THE WILMINGTON POST. W. P, CAN AD AY. Proprietor. i WILMINGTON. A". C. Susday Mowrixq. Feb. C.J8S1. Itii thought that Thomas Carlyle is lying at the point of de?itb. .-'. - ' - At Kin-tyv' iLlfJI3-icn i f-.rM!l- file' winter, in- aomueh that iho i '; mow f.nd Jco & thal were at onco pressed upon the at teniion of the court by the civil war will be readily admitted when we re member that the questions concerning all the rigbuof belligercnts.of confisfia tii)9j prize, blockade, and jioninter course were to. be at once decided. The vast expenditures" required novel sys tems and modes hr raising revenue.and the; legislation bv which ' it was souzht BIIFRMAlNS SCHEME. I'laus for Refunding Laid by the feci. ; I eration that foujrht during our civil war has conferred upon them-. -1 1 We are now enjoying ?. s rotary o the Treasury 'refofqf Boston llcrcnants. bcnliiig (i low in Picture of the Country's 17a- Iture OrcatnesBpraw-nfor the Ed- ' ' ilicatiesof IIIb IloireM'.'vr TI3 GOOD T313TG3 O. UfE - lecc4:f we have been bravo ia the per form upe JCF po'-lic duty cni the field : .du puDlis-couscus: cecauso wo uao fi.ea an lempiauou io impair tne ptiDpAijcredit; because we havenX least been honest to holders of oar botes as well as to holder of the public securities. . Tto'duty; of the'getfeia.tion has been r rfrserve their counCry- he-trtjrtrf thg'uexfwlltte tfftteYelop ---'. ! id JUtle rat tend Grnrrt -and iiitlf to fuii J, to be Lc(y n. (tfant. Mrs." UlyfSM arc In Wrih the meeting of tho Fc; held at the E:?g: n.u-e. j , , Miss Anna Tarn!! r?tsiccu :a-ar meetlog of the kdiwr -Inland in op position to .the r& r.-up f the govern ment. - ' ' '. ' to meet the exigency became cf neces sity the subject of inquiry and intcrpM- LVaruir, Jan. i23ecrelarySherman tation.' I l i was entertasDtd this evening at a din-1 nod- advance it, . and so. youthful eye 'HiaW epinW considersF fully the (mi Sjven by the j Merchants' Clubf P important subject of the incomo tax thu city, and, in resppnso to an iovita- QVT countryt toJanJ iWieve will imposed by the United States.anddeT;lwonr,dehv?rfaan address.toocb flnM rloarlv o'tiil 'nYiArftatilV tlis 'the refinidinz ODerationB 5f the cov-1 Eesources noW .unknown.wili the.o be - . j r - i - . T .- I a . . -. o. . , " ? ii - meaning of -direct taxaUo a Mbe ernmenf and : tW i management of the f- Kiog Kalaknna &i' Flarvahp Islands, li rolnir to Japan, .China" and India, in the terja iat,seJn the Con8tnutionft JLt PHcf debt. :;The ; greUrr the dose of the War came the period of veith a review cf the financial alTairsct J munication by land and water will roTiitnictmn a a nmnfr? nntLv Mr. the crivernoient at the close of revolu-! open up new sources o wealtu. Ham rlua c.i.f.l''t,5m.Atr 'Xt' wViiTtT- tionarV war. and of the necessity that eation, the feure foundeir of the arepub- T"" - , - . lie, will be Extended by our common one years since there had been any men exmeu jcr remnumg lQe uUfc Ucools and coHeee. BO that all our peo- amendmentsto the Constitution. All that period for the purpose of securing I pie, whether rich or poor, white or had been a lower rate of interest and extending! biacJf; the PftHW ninendments had. been a lower rate of interest and extending! biacJf: may have an, equal chance in ' I ' i n.. i...-: t iv- Tm nerinn nf ?ta oirrSt nd nintTft. I life. This is the' hopeful .. view I tafce f L . . ' . '.,.. ,. , .1 k ' I of the future;' 'unless it is 'checked by The Senaleis a degree b&ttbiit Official CCIISUS EatUTTrnV North Onmii no C tho House, The Hon. Mr. iDortch of i rAM " UJL uayne and uapun,1 is.Ahe' icauer oi A -mm - - m i m ,. r1 . and utandinir'anJ Uli.nnrirftfnT ! vyunoea.. , f CJ - f J man in Ihe legislature; He stands high. Alamance axnona: the iiep ubheans on accpunt of j yPJjy-T nis usual courtesy and kinonesa io-f I Aiiecuny .l . 1 1 T T -1 1 , uv and Respais, are fair Senators, iCapV ISchardson of Columbus, has ;as much ToUL .-,.--1 1W If i !V Bladen. Bronawtck. BuBoombo. BarKe. lniiuence in tne senate as any man on i Berue I Cabarrus. 