. ; : no? e saiJiicl -! ia ft !tj i 1 1- ! -c V I r3mm ail - -u .' As i'5 'f ' vliawi tea V 4 s v 14 i ail. -lip UiU 4.1. ! j (Vt y'6"" I t I f1' 4 13 Rv Hi ti wr' 't i A: s ; T. ran OLUMEXIJ i KjjJt-t. : M VrieBBD AT THE POSTOFFICK AT ' uattes 1 - I..--U f 1 RATES O F AD VEBTISIMO. riftr cents per line for tBe first in: 4crtioa aQd twenty.fiv cento per line for each additional insertioq. L Eight (8) liaeoj Noapareil type, con " uitirtc a square. :: ;;' . 1 1 . " ; The subscription price to The yfitr l,iToK. Post istl W per year; six months 75 ceuU. : 5 AH communications on busineashould ' be dressed 4 to:; Thk Wilmihgtoh ' J'osr, Wilmington, N. C. 1 j , ; ' ? AH advertisements tvili be charged a the above rates, except on special con tracta. -'-y i- '--' . : .. . .. Latest. l-j v '.':. T j Ths tl'Howing id the latest report of iallt-tii'X at Albany of which the l'oiT ' iVia )0;aess-io'n ! ' . ; Ai.iiASV, June 17 The followinz id die vote at iiQn to day for; Senator in place of lloscoe Conltling: Jacobs 47, k CmViivgJJ, Wheeler 3G, Cornell 8, . lAflnui 1(1, lifadley 1, Fo yer 3, Tre- main U, Crowley 1. v . . 4 : riie'vot-. lo fill' the tacancy caused .y tii'rwiuatiou of Mr. Piatt was ad fy ilgwj: ;'Dtjew '53, Kernan 48r platt i i: yorrill 10, Crowley 5, Lapham 1 yj.fdcr 2.' -.".: 4-.'v 4 '.-.I',. -4- ":. v lie President declared uo choce had '4 jjecii fiiade ijnd on Niotjon! the conTeR- tiui) udjuufuad.' : . ' -4 "4 lire' bribery iuvCaligation to-day was nhiiiily cuutined to the examination cf various bauk olllcers with regard to 4 trre tuins of money drawn by mem- , l)jr uf ilic lcgiblature in currency since ;::i)Vbf siuni'uu of4he fcenaiorial contest. W.ki''i5 of a. decisive tharaoter was ciicitfJ. s ' , j. J Aveitiblyma;! il. II. Tuthill when . name wai called, proceeded to an airai-'Miinit ol" Ibc administration Be: . i iblicuns. 'hut his attempt at scandal in it'injj; wa.t lame, s"upid And ineffec- 4!' ' 4he pmiuie ttafsewbled at ik-10 I P w. J yh n 11. Cjoodale, cashier of the ' I ucaliiil'. was exaiiined as -to the 4 lijnk mcjunt ot A'. 1. Barber, N i'eflitor Sjlihau, a liepublican, and (Jibklip n anj from the Eighth Dia- 1rkt7ii Ihen called and sworn, and liliie 1 as follows; 4 l"f ; Ma My li)i I found a telegram in liy room as IoUoiwm " ' . . mUiivj: ijiiy 18 To JtiO. II. str.Uian iConlidentlalj. It is very im poitut to.you prrsonally that you meet jne at l lie club to-night at ilo'clock. j. leave lure at once. Sfay notiDg to V ...y pKc of t.is Juratcb, but meet jne , .,hoUl 4, 4 " " V " . t5ed) J: I. I)AyENronT.'' f 11;., ti raves, of iho tirm of Speuce, X Tr'k ' & Co., bunkers, mde a fate L meut tba'. h jaid Mr. Sessions f6,000 iu Jlay or Junj. 4v - ; 4 i The afternoon Session of fhe icrfsti - i :-z. tjir WM VinQ1 W"H r"VV tee , moqev over 10 opeaxer bsr-j lie admitted head e?a'kp jctainad U Albaby because uuua tnai nia conaiuueucy uia no VI.-. tf. . Im. Ufitntil dim th-r w . .K.nr far members itf'mVf mwr wHb their vdtes, M,ru,r Windom has decided act Zu' XPffitJ opportuWofferea, at in tba apboint t nief w.tuess wrs Orsino 1J mwt of Douglas, Recorder of &S . i,utaunua xounty, a pros Id lential Md MbUegUter of lhe Treasury. WiftW1 He ad.monJsUed th. Mt&Sa tbit c U .radley and vul should bapartularbuUous la K?a that He jjsia ?roP Oo08 recommending ope ot t.hdr own race wa a Cjran man aVQie Chicago f office, lecawa iV any Utake ,nve -a. oeis on iue rou.i vi us jud,ce tuch tppoiat-.enU than if the taut t lection, and lhat Bradley Is the appointee wer;ra white man with the ukcttoldcr. buUcquenUy,. uwp Mi, fuil?i He promised them that . .u.tu, a firmer of Chautauqua couu- f h- 1x17 indivjdQal fy. tinted that T. Wjjrt : appoinlmaota vitbia Lis dft h? WQd a ,ect,s. informed hiov that be quft uaVAwcrJtJanV-1- ,l;;dtry) saul U had been a Oonkliog fl tfuuVJ " b4ii,ai iutu4cd to chaage his tola ; 4 r tmm j . v 4w .14.,V;W.n h!m h the iom.rBrt'"- iiita a bomber ol Ooalede- fift charscJ with, the caamlaaUoa tii thf tr ration, ol the ofica ol Cua- U-mu. The copaiittre bas not jet ,. j: .1...