9 THE WILMINGTON POST. JOSEPH C. ABBOTT. EDITOR. WILMINGTON. N. C s Suspay Mobnikg, Oct. 31, U80 j : NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT! JAMES A. OABFDELD OF OHIO. '. ' AN INFAMOUS MOOBBAuK On OAHFIULW. I Not satisfied with the concocted slan ders against Garfield in order to bolster up the fading prospects of Hancock and English, which are now at Zero, and 40 degrees below, at a sort of polit ical freezing point, Barnnm, the chair man of the Democratic National Com mittee, pnt out cue of the most atro cious Blander upon Garfield that ever was perpetrated upon anybody since the Tather of lies was penned sup in Topphet. He put in print what pur ported to be a fac simile of a letter from CHESTER A. ARTHUR Garfield, addressed to one 1L L.Iorey, REPUBLICAN ELECTORAL TICKET. For Electors of President and Vice- President, at large. OLIVER H, DOCKERY GEORGE B. EVERITT JOHN B. RESPAS3 Of the First Congressional District. WILLIAM 8- O'B. ROBINSON Of the Second Congressional District. SAMHEL W. WATTS . . Of th'6 Third Congressional District. CEBERN L. HARRIS Ol the Fourth Congressional District. CHARLES A. REYNOLDS Of the Fifth Congressional District. GEORGE W. PATTERSON m Of thf Sixth Congressional District. JAMES G. RAMSAY, Of the Seventh Congressional District, d WILLIAM R. TRULL . Ofthe Eighth Congressional District. RJEPUBLICANSTATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR. " ' RALPH P. BUXTON OF CUMBERLAND. FOR LIEUT.-GO VERNOR, RUFUS BARRINCER DF MECKLENBURG. ' i For Secretary of State, . j RICHARD M. NORMENT , Of Robeson. ' For Treasurer, 1 AARON D. JENKINS Of Gaston. For Auditor, RILEY H. CANNON Of Jackson. For Attorney-General, AUGUSTUS M. MOORE Of Chowan. ityr tfuperinlendtnt of Tublic lnstruc tion, ARCHIBALD R. BLACK Of New Hanover. R. SHERMAN AGAIX. . On Tuesday night last at Cooper In stitute, Mr John Sherman made prob ably nearly his last utterance in this great campaign, where his Toicjp has been so potent, lne delivery pi we speech occupied tiro houra. The au dience filled every space in that great auditorium, was remarkable as representing the wealth, the business, THE BOYS IN BLUE. On the 7th of September General Abbott was tendered the position of Commander-in-Chief of the "Boys in Blue" for the state of North Carolina j and was authorized to announce his stain : ,: ; - On the first day of October a com mission was issued to Gen. Abbott as Maior-Gcneral and Commander-in- the intelligence and tho patriotism of I gigf 0f the Boys in' Blue. of Lynn, Mass., on the Chinese ques tion, as foreign. from any opinion held by Gen. Garfield, as it would have been if they had attributed to bim one of the most violent letters of Bob Toombs, It will be remembered what Garfield's views were on the Chinese question, as expressed in his letter of acceptance, o the Chicago nomination. As reason able and sensible as could be expressed in the English language. Well, the first refutal of this infa mous lie ot Bar nura, came irom Garfield himself through the National Republican Committee as follows: We have received and havo in our possession the following telegram from Geueral Garfield in reference to the forged letter recently published by the Democratic Committee on the Chinese labor question: Mentor Ohio, October 22, 1SS0. ' To lion. M. Jewell and Hon. S. W. Dor W ... . . . ... I will not brent tho rule l nave adopted by making public reply to campaign lies, but I authorize you to denounce the so-called Morey letter as a bold forgery, both in its language and its sentiment. Until its publication I never heard of the existence cf the Employers' Union ot. Lynn, Mass., nor of such a person as H. L. Morey. James. A. Gaefielv. Then came out the following: New York, Oct. 23. The National Republican Committee furnish the fol lowing: Headquartbks Nat'i, IlEr'N Com., Saturday, 8 p.'m., October 23, 1880. J To the Public: The following dispatch has ibis mo ment been received from