is:.' i oi HMK-xIl! V WILMINGTON. NOliTIliSiilBINAS t i ......... i ,v -, . V . C : -r 1 iN(TT0N J 'OST f Habty informed that. there has only been j- yy P ... ; .. : '--'i, ' f saved. to the couuiy in jail lees $1,500 - 7HE lltlsll STUUdULE. ! bob resumed? tii 'ica a 5;45lbja ioprij- Lt On IJus niollon! Jfledsoe callcdJur the !!Ai'1.r.u,;h N Tin::-rsi,vFrirK, at A.S?EXNICi.A$! i I I II Hvit El IKLU AJS S O V nii; 'i jiii.i ii$l'ici"r. yilie JJi HUblicaiioi idc i uiru von- U-fj.r.iiyiiut-mc- at W iI irict, will please write !uiinton,N'. C, and give i jc'n"accwitit'.:Vf all rlrands com- P iU'.i 'i fcivi,'o "amis of couuty, nil poll noidefs, also .rrsoiis-' prevented 'from (he reasons Jo? it,; whether CLrihtars were at their post- tare the election; Itj tact J history of ail frauds . or s of every description, tliat luring the election on Tues .f November , ; ' . i i). II. Ul,o ki:k, ibtrivt iiejiublitau Cohi- Wiiiiiititou N. IV J ..- : ' . ' it'tiie-j .. -i.i :t hi'! t i in- l' l 1 1 1 n s J ' f..- .1. ..u-t ft .'..-t1.f. Ilift'l- qu5VS.:-Vl x iuc I'wo inui JlUK , IV ntivu v Criuiioal Court was 'cfctablif bed. there was duly IC'priapnen in jail but now tbere are 1'J. The Circuit Court would save as mucb iu jail fees is the County Criminal Coiirt does.- ; u ; - Now, as to tbe terror of tbe Criminal Court, we are unable to see it. Tbe mooriabiaera were breked up by tbe ef ficient service of tbe sheriflTs detectives, MessrsjCarr.WbitneyvAbb and Strodes. Tbee gebtlcuaen bunted Ibs-cViminals down and ; worked uj) tbe fcvdence over i u six otbtr ceuutiep, flic taxes, can be re duced 1 1 Icaat $3,000 per aunum, and we sbalt bare a Crirniilali Court fuliy as llicieiit as at present, and tbe o Ul cers of ibe court will tc jnst as gocd De juocrats as tbey now are. - LATEST. it aii:.-i on llit- l'atilie coast i ail u h 1 1 y. a ud o v e i How i ug all ? "t- iuii'1 lutciutui iKL'Uti; nai hi? liti?riittle '"(' 'i'burHilay, on ! i J i i n ; f'MM vt 1 n4 oti t5 . I y Kjen alor ','!i:l"iiluy tiiitur iJIo'r'''' -If i nj" tti vaikU tv- sgaiu, deny; ,!,.: 0.0 tf tLo ,Tvripv of tbe ii iiiake lllCi tl5Ct01l jCOUllt. i r.'iununl- i flVrcil a.u aiceid- t ;yil;vli Ava.i'iiji-iVtd ; by a j-arty .cnaUifc-lloar; 1ich oHt'rcd an -. " - 'u , u ;i 1 iti .ad i i uj l M'jrg:iu!i4 r-- k' ' ' A ' I-1 h Xl U i s lb o du y c Uy t'l CuL'glCa ai yt jtijlay, toi iiiftjjutc uicasurcs to ft u . t ;i; rii i i rV t xrt lit v a due au d i 'v.f. ly (('tfjruiariicc'oT'aid duty Iu tbe A'!iti' l mi a ("' ';. : vote; '' M'-rau' icioI-Jtioit: as j. tbus .liiVtji-tiiafirucdtu-.ayta 12, Hi c--vintA i Jir. ii jjy.ei m luencg t' , I:.-.-Ij rji alive" yttc included .vi'Ai .i 'i't it iK ra'l.-j- flefrsii'.- Allisouf ijUii-Ws Cinklin.', ifUvid wf Illi- t i ,t I'us a v'oud ileal ofcoinnivut ,r 11; lit f it W ivniH at thg'yole Of ill!-;: iili'n r liviuMicnn -bu'.... i'i. i.?(a.iuil" i- In v.. ,":n over ' 1 i;i:.llNAL cOUUt. 1 u-.ijiibvemeut ou Toot to abl ; iV.,r i r n ut. Critoiiial Court of Njtw. ilv.tin tuiinly,-nnJ etabliib a Criui? iu! tiiitiit auj i til New i'auover in ii,v v 4i n.l. tii is in o v i iiK'Ut is entirely -uiMy.ii.t MJ:.;-rriicf j i.t jtiou lUat baa frr.iil t lialciliV baa bciu ijigucd by tiu y;iji rv iirMdlc ot parly.' ' tio itr'a- : ' it ;c at o I eoirceiucJ, we . re 'k'piii' ilhx ;i: it,:; feel very coufii ..itiiL iuit iiuilc ;jMcarcsv tbo picscut lil.-v wf the .Criiui ual Court 6f ibis ;iiu:;rrt6uldbcj!cc'ted"iy tbe leRis ulittc lor tjiis cirvuit, aud we believe tuirt cutrlc tii) dii.ute iu;rcgard to bia i-uk'fii y, ' aiid tbose- pattiea w bo are .' iy las: f'r 'VdKe, u t: iiii-i 'jit'" i a. Kepub- -,ia Wy)ve rHta;e what'tney Know to (U;:vb iVr the UpuUlicus arc taking .i. i itiiv w " I H inuerat, audit be i'.