--.. a- ...ruriwno prosecuiet uniwB, ar, mbbiw . ' . . 1 ;i .k. ..;-.i-4i., ;k. fs,: Uliiu lttnv f lha Trea.nrV Denart- went. Kill rure al ta cJom ol iaa 1'r mti.t b aucceeded fcr Ueaeral . WbitUltr, Ho a sU-kuowo real Mate mat. . ul this cUv. Gaaeral butaker u from Kaaaaa. Bad darlac lU war was chief of sUb to General Cutur. lit baa tea quite prominent w lUpubllcau politics, a4 was oa at 1 was laid. Tba largavassamoiy sasai U Led centres of the Towpath dub 1 tested tha decaest laCarest ia all tba --no; tha rtctot rrtaweouat c . a . a, - - mc , . Wio Avar YhWuraa. t in mom : hrktr wtat te Uarisaa, and tUrted " 7 - Baxt by way or lae CaiN U&e mcx, oa foot. They had prcceeJeJ bat a sa;4 or so ahea the laeosalag alaal cUKk'iraia came boottlai aloai. Tba wotaer or Mrs. JUgpit aieppea tne WvV. The betUad and wilb saUtkry inaUd ia m bow lini thy could U ?itbe'track before It wit ttcrsary t jf ft . t. ; t a - last a at t ktattoUxe cataa ? t the T-. rasa u.. ky a orar of tba Uadtr of tba e iat. Uxhw ailicd -X4a'sl! TDK BITUATIOW AT A LB Alt "X, Oa the nijht oftbelSth the dmia istratloB tnttttmet was bvgclji afc teoded. AA cmniittee of tea, f-wkoaa Woodlo, the trasspete was chairmaB, was appointed to consider the ritvatioo. It is glvea oaV that the admiaUtratka members will ebeerfaUy awpport aay stalwart Repnblican, wbo Is farored bj a msjority, except Conkling and Plait, and that the co'iamittee are ready to receire su-rgestioaa, 4 After this offer b made aud rejf cled, If it is done, the responBibiU'.y will aot lie with the friends ' of tba administration -' The administrstioaisti would get on better, first, if ihe pairing could be stopped; second, if thfy could agree to two bal lots per day; .third, iftbey could bring together those membera rjrbojaside from Conkling, would act with the ad ministrationists. C -.4 4 4 Throwing out Conklief and Plait, there would be ?ery little ditficulty in coming to an adjustment. ' 4i .The evident purpose of those who do the thinkiDg for the Conkling clique, ia to" go before tho people of New York at the next autumu canvass oa the. whole question as the propriety of the conduct of Coaklingand Platt Piatt if be bad not been constantly under the lb u tab of his master, Conkling, probably never would have done what he bar. 4As to Conkling, there 4s. no doubt by t he is so blindly letj by that ejqtisfvic infatuation and supercilious self suQicieney, that he is actually weak enousb o believe that the sober sense of the people of the Empire State,, will solemnly at the acclaim at the polls in November, approve the jump-jim-crow performance by which their two Sena tors turned kpmersaulti and weot out of the Senate. "- '! ' ; . l Uti T A RMlse U ai'A'l'K. 4 A COJBED DEOfiOATION COMPLAIN TflAT TUEIR KACE 1 NOT PEOl'ERLY t TREATED. . ' ' The delegation of colr-d Iiepubl cans appointed by te.; convention held, at jtaltigh, JtJ. , last Vnonlh to pro test sgsiust the u,ufair diribulidn of federal f'fcf in that tate, bad 00. IO--tervicw with ihe President yesterday. GeorgV piice, ths tbairrn.an oT th,e pl egatidf, presented t bp memonal and sUtemi nt of lher grievances, They ss they do not d,esre tq copjfpijy great number of federal oktces, but as they bsre always been faithful in their support of the Republican party, and as tb?y number about. 