r aw mi , BY TELEGRAPH! is. .si ii;m v 'I- in v srAli; ' Mi i i i.r. HOVK FOR JiUXTON. 1 ; V UN I V M N K : ( ) U N I' I lv S : ' , it v UD i-'rt m. -4 7 ; ' M N ii .N ( !' J M K ' i " 'l'KII. -nn: 1 fi I N ! Ol'i L'OC JNTI Ivv i: i i !i.n N. (5,. N 'v. i -ss . ,1,., i ' A in 1 1 r. I '. l'U'i IVt :. I iMw h.i ;t lUt i I" r, lUiilii'K in i a lav, heard -trim, showing Krpnld'iniu .j'niiK us co'tnparcd w ilh the t m i- and. Sett It- votu in IXT'i. Jarv:.-', dm; i'lixlon,. iep. . Alamance, dejii ; Alt s.HMUr, II lcn; Alleahney,oJO re p; A ii-"ii , dfin; Ashe, 1 tv ; Ueaiilort, lti: nj; itn', 7U iKin; liiinU-n, G." ii..ii; I'.niii.swick, rep; lhniKMiibc, IM i. j ; U-i.k. , MM Trp;-U.-ibarrn ,2t7. ...i ; Vit'i"!1,, 1ST d- r ; Cj'iitlen, 71 i t , f in r'i, -' o r ;Orflwl.n,l73 rep, . , , ! ..., .1 mi. i 'liowan, '2 'n rej ; I !. I .; , j , '.n mite , 'M i.. ; i. it ; I '. o , : ' ' i ' ; I i.vji'1' i yd u., Ki:i.kir.c, lent; ! ii.Mi.io VT'ss H.etr., P. dem; lircfU M.lr, ;: , ii ; 1 1 !'" H ' 'h'tn; (iiii -I- id, ,'.(' ) rc'ii'llalifaV,.- 078 elein; Mar V. i, '.'. .Um; ll;t) Aoo.l, - rep; 1 lc4i- i I'-iii , ie p; 1 1 lUoril, Jvl rep; Irvuc L, ri r, i Lie kMe, LMO eleui; Johioa, I' "i ii ; l.t iiAi., ,'t ,1, n. I,ili-oln. IHX) t t ; M..cn, .0 dun; MadiMiii, "'(' repJ . t Mini, 101 re;.; Mc P.w. il, f73 rep? Mn k U u'itirj?; TcHI'iej ;AItchrl', 37tJ rep; M..j,ts;.i;:,l.iv, j!?-! rep; iloort-, IH rep; N.i'.di, 1 1 J rVprNe.W !li'ic'vrr, 37(5 dem; !N ri!i.ii.pto:i, 71 ies : i-low, III rep; Uaj.jce, lej; I'iiwiHco, -t dew; l'.nput!trk,.KW rep; Fender, III rej ; I t' V fiim.in. '21 rcr;hli. den; l'u k 171 ie; Knndolph, .. IM c cir; Kn t iiioiid, 2v '" rep; llobcson 1 1. re ; l'vkinj:iiin, L'i dtin; lijwn. SIS rep; -; j ' v-f- ' ' i. '.t . !MUipMti, tN uew;, r.iT, rep, au-, ' I u; Union, -'2$ rep: WAe, ;. rep;, Vrro, 17? p; AWI.ii'liU.n, 173 den-; Wjyue, o7.dcw; V t 152 uVu i iisim, blank; yd kin, j rrt ; Yaticry, Urep; 7U tvun-iU-lcn jul gaiulW lUixioii ",20G. Corrtelit cw witt ksre la be ad a t ! filurc 9 lUe lufiriunUou in jbi inuni4' ' init...-' from IVnbvrntlc urreJ la ti c icuiaiuin-13 wuulie 1 uui ftrn wiU rtdav th nu- Jtw clcfvud "by3j$l. The nrportf Ut bUot nd (At coonl, Jttdg Imi Hon m.tjw iy vw'd W l tet Ktt a ;tttlbtdi 0 jAttU, Xlmrman Rvp. a. TUe CpUlt fttdj yrtif the IV l ma fr iwo wwi Uui uil lit tudJer to ibir h5p. pk,iJ "P y lk Nor. barvyie Jvblail ted browjU ? lk city UV rk. HE CROWS NO MORE. .A; - SiS-'. 1 : . ;'L ItL U K LIB !'. We publish i'lHl of il. ' niMi Wlow who hhi uld ho In 11 rp'-p'Mirihli l an .abun I p iblic for i In n'n"c o''(!i franchHitig h p tin u-mid IN i ublican voter-' " t'ii city n Tin. tiny I: tt. We :'.!i. e m , U :h- no n I t watched ill IT.- Itlt'.M' ilprr wilt 1 e inuble that ? jm clxb'o, li-w hIi ilintj citizens will re.