Jw 9 I . . . -f y-V- - t -M Jf rT -v- v ' I-)--' 1 ----- n : J ! -V - 1 Til pv.Iij- v u , I ii , i n 4 i' :.- 4- - : j 'Mil -. , V VOUJMK XII. iN rroN post T1J E PaSTOFFICK AT jVyuTo'jr. C,, as Second Class ilkTpS Or ADVERTISING. i Tit'tv cents i terjino for7 the first in- .cfliia aul twe bty-iivo cents per line :or qacli a'-Mit.iq nal loserwon. . ' i;i-!it-(S) Ha sKonjareil type, con- Tlicui)scri:ption price to The Wu iA U 00 per year; AIlcmimunicution3on busiacsb6iild he :vl(?rcsHcd 1 (o Tub Wilmington Tost, Wilmington, N. tV . r All :iilvcr(H('uient3 will be charged a Clio abofve rates, except 6u Bpeeial con tract-!. to tjii: hKll"LICAXS OF 2:211; Til IICir-lITKlT. The la pub icins of the Tbir,d con? 1, i'rc!?sion:il 1)3 tricf, pill please write - . ' '- '-t f - ! i,:h ;it Yi'.ii n:"tn, i. vM t anu kw fsic a i.ul rcituui 01 ail "rrauua cwra- ; niitte'.l lv liic4 JJeajocrats - during the ivin;; names 0 county, : c.l' . poll holders, also fhon prevented from , : l::-vt election', , j'C.!i?.nct' : 1: . ' tt.iMH-.i Ol I , itrlyijC t!i9 re: J-rensvns lor iL whether A:ua were at their rofit tint ulvction; in J ict I tiry! of all 1'rauuV or f every descnjttipn, that iug tie tleetionouTucs- u.-.ui a, in 1 ui . . -place, cu ilav iln-. iif el November lfcSO. O. llIiLOCKKB, CiiairuuMi DHtrict ltcpublican . Com- liiUtcr, at Wiliningtou N. C. , :.. atest. - ; lMlIlOVIiMKM'S. TlieTUVfCrr bill .Tpul '' frrmttlie" coyi ml llitbor Appropriation td to tb5vfeenale to-day nil lie on Ccmmercc, con- nil in e uti i 11 creasing the titiin thy :-iu tid by tlie "House bill as , 'folly ws: Jmj! r iving Cape rear river. ' i fcJiu tfia Oi eJp t Wilmington, In. C, 'liver 15,000; I'amli- cu and Tai ;ri verj;- 5,000; -Trent river,;. t;,0;. " Ttitr' -.iUilowiug j new ameud iuvniJ, ainu: iiUicra, were aildcd: Im Vpvii: Cupt Tear river from Wilming tuij t riyiltevijfe 300r; - Yadkin rivvr, fl-w.t.'OO; ContcntnU creek, $10,-. 00; .licaufjrl. .'iarbir: If, C, f 30,000; I A 11 1 11 g toil . r ijv e r ; N. : C, : $3,000; . Town iiiti-k, N. C. 41,000- .The increase " mad c1 by tllet cualQ: coijnudttce in the t al amunal of;tlie bi'.l M3,6o6.. - jlrlcirtii'nUr'd Ufa Wa insured 'as . loll.iw.- 1 if -the Mutual. Lile, ofrsew York, it'L - - 1 "iiV. in the. liuitable Mutual of New Tor :20,000r and in the Con iicoticut Mn tul Life, 3,000.;The quea lioii o"C hi- sac'uc.ion.bcing agitated, niid pwmiinrav ivoliticiiius. have gone to "Madison, It i believed Milwaukie Mr. AlpusUimeron WiiUuiicced, The remarkab'cjriiiupr W t tloat that' the latest cxnBcd wisii of the late Sena tor wax lb: l h' remains should, be cremated.; ' !'-: '. - ' ' Oii Thurulay the dci'eusa introduced utrom? evideucd loirove that- Whilti- kvr did uti , tie himself to the be post i,his car.- t.K .-foil: dor Sargent is Uike4 01 as ill i bt-st mill from 'the r.icifie f J. the '.y decetidvnt of a tJib n-t.; lion. iUl.Cooi;a I'li-riin w!n .faine tkvcr in the May itviwer, a:il bniit t!ie Second house on riymoutli i ck, who wa bom in 1825, diod of 'the itnii idoiljcil unUUy .Miitor Carpenter. j " ; i . t I iitcryBt lug to ' produce, fiohcrm en, oj caU rmcn, iuid truckmen of Wilmiirj ton. Senai or Scatt has introduced a bill dvjiud t i protect fish "dealer, traikcrs&c.lor WilmtPglon.: It. .will .:; iiterei UrScker. ,..:-' ' Hvnate bil4v3,for the better rttxHiin of tarnus ud rhhertuen, amended bj 'tbc eawiuUUty applying theprovdtona Ihe act nly to ibe.city of Viliaioc xlfo Mr. Clarke, that the viiy ot Kewbcra U Uc!udid; amended l.v jir.,' i'iiUauioii j of FJgtcomb, Vit J bfro be lncttfd'. Theattend iteu'H cre adopted and It ascd lt fecund iJdirj:. Amendtd by , Mr. i:.