1, v - . i VOLUMK XL TIIR i'O.iTOKFICK . AT ' J.' A3 SKC'ONI) Ul.AaS H'ii.nN'(iro',.N M a 1 1 r-n l itATUS OF ADVERTISING. - L''ifiy vents icr line for the first ie- 4(.riiini anJ twenty -five cents per line tor e.icli additional insertion. r Eight (3) lines', Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. The Wulwcription price to The WlLt MUfOTo.vr Post it 1 00 per year; nix montjli!70't'ent4. . . All communications on businesshpuld 'he addressed to The Wilmington I'oaT,- Wilmington, N. C. i "'.All advertisements will be charged a the above1 rates, except on special con t racts. " "i . ;. ' : T u k ukas i v lux V a y 1 rodn ra a 1 1 o n At "St f eriud of lluir history ioce t'io United .Vtatci became a nation has 'lliU peopln had no abundant and ho universal reasons lor joy and gratitude at tlie favor of Almighty !od, or been subject, to -o profound an obligation to " jrive t lanki lr His loving kindness, and humbly to implore lis continued rare nod .protection. j. . Icallli, -wealth, and prosperity tlirwiigiiout all our border.;"" "peace, honor, and friendship with all the world; firm and faithful adherence by .. the great body of our population; to the '.r-jficipleH of liberty and justice, which JJhvc mndv-uur greatness as a nation, :nd lo the wise iiihtituiions and strong frame of goverumcat pud society which will pcrpctr.ilc if; lor all these let the (hanks of a happy aod united people, as ,with oi.e vt ice, ascn.d to the tlivcr . of all good. I, therefore, ucommend that on Thuraday, the 2olh day ol November next, the people meet in their respect ire places. cf worship to make their nc knowlcdgifriionN tj Almighty C5ol lor - His bounties :iud JIis protection, and to oiler to Jlini -f rayers for their con tinuance. ' l,n witncpH whcci I I kavjp hercuuto , n't iny Imiid and co-used the seal of the United States to be aflixcd. Done at the city of WashingUiU this first uy of November, the year of our LotJ ouc thousaud ciglit hundred and ciVJily, aud of the Jndepcndence of the Unitt d elates the one hundred and fifth. m:ai,. i . H. JIAyejj. s liy the President: Wii.i.iam"M. Kvakts, 'cretary of t?lte. ADVICE mDEMOCRAW, . .. 'There are many Democrats, or men wliQiVote that ticket, we are glad to ay, who ondiiiui the artion of jho infa mous -ra-eals who defrauded 1,040 men of the right or sufl'mge on Tuesday thtr --ud. instant. 15ut these same men will allow these na'me ra-cals to perpetuate ths san:o kind of nork on every election day, unit hi UcpuViicans take the unit tcr in Ivimd aud punish these fellows as they shou'U be. 1-ut if they cannot be punihed under the law, on Account of the ofllcoiH'of the law being Jn sympa thy with them, then iho Kepublicans will hnre to risort to a. more siimmary way of dealius withjthetn. AuianJj not i.titUd to the right of suffrage who will nutlight for it, ai d we lope the ' leailer of the lviuocrtie parly will ntollect the warning we now give them. ..Thing cannot be""dne here which their jWhite League bnthren.are in the hbil of doii in Misais-iippii and shopld they ever liy it again the good peo ple of this city will' Hitler a they bare iiuve r experienced - before, If the law abiding Mid jjovd liliiens: cculd be mvcd.aint the rascals properly dealt w ul, then we -should irjoice'at iu lut it cannot le so. Therefore, we hoe never to again ee 1 ,K)6 Urptiblicans . tlMrMiichind in Wilmington, " - T1IK Fiitr uiaTicT. .Wf njiihrr from the ' QirrtiHian that dure r btcii rerhus, fraud in the Attmirr dutnvt, and that Urandy U in fact elect Ve Inow that our Jiici.d lr. J.dTiTdocs oh dral in trifles knd that h' wou'd not take a oilioa 'whiih h ws not veto ri