-ret. 11 the De-nx e ra ic party allow Mi '.li wliD'ea'i; c? .s!'iPiichi.seinent of llcfiibl icans!ifain, the. ickj onsibili y o' result will he upon Ihcir own head-", f -r we wi'l tu w i r r m them tint N a rlli Carol" a U ttot S nth Car olinsi r.or Missisi j i, m.c' if t he otlicc rs jmf th.- la v ,l.oul.l :g.iiu ru.i-p nit-ele- fiRiul lit public a:f, ihi" li j ci I tic a us will tn"i J'flk" the inmr-r in I i r own hands, a: l pttnili ih' in i. ruble c:MiUurtH in lie prt'icr w : J. (J. I.)ticyj F. W. Iverc line r, Moi l'in , Simon Sitiid- re, (). A. Wlti-ins, .1 h ii Cm: w li, J. C l.ninhdeii,' .1. U. Darden, W'ev Milli.s V i. J.I (,', W. li. Smith; Uahton Hill," Theie ar 1,700 liepnllicaii xyter.i in the 1' irst Ward in thi.i city. And it was important to have as many of tl em 'kept out of thn b:'x as possible. Theiefore Hessr,s. Kercher and Mycru, wt Mippoxe. took the j'ib. They left tin ir 'own-Ward and went to the First, h 1 were eon.stantly in 'ftrinsr, shov- iii-1 .ii iiM:it in in.d liir-ttiih the . - -i i. . - f "JJ' ! I'Mii-i't Ut,-- ii. lured - ; ' ... . r. .. t w- M r,n- lor ill liul i. I .t .11, y r'W ;ih 1' Hioi I.C(l M.ttll'I fli . (..'!. to ! t (,w tint tin- w li'U- v ;., ilii; ln u H. j'Ul' . ; fh ficl lll'iin Mill IIIKll llll'll lo t in wilt-it tlni tuunicr wTe, then tlu-ro came, very near bcirg a very se'iom liiiu, Iut 'iSlicfiU' Man ning intern. red, and saved these men u very just re trihution fur their eiuestion- aldo tondiii,l. N cine expected any letier cd F'AV. Kerch icr, hut many wcreurpri.ed at .Mr, JIver.-. Du't in future unit Hs he Willi's u be hurt he had belter dontiiiue in his uw ti Ward. iiuui) DiNTiiiirr, I Ik e.iimate below ii the vote fur this Conres-ional District as it appears: C-anaday's majorities. JS'ew llauorcr 3i, Cumber laud 17, lladeu321, llruiss wieK UHl, Fender 2;i2. Ti tat 1.632. Shackelford's majorities. Moore 00, -Oabto'w 300, t?auipsoa 43, Columbus 5S7, Carteret 131, Dupliu 723, Harnett 200. ToUl 2,511. Shackelford's ma jority ai appears from the returns ia the District isfllfl. Add tu Canaday'a vote as should be done the vote of l,tK50 or more from New Hanover, who wercj prevented from Toting by the criaiioal coudact of tbc ivoll-bolders, t:d C0 from rvrunswick,, 10) from Cb'lumbu'S 100 fn?m Duplin, 200 from CumberUnd, Hilrom Onslow J 100 from Sauipaoo, whic'a will make 1,70-X ' - ' V - . ' Deduct ShacktUcri apparent m- Ijority of 010, and Mr. Canaday bate a rea inajorhy of 7$ 1 If tbjcrW is any jiHiic in tha Forty- seventh Coojires5 of the United State, Mr. CVnaday will b the next rrpre- seutaiire frctu ibis I;stri!. Dr. Porter and Hfuc WUuaota el IVadcr coaaty, are the parttea mho got up, sr a. ropoasibte for the fraudu Wat tkXet circulated ia fender vith Mr. Ca&adjiyVeame ptiuted WUlkm oa l. Caonady. If ibtr i any gWry in uch eoodaci w hop tbe beaati fal gefi'.Umf it f JW rtctite Iv. X trp ao refirtte4 aiauli at a )Uija aiccacaUe left Ode antral years ar ader U oa ac CsKinl of kit rtlt ecpiaitHM vaa tarnished to U'ip; at the statua kooj Uitactk. .' OI'I ( I Ali I OIK OB' A i:H JI V V- ovKrt toi'XTV. I'.r I'ffHid- lit. Jamt's A. t rti "! i W. -s: U.ii t' . . i - . .j. c. w.'