-4i-iK ij insTi ih town ol WashiDC . mid Jxt!Atnd hi Mr. -Scott, f New tUijovuK The l-ill Ai delgnJ 10 prvtw X u.tb-4 fwn bripg pro- Juv and Ui.4i luto cilV UO CUB na'nev. Tl bill $ed ita tfudB 1 third rf44S- 'y TU new CoarfiMiwiil library,, to aye, Sv ib jv In A tfAivedeot pracaer loolt lor iiuirii. Ybttd mr 1 am.", a o i-iB tvji M tiii c&cncft pio www wl-Ua hiibi Ml"ht ..' very great. nit. but nu ilietd the bar -buh la the tAct thaV Uue lamb cculdat reach tt. Ulw4 antep citaer.'. fL rkbt mine" U New Mexico, now wma tart tuiUkn dolUra, WM on sitt illy foil K-r thm dollai la ailrer aUulVs4 dat, and an ol4 molvlrr. liat they daa I ut turtt tut toiwetu i If joa want tib wU adtiie I. tub laibiforUfT. H KN ATOK CAItrBKTEIt Tlicflpmiufi nf Senator W. Carpenter of Wiocoubin, took the country by efcf prise. : lie was born at Moretown.V ier- j mont, in IS24. At the age ot 17$e entered Weat Point were be staid iwo Lyeara, and then let nd finally fitted himself for the practice of the lairjn the oi5ce of "Rufus Choate, who n making the motion for his admUsioi to the bar, paid him aery high com wi menL .v, ' j - 'v ' , ( . 1 He then removed to MUwaukie.Wu conaio, and in 1848 bad become one of the leaders of the profession, won high laurels in the.BlcArdle case ib 168 went to the genaje in 1869, and a'gain is n bin second term, whicb seat he filled M'&Mi 1870, se that his term iU eipir; 5Ufcb 3. 1885. ' ' ' , -; ; He -was one tit the rarebt iof;brins and one Tbf the most thoroughly trained lawyers at any bar. lie revelled in; the mofct4ofty forum of the lahd.andsoared into the highest regions of legal dialec tics, and mastered legal principles jand won the highest legal laurels, with f ju dicial genius'which captivated high tri- bunals. Tbat'coneummate brain w hich t darted iU unerring !archery into the most abstruse principles is no longer heard, and no longer glitters among the circling monarch? of the ky ibtming disc. J ' that W.VSIllUTOM WOTF8 Jor-nseu and Deiendorf, two "Vir ginia Republican members have visited Mentor. '' V; A dispatch frcm Rome to 'the Jo in'i PqsI says: "The Pope has express ed his indignation at Mr. Parnellj and the principal members of the '..and League, whom the Roman Cat lolic lsia hops of Ireland have represent :d as the only (sincere patriots, for hi ving for having formed ; an alHance with llcuri Rochefort an J other nnti :lcri cals." Mr. Pamell- started to- light for Ireland. Mr. Parn ell addressed fil teen thousand pcoplo at Clara, Kings county, to-day. He Vfas rcceiyefl by crowds with great enthusiasm atjsfrve ral railway stations on the rontp. . lie advised the people, especially tenants, to remain firm, and cottgrntula'cd him self pn haviDg, by obitruction i Par liameiit, preveutcd tbc buspenwoh of the habeas corpus ict for seven'wecks. . . .- . I Congress ' has appropriated f BO.OOO for the purchase, prppegation atld dis tribution of aeedii. "j".-; .1 V ict-President . elect Arlhur.livas in WahiDgtou last week. There was a large attendance at the obsequies of.Ffrnabdo Wood m Fif teenth street on Saturday, and ll p pall bearers were, Senators rhurman- and liayard, Speaker Randall, Representa tive Morton and '. Iioricg, Justice gwayne, ex-Mayor' Ccrrcet and W. W. Corcoran. vr-": I. .' Secretary KvarU'ia" la'-kiug freely to the effect that he knew nothinr of the appointment of Mr. Foster till J he saw it in the newspaper. J ' This Congress will be accounjed with gross negligence it lory laii in adjust the pendmg Pension claims. It cannot plead Ignorance, etcn before th sorch- ng exposure of iknUtor lilair of New Hampshire. . : J Ocn. Nosdes Qn Folly Island. Noting the arrival of fGencral Nogdca lately in this cUt, an incident n his career on lolly