M'MLKM' AT TllE ' Iv()aT01FICE AT lV!n Jii.rus. NtOv as SkjosdUlaw lAirEi: l ; . ' ..- .- RATES OF' ADVERTISING.. t cents 'per line for the first in , .rJi-ni an 1 twenty-five cents. per line J ...i.iitlnndl insertion. ir 1 pi-giit (S) iines, Nonpareil. type, con ,utiitc i. viuare. " V ; - The liiibscripU'J" pl'iceto Thc Wil l.1,1X l'usr. l i uo-.per year; 5,x mouths 70 cents. - Vlicmitmnncatioiisoii buMiuesshbuld he aJ'lre".-.i;-tO THE WlLMINOTOS ru-ir,.NVilnilns'tonf N.C. ' .i Hm advertisements will be charged, iiie above riitefl, except on special con tract1. . . -. . ' -' ' . to HI K KEI'l 'HUtLlXS OF Till; TIIIKI IHSTHIC'T Tlio Kopilbiicaus of Hue- Third cwi grtioual DiafrictV will please write u e sit Wilmington, NU.r-.anil give rii'iLiuToti.ut of all frauds cbm iiiutt it by the DcJiocrals ; during: the UuVdKsiidiiK n.ame of 'county, IKciiKt, V mi of. poll holders, 'also Tr(i'uH't'fAM'rs0W8 trventcd . from lie rt'SHOiis R)f m wuellier :vr li.jt tlte regular were atjtheir fiost - i,M,iy Lcljro Vhi election;- in fket I P-ri'l iiiu'l hisfurf. of all frauds or irwKHlariues.of. very descriptvonl, that tn- k place ituri i.g he lection ouTues , ,y ilir -2 1 of November 1S0. O. H. Bloc ker, ... I- .- , t ..... ij...-u.:' it. . , .iiil'.i.T, at Wlhn,. u .. . ' I ' t ) N T II K LA.T.B KhZ V 1 10 ft . Iu thtf-SenitJ on the 20tb, the bill to pMvi'L- a moro!einal irprcse'nta.ti'jq Qf ri 4w '2fartieHjoa the board -of County iiuva.-et8 wa up. -benator William . 1 1. il lMgecotnbe, thought. tho bill .i i-j'rt ti pass.' I lie believed hat il the l )pui.ir v-uy hi 1 bcn heard ironi (i)T' .'.irvis wo.iild : not bi governor of this .iv,' -11.' tlijiught that oiieiiundred mil li'-U'tti.thbusaud voters- in North Uivc l. that but , fur fraud Hon. Ui'j'li l'i Uuxtou. would to day be j Mr. N :i'pIuH 'l i 1 I iiuderitand the hou"r;i'.!.e M-tator frttn E lgecorobe to it.tt,t t'ia'. tJ jvcruor Jarvls wa? elected .- ir.( ul.' ; ..I.-'"' " f'"' lr. nliRtiison I mean to aay . if thVre lu I- bcf.n a lair election uoycrnor .1 i.i vis would uot uow be' the Goveriior; I that J U lo liuxtou was deprived of fif- U- i liiiudrtU. votes in the, icounty of . Ma'ifdtr i t at ho was cutitlcd to, and in ..-tslicr casicruvtwunties hp was deprived i tvott that would lave been sufficient Irtltct liini. I doTfav that it there had km it fraud on the part bt , the Dem ii ,o i.ii ty J udgc liuxtott would havo I if .n't !. ttcd, and there anyone hundred .i 1 .'lin t ii. thousaud men in North CJar I'lma nl.(f do iu:, believe that the iiiau- jjinat tVsovcrnur pf a day Vr two ago navi AiJy t:cctc., aud luere are a iar;;e iiuii'ikTM' icspictable people jn the wlio dci not believe that Govtfr Mar Jar vis was fairly cbctvd. tVf. Mni!ts followed in a;ii incoherent i-rit :i, auilCicg : all over ? the field ol li.t.isy "id-thu rst of crfkliou, and iVn :Iu: 'rh.te vottd the resolution I :, '! Lave to -I - nys-a strict party m.-nv bo IVniicrals ilo not dare lo I ir ty aa Micsliiitou mt-;tbe well kT'wn . Hands- oi the Uto elect iou. A jiiii' H.isVruntod in over Settle by J ;u l.-iu YiuKi, and so was Jarvis over ...tMUn in Ib.SJ. Tu pt?noJ ot exposure ' u. t.r o!i whe ii theso frauds will be. :-'.'l up in all their reeking ugliness.. IMtK Kt'NOlNti HILL. ' 1 U IlMio lat wrtk having, passed "It tviK callod the refunding bill, it t li-foro vhe country in all the trcacb cum, lUiicl nis, trolitiou !: disguise Urt T.iX:!; lo the subUmc art of gcttins m t:i r n'.roly on liry prvwuiscs to pajV W-i pcojou Xo Veet,KH.000,000 batons the nation with weaker ;jjad more futile boudon 8 ercenU r ice maile after 3 tears and payable aX- Jcr a: Kiij 3tx000.000 cerUScatea of . ? :o, ?.)