v - -r- -,v '--c -Vv v ' " fi , . " L v ' "." ' - : !"..:. I i 1 s '. . i. ' ..:!., , , , , j I '-.!. - ' L - " ,lK"'-; ' ' ".,'!'' '.-, "'! '" . ' " V'V ' ' v . : . J.j ; vf V.:" iflp ;Vt ."- ' " 1 - t I f .-j . " 4 " ... ' .- -I i i ', ')!. vohu-MK XI. -.I.. . . ' u----- MM a ' - , v V. I it o kxky- .3H WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA; MNDAY,? OCTOBER 3, lSSO; " lvNTKBftl AT ;.MAT TBK I 1NOTON POST the postoffice at 0., as Second Clabs KATCS OF ADVERTISING. Firiy cciits -per line for the first in 4erlioii ana twenty -fivecents per hpe L each additional insertion. pight (.) Hues, Nonpareil type, coji- Viituiea-wiuare.'.,-,... . , . The subcripiioii pii-p i y VnxdTox r-r " w 00 ier ycarJ six muiiths 75 cents. .. AllcomnunlcationsonljU8lnes8Uou,ld. h- ad.lre.-Ucd to The ' WilmInoton i,osr,.WilnnS'On v" rtiscineuU will do cnargeu rates, except ou special con AH adv the abovo tracts. - JOTICB. Mr. John v. Blocker is thelndepen dent candidate for Senator for Cumber land and Harnett counties. Will jam M. Black is the ludeptndent candidate for Sheriff f Moore county. W. B. Duncan is the Independent candidate for the Senate in Carteret and Onslow counties. j - We understand also, that Robeson Ward is the Independent candidate for the Senate from Sampson county. VIOLATION OF ARRANGEMENTS. Ihe -understanding between the op posing candidates for Congress in this District is that no outsider shall make a speech at their meetings, without the " ... . . " i ' ' i i" j tv, rnr(ii f Ar i I.A Aiiisroa nnfn. tnat tbe rirst. not me seTenuiaaT u w ing erideno oi Jhriauanlty', especaaiiy of the resurrection ; and (31 as a means ot susUining and developing; Cbfiitlan lile.' ' He argued that Just ptportioft as the sanctity of the Christian5 "Sab bath is obserred, will be th exercise of the ether graces and TirtuesMJ,; . , Then Her. H. Gaas v otr SJUiLouis, Kcnroes of read a paper on the SabbaUu... William, . Bodge a paper ; on tempeianice, in which he stated that the liquor aanual- the rest ot ihe evening was spent in I j t drank in , the United, States coal reading papers. Dr. Campbell objected 1700,000,000, annually and the. pSaper to the practice of applauding which ism and. crime $700)00.000 more. the Methodist council to be held in London. The Kev. Dr. . Yan2ndtf ead a paper on "Creeds," Eey. br. Chamr bers a paper on "Bible Revision,", and the Rev. Dr. Edward D. ! Monies of Cincinnati on "PresbYterianism; and Education' i In the evening Principal Sidney read a paper on the "Condition of ReJijrion in New South Wales." and County Ticket- . For the 'Senate,'' llENEUY E.- SCUl I; Eor the House. W. II. WADDELIi. JAM1 WHtiN. - , K.ir Sheriff. S. II; MANNING J or UruiU r ol Deed. JOSKl'll K. SAMlON, J''ur TiTHsurer. I ELIJAH HEWLETlV i'.r C riit r. had been frequent durintr the several sessions, insisting that the place where t'ue Council met became the tenaplo of I consent of a'l the candidates. We learn God, and that outburctsof applause j with hands ami feet were unseemly. He suggested that the Methodist cus tom of crying out "Amen," and "Glory be to God," be adopted when the Coun cil and audience desired! to express their approval. This advice evoked Dr. Ciryler thena s pole4 on theatrei and places of amuse ' Finished next weeL?5" 9 V that contrary to this understanding the Democratic leaders of Cumberland, seeing tbat Shackelford was at disad vantage at Kockfish on account of the drubbing which Can ad ay gave him, forced W. C. Troy of Fayetteville upon the stand to make a speech, he of courre a round of particularly strong applause, 1 can K. I). H K.,rtJ.)U-t:illcof W .fUlN CLA1 ; wee ir. Imiagtott Towu.sliip. K)UN SMITH. tiii: ijiiN(iKasioAL canvass. Mr, Canaday ard Mr. Shackelford, linvc continued their canvas until they 1 . i. II ll. Tl, ir'A f'a. tut v eovereu ueHny jiu i.uu