Island, South Carolioa, iu the spring ot 15tJ, in (be advance to the aiege of Charleston. In the Sherman expedition (oj Uilton Head, the Fourth New Hampshire Volunteer and the Fifth Connecticut Volunteers, with the ether itgimcnts were in General; Wright's brigade in the advance on Charleston, the Nut meg boys were in.tht advancJ several weeks after the Fborja New Haap- ahlre were ordered there, and ajdozen or so of the men of the two rtgiaaeuta were traveling along the siogbi narrow road on that nxbtly named Follv Is land, when they suddenly met General Noedea in aloacbed bat and 1 inset blouse,' all f innocent of rattk and authority, th old Connecticut boys gave him the regulation salnta and re marked to the smen of New Hampshire, taat m U.Mwrat .gie," "wtu, says they, If b wants U be uIuvki let hm put on bis straps." ine Ganeral hearine the' remarks, trce4 on his charirMhat re jinient dd yen be- "ihe Fnrt h .New a dvt rvriiw Uamphire. : ! . Wlid b yonr regimental detr , iommaa- -Culonel 11LM was the rvr - "Who is vour Crirade Commander "General Vogea or pot, or seme ouee uam name 1 aoa'i snow vnas. ' WelL what do Tea think of him? "Ion1 know any thing aboat him Vft "ooys say bes n nam iooi.j The Ufweral execntcd a "ritht face' In one motion, toqebed iheaah of bis horn with his aUrboard spar, and rlsdown the UUnd. 7 If yo want lo (tl tkii advtrUse ia Ue rw. WILMINGTON TIIK OHEL1S1C. 1 Tula ancient preduction of Egyptian art was, presented to the United States by the Khedive, and brought over. un der the charge of Commander Gorringe of the Navy and at the expense of W H. Vanderbilt, having tost him more than. $100,000. ,v ; . . l v h ' This Obelisk was buih in the reign of Rameses III, called ia the inscrip. tiocs Thothmes III, and raised to his own glory, This KiDg j existed about 1550 bcfjire Christ. lie seen the -age ii which f the Iiraelites left Egypt, when Moses was louud in (he bulrushes, and when he himself had united two empires into o'ae. The principal in scription of the Amcricau part 13 on the fAK AUU 13 M. iVUVW4 : , ''Presented-to the V . t UNITi:i STAT1-J ; '''v'':''.byVr(': !....' Ism ai lt" Khedive c'r Eg y v r, 1881. . -. ; uarried at S5yea I I ; And erected at Hcliopolis by T11UT1IMES III. j-i ' Ileerecleu ut Alexandria 'JUSDEB ' AUG1J3T125.4 Removed, to New-York I through the liberality ot' W. II. VANlERCIIr. . JW the skill of Li.eut-Com. II. lI.(ionnifiGi:'U. S. N." Applause. ) . v j ' expense of TiiANsronf atiox. Lieutenant-Conirnandcr Gorrinse famished a Tribune reiyrlor yesterday with the following statement concern- ng the expenses ot transportation: Net cost and expenses of re moving, transporting and erecting the New-York ober ISsk . : ! - . -;: $7384103 Net cost and .expense of re- moving,.. transporting, plae- , ing and repairing the pedes. tal,Stcp3 and base 1.28,732 00 To'ahiict cpst ; J . S102.57GO3 4'This sum ilaes uotiinilude the cost and expenses-; of: thp etramur, which must be recovered fnum her sale. -Tho word "expenses" is: itsed to designate arid include amount" that have been paid for the use of ihc mo hey needed to carry on the woYfc.l These amounts aggregate $15,973 01. Deducting . this sum from the total net cost, the actual cost of lowing and removing and trans porting 5,382 miles by water a 'd 11, 520 feet by land, and erecting the Ncw-Yoik obelisk ankl its peuesluland base, is ?8G,()03. After ibe arrival of the obelisk in the' poit of New-York, W.U. Arauderbilt advanced f 15,000 iu thrco iustalineiiU toward defraying the current expenses of "carrying 'ou the work. On February 1 he paid $18,732 more, ami February 7 $10, 000, making iu all il03J32 wluck he uas auvanctu, .: .