YOljUME XII . vVililtNGTONPOST TpVTf&0 AT THE POSTOFFICE AT - vViLMTox, N. as Second Class tATTEK-l " JJ I "rATES of advertising. Fifty cents per line for the first io s .prtioB andweaty-fire' cents per line 1 for each Mditionar insertion.--.-:; 4 Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con ! ititute a square, tho subscription price to ihb . w il- U I xijTOi ,1'OST 13 l w, per - ;cai ,ix months 75 cents. 1 , ;y A llcoBimunlcatfonsOnbusinesshould be addressed to' The Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N; C. ! ; All advertisements will be charged a the above rates, except on special con ' tracts. STATE RKPUBL1CAW COMMIT: fTho Chairmau of the State Commit- 111 1 L it i- A tee btlOUtU Call ,ll cugtsnier at uuw iu transact important business. What say vou I)t. :Mott? ". i - . i . " ii - ' CI. 0. If. Blocker is now in western Nurtli Carolina,! so we learn from a frieii4 at llendersonville. On -the mnimtains U a cood place to j be in 7, 100,000. two diys after Ue election we stated ihal the majority against prohibition ttuuld probably be 100,000. Our cal culations were exceedingly eorrect. We shall very likely have even a very sniiill increase over thut number, which 1 U 'truly gratifying to every lover of liberty, i- ' ' ilAJ, It. M. uHKKLL a As a matter of news the statement vi&i pubiished in the To&T of the 7th inHa'it, hat Maj. II. M. Orrell was be ' hind in making his returns to the De . jartoieiit. We stated at the time that llure - evidently was a mistake about . the matter, but our printers being'ex ' crted over the election failed to put it i. We very much regret publishing the item without the remarks, from the fnct that we'Iook upon Major Orrell as rq exceedintr,ly faithful official one - who will never bo' short or neglectful ' iu Lis duties to" the, government. We ' are glad' to now state on the very best . nthority that Maj, OrrcII is not, and LavneVer been, behind in his returns. : - Tho Aasaasiu! Crontcs Another Soa ' i: Batlon. ; ' -r', . Wasuisgtok, August 17. A report mi current here this morning that tluitoau bad. attempted to kill one ol the guards at the jail, but itiwas stated kt polico headquarters that the report ;was without foundation; It is learned, however, that tho report! was true. At " ; . . - . i n early hour this morning, as W. C. McGill, one of the guards, passed Uui ; teau's cell, he noticed something wrong and entered the coll. lie found a knile -j in (luiteau's possession and demanded it, hut thiiteau refused to give jt up. McCtill drew his pistol and a struggle muiied. .' Guiteau made a desperate ef fort to secure the pistol, and succeeded ; ; labelling it away from McGill. After itfve ro struggle McGill regained poa jwiou of the pistol,; which, being dis ' charged duriug tho scuffle, brought , other cuards to bis assistance, and Gui trau ftn disarmed. ; o damage was ; .Tone. I .; ' The JSVA Amrriean, Jiccicw 'tot Sep ,. tember opens with a profoundly philo- fhical article on "The .Church, the i.feaie', and the School", by Trof. Wil lim T, Harris. . M. J. Parage treats of 'Naturaf Etblcs'V lowing that the principles of morality are rooted In oiaa'a nature, and are the products of Mulutibrijj consequently, that they are oot affected bylhe ticiseitudes of dogma '' w religious creeds. . The Hon. John A; Kaon gives a history of the ."Monroe. j lVclaritiou",and prores that the credit of formulating that . cardinal doctrine of American statesmanship is doe to "M Quincy Adam. - The Rt. Ed aid Everett Ilale writes of the Taxa tion of Church rroperty. lie would at all churches taxed in arm, but "ould exempt i practice those which M tkeir charitable work help to lighten m u auto wvift ucip iu iikuku . r.-.I -..j-ii the I'ublic bnrdena. . wu number of the Review are Jenuh Sioa MoraisrThe Decavof N.wEor had Tbouchf V bv the Rev. Jiilius H. r. u.i.. ur-ftin Hl. in.