tricl. Tliere much speculation as to "lliu mulls on tho part of , both parties. Ail Hit news that reaches us is to the clUct tliitt Cmaday has the best of it. Where thtie is so thuch smoke there oiut bo lire, and where tho news all runs iii one direction the indication is junmistakable. Tlie best indication we have from Carteret, Onslow, Duplin, , Sampson, Moore, Harnett, Cumberland Hud UlinU'ii, all points in the direction . ol the ekcthn of Canaday. la it of what wo say we refer the reader to lie correspondence which, we .' publ li Trim Simpson,.. Harnett and Moore. In addition to.' this Ave have numerous private adyicei'- from all the counties. The lone of. the information that wo havS docs not seem to bo vio lent anltis vo'd of the uual bitterness of ;i Vauvas but as wo have said above ah p one way. . :i A hilo we give these views of the, stao of iho cauv;ss, let Ui hot be uu- derstjod that Canaday V fiends'" ought !to rest on tleir oars. Sixteen hundred "Democratic majority is not a trifle to ove ci ma in- oidinary times". In any canvass vigilancj hhould last Jill the last vote iirin ai d the polls aro closed. AUunset ou the 2d ol Novcaiber the event witl bo decided, the fiat of . the people will haye boon uttered, not ooly ia this District but all over this uation. iTieu we cm resi. But until then tire-j less vigiuiiicc, uureleuting pertinacity, undeviating industry iu getting out every vote in each precinct, must be ex ercised. The interests uf this importance District arotoj great to bo intrusted to iiuntlVrent bauds, but will be safa if being nxious to do so. The crowd at first called on Major-J. C. McKoy to speak, but ho very properly declined to do . having a proper regard for his idoiriicter as a ccnlleman, and told the rr wd that it wuuld be in violation of the understanding between the can- didaUrf, and that he would not De a party to .-ucli an act. Then about half a d z u ol the leaders called ou Troy and hf proceeded to mako a i speech, CanHil.ty V formed him over and again of the uniUrstaiiding between, the can didates, but he took no notice of it. It is doubtful if another man in the Dis trict could be found, who would bo far have denuaued himself, excepting this W. C.Troy. Pass him round. ,! A friend, who accompanied the can didales through from -Fayetteville to Rockfish, the Hollow in Bladen, and to Turnbull yesterday, informs ua that with the. exception of the afTair at Rock- fish, everything was agreeable, and that Canaday was' making good headway. TIIK PAN ritKSBYrJSRIAN COUNCIL. The Pan Presbyterian Council, con sisting of delegates from the Presbyte rian Associations in all parts of the world, aruTFepresenting a sect amount ing to about 40,000,000 people, assem bled for its second session at Philadel phia on the 23d of September. Among mixed with suppressed laughter. At the close of Dr. Campbell's address, the meeting vas dismissed, j ' 4110 Councii met on the ulh day Dr. Leary .iu the chair. Rev. Principal John Cairns finishtd reading the paper on "Tt.e Vicarious Sacrifice of Christ." Prof. Hodge of Priuceton followed in a speech on the saiuti subject atul then Dr. 'Wilherspoou of Petersburg, Va., on "Future Retribution." A long discussion then ensued, as agretd upou, jon "Creeds and Coijfes Bions," in which very many of the Kev- erend gentlemen participated. KEPORT FKOM 1'iIE COMillTTEli. Dr. Schaff, from thoTCommiltefe on Creeds aud Confeesions, reported ss follows: '. - j -I Jtetolvcd, That a conuuiiiee of uiiines of the various brautfhes of the Ileform- ed and Presbyterian churches embraced within this alliance bo "pppointra to reconsider the desirableness of defining the "Consensus of the Reformed Con fessions as required by our constitution" aDd report at the next meeting, of the Council. "' . . - ! l Jtcsolvcd. That the following divines be appointed as such