7 - . nvvuiuiuuti . v i ptK deal. Messrs. Pcott, Williamson. Cherokee Clarke and Spears, on 1 he Republican J Cumberland Daridion Wtanlps tir.A Ttpsfiflw ' "Thpr I Carteret r ciiowan certainly; beat tne uemocrtuc trio in J cuy. iuut.3 anu aouiiY, auu wuea iuej; uo- i Craven,.' . : ? i mwi i in n if" r I urr11ik. iNvviaaoa-'. Ivie.... ll&r0MMM4'iMn.l Edgecouibc, KorsTtbe. Franklin Urabatn t&e interest ci geuiPg t I"u,!" " Ief taeir ntonomy: Ehouid be invaded ieu oy conmsi. oeiween use amounw i SQme depirture r(fa ihose pincipl of loose counirief .v: ; - i by thex Federal Government, but a time involved in the refunding operations of honesty which have made oar country row Senator 1 arrived rhen it was clearly neces- that pefiod aud tbosew recent times, grow with such marreBas rapidity Into , . 1 . . . .. . .U Tiof tffW roflntrMt-'nVl rMtrifk Soeakin? of the oroirrosa made in the weann ana power.. oecreiary si mm h ert nninnr "n i""'. v -r a . ... vt- - i ai... .r . . n..c.u determined by the civil war should bftlcountry s growth,- the Secretary said I . . ,!.. u i ioarney toAicnior, loscauen.uaruwu "n : ' ' - - ... A. . tl.t,C..:. v.f... t"""1""""' - Oov. Cornell ami , tho ' Piatt, came near go fhe other day. during the month of January the total menls. amount of 17,382,103. placed under the guardianship ol the that the revenue now received for three Federal Government, and this was I months amounted to more than all the The rublic Debt has been decreased done by three. Constitution' amend- debts of the revolntion. The resump- uoa iudq Dow oem iu pruiccv iuo ic demption of United " States -notes Vis more than ; double the amount of the revolutionary debt". . . . . - ' . . But more than all, the United States. has always firmly and fully and hon estly performed I every promise made to J ' v; i TllKEATNEIJfQ. ::- TT.-flnfYimfrtpe on commerce puysienous placards threatening air. having completed, in o Hirer and Har- Gladstoije, and posted all over Ireland, bor bill, amounting Ho $10,000,000, the Herald, are the subject of con- fhero is not much doubt but they will vexsation everywhere,. So far as is ..iA Annrobrktib for the filling k4own they have' been.traced to no un nf the Kidwell bottoms. , ? ' hoij. . This is : remarkable at a time meets of the merchants of Boston.'. LETTER FBOIT BALIsIQII. ! RAtErair, N. IX, 1 . iy- rp; '.;: . Feb. 2d, 1881. ) Did you ever see" a legislature in ses sion? If you never have, dQn't come to Ealeigh during the present session," or you will certainly get ayery bad im- pressionj for the present, set of genfl men.' who' call themselves , Honorable Members of the General Assembly of when Ireland is Overrun by an mcreaeed Publlf creditors, lhese principles were North Carolina are a very hard looking Gaston, UMIlil . Harneu . Hemlerson i. H y wood..M. Hertford.............. llyde...... Iredell. 4. Jones.. tainr tne experience they will far excel them.;.' Messrs, leaves ar-d Hunj?s of the west, are among the most useful mem bers' of the" Senate, always in their seats, and never fail at roll call to .vote on thfi riirht mAp-. i Tn thp Se-nnte. tjik. ins: out Mr. Dortch. the' : Republicans I oranviiie ,i. Jlivu- : GullfortU i The "Great American Traveler," LU I Gov. Robinson, was in his seat to day, and to judge the roan by his look., he is the "bigisl" 'man in -America, and Grant is a fool to him. We heard a man say that he "would, retire from Lincoln- business if he could purchase James McDowell ui nuai tie nas icauj wuriu, uuu iucu i jtadlon. sell him fir what James thought he J Macneir wo wortTi " i ''.-;' I Mecklenbnnc , , . (', , , " ;, , I Montxomery.. 4 Thfi twin-brothers, the ' railroad Moore-.. r . r , . . t . a. ' I New Hanover . panner?, iuessrs; jarvis ana ieai, were i uoslow V. An nnt Ifinnr 9 ft ITkmllCO 1H.00O 1 1.130 21,910 J'Kil 10. WI 17fc3 23,4: 14,I6 11. .! ' 23,S: e.2ri I l.7Xi s.r.16 18.071 3,;ctt 1S.TT1 8.8SC 31.2X5 10.S62 r'eiuale. Native. Forel. Wlilli. ou.i . 2 Ttil 7.2 W M3 . ti'iO '11,427 jS 7. 