volume xn. v v i r , M i n gToisr xosT I FSTUREf AT THE TOoTOFFICE AT WlLvisGTO, N, (5., AS SECOND CLASS Matter 1 " ' Latest. t fbc ifresideot on account of the ..... r i.nhli himinpRi declined jircssuio i' " --t -r this invitation to be present at tbe5 Cn--ennial bl the -battle fof Cktfpens at Spartanburg South Carolina j flic United States Supreme CoUrt 'previous' to adjournment made' ,Dew nllotmen. at follows: First Circuit, 'justice-Harlan; 'Second Circuit, Justice If uft I ; 1 h frtl Circuit, J ustice Bradley; fourth Circuit, Chief JuUice Waite; Filth Circuit! Justice Woods; Sixth Circuit, Justice Bradley; Seventh Cir cuit, Justice Harlan; Eighth Circuit; Justice Miller; Ninth Circuit, Justice FicU. It will be terceived that Juj tie Harlan' had' the double werk oftUfc -j'ir-'t and Seventh' Circuit, and Justice Bradley the double work of the Third and Sixth Circuits. This is in conse hc(.ucdc3 of the 'resignation -of Justice" jjwayne and, the Jong illness of Justice 'Clifford, which threatens not tdj per-: Init him to fit again on that august bench. . . . : . - " i ': Wi at ii thought of tho late speech in the Senate of "Senator Vance out ol fho -':e in uj be known by the follow in; frou'V the LouisviUe Commercial:. Mr. Vance, of North Carolina, de hvcicd the speech which he announced on the 7th. Mr. Vance's oratory, both in manner aud matter, is unsuited to jlnv Senate chamber, as. be himself apr jictreJ to realize to-day. . ihs pcech was such a one ai would liaverfreated' wild enthusiasm among tut audience of Democrats, if it had : ken delivernl ou the hustings in North Carolina. His stale jokes- not to say tiiiixphemouv storiew and; "paraphrases would havo been more keenly relished by hiich an audiencefyban they were by tl o o wlwi heard them. - . Commissioner Le Due baa received a ; nuaibcr of packages of American teas ' fro a an experimental tea farm id South Carolina; and, invited sevefal te dca'tts in this city and Baltimore to i examine.. it. They pronounce it very good lt, and say it Compares lavora- bj with tho East India teas. v V ' . t :-!; . ; - Judge Thomas Settle opened the UV S; l)iatrict-Court at ensacola, l;loridaj on Monday, but in the' absence of the District Attorney all the criminal cases were continued until the' next term in March 1852. ';;' :'Uf;? The second plenary sitting of the Monetary. Conference was held on Wednesday., The discussion was opened ty the German delegate declaring that ho had changed his mind. . 3rr. Erarta ahi h's collcacuesi on the part of the Uiiitel Slates, stated their purpose to 'Vttit iv g'and to confer with the au thorities on the currency. A QITSH 1W TUB 8ENATK. In the Senate on Thursday lour or Cvc ifotainatiotts were withdrawn, and - thro) were' confirmed. On the 4th Senator Dawes from his committee re ported that they didn't yield an inch, ' nuJ Mr. Conk ling said the Senate could now - adjourn in aboui ten days, after v they had disposed of about 300 nomi- nations and some treaties. ; v ' ; Call tben put in a word, an j then, as oun as tho Yiccrfcaidcnt anoounced that unflaished business was in order, . Iawc4 was aj;ainon his tapis. He was ? io hU vtry happiest mood, lie saw iv, revolution growing out of his request I lur an acceptance of his report. It was . an occasion when the members could gird up their loins and float on the , (Muions of anxiety, to the four quarters . the universe. The Capitol would be ucritcd and also both ends of the Vatnue, ' ' . '; I ' When the 5th had arrived, the Sen- Mr in a fit of activity had confirmed . Mt tignty4iut of the Vrwtdent'a urination, 'ratified the Chinese tm v' migration treat, then also the iXm f frtrxial Treaty, The Seijte fcexVrati fitdla quick sucewsioa the- extradition treity with the United States of Co lombia, the con&ular convention with Italy, the conveotioa with Morocco, and the treaty with Japan rtlative to rtvlprocal dalles of the United States and Japan in cases of ihipwrecks upon fbtir mpecUve coasU. v ' -And Iawes had telfgraphtd the foU ' Ion lag to the New England newspapers: : reae say tomorrow that ; all ; ttate : menu that I or any committee of which , I aaa oe, have advised the lWdent . U f ithdraw the nomination of Kobeit oe, or that I have rxoasaendc4 to Ihn or to the