nerd could be uiuslaiued. . .Amoof the things don bj.n cn taking board com pojcdvtO ltMmcraU aud 2 Uepubiicaus, w to (hrow out V'outou ar,d rroiklc'nce prrcincU io i'A-'.juoUD coonty,-kirg a Krpabli C4B Iom of 105 vote, for the reawa thai the rolls did not epen fw miou'.r after 7 oVlock in the mornioj, ao4 that tbf y began to cout befere the pull were closed. Ttie tl:jvfjn aI tba; theetld? ; l cocJusire that (Jrapdj rijMAil Bjority U ottr PCu, aod Uat It is io loo of laring Irrrjulajitira. $N Cm tfc district conUtuUng ouUageova ft4Js apl that Urandy will rotrat i . Tttetttimrr llbcdt Ilai, in m ty lirk foj ran cn U ikU al IVmett "lai'ca IS Nattat&iutt, ttl i a U W rk" Nolitwtr Um. X ' . ' - THE OFFICIAL CMXVASH OF T THE Til I III) DISTRICT. . We prs-iii below ;bp flicial vote of ilir tp'j'.V'.r t'oiiKitttsionai, District: Sh tclilforcl's i iniauay majorities. yiiujorlties, .'...!B)2 . K-i. ......... 471 , - ; aw ia i K - . li Carteret.... Onslow Duplin .7...- Suiupson Harnett Jloor Columbus New Hanover.., lirunswlcK.. I'ender !. lilmlt-u......... Cumberland 2. 17 1.017 1,817 Minofef Ifori! appar ent iuhJo lty 1.193 There haa already b n frauds enough reported to bare made Mr. Canaday'a majority 6731 orer all. In New Han over alone, over one thousand men were prevebted from. Toting by the most outrageous frauds erer perpetrated' And the Mipcrrisors are reporting every day new ones. Mr1. Canaday has de cided to contfpt the election, aud there can be uo doubt of hia getting the aeat. It is thought that many of the frauds will be traced to Mr. Shackelford's own political door. Hut more of that initio future Mr. Shackelford certainly haa not bit ii fairly elected, and cannot ex pect to keep the seat. And it is to be hopid that he .Jias honesty enough to refuse a certificate obtained by such frauds. w AX Ot iK.UiE AT WAOES-' -' IIOKO J. 1 JA :A'ff, L't"; FoUnamtcr at Watlet voi ot N. U , to Judge Buxton: WAiF.r,pRo, N. C, Nor. 3, 18S0. Jfi.xiE Ilt'XTox: Dr.Au t-'i r.: I write to say to you that I am sorry that I cannot make a goi.d report from this place. There was a disturbance in the early part of iho day, which troke up the voting, and a large number went home without voting. I did all I could to get a fair election, but failed. I went before the Commissioners and asked them to give us a legal number of Judges. They refused to do so, aud. said if there was any racancy oxi day of election the ll'gislrar ctmld put on llepublicaus. Thai also he refused to do here ir case of a vacancy which occurred. The Registrar acted very badly all the time. I never have seen so much unlawful work. The judges ruled out men clear ly entitled to vote, and voted many not entitled. They c" me to me in the evening and wanted me' to try to get the Republicans to voting again. I did not reel it my duty, after so much illegal work, to do anything thus, would cover it. so I let it go by the b ard. There were only 29 Republican votes castr when there should have bot-u ever 300 Republican votes- 1 huve rewrted the coudhicn to Mr, Cooper, Chairman, aud csked Liin lo havo,,Lle matter looked into. If the law in not uforceJ, wo might just as well have no electiou. I Lave Dot the time t K,rc further detailed ac haste, " - - count. Yours ioi J. P.McRae. life M ATK. We do not undcrtaVe to give the fig ures of the etate election this week, be cause wo have no confidence in their reliability so far as publ ished. There have rcciij o many precincts thrown .! out for insufficient purposes, so much cheating and actual fraud, that we do not pre to ! encumber cur colimns with f what in so many.rjses will turn iut!to be "lying figurcF.f What is true of the reported Mate vote is also true of the Congressional rejwrts. There iauwt probably single district which has not some controvert ed point, ! and some of them have enough to change results! As far as the wild returns are report ed, they assign to Jarvin from fire to seven thousand m.