11 .H 7,215 11.4WI : s,m .4JI7 il i mi !.! : n.iu tyM 4,277 4.9IH ll,;t iiu;ii 7,2t 4,-t.V 7.1W i.2i t ll.'CX 17.117a :i,4S Hiw JU7S1 ' t53 12 f R,27i J - JB3Ui 8,675 ?7W 10H'lJ3.a 1U4.1 w 7.7i 1S272 7JM3 7,4.a inhentea by us. Wnen tobacco factories for, 1880 ia 46,000,000. iDg the. country at all llours of the - ctviLvAU came lton ys r" The great bulk of onr tobacco is of a npht. So ' thoroughly Jvas ; the work and ' compelled the contracting of a Bhbi grade bright, ' yellow, compara- dcjne in Dublin.that a double force of debt in amount so vast that one year's tively free from nicotine and gum, police was sent' out early yesterday interest was more than the debt caused orforona and far more agreeable as a morning to make thorough search. by the warVof the Revolution and 1812, smoking tobacco than ' any produced J Npt a single' copy could be found by attention was devoted to the rapid pay- lias ia this cUy and their looks cer lsewhere in the United States, while found by midday. It is generally as- ment of the public debt, and the fund- tainly, exceeds thir capacity, or they in like manner deservedly esteemed as sumed that the Land League had noth- mg act ofJSi O. At that time the legal have, been fro session since - the first snperior for chewing purposes. . mg to.-op with, the placards, indeed, nuer noiea were (umi'i'ui weanesuay in January, ai thiD leaders ol the organization must be ' aisnonoreu promises oi ine govcinuicui, notiimg. it ycu - win aj gratified at the opportune appearance I worth less than par in coin, and no Houses when they af e m set of men. If you will call a, meeting of tic citizens of any ward in "Wilming ton, the crowd, that, will attend, will be a finer locking body- of gentlemen than the present! legislature, now making laws for the sood people of North Car seen to-day. We do not new scheme iKey have up now to de fraud the people. You may expect something soon. . ." ''. Tickerel will be. down, we' suppose, The inaugural festivities this year will bo very grand the building cov ering 2J acres; eoutheru pine flooring waxed, 150 musicians, up complimen tary tickets except to the Presidentelect,- cx-rre-i'ulents' and Vice-rresl-dents. Gen. Sherman will be Grand Marshal. . i Hon. Lewis Uanes, Senatpr; liom Davidson, hss.".otrodac?d a bill to mend the constitution i "in relation to mjent may bo judged from the fct that oi: the,sixty men told oiT fpr duly in Dublin, and vicinity, - not more than three knew at Bix o'clock on Saturday thtir destination. I am told that fully aithousand men were encaged in put sutTragc It provides that after the year ting up the 60,000 copies distributed to re exhausted u was a long and slow 1805 "no person who cannot read and tie local organizations. ; Their success process to establish; iii thc nxrlct IV . ' ' . . ' -I J it.. J.. TUm or. innolliri.'U. DPT CPXt bonds. wrfte, not betore navicg eaerciseu iub t?Ai .. . . . jr an elector. Rcfetrcl. to ' the Judiciary i ' i -. - I T . m a . Committee. ! "'h '-. -J '" wm no mo stnaing iu cuaracier tuan ihe poatiug4)f placards. . The houso whon; Aaron . I.Utry was: tntertoiufd n' IlTtMKl-Wirgl'cNiiigpdat that lim? to ?..' ' ; ,l-.( Tcompson and 11 r H'nr.'iiVL', li ; a henvy hlg hod--i w:tii ) It wan lilrci that Knrr . 'Kwnicd by lien. Adair, (tnd ii"r t lint hi i;tuQar fuciuatjoriH wi-r. amMi aml (t'!t. by tlm Kentut kian. Ho ii ym rib.' as a neat, triru, wjry'nrHiv of 4neti!uin height, tiGteftil 'i-.'.rfs'"j'a':',,tV'-in5bi'i;c,a-Ute in his uoitht r aufiiiiit-s. . ; j r- nl ii i'h , i.vw weath it. frvauof. 1 county, to who? f-runSj ; Turitan eUi-k America Is so jlocoly inuebted for many of its ablen men aud wcinen u the kighest walks of Ufo. . Mr. was born iu G!tuc'ier, uu March Stft, illO. His tiUbvt. .M.tnhew Whipple. who died while Li boy 'was an infant, jit wJl be voted dotwh by an overwhelm , WS a descendant: ot a ngner oi me ping majority DookrmUon of Iudtpcadesce, and his "r7" 77 iil!..T "Ptch sent from Paris toay, to alsJoe family ot Mrong intellectual . JT . . -T: ' ; ; . i ue itmet says, -ne report wmea At. ' " ' . y , , . ' . ;' deXesseps will read to-day at Uus firsK The aa-itation ii tno Eoslish rarlia- constitutive meeting of the Panama! meat on the IrUh controversy is very Canal Company states that the sub-j freat, and proves to be greater. But the Premier, Mr. Gladstone, holds tho ttiaaia his own hands, and controls his opponents with a double curb bit. The homo rulers withdraw, apparently to