r 'i. ' r'-:- V'U-M -I - K.: V- . 1' -.scat dctoti ss ia.tr.tp6- 3 i:a..;4,l4r::r, .vwV kV, fC m :r i 4li - . I-. ...;'.: '.v -,::...,; ,..;;: - '. t'ObirMK XII. v if iiiNTONioyT 1 I llN'l KUKI AT .Vii-'uiw.r-fH, N M ATI l'.ll I ' - THE roSTOFFICB AT l as titLtiV v Class- HATES OF ADVERTISING Kifty tieiiU icfHuc for the first in- i (ur each aMitional insertion. - it () lines, Nonpareil tyi'V, cou .titnte a H'liiarc. -1 : -!;' ! ' Thd Hubscription price to Tun WlL- miN'otox Tosf is tl 00 per year; Kix months 75 cents. v i Allcoinmunicationsonbusineskihould ',o a.l.lrosscd- to The- WILMINGTON Post,. Wilm&ijrton, N, C. ,. All advertisements will be charged a - Llic above rates, except on special cori Latest. an hxrtiu jVK session rohbi- ity TcliRrai'h lo tho Trtbuntr. ' ' . JVa .ii i m. ion April 21. There is titairily a growing feeling among Ro Vuhlicnn b'eualorH tbat, without aban iHiiiing the struggle to obtain control -f the Henalw organization, tiiey opght -."tiVprclertuit:- it long .eiiongh to allow i ho l oiitir uiation of certain important jiipoiiilments. The particular cJis of ' iipp'jintnientH upon which it fs urgcu t f i At early action ough. to be had in tbi'Us 'Judges, Marshals, Di-i.trict-At-l.irntys and oflicera of . Ilio Indian Ber vii c, H is not altogether improbable Hut withiu ten days jho "deadlock" fvil( yield enougltto; allow actiou upon certain uoniiualious of officers above f Jueiitiuucd, provided tho Democratic r'Hiiuorily; of the' Senate slrall c (fcr no i ubnliotibu to such a course. ; . . i ! J he Frcwideut, after conference vtith ' several members of Hie .'.Cabinet, de- i lii.'Ulilcu iuo -rcsignnu.uu ui juuui n. Kuulv. Second Asst8tant 1'oslmasler tlcneral. 1)1 bcr ttsigtations aio eipec kd to lollow.: ' . . - - 1 M'ltaior Frye'sjt pete U b a . j rod uccd imlnaiit ct'inmcnt otrlhc part ol some Koutlieni senators, arid also "warwith- out iiuai ler.' There are several huii- iJred ftdetal cflicw in the Executive -. 'Ih'parlme'iit tilled by Democrats, 1800 IVitiocralio postmastters in Virginia aiid 'ofvarms 6f oflicials, which are De x nuKratic, over the southern states, who w i.ll, thereupon walk the plank,- proba- Lord ' I'.Luslield desired that his lettium be buried at llughcndeu, his fate" rrNftlem'p, beside "my late wife, .Mary Anno Disraeli, created in her vwuiUt Vise'ountcss Beaconstield, - and i . desiro that - my lunerai may uo ' . . . . . - . i i - i - : V -'uceu witu tuo,Haui simpuvny as wM hers. Senator M, C Butler ofSsouth Caro lina, and' ex-Senator 'John Pool of North Carolina; are at lhe St, Denis Hotel, New York city. - r y '. Judge Tourgeo - arid wife are ut the IU:;; House, to remain two or three i Ill :........ I...... 1..l. f-..!.. . ...1 i j, n.., cuiire.uuuua.vu Council lMuUs,; watrrrWr; rise at lUjimbal, Mo ; Big Sioux, loyd and other -mall st reams flooded Ihpir banks, vd almost all the west submerged. ''trustor Mahone ajt that his only, jav'p loor tiie soutu is a My attachment to the south and identity fith its jko- -: . Pi, in all their hopes and interests nave i ila uar a constant and nrcki. I At Albanv. lows, on Thursday last Hi 7'-in 7 nm 1 acti branr quoted at w to ou 0tbe Compapj to lay the, pipes Bag, through His .i ..ii H n iho Merr.r.ia uh thn falsa aascrtinhs! mud inl b-1 cenls hlsWy al 115 lo 1,0 'nU, 9FP on the low streeTs named above before appeal to the Sunt ;. rM.;-.... mn-a.'.nvMn.i I hall lof the south in rerard to thatlee-1 45 to 50 cents, flour at f 5 to; $0 25 per I it,- ra'Art1ii snn'bMnmii hot and' at-1 ..' , -i ... iVl -.-.i . i- 1 I tibn.l aroused Mr. Frye. and his perota-1 barrel, salt t l.tH) to S2.25 rer sack "bi- I r:,.K -t V-.;t it.. I ItfcV. DK. 1 intoawolUn-wsWrsJacdseWrat f! to S cenls per lb.. ; .drykstrcets-i-Aa Material for the : l ! lV: !