-j rity, aud Jwhat is ;rue p( the gubernatorial candidates is also fubslantially true of the rest if the state and the PrerideDtiil tickets, al though llar.covk pretty constantly runs ahead of JatvU. It is aUo true that almost mallear Buxtpa gains over the 1ST6 rote and also over the Garfield tote. Take for irstaece the ccantics oi Orange, Johnson, Uiirke, lVnder, Moore, Cumberland, artin and Bruos wich, and almost all tb Second dis trict, and a majority et tther couolir, as reported, Buxton IcaJa) Uarneld. Thejfollowlog u the T?e of rasuo Unk county, counting tlje prrcincU of 5Jiionton;and; providence: iten, 1.C07, JaxrU, ; lirtvniy, Kejv, ,il, Latham, Dem., &?7, for OoBgreaa. Dar oMity has gone Cepoblicat, andSisapsoalUep it elected to the letUlure. When that cmiorat Udy the Ut rctoraipg beard aoeeta, cccrUtieg of Jartia a ad all lh execUvt cfScer, there will fc great light sh4 oa what ta now a ssaoif t abject, a 4 without doubt they wi'l coual UennrlTw i anr ay. WILMINGTON. .SOUTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY; . T1IK I'KIUtTRKI) WITK Kt-8!. " 'Iii addition to the brief ftateraeot on the inside, we g're froui the Tine their summary of the testimony of S. S. Morey and James O'Brien. They will both be indicted for peijury, if they have not already been; The interest in the confessions of S, S. Morey and James O'Brien, the two perjured witnesses who swo're in the Phiip case that they personally cnew the imythical U. L. Morey, to Whom the forged Chinese letter was addressed, was in nowise abated yesterday, and crowds throoged the District Attor ney's office all day, intent on learning who are implicated by the statements of the two men- At no time since the exposure of the Tweed Riog has there been more excitement among local Democratic politicians than that which bas been created by the abounding de velopments which have followed the perpetration of the Storey forgery. The Chinese letter, which was relied on by the Democrats to carry the elec tion for Gen. Hancock, has proved a perfect Nemesis to the party., and the politicians are anxiously asking where the avenging hand will strike first. They found small - consolation in. the District Attorney's office, however, yes terday. Mr. Bell, ia whose hands the case of thewo" perjurers rests, was as silent as the grave, and to all questions as to what was to be done, or who is implicated, his one answer was. "I can't say yet." Col. Blisi and Mr. Daven port remained in the office, neglecting their private business, from 10 o'clock in the moruuig ii'itil 5 in the evening, hurrying to and fro from one room to. another and woikmg hard in aiding Mr. Bell in the. work he is engaged in. There was an air of mystery about the office which no man 'not in the secret could fathom. - The" only c.-rtaiuty Is that Saaiuel S. Morey has seriously im plicated certain prominent Democrats of this City,. and that indictments have already ,beeh drawn against these men. Who they flhcy arc will not be known unil have beeu Arrested, wh ch will probably be very soon. ' Ju dice-. Morgan reached the Di.