VOLUME XIJ. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINAi:St7Nt4rSl;SEPT. ILISSJ. Single Copies 5 Cents ' NUMBER 37 ' V"L r 4 M I N GT O n r O ST jvVTKBEt AT THE. rOSTOFFICE AT WH-NUSGT0S,. N. Second Class Matter 1 .':P -; . - ' -' ' - KATES OP ADVERTISING. i?;ftir 'aiWh ncr line for. the first in .2,:..., on.l twpnfv.fivo cents" wr linn or eacn auumuuni luaciuuu, : : Allnnmmunicationson businesshould bo addressed to The WILMINGTON Post, Wilmington, N. 0. :. ; : . All advertisements will be charired a t the above rates, except on special con ' tracts. ; r, ' ;", -'Tim aiwwplrint.ifiii nric( in Till? Wll. 1 mfrvTi-rw t'nur ia 1 Of! t r WOP six months 75 cents. ,.; j. J-jigut (9). lines, .nonpareil type, con tutute a square. y --, . THE PRESIDENT. , h OFFICIAL I1ULLET1N. j bLUEno n, J., oepiemoer, o, e.ou A. M. At the morning examination, ftiade at So clock, the President's pulse - . . . .. n o t J r , tion lof- lie was restless and wakeful during the early part of the flight, but afler 12' midnight,. Blept well . until s. morning. 1 1 in general condition ap pears more encouragiog. , ; j . SigiK'd) 1. W.ULlKS, , : ' ; F. II. Hamilton. '; h is "-uudersloir-d that Drs. 'Reyburn, iJirucs and Woodward retired at the . UUfslioii of the President. ljDri Bliss .Baid'thatlsre. was no reason for the .'.retirement of the Minjeoon, except the deaire of the very sick man and Bis wife. - ' i':S" '!'''" ' Ty .special- request of. the President it lias beeifiinade our duty to say in u :i 4 i am ii-iii iirr:i i lire .tci. i . nuu rrniiira. thU kuMic manner to Hurireon General Mr. Kcyburn, that In dispensing with their seryic?s as his medical attendants i ..' J.i.v "!.;. l..; i. lie naa iiLi'iniiu vuij vj a. mou iu j tJ Jieve thcui of the labor and responsi bility , whiclfitf his improved condition lion . he cot ldt no longer properly im- .hiuo - it itnn I K Am Tint Y f a Pp(idiAt 'and Mrs. Uarfield dcsirCto express to thete geLtemen, perronally,, and in the same public manner, their high " innvA.iiiliniJ v.