-:4 I'r Who lmd Uh .ha. arrived-I SerentT-nvo hv- te and to f . I .M:..l::3i.j ilt1wasiutcresUng to watch the faces Very recently occupied the'.' lfeiono.f. 4raiitsf-r tho : use of the; city will fe fiorope.that it'U . T.,: :l.T.l:fM southern Senator. durioK the Secretary of theNavy, has reigned h is in the iFiua-.vs, i iteiiverv oi tue uneecu. ailoi incm nn -.,4-,t .,f n ... . r . -- i I u.-v.v o.y - or wilting to undertake the tast to-dsy. I anxious iludeut of publitj aaaln, t One g,n-rt 0f them interrupted Ui: Frye of uv earliest coocluiious was that tbe to demand that be should be more tpe toutb. hating met with such absolute eifie m to .Umea and laew where ... t ...... l.l...;M...lelai. in ill effort to J a 1 a . a - aS : . iH. waa.ft I suoiiMt -wparate nauooauiT, t- Th- UxXa which 1 am relating are i uree wifilT not poly abandon all aspMalt matters vt official record ia the Dt- 1 ration tor inuitkat indepemleuco aate; ! la the VJuiou but that its only hope of I pwrtnty and -bappiacss depended upcu a hearty aitgnmeut witn tae oe thought of .the txim secUou of Jh country. Aciiog upon this ,ttw is e ..-. wi..-' 4 wu-W ... u. menv Oi ilia jv.' r ..ti:i.M-wuiaaJi Ka..ini i i r ""I T i " - loeat ecu 1-- ;j . , v , General Joseph t-aae. t W wenuy died lo Orepjo, was bora In Buocwabs county in 0Tth CaroUoa. ; 1 11,1 " , The 0'raist uiessiBir. A sirople. rwti hanDlesi' remedy, a nih , i v tfcAl tUXtt tTTryjB,au rirfHtt. e ax by kcepin. lha blood Pore, atom; aca tttuur, abxacya aaut uvec asuvr. 1 1 DEMOCRATS AND I50NDS. , ! The Deiiiloci aU have had so much to Bi7 about the Republicans stealing bonds that were issued by the Kepubli can Convention and LegUratur oflSCS and I860; ; that we publish below the names of. the DEMOCRATS and Re publicans who receire.d and the said bonds. Thw'wiitbe kept standing for the future in this paper, i- ' , The following, who received bonds were DEMOCKATS ; 1 j i 1 R. M. Cowan, 2,000,000 3,200,000 G.GGG.OOO 2J500,000 1,410,000 W. J. Haw-kins, . Oeo4 W.iSwepson, Wm. Johnsoti',- . E. Uelo, j . P. MaliettL . . , w,vw 450,000 J Those below were' Republicans : ' A , Dr. fWro, j816an,-.f-;-:-..- . $2,000,f00 A. J. Jone-,'. ... . . . l,m$Q0 Total, . .. . . , i' .$3,500,000, For cyejry Dollar leccived by a Re publican, aDEM()CRA.T got five. ISI-NA.TOH Fit YE' 3 BPKisClI, Tiie V'ounjrcst Senator,. Mr. Frye o Maiiie. tjiK i-itccetsor to Air. Secretary of 8ta(c llaitie, made on the LlOih irl . ' '"if- the eua c a periccnv; icrriiic tspcecii on tLc i outhcru outrages and th BouUiprn jtolicy nince the rccbustruclee slates have fallen by fraud into their hands.- lie: took up btate after stale in detail kud actually skinned some; of tho OppdsiogrSnators, and exposed ia theix reeking colors the sanguinary proceed ings y' which they have acquired power! jit was in vain1 that reply was Number of dieter in voir- atteniptcjd, for aa fast ;as points wejfe.. .. inj. total Joiiuf vessels, . 4 made,; Mr. Frye drew Irpm that Weil ln lhe whole, lake and sea roast of filled quiver with whicli he had armed the United.. fctalcs, i!u,rc are 1-J7 life himself.lfact .afleV fact from the records saving station;. Wiilvin 'tUc sjioiieof I jof ij- tho perartment of Justice, which ueii wuu relentless crueuy amia me d bordered ranks of the 'southern fceu ators. jllis peroration closed thus:. I j Henalof Fryo tbea turned his atteiif lion .to the rdceut Presidential election, benaiora, from every southern , state tiat Vi OIHVV AUV itVOt,llV ll.J.U.TOIVIIO MW7 I gau, averted over and over again that di.i the elections in those tates were peace- I able, iar aud honest; and benator tall , - .. . - i'l J'fe wQte because, j as laud were not Tree and faiH-' Air. Frye li as been looking over the -ire porta, filed j muic.Auorney-ueiieraiiiwe, oiuio il.hTl. ihJJJLi .,! Z recHellJron, those records ;to-d;ty fact. wuicn prove iue uner laisiiy, i every assertion made by southern' SeualTors in reirard to the fa ir and peaceab o couduct of elections iu the south. The I UUU lIULlLm Ui LUC UU11CU OLUlfH J II I i ..itv. ..r ii.. 11:11 i Yl o fraud3 Hpdll tbe bttl?ot. box and outrsgea upon vojters in Squth Carolina, Mississippi and Texas, show I &3 bad a condition of allairs in those aULes?as far as the purity of electioi'is is icoticerned, as ever existed in lany southern state. Air. Coke was ar ifirst incJiued to interrupt but as ahot after I -til S it - r." frrim ihe ciheial record th Tm Kan- atijir Subsided. As might have been j ' . 