x ' i H II I !P2v - i : 'ii ill ii m"y i i volume xn. V I LMINGTON POST 1 lO.VIKREU wvT THE To V 1 TON N. 1'., A3 ij 5TOFFICE AT Seoond Class M AITKR RATES Or ADVERTISING. Fifty eeiiU per line for the first in- rrlim and twenty-live Cents per line hr each additional insertion. Latest. When the I'rcsiqent was at his worst, i Mtretary Jame telegraphed Ir. Haro ild.n al New York 16 come on at once. A SDt cial in in was put at the disposal ,i lr: II a'lntUon, and he started at 3X)'J l M., an4-it to Thiladelphia at Ihe liifak-iieck tpecd of 1.42 minutes. He found Ir. Agnew on the platform at riiladelphia, rushed on, leaping bridges, diving through tunnels, having xclusive control of the road and darted through the VathiDgton tunnel and iuta Hie station where the President whs shot, in -1 hours and 12 minutes froin Jersey Llty. j. Dr., Bliss took.them at the Depot into his own carriage, and thy flow to tli? White Jlouse at great (.ccd. There wa3 15 minutes lost by Hlopiag&, in all, Irom Jersey Uity to Washington, jjlowjDg down at five hiiilges,-. acd '"ihey cat their dinners, prepared for them on the cars, while flyinting through gulches; switching around curve?, rattling across bridges. The dLamite .quesiion is making tjuitc a little stir. ' Our Minister to St. '.I;imif, Mr. James Rus-sel Lowell, states iti at representations haye been made lo hilni1 that infernal machines have liirii iliipjied from Boston to Liverpool. M ):i the other hand Secretary Windo'm Ins giyeu htrict injunctions to, us the utmost Vfl'orla to detect the i m porta-tioii-oi' these dynamites to Boston, New " Vt rk, aud other lare importing Amer nan cities. : . : :! . V:,::: The N. Y. 7(7 A states that a terrible iM ciijeiit occurred to Harry -Abbott, at Wilon, New Hampshire. He was on the jicp of a load of hay and fell, stri - kino iipoa the point of a sharp stake whis1 . ym h ciiU-itd his Hide, making bo se- a wound as to cause his death in w hours, lie was a sou of Gen. rv J a iVbbott, of the Engineer ' a A Iff i C'or h, now in charge of the works at Willard'a I'oint. I'.' ' " , There has been a-revampiog of the niy-ttery that the tec jml colony sent by . lUleigli to lloauoke Island had joined tho Uroitahs, aud left blue eyes among them, iii, the absence ol the fleet. It '.wccnv.t that "Powhatan scut a force and slaughtered all the colony hut seven, 'and took, them tolwork in the copper miucs f -the Indian King ir the back . eountry. They taught the savages some pi Ihe arts of civilization, such as build ing bauiej iviih uTore than two stories, and married their squawr; When John , Smith landed on the James river in l(.(r, rowhatau killed ;them without reaspin It is said that thU revision o ' Ihe roatan fable is taken fwmnTheJis , ('.tiit' of Tntiuillt into Virginia firitmia I'll William XfractitijSnTttar'jof Ihe Colo , nj,:' and not published until 1819, and Mien Jy theHnlkoyt ( Hakluyt) o-; mty, ludpn. ( ; I he Iri.-li ?and bill went iLroughj tbo jl ue vf Ctt:non, -kiting, Iotd' I him li ill wade an rxtiatigaut speech i-Kijunt Mr1. 01ad5tone, in his hap-' 4'U-t mood ridiculed him and the d lnUv rati into a desultory discussion, hu Mr. William Shaw paid a high tubatc to Mr. (.iladstone, the Parnell Hc abstained from votiDg, and th bill through the Huiiset 220 to 14. It real a lust time In the House of Iihls amf put over till Monday Tbia Gbo the cud, prwWblr, of the Irish controversy. - ' . ; , ' l .U-isUui Secretary of the Treasury 1 reach leaves to-morrow for Massachu- and New Hampshire. On Au. he will "rueet the Treasury Catt'e . Lic musion at Saratoga, wher aeon