General Garfield: Mentor, Ohio, Oct. 23, 1SS0. To Hon. Marshall Jewell; Your telegram (54) of this afternoon is received. Publish my dispatch of last evening ifyou think best' Within the laat-hour the mail has brought me the great metropolis; The speech opened with an explana tion of the real functions of the gov ernment f the United Slates : the evils which had arisen from the states rights doctrines ; including the frauds ion the colored people of the south and the in vasion of election laws ; showi ng that the greatjquestion of the i day was to maintain the results of the T ar ; the rights of citizens ; sound curre ncy and unspotted National credit ; protection to American industry; the mainten ance of the resumption of, specie pay ments, the refunding of public debt, the careful collection of the revenue, together with considerations upon com merce and immigration. He then dis cussed the construction of the two great parties, how the south hated lour na tionality, and closed with a discriminat ing discussion of the two candidates, showing that Hancock was totally lack ing in qualities fitting him lor the Pres idency, that his civil life had been an entire blank, while Garfield was a trained scholar, an experienced and safe statesman, and a thorough Republican. A U XT TO THE S TATE CONSTITUTION. On the second day of November, the people will be called upon to'pass upon two proposed amendments to the Con stitution of North Carolina. One of these amendments provides I hat the leuislatu.ro may proAide that ibe indi gent deaf mutes, blind and insane of the stale shall be cared for at the ex pense of the slate. The constitution as it now stands, requites the General Assembly to provide for the care of all the deaf mutes, blind and insane at the expense ofthe state, without regard to their ability to prcvide or 'care for themselves. The other amendment provides that the debt incurred by the convention of 18G8 and the legislatures ol lSGS-'GO, and 1809-70, exbepi the bonds issued to fund the old debts of the slate, shall never be paid unless the proposition to On ihc 25th day of October General Abbott accented the position as above, and appointed O. S. Hayes, as Adjut ant General, and J. W. S: Eagles as Quarter-master General. . The Union Veterans' Moil "Boys in Bine." Headquarters UNION VBTEltAHS NATIONAL COMXITTKE. Ko. H5.Eradway,.(P. O. Box 900) if. Y. New York City, 1 Sept. 7th, 1SS0. j General Order 1 No. 10. J I. General Joseph C. Abbott is hepc- . ' . i - .i : .1 r . l. - ttv Dy assigneu to mecommanu onue xe nartmcnt of North Carolina, with Headquarters in Wilmington. II. General Abbolttwill assume cdui mand without delay, and is authorised to appoint and announce his staff. IU. General Allan Rutherlord.Mem- Political-Statel - I s A correspondent at Hickory, in Ca tawba county, writes that the Republi cans were never better organized and that plenty of Democrats, since the Ohio and Indiana election, are going to vote for Garfield, Buxton, Barringer, and the clean ticket. At Statesville last Tuesday week an impromptu Republican meeting was held over which the Hon. Lewis Hane presided. U. S. Marshall Robert M. Douglas of Greensboro was introduced first, and the report in the American savs "his sneech was couched in fine language," and was well received and frequently applauded." Then came forwaid James M. McCorkle. one of the ablest lawyers of the state, who gave the last legislature a most masterly dissecting. And the District Attorney James E. Boyd then was introduced and niade a speech which abounded in argument, wit and anecdote and was vociterouslv armlaudcd. It was more enthusiastic than any meeting ever held at Boney Bridge. Second Ward, J. C. Mund's etora Front until about 15th, then at re. dence of J. C. Lamadeo, Front street Third' Ward, on Princess, ateewj door from corner of Fourth street. Fourth Ward, at W. T. OUht', Mill, on Dock atreet. Fifth Ward, J. M. BrewtjrY Mutt, corner Fifth and Castle stretta Books to be open including the day before election. ber for North Carolina of the National Committee, "Boys in Blue," will co jop- erato with the Department Cornmander in pushing the organization of the Union VeteranB of h'w state By order of U. S. Grant, ! Commander-in-Chief "Boys in Blue. DkAKE DeKay, J Alju'iint-Gen.eral. The Union Vetera ks Ukiox HeADQUARTEES UXION YltTERAK Natioxal Committee, Wii,mingtok, N. C, Oct. General Order -No. 1. 