com-j'iiltee: Principal Dr. Cairns, chairman, o!f Ed inburgh; Professor Dr. ! hot, Professor Dr. Bearkie and Professor Calderwcod, of Edinburgh; Professor Dr. Graham, of JLondoc; lroiessor Dr. Wat(ts, ot Belfast; Professor Drj A. A. Hodge, t-f Princeton, N. J.; Professor Dr. patter son, !of Chicago; Professor Dr. Wilson, national Political. It ia reported at th - ReptiV'lic headquarters in Washington, by a let ter irom senator Conk ling that he be heves the Republicans will carry New York. -;- " . . J udge Porter writes encouragingly from Indiana,' The most reliable thing seen for Borne time is .what John C. New, the Chairman of. the, Indiana State Committee, said.,, "I asked," wrote the correspondent,, "for. his .esti mate of the Greenback vote.f . . '"About 20,000," he replied. , ;ifjt doesn't go above that figure Porter will . be elect? ed." There is no smoke in John C. New's braiu. The Democrats are. working vigor ously' in Ohio aud Indiana. The Greenbackera of'? New Hauop shire have nominated Warren S. Brown for Governor, and a clean state ticket with only 43 delegates, and those of South Carolina have nominated L. W R. Blair of Camden. Secretary Evarts made one of his best speeches to the Garfield and Ar thur Club at Cooper Institute on the 29th ult. We will give clippings from this splendid oration next week. 'Near the outset of his speech' he stated his Bubject to be: ; - Latest. ,The. shallow Hancockonians think they will ba able to decieve the people by tie game of brag. They are run ning the puffy ostrich feathered Han cock who has no principles at all, ex cept what are injected into him period- by Jere Black or some other old Beedy feilo w oi that k ind. Hancock is a'sort of swelled up, gassy FallstafF, who is talking about his sixteen men in buckram. There never .was such a farce as this Hancockonian, except the Greeley campaign. This will end in the same ridiculous way as that did. The southern Bourbons are so envel oped iu esretism and self-sufflciencv that they have no real judgment about affairs. When they began the war they did it on the "onc-southerner-can-lick- fiAeen yankeea" theory, fromwhich their smoky brains were very speedily disabused, by such occurrences - as Vicksburgand that "drawn-battle,"! as they term it, Gettysburg, and also Ap pomattox. When they were conquered they had not secsc,enough to know that they were couquered.but imagined they had not committed treason and lest their rights thereby, and went around blustering and wagging their heads in derision. Then they imagined they could fool the country by taking up Greeley, and now they have take dp Hancock, on just ths sama modo of reasoning a3 the Republicans might take up Toombs or Wade Hampton What would the sensible portion ofthe American people have said if the Re publicans had declared for Wade Hampton at Chicago, and adopted his Lee-and-Stoccwall-Jaekson principle? There would have been quite as much sincerity in one as the other. jj We are gratified to learn that Col John T. Collins, the Collector of Cus tpms at Brunswick. Georgia, ! who has been nominated for Congress in the Savannah District by the Republicans is likely to be elected. The Republi cans have a decided majority in that by candor to chea victory over The question before the country, the 1 District, and are well organized, under U.XJZ the Iead of 8Q Col. E. G, parties that divide the Nation, the con- Wade, Col. F. T. Johnson and Col duct of its affairs for the ensuine four James Atkins. and others, and with a years may be safely, may be wisely, very acceptable candidate in Col. Col those preneut were some of the most M V f dinci'nnati ; obio. Key Dr eminent ILeological scholars or tne Cambres ..oi New York; Rev. DrJ Bom- world, and this is only ther second Council of tho kind, the first having been held iu Edinburgh, Scotland, two years