1X3,000 voters, against 30,0000 white : Kepublicans in the state, they should be albwed a proportionate share of the potronage. In reply.'tht President tn tbat he a dJep,T wthrm a phase of tfie sitation: that he ha nleansofknowioStheaanaigof1 this ad n.0. such applicants from North Carolina as were appointed' to offices, save through the' representations ot the parly leaders in the state: that it had beerv his belief. and he had exemp'ifiH that belief in his action, that the coloreq rrce should w , r I ;o an ouicr, urcrnw ir anv were made. or the object ol their choice ,.miu ,,nArtiv r hi. tm.t it ; Vreit Xouslaia at Uarpttr't retry WAsuiKQTO,June 2. Monday the I v mm , " to rub their eyes rt4 Qoufbua, aa F ? w, flwwl ctremoa! ae. flWfS- J"? -o-S ww w iuV nj I was the first to eoogratalala hlai. Tba de-oastiatioa was aaaer iaa aaspicea f Stortr Oolkft, AB iBsUtuUOB foT I Ihm adttcauott Ol coiorva jwm. .v I Baasbar of visitor iroaa new MTiaaa I arrived to aiun4 Iba estrdiea. lb I comer stoaa of aa addiuoa M tae cot- I lera lo ba eaUad Aathoar UaU. la 1 kooor of lf r. Aalhoav. of lrovideace. I R, L, a ralatiTt of Senstor Anthony, - itxcrcUet. the periornj areas 01 ui a' . a. I atadeets ara aorr iroai ameer waa ata deaigaias to oa laacaars a . ... .iiuwe eaAracur. im Boost w-,le4 ky Jokt tmm waa Jtal ia I aishk Tba. lows expected paxaslta thai U to deatroy tbebbn has aTjW. I It U a ibw mtmm was cotci poutobcx la mrlads, Bad ssttka I , v tsl lid trills todlC I jVtat tstir U-Vca csreusc te bUata I . . . 'TV ,;wT lastibefcetUrWv WILMINGTON, NORTH STATE NEWS. John Spellman's paper, the State Joucuial, is cram-jam full of anti-prohi-bitioir articles. " 4 : STnie of the North Carolina Chero kee Indians are to be removed to In dian Territory. It is ; thought at the Interior Department to be the first step towards the removal of the entire tribe4-about 1,000 persons. 1 -4- Asleville Xc:: The"Iredell B'aes," beaded by the Statesville Cornet Band, "formed in 'columns of four" marched into Isheville. Natt, W. Taylor pho tographed the Blues, The fruit crop is almost a failure. They are ship ping J walnut timber from Asbeville Depot to Europe. : - : ': ; '-4' :. Raleigh Observer; Yesterdayj tht prohibition' movement had a dumb though powerful witness in, its favor. At the Raleigh National Bank was re ceived a $10 bill, across the back of which ran the following singular and sad endorsement: "This is the last 01 a $50j,000 fortune "left a boy of Conyers. Ga. It goes for drink. ; . The North Carolina Historical SocU ty held its annual meeting at Chapel Ilill fast week', and Uasnacted the usual business. The following officers were elected:. Hon; Kemp P. Battle, Presi dent; Mr. R. ureecy, firsjt Vice Presi dent J Mr. J. A. Graham', second Vice President; Mr.'W. J. Yates, third Vice President Prof. G, T. M iuston Mnjor Robert Bingham, Executive, Commit tee; Rev. J. P. Heitraan, Recording Secretary. . ' . : t : While James Tb,qmp?oa of Alexan der, 75 years old, was absent plough ing ak a distance from the hpu3e, and returning about dark, found hi daugh ter Wing dead and horribly mutilated in the head with an ax, one of his cheaas broken open and more- than a thousand dollaw 5tol?c r-Jiidge A. A, McK"y is holding court .at Slates villej The LauTinburor Enkrhrhe;- While In e-ayetteville we bU tne pleasure .:n ..... . ..1 pf meeting . Rev lr. L. S. Bulkhead, presiding elder (S Wilwingion h S1 trict f. C. Conference. This disti:i guis l?d Qivine and Col, Walter Clark hay been ' appointed by the Bishops, Delegates to the grand Methodist Ecu menical Conference, which convenes in London September 7ib,slS$l Dr. B expects to leave. New York on tne steamship City of London, the 6th of August. Of course the Methodist Con ference will pay the traveling expen ses. The Statesville4i. !(. Vt s iys nt the Raleigh Qbxrwr Thij paper ha often abased Republicans, and it is'.wkh no little astonishment, that of late, it has learned there are acw gentlemen in the , parjy, according to its own notion as "Jodge Reade, Jjudge Dick, Hon. LV A. Jenkins, MrEalf, and many o(irri; (italics ours.) This is certainly con-. soling information,' and may the W- serfrf "never forget it!"