-trict Attorney's ollic3. at 10 o'clock, and, entering an inns r room, '-sent for Sam uel S. Morey. Tho perjured witcess hobbled painfully into the room ou his crutches, and took his seat. The Don. Edwin M. StoughtoiC' Col. Geo. Bliss Assistant District Attorneys Bell and Rollins, John I. Davenport, and Col. Henry J. Johnson of Cumberland, Md., were also in the room.. Morey' con fession, made on Wednesday, va read to him, aud he signed hta name. as ho said the 'niyihic.il il. L. Morey signed his, in a 'bold, coarseliand." James O'Brien, who personated Robert Lind say, was then called before the Justice, and sigued the staiemeut inrvj-.-- by him on Weduesday. JiHtico Morgan held both'men to bail in the sum of $-",000 to answer before tlie Grand Jury for the crime of peijury. These proceed ings lasted two hours and a half. It seems at last to bo a settled thing that General Joseph R. Hawley Will be elected Senator ol Connecticut in place of William W. Katon, whoso term expires. This arrangement seems to hare been assented lo generally by the leading Republicans of Connecti cut, including her most eminent men. TheJIIartford W yields him its cor dial support aud the New Haven ladium 3ys. that whatever course it thought proper to take heretofore in regard to General Hawley it is now heartily in favor of his election as Sen tor, becauye it believes hiiu in every way fitted for the joition, aud because he has earned it, and because he is ucmis takably the choice of the Republicans of the stale. There are many olu f.-iends of the (ieccral. out of the state and in nearly every part tf the country. whi?se bear's w ill beat rjuickrr when 'they see him it down in thwe au5tii h!!s. Advices from Carbonf ar. N. F., At that the outrage to Amrricia fishermen. has been thoroughly inrestirstevl. Ii- spector CrlT was dispatched to a small point on Coucepti "n Bay, where fc, ar rested fire la$ nJ brpsht tbcm to Cjuhonear, where they were tried be fore Magistrate McNeil. Four were 6doI for thrvwirg ston at the crew of the Minnesota while they were ia the act of taVte.; vifbsEu The olhrr was discharged fr t cl julSctent evidence. . " 'I " SAMPSON COURT V, .- . . i Th DeUKvraU ia Scipoa ceualy wer bM ia lhir tull-deiing of voters. Whea they could ot by er purchase ato'e, they openly threatened to dia chant ttf ess yers if taey roted the KepoV.kaa tkket. Ia nwoe ca thy drove BKaclT cf their laads be came tbey votoi for lfc Repb!icaa caadKiatev A ad yet, Uaaexk wsaied a "fall b a' :ot , a f it Wa'4 a fisir eAmsU' - Latest. s Gen. Garfield last, week tendered to Governor Foster . bis resignation as a; member of Congress from the! XIX district of Ohio. . so happens that Gen. Garfield is at 'he same time the full member of the present Congress, a member elect of the; Senate from Ohio, and the President-elect of the United States . Not having .qualified as Sena tor, aa he cannot doj until March! 4th, next, hecan only decline the position endered to him. MTe do- not recollect an instance in the history of oar conn try exactly like this, where three elec-' ttre offices happened to be piled upon thof shoulders of one jiaian at the same No rresident has ever resigned, land it is not specified in the Constitution to whom he may resign, although that in strument provides how the place may. be filled in case of vacancy, however occurrng. There was a grand review of the ships composing the North Atlantic fleet of seven ships, at which were present the President of the United States, the Sec retary of the Navy, other mem jers of the government, and gentlemen and ladies of eminence. The place of the review was Hampton roads. The Tennessee was the largest of the fleet, being 500 men, and the Yantic, a small yacht, is the smallest, comprising only. 150 men. The Minncsolta, the Con stitutioD, the Saratoga, and the Ports mouth arc the training ships for boys. The President Was entertained on