I J WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINAvMNBAY. JULY JO. 1881. Single Copies SiCeits ' NJJMBER 28 V'()ljUill AJ -I ' 1 11. V ir,MlNG-TQIJ POST I EVTEBED AT THE FOSTOFFICE AT w'a isgton, N- C.t as Second Class ,l ATTER 1 1 '- ' " "BATES Or ADVERTISING. , Fifty cents per Ijine for the first in JTrri.m and twenty vc cents per line lor each additional insertion. - Ei-'U (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con-? 7 a -mil are. I f The subscription Wice to The Wil- MfN'QToJT Post ,ia $1 00 per year; tii months 75 cent. t .'-. " - . AWcommunlcitioinsonbusineasliould be addressed to The Wilmimiton Post, Wilmington.'.N. C. All advertisements will be charged a the above rates, except on' special con tracts. ' ' I'i-' ' Tllf.; v The PoT, has refrained ginco tbe nwrningof the attempt at assassina tion, to enter that 'field of speculation dm to the prospects Tor speedy recovery o the aug'uat iuHererJao" templing ap- parent! to a large portion of O'e press. We ha v,e, however, contented ouiself with following, day, by day, the narra tive o('he incidents which have natu- ; iajly co'ue in the .train of the cnirent (veuts. r-ThU embraced those outburata v;(f jiopular indigDatton which stigma . lized .with curse's the first act, the lofty jihilojoihy with which the President bore himself,, the opinions of the illus trious mkdieak-gentlenaeu who hourly recited 'the occurrences around - the J'ffsiJential coucb, the dojneatic drama cf the si.ct room, and the lofty magna niiuiiy and fidelity with which tbe mil- lions of Americans tendered their con 'f dulenceK, followed by the more stately pnif and sympathy of bending thrones. And so Saturday night has come bringing with it the eighth day of un- , IuiJdcss aud viiirj, waiting. la vain (bey have waited for that erect figure wlnvh two1 wetks ago accepted Abe fas tiualious of thof Elberon, aniT after- . rds bore 'lira" ii o-ffinchiogt', crest down the I't-niwylvania Avenue intent on revirwing the memories of those classic lirtllf which lie Lad Lonored and which !' Iih(1 honored biinK, and afterffards.mix . ini with the scholars at St 'Albans who xere consulting among themselves ilnus ior the progress of ' civilization : hamanity. ; There, was nothing-tirge-like or melodramatic in this week1 ' of solemnity; but tha-t gravity of gi-f ing which .betokened a great public; calamity. : : ' If the prayers of good and earnest men and women availed' in the courts ol medicine, if the silent wishes of the pxr and lowly were 'apprehended, if a ' people without distinction of party, or . sect, pr race hnd gained audienca, long .ago would vengeance have bet n visited on the author of this infamous crime - and the: President rcscud''from tbe jawsof the malady which has bound : him thus fari ' Ne believe tbe President will rcT cover. There isa fate that Is friendly to the strong of nerve and the iron will. Where one man Will die under the ef- lata of a given gunshotwound another wrultl live. Iui is protea over ana orcr by surgicalista'Ustica and prect- ilrnt. !AU circimatauces contnbutt to ha the resident to a vantage ground tvhere he wilt dreat the inalerolence . o( the vije wretch who shot him and at ile ame time attfics tbe great yearn lg' hesfrt of American people, j Of the Republican papers published io Nwrth Carolina are opposed to pro k'l'.'l 1. 1 " i'i li ei.i...:n..i b.b.iwn:) Amerlcan,,, al.Blatcsyille, V "North State,'' at jUreensborof "Repub- ncao," at Winston; -Carolinian," at Klitabeth City; utar," Goldsboro; wr,WilnlogtoI;, 'Lodge," Newbern; "Koterprtse," Goldsboro. There la a l-aprr publiabed at Ash ville called the "Ne w,? which is independent In poli tics, with Republican leanings, which U fijhtiDgv for preuibitin. Bt it will b aeen that everir square Republican and U advisioff everibody to Tote gaioitt prohibition. . "The . Wilmloitoo Sur " the ablest , conducted l and edited Democratic pa- per in tbe aUie opposed to prohlni-, tio.. and U making a gallant figbt 1.1 behalf of the titUu of the vtopU. We have receited a . great many let t rnunuinUten of dinVreat chnrcn a la this stale, endorel.g our article. n,W ib. cdurae of certain mln - - -r . . -r - .. . ..