'S GREAT POPULARITY. STARTLING RUMORS HOW i SOUTHERN DEMO C R A T S y-1 RUFFED TOE : CENSUS RE" TURNS.r!'M'v,', wXrJ ' . ; iWAsniKaTOKDl O., Aug.l2,lS?0. , llxcqyt iREMOCKATIC ylCTOKY. . Alabama is solid for the Democrats Once more the "free ballot and a free counV has doho its perfect' work in a a southern Republican stale. It is peedlesa to say. that the recent election in Alabama is attracting attention here.' It is doing more. It ha caused the ejes of the whole north to be turn ed once in r toward the wmtb."1 The especial sisniCcahce of, that election i not. mat tue Democrats have counted the state for cheated toe. hemselveS, but that they ircenbackers to do i': and these Greeubjrtckers are the men thy confidently look t for help lo carry Alaino and It diaua in. the coming st.ite elections, ;! The Green (Auk candidate fT Piesi- dent, a member of Congicss from it noilbern slat dent canvass conducted the indepen . in Alal auia. He now tl at-ie was counted out onipnrati vely few vole; frankly . statesi of even the polled for hi- party. He -now smvs that there is no Niich h thing as a f-iir eh t - tion in the tuth. He' and says that whereas i s Inrllo r once" held that Mr..Tildeu was fa'rlv Vleeted in J876, but since bis pnxoiial experience in the FOuth be i pt parled to abindon that opinion. 1 may he asked w h it is the f special srg?:ili:ai'ce ft" tbi huoge in.-; Cimgressruau , We'a vhi '.s "pininii ? It is" lltwt the (itt-fob.M Y is u Ho- north1 will be disVu-'i.-d with I i i hi. r with I lie paity thiil oulS- cJipiv'-'d .-. lopa-Jiy to gain -an oppoiiunitv t1 i tival liutu.at the pdl t l-rt tost Mli.ii; th iiifsin that y had a A I jib a ma chance, t. It Democrats h;tVe overdone the busi'nesi and thereby i .creased tho . haiKes of the ivepnbliea.hs to c:iiry - Tl Mine' and Indiana by nn re than ten p r cent. The Republicans can.jd'oid ru.inv uiore such HHitln-rii Democratic v.ctoi it.-. .rUBLlCA-5M COSVl DrK -JK INCCEASEO Jil . ,-. f - i i Everv letter! iccei ved a the Republ'-- cau'headquarllers in thi.4 ciiy, shows tbatr the U -publieans e very where throughout t ie north are not - onlv wide-awtke ami alert, but that each day strengthen their confidence in a sweeping victory. Already the good results of Jhe sew York con fereuce' arc apparent. All tbat was xpected of that meeting has been fulfilled, and the benefit arising from it in the further conduct of the campaign will iurrr-ase from day to diiy until election. First Mailne, then Indiana, and then New York- The battle is already in progress in Maine. ; Everything in the wity of oppesijiou has united against the jRcpublican parly. Great as-is this opposition, and fierce aa is the struggle or tbo Democrats to rise even to fem blance of a vi ctory in tbejopening fibt of the campaign it is now generally conceded that the 'Republicans wifl I ' i elect their Governor, control the Leg- i i . islature, and choose Republican Presi dential Electors. The fact that in one or two districis lhe temperance people are rur niDg t ?mperancc Congres,ionat tickets, makes what nvould otherwise be Republican district, somewhat doubts tul. This arises from the jfact that no Democrat was ever known to vote a temperance ticket, of any kind, and in consequence all votes of the kind are from the Republican party. GENERAL GAKFlfcLD's TOUU through New! York and reunsyivania has been a genuiuc surprise to Repub licans in this city. lie was so widely known here, so familiarly known would be a better term, that we hkrdly appre ciated the real ability of the man. His trip was a'surpriee, first in the enthu siasm with which the people turned