1 '.I. ; 1 - 1 - a - ' . L a - l - 4. expected, the recital of the actual jhia- I Ll. . I t- ii.!. wuo 7".- ItL"T" nf -.'ii-K t j been committed ; jn one southern ebV WIV W"-WIW Vllj VVKV "VW SI I tw r f I m Issf AwtlAn in- Rl -mtatttn.vu I m . , - - VVltlV vra suv aawsFa aa w w v ajsaaaua nanletl and WTenii, others ex - i-.w-. 1 Aflha tanafAN aWa namaif aii r ih ms.ian iw n.mnt I jpmad an intenliea to reply to Mr. I, . .. .. , . ... rey . r ut not one of ;tbem Wa ready I MM'T . 1. r?'?' V partment of JswUce, and I Tt,.. r.n ....t.. j for . ..te, and they t gad saacn more usa jrelat?, ' -' I 1 Memphis Jfcrr, dtr tie a I tiMAMr Is kmalkticd - 1 Troe Dfmocrat, la ojssaicaw Lbodi political trtist, and wants to t- , , m j6rakis of Ma l mat!. I- Tirjinia, ho say : I , j Kemper and others I hate dcUartd it -twoary U keep up . I tae dujiacttui svittaooie ia tae i oy tae pnvueuiTd moucas w aojoarv aodtofolatdeaecaUtwsrasioaaad thas htald tae benataoQocstiU December to kS II ejsa w we via rv v a v a a iiiiaa iv . . -' a'a . . ... - . .IbT w.. T..ir -.-.kka I . . Z. kk.l Pv as IkA araaci .--n . -nt . ir-w .rWi,.! Atalal The Ute la pj aad ivJs tisit reliias i Utertoy too aTywt ,swiaiar asnt oaCaata ratxtmaxe C better for lrjiala i i- u . I ; 'K'' 't f Bi" ?.j " dencej-! Uut iKrtlijnr;wm1-' wiVe " tUUt HooitkhI anl ffiradrrliliul 1 1 r-itrlaLfi Btructiou, as-J tiie, 'tvtnt. will- uielf I jprove.4. If .ell the . greenback, Igolf 1 istandard, ' bi-nietahc standard, hard anoney, soft -'money.1 protective tarjfl'? reveoue, subsidy auU nuli'sulxfidy Dem ocrats, and all tho(otber Boris.. amo2 the S7 so-called l)em6.cratic' Sealor go down to' Virginia to 'cantass. for the save it. The more: lieo-ll ills, Uamj f - tons anu liecKs mat go uown 10 can vass, the - largfir wilT. b$ the majority, and tho mdre dpcigivof tliQ vatory of me iveaojusier?. . " f t Mahone Btands lor the eo vereignty of his Btateits honor, iu revenues; and for ihe welfare and . interest of its jeoi pic: and they w4 1 1 a.-rajn sustain himi The orfranixation in Vircrinia' calline f itself the conservative party deHerra to die for its-, repeated betrayals 1 the peop Tenness ted from thera arc 23 station apportmu,- ment is an folio vas : V Number of cJiinstcr.. 1; Value of ve'st'ls, -Value of carrot s, - - - 313,500 - j Total va'ue of pr..pWly, - 370, ISO 121 117 1 Number oi pi-rsotis oifboard vessels, - ----- -. Nunf of saved, tJNuniberot persons Just. - Number of &bip wrecked per sons sheltered at stations, Number devs shelter nfibrd- ed, - -'- Value of property. suvkI, - - 207 !12,GG0 r7,2S5 Value of property lo.it, their operation S00ai:sa!c'r.s: jto ves sels occurred ( 1,0 SO persons if re im periled 0!i'the vcKsels, only 'j. being lost. At le blatiouai, 1-202' daVs relief were cflbrdedlo ihe shipwrctkc J. The total value , ;f property end It'gered was cstjavatod f at--?:i,S11.7Co, of which AVift AA-i-V " i V f ..Ol.'.SOi -was saved ju jvt?sc.s pioycd a toiai less. J:i i.-. instance, vVs.eis were; saved by l ei ng hove off w lu n : - ; -: - sUaridcd, ipilokd out Vr dan-cr. eld. 1 Tho number of ..casual ic were greater this year than i:i any previous one and I the number t litt-A f0) lust smaller Mc lca;t.Juruocr previously btiu- 22. vti.o n s . -. i ... ! - ' I ' - A friend luii sent ih n' co:7 of tho FavetlevM e (AWmr of October 0. 1811.1 rP 'Pvlrii wii th ' Vrri.1t frtl United States,1 .'