- ' jk-V. ..tl was aval traablca 'wlta add etUCU- I iv . u 1 WilurofTh. bowa that U b only a ailnoritj oT ttt AiaWtere who have quit tbe goapel lor WUIm. : !: . . ' . x - '.' ' f' ' Ut everybody step and oUt veil UUt he Tttea for tbe prohibition bill, rT ttv rr- : - - r ,tt wo g mm i wua . f . - . SJr. Ama gioat. fatnrHn-aw Mr. Jean May. U reputed to b won PRESIDENT GARFIELD. Further Accounts of his Sickness FfFTIl PAY- :? ".J- " ..p July .- . - THE rESIDEKT. Most comfortable at 850 poise less frequent, and. at 1 p. m. as follows: The condition" of the President con tinues quite as favorable as this mora ine pulse 100 -temperature 100-8 respiration 23. . j ', .j . ::: 2.30 p. on. The rresident hai eaten chicken broth expressed strong desire for! toast or oatmeal. . Cbance of re- PWJ S9S!i$&& more tban , even?- Btcondary hemorrhage or blood! pois oning might occur, abscess along Course of j ball. Introduced Nelleton j probe gently, inches. Saturday, tbree-and-a half ! . - i . r Geo. Wilson, Secretary New -Y-OTk Chamber of Commerce rctjuestcj rost master General James to say to Mrs. Garfield that tbe New York Chamber of Commerce has subscribed two hun dred and fifty thousand dollars to be presented to her, both as, a token o? their sincere esteem and sympathy, aud as a mt ans of relieving the mind of the President entirely! from anxiety with regard to tbe future of his family. ;K To this telegram Ppstmaster General James rrplied as follows: "Your dis patch hen been delivered to Mrs. Gair field. Ou the receipt qf it she re marker': 'There was so much that was touching and beautiful in the sympathy of .the people of tbe whole country that she did not dare to trust herself to think 6f :H.' ' Conkliujf to MucVeajju." Washisutox July 7. The follow iDg correspondence has passed between Senator Conkling and Attornpy Gene ral MacVeagb:. ; j ' I, Fifth Accnne "Hotel, 1 Juhj 5 My Dear Sir: In the abhorrence with which all. decent men alike shudderiat the attempt to murder the. President I have given thought, to a matter to which your nur.nuon may or may not have turned. Our criminal code treats premeditated, homicide i in all cases alike, irrcspective.of tbe victim; a mur der being visited by the greatest pen alty. Perhaps no distinction between one case and another could be founded on the public relations held bv the per son stulri; but in the case of an attempt to murder, broad distinctions can be made between, assailing the life of an individual and an . attempt to I take a life of special value to the. whole peo ple. The shocking occurrence of Sat urday, I think, demands that the defi mtion or puoisnment oi assaults at high Executive officers, whether sue- cessml or not, anouia oe maae tnor oughly rigtirous. The man who at tempts the life of the President, if mor ally responsible, f commits an offence which tbe nation ougnt to guard nation oueht to aeainst and punish by the exertion of I all the power civilized nations may em. I pioy. i sygceai os as aetprvmg con- aideralion. My profound sympathies villi in KrMinani : inn un all ni l tou every hour. The conflict of re ports keep hope and fear striving with: each other, with nothing stable except the faith and trust that the worst is over and passed. I wish you would express my deepest sympathy- In this hour, which snouia nusu an discords I field my most respectful condolence. Trusting" that all will be.well. Cordially yours, I i RotxE CeXKi.ixtj, KEi'LY. J j WAsiiiKoToN, joiy 7.