-HVPr, r I - - . 1 'on-. rr--. Will.iuii ( ViMitla' John W. hnc'.rt ri I, ll-nry l. K"l li- -:i V. Sj i! Iriin f, i ' - ( t -Vtil nil'. 11 it,-'' V r. - --r I Til'Mot J. J I l. j -M If -i Ho-' li -.. .V i:. s i I O.iv'id Ci W . i - cjt'o. j:. .'i.. pp. ni. i . . liryrr.-H-iiMiivtM! t'i li-'i-ihiiiiroi. Williii.ii II. WiddVII, Jar.i"ct .Wilson,' i - -Walktr Mra.ps, i - -Abut r A. iMoselev, i - f J. (i. l.'u iii, II - i ' II.. Win. E. Cowan, i ? For isiiei'il!', iSteplieu II.Mnni i-, -Horace A. Jjrvr, Thomas A.V a' son. For Register of Deods Juscpii E. Sampfliii,, - a Hugh W. McLiurin, llz- kiah Kecd, F. i 'I'm ;i.ift r. Ivi; - It i fu ll"', ( ) . i I'i i ii. i . .1 J .1... l i. . - I. Kr.i-i i ' 1 1 j. i , W in. M. '! ., , Oh. r s V. A :., - For .'futablr- - vV.iluiiiigioii Imai hip Jon-C J. Dick-try, ; - N. Carr, - 1 - J. C. Smith, -''"! - Fvr- -S'ir vi j oi Iloderick Ma lice, 370 Jno. K. r.rown,. - 1 For Jntlj;iy. II. J. rveiiuett. - - i'339 Jno. A. Ctilroer, - 1,310 J. II Headen, - . 2,124 Nitli. McLean, 2,123 Aiueottncnt-. 8aielHbtFor - - 1.IS1 Against, - - 10 Insaue lVr - 153 ' Against, - - OOS I It II I IX PKXDKR.V IIcegaw, N, C, Nov. l:b, 1SG0. Jr. Editor: The canraascrs of the County vote, who nut here Unlay, proclaimed the gsad tiding, after add. iog n? the official return from all the Lwwnships.f It was ia'eded to thiow'out RiKCy 1 omt bv certain Democrat, but the movement fai'.w, or it was act brought forward even. It is hoped that Cruco Williams is now satisfied, r-iuce bis low work iu the borus tickets out rage. He was not prudent enough here last Monday lu h't false pretense and frauJeot conduct in gttiaj; op aid circulating iluse spurioua tickets. Me waa overheard laying out hb dirty plans to detest Canaday, by honest Republican tars. II ia own imprudence and dishcoty fiars open htmthis fraud and oatrare upoa the haIWi hot. JJIt caa b shows Ithat he ia the jretter sp of U, aud it is cnoaa to eooiga aim jlo infamy, and it istooaga Dsint him low iti the feSUagsof fair mei ef ail ctlr , Free votpg and fir eooBti. iar hai Ihmb the brag of theJlVastxrata, J' . t k . 't " bal Pruca itiiitTi sad an itmsh cratk partners ia tfcU erl agttvt Ue balkt K?J ar -jmltf of diii aety aad fraad .a tbtir dirty wk ol thtt bocu ticket afair. reader aV foee ,231 Uepublkaa Vy e to haa4re4 ad Hftj wajvity. . ; U. L-: "? 'i 1 ' ; ' ' " .-- ? A 1 ' V" PROCIiAIjM LIBERTY THROUGHOUT tTHEJIiAinDT t I mlMl fMmWkP . . fVj - : ' v S- I rM li MMlwl v XtVr I VA3Ci ' .