..having been elected Vice President, in 1SP, and succeeding to the rresidency by the death of Pits- Hrtnf urrUror ... , - - , - ' Tlio obituary co.uum conhu.H mauy noaces oi rceeni ucujh, -among win those of John V Huskc. .I-Vi , of Fay- ft(.v;Hi t ii, acn nf '.s vprnT of -o- J - Aaron Lazarus a .prominent merchant of Wilmington. Among the! market quotations we with the President ou th question vf 'maW. nro,iAa.i;: U imr - Ann'l meeting of the prominent Wbies. of I of rcolutnns TpuhiHH?d by the Vi I UI r.fvJ I ti I JIUIS lU II Ic Hi7l V 1 11 - -i " - . 1 swa j: I j ; M5 At the(Uuie f this lmc vT the rrr it was a weekly, edited by 1 rrrr it was a weekly, edited by E.J . : ..' Hale, Eq., his oldest son then being a . small boy at khool,- V nN.tt;r . j- : ; " Whuk.. YlV' i,ilt!lKt: ' l - -. - - " .2'-- .' v-i . ' " U'UwRVl HlfiCIAK; ,? Us be deVirc th place I hn Su-pcet 1 iaOjcucc 1 ca'a- caHl - yw vW all tha tuaud, aad i-is tc:cs ta4t toot irj ia o any colcrrJl man io NWtU Vsr'.Ss . s ' J " ' ,' t ' y torviT.a. j", Gi. LiliU'i, VI l a i . t Rx)rh le there, as a like 'organization 4lruested r'ttrmeet wf -W'-lnaaaj nicbt i ':e'"vuwy, '"s- 'fiw mB nu'u fee deserves to .die for Its violai- K4i iiirk ar vr.?L MjZtT T w and ' ratron cf Tilctsari formal t of 100 on -the birildiDir; and $200 on pledges tO IhC people litre. j .:. -. I Snnnl VF WU r-ll Unn.lcr llin Uli crlr -rnMnn; rorrvrMMtwl -- - ' ,m . m. as snarp, at lueirij-aii. xusiness oi im- "-..-v.v,,.-. - .-v-, ... v-,..v- .., .-..- W S VVlNd WnviCKv " i lA)rtancc- : G. X: Mabson, rrc3.: superintendency of Miss Am M.Brad- by Messrs: Atkinson & Manning. , Mr. In ttiH tbeixth District rticidiuir" E. Ceeden, 6cc 1 i; I ' ard in this; city on iTIiursday. Todd says-that at the ;time of the fire in taw, tl.c MJjUi District citcndibg ( r,tf.,r. . . - - f ;: ! w, rrvff tfi i.nr - n!l WUwiintA. I.o Had rtnlv almnt $100 worth of atiek Capo llqnry to Cape Haltcras, jv 'w.n ;w- vn,a fiiCvLt niaiw will: Hut Mr Urtnonwav lis 1 in n Kfofp Ws he had let the stock 1110 I IViViVU VII M vvi ii -w a i UKti .IttUIVMV I ; t t mil tm tvltmn lha IviriAd run ft I s. - " t- - vi i ' w.w , it tvV:s- " tml. a. - - a w e i aa in frinr nitM r a z i u . i . t i rMam ntniuiiarr ukHawraVKa.HaaWi : aajan taw are to i innni , tuav . fp r ? vi , ia j,,'w" " " ,-""H" " - . . , ih Vsnt. I . :e --u. i R-v:-Vrr. i. J M tK.vt.4a rnMtit. .t.u.. I msasred to dbue Laefiiind f ticrs ' . I successor o .ur, ii, , vauwii. iuyi -.-,ww.n. . i . .- - will there a w. f rUsi," fy " 1 addrmbel the : lUr. to3, 4 H in.Tet.meto Tb u Kin; done, vt by thoae, bo trUeaf wbJch mssmblcs mIs, Raleigh J r -ec11 plae 4f &iu a- JJ 5 L;. L..,Tt Tu,t1,V l.i!iVB if I an -Wtdtwdy lb ilhl4 Tuel to. th Titntly and the ascrtd hrd. . . . a . - . a a ' i " I Me faiit? ri .'-.li.l of'tri frienl- f t of the .Lip-ana urPo,t be b-t itveu my ra;l abefetbi CyaycaUoa U -The use nature j jitttdy cnoe'Vo aUow tot oatft I's i itol54- to urkf ' J 3 M itb ' "itaMt; Mr -4.1 r.ldisriMaad hraUA-"- The aubteci i to 1 twuay . I "-O- V T -.. '- J ' . . . . .... . . . . I Therittprii irnr llall cts AUskUy, TatWr adlwbitobe ' lflt a!l l.i,i..Tl C' trtalrr. wis a rra&l aaewi smIt russwisrv bfe w;fc. -Tby wtt vxrr ilUsMSfUi-tiW artica of isfwtealai Ut was i - ,. ......... . .- ... . , .. I a: WooJa neartaiacilT on Monday Jut, f , -- 1 :A yt5awberries pass'daily through: this city en route from points wuth of m to .,??;y,iYok''"aUiroeiarkeia, Ucrd, are .so. many timber 1 I the'rivrr abn rtiatTmt'sliameM f ; 4nd,naitlj .bimUds t :? - & ' ! lund IrtickU wni be id atlWiobt. ll McKoy Witt JccUW it Uched to :a draj : backed off.of the : Vuw. ; 1.r, Jt- t f usnalreduced rates oa the railroads room or theUbnuy. Association on -wharf , at h : foot of rrincess atret' j Tobacco:;;331 " j . in this State to; tlelfates who attend Monday night at &3D o'clock onj "WU- Tuesday morning into the xiTer.: The J ? A large cat waa-xwt-ij te Ue Stale iProhibitory t Con vention . to mington as it is andUininon s it water at the end oi Uio wharf is , about f iiaii Steet jM. E.ntcIi,jf50aUi,.M...,;stitT'5 !rasr x T-V T O ...1J I - t'Jv; held at'the City ilall, inlhe early part of the week Mr. Frank H. Darby was J voted the handsomest man In the city of Wilmington, and was presented with a black ebony gold headed cane-Stand up, sir." Do you plead guilty or . not guilty of the charge? -;-v:.'