dotal a quorum in tho Commons, and tho enforcement bill of Hr. Forster was oaxritd by a majority of ICS ayes to 10 nays. lathe policy of. Mr. Gladstono there is enough of the tJemait of joa lieo to cominand tho "approbatioa of tho igluh people, and tho world, and when peace is onco enforced, as Una doabtedly will toon bei tht Irish tasj cootents themselvti willassnme a more ptaoablo temper. Bad as Ireland has boon treated throosb a long and mel ancholy period of aaagttlaary miarnlo, tho present policy f tho gOTtrnnMnt of thai great leader, Gladstone, l tn 5Wy' sopcrior that ol sttch wild and biLiwniscaroa acsroata as Parnell. Attsjraey-OraeraL Devcas on the rt Umaent of Jostica waynesaM: Nine teen years hito pasaca sincof Mr. Jiwayno became a jasiko of this Court With ono cscepUoo,tho stsior atsociato waadetalatd frfnt ns doriot: this tern by a protrjkctet and dUtrcnlag iUnesa, all who-erkinallT at with him art jpono, ITailt no "roJd rraJallits of decay have g5 vya a4maitto of tho DtCtsaity oi rpif, h ht cettw yd U preiNrr : tn wtV it. UU jodWal h? tJ l . a .f nat hWj fdttc; or rtHJt I Hoid y tWO LUttAs pert ;4t, . th; ?rB4 tnent and cft, rafcf i'WW. Too ing to " UO Wllh the placards, indeed, I lenuer noiea were uuiiuman-u, Wednesday in January, ana nave uoue rs oi ine organization musi ue i uwuuuyieu iuuuiieco u lur.wtwuiuw"! i nommg. 11 ycu. wni qisii iu gratified at the opportune appearance J worth less than par in com, and no Houses when they are in session, you ofj the proclamation, which will turn man cap say wnai was me yxieni, oi wil very soon ciscovcr the cause, wnicm the attention of the authorities o a the evfl of this single of fact upon our Will be 11:q want ol 'ability, to transact y'ff channel. The thoroughness of the credit during the first fifteen years af- bushiCRfl. The whiskey fehopaare well oreanization which issued the docu- ter thcwar. At all events, thougli the attended and patronized. Watery eyes J . 1 1 ' 1 ai 1 p . . I fi.n.TSnra .of ernrrn f Vo RtPr.M 1 TV nf tVlll I .1 i 1 A AU nnriinr i rA ilia Treasury ample power to sell bonds eEm pie ate'ry o their conduct the night bearing 5 per cent, interest, yet it was before ' six years aftci tho passageof the law I do not ntcau to say that ' all the before he was able to ecll $000,000,000 raeaihers uf the General Assembly are of this fflass of, securities.: When they, lj,unik.atJd.acd'fools: but a Very large majority of the . Democratic members are fjofally v.okl of ..ordinary business qualincatioii?, and a large majority of them drink vtry hard,, and half of tho timevth(y are unfit for duty, and inca- Iccb their feet be neath their lieadtf.-. Do you asK Trnat chance prohibiticriltands. t Well, tho answer is, that both parlies are afraid of iu If the lU publican party had a upjprlty'in the legisiature they would actilcr the luurcst ol tne r. whole, peo ple; but they are in a very laricc mine; ity, end 'thercforciJlhcy will hot assnrhe thei re?poiisibi!ity. The Democratic leasiers don't tnovV - what, to do. (They arc divided. A uumbcr cf them ajant to jjasv prohibition law out-right!. Another pertititi of them waut to sub mit! the matter to the people, for their decision. al.e Laictce cf tnem want the-matter" left as it now stands. jRetrer.chiutft cud Relorm" having been used icr iuc. purpose .01 tue cam-, paign by 'the Democratic party, they -j hafe.Ton'cIuded.'io' tear , ff their. fa.le . gyssc ard come cut in. their true colors, that'pi high 8!afijij'aoJ other exlrava gance?. They are cyip trjir? to increase ! the salaries that the last If gUlature cut down. 1 harp to laft cnite a dUcua sion on the tucstion of increasing (hp expenditures 01 the ecre! ary of State's cflscc ?1,2T.0 more than it now is. And it s thought that this bill; isA the lore., runner of a Urge number of oilers jfor a general grab tut of ib-.. State Treas urer, f heard IlrVlUyr tbe Democratic Ueprtscatative ifreja Hllfa count, a Kepuhlicsa '.'county by 2,500 ; majcrity, speskf pg .