out to receive hi nr. They came out spontaneous, prise to even The crowds were a fctir the local leaders of the They had only to ful . Plain men, the farmers several towns low thecrowtl and mechanics wanted to see the man who like Aoranam xincoin, uau wou his way unaided and atone to his pres ent jroud position. Their splendid orations were simply a free will offering to one of the ablest of their ablest liv ing representatives. jSu i prising as was his reception, R was not ?o surprising as the readiness and appropriateness with which he received these peoile and replied tojtheir words of greeting and cheer. Two of his speeches are masterpiecca of Iheir kind. The first one was the speech to the Union Vet erans in New! York city. It was a plain speech tjiat was meant lor the eoldiers who gathered there to pay their respects to him and it went straight to the hearts of every loyal soldier not only in New Yoik, but throughout the whole country.!' The otherr notable t 7. i:' . - " : 7 - 1 i. : ; . .... , i - i - . ' . . I - ' . 1 7 -I - 7 "speeih was the one made toi the , won derful early mornintf oratioa' at Cha taiiqua lake, i u west ern "New York. This was also mos, appropriate to the occasion, beiug adUreed toi tho -Ihou-sands of C!iristia.n thinkcra' iheri as seniWed.'NeT?r;S his tory fcaa ?apy VPrcsidenlial pandidjite talked so sensibly and so rrclU In fact the wliole.trip has shown tlcti.our can -1 didate is fully equal to' afiy task that comes, bffort ; that he is a born leader of men, and that intellectually he is the peer of any man in our land, j Mi re than all, he is himself the author of lis own greatness. Both of -ns great speeches arc now being useI as caoi paign documents. , w - a LL EG J2D 80UTUEi? , DEM DC H ATI j FRAUDS IN THE CJENSC3 ; just now chargC3 that the Dctnocraxs iu somc of the southern slates halo stuffed the census returns so-ias to sale Congressional repseutationjiis attracjl iiig witlesprcad and painAi interest. The cha-ts nre tjirccf, ami figures arc giveu to show that in certain! southern state) auch census slulling practiced. i It ooes not si-t ia possible charges can be 1 1 ue. 1 f they has een ilhat thesb are it will be a. sorry ilay for the south tvhen they old tbes.oscl ves -so vile a vvromr to seenrK a petty paitizin mi vantage. tThe pert pet ratofi will find that so great a fcaud ia the nation wi I I not go doxln s3 easy as h ive ihe lo-al frauds ii fhe bkllot bo.xe when only a paiy was fiutereatcd, or some tiemblintr freed men were to be chealfc5l o'uc of thEir rights. This is jjf national importance, and the fin eh who attempt-it will bo held to strict account for general iojss to come. tj. F. BuKtSAW',- PrndkkCo., Augirl I, 1880. .Editor Post : inco my ast 1 have beeiiholding off in order toallnkv tne few fraginen's of the Hancock botttii to re tunnto its ttarliiig!" point. r.nS to then get at the bottom ef tho "-'.wlnit'b 'matter, and alter a calm oligcivatioK1: of some 1 1. week?,; I am forced to from a Democrat ic t boom nils t sK-miich ac? I tho ekncltiiion; iudpoiit. The liouirlit it to bo-i and the people of this section,; are not so inclined to accept .tho "little Sol dier Boy," who never drew a civil breath in his life, render is fully alive. Garfield, Buxton and Canaday clubs, are being formed hi every township iu the comity. I might relate of tfie dis order, discontent and Etampc.lo iu Ithc meeting of the IL & E. club, held here on Saturday laytj tiut will Avithholdjjiv ing them more r ope i in ' order, that "the few remaining members may hang themselves. I hope before my next, t0 bo able to visit some portions of Ons