-Aud redeemable after one Tear ad jaysle alter len. h not wi r,t ef ' -"v ''-v-'.: " - TUrc!r4:, m r-tovlJed by this bill, le taken at par tor aaiUer dollar hKh U only worth "S3 cent, and the ' iionalUankcau be forced to take rtcwat par. . The attitude of the sot- cruajut will be that it must cfenio- J of lew year 7 (KOOOA n&M ittccnts to S per ctou Of ceuree tkb r aUog stiide toward repudUUon ;c toward that -ditr which the ' caioakt court. TLc utotioo ef SauUbury to Uy aid . HrUJay', bill, in order to p :th th till uimaUnr Kellofs . frw d futed 0 to ZL 'eilosi-atkkl.1 1 ; Xh ferit lpublkan Governor for . tea ytar is laaururatN. Amm Haw ; Ua U hU came, sod be " elected by lllSllOP J. W. IIOUl.' The above named gentleman was iu cur city yesterday, and he spoke in very glowing terms of his trip to Mentor. I He sajs that the President-elect treat ed the delegation with every consiaera tion that they could have expected. He thinks that the visit will be of great beuefit to his race; and be believes that Gen. Garfield isV true friend to the tprtinn in th pninvment of their noli- tical rights, and that be will use se the influence of bis great office towards' their execution. . i We hope the trip will result, as we believe it will, to the benefit cf tbe I olored people. We bad the pleasure .of seeing the tollowing member pf the Mentor dcle gatidn on Wednesday last: : Gen. Robt. B. Elliott the cnairmaa and spokesman for the delegation,, lion. Samuel Lee, CoDgressmau-elctof South Carolina, General Straker of C, Col. O. t. Mabson, Capt. John S. Leary, lion. Geo. ."Price, Jr., and Steward Elli son, Etq. - They each and every one .an 1 1, sit liai m irlnriniu limp tir.M (hat I caj ;. ." . . - the Trip was an entire f ucces?. The papers of the north treated them band soineiyi . They were all kind to them, and Gen. Garfield showed then every courtesy- they could expect Irom the l'resident-elect. j V And the members of the delegation that" stapled over ' here express them selves freeiy that the trip will be of great ber vice to their race. . We beligve theyes voijld not have been a better deh-ga.tlpu selected m the south, or one whiclijvould have done more credit to their race than those who com posed the Mentor delegation. They all mew Of-ability , .ch of character TV1 anoT reRutation--both . among the COl- ored people and, the Republican. party. And wlialeter they said to Gen. Gar field he should consider with, delibera tiornd fegpepti. 1 povau- A Mentor correspondent of the T l- bunc states that, "seven Kepublican leaders from different ; parts of the "ex- t.o-dav. Most of treme south are here them are prsouthern birth and several wprc ctScers'in the rebel afmy.i After the war tiiev became Republicans, and name. iur uuriuua ivaauuj. . " J not wish to have their visit Jo flentor known at the present time. If the Tribune correspondent were; permitted to give their names they wouiii ue rec-. ojrniied at once as representative -men of the white Republicans of the,south. j These seven ominous gentlemen, who are so sacred that their names can't be known, go on saying furthef.maryelous things, thus: . -r if ; Jullest possible recogmuon w - . ktraiirht-out worktnir xiepuoucans oi shownTo southern Democrats do gteat) harm by discouraging and disgusting superiority, and.declare that Democrats! are appointed because there are not euougiicomtcteut and hooest ltepub-j licau? to fill the bfiioes. The fact is! ih,t ihcrfi re Republicans of hieb rhrni.r. both wh te and colofed. in! every capat jorit ocrat viMm nt theie seven men to the, rrcsUent-clect? Do they belong t the self-admiratiou society commou t this southern country, who are alway on band when there is nothing to5 do, and crowd into bomb proofs ia thehe of caniaigu f Po vbey represent the epubltcjhrsm of the south T these 8CVCU iriruuiicut iuiuv(3 The Democrats who absent tbem selves for the purpose of defeating a quorum would uo wen iu retu i - Wf- . i a.:l ... -t- Arm. r Ik. HoBML l- .1.11 .u.