--A -.5 ' VOLUME AN V l LMINGTONJPOST I ENTERED At THE rOSTOFFICE AT Vi2,y isbt ox, N. C, as Second Class f A ITER 1 ' - TR ATS O Jt AD VERTISINGT" Fifty' cenUper Una for the first in sertion and twenty-fire cents per liner for each additional insertion. ; f Eight (8)Jines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. The subscription price to The WlL m XQT02T , Post is $1 00 per year; j months 75 cents, f vv " ' . Ull communications on businessliould H addressed to The Wilmington 1st, VVilminffton. N. C.; . Ail advertisements will be charged a lh above rates, except On special can tracts. , - j '"' v ' '; ALBANY. ' - -4- ' KXTr MOUTH JOKT liAJ.LOT-BHOKT - ' .TEitsr. ' 1 -i Senate. AMenibly, Totl. Wlkoler.. I'ottor Coakllng. Lapham ... "Cornell ..... Crew ley ... KlKlCll Tof.u..... ' : 5 1, 0 1 ; 1! 24 I I" . ' l . . 1 - . I f,e 10141 VOJ.O ff "Mr. riail'ti vuccegsoi I vnp an tollows; iwK.NTV'-KKiB.SH it A LLOT LOS O TERM. ,1 !lev..... Ktrnnn... Matt Cur Del I... crowltw . lksk(Dil.. r.,(ii.. fcSeimic. Assembly. Total tt 2 a U 9 j 0 1! 5 1 83 There vaa no one at the depot wait jn jyr me ex-penaiora, ana as iney litctod among the tbropg of persona be fore the clerk's Jin the Delavan House, tiiy were somewhat rudely hustled by 1 t JeUow travelers', who were doubt Uhh ignorant of Uheir personality. Fi nally distDgagiog themselves from the -crowd, thty walked up the main stair w.ijji of the hotel alone, two as dispir itnl looking and weary men as one mhiU1 sco in many a. day. They were pi, grtu'tcfl by a alnplp perspn wpile 3'iii'lrng iu the crowded hotel corridor, Mr. Ll'i'kling fffined enpecially care- iV ticti the joint convention jnet at . iiimn ti.-dny, ;ihcre wrce.19 benators AjM inb'viiH'ti preientf -:, ; : . jai.r.ANY, Juuc 28 The vote injoint t'ttv in 1111 to fill the fhott terra Sna tiil vacincy was m 'follows: Potter ICVr kliiig 31, Wheeler "42, Cornell . iifL-aphaai nVulgtr 1, Crew)ey 2, I'. ..-1. "l 1 j ..-The convention then proceeded to votu to fill the long term vacancy, with ilio 'following result:, Depew 00, Ker !iti t, Piatt 27, Cornell 0. Wheeler II, Crawley 0, Hotkina' 11, Lapham 3 i Trrniain 1, - : ' . .... , : The chair announced that no elec- on had beep haa in eitnercasr. ' ' The-motion to adjourn was carried ytas S, noes 70 and convention ad? j mrncd. '.-; ; ; ' ::: . An indictment lor bribery has been found against Senator Sessions. He is held in 13,000; IAsuanv June 2'J. The admUUalion Miporters are still firm in rejecting the . iropositiooof the Stalwarta to elect puQlIing and fepew for the short and terms rewpecilvely. Tbey aay they ould prefer to accept Tlalt. At the mt -time they see no way out of tha di'udlock. owlns to the- firmness of CuDkring's supporters, who evince no dif position to; leave him. ' f ; The vote to fill the long term vacan ' rj;-rs ai follows: Potter 52, Conkling -jii. Wheeler l, Cornel IS, taphanvl8, jlr 1. iiogtra i, Crowley 1. No tboice. -:- . "i 'I ' -. . ' 1 'The vote to fill the long term vacancy . . f f i ' s A - Piatt 28, Cornell 0, Wheeler 1, Crowley 7,'Tremalu 1, Lapham 1.. 1 No, choice Dir. Sbarpe ofrrev) a resolution tha.t ' ben voting hereafter, on aakln to ba tu-used, members of the Senate hare . unlimited time for explanatioB, and explanation, and members of the Hottso . Uo minutes each. He said the only ; yl-jcct he had in iiejr vat to eatabliak a tule. lie aiked that the'- rtsolotioa lie on the tab! till to morrow, which was agtted to. v'. AHiAKi , J una iO,-Tke Joint Cou. veatloa voted as follows for the short term Senator: lNtter, &3t Coaklibg 33, Wheeler 43, Cornell 2, Upkam 17, Iol(tr 1, liogtra i, Uosklaa 1. No i ' The coQreDtioa the procttvied to rvte on the loo term racaacj with ; ;ke' following result; Depew $1, Ker aaatt, Ptatt Cornell 11, Wheeler 1, Crowley 7. Tremaia , Laphaa 2. i Xo chotc. Whea iln Oaper suet - i called, at root and aaid thai ht i vat Informed this mt ralog that Thomas (X Plait was bo loager a auadlag caa - (langhttr), aad he woald there aire tola tot Chaoacey II. Deptv, ttr haa alvan laUly toted for , ' The graad Ury hrooght la ait Sa ' Utat agalvt A. LX Caibtr, thla water, tUroj hla vith pajUg E, ' bribine state officers. E. R. Phelps and Charles A. Edwards were also in dicted and admitted to bail. - Albany, July 1. Tte6terto day for the short term vacancy was as lot lower Potter1 48, Conkling 28, Wheeler 38, Cornell 6, Lapham 13, Folger 1, Rogers 4, Crowley 2. . .v : . . I The chair announced that the Con rentien would now role to .fill: the Tacancy on the fong.term. t . - ' - ' Speaker Sbarpe said he had been voting for ThomisJU. riatr, at his re- anent. and in' the interest of the Be I . . . , t ... T publican party he withdrew the name of Piatt as a candidate and would; when Lia : name was called, vote for Richard CVowley'3?.; a-'...'j ; - ' The ConTentlon jecieded io!ote Senator II ulbert,1 after speakiflg la the highttt terms ofhla qualifications, voted for O. W; Chapman.' The vote stood: Depew 13, Kernan 48, Piatt 2, Cornell bK Crowley 20, Chapman 4, worm ji, Daniels 1. Lapham 1. Adams 1.: Sid choice. " -' -'X ' . 1 ; AM APPKAL. j -;-V . Every - oooj) man in the statu WILL" JOIN L'8 IN AN APPEAL TO THE PBEAfUERb TO QCTIT POLITICS. God save us .from a political preach er ! The first time in 1 the history of North Carolina that the preachers hare undertaken to connect church and' state. ! "' "j," "' . t A aoaVuunicatiou from Newport, N. Cr, signed K. FVSiP.y is rejected. Wa do no not' publish a communicationun- less they, are accompanied with the an tbor's name. ; : y i - ) : Col. U. II. Dockery, in a personal Metier to the editor of the Tost, dated June '8 1881, says: ."We iave scorched theprohibition sneak and the reaction is immense and appalliog. Keep up the fire." .A '- ;',:' t ji time for the Christian people of North ; Carolina to take bold of their churches, and see that- their ministers preach "Jeu and bim crucified,"' and allow the people to take charge of th political offices pi the Btate. :f Mr. A. V Horn-1 1, Chairman of the Itepubiican Committee of IVnder coun lj, stat. a that the R publicans v.l Pen jder are unanimous against tjie prqjij biliqp. btl4 H.&4 at . rat twortbirda of ihe Democrats also. According to this account prohibition stands a poor chance in Pender. .: ' 1 Kecolleot that the men who have acted witn tne JiepuDiican parly m the past, but to day are fighting A. r prohi bition, are in favor of d jbauing the Bepublican party. Hon JjL f . Dick!, who wa 'placed In office by Republi cans says, "when it cornea to be a queer tion between, the Republican party and probtVitian, lP UI Und br prohibi-j tion1. Judge Edwin G, Reed, who waa placed on the Supreme Court Bench b Republican rotes, anJ remained theia as long as possible, now sty s. "There is but one party in th state, the Demy ocratic party," and so he is in favor ol p.robib,iiioit H place, pf ataB4l1R oj ike Republican party. j - Somebody haa stated that Conkling was going to Ohio to help Govt, Foster, thinking that his oratory would do it A correspondent says: "We want act man unfriendly to President. Garfield! or his. administration to tell us what we bad better do. 