caacus that action on he ' at?aiaatla b postponed to aootef eMoa, are false. The (aVrkaUon ct ' Ucta at this end of the wire asd ihoso t the other end who tut the fabric ai tine, bea themselves, not aae tub butcath Saturday. ' Oa M,y ciii Use eidtectnt hid net tc4 at all, oter the deaJ lxk. So- nominations were sent to ihp rear, and was mustering his forces for sending to the resr the whole 300. ; The President fired his bomb-shell, and declared that Kobertson must : be confirmed. ; He lakes the groun d that there (is no suffi cient reason for withdrawing Robert son. There is some talk that the emer gencies of the situation now require another caucus, and it is not improba ble that one will be ! held Saturday.-f A very interesting question is, whit will the President do with the canH didiites Vwithdiawu in case Judge Robertson is confirmed. The Presi deDi'rt in'ends say that in such an eyent he will renominate ijhemviecause nof to do so would be' tacit acknowledg ment that they were unworthy to be nomin-ud at all. The President's mo tives ms conftrued by bis friends in miik'ilTg ,' the withdrawals, was to pre vent the New York Senatorj-from ma ini any discriminations touching Ner York appointments. J' '' ' . : ; , !;, It is certain, however,; that public feeling is largely with the lfresideni.' Already be is in receipt of telegrams frona ail quarters and from Democrats l as well as Republicans,; endorsing, his action. It is considertd certain rpw that Robertson will be confirmed. A large proportion (of the Democratic Senaiorrt.will vote fov him. ' -There, may have been a Republican chucui n SaturCay, which will piat a ditrern.t face on . things, Or prolong niatter.i In the meantime Coukjirg keeps a tifT upper lip. j ' . ,j ' 8,t Albany among the Republicans the President's policy witi the mani fest one. They Were comparing G.ar fhld to a second Andrew Jackson. HMIT11VILLK ITjsMS Thomas Morse, the son of Kit Morse, of Smithville, bad a fight near the Methodist Church op last Sunday n, Ight with Edward "j Daniels. jThey were tried on Monday before Lewis GaUo- way, J.: 1 ., and luuuu guilty ana maae to pav a vmall line and cost, cucn conduct ought to1 have been severely punched. We undcrstaiid that this i ntan Morse ls another of the Mom- family who behaves very badly, Such rren as Bryant Morse and Thos. Morse. '?hu Id be properfy dealt with. Men ho are in the habit of getting d ru u k, figh t log,. &cj. , re j ' fbl icj nui sance to any place; And she sooner the frictrs of the law fiJd out that , ' - ; ' ; : f j i such mth musHj be treated. M other vio lators ff the law the belter it will be for Siniihyillc. We suppose tliat the oflicers are afraid of the families of these tVllows.! If tha is the case we hopr the present Magistrates; will be COmpeHcd by public opinion tq dej tbeir duty If public opinion will inot have the devirtd (fllct. then an indictu.eut by a .Grand Jury might have.) One good Justice of the peace would gi ve Smithville the peace it ought to: hate. It Is hoped by the citizen! that the new Mayor will take ho d of the ' matter and eitfuiccthe law. I - r. The Senate has couGrmed the nomi nation of Hon. Geo. B. Ercritt as Col lector of Internal Revenue fof the Cth District of North Carolina, in: place of Dr. Wheeler, ! notwithstanding the as sertion of certain papers that he would not be confirmed. Mr.l Everitt has made a verr hard fish t fur the place and has at last succeeded, and we hope he will be able to perlorm his duty and enforce the law, which we hae no doubt that he will do. . He has many enemies, but he should recollect: that a political enemy to-day-may be ajstrong friend to-morrow, and act accordingly. A public cffice.'ia not private property it is the property t the people. The of fice should be run, in 'the firsi place, (o the benefit of the whole people, and !a the second place for the tuccess of the efl5ce-holders' partr. Tbe fede ral positions in North Carolina , hay e been considered too loo already the private property of the holder for binvj self and his.; friends, regard'esa of the right's and benefiu of the Republican party. Buiwe hope, this will now be stopped. Mr. Everitt will run the office of the otb District in such way as to enforco the law and do equal Jostic