board tlie Tennessee by Admiral Wyman at 11 o'clock of the first day, and the4 proceeded to Fortress Monroe where hci reviewed the forces at the Fort. Judge Wylie of the. District of Col-1 umbia Court, discharged Perry Who was brought from Indiana on a requi sition of Gov. Jarvis. The charge against Perry w?s forgery in North Carolina. He was one of the prominent colored m:n who influenced the colored people to the Indiana exodus The indictment was discharged because it was defective, and Judge Wylie ob- servxl'that "the wholo moral atmos phere of the case was suspicious." Ten cases of yellow fovcr at Key West and two deaths. The Rev. Dri Roswell C. Hitchcock has succeeded Dr. Adams as President of the Cniou Theological Seminary of N w York. He was born in Maine in 1817, graduated at Amherst College ami at the Audover Theological Semi nary, lie was i roiessor oi natural aud Revealed Religion in Bjwdoin College aud afterwards filled the chair of Church History in. Union Theologi cal St inii r.iy. lie is one cf the moet powerful "of his class scholars in America. of theological WHAT'-SI I ILL UK TllK i'L'TUKK UOViUtNMKNT OF NORTH STATK. TllK OLI t or tbe Vii.i I.NUTOX 1'osT. UESEBAI. RE.MAHKS. :IE: A Democracy, not the parly falsely so called, but a real Democracy, is a form of government where all are equal before the law, where every man has a right to vote who shall rule over him aud how 'the taxes he pays shall be ex pended. This sort of a government is designed for the benefit of the whole people aod no one can te I what is for the benefit of the whole people as well as themselves if they Ire intelligent enough to know. All 'other forms of govern aicnt are bawl on the good of the ruling c!as, and benefit the pcop!c only as f.r as they are obliged to exu-t. Xr true Democracy seeks. the gd of every individual in the state. I The very fact that a government is based on the will of the people iui;!i that they are intelligent Irsough to know their need.. Whitdors-a man who cannot rrad or write, brrd axonj the mcuct.ins know cf the interests of the fifhermen in the ex- cm part of the stale? An J what d the fuhermeo knew of the turpentine or lumber busi ness or mioirsg All tjre jaritries sfiVct every maa welfare throughout the state. But can tbe ignorant laborer or Ltruer kno- what ii for th bet good. N, he is led by others and Is likely to rote sa a to irpre himself. Her is the nejosi aod cfrprcssiTe roaJ law, which should be op k?d ty every hoest man, bc,i very May mil b foolish enocgh to sapporl it. ' now wxoaasT . rruUiT Tutu- 11 us -bsc at apTttaseat of the pvpa!ar kind aaovg a people aWat as thote cf North Cariaa. T igveemat daai kaow how to r&t, X lew ca crupolciu lesd'ts start e? aad clilsa to W great friesia of ta pesf4. Her art acaoo iaatf aa a ;rauro4 & t h Vaili. Why pat yoa fesxis fo9 ih rwa4? l ye se, tf ywi caa get a iaUrJ( it a 21 saalt J ixa a ad Uta yt caa acsool mr cai'i lar Aad ka thd rea4 b VsiH NOVEMBER 14. ISSO. it is managed in some way so that tbe bonds are worthless, but just before election the top-notch hare luoney to lend, without security, may be? When ike crow tried to sing for the fox, she dropped the cheese into his, mouth. So the people are cheated out of their money, and, poor and ignorant, their ."friends" can easily manage, them: Their votes only injure themselves and keep their "friends" in power. An ignorant man with a ballot is like a child with a razor or a monkey with a powder horn. CITES TWEED, j- - Let the wise men get into powen They of course mean to stay: Why get what you don't Care to keep? jGoycrn ment is not for the people, it is for their own