Iftence will be held. Aulstanl Secrt ljr ljlou U expected at the Depart- tuvni-carty thU week. , . t. oloutl John C Burcb, SetrtUrj of the L niVcd States Senate, who has bees ill for aome time, with organic disease of the heart, died at his residence tin Washington Ut wctk. Uemains' of Secretary Burt:h to be taken to Ten aese.. The pil-bearer were Sena ton Blair, of New Hampshire, Jonea, ' , r Nevada, lugb, of Alabama, BaUer, t f Scuth Carolina, Johnston, of Vir tiaia, Col, BtlshU Serjeaat at Arma, ' CU IVyion, Kxecutlte Oerk, and Cpi, lUmrt Aielstaat Serjtaol-at caator Bn; Hill U sick i'o JeffexMa UoPiui, rhiUJelphia,hatlBC had ; uaccr temoTtd rMa aouih. uhtlioma U U techoieal use lor Ute (jtmatluo, and U la ctttatd hytx tIveamokl8i, pecUllj:oa iipe, Utuv William L. Bobertaoa hat ta kta oath aa4 eatefetl apoa th da- THE PRCGIDENT 1 ' ;.' July 8 80 A M. The President ejoyed a refreshing sleep daring the grettef part ot the nieht. The lisht febrile rise like that of yesterday afternoen had subsided. The midnight and ihla morning in all particulars obserraole, is an improvement. :- I k:- " "Tuesday, July. 2. . 8.30 Pulse 102, temperature, 98, piration 18. . 10 A. M. Dr. Agnew eaid there had been but one operation. 1 P: M. -Cclonel Rockwell, whej si com from the Preaident'l chamber, ays the patfebtfls resting very com fortably, and he considers hat he u doing as well as conk) be expected der the circumstances, j In response to a question whether there had been or would be any further, ' operations per formed on the President, he said, "No, there has been but one operation, and, judging from the present indications we do not anticipate that any more will be necessitated," Continuing, the Colonel saidat the morning dressing of the wounds the surgeon took seve ral 'small pieces of bone from the wonnd, which wele supposed to be from the fractured rib. At 2 20 p. m., nothing had been d( ne but to remove two or three little por tions of the fractured rib which ob struct d the flow of pus. , j i OFFICIAL BULLETIN. , ! Executive Mansion, July 26, 7 P. M. The President has done well dar ing the dayr At the dressing of the wound after the morning bulletin Was issued, a displaced spiculue of broken rib, about half an inch long,, was re moved, and the track of the wound at this point was dilated and a larger drainage tube inserted to facilitate the discharge of pus. Since that - time he has had several quiet naps, and .taken more nourishment than -in any of the last five dys without gastiic irritatipn. When the wound was dressed this evening the discharge of healthy pus was satisfactorily abundant. At noon his pulse was 10G, temperature 03.4, temperature 100, respiration 22. (Signed) 1). UoiKiES ANEi D. W. Bliss, V;, J; K. Barnes, J. J. WooiWARi, - . J Kokt. Re YI UBN. At 11 30 P. M., the President had slept half an hoar and woke relreshfed There was a slight febrile rise late the afternoon, and at the evening in am mm ion his temperature was 100 .7. It s on subsided, however, and at hour, 1 1.30 P. M.. his temperature and respiratiou . are normal, his pulse is below 100, and he is sleeping quietly and soundly. His condition is thought by Ihe attending surgeons to be mire favorable than at any time since he chill of Saturday: morning. f ' his coNiirrioN ixitkovinu he ix FKL HIMSELF AS FEEIJMi BET- iTKH OFFICIAL UlLUVriN. Executive Mansion, July 27,-8 M. The President slept ! sweetly last mgni irom about 8 r. si. too A. al.. with but a single break of a ihort ju ration at 11 r. M. Since 5 o'clock this morning he has dosed quietly, awaken ing at intervals. There have been no rigors, lie takes his nourishment well. and bis general condition is improving. He express himself as : feeling better and mere rested. Pulse 91, tempera ture 9S.4, respiration IS. (Signed) D. W, Bliss, : J.K. BAKSES, J. J. WOODWAKO. ROBT. RkYBCRN. , D. UODOEU AtiNEW At 12.30 P. M., pulse 00, tempera ture . 