to all; but the patrooag of the office we feel certain will be dutribnttd ia uch a anaaner as to benefit the party of the state, and not certain individuals or memoera of hU family. We aball bare more to say, about this party matter, concerning certain offico-bclders in North Carolina, in tbe future. Col, eT5 rf M. lllckey ( Republican) says that bo intends to press bis claims to the seat In Confres as Eepmenu Ure frooa the Sccoad DUukt of Sooth Carolina, tad wUl not content to a near election, hwt that If av new eiectton b ordered and he is e-'ected, in spito of bia rvfu$al to bo n candidate, ho wiU accept that election and relinquish the old cUlou : V " . ' ' ' h : Twelve factories axo running al Fall rjrtr - ( WILMINGTON; NORTH A LlVJSLxT TlM K AT CHARLOTTE. K Things were lively at Charlotte lb day the; vote was taken cn -prohibition. R. y. McAdeo, one of the most emi nent ofjtheTcitizens of that flourishing city hal nsed a free- tongue on election day against a man named Markiey, to tbe effect that he was a scoundrel, and the fellow "laid for him." As Mc Aden came along towards his Bank; with a borrowed pistol in bis pocket, Markley stood ia his way, and began- to strip off his coat, ciinehed McAdcn, who pulled the trigger of the pwtol and it did not go off. Then everybody clinched,; and it ended in putting the .malcontents underbond, on.e, thcasaaulter, for $500, 1 I if . .j r 3 n-r i rpL... anu iw jiicauu lur .uu euu. iutj is no report of any more lighting. ' The election does not seem to have had any result at all. One party said that the anti-prohibitionists 'had the Board of Aldernieu, and that the Mayor was a tfe, ,and the old last j ear Alder men BGberly hc!a sessions'": and were still holdine at last accounts, and pro- hi-bi-ti&n had fizz'ed. . - Alt Hi MATTERS. The Cpl. Pennington; who coinmand-, ed at Smithville oi-cp, commanded' the Division of In.farlry 'Kti the Farragut dedicatfioo. Msjor Graves who just left heite wa? "in tl e colamn -Most- people Ilic re will jen;ember M?jor-Gen- eral Crprjik, who 'as in command; here in 'CG ?in,d '67-sinc3 very laruous as an Indian) fighter. He ; pave "?i . brilliant ball, to jt be r iriccri ef Fort Omaha" and adjaceist city. Are quote frcm a cor respondent in the Army and Kary Jour nal, which shows the General isi still allan'!: The elegant residence of Gen. Croofcjivas brilliantly lilumfnated, the rooms ret apart for dancing-were pret tily ; dfaped with battle . flsgs, while througlumt the cutire hou e the gor geous llloral dtcoralionis lent beauty, an(T f iicrai.ee to H i I.e. uen'c, . TheJ porches on both sil.'a aud in front of the building', were euc'.iwei wish canvass, lighted vi'h Chinese lanterns; the main stairway! ti the eptiraiiee was a covered way, iHlumii'.afcd .by Chinese lanterns and tastefully festooned, wiih the: Na tional emblem. In l.ort there- was nothing It ft undone that cculd please the ey and ipntiibute to thes,comi'urt and pleasure of iLe guest?. Gen. Crook, in the gorgeous uuiforrn, of Brigadier General, and Mrs. Crook in a faultless evening failettc of black silk, en train, with white la'ccj. rccei v?d their guests in theisoiilii r arlor, w ho began arriving at 8:20 p. m., and Continued coming till past Up. The officers were in full dress unirornij: wearing' a boutonnier, added to. the tfftct of their showy which uniforms.; Lieut, liobt. London is on a lourani'mtbs leave . ol absence. Ul) Prt A j rMS Thf iacrcaie.iu the value of glass, made: in the United States bst ween 1370 fcnd. jlSSO, was -f3,U2,K4." This account o:iir cmbrace3 that1 mtde of the riw u;alt,riai of sand. Th'i Uerlshire is the Ixst b'eet! of swinej or hogs to be kl in- the pire WOOdf. , '- . I . . ..... -a J . ' ' j ' V , " ' ' ' ' i fThe ctlimatcd nuiubv-r of fid ol lum ber cut in tjtie grfatpiner'es of Minnc- sola, ifrom one January to another, is '335,0p0,000(. The value of the.log;cut and in the water at the mill, is $1,842,- 000,000, atj live- dol'.vs atd f;f y cents per tbousind. . '... - r. 'i . . : r j ..:v.' . j.