W L Li M I N" Gr T O NPOST I ENTERED AT THE POSTOFFICE AT Wilmisgtox, N. C., as Hecosd Class Matter 1 ' . '' : ; RA.TE3 OP ADVERTISING. ' Fifty cents per line for the firstlin rtion and twenty-fire cents per line for each additional insertion. Eight (8) Hues, NoHpareil type, con stitute a siuare.i . i': The subscription price to Tiie WlL-. MtwaroN Post ifj $1"' 00 per 'year; ir months 73 cents; f AllcouiuiunlcationspabusinessBOuld . addressed to Tub WlLMIKGtON f'osr, Wi I m i n s ton , O. All advertisements will be charged a ,ihe above rates, except on spsciaT con Latest. , J he I'residcut attended the dinner: ol the Vetereus of ibe Seventh Regi mciit at the Vfext End Uotel, Long iirancli. The President Will leave Img ttrauclf oji Monday to attend the Comujcncetn'entat .William College, ilas., .where he graduated. Thence ho will go; to fct Albans; Vt., where he "wril b&prcscut at the National Teach-' v r.i Cuuvention!, thence to the YVliite iMuuutains ol New llanrpshirp, thence hr.W-ashinglou, and lot'ste-at the so (hern' Home.: ' Mrs! Garfield has so far recovered, a 10 accompany him, and i"lecU Lent lt from the uiouutaiu air. f lie.Gaitield who died the other day whs iDo- President's, only Surviving uncle.,' named Thomas, He had lb jce m'..s in the army, '" I V 1 " . i " ' !: t . ' : -: IT-l,rcsidvijl,(irMnt: is at the houefr d hii( sou .Jesse, onlyjaistoiie'd throw f)iii the Klberon Hotel.1 fc'e had not iMt'd on U'.u field at last: accounts, ': :.,.: .. .J I ;.-.t. i, ) . . ;, , "The' vole;' in Jmut. ttyriveutiyii for -. n a tor (or 4he short term wasas fol ..ws. Totter 1 1, Cpnklmg 110, Wheeler i'y, C'liiell 1, Jipbam; 13;. Folger 1, .fuliij Koach 1, Hoskiiis 2.' Senator M n U n voted fur Koach"; he Voted for Japliam yesterday, No choice, j (he I'qirputjon tl'eu yotcd'io fill the 'I'Utt vacancy, us ibllop; Llepew 13, Ktrnau 13, Plait 27, Lapbam !VConell 7, I'ruwlry 3, I'oKkm.s J, Triynain 1. .o vli'-iuv. ' - . 1 A motion to alioir: c ivr die was tauten 70 to 37. ' Kx-bentor UonLlibg od Thuraday . evening met. state Senator Madden, and l lie latter extended his hand ! to him. - Mr rvn1tliniT rpriiHri) ti arrfnt nri K ar of vordi followed and each j gave tne other as good as lie sent. Conkling's tense inTectire, seem to have clashed ti;elhcr with the riDg'of cold steel. ' A new tombiuatiou has been made' jnVVireinu and Ohio," creatine' one continuous line of railroad from Kich- , inon.il to Toledo. .- " a ' i h V . ':- ' . : -1'rof. Orraond '!5loup, of the Cincin nati Observatory, has observed the new tnuet. Tie says it is moving rapidly north. He is quite positive that it is not 'the comet of 1812, but thinks It itisy be thAt of 1 S07, the return of wliich was nipt expected by-astronomers fur cventeeit hundred years. ' lie be-lit-TtM it is the same comet as the one mi about June "tyby Drs, Ciould in J ...l. .! . . . L ! .- t-vuwi .Aiurrica. inc nppariuva is rx nriliogly j Interesting and. will be iUbevl every uight by.the corpj of lr.JtHlnH,r at the Cincinnati-Ubserva- .. ':"r-1 I : -T- - lior. 'rnhwD, of Vermonl, and i'urttrmaaler Gen. Kiugsiry, Adj. (rit, IVck and Col, Childa have held iwultaliou aud decided to male tb i4uora Ijuard of St. Albans, J and i Wcauits li aod I vf the )t Uegiment lUe Govcrnor'sescort to iho Yorktown lVu,tennia1. They have chartered the trsmrr France for Ibe Irin.V I nrro U pluck ia Ibe letter which f u. p.rady, arraigned as the chief of ihu U called -The bUr Fraudeend l his counsel Mer. thellaberger, WiUon and Totten, in bis owa vindl rtin. He states that after these rake ibaigta have been made that the in vcsUgatioD, and ucw Judge i Cox has adjourned the Court over the sunnBaer mouths. For many weeks be has ubA aiitttd to these slanderous chargea, and if be could haTe an investigation he ud forever anwhiUte Uese hat fAbikatiboa. Aexl he urge hia enl neat counsel to demand.of the govern mat the justice i of prompUj ptacieg it cae against hlov The New