-; ' "The steamer Dcoag js the pro perty of ihe gentleman who advanced the money to purchalse and , repair her, and who gave her up to me without re serve lor tho cole purpose of traosport. ing the obelisk,' pedestal and base. The gentlemen "will rcceiive,- and they are clearly entitled to, a31 the profit ihat may be derived front bef sale, in return for their pluck and ibeif faittt in my abilKy to accomplish what I under took. From their atandpoiut the risk was enormons, and nothing TjTut their personal fritndship batild ever have in duced them to take such a risk," -' t I - - " . " Very lew of thesi o DeuskJ now re main in Egypt. TUo first taken away was taken, we .think to i Assyria, by capture.anothcr was reared ia the palace of the C;ezars at .ilcxandria, . others went to Byzantium, Napoleon look one to Fans, one is in London," cue. in in Itaiy. obelisk from .the Venice, and severaf The height Of the! ground to the cap ii about S5 feet. It has four sides, each, 'looking ' to, pre- cisely to four quarters of tho earthy exactly at the angles of the compass. Tnere f aro four sides as they are .written in hyeroclyph, recounting the glories and hpnari jof tlje Kings. '-' Thothmes IILs called the "Son of tho Sun." - h,- :; "The creature! i f the Gods,'" ."The Friend of the city of llie Sun." AThe chosen oue of the Sun." Catarrh of Eleven Year's Stsudluif Cured la three Month. . The President of the Wisconsin Stale Normal School, Mr. Wm D. Parker, says, In a letter to Prs. Starkey & Paleu, under date oi Spteaaber 4tb, 1S79: "After cr.duriug; pot-na4al catarih for eleven v car at the time greatly annoyed and ftJkcncd by the abundance of th eccrrtico, in the full belief that caUtrh U incurable, procured your tVwjurfd Qxygenand afitr thire ratU' tady application the accretion wholly . c-Kd and has not jtt tttufrntd, x months Laving elapol since I have uol the Qxyftn. therefore commend your pcciSc to the thouMcds cf antTertrt -from catarrn with it aumuaat UU. I ialt take pleasure iaitaUfyiog l' r the bene G I of any loinirtr. Oar Treatise en Com pound CXTgen, whK'h roataina a Urge number of tcaticnoaiaU to rrmarknble curra, U coi Inc. th. Starkey & Palen. im and llll Girarvl St, PbiladelphU, ftj i ;: Jennie llobru, mho dWd lattlj atNaahtUle, ws known as Soldier Charley, fcca she had rvt4 ae ve ra! years in mate eiureta tae aimy If yon waaito make a tsse real a farm ol W. P. Canadav. The cetierai :;Acr :mblv Of- NpithCgrgnnai : - 'SENATE.-i- The Senate met aeeorjdiDer-Jto ad- joumment,Lieatcnaat-GoTernwRobin- son ia the cnair. ..-? t : - ,1 1 . - . Prayer by Rer. Boehamer r-s 5 Petitions were offered ju fellcTiiU sj Newland From : certain . cit artof Yancer county, asking the rroL iit on of ardent spirits within z two i in' les ; of Caney iiiver ctturca lot aaia ooa:.ty.---i Blue Memorial frotali.; P: tat ton and others, withe regard to: iGeliSinka ef the town of FayetteTiUe, jrrz3 placed uu ura wcuuif --.till Ln.11 1 . A message: vvas received, 'from the House of Representfttivea transraitUes a commnnjcation itemc the GoTernor, 4 .L. . . 1 - SI tocMisp wiw a vprvpowwoa troia vjren. ntbeden reiatljre tothe Case Tear and YadkU V,aJ3ey.ilrod,vaM.fyosi tion'to print the 1 same: , vThek tropoai--lions to print was concurred in by the Senate. . , . . . . The bill to revise and. consolidate the public school , law, and to make more ei&cient the system ot educations in this State, was placed on its third reading. Mr. Davidson stated! that inasmucn as it seemed to be the settled! view of the Senate to make: change tfq this bill, he moved the Senate take a recess of a few minutes for the sake of hearing the Views of the Superinten dent of Public Instruction upon the subject.. . ... . . : ;-, !' House of representatives; Prohibition ad libitum: :'' . j Foy-rTo allow John Oox to ' peddle oodsand wares without license. Re tired, r-- . y j Sikes -To protect tho people in the right of suffrage. Calendar. 