-yM. Aoroe r::T; letter oi tne oin,wnicnna juinwmw, Iu ,ugXfitioni wiu carefully! ipinrni lur uui. wui& urns lues iwvvwu laddered, and IU kind message of j aympatby wiu be conyeyeu to me A'rea Robt. Rktbcbjt. . tttrriv k Mahioj. 8 P M. The I1reldeni'a condition contioae favor able. He baa passed a rery com ton able afternoon and has taken mora .,r.Sw ioi iwS SSS Uian on pcevtoo nay. m iiui tberw will be fnrther bnl- itin Mill hMMrnw snorvisr. t- - . EttXTITK MAjratox, a r. following telegram vat eeai by. ua at- "iSl 1 tXn?A J! :. I. Il..aiuill I M HK niicw er wcp w rjf: Uon; "and the adaUaitratka nnui- Va s1 a .pied for eevtral komrt Owenarterof a grain bla was adekuabtered hrwiermieally (at P. M- and wa fbitovtd at oaea j hf a tranqnU aleefw i k t Alter ii,MUiX:a i rr -71 , i wa mat w v w 1 a drenlaz vaa rtmo red there was oi i:-r: . M- : i i Tan record alsct Un ttkpaai iae".S, WkMacTeauh" lector, lor tne iniormauoa i u.uuC... Ma J. W. Goalen. of HWa Hqmt the Carolina, has conctadtd to remove opportunity. ..Wj , JflfISK j 3d Vic rreaideni; and, Jordan tlsUn, fro-thiTdty to Richmond, i FniDAY.July J 'wASutNOTO.D.u;june2t,l?SI. Stone, of Asbevllle G.W-, Secretary; hi neadquartcra beinS in the latter i. SiSlSiht W.P.CA5ADAY. W. a.d J. U. Ennia, of C. farmer, J. city. Oolonel Pof b bten a resident cce fayol C Decameron, hr WUn jxu- 108, temperetore 101.4, respiration 24. .Srin tthtter of the Aa- London, of aoOo-s nl, a E. tire community will regret the removal feigned) D.W Ir Tryfjt Jonca, of ChaxlotU Ohereer, and CX. T. of eo good citin. i r f ' I Wnnnl Br t I tu ivw -0 -r . v. , .- , .. ... 1 ... as follows: Yesterday, at 8.30 p.m. pulse 106, temperature 100.2, respira turn 23. This morning, at 8.3U a. m., poise 96, temperature 99.2, respiration At 1 p. m., it is pulse 1U5, tempo ratare 101.4, respiration 24. - r (Signetl) 1. W. ULiss, i J. J. Woodward, J. K. Barns, KOBT. BBYBUB3T. The prohibitionists are claiming all of the big men of the state. One would think, from reading their papers that everybody and the cook was in favor J it i t ' ii i qi me proamnion dim ana yet it is dot the ease ' You will see in their pa pers that Honorable Daniel G. Fowle, Honorable Daniel L.Eossell.Uonorable Joseph J. Martin, Honorable A. M. Waddell, and thousands of others are cjut making speeebes in favor of the bill' Yet it is not the case. There are a few men wb are ia fa vw of the bill from conscience motive?, and will ad vocate it. But it is hard to find a man, who believes in equal rights for all men, who will come out square in favor qf prohibition. The fact is, most of tie men wl o ad vocate prohibition do 83 without thinking of the great wrong 1 eiog done to thousands in their pri vate business pursuits; but some mem? er of their tainiiy is a drunkard, and they', believe that by prohibiting the s ale-if liquor tie stain will be removed. n otner words, tney are willing to de stroy thousands for the sake of person i,l gain. The prohibitionists all say that no re- pectable man would advocate antir prohibition. We are led by this to ask soch men as.Gov, D. S. Reid, Judge rurches, ex -Speaker Priced Senator's ance and Hansom, Cui. William ohnsob, Hon. W. A. Moore and reasurer Worth, to say nothing tf housaoda of others, are not ''' res"iecta- ie. p ' ''.-.'."::..