- v- v. t . . ' ! ' Mtsiter Joanson. rue latter article W a kathinz xriUcUm ot Jefferson Uvk's recently pobllahed historical ttoir. Filly cent per copy. Five Urs Wr year, AddmarrheKotai Asaerican Review. 2Jew York, K. Y." SutitUcs show that the number of aU fkrma in the south ia rapHilv in- mdnr. ajd to this fact u aurionted rav tacreaae la the ' amount lof tttt raised. Within tea Yean Oeor rM hu added 21,320 to the namber of Mk&u tstrsM and im other southern UUvUft- nUntAtfoua aiiw heta ras y iivkd ap, la France there axe wt4tV9 UUUM V4 fU h the moat ' pr&pereu cooatry w IWroM. Oar faxmera with broad " ' - I - THE PRE01DETIT. OFFICIAL BULLETIN : Executive Mansion, August 17, ; 8.30 P. M The President has passed a tranquil night, sleeping the most of the time. He continues to retain the nu tritive enemata, and has not vomited since the last bulletin. His general condition appear more hopelal,tban at this time yesterday. ' Pulsed 119, temperature 93.3,! respiration 18. . (81gned) D. W.JILISS. , r J. K. BARNES, J. J. WDODWARD, ! ROBT. KEY BURN, f F. H.HAMILTON, I . 4 D. H. AONEW. v-T L UNyFFIClAL BULLETIN. ' Executive Mansion, Aug; 17; 10.30 A. MrIn a conversation this morning on the President's condition, Dr. Boyo ton said' the prospects were 'consider ably brighter, and that the patient is resting comforUbiy.v la innnirv ih. TtfictnT Tt1inT that'll enemata which were being administered consisted principally of diluted extract of beef, a yolk of an egg and whiskey, the whole being dissolved and slightly heated. -W ': .-' 1 ; Dr. Biis, in conversation on the same subject, stated that a small por tion of muriatic acid was also a part of the enema. The latter gentleman ex presses the opinion that the President's stomach was gradually becoming stronger, and referred to the fact, that nourishment was being retained as proof thereof. The Doctor still remains hopeful, r ud says there is no reason for giving the President's case up yet. Dr. Boy nton, in j response to a ques tion regarding the President's taking nourishment in the regular manner, said it was possible that a very small quantity of diluted beef extract, prob2 ably a teaspoonful, would be given him abdut noon; it would depend, however, upon the patient's condition at that hour. lie has nod been troubled .with nausea since" yesterday afternoon, . at which time he threw off about a gill of liquid matter, cont lining a quantity of bile. Dr. Boy nton says Mrs. Garfield contioues very hopeful, and feels rather more encouraged to-day than she. did yesterday.-'-" . " l : : ttj , UNOFFICIAL BULLEtlN. " ; Executive; Mansion, August 17, 1 P. M.-rThe President's'mail has increased very materially since bis relapse and the number of suggestions as to how the unfavorable turn in the esse should be met are innumerable. . One corres pondent says that; if - (rantfusiqu of blood should be determined upon,, he is ready to give half, ur all, of his blood, if necessary, to sustain and build up the President. Previous to the mid day dressing, Dr. Agnew was asked the condition of the Presidenr,-to Which he responded. I "He is . belter tc-day." When questioned further, the Doctor said "there is nothing further to say than is contained in the bulletin, which U stated ver nur own, together with the signatures of the other. Executive Mansion, Aug. sjirgeons' 17, 5.45 P. M.The following was "received this afternoon: ! , - j' rv'V-. ?'H;f Mr$ Qarjield, Washington, I. C: I am most anxious to know how the President is tb-day and to express" my deep sympathy with you botb. ...f v i Signed J l, ; "The Queer. The following reply has been sent :tIerMaJty, ?ee riOrwe, -EW Your; Majesty- kind inquiry HJa lit Paantant''MAifl!ilAn T A n tJtmA finds the President's condition, changed for the better, la the judgment of his medical advisers there la itrong hope of his recovery. His mind is entirely clear, and your Majesty's kind expres sions of sympathy are moat grateful to him, as they are gratefully acknowl edged by jne. Signed rLtJCKETlA K, G AWlELiy ; . OFFICIAL BUUSTI0. . Executive Mansion, August 17 6.30 P. M. The ! rresldenVh "condition is even better than it was this morning There baa been no vomiting darlogthe i . ..:' " " . . . t I day and . the entmata continue, to be reuunea. . Moreover, s lewpwuiui , i beef extract has twice been admin! s- lewa,Jr m0B"l w , W? f? 1 itB qaanUUes of watet iwaUofred I from .time to, time excite no nausea. lUe wouni eonunuea w uo wviu. ai Uu.i VU miIu U 111 tinMntnrli. .1 r .1 -v.. 1 I r""r Tr" - x r " ,1 I rtspira uoo 19. --Ir.