95.4 resptration 18, onna dressed jast after first-bulletin. Pu healthy. " j I j ;; UFFtUAk BULLKT15. ; ; Executive Maxsiox, Jnly 27, 7 .jr. M The President ia reetiag quietly. He has bea able to take mora nourish ment to-day than for several dare past. and up to the present hour has had no febrile risa of temperature. UU wound has just been dressed. It looks well. and has continued to discharge healthy pus la a uSdent quantity during hs day. His pube U bow 96, teesperatura M.5,replraUou 20. , ! V s D. W. Buss. J. K. BAJLSKS - J. J. WoodwawI fioar. Brrac&y. Secrtury ol State BlaiM has seat two eacearartat cables to JJiaMer LoU-ee at 1 1 U. sad eaa atjll P. H. The iaproTeeaeat toespicneus, At dose of bulleUas to-day, avtrT thief faToraoM. ; orncuL autxTTtx Exsarm JUxao, Jar a, a. M.-The Presideat rested a dariaj the althl, and bo rlor or ftbrile dis tarbasce has occurred sftaca the W&ttla WTLLMINGTON. NORTH the improvement of his general condi tlon is distinctly percepuale. its ap pears, refreshed by the night's rest, and expresses himself cheerfully a to his condition. Pulse 92, temperature 98.4, respiration 18. j iSlgned) F. H. Hamilton, D. W. Bliss, J. K. BAXNE8, . J. J. WOOBWAJU), , ! ROBT. RETBTJBK. " 11 A-M. President better than at any time since he was wounded. He was moved carefully across the hall to another room, while the carpet of the former sick room is taken up, the rood cleaned, a fire built in it, so that ven tilation is secured and"the room puri fied. . :; :.. fyxk. Oacial Preaideat bora UTessifig -of wonnd with less fatigue than hitherto; Washington,' 3 uly 28. The follow ing has been sent: ' . : ; Lowell, Minister, Lond3n:--At 1 o'clock P. M. the President's condition is very encouraging. Everything has gone well with him since my dispatch of last night. l) OFFICIAL BULLETIN. j . EXECUtivE Manbion, July 28, 7 P. M. The President has passed a pleas ant day and has taken nourishment with apparent relish. His temperature continued normal until about 5 o'clock, when a moderate afternoon rise oc curred which, however, gives the pa tient but slight discomfort and causes no anxiety, At present his pulse is 104, temperature 100.5, respiration 20. (Signed) F. H, HAMILTON, D. ,W. Bliss, J. J. WOODWARD,. J. K. Barnes, " Robt. Reyburn. 11.30 P. M. Slight febrile rise about 5 P. M. Pulse 104, temperature 100.5, then fell and fever dissppeared. Nor mal temperature. - Moved back to re freshed room. OFFICIAL 'BULLETIN. I- i Executive Mansion, July 29, 8.30 A. M. Immediately after the evening dressing yesterday the President's af ternoon lever began gradually to sub side. 1 He slept well during the i.'ghts and this morning- is free irom fever, looks well and expresses himself cheer fully. No rigors have occurred during the past twenty hours, oor, indeed, at any time since the 25th inst. A mode rate rise of temperature in the after noon is to be expected for some days to come. At present nis pulse is a-, tern- perature 98.4, respiration 19. (Signed) ; ! F. H. Hamilton, : D.'W. 1SL1SS, . - J. J. WoODWARt, j. K. Barnes, Robt. Reyburn, ll.f0 A. M. Juice of roasted beef. As an experiment the surgeons have also given him a small quantity of la Tartar beverage, known as Koumiss, which is in great repute, among the