York ttnjJlk naket kH oos charges against AttowyAleneral McVtagh of occupy lag his Uaao Im his private laor business u the nvglect of lat pabUc bttsiaess. The GnpAic u sm that fox over three months the QuDBAiatlooer of Iutermal IUvtaU . ea Utervlew la regard to wary iaportaat Alters reUUsg to large CaanciAl lattr of the roveraaent. Also Seer Start rladoai Is ready to acthutacftreac it the Autrjfj-GtnersJ U tcfvj before actiou.' The neglect of the At torney-Gener&l, the ptpex named states, is causing i great deal of grumbling among bureau officers and a rapid loss of patinc among persons having busi ness in the Department of Justicey j A solid delegation of the white Be publicans 'of Virginia were in 'Wash ington Jast week for the purpose of calliagon .the President and consulting with "j him j in ; regard to 4tbeir affairs. FiTe distiicts represent 6,428 whit Bepublican ; voters I and not one in a hundred of them are in favor of ,run-t nJog separate tickets, A very, respect able and able Republican, Hon. G.1 H.l Soutbi 1 1, of Tottoway , comity, whieh cast 1,300 votea for Garfield, ssys that Gen. AVickham, Congressmen Jore;en sen aod Dtitendorf do not represent the white Republicans of Virginia. ; V THE COLOItJCD CoMMITTlss VIS IX WASHWUTON A D T It Jtt litESIlBftT. - ..J-. The colored convenliohwhich con vened at Raleigh some weeks ago, for the purpose of consulting on the matter of party patronage in the state, ap pointed a committee of 21 to visit Wash ington and call on the President, and present tor him an address setting forth tbe'r grievances.' r The delegation,: by appointment, met at Washington, D. C, cn the 15th, instant, and, headed by. Hon. George W. Price, jr., and Mr. Jos. C. Price, called upon the President, after the delegation was introduced Hon. George W. Price, jr., read the ad- dress to Gen. Garfield", setting out very ' fully the manner of their treatment in the pastby the party leaders in thjs state. 1 be President answer was to . the poiutAnd seems to have given" sat-: isfactiou to the delegation. We do not kno;v n hat the president's answer was rthrre haij never been any otiici il report ofii But:we understand the language was sufficiently pointed an I eipticit to let the colored people understausi that they are' a part of this gorernment. j We believe' from what we have heard that Prcsidriil Garfield wi!l give the oolored citizens of this state some sub stan'inl posilious. V Ihoio that he deitirts his ttubordiiiitles in the btate to UiviJ- the palronajre iu their respec ! tive liicts. The Ii lf galion not,! w uti'ltrstaiid, U'l the matter . tnd yet.! Tht-y iniend to continue the light Ull ill ati.'ftotirv rtwulttarc received, As A BOLUJUU(lB. t Albany Judge Von A-Istyue in his charge to Ibe grand jury at ' t,be open ng of his court, pertinently ,aaid :- "Verhaps it become4ine at this time to call your attention to another class of (irt-nccB, regarding which I am hot specially called upon to charge you, but time may demand more than justify; that which I thall say. There have beeu upon the statute: bouki of the state for some lime laws in regard to the , acceptance of gratuitous conside ration for official acts on the part of public officrrs. 1 will liead .you some of them. The Judge then read from tbe statute of. 18GD, and ! from the con stitutionf of the state, and called. the attention of the grand jury to the re- . t .1. V M 1 1 1 1 ; pons maae iiirouga ioe puotic press of the attempted bribery of members oi of the Lfgislature. He said: Tbe paper: aid upon our table this morning brings this' with it. 