-. The turkey is a native of Arc eric a. It wis cot known to the aucic&bs. Pro perly raised, Uttened and served, it is tho rjnost paUtahle of any of the meats of fywk ; Wlllliam JNmI, cVlom), in trror from the State riclaware, on appeal from Oyer and Ttrmiaer, t the United Slates Supreme Court lor tbe reason thatpfgrotn were refused to fit on the jury which had cjnvictcd hin Of crime and therefofc was not not legally made op. Indicl&eut quabed. Sme ot rur Athevillc friends who rem 'saber jlr. Geo. G. Sanborn will be pleaded at the following which we clip fro4 the St, Paul- W-Yr who it says has been appointed jotl treasurer of the Northern Pacific, and that the "appoint aunt is all the rnore compli menury to; Mr. Swioboro in that, it was made by direct vote of the directors of the company, h, it understood. loos this method to testify their high appreciation of his mn.U aud ahiliuea in another brandi of tae. cvmoaay V service, and thtir desire , to tetata so valuable an ttScer in is ek-y. His poslUon ta one ol hjzot and rtpoosi bility, and .thf company cuU have made bo bo appeoptiate appoiataeat or jpoe more jraUfai to bis triends' iVe'bave rtceittd ?py of the publish ed at Savaccab, which contaira alt the itfvrmAiioa abat a'.l li r roads cenUriog inSataaaAX IH?!catic rout. U the Li'Mt cn CAROLINArSTJIAJV M STATE &EX7Zi ' " :' Mr. P, D. Daiicy.Vj colored, lawyer of ability, is elected llayor of Tarboro, jidldsboro' 3Snjcrfy&! &Mti M S P. Canaday, of Wilmingtonis; the cham pion, at least of ;the - poiitJcalfeqaality of the negro : in North" Carnhn, and may well be cialleoT arolInAr Bam- nerj . t The AbrrA QtroRnia sa they tate in 'on ; the Albemarle , frorn 50,00fl to 130,000 berriogs t haal.-r-Tbeltl. a f chad hatchery ' at , Fisb4awl turns ! out 300,000 eggs tot ia eYeujBf, " . FayettevQle Examiner. A movement haa been carried on latefy by the R-. & D. railroad, lookiog loathe' cbptrofpf the C. C. Rai'oid in the interest' of the former. It is felt that such control would be fatal, to the. interests of. Wil mington," and the attempt of the Yirf ginia corporation will be fought to the bitter end.' A meeting of the Director 1 of the. C C. Railroad' was tq hare, been held In Wilmiogton yesterday. I have not heard from it. Should the R. & D' Railroad obtain control of the Carolina Central, the guage.of the road would be. changed to correspond with , the R. & D. rOad at Charlot'Cfo feet ' gauge) which would render a connection be tween, the C. F. & Y. V.' railroad and the ; C. C. j railroad .at Shoe Heel im-practicable.-r Jndge - Ralph P. Bux ton is. still in Washington.. ' " : fcopy. , PrjEGAW, Pender Co., N..C, I . ',; - May 2, 1881. 1 Pursuant to public notice given, those entitled Ko membership in the County Board of Health of Pender assembled at "the Court House of-Pender on this day. After due organization the fol lowing preamble' and resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted. ' r . Whereas, The Board of Health of Pender county, in session at Burgaw, May Una, lssi, tave learned that our esteemed fellow-citizen and physician" of Pender, Dr. S. S. Batch well, will probably be an applicant for the posi tion of Superintendent of the Western North Carolina Insane Asylum at Mor ganton, when that Institution is ready io receive pauenis; inereiore, liesolced; That this Board hereby en dorse Dr. S. S. Satchwell as in every way competent and ' qualified, both morally, personally and professionaliy for this position, and that he enjoys the confidence and support of the public at large in these respects; and as a gentle man entirely worthy nf the place - msolccd, I hat a copy of this pream- b'e and resolutions be signed by the President and Secretary ot this Board, and presented with our bind regards to Dr. Satchwell. ! :-A-- ''''" E. Pobtek, M. D., t Pres. Co. Board of Health. 1 W. T. Esxett, j Sec. and Supt. of Board Health. Kesaxsville, N. C, May 3, 1881. , The colored Republicans of Duplin county will meet at Kenans ville, Satur day May 14ihy at noon, for the purpose of seleting delegates to the State Con vention, which convenes in Raleigh on the 17th insU A lull attendance is de sired. ,A. R, MlDDLETOX. ;' Chairman. FOB, THE roSi Kn'Khts or Wis Men. : Two Lodees and one Grand Royal Encampment of the above ' named Or der were established in this citr on Wednesday and Thursday, the 4th and 5th of this month, by II C Jolly, S G l) of X W Al. ' This Order was founded in Nash- rille. Tenn.. in 1877. bv the leadinr colored