--Jl ,-Hlrttfth D. W. BUSS, . -r i ; I, . J. . WOODWAJtn, t ; ROBT. RKTBCJIN, j i ruJJUitiwpJf cxorrraAL BCLLxnar. r Executive Mansion, Angnaf U M.-the Vmideat h si bevn ' asleep nearly two ara.' There has been ne recurrence of hauaea In any! degttt. V ".nrtAtW baa W .A-Uutd tr. j.- ' TTtl roiU aa ixu t u .fwxo , .-h . ;i i, r-.t. liw ia-i ir 11 W w tjw.. ... .lrfA U tit tw utt nsornu&icahOTiajesvucissaT unH.i -a i . u.eskiiruAT AiM vwaa em emt snw4B . Hnn WILMINGTON. NORTH i gradually growing. . (The interest of the day centered upon Ihu condition of the i President's stomach, from time to time, and great encoursgment has been de rived from the fact that the nourish ment taken naturally by the President has-been retained. The hope of the ) night is founded upon the action of the patient's stomach, and as it gains i strength confidence of his recovery in creases -and vice versa, : i ! : - ?. OFFICIAL BCLLETIJf. ; . 1 Executive Maxsiox, Aug. 18, 8.30 PM. Tee President has passed a Tery comfortable night, sleeping well the greater part of the time1. . There has been jno further vomiting and nutri tive enemata are still retained. rpr. UNOFFICIAL BU1LETIN. ; 1 ) ExecutWf; Mansion, August 18, 11 AvM.--Tb.e indications are that every thing U progressing finely in the sick room. Vi Dr.. Agnew has JeA for Phila expres. He IiR probably return to-morrow, in or- der that Dr. Hamilton may go'to New iYork on . Saturday. Private Secretary Brown accompanied the Doctor to the train, and s lys he talked very encour agingly of the President's chances. Previous i to leaving the Mansion Dr. Agnew. bad a talk with Mrs.-Garfield, and informed her that he felt perfectly secure in ; being temporarily absent; that if an emergency should oqcur he could easily be summoned. : h, OFFICAL BULLETIN. T Executive Mansion, Aug. 18,12.30 P. M. The resideut is suffering ome discomfort this morning from the com mencing I of inflmation of the I right 'parotid gland. In other respects his condition is somewhat improved!, and especially hit stomach is becoming less intolerant. . ; , UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN .Executive Mansion, Aug. ISj, 2.C0 P. M. As Dr. Hamilton was leaving the White House ten minutes ago he said, in reeponse to questions of repre sentatives of the press, that he jciuld not conveniently explain the cause of inflamaliou of the parotid laud at .this time,!but be said it was j erfectly proper to state that it was not an indi cation of any serious complication; was not an unusual occurrence iu such ca sea, and that it caused no alarm; what ever to the atteudiug surgeons. J :j OFFICIAL. BULLETIN. ! Executive Mansion, August IS," 6.30 P. MiThe P'rcsidf nt has doria well dnring the day. He has taken addi tional nourishment by the mouth, this afternoon, with evident relish, and without subsequent nausea. There is some rise of temperature, but general condition 1 is rather better thaii at this time yesterday. . i UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN, Executive Mansion, August 18, 10.30 P. M. The morning bulletin was gen erally conicedtd at the Executive Man sion to be the most favorable which has beed issued since , the Preaident re lapsed., The. patjent'has beeu improv ing ever since the first teaspoonful of nourishment -was taken, and this fact is proven '"by his firmer pulse, i Before the noon bulletin vtas ued the Presi dent had partaken i f koumiss on four differeut occasions, and expreesed