'The English enemies of American institutions are rejoicing at Mr. Conkling's attempt to discredit his ppontuU by a charge of bribery.' Why? - Becausn they re the enemies of American institutions. . They are enemies of a republican , form of gov ernment and they know, as every citi zen knows, that unless there is purity in them and purity in the administra tive officer In a republican government its days of exblence are already told. There sever was a time, at I remember, in the history, of the world, when a struggle was going on more fiercely than it is to-day between thote who are matmaintng 4or a strong government and those who are in favor of the rights of the people as represented in a re publican government. The rich and poor the world over, stand face to face in opposition, and wo are to Uwk to see what the results of their conflict art to be. These enemies of American lasti to lion believe lhat if, corruptkM crows op among the people there will be but a single resmlt tollowiag therefrom, and that b thai instead of the conduct of pnblic a&sirs in the manner in which they have been conducted here ii this country in tbe past since the dsjs o the revolotiaa, there will be a change. at least so Car as the foa1 of govern ment is concerned- Thai Instead of baying rprMSiuUvs of the people chosen 1W a limited time by the roico of the popJ ther Ul U bereditary. Theead wUlUaatoearcborkisgaad the govtnusent wUl be strong la its power to aid a few and swppeeostbo asaav. - r : '- . . A Mrs, StpW rery sgtd ladr CrwoswlcR, N. now la her jwr, h cottlax her third ti of teeth. , RBPUNDIJiO THE FIVE PER . ... , ( CJSKTS. j THE TIME FOE EXCHASQIKO REGIS TERED FIVES COSTIKUED IS CERTAIN CASES TJHTIL JFLY FIRST. . ' Washington, June. 20.At the close of business to-day there "have ; been $48,400,000 of five per cent coupon bonds received for continuance at Zl per; cent, exclusive of those presented for continuance at the London agency. The following circular in relation to the' eontinuance of United States regis terfcd bonds of the five per cent funded loan of 1881 has just been issued by the Treasury Department: y ; , " ' WARHTRnTOsr. June 20. 1881. Tn the provisions of Circtllar No. 6iV dated May 12, 1881, lor the conunu atice of United States "registered bonds of the five per cent funded loan of 1881, the limit ol sush bonds to be continued was fixed at 250,000,000 the bonds to be accepted in the order of their receipt at this -department. The limit was reached on tQe23d ol May, tne bonds presented being somewhat in excess of the amount fixed, while .many persons who had notified to the department on or before that date their intention to present their bonds for continuance. and had proceeded in good faith to carry out their purpose,' were unable tor various reasons to surrender tneir- bonds before the limit was reached. It is the desire of the department to ex tend to all, so far as i practicable, an equal opportunity to .continue " their bonds; and to that end notice is hereby given tnat United .Estates : registered bonds of the hve per cent funded loan of 1881, respecting which the depart ment was informed, on or betore the 23d day of May, and which through no fault or negligence of the owners, failed to reach the department before the limit was reached, will be accepted for continuance, if transmitted to this office ou or before the 1st day of July next. William .Window, secretary. PROHIBITION-, Thegentlemen 8wbo are running the prohibition campaign have at last found that colored men have rights that Democrats can .reelect. For instance: Colonel James, ;hite Democrat, Presi dent, and John iSmitb, colored; Vict- President; " We warn ourcoloicd friciids that there, is a wi iu the mtal tub. Lie- ware. V' ,-'hr'-'l :, ? The prohibition pajjer. iubiiabdjn this city, seems to give all of its upace to the . Jvepublican 1 State Committee, abusing the gentlemen who composp the tate Committee summarily, f Uut we expected nothing more or km from the fact that . llir Republican btate Committee is made up of geutlemen who are stalwart Republicans, and the robibiUon Committee of this city, who are engaged in the publication of the prohibition paper, are Democrats ol tne red mouth stripe., Uo go in gentlemen, and if you should succeed in miking as many mistatements