ill Slny e 4" --iT- .'-'.'.in-, k 4 i i If im : f -' ."1 ' r ' V, 3 -:! I' 1 ' VOLUME XII. wiLMiNaTON post llTKKEI) AT THE ToSTOFFICK AT Vll,MfN-fiT(N', NV O., AS SBCOSDCI-ASS Mai i-i:b I !:'-"-' -v'; ' ' - -!i ; " KATES OB ADVERTISING. 1 Fifty cents per line for. the first ifl irrtion arid twenty -five cents per line for each-additional insertion. ; 'f ' AUcomrauriic"ationsonbutiinc8sh6uld he addrensed td The; Wilmington; 1'ost,' WilminstoTi, N. jD..-, v ; - . i All adveirtiseraenlM will be charged a '.'the above ates, except on special con i tracts. ,. jr ..' '' 1 : r VJlvh I"' K A It It 1 V ifi 11 1MPUOVE-j-; ' , 'j jlEWr. ' Tl.e htorni oi the 2olh and 27th of I Aug'i. w.-jh not vry severe along the I coawt in lha vicinjty.of our river. Yet 1 we have betjn inforuded that it did con- ti(Ierab!e damage to'. the U. S. jmprove ? mciiH of;itie (Joje Fear inlet. The fact is ji great many of our people have i civie to the conclusior. that considera i Olc money is being expended without correHpondingty bcn(Uting our harbor, jiome believe it is 'for the want of gojd judgment oil 'the part of the t officers' !iin : charge. We are ' free ,lo fy that the matter ought to warrant a thorough ' investigation by ! the highefTtkials of, the c;overnm.ent. A work thaJL hR already ct $1,200, f'OO, ai bicld fair to cost. as much more, ; ; Should havf an ojjeer in pjjarge of the'j '! hiliciL intearity -and capacity. This; j the people of Wilmington have a right. t ) expect a'nd'demand, and we h.ive noti the It at doubt but what the able Chief lof the'Knginccr Departmeitt will give llj'vproper consideration to this impor tmit matter, and relieve all grounds for briber complaint on the part of our i'"ph' . . i General T. I. ClMgman .has . been' 1 writing about the coustitutioual diffi . Unities in the present situation of af fairs. Mr, Kenneth Ilayner, well known (o jSorth (Carolinians of aijuarterof a U'n'tury ago.' io? he is a Dative and rep refuted the Hertford district sereral tnin-H in the U. S. House,, has written art ply, that would mate quite t"0 . inihmtns of ihe filar solid. He hits the inaii on the head in this solution. 11 "d- miiujIhh tilt. JJon. Kenneth Itaypcr i the present u!e I'- plicjtor PI tlie JJ.' fc. treasury mid wbatov'ir. le najs on colistitutional law will be rtceived in North Carolina, wliero ' he is so well and known, us i!s true version. popularly " . l'iili.vKs-Tlie" rajala, who 'have bie i inuiching Rold and sirer coins, have' icvit brought up. with a short ba! U r by a giiytrnment order.. A double t'ifgle ' puViclicdk'is declared torbe. worth o.-i4y Jl, instead of $20; .silver dollars, 5 eriitf;. fcaff dollar., ceut?; quarter f dollar, fii ccnti, and dimca, fiVent. This govenjmenc order, punched these villains under the short ribs. , r ix k' lions. Under the amended lViioioii Act! any person who participa ati)e, or served 1 j day in ed in: one liio war of 1812, is entitled to a pen- iou oif S cr mouth from approval of r act, Widows of tuch soldiers as have uirtl altf r s imtlar1 service, no ; matter e date of marriage to the ii titUd to the-aamo pen 2 piiiiiijcr4 ijropped from w! al" ! w;s t ;i V.; Alt is 'If f s'leau'e of alleged disloyalty i4I.ltp,Vl STOHil Wv clip the'foMowing .frojn the IUL L::'i. f '.i. iv I'igu outnw, a .uemocrauc paper, Uvtd ii : -j- . . - - V ,;y'-' -, violent Nailroad. storm h'as juat I. , ...... t . 1 Vt- - . . .. I t'uJea&rtd up to this hour to account r itiji pertains' la the Western N. (lUftilroad, which was last year void to lWt and Associates and, afterward jaed into the. hands of the Richmond A: Uanvilte Railroad Company by rea wn of the! MOciatc' Urserling Best jJ hu iabiliy to carry out the con trad with the state. It will be recol hctcd that the sale to l'est and Asso ciates originated in Washington City, and that Senator Vance was prominent o thje tran-actton. Senator Vance? leads uqw in the new complication in m Nwpater interview, hi own son being JbV interviewer on behalf of tha Chai u?tt iHvr', la this interview rl i'us charges are made against LV1. A. B. Andrewa, rermcutiof the Richmond Danvitle lload,' ana Cwl. A. Uv jLn- drews has made a re ply, a copv