-.1:-., Hon. G' A. Mebaoe, of Bertie eotin- :y, a state Senator for many yeara, and ne of the best colored orators in the tate," is going to canvass his county gainst prohibition.; He stanJ.i high' in the Society of Good Samarilanc of the jtate. He is the Tast Grand Chief ; tf ihe Granri Lodge To. 10. If e says Jertie county will go 1,2'J'J majerity gainst prohibition. I Rev. G. B. Farmer, the Elder in his "district,, 'expresses himself very much opposed to ministers having any- iction of certain preachers, concerning rohibitiorj, is bound to do great harm to the churih.' Rev. John W. Davis joins Elder Farmer in this opinion. I JEvery Republican who believes in jual right every true, man to 0e; in terest of the state, all who. accept the leconslruclion Acta as final, and all rho believe the colored- men are en titled to the same priveleses as the whites, before tbe law, wil vole jagainst Prohibition , Tbe, widow of the late Gen. Dockery of Richmond county, and mother of Col. Oliver H. Dockery, died at her residence on the 1st of J uly, laM Col. Dockery; has man eympatbu-M n iims section. wh.n n,;ni.i -.. i.u milniL in ti charge. Our advice to them all is to let politics alone. Church and state hould eycr be kept separate. i mi ' t IV Th Democratic papers are about eqaii, divided on prohibition, while RepuWicanrpapers are unitedly op, . - y pod to the bill. ... . . 77 ' We publish below a letter to the Lo.- plana and pectficaUor for the con- atrocuon oi a me aaviog iuuoo h Cape .Fear. a. p. togetner wun inc persons applying for them with a view, ni nrnnAui iar aiairiouiion to of kubeaitting proposals ncder the ad- terUsement of that date, I h "I . i nave loaav. pcrwns oe ua- ware!!.lVJ,.t,!1 the paioU aad oatiac iwed by lb Lift-Saviag i Miiwa ih BnpiiiBa ob nan ui Lit. i.i, M . :nTB.-1-'.tv--l 1 w - ' C 1 SJ Tre agtW Co.. X. loTand ! Nice aao- CT. lUyaoldj 4 Ut. 13 & per gallon, aad for tbe I T-fP yJZ. , . Verr rtpecifUr. -- . - - . .. General Superintendent. Gen. John B. Gordon left the Uaiud gtate Senate to earn a Kriig for his family. Ua aeeau to bar faaad prei- fair tmtcniat. witata aJUtn - 1 i, haadred 4 vntj-ix ai5 tou wUh ll?.WA opitaL every ma,c? .nVi ia ' ttjaul of whica b ared. ?trZj STATE Winatop" met;on Mondaj wk, and Judge Btarb-adr, Ker.Mr. Dodsoo, Ber. Mr. Bynunf, Judge Wflsoo CV B. Wat son and J. p.atpn were present and strong resolutions . were pasgetl denoun cing the attempt to assassinate the Pre-' ident of the United States. ' ; r Mr. I 8. Holt, of Graham, he ia interested in yarious cotton factories which' are 5fl6nrisninf, hai. 5ust;Jpeen north looking after machinery already ordered. There ia likely, i iwj to $150,000 or $200,000 - cofbn rtolH irf (neord. rthe; is$6O)O0 r$&&i taken up.- Thetuse Manaf&ctariBg Company at Swepsont illei t retentlj burned down,' estimated, at $200,000, insured ttonly46TSto fgiili at once, ' fjontained 4,uuu spmaies ana 168 looms, yarns and plaids. r r States ville Auieericah: ltu an open secret that ; editors of certain" journals in this'state are guilty of the culpable practice of preparing their Washington correspondence, bending it thence, and having it re-mailed to - them from the Federal city, containing statements and charges against opponents, and persons whom they may happen j to dislike, manufactured to order.- We can hardly conceive of a more reprehensible act in a Republican, more especially when a Democratic journal is made the chan nel for circulating tbe detraction, ' The Norfk Cgrtty; There was a tide of immigration here ten years ag6. A few remained hundred went away. And why? Prices suddeny "jumped up," and sales about as suddenly collapsed.