ago. This grave assemblage was called to order by the Rev. Dr. William Payton ol New York, who preached a sermon from the text taken from Matthew, eighth chapter and eleventh verse: "And I say unto you that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven." It is impossible for us to attempt any ; ab stract of the sermon. After tho sermon the welcoming address was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Breed of Philadelphia. At the close of tho sermon the speaker welcomed the foreigners as follows: 1 'Ono hu nd red and seventy-fi ve years berger, College Hill; Pa.; ReV. Dr. Dales, of rhiladelphia, and l'riticipal Caven, of Toronto; aud Rev. Dr. Schaff. J Sept. 20th. Spirited discussion relative tolappli- may be hopelully trusted by a people loving its honor, respecting its dutv. and valuing the institutions which we j have inherited from our noble aneestry. ; General Grant at Warren, Ohio, gave the Democrats a rasping on this wise: Nation whero a Democrat cannot cast his ballot and have it counted as cast. No matter what the prominence of the opposite party, he can proclaim bis political opinions without fear and Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 39. Manning addressed the meetiig, and j Bubstribera who have had their pa- the wildest enthusiasm prevailed. Gen. I pen left at their homes, will confer a Manning spoke an hour and i half in I favor by leaving their names at this his happiest manner. ' I office. "We have been unable yet to The Statesville America sav: I make us a perfect liat ol our city aub- '.WeTleara from one who was present acribera, and will be obliged to put our that the discussion at Mockaville re- I city circulation in the poetoffice until aulted in, a grand Republican triumph, we an do 00. . Subscribers can call at admit that Judge nr- 1 r- - -r- -v Ool. Armneld was Charged wrra Mt7RE, Office 1 cnmnW Th RannbUcan nrosDects I 't7"r. umr l " -.: . . I KimAM I XV.w 1 J T- . Datia am hriirht and , nOWlDET I Jt" xwvuaiuwu vauiareu ouo Jim in briehter everrdar. If the Republicans I Black, of South Carolina, who is wanl- of the District but do their duty j; urcn-1 ed by the sheriff of Marion county. e ciccuou is surr. - :' H iV A.LI . .lik .. mij . j ..- I w - w - vaaaa vve w au m. auvoi w Ibid: i lblooded murder and is now in jail THE WlLMIHGTOS PdbT is engaged I .waiUnir the office of the Iaw frcm in Extracting some precious more xr.rlnn ni places that journal ia a rather unenTKvlff,for his arrest,; extracts will be to lower the fitor in the A fri8,ld ntui Iram Beaufort says esumaf ion of the better thinkincr - peo- I tnat J udee Watts, our candidate for pie and advance the cause they were 1 Electorr jwaa. with nsi yesterday." and means to injure. - , , BDokjl to 1-,, PrnA who T- Our friend, A. V. Uorrell, mtorm attentive and showed great interest. us that there was a large turnout at I "He made a most excellent impression Robinson School House in l ranklin tnd far suppassed my expectations.' township in campson, wmcn war aa-1 The Judge will speak iu other parts of dressed by Gen. S. H. Manning of , this J Carteret and the east befora going to cuy ana outers, ana mat ma speeca i the, western part of the District. aroused ereat enthusiasm. There were more than 600 present, not a Green backer among them, ' and Sampson is wide-awake for Garfield, Buxton and Canaday. They formed a Garfield, Buxton and Canaday club, electing Albert Johnsoni President, and Totaey Farmer, Secre tary. . Dr. T. M. Sykcs of Bladen, having been nominated lor Senator from Bla- Mr. Peter Joseph, an engineertra-the Carolina Central Railroad, while un coupling or coupling some cars at Lau rinburg, Monday night, got his foot fastened in a guard rail on the track and before he could extricate it the wheels of the ox and tender passed over it. crushing his foot and leg, ne