pockets) Having got hold of the state pocket-book they can carry all elections, do as they please. Witness the Tweed ring iu New Y'ork City stealing its millions of dollars, aud then asking the people what they are going to do about it. They will change the Constitution aud laws so as to keep in power and the people will be deprived of any voice iu the matter. Taxes will grow hcayier. the business interests of the state wiil be peglected, and the poor haviug no defender, will grow still poorer. HOAV 51KN ARE CHEATED 151' OTHERS. But men in power are never satisfied. Sooner or later some one will manage to control tbe rest and by some mas terly stroke place himself at the head and endeavor to.stay there for his, life time. The government will theu be really, perhaps openly, a monarchy. But the oppressed and trodden down will sometime riW They have no rank, no friends, no property, nothing but life to lose aud all to gain by revolt. After disastrous civiPwar a popular government , may be established, only to be gradually overpowered aa before, leaving the poor still poorer.. No hope for the ignorant poor man then, except under a Iree government where the most are educated. 1T.EE OR DESPOTIC. Shall we have a free government or a despotism ? Look at our state. Thirty two out of one hundred cannot read. In heathen Japan, only one in ten can not read. Look at Wisconsin, with al most exactly the same population aud the sa'me revenue paid to the Ucittd States government. Threo men in one huudred cannot read or write. Two millions of dollars are paid anuually for schools and there are 1G1 days of schools','" for every scholar per year. North Carolina pays one-third of a million a iyear and have, oh! shame! only 4G d iys of schools to each scholar per year. Just as a child gets fairly at his books he has to stop and in the next teu months forgets all he knew No other state in the Union has so shirt a period cf schooling. GOV. JARVIS. ly tne way, Gov. Jarvis, how much school money was ' economized" this year by not being expended? did any of it get used by m "campaign purposes?" "i brother." Why -do I iav Did, oh! stake for peak on tax on Webster's Dictionary? Arc you taxed ou your ramny iioie, uovernbr. . C I 1 d rnti. liULIOJIE.NT UASED OS IMtl. - . - : JUiucation is the foundation of free government, but who will be icvc thit he has to pay taxes 'on efery book i. :i. . i- t ' Li nuivu ia u cu mm, uecause ne is so poor he is not able to buy oae. Why, a blind negro, looking for a Liack cat in a dark cellar at midnight, rau'l help seeing that the Democratic prty mean io oppress nil en:avc ecry iinolhtr's r-u lutj tin uou, nrsi makiie liim ig norant, then MHr, then ukltSng Lira down and cbeliu him. h't If Jl rr- le vl exactly -lowsr.l the ilCsputUm aod tbe insecurity of life and property, tfj which I have sjolen. ' alk of a rliitc msu's government! . dtwLen thiy gft what tbey want, tley will dr or the poor while man an I ' he a ill hue to trudge ioor beside b isfrro. lie raa'l help hisaelf but mat remem ber that he helped rote fcr We party taat kiilesl him. I'oor whit teen! if you want to save vcar chr. Urrruation. irsve the I parly. A Fatcxp G jldboro, Oct, lo, 1X A Victoria dipaUh'ayr A Urgi public Keeli3 was held lat hi;ht t coader Caaada's default ia th aistter cfthe IsUsd lUilvay CrseU tas", ea rrmi-x the belief that th prwtiaoe woaU b better rS as a crc4 rcioay if the railway ohlirUocs j jta ly isi&ica are ot fal&Ued. ,Tbt pch were gtcerally ciiaskheU Uft their ae aad tr irad?y toa tow a flCaaiia aad ' itlt Jim !!cfci44. . . . i est- " ' K '.. 