about everything else as yon do concerning the Republican Committee, we hope 'fie - some ol tne ministers wm. pray ior yojr souls, for the scriptures, speak V9ry Becverely about men(to put it mild) who'miarepresent their neighbors. ' - I ' : Republican County Committees will please seud in their names for tickets, against' prohibition, at once. The Chairmen of each Republican Com mittee will see that their township com mittees are properly Orsanized for the Work in hand. There is only one! way to defeat tbe proscription,' and that is by work. Let the monopolists get one victory and they will strike for another. Every man's interest is at stake in this matter'. Therefore we hope all good Republicans will do their full duty.' The men who voted to see the Re publican party disbanded in 1878 are now the , men who are advocating the prohibition bill Good Republicans loyal Republicans will vote accord ing to the resolutions of tbe Republi can Committee. All tur leading refvbucass of Kortu Carolina have . reot true TO TfiE FARTY IN THE FAST, WUO ARE STALWART IN FOLTriCS, CS DORSE THE ACTION OF THE STAT e' COMMITTEE IN OFFOSINU-FROHIMTIOX. Editorial AxwOvemest. We will publUh the address of the Com mittee, delivered to the President, on the 15th iotant, and the rrplr, i tor next iwue. ; -. ' r.' Maunoua, N. C, Juota, 1SS1. Ma, Emtoe: lrtctived the nvof the action of the S Ute Republics b Com miUeo taking strong groaods sgsiust prohibilioa with great pUasore. rla Cact I congratulate myself more than over on Ute fact that 1 qeloas to tho Repablicaa party. The pAy of old Uupiia will go strong ;aga nst tne buu I advuo lUpubUcaaa errrywhers to do UlesasBO. PlesM rt old Lhiplia down as indorsing th actioa f the tat OMBBsitteo. v IpettfisUy k lavtx IteAHAN. Ur. and M's. Taylor, the poreots ol Cayard Tayter, have fwooted to Ce Fred. Taylor a A. Ik Pom, of K ml the tword wora by their soo, OjL lied. TavWe. at tbo botUo ol Geityo bor. 0L TsyW was kUkd ot Ust tasuo, Col O. U.1 Dockery is but to; a lpng and able letter to the Wilmington Post arainst Drohibitidn.' :rVoJ. Dockerv'a standing in Uie'BepnbCc&.n party, and his character as gentleman will put the foolish theorists to thinking. We will publish ColJ fDocxery' letter in our next issue, Tbe Republicans of Pender county seem - to bo pretty unanimous against the prohibition bilL ,Tn a letter writ ten to the Post, Mr.i Wni. a leading I colored nan, says the people endorse the action of the stab Commit tee in opposing the sgrcalled. prohibi o bill, i -jiU .4-Uv Hon. George Z. French is opposed to the- prohibition bill. While he is a supporter of temperance he says the present bill does not meet his. approval and believes it should be defeated by the people No one has ever doubted Mr. French's ability as a party leader, or his loyalty tcj the Republican party. Hon. John Newell, member of the Legislature, of jHaden county; writing to the editor says: "I have known for some time that prohibition was a Demi operatic measure, and I shall oppose it with all my influence and energy, as every other Republican in the state should." He endorses the action of the state Committee 1 fully, in taking stroDg grounds against the prohibition bill. Mr. Newell , ia a colored man of considerable ability; he always carries his county from. 200 to 500 majority. Hon. John S. Manixof New Berne, N. C, one of tbe ablest writers in east ern Carolina, is arainst prohibition and endorses the action of the state Com mittee'. Mr. Manix is authority on all questious of party law and usages. He ia an able writer, good parliamentarian and fluent speaker. His standing as a Republican of the stalwart kind gives to whatever he says great weight. : He has never been known to fail to do his duty by all classes of ftepubiicaos, both colored and white, therefore his advice should be: respected by alf true Rpub licani. ' - ' 1- (! : - v,- ' Hon. S. W. Watts, was the city yes terday, and expressed , himself as op posed to the prohibition bill; ; 1st. Decs use tbe bill discriminate iu favor of wine. i..Av.' mdUecKWfsSsicktii control the xppetites of meo-i thing impossible. 