1 T. Havinc Resumed this day the J ; : command of the Uuipri Veteraus Union, in accordance witl orders from the Commander-in-Chief, Ulysses S. Grant, the following order is issueed. II. O. S. Hayes is appointed as Ad jutant-General ofthe Department ol North Carolina. . . IKS' TEE. ) 23th, 1880. there and was a real "feast of reason and flow pf soul." ' Of Judge Buxton the American says: Judge Buxtou ledioff iu a speech cf one hour aad ten nuuutes. in wnicn ue discussed all the state irues of the campaign in a clear and satisfactory manner. Tho points were well pre sented and presfed in a way that went home to men's uinlerstaiiuings. lboso who heard him had Isomelhiug to tate homo with them and think about and reflect upon. The Judge was exceed ingly courteous to his political oppo nents, saying nothing that could wounu the feelings of the rco?t sensitive i General, aiid.oon to be Lieutenant- Governor, Barringer, is out with a let ter in which he puts the scalpel merci- leslv siuoii" tiic muscles and ucrvts of Treasurer Worth, in a manner worthy Ot Juuius. National Political. S.!?11 . I '-'k'l'i -LMTUlon mi. . . 1 .1- rt t it : V. . r.....:..i;. .1.ri,i in Indiana """vc v . wnOK on wen w l.tf and Ohio Cot Thoa.E. Burns baa been Sixth between Bladen and 11, in favor with both parties to sash an 8t,J"- - . . extent that it U ihougbt U?T be . 1??L? d M as John D. White of r " ' V".. " vu 'vun the 9th District. Eocliub, tha Democratic candidate for Governor of Connecticut, U as rich as English of Indiana, but he can't be elected this time. Of course we, tho Repubiicans," will carry easily the First, Second and Third Districts, and maybe the Fourth, and the Seventh whero Furches is oppos ing Armfield. j The following arc the official figuna of the total vote for Governor at the October election in theaUte ol Indiana, as received by the Secretary of fctate,': Forter,(Rcp.,) 250,201; Lauders,(Dem.,) 222,740; Gregg, (Nat.,) 14,563 ; plural ity for Tortcr, 7,551. Don Tiatt wields a two edged and many edgcl tword, and says this of R? mum's lorgery : 'Wc are astonished at the stupidity of the Democratic com mittee in lending its countenance to the circulation of such arank fraud on its face but bold on ; we are not astonish ed at any stupidity of the Democratic committee. Maybe Barnum himself spells companies with a 'y.'" The tidal wave has struck Tennessee, and the Democrats aro leaving the old haunts and ranks in swarms. ' Great consternation is spreading. They aro taking all the bets they can get in Connecticut that the nutmeg state, and, the land ol blue laws will go A A From KEPtBLlCiNCOSCBKSSIONIL d. .0 s,u be 8wmia .0 u . Alt lib I ' rillain who cannot spell or write En- people and be ratified by n majority of For Con;rrcss First District,' CYRUS W.GRANDY of Pasquotank. Of Craven. For Congrsas Third District, WILLIAM IV CANADAY Of Hew Hanover. Fur Con cress Fourth District. MOr-Ed A. BLEDSOE Of Wake: For Congress Fifth District, THOMAS B. KEOGJI ! Of Guilford. For Congress Sixth District, WILLIAM R. MYERS Of Mecklenburg. For Conress-Seventh District, DaVU) M. FURCHES Of Iredeti. KEPDBUCAn" JUDICIAL TICKET. I To be vifd throughout the State. For Judco of Fourth Judicial District. Of Robeson: For Judee of Fifth Judicial District, JAMES II. HEADEN Of Chatham. . The Democrats in their depraved meaner have three figures 8-2-9 which taken as initials might mean, 3 years fighting for his connUy ; 2 years in the Ohio legislature ; 9 