men of that state, eaa bracing amongst its founders, representatives of the Masonic and of the Odd Fel lows' Fraternity. Regular authorized oflicers of the Order are constantly in io the field establishing lodges in all parts of the country. Sioea the Or ganisation of the Order in 1877 to Feb. ISM, seven thousand and seventy-five dollars hare been paid to the heirs of deceased members. The first endow men! being, two hundred and thirteen dollars at one dollar assessment. The last payment no to Feb. 1st. beta one thousand seven hundred and on dol lars at fifty cents assessment. Two deaths bave occurred since Feb. 1st, 1831, the heirs of whom received two thousand dollars. 1 i 5 1; fj .', ; '. Among the prominent members of the Order are Hons. R B Elliott and D A Straker, Sapreme Grand Deputies ot South Carolina, under whoso efficient manage ssenl fourteen lodges have been established ia their state. The two lodges organised ia ibis city are com posed largely of Masons and Odd Fel lows, as la also tho Grand Royal En campment. ; Tho esdowsaeat (or iaaa ranco) ia , two thousand dollars, whka U to bo paid to the heirs of tbe de ceased member within thirty dtya af ter notice of death. ' ;: ? Tno foUowicz oScera wrrodoly in. stalled on Thursday ereaiar. Lta- mio Banker Lodrr, o K W M. JasK Collar. W BE A; R L Hatch- Thos J Ba,aVT Usil,Ft;EdI ward Geo moos. Willi. W Treaa. OScers of Caronaa No . K WI; J C IIUL W P E A: CWorro L Mahsoa, A; i U Prk W lrst; Joe mpsaav Q & Daniel Howard, Fir; Henry Taj toe, tW Tros; Oeosro M&rray. 1 U: inward Ilmri. u U: DavU Joaw. ? Pnlxlrj LrwU Le- grasa, f uj area Aarrx u & Henry, I U; Jaa U Oaria, W U: Cell, V PreUtr; NaUaakl eim . et a mmm a m jMAT 8. 1881 Officers of Hanibal Conclave Grand Rdyal Encampment No : - Geo L Mabaon. QBEPC; Geo W Price, Jr , B E G Cf K L Hntchins, R E V C; Jaa K Cutlar, B E P; Edward! Henry, B E I G; Thos J Bell, R EH; Jacob Johnson, BEG S; Elijah ai Green, B E E S; J H Willis, R E G TJ Jno H Davis, R E W; W.T HaU, B E & , , - The Following deputies were com missioned for the state of North Caro lina: I B L Hatching, SGD; Geo L Mabson, 8 G D; Geo W Price' Jr., 8 od. ' ; .. - 1 '. After the installation of officers, there Was a joint meeting of Knights, at which a sumptuous and well prepared collation waa tendered in honor of the distinguished 8. G. D., H. C. Jolly, Whose energy, zeal and courtesies 6f manner has made him hosts of friends during his brief stay in the city. Mr. Jolly came to this city from Charlotte, where be established a Lodge witb quite a large number of members. " He roes from here to Philadelphia, where ue has engagements to establish a number cf Lodges and 'Encampments. . ; f G. W. Pjuce; Jk., 8. g. d. William H. Vanderbilt has ?G7,000,-, 000 of United States bonds in his own name, the interest on which is ?2,C80, 000 per annum.:- We could manage to live. on this small amount, in' our cpin- ion, or we would compromise with it Iiam for one year's interest. err x items . Chew Jackson's , Best Swtet Navy Tobacco. ' . lr USWM VKIEKaJIH, UNtiM BOYS ; IN It LITE j .; ' v "We are requested by Col. Mabson to give notice that the Boys in Blue will march to the National Cemetery at the Dtcoration oh the 30 Lb of May, under the escort of the Comet Star Cadets, CapL Abram Jones, and that any hon orfbly discharged Union Soldiers and Sailors -who may desire to participate, may meet the Boys in Blue! , at their next WednesJay night's meeting, at the headquarters of tho Union, next door to Elijah Lane's barber 'shop, at 8 o'clock. - Hon. Geo. B. Everitt has been on a visit to his family and friends at Golds- boro,' the past week. , ; : . Colonel B. R. Moore has been selec ted by tho Ladies Memorial Associa tion as the orator for the occasion on Memorial Day, 10th, and M,jor James Beilly as Chief Marshal. 1 j Four of the men 'who have 'been Governors of North Carolina are, now living. W. W. Holden, Raleiscb. N. C, a H. Brogden, Dudley, N. C, Z. ;- B. Vance, CharlottO, N. C4 and Thos. J. Jarrisj Raleigh, N. C. The;Commencenfent exercises of the University of North Carolina will take place It Chapel Hill on tho 1st day of June fnext. Hon. Matt. V. Ransom Will dftliver the address before the So cieties! and Rer. Wool. P, Harrison,. D. D., will preach the Baccalaureate Ser- mon. 1 - .