( rrnm tli I monthly parments of each member or delegate the amount of his salary for each day that he ha been absent riorn ih S.nfarllourfkrctiveiy.uo aneh 'saftBhar efaWemM asalaMM the rtAson for auch abstnee the tkkneM hlaaself of of aoae tobr f The Trim4i Senator lUaine aasares a cormroed- ent of Tl iifs rrewtVr. thai tke tieeau wl'l certainly ameod me IV k . k ti a tW. t T . . . new we iic- fundiae hUL tf h.fse the l,lf TUoatk frni1mn came lo Mentor. 1 L3V.r.Z'"ZZlZZ.i.rt. nfli When we all stand on an e. imr. ..non n-hr.1 Gar- S and our lights are fare Ii-ii. .ul -.; rP i.inincr ti.! andnrotfcted in cvervstate 1 1 1 il a 111 1 11 Li fcua UCW99l'J ...... ." I - southern lt, who are? more )e ami trust wwonny mau me v; -v- ;'. r - V"7 ,-,, --,;, v ot the lcmoerai9 ana uajifi'em- . who are now niuoe .some oi ine ?i "r7.'; 7:ZST: "ederaf offices iu the 10 Jib. vwiuiucu .uw,fe...- removing the thtce pnt Uai3t,tVxa.x.or, vT."! mhkh Ucalb an impossible nxs let iottmt. lie lamas Awxi w tne House are In rec:ooaad the coQBtrr has reached a aittUar iw clutioe, MUt, it is the same seood iney nave ocea i ser jt;- It has rroTtd Ckul to aoihlw u the MtlEKMAM nT HOME. Ileei')lion at Columbus He Ke turns AcHnowledffeinenia- in a Bpeecli Replete With Patriotic Sentiments. Columbus. Ohio, Jan. 19lh. Secre tary Sherman spent several hours with I Governor Foster in the Executive office this afternaon, where be was calleo, up- 0n by many leading men from all parts of Ohio, lie also visited the Lcgisla- ,;mf nn.l kiln Kim f h i ncrsftnallv intrbduced. This evening Mr. Sher- man dined with Gov. Foster, ex-Gov I)eunison, and a small party of friends at the hotel, and, at 8 o'clock, iielaa reception in the Senate , chamber after the Assembly bad been called to order. a brief address secretary Sherman, Nvas greeted with hearty apnlause. In replTs said,; after returning thanks for the high, honor vvviisi vm- ' . i I j assumed the duties of the ollice of Stretary under circumstances ot great embarrassment. 1 was reiu up belore the public-for a long time as one who was pursuing &? policy tliat brough woes uninumberedRreater than befell .the I ... .1 . ., I non. Ail lue evils mat icu upon so U;iety in the UnithkSmfes during the period all the : crave distress was nimnlv nttrihulpil lo me ns u -lault. I was compelled to say "No" a thousand limes waere 1 wouiu iiiauiy navesaiu "Yes."' 1 was compelled to decline the adiVit'e o m'eii, hqnestly. given for a gopd purpose, because iu my juaguieut that advice would not promote the pujbiic good.. I am glad to know and feel the assurance tbjit you now believe that under the trying circumstances I did the best J. could to advance the copimou intereTot our common coun- iry. rAppiaus After pay tribute to his competitor, tihued; luere is another t'jin say. with Pafprobation - iVat lineal qucs- tinna that now divide e American people are assuming a dangerous flDecL iiu tunes jrone by llere was some excuse for thanolitlcal-acimosi ites, the bitter and violent controversies ob rVuesticns involrirg. the credit ofthe T f l f'lin -v.iirtn--. S powVT E S1. f years time nearly all these, fpestiwns have bceu' settled. Ihtrc js w man so bra ve1, so powerful, -si) strong', tliat 'dare now attack the integrity of the Unfon j Appiause.v ( esliotis which a-ct hatiouai powers have been era Vol v discussed, but now it is settled that the our Ci ceiVc Su au j4 , cdeed jf We to-niffht could I