it ii I 4 It WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER f, 18S0. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 35. year; trtNCi-roN post , i ni l) -ir .tub rosTOFFicis i M aTtkbJ - - .n itivr.RTTSING. KATE-3 " ..-ifty cents lcr line fur the first in uml twenty-live cents per line eacli iuMitioiKil. insertion. " . Ki 'l't () linos' Nonpareil type, con.- ;tituteaj.iu,are. j Tha mib:ription price to Hit 'moi.tlH 75 cento. , .. ; Li,!rpssolr to JTiie Wilmington r I ....!. M Y1 I).;T, Wiinm'"'"! ' i .; : a.lvt'rtiaeinentovill.bc cluugeda the above r;iLcs, except on special con tract. I j NOTICE fli'i! .s-ii;tlorial Cuiivcnlion of Bladen ,J llrunswicV, V'iH be held7 at Eliza bethto',vi.V Wednesday, tl.e 10th dwy 0ff,,t.iiil et', JSko, ' - .! Ki.vAi.i W., Chairroau ' i.. oin i-.r A kii' Chairman. i ?. . -... . . ! Coii'Meis First District, ' t viiir.s w. (ran i)Y , v. 1 llerlford. 1) id .KHI.N V: KKhl'ASH , i ,c. "Fn."t t'oDgri''ral I'itrict. Grand Demonstration BY THE ' j UNION VETERANSUNirj IT THE BOYS IN BLUE. A I HOTICE. I : - Booms Rep. Ex. Cosmii i lWlLMIKOTOIT. iH. OL, I August 20t, 1S8Q, A Convention of the 1 2tH Senatorial District, compruing - the qonvtiea of New HanoTcr and Pender, is hereby ; called to meet at Rocky Point,' on ! Satardaj Sept. 18tb, at 4 olock p. to nominate a candidate for Senator. New HanoYtr county will be entitled to 4 delegates and 4 alternates. . Pender to 8 delegates , CHTr Chew Jackson's Tobacco. 1 : - t many carcases of stranded politicians : lying along thejjcoaMs of peliUcs, as there were w reels of Wocade-rnnnrs on tbe routhernoast alter the close of the wa'. . . -1 1 j : . i . ; TU2 CAWADA.Y-81IACKBLORI CAhVA88. We have receiTed numeroei commu nications from that part of the Third District where the two contesting can- One of the most brilliant illuminated didates ate meeting the cilistns, and if I processions which ever was seen in this we may judge from the tenor of the city, paraded through our streets on I county will be entitled letters', Mr. Canaday 'has the lead orer Tuesday night Ang. 81st. The proces- I an 2 alternates. New Hanoter and Shackelford. Of course there is the j sion was formed at .Giblem Lodge j Pender counties are hereby requested I five ThnrdaTS nsuai amount ol aaisrfpreeniauon on 1 oo cioca m me joiiewmg 1 elect their delegates to! toe aoore the part of the Democrats, as in the I order : " Tbe Lnterprissng Cornet I contention as soon as theit respectire ITEMS Best Sweet Navy If j Ob, but ain't this hot weather. We lose 64 minutes of daylight this month. j The north is all ablaze forjGarfiefd and Arthur. i$ . ---?; " 1 Archbishop Gibbons has Returned nome irom ltome. and the case (if the discission ati Bean fort. It Band ;" then Col. O. L.aIabson, appears that Shackelford spoke at I staff, mounted, the commander ef Morchead City en Thkrsday nighVi DJ" in Bine ; then, an escort for car and, us it as trot one of the regular! riages, and, the first carriage contain- appoint in en to, Mr. Caaaday did not go J ing ilon. D. A. Straker of Orangeburg, over from Beaufort. This eorre"pon dent wroe to the Newbern Nut Shell as follows: ,' ! "A very largQ and enthusiastic gath er inn of our citlxens and visitors assem bled at the Macon House on Thursday S. C, and Geo. S. H. Manning, and the second carriage containing Judge 8. W. Watts, candidate fur Elector from this District and 11. E. Scott, Esq. ; third, came Company A, Capt. David Cooper, commanding, and Company B, county conventions meet. ! , ! S. II. MA5II8C Chairman Republican ExeuUt! Com mittee. New Hanover count. Chairman Republican Executive Com- j mittee, Pender county. ; NOTICX. I There will be a Republican Conven tion at Town Creek township house on Tuesday 2tst. day of September 1880, nigbt, ifcth inst., to near tne discussion " . to nominate county officers. The Town 01 me oay oj 7' " 7 - V. T. ir,t!M im;MM j 11 I '.nx ion, the'.UepuldivHu can- , llji'piiblican candidate r.r fi j'veriior.and Hvi'. Anirustut M Muorc. . I lie In A-iun niy 'llfiieral, will KpeaW iw fol . ITiiIi.