1 iwral Walker. the Ciif ef u, CefcMrs DsiTaJ wiU ''frSq1Sj)y,rsrsl Osaftm all if acrwry laarstaU fa wkh t h a myfticiexl frrn from kmcerslic Nf !. 1 Single Copies 5 Ceots CIT ITEMp. Chew i Jackson's Best sjreet Nary Tobacco, i j j---.- 1 1 - It Go to church. 1 - riepty of fruit in market, tropical as welt as native. 1 1 . ! The CompresseaTare running night and day row. -" , There were two Interments in Oak dale this weetjj The receipts of cotton at-tbis-port yesterday foot up 1,513. , ; - 1 There were two interments in Tine Forest Cemetery this week: A skating rink is io be opened ou Front'street in a few days. ... The Register of Deeds has issued three marriage i licenses during tbe week. ' Dr. T. Sr. Burba.nk has gone to Wil- liamston, Martin county, to practice mcdiciue. Mr. Jas, & Melvin was stricken with paralysis on Thursday, and is now in a very critical condition. A Ilit loaded with cotton was snagged and sank near Kelly's Cove on Monday last. The cotton was. saved. : .. Ueavy rains in the interior have caused a freshet in the river. There had been a rise of 25 feet On Saturday. l'eople witn thin beads of hair should use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian llair lie newer to mako the hair grow out thicker. A valuable cow, thcipropcrto of Mr. Jos. L. Barlow, was found dead on Eighth street with a pistol shot wound her side. Dr. M. J. . DtKossctl's couditiou is thought to better, but it is still in critical. He Trill be brought to this city as soon as possible. Whcu you feel.a cough or bronchial affection creeping on the lungs, take Ayer's Cherry Tectoral, and cure it be fore it becomes incurable. Sheriff Manning turned over to the CourJty Treasurer on Monday last 370.33. Of this amount $3,329.79 be longed io the General Fund and $1, 040.5 to the Special Fund. j. . Mr. John Butler of bladen county, made his first visit to Wilmington oa Friday, lie is 82 years old aud has lived all of his life within 6u miles of WilmiDgteu, but has never before paid us a visit. Henry Van Nortwick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon me to try an "Only Lung Pad,'' and I obtained immediate relief from a rack ing cough. I know the Fad helped me. See ad 1 he G7th Presbyterian ynod of North Carolina is in session in Raleigh. Rev. Jos. tt. Wilson, D. D IJeT. C. M. Payne, and Messrs. Alet: Sprunt, Esq., and B. F. Hall, Esq., trejin attendance from this city. - ' II. E. Hodge, Cambridge, Michigan, .-ys : I have been ifllicud with Asth ma, for years, an "Only Lung Pad"' gave mc immediate relief. I can re commend it ' the greatest remedy vi r pr -jdu- d. --iiee ad. We have received from J. II Eabia, IUlcIgh, Turner's Almance and SUte Record for 1SS1, fvr which, thanks. It ii a cheeky oM Almanac, brim full of accurate infer at tiori ebvot a great variety i t subject. Mr. J. It. Wibon.Tich, Uhio.tavs: I have worn an Improved Excelsior Kidney Pa-!, and rrceitlrd more relief than firm all rrmcdicv 1 1 hare etrr tried. I cheerfully rceocntneud it aI .a"rreri. he ad. Vn Moee A Crotbr, Wbolla!e at Ih-tail Drurgi', ToW, Oli,. MviC- We bare sold larg qaaa.aue cf the ExceUier Kideey Pad, and hav bera urpticd at th cavajytRf stfsnKa jieea' IviUr i?e ad. .Mi' t rus Fuur-By Easilt Z!a, author pt "Nana" Ac, . Pe'raoa A. Breakers. Traavlated ftotn the Freuc. It is a &s tj of IktiUia- i&trrest ia every rf. '.The plIica&as of 'IV'enoa A Brothers cf the fasclsat iej Freech woeka cf Ij ZiU put tbe rradtag paMic f reacct. u-!t jreat eIjaiwyi to theas. ; TV Library Aasociatioa ar peeft sag fee a wnn tretarew Uua wiatrr. We Urara that Err. Dr. K X. Y aad Ir. Dr. WilMMi, c this city, aad t"r. I J9rpm Orwitess iwf ltaSelgl, Lara actty wi latiiaib&s. , We ItJwa