-u vit'io lUlcir.U 14 ?incd by - - lurxriHc U-paycrs iu Vvie i,vc jncuiy, we Ut- MiuciVnf, liue tax-pay-. S NNjUii ctiiutv-tiavv tuvid lue Juazo f-J. Ue lour voa;4 iU'AHK). aud . ?e $Jivttoi $tiKK,'besdc4 tbe fees, '-.uiavitiu in Actual aalarlei to Utx't IN m if ibU couuty 1ad been ;-! i ttKui: Mii eiicue 'Hiid - bare : .ii i;K4 u fv bv t weeii i X counllw, 'Viv i thitj eouutv : 10,0tH for 'jv tv.'r: if :-pay k id tVur tf .' ; :; h-iU tljv siippvrtt of vur w Cr'w ' v'-st hy (Urf itaX payctd of1 tbi j s '-'-t. ; lite Cvuuiy Treaturer ayt ' V v-.. f ibe'evurt, tbe bunty cf , ' uvivnjtr La to pay ner prupor- ' u -!.i k.urt f lt ih ivthtr iHiHn. jtc, j tbe c xptusca tVtnj . --cute 1 uasurer. gw, Vctrj l lax jajcra recollect U'iscVa -i' uore' txxo a s ey ituatj.iu btf ' Txctpi Mi j at juujib a cyjbl w (eu auikCuuuUt put toctlaa, tuej t'acy art daitfg double duty ' -. -tnrr NVrtlt Caroliui. Now, 'vUm tuuftty-1! pajioj lor Ue Vmc4;vik of lt .'yw criminal tbe v it U6t uf their Ubc af t xtc s cu to tbe pcuiteutianr Vt ud V i tbe band vf Uc it lU Wdy Uis Urjcly it U tuy Batuixl to wp , t?1 f'y '; ; ewt la ' pcuiv Hdiyac cttf w.U a i VtxfUc !fjri!tttrt !erti T KU V JUSTiuB TO Vr W. IIOL-. ' ; Ul3. . , .fco far lit tbe temper, of tbe preieut ( Jeiieral Assembly, is Conceme.d, , it is rather lenient tbau olberwise, towards tbe remoral of tbe disabilitiea of Gov. .Uoldin. Wc-notice tbat the creating of tbe cuuiuiittec to consider tbe tsub jett ;iud lbe;uaming of. tbe touimiitee itself wtVc wilbout dissent. Tliero was no all union to "lie' in famous " stigma whicb hat' tto long staiuedi tbe fame of tlie,itati,T nor tbe uuspeak!ly despi? table cirtuuislaucfeS wbicb haunted tbat ill ht9r oreastou like a gbastiy ghoul, ii demon i f the forest preying upon bu man baJii.H. . -'- - : , ' A. flic trial and couviitiou ol x bih uriaied tyt lliat iguomiuioua couspiracy uiider the guise of "Court'oif Impeaclf' uitut progressed, tdikbolical scenes of freuy were enacted aud" are now on record iu three volumes ofjsbeep, tbe Wackflcss of wbicb Is wot surpassed in the ruodt barbarous pciiod ol depraved aud merciless cruelly known m tbe mobtjuuacrupulous days of jurispro dence. Aud. yet these men, inost pi whom bad coni nut ted treason against tbtir couutry, bad ,bccuJ pardoned: through the magnanimity of the gov ernment against wblcb tbey had con Hpircil, while they, tbemsclves bave not ba the niauliucss to restore to ciiien hip of thc stale an iuuoccnt cilien of Iho vgrc'at aur Jeuient- jjoreruuient agaiust wbicl tbey bad committed tbe Ugliest crime "known under .civil ay f b. A. Aabe In tbe Siks uml Obtcnrr which be controls,, states that tbe pub lic pt iuliug bas been fixed at the same price cf 1870. At tbe same time bp an nounces that the laws of the state cotjt the state ou au average of less than one dollar, but are sold for three dollars, as arc tbc'Supreme Coqrt Reports. The writer seems lu bayc seme doubt a to the propriety of the slate going into the nriniinir Luninpsa for tbe purpose of lr " , I makiug mcney ou tbo government printing. It sCrikes one as a squeaky busiucs', wbicb ought to bo reformed. : J . For itie iost . : I ltli CHtMlS.k t COfltT. The tax :payera of New llabovcr county ,iuce this , court was established, ha ve ; j for Judgjtalery ; - tlt,OW,00 For Jsolicitot'a ealary - 'J'WfiO torCrand uron (more tuaw ; ' was 'ri quired wheu we-bad ! lour, terms ol.Jyijcnor ' Court) - - i i lO.OV l'etil and tales jurors (more 7lban iVr four term I?. C. ;- 1,000,00 which rctuMcd in their conviction. If tl. f 4 va. w'iII nut TNTiar Ifan tbe CfiminalCourtCircuitwitltf:", r;") ",'u,t "k ytv Pit', tilatitgne , The lnipiidcu,cc of siv l'arntll. ' - Notii'ilbstajndiDji .the protett of Mr., Olafel ju.e arid the emphatic, declara tions of the speech . Vrora llcf-'lbrone, the dcbateVon the Irich skuatiou drags its sftov length : along, Never, before has tbi : rrcniitr useiV tuch language as jtbat a debate bad "become Huo better than a pulllic nuisance, and it will-be for tbe advantage of the country that it fhctild wholly discon"tinued." Ifrther onllr. Gladstone taunted. tbe oppOsit ion ti th '-'insulting the Jhrone'- bjcarryinglo its foot a request that to maintain and execute the law of tbe land," shall .yield obedience to lhc "ex tr aord i t . ary proposition." To this Parnell became dufuintdc nounccl the liist Minister of the Crown ,is kvylfcg Uio foundation of diV lntegratiou betftcn Kuelaud and lrcH land, so bitterly that be dicw on bis head frdmi Mr.lClaiIstoc ai:d Jrir Staf ford Jfct lb cole joiuily the fearful i barge of J-edition. V- ' . iK-d.:vt' fli,iHio.oa 1,600,00 Amount ed ficm jkil fee $13,860,00 Ihe yearly statement of the Commis- swuers shiiw iuore than tbw iu jail fees, tUU comes from the price paid, 25 cents ler day. for rriwuer, Uen the feet were ctua bcfve tbia court wax cs- tablUbcd. . Tbo ueoivxixtic legislature cut dawu the. price for , feeding pm oucns aud cvuarriegUy, all -oier fl,4 0WI U uol Raved by ibe wuttexiatru We iay WJU a yci M Ibe priTdcjc ol the Ciimlaal iMurt. Tbia i abat U eta irftead vlbrior a aattBg t the wuutr. A,DtJl0. CHiiuti '.-; ':",'v"Li.- W.-Ixuaim wt tbo place, after juk io( 4 Ult of cltou iff of cae acre of land this teasoa, killed yeetcrday a bc which weighed tOO pound a. lKod fsr a piucy-.d ?kot. ll&aa puUiiia In tbb rrcmitr Daxlor, trobc elusive MrCl bale en fur the iu Jrela Lomju x, January ol , 1SS f.' lious'i! ' of Coin moas to day .T-' i Uladxtoiif , replying lo Mr. hiibciali iiipiiibcr froiu 3Ion- dibtrict, s-iaid 'the dissatisfaction existing u (Ircat Dritaiu at the cxclii- tccuj alioir of ; the; lloie with Ifieli f lfairs badjuoi, escaped the atten tion . 6 the ov.tmmciit who would evcutulty p'.ojos(C nith ti jia i liny may iSibk adviiaWe. ladaloiR ' 1 t'ai cd t L;it thej utti.'i) lu'ding of lite bill piOtivli' ii of lfHi'aud. p.ropeity lid hhuuid Liiu the day inlaw ing the li ret reaJniC, uiiicli hi- ci Unn!y expcclUil this sittiiiir, ami, lu ih debate dn sumed. Mr. ; memben support Chan Duudal Uoaic i:;x) a sion The 1 to allow the last : J.osiion, rt'b. l ll. lluuse olf Wniun)ii. i:t:-t nifht !- . Mr. Icrnsti r'.s biil was're-i .ji a,- M 'jtieialo t,A)iisi r valivc for l..jiiiloiJciy, H ; i.uou.sly d-thcYuicaturc. I : -i - n sJiiicllr'. 'liberal im liter for , abd A!exaii!vr 'Sullivan. Iu!e rjcir.H r fur' . jlralli, p- posed ciiircioii. Til lw 1 1 "': ! ' !l 11110- h rs having -dcciiit id a division .on the .riiotion lor iutsoduetion. of Mr iurs'.er'i bill night, U wa-i'-' arranged that the flcft iugi aftec'( havtog;; spoken aeaiif tiro bours. jjcTfral tnemJberatOfle to points of order while be waa speaking; but the deputy Speaker; Wayfalri staled lha although Mr. .CJommins. was greatly try ing the patience of the House he was in order. : ; ::-:r--l'-1 i " ' . ; The debate wenl on il 10 a. in., when IhcSpeaker reauird the chair, amid great excitement Ibd at 10:30 a. m., a division was taken! with the re suit 1 that ,thet gOTernmw . obtained ieavo to bringn 4iU j r Iho protec tion of liie and properly in Ireland by a vote f.lW to 1 ;?: 'i.":. The Home jLuIe meinhers thin he Uouse in abodyk and the bill was read for the first, time. The, second rending'was fixed for noon to-day. ' The House then atljoumcd, having sat continuously for about' forty-two hours. I : ,'; . . 