a de sire lor more, ur course tue nounsn- meni was administered in very small quantities.' '''Previous to administering the first quantity f koumiss Mrs. Gar field was sitting' by the patient's bed side, when The expressed himself as 6MagcQirey well, and inquired if ,fc wM nM d(;sired to try tbe strength of i hui stomach by permitting him to have nourishment, and expressed a; wish for koumiss, whereupon his wife Rave him Ure first portioni The fact of the Pres idents having suggested the adminis tration of nourishment' is considered by the surgeons as an' indication that the ; irritability 6f the stomach h sub- aldipgind that in consequence the pa tient commences to crave fodd. A Hopeful Feeltn In ltesard to llie v . ltecovcry. 1 " - : I UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Maasion, Aug. 19. 11 A. M.-The Pitsidebt; contitum to do well. He panakra J t f nourbhment more irtqueauy, anu ue quanucy w I beiag gradually increased. Tbestomach 1 .flera jio. mHtaacn id the attending saimona entires : inemseirea- a very . w ,:r ,v.. ..,tb- ia awve n.iwuv na nvask uiej wwmvw . w 1 in" rv" eland fe'gTdsnrirynfebeidiag.- r: . Executive Mansion, August 19, 12.10 P. M. Dr. Blis w ho has just come from the PrtaideaCa room, in reply to thequestkm, Uw ia the lYraidentr said, -Oh ba i rvtuas 00 .plead Uliy.- Doe he experience any pain from the in&ammatiosi of the gland ! "Not to apeak of." Uaa the swylUeg decreawed any; I renl llnan almost entirely snbeided i l-fYmi d toft arRd nT funhee I n4aniToea-1 rww km isrOB.iO.' !- :. : . ..r . -nr CAROLINA,; SUNDAY. 'Is the temperature , anr; h'Shai f "Pip, the temperature and" retpinuon i are about norm i"1' ' " 1 Whit tintiri.finiftnt h. lh nlttiint taken to-day ?" "He has taken from 14 to 16 ounces of koumiss 'and! asflk grueL. V ; r ; ; "Does he still relish ;gniel? Yes, he appears tery fond of it" SiSS.-4V p iurTi,. T.M-i- itWir.JI perceptibly improved dnriar the last 1 twenty-four boon.; The parattd well ing is eTideatly duoiniabiag.' and it has not pained bisa aiaee: last. flight. I lie la taking to-day an increased qoan I tity of liquid food by the month, irbica is relished and prodneea no gaatrcim4 1 latioo. Hu pulse is now 105, temper ature 9S.8, respiration 17. v .-r (Signed) t D -W. Bum, . V -JTTSZ Baknes, " woodttabj), ' Rost. Keybukn, - F: H. Hamilton. x UNOFFICIAL BULLXTUr. i Executive Mansion, August 19, 2.30 P. M. Dr. Hamilton left on the 2.10 P. M. train for New York. Dr. Agnew. is expected to arrive to-night Dr. Bliss says that the patient continues to improve. During the day he has had twenty ounces of beef extract adminis tered by means of enemata, in addition to sixteen ounces of koumiss and milk, given naturally. : ' : ;x ' OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion, August 19, 6.30 P. M. 1 be President has een easy during the afternoon, and the fayorable condition reported in the last bulletin continues. The swollen parotid gland has not been painful. His temperature is the same; pulse rather less frequent than at this hour yesterday; temperature 100, respiration 18. : :..',v , (Signed) D. W. Bliss, . . J. K. Babses, J. J. WOODWAKD, BX)BT. BEYBUKN ; UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN, ' Executive Mansion, August 19, 11 P. M. The President's condition to- uay nas oeen aeciueaiy oetier wan any day since the unfavorable symptoms of ixxuuuajr i0fc uiauucBLDu wicmseiTCB. ue nas slept more than usual, and ap- pears mucn reiresned upon awakening from bis s'umber. While ' the aland inflammation has not entirely ? disap peared, it is thought by the surgeons ibt the gland is less irritable, from the fct that the patient does not experi ence so much pain from it. Another unquestionable feature denoating im- provement is the tone of the President's I stomach, which has not yet shown aay I gastric disturbance. Members of the I Cabinet and all others who have called 1 during the day, have left! the Mansion I well encouraged. CIT X ITEMS. -All subscribers to the Post, not re ceiving the same regularly, will please report the same to Mr. W. E. Sellers or at this office. Mr. B. h. Perry is making .extensive alterations and improvements . to the Purcell House. V ) ; ' . Mr. B. H. J AhrenV new store en the corner ol Front and ' Dock streot-j is rapidly approaching completion. The steamer Elisabeth is laid up fur repairs and the II. S. mail is being carried by the Passport until her re pairs are completed.' ... .