- a - - - i" . Peksoxal Hon. J. W. Albertson, United States District Attorney, Mr. Willis Bayley, Mj. J. C. McRae, Mar shal Jos, B. Hill, Judge S. P. Swain, and Col. O. H. Blocker were in the city the past week in attendance on the U. S. Court and called to see us. The Confederate Decoration of their dead will tabs place on the afternoon 01 mexumoi Aiav. nere will be a salute by the Cape Fear Artiliyiy, and a procession made up of ex-officers and eoldiers ot those forces who fousrbt so long and with such brayery, aod we suppose some civic organizations, and much floral display. ' Col., B. II. Moore will deliver the addres.. The GoodSah AEiTASSL The Grand Ldge of tbe Good Samaritans, No. 2, met in this city on Tuesday last, and after a procession and an: oration by C S, Brown of Salisbury, elected tbeir officers for the comiojr year. We hare not been furnished with any informs Uon on which to base a report. But the the delegation from New be fn on der charge of Mr. I. B. Aboott, who ia the' head of the Order in this state, made a very Imposing appearance on their march throoxh town, a ad weri rery cordial ly rtceired. Dr. Josh. Walker, Health Officer of Wimisgtoa, says that our informant in the matter charging him with aeg- lectefdBty, did hias great iaisaUc la stating that be had nejlected Joha IX. Wright, a poor tkk aaaa. Dr. Walk er states that ho found Wright ia a destitute coadtUoa, taralhed bias with afdkiaea,eTtft paMhiamlT for anCk pmachea, and did tvrryUlrg that bo coolddo for the aaaa. We gar tho rataiesarat as we received it, wuh tho laaM of r lafjnasst-. We are ;Ud U heat frosa Dr. Walker that tho tiatt- saravthat ho had sailed to d his d sly, waa ant trwcv Wo hart iaoera Dr. WaUer fx assay years pasaa'T. asd tabs ra;re U setUrg tit auUcr rigiw If ja.ast to bo wall adtwtd, tcjiboijr CaaPwr, Set a tor Ransom will accept thanks fir copy of Senatorial speeches. A 'monument is to be erected to tbe memory of the lamented - CapL EUer- brock: who, it will be remembered, lost bis life during Ihe disastrous fire, lift of April, 1880 corner, of Front and. Dock afreets, when .be waa beroicaily engaged in ) his efforts to sare the pro perty in the burning buildings; -; f At a - meeting of St, John's, restry, held last Monday evening, Messrs. Jas. A. Willaxd, WH. Green, M. P. Tay- r, and II. D.j SmaJlbones were ap pointed - delegates , to the Episcopal Cohvantion, to be held in Raleigh on the 17th insL, with Messrs. G. Holmes Gleave. A. II. Green and H. Nutt as alternates .;. ; " . - The ladies composing the Rectory Club of St. John's Church, contem plate holding a festival at the City Hall, ' commencing .' Wednesday,. May lth. There wilt be many useful, and pretty articles for sale, but there will be no raffling or Bolicitalions , for sub scriptions in order to dispose of the articles offered for sale. - - '. I. Bl Abbott, Esq , editor of "the Loinc' of New Berne, and the Chief Mogul of the "Good' Samariians'f:of the sta'e, was rii a tendance on the Grand Lodge bere, Tuesday, 'Wednes day and Thursdar last. Mr. 'Abbott is r . - . . .. f an energetic worker runs a very good paper and is very popular with his so cieties, u e wish him success. 1';; The funeral of the late Dr. Mosea John DeRosset took place on the 2nd instant, at 5 o'clock p. m., at St, James' Church, and was attended by a large concourse of kindred and friends. Dr. DeUoiset was eminent in his profession, and ai genial, benevolent gentleman. He was at one time Professor of Chtm- istry in thev' School of Pharmacy in Baltimore, ; and adjunct Professor , of Chemistry in the University of Mary land. ! For the' past ten years Dr. De Rosset has devoted his talents to the treatmeut of diseases of I he eye and ear, Jin which, department, of r.urgery he was eminently successful. , 5 , Oa Sunday last, as Mr? Hanke Toi lers, with a party of ladies and gentle men in his carriage, were on their way to the Stund, and when about two miles from the city one ot the hordes attached to the carriage shied and ran off the embankment, taking with him the oth er horse, carriage and passengers sU falling in a miscellaneous heap, with the passengers on top. . Ihey were ex tricated from their unpleasant and dan gerous