- , It is to guard against a similar mistake that we throw out these aUg gcstions. "Bottom prices J must be as certained and regulated. ; Since the above was in type we notice that the "Produce Exchange'' on -Immigration, held at Wilmington on ihcjsOlh ult.,at which a plan to meet the jvery points we have called attention to was adopted. The "Land of the Sky" correspond ent of the Greenville Eajjt&, who has been over the dizzy Swanaanoa: The female portion of us were prepared for a "big scare" when they got to "Mud Cut" and the long tufioel,' and the high t resile, and the "wind around" when you ascend the mountains! on a grade t 150 feet to the mile, and go ten miles ia Kettipz three from tbe start ing point. They were mad with them- i selves after it .was all over to think that they were so completely carried away with the sublimity , of the j scene, with the ever chaogingand wonderful pano rama of nature's handiwork as to for- jret ail about danger. .. j m v Piedmont ; We learn that the commissioners to inspect jthe Western North Carolina Railroad, having made an examination, were favorably im pressed with the condition of the work, and that Gov. Jarvis and Treasurer Worth, a nuj-irity of jthe commission, agreed I) extend the time; for the corn- pletion of the Paint Rock Branch four that by the months. It is understood first of November the road will be com pleted to Paint Rock and Pigeon Rivt. Under the j contract the con tractors four years b finish the Ducktown brancw. wb;cb It ia now un dcrstood they propov to complete within that time, '..v The North. CaroliaaiPresa Associa tion met at Salem-Winsnon, a couple of weeks ago and elected jS. A, Ashe, of R-wfc Obstrrl Preaident; B. i i . N. Crcesy, EL'iabdk at conmul, lat Vice President; J. S. Bradahaw. of AshborT, q,, Vice Preaident; Committee. Ex-Gev. Uplden delivered ... .Mt bdo. -rb Ubtorr of . 'K . u' i w. I S- A. Ashe "on the people af North Carolina and tbe duty of tbe prees to- i ik.. ' Whatever people nuy nava no j - voieAhr CosmU.U U certain they i . KL . know bnt UtUe anoni tate one waicn now aanst ont near the pole star In the I , " i niibL headed wrstward and Uavtlior. I it ia 31.000,000 milts froa ut earth. and it tail, called hair by Tycbo Crake. Is at Was 25,000.000 aaQc long. Soue people w u atrononucai sort, Uink It Is the same comet which rawed along oar sky In lfcV, 71 ytars er, AUcosnet that ettf ar wear kwg to the adar stt-S and are ckB - JrM ef oar rx8KnikarolntUcd mhlt km with t nam. i a-axi reiat htw 1 ma u tbe en. caStl tknk3y Innr t f w Mr. E. E. 8mitb, the editor of the , vm. juntv f m- 0rvi ;uvihuvvi Goldsboro, which has nearly 2,000 sub scribers, writes to the editor of the Post, in which be says be shall from this time out do all he can against the prohibition bill. Mr. Smith is one of the first men in the state among the colored citizen?; bis well known ability is acknowledged and admired' among all classes of pur people, and he sup ports, tbe action of the State Republi can Committee in opposing prohibition frond ft pure and patriotic motive. . Too muich 'praise cannot be bestowed on Eucb men. ..j , '.'; ?4 ' I OFPICE CAfcOLU A JiSTERPEISE. ) - GoiiDSBOKO. N. CL, U f t i -i : vs -'-. Jnly 6tb, 1881, . Hon. W. P. Canaday: " v 1 ' I' lWiLMlKGTOST N. O: ; o;a-? J-f I My Dkak Sir: Constantly since I ciTrfersed with yot( relative td oar posi tion on the prohibition question, and after thinking the - whole matter oyer carefully, my conclusions are, let tho consequences and results be what they may, to me individually,'! have a duty to perform; therefore I have determined to pull of my coat, roll up my sleeves and enter the campaign in behalf of tbe action of the State Committee, and shall do all I can Against the prohibi tion bill '" Let me her from vou. - Obediendy, your Friend, k - i ; K. R Smith, Editor. t- A urcat Euterprisu. ' The Hop Bitfers Manufacturing Com pany is one of Rochester's greatest bu siness enterprires. Tbeir Hop Bitters have reached, a sale beyond all prece dent, baying from their, intrinsic value found their way into almost eyery household in the land. Graphic. ; The Edcefield Monitor credits Wade Lott with saying.. "Members so to the Legislature in the winter time when they can do nothing at home, and re ceive five dollars a day for their servi ces "but they pass, laws requiring us to leave our crOps in June to serve as jury men, allowing us fifty cents per day I'll be doggoned if its right." err r items. Chew Jackson's ' Best Sweet Navy lv Tobacco. 