cessitating amputation. Registration. Itl?is the duty of den and Brunswick by the Republicans, I every voter to know what the law is in ot his own motion and will has tendered I regard to regtaterinjr their names, and his resignation, which was accepted, it is their duty to see, each for himself, and Mr. William T. Pridgeon of Bladen that his name is properly - registered. "" was nominated in his stead. We know Do not trust any one to attend to it, but Mr. Pridgeon as one ot the best men in go yourself, otherwise when voting day . Bladen and a man that is popular with I comes you may regret it, everybody. . ' " , i jkuo oicatu-iug xiexaiu, wuicu rcceni y arrived here, en route for the gov ernment works in Charleston' harbor, left here Friday for her destination, under command" of CapU H. C. Cassi- Seo Hancock Pinafore song on the dey, with a flat in tow which has just CITx- 11TEMS. Chew Jackson's Tobacco. iBest Sweet Navy j 1 IT fourth rage i cations for membership. Committee I without proscription on account of his repoi ted that no admissions to lucm- opiuion. There are fourteen states, . , , i i '. ii v. u' i i and localities in some other states, bersh.p bo granted till churches had whfire llfrmb!:CMjl h not X nrZ been admitted to membership. Debate I iego." That strikes the Democrats as involving parliamentary law. Bruce "sectional." Of course. From the lime of Glasgow, Breed and Dickey ofPhila., 0f William IE English in Congress in Watt of Belfast, finally decided that the "Council is unable hoc statu mit as members representatives of churches whose relation to our consti tution has not been explained to tho Council." 1 " Papers read ou tho "Theology of the Reformed Church"! by Posterzer of Utrecht, Mitchell of St, Audrews, Ap- to ad- tho i Topic will send to the Capitol of 850,000 people, nearly 150 Presbyterian the nation t'.e cueigytio, the true, the l.l l, the indexible, the fearkss caudi- d.ite of ihe Republi'cuV party Hon. Williiui P. Canaday. A OUKaT MKKT1NO. tJcu. Graut accompanied by Senator OouVling, (.!eu. liOgan, and welcomed by i 1,000 people, '.'made rpecches at Warren, Ohio, ou tho 2Slh ult. They cre lha Reuublicans of Garfield's 'nob'e. old District of the Western Uesctve, which used to turn out its 30,00) majorities: Not only Conkt'og and logan, but the venerable ex-Senator t'ameron, Levi P. Morton of New Vort, aud other distinguished gentle men were uf the pjirty. The whole ocue wxs gy with the uniformed clubs. aco the first American Presbytery was pie of Lancaster. organized in this city. To-day, of its I Tho Council adopted tho recommcn- 850,(H.H people, nearly loo rresoyierian I dation of the Uommittee on ureeisanu minister. 120 Presbyterian congrera-I Confessions lir ihe appointment ot a Hons: with a communion roll reaching I committee to cousidcr and report upon 42,000 and an adherence of some 100,- I the advisability of defining the con- 1860 down to the present, to state truths like those about the Democratic party has been "sectionalism." In fact, for twenty years there has been no real difference between sectionalism and patriotism. Referring to Fiizhugh Lee's speech 'in which he declared, "If yon desire that those heroes (Confederate) . buried there shall not have died in vain, vote the Democratic tiefcet!" the New York Ueratd Bays: "Why should the Demo crats persist in supplying the Republi cans with texts." lins,anda fair count, will without doubt be carried. W e notice that Col. Col lins is in Waahington. ! ; The Democrats around the , National Committee's headquarters have been bragging for a while that they had a "Hancock Republican Club." consist ing of 3000 members. A reporter for the Tribune, after hunting a long time, found the "Club" to consist of old Re publican sore-heads and dead-beats and in number only 30. Barnum got it up as an adjunct. ! Wo hear