'nlesa geiUlcjaeaj from otJer state) come to Ohio with the sicele desire to upheld the adrnin iatratioa of Prcaident Garfield, and! sustain the unity of the Republican party, . they would .better stay away. j Governor Foster docs not desire, nor will his frieads rubmit to any advico or diotatloa from the prponcaUi of the' admlnTstratioBv MrrCbakUi claim to speak to Ohio Repablicans as a Republican. Ha resigned his place in the ?eate, deliberately $&ded over that great boqy to If a peaocrats, anq s at this moatat ta league with the Democrata of Ktw Yorki to prevent the election f ef two RepjWjca SegaUr Hon. John C Dancey, of Tarboroi X. CL, la one tha Ttry ablest adva catesof tempcraacala tha soulK Ha U a colored maa of extraardiaary ab Ity, and staada high among all classes of o people, maf elaUy Uja orea rtopi with whom be is lastly wy pilar. ' He" repmeattatha tevperaan p iac4a at Kaglaad aoaat jean ago, wha b made alta ttya tatloa aa a writar had a sptaheT, lit haa beta ta this city tha fiat arctg aa4 vaa tatcrsttwni a tha prohibiuoa . ..-.' . ... omeauoa. m mm vast aa vaa tallaS la ikt cxttTasa. He Waa a CefaUkaa, aad wader a dr nsutxacaa waaid ha fU tha aaihat ttka af his wxtr.iti .rLsZI j Whsa aad htm rr&ytt his tkcUoa tii, la asil alii m Urja maiorUx cf tlsa rtxa ;;cxJ U tha hUl, aad tu!l tcU tsst U tt WILMINGTON, NETH - ASTOUNBINGJ Attempt to Assassinate President Garfield. SPECIAL TELEGKAN" TO THE post. I WASHLwaTOir, D. C, July 1. ; r President Garfield was shot at 9:30 $. m., at the Bait. & Pot, R. R. depot Two shots were fired, one taking effect in the arm and one in the right aide. The wound in the arm is not serious. There is, hope for his recovery, bnt he 1 ia.in a dangerous condition. It will be tone'- hours yet before any cDnclneion can be reached as to whether the wound la the side is ur is not mortal. . ' The shooting was done by a man named Gittean, an attorney of Chicago, who says he is a stalwart. Great ex-, citement prevails. The White House is guarded by U. S. troops. D. K. TELEGRAM FROM GENERAL UAUM TO MiJ McLEER. INTERNAL REVENUE ; AGENT, ' ' . ; Weshington, D. C, July 1. While the President and Secretary Blaine were passing through the Sixth street depot this morning j to take the train, a man named Charles Gittean, shot the President with a 40-calibre pistol in the arm and the right side, the latter ball lodging in the body. The attending physician will probe for the ball nrith a view of abstracting iu At 3 p. to. a favorable Teacilon has oc curred and the President new rests easy at the Executive Mansion. The woqnd though dangerous, is not believed to be fatal. My opinion is that it will not be. The President's strong physi cal constitution is in his favor, i . Gittean has frequently visited the Department and the While IJouse, seeking .-.a- foreign . appointment with out effect. Great sympathy is ft It for the President, and gratitude that the madman failed of his purpose. A strpnj feeling prevailed, favoring tbe aummar ry execution ol Gittean, who it now in ail. - Green iB. Raum. W. U. BULLETIN, j 3:45 P. M. Reports agree that the 'resident's condition is less hopeful. t is believed tbt lie apnot survive ong. ..; '.--;. .. .. - :. 1 .-.:, AX 2 o'clock we received informa- ion direct from the Wbite House that the President waa sleeping, and all his symptoms were more favorable. Much anxiety was felt as4 to the manner ot t&o sleep, whether he would be better r worse when he awoke. The authorities have taken the fiend Gittean, on board of a man-of-war down the river, so the people could not deal out justice to him. the troops '.were undir at m and great fear wss felt that the excited populace would take charge of the other meu of war and capture, the'prisoner. : : I 2 A. M. -Prtsident Garfield's condi tion is still unchanged, but the general impression la that he cannot recover. Mr. George T. Wa&iom, editor of the Qoldsboro tart wss in the city Wedaesdsy, and we interviewed him on the prohinition