Cal mucks of southeastern Russia, as a nutritious and slightly stimulatinc drink. Koumiss, as prepared by the Tartars, is a thin whitish fluid with a milky taste, and slightly pungent flavor, and is , made ty distilling mare's milk while it is undergoing the process of fermentation. It has great reputation in southeastern -Europe and western Asia, not only as an Invigorating stim ulant, but as a nourishing food, and a large establishment, popularly known as "Koumiss Cure," was founded on the Volga river near Samaria, a few years since, and yiaited by invalids from all parts of Russia, j - 12 30 Bore the dressing of wound well- , official bulletin. Executive Mansi on. 'July 29, 7 P M. The President hss been eomforU- hie and cheerful during the day and has had quite a nap since the noon bulle tin was issued. The .afternoon febrile rise came ou later, and was not so marked as yesterday. Tha wound has been discharging freely and looks well at present. , His pulse is 93, tear pern io re 100, res pi ration 20. j (Signed) K. H. Hamilton. , 1). W. Buss, ' J. J. WOODWABIV J. K. Barnes, y Host. Ret burn 110. P. M. Improved' coadiUoa. Slight increase of physical strength. Free and perfectly healthy discharge of pus at evenlnj dressier. luUa kas than 100. Surgeons i report coadltloa every way satisfactory. Tha HaMheater (K. U.) JKrer is filled itk gtlel becaaaa Ua stale fcf bLUnre, wakh rtossea Uheet a word of pretesi 7.000 let ihe lap of the QorerBor to waste oa a Verktewn teekeL and wkkk U tuuaSy liberal wUh Bearly ttery athar scnose licriBc the Treasiry of any tor re- cask, talks and assies and healUleaT ver raislaf the salary of -the Saperln- iMsdaal al rublit; lastracUoa nuni tlOO to tl, W, la etder ta cever tfca GOLmM Vl0.1JULY 1881.' There has been sort Of iviae spirit of arace abfut the prabihiUonhds down to the jumping off phtcefta nextrknrs- dsy, that it wasdiScfllt : ta endnrcrr. That the proWbkioJii VFroprixte to ttemsdyei alt the firtae,xU tact sane- Uinonioua less4aeMdes,Ukt -til dyed in the wool DetcocnU ssed . txwear, whenever-they wenkkonl to exfetetre the Jpublieaua.---tia"ewC !ea pet-B8Sn aod issr",,sTUi tkdr own c-fax.lseU-tiiSedciap'ccsngy, is true. How it came aboutthat Ca pre hibitioaists hire fxxoptel tw'tbea tetesalLthj feepectaUifjltloirwl the antfcpibrUouistatobeateeoad- hasd. rummy-faced teL only r toCie aware he weuldnH aariir through CcJTray Olisi famous in the lafr eentnry, YtBcry. we doat yet understand. The process of reaaoninf seemed well enoogh when! such ! saintly visages as Merrinton and JIobTahco were con templated. But Whan Jaryis. en-Con gressman Bobbins, andtbil sotf, were encountered the reasoning was at fault.1 But when they went driwlina; and Pharisaical, thanking God 'they were not as other peoplel . were, it did not look right. : ; I . ' . But we are-through and the hypo crites were on one side, and the better part of the human' race on the other. The best of the case is with the "antis," the : best of the argument, as ; against the wretthed bill which was put before the people, rotten jwith the defects which csmel Of incapacity, trickery, chicanery. Ve look to see the infa mous measure! TOtid I down, by a large majority. If it is imposed upon ' the people it will die of its own deficiency, and its bad smell in the nostrils of an outraged people. i ASfTI-PnOHlBITIOA 1TKM8. The Statcsviile American notices: A Joint discussion upon prohibition took 5 lace at Mooresville, las, lbursasy. V. S. Ball, Esq., and Maj. W. M. Rob- bins, lor, ana judge rarcnes against the law. Some 2,000 peraoBs were es timated to