- 1 1 The bridge over Smith's Creek has been put in thorough order by Mr. Jnoi F. Garrell, who baa the contract for keeping it in repair. The parsonage being built by the congregation of Fifth Street M. . Churchy adjoining the Church edifice, ia ranidlv MBBHtiaehiBW enmDlelkHL. We hear nnfa vocable : reports from the crop ia the Town Creek section of Branawick coaatv. There ban been no raia in threweeks, aad everything is U-K-a. w The work on Sixth street bridge bav ing been completed, the workmen are 1 a- ,"- 1 britln a tnorourn overnanuax. xi - w I wng needed it A flag Wlmeaftef to be displayed at the Signal OSce UUm city whenever the New York etenmen crosses the bar. The bttaUag U faraithed by l!r. Bond, the Saperiateedtat of the Sranuhip Une. Thnrsday a-an. while ai work ca lit. John C Hvert hoe, em Ike t Had I Cresa and FwnrOi siim,tVl i ee .w hcs. suuia w m re Itadder. bttaXtW iMWsasiisni i; . .... - ..--. - -AUGUST. 21.. 1881. - Ex-Mayor Kishblate and family ar nred home August 17th. ' 'ys, lOOk. OUt fof the CUCUS. Old jonn Aobinson will be here about the 19th of September, ' Alex. Kershaw received a severe cnt on hit right leg by a circular saw at lhe mill of Messrs. AlUffer, Price & Co.. on, Friday last. The unfortunate WM an apprentice at work. in the tfr !"--'-V ' r Aa addiCion is being added to the aeesloii room of the First Presbyterian Church. It is on the. east side of Jhe buildin ? and will be used in connection with the session room for the Sunday School of the Church. M. f Howell Cobb, who recently re-f moved, from thia city to Hickory, has purchased a farm one mile east of that town, and is now: erecting a very fine residence. The house is located near the road leading to the Sparkling Ca tawba Springs. ': j r r 3 ' -- - 'm i 'i" ' " I Mr. McDermaid, of the Robet6niant and his very excellent ladyand little boy have ' been , in the city the ; past week enjoying the splendid weather. We are glad to see Mr. McD. looking so well. lie eviaeDtlv is prosperous and happy, we judge from his jigrc ca ble and jolly manner. .; I ' General Joseph C. Abbott is spend ing his vacation at iSeaulort, xsorth Carolina. We wish him a pleasant time, for he certainly deservjit after a long season of hard work. : AVe are glad to learn that his health is improv ing under the influence, of the coo breezes of the sea -shore. " ATTENTION K AFTSMEN. A iecent decision of the Lighthouse Board, re quires timber or other rafts to carry lights on each end of the raft at least ten feet above the raft. If the raft is two cribs, or a double raft, two lights are required. Bow boats or yachts are required to carry a light six feet above the bow of the boats, f , The water opposite the city in the riTer is brackish, and crabs are caught almost daUT Irom the market doct. ad porpoises have.been seen opposite point Peter. It is feared that the rice crop bn the , river will be injured by the salt or brackish water, if planters i find it necessary to freshen, their crops. Report has it that the Rev. Dr.- Bernheim has recently been elected to the Presidency of the. North Carolina College at Mt Pleasant. Dr. Bernheim says the election for a President of the College will not take place until the 5th day of October; that he is not cer tain he will be elected, and also be does not' know wbether he will accept the position if elected -. 