3rd. Because under the disguise of moral reform it! seeks to control the right of the citizen and oppress the poor.: I' . !,':- ith. Recause it transfers whiskey drinking from the filthy grog shops to the respectable drug stores, and to the hearthstone. V f . J ' s, r. 5th. Because it deprives the state of the vast ; revenues derived from the icense tux, that goes to. support our free school system, and necessarily in creases taxation cq the industries oi the atateJ : . ,' ' Glh. Because it' prevents the manu facture iu the state of the very whis key which i allowed to be sold by the physicians and druggists under the bill. .- 7th. Because it puts our people to too much trouble and expense to carry their grain and apples to Virginia or South Carolina to be manufactured into brand; and whiskey to he returned to Ul. f. - .. ' If -. A , , The above are only a few of the rta- sos wby he opposes prohibition. In the House of Commons Mr. Glad stone, replying! to the question of Mr. Stanhope, Conservative, of which he gave notice on the IGth instant, as to whether representations had been made to the American government in rrrard to American organisations for commit ting outrages in England, said he was not aware what rrennds Mr. Stanhope had for speaking of pieparations in America for ou traces ia England. There were, be said, incitements to out- races in newspapers, etc. and viewing the nature of tho incitements the gov ernment thought tt right to bring the facts to tho knowledge of lbs gvaceru- ment oi uo tisutoa Dtates. says it is not desirabU for tho Foreira . . . . . . . . . . ccrcury 10 aaarcss oucr govxrumcau oo the conduct of their uiuens at home. ing food case are prcnUar. Soma of tho most violent agitators U Ireland have come from America, while tho House of RcprtsealaUrra hsvo thooght it becoming to transmit throogb tho i : i . ..kV l.t.A fii.i IWf v am v ukv t.vn mm vyxm- laa. net smum vcrr carsfallr roa. siderod, oo tho way it which it be- noorrs us to deal wun tao ina Srcmarr Lbscola baa received a Itt- Ur frosa fcocretarr Klrkwood rotativo to tho oUeged eatablhAmeatl on tho sotttberm Vto reservation of now at Uoei hr taoDosmr aadlUo Gsaado railroad and tbo ervctiea oi asUooa danc Ivonors, tte- and rrraeacisg lisa to omoloy tbo nHiiary In thatdsrtct to entotto otdac and rcaovo tra otea dert Tho leuet m n&rrcd toGen. Sbeiman. wUa tho rawest thai bo taka anm tejei. - - ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Tobaccev ! : Best Sweet Navy Prof. F. M. Agostioi is on a visit to his parents in this city. : Mr. .C P. Mebane and M. M. Cron ley, jr., have been commissioned notary public by the Governor. : ! Mr. Ji W. Conoley has at' his store a kitten with, two separate and distinct faces, which are well developed, and a pigeon with two well developed heads. I ' Thursday was : the last day.allowed br law la list taxes; 3,312 pcxsooS lisfct up to sundown. There are about delinquents jr Maebied. On June IGth, 1881, Mrs. Mary Ray, of Bladen county, was married to Mr. Lewis -Davis, of this city, by Rct. W. H. Banks. j SruciAL ' AuEST.--Mr. George r D. Weeks was in Lhe city on Wednesday last,; on an inspecting tour alohg the North Carolina! coast. Ue leA for the south Wednesday uigbt. Twenty-eight; badgeless dogs have been caught and made to bite dust Bince the' 10th of June. Aa scion astho dogs are caught they are taken out of the city and killed. The work-of closing -New Inlet is practically completed. The wall is now finished and is as solid as its projectors claimed that it 'would be, Mr. Bacon. the engineer i a charge, deserves much credit, for his work. Mr. w. j. Alott Jofet a fine iiorse at the Bound on last Tuesday. He drove the animaljdowa in the morning but very soon after arriving the