-ho, Fd.;t cunilic cotitily, Tuea ,1 iy, r'.'i-t. 7 1 1 1 . J . 1 . I : . litii.nv, Ppider ciiuty, Wediicsday, Sj'l'. S1I1. ' .( r . j . " l.'liiit',i,'S.iiii'ps'ii' c-iiiiity, ..Thursday, ,t.;Hli. 'j ' -' - . Newlirin, Craven t oiinty, Saturday, r-H Hill. . ' 'f.' I'f i'l y-'Hy, t 'a tU-xft county, M,..i.l.iy, Ii'. fi. -' "H:.,',.l,U.ijLi. Wuvim o-tintv. Ttumiay. .H IMJK Hl'X UJ' ! , 1.. ..i lit iii all pcinls w li our ,1 l 1 . 1 .' ! v 1 "r I as, vi.sijcd the ',. .it. ii"'". arciMiiilM of the impres : ... . tV1' ''"'j'." made. among hi 1 11 j ' K 'he t riiNlaiit hfrcam ,1 it- i.lMiiciils witirh How in fur our , o,.;.!.it of the political issues Hon. John.W. bbackelford, tbe Demo cratic candidate for tngresx, and bis opponent Mr. .W. P. Canaday ; The laiter'gentlemdiQ did not appear, as Mr. tStttclcford o literally wore him out jnt Beaufort iluring the day he took voter." ' Our corrrsotident writes us: hi 1 mi w This month has five Wednesdays and The Jewish year 5641 will. begin at sunset to morrow. I ' No interments In -Oakdae Ceme tery Ibis past week.. Six interments iu. during the paat week. Not one interment Cemetery this week. tJl .... Lutj I, 'Forrest I ; Bellevus 1U V I ' I 9 W- f H a I .. flfii! 1 1 the Bovs in Blue: fourth, the Comet 8mP ecuwye wmmiuee wut noia . i ( a w I J Star Cadets. A brain Jones, command- ine,r P""J elections on tsaiuraay marriage inr firth ii. Kir-i. AV.r.i nl September 18tb, to select three- dele- I week --e,,-. , - 1 . .. - . Arthur Club, Capt. James A. Howe, No interments in tie Cemetery during the past week. . 'The Register of Deedj issuei Catholic liccnsea during! the four past President ; j sixth, Fifth Ward Clulij in charge d j Marshal Jtseph C. Hill, I had the pleasure of being present Jhich made up all the organizttions in duriii); 1 he joint discussion at Beaufort, ami alho at IS ew port, aud in my bum ble judgment, if there ever was a man "literally worn out," wound up and packer' wway, that man was John W. jShackflfortl, and W. 1. Cnady is the man who dkl the wearing, winding and pa Jung." . The 1'itsT tikes the opportunity to say tliHl our 'candidate is not at all given to hiking water nor showing the white flag, nor anv of that sort of a line. But! there nerc many citizens following the blazing pVoccssion, and the side walks were crowded. Av the display with their torches. blazing brilliantly, and tbe Uoys in Blue iu their t in uniform, moved down Market stteet . to Front, and up Front to Princes, and up 1'iitictss 19 the City Hall, thtrwl was one continued round of cheer, fur Oat field and Ar- jkUil gates and three alternates, and no more, to represent each township- in the Convention. A full delegation from each townBbip respectfully rrrjnired. Augnu zutn, ijmsu. f Edwakd W. TaylobJ Chairman Republican En. Coolmittee. I ; NOTICE. Rooms Rep. Ex. Committer, Of New Hakover Oounity, Y August 28th, 18S0. J By authority of the Republican Exe cutive Committee of New Hanover county, a CONVENTION is hereby Maine is given up by the fusiouisU and they hava moved their implcuients of war to Indiaua. .The ringing of the market at 7 o'clock, and the stores, :w a general thing, are closed by that hour. Messrs. A-jSTl.' Slirier are to cstab lish a shoe store in a few week, in uuej of the stores ou Market street. thnrJ for I'.iixtmi. I:i 1 1 i m-f r. ChIihiIs V. .1 .1 . !. I - I T " a- - ' luing. auu H w a game imu "i w ,',,,, glorious li-public;.!. party. Much credit i- due lo 0-I.M.ilwon for mi ' si lt i t one from the Eliz as a fair . . i . .1 1 : .. . r.. : . in. Ilc -I ilu wlro'lt : II.