fee iQe assurance, that has now been given, at least in paty plplforrns, and put iu the; provisions of the 'Jo institu tion of tha United States, that every man, shalliiave cqual'civil and political rights, whatever may, be hia tolor.or condition, theu all the dangers that threaten his country have disappeared. iual f toting fully preserved 6t theCnion, 'JZJi ?a 0f (H7. t.eiiUenfNj. fXliink I smrf I. .1. h les uuntry any law whica shall re- the night way-man an too Caro.ina the sa-nction and juegment of the Central Railroad, will work to the in- Femo ;.Vurt 0.h9 Lnited.bkate5; . of WUmineton.and results in rreat so, leuow-ciuens, nucsuoB.s qi - j . " , t : - J ic honor will not iauch-longer be Inconvenience to merchanU along the isi.' ... .u i..-,t:.i. try. amid believe that. happytime,has come, o ais0 tue soui.u, mat cwumry WCIUIU KUU UVI'UIKWUU. ii cud. c wvvu from the souitn but we may expect new surprises aud when ve. become recon- ciled to the great cU:iD?C.th4t baa oc- curm u their condition 1 expect to, seefa happy sou h.adding topur wealth population afcd energy, auu couinou- Foster, wui go;sou to New York, S LXATOi; IAL KI.ECriy - Hon. T. C. riiti Lai Uou tcted Senator from Jiew York. s.ThU is a tri- asaph for CoukUrjg. Iu Indiana Ocn. Bcoj. U it :;?, the grandson oT'.-'".Trrcancc"nd Tylet too," ao4 the great-grsndtu ci tail Benn Uarripn, kned the l vclaV rattq o iuaep-!ecce sbu w as isrcc i UoTemor of Virginia, "T as I le'ecUd. 4W . V f ""i" -y.- w- tow v?-y. M m ilicAo. . I iwytne Jia.e oi Juuif, w in k ic- law ct akH VcsndKr. , ' lv.. nc of the 'fcubWt lUwiaaal oem all cvmw hick; frvt tie Beik- I .?' M!! :.'' U his hWy '.hUelt'ii'''froiUhi Alter the ht f exprcUd Ufiwact ScwJrf, p.ittr froa i .v-;!' fnrfc rt its u .l..,!,. mtcc. aad tddck NhwH, trf i jtjau r -.t - -re rxW:i tr rais le- ftA tCt fnl m r. i "v . .v. j -ki 1 l U p ssd wiU I n. . I nrntl' I 4 . t 11 IT 9 Mil lit CITi: ITEMS.; Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. , ',' . M For "Diagonising tne South," on the iodide, read. "Diafmosinjr the .South." A land league three miles. . One interment in Oakdale during the week. It thundered and i lightened Jast "Mkut mgm. Wood, eggs and country produce, are scarce and high. v.; . ! V, .-!.- No iatermenta is the CathQlicJeme- terythisweek. ' ' . " , Mr. Donald McRae has so far recov ered as to be able .to sit up. ! "' -There were two interments iu Bel- nevue Cemetery this week. r ' t . i i . - . f . . i l vae auuus auu iour icunuren were interred in Tine Forest during the wek. We learn that the market carls are to be removed to the New Market to- Uiurruw. It it to be hoped that the legislature will pass a bill for the erection of a Public hospital in this city. The work on the U. S. Marine Hos puai is pro-iressiuz uiceiy unuer ine X 1 f " t . ... raanagemeubof Mr. D. M. Dart. The new Congregational Church, .i iNuu between otu ana tn sirce.f, . is rapidly approaching cumpjrtiou Marriage licenses were issued ' to oue coioreu ana one wnite couples. by the Register of Deeds during the week. - - ; ' " f he next session of the North Caro liua Stato Cirapse will be belt! in Ral eigh, on Tuesdayytbc first day of Febi ruary,, ' ,: v OuHegisIature is Hooding j the state a riect snowstorm of bills, most storm as soon as they fall. A petition has been sent to the Leg islature praying them to enact a - no fence lw for the county f New llan- over. It is said that the. discontinuance of line of the road. S. W. i risble, of East Toledo, 'Oiio, says : - It a florded my son relief, and di$pelld W tiigns pf this dread disease, which hai siUicied him since childhood. 