- CoK Jiaia Johnson, of Chrlftlte, judgo D.: M. Furches, Han, James H. Harris. MsJ. W. H. H. Urrgory aud W. U, Trcitt, all nisder anti-prohibition speKihes at Statesville Ihe other day. Roanoke aYcru; It, is rumored that the grand jury of ihe Federal court Isst wetk, indicted every member' of the CABtaiBj boiriJ,QiWni cottBly, fbr alleged friuds ia the last election. A number of witnesses Were examined. There was only one exception Mr. W H. Daniel of Faucelts township. Tha Federal court only lit$ ojnit aacaof irauds ia Obhgressibnahelec flon?1, the stite courts having jarisdic tionbf offencea sgsiosl the state elec tion laws, j We do not know thsttbU 's'trse, as aoihlc- is aotbentii. We giira th? report for hat it is w"brth. The particulari of a senwuaa s&acb. ui from Coeraw, C 4lrftms to be the ttqael to the suicide ! Uowtll araaore. He tefi aa estate valued at about 2, W0 and bb brother, Yt.ik laraaiore, who it will b? rrmeaibered VV luoa tNipertot Ccmrt a poo beiegcoa TtcUd f wil XHnir. bid from iherc, ia cootpioy wiih tx-Jalfe Aug. Moore, t lay ctsiw to tha pfopertj fcft by the dcceaeJ. 0 bia arrival ibtrebe was amy.c3. eBt tiissJ to tsearc. He vV F rt.cd. usr'mted ana cosssuiicm m ivtu :m nwuoq . from the sbtriaf of Wi cuay, bat ttaada good bis rp g4ia. The Pra ra tr-Ahers are the ?wo saea ac CBJed of saarderiag tita. Gtienes Last E AVbea l.'lVaiibard a a at Laatla bar? be pcUui U Us U- of papt A.r.riaUeB4gai !i4tfrl tbert i II! ctHta'.ed by a asaf b and rrsUad Us baaiacaa. I bavt j aa Caar tana 1 ?Hvii-- 4 af addst Eat Uft, Ka bcioas ta a cUa cf tamers f OARQLIfWA whom we mar mention ;W mai.e por- lion orrthetMwiinMeif lie. Lauriuv ttfoiaa; tievingtons, tba Gtbaoiis, Ropwfs,1 aod tallpf whom bave in cBltivatloa lands wtich jrili bring from twenty-fira to forty doUani per icre Ai aottalrf TVhmA with such' farms aa tr ptxMsd Vy these" gent lemea- cab -a vVr betma necessarily dependent nponmn influi of capital to insire bsppiaess and ffftMH parity to its peoples::yrf V- Alamance Gleaner; :A mtxebaj! 1 we abbor ;enasa 'ffj&$!ri&, ciany inq norrioie, crime p wiuvu.uo oegro was guilty) apdougblikiB most, other oeoDle. we think tbaUbe welt die servaa nangiag jyf a :BaTnw px? pathy with aveasrao. take thelaw in their own band, Bad bustle a piUty wretch into eternity) denying' him the right of every citizen to have a'iory pass upon his guilt pad hurrying him j into the presence of his Maker with all the blackness of his terrible .sin, with out opportunity to : prepare for ,'lbe great judgment. , Lynch law is horri ble, and is all the more detestable be cause of the numbers ; who engage in the execution of its sentence. The laws of the land are capable, of meet ing, out speedy justice: All-attempts of private citiiens or mobs to forestall the coarts of justice rhould be frowned down bjr all good people. -J.iW.- Al bertson, &q-, left town yesterday morn ing for a summer trip to Elizabeth City,: Nsg's Head, Sec, and will be absent about three weeks. We - wish him a pleasant time. A Mr. olines was retqrntng from jthe commencement at Trinity College ,and says it was a suc in all respects, - ' 1 ; The Piedmont ftw apoIoRises for speaking of the dedicatory services of the Lutheran Church HicWory as done "ajcoring to the Henkelite cus tom," and. says: We therefore make ibis notice, to assure the members of toe aeoominaiioa iqt. le epUet ws not used a rpose of giving of- yTense to any one. F" fronj it. There are not less that 2a0Q members belong lag the Evangelical CliUfrao Church) Tennessee Synod, to CHiawba connty, and a (reat . many of these aaiong the very best ; ciliseus of the county, and