of which reaches us as we p to prt,but too tale lor this Uu . In our next we till pie the who:e analr regard' pf foiuueace. ; . lr all meant let tt have the whole libi corruption. i Rvom Rtr. Stat Ex. C5m 'Statist i llk. There will he meeUor of the IU ahlkti S;a't ExtcaUve Committee U the city of RUUh, on Tlmrida U 15 h day of Sept. 15 SI. Tbowem wiare all taeetcd u n preseau : Joast J. Motr Ckairmaa. j iHtratthtiT froa lfanU ec, 2C. ii. Ule U at Got. Sheldon hat rtturwed lehUpoatof dnty, and has tamed Alrtt jcsXUef po all the citUetu U tudi4 themeelTte Into military conv I THE PRESIDENT. September 3,!:8.30 A. Mi -.The Pre$ ident was somewhat more restless than usual during the early part of the night, but slept better after 1 A. M. ThiB morning his general condhion'c'oes not differ materially from what it was at the ame hour (yesterday, except thai there is a slight increase in . the fre quency of the' pulse. Pulse 104, tem perature 98.6, respiration 18. - Executive Mansion, September .2, 8 3") A. M. The President slept well during the night, and this morning his condi'ioiris in all regpectaas favorabl as yesterday at the same hour. Pulse 100, temperature 98.4, respiration 17. (B gmd) D. W. BLI83, J. K. BAhNjs, "'' J. J. WOODW.ABD, f .' BOBT. EeYBUKN; I F. II. Hamilton. 12.30 1. M. About the same. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion, Sept' 2, 6.30 1'. M. The President has passed a com fortable day, and ibis evening appears better than for several days past. Ilia pulse shows some improvement as re gards frequency and strength. The paj rotid abscefs continnes to jmprove. The wound as yet shows little change This evening his pulse is 104, tempera tre 91) 2, rcsiration 18. , r' (Siiicdf - I D. W. L'LJaS, ; : si ; J. k. Barn ics,' j J,.J. Woodward, ' i " Robt. Reybukn, " F. 1I Hamilton. 9. SO p. m." September 2 Blaine tq Lowell 'President has had a satisfac-l . - . - . . ,. i tory d ty. Taking 24 hours through it; was-the best day of igany 1 HEATH OW X CESTtEXARI.IX. A lirief Nketch of a New Eng. land Wtfniaii Who WnsjJut ai OldaM thc BTation. , Krom au Occasional Correspc ndiut f the ; ; '- Tribune. .: :;'; ; - Pj. t mouth , IS., Aujrust SO. M n. Hannah Cox, who died on Sunday, inj Hoidernessj at the age of more than 105 years, was probably the oldest and in many respects one oi tne most re4 markable women iu New England For nearly a century the lived in Hoi derness, a township separated from this village by the lVraigewas;ett river, oa an iiic'al New England farm, adjoining; the estate orrginally owned by Chief- Justice Livennore, oue of tho signers of the Declaration of Independence. Her father, Isaac Stanton, was a Cap- lain oi uounec'icut volunteers in tne llevoluliotin'ry war. He ra.oved to Hol-j d'erness at the solicitation of Judgo Livermore, anoVliyed to a good old age on the farm upon which his daughter Hannah passed her life. At tin early age ihe became the wife of Robert Cox, who w'as, next to the ChU f-Justice,.the most prominent man in that region of country. Mr?. Cox had a tvondtrful memory, and her tcoouai of tne tuits' of (Joyernor Chase, of this state,' Priest Fowle, as he was familiarly called, the Episcopal, clergyman who was known from one end of the state to the other, and of other noted personages, were most interesting. She knows all the Governors for many years of the state; llaw(,horno, who qi.d in the old Pe miirewrHHlt llotel in this place, and Daniel Webster and Starr King, who often called on "O.d Lady Cox," as she was koown for miles around. In later years it was considered a great privilege by people ontheir way to the White lountains to be a lowed to visit her. When she was, abot scvputy five years old her sight aud bearing both failed but fifteen years later she could hear very well; and could see to read coarse print. ''-?'