-V; !-.'?. ii . "J Vi.vv.t.. X-WIlVII f I llll' 1 A M I-.aN IVIIk I.P. llocky Point, Nov. .", 1S80. Jo the Editor of the W.- I happened to seo in the Str of yes terday, a statement lo the following ef fect, namely: that Shackelford best Canaday in this county rcveral hun dred more than he would have done because a large number of Canaday tickets put in the box were for "Wil liamson 1 Cannady," ar.d hfcd to be thrown out in casing up the rotes. This "is about the the truth of the mat ter; but who printed and circulated these bogus tickett! It can be proven that it Was the dirty work of Democrats and not a mistake iu "the llepublicans, who had the tickets printed correct for Canaday and cur other candidates. The Har says this cheaticg, in Pen der, of our cauc'Uate fjr Cangress wa the bad rpeUing and ignorance of our own party. This U cot true. Mr, Can aday lot several hundred Totes ia this county by Iensocratic dihontty ia printing and imposing thoe begtt tickets upon ignorant colored people, who could .not read. These Totes for "Williamson P. Cannady "were thrown out when cvuntcd, and U that exknt he was cheated out of honest Tott. The fraad was delected here tolerable early on the day c! Totirg and those engaged ia it wrre spoUed and siopped. A promiaeat Democrat opa?y de noaeccd it at the baUct fccxacd htk tt crovd, Mr. Canaiiy get a gw&d fprial- lisr of Democratic tea ia isecst cf the towKshir. la fact he voaM aara rua aearly loar kucdrtd fotei ahead ot Shaekellbrd ia tata coaaty, bot foe these bee "WiUiaaaaea r. Cauaadr" vote that were hoeetly iatea4e4 br those totins thca t be pstt ia a4 cvaated lor to tHiaaa .Caaaday. Thete vert a4 Urea a ost, eX waor, tj lie p4 Redder at all. A Bother dirty jlaa halrh4 tf kerf aa4 at rrgaw waa to Uuwv Hie Uxky Pot at vote alt grtker, aa4 Uw U k- fat Canaday and our regular county yesfer- ticket. This hellish pl:;n failet day at Durgaw. I deem it p send you there fuels and you roper to can do what you pka-c with llirni ntid hold me resjHuib'e- ' 1. L. K. - . JVotlcc. The lli-pubiicia Exccuiive (Niuimit- iec meet at the Court House I in Ke- naasvilJe, Duplia county, for the- piir pxc to rccrgniz. There not being a qudruai precul the fcimi r Chairaaan was autborird to give uot'ci ia the Wilmtngtoc Pisr tbst each tewcahip will elect an Execurive Ccmrniltce of three and one as Chairman. Acd ;ccd them up to KenatiTsilo oa Saturday, the 27 ih of Novsmbrr, ls, reor gania a County Kxcrurivc Comajit tee. This the 5;b day of Njt. 1 JS0. A. Ii. Mirri.ET.y, Chairaiiii;. Du lia Couuiy Ca. Cosa. "17I1D ( LOl UN A I) UIRK My sectidn, is of thee. Texa S 0O . Sweet laad now up a tree. I i Keatsciy 7v0 Of thee I sicg: Lied where the WbUc Leirei Kdei- Miiij-pi Zy.sy Laad where tie "akgt" d.'el. Orcrgia 