1 We learn Irbm Mr. Aaron A. Dans, who resides 'in the southern portion of the city, that while he was out fishing in the vicinity of Mcllhenny'd mill- pond, on Thursday last, he killed a huge rattle snake, which measured six feet nine and one half inches in length, and bad 10 ratt'es and a button.-We are I informed that the woods in that vicioi- ty are full of these dangerous snaks. Rev. Dr. Patterson, of this city, who expected to be at Sewanee this month. has changed ' his plana. . He is now at Augusta where be is in charge for short time, say ten days, of fet. Parl's Church. On Saturday last he delivered the prayer j at the laying of the corner stone of the new MaSn:c Temple in that city. Towards the Ut ter part of the month he expects to go to Albeav Georgia, in behalf of the University of the South and will pro bably pass the month of September in Atlanta. ',- ; .1 J . . ; at cvuod is irrifiDr. ioBni I bale was received Tuesday afternoon I by Mesaers. Worth j & Worth, from I Messr. Leak. Everett & Co., at Uock- j iaghaw, who shipped to bales at the I name time for account of Messrs. T. J. I m : new w ' 9 - . n"'! . a J'l' i lhe "prodncera. Oo I Wednesday th third bale of tee season was received by Mr. E. P. Covington, and was ship ped by Mr. Charlos E. Smith of Lan riabnrg; The cotton " was classed as saiddllttgj and was sold for IS cents per poead. At Last. a beauri sasnmai b to be erected la Oakdaie Crmetery. to the messocy of Captain W. A. luUt brock, whe lose hi life bet eicbieen acev ni a Ire on eoath Front . by the bUUgvaUs of Mr. Geo. A. reek's sUce. It iU U rraJy Ia j delivery la abonl tare t three week. UlTWbna and body of Ue iyww w a wtuasiiM uuietxs asw.ssx I ... ... . Ue and the work is bsiag down ai Sir. . Singh 'cSpSaTs tilts 2a i ii. Official Vote of - flortlt taurolnaU on. 1 jf rohlbmon, Angnst 4, 1881 AJexavnaw Aosoa arnitt Hiiwrnvt Henderson.. iieruora Hrde. Iredell. Jackson, Johnson Jones-.., Lincoln Mtooii- Madlson Martin McDowell. Mecklenburg Monteomery Hiienflii.: moo re Nash . Mew Hanover NorthamDton. UDNVW.M Pasquotank. rmuA LAUl Pander Perquimans.. l'erson PllU. Pol It R&ndolnh. Richmond Ritbeann Kocklngham. Rowan : Rutherford ii nampson.... Stanley .... MtoKe Hurry. Transylvanla union Vance Wake. Warren Washington. waiauea Wayne........ wnicea Wilson . Yadkln..... Yancey, An accident haDtned at Bladen- . . ,7 - boro, on the Carolina Central Bailroad, by wh ich J. F. Hester. . waa . painfully 'wounded- in the .hand j 'u,; -r !tff Mr. Geo. W. Dovle baa been elected Junior Second Lieutenant of ihe Wil mington Light Infantry to fill a vacancy caused recently by the promo tion of Mr. R. H. Beery aa tiecood Lieutenant. Capt, N. F. Thompson was elected Secretary and Treasurer at the same meeting. ; The company have definitely decided to attend the York? town centennial.. ' ; - : .,V... The Sweedish bark' Frithjof, from Havre, Franc, collided with the Nor. bark Oitar. lyinc at quarantine station. on' last; Thursday; by which thai Ottar had her rail and part of ber Toreric- ging carried away, and the Frithjof ;st her ibboom. The reason assigned far the collision. Is that the Frithjof wouldn't mind ber rudder. r The Grand Lodge of the Knighta of louor irTthis sla:e will meet ia Ral eigh on the 23d. The grand officers and the boinetk ve on fioance and on will rcct there on the 22f last. CoUael tJuhn f D. Taylor, D Q D, of .: Lodge. No. 4S4. b the revre- Carolina seautive of the Lodge In thia city, and will leave to-morrow, r B, H P West, one of tne commtltee on laws, wu I probsQiy leave to-aight, so as to be in Ilalrigh to-morrow. M - IasrsAScu Matttxs, The Wlew- loaiog facu and figure have been gleaned from a ccrUaiioaefinerace sutiaties mad by Mr. J. W. Gordon, SecreUry of the localDoard of Under- - t .. . . i writers, and relets to fire waicn have occurred ia this city for the six month endioc Jane 30th. l&Sls . rtimated value of piooerty ovist rayed by fire tS.600; iaanrance moaey ; fold thereon iLZ9fj2: amonav. re eorrea- poadiag period ef ISM, f.Of7 2. 