.': 'irV-;'- Chief Justice Lirermore built upon oue side ot his farm the first Episcopal Church erected in the state. At this Church, in w hich services are still held, a special service was conducted on the ilh of JiHy, mG, the lOOtn anntTcrsary of th birthday of Mrs. Cox, - She was present and greeted friends who' had driven-many: miles to met her. She retained her faculties until near the anil m ml w W ah ak a Vk-Bi I kil 1 f at the ace of 103 veara one month and twenty-two days, she was surrounded I by her children crand-children. rreat grand children, and geat great-grand- cntldren. i- :" r . The Judge Livertnore, mentioned in this interesting sketch, was oue of the most ornate members of Congress of hia time. He frequently broke lances with John R&adolpa, of Roanoke. He was as much noted for his judicial wit ticisms as he was for his elcqaenve. He lived to a great je la Holderoew, on a tort of baroaial cUte, which was the afar of diatinjuished abspitaiity etta in his octoaegarlM uaj. There are probably some ancient Coafrewmea In lata state who rt member this second Tristram Barjsa.. ' '..'-t-'; i Witsjtw, iX. cpu iu, ISS!. DtJta Slit -I have read jcor article Ur tne lait Usu of the Ikt oa .Mr. ilhVraHa 4ol the x-coofdrate oldier. and I itie ith yo that fair week U r ot the proper tisae for it, be - caa. ol the same itMons that ytw have Already gi vets. Heptfaliy, It L. BtAC&HO&K, , ' Kx-Qaftdrat. The Xew "fotk RepaWka-w ..U hold their Slate CoaTttUoa oa the th day oXOdobet next, Ulhc city eXXew York, to aosaiasie state flce-rs. WILMINGTON, NQRTI1 Personal. The vannled success of Jeff. 'Davis' book oyer the count r$ ia said by know ing ones not to apply to the south. "" Senator Beck cf Kentucky, who went West to the end of the Canadian Pacific Road, got bacfc with. Gen. Ros ser on Sunday last, and left Chicago by yesterday morning's train for Wash ington, having been telegraphed .for by Secretary Blaine. ; 1 ' Secretary Kirkwood has notified all the Indian agents in the Indian Terri tory to keep constantly informed of the movements of Capt. Payne, the famous' iuvader. The Secretjry says if Payne and his men enter the Territory he will have them ejected without ceremony, Senator Ha!wley's Hartford Coranl iemarks: "If Mr. Arthur becomes President we BuaU confidently expect at his hands an ) administration ' that will be not 'fac ional or sectienalr but national in the beat sense such an adi ministration aa the country would have had if President Garfield's life had been spared. Svcn if he were not con course by right feeling an enlightened selfish- strained io this and patriotism nes-i alone wou Id dictate it, to him." STATEiNEWS.- 1 Nurth Slak: Colonel McMahon of Greensboro, is building qre of the most complete "establishments of brick, and is doing ah immense business. p-New Garden Fair will be held at that place: on the, 2;7th of October. It is drivenj into one day ''.on account of the' droughth in that region. ,1nfoH ' i?fyWcaf (Salem): .' Mr. Ro bert Belo, of Raleigh,' and his brotbpr, 4ir. Arttur Belo of Texas, are visiting relatives here. Dr. Joseph Kinyon of Missouri, a' son of Dr. Kinyon, for merly of Yadkin county is on a visit to relatives here. The North Uaro Jina SUP day School Asscciation, was held at the Moravian Church at Salem on the 1st and 2d of September. Such eminent gentlemen as Kemp P. Battle, of the University, and E. Parson Par ker.df Philadelphia, were prv-ent, Tlie North Carolinian: On reading in oar state exchanges the accounts of the Beveral Normal Schoojs recently held, we feel confident that they - have awakened an increased interest in the caurc of popular education. Aud this is what is Wanted. North Carolina has. always been very backward id sustaining- public schooLsv It is .encouraging to know that a more . healthy public sentiment on this subject in rapidly growing. Johh Beirtury who has just completed the school census of Elizabeth City, informs ua that there are of whites between the age of six and twenty-one males; ISO, females, 183; colored males, 213, females, 251, making 372 whites and i'iO colored. Warrcaton (iaztfc: Mr. John fc, Boyd send us a ftalk pf corn with six well developed ears. This does not look much like starvation. Buff alas! many of the stalks in this ccnfntyj will not make a;,,nuUbin."