3::J0 p! nt Tbo Speaker's in lerfer ence, which closed the obstructive de bate in tbo- Jlouse of Commons this morning, and forced tbe first reading of tbo protection bill, wan evidently prcaranged,' as he read from a manu script a statcmentiin which he an nyunced that a crisis had arisen de manding the interference of the chair aud House. The Speaker, replying to Win. Laboucbere, Liberal, said he had acted solely on his owii responsibility, Mr. l'arnell said - be also wished to null ollonilAn in lU l.. ...).'- The Speaker informed Mr. rarneli j that it was not a ijuestion or. pimtrgp, he must therefore give notice, Mr. Af M. (Sull ivan, Home' Itiilcr, moved the adiournment of the- House to cWble the Speaker to search for precedents foT bis ruling. A. lively discussion is progrting, The" House it crowded, every available sea being occupied. v : 5::0 pi,Hi. The dtbat lill contin ues. Several violent scenes look dace aud there: were calls of order uppU Mr. Hailstone's pointing out that some. Of Mr.-A. M. William's comments on the ;r:-.o-J3V 4... Xo Interments tery this week. ayes and noes. " Ike motion "prevailed; nyes li, nays Senate resolution repueatuig our members of. Congress to use tber inilu ence to have the Commissioner of Ag riculture made tSccrotary of Agricul ture was taken up and ? advocated by Bagshale. ' J " - , , !, ;.ru -: - ,: Hicks moved , to table, which failed. and the resolution passed its 'several, interred in Pine .Forest during' the readings-?-:, ' . ; : :.::-.!" r ; -:v k.' ' -:'M "y Scnato bill 68, to provide Ibr payine .x-, ?V U;i ,- "', m"i-;S!Jz& o? In coroners inquests, passed its second reading and was -put ondis. third, but isuea lor want or a qaornmv- and obly; ktttU has bcrn cbansol to tkat ofthc LJ Mite, b4 will appear CB tha lih f Marine ' -. ' ', ; Ifi kiKtw cf anv licttvuxi wm YvteO, but wis W BUUeiT U do tend hU nam al tie nxtit u House sit couti'nuoiisly until the bill is read the first tiiue. .The iipiorlers ot the bill L ill be divided 'iti to relay?,' and the debate will bcjuouliuutd : .until all the Home Ilule'members have exhaus ted their right 16 fpcak. Mr. II lad stone was iq tbe Uousc and opposed an aJjournment at 1 tbia.niornipg. " John J Uedmoud has been elected a member of Farliameui "without oppo sition, for New Kos?, ' iu ilie place of Mr. F61ry, National and Home Ruler, resigned. Mr. Kcdmond, in his elec toral audres. de'scribed himaelfasa memben of the Laud League and the dcterhuiicd .enemy of Liitish rule iu Ireland It bas ; been stated tlutbis election was not. eppbsed because no one wa; willing; to fake the risk of uoni inating' another candid at v- 1 . Tbe Vctlty --'.-Vcifa aud lac JtU MiU O'attcte disapprove of the sAvceping ua ture of tbe bill fcr llfo protection of lifeauii property iu Ireland, especially tbo provision -giving it retropective action, -f : ' - ,' ' ; . The UVuiau prtiUmalion has betu placariit d iu Salford and Oldham. Lo.mms, Feb. 2,'lit. 1 n the House oT Cdoimoiw last uignt . Vm. lieory Irinitb'Ceuttt vativo, and formerjy First Lud ol the Admiralty, rve to a question of r,4cr, and eaid Mr. !meil vi a i.o of.. the c!cveu membeis who bad spekcu ihiriy-ibree lime on Uie (il:.otiou lyr .aojcumveot, and Mr. Smith ttfcr:vi?fd Mr. I byV fair to'naxe'Mt rit'U gmliy'of ; wilful obstruct iot. . Xi'lJ if -vd t"i t-c.ebi, rae aV a,k' 'uvb i provxtd- bavios two rrieviu, .r. Tvae ou aautur vf prtt ilesv. lie IJ Mr MtlbaoK had crtrd : the h oi of lt Uouieaad called biu au iupudnt scoundrel. .'r-i". Mr; liijar duid itai he I ad ald Xr.atnbak a foot , Mr Milhank id 1 h dsticctly heard Mr. piar s te jHVjjWa. " ' IV. T. '.t it aiil'r .'nit ni Mr. M&Vauk to spvkju to the Uoo Ux callicj Mr. Xf ga vEae bal not to Mr. Uifj conduct of the Speaker were iiot in or- dr. ''A - - - .V ; . - , Mr. Suiiivan shook his ti5l at Mr. (iladstotie and said ;be tbankcil God that the rules ofthc I louse were uot in Mr. Gldslou e' handa. .'