1 The Couuty Commissioners met on last Monday afternoon, but adjourned without transacting any business until to-morrow, the 11th inst. V , t The Directors of the Wilmington & Weldon' Railroad Company have de clared a semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent on .the capita1 stock ot t he Corn- any, payable on and after the 15th nst.. ..- . . ' ; ;- Henry Day is colored, an old rcsi-i dent of Myrtle Grove sound, died at that place on Tuesday last, aged about 78 years. He was a prominent man among his people and was esteemed by the whites for his probity and worth. He was at one time a member of the Board of Commissioners and Pilotage. Monday morning while the schooner Bachaei Jane was being taken on the Empire Sectional Dock a young Ger man sailor, about 21 years of age, step ped into the river between the sections and was drowned. We learn that the untortnnate young ma?' parents, who reside in New York, were notified of his death. ; ; There were some twenty bii. re ceived by Col. Brink for carrying the Wrightsville mail. They were not opened here but were forwarded ; to Washington City. In a day or two the service will be awarded, and the U-4U will be pa( on. Tbe carrier will leave bout 8:30 o'clock a. m. and return late in , afurDOOD. We are sorry td learn t nU a Pope, General Passenger Age. ,f lh. Associated Railways oi Virginia ana Uog the Directors of the Duplin Canal OosBpaay wa held in this city on Wed nesday iat. ; . -ti; V The work pou tbe canal is to V? re; mated, sl trvt to be nude by tluicieg with twelve feet head of water. The President hat directed to bare coUectioa nude. ' Jacob Smith, sir , was elected Di rector far Dentin in puce f J. W. &. I The rae wr ua WrihtariUa I eoom, betwe. the yachts of the Car- I Ua Yacht Cab, oa Ike Vwrth, iu J one) wukeil aa uitrcu. anexw I were, roe pan: i rely, wy ir mtsosm I na ti Vwk. The fSic yaciu - l eniered; rmi Le, Itn. 1 Flirt and Ri-pl. j t Th ILtri ta men 4 tie I Ifrrt tmrJ wA tl laSat brr and iudran tne Ik now Tht iul GUd went UtaasbUnwrfUeer- lnftl.nirtadl 'ei&tnMts IstssUae, i We are glad to hear of the safe arri valof the schooner Mary Bear,4 Cap t. Chad wick, which cleared for Baltimore on the25lh ttlL. J ' I Pursuant to a call; froa the Chair man, a meeting of merchants and others was held at the Produce Exchange .Wednesday morning, lor the purpose of organizing the Immigrants' Friends' Society of Wilmington nnder the plan ! .. 1 ::"-:: ". ; ui inqorporauon.- r t ; . The annual meetings of. the, Society will be held in this city, on' the first Tuesday ia June of. each' year .at the r ihe election of officers was hejd with the following resulti V ; 7 ' " " 1 PrcsidentHenryulC ' "-V ! Secretary-Walker Meaws:;3 sr'. I Board of Directors jkiez Spun"rB P WorthP W Clar andPA J De, A meeting of the newly eiected Com- misioaera or Navigation and Pilotage was held last Tuesday. Tie new Board is composed of Messrs. Jas. H, Chad bouru, D. Mcllae, D. G. Worth, H. B. Eilersand James.Sprunt, representing Wilmington, and Messrs. Geo. M. Ci pon and Edward F. Daniel, represent- ing Smithville. :i . ' . i , " Mr. D; G. Worth wa? elected tempo rary chairman and Mr. James Sprunt secretary of the meeting. Mr. Jaa. H. Chadbourn was re-elect ed, by acclamation, chairman of the Board for the ensuing term.5 Tho oflice of Clerk and Harbor Mas ter was consolidated and Capt. Joseph Price, the present Harbor Master, we a unanimously re-elected. s Messrs. D. McRae and GeoJ M. Cra pon were appointed a committee to re vise the present rules and regulations of the