--WThe colored people are. much alaruitd. and many of them confidently expect Judgment Day in the near future. Their Ministers are preaching It to them, and tell them the drouth is an unmistakable sgn of it. Bob Gil'.iland, of the River, tells us tnat in nis section many cl tne hands hate .quit work dreised up in their best and gOK.'to preaching every day. In the election on prohibition, Cherokee cotihly gave 8 majority for prohibition, Clay 16, Transylvania 28, Yancey 173. These four counties polled ouly 2,077 votes. - Eighteen twenty- six is known as theory year in this "uhiuuuj. " JF'11" u,u lf tell us there was nothing made except in the bottoms.' It will be so here this year, but we have so much better rail road facilities than our ancestors, had, we are better off than they. But then, in lS2t, such a thing as mortgage to a merchant, or to. anyone else, was scarcely ever heard of. Then the far mer! "carried" the merchant?, now the reverse is too often the cse. Even sad experience tcachrs many cf -us but little, if any thing. r ' I AU tuhacriberi to the lr aot rt- l Mifi0g the same irtularly,-wm please report the same to Mr. W. E. SnrsJof at this ofSce. CoL L. E. Iltce has Vrea q-aite tick at hia retadence i this tiiy a ek past. We here him an immediate ie cowrT iod lone life, lie b too taefal a man to give up. The Utet reports tioaa the ptaaut 1 fanners la this lectwa indkate that te crop has Wto xtry "maca Ujartd, and the protat probahtUtkw are thai Bot snort than lalf the wal stabw of haahels wUl. fca awde. Tht prices lhrtfvxr will h rtty WWetthaa last year. Ify waat to he wtU aJt Wd, W i scribe fee the XVter. CAROLINAs; SUNDAY. SEPT. 4. 1S81. , OIT r ITEMS. ",' The rice crop is being harvested. '-',U r . : i ' . 1 Mtt-fi - The last of the summer montha has stepped down and dnt.: ;" L It is said tkeTcattleordinartee wfU' be rigidly enforced from tiow ihti. i of April nexU. ; 'rC X-". V'" k. '--,' ; The chicken . trade . between Wil mington and western North Carolina is rapidly increasing. . f . , t ' - ; Mr. Daniel Shaw, of Pender, has. been appointed a. Commissioner io the Atlanta Exposition. V . i ' - ".' ; ' - ' j- . . The monument to' the lamented Ellerbrock hai been placed in position in Oakdale Cemetery. ' :j : ' ' TT-r ' - y The Teachers'. Home, on Nua be tween 6th and 7th streets, . is fast ap proaching completion. i ) ' The County Commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting to-morrow afternoon at 2 30 o'clock, j 1 "' - There was an excursion from this city to Newbern on Monday last, under the management of Mr. I. B. Abbott. ' . i Mr. C. E. Taylor, the Chief Inspec tor in the Custom House, is on a visit to bis friends at hja old home in Maine. : A camp meeting under the auspices of tho Methodist Church is in progress near Meares Bluff, Elder T, U. Hogan in charge,- and the good accomplished is very great. .5 : The. copper cap and arm of ex-Sheriff Paddison's turpentine distillery at Cur gaw, wdre etolpq last Thursday night. There is no clue, but it is thought the thieves headed for this city. The Board of, Aldermen meet iu- reg ular monthly session to morrow, ' the 5th instant, when business of consider able imporsance is likely to come up for the Board's consideration. ; ' 4 Isaiah Easton and JF. Gilmore, two colored boys, engaged in a little fight on Wednesday. Easton whipped out a sheath -fcnife and cut his antagonist severely on the arm and wrist, f Easton jvas arrested. A water spout, ranging from thirty to forty feet high, passed over Wrights vflle sound on Sunday last. Captain Joseph ! Price's yacht, the Bonnie Las sie, was , picked up and carried some distance by it, and boat houses were injured by the spout ' Gen- Jos. C. Abbott returned to this city a few days spo from Beaufort, where he has been with his family f us far a month. Ue looks much improved, the Beaufort air agrees with him. lie speaks highly of the people of that old town. We expect be will go agair. ' . M.ARi.NE Hospital Again. --Dr. Fairfax Irvin, the surgeon in charge of the Marine Hospital, reports that he has twenty-five patients in his estab lishment, and is preparing the build ing for more, He will be able to ac commodate all that may apply. --' " i ' . Who will join firsw in a call for; a all iens meeting for the purpose of getting up a railroad to Greenville near Fed ef- ral