- . ' " . ' Theu" there was a wranirle K---4-MiMiicuou jitinry, '-; Callum and otker li ish members. . ''''. .''; 'i 1') p. m: Debate coutjnuei. The Irish members up loo"35yi.Vm., contia ug'd their obstruction motion v As the Ui'ttse rises at ii o eiock p. m., Wednes day, they will doubtless be1 successful iu pf eventing Mr. Forster from moTtng the second reading of his bill aud msk ing the usual explanatory statement on doing o, though he has urged the con-vcuienco-of that course. The sice-be8 of the irih members show much heat and indignation. i f ; Mr. OTrjnnell maintained that iho House should adjourn or otherwise Mr.. Forster w u id hav au opportunity to, make an itirl.fmmatory statement which would go forth without con Ira diction. After, a motion to adjourn had been negatived tbe Irish members, to prevent Mr. Forster front making his statement, objected, to every bill upon orders of the day; thus occupying the time until the House Wai obliged lo adjourn, just previous to which Mr liedmond, new member .'fur'Xew llosa, took his seat. T,h o Genera I Asse m b ly Of North Carolina. ; SENATE, ::' '.'' '.'5 Januarv'-m. ' House bill m . Scuale! hill 2&1, to preceut the felling ct the water courses of Cabarrus couniy, based it,ecod and third, readings. f! Uoue. bill .205,1 Soal bili 2lS, to pxomote'tbe growth of oyateriiii New Kivier, io Ouslow couuly, pcJ iu moioJ ami la ix4 rrauiDjr. Houm bill 21, Senate bill .Vs to iu- j crparate'the S',;th AUaolic ami Ob to j Railroad Cwpaoy. Uiplaiocd by Mr. j York.. liW3vl ty air. eltK la Uxor. licuml aUo by Meaa. fccU ;ockiDgbaat aud Wbttaaer. IVasrd iU third readtoc- ', '. ': iiaui; if ui:riiKstNTAXi vt. The uiorimif boor batie expirtd, ou moUort cf tirrea f CVavtai th cal eodar wa placed aUbt dpal of lfe jfpefcker.'' . ' '' I ' 1 l0ac rrsolutkrti t I rtoir the jittdkiary cxisaiue to report wbat krj olattoa orcewary to protect Uaaau jrom the rapacitj eC laadlorda, waa kea wp aad the report cf the ccsmmii , tea read aad adapted. The report U tcdJUiat bo ledalkMi was atwiary. A sacssaga waa itcatTfa irwa s (lotrrcM 3 v itb itpud to iht diridis tine bttwW , iki? stala aad lh State of SUk CarUtaa and Mrjiaia, akig tkattha State Iktoct bo apfoiabed a gard to amending , the prohibitory law of the town of Rutherfordton. Ex plained by .Eaves.- Davidson thought tbat it ought to be r of erred to tbe com mittee on prohibition. The -111 was passed over informally. . - , ; House bill 252, and Scualc bill 201, to allow the commissioners of Hender son county to ieyy a special tax. The yeas and nays' , were called yeas 'nays 2. .. ;.: Senate bill 260 wasaia 'taueu up A motion to tableovas lott bv a vote of 15 to S. The bill passed its thirdrcad ing...... ; " ,. ,:'y ,-,. A message was received" frozu the. Governor relative to the Blatc botiuda ries. The Senate concurred in iho pro position of the UoW to print. House bill 2ol, Senate bill ibS.'toiu coporale the South Atlantic and Ohio Railroad Company, passed its. third readiDg- H O US t: OF K Kl'RL EN TATI ES. " Speaker Cooke- prcacnlcit'a. jeii'tion from tbeNorih Carolina M. E. Confcr euce asking prohibition, and one from the Blue Ridge Conference of tbe M; E. Church praying prohibition and eu-r dorsiug the actiou of the stale prohi bition convention, both of which were reiuland referred to the committee on