b .present, music being supplied by the Mcorisville band. Mr. Ball opened the debate, chiefly dwell ing upon the legal aspect of the law, defended its constitutionality, etc. Judge Furches followed in an address of more than two hours, incisive and ogisai, wearing Air. jmii, as it was tx- pressed to us, to a "frazzle," and "soli tary and alone." on his side, stood champion. of the field. At 5 o'clock. Myor- Keeoins toos, the stamt. -taaoel n emoitonsi auaress ior me women and children, and a few others who had rt tnaiaed, the majority having departed hen Judge lurches closed. A correspondent from -Anson says that anti-prohibition is increasing every day, and that the county will go anti- prohibition by a two-thirds rote. Pro hibition be says is a ruin and a curse to the people, and it is best to kill it off on the 4tli of August.! - A corrcMriident writes from Scott's Hill: The 4 h of Aueust will settle prohibition if not definitely at least for while. Your correspondent can com prehend. As t,he time for the election approaches the canvass waxes warm, but prohibition is gaining no flavor in this section. Every thought to gain votes is resorted to, but the arguments put forward by! these pious fanatics fall with the same effect upon the multi tude, that pouring water does upon a deck's back. Prohibition is in the hands of a set that are tireless and In satiable chape, asked for the liquor laws. who have twice before passage of proh bltory But he thinks they can do nothing now more than before. We regret we have not space 'for all that our friend; writes, but "up and at Ihem" is the word at this lata period of ! the canvass, aad not too long letters. A. J. Stanford, writing to the; editor, says he has been la the past a prohibit tionisf, but the people are turning anti so fast around him, that be hss coadu- ded te make eae of their bu saber. Wf coegratulate Mr. Stanford on his good judgsBent in returning to kls otd.hoae, tha Republican; amrty: We have always looked upen Mr. S. as a stalwart Be- puDUcan, and we shouw oe exceeduig ly sBortifled to1 see kia joia errry aew party that ceases along. (coxxicatxd, A saeetiax of the roters of Grant township aaseabled to dtsensa tke pro kibiUon Ult, organised by electiag efii Hirasa Sdbwry eras elected ckalr and Oeorge Klxan t,Ab nddrca was sand by Ur. Allied Lloyd on Ue aiU bow bcJbre the peo ple, wkkh dcaJtsaarya kardblowto Ue loUewerse UebO the great tValte ef Ue kd TaeBmurs was a saccxaa. and yon aaay aaftry count on the fa3 Cryba- emrete VtUs temibKft cntt Mm Jaasea C;Crasts,at rreaeai LaBdnsi ArmJL saocerii Jaa T. Ci an jLxtax or u Lew xanJts- J cnrrAcira op th sbhatje. The sadden death of Hon. John j G. Burcb, the Secretary of the Senate, auts how few there hare been. Ur. Burch: was' born in Georgia in 1826, gsaduaUd at Yale College in 1847, was admitted to the practice of law, entered jthe newepaper business as editor, served durirx' tke : war on taff' dnty, mostly an . General Pillow's Forrest's and Tithers. ; In March, 1879, was elected Secretary of the Senate. He leaves a wife and aix children. . M :. : ' :; jThe names' and ' terms of oface as giren inv Tinman's Dictionary of Con gress, art, Samuel Allyne Otis, of Mass, Her was a brother of the celebrated orator of the Revolution, James QUs, aa xauwr mt me tacw uamsoa i ell Boston men; Cbas. Cutte,' of New Hampshire, elected in 1811 and served eleven year; Walter Lowrie, Penh, elected. 