4, Foy To allow produce to be nolilin all the streets of Wilmington lree of tax. Referred. . ; ; STATE NEWS. The Gjirolinitin says that the locomo tive "Win. Underwood," for tho Eliza- rived at Elizabeth City, having been towed from Norfolk on a flat. Dr. Joan says that when eleven years ago he broached the subject of a railroad, -peo- peoplo thought he was "talking of such stuff as dreams are made of." It is said of Winship Stead mau of ittsboro, that hVa' ways used to pay for his Raleigh Keguter ssmi-annuaHy iromptly. If all newspaper subscrip tions were like these, we would be some thousand" of dollars better off tiian.we re, and other editors could donbllera Kay aa much. The fact is that payment iu advance is best for printer and sub scriber, and is the only . system on which a newspaper ought to be published. It is universal here, we think. ' Tho FayeUevllle Examiner fires a hot bhot at the "predatory .cur'' Which destroys our sheep iqdustry, thus: ' "The condition of sheep husbandry 4 is a reproach to the state. A pro gressive farmer who undertakes to im prove the breed of his sheep, or in fact to have sheep at all, does so at the risk of losing his : investment.' The pre datory cur stands ready to levy a tax on .Ms floct which he cannot afford to payi We undertook sheep husbandry once in a small wsy. isut we were compelled to hire a man to go with the uock an aay togprotect ltirom prowung dags, in is arrangement eat up ail the profits, and we sold out and quit (the ousiness. i : . . .. i Mr. William R. Surles of Cumber- and. has filed caveat for a patent for newly invented cotton planter, wiiich is said to be an' improvement on all cotton planters. V . ' The Moore Gazdle says that fjrom Tbsgard's mill-stone quarry in that county is produced one of the finest stoaeever seen The owners of this iiuarry have alio an improved needle gin, which gins more cotton iq a day than any other. 1 The fire in Edcnton was very iles- truclivc. Tho Charthage Gaxite taya : filr. Wi P. Canaday, tbe Republican can didate for Congress against Joo. W. Shackelford, Congressman elect1 lor this district, was ia?town eo Tuesday. ue came in to latere si ot tae con tested case which he propose to make before Cuegreas, as to Mr. Shackelford's riht to his aaL" ere ITEMS Chew Jackson a Rcl Sweei Navy Tobacco. :- - ' v lr B . i- 1 1 i fUUhop AVeymaa will preach at the 4t. Stephens Canrch ta-4y. Gol4ea Lyra Lodge; No. ltj$ U.U-. iW O- wUl celebrate their acvmlh aaivtmry to-morrow.- : V I A farm for rent ear the city limit ApvT to . P. Canaday. RUhoo was ia tasra this mjrmiaxasxi ' mi" mt . " - proce2a to asauafusa ia va per- fCuac of his rorieaiait ical Jtka. e . : e - 'h . 1 Far tevttal 4Ji st wetk there tn sa kie la this city. A resatl LsaJj wUhkafor Mr. J. C UrplU has aiica inivtd T i; Mr. B-'Jn." Ahrens says .he wrill have his new ice house finished , in a shorCUmeJandwilhin a month have it filled with ice. ; I Dr. U. S. Norcum was called to the 'a" " " - - bedside of his brother, Dr, W. f A. H. Ndicom of.Edenton, who is now ex termely low in Baltimore. Dr. Norcum left Tneidty morning. f f-' y , Do you pay your honest debts f , If so, send in your 8Ub97iption to the ; One .adult and no Jchildreu' .were interred in Pine' Forest during t the week. ': ? . ,' . ; t r lr f:'7 I Duncan Wright, auT old and; well known colored man in this ' ci'.y, ' who waa'almost.a cenCena'rian, died in - Ibis city Tuesday