horse laid down and died.: The supposed cause is not fast driving but excessive heat! fSOTIUE. - 'I The, celebration of the R. W. State G. L. No. 10 of the I. O. of G. S. and, D. of S. which was to take place on Tuesday, June 2ith. -will come off on Wednesday, June 29th instant 1 We have just.xeceived the hand-bills from Superintendent R. M. Sulley, of the Petersburg railroad, advertising an1 excursion from WM and return, 03 the Fourth of July, at the very small buoi of $2 00. Mr. tSul ley is entitled tb great credit for this enterprise. J . j Fnday last, St. John the Baptist's Day, was celebrated by Mt. Febb and Giblem. Lodges,1 F. and A. A. Y.- M., by a ; parade and public installation of officers of Mt Nebo Lodge, No. 14, at the Opera House in the afternoon. J. W. Telfair, P. D. G address. 'I M , delivered the Col. Brink has succeeded in getting a temporary mail service established between this point and Wrightsville Sound. It will begin early in July and will run until January. The service will be six dsys in, the week, and the lime i allowed for delivery, two hours Bids will be received until July 5th. A colored man. an axmsn in the Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Compa ny, had his hand badly cut with an ax aC the fire last Tuesday night. The ac cident was caused by falling timbers striking against; his ax and throwing it with force against his hand. He re ceived medical attention immediately. : r.,- - i Clara Nixon, colored, was exRcuned by a commission Jw huiatino imniremlo, consisting of Dr. J. C. Walker and Justices W. W. Harris and J. Q MU lis, this morning, and was sent to the lnaaoe department of the Poor House, Her husband will mako an effort to get her jo the Colortd Insane Asylum Goldsboro. I 1 The Guoood Club of Charlotte, vUi- ted this city by Invitalioa of the Ame4 tores, and presented the Pirates of Pea- saoco oo Monday UsL . Go Taesday they spent the day on tho sou ad, and Tuesday evening they indulged ia a dance gireo coapliaentary to them at Germaaia UslL They left fot their homes on Wednesday snorniag. Fta. Tbo alarm of fire last day night, about 19 o'clock, was cansed by tbo ' homing of some stables In tbo fiilb firo district, owned by Mr. W. P. OSdbasa, and occaplod by hissself and Mr. J. C. SttTeasoo. Tbo ftro oririaa- ted la a ssasil woedea baiidisg la tbo rear of tbo Sodiaaviaa asl Water street, between Dock and Or- aage, and ooaa estsamaaicatad wbk tbo stabies and sheds naei :-by Mesara. O kaa and Stonnaen. XU tost two vaUaU bocata.twoeUSTery wagona, boy.dfaynnd Mr,Oiliasa lost a aval ncav Tkrto cows, a wtS2em asmkf, tbo reoeesty of Ur. OUhaas, worn also In tbo stables tat wero side. to OITxT Ana , now they don't know whether they lira in Burgxw or Stanford." -: In the act of the Assembly, ni!ed llxrch' 10th,,1877, looting the. county site of of Pender, the folia wiog s irordaoccsr: The county4 site whereter it saryvbo located shall be called Btanford.? This Judge Grave, of the Superior Court, Declares to be the legal name of the town. In the act of Assembly ratified on the 25th: day of Tebruary, 187, it says: v'Tho town ol SUixford, in P,en der county, bf and the sana is hereby incorporated by the name and style of the town of Burraw.Mif .ft .2 luniin fril III 'IKAnnaAB livluM Mm. '." w between Walnut and Bed, Cross streets, died suddenly last Wednesday evening. She was a' washerwoman, ancTia'the morniag'wenilo do day washing at Mr. Scarboroogh'a, bh Seventh' : street, apparently in her usual health. About 9 o'clock, Mrs. Scarborough, in passing by the washroom discovered the woman lying, down, and seemingly in great gain. Assistance was 'called land a, wagon procured and she Was sen t home when a physician was called,' who pro nounced her disease a congestive chill, from which she died about 4 o'clock, p. m, ,". . ! ...I '.. ; . " i Mr. Samuel Hanstein, who has been in the nfercantiie business in this city for the past ten years has