1 1 cheerfully recommend the "Only LuDgPjul" lb all Asthmatic sufferers". -See Adv. . ."', , ' The currei-t iiumber of ai IasUcs Ji. AVirWr contains an ex cellent likeness of the late Bishop At linson, and aUo a biographical sketch Q?lhs dCcased Xhe j.tcuesa is taken Vatcs & Orr. Iu the Senate on Tuenlay, Mr. Scoli, of New Haaovcr, introduced a bill in regard to the iaspection of naval, sUrcs a'ud timber iu Wilmington, aud on uUncsday ne introduced a bill to abolish the Crimiuat Court of this county. : -. : ' Tragical Death. Ou Saturday evening, January likb, at Abbot Uburg, in Bladen couotyIr. W. . Hill, one of tbe owners of the works there, and the manager, iu attemptiog u atari an engine, slipped and the engiue starting rapidly mutilated his left arm o hor ribly j thai he died ou the fuUoslog Tuetdav. Tho accidc&t was immcdt ately telegraphedto Mr. John Colviilr, the Chet saescbef oflhe firm, who di rectly went up oil a special train, Ukicg a surgeii.. Dr." Love, but the hock lo tbe nerves was so severe that his death could not be prereoted. The Ker. C M. payee of the Second rrrbyteraa Church of this city also eUio; Ab bolbburp, and with Mr. Hill at h dat, tThe reoaiBf emTca here on WeduriiAy aftaaooB, and were Ukcn tthe rtsideoce vf hi mother-in-law, "Mrs. TFiUyaw, whence thy were taken to the' iecuod lYebytixa Owirch' tetwwfi. 10 awl ,: 1 1. , o'clock a ulw;T;Vvj.? tWy were UH1 , am ir- tifc Cam rear asa vnoa xxMra oi Odd FIlow, the KaiiiitA a Hir and mteiWrsfof the St. Ucct aijd Aedrnrs SocJetTt C3a roarx of tHtsl. ' ' Mi. Cm was only ilyters ae at the tisae eithk taial cxiatlrcp5e aid nad ceeae here (mm Lcsaioo. hBe wry Tt4an4eAterdthKniftt aOUtt 4 ilxxus. kr k rta&tudca 1 enenl ytrass. ' lie' ewb-teetTy e ' tm4 the 6m f AftaSrr A list a4 for velars did a- 8ucccssfulidsness in the manufacture' of cash, tidsj doors, &c.i in this city. About tfears ago' he became a member of thBrhi of W. E. Hill & Co., (in partners 'jrith Mr. John Colville,) which firmp4vlng pur chased a part of the Abbotioujg prop erty and hare carried On a ri&p extensive lumber business there. Tj shocking circumstances, by which tas sud-r denly snatched irooi a prgeius life; were in all respects most elncholyi In' 'the. buoyancy of thejping pi ambitions and successes addenly jfell into the blackness'of Ipietrable . ' v -wfeif :--. J; v. Imboden of yirgrnin Mr. A. K. jHyndman f PennyiMii ',' repre senting a large interest in -Jp western Virginia, and sWesteru Nirfu Barolica, were-in the city this .weefcf fttilli a view of .-measurisjg-A capacUytil port as an outlet'for the iron rvijgfc;al miues in the western part of tUpife. 'Th'ey' were invited on 'Chaugeg llonday, and were introduced by !.jfr Nutt who met them in 3gtyM inftilccd ir itiattau :Ee state of going to anothctporL which they had their c)e ff A company of capitali$icirii5these Kcntlctnen - repreaenV hafi purchased COO acres. of land infSieigbor-. bood of Bristol, ya., ahdl!lhat tract an" immense coal depgf has.. .been' found, which Gen. ImboifSii in his re ... . Ms s; ' . marks says contains. lU . . ggn.ce'ntum ' for making coke. In Mitch.couniy, N. C, the General went oiiiij state, the finest ircq-ore in the" woi! is known to exist. Iksstmer iig lrbu can be manufactured from thisJre $13 less than in rennsylya!iia,.ai!o excellent is the material of both cfgjaudiron in the districts mentioucd, Qat (ien, Im boden predicts that whe$f .itbe rich re sources of thects two scctSfajs are devel" oped, the iron works jf 1'ittsburg, enn., will have to bBw removed to Nortn Carolina. Whai tl$e gentlemen, or the corporations whicV luey repre sent want to do now is H conned the coal mines near Bristol, Nith the iron mines in- Mitchell count6f this -state, by a railroad, and then fetey want an