aflirooon ofdropsy,1 at his residence at the corner of of Fron t , and Queen streets, at the advanced' age of 9Iyeari a ' : -h :y 'i"':-'' y : f,..,.. -.: . . :r i t y' That splendid farm just adjoinning the city on the "Rank Road is for rent. Apply to W. P. Canaday. , -r lj i A colored man, whose name we' did not understand, jumped from a timber train near Abbottsburg a few days ago and was instantly killed. It is -said that the-man thought that tho train would run through the trussle ,and he jumped to save his life. .;' ''.' There . were one interment in Del- ievue Cemetery this week. -. -: . . ' The yery best truck farm in the coun. fy far . rent. Located adjoinning . the city limits-i Apply to W. P. Canaday. New Tobacco Wouks. The work of demolishing the Cape Tobacco fac tory on Chjestnut street has been com pleted, and workmen aro engaged in erecting the new factory on the old Camp Lamb ground.: The building is to be three stories high and 45 x 115 feet long. The machinery will be worked by steam, and more than one hundred hands' will be em ployed in the actory. The capacity of the factory will be more than doubled. , j ) Runaways. -The horses of the steam- fire ergine "A. Adrian" got away from the driver at the corner of Sixth and Church streets, Wednesday morning about 2 o'clock. . After .the fire was gotten under control tho "Cape Fear's horses pulled the "Adrian" back to her house. The-horses' were found at the . old Gallord place, about two miles from the city, on the Mason bofo road. , Ft ue Alarm. Tho alarm1 of fire; was souuded Tuesday night about 1 0 o'clock," caused by" the - burning of a shanty near the corner of Market and Thirteenth streets. The fire depart ment turned out promptly, buttheir services were xlot calico: into jj requisi tion. The steamers "Little Giant" and Cape Fear" took their stands at the cistern on the corner of Eighth and Dock streets, but as the hose, cold not reach the scene'of conflagration, neither played ' v;- :- i" i;. : Um-rxcedesteu. The schooner John A. Griffin . arrived in this city on Saturday with three feet of ice in her water .tanks between decks. .CapL Foster says that he has never heard of a case like it. Ho says a vessel seldom if eyer rounds Cape Hatteras with ice in her casks that are on deck, exposed to the wind and : weather. The hold of a vessel is generally considered com paratively a warm place, as it is as near air-tigh as it is possible to get iu It is very evident that 'it was coat and cold iu the hold of the GriCio. : The Fire. The of fire Wednesday morning, about 2 o'clock, was caused by the buxnisg of a ; couple of am frame houses next to the comer of Sixth and Church streets. The fire originated ia a house owned by Sylve Cappa, colored, and sooV spread to the houae adjoining, occupied by a colored family ao'l owned by George Wj Price. By hard work the ; Second Rsptiat Churtb, of whicb tbe Rev. Jos. i' King la patr, was saved from the devouring elemen:. The origin of the fire is aupposed to be bcendiaxy. Capp bad ao insuraatcr; r iVice'a was insured foe $150. . X LAt,MJ-tCti. Ex-Gov. lloldta has writtea a biography ef the late Gen. Alfred IXxkevy, w kich a? pears la tha IXVrprMr. It la a pracefal trihata to ttai "aohlctt Coasaa of UacaalL- The freiht aceal lalUms the jritt thai darias this year , Laaribbarg basakirred H.WS hakeef oAUa, ibJieaurprtrtag waa n oag r awiU asoatly cf Hkh, aAcr the -terrf- Ua Era which devaaUl it Uuly. Tha fee-pit of that wwm think that they mill save half the awy ahkh they ret t thcie cvvfw ll W will hXd i cot tea aU a4 maaafsctara CATuoualiicrciJlTfoys: toe Lest. r-Archbishop v43ibbon htSt issued the regulations for. lint, whiA 'heglns.bn