- i- ni.tkini; a uplcndid inij'rtssion,. ii... : a lliiiu'iiig tnatvr lor, like many i-1 iln-al.lcht I and; most' distinguished in-11 el' life natiou' lie malccH nu claims 1 .-m-i :ial gills 01. a poula.spcaker lii ih , Mini of .sterling, integrity, high Ininnr and great fairneff. All vho unit hiiu audi kit It i in arc involuntari ly iii.nli' to j.viy.v'f'lhat man can bo inHvil." I If imitilges in mi clap-trap, i ii p.Mvrrs.ilioiis, no special pleading, lit nivirif I lie issues involved in the .s iii'ailear, plain, seiisiblo and i-.iliv:il way. The-- arguments aud tuii U luf makis are forcible aud un; iiii-nt ral'e ie of a i haraclcr to ma l.i-.tMiu' ini'pKssi. ik. Intellectually a'nd in.i.iHy1ii is the peer of any inaii in Hit .stale. played on him Another Correspondent " writes us from Onslow that Canaday' canvass has been very satisfactory to bis friends up to that tijiir. Another ati'l, gives an account if the maiiiidr in which Oaitfiday d if pi is til f Hntckelford's charge that if a man from New Han over tviAU'ied a'l the money for the i in 'io noetic of inlets nod streams would go ht'- He sy that Canaday drew on ht.m tbe refolutions of the Convent i.Mlich nominated biro, his own letlrr iccrpttne th the sp endid org in'z m 1 n ol liiscorp, and tbe appcarauc! tvaich it made ou the march. This ra id display so much surpassed the "15,00o" of the Democrati a few nights ago th a it was a general subject of coulnienl the next morning. "-;,.!:.. On the arriving at the Cty 1111 where a very largy ciowd had already gathered, embracing a large majority ef all tbe whites and colored of the city. Col. Mabdvin introduced the Hon. D. a. cirnter 01 ootuu' oaiviiu n A handsome wharf will be erected at Bald Head this winter by Capt. liar called of the Republican party' of New I per, for the convenience of his pacu iianover county to meet at me uouri 1 ger.i. House in Wilmington on Friday, the 17th day of September j next, at 10 o'clock, a, m., to make the jfollowiiig Republican nominations, ' Sheriff, Begi-ler of Deed, Treasurer, Coroner. Surveyor, two Members of the House ol Representatives, and to elect four Delegates and four Alter4 nates to the Senatorial Convention to be held at Rocky Point,- -September and denionsfiaUd that the whole Re- tUem Mr. Ktraker procjeeded in A ciod head "of hair j is desired bj" cvey one. Tho"uso of if all's Vegeta ble Sicilian Ilair Ren'ewcr will restore the hair if the hair cells are not closed 'AV bile the masts were .being taken out of the schooner Mary Bear on Thursday last, some portion of the rig ging gave way aud tho mass fell across publican patty of that part of the Dis trict arouiicp the Capo Fear, were in favor of i improving our wntcr-ways. Then h asktl him what instructions ho had nn that subject? It turned out that he h.d .neither instructions from his iaity, nor had he given a pledge himself on tipp subject. In fact that so speech f mor? than forty nuuutes, which was a master-piece ot fine ora tory. The points which he enforced were, first, that the Democratic, party was