situation as' speedily as possible, fortunately with ' no injury to persons or animals, although, the ' vehicle! was badly damaged by the torses in their Struggles. ','ir :(,.:: I A. i ".' '... Roaed cf Aldekaies. The Board of Aldermen in rrgular monthly session at the City Hall last Monday night. Frewnt: Mayor Smith and Aldermen, mpeon, Willis, Telfair, Northrop, Hoggins, Bowdeo, and Alderman. Committee on Fire Department were (ranted further time in the matter of a new firer alarm bell. 1 , 1 -1 ; The Committee on Police were grant ed until the neat meeting to report on appointments to the police forcer ! The Mayor appointed as standing committee on Waterworks, Alderman lurgins ant uict .01 r ire jcpan- pt jk; F. O, lioOieson. I .;,;';. .'.j .J4'-. i. Cuiract lor repairiag city carts and isrnes was awarded io Mear.i ver bsrdt & Co., their bid being the low- st. ; .:..-' . ... ;'. , ' ;; , ; l Cun tract fwr , painting, &c, , at -the City HaU was award. d to JanearLane, at his bid of 1253; being tbe lowest. The Sanitary committee reported a health ordinance which was adopted. Tbe contract fo taking tbe tax list ht ISSt, was awarded to J. Q Burr, at hbbidoff&O. !Cas ordered, . the Bard of Audit and Finance contorting, that tho pay of ttrret hands b cootiad at one doUsr per day. Alderman Hoggins efferrd the fat- lag which was adapted: ' ' i . , fiimlmL That taaamoch aa tbe law creating a It erd of Audit aad F.aace Sot th city vf Wilmiartoa makes It iocwsabeat oa that Board to fix U sal aries a nd pay of the oOctrs and eav ployes of ttts cur, inai uus jjoara 01 Aldenaea are la to wbe rwpoosihla fcr say Iscrraso of ealarkt or par the eScers ; and eatpOTra assy sov b rrceiiieg- ':k :t i - s . 'f ; . , r : .- j-a Mtatkoa fraaa cIilmse l MeikrUi tho lo mt aMrchaadiao ochtt thaa dray aad ssookiarsgosi Sundays, was read, and Aiicraaa Ilsfgiaw cScred tie lwisg. which was aukrui: s Aay person utc itaosts'wha aia3 opeai his tiort r plt 9f .bsiatai ca a Monday sW the rrycao of atwsgar dp4surg e a oiScriatg fjr atl ary arudr: or acy yersemt or smsta wa ahaS aS or 4ispai cf aary p&t t aarrthaala, ar aayarJc cat a Sxsdar, aiaa to gC;y cr a vtl tunscu arl a crzrzx alxU I Ca4 cat U exxtrd twrity-Crr Ciin. NUMBER 19 nance aball refer to druggists selling H medicines or Ice dealers selling ice, i a A petition from sundry butchers re-- I it , -1 ; . i ' gsxding the weighing- of beef caUl J t was referred to committee on. Markc t. i and Feea. ; ; ;;'.;; - r : -; : j ""v; . " ; , I ' :V Tho: Board , refused to coccar with f the Board of Audit and Finance in the 1 matter of the tax on , commercial," pro- v dues or saercbandise brokers, and re commend that tbe tax on tbe same bo. ' t fixed al three dollars per month:, ;' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - Proposals for Fur ni shin r Ratloaa . and Snip Cbandlery for It ore- ' tiae 'Voaaels. -' w-.:- ., .y -; . - eCSTOTS HOCSE. WltSIKfCTOT, K. C, 1 ' '. CoiXKCTMa OrriCK. Anril . IL 1 SEAXJO FHOi)HA.U will be recetvcU al ' till offie. until LI o'clock, noon, of MondaT alar Is. 1SS1. for aurulvinr mLionn and chip ehaadiwy (to be bid for st-paraiety for the nt of the crews and vewcla of tlie uniiea mmm Mevenue strnnne Herrlee In -tbl C"llreloa District for the flacel yrmr . ending June 30, insi tk taedales of article of rblr chandlery to be bid lor wM bs fur- -nithed on appllottlun a tbU otnoe. t The rtpht ia reserved to reject any nr all : bids, and to waive defect, ir deemrd for I be lntorest of tbe Government no to Oo. . , i 5 ' . - V. 1. CANADAY, my l-3t j collector ; ntaiSUtOKivo notlcethaton the ilh day J of 8ep., lsra, a warrant la buukruiacy' j;a lMued wit of the 1 Ulrlc Court of tbo United Mate for the Cape Fear DUtrict- of Jtprtn . Carolina .- against -the estate of . TS11 4rTer of r ayecl.e. In the nun ty of Cumberland, la Mid Dlmrlet. who bus been adjudged bankrupt upon bis own pe- ' tltlon. Tbatthepaymentofany debt.aud tbe delivery or auy property belootttua t said bank rort. to him, or for bU use,and the transferor any property by him. are forbidden by law. - That a meeting o tbe ' creditors of f aid bankrupt, to prove their debta, and choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a court ol bnuk ruptoy. to be holden on the'SKih day ol Mny, A.4. 