prohibition. ; V ' Thc chair announced the committee to investigate the propriety of remov iuir the disabilities of W1. Vr Itol Jph as follows; Messrs. Carter. Manniusr. Icose, Bledsoe, Holton. ltlaisdcll.i irain. cer, Day and Rowland. . : Leaye of absenco was Rrauted Mcar3. umguam anu JirooKs, ol JSruuswiek, on account of sickness. f - i , House bill to amend tiic." lml.lio school law of North Carolina having been reported ou advcrscly by the com- miueoon caucatiou, was taken up. Uicka advocated the bill and said he saw mq reason why this bill should OoJ; school purposes is oulv ciiiht - aud oao. third cents and tweutv-Jive ccnVs on the i poll, auu tnis bui pruviUca thai U iiiatl oc tucreasca to mirteen cent. He said racer prejudice would d 'ie out when the colored: people ;wcrc educated, aud not till then. f ' i 1 Blaisdell cxidaiaed to. him that the?' committee uncuttealion were prepriug 5k bill which W)ultl apply lo the whole state.- ' : .' -. Whito iasibted that this bill ought to ass without regard to the commit teo'aireport and independently of' what the committee were doing." The bill Was tabled. 1 - r v : . si:natk.. ' ; . February 2.' ' hlLl.i KUUl.tllO.N'. were iulroduced as follows, and n fcr red to the appropriate committees. . Scott of New Hanover In relation lo crimiuals in capital felonies Com mittee on penal iastilntions. Scott of New HanoverCoucerBiu" inspection and inspectors in the city of vwimington. . Uoiunuttee on coriora lions. ,:V - vi ,'.;'., '(, ' Clarke Of Craven -Concern ing Slate's interest u swamp lauds. Committee on education. .- i... Clarke (by reiWst)-r-Bil to incorpo rate New tern Coitou and CJrain Ex change. Committee on' 'corporations. . Harris To prevent Judr of In ferior CoutU from practicing as attc-r-ueyj-at-law. Commice u' propi lions and grievances. ' llurwell Taauxml jcbartr t.f ihc town of Cn ax lot tee. ComniKtce on cor porations.; i : Burwtll--To iocoforate tbe Carj Una God Mining omipsv,, CVqHjTa lioos. :'.,:- , ',-,- 'J.''-,:X ',';';..' (.laile -Ta ameud the ' ! teoinl act. Judiciarjr Mr. Dortch bill in rtiatiiii- tj oeaaex,'' amcodt.I, .'" i-a.-'td, 21 ( av lo 1 ti's-T. -' ' tireea of t'rattnj ca : Vetl'idiy rre enUd a pttilku io:clicj; aintbe DvsKe of a tio icuta Uw r t tiaip No. ib t ratio coauiy.' . '.. ... ' i ' ' ' PttiA ; . ; cir iatrodued acd te'eru f-!!,o H Younl- To aJake vtedor i tbtoai CaltBg li'jucn aod the aocra cf ptrm bet on which thvy are ud rrpoaile for all daaaagts aukUiaed by the ictox icatcil pcxaoa asd Lu faniiJy. as J jiv ing the wife fall poct t- ie fcr iLua agv. JadK-ixry, 1 Tir iuUjrineii pakdaleirjinjr i n Ifcc Citbol fc Ccme- , Thero were one interment ? in - Bel lievue Cemetery this week. Mtkjvtic ;lfouse of Beaufort in lSXOre- -rri Ucct;with pleasure Mn.rertj'stBan- -f t cement of that calahlishmcul. Wo : Z 1 congratulate ther citizens of Wilmluir- ' v ; UD. MM. TPII 9a t n a,- T TT -i. . " . Two adults and . one . i 1 ,:' ! 1 1 "'''j ' - ' U .,t-. WJ UWliifclln-ilif I ! cauojen were i -ou anauai mectimr or Uia Seaman a " rrlend Society was held Tut sdar irteri r -lVk -'- Marriage , licenses were I isxoed J ho colored;, -and ! four whiloc cdbplei by the Eeg&tei :of;Deciiidmriostnt week. I . I M . t.:n' , . J?e?rQ7 J-. 3Ir. John l;. Taddison's store, and Senate bill 280, to amend sectiou I. . vv . v w -i - chanter ir.o lava r.f i ST: '77 win, . pysictJcc ai, . 