low, Duplin, Sampson, Brunswick and" Bladen counties, when I hope to give the facts of what has already been fore shadowed -triumph for t he poor labor ing jnauV prvty, Canaday and Republi canism, j ! i Pendek. fii;iliw ispoaiitj ,-';' 'JackjOsville,1 Aug. 5lh, ISSO. EiJiToi:rcar 00 yesterday Buxton and Jarvis met in joint discussion at this place according to appointment. Thcro was jibout 8U0 persons 'present of both political partledj Much enthusi asm and good leeliug prevailed. Judge Buxton's smiling, honest face, together with" his arraigumeut of tho Demo cracy for their false pretensions, made him many f iends in Onslow, The Governor in reply -to his having voted lor the special; Tax Bonds, at nted it in toto, with the exception of one vote when he did h for the ur pose of retionsidering. ' Cato," who ever ho may be, has incurred the dis pleasure of the Governor, who lie de nounced as a! scoundrel, whp lied and was ashamtd of his name. He further stated that there was no deficit in the Treasury, ami that the stale hjtd not borrowed any money under his admin istration. The Governor went oh .fur ther to fctale that two years "lS79-70) of Republican ule bad cost the peo ple f.K),000 moro tiian, , two years of Democratic rule about ten years after ward when; as. every jeraon knows, who has comuioa j sense, the (iurchasing power; was more thau cnc-lhird greater. Thi sert cf talk may ass for argument" in some places but not here. ' Thej Republicans are alive and doing their whok- duty in old Onslow.: They have raised a Gai field and Arthur, Buxton aud Canaday flig at this piace, something which was iievcr known be foro in the couaiy, the racing of a Re publican fl:ig- AVitn three cheera for the entire Republican ticket wc close with a promises j that you shall hear from the Republicans of Onslow in No- vcuiber next, with a voice riot aa of yore,- - :. -. i lours. . . ) ' Republican. i Cicar covered his bald head aud gray hair with a laurel crown. Ayer's Hair Vigor covers gray heads with ihe.still more welcome locks of youth. (! I - i - ; The UTanceck pole raising aS Point Caswell-! Lo and behold; ljeto they are and', here' they come to' honf id the sweet voices .of elcuenco with quite a flaming annoucement in tbo papers the peoplo have thought with the going top-pf jthat pole somo young Demosthe nese would arise to melt .the ' horns pfF of the mOst stubborn bull in the vicini ty, but not so. Tho poor polo wcnt'up but eloquence was nowhere to be found! Of course , the people t here are not to blame ibr jit; they did all t they could, and as they are not orators themselves and ha ve sever made one.no reason a ble mind could demand anything more at their hands.' It was the means of calling up from the dark, deep and re motu corners of honest retirement some of tbjo oldest citizens of the county, but oh, how much do tliey overrate the present status of nnud when thcy cx pect to be edified now as in days iU4 yore, wbcij a Davis, a r i5lfange, a Ic yanc, a Person, a Holmes and a Hall would meet aifu thrill and move thera to the hOUC3t v ildet ..-c-nthusiaso, because and pure,! able, and clear, all that they said; aiid did touched Ihe the hearts aud edified the minds of the honest yeouianry of the country. Such men arejrarelyccn now upon the polit ical arena.; Tho mere charlatans have crowded life modest men ol worth from high and responsible positions, because in the honesty of their 1 carts they can not recognize ami endorse the cry of elepbantj when only a pig is perched up on the Alps. j'he' IlaiicocLcnthusi; sm here is like the comfort of a poor trav ejer in becember with aiiushel and a oil halt ice in his breeches. Of course the old fosils;hfMe as 'elsewhere,4 like tin .