not fitted to take charge of this great country and its vast intcrest,and had neither character nor purposes in common with tbe treat achievements ISib, 1 880 j and to transact Mich other I tho cabin completely demolishing it business an may proitcrly come before said Oouv jution. r ! Each voting precinct will elect three M rlt'8 UU llwtint An Ik c Minty convention. i- The Republican voters will meet in tln ir respective townships at the Usui There hasbeeu a revival in progress in the Baptist Church aV JSuiithvillc, conducted by tbe licv. Oi r L. tended with good results SlriiJg- far as there was any evidence at all it I of lhe Kepublican parly, aud that they Creek. voiiuk places,. to wit: Cpo Fear township, at Hay tie. Harnett township, at MacCumber's Sloie. . - , " , -j : .. Mason lownhip, at '.Whiskey The receipts oC cotton for the mout h ol August footed up 030 j bales, while Castle j during the sanid period lat year the re ceipts were oDly 100 bales, ' being an increase of 842 bales in favor of 1SS0. was that the i Democratic managers of the Third District were actually op- ke I r,)MtH' to anyipf these appropriations. Latest. . COl. Mabsdn has received a letter from Federal Point township,! at Biddie s Store, on Monday, Sfptertber 13th 18S0, at 12 Vclock m, to elect three delegates and three alternates each and also to nominate a candidate for Constable of each ol tiK.v lUITI.Kl.'H htvt'VHSIUN While Hits delectioti of (?en. .Sutler t' ll.invoek ciiiinot iill'i ir any special t i 1 aitjult in politics, inasmuch t Ic i ti ntuil pioliatiiy caujo a tiuier ritoe k'-a muHh electoral vote or a Ma.-,Ui iiii iuher of BiV Mt.Vte. Iiitlll ii 11 (Ii 11 till lei would bring ruin tion the- ratiou if they should ever get coulrorof it. He counselled bis frleuds prteeut not to have anything to do with, the Or ecu backers as they were merely aids and helpers of the Democrats. The true H6n. O. H.t Dockery explaining that I coarse he said was for the colored peo-1 townships. the reason be did not appear here at I pie to stand by the Republican party! The Republican voter of the six the tl rand turnout last Tuesday, was I s those who Iretd them and .had al- J voting precinctool the city of Wilming that he was out on a speaking tour ways proved their best friends. j with lien, llarrlnger Jn Montgomery In the course of an allusion to Sena- and! Stanly and other places, and that tor Vance's allusion the other day to he will certainly visit his Cape Fear the Republican party as responsible for friends very sown. I the fraud of the r reedman'a Bank, be The Warrenlon Gatrtte makes a reck-1 made a rcmatkablo sUlemeot - that it be a fact that tbe major t'ostmastcr-Ueneral ALayuarU, was serenaded at Washiugtou Jou Thursday night, by the Teuuesset Kepubliciu Association. Maynard, Secretary Thompbon and Judge tllouk made speeches. ' ; iln mrt -tir t n ! i tn n - I nu. . Jr. vuuj icuuiiuu jcbict- I iUI UAIXOWS--TniSK lilCIIABD- day from his speaking our in the east, soa'a Statemeki1 or the Mubdeju looking fresh enough. 1 Stephen Richardson exputed the crime I Hon. D. L. Russell, having spent f f1"!6' " Friday at 20 minutes to some time in the north returned to the . U He m not ho" city yesterday rio. Fayetteyille. - of imor or fear; and sUted that , " willing to die. The following The large two story frame building is the substance of written statement atBurgaw, owned and occupied by left by him, and his remarks on the gal Messrs. Tienken & Cowan as a store lows: "On the night of the murder I and hotel, was consumed by fire on went over as usual to look after my Tuesday last. It wa Insured with house. At the same time my wife, lies Messrs. Atkinson & Manning, of this ter Richardson,' was at Louisa MaulU- 1 city, in the Fire Association " of Phila- bys house, near by, and she abused me delphia, for f 1,900, and 1500 with Mr, I rery much. She then left Maultsby's i Norwood Giles in the Home of New I house and went to her father's home ' York, on the spot I nezi door; openetl - her fatlier's back The North AmewcAk Review. 