outlet for the products i4iiihct.e mines. The visitors were invSksd to take a trip down the river andpsJlew the bar box and river imnrovffatnts. They were accompained by H. Nutt atd Mr. BacOD, the Government ollicial in charge, who g'raphicallytxplained the workings, and display ecfc charts of the works. Gen. Imboden air. Ilvnd re much impretied ' with the ' it - . immensity of the ur&rtaking nad successful operations oJhe work, and expressed themselves athinking that this city a fiords the. mi superior ad vantages as a shipping g?nt and Smith- ville as a coal depot. We hear that these jilicmeu have made a proposition tgi lhe. Carolina Central Railroad to layfk third rail on their track, so they cof form a con nection with them by .jesns of the narrow uausre lwaiiroj-.fi .. I 1- ' I- 1 jicu mey have begun-, and run t' cars straj?kt thrmigh to yilmintoifilLhoul a trans- uarouna central and' ot wpe iear aud Yadkia Valley i!ro5d, tieu . will 'grAUt build a road they say if the"iLcgisla" them charter tbfy themselves. . Wc'wouhi like . if these geutlemcu put hf would suggest that, if 111 ike id.a oi opcraliou.acd would be auv iuducemcnt to them, er. JfcslabiiiU roili lug muls in tins cay, tics exempt thcin. fr. ; the auihuriij taxation f.c five yeaip... ' - ) aiia CAii ilteaa ti ine Luc -. . ..." d'Uj of dry goxidjijtc1 made by Messrs. fM. IVir & iBs., aud rcjuc: our inends to give thfp; irui. xtmc gentleman: will take t ;:gnrAU-l 'ptCis r!.ir iuiaietc ure in showing jcu v stock, at any tisac. .ilKCSiRCA every CplKCClECA man, of the prjMnl t5j t l-Akou.t ii Lioue.fk and;: lp crefMi'j-..we .say. . buy whee you cia get th&flkitlfiad cht- etrl tkleW 'an! ibigijiia.c. ' tm -."tar opiasoa, U 4oi.' lrari l!kf. We kite ti:d hica, aM kaaw Sf-r." .' ; 'fcot.43.o. ". UAtiftiAtp cr ttai three gcstltui.nf ti xity. -have 'ar jrAaiicd lit ae! rr : -gik . . Uk .foba- pxay a&4 ill build railrosd ta the souad : darinr the Is; jrC- We are' seare cf their abutfjgiid isexaa t ac compUh -The : 'e skrjjj acl da u-A ihisk. there it: asy:? t t trs4&isdect ot lis rSir- Oretk, BliJra cspjaiml e' !th a tall trrdlay.'-. fM W h.b era-f ta SUklf h tuie;:.Jet - SesasW tern the IStti tcxpifAl Mak c pCHcU cf th ' cesn 4T llaJm il lb kcK Vy ;ytMla,; hk3i ;hjt dlAiatd lusa froea h;; tn 1 ti3 the prrrt liav in THE BOYS I2T ULCE , , Are notified to meet at Giblem Lodge I Building, on-Tuesday knight, Jnnary 25th, 1881, at 7 o'clock-, sharp. i By order of ;A i Geo. L. Mabsov . Colonel Commading. W.ll. Howe, - ;. Adjutant. v s ; FATAr. AmnnvrMr. Thos: BVl - ler, an engineer on the Carolind Cen I road, while in the act of c6up- e cars at Shoe Heel, on Sstur- usu -Mauri line some day last, was run orer bV the train, and I both leirs wfr wimIuhI sa badlr as tol . . I require amputation He dld in ab'ont j . L S .V I iwo ii ours aiLer ins . amiDiuauoii ,uk place. He was a resident burg and (eft a wife and gins. - s reu-ains were , inierreu . ai Launnbiirg. - j . Ir.,, I ! 1 - --j- ' j i fcALK OF the ULi) MAEKEI. ine 7 . i J- A UtIIVJ UVUlUlltlVW V MW WM V I.Iavmaah L ai4 a omi VAnfllinn Mat . T jc, , at tuo arayor souice Yeunesaay xore- ceive and Jnen bids for the Old Market I UUUBeas "Blwu luo.ww!) vvf sireei. vae diu oniy was receiveu auu i that from Alfred HowoTor f 150, whjcti 1 r . . was accepted. ' Thursday the purchaser caused the Old Market structure tb be pulled down - v . ! ,A,tMl - 1 A meeting of our Irish' citizens was 1 cld Tuesday evening last, lor the" pur- pose of clfccting the organiiJalioa of a branch in this city of iho IrUh Land . r, J i i League. There was a very good attend- by those whOjwere present. - The -foi- ncni cmcers oi mo organizaiion, : President Job u Barry. 