.-;;;' . The -oldleather hose which was for merly used by the fire department was tested ou Wednesday, and ten section's were found which eaa now be used. They will be kept at Messrs. Hart, Bailey & Co.Vfouddry; to be u sed iu case of lire in that vjcinity. , ' The new machine arid paint shops at the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, in this city, have been completed, and the transfer table between them was put in working order, las Thursday. The -.... 1 . , shop have all been removed to the new 1 v-.w - .... SllOpS. , ; , ..... , rininfa I a :tiii linniAmanl a At inn fi hi I St. James' Delegates. A meeting of the Vestry of St. James' church was held last Thursday evening, aud the lollowiog gentlemen were, elected as delegatcs to the Diocesan Convention : Dr. A. J . Dc!Uosset, Av II. Van Bokke- lau,-Col. J. (.. Burr,. Col. W. L. De- i .- I Rofc-set,. Alternates, : T. F. Wood, i Dr. b h.rerit,t, 1. h. Calder and viyou; Oiles. -'- -' . ; ; 1 " t1w, .vhftM,N : ;,f ..,jlA,t,.-X M feAVcrks Compafty held on Satur- !" nnp-hhnn 'iir' I'rnVahpn'ntMn- ,Aflenoort, a pernan vv, wmuW.6 gcntienicn werevdected officers of the COtupanj ' :''.'''"" V r. aid e u I , J , F, Di vi neC ; Tiea'urer, Elward Kidder. . Director?, AIessrs.. E Kidder E E liorf,,.-. mm uik ir a iiwvT ,r , . . s ' , T i -i? t-' Hancpck, J .1 Cloud and John F. Dit . r- -i '; a-j. --- .y'9V-V:"'- P " '' ' ' Dr. Cloud- iiie .conlracior for erect- ing the worki, lias beenj busx,all the weck iayinjf pipes on Jlarket, Front. Dock and Second street, f It is the pur- YsxL Doavx A Uatcji. Last Sun- day aftf rnooa a seamap on board the I scbobncr'Jejsie llat 2nd, went aboard uw:i .i! ..McaocrTcj.iu sc his brother, when he tripped On some imiscaainS and was precipitated down. the hatch. . The untortunaU man was brought on-deck and medical aid aummowed. Jl)r. Bellamy, the attend - . . ,.,.. . .. ' , . . . . .- ..? f S lJsicn, sooom sum sauwrwg wery J m,ucn iroui coocusaivn oi mj uraia auHi trery badly bruised. The jailor is d-1 I intT as WeU MB GODU UB elDCClM. " . , : V - I -.- r '.'e . I 1KB jip.mn wwsmiw vi tool eMiow whkb l;?asthweCwi dif t ,b t.'?. WftVet tlln Bp tVe tBvril is-nirs iuw.tcm. t ' r- . - ? - Tha acaial aal Dora izreiiiTE. xne-' corp is re- i " tAaar iSr by le ladiea ' ol St. smw era, aad aa imrwarri state if it Thcii Ciwca; CI W Utwt of tho 1wbs pht!ihica xad siykses' thUk r, cf Uctorl la this cltjr: al Lka tar.; Aad .1 sueat Vw aJwll tlst 4 a I tva4y wotk saumcal a rd d wi Ji so ltr srs-rs! batsikia,batcotUth tjry aadtaist5suUi1J of tho UsapOs iAis wakh kadlwo ty.fnsaa hk hl drse tilcs Iwvrared tor tie User AVmt' ca al vmcvm, atd Wjsbifrd svt tUVJwsa rtUcd. I I iGod, . '; i::;M:;;r;.:. 1 . ! be held in Raleigh the 27th. i lArlies should be, - s ino public are inTiica u 4 weixo icct aeep, ana me animal wan i will ask fur the trip ticket at their re- depots. '-Those who send their ni th ;miaiftP f m-ior 'io the meeiing of the conTcnlion will have homea. assigqed them.- Ul! pcTBOns who ftel a sumctent in- as ddeIfcnvc0Uon.wi.lM. We3?m! uik. - ft T ; .1- Wilmisgtos's ' Benefactiiiso.