we'' certainly"' have tootroub regard for their feeliags and 'tbe cause of truth tp intentionally 'say anything that would be in the least raortifyip" pr in auy way create cne. "The tTjen.nea. S,juo:cf pf) the Evangelical Lntharan Church now , nmbersmce an $n thoHiaftd onnjeRfa ftccoripg to b,e estAhljsbed rites of thi anodot body tbat the Hickory Church ! was dedicated The irre pressible ll is talking of leasing the Atlantic Ac North; Carolina' Road and then building q. aixiioe from Golds boro to Siliaburv. , and thua, brinir all the products of the wet forehead " ' " 11 1 t) a 11 " -1 r, - 11 i . A citizen of Michigan n?ites to a Detroit paper of a child 2i years) old,' reading W Forest vltlf tbafstate; "She learned he? tH complete befort she was 14 Bsoniki old, and can now read, write, apd spell word of (bur letters, naae all the states and territo ries in and belonging to the Union, and pick each one out, designating the same in one of. thai 'large comprehensive geographies. J3be can also tell every mountain, river, and lake,, of any note both in this and the Old World, and. show yon all the diSsteot atioiu ia tba t4id WrU sCadlu oatb America. Theja k rncr of tbia story, bat this is probably as uuob as eastern readers will care to believe. ,v' E-4'"'": Tba Keokuk Uat Cdy aves the fol- a a . l . lowing receipt ; uow W cm ft &oa gay drip- r,ii aad? "moUse threi rta tlEBfT An hour. abake well before Uking. x.t''-. . v ? Wnrlr on I Via Krm.K f llii. lxnir. -t under the Uudspa rljr bich badnot been prneecutCNi since tbe time of the terrible catastrophe there laar July hfil been resumed. And, wil t Psh,e4 ahead at la rata cf aoaj Xajty fret a CITY ITEMS. ; Chew Jacksoa'a Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. . . If bf coaBiBakatSia" addrv seed lo tba IVwrr, aad gviaf aa accoaat of aa ool- .- - 13? v. -'-ft m hi n. jftuBmeift ii iiihb Mm-: I " ? s Tha cosamnaicatie . fraaa a .noted Republican rf Braaswtck, U wilbbeld foe farther CQPiicri1- , .' ?i Ve Bsdenliai (ait UeVt IV. Ikr. iias tfsiAatioB waa accepud by tba gosS-ngaUasi of 8a. aafa asglial Laiaarat Cbitcfe last Sands v. "SC. j m T ' 1 - - ' : Ttt a IL CUisn Csckst OmMtay hsva coscSadrd to tt ia txcnioa ta SsalibvUle aad iba rert oa TTedscWay. iUk Sm. mmJ V- rW-fvl 11 I . raL-liinT- 11 B V timiiii -. , " tnmam tta2 iTASocvS, edTClsi's, wirf r9 a tfrrv tpkia Utr? bt t"U&lriua ea Oa nia (asc, a Ua saxaaleai af ta ctcJ2 cf ibasUlaGraad lAaaf Gwla- JTJNE 19; IUifj:r'j',. 1 .NUMBER 25 ; The Soperiot Court of Pender cobBty; Jndge Graves' presiding,' convene at ttnrv 1.&krt N'4'? JO. H' t?. ) Xn- vi&Yiceat (emtr 6tbr I ancle Mulborry; streets, Morning ftBf.ai;4'ja. m,.:f f ening prayert $ p, m. . Suqdaj School at St. Barnabas!; scdiobboiise at 7 p m.,,, Seats frea, y A oung aal moo J about ' two' inches long, "wraa"'cngbrinMthe: river a few days ago by Oapfc BTsbeei oi the steamer 'Mlttbefk.' thi tittle fish bad all the - 1 ; dittinetire biirts of the salmon, bat it is the first hero. 1 i.i i 4 Tberf i Tery prespef noi JJbai tb nouttn ojduij ntca mp m eftbe CaroliaaYpeht ;CjBbjWili; teiy lively Land interesting -one , . The metal of the rew yacht Glide is yet to be tested and the old yachts of the fleet are in an excellent trim " The barn and stables of J. K. Brady, of Qarver'S ' Creek t.wnship, Bladen county, . were destroyed' by fire early last S u aday morn t ng, toget h er . w i t h the contents of the barn and two val qable horses in the stable. L-ss abont $503; n.r iterance., -j' ;,i " ' ' r' Capt. S. W fcskiurer is having built a stern wheel steamer, wh'ch. is about 80 feet long and 24 feet , beam, at his marine railway, lit the southern j por tion of the city. The hull and deck house ' are about completed and are ready for the reception! of the rpacbiu ery. . . . ... Charlotte Wix3 The