question. When asked how he atood on the so called probibi tioa, Mr.Wassom said- "It is all 000- 000 now. I know of no one in my section in favor of the so-called prohi- btIoa, except the preachep. The)r bbts Hu1 prtBvaiag ua cmercu pon tics with a vengeance. At least nine tenths of tha people axe apposed to aad will vote apinst the bill. - As fit tha Kepuoticaos, vaey wtu ; stana by the action of the State Committee. Tkat Committee aevtr acted so f ifely before a; they hsvs 9 thi matkr. Had tbey dooc Qt&etaW than take strong grouads aaint prohibltioa tbej ahoakl have been turned oat and men of sense pat ia their places. Fat Way ae county uqwa at itat i jto against the VUl.,, Mr, WasasMo h a psd lawyer af great proaiiaeacf ia Ue state, aad Ids paper Is ably edited, and hc repve senur ue views or ats people i this Sutter. . Mr. John W. Sjpaakliog, one ot the leadisf colored Republicans of CUsm bos county,-sav, tat tvuj true maa la tha state, aad paxtknlarly every tree Rerblkaa, should auad by the Ug the rrohibitiea twit. I-CeTTrBoeaadU.SifaatcUesH ry &ktaaa,'af ladusa, died laia aeh aneasd waa buried at Cravferdst iUt assTaaadxy. Hbfstrsiwaaaead4 kt GdTtrasr Farter. Seaatr Voatheea. exCaa2ae Ueadrkxa aad as5ecrturf CAROIJNBUNDAYdEY. 318: I : " ' Annlrersarir XxUbRMn e It; Aurns tine Normal School Balelich, IT. u : : !Ma. iircauBtt'iTeraaiy. ex ercises of this'exceljeotlnVtitution took place on TbursdAy'eifhinguno ' xne programme was Jung is u repeated iu the recori -of ttie J proceed . . ..fa;. .1st..-0I.v' --m ings we omit lU : .- ,.j r-. p-n- 1 It is generally conceded. i& fact, we belie re universallj admitted, , that' we naa me ; oest . , muicaj. n uiniT ry entertainment ever giro v by any J school in BaleigbfTTba aCeneiVi large, nnmberbg'perhapi'riux I'ue persons was , Te.ry select qnsLitiag of the most intelligent and refined class of colored citizens, and a large atimaet' af the mMt cTilttre white prominent white gentlemen of the city The exercises tvere 2 conducted . by; Prof. W. R.: Harris Assistant Prioci pal; who, by the way, ia one of the best teachers in the state; and a graduate of Hiram ' College, ' Ohio, an institution honored throughout the country, be cause so intimately associated with the earlier and later , history ol President Garfield's life. Garfield was both stu dent and teacher at Hiram College and later on its President.' i n - - f After a few introductory remarks, Prof. Harris look up the programme and announced the exercises in order. We thought that the greeting song was the sweetesCmusic we ever heard. It. was indeed a most choice selection, ad mirably rendered. Tbn pration of Hen ry Smith was good, and, well, delivered. He argued, and succeeded in proving that the true hero is the moral hero, The essay of. Miss Silvia A. Epps could not have been better. . She made a strong argument in favor of- educating the sexes together. Bl H. Peterson's oration Was forcible and timely, ue entered an eloquent plea for the school. master, and maintained that a higher estimate should be placed upon his in valuable services to, the community, the state and country. I The speech 'of S. G. Atkins was Oue dl the ablest ar guments we have yet beard ln behalKof prohibition. It was a ifine oratorical effort, and held i his audience epell- bound. He was enthusiastically ap plauded. Miss Martin's poest was a perfept gejp, h ighly appropriate, and read in tones clearK distinct and im pressive. The papers .were very-witty. nd contained much else that was Of a tund and practical nature.. The red- ittion of Miss Eliza Spriees. of your iy entitled "Rock of Ages,,' was a jdi'ult performance, yet its rendition was s'ch; a.s to disarm all criticism and win