Point ? Don t . all speak at once gentlemen, hut the road will be con structed and it will be a creditable monument to the men who will get up the stock and build it. - ; The call tot a aweeliag the Repub lican Executive Committee of the State will be found in this Usua ot the Post. The meeting is to be. held on the: 15th Of SepU Dr. Moll has performed a patriotic service ia making this early call of the ' committee. Wo hope" that every member will be present. . On Tuesday last the body jof a drowndrd man, supposed to be a sailor. was , found floating In the river near Alligator creek, tha body was tied to a tree and coroner notified. On Wed nee day Mr. lie wit tt repaired to the place here the body had been tied, Lot could see no sign of ii. Tha rope was still tied to tho tree. The person who picked the body np states that there was al putot shot woaad U the man's aeckviand that tho body was gaahod ia several places. There is no dee as to who the man i. Fool play m ancti Dcath or MjlI. rorssox. Major F. D. Pobson died at his mideoct ia ihU city vo lau Monday snoraiag. ; He died frvxa the Beets of a stroke of partly sis. tie was la Ue prlsse of lile, and was a lawyer and had Wt trw if any npcriors in tho hranchaf Ihofeoiin- wca whkh h4iciktd, MaiovIW soa waa horn In niaUgton oa tho liXk day of Aptil, 1WL o4 sraoontly in tho ih year of has ago. ax. He rjadoalrd witk haase nTrin Ur CoScgo, IlartJbrd, GoaSttSkst, la and mtrhrrd his tlttnss f pra tktlnlfS?. .The engines, boilers and smoke stack lor tne uiarenaon water w or xs nave arrived, and pher machinery necessary for the completion of the works is ex pected on the next New York steamer. . -. - I : Watsr Wosxs CoMrASY. We sop pose we shall soon see the hands put ting1 down the balance of the pipes for theater Works. The Company "has been idle, for some time owing to the Warm weather, but now it is cooler the work will probably soon start up again. -: i fc.h: ? . " ' - ' ' - i- We have received a communication from Enoch Easter, in wiich he trans mib.a resolution passed by the Snow Hill a Church, exhonorating Elder JD. McKayirOm certain "charges that had been made against himi' The case was also tried by a justice of the peace and the man who preferred the charges had to pay all cost, etc- The communica tion is too long for publication. . Old John Robinson's corps of bill posters arrived in this city yesterday morning and proceeded immediately to. put up fine stand of bills. . Robin son's circus is paid ',:. to be second fo no canvass show Jn the road, and Mir. Ro binson guarantees a fine entertainment, comfortable s,eata aid polite attention. Look out for Ihe advertisement of this circus in our next issue. ! i . - - : r ( Convention. The Odd Feilows are going to have a big time of it at their next convocation.;: Says their an nouncement: ."The, Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order1 of Odd Fellows meets on September ltHb, in annual convocation, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Many prominent members of the order from the different states will b? fprcsen.t: There is to be erected; a splendid monument to Odd Fellowship by the Odd Fellows of Ohio, and this occasion will be one of the greatest gatherings ever known in tne history of American Odd Fellowship. Much 'interesting legislation, will be had to perfect and harmonize the new rituals of the new lodges and encampments.; The lotlowing is a statement of for eign exports Irom the port of Wilming ton for the month of August just closed, as compiled from, the books at the Custom House iu this city; j ' Rosin and Crude turpentine 17,461 barrels, valued at $39,787- : . SplriU Tarricntinft 470,884, gallonr, valued at $192,225. ' I Lumber 522,000 fett, valued at $io,25c. -' ;;.. p. '. Shingles 23S.Q0O, valued ai, $1,453. Total value of exports on American Vessels, $5,247i on foreign vessels $238, 474, Total foreign "exports for the month, $2t3,721. The total receipts of f cotton at the port of Wilmington for the crop year ending August 31st fooled up 119,522 bales, as against 78,788 bales ior the corresponding period last year.' j The exports for the Crop year ending August 31st footed up 119,702 bales, of 1 which 49,952 bales were shipped to do mestic ports and 69.S10 bales to foreign port?;f as against 78,348 bales, for the crop, year ending j August 3 1st, 1SS0, of which 41,702 bales were shipped to do- j mestic and S0.5SG bales to foreign ports. The result shows an ceipts of . 