Board, and on motion the rules then pending were continued in force until the revision takes effect. - : -. , - It was ordered that the Clerk and Harbor Master direct that the licenses of the pilots and those of their appren tices be renewed before thf 31t of De cember. Messrs. O O. Morsi 'John Adkina. and Joseph Burruss were requested to act as a ooaru oi examiners ot appren tices for the ensuing year, v? " Commissioner paniels was requested by the Board to take charge ot the means of reporting correct and regular soundings on the bar, which he con sented to do. h ' , Citizkns' MkiImj. At a meeting Aus, 1IT-.tW w. iuq v. ca vS Monday last. his Honor the - Mayor called the meeting to order, and stated the object to be to take public action in reference to the assassination of the President of the United States. On motion of M. P. Taylor tbe. Mayor was elected chairman and Capt. Jno. Cow an was elected' secretary; At the re quest of the chairman the meeting was opened with prayer by the - RerDr. Wilson. Oa ' motion of J. I. Macks a committee of seven wi appointed to draft suitable resoluilons. -The chair annohncca the following as the com?' mittee Hon A M Waddell, chairman', Henry Nutt, S H Fithblate, J ESamp-' son, Henry Taylor, J I Macks,' Alfred Howe, f 1 -.. The committee, through their chair man .Colon el A M Waddell, reported as follows: . Retolrl. 1st, That our country re ceive with the profouodest grief and horror ' the 1 uli ience ot the attempt to waasinae tbe President of the Unt ied utiles If it were only a valuable human lift that bad ' been stricken down n crime so foul, deliberate and dastardly would o'emaod and receive the sternest denunciation. Bat in the time of profound prate, in tbe lull of party conflicts and in the restoration of na- !nal concord. lh hd f th mmm. f.tJL.v fHea beneath the hand of isiLri. uV V-dly Mow at peace, liberty, law, ,v , bold most dear and prfcl'" Jfil tbe shadow of so grwtt a; calawL . ' A . . a f :- w? loraei rerimioa; cxcepi uaai we are American citizens. : - EtiolttL 2J, That Ibis day. eouecr- ted Jo liberty, aad comaeaorated with rejoicing by the people, baa been tamed iaxo a day of snonrning and solemn re flt5oo for every cot ciux . J .'rnrrt, 3d, That ta tb Utly of tbe IVeaident we offer oar deepeet, ua derea fjmjuauie in Uic, nor common mUfanaae. d we earneetiy prf tt th Raler of the t'ai vera wtUta merry par the Uf eo dar ta tbm, and new no UralcaU to tki conatry. - Hon. W. P. Canaday nvared un a deptioi of th rrport, which was wnan inMosly carried. 1 lirr. Dr. Wtiaoa aaovtd ual a copy of tnereeolationa be fcrwardel t ue crttary of Sutt Wa!9tQn, U. C Carried. On motion the mertier adiouned, TV rtsoSatioat wtm tdexrapiei U lid. Jam O. Culne, SecrrUry l ?uie; WAIr-o. IX C, hr Haw. JL M- WaddeH, Cnalmaaa f tW Cmmfr a. . jTkn sneeUng n nrf lrjt e, nwUkusdx u hA Oit Ot city and been alamrt lrlX Vy dm eaadn nf tdenaarn ane keea. . ' W lurvw ne seen Cm nVee tieM fUaSed I mij f ti-t Tfr :. - - .A CAUD. : -, We have fifty dollars left with us to bet that the Male 'will go 20,000 majority against Prohibition. Who will take it T Gas is good, bat i money talks.; ; ed, rosT, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WfliinflOD&Welioii-BailEoaiCt. 'A I. , "' ...... ... f , -, ' TBSA8 tTKKK'9 OFriCE, ; , - WlLMlKaTO.K.CJuly latilWl. . rl?",?IRACT0RSr U Wilmlnjfton I Wtldon R. Compaay have tbia d&r Per cent, on Uwt-aiHUl Htock, payable at ine office of tbe Treasurer, en the lilh or yWSlto all who are Stock holders of rwrd oo the llouka f the Corapny on tho 1 lrtnefJaly. 