her the highest encomiums on every nue. "ine lwo iJiags," "The Loder," and the "Rough Diamond," were eplen.did.ly acted , and enthusiastic caUy recrjved by the audience. The acting of .Mr. H. S. McDuffie and Miss Msry J. Iredell, in the Rouith Dia mond' was particularly; fine.' ! The music with which these exerci ses were interspersed was selected with rsre taste, and the pieces were without exception admirably execqted; in factt we never heard better isioging. The voices were all good, some of them re markably j 1 wee t, and fvideutly had bee if carefully trained. The two solos, the vocal , duette, "Merrily Goes the Bark," and the parting songs were, we think, the most highly appreciated though where all were most . excellent it is difficult to ssy which i best. The operetU, 'lA,Gypsey Revenge," iotro duced a number of young ladies on the stage dressed in Gypsey costumes, and was most interesting. MUs Hal tie S. Johnson, another Wilmington young lady, diitioguished herself in the im pressive scene between the Gypsey and the atranger. " . . - . ; . - -' ; The enfcrtainnient as a whole was a grand success; one of the very best we ever witnessed, and a most saUsfactorr exhJbiUoa of b ecergT alegciectj f r VtWtX B.H i Ptfteas W attaiaments oibe s'.dent. r, fudging trtitq h Qert of til oea Vf TOUld UJ lhat.8l. AV gusUaa Aomal School aad Collegiate Institute deserTedlj raaks among the foremost soathera achook established for the edacaiioa of colored people. . Kxaaeiaifg a catalega ere see that its corpe of teacf ?s i s4 follows: Rer. 4oha a Sesedes, Frindps, fret W. B. llama, Auittaat rtiadpal; Un. Aaaa J. Cooper. Miss Mary . lttif. ter, Mim Jane &. Thctaaa, Est. J. W, yttrj aad 1Im Afa psTfe AaOst- aat Teaches. H k A ; Wa leant that the school U ta a tear Uhlat egadltioa aadaaabera asaosrg its etadrata lepsotatalirca Creaa arre ral aorthera, aad smaay aoathera states. aUsad ta thb eUUw Thry caa't Cad ayC&2 ta d aa they Ufa catered ro&kfc' V ts&t Cir Ixlstata Is 'fn ktrrt ? j B5ts;l Vr tla CJa- r 1 "s ,r,-1 Washington, N. C, 1 , ... "t?.': r?. r, Jane, 28lh, 1881. J .; tlrt"W 'P f'iwiniv.' ! tjDiAlt'SiK: I believe the committee has dona right in, declaring against the jrohibidon bflf, from the fact that we had not tne time to call a conTention, and the expose would be too great for hs at this season of the year,' '., jThis bill called prohibition is purely a political measure, ana was no. ooubt passed to run anotjaer Democratic cam iu Kisv amie vue cnureues wiut mem for AatTreasOn itouight to be reiected by the Republicans ss a'parly; and for itfciWnWL ifcwL. ! -a v I jFirst. jttjpi! Mc'iaUeiaias me1 physicians and drngoats, ana prevents tbe people of the': state' from manufacturing, and compels1; patron izing the manufactories of other states, and this of itself ought to kill the bill, and I have no doubt but it will in the localities' whereat" is distilled Not that iwe Hs a party, advocate intemper ance or drunkenness, for while the Rer publicans last election did not try to make drunk with whiskey the voters and thereby 'control them, the Demo cratic party did, so far as I have any knowledge and information, have whis- key at the voting places, and in a great measure did control and influence Voting in that way." And yet by rea- son 01 tne county omcers beine ap pointed by the legislature, for this and other reasons similar one of them can be prosecuted in the courts for the ad ditional reason that they have the en tire control of the courts and juries.! I have; seen Hon. Aug. M. Mooe, of Edenton, Calvin Cox,' of Pit, county, and J. B.' Itespas of Beaufort, and yariors others, some from Martin and Pamlico counties', and all agree to an Organist party opposition to