40,40? bales increase in re over last crop year, andja totat increase in exports of 41,414 bales, of which 8,190 bales were shipped coastwise and 33,224 foreign. " 'V.. 1 " ,mi ' '"!' RALtloH Tbain. The train that leaves here at 5:30 o'clock on the C. C. Riilroad, reaches Raleigh, by way of Hamlet, the next morn log at 8 o'clock. Now, we desire to recommend to Col. F. W. Clark, the efficient General-Passenger Agent of this line, and the other authorities of the C.t C,' and the Uilroads, to pot a alet per j - on this li ov . should they do so j we I belieVe that nine-tenths of the travel " will ro that war. , it a person has bouncss m KaJ- egbt he can save j jot two days by go- tog by via. of U am let. : He arrives in Raleigh at8oV.ock ia the morabg. andean leave for Wilajiortoo at S o clock that eveaiBg. Ua the other line via.. Goldsboro, yt-a o'clock i a the mcraing leave at CS3 and ai rived at lUkigh at 4 p. Us e the next day fochnaineoa ad leave- tho next day toa for ho, and reach WUauagioa at odock that ngaf, loaia threo day to atUnd to a few hoars of oi-rn Wo kepo that iL Clark wRIstndy tho coeafortjaa weU aa tao latemt ot oor heei n. ' ' i'l- . -f . , iv i m ' - - - i r IwraoTtJss-rTa r 1 ijnt-WTO,-i- There are nuay very ha adust lm- pre vesaeau; gviag oa ra Wl4aiaxa. la the ahapo of not. dorlUrg, storra an4ihTVsJadin- ;' Ur. Joka Tarrrntia has talUd a rrry handMna rtwUnace oa llarkrt hotwoea Eighth and Xtfih scrt-ic; Ut. John a Hey aavtrff a yrry Urr-i and exresMTr cwrirg rrrctrd etau earner of rrJ. aa4 4 Qro-a. W ht-jUiauoiimUikeu.7. Single Copies 5 Cents Mr. J os. Taylor is putting np a beautiful hou se on Walnut and Front 1 streets. which will add very much to the looks of that neighborhood. Messrs. Brown A Roddick, those enterprising dry goods merchants, who hare been so long i celebrated for quick sales and small profits, haye leased the store on Front street near 'Market, and have added to the building by constructing an ell off to the north, aboat50 feet to the Forcell alley. This store, when ompleted will bo. one of the largest and most convenient business houses in the,dty. The oldTick & Mebahe office has been handsomely renovated and, will . be; occupied by Mr. IE. R Dixon, a' gentleman lately moved to the city from Greenville, South Carolina, who will deal very largely In cotton. The Opera House, under the superin tendence of the lessee, Captain E. J. Pennypacker, jhaa, been entirely over hauled, repaired and ' refitted. There is no ) man who has done the half tor that establishment ,thaUthis gentleman has. When he first took hold of the Theatre it was more 'ike an idle and long neglected I barn, than'a Theatre or Opera House. He has been making constant improvements until now it is one of the very best in the south. Mr. Honnett has commenced a new resi dence pn Front and Nun streets. Northern capital is having an exceed ingly handsome - and ' commodious dwelling put un for Rer. p;D. Dodge, ou Nun between Sixth and Seventh streets. Mr. S,amuel Northrop has just completed a dwelling on Dock street between Fifth; and Sixth, which is al most the same as new. Messrs. Brund hill & Bros., have just completed their tobacco and agar factory;: the building is near the railroad, and located at a convenient distance from their whole sale liquor establishment They are prepared to, and probably do the lar gest liquor and tobacco business of any firm in the state. Messrs!.; Dyer k Son, clothiers.; hare leased the store,' corner Front and Princess streets, and it is now being thoroughly overhauled and made ready fo occupation by the above firm on the first of October. , Front and Dock streets has been . .very sub stantially improved by the erection of a large ice house and store the build ine is near 120 feet long, and three sto ries high. Mr, I B. H. J.j Ahrens, the Owner of this splend'd