series ! of "chicken dLsputes' Lad in this city closed last Thursday afternoon-. It is the first regular main between Wil snington and Cbkrlott cocks, and we ire sorrj to say that Charlotte got away trith us) that City (being credited! with i fights to our 7 ." : jThere were 1 fights and three of these were- drawn. " ? ; !" ' . .L- V .1, ' '' 4 -: v. 3'. Te Nobtii Cabolisian. Jn this Week's issue this well established' jour- Bal enters upon its 13th, volume much ealarged, in new dress, and improved every way to a first-cla weekly. Dir. Palemon John, th? proprietor and edi tor of this journal is one of the most enterprisipg newspaper men in v the state, ' ' Rice FLOUB.-Tba jfir r,ice liyur. made in North Carolini was turned out ?ridaj the Cspe Fear Flour Mills ia this city. Messrs. Norwood Giles & Co. concluded to try the experiment of waiting rioe Hour and j bad about C00 pounds of rice run through the Cape Fear Flour JSlills. The rice flour is Tery pretty and we think will be Tery popular with housekeepers. Run Over by! a Heavv Truck. A little son c.f Air. George Slienken wa su,n oyer by the water works truck Friday morning abont $ o'clock, on Ue corner of FourtU 'and lUtncit streets. The Utilf fellow s only about five years aid and bas freqneatly been pulled from under the wheels of the 'truck It ap pears ha baa beea in tbe habit of ru sing in, between tbe wheels of the truck and trying to jump on the body, which ia only about six & iocbes from : tba ground. .He has j been warned sgainti it and once or twice hjv cxan carried to hts geaU by the driver of the truck I9d apprised of the danger the litUa J1)qw wm running. Friday moraiag ha made an attempt to' j)Bjp on tbje body of the truck wbea he, f- aad the wheel PHti bU right, lew, tuni u near the -hip bose. , Medi oal aid was summoned to', the little fel low who is now resting as easy as coald be expected, but wh.? uanng xerj rnucn. iro? ht crushed leg. Tn& Death ot Cxvt. C. B. lniL Ltrs, J. S. Atop!e who knew tha ; . oifecer mentioned above were startled and ssddsaed Friday mornlcg at tb aewa f hi death. He hd many ac- qaaintaaers And friends here 1or the years daring a hkb h bad charge of the works of tb goTern meat,1 below, He was often !a c city, ted was ;ljrys free and easy, trra of a JocBlar temper, ba. wry sh e U bis profession aad strictly . br.Dcrabla ia ai! trarme- tW He wasiborn in UartBa!d.Ja Ply moath ceaaty, lfsmacbottta. waa of riljntii descent, and Vent la Wtat Poiat iarVy la Uft'aad craJsaled tat te Er jiacet Cory, w ika Is the hosHW bestowed ea tkosa who, ct of 5 or 7, aa tha maklple may ' ba,ataa4 tW wtgb- eat in tba sadmuia daaa. Oa 1 sarvrd aftar bk rjradaatiaw la Jew IStfi, oadiiably. aad waa brrac2J it ak aervScee atoas j tisaoeJ Cce ta war kt aAait Vaa waue Veen a sge4 to Usy rtaet tfatirs, baa U& aw cad of rmiaicca"tr kk dsrirj IWM bf ntrr bkbadi kttl bas trcd. sa d ia ceaasrienca cf pssaalid UZtJ Wb2 N -iai' f '-U'tBli isc i JUztZli Ilk rmaSa ttba to bk aatlva HAce, w Wta Ie last eke? wd be srrea4d by ataay wa hiviVvtrbearof abotfeh Miowetlirt Judge Grsves stated i H hUirh, iiidi i feHtblrf.iOthabntlir i Aii;Lt; Mi 1 'i 1. 'lnit -"laccebt toOO fasteadfnT f DM4 nr inla. nW tha.CB3e.tf ILP- Ttvlor versus tba Ben Tele ptier Covtprfi ' a ' verdict fo:9Wjr:Tbivef 'lioukand diiia f was Jawardii a- (Unajta for the Uhd by tie ptiblisbaia cttd-ct llr. OrtSca tb (General Sootbern A'gen(,rand (be ibie! bvit floljaw aladifionaiier the atr ba aenbrVbicba lalnUfI claimed hrras entitled toas wa ttnV Seiitabd ias fcer contract'' Tbe coun ielf;eWcIani"a( AojBoisierfi jjV. ldknt'tf eoairsei ifor'.Bew: Witlwu cou nsel for. the plain tiff ; agreed to th a proposition of f500 and the:rrrdict re mains : as amended.by ihei Quart. S50Q for ' Tiolation :f . cow rct nd $5,000 damngea; furs lbe libeltivTbeieBnel for deiandaot ApxaM trm t&a-mltng of J.oe ui in rrAiMf. U grunf their nwitioB lor a. new trial.U-i-': ' t','s 'i " The Nortii A mekiCas Review, i out with ' iu usual . prom pin ss. '!" Crl Scharz le.ds off witha suggestive pa per 6n '"'resent Aspect of ; the Indian rrobfem" in which be discusses tbe Indian obstacle in the way of tbe coun try's devciopment, ibe' baitnonia n 'f theji babUoccU atiuui auci iuliiests of 'the Vd isp!, tt- i.ecess ty wf duca ti'2. tueir jiouth, itm n ak-n ; ! 