the pres ent bill, r r. "-: The ! prohibitionists have grganized here, and made a of appointments to be filled by one Methodist 'and one Presbyterian Minister.' to be accompa nied 6y the political appointee for this county to manage the schools and funds, and this is another piece of machinery in the hands of- the County Commis sioners for political purposes. There nas been some organization here on the part of the anti prohibi tionists. Mn J. B. Respass'has made one speech only. :'-: - ' 1 ; ; ! '. I learn from good authority th'atMr. J. T. Respass, tbe Democratic member p( the Senate from the seven counties composing this Senatorial District, al though not elected by the people, but only counted in tytthe canvassers of the several counties, Is making speeches aa an.anti'prohiblHonist, and charging tT..t v. t-i: . . j j .1-. 1 -ii tuafc w uvpuuiicsus pruuuceu inis uul in its present shape, and offered it to the people for their rejection4 or ratifi cation, and his opposition to the bill is Because it will result to the advan tage of the Republican party. . Tha First District will stand by tbe committee, in making it a party matter, bnt nothinsr short of vote cn h counted, and I am awfully afraid of the count. '':: -.-,-- Please publiah in the Post the elec tion law, aa I see it is to be held as is the election for judges the result to be declared by the Governor. v j ? Any service which my friends think I can do, I will cheerfully acquiese aa far as my physical strength and health will allow. ' ' Trqly yqqrs, ' V r -. .rt.F: V -' S. T. Car-bow. GITX ITEMS. , Watermelona: have been n. market this week. ! They were raised on Mason boro Sound. ... ,L . .,'..! . ' M The steamer D. Murchto" has gone to FayeUsr sr a general oyerhauU egradd repairs. When she comes out again aha will look like a brand sew boat.' fl" ,'!'' '"-:s''-: :- ;''-:-:.i-L"i'; Sumter Light Infantry have definitely decided to go Into their regu lar aamaal aaeampmeat at Fort ' Jobs soa.1 Taey arc expected to arrive here hetweea the 10th aad 15th of Jaly. - We were pleased U recti vc the d- lowing prominent colored geatlemea who were her ia atteaxsca the Graad VMfeYo. 10, 1. 0,fG.S. aad Dl of &i E- W. WiUiasos, G. &, of PorUmoclk. V ; Geo. A. Mcbaae, Q. CL; A. J. Marshall, O. a; E. E. 8mlth, a a W. CV & Netett, G. T. Waasoaa, W.C. U1U. Waara pleased to know that mlaa hort, CVL Mabsoa, wrrt with the seaUesea. ' ; . . ' j TsxGooSAiAaliTA3a.--le puada of tha Good geaairitaat throah tha atraata TTedseaday atracted coeHUeis. able atataUoav, TW yracaeUow waa tha targe era hasa am oetr stmfia tar mxay a day, aaJ Is Jadkaliva ai thasjUesrJk af ttaaade ia Uk CO. Geo. L. lbsam, what Is 1 OSear, ia tha esdex, skSaaead aa a4 cms u tta Gpatm Ukm mso tha fxacaasSaaj ia syelra wery VzMf lj aat cld. ta geaI, cj. i? u 4 aaam aaaaaa, aad wa ftt . ; I !as!.Ci??s .fess'. !:,' ,1,: : ! We learn tnat the -W-& W. Railroad Company will remove:. the . wooden bridge across Smith's rCrtek, ia the suborbs of; the city,; ih a short time; and put a lubstantial iron bridge in its place.. t.iTr fAZ ?.l 1 t', . ... : i ... . jTwo or three large dredge' boats are being fitted up in! KewlYork . for . tbe river and barber improvements of the .Cape Fear. .They are expected to leave iot mis port about tne loin 01 J q yfc -i The work of erecticg a' dew iw&g'oh the east side of the-Court House , was commenced Friday by tfie contractors, Mcssrsi BU lt4IorrIlI r&r Sn: 'The wbrk will be pushed forward jp rapidly ia poasiblei 'JA&hMtT '- Li - - 'f ' j ' ' ' ". :.' Li ' f v.r rt- Dupmn County and pbo i bxto jC 'fair:?' Iryih'Bwman oneof the old stand-bys in Duplin coun'y, was ior the city on yesterday, and informed, us that the Republicans are unanimbns aajnpt the bill in bis county. (' ,.'