property pro poses carrying on the ice .business. Mr. George R. French, is having the second and third stories of the old Commer cial Bank put in first class order; he has leased the property to Mr. Benjamin' L. .Perry, proprietor of the Purcell House. Mr. McRary has just comple ted a dwelling, which is for rent, on the Nun and Fifth streels-it is a rery ex cellent and , convenient l building. Messrs. Williams & Murchisoo's office on water street. Wext door to the Cut-: torn House, is ' WiDg overhauled and, rearranged to suit the extensive busi ness done by thai firing Mr. Etvin AT lis wmI soon complete a small dwelling near, the corner of Fourth and Red Cross streets. (The Wilmington and Weldon railroad has just completed a vtry large and elegantly arranged round house at their depot in this dty. Mr. J. W. Gerlds is now constructing a btiilding on Fourth between Brunswick and Bladen street, lb '; bo used as a store. A small dwelling is now being elected on Sth fireet by Joshua Slone. A't V O- K-t is having a rery nice Ht- t.u resideLce put up on Nixon street. The dwelling which it In coorse of erection on 7th between Red crow and Walnut streeU will be the mideoco of Mr. A.he Council. Tool First Baptist Church (colored) on the comer of nth and Campbell 1 streets has been, or Is being thoroughly over hao led and pat ta splendid coodilioa. Mr. King has just completed a new dwelling on Woos- ter between $.vh and 9th streets. Mr, Seer lock kt also const ractisg a hand some residence on Wooster tirtet. Oar frieod, li. Steijrs, E)., has had hoilt a rery elegaat two story residence oa 6th near Ann street -rie of ik'm luadaota et dweliixrs . ia'that ohbohood.. Mr. Rhoe has a new hoUdiog goiag op on Ijacea bete era th and tkh stmtf, iatroded ' h . 'jdaelUng. The FifJi Sirtel M thodist Chunk h now baild lag a pexwaaagr: Rer. Mr. Ricaad, tho poator, haa, hy hard and ea-rrgetas work, saccreded la rtuataf lh besty to pat P the haUding. The coogrrsaOoa of ITfva Sui Car isceruiaiyto bo coograulated oa the d ef tatirg a auait4r of to atoch aUUtj we kepo they saiy ho ahio lo kee- aiai ao laeg aa ho desires ta rataain. Tho da-JIif which haaJa-4 nora ewted a 4ih ho-to-rra Aaa as4 Kaan; otroris Mawg to Mr. Cckrr. i.'-' ' j 'r h TVsahovo arooady fart of tlaba- rrraaa4, wt wia cwollrao ihotat U car neat. Wiaiat b crrUsaJe lajwirg very n4y. TU SAosat ef new lttirtnssrart vtry UnxxVj wiih It! 2, whoa there wtra ioat Sop awrSxi crrctai Wtho tHy, NUMBER 36, NEW ADYiaSTTSEMENTS. 1 Staito of Worth Cajlina, County "Vj; ;of Row HalnoTot., mXtu Amlttor a bonis im Jvi???,wiBd;U'd-- who sue in tTl?.11?" M ,wil other 1 Itora of the estate of James iStokeJej. de- naaea. -: j....n.. ... ' ' ,: 'U ' '". V8. " .f1'., i ' -0v1. Oldham', xeeator of James Stoic eJey. : TStr 5 WUdred . A.'V6u.kely.Vl n..' Wdhatn and -wle. Mildred AcTham wmumJlr8SkJ7' l-aerett 8ioke.iey J. Bttkaler. Walter 1 Stokile wntiim Larklna, &. af. howdew, Vm. ii. Aider. fiWB'cDrfoRa orth.utTor'Sid thePlalnUffacaiostthe lleltadanU to M core a settlement of said estate aocordlnr to. lav i A 1 1 . nxl 1 1 am . mt ..1.4 T hereby furtaer noUOed to appewr before Ute andenlened, t hi offle la AVtlmtnttOD.' XS8I, end file the evidences of their eUtvaa or they will be prevented from parUciiwt ins 1 the asseU of uld estate. 7 is, v AKAMiunaw, I Clerk superior Court sept 4-5t .of New Uaaorer Counly, 1 Administrators Sale of BY IviRrTJE mad In pursuance of aa or . . oer ofaaJe made by tha Kooertor f Vnrt TfLeT0;fiBOVer cnty. on u eta day or i?H,.d .?art between, William Lmrkla. Parker, Nicholas r. Parker and Motile J. Parker, defendaau, the anderalaned Anminiitmljir nf i.i Tnkn . i. . i . . CvmralMioner appointed In aald cause' -nil "J fuuho murnoa, 10 id niSDMt Dld S5ff m "? Courl House door. In the city ot aforettaia, on Monday, the 5th day of Bep' deserlbed Jou, pleoea or. paroela of Jnd, situate and beld in the aaldClty of Wll- In the Western line of Kleventh atreet. 1S the Northern line of Princess street, run- nln. i than .u 17 . 