-ioTavoT cf the iprrrase. Jat JN O FjNCjs LAW. We havo investigated the"Kq Fence 5 aw" questioDj-and we find that nice at of every ten perrons ' in the county 1 ' , ... - quitwuiaoTcr mii weaiim. bucu u law. And very properly1 too, in Joiu opinion, for tto cultiyated lands of thin j junty,i3 Only about one-fiftieth part of qhe territorv. The wood land i vory tne pasturage1, and all of pur people The Boston JItir.hl my that Kdwih J much to feed, as it does to kee? up the rercy Whipple U ' native of Ksseit fences. If this question was left to the Iarmers alone, theywould vole down Jielaw by avery large mnjority. Iu ict the "No Fence Law" has not sufh- Whipple cient support to warrant the legisla- jture ia giving it a respecuble hearing. Should it be submitted to the people. ae arge, considerable stock running at which it would cost ten times aa -a" k 1 - A! London telegranvof the Slst says : scriptiona resulted in applications for 1,209,609 shares, of which France sub scribed for 994,50S shares. Seventy, en gineers, snperlntenneats and doctors nave been sent to tho Iithmus. Steam engines havo been ordered which; will permit'of tho employment of a nasaber of day laborers not to exceed S.OO'?. The entire capital required aaouau to 00,000,000 francs about $60,000,000, ol which havo been called up, tho re mainder to bo covered by the issue of 0blIsaUons., mU . Got. Jewell, chainaan of the Re pub lican National Committee, was exam. incd rtlaiive to the abuse oi the Crank tax privUeso, lie testified that tho Republican used no frank. Lot ex- ponded 11 1,000 for posUgv and carm SO on tho docuaenu they dMiR-auwl Irons Kew York alone. . rroiessor Riley.the entooIogiVtid a paper annonnclag that next May and Jane was the so-called scrtnt can year locust or tic&da. JThe rrofrtacr ex plains that tho Used lias no power of destroy bgvtjtUtijoJ bat it p!y th power of rashitts thf twigs of trait by tho tessalo dnriag thr Tgg-l-jiBx sea- At the Uarrishurs dead-lock a the 31st, OUnr rtctirtd and Grow Ji, bou RerabUfapt; Wallace S7,fkav, and six scatteriax. , Lery can who was denied tho rlt to ttststcr ahoxU itpott aiaoxoaal nddresi to Col. 0. II. Kochct; WU- per cent bonds! It was not until alter the passage of ihu rtaumutiou act, and tho Vh"n defi nite poacy to" enroTce mv. uouneed by tlie executive branch ofl gorerntucG t, tfnd am.p!e provision made to redeem cur legal tenders oa demand, according lo'law, that wo tuerc able to sell 4 pr cent bonds at par, During ls77 they wejc first offeredi Our notes nere rabidly aelyancing to par under tho tlTcct Cf the';' measures adopted. Under'ttt' i rtsu option act e .were able ti sell duriiij; the year - $77,009,000. Iui whtuiu qppeartd that Cocgress was not able' to sustain . ; .''. .- TU'i i'oucY or Etl't.MntuX,'-. the salo'ol hcse bonds at once teased', as with a claiiip. When it was niaci fe's-t Ce.ppr sr wouid not ' repeal the re- Kuui'puon- act, they were sold, but it wus uot until after January 1st, 1879, when the United States was fully rreJ pared to redeem its notes at par, that the ' credit of the government became so firmly ""advanced at home and abroad that in four months .037,000,000 were sold, thus providing for the redeption of all 5 and C per cent, bonds then re deemable. The policy of refundiug is not yet complete; Two hnndred and i wo million of dollars of 6 per cent, bonds, issued at the beginning of the war, are about to mature, and 1100,000,000 of & percent bonds, issued under the refund ing act,' wtil become redeemable' the 1st 01 may next, and the question i, how best can we apply the principles of our government in too reduction; cf the rale of interest and the gradual pay ment and redemption - of these bouJs I can only say, we should follow the examples of the past. We should ray what we can from surplus revenue. We should maintain intact and apply with out dhpjamiou the sinking fund fixed by law. '--We should fell cur tecariuej TBJC LOTS' est rcsHitu: ; tAxj:' of interest, reserving the riht to re deem theaa ia a short period of tie, andT them eithif a thVy hecome due Or by purchase ia opea taaxkxl i Qor countrr b indeed fortucato when it may now coatc?x!y boo rpw money at as bw a rate of iotercC a any nalioa in the word; however ancient. pc u lou. or wealthy. Many amoeg u; are hipcfal cnoogato beileve wean do what Lai ;rter Iff a dace by asy aa lion in ane a(t a&4 times. U r ruw nwoey nrva , our bond - at $ per cvnU Th Bwthf r coantry has not yet been ibie to do so, alh in bj j-. menu of hih price net tin per cooaola have toochrd par. 