.T ' ' - J ' , ea 1 11 ' ' A large ! body ' of heavily - timbered pine land hear Point Caswell was de vastated by fire a few days ago. ! Most of the' trees' were boxed and 'chipped,- and th loss will be severely felt by the owners; of tha i trees.' caused by lightning: r The 'firo was A very large aud i improved planar. for iron work; has been, received by the W. A W. R. R. Company, andTwUl be placed In their machine shop ia this! ity. The weight of the planer is about 25,000 ' pounds, and it is !bne of the best ia the country.', :,:S''Sir. Lightning seems to have been partic ularly severe at and Bear Point Caswell during the past week; On iSundayV a Talhable ox, the property of DK Joqn R, L Hawts, ' was killed . by liehtnine while standing in the yard nar the Doctor's residence.;, I ; j I -:-,: Immigrants Fjiiends Society.- An Immigrants Friends Society has been partially organized in this city... The organization is not yet complete, but those ha are interested u the matter are among the most stable of our mer chants and express their, determination to thoroughly orga hi ze and push their I plans, which they declare ro feauble. until the desired wants are attained New Pa VEX.The first number of a well gotten up quark) called The Debt iVyer, lies u poo ; our table, kits pub lisher is James M. Donnao. It will oppose the Mahone j ticket, and will represent. Gen. Wick bam, ; Jorgensen and others, who insist on a straightout Republican ticket. . If they, are able to draw off any considerable part of tha e,uw, XMpublicau . votes, Cameron, Lewis and Blair are defeated,, which event eould be. passed off at but little less than a meeting against principles if not against party. . A , .4 . ... . " i. . : I. O. O. F At a ! meeting of Orion Lodge No. 67, I. O. O. F., hel3 last nigh Vthe following officers were elected for tbe ensuing term: ' N. G. L. T. Bowden. V.G.-A. O. McGirt. ' ; J fi. 8. J. L. Dudley. ' P. S rW.C. Farrow. T. W. 8. WarrocV - ' Thrie iegelher with the appointive ofticew, will be Installed 00 Wednesday Liiia Fieh a fire vaa diaeorered ia l e lime buuae of UessrsvE. O. Bar- ker t Oooa Friday afgbtlasL Thera was 1600 barrels'of lima In Ue build iog, ia which the was a aaflcieaiia ja,DM to oovet tha loaa. The beiU. log was owned by Mr. JXcW. XLKoyea, now Coosnl at Vsio,f aad was ia iar;d for fCPO, which ia thought will not cover the loss, (Jo laa aaaaawvaa iag fira vaa diatovarad ia llr. Kpriege "a IttaeJ waxehoasa, oal appo ata X r. iiaiketV - Tha rata had peats tratrd taroagh a leak ia tha root r It waa discovered !ia uaae, fartuaaUly, to i even a miner ; .1. ;.- e i t 'A 1SSI va. lSS0,Tha; raeir of cot. tea at thla pert datiag.the awoath1 of Jane jest closed soot Bp 10 baiee, as against 33 aawe tor the saam soeath last yean piril 14,360 casks agaiaat 10,;il tat Jaae; roaJa, 12f3 Untie agUasi t3Jti$; tar M bamss agaiaat M?l. and crude tarprattee f! rtb sgxiaat 117. OoUoa wa oaoied rridir at in t alddaag. aealast H cts taat y4y lat; spam as cea agaiaat nj; rosia at ILTJ j aad f V tar tralafd agalasi ttK tad ftCTI; tar at ttlJl fLO; mad crude tarpeaiic fAT3 sW aaft aad firgi agaiaat tl&, : f -la fiesta tW tha aaoala Jvat teased we have a uul. fartla aa4 of 2,m U!aa a cettaa alstt r.5 lot jaatj 1 aver caaks trs tctst IV M tariU tat tslad t2j3 aajtsia crat trustee?, ; Tim Crta atra ecrJ faa tl NUMBERS J Messrs. Asa' 3 Walker aud "H.fM. Bowden f this' city have been apvX pointed notaries public by (be Goteriior. ' The W. & WRailroad Company fciuvis uis wwucn uriago mcroea Smith's Creek, near tha city, In "a short time and put a substantial Iron -bridge r io its place. -: 'ip-.'i !,. :i Severe Raxst StormA