1 fPot J'ad went to" alwing me again; The contents are : The Ruin nf fn. I "cu ana went out and com- Irak America,- Desire Charnay : The men Mrelinfi 4 Perpetuity of Chinese Institutions, a I -w'- m u iuer, ikoiri W1I William Th Trf.t f iwml I Lmcj Phinnej. of beinsr the cause Surratt, John W. Clamitt ; The Per-1 jf Ba fUe Qt liTlo5 ,9' I sonality of God, Prolessor W. T. liar. I blJ nSi lhen bcr father camo out ris ; Steamboat Disasters, R. a Forbes; OTne ,rwnl door on UarneU alrett and Insincerity in the Pulpit,- Rev.' E. E. ked me ot to use his name in the Hale ; Recent, Works on the Brain? and J"1 oeeen myself and wife. I Nerves, Dr. Geo. M. . Beard. Tho ar- lhfca went oal to th KU to meet Thin ticles are all of thoghest style of ner treason the matter with him, and American review articles. he rushed m the shop and got his gun. my ' I ucii went, Dace to my bouse and cot Abahikised ATSEfc-The brig Fred I Pde, returned and met Phiuney at ' T l : ti-. . e' tiV- l t..i . I thn TTarnotf trnot .In.. t.;i. 1.:. :r i. lute, viv. oaiaiiyvpiung a teait 1 umu, nunc uia nu aea, GO jn ilea east of iVing Pan Light- I nd AAcy.rhinney were tryinn to keep ship, ia the Gulf StMro, on Sunday n,m Irm- coming out with his gun at last, the 20th inst. B e filled so rapid- J m- 1 stepped up in ; tho door and ly that it was found ft iessary to aband- I "hmney struck at me with the cuu. on. her, and the crew iok to a boat ftud J and 1 uck at him With ihe spake, but succeeded in reaching Smithville Tues-1 mieed him and struck my wife. My day allernoon at G oH4ock. I wuejumped oat and run; then we tus She drifted ashoreifbout two miles- 86,0(1 each other until we got to southiof Sloop PointiVednesday morn- We bixth street door. Phinney's wife ing, about 2 o'clock. liShe is dismasted waa in between : mo an him and I and'her rigging is nneioe" over her I knocked her down and she fell in the ro. .. . I .. . . I .1 rv. T1.: . . , I siues. one nes stern tqwn on tne beach I ""j run ouv ui uie uoor wej anu cannot ue goiveujqu wuaoui a very a-- v. nwu ujiuuicp; mere great expense, possibJr more than she struck him several blows 00 the hand is worth. The Underwriter's Agents ni1 tw0 on the head; the next blow 1 hope to save the cfirgo, consisting of 8ln,ck him I knocked him ddwn, and lumber, and float it farouud by a small tnn. 1 ni.d the cries ot 'murder I schooner into Wrightsville or some other bound aud dispose of it. There was no insurance on the vessel I. jumped and run, and left him with the gun by bis side, where I knocked bim down. ! Where I made a misUke in not stauding my ground and let lhe officers find mo lacing my antagoul-t with Lis gun in his band. I was ci RKrUBLICAKS Waiuj. KNuiursoF Honshu The third au noal sesjiou of th U rand Lodge of Knights ol Honor j in this state was I lured then and put iu tbe guard bouse. nem iu vsuevnic oegiuuirg on 1 ues- anu now 1 leel i tlial Uod has forgiven day the 26th of August. Thirty-seven me for it all, and I have forgiven Ihein lodges were rcpiescntcd, Mr. II. P. for all they did. I did not say I would West, l. D., being