21 ember of tree rtcorded JM. of which only one involved no Inenraaco Idea, Uf the above namber, eut tovafeod a Liaa ol mt 17a XT taat aml-r gl 1K IS for the remsining thirteen tree. - 3 -Caaaa tit Siren . Pnerka em soaf. fire pofpg on bad ftoal fire fTsoa, I; lacroatary. a; nsecuvo caimawy, a; igvAUon ot dotaiag iroa nre-piac, J eaknown. 8. J5-i "' ; ",. v lxaave by ' sxtKie--Atiiracn 4 Manning. IJ,U3C; KoTveod GZm K1MC1- Its fan ft i Tml 1 T-'l John W. Gordon A Em, t?li,r5; mjuirs miu, 1 a i cauui aw4' T A mmt-m tV.. nl -W a.a ;I . -" v ' Tfimimta. Tl a aa uxsna 1 mrmrm -JT, Simla, W-n f5sr tta gToaavi asm aanaa liny owre tnrtvirx p wWe beds ef rmrrrtA Ttit U tisir Cksrn. If Uj ZlrxZ9 erofe Oary wCX te mZm gr tj ttt rtmSsvr. If ther t 9LJ lis Aahtt ; IBS - . 1X31 I S - - - KM. I Be&afort . ' S ' ' . MH Burti , R,Am , ,,,,, ; ,;' - 4M ";- Ma Rmnt ;,ii,, V - -,-UIS Buncombe, " U-'1W3 ai -r.r-jT tai Caldwell -. ' 5 a.:z;:c a an Camden . . . c ., loe , exs . Carteret - ' 40S- . v'I SM aMWll ' jiii ii 1 t r Z r? 2r?8t CiwbZZ ' J " " 15 Ohm j im s i -t civ??'L' ' '),'u!,,r--i j fSowlMH . 11 114S Oolnmhn. .. a$S ' j ,..1704 (-m,vwn , 6K ' ' KSS Onmhrlnrf ' -.-i JJJ 2577 OnnH.nf.h-, J D vle - t Vft v 3 I IAS ijftidmM....-,,, .,,,.,, j; . ee 7i D 9 ''.. Iv 1S ; f ' tl74' , m ,,. . ! i , t ions DnrhMn. ' SSI V ri 8S J .IMUl.lUmll. r Ml Franklin , : ri 'mr : Ii Gaton., . tXO : .1170 Gates. . U 1 ' - . ' 11S4 Graham '.JU. w- T . v , : l Granvllr , DW 27 Green - , ; v 851 " -.' 124S ?mlford r,r , , , , USl 3858 HJif.x : ; - ' : : . 2. ; . 1514 I n i i m r v a I ; m. (us I , ; -iai . 235D MMMM.MMMMm. ....... X I : 423 8730 1 AM 1IIA I u..4 1 J . 3330 I ::" ." .888 i !;'" J.r VH8 I 9vM SbiSI I .................. ; mi i .............i... . '364 . WS4 I I'M. ;' : '2SB7 I 880. ax I u: i 1 l . I ... sua , I7w I . 278 v . v 830 I . ..n 308 r. ... t . ia . - . qnia I I .It I.. ............... Ml I.. VOTF J g W... I . Ml ' S1SO I i : 15rtl ;.' 2501-1 .JTi. t 401 " 58 I i hSS- 4i S2&1S I eu .f lew I in eani-a I r- '-'- nll . 2I; ' ! :.; :W4 '"!T' aw f ' lensli -.."IT.",-. lew grail ......' 23 1 731 . ...... 721 ; - aeosj i.,.. 837 i . 242SI 807 - X12 fiua . r NUMBER 34o ? : ; t ; '' 'yET7ADVEBTISEMTanB .CrnWxHoran, WixnOTow. N. c, CoxxncToKs Omta Aoigos Goto eat Sale of t - ' i ' Unclaimed -t ... . " ' Goods. : , CROXLT A M0RB13, AUCTION KinS. rjB3 lntmm'rui ttt ' the Government Store at the raumiriu. ! will be sold at pabUe auction on Tneseay, 47 orAtttosi, peat; ai u oetoekr a.-.: 5.1 t' Xteaaialnc la bond. In exeees Of three t PUJf CHEOS, l fx GALLS, fa bent SCO proof1 Calls!) JAMAICA RUM., J ' -1 : . ' '. Unclaimed, lnexeem of one jrear, ,;., i . X PACKAGE. 2? ; GALLS, j WE8T1NDIA 1 PACKAGE, la GALLS. WKST INDIA J Sample of the gooda msy bee OoUeetor'aOmce on the Saturday to, and On day of tale. I ' " 4 W. P. CAN AHA V. nogJ-St. , : Collector. Administrators j Hale llcai estate, v - BY VlRTTJEaod tn parauanee of an or- ?ft TJJ,"Ir nV. on the ftU day or July. 1881 la a apaelal proceed tuc pendlnr in a d Court, between William Larkta. AdinlnUtrator of John A. Parker, deceased : SL?epbv?-' Tbompeon and Maria A ! "Paon hit wife, pUlntlffii and John O, PM-aar, Klchola. y. Parker and alollle J ' Packer, defendanu. the nndersljrnd a Admlnktramrof aafd John A. Parker, and CommUaloner appointed In aald eauae, vllt mU by public auction, to the hfabee? bid J Court House door, la the City ot Vrilralnrton County of New Hanover.' aoreaald, on Monday, the 6th day of Bep SSSiS?wlifiK.l'.t woocic at. thTto.iowioc SS?1 Plcee or pareela of land, "i,iniil la the aald City of Wil- iL S.?i5!f .V n ' .of Jvnth atraet, lai J?V 2Iward.l3r fro lu Intaraeeilon with, . the Nerthcra line of Prloeoaa street, ua3 nw.'twardly parallel with. rtf "i ft, thence Northwardly pexaUel wltl Eleventh atreet about la 'eel ?i25b"5.,ln "tbanee with his Una Northeastwardly about 1SU feet to ElevaaU ' V"51 thence with the Weatern Hue o Llerenth street about 60 feel to the begin nlng; also a certain