sold out and will leave on Monday for New York, where will be employed, in one of the largest business houses in that city. M. Wolff & ' Co:i HattersJ 601 Broadway. His many friends will porforget him in his new home, nor the house thas bar his valuable services. . What will be M. Wolff &Co.'s gain will be Wilming ton's loss. We have known, Mr, Hani stein for many yeaw-there are out few better men in this country.. Our peo ple regret his going,, , but tho parting is made less severe on account of the ad vantages accruing to Mr. Hansteinin his oew home. He leaves Wilmington with very best wishes of all citissns for hia prosperity and happiness in the fu ture. t'--!: ' -Ol.'' The Akkual RtATTA. The Fourth of July regatta of the yachts of the Carolina Yacht Club, over the Wrights yille. cnnrM ...m -: -- "& The following yachts have been en tered: From Wrightsville, Glide, Spray, Ripple, Fannie; Mssouboro. Flirt, nee Rosa, Bessie Lee, L4jae; Greenville, Restless, Frolic. Tbe yschts are to bo divided into two classes. All over 16 ect 9 inches will be in the first class and all! under in the J second class. though it is optional with owners of yachts under 16 feet 9 inches whether they place them in the first or second class. There will be two dut prizes of equal value sailed for, one as a prise for the winning boat in the first class and the other fpr the leading craft io the second class. These prises will bo given In addition to tbt Champion Flag and in order! to infuse more interest and competition in the race one of our most enterprising dry goods merchants has offered a sufficient quantity of blue flannel to uniform the crew of the win- bins yacht The tide will bo high at 3 o'clock and cbe prospects are that the entire race can bo sailed on the top of the tide with a good breeze. Lire SAvistj 'JrATiON. In our ad vertWng ojt.nnns will bo found an ad- veiUemeot from Hon.' B. Kimball, Soperintendent of tbo U. S. Llrs Sav ing Service, inviting proposals for the enrction of a life saving atatioa on Capo Fear Point, Smith's Island. Oar mechanics . thoald prepara to bid at oner, and bo sure to make their propo sitions sufficiently low to get tho work. They ought to be able tb compete with the builders from Norfolk and Balti more We have as skilful and relia ble mechanic In this dty as anywher la tbo soutbi Mr. Kimball baa been for years working up this new branch of tb t psUio service, and it Is to-dsy a credit to tbo nation, wbkb Is dao to the very able and energetic ahUsty dis played by tbo General Ssperiateadeet aad bis assktaata. "The StAtloo at Capo rear poiat U1 bo tbo tar best ono south bot tbo Bo Beriatendent intends to eootlone work Ug south as fast as Caogrtsa can bo wotted p tbo point of glvirj the pro per siJ ia apreofotaUomo tor tho coav atrocioo of now SUtionsu T.W beisx brsacb of tho p13 acrvkn. dsipiays groat iianuauy in arrtofsiatlax awtty, Cat lie, K. Is persisicsf, aa U its Ckt a2kn csi of Cooxreas aad tbsj ftaoclo. it . is oolr a mlam mt tSaaa his cVrxrUseat wul bo rwtla fat clam ccskLiLoo tbrooaaat tie Car. Alvis Wa3ar.iho tyrtt and ta eecctar of tb WaScv entate,i kao slows pax rafTaSTy la lit wUh tho tosjsuacst, Co srrtrytlinx la lis oeejtr t land. . Our. people are under ohUga tions to him. Had it not been for the ; manner of. bis dealing ' it would have ', been years before a Life Saving Station would have been erected on this imme- i duwcoast;:;:;r-.:K; ; Tho regular semi-annual: election of ' oScots : lor Carolina Lodge, No. 43f, "' Knights of Honor, was held last Mon I day evening and resulted as follows:, - 1 S P D J A Springer. : . , D N W; Schenck. " ! V D Clsyton Giles, J r L . j A tHJosh Q Wright.4 . ; - r ; t fieittrter-GeoNUsrriss.: r 'r EeporteTJohn L Dudley. TrsAsurer-W A Wllssn. . - ! - ChADlalu Her. J B Crato. - '' r Guide G W McCiamy. 1 Guardlan-J P Williams. ' , ! SentinelJ M McGowan.. . 1 : Medical ExamlnerDr F W Potter. 