-torvj of the vM.iiiHfk who wiu!d Jiot surrcndi r, ;i hey will g-C-ict fully .go down, with thcr bae, to lie; j. ro ind and Ihe foe tothtir m- u'.hs. Jiot it rually docs Hf hi that the Ueimicrats are having a dull time here for a beginning. Great eliorls an; being ' made' a'mong the sevf rut candidates 1't the ttouii na tion for ijie sherifftity. We notice Mr. Rn'oeit Mi'Oi'e is active 'ami ceaseless in the cliuse while A H. Paddison, pres- 'ent iueuiubeiit, i&ilrni and tiny ndd ihj. having made a hoe record as .sheriff, (amb the pbliey of the parly seeming to bo lo perpet uat e t he tenure of office upon groiiinds of faithfulness) 'as is de monstraltN.l by the. ro election d all the Sold members of t'ie Board of County' f Couimissioneis of Pen ler, it autre rs a triumph lor him befre tho nomiiialing convention of the Democratic party; but that will not elect any Demociat iu Pender, unless th& Republicans are false to thipmscl ves and the interest of the county. Pender will go Republi can five hundred majority, -Wo knovv that Paddison wilt get quite a sprink ling of Rejpuhlicau voters. Y'ou shall hear from us again. I Respectfully, Vjndex. jii r. fc?. Ve have just hearel that Mr. John D. Iverr came in time to make a few remarks: We expect, of course, as is uo politician, thcitlbe voters were pleased all what he said. Having: no policy fu t received in ie matter, what he said was V. ; Item irrom Cumberland. L - I" - "---'.-. " FAYirrTEViLLE, N. C, July 31", ISSO. Mil. Editor The Cumberland County Republican Executive Cora mittoc, according loa previous call, as sembled in Fayettcville, on Katurdsy, July 31st, at 12 o'elock M., for the pur pose of organizing. Tho committee was organized bv eleetiti T. S. Lutter- toh. Chairmln, and D. W. Evaos Sec retary. c5ome consultation was had rc- ative to organizing the parly through put the. county, but no definite action was taken. The committee then ;sd- burned to meet upon the call of the chairman, ' ' D. W. EvA vy. fcjitrctarv. Chew Jackson's B jsr o .v.'e-, N i v Tobacco. Dr. R. M. Norment, Republican Cau- didate for Secretary of State, and others will address the peoplo a3 follows : r Whiteville, N. C, Aug.T7th. , tlerro Gordo, Aug. J8tli. Bladenboro, Aug. 10th. -Elizabethlbwn, Aup . 20th. 'W Sutton's Store, 'Aug-. 21et. .. . All tho people ; ehould turnout and hcjHhis distinguished gentle man. I, S ' : w i J lui i r- Will the cattle nuisance ever be abated. ; Que interments i: Bellcvus for the pasl week. , , fTwo interment in Oakdale Ceme- tery tho past Week. Four interments' in Pine Forrest during the past week. No interments in the Catholic emetery during the past week. There are a rafts in the market. river enroute for this Col. Juo. J.Hedrickhas,been chosen as Chief Marshall for the ceremonies at the Democratic Ratification Meeting to be held on the 24th inst. I The Register of Deeds issued four marriage - licenses ' ' duriDg the 5 iast week; )':iryiK:- .'i-?-:-:.-:. j The Rew T. M. Amber will preach at St. Mark's Church this evening " at 8:30 O'dOek. -U Mt. .-.t Old' man Jack Anderson .died sud denly at his residence? on Castle street on Monday last. t; Hucksters kfe required to move their stands and, prod dec from the sidewalks at 10 o'clock every inorning. 