1st ce-rresident John Dyr. 2nd V ice-Bresident ThoiflJonk Srd yiccil'residentr Dan Quinlivan. Becretary James Corbett. Treasurer-Dan iU'Con nor. a 9 -, --m t; -. -:-,. Boaiu. of Alveemot The Board oi Aiuermen met m called- ression at tho City Hall last Tuesday-afternoon, . . mw V ...... ' , vue jivorana ine iuu uoara preseni. Mavor Fishblate staled that he had - - called .? this meeting for the purpose of giving yie city attorney power to draw- deeds for property sold for city taxes, and r.lsb to receive a communication from the Board'of Audit and Finance relative to the market question Alderman Myers, chairman of JLhe committee on Ordinances, offered ' an pruinancc, wnicn was aaopteu, empow- ering me city attorney to mate the ne cessarv deed of eoavevance to the eiW for all real estate sold by him for the . i .. u non-payment of taxes, ard upon which wio saiu ibxus are suif aue anaunpaia, i or oysters, game, or nsa !d ;in retiu and making provision for tfce redemp j 'ttl or alin hbust.x, or poultry, or tion of Ibs-tiaid ? rronrt within twn ', T . ' veara from thn Tt ot .Tanaanr. 18X0. ; a conimunicfiuon irora ine iwaru oi Audit and Financt. iP3ppr0Ting the contract with the Wiliuiiigion Market . . .. . . v iuu - 4HA.ufj 'ivuvtu.wus wg ni ii... ..:. .n.... n.H.,..n. ii.. contract illegal I 7,; ' I" .. r- .--.I ' ..l.t-:.' ' . i" thr . communtcauou.. to tbe. Urtitt ,c. tucrf, aj ; , . v'f ;i . . . - . . - o return Lcrewilh Uih couiAct with the Market Cotupany leferrvHl :''to iLi.- I)r j tyr a:provat. as we believe it o' be illegal. Weare bpPOd, to the modo aad manrr r proposed, oi ftayio f.r the . i-.iri: We do not thiak ;r ! lo partcr away fjjr a term ;htr-..-- vea'rs au unlaom rHriou iiir hit inruue wr inn vurptjwr named in mid ciaLract. and MttMiiilr wheu tii parttr h ooupkd ccuditioosl privilfgt-i of ibecitiirns ff Wilnsing taa not uiily ctKlrs or Tit" ' twain, tuaaiiaioa mea and piece.' The coo - Utian t tho aie bf the property to die city are, that all rcrenOca dcrivtu r..r.. lk Mill. tttt'l t4 . .- t:....i.. .t... .... t- . ihb!e. well as feM Tar wif h:? bret c All it-, tr Uiu. of vears ahaii be W collected and rt triced by tho Mar ket Company; and far the parpoe tf vnlarjin-thU fund, ordieastr : are Xa be paaard and nf idly esfcuord, rohib- iua the a.o or aul maxAtiAl. att- sod ptihabk artkUM uhia W ,n ww Morn, in "rTl tbeKoff rtCMV laws are eafooi tI n4 cittixt. the hyr the- tsaa raid t Bac itp" iaMneaeei ia ue t&atsey f m kach iaportaace lo m tax teyies ctaaasity. Jhl 'atd eisaiaed th rf ial-oo the cliy.ai'srcyl which ia icreeith teJd, If, as he Wirres. thi o:rct caac4 he hxaUf eetre4 latajd TiJfcid heaa 4Senbf t a cttortA, there it aa pror Uioe aaade fcr the rttni to the ti:y tl aay cf the rrrtoae reflected be the 32arltiDce--pauay, e ta feyaaeat say eWy test denes t adwf ofctd ,etfianatce" Jtldermsa aise tari Che ItXite- if which a aJeferek Wi TfcAl lh iKteatf fu le the vivscftJ l IM Jtaihct ce3l W i&e Iior4 rf al rifttwstteaie t TKt U k4 tlk htAxt ckAxrs Its ita Ih the feiticr. - . 4w.r MMfciia T Aiirrxo nj n tuU: tt 4M. M W 44M, HXWi.W a ir-v i rti i. with the Wilmington Market Company,- lne motion was carried, Aldermen rBowden . and VonGlahn votiirg in the I negative. Alderman Foster moved that the old jlwus ue otu iq jos. iMerobeH I fr at fiia Ivlit f aha j j .v ' " . ty dollars; unless a more favorable bid bereceired by the Mayor, chairman of ln eommitteeon Finance by 12 o'clock t; (January J l?tb, 1SSI). The molioB WM carriedAldermen Bowden and VonGlahn again Toting in the neg- , tiTC. 111 r . . . i . . v. i Aiuerman iuyers sucmitted theJol l0wlD5ionance wlwcb. was adopted! in . va.vav., I HT!kTT Mt Ttv 1 vr T .: 10 Woct 133 