the !. lkprcsentalive kill them all and rat my breakfast in cily.r,Mr: N. JotTi a 1 h! IVia1 Jimf0 Bellamy, Past Dictators, were also in I there to kill anyone, if I had I would have used tbe spade cdgewuo instead' of sidewise." : -j Richardson ' died easily and without auy sign of pain.! His neck was bro ken in the fall, and in twelve minute afterward be was lowered into his coffin and capied to the residence of his sister, Mjary Simmons, aud from thence to Tine Forest Cemetery, where be was interred. L '! r ton will meet at 6 o'clock p. m., Sept. 13ih, 1880, to elect three delegates and three alternates each I I Secoxh their -respective 1 business meHing of tbe Republicans of I . ' ill ! " ' the Second Ward will be held at the Court House ou Monday night, Sept. 6th, at 7 o'clock. S. VaxmkixueJ President, Im 'assrtioii. by savint that "While 1 was found to the Radicals were in power" the state part of the money borrowed of that debt "was increased to forty millions; Bank was borrowedjby Democrats, and and worst of all not a thing to $how never paid by them. In other words where, the money rrf. Wont every the chief losses were caused by the good man be eager to vote against such Democrats themselves. He challenges a th eeia parv in November next r 1 a denial 01 mw siaiemeui When it ! is remembered that $16,- ongress even in tbe t 1 1 1 1 bo confessed Uut to see a wan ol bw bi.v in nn I intrepidity take so do uoivJa 1 slen. ! Wo have beeuioaccus- loinol thc apostacy of men who bad U ti ' et nsideto I iullexibly true and ut!i wart, that the occurreuc does not friuUMi im as it did in ,1872,:' when we , mi uuiiu r.Tiuuibull.bchurz, Tipn, . IVuieii of New lsik, Oen. Banks hI Sa u on r. Chase, fading aloof from tW ulHlt, t iin. Orant. There ia a Rt a; doal jf, netting used to things. i'U.ler has now deliberately reduced the state, it .will bein to haye some timir to a dptudence on hi own f !IvMi.g. lie has cul.altH.r frtiui the '! gn- tit ll.o Democrat, where he J Geo. J. R. Stubba rt ,'. Tte "money of Police, ter his conrte, at the p, ,..L. I wvntt in that amount into the hands I Mall. ! It is tit, that wbeu a man bolts iu a of DetmKiata. Wo make m charge as Wttmlmjton has never aeen l.C(t dearie from his iWly. the act to mlaapproprUUoDS as the GtHU splendM aispiay, nor t . m. wo wntreoa toe tine o mmum wtttcmjdnte. the burning ol hit ahlpa dot. ; j 'J w WB Zhmtmm ! Uh lun., Cork did, cotter or 0or Jr oM Weiid the great "V was a druakee woe wr Lttr. V v rxteption ia When a wan MrptBt' ipo feet long and as Wf tMral Butler's State Democritk ItteUutre'y about aud retraces hia barrel has init in an arrasK agmlst. rv--tMlo at Worcester, wa ot all ' heu a poliliciau wavers irom ik.v.Mt nrthailax. I . .ik..w k -u th nni kin tine.went dowa ia a7 terrtWe gale j pUyed oat the Abbott wing, hrav with -ll her paaaeagers, and tbe beokea I 0J them sore heasled aoU UwclewteU Mr. K. E. Heide, Swedish and Danish Vtr.t-f!iinsul at thi- n.irt. with his two First Ward, Upper Division, at First djlughlenK returned here safely Tues- day night. They landed iu New lork last Saturday from Hamburg. They have been absent lour months. . attendance. .' 