1 1 . . . . Ift?." ?K132 fot. theuce Northwardly 1YJI LP LllAl With I' A...IV . . . v. ... - . . to Maoomber line, thonee with Jile Un Northeastwardly about nw feet to Elevehlh streetj, thenoe with the Western line oT Kleventh street about 60 feet to the feectn W.M..U rot or parcel ae- g.lnniD5-,n lh Northern line of Princess section with the Western line ot Kleventlt . . ri iu-do wwiwa-uiy aiop thence Northwardly parallel with Klevemh BLriVAt.i 1W in. . w. A . i.. . n . . . T7. xuvwaruiy parallel with IriffiMjv.. ...aa. jut ' . .i . . - jT w induce CKNiin- feel to th berlnnlDr: also a oertala other lot or parcel, beginning in the Eastern lino of Eleventh street 1 feet Northwardly from Its IntersocUon with tbe Northern line iof IYincess street, .running thence North wardly along- tbe Eastern line of Eleventh street KM fL ih.... v. -i . . . . with princess street 13a feet, theuce etoeth- r . i . fr..-ft wiiu cievenut street m feet. . th'nM n.n..i . Prlnrmia Inaf lfl rmm .TI v. . . Jw a certain other lot or parcel bexlnnlsV u uiounuri) una oi rrioceas street, w I?1 A "ward ly from 1 ta Intersection w II h the Western line of XwHOh street, ranalsi thence West ward iv along the Northern 1 I W .. J. W Dl-4 VM m m. rf. mm mm.m. mmth m m m . . . uwt K i iuc-h street i ieet, toenee North ward 'vi lf K i. i . T. thence- Lastwardly parallel with prinecu ZZ.rc mV Ti L uvmvm """"iwireiy paraiMI. With T-rnlfth iirM. u; b.i V. w . ; . w. iv .u irraio nlng; and also a certain other lot or parcel, beginning In tbe Northern line of ftnees-T street, at a point 133 feet West wardly from Tweiau street. rubnlag thence Veitwardly ; Xi tttmt 'thavnnav t,'nMh.r..ll. .aa !v. - - - . w ..uiimhwui. ,MVI BV1 1 fft W I IO Tweirth! street l5i foet, thence Katwardiy parallel with Princess street U lect, tbanesi -Tf11' i 1,1 with Tweiah street 163 feat In that hawlnnl. . I . ...T.. other lot or parcel, beg-inming In the East. rdl-.irrAm if. i . . Hoatltern line of Pr Jpce sireet, ruBBing H1". irrSL' 1-rtnc-aV w wiarwu jviuuers line thence Houlhwardly with his tins about IM fc ' v- -. - - - - ... V . . .. along the Juutern line of Mevento sir-t about as ieet lo the thinning- also at tain other lot or parcel, beginning In u Eastern line of Kl.TenthMreew ii ! vSSTJ-l!' ,Blnlo with tba iiS!MKi!S rf.ln-- tri, running In an rv. Nnrt h mm nt 1 m m . 1- - V -m .. . " , ... . - ui, ratuirQ iin of Eleventh street XI feet, thence KaaU f?K thenoe Honthwardiy parallel wltU J-n"!" -rTLW fort " West ward ly " " uwwm nrrrx, i. 'f-ct to tbe iH 1 iwi ertjUB oU- or Northern line of I lineeaa street wtth ttee M-wa ua cieven in. street, manioc thence aaatwydty along the Northern n of Princess street 133 fret, thence North, wy parallel with Eleventh etrees ec thence Weatwardly parallel wiu, Princess i street IV feet, u thiHitera Um 1-leVMiLh street, thence Moo in ward I y aloetg mm a U lW H BVllT-Sia SSTS-t SBJ 1Ul to be tMctaatng; also acwrtala otbee lot or . mm ... . m . i mm cm Cbsatant tract m Url Wtwtwardiy rroea U Twelflh street, run a lag Ihenr ttooth irudi . mrall-4 with Tw-irth sUeet !&' f-wt we-gwardly psri etta Onsuiii auwet Twelfth street US fret to M-rn terra Tls. tnewco North Eastwardly wiu MaesMbseiJ " ar' w ww s s-w 4V4tew-e an si gov csi a 4BMHaBV- -- tbe tytwiaalav. I Term) at -.ties o--tbirl mt inr nti,w aoey to U paid ia CMmm mm tbt tralsana tbereoftatwoeeaal payWaUL m-VvuT data of sale, wit later- xtmlmmtrZ fl K.I Amtm mt . V. . . . . I'm! ow-taowl 1 or sa-iikei.-. s7 . . J7 ' w per oral, bar a- Ida. 'Sialaa mriH mm a . ' eh ssers hot tbe eseT?Mtasiav. tLZL :AV- -HI rr mm i' mi as -aawear hi ..a- . """KKl wn-f aaa voeaa orriczi o tux ajm miaius en or i the rxiaMA.x a vixue a TBt sr yOMTAXTm :: Wimbws. K C iaJy fttb. Jan. , OTirK ta ber-Oy ctea b a2t t i i .n,. Lm7m7VIm?r??JJl K wimV iL mJ. TKVmT ,Ottrr; Wee--c-re OasWaabaS mm tSM tTaat Titter' -rrTih? tms prrtcr ox oa fxrtttut aioi- t :: 3X.tsl, r .5 eM tne o-etl, ewteMee aanig t -Mbee tewstawa t"i ' " wm bae mmmb T :m rnrnt .4 eaa. T 7-11 - , ' sVSsasaTTislv pwa. iviflLw jrrrvrH "mmtnm. tlmmA mm - -Ii - -:- oaaf astr MULE HOME EElCniTI, sawn( jsa A.wt ratatosfaOWkr-a.- : f a Awrtgjc. tz2oar m i S-Saiiiaaa. -av mm 44 mmmf-mg miava : 1 X . " - - - . . ! - ' '.'... - -. ::',-i

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