- I somewhat indisposed. She, by her good deed., has endeared herself; to all classes of our citizens, and by hvr lib eral donatiohs . lias.Iielped to raiac the poor children ot this thy from the slouch of inoranco to wliich thev might have fallen, -had it 'not been fur her generosity:'. . ' l'orhaps 'bhe iiud her assistance5 J i h,vc been sotuewhat im nE.,r..i t,,-i; .,, . ,jf,' - osed upe-u by persons who Could well ay tuition for their children, but hayc pose sent them; to pailakc of Mrs Hciaen way'i bounty and her assistants experi ence, to tho injury of those' children whose parents cannot, out of their small earnings, pay for the education of their children. fc'CEING FOB Fess- Air. E. D Uew- lett, Coroner, of this county, brought I Alii fl firrinf. fh Ttiiir.1 nf Pnunfir against the Board of County 'Gom- missioners to force them to pay two y;,-'i. ,.,'. , , r claims he has against . the county for likldint innnbcla iiccr f n l..linJ Af U. A. Jtiagg, Chairman of the Board, holds the epinion that t,he Coroner is appointed only to delect crime and tt hold inquests over murdered or tlrown- ed persons, or : persons who come to a violent end. The cases for which the Coroner claims fees ire those a - - men who had received medical atteu tion and was under the care of phal cians a the lime of their death .Chairman Bars claims that as there wa3 no 8U9P,clon of fuul n" "w ".." lM,,Ui - ', - ue Mironec ia -not enuueu to the fec8, which amount to S2u.au. ; Hewlett holds that as tho cases were reported to him " aa' sudden deaths," he summoned jurors and held the in quest ..according to law, and is conse quently entitled to hi fee... The Case r, . , , , w - , - Ji lncJ las "esday tuoraiube fore Justice Gardner, Mr. M. LeUaaiy .- ,. ,u, representing tho prosecution audlMr. F. II. Darby acting for thevCouutyj At- torn ey. CcI. 15. Ii. ' Moore; who is con- fined to his hemso by sickuesj. Justice Gardner gave a verdict if favor o the defendant, whereupon Air. Chairman attorney, too an rior Court DEtJIb'S ADJJUlEi'i: well known ta Ibis .America, and cvefn U only necessary So say Alcthodist Episcopal Church connection. . Originally, Uie tcneU held by hint were those htld by tbe Aletbodisls. It had been announ- ; rt --v on th ibert Xatnre and.' tho lilhl." He wi ia- i irucAi ihe audience bv li o. Geo. I OaVls.'iii'lliat chaste and approMiale peculiar to-: him.: f Th tww h4t!n? iffi-! h.u wM God -the God of Nature and the 1 .ji nf ant. rr.w l iA -uit i .i-." ijftrf enlarse trosa reason, the idea of as j jJjjq' I :m.. MaeM-4, A ampHtuJe Vf imastnatkin. ahowia - . v . - .. .. . 'i .- . r i now lamuuniy wua . avjni, now wiui Ti Ar lleUidiyska. de- trmvacuiAbi.tr Ixtwecn cjrn asm reliaixi,or aaT saloi uali.a l.vrsa tbe two. ; J' . .'- , 1 , .11 Wtd tW 1SMTM t-jW, biSjl, I asal scesiaed tu kave ia&n4c4 U u a tut aa4 t 4 4 af tlbe lint tl ti &4Catrsvita- lute auihor and crcalsr cf aJII pit MiithtiL R EIlkJr "KG Raokio. I swaew aaui t MrMi a mm k m. Through a good deal 4 rich ( u A jv t . ; ; r i I iutfay esewe4 san. it tslert rvay , .luxuriance of i,b, a . eaf (-l attendl:5 ': siy-secona annijeiw x. Odd Fellowship, will, be. cekbrated in mis wit. dt yape x e todse3ipri rTnesdaj eTenlng next at I J;1"?'. ad4.ffls fcoIbr. th. Lodge. Td iP"w;nTUMio.utna... ' ' - 'w ....i'' 7 Masotiboio Sound, owned by Mr. Louis Todd, was destroyed -by fire on Wed- run denvn. The fire was accidental Death oMns. Gheen Tate, Sur ifni y She went to bed at 7 o'clock ,-out n cm w in. .f , wvv, p. la., April 7, 1SS1, aaer putting her .".,,''' , T , l, ! " child reu to bed; as well as she ever was.' n i .f,.. i:m. j. inn Lut sfcc called after a time ,U a person in the next roum aud when he went iu iuo eitf.room, auu, wueu utj wuui. into iicr room sho appeared; to cuokel . ; 1 I and died, immediately. lleifv . ago was uJ . .,. nion'W's! ' Uk fC yC1t - Jf moufs- bd?. ihree children to mourn her tossy fcjhe was bom . in Duplin county, in the eas tern part ; known as . Uallsyille. - ller fathercame from Jonca county 4S years ago; and his name . was Daniel llalhH Her mother, Amanda DTall, died four miles cast of Wilmioglon; j ' T. S. Mu. Ew-ron:rici5e give me space iu your, columns lor ."thesf-few j Hues. . 13 DAVia. Committees of tub Fbodcce E-' change The following' iiamed gen tlemen bate been appoiated en the diflerenf committees of tho Produce Exchange : , -v . ;: f.