'ii-: -: The following ofliccrs were elected for tho ensuing yeai viz: . Grand Dictator pr. W. II. II. Cjbb ofGoldsboro. i '. (trand Vice-Dictator J. M. Spra gius, of Tarboro. tiraud Assistaut "Dictator Dr. R. F. Lewis, of Lumberlon. j Grand Treasurer S. C. Scofield, Davidson College. (Jrnml Importer -P.! C Canton, of Statcsville. . . Grand Chaplaiu Rev. L. A. Bikl", ML PleasauU ! Grand Guide N. Jacobi, of Wil- gton. j Grand Sentinel - Jordan Stone, Abbe ville. Ward Bucket Company's nouse. First Ward, Lower Division, at Meare's Store, cornet .7th- andj lied Cross. ' . -a j-. Second Ward, al the Court House. Third Ward, at Giblem Balding. , flrand Rally at Caatle Ilaync. j ! Mr. Editor The Republican voters ; of Cape Fear township, assembled at ; the 3 1st of August, ulLt for the pur pose of organizing ' a Garfield club, j Ringing speeches were made by II. E.j Scott,Ei MeMni. WK. Price, C. P. Grand Ttuee-i-J. C. Buxton, : of I waey, O. anAmringe, aod tn. S. t Winston, G. W. Blount, of Wilson, :L. I . Manning. The cakcM were all , C llaios, of Isi-slon. , I attettUvely luteoed to, kod fretjuently t ll tescnt-ii.ta to j the Supreme t end vociferously applauded while ad- L -ic ', whtvh metis I , Minneapolis. I dreasiog tbe large i crowd prcacnt. At " - Minn. -P. C. Carllou. QMary Eliza Llvefy, a colored woiuau I Klutz as alternate. The next utevting of bad habits and worse character, and Fourth Ward, at Ann street Engine wmJ j, welj know,, j0 H.lice circles, House. i - f 1 severely stabbed a mu named Gaila- ' Fifth Ward, at 9A strett Bucket ' Moudsy night bt. Sh U cow Judre Watts was uext introduced. I Cowipany's House. I I iu iail awailire a trial before the mm ft ! . I I I V a. 1 Mt 1 a .11 im. . ft - I i -m .,v ,ww i ,1, iullhl ".klU I IU P:d f m iu mS ,,6 rw-v- wlo,Mlwun .vy.vyr. v. ' I . . ... I Krta ,M I I- lk. .il. .ill rt.M .1 i .Vork.T thelUdicalf wt win rwer-were ae--v--: . , - tT ... ... f' 4 4.iMlnB Wn. Stevenson, celored, was caught! i rf. n.llTM of I 07 w nucD pprinus iu iu v-v i m. vuw ,--" w- -Twr I ! i .t a r ti liTtrea lo ttit ueuocrau, ntiirt 01 1 . t , i ..... ..z on TBrsdar nirbt in ihw cl of rockioc awv - I - " r itlea of the enormity of its allegation with Thro F. taroaca the principal street, hey proxies are allowed Jf a delegate U ab- e Republican processmtwo Iroot: of .1 ... . ... , u I tk rSl irll 1I Taa rromotlv ar- against Dr. W. J. Hawkins, Col. RobL desire through UU reporter cn hU place will if Cowan OoU WiUiam Johnston. Ueir thank. tCaptJ Brock theCWf alternate, more ! a a more oraeuy nMwtiy, tlie fatal step has been al taJy taken, lhcplague-potU fastened tu Uiai, and he U a bold man who tm iciumlu his former coverta. But- b now done prccUely that. With a'saedicity maliar 'to hU charscler ktJwr't th Hoe where he has al- j liaocrs and Mends aud ictis fraternity menr, ih Mashctti lVmocrats ho hate him. . Tbtre can be o j&r in the eevrntrie M)vtaBU wf a suau like Butler, any aoft (baa there would be if Bob or Wade Hampton were to come vr boldly Into the raaks f the IU paUkaa. The day ahea great bodice of atea ate moved one way or another by 01 1 man, U ended. But there era be supplied by an On the adjourn meat ol the coueiy coovcntioR, tbe city delegates will as semble ia coavealioa to nominate a candidate for Constable ofWilmiegloa lowaabip. t niairsaaw Ri-. 0ntv Ex. Committee. J. E. Samfsu, Secreury. cr4m Bladen. , Ace. SI, ISSO. To tua Editor or tr Peer : AtMwdiM to arvoiatmewt Dr. E. M. rested and his Honor, Mayor Fisbblate, raid ten days close conGncmeot in a dark cell. the conclusion ol the peeches the votcta j of the township proceeded to orranlte a GARFIELD. BUXTON Axi CAN ADAY CLUB. ! j - ( : Tbe following named persons were elected permaaant officers, via : Preaident Joseph Sharplcta. , Vice-Prekideot Priaau. Aycock. il Secretary Jallus Biasell. Assistant Secretary John PieiMat. Treasurer Prince NLxoa. ! L lUanoa Master s Keport. Capt I Rosolalioas were aJopled