extending , from Front street to the nver, aua in bJock, 210. at tne i northeast corner of Fourth and uampoeil streets: and in block 7fi at the southwest comer tf1 Fifth and C 11 a m I 1 - . . . - inartcc places oi the city ot Wilming iion. . A and other vehicles bfihsiBir IraarteUblo article to market forWc shall take their 'Stand under the shed i tno marbet on Front Ktr.t ..r nlnn . . r ' -""r ino streets next to the sidewalks, adja- V?pt me marKeui at the ; corners ot K "u"M.?l'a tu S.' Tho stalls-! in the said Market 1-4 AltMCk Vll nil Va .a.l.J 1 I K A I i ouwi urj irutni annual v on iim 1st MondaVof Fehrn.rr in by pubUc aution to the hi-ht t.idJi j said rentings shall bo for ono yeajr and 6JaH uoX rented at such lime and - lnTr1 ?UrJnf Y'n year, shall be rented privately for thw unexpired term of said fental year, or proviueu mai wu.cn S3 month- for each siczlo stall, aud 'MSi dollars per month for each fish stall."' stands under the sheds 6hall be rented' privately fifom month to mont or from dy to-day. i.Xo person or pcrssu sdiall sc 11 or ofler, or expose for sale. cxceDt at ono or tho other of said market place, any ; Kn(Ah... . -. r . I.. r t. r i . uuiuiw b wt:a,,ircMi nieai, irc.su run, "ou or , olucr ?amp. poultry, w. u that portion of the citr embraced with- I in that porlionof the citT embraced I vilkln Iti. "H. : . . " . t v "nuii wnu; 7- h, " I IlArnplI Klrfr tlirnrvt mil will.. II... oett. street, Elehth street, thence j ooum with . IJignth street to Cliestnut street, thenoe west with Chestuut street to Cifth street, thence south with Fi Alr Bueei louraage street, thtuce cj wiia urange street tn . mth street, thence .south' with Ninth trcet"to W right street, thence west with Wriirht street :. to Frpat street, thence ' north faence west with CaLlo" ttrcet to tho . river, and with the river to the beriii; ning; provided that noh'nz eercin con- ,7. ' ue onsiruea to prevcu a sale of vegetables or poultry by liceDeJ grocery dealers from theirstor... "FW. consigned la .com afisMon nu r- I tosais. iw saie oy the wiia era c. 1 n. . . ' .. ' i saaii sen, or ouer r cxice for f J of ad markelablo articles hen iu' m"ucneu UH.Q BJ the rt.de- waits or streets of this citr. ii.. it..i. .. .. . . . - i .ug MK, w UtTCUl K getltrii f U J"Ct 1 tuwu over me said market housciaud I tdaCfS : to 1M1?I i!arr In t iri tr u t. ' .1 sons altfnaln mctkr .or, n Oer amonc them, and in ij marketer UiieCMlC SU Ulsptilci hkh ibi arwi i S. .. .. 7 . . l PCtwceu outer aud seller faucLini it i j weight or toeaiuro of any i.t!d art' I gencrairy ,o ui and-Kiigrm .TacU in . I abbot said market we-tiAry f..r I lJ inper reguuiuu l iuc AAtue, atid ( I the euforccau.ut Ciiii.it rreulitivs'. Any persaa TioViUn;: ac.y cf Cte i provisions of! thltfOrdiaance I of Xauria- J 4? & raacc;- -by layor M wtV.,; lfcr of AWetmen as follows: ;r-r--' three, little h i, ihat the market buildinr? and lot - t I aw,,T " wwrmreiiwr, tiw ; i lilHin coavtctiuti. LiaM Im tot 1j acced icu doUan or it.iriiM.-uri tea? - j All CHdinances in t&uflirl i4f.h,!.r l rT r rpnfuaat t, ntstie jasioi 1 U. any of the proi iiu.si. ate l htrtby repealed. m 'I- 1 AtUi'rditJasoe Iv lu ir.e I IPSSl Sfitl AflT V l..i HS.'.'.'.'.ll .. I lina.rv' tial - U .it ike rcvdfoce . f h .BSadea coaute y, e.' J ac! VJiU$ i W i, Wm.it If crrtJV0Jl w Tcii; ii,. kJ has, jbr HMtift f i1. . leave a wife aa4TiiJ thrifts ' T(iii.U; -' I ad ?st hj!t 1 tie Fr, 7Tat-jei. cw auycktl pan. . V. H. MOORE & CO.. catsccoriaw A5Ktaauyrr'v' ' ;l - ,-y-'Y . v . " -- ' ' -.AAaUvrwaeitATeAieeat '. W ft A'f 'tldrtlie Ih'aJt r4f4 I 1 v. I r-er, A the true mm ot tie stale. "K, '.mi '"Hi

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