1825, served 11 years? Asbury Dickens, North Carolina, was a mem ber of Congress id 181Gr'17, and elected Secretary of the Senate in 1836, and served', till 1561 j .25 .years.: He waf succeeded by, John W. Forney, of Penn., who' held the office 7 years, when he was succeeded by George C. Gorham, of California, Who was. elected June 4, 1868, on the resignation of Forney, and was in turn succeeded by Burcb, March 24, 1879. . V V Forney and Gorham are the' only aarvivors of the 7. Otis and Dickens served 25 years, Cutts and Lowrie and Gorham 11 years, Forney 7 years, and Burch two years. Three died in office, Otis DickenSjBurcb, Lowrie and Forney resigned, Gorham by change of ma jorities. Balance njt known. All the grekt but unappreciated statesmen drop into law when they are dropped out of politics: Butler does it after every defeat. Hendricks did it 1 in 18 76, and now Conkling follows suit. They are .all agreed that they are un commonly glad to get back to the law that there is more money in' it, and a ' - i good deal more satisfaction. This is well. They have what they want, and the public is mighty glad they have it. A long step toward true reconcilia tion has been taken, by the Mississippi Democrats. , They have turned a very cold shoulder upon Chalmers, the man who has occupied a stolen seat in Con gress Jbr 'two terms, and is trying to do aaJot-n tEwey?-;;. - .; ;! y There' has been a bad fire at Long Island. ' i CIT X ITEMS. ' There is a possibility that the Bank of New Hanover will place a fine clock in the dome of the building. . j Two $1,000 city bonds, bearing 6 per cent interest, were sold in this city, a day or two ago for 11,040 each. ; ' - , , . . We learn that Mr. Robert Henning, formerly of thhTcity, but now a resi dent of Richmond, j Va., was stricken with paralysis a few days ago and that his case is considered almost a hopeless one. : - : - Mr. T. M, EnmetaOD, Assistant Freight and Ticket Agent of the At lantic Coast Line, in this city, has re signed tbat position for the purpose of accepting a . similar oflice, with in creased pay, on the Chesapeake A Ohio R. R. The resignation is to take ef fect on the 1st of August Mr. 8. P. Collier has been appointed to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Emmerson'a resignation. : ' v ; " J , - , , .; 1 i - . .. . A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held last Monday after noon when the report of the coaunjt tee to whom the matter wa referred( recosamending the purchase of a hc- pitsl for the city and county, was ap proved and Mayor S'aiih aad Alder men Northrop and Chadboura were appelated a committee to complete the arrangements in regard to the pur chase, aabject to the concurrent e of the Board ot Aadit and Fiaaace. ! , Bar. h.ii. Burkhead, D. D Prtai- diog Elder of tke WRmiagtoa Dtstrkt of the M. E. Charch, Sentk, left the dty last Tnesday ssoraiag for his home In Raleigh, and frees Ueace will go to New York whence he sella, on the tk of Aernst for Enrope, te sttend the gslkenag of delctatos of Ue iL E. Cnsrch, from all part e Ua glebe, la esM Ecnssenkml Cowscil, to be held la about tk 1st sUy of Seftember. ! Jcnn.uowas, Setrttary of Ua Board ef Magitrala of Uk county gives neaiea thai Ue ansnal masrlBj fUe Beard of lar1stranm and Ceaee af County CoaanUniosKn ef Sew Hsn evtr ccwaty, be Ua rrpose af krymj nklck may ecano w for Ue Dasiof Uetwe Boards eeeoU. wt bn ktU at Uo Court Ueasn e ta-m. tww, llestday, tho sl isj al AspA glials Cspte 5 Celts "VVe know a man, an anli-prohlbi- Uonist, who offered 4 prohlbiUonlat hundred j dollars, cash, to get him Ih a following bets:. .;.-;. 