other lot or parcel be ?BBinl.t? "e Northern liae of rYtneeas street, S3 reet Weatwardly from lit loUr ' secUon with the Weatern line of Kl eve nth -iKb "inning thenoe Wcelwardly along said Northernllne of Prlnoeaa atreet 8tt leet Hien?e,lorth.w'rd,Jr perallel with Klevenih ffi?y? iet thn Eaatwardly parallel , with Prlnoeaa street OS faet thence Houth- JTr7..??1 T,Ul Eleventh, atreet 133 feet to th bealnnlnr; also a certain other lor Prccl,beglnnln In the Kaatero line of Eleventh atreet 9 feet Northwardly from Its lnteraoeUoo with the Northern line of Prlnreu atreet, running thence North Ti'Jl0" stro line of Eleventh lr?? foet thence Eaatwardly parallel with Prlaeeaa atreet 133 feet, thence Hoath. rfdJrwPraJlfl with Kleycnth atreet US feet, tbonoe Weatwardy,! parallel .with Prlnreu atrat !.- rt tn also certain other lot or parcel beg inn lac In the Northern line of Prlaeeaa eu-eet, V9 rr" " irom urn inurmecuoa with the Wmi.i ii Una r -r.mw JTl. . . lhnf. WmImii. .i .. . . line of Prlneeaa atreet S3 leel. thence North, ward y parallel with Twelfth street las !; "lSS?.iw.Vt,'r PHel wllh Prlneeaa areetmaet. theaee Hoathwardly parallel With Twelfth streea m feet to the beVln' . niog; ana aiao a certain other lot or parcel, becianlnc In the North atreet, at a pal at 133 reet Westward It from .-viuitiu jinf m n ri aa Vu '"raacUoo with the Weatern llae of Twelfth atreet.runnlng thence Wettwardiv Twetrth atreet 1&5 feet, theaeisatwardiy i?WT1,ri.I,Jlel U Twelfth atreet 1SS (teat Ia tha kwt..i .i - . ; other lot or parcel, begiantag In the Eaev ' era une or Kieventa atreet. S nat Hoata. wardly rrom lu lateraeeUon with the theaee Mtwardly paraurt wita lrlne4 , treat 1&4 fret to Edward Kidder a line,. wnwwwirir wiu nia line a boat 10 fall A KlMMMl K .1 . I . . Z: -- .mm. nwuvinu along the Eaatent line of Kl areata atrat bo ,Tt.l bealnBlng; alao a er Sain other tot ar pareci. bagiaatag la the Mama uui 01 c.ieveetn iatraet, U3 leei Northwardly Irom lialnteraeettoaart'h the ' Northera ilea rf Prtnea tret. ronniag tbonca Northwardly along the ratara lib . wardiv parallel with Prtaerae atreet lJ ret. iaeaee .Hoatawardly parallel with I parallel wlta Prtneraa atreat, txt eet to tae beelBnlaa; aad alao a eertala other lot or pmoh. Decinniag at tbe InteraacUoa of the Northern line of Prtaaeaa atreet wlta tae Kaatera llae of Eleveete atr4, raaniag aaaar-rdy along the Nortaarw ia at Prtneeee etrret ISt Seat. tbeaoa Mart.. waraly parallel with Kieveath atreet eg ffet thence Meet wadly paraila4 wlta Prtaoeaa atreet Uj ae, to the Keetera llae ElevaatSi atreeCtheaee Hoothwardiy aSnetc "n iimm of awmw atreet OS m la a kvlaUar M i.ni. k.. Z- parsal. begiaalag la the fconteera Hae of Cheatoet atreet et saK exwer Iry froot lu ' iminmm ilna otik ik. . Twelfth etraeC ran e lag theaee faata wardly naraiM with Tw.fta atrea K aaet. taeaae Waet wardly jfcnraleajth tTaaamat atreat TwaSfth atreet U3 fcet t Mmmtof 1 tlae. theaee Horth aatwaraly ens MaaaanturT Haeaboat ai (baa ta Cbeatnnt mtrmm. tbaatea Laatwaraly wna tae ran mmy aareet aeeat m nwa to the eawtaatea. . ef eajer Oae-tMrd W ta nmln.i tbeeaorin twaeqnal paytaeata. aayaaae ta j?rlf T4! WMaiuWyQaaa aha that aata aa the rat af eta aa e-ateeea raat e-iala enu ae aa aohraet ta tae ewe araaaUaa of the tWrt. Sad the UUa wtu "T"""" rweaaw taaary leai aata eta aay at Aaaaty-ax a WrTI g--. i omcm othx aiHMnmtoya or XTLB fTtXXtiMAJtTS nAJTOO A TKCWT - VaasujaaWsLZL 'CJjaleeaza: a-at f NTee-a MUSatviXtM o 11 tea ea art rust rKxrr. tncair ' tuwraav. nua omcs enr oa txrom a tucar wt aa Sati aii ! i. - - - ' eU-eaeaea ea-aaaa Seaaa-atMaaite a n 1 t U.M-sitsa. a. MsI 1 - --ma aw W-Mh) JliT- ts"eioaS awrar a m a Ji AT KJtai. ...... Sa-a-aaaaa-e - 1 - - - - n atUhe1 ; ,;t x .. , previous . ' " '. . ' , 4 ' troawe at 1 ua' 'taaj Uaadcre gaarb yarl ia thia cixy y'ng nseni if ye vaxl grsjCMrj ;tsa 1 ' :" .-r'; - J i. i ;,- ' ; -. t f p-j r I -V

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