1 1 a tnVu theuiseivi-t. small laud proprietors and the offering of ,. iuducemsnts 10 ihtai j'.to sell .'for j h fair compensation the lauds' ttieyjdo not cultivate. sNext a Qsusitic writer gives the views ot "A Yankee c Farmer" on Tne Religious CoaflictV ''"of be Aje.". the'discom fiture of the modern Agnostic, Moral ist and Evolutionist. Anotbef frepcb: ant; article is "tbe ; Power bf Public Plunder,' by James Panpn, which ap- p(als to he sons of out men of char acUf and Valtb, on patriotic grounds, to enter into politics, and . become tbe safeguards of their country against rings and bosses.4 Mr.. Henry George dwells on "The Common sense of Tx ation, "The Cost of Crueltv' repre sented by Mr.J .Henrj bergh,and "A Study of T;6DByson' comes from the pen, of Mr. Richard ' Henry .Stoddard. Bua d t County Couaailti!oasrs4 At a spooial meeliog'of the Board of County Commissioners, he!d,at the Com missioners' Room yesterday afternoon,the ellowinff named persons for tho different wards and townships in tbe city and coTinty .'were Jappomled regisfWs Aad poll-holders for tha ete&Um to be held on the fi8tTaawdayyinjAagnsfr next, to ratif f or reject tbe act passed by th e re cent Lcgisktare prohibiting the sale and tnaooCactBte of aU aleobolia drinks ex cept Bpoa a pbyskka'a certi Scale. ' Tbe registran'and po l-boiders are as follows I riasx WAR-uri'Ku piyrsios.), 4 iwarunrar jurcuie Aiocrmaa. , . Poll4olders James Stewart, Charks alarphy, J.O.NIxob, Simoo Ricbardson. i i mrr warp ujwxa wvisios. j 4 Rcgolrar . IL 1 urling tea. . Poll naidets-Jobn II. Straaa, John L. Dudley, James a. Lowrey. ' : aECOXD . WARD. lctror Dr. W. W. Ilarrisa. -' Poll UolJors R. F. Kyden, U Tata Rowdea, QcCl'K ''arden, thas allett. . i, TBIEtt WABO . ; , - ltfgiitrar--W L. Jaoo. Poll II oWera A. J. Yopn, iWalker Mearrs, Alhw rvana, Jaba OsTgreve. firaaWAwi - . ' IrUlrsr-T. Baatiajr- h IVII, IIoidra--?.Comaua?, A L. Da Rotstt; J G. Norwood. J aa. K. CatUr. " ii; h! rrrrsf wast. - ljrtmr--Joha W. llewttL IoJl dot Jr-J. H. alcUowaa. J. G. Dardea, W! Hon, J. D. Dediey. i -J. -ci;rBAnowsBir. I.isuTur J. rt reuaway. . PoU nuWerv-W. a Jabnaoa, J. T. St) 'Ceort, THtt Triton. Lake Btm TowTsair. f RexTatrsr -farsra X. UraaWr. Toll tTdKterWX. B. faub. V. ai. Wootca; Jard ta Nlsoa, a U. Alcusv- ': isstotwwBr - i IbrjirtrarJota A. rjre. - ra QflLkxaH. B. KeaiSarl, Lewbi TedJ, Jcsr; ;fia, X. J. Uraktt. ; H mua rant Tewawtr, " rt-xtrar J. II. Deraa. " nl lltiirt J. H. Eavat, J. U ta, Anbis Ftwasa, TT. ft. XA vjpoa tKCa t Cemmurntt Meat r-ostry il waa avdcrtJ lia tie eawarlscttmta Lt a-liVJa U Cccrl Cm asi usakj ret Ert i It tsi f;ttltclstl Ha ttt esse ai nCiiTi tf ti ess! Hsa ts ul U" tti ' rri4,w k;t Ia tzZlas Cars. slUtllryrrTctt at nsfa t l U64ofiontraet; bat would wet aaide tie be 1 awsrd if 5 tfiOOO aa eVisH3 Tha 4 Upon motion tbe otctin 4 adjonrned. "fin i-y.V--."