4 ,J 150 that the statu would give a ma jority against tho prohibition bill. , - $50 that the state would go 5000 ma jority against it. ' . t $50 that the state would? go 10,000 majority against it, 1 . : , $50 ' thai the state would go 15,000 ajority against it.' ' 5 , " $50 that the stale i would go 20,000 mijorily against It.' ,s ., , - $50 "that Ue statu would go - 25,000 majority against it. . . i, $50 that the- prohibitionist could not name . ten counties , that would go for prohibition. I ; $50 that the anii prohibitionist could name, ten Counties that would go against the bill. ' -.v Up to this time no one' will take the bets. And yet they claim! they are go ing to carry the state. ii- . Magisterial. Mr. S. VauAmnnge, Clerk of the Superior Court, hss re ceived an official list of the new Mag istrates appointed for this county, by the last General Assembly, as follows: Wm. M. Poisson, .Wilmington Town ship, in place of J. C. Hill; W. O. Johnson, Cape Fear Township, in place of James Cowan; John H. Savage, Fed eral Point Township; Jas. A.; Mont gomery, Masbnboro Township; A. A. Moseley, Harnett Township. Of these two are new appointments and thiee are re-appointments. The term of office ii for six years, dating from . August 1st, 1881. i ! !' v..1' ... ..- 'U:'.. ; Good Templaes. We are requested t state that the Grand Lodge of North Carolina,1 Independent Order of Good Templars, will meet at Clayton on the 16th day of August next; ; The follow ing arrangements have been jnade with the various railroads: Raleigh & Gas ton Railroad, 31 cents per mile first- class and .3 cents secondc!ais each way; I Atlantic & N. C. Railroad, six cents per mile, round trip; Seaboard & Roanoke, three ceuts per mils, f each way; jFayetteyillej Railroad, one fare round trir; Western North Carolina Railroad,) three xcents per mile; each way; Richmond & Danville Railroad. N. U. pi v.) round trip ticket rates. Enquire of Local Agents. The Sub ordinate Lodges will pleased report the names of those who will attend to J. T. Ellington, CUyton, N. a This ses sion will be an important one. Crude! Turpentine Eoomixu. Crude turpentine buyers were on a bull yesterday morning The market, after sales at $2.65, was run up to $3.10, with sales of 50 bbls at Ust price; $2.65 was the first quotation, which was bettered by a bid of $2.75, when another buyer burred $3.00;. - j then another offered $3.05; then the $3.00 bidder went a little better and offered $3.10 per, lar rel, at which price 50 barrels wrra so!d fo him; 13.10 was then offered by the same bidder for 100 or t05 barrels. The market seemed to ba in qutts a feverish state and the. competition seemed to be between the city distillers and parties who buy on northern or foreign orders, to ship, t j; i The folio ivg are tha indications for U. -oath Atlantic S'atest to-day: Generally fair wtaUer: souUerlr. Teener on the North Carolina const. to northerly winds. ilaUonsrr barosa-' I er ura lemperaiore. .1 a . - - . " .- 1 The above is what appeared ia Ua Daily! Weather Bulletin' for the "South Atlantic States', on Jnly 27th, 1881. ' At 5 ac m. Ue sky ( was draped heavily ia douds, ia the longitude and latitude of Wilmington. At 7 a. m- tke saia. accompanied : by lightning and Uunder, began to pour in torrents, while Ue .streets were iooded, and people caagbt on Ue streets drenched till -dark aod away lata Ue night This "foresight"! is not to rood as hindsight.