1 ' f All' of the above are re-elections, ! with ! the exception of the Chaplain. : The retiring Chaplain, Rev. C. M. Payne, declined n re-election. The of- ficers -elect will be installed on the first " Monday in ; July, by IX G. D. Juo . Taylor, assisted by G. G., N. Jacobi 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Gealed Proposals "yyiWi BE REC5IVSD BY! TIIE PObT master at Wilmington, K. C, until tbe im or July rr carrylag the mall from July ictli to December 31st, 181, tlx times a week itrom WrilmlDftoa ta WrlghUvlIle. v Advcc- - - --' - - i -. ' - . ,. .i .- . X tUemsnt can be san and information ?e- eelved at thsPostoffloe. . Jun 2tt-2t"; TasAstrav Department. ; it m r u .. . . u. wi u t iu RUTH F, I ; , Orrics or uxxxaaz. burcRiNTKXDKK r. tt AsauiuTOP, v. Ki.. j une iu. I88i. Proposals for tbe Construction of av Aizo-SaTiajg Station at Capo I rear, If C. - . L' :i SKAXED PROPOSALS will vs received at ! tniaoffloe nntll ThnruU nth .w I of July, 1S8IJ for tbe construction of a 1U- ' Tf Cap Fear. N. c. Bidders will stats la their nronosala ih iim.aithii. I whlob tbay will asrsa to bava tbs bulldtmr 1 completed rssdy for oocupsncy. . ! Jbach bldmDatbsaeconipAnfed byabonct I lU tbS SUm Of SjUO. with Im maI nrf ...m. t clsatBureUiM conditioned that tha bld.cr hall eater la to contract without delay aait I give socb bonds as security fur lbs faitlUul I . perfo.rmaacs thereof as may b reoelred. f I nia oia pe acoepied; or by a, Uepait of I juo u. H. currency, or bonds, to be returned to DnROOoeaarul bidders afLar ta ntik contract, audio tbs luceesMful bidder alter seontiactaMUraUivrStH.Kball bear proved by the iseoretary f tbe Treasury. 3pecltlcaUoua ana plans and forms of proposal, contract and bond, can be ob tained at the oniee or tbe Collector oi Vo. tonis at Balttmore. Sld Norfolk. Va.. Wll tulotrtoa. iX KtiU upon 4pUoaUou In. tbla office. - I , f All proposals must bs eadomed MProtwl fbr tbe eonstrocUon oi a lAfa-Mavtns kii at Cape Fear N. V ," and addretwed to the uenerai Bupanntenuent. united ttate Llfe-Savinf bervlce, Waablnatoa. D. C. The rl&ht to releet anv or ail bida. .r in waive avtecis, u deemed ror tbe beat 1 eats oi the Uovvrament. 1 nair ed. Inter- J . I. JtlMHAXA : j t . Ueaeral SupertnUudeak Mm! ait FetenHirrRailroai CI ptOMMKNCINfl Bandar. JUIK 12. IWI. Kj Ualas oa sbts road will raa as toUowe.. LKAV1C IUC11M01M!UUT1I. XI0 p. M Kast Mail dairy, snake tbronsb conaecUone rorSaraunah. Mtov aty at reverabarx. FaUssaa l-alaee tjleaptnc Cars brtweeu Itlltard. Vk. W thulaioa. ' IL6 A. M Throvob Mail dally eooaert- i UcaorBalelch.ClMirlaaum.Aa- aasta. Aikea.Havaaaab.4i Jack ' aoavllle. Htope at feaope.C'be tar. Osatralia, Drawry's tola ST. oa slSTJaJ. fajlmaa Wieeprr bt- twaea Kew York aad Caa icatoa ,. oa tbls train. . . &-'P. M. Krelrat Day (asset Header. tlS A. Fret(bt Aaliy taxcrpt (waibi w LXAVS PETXItSBUEIi-ffOATll. AJS A. ' rat KaU Oallv. Otoya aaty et C beater. Iallmaa Mepab 5o CaarleauMi aad kuiortf. - Va. . .......... T- n' t dally (eicept aaaOay v U I. kL, Tbroofh Mall aatly Meaeu wtUh Mebaaaad. rredarufcieafra aad roae fcalirwaa um ail poiatssaataaOwaas, Alsoasaa Inieoceeutiow with Cbwetuka t ; aaa oaia Railroad sor tae Vrr Si Oswtasa aS all aeSata aona aad west. Tatetrala Mopa as Mssfhuiar Pester aad fm. tra4ie. Pal saaa aiaeaee ioa ibw - trata Iwiaeaai inarMataa aad "' 'x - -liewTork -tS P. nL. rralBA,daSIy 'rrf ffaaday.l A S lMawaMi ctaaaeettoe Is aaada bataiaa ClrOeaaaS aad Kevfatk. by traiae mH.uaBe lAws A. js. a4 jr u r. jb. .- au trataa saaasa yiteiabais win Lbs Awinaillni t aoaaar tifvatMs Ti as Sja a at. aaJla r. at. Lmm MMA.S.IMUir.M.lt T.tx Kuwrt mw m h - ; TAKfrtiwa mraiLantMffr, IircuRdon TIckcta I n-ACx or trjscct run at too arsaae. sJtevysaatc.twL ('; .w. ft c a, aWtW Ct I t4k tast. raaieiaawe len wKae as est A.' BU.m a at tteiM4 aawa eaaaa eaaa yJgaa aabev.e .aaaa aeii, as. O' pj AIX speaRS 4ao am aasya r. V, A.

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