-- u', : r 1 The binaaoe Conunmitlee met', unmc dAtely rter'tbe adjoorcment "or the v EoafJ aad opeoed tbe bids' for' tbe ' con s'trieUoa eftbe addition to . the .Court a Tojosd aad tinning the roof: of tbe Poor : -. noose.: Messrs B. "l). ; Morrill . & 5oa : were awarded the contract far tbe former and Messrs Parker k Taylor for the 1st terjob .1 r. -l: 444 - AC- . , , ' 4 .,' , s- .4 i , ,4 j " M, M Bel lamy loat, a Tery. val uabl a , , COW on Tbttrday afternoon- from death Ar caased by' eating re ock orang? bues. 3To cow eat very teartUy of them ai d dtedl ia slia.. half sn bour. It k said 4 tbfttheltnock orjaotfe eoataina quWa in . c amount pf pruwlc xcd t-dr-'. , I'H' ' " ''"' ! ' ' .... ". !. In tbla d y at now, n ih 13 b uiis. S'mon&a.41" JAv K utH) acd .. ThB- rui.er-1 , rT.CH hf h. .; i jOfk p. m.t t .. .r ruir..; fTteoand rqiii. o -e - i- vi - 1 H N K.W A I V KU I Is , .... V 'CABOUb VcBMKAL hAJLUI, GEN'AU PAS KNGET DtPAKT h 1ST, ' .1- rjX), ALL) PLACES OF RESOUT I2i Till; iuoua'ai't aecticm of North and Foulb tar ollna. win be: oh! sale at tbe offices of this Oimpaar.on and after Jon 1st, ISM. Qatck, e-nllnaou eheda.tvs will rctm ineud Utit Rou 10 li. - . . . PtfifXi.tr IoavIdv ttmlcg onstHNS A y- arrive at, Cleveland xpiinK wmt evto Ing- aaU Asbvttl next. nurnlDfc. at U o'elook.. v . ' . t Further iu formation a a appliruttnn to may is if y, w. CLaKK. O. P. A. MARYLAND . , ETE AND EAR INFIRMARY, 0 oaratofra cjt., Ualllmore Nd. Th lloard pf Director Uk thU op put (. nlty of informing: tn public of tb ,.uierior advaotaeuef thli 10nlltjuUn to pUnt uflerig from Ee aud Kar affection.. Tbe laetltuuoabea ba In operation fur m paat twei-ve yeara.' and li mo-t rentralir loeated. two doora below ft. Pant's cburcb. Indigent UenU will find ad in U ion, free oftharce. llyorderoftbeltOarduf direct QT. O. W. DOBBIN, Preddent. UIUKCTOKS-U. P. Ne-woomer, Ram'l W. Sboemaaar.Prof. H. ICSbepberd.Kttp. Pub. Bcbol John H. B. Latrobo, IVJ. K. icy. t . Morton Btewart, Cbr.htian Ax, llaof. V. VlnitM. and others. . : For apcolal information app'y to No.TU W.MonomrnU4t.,(Mt. Vrrnon P,i oorcaon la cbarte. : myZ4w UKIB HOME BEAUTIFUL Enrravlnia. Choice nbjecta. IowtVtrfM WANTfcD. Addra-s J.& Mi-CLRUY ACXX. PbUadolpbta, I, j , v . nay HAVE YOU j EVER;. KNOWN Any person to bo Bcrtoualy ill wit boat m weak atomaeb or Inactlva liTrr or kldnc)-r And whan ibaaa onaaa are la good cond- -tlon do yoo not find their poeor enior tof good htaltb? Parser's Uinger Tonk always regu lata tbee lnip'rta.ii rruana. and arr feus lo make the blnoil rlrh and para, aad to straagtban every part of ifas system. It baa eared hundrrJi (f 1e pair ing Invalids. Ask your neighbor about iu may 22-4 w TTCAT1TrVOIWAKioB sti ttt lfA -V A Uolde4Togoradsonly SSk Address Daniel F. Uaatty, Washing- ton, . J. fW SjawHtiaW CMtav wMttt.as-4 CXINSINO MACHlHlB a-y li Sw- ,f TBI? T TTB CO. coiDj"tnAi wf otjt f..ifrwo M M. 1 . . I lat w W pa. mmtU lAiSllT auM4aiaacasi r-AOPY iriEUROPE. Ma sis'- Wa. IXR txw, f Rw.'fVevW' MaV.Nk 11 -Sl llf Mh.UllM fair a-eaf otMHan a ser-v em : lo the T -tsmo BLaoa. TWm ttmr wot ara pariudftfs month. Mantarui Jaaisv. -i, , Thy arij bvriira la Me. KrsUTs a-r-fUr vaJa. aad W1U trs aa Itvaty as ImTw mats tacsa.' .!.-.. ' . . THE. ' Toledo Weekly Blade stbLARGT Pettis! a d rsrni r a. tav ta ts t;arS aad ta ain w i Ma Bjb'BJii .Walaa n . r. s a aa aa r-v y a aoriy tbm SsaiS as iwavay aiaiaaaa rsrnwy. F-w Thrra alaasba, gmss pali. . Ul ot. Kwry aWt' la tba t4tr d-vrias 4 rosnuir ur iia imYr ta at aas n sSasuaa wa iu m-2r t. d -4 tia-$i4 tiidi'we Swsa4;pMai iwpnana 1 S-nri la sa it asaaawwa'- attiu. ttwvaiM aat ta aaraaisl.a4r S a4 kaaa. irrhrttotM ta saa. , "... tnaev3rtt ttuwa Savors 1 iaanti.t iststiiisi CT7VTTA IU S S. :t- a . .11 i m tit a it sc TU AC! I Kf is rzzjrt- A. C JSmnctJT A m I Ut.- ktmmt tm tawi timm O 1 ' x- 1 . s.Ss.iii iiu.K"r.-vn ssigiata4 diaraa . mtsaaa mim m N'". isiiasiatM.ii nmi I : 4 f .mm asna Ha aain aay. . ' f.tMiMalMlt44Mt wsafiasl m aay asea asa asTianaiii . r 10 1 TI - aasawriifimi assmwa, aatrns- sXAfm. ; --- ; 1 '. syq. VlHaawsaaMCta TAt mZlZ "Bmymmmmm Vsa r 1 Wntf 4 : -i ' " t 4J' - 1 i 4 S ft I i. ( 'I. j

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