Un thai U Leaara t'tusauttta a tJ tie fcrr. CYia. I. LVtaa,UlJL, NUMBER 45. Will the Tost inform its many read ers when (if ever the citizens of Wil- milngtoa will be allowed to hold an election for municipal officers? Or is it understood that the present city of ficers are to hold over ad libitum! leepectlully, c. Sharp.' NOTICE, i The members of the Fifth -Ward' lb- publican Club, are requested to meet at their club room at 71 o'clock. Tues day evening, Not. ICth, for the pur pose of making preparations to cele brate our glorious victory ou the 22nd instant. W. E. N. Sellers. ' " . I Trcsidcnt. To the ORaxD Ujrrmn Oebek cr Odd Fellows. In consequence of my not haying received communications from the Grand Secretary relative to thedeffinite action on the Enduvcmctit Fund Proposition, roy report is not ready for this issue of the Post, but will certainly be published Jn the next issue (next Sunday.) Respectfully in F. L. & T. ' Geo. W. Pitici:, Jn. I- SSheriff Manning and Paddrson met n the Court Hou?e Tuctday lait, aud canvassed the Tote of the 12lh Sena torial District, which was as follows : ' Scott, - - - - 3.XC Worth, L - - - 2,204 Sheppard, - - - - I'M Mr. H. E. Scott was declared elected aud his ccrtificaleof election was made out and handed to him . Le'a Grande Flouink, sequel to The Strangers of Paris" by Adolph Belot, French, Petcison & Brothers, is another of those modern French'ro mances now read with so much pleasure in America, It deals in love, jealosy. heroism, wifely devotion, trickery and crime, and shows the great insight of the author into human nature and its motives of action. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 MAIL LETTING S. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR TOST OFFICE DEPAltTMENT, YaihiitjtoH, . v., od. i;., ist. J)IU)ro$AL8 will Ik; r'oiivc-t at tl i,u- Uact Oinre or this Department nu'.U n l.;i. of January 10, 1SS1, for cirri 1 its lhc n.ailmf the t'nllcJ States upoa the route, ri A c- cording to the scticdulc of nrrlvul uiU tTe- parture sr-Cetaed by i!ie 1k?i urlmcnt. ra tl State of North t'itro! tun, from Jn'y l.J'Sl.tu June 30, is L Llti cf route, with cl. i! ales of arrival and departure. nUu. turn to Udders, with tortus lor ejutrAct tu l bondu ant all other necessary lnljrmat:.. will be lurnlsheU upon aptllcatluu to ilc Second Assistant l"etm3ur Utntrsi. HORACE MAYNAUD, 7Wiu'rr dencru!. nor II 6; UNITED STATES SALE OF 32.460 ACRES OF LAND IN CHEROKEE, GRAHAM AND ULAIy COUNTIES N. CAROLINA.' BV irta erf iwrtka iuiwM Mrt. Of X)9 L'BlLol tMAl. It. ut-ln.itir.l lll oQre M rvblM tsrluHi .1 1 1- I s Ojon tiotum In U 1tjr l lUicgi . ... w ininwij vam .a uf .wtmsif , l". th Mlowlog dcrrijxl Ur,li cri.i lnj or alxxjl iiif rric Iu Uic mi r uuk. .1 p7esi ttM, U ium n.m.ycJ t,y (j tlm at 3i. OsniiDM U Y. 11. li un.f l 1? Sundry dds dUxl Norrtnbrr l lJ . . S-nsat. raw-a Met lwrlivi in -," dwt iUM(Mif.X.Cn4itJi U tl imI nmt4 tbro. rraw4t in ii tt rrxry at Mt( .. unxia M la tb ad 4 Ijni mef ct mt Mi l 4st4 toUM t'SilUvl 4aU4 ii, rrorde i boms "U 14 m b. hmttkt hmrm a 4 itiUtrt aja iatr s iKti WU ae-a acrM. Ski of m-tx M U ii ikcia4T ak .' rf. H tM 5a svrraia. aJ V . rai a.!ia(m Ml t iay tuMlr.l j mmtJmm. "t.o.t:f aS. itar la mm jraae vita tauewa i mcwrm mm rf rty.ae aU at It aairi .' MitalUaMfaiUMM taa tn4r Um fT -rtt. It ana4 Im -ia. j m. raa wtl - laato by IW. V!XM 4 ait tu ruai a4 utim. t k. airxni met Si M : Secretary's Olllcc. i ',". , , -!..'.!! ta w.mm&Urt qf amtftrti Wiirwaa tttmt mt-f ,'ii ma r ysaaJMf-'sx ii it. h h t t IP-- ft' i it C i l.wrifiiw. a ; --7 - ari . f: - " i t

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