that some sneaks have been posting indecent placards j around on private houses, stores, shops and pub lic buildings. If these dirty sneaks want to try any more of this mean bus iness they will find that it ia a game that two can play at. i The Treasury Department estimates the reduction of the debt for the month of September will be at least 12,000j000. The revenue of the fiscal year ending June SOth, has. been accounted and dosed, and shows $333,520,011, or more The Produce Exchange has been re moved to the rooms lately occupied by Messrs. E. Lilly & Bro. been completed for the works at Char leston at Mr. J. W. Taylor's mill. In ita notice of Wednesday's pro ceedings of IheTan Presbyterian Coun- Mr. Sol; Haas arrived a this city on Monday last and formerly assumed charge as General Freight Agent. cil. in session in that city, the Phila delphia TTfncssayc: "Rev. Dr. Wilson, of Wilmington, N. U., delivered a short address upon 'Evangelists and. Evan- The Rev. Dr. Wilson arrived home gelistio Work.' Ho argued that Chris- on Friday night, and will officiate at I Wans should be Christ adorers first and - the First Presbyterian Church to-day J church admirers next. He advocated a systemized itineracy, contending that We apologise to tho publishers of the South Atlantic for neglect to notice the two last numbers, and will make amends next week. the ordinary ministry is like a fixed battery, while flying artillery is also needed." ' . Federal Jurors. The following is a list of Jurors for the fall term of the U. 8, District Court, which con venes in this city on the first Monday in November: Benj Scott, A J 'Hill, W J Pen ton, J C Smith, Thos A Davis, Robert Noyc, J A Scarborough, Geo F Alderman, Henry Kuhl, Win Goodman, J W Ma cumber. B A Uallelt, B F Penny, I T Alderman, S R Birdsay, Jas W Jack, son. F M King, Oscar Pearsall, A M Mr. J. W, Gordon has removed to I Kaldwin, L G Thornton, W Kellogg, E Richmond, Va., where his family will I D Hewlett, Richmond Hall, Preston A telegram was received in Ibis city to the effect that Dr. M. J. DeRossct( now residing in New York, had been stricken with paralysis on Thursday last. ' ". .' ' ' Our public schools will open is Dis trict No. 1 of this cily on Monday the 4th of October. In District No. 2 the scnool ' commenced on Friday the 1st of October, i than $1,000,000 for every working day hereafter reside. His brother, Mr. W. Spriggt, Jno II Pugh, G J Boney, C U The Boston AdtertUer notes the fact that it was not on the stock board, but 000, join in giving you a genuine Pres-1 sensus of tho reformed confessions, as I among the permanent owners of the of the year. Such are the fruits of the J. Gordon will remain ia charge of the policy of the prcscut Republican ad- J busincs here. ministration and Secretary Sherman. bvterian welcome. Welcome, one and all. to this citv. where the first Ameri can Prrsbylery was born and cradled." In the evening the Rev. R.D. Hitch. cock of New York read a paper on "The Ceremonial, the Moral and tho Emotional in Christian life." In tho morning, 24th, the two ad dresses by Prof. E. P. Humphrey, D. D.. LLD" of Louisville, and rrof. reuuired bv the constitution of the; Al liance. The following delegates were constituted the committee; Dr. Cairns, Prof. Flint, Prof. Blaikie, and Prof. Calderwood. of Edinburgh: Prof. Gra ham, of Loudon; Prof. Watu, of Bel fast; Trof. A. A. Hodge, of Princeton; j Prof. Patterson, or Chicago; the IMt. Dr. Wilson, of North Carolina; Prof. Morris, of Cincinnati; the Rev. Dr. Chambers, of New York; the Rev. Dr. Bomberger, of College liill, Penu.; the government four per cents, where the tremulous shiver 6truck the morning after the supposed Fusion victory in Maine. .This slight tremor, wbich was Political-State. Grandy aud Latham are 'making a thorough canvass of the Fint District got over by later