1 pint Lusweu, were con- a sumed by fuel'ueslby evening fth9Ut : i Uon.yn H;lWaddellV?New llano, ver'a only iReprcsentativoin thq House, 44 in oiir c'ity on a short visit.. He will relttrnj ta-morrow to his post of duty,' . ' i tNo mau should accept an election io the legislature, unless he is goiOg to at Jtcnd the " sessions. . N"o man. fchoiiJd draw thd pay unless' he ' docs his dnty a3 a representative. , , Revvi Roger Marling the orisuator of the prohibitory movement in this state suggests tbat all Christians in North Carolina meet at: their respective places of worship to-day and pray for Clod's favor upon the Movement. ' ' ' CaplainJ S. W. Xorment has, to wc uuderstand, formed a law: parlner&bjp with Mr. W. Foster iVeuch of Lumber ton. Cuptain Norm eut will remoyo to Lumbertpti in a short time. Wo are sorry to lose au good a lawyer and cit- C1T ll'EMt. . Chew Jckca'a Cot Mtft .Vii) Tooacco. ; It v izeu. Oarj own . Representatives, Jo tthe legislature,' Senator Scott and ; Rep resentative! WaUdell. have been at Raleigh idncc the 7 very . ' com mcnccmcntrtif the Legislature", attend ing to their duties faithfully as good and true ecrvaut. But wc arc .orry to, learn 'that Mr. James Wilson has not yet put in an" appearance at Raleigii. Wc hojni he has a good and sufficient excuse, if he lias not, he ought lo re sign at once. ' :i'-'S '7 -v-' 7 uoxV- Simon Casierox in Wii.-.MxUoUou.Sim.rCamerou-aod party.', consisting "of Col. James Dufly, of l'ehusylvania; MrV.C. J. Stoddard stenographer ahd pxivate secretary to ol the rmtauelpuia I rev. arrived in this city on a fpcfial. palace car, fitted .up with every couvenience, on Thurs- uight,' and remained here until Friday night, whee they proceeded , on their tour, j Mr. Cameron and party recei ved stveral of their friends, during tbe day.: Although au octogenarian, Mr. Came ron a'pieai3 to be strong audhearly, and might well pasi for a mau 01 sixty years of age. He went frtm here to Chailcs tou. His tour will c-iii..-ac? some .of the ' pTf'uvipal souibemvitiea Jack souvillej New Orleans, Cedar Keys aud other poiuti. Mr; Cameron will then go to Cuba, and, returning to New Orl CAiis, wfill mectGsji. Grant and proba bly go to Mexico iwith him. He docs not expect to be back until June. Tbe ol j-ct of the tour cauaci much pecula liau. Mr. Caruerou says it is simply-a trip for recreation and respite from the ardoou. duties i.ich are inseparable ".frcmhli stay u .ne north. Chasm, in tiik MiSiiitMtMHir. mt VtiatLL Hori:.--Mr. Benjamin L,. lVrry of Beaufjrt, N. C. has pur cfiac.l , tbe right, title and '.'interest ct Mr. HoaeU Cvbhia the larcc!t Hoae iu thU city .the change took place ori yes Unlay vMr.' IVrty has ha 1 ?rerl yer eprri5Ht u the mauagricot of hole'., lie a f r -ercrat jcais ptpti!or of th? AjVuIi If out In Bexa'crtf iWc b a rfat rrputatoa at a iirlJa Lottl oiaa. ' lit t iheeiy af:,taaa a ba made the At'auticMiKaa py at lbe4B lime j'tca it cue- in tact I Mr jai irry ttrf iitf 1'w.t cxMtM ii,. tW At laalk Hotxe vx. bol at.aW h trraciH2vt Vria mi l?a. b mim v'm plfc4 ? iWic isU?4 ihv Ov:! tlvw abkh he ka sic Uxa ita&aiB Daring l$i ha had It foil, ta at hc taraed aa ksnadrtdi wbom be tvo J iot accctascla:r. Mr. I'crtv cwt: toUi city j He isiUa tkn f a xry Laie aVct of ocr rntmt avctiva lnar . saiB, Lr li Prpv of kaiag tie TrTt3 lioar.ani k UXtada to saaka U tie j bra Wwt la tke ar.h. Csr rxn 1 raay rdy, allut.Mi tatisg tkc I thai will 3 crt Jil to THtauajt. - ton, : well as thp traveling pithlic, ti, H the chanwa In tfit. Wl ".'.M . ' ?hiI noon fJKLpXkiagt: liarrisi was called Wlja: A ChaU and Jir. Gecrge IU french Jr,j JIT., gi requested to act asiecreiary. j, i nal tsf awiresiacjn iu tue auneuco 7 orthe lVeidcatisnhniilled his report;- 'r Te Cjjaplatn andtheScactary and'y-7wr)f - Treastuar' also submitted their report? ? whicX'wcre received and spread pn ti e1 1?19 ' nrrad in essrt.