- f Wiuiix(,tox. Jsly U, 1WI. f A sacetieg of the First: Ward anti prahibtiKMiifU was held July 2U In Ue First Ward. JL W. Nixon, Ebv, was called to Ue Chair, aad W. 1L Howe, Es, waa elected becrclary. j There was a band and tar barrais. After Ue aseetieg was calkd lo order. Caj. J. If . UcGewan was caBcd for. and ocnrue4 to vctJt Xk ocJU tion eestkm wkk gVms t5. givirj pole. which woeid convince ey per son efUe laeScienry of Uo wklU tienbl3.1 - -.W"- Howl H. E. cU soSswod laarww tritl rpceck af two bessra, anJ tAcaZj lianed Uo IrypecrUea. Hset J.CH3tsias4LVerrmlll U a trZUi Kfrcck. Tr-t WX tarUrt , niertkj otrnwd. ' , 1LTT. NtxcN. He HdnVcWueiTfaVtraWk at enansrmeTttW -as umithTWe; August 1st, ? P . "At UMdA fomn(ek Co., August al'lS in.1 re , Justice vW. MPeiSsofiv'aniaLdf 1 the newly apfKHnled-lItfatcatfciiiqalififd yesterday beforra VaJAmrioae, Esq., ClerKot tM7f3ueri67Tfe V UU milE 8TAlfES JOHX.DAWBOtwiLL b el UOB-UMUu. Good- Ece&krra will b In atteDBce.t8ot jwtll retTnnA-fJamaf -ton at 9 e6taek same eyssux Jsre for U e roaad trApJO cents. O ul .ntZTf. JT LOOK HERE ! ; 8PtNt onUl you have seen the Q real Barf aln s ; Our enMra aloes: at L'.wer Prcs than evr before, to&aks toom tot Fall deeds. July 54-tf SOL. BEAR a BR03. PETERSBtJRG -rR iCo LOOK I LOOK)'- LOOK I i All Classes and CoadUiqns Can " .,; ; ; ; ; .Travel,- i; si u GREATLY REDUCED RATES ; V r ON. THE -.v x PE TERSBURG RAIL ROAD. You can go from ileam s to Tclersbfire and back form mo U. - ' . 'ro.,5 Stony Creek to retrburg wad bMk for tl.2. . ' , Jswatt'a to Petersburg and back for 11.05. i . From BalOeld to Ietrburt and back for rom riwsant "Hill to" rersburf d1 bk for &3i. . - From Qaxyaburs to PtUraburg and back for30. . s , i j From Weldon to relcnburs and bacV for Take care to ask lb Agent at theSUllooa for tha tort of ticket you waot. - . . : Vou cannot (etthsUoand TrlpTlekeU on tje Oars. . , . Get full lnformaUon from the A ten is. and notice ibe ooodlUooa and llmtu on your tickets; they will be strictly adhered to V. r. rAS'lAHLi , . General Ticket Agent. rttersburf, VaM July 1st, issl. jySMf PROPOSAL. - ; 1 JEIUSONS desiring are rsnurstea to .Ml 1. on butldtec a Picket nc around Pine Forest Cemetery, a feet lit inebea. so much rer pannel. feet long. mUrial fur nished to band. Hand In , byt mh Inst, (noon) to the President. ! , jw. TKIJTAfKr ? , . . " - per J.U. KUKWOUD., .July --Hy-sHlrea. ' THE UNIVERSITY -OF- 1 NORTH CAROLINA.' KXT SK-TSlON W1U JBfcUllf 0 AUGUST xstk, ibsi.i mbines the ad vantages of ifa o! Id Cor Ia4 In. i.i. . . ... . : irucUon acovrdina to the Lelver!ty tx tem. i T ' Connected, with It are School tt JULW.of MKDK1M; anJ or PHARMACY. ' Hpeclal fcintirr.lTn for iraclkiuudlfs. ,: sncn os .. . u?-.p . . Analytical svnt AstlalUirsl fbemWfy. iAnd Kurveytna. l'rawtxt. Ikk.Ke4 lag, Busloew ,Uw, PboSocraphy. Ac, - - -' 1 ', .-' ix --f H Kzpenata. Including tnlUottvand room rtnis 1 1 si u I2JU per annua. X . Audress. for catalue and particular.. KKiir P. UATTILK. Ull. Chapel HIII.W.C. Julj l.S v'Trtt Umiln t Wclifli Bail Esal r TBJLACRbrricc, r WILMUroTOX. K. CJely 1st, AWR dMUNdtlamk.....! fr it mm m ft . k Per C1. on ti lftJ tuoca. sayeS4e the M?e rf ta TreMrvr. mm Ue IXh A imly,ltmi, tm all who are WrktMlee4 111 Of July, . n. TMOkl-ilJaJi Hsrty and Tree. HOKNEBTBCHOOIVj MatlMwerWl. Htimitr.r.im4 as4 4tntlew J. U, U KJ(vll a4 J .c Iawt. Oenataa, Krb, Aimmrmt-mr. mmti Tbeoestsei nisi will acia tm let r Tne Mrtid4 are w mm4 htmmi sUvMiUst ta ait Ue f mj U yiy is i CAfiOUSA OtXlAXL luilJtxaAr ; our al rjkistSQtM crrAttntcrr. WILHUfOTOy . If. c, .y CV Wl Excursion Tlditls jx k'u. rLA&a oar arasosrui rsa (fee fi e and mSittii raenn staMt Mar;M tnm Jisneei US SUE A. sa sen i as cfc wjla p- m . st- as aaeaV. nr. (XaassTV. JU , .. , uj u -.V n a i i 1 'u, a UHJt ' a sew jss BMW' mmm-r efackfk. I XT. Q. 12 rw t SucTTUry, i f V