new, shows what j VoramenciDg to-morrow at Lewiston in l bom he me. disaster may be apprehended in case 1 Bcrua county, and, swinging clean Mr. R. J. Jonejs, wohas been to Canada as a delegate to the Sovereign Grsnd Lodge of Odd Fellows, returned homo on Monday last, highly delighted with his trip, as well a the people Robert Watt. D. D., of Belfast, Ireland, I Kev. Dr. Dales, of Philadelphia; Prin- wero read on the "Inspiration, thenticity and Interpretation Scriptures." I a the course of the evening Dr, OoU banr of Edinburgh. Dr. Hutton of An- Cipa caven, ox loronio, .naaa; i roi. ingtoa corrtapondeoU in of the I I . Rr.,.L. v' M,'iu,r no a new and Van Oostfraee. of lUllandi ProL Yode. society has sprung cp T - - - B ' - - - wu.iic, ba mcrs, aud te sUrs and stripes W(Jt Scotland, Dr. Sloane ol AUe- aud tho fair daughwfrs of the Reserve. .y Ttnu Profeaot Brucej of Amyiiithe mottoes were, "Tariff and ulwsow. Dr rierson of Detroit,. Pro-perity, or Frve Trade and rover- JeDllM of Montreal, Dr. Breed of ty.-"GrCia the Pr Man' Friend.' p...,.,,,,,,.. mnd D- MUleken of Al- f v "Whoso Friend U Haucockt" ,,Sve Oar NaViou ic-Time." Stretched acroaa tlc Wijwaui was "Our Principles TU'u ia a Nation ; loyalty, protection, TMnaiption, equal civil righu; a fair , vote, honestly counted. We will fight it out on this line.' General Grant rea t a prvparel pch which was a modeL aud which we will print next lechany Cily. The purpose in ccnaid eripg til subject is to enquire whether more certmonj -something like a lit argy something to relieve the servke of its baldness, might be advisable. On Satnrday Sept. 25th the Hon. Horace Maynard, loatmastr-General preaided. "Revealed religtaa In Ita re lation to tcience and rhilosophy. and wetk. 3ien CookUog delivered one fSJL .Vi n.d. - . k k. 1 I fWinV W rfV4V4Vy -- wom aaare. .uco aa b b Df rwUmoJ of Edin. lTr, and Loao aud others, aud no uca time was evet seen there before. Grant, Conkllng and party, called, on Garfield at Mentor and eachaeg d dr UoWtaad that the great champ too of t& tople each took their way. burgh. Dr. McOoah of Ptiaoa Cel- !, read a paper ralaslag to he treat- meat of jeaog men la this unstable are. Prof. Flint read a paper on "Ag- ostkum, Taert wereciTiUUea in the tvtnlcg at the rmbjbrriaa Board of Ta CaU term of the Criminal Cwtrt. PaUlcatioa. at which tit ilea. E. A. hia Har JaJi Umfm MMklinr. I RaIIIm delivered a addrmt of wtl- CJavtort U thil cltj. I come. of Hancock's election. The stampede in stocks would produce a financial crisis worse than the black Friday. As will be seen by one of oar WiL- another col- tome what peculiar called the "Na tional Minute Men of America.' OLD SALPSOX LIT ELY. ' Sktt. 27th; 1S50. Errron rosT: The campaign la old Sampson has enced more favorably for the Re- sevtral years puUicana than in eeveral ys past, cttr shall know that the Recnhlicana atUnd the General Convention U tha fYtJ A T1?T Tl T T I ucTvvcvi iu luo rcau-i. - - 1 . ... l . I 1JU.1LI 1'jIj 1 a a S a 1 jm. . . . ii m nnaiuiLBi i&k uuucim iuib 1 . w : 1 . v - 11. . . i T. . . . y t , . 1 - -' UK 01 iapers on v.aarcA aoctnae anai ; --- -- , 1 iw-..kc. ua .aaya iaev ana other people br:dea, are tired of living under the rule of the old ricga, 1 1 1 al L and method of admfaaion to liB . "11 " TZ .V ' ' ' ana ai a w rpw ie . . - v. .I. a n.i win noil & am ur.i . , en aove&Dtr teceaa. Moa of ttwitaerland, and the Rev. Dr. Philip SchaS, of New lore. j Then thrre was a discussion ou tho question of religion and education. It was quite spicy: , The afternoon session, held in the Academy of Music, the Rev, Dr. James I com M. Rogtrs, ot Dtrrr, Ireland, Chair' man, was mainly devoted to the read- - . I ... . , , . . . rovernmenl i Prof, liannerman. of ea inrooga ana ma pcar a. wree Perth, and Prof. T. P. Stevenson, oftpUees lathe county. muaaeipoia, usru u groaaoa 1 Ur'Caaaday raatfe a good Isspres- ordinance, and Prof. Jonathan Oreg 5f-d J , ??r r of Torontcv and Prof. Lerov J. lUUev. I Shackalford la Dh the laCrrior of Mr. of Chicago, furata&eu papers on tae Use Waddell as a speexer, u yoa might and proviQce or hurta doeipUae, The session closed with the ; readier ot a paper on rKrgtaerauoa, by the Rev. J. 1L A. Bamberger, of Ursisat College, Peaa. The cvtnieg sesaion was popularly eensidcred the most trtemuar yvi held by the Ceascil. Alter the nreliauary exerdse, a paper on Sab bath eUcrvance was read by the Rev. Dr. Oregs of Toronto, who coaUd the Sabbath la Ua tritnal relatloea. The enbstaaca of Ub paper, wtkh Uttad With the aasip4io that tae bat hath 1 of divine invitation, and around tire" circle, end at Williamstown in Martin county. CuU John B. Res- pass, rep., and Thomas R. Jcrnegan, dem., are canvasiog as Electors in the same District. The Republican of Fair Bluff town ship tn Columbus ccunty, in August,, assembled and formed a Garfield, Bux ton and Canaday. Club, to which they have admitted 50 members and are still increasing. Our correspondent writing from Cerro Gordo is very - hope&l of j large Republican gias in old Colum bus, aad,kirr thai pec-pie ouuide the Tho Water Works question has been agitated. A majority repert favored the immediate construction of the work oa Mr. Wilkios bids, but a minority were for putting it off. Mr. Wilkios las withdrawn his bid. Southerland and J II Mallard, ot Wil mington; Alex Cox of Smiihville; Pe ter Tucker, of Lock wood's Fylly; Jeo Weacott, W II Drew and Richard Dosher, ot Smith villr; Curneltu Mc MilUn ofTeachy'a Depot; A J An drews of ShaUotte. The jurors are not rtquirtd to appear until Wednesday of court week, aaaa to allow then an epportunity fr vo ting at their home before starting for court. ""SB--"-'" TO f RZJLHOXABLE IXUXS, A CUftE- kkxxQ riAJro. is uood ivscmox Addnm Dai ana, rto4e&. ' Htau Mr. John L. Dudley, Secretary and Treasurer of the Endowment Rank, Knight of Pythias, of this city, has paid over to the beneficiaries of the late Adolph Bear the sum cf S3.0G0. beinr the amount doe on hu life policy. lUXtWXj CI Ofla l iroliU Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson has left to AT even call him a tfcnker at alt, Mr. Kornegay was wltn tketa at' Cintor, aad made a sjuleraeat of the trlaciplcs of hk party. We expect la suxe very eeUdcaiaeia hl Samp-M elect aa Iadepcadeai UckH te the Let laUtare. Yo can pal jm Sasreoa aa on coaalj thai aisa at nactcf the Pemocratk snajonty, and .11 Is thestght by laaty thai the RrpaVlteaa and la drpendeati wRt ctrrj tiatje-atj, " V CteajRX DecocraU he nice them. B. WUiUmson is Chairman and D. L. Love is SecreUry of tte deb. Orlandd IlabU, Repe&kan candi date br Cost jrees from the Secood Di- Prototaat Epiaconei Cnarth which emucs tncnaiauy. ana uaa year coavesca al SL George's Church, Stay vessel Square, New York, on Wedaea- ; day, the feh, ins. rUM nUtBX3UOfiJjul.KSACO t. ! iaAjral3rsirS&.tfS. The Grand Aaaaal Cbavncatioa cf the Grand United Order of Odd Fel low meets In Richmond em next Taws dsy. Between as -U.COJ per one are expected La be la attending. all pans of the law tte CaittROj. trkt, and the candidate sEIctor, W. the L. Dwt iS thorc organ. ZTZ Ixatiea. "a'- m ta vw. v MUT H p, J tain XlMOt saaxug a p4n caavxsa wu wts. I vwr aave n morte In HkhamanJ qgi. JAnra a. oAnnrT.n. Ft -as imnii mml iuia t tr. MSUatmd X.T. MM1.WUM any Wif etfid aa Tharsday.de ; Kk. Tha Graai I est IMKT IN X t. IWiUA. TV wS1 t Thrwiaa lUTahaaa-irgJaaJlhe p" n' la tl I !ai Bfr rite In lr eeern tlaalftt Wseeiia Tocr" Kem U tie f Sr-ZZ w 10 po Veiag pvwcaL Gca.ilii.1 Usm t the Order toamhncuhn. Saai'- v. t'i. rA Ii ifX n 11 V fc!J 13 sau,lta. ,1 A i a I ' 1 j t . - i v.; a - r i . r.V r I , ,1 ,'' V '. :

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