-::'" Arbitration CommittTetrU i Boney, C II Robinson,: B G;torth, James prunt, J HCuirie;1 1 ' f' -1 ' , Immigration and " Statistics A 11 VanBokkelm, Harding Johnson, N F Thompsou. Martncr-E PescbaU, K h lieide, A Infection ti W-WilKams J Locb. Rufua Hicks! - .' i; ; '' . !' ' Cotton Classification J 11 Currie, fcvR Birdsey, James Spruiit. .! r . Statistics A rope, iu 1 v tniian,- ix L DeRosset, , Cotton X uot&tioc s W Calder, E Lillv.SR Birdsey. i Naval StOTes--D (1'iWorlb, J . v ! - -at -1. --- ; i- D vvfHuy, u. unamK. Grain G J Boney, W K Kenan, DlyourTrce of Ufe. and rive of your ju- L Gore.i. I . In -..i.littnr, In ih -ioiinintmrnt fcf ... v...r .., , the foresoinjr committer!, lho I5oard of , - ' t,i iUiirip H nave zcApiyiiu.Ku uiu ('icmuk ellicieut i4cretary and Treasurer, CoL John U. Cant well, to the same poMtion. EASixa llLtcTioss. At the usual lister, election for Ycstiymca of tbe various Ep'ucppal churches In thb city held list Monday, the following was the result : 9 ;',-;yf;t 2 I UJolut't tJiarui- Vcvtry, Jamci A A Witlard. John h llolmce. Ucnrr .. . .if I T , i . ... Null- C D -AiSi.tvi Joan liLklppilt, n ii . ii . '"' '4m L.a n. t i:-- tl e , n tp, 11 .v.- ciuolibocca, Dr V, KtCg, 6 L i icuioi.4. Gaiirul llwaua. , j : ;Trulce, Jauies A Millard, John 1 lUiaivVi'.ll Uruu.! - ' , - j -: T, I -I . e 1 1 Li. Aiid election ol kt'glr ty . rsu !... ... !,. tt ...:n,..,.. w;vup n......;.-. " .-"v-. Unaniknous conut of the vctry, been pOl0CCU UUiM tUC ICiUIU Oi aCT. U. poti PitU. ! . "...- i. - e .-'"'' I-. '' !' . --': rt-VYtziry, John W ValJr' " fe j- 5s..rti,at"s tuf Aliiuson, DdBtn p 1 r..,. iftir u itl'rrit.! 1 f I I " H -.rT. - t xfiiL-.; j . : .AlHrOAU'laA. V1iai, U JL XaAfV U t iletdr.!; JaEaaso.:;, -f'.; ; : a" fotloa j Pf, xtk! ca "w e4 f !t cl Tr&4ti,tiHfe3t r5i.fi la ti'a "iKrui: ir4 , t3f ..'Utt'stCes, "to . be ikimf0<, lim mtairtr roa csclt . of the kva1 chsxthos of H'aIx j it . iJaErau. Cailar. Jta V AjUa r t- it.' 1 ' too.. Vid;jws Ci ytail, Jaa l J.atsKk;, lsy VUe Uw Vaalijt II ewe. U-,tfrajg( V mas ' In - payees yf yrw lse4i4 kit? if irl'ia fumr vVKZ?Aa to Ut i li U Wood Jr. tWm II Bernard. I y w aad aiw wins i mm JJva' 1) J,0 Nuua, J Vi llai-1 r twk usytt-rtAts u r irttA. Ltnd, C V Arii! si W Vi' J IT Lk. I " " fufc ftT.- ' .. . - 7 ... - - i rii m mai v .at7 w- nmem sLatMs STiT; V- NT7MBCR-17 the dray attached to him. swam into ' the dock, bnt seemetl In bwomn rnn. i ioWMd, a Umber raft. . After the horse bad: beea in the -water about twenty rainutea and was err mocb rrh.o.tl harness waa cut froia'him taken J"r? 13 f . . ws, id WM bril,s d, t-lfotdSrinE tb. d.ir: Th. animal doe. NEW ADVERTISEMENT; j Coiuiulssioncrs Sale. ( T)Y VntTTJE OH A- DECREE Ot TH Ki , CJonnty, in a cause therein pending. wbr(. la TUomaa Jilcliols. AUeu Jcknon. ad . George Jackson, by their nest friend Thorn-' us NichoU. are - rtalnUfls. r and I'tolUisf i Piicnoisis ueienuani : iuo unacrticued, i CommlHsloner for that purpose duty p poinieu oy satu, wan, wiu expose 10 w by public auction. Xor eiASH. at . the Uoarf ' ' llouso door in- the city oX "Wlliuhifiton, on . ir..l... 11.. mi l.-'.f TJ.. nMl iuoauaj, ue UlU Gay 01 J line, Rl 13 M; tb? Una nd rreulca In sJd crcoorUcred to be sold, which re Uutrd in ilhe city of Wilhiina ton. and are boumU , ed and described iw follow k, to wit: Begin- : nlng eighty feet from the N.W. Intersection 1 f Hanover and Third Streets, running thonce along Hanover Street wetwrdlv forly thono northwardly parallel with J .pjfj ytxeet one hundred and nity-ttve (ret i to a twenty foot Avcnneftheaee alone;suid A was si a au mI sark s1 1 US u 1 lskl ssitl W linn street forty lo feet, thence southwardly parallel-wlth Tbrrd' Ktreer one hundred aud ilfiy-flvect, to the llaoina. . tvuuo wewwmij f - smivi w a lltuv v Jim X.. BAM1W1N, 1 CouimliMiwac r. "-April 2-t TXiE SiJUOl ULA j- ABD CANCER REMEDY Will be sent ti any pari f th coualrj, ! forward iuf 1X50 to ProK WuV U, aioorv corner Frontl and Mulberry atreeU. Wil- lieKT 10100 tollo'rlo'i dorscmeats : . -. ; - " - ' - - - - Bladen County, N. C,Jau. :7, J&1. ! 