5 ; -T -r The fast mail letween New York, Wilmington and' Charleston, will go in to effect on the 23rd inst. The Criminal Court having exhausted all of its bills of indictments, adjourned fc? the term on last Friday afternoon. - ' "!" ' V" "j -' "i :- The ritualistic ceremony of tho Ma sonic fraternity will be held over the body of tho late P. W. Fannhig; at Oakdale Ceicelery this afternoon at 4J o'clock. . , Prof. Th. Von Jasmund, who has been teaching German and French in this city for tho past two years, left for Oxford yesterday where ho goes to fill an engagement in the Homer School. f " ' 1 ' . '; . ' ' ! i '. i - ' V ! ! ...... " ',-t J ; : V .,!:.'- - ) Two brothers named. Brown while attempting to cross the river at Evans' Landing 3G mile8 above this city in a small balteau on Tuesday night, last were upset. They swam to a tree and rested iu tliej branches all night. They were rescued on Wednesday moihing by tho steamer M! urchisoni n Richardson was convicted of the murder of Ins mother-in-law, and. sentenced on Friday to pay the penalty ol his crime on thtv gallows on Friday, September 3rd. ; , t His Honor, Judge Mean. &K ordered a night guard to be placed at the jail until the ; day of execution. V young jjlerman sailor Hcndrick Pique by name, of the Gernuui barque Eiatraehj wa 3 acetdentally drown on Tues'vhy last, He was engaged at Vork on the jib-bo an when ho fell in to: the river, lie wjJs fished out in about fifteen minutes, and all known means of rcsus eitat.iou w ere applied but without effect. II is hotly was warm when taken out of the M ater.. NoiiCE. Tho National Compact. I. O. of G. b., and D. of a re respect fully requested to mWt at tho City Hall on Monday 'rrfgiit uejtt, 'August iGthj in full regalia, to laktij part with tho lodges of Columbia! in the "Graml March of the Cragged jRocks, Af-ound tho Walls of Jericho," tonducted by the W. 8. . G., 3. F. M irtin, and fcuperiatendent j Admissibn 4 City Hall H. C. Green. 10 cents. TheJ boat will leave on an excursion to on Monday Fare lor the Bmilhville and tho Forts morning at S. round tup o.) 0 o'clock cents. The Excelsior Baud will furnish music never before played on the streets of. Wil mington. Death Phincas V OF Mil. Fanning. Mr; i Fanning, one of our oldest citizensdied at his residence in this city on Church, between (Fourth and Filth kreets Tuesday last. He has been quite; PeebJe for several years past but has been h his usual health for the past jhion ! : . lie wfts born in Nan tuft March 10th, IT'J'J, aud Was exactly 81 years aud 5 months old. He came to this city about CO years jago and has filled acceptably, many oflitcs of trust. He was at cno time editor of the Pco XiWs 'ri,?.- lie descended from a stock of worthy people. His grandmother, the famous heroine of the New England novel, 'Miriam Coffin,' wa! a woman of cielebrity i ii New England and f his mother, Ktiiah Fanning, was possessed of a degree of cultivation and learning rarely seen and seldom surpassed. He was interred Thursday, morning with Masonic honors, he having been a M a so n o f goiod s t a n d i n g f-1 1; s x ty y ea rs. Peace to his ashes.' OKwANlZ 4TlYIf F IJisPUBH- CAN C. MiAlJ. i LliUS IN WIL- xMhM.TON. .'. ; Editor or The Post : Sir Since your last issue the follow ing ward organizations have been effect ed. As you will remember tho First ward club was organized last week, and this week w c present the officers elected by the remairig wards, all true and tried Republicans :':.- -M- - ri':""s,:M1:'S'v-''U' ' G entlcincn ,1 awake to the emergency of the hour.- j .; '. ,.v . ;;' . ; ;' - . : : r H. E. Scott,. President Central Club, t , y. K. Price, . 