-ILTJEilws aui lET 1 hT I wero appouitod.y com the Treasurer's books aud vouchers an i,, 4 report at the next regular meeliiMrvt. i the Elecutive committee. j. ! " f HrlX ' The following gentlemen were unan- Sat? iinohsjy Tclected Trustees ' fori he tiWn . i 4. jotf ,' Ids year j:; -M v ' :: -'' !'',r' i:.4H 2 George R French, G corgi llarrtsV U: R.E. Hcide, E. T. HancocMittfri K.r,v: 1' French Jr., II. B. Eilcrs.'B.Tt'JIatch.- . " .P ell, E. S. Martiu, JEd ward lVschd v 5.a Moore; EdwkrdKmdcrrAlcx. Sprttntf ' .6 F. W. Kerchacr, AV. T, (lore and C.TI Robinson.''- '-.'-.' ; t.; ' ' s': Pf '; tittt-A ' On motion the: nicct1rg;idjourViVd. H ' u- XhT"- ' At mceti'pjVfUhc Trtislc held; v'"i.J"n imbed iatcTy after the-: adjournment of 'f tue members pf the tek ty,aMf. B. F.b Mitchell was called t ' the chitir au.f- ',1' air. ucorge !.. 1 mivii, , Jr , .wsis:, ajrr;. , pointed secretary: t'.p,;; . I r- j.fJ ff; i The fQUowInz gc nllcnien wtre c lui- ? ed otBccrs for the cuauing year,;' , , f 5 f rrestdent George K. Frcntb, Sr. - -:Vice;i'rc4idcn t-r-tkorgo ilarrie:. Secretary and Tre'asurcr- lieorte R.-, French; Jc, . ... '. Tbe?c genllemcu,' iu coanection with. the following, were elected to constlhito the Executive comniiitec, ,vi2-J Me?!T. V H. li. VAhxP, li. T, Hancock- mt.l. K. E. Ueide. '. :: . 1 - , v RcV. J. W; Urait wa elected Ctap- lain. ' ', ; ' ir-v;..- '"." '- .:; not ' .. . ,-- .- Ml j iXr. it aif, f?ecretary;.oj'.Uiev Amcr-icjsri Seamen' Friend Socielyj of New Tork city of the cieelioh o'f-lhc Chaj lain,aiid to rcuct acoutiau;uiie .y-f tLi it dita tion toward his alary. i - ' ;Oa motion the Board aUyt!tin.Mj P " P IIauuou iUr:u s Ki:piii;iv-Cai lain Joseph Trice, Harbor Malvr makes the following; rcort of The arri' vals of vcsselsiat 'Ibw orl, Ac,- Jor month of Jauiny American. r Banucs, P. .2 Brign, . -r Schooner, ' ' t? Steamer ' M I -1 iff' r i iU 1 ;W' 1 . - ,,,jt.i ... y c -, u.,.f.' r 4 1 .' 1 .!iiie,-t. t'.ol I. H : '4-4'. .' Total, v p;: Foreign, i Steamer-, Barque,--, . Schooucn, Brig, V ; Total, P:-PPX Total rrivalV' al. ' I X - : ..Pot 1- . -'.Il a. 'pZ fo:,.... t u. ' r - - - ia accvrdxace uh tbe dev- w: of H wa Wt to Ua Sreate wUk a tt t.nniSMtfr '."-,: ,'.': . iart4b rciai. '.-, ,.;..' .' " . ahe $vidcal tostij.tol. rtraB-4 U debate. dceatc. . satis h ireto4 a Lomn, Kb; a. as. ? k tw- cMsUtrr. vu takta . Ia Ike ltita e4 Cvtu.o Mr. Co i iut cTt3 U lavn wciatlosi ta I fes U aV UoKttBl-1 Vb4 UtV Every man why wa dtuicUJvUe njtl to vote, should report his u7ur ayJ ad dress to Cel. O H. Blocker W4?Biing. on, C. i . .... f m -, i.'.-Xa' '. 1 " ti. ;, . I -tiliie ." .1. M - -1 1 XEW1 .VaTrRTISEMENTS. p! 1 V. '' .yiix'1!' W l't '- -rf.'' . a - i'Srfck"' r,rTi av2. ' ' Wfil" .COJ' 4x ,:r..'r.Ss i-WJbi ffi VV f v.-5 w.ii.MoonEoico,, Wfc k .v : --I ' , j. -.--i'"-'-i : 1 - ' "' '' v '-'.- " nadigk last a'.it- Tmt Mtt adtr taa U 7 kMnrrrwirriaiaa la krkk. f T .If" r.L .vlTvu TVc tlewsaa Cattcs Csmu, k.V UaImui W Wtlaasa, ax4 dec otiJ en Tktiiy al;it, lad t a- J cttTrU-x ia kf.rrrr la aala lk vhr. a4 a xocaau rkW Wt acsaBU taco. Mrs xtt atorar tnt kaat, U ioawriifirwa ; 1 1 tUdka tVa fcxrat d" Wt IrtiiW ky wVkk ab wi nmj'k to rrttm t-,JilxUcllius Vjx tklrVsXo jrrr4aT- " llxjtf wa af U ks tUel tht truxv -1 fP..r:-,P.p-,.:P., A"'. 1 4 si -: i .,.:'. etas m 'itWi riMit! cau aa a t $ i Lxa Su3E. ft ' 1 . - - p V- : r-J. - ' "o Mav?.. t. P. r--r. r -!-)- i. h ' "'', ',:.-y:'::.:-v':..PO. PP.I'P'-:P;"i "-;;: vl-V; .:PyP----:vVv:y :,:p,-ivy i;- -."r .viy P -P-: y,:.-. .!.i.:p -v- f. :ypy,i.-fe, ;'-yP;i; vPPyyfPP:p-p-;';pp: :PP;pppVPp:,:'P AKmxA: ivSK ":,; .K, . ppppP-P:.y". v:PP-y;;': ..: -pp:: '-pp:p.p:pp-P: ,ym.:-: ;;P p.i.;pr p ya- 'p;p.y - tv . -pr-yr-y:.