'Tne .laev lions are so? JxiBgcoadeTetl by Oos Fma,' and I belief ijw toeccjloa will n reached. Wo all w.h do what U beat for tho pabtk', bat we ti not wkh to lose Uu ,&f foraniry of d ing n good thing by aurmptin s a: tt aailaiaahie. . 1 beliv thai tbe g; seaac d OsnrmO tU cvociaJ tan u isWttoo2er abooibcatic "J pc( ceat ts)tettr, axi sarp ibs s, p;. edla cf redemption, maiaaia' tie usl iag foad, ij jrhapa, appJy the gn at tx amat ol trpia : .rrr to Vunt paysk2,a no may expeet ra ShUxa the awxt aeca4e tbe paVledtbt rnbiskod to 4 l,0Jt?,CiX, a vsm amtl thai oar aaccsmom a oSi and isft U1 ihaaU b a my ssaaU Perqaimous Pitt Polk. Pasnuotauk..,. Penaer.. Rutherford Richmond...- Robeson to make up the crowd betore the leg's- 8ampaon;.-. ,. 1 . . t , , . I Stanly.-j.. a lure - aujourns. : jarvis ceriaioiy i is.usurry...... yery much in need of the assistance of J Traasylvanla! less Best supplies his wants, I ; will have to come ' " Vcu have heard of mud, I uow. Dul you will never know what the word signifies until jrautcome tollaleigh and see Mayor Manlv's streeUi. ,To say In Ion. Watan.... Waibington.. Yadkin..... Yancey..... "'"M" ' "f i Ml t.K)S 18.01 12.810 4X140 ! tt.4ii l,l) I d,375 16.821 0.5l 0.47H 21.7W lo.ssd 12.4W 1S,1! S1.SC! 22,ft2 H,ju I ! K.7iii I MIO J8.0"i I ;- 7- 7.W I :7,TO 4.1t 721 12..1I.1 1 3.141 i4.W4 - i,ca ,t.l lsKl 4.W) . 1. Mri 5,1 W : ,174 i ili-J..l i ' 7,aw i .5tl2 1 5J.i 5.i U A.IT 3JW v : SI7 KS77 f 11.79.V S,HJ , S.TVl 3.7KJ s.r.n 641, .&;t 7.i0t M 7.KM- 4.M7 , 4,! . .4TO .4il I 4,1H I h ;7 O.tlit 1 4.WH 6,311 il 7.ii4v ,ti ; 11W , ll.lN. ' J.ltfCl .; :, i4.ns1 ' 3.7 1 j i 4 ISi .:W .5SS 4,7rt ' 17.151 4,767 ,tli 11.4. W 4,'M'i . -M.1S4 4.7S3 ll.l r.,r.t e.l7 7,'-l s.a vim 1 11.707 171 . 2.14 J . t',11 140. 4.07U ei,ki 3.W1 4i4l7 ll.UW i 8,177 25J17 lOTti S,7.7 ''Jt 3,31S KM lH.t4 : S.47S mm - JS,74 V-H4 Stsli , ls,mi5 lo,cX ; sum 2Sjt 11. a 10.fc.7 2i.t lU,ab7 11.8:1 .7,711 i '7,au 7,'l 11. mi 1K j .81:l 15 t ' -5!- - I li I iJ. i Tvl A !, 119 . -. 12 ' tW7 I t7Nj 7.46J ; 47fi 147 7.6M &J3 K4I1 4.J4 .-11 Km lOjWMiT- 1W. H " T aU i.i-i. m iiii. H,iM4 l."iM:iei:f.4.SirjN ;' '" k;W.f'.:jKt';-. : ' - ' 5 " fJTTW!-' aX7' . . 1 . 2rsh ri . . 41. 7.a4j )t 4 , a ' sia; O'i 4.ii( ISWi, lJR j 1 w . s.ic: . . a 'Sl 12 I li7t 14,11a S.4S7 K1.TW 3,S4 WW 1.7 n 1 V14 lo,aja U.44J 1 V1S4 1H.ISS l4 : 1 j,a 3.74 4,441 c,tiu 1 lM7i 1A4AI 7.' W i 21 ! 12; : K.i aui 1 i-i AI j Jii 1 3: 1 ! It 67 49 9t A M 13 . 1 8.77 Mil 4.42 .7Vi .4 777 7.W7 7J-6 J4.iVI .a7 17 021 -1I..4AV .l(B e.w '4.a 4,) JO.Tttt 4.S.1J &.511 11J25 N SJ45 15.317 .li SJUS i.6JI 8.118 r I7.-2V 1 10.77 f ta.wi - 33 17.T .- ' . 4.IU ,:tT i. 4M i.u .70 4!n S.wl l. ; 4.W .! K,7to -. S,.4i '. $.:' Rci - 3.1 K 1.1 . ' . S,a.7 1 , fHUtW :..1. i 45 " , i.ia &I7 ' 1,4-S .!," , iijn l.SM Si, . Includiog,' in Buncombe couuty, 11 ludiacs; iu Cherokee county, 97 ladisn. ami Half-breeds; in MecklenburgU coOnty, J- Juuians aua uni-uicru; 10 they are disgraceful, would only half Moore county, 4 Indians ; in Pender connty. 2 Indians ; in Sampson county. 2 express i. As loucas we cannot' say Indians and Half-breeds : in Ashe county, 3 Indians; in Caldwell county, i Jo- , nr mn,j,1j Wo win nnt .-t dian ' 10 Camden county, 12 Indians; io Carteret county, 1 Japsnce; in Crsveo pretty -y- wudly we will notsay. coantyTi IndUlIIJ in uhwn county, 18y Indians ; in,JackOu couotr. 377 la- j , more, - --si - dians and Half-breads : in Macon couniv. 13 Indians : io Pitt O'.uniy. a Indiaun h: and Half-breeds : in liulherford county 21 Indians; in Swain county, I j:.. . tr.iri j. ,4. t., -j : T , r Ul lu Vour bar ley D. Myers, aud parduer in crime, Kerchuer, are here. ; r rr tcint i i ni a wi i i Kiiriw nui iir rirs i , ,. , , , , . . ' 1 .' 