Aah:Wednesday(Mch 2 All CatK; olics in UiuarchoUoce21ytar3.ors"ge and, upwaxdtTJunlemj ijpmwedW bound , to akj nryne m calX W. excepting; &un4ajs)4 not: io De'laeff before noon; Fish andiijacat are not aluawed , kp10! M.s.?S!W rA small collation is allowed L e eyeniog, not to weed the' u part of inl ordina ry meal. , It i permitted to oset bread, butter, cheese, eggs., milk.ajliadl of frxutj. salads, vegetables, and; fisht collatibn, i Isia jairfhiio take in the morning: tea, coffee, wsh chpep-; late, made with water, aM'90ithCnl ot , tread,; -.iHogt laid lean M $ Udacecf butter in prepariss permitted. jooo -an-4owawn.' perspSfrftrjstex--einpted: Persons under 21 yeara of age, the sick, the nursing women,-those who are obliged to do . hard labor,' all who through weakness cannot fst without great prejudice to their health. By dis pensation the use of fresh meat will be allowed, at all meals on Sundays,- and once a day on 1 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with the ex ception of Holy Thursdays, and the sec ond and last Saturdays in Lent. Fibe Fiend! RECOKD.--Tho semi annual report of the Local - Board t of under writers, which has recently been compiled by the Secretary. Mr. Wt J.' Qorden.for.tho six months ending Dec. 31, 1880, is M follows: I ; f ; The estimated value of property des troyed $3,729.97, on which , insurance money was paid to the ' amount of 13, 203.4C The showing is remarkable ecially: when compared' with the corresponding period for 1879; when the amount paid out was $74,184.4 L Tho number ot fires recorded was 23j on four of which there was no in surancejlossof the others, In one the insurance paid amounted to $1;39C.S3 and on the remaining eighteen it was but $1,S07.18. The losses to the agencies here were as follows: Atkinson & Manning $239. 78; DeRosset. & Northrop ' $361.75; Norwood GilesJ $801 22; W. !. Smith & Co., $10.15; Wilmington Mutual $.1- 1S8.S0; Jno. W. Gordon &1 Bn;, $592.- 70. : ' , 1 The causes of tho fires were - as fol ows: From sparks on roof, 5; sparks from locomotive in cotton, 1; sparks from stove pipe in cotton,lparks from cigar in cloth, 1; defective- flues and stove pipes, 2; furnace ot mill, 1; gas jet, 2; lamp, 1; lighter in? cigar; store, 1; ignition of broom ! while - sweeping hearth, 1 lightning, J; incendiary,' 2; unknown, 4. 1 here Wa but on false alarm during the period. tt -. The estimated value of property de stroyed by fire duriog the year 1SS0 was ,f 10,020:1, on , which liasurance money was paid to the amount of $SSP- 60C.0G. - 1 " Do Aid of Aldeumex -The Board of Aldermen met in called aeion Wed nesday afternoon. A . The Mayor stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of appoint- ag Registrars and Inspectors of the city election to be held on the fourth Thursday inMarchnextf and presented a letter from the city attorney rtlaliye thereto. . ' . " ; i-, 'f .-. Alderman Bowden offered the follow ing resolution, wl.kh was adopted: ; - Ji'!ccJ," That the appointment of Rrt i-.rara a;id Inspectors of the muni cipal election on Thursday, the 21th of March be made by tha alayor. wbo ahall consult with tbe members of this Board from the several wards. Alderman Myers offered the follow ing, which was .adopted: JlttottrJ. That registration books be opened in tbe several Ward of tbe city at such place as may be hereafter da s irnated, on Monday, the 7th of March, at 9 a. m- and to oe open dairy, Sun day excepted, until C p. m, to March 23d, inclaatve. j Alderman Foster ogVrrd the follow iag which was adopted: . lit U vrdnimei l the JLTiw um Board That no ordinaace , heretofore paoed, has bemoior oc sbau bertaJUr be construed to prevent tbe owners