'e,. ..:) - y.: ;. ,U. v - V Secretaries. . ve,Su., ) v ,M , W. II, Uow SECOND WARD, i , Lively timc3 in the little ward. I -. , . .. .. ; . . , . President, Stacey VanAmririge; Vice- I President, J. C, Scott ; Secretary, W; jl. Gerkcn ; Corresponding Secretary, ; xw. xi. i mnney; Treasurer, S. H. Man-, mng. -.v-iw-; - . - x. " TIIIBD WAED. , . J You will hear from us. ; - v I President, W. K. Price, .Vice-Presi dents, Alex. Hostler and J. Owpm ; Sec retary, N. G. Sampson; Treasur .'r, J. . E.Sampson. ' - .X I FOURTII WARD, I One of the sure majority wards. ; i President, C. P. Lockey; Vice-Picti-dents, Jas. K. Cutlar,' Alexander Samp son;' Secretary, John C. Nonvoodj Cor responding Seeretarj-, Thomas Li ttle-toy-: V:;tjf;ri f y. v.- t ' FIFTH WARD. ; . ! . ,':-"--:' ' You may expect us in November. President, W. E. Sellers; Vice-Presi- des,jVaIeutine Howe Alex. ii., But-, lar,-Jr.;, Secretary, John W.1 Moseleyj f Corresponding Secretary, N. P. Y'op'p; Treasurer, Alex. Newton; Seargent-at-Arras, Jaa. II. Harris; StandardPeareii.f Thos. Allen; Master of Transparence's, Langdon Perkins; - Master of Torches, . KingrBIcCalIj Executive Cammitfde; 5J. C Hill, W. II. Dudley, Jas, Robinson; ; E. C. Robinson. f . ' . s " ' i We are obliged for tlie want of ppaco to areyialc tho full resolutions 4is passed by all the clubs: above mentioned. All of them are spirited and show an earn est intent to poll the. Hull Republican " 'Vote of the city, in. November, .for tlio candidates on the National, Congress ional, blate, County and AVard tickets, . without a single scratch, and as" they arc similar in ' intent and purpose woi have condemed the whole1 in a sinle resolution. Ed. i j i ? V s. 1 Whereas, The- time has arrived when for the purpose of ensuring tlier full Republican vote at thc coming elec- -." tion for National, State, County aiid other-officers we meet for the purpose of organizing Garfield and Arthur, Can- aday, and Buxton and Barringer Cain- , paign Clubs and pledge our voice and vote toward the election of Uiese and. other Republican tickets to bbVotetboir the i?nd day of November next. We heartily endorse the Repiiblican nomi nations fon President and" Vicc-Prefi-defit made at Chicago, tho State made at Raleigh, and the Congressional fmado at Smithvilie,- and heartily affirm our al : ligenco to thq principles of" tho Repub lican party, . and our, approval of tlio party recognition of the equality of t.!u: . Voter, its protective aefs hu the inlercv: of harbor and internal improvemehtrin , the interest of commerce, an honest dol lar for .the pay of ' labor, free schools, and a government by the votes of tho people from the humbicst l ollieie in i -. township to the highest in the -Nation ; Wo want but one vote by each qualified 'i ' eilizen; we. desire that; however, to le properly counted, and on the day of the election, and no more couuting out a majority to save the State. '. ! -to Y An i yiJ2Mi$EM0r ESTABLISHED i 1853 3 Sol. BEAR & BRO 'J .L' 18 & 20 rarketSt., WUJMINGTbN, N. q yyKMiAvi: just oined, and ; have on exhibition, tlio largest and uios t complete fctock or i - 1 . CLOTHING , AND FUKHIbHINGr ; GOODS l- - - '! - ; -",'"-' ' '- : South of lialtimore. - , Suits from $2.50 upwards. i 100 BIuo Middlesex Flannel Suits' at greatly reduced prices. "i . - ' -;. 'j- ' -j. . ;"!.."- i I "-.--' .V'-'--"' A PULL LINE OF :- i ,:-r: :.:h;.r r. CHILDRENS - ' fc BOYS' AND MENS' ' j "Sl'KAW AND FELT HATS, Frlces to suit evcryboJ j-.v Come One, Come All. and examine our stock, aud wc fwill stilve - - 1' ' 1 hard to merit' your patronage, ua we nave :'f v. auk l IJ UMU C I I I may 2 3m." . ? . YOUNG MEN I MOORE'S BUSINESS ONITERSITr Atlanta, Oa. t. 103 covers total expenses for three months. HeuU for Illustrated Clr calar July412w I 5 i J' A ft

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