4. w . TuuAircon. bect'y and Trees. i I- OXFORD. N. C aetau athtniitu'ii ni Kf...H.k ?JS?xt.8C8lfa lu 1st Monday whft5I!iVii?Kiewtlw m. bwetoiori f ne building are new and commodious ana uie beat educational advantages In all tJ!PPuln?eDU tl' achool are pro ?Td:uClouU netalnlne twtlmoalale end other particulars lurnUhed on mpft Lost. ON MONDAY NIGHT. JULY 4TH ' MARY KRAJfCIH jiiNu i 1,.V.kJ Offer tie reward for the delivery or said irlrl w n' on un, between Sih and 6th streets. . " l'ifrmiu wm ,ee nign. color, ran. latto.- All persors are hereby forhii . tr. harbor her. - nerebjr ? forbid to tajiA wra. joiy ion . TKE4SIISY DEfAKTMKNT. I .S. Iill'INlriieriH.Dni... OlSKX OkG.NIBL 81 rKRINTKSfDK5T. . WAsnrsu-ruN, D. C, June Iti, istf. Proposals for the Construction of AiUe-sn.Tin btation at Capo Fear, N. C... .Tf"..?uo? WP r ear, N..C. MiddcrB V:t? ,u "Jf" Proi08ai lite time wlthiu I Which they l acreti tn liava IK. l.ni I. n., completed ready lr occupancy. . . , nu" oo aocompaninl by a bond r In the aum olloeo, with two rood ami nun- cleot sureties conditioned that the bld.cr hall enter Into contract without delay and give auch bonds as security for the fal thiol V E?T?.rPLnce th'rfof my be required, ir j hla bid be accepted; or by a depn r ku 1 U. 8. currency, or bonds, to be returned to '" uuHUooesKful bidden aTtar th A, , k eoutract, and to thecuocetoiul bidder after - " hie eon tract and bond tor the faithful 'iter- ? rormapce of the term thereof, Khali be an- proved by the Bccreury of the Treasury. I ocincatloua ana pluna and fo or4 proposal, contract and bond, cau bo ob- g uUncd attheomceof the Collector or )u. ' toina at BaltUnuj-e, Md.. Norfolk. Va Wll- nilngtno, J. v., aud upon appilcaUou to " tlila oQU-e. . ' All proposals must be endorKcdrronoit V for theoouatrueUon ot a Ufk4savlee; UtaUon nt Cape Fear, N.C.". and addrvMd to the I Oenerol fiunertntendent. Ignited Hiatea 1 J'vta 6ervlee, Wahlpvr. D.C. i waive oeiecia. u deemed foTthe b-t intrr- eata of tho Uoverninent, In rcucrved. June27;3t General KuperluUndr.nt . S Bicluioni ant Fcterslmrr Railroad Co. OOMMKNCINO Kuudar. JU.NK 12, lj. J train on lb I road iu run followe. , I.EAVK RICUlIOItU-jHlUTII. V'- ' -. ':""' V . . V 3.WT. Kat Mall dally, aaakce throng ti . . cennecllona fbrUavannah. Htou only at fetentmrg. rullma llaluee Meeplnc tare brtweeu Mil ford. Vk. an. I Ph.rllr.. U.iO.A. M Ibiwwh Matt, dally eonnect- "I or naieign.cnanaatue, Au- : MU. Alkee.MaTaaiiab. Jack aoavllle. tilope at Hbupa, Lltca. Ur, CeatraJta, lrewry Bton. onlgnai. full man hierprr be t ween New York and Chat Icvtoa i . ee Utta train. ?. K' t'rtt Daily (eierft Haday. ttUA. M rmght dally (escort rmadai. LCAYK rtTEJWBUIUl-.NUMTII. Feat Mall daily. bltw un) at ! Ctiester. I'Bllnna Mwm. bt.' tweea Cbarleaae-i aad Mtitor.: ; A. rretbt dwlfy fexcept fcendayt. ! a: til. Tbroofh Mall daily eoajnrui Wltb KiebBKMid. trrwdertrkaaaia and fowwae Kaitrvad fur Mii poiata eaat mml v Aim ta. Iwcewaerttow with Chaaay i t aa Oftlo iLailrwad lor the lr. (lata Kcrtaca aad alt pot ate ? !. TfcU train atop, at Ma4rbr,ra4-r aad l traits, rwlimaii hlrp-rv fMbetwe Cttarltwiea. aad) Mew York . ArM, rretabl, dally 'irfH Keay.l hateiae h&39 rer rom,vrrkam M aa4 leaa tUcnaavTlP ee sawi, ay rln All train leaytae ti . iroea the ArT'aiw Iwawt. ert , t VUVWMI iMIM Wve i'Mtf mk tum A. M-aaa f. u. Ue HTera at ua am- and ua 1. at. , - T.fK KUr. a. rtr,u. r. n t. ask CAJtOUXACXarTBALHAllJiOAK COTAL rAHiOGUt I'tTARf ItOT ' viLwUrcTfj?. X. Mat avwt; Excursion Tickets AU. M-ACX3 cr tOCT IS TWu i wf Jtrib a ImirSb tit. ia.i3 Ve we aCe 4 lb Ue V Ui Cr7- e and -Vt J tte i ia.!w.t MM "Va miil we m ai. v ItaMI .ai".anMiii laitiat aa axa a las. I. T.aaMKM,.r.J kn uvuuuju wii.il ill ii tuarv nmtnfiaiinn HO&NKtl. lTlnclms. Til. v. J ASM UN l rhJ.. Uerman, .Wenh, Ueaaraphy. and O thUofflee until Thursday. the Hlh day Of July. 1.SM. for the mnUrni-ll,.n ..r in' v. mm . . . u 4 pi- ! 'L: 't . ' v.. -if-

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