18S1, at 11 o'clock A. Mat FayetieTille, . V. C, before Wm. A. Uotbrlo, Itcgt. ter in Uankrnptcy of aald district. ' . ; J. B. H1LU , mayr-2t . V.s. Marshal. . Commissioner's Sale. TIY VIRTUE OP TDECltKK OF" THE 8UPKIUOR COURT. of iJSew Hanover County, In a cause therein pending, where in Thomas Nichols. Allen Jackson, and Ueorge Jackson, by their next friend Tbom. as Nichols, are Fiaintiaa, and 1'blUls Nichols la Defendant : tbe undersigned, a Commissioner for that purpose duly as. pointed by said Court, will expo'e to sale by public auction, for CASH, at the Court Uousedoor ln the city of Wilmington, oa Monday, the 6th day of Jane.lSSl,1 at 12 M.,lbe land and premlsea la said de cree ordered to be sold, which are situated ia ihe city of Wilmington, and are bound ed and described aa followx, to alt: lire In ning eighty feet from ibeN.W. intersection of Hanover arid Third Ktreeta, rubbing thence along Hanover Street weRtwardly forty feet, thence northwardly parallel with Third Street one hundred and flily-flveieet to a twenty foot A venae, theaee along raid Avenue eaatwardly. parallel with Hanover Street forty () feet, tbencs southwardly parallel with Third fetreet one hundred and fifty Ave feet, to the beginning. J. K-HAMI-HOX. ' . Ctnimlsblouer, ! Apt it 21 U -j TUK SUUOFUL V " CANCER REMEDY Will be sent to any part or the country, by forwarding tXbO to Iroi. Win. 11. Monro, corner Front and Mulberry str.reU. Wil mington, N.C 1 refer to the following In dorsements: - - - j. .-..-. V. '' tawson's tandlnir. ; i,de'0 SOOB,r. I. C. Jau. 7, bvM. I ha I been Buffering with Dyspepkla and Kidney disease for tbe last &j years, end It seemed impossiblp for me to gel rurrd. but 1 tried a bottle of Prof. Win. II. Moore's Liniment and Tree of I.lfe,-and It cured ue entirely; and I feel It my duty to reoom uieud 11 moat highly for tbrttie ompuiuu. DAVID I'EAlWO.v, " , WHmlnston, S. C.. Mareh5.1sU i ProC Moore Dear Hlrj The boTtm ,r of you, certainly has efferled a great cure la my. case. It saved my lUe. Uef.jre 1 tm. cured your aaedlclne. I was heiniMa ... lafaat. Coald not walk a step.' My limba and one foot wm terribly awm fen. !,,... a few bottles af your Tree ol I Jfc, t4ntnta t am a lew vuart i your imi ve. It baa made ma a new woman, and my health haa been entirely reatored. Mr Uiana waa in n.. condition for .M years, and I never ware- iteveu unui i got your medlclo. I reeota. mend Htoiersona alih ! arn'tn- mayi; MrillTKi" Witness: at.t.r HaiDaw. i .r j , . 1'rraa Wht, -- Cure of an ntcc. aUd io.-o foul .a ..... rears standing. ! ' . wiiBa.pcton. Jf.C April I, Imi. Prof. Moore-iicarHn Itrb alii, . en years was miserably eta! by aa uh-er medteiBea. and aftre taking six botUrsTof your Tree of. Ufe, aad ace 4 jruur uai. nveoosea H vour Halve. 1 foaaU to ay great delight and saua'ael Uon. that in y bwiiih was rmpidlr relu ra in, and I am rniiv uhm and moat ehaerfaUy rerotnenead yoai -Trwa of Uie. UainaatadMalTa,uai a ho may be m aafortaaate mm s aroieta wiui cnmptaiata of this etiaricter. r twtu aurriy well, aad I caa wa a oa laVfcK aa "U aa bafar i waa effit. u atssi . MW. M.AUY WTf". WaltT. iuea! T. C Mri.t ra, ; ; : f lrp lyabenawllaiMr fa Core of a had taae orkr .TbU oa Ih Ut .' rvwCMoate rjeaeemff uilak tf adaiv I awe ywa aa4 any iai.ia a..I aaorrlog, to tnaie fcaowa the oattrs ai 5cU r aaedialaa kaa ae u mm. ntsiMi waa ara troak4 ltair let taetr a4aot. wil viv U a tViai. I foanaa trmm raeiral ertaa, taal If esTsars will SvHavw ta trH aa4 nair ww,iai it ait rata aar aaa that aaa diiaa s 4 lika f Crva4wna araaale fas-tl yaata. TWnm rava as aa aaartal aaaa Im. Vwm la a roar aU taa Uaaa. laaiuiu.tui was was taa vary aaa t vara aa. ttai ai last laa aaet aarW ia Tmm rTJ?. etaa. aaa aaa aaaat Starrr tt tntf ri l:lii aave4ata wtftXM, 'lhl T,wr "-agjaaa i aaa Saw i -twoir . i jrrrr c tuivrx Wfttaaaa: J.U$tx..r. -.- craaawsae taaartr.'at.ct. " I tiaaSAnl erita Use an a yara4-aaa,a4 ea faiM ta any eawa a w """l aaa tUi I a aa.M.Maer I aau at. a battel gw samaf f taslawaa It ) taa hart e Uuht S a-l Um m ttT"" i.saieriaa. JL C. Jaa. ta 4aai n ae aw a4iwr t etraa aawtiRaaaK - fwa.Viat.aa taaa aaev."H aa IJHi ag atj rrmmtm, , .. - 9 a fasactet ta aa iw a a m aaauaaa a UUaaa al.ir.1 n i. .-V. ' ' ' 'i-i I j