0,KX Aol fjaaJ ail wrjrgabiie. Sweet tceatel tLic , - SoaUi CarUa ,?JX ii It Is aaw kti ixx Vxi prj?jr 4 fcat ched! oa th Atlaat- Cetit Lite ha Wea a Vaa Jc&c!, thxtga U pn& aVle that the C C IL XL wiUj Ufi o a Uj& 'ftlght Mala ia a hct Use ta aeo- aet wita 4 4sy trala et t ir W. & W.ILK, New tVat U eka ia ir, :o aaet 4e t VwOae. I CIT X 1TEM. Cuew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. If The new shops of the Vi!mioglon! & W!dn Kail road are well U Ddcc way. Three sroalll fires last week. Not much d.'.m-sr-, b it covered by insor- There has beea a slight rise of the river and the &t earners are running naare re2ulr'y. Capt. V. Q. Jobruoi's fanily lave reaoved to this city where tley will hereafter rtslde. The repcr; of A. M. C having been unxTyitUb.j crowded out ia this iisue will appear next week. Thursday, the ;ih icst., h teen recommended by Pretldent IIijcs aa the National Tbaekgivirg Hay. 1 here w iS be a dv-cacoa piny&o We Utenljiy night real at tf. Jakes Hcxe fs.r ! e ber.i".t f cie IfSlita- ViitiU Uavr, picesUaw, dg lea oe!l acd rcxts are Ubg extctaietij htppe-d t i Nonhrra earktu froa this rot;. Alvct IJX) fcaihtU f art f tactd ca the ursptke ttery atti. It s th f kt ti iU l cQcp'rtc bj the New Year, The vsMiij IUMga trvm New Yk ixt this pt ktadrl with eats, fat 44je4 aa4 ieaAix f CtMr. XL. IL ha mwited a gt era.aeat.' esaracl c the tatassaA rtier ai al JacLaomtiLe; FU. He i aaa parkajel tit tuajacr lue wiaca AUaa Evans ia building a Iiandsm twoatory building cm the corner vl Fourth and Kronswick streets. It will contain two stores aud a larga Bishop Atkinson, accoauauk-i bv Eer. Dr. Watson, arrived iu thu .city Wednesday night. We arc rUd know that the Tccerable llhhon U better. n..c.: l.r..t ! ' in New York lor repair. Ilcr on the Hae ia swppUd tv to tiaiifr Calf uem, whica; by tbc way, ha been charged and las ew l.xo .ts' capably. Mr. Jaoesll. Parses, wUj km if( ante bell oa days a uccetfji ai aaoe dealer ia this ei'.y, a&l U wel kaora ttreAiwutj, dua ia ii. city oa Friday last ef xU-a.c oi- U ueer. Ills body was exprew I to L: old hoae, WaUrhcry, Cosa. . ' . liee, Jo. IL Wiloa. D. U . ad Mr. IX V. ILui, of the Ftnl IrtbTtstiMt Ckarch, mad JkT. C. M. Psyc 4 AUX. Sprait, .Lee., of the StroJ lVr hyteriaa Charts oX tl d: appoiaUd dclegalrt lo theuatyrTatU aaeaal iseeUsg cf the Pmbyt4a ys4 ef North Cam4ma, tak WU U Ka:h, oaasscaeisc'Welaeml ty &t at, ITT tfcMf . . a.f . r , mn . r 8i la tie Maeat fcsre a,y M-csvviajlaUmief cacaavy. t in it.&ui .i. . ' f"84 Wt. as tit ateexe tie t trairift eau ret -ftm amattttotaa) t4 It t ft era a,WtW,5j frd, M tarwajt ett teat jtw etfUjfe)r a aauuaej eC,ftart tW ' L'aas ffea aNsM t S7HU3 fnaaeX eaM at Tfsa3 ahka tt,tti 4isca mm i all. .1 i'

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