consecutive terms in Cougress. In what is suggest ed bT this arrangement of these three figures, which are used for Democratic nartisau badinage, mere is gestion as to real raannooa man there is in the minutest details ofthe vicious lives of all the present living -southern Democratic, so-called, statesmen. The Democrats hid a drunken row l Cfcar'.ote on the 22nd, at which tirus evcral shots were fired and such sort of amusements indulged In. This is tha favorite manner of propagating Ute.doc triue of the rsg-monty, rag-baby, ku- klux Democracy. clish, or imitate my handwriting. Every honest anu maniy democrat in America who is familiar with my handwriting will denounce the" forgery at sight. Put the Case in the hands ol the ablest down".1-" " 7l AVXMtaP1 Then came tho following: New Youk, October 23. -Mr. Jewell received the following letter to-day from Gen. Garfield: ifenlor, O., October 23. Hon. M. Jewell, Chairman of the Republican Committee Dear Sir: In my dispatches of yesterday and this evening, which are also sent you by mail, I condemned the Morey letter as a base forgery. Its stupid and brutal sentiments 1 never expressed por entertained. The litho graphic copy shows a very clumsy at tempt to imitate my penmanship . and signature. Any one who is familiar with my handwriting will instantly see that the letter is spurious. Very truly, yours, J. A. Garfield. The explicit .declaration of General Garfield that the recent letter ascribed to him was a bold and stupid forgery was receivedjresterday by Republicans with much favor. The following dis patch has bfen received by the Secre tary of the New Jersey Republican State Executive Committee: Lykx, Mass., Oct. 2JJ, 1SS0. C. O. Cooper, Secretary ofthe Kcpullb- can State Executive Committee, Jersey Ctiv. A". J. I have questioned clerks and carriers at this office. No such man as 11. L Morey has ever received letters to their knowledge. Name not in city direc tory or on Tost Office or carrier books. Jouk G. B. Adams, rtmater. If Barnnm has lent himself to this mning business, as appear, he is forever totally disgraced and made in famous. That the whole thing, Gsr field i's fac simile, t tamps and all are villaiaous forgeries is plain from the following telegram from the Postmaster the qualified voters of the state. Jir.IBINU ax' SliALLpTTi-;. Bhallotte, N. 0., Brunswick County, . ' Oct. 21st' 1SS0. i Ihc lollowictr letter, was feceivcu at the otGee of tho Post, and it is printed lor tuc cuihcatiou of tho parties con cerned. Mr. Editor: j Dear Sir I aek the touRciit of a space in your valuable paper to adver tisc an event which hasr recently taken place. There came a prominent Dcui ocrat to me the other day and said to me,, "John, I heard that you was at in dotjbt about voting, ; and we all have ugreeu 10 pay you uoifarsj to vote with us and also to use vour influence for us." t i J a i ? . . ' . maiuio mm: as to what you heard about my being in doubt about voting, that is true. For I was at a loss to think females could not vote so thatjGarfield could carry North Caro lina by 84,000 majority. And as to my voting for you, I am not lor sale in the first instance, and secondly, I do not sell out my political principles, but it may be that any one who would like to buy would like to sell." So this is about what the Democratic fraud gained. Yours with respect, J. K. Willis, Colored. . mm A li;.VIO('KATlC OIMXIOX Ol VI It. ISA It 3 I'M. From llic Klclinioml Whl?, Ini. Mr. Jjarnum acnieveu notoriety in 1S76 by hi celebrated telegrams to In- diana "lirccting iuvestments of certain thousand of dollars in political as . a it t muie. ii: nas uen Known ever since as the "mule-droTcr" and "mule speculator." During the present III. J. S. W. La gits w appointed Quartermaster-General of the Depart ment of North Carolina. IV. The Headquarters of this Do partmcnt U established at Wilmington. ' By order of the Mj-r-Generil Commanding. J i O. tf. Hayt.s. Adiutaul-General. UEAIINISCKINSES