1 hai been snffering with lyspcpsla an l Kidney diseuae.for iio last Sj years, and it. koujc1 iniiHisslblo for tue to gel cured, bet I tried a bottle of Prof. Win. II. Aloorc'a Untmcnt and Tree of Life; and it rami lue 1 entirely; aud 1 feVI Ituiydaty to reco-n- i mcud It most lilshlv fori hone complilitts. I OAVIU rK-MtSO, ! WlltuiUKton; N. C. March S, lsdli I Vi of. Moore Ltear Ptrs The bottlos lof i Tree of IAfe, Salve and Liniment I bought i of yon, rertaluly baa e0ectd a frrent cur IninTcano. It saved my lite, lie I ore I pro i cured your medicine, 1 waa helpless ax am i Infant nnt I b- u ninn XI.. 1 ... W 1 and one foot wa terribly swollen. Hy, luiui: I m ivxy ooiiich wi j our irve ox i.uc, J.4U line lib I and a few boaos of your Halve, It baa iwuts i me n new woman.'and my hcailh hasboru r entlreljr restored. Aly liiuba waa In tbla i oondltldn for Ji years, aud 1 never waa re- i lleved until I cot your medicine. I reoiu mend lttopcttoai wpli-llkeainletla. - 1 . i . MMAiiVK WillU i ;Wni: ',"TMMiwi(,-- Cure of an ufecrated tore foot uf evtn years tandliia. . '. - . s:f ;. i i Wlliuluw'ton. ii. April 1, ltl. Irof, Moore--rear Rlr- My health fur sev. cn years waa miserable, caused by a a aileer atcd Mre foot. I . svdlsed to lry;our muHI.Iiim nd afl.r i.l In .1 tu.i 1 1 . . uicumuiu uiiiig iniunw 'wrmivr, tioo. that jrbealth wasrapldly returi.. i loaau, iuhj- Kirni acusni. ana ssuklsr. . Ma 4 ,jU miiy saiisnco oj its vtrtuo, I nJmof' lwfally recommend yout Trr ofLife.Unlmentaada,lvi,toU whimsy oe so uDiortonaie si u tto ainiriod i iih complaint of this character. My font U cailrcly well, and I can walk oa mjr loot as well aa before I waa afflwied. (SJed MKS. MAKY TKyAllT. . . - Mulberry UvU WlUicsat T.C, Miu.rs. r lcp iy Sheriff Xw Ilahovcf co. J- '. " ' - ; r ' : i Cure of a bad of rkrofou ou the A j . WUmlegioo, K. CeW Id. 11. Tret. Mooro-Iar rtin think Ii a duty I owe yon and my lellowrrcatorsa wilto art a tier In jc. to sfut known tin wottdenat e fleets mr medicine has duoe Kr me I liouiaaali who are iroi.ii iui bnmr UT Wood, will stvt M a trial I am 1 e.rdeol,, irma prartical vspertenrw, that I ' Prso- win km low the ctirvntoas. aid ci Ve It a fair mat, that It will care an v ihathaa daaea of Ilka character.) I auf farad wltta Mcrofula for If years. The a Itfaviioeiso mortal m knoeii' I mm in asony all the time. I ward to tfalafc If I did not ua every rrmedrand trtssr ra. I issi was wa itrroas w tais aw.n itsi 1 ut the aatt ar-ixarrd la roortf.il mru- that was the very case to care an. -- t.at at I cu. oa am most mrfr to iuis roar moMteilMvsaMMtb work tt ut. Ii ii a areat fcraB(. aad I am shv m rrea fruaa I wmm-m mm waa irs a waa - I WtUl IU Vllairt: XCMitJaJ. r. " .i. - r. ,' v.tsMy.-Xr ' I wis troWd with tb tnrttrtry aw a Uw tisatatusa, J. v, 4aa. I, twt. lasetac ntk twtiaHNw tt a atwwaJat rail 1 iai a bUa IK W aa. It, I lov T aw aaw kf raub4a a hxuf a twiu t k uaiswawt a tbe avtwte tilalata. it wl aaw asUfaty. n - . '-. :' :: - "-' y i&.3f i-t-: - hm'tmHmmmMf-mmt 9tti$r0 Crwaa ' gUa ia tiit Ktt. w'tfiia. t. iia ra d a it, a4 e44n dsariiaat,, kf law ,at pay riasws. '. j - w. ir. j..-7Ki5 ti jtrtt::-tf . . ,1 .. - jj r ta iiy. asi a wcrr tar ftaaaw iwa tHKr. 1w4. J w'lW ; lUaH - aywwlaw!, fcnatwaw Car wt rn WsawNJLrJT Mart at. lata a eaua t n wm 'i a tua i 7aT t t-.a&W t HMK ( 'I y, m ,T lo to NM wjca Uat jfa'-Hw - ifswa aati wtamjaa. ,. i - - aulc.a Wkt-ttttAtn. swm r.k:a WKw4.aXW.c? - r mra.as.ln ww mjm l. ?-. . t .a.-, , Vi 1 - - ,j. a. favi aaa Oa. . c. ras. rtt,, -! I .'; en f m-tw iML Jim twwAS iati tmr t aaw a wwa( M'SaiiifiMwita wa aaallaaVatfO - ' -i IWIIK !-.-.. ..tt t ..... 'V . yvw try , '.,:;:! .?.: ' 4','-- i ! I. : -! .' :--'' '' - " '' -I' J -It!