Ibrribla rain - storm sTbited this - city : about & "i O'clock- ori " Friday. notwithsUndiagi the fact that the- riin feJL'.'only - about e an hour; the' rain fall measured 4 inches ,b ' aid 20-lOOi.n The. streets ?wero sub- t. merged, and In-mlify,p1acea badiy ' damaged -Tfiw Vra w) aieetPQ of .4 . water across Market street; and most ; 1 of the stores' oh" the' south side ' were ' ' flooded.:''Mr; GebV Myers and Messrs: Jf HkrVltf Urk&"Oo r were perbspy the - - heaviest losers1 by the ' storm. ' Mr. -'- 1 Myers' damage to slock .was about $200.: 'There was very little wind ac- companying toe storm bat the punder and lightning was. very severe. ' Tho '.' ralh fell ia torrents, and reminded one of the history of tbe davs'of Noah and V! hia'ark." .'"" - . ' fi -A ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ! Sealed Proposals Yy BE BECJEIVED BYT TUB JPQ&I 'f master at Wiiintatton; N. unui the an ? of July far carrying the mall rroni July tctn ' I 10 lieeeiabcr Slst, lssi,, six Umes o wwk from wnimlnrton to WrlfihlsTlUe. Advcr- , tisementcan be Bean and information re - 1 . 1- i ; . . - . t J- oslvod.attberostoffi.ee. Jen'JS-i'l TllKASmY DXTABTlirMT. 1. H. I.IIINirrKiiM.iiui,.. WAauucQTow. D. a, June is, ISbt. Propo'ssvla for the Conetraetlon of Xjixe-siawiae Station at 'Cape ' x ear, a. u.- . t -. f . -. -. ,-t-i toll Office Until Thtirsrin ilio tuu A.- of July, liSvL, Tor tbe eonairneUou vf m, IKe- Tingiuonatpe Ar. N.U. Bidden will stat la their proposals the time within wblcbtbey wlUaaretobav;tbe buiUiina vuiupiviu nwj nr oeoupanry. .itc bld m accompanied by a bond In th lam of $o00, witn two rood and affl- shall enter Into conuact without delay and glv anob bonds aa secnrlly fur the nutbful r?"' wuorroi as may t retulref, if hla bid ba aooapted: or by a depoatV or siw V, o. earrency. or bonds, tn t, inm.j jnnirooeesaful blddera after tha ivtninrtii couiraot, and 10 the sueceBsrut blddar altar aia contract nnd bond nr iim rnin.mt .. Xbrmapo of tha terms theraof, nhall ba lap- peatneaUona ana pUui and fomia or " prppoaaJ. contract and bond, can ba ob tained at the office or thalMiMinri vr i.... loma at Baltimore. Md Norfolk. a Vri. mtng-ton, W. c, and upon application to thjaomce. i - ; . 4 . All proposata must be eadorned "Proposal lor the conatrucUon ol a 1 .1 r. j... 1 n m I , at Cpe Fear, X.C ." and addreMed to the uenenu unperintendent. Waited Htales UreJjaTlBf Service. Wa.hlnirtonTD. c!! a ue right to reject any or all i da. oc to t later- waive acrenu, u deemed lor the brat V . I. KIMBALL.! General SnperlnUndtut. EiclMni sii Feterstirr Bailroai C. pOMMENCINU Bnnda. jrjKR rr l4r Lf train, on tola road WW rl. eTioujX: We P. -J"' dAtly makM tkrou.i.4 . eennecuooe fovAevaaaah. Hto W.5f Twee U4A.arn Twaoroa Mail daily rooaert 1" ? ..vr " nta, An- (uw,aufl,iiiTunt&.AJvk. Till. Mom al khma m ter, CantraUa, DrewryV tuwjr. . tetaNfYku4CaulMia s ... v. o UM train. lf v USA. Freight Auy temert ndajl. utavs jrsTKaaauRo-MoaTii. I A.M radUtolr. rMo oa7'el 1 2TfLmn raiiaaaa wtr. 'tjl VT Caaii a4 kuiora. A. tc1t dally (eare km yasnteeart ajid wt. KUa Ma. taa annnaniiB witn Tt hiljiIi ,.2UMiQ ta-Tr.. . ; . stala fcrnaa M4 ail Mat ' ; , . north a4 wu TltUtrmla ttamm ' Mfjraaa.manw.oifcaa SV nMeO ' . ' " - " mim4iT fesewee saad i Lin r. as. ii.i.M. a4 3 Ail ntai kaeviae wui auart r. M. Lfe aoaaay. aC every T.rxKuxr, r.ar. Jane CAfcouya txxT&At, tuftitoatt. cuotal rAasocatst xAaTKisnv -: tnrjKzsrfrmy. jr. r,)b; ac 1 h 1 p aia risers or fccaoar tJ af JCerth aa sWu Cr. fo aO ea a m r aWaafcM4''-; eg sn 1 e waavwrtan sa ass Ja, - B.rhtlpl f tha boeiscf lla trrv--iry ti prpM cf ACaatxt, tie titm ym a real tstai "s." ' . ... sne w i rixa -it ea rrJ. c a wtnw aaa an n a o