or dri vers of carts or wagoae coauiaiag cotiatry pwJoe, (uh ocoyvtcr brwafbt If the cty fwv ul, going iroa boae to house tn any pari of tbe city at aay hours ef the dy 1 tha purpose of seUingor dcivensg use same, Tue ofdlaaaca ahall tale eJt at oace. Mr. Norwood GUes, chairman af tha Board of Aadlt and flnxccr, cxsa.ba fore the Dud to cs4cavdt to make same arrasmcat aJboat tha of bend It wosdd be ntcrmiry for &e Umrdto i in ta mm thssa tawjrg dna la 1551. AUcrmaa VmU the foSiiwiag, whkhi was ilrzUl: Ecmtm,' That - the cacualUea Flaaaee coafir witb tae tkaard af Aad4 a4 kaaaca. aaal agraa wpesi a feiil atixAf bf tha ...Lexalausra pcrms jawaaaaafiaii tawatat ef hamtt lai sarttawaeajdeaaeitaaya ISthasaAttaha cxxA-Td ai aos lrsaUfeJW..;. yp-jy;- An e&laai r aelcrrd Lr Ilacua- bcrl2y. Tha taaM tha ai-srs Sheriffs Man Jng , lt$,'n Wed nesday morerngor Raleigh, haying in charge thVpliapners ho?werJcbhyicted and stenced torthea pnitrauary . at the irterm,Cf the CWminaf Court. t Tho fonoTrtiTg uatnef nam 'es ad terras of. ,;Hvanff-robbcry; -lobars. $ JuS ft'erronlrobDery 10 years. 1 yVWfljS years. aftlelarcenyj C jjears. j ii J ,Davis, Lire coy,: 2 years. ; ) u Wm Shawglareenya years. i V? Wm LeOtUrcenyglye ; fj& Bakef and" Jame1 'Baker, the twla'amea!,1 Kgana who were sentenced ib the County llouse of Cbr jfecfjpVit the' lasl fermoflhe Criminal .Court, irere fcirriwi io'theVr place 5 of 'A-GmxtxTcnox.-Ti'a call tha attention of our readers to the adver- psement ot Charles. A. .Wood & Co.; No. "l7 North .Tenth' Etrcct, Philadel phia PW, who manufacture the Phil adelphia Singer Sewing Machine, which ' tiey offer forr twenty dollars.. They; warrant it to be an exact duplicate, and . as good in every respect, as tho ones manufactured by tbe old Singer Com pany, which they sell for fifty dollars on installments, tor forty dollars cash. The fact that Charlw A. ; Wood i!t Co. offer to send, their machine to bo ex amined before being paid for, ought to be full guarauleo th at they are all they claim. :f Cuattebjjook rou CuiLVitOi It ia a monthly for children,' twenty-four pages,' all full of funny things for chil dren in terse, prose, and illustraUons, and only one dollar per. year, j$L). Eestes & Lauriat, publishers, Boston. Any kind, of postage stamps received for pay. Ten cents fof r single num ber. Among the picture aro "Gilbert Sewing a Frill on Dora's Frock' Mel ly and Nora Frightened , by a Dog," "The Old Coast Gnardsman; aud a lot more, and and a great amout of enter taining reading, all for 10 cents for one number for one month, or $1 for one year. Tins number that our Johnny Auguslulu baa got U for February, r - ' Mr: Mundftj, of'Pasquotank conuty. was in'the city on Saturday lasL jThis gentleman has represented, for uaany years the people of his county. Theru is no Representative more faithful to his duties than Mr. Mupdcu, and they will be fortunato io he able to retain him in the Legislature. " ' NEV iADVERTISEMENl?. $5 10 $20.1 Ifflf. )N41UOlt'l Aftilrsaam IWIT-Iy Brixton 4t L.IeitUiili Sf RR wk ,n vourown tows Ti-rtn m.nl wouini rrce. A 1 1.1 rwiM II 11 . , , . Co, Portland. Main rcbT-ly 4- 72 A "T-tK. H2adiiy tlom aui AdJrrt t Tut A Co, AusoU, M I'M ruiU i' Every Man or Boy His Own Magacin. A Good Chanco for Am aturco, orfor Home Par- , lor Amusements. COHCEKT CLU5, AC. ivmt aa tecabtawif Ct aarmi -au n iu4. yums ui aa tftebm. fwjwueg a ink rf . rmdmmwu e3j mwmrimMM i . it. Mzwru i -mm via mm trwa. ..- ... . .. , . zJnrH?imff fJ' Vovw t : ai ku-kw t L.. tM kM m tvmtmmitim ikuo - ' ii. - . rtmm i i-fci lt U. hM m ftfci- , 'twajstri -ttaaairiiamasftaw, 1 rt 2J ?3f i X ft i i

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