'a, a . - 'a s- . . a a a ' good vou may be sure. tom?t say that I in,, consolidation 01 tne Atlantic uoastfi ana ougut not to ue puwea in its pre. ... - -..x. 1 lLaiimaji mjuni iiauw nnti Lnn r lurrnce i bt 11 a, mumuc a jaa.unaii"a uv a uiarr sav i- it is a lobby for tht new mark cUartcr Fayettev Hie Itailroad Company Uq lavor. Diacussed at leogtli by auu water wvrk.3 cu-ujurauui3 Ui 11- 1 taken up. Explained by JJorleu., JJisf :mingiou,;anu otners say iiai : tuey are 1 cussea py,oiapies.; j Working against Judce .0. IV Mearcs I linrfce4BOTccl tual tue fuka he kus- for A. M. Waddell for the Judgeship of 1 Ua L "Tr.V. ,T the Criminal Court.' We would advise Judge if cares to have aa eye on them. Col. I. J- Vuunjr ajinU it. lliiilerxtood ttuai no Is not a candidate for Kaum a place. He has good quarters an J pre fers to coutinue to occupy them. Hon James II. Harms, the old Be publican war.horc of the past 13 years, was in the city to-day, looking as well as he did when he first com menced scalping Democrats in 1EGS. Col. John A. McDonald ir still hold iog the'fort. We did not see the pic ture of f ayes on his lapel, but we sup-; pose he has taken it cfl to give place tp one el (Jen. Gsrfields.. Well, Johuis a good rel'ow, and stands si ways firm bv his Party. ' Col. Tom Keoch was here, lockiny ' T!? WI q incorporate the Fayette beittr than he has for year, in fact, jwd' Winston IJajlf oad Cqrapany, Toavhasa very healthy appearance. He P-conO: and third reading. I - Houe bill 37. to provide for the elec- v . . .jv. u f county olnoeri by the people to go to work and increase , his fortune. Utji Sl.SS -5LilTPL; consolidating the Atlsctic i Coast Hail road Company and the 1' lorence and Fayetteville Railroad Company be taken up. The motion prevailed. Ki plained by Dortch. Discntsed by staples, raised aaoond and third read ings. ...-ir ,'., .(.': ;;. ; '! House bill 66, Senate hill 131, to ytc vent cruelty fo animals, mskirg it a penal offense. Discussed by the sena tor from. New Hanover and King in fsvor, and by fetowe in opposition. He thought the act too indefinite ; did not know what was meant by the term "cruelty." Discussed also ny Wiilism Eon. '".; ' L: i ' -, -" , After discuuion by Messrs... York, Dortch, 6cott of Rockingham, leno, Stow e and jlUplps, 1 peispd, jf 25, hayslij ; '.(;-; -'''; HOUSE m .REPRESENTATIVES; Many ofbce-bolders in the state are getting rt bties. They don't know what the pew administration intends doing foe them. The bejt men of te party are infavor of prudent! tction. while hcre are a in who want a general low. Some of the old fellowwho have teen on the shelf for years, sod who noir I see- that the party it one more on tbe toad to svecei. desire to jump; on and CitLaykvt'''5? rh ia! the IIvuht: iic think of it ; a man who calls himself a genilemxn elcfracdisg the good people ofj a cvuiity out f tie Tht of a Eep rtscclaUve.i It i? a wonder that he Is able to ictk so behest, man iu t&e face. r- rheek than any sum cootiders hinislf tie Itadtr of the Houe. We heard m iepUic' HpfcL'isctst lUprefcata-.'t-tpsle, 3rry1bter cf oci-nghap, bi8t'rthy.i'f' ;a Varr ctfench- cajcaUj ' ," .. ';! . ' ' ;j ' (Thl ti.i t.:aiiv it.'di'fito' Uioe;is' led tyi: CrauM tf Wayne, CKik rFfa.ti...3, sti CtUr f Iaa couiW. 'A'i.fJ! .L' ttf fctlkasa are mil lti'v.'Lc- lit hitejty ?Insr. L-Uii!!, r,ti.vr,' ftp id Cbsaa. '; tU 4.-;&fia cvlortd, if lir. lit., H.. f Cratvo, . by AItr. tki, c.'U ikj having been reported adversely on by we cummiiiee, was put on lis second reading, and was advocated by Messrs. Dledsoe, White, Hicks, Hay ley and Bunting. -. i' --;,' - . - j:. Carter said - he IbopgU the decripu of the people on that question was final when they rave 20.000 msjority against it. That his people were sails ed fith the election of eiarirtrate. bit were hot with the way re'renue cl ficers were elected. i The colored members who favored be again floated into otfice, while the t och to say about a Dtm cjlcuu sad Uanca, Bcott moved f(' thcr consideration of the bill bs vat poucd until next Thuradayr1 Motina vh lint anil lli Kill niMht tl. imma.I readiiig. Jneyras and nays were carta ri .1 in t .Li.. I . - vr.irii luc uiii nam in iuiiu r...1 inf. ' V .- J .Sjnato bill 23?, to j ameol chapter ; !$'., I of nvtu irgulate the'iule ot fih, sccq'nJ read)pg. . Di aud Scott of h'ew Hanover In opo-i ' ; . lion, raised luiru reading. Houe bill 1 S3, Senate r58, to incot. rrate the 8Ur of pladen Inlye, No 4 UUUU vuiktuviucr VI Jil f,r- ; .; ' lows, pa.ed sccoud and third l c idioji' . Senate adjourned. - IlpUtf L OF UEPliE fcS I ATI V 1. -j The fallowing bills were reported si I property enrolled by tj lean of Oraere, ; f the chairman of the committee, sb, srere shzotdoy the bpeaser in the f knee oftho House : ; i f I t Ac act to.prohibit the otruciWn f i-i the waters fn Utile River, i j An act to amend chsater 11. srtUn iii, of B-U!e's Beril, uiihVrtrd . -f the puniihrnoat lur dtHtvjip; rrcofji. - An ct (o provide for, lha cctknv( a hopital ia Wilmington. v - An set to empower the CommuliV, era of Chow a a couoly to' ps? orru.a school orderi li ucd fritir to Dicemltfr 1st, I $7f. J " ' j.-..".,-.-"-;'- lvrolutwt of ttanls to W, II Vif Jcrhiii. ''' '""' An set to dfuiihe wtiaLtM i ton, declaiiog 50 poaodt la 1 bushel. . . '. . An set to sneeod cbspttr i. f tt public Isnsof JfSO, nitn'ff 'uiiVf " hh iote rrs cf Korth CaroiioC v An aa for the re4tf of Thvau 1 , oritv, .ate ifcenff of Joeei prf,r. .-',.. - 1 young men t:aisa tbat they have cone I nT rT"7 - appwintcu ,u set to stnets4 aectica should receive some of the hoaora. f f J the Deonla -aa Ia r5etaaiTa .t t.l K iV: i Vt 'M 1 V""' L . proper men, are .p, in ciSce. men Of I aFl?V.a.' r -1 -! lantts Cuaa luUatav. aJ ik.i.iwt. I ..:.- f l' !- . . t j aaa rwrrpve aj - ctaricter and sUadiag, they claim tbat the state will go Itepublican in' I5S1 by a very large msjority. I , The General Assembly Of North Carolina, i M .V. i Jataaiy jpaUf.billi., t i&mre the ananal Yblte. tbO colored member ttota Craren, said ono of tho blackest and aone of tho meanest sen in his county was a justice of tho peace, elected t y Oie General Assembly. unite, in reply to Carter, who allu ded to what Toorgea said about the ne Croes, said that If he would look am ong the poor white people of the west and the negroes of the east, it won Id be OIKi X! 44 t.e advfn- Sfr. Clean, of StohetJ said if cardial waa to bo sande oat of tbe action of the rrgUiralfaa f yiul stasUt. Er pUia-1 of the action ol the or i-arucsuar noosu ooisg so sjraio. Banting nsndea speech woich hrwrli um ueraw, craauag snore uagLaf mi:uclkaar every 11 feiaV. i!a.l TWTkioI basNocT - . . . " vai .www t air, ieo. lie fca - r!4 ii arcond tas3L aye w, nsye li. rtaiSf ' '-."' 1 .'..j-1, , I . - l ...-.' , .... . -. - I v., . rviT;k - viiie asd LSfiie Bila au.hrtjuar: ify 'e Wake. CaaaeU and iSVrtkaf M. elect msfiatratea sad cas.W. acd to tHH sothctincr ibeif VWtaV in the state, aad 11 ti l & t vent msrWratef Jrom iiijr a a ty eattUcatra, ncrt ut-W i, . Ellington teovtd lo mj5t it vols by, fhlrb th lt b!;fuVt pa tuAkm of aideO,,Aljs WaJ14 on tba tabiav- - j ' .. :. MaiTi ttpb a sid tirr i Jl.n,' Wnj..UI KVIWjr' seys In 1 1 daly t liucs, ko miy t rSmf ;. iaaii s4 Br nxrd Cts;ktit c3;tt v pa ..&rn4f "ew Hanover, asil that Usidel'. iThr Kei WUi.. talc iUEsall la i.l, i7jSr, in rt v hty n4 wi M eaUaoriiaaiy esprsae; tiv saKb btrev tiaa io Urn-1 o- three bsadml dilUn tr taiai,, j T jthwbI;U, S3ck a report tw'4 LU K( WIS , IL jf-Sif v,t UJI, late &t jci Sir. Jiis T 4' &t- yt' ,- . , m m. ai M T, , tr l Blur Jaaaar 4 '" ' (kva, u New llanoty-lVutkw oosn certain cUisca r Se nM eonaty, u UU ta CV.oisU clsn Ml aan4 aai J. I t fivm thtTSik ralatth :frd iSaw4 raateiss tf h!wj. ! 'Vjrw ataU:W,:l-rl. atv i"y '2 ' nd Ustibarile vo'sHfsty:dTf-' ( tlsaty t Issy.jssifna ti tl tiK '4f f ,,WrpoaJ. ;piiftn tmsi ha (N r fyjtWrd nty li thai j a a. a4 ceamacce bl thirr4 i;y IkxJ U paste 'ti ffesiste btll I' L a.l. . t-L. iyyay. aal as bW tka '"areM f " sa .! It a, i . SaJe is aler 4 IWf jVccs C tbe rar. lia. I kit '.r sma4 ava a ftera! aArf by ssjtv c U la to be hprd tiif ho w sil typwrit aj'ctsen or- r rf, asi let ;-tst ce sW csno wi Tbe 11 as rat tfMiv t I caaa asfs, - I WT jseeta usrwxa KaiAsd CUxU tsm4 Oat On Vrj 1 itamrm its ax. SMiya f SJ 11 11 O.wJ af iS. ya."': - : . 1 .'-. I v-! aa,,.,-.-. nt, to axiWut tin I Je. a-asw. C r- " a4 tii iWm. P. Caaaair. 1 gard to tbn Hrace and ratqfa I ei Srir uci pW .3r. ei a3 tU ii.ywn. and tho adWf tXrroa fcr lit 4TCKSS t jc-?p uai u ctn wiH zZit- ! ! s tie U:t. . a -t-