codoraiar Walter Coney, Acting Harbor Maer.j the naiional, state ; a4 coogrosdoaal of tbe Grajsd I judge of the state will be held in Ral eigh, 00 the fourth Tuesday in August, i88i. ' - r -i ' -- The ien.rt ofG. DvjTheo. F. Klul. shows that the mcmberahip in this Ule of the Order baa increased nearly S00 during the past twelve months. A voaoe married lady at BurgiW at tempted suicide on Wedoeday by Ukl j B5?iae. ing laudaauoi. .She was dt-Krred in J ,- time and miHMa adaiioilcred With rood eff-cl. Temporary abcraUoa is makes the following report of the arri vals of vessels at this port, Ac , for Jit I month of Aognai: Amjrrican. the oaly cause that for her attempt at self deatractioa.: The WUmington A saiagtow, Cotnmbta can be aiaed wreck and cargo are beiag washed I t u the Democratic "cloth" against I Xormeat, candidate tir rwetary oii bare ly changed the ashore near Matanaaa Inlet, aboat I mwahed.M I State, apoke at Eliaabethtowa on laelr a 9 crtr thc 1 miles south 01 St. Angwstiae lorwa. 1 - T . . ' , , I JOih ia. Hbspeeca wasagoeuoa. tM. John T. CaMav Oollec of L P! No! at itmuwick. Gtorcia. has I rfT- mum I saort attentive I Uiak I ever saw. been eewlnated by the RepaWicaae for aatlaa wrta Waittaker, bat that ch ewe replied to Dr. X, althowgh theop r.Rrrfs In the first DiaUkt. with a I treaiaaeat as the colored cadet received I Mftaaity araa five. I aaaentaaw rt.a cf a. aWU. If tkre la a at WeU Pawl waaU m aa .accorue . ra eowaUevmble crowd to fair vote ead coaau' , " - - 1 . v. 10 V.JTirZLi a. rm 1 ami aim 1 vratw.. v- r v: n " j " 1 .. . ea the day reevioaa at Weldoa and Wil- A Aoxusta ilail- HUs ladiag ia e ovtr the mada. Rather than a hvw sfeowld be'raUikd apoa any one, CvL Pore agreed 1 fa- aish the new I4ak t ahipren frt of pUial S earners, ' Total, ' Fonrign. Steamer. Barora, Brig. Tw4al TetsJ artirahi 3 11 : li-is 1 2 i s .-Sst Tannage. aomiacea of the RcpuVlicaa party and reafimleg allegiaac to the ptladplca laid down la the national and i siata tdaUorata of the jparty.: The Greea hackers tboarUt they had the hairs aa a, bat oU Cape Frar ks aUU alive and will avoi be misled by the eacmles of the Repablkaa party- ' Year, ; Total, Cfi , Tbwaag. TeUl, Total Two editors weraaesird sUe Vy U at a dram. A trarexe worn a I eamiac dowa the (rope bottom 4&p; 123 aWaly tha ropa woaad arta4 t limbs aad body so thai aha acarcely . moved. "How grad sally aha came . W dova aatd ooe adiiar. TYta, aaU I the other, '"jaai like aoaaeef 'ay ab- iH ensas, teaaaga There U ot mach deaU bat ea-Al- 2Sdhisaelf saU taal aa dd aUdara Raieaaera, waeva hm taa J-l i;ral A. T. Akermaa aiU aa loUat Waittaxet dtferelv acaaa eeek. Obi Cladea may aa ar4ed it-uLaeTly U!?ZST iiZr a good -aiecity to the ReraUi- rrfmJ r Umatloaaf hi. class. ;1 a ticket, If aU aer Ii da VMrxjarTAXt to auxcsttsl tuc ur rtiTRvr. i 1 1 r- - . The iVrrport the aeamlia. la aSS Bald Uewd Ckaaeel at asaaa law Uda I KoTKX.-Thca b Co a daast aboat the irrrgaUrity of the Fwt aaail raatea.! The taalt Iky someahere i daria the at saoatli al ll last; I fj kweatiatetaraiwWviWrw! Wete asaaa law tide, f a I LillJatr IS MM.-.!.. S 1 1 I mm -T ...ii.i Goveraov of Georgia. The Ncbraaka BrpablicaRa have rt- omioattd tWr whole sum ticket. a, i a ati caatkkeClf all her IVfablkaaa dl subscriber by tU ta ibI rwU. ' a avrraxe rW 1 U 5 leet aa kUa 1 ?1 rr T,m r.tua.y a L i.v-ft.b momiaated Ithaixdatyaa they are la a habit eXl The aaaueaUla, tftrrud taa4 makes tta dr vr m w r i-wrL by the IWf-aUkaea ia K doiag. Mara la Urn tatare. 1 correct! bar IT to 171 fraC a ua u.iu hu Mtiia. .