OF 1)U. ARNOLD giving a lecture on ut. Arnold, the famous head-master of Rugby, known all over England, and wp may say over the world, as one ofthe first of educa tionists. We clip fome of Mr. Hughes' WAIL VKOM KaSBY. Ills letter to Tho Toledo Blade. The Lord is ngin the" Democracy. In vain we prayed for short crops, and in yaiu our gupplicashens went up for rinderpest and hoof-rot among the cattle on a thousand hills. In vain we implored for a potato-rot aud" potato-bugs, or anything else that wood distress the Yank and make him howl fyr a change L, the more we prayed for distress the more there wu?. prosperity. ,The! crops were good, and the prices therefor bully, and what kin a Dimc krat do when there in no trouble? We preached hard limes and they shook jold and silver under our noses. V o said t the Jauorer, lo, you are oppressed, and he jeered, show in uv us a savins' bank-book; The tmukc uv-tue furnace was to us the smoke of His tuu-.. : The chwig uv hainmuv iin'd the weczc uv the engine wuz (iir funeral of the wonderful monin oi mis rear lie nrri in tr.m . . w i.: . ir. i : i . f I ..u,BSWBl -". to Jndisna. presumably to girc his r- sonai aiicaiwu io :n- "niuic-irau in Ajcretary Sherman yesterday received v dMPaich. sisned by ReprwnUtive Batterworth andiOther Ohio friends, congratulatiog him upon his reply to Wade Hampton. The dispatch closed: Oar address es Ohio." Jlacral Gaxneid spoke to ih Ger man dtflfraUoa which visited him Monday, OcU lllh, in their own lan$ nagv whicn pleauyl then, of conrsc It ATM a.KAVi?t THE 1IXK. Marshall Jewell WAsuiSGTCOt, D. C, OcL S3, llO. The Hon, Mankalt Jevxlh The New York Truth publishes what purports to b a fac timift of . Irtirr alleged to nave beca written by Gen. Garfield to one II. L. Mory ou the Cniaeso qoestion, ttetber with the envelope in whkfe itahould have bea inclosed. That tha wbcle tbJag U mannfactnred, boM,and infjutru fraud tha following facti will t.Vsrtr N soch canceling sunp i iiv-wn on the envelope was' iu u in the Wshigtoa Ofice oa the L'Ji of Janaary, Uui date the kttrr b claimed to hsve baca mailed. An cntiro ntn set of csoKrlinr staKpa was plu&l in this oJ5c on tho ISUk of April. The Trut h a mnm ts a my good rcprr seaUUoo of the new stamp, but b to- ixuj uun ui cm ia bm in tats oOc i mi mm. TU nW says that Smith Coo pr of I o thoSdof Janaarr. th otd tn C.rtcotll.e. W. Johnson, Attorney beinx mada of robber shd ih & v oce aV-La. of Taiboro, Tnofc lL Argo of Raleigh, and a large nnmber of oUer lVmocrals, have Ua that crambli& anvltttaUiog,axid whwiy, aid goty and deasented, aad pUytd-ont rrty icalled tho Democtatk. The Insignificant proocwik whk cor:ed ShackelMd to tho Uad k th nlgat !a.lvidec that tha Demo mUe fitj of tab ci! J It noritttni of ateel nnd very nUke in ih ar rasgeaneat. This shows coacinvrvly thai tha whoU mMXXt b an saiUgauj forgery, lor vhich tho tnthors snKt W sjcct to ia peniteatiiry. , -r- XX. B. Anruuu I'OaUaaater. WasMagtow, l CX Adam was Bwrtcd to Jv, accdlrg to Mr.Talmaga on tho second Tiy la May oi ih ytt t. Adam, thfierv was la lh ttgoymoat of a cowplctt swt of ribs oa Monday. that state. Heiuoarmc reuu. n discs went Kcpublkan aithoogh the jrcat aiul drorrr" was bime!f Uoq the ground. In fact, it is more than supccted that the iojolent lDterferecce of Mr. Barnum, with bu known record in the "mole" buiiness, apgered. the in4rya!-r:; vtcr rf Inrfitna and Cabl K-Uni..ii.U. ' VJ Pergonal. 1 (OKi(t Hares m it Tki, ia Ar;sua. The widow f Abraham IJaci!a i on ber jr r..U.a frcp Gcrmaaj. Capt. EL M. Rofcafy and H II. 2IU both sbKst temrorarily in Wahi8gt on biar, are at heme and are vel csmei hrartily. Gov. JsrcU ttiZA al l'c Of a. T. IV CUr mta tu (fiiljcscd tho Nrbtel'cs oiike Prcsorratk or- T- mmi la Texas tnerom a twat: csld Ola, a4 ia it a Itts called Brand ft aad tfe U V fYte&c is lUav my. No Ut coali ask aayUtig betur. early recollections Doctor : Now the principal told me it would be very acceptable, to my young friends iu front at any rate, if I would speak of my own early connection with Dr. Arnold, and would dp my best to bring bim as vividly as possible before them. That is always a difficult business. There Is nothing harder either in art or in reality than to paint a rood por trait. Nothing requires so much skill, or so many qualities to which I, at any rate, have very little pretention, but I will do the best 1 can. first: As to his personal appearance, he was a fine, fail man, upward of six feet in height, very loosely put together, and he was a great walker and always walking at a great pace, and moved, or rather gam bled, in his walk, as I believe your great Lincoln die. ).ppiati?e. lie had a bushy head of hair when 1 knew him which was when he was about thirty-four or thirty-five years of age, and but a short time after bis appoint ment as head-master at Rucby and a deep-set, piercing eye. The most re markable feature of his face was a very strong under jaw, snd a lip which when we were all silting round in lorm and endeavoring to construe or answer qnrs '.ions before him used to swell up with bis feeling, as it were so tint we could always tell when a boy had made a very slovenly or bad answer. When ever we boyt uv that lip swelling up. as it olten aid. we began to know u was no time to play pranks, and that we bad better put on our bet Ik ha nor. Laughter.. , . My own connection with him bcran a, few years after he bad bern appointed brad-matrr at t.ugby.and how it came that I and my bruinen bad lbe! kxx! fortune to be sent there was urcaue my faiber bad Uea a member of the same college si Ox lord a Dr. Arnold bdoRgw to. b m pie well-known Oriel College, which Cm in England threw its lounUatkn open to the mem bers of all other college, and ihe teach ing body and the gweramg body what e call the Fellows of this col lege were, a a conseornce, tor the fira thirty years of thui centurv. the int dttMpiihd men iu tbe Univer sity cf Oxtord. The r.soUiteu cf Unel were perfcrtly epen, wUerra at that Uzlc the rmelumewts of all the other college ee ro&brd eaeiuMrely either to cvontir or c boot or ia eo way wbk kept the very bev. bo Lars tat of ihevt. Tbe otMMrqoeac ' was lht the rt scboUrs cvwwtled betbee at Uriel, (4 ir FeBows wera aiwav tbocghtto be dugM.t.Vj ipcu. T thU cire Amok! beloegrd. lie u elected a Fellow j wrt before my ftitt wasgivtagwp bis cceaedioa with it; bt X&o laarr was ther lewg eaowgfc la arrtst t 4racsy tigw aad powtt tf tits resag man, aad SeeaUy, vha ArU a frir years sAe? was apfoia&al ta UzT my U;? tnt k as awsy from ! fteysraiartr seawf( aad isatead of rwii as to Wbacaea Ur aaotWr of oar grral k!m4-U scat a to tU atkoot ef his t4d oCrg acjlsuxca. kuell. T We sunt fiUtkburn and other briga detrs to the north, but the people put their tongues in their cheek and wag ged their heads in derision. We scd lo, wo Lev :t younyun fcoljcr for our candidate And they answered, say in, virily he hi z changed his jocniform. , We offered cm free trade, acd tbc an swered, tay in, give us a tariff. We offered em soft money, but they rcpiied,,syiu, no soft money in ourn. We offered to take the Government off their hand, but they red it mat doiu very well now thauk yod Gone is the rosto Ti iC", and lh pus tom-l ou?cs slul njvcr know m agin. (ioue is the hone uv pimdiuns and lh? payment ojf pur wanlaims John Hh rman in a sp.ech in Wash ington s.id : - , Another trouble with the Uaiocratic party is its iul-ne rtionaIiu. It is built up anl reMs ujn1he solid south. That section ontrls i.. This would not be so bad if the ?outh had; been made ilid by free and fair election. You who live here in Mght of thecapi tol know bclttr than others how bitter a fcrcc election hare ben in the 1st south, an-1 even in BiUtiuore. No worie cntiuienl wa ever uttered in i a Republican government than that st tribute I to Governor Terry of ulh Carohns : -"rrwcal utracim for the white man and no employment for the colored dm.'' more aUiking ex amp!e of this itracim his ever occor- red than that employed by Senator Bctirr, h j iw-id : 'Iok at Ivjupuec,. He was bjged a Ld impwrcd not ta preetre la bis course, but he drifted on wa, aad Cooodercd deeper aod dterr ia the mire, oelil ' e Unicd hand aad fcxjl ia Ue lrpoU.raa cjire. -.d ahit has hegiacOT .".vio, tACjw, odtaai 1.1 wt!iv.re thin a-l, the con'.tapi ottfce lwi by nj( tfce sbort tf death iJ !v.aetica, Whsl hU lABireiri iae? 114 h robbed, !o!en, ,t i4tCrrd ' N. hm Nsr, tb iscrthera petfe, Vi& m'a:; eUit IptiekS wort hs mka ttu's Mid Ua,. Vy aat aurK cUcrM, ir 4y ail,teJ rtjhu. sed' rcnr proiecl&wi tbewe rgkts. a"C ikii&td plt 'bla Vf Ctean U t Wil, aw I'll ys .ti lias e Ulrt utW Jsge, aad' Uin' kla malt a grm akal tie Uw Ua. for Garfield by 7,000 msjonty. Gen. M . W. Gary of South Carolina, who at one time bad a Httlo idea of running as an Independent, is now supporting the regular ticket, but it is said that jeverybody knows Hhat if the people vote for him he will be elected. There is talk of getting up a Gary boom. Yet he appeared at the head of his red shirts on a fi?ry charger, supporting the regular ticket. Col. "EL C. Wade has wiitten a letter urging all 'Republicans ot'the First Georgia District to support Col. John T. C'tUins for Congress. t ii k irixc'iii.km r m: i: A X n JAC'KKpX JU ST It IT !si ititKnr.iti:i. Gen. Grant mado a speech at Au burn, N. Y., on TuesJay,- iu which he said : : . "We are not ready at this liiue to eurrender the interests jof this country into the hands ol thoo who have for twenty years endeavored to destroy it. They must givo up tho principles for which Lee and Jackson fought before wo will receive tfcc!rxvsu.ujvrJt tiiiinr. ipplause.j Before it will be safe to surrender our convictions thry must give up the doctrine of stato rights. The Democrats felt Mircof 1SS electoral voles" at Cincinnati,- no matter what nomination might be made. Tho Dem ocratic party docs not care a cent for a platform. If a Republican bad been sent to tho Cincinnati convention to dictate a platform thry would have ac cepted it. Any platform that would secure 47 electoral votes was what they wanted. The Republican party permits a ballot lo be eat by every voter, and when beaten by a ballot k cat, they will surrender and submit to what tn happen. Applause. FOR WHAT TIIK SOITIt IK KOI.II. Letter from Ilx-Kruntor YVillitrd lVarner on the Aim oT the Konlli and the Demnndn oflhe North. r :7b Uer Iilitor of the Tribune, trio: The country ir.ay be assured that the sou'h in d i-,-r-s will be sub stantially solid in favor ut tbc following meaaures: A radii a! revision sod reduc tion ot the tariff. SetvmJ The eipcnditure ofthe coin resumption reserves in the Treasury. Third The rrpcal f tbc tax to state bank bae. lomrtk The destruction f the jCa Uonal banks. lyik Tbe otablihhmevt of itate banks. iixii Tbe repeal of all laws fitting Natio&aJ atlhomy aodAurTUioa over elections and looking to the won It of tbe voter and the purity of the ballot bo I. .SrrcaA Tbe limiiaxbn ol Ue an. thority and jurbdtctkra of the Federal Cowrt la all rxl ways. JskHthp trsdy and aitiv amcftisa of SUU Rights and buto Sovereigsty!. the oilUsg the stst bx from the Nation by every poM&ie means short ot actnsl xccwaao. No ceo meet of mine Is needed ta show tbe idrpresd and penaaaat evil wtkh wcat4 JoIWw the ak-lc4 or titis tram mearcs. L p wiin stale, dowa with the NatiwC i pr tically the aot:oefibe ff.iLrn lksr bca pnirtas L b o4e tb siih aolil by tWim aJ frwl. The ;id ath was Wadty rsesl by tbe tkuWr W$laM. Lei Noirm ber nskdi the aotk aad lei U Ut mt Ued aw aad fwerT tll tk legal voter aball b bxt to vet as W 4raMW aad slall have hU tt c&ted as caL TV caibera Waders sec4ed a4 we: to a oWtt a g)ieeaeew Tea isa kaders kat tabbed a;f it veKrs af tbe sMstWn siaUs . lrU tm. al woaafy nk tiu life gfrst wrg U rtglsedby rsrflaa4 -teM as. ! Sn4 ikai a very in aad a ttrry ai tMiac I Wnt Wa fx. TfTWirl, 4-. CM-11, Kit LtWS ABOUT TOTINU K amber of Boxes. Voters must bear in mind thattbtr will bo nine boxes at the elecllo oa the 2nd ot November, and that each person, who desires to vote in every boa mast have nine different tickets as U lows: I One Tor Governor and Stato ofiom. One for. Presidential Electors. r . One for Member of Congress. One for Judges of the 4th snd 6th Judicial Districts. One for Senator and Mctnberi ct iht House of lb?presentativca. One for County officers. One for Township Constable. One' for or against the r-ropwed -amendments to the Constitution. Things to be Voted. 1. Hie registration boots will be kept open for revlsion'from the 2$ut day of September, 1SS0, until and including tho day precceding the daf of electen, and the election will be conducted ia all respects according to Cb spier 175, -Laws of 1570, 2. Tersons entitled by law lo vole, who shall v have resided for tvclva months iu tho state, and uiueiy days iu the county, and who shall be, oa election day, actual residents of sny precinct or township, will bo entitled to register and rote. f , r 3. Those who shall have arrived at' the ago ot 21 years since November 6th, lS7S) will of course Lave tb. rrgisier; and all those who shall have removed from . one precinct or township to another mhcc that date, will have It register anew.; 4. Persons who regUtercil for th November election, 1S78, and bars since changed precinct, must, apos presenting themselves for rrgUtratM, produce a certificate from tbe trzwtnt in tho precinct in which they regisut- , ed, stating that their names had Vers erased from bis book. ) Further Direct ion, ono Is to register or vote cacet iu that precinct where ho is ah actasl and thmaji-U resident on tho dsy ol election. Thia means a voter vi ho ba conlinuooslr resided In, or who hat rt movedTlo, a precinct In good faith, aad who produces in tbe latter rase a certi ficate that his name has been eraard from the books of bis former precinct This certificate can be bad up to tbe time of closing tho registration boi. Certificates of registration are ntj si lo wed." The following personn are to vote i Minors, idiots and lieatks ; persons who after conviction, or cot- teuton in open court, hare; bora adjud ged gnitty of felony or otb itiUmuv crime, committed after Jaanaiy , 1877, unless restored to rigbta'vf tH aenship by law. bubjest lo the forrgoiog eavepuvt.. all males bora in tho United etaus. ee naluralixed, wh'o Aare rttUUi sa tU 4t ttctlct montkt ntit prrmling tkt rlrOfve and ninrty dayt in iht count are tsh fTed to register and vote in the ptrrtct where they -reside. The re4ece of s mart led man is a here his family txtr, thsl of a single man where be rlpv No one is to register ia ssy prtctrti to which be has removed Ue 1 purpose of volieg therein; ac asWse hi residence is actual aod mmmmUt. The above i msde ap fni V t--t'tgo'Symai.l X The Chstlotte V7 f.' per, has this opioid of the "'-. , thiols ia ta part of lb tUU Why thU apathy ia ts Vm' , party ? Wbst du it ispt? Ws f bait it era ? MhaU tbe UA t vembev nad as la lb max evadiiioo? Nearly ail tb tomi saaaamed ! Wet I cdies U imporfrd trw W . Ualbtd tfutra, aod tiers w v ..:' cou atry from wkkb Lbey eaa a rbrsj' w tmtesksti draw tbcr rr Oa lb otber baad tU Vaisrd coasamo mack tbe Uget agar peed act of ihomm iUxo F Ihm dUs iatiwd aptw !Wr owe irovetamcat derive a very ei tr&br pti cf ba tiuaos. -IV amAi m verted la'-s la taT lfT3 ttvm tail rft tix - ' - . - A New Ywk mnkuL w 1! U aUldrew ZV,p: la r4 bsak. fearlag, a ba s4. a V cralk aarrm la NwewaWl caaat a (aaawisl. rvwi. ai-Wb r'r ferrrat iU gvUblg X ," wktud. ttii mifV Uaa r4 GmaVal tsMid. ; - ,i i mm S . CTVicaa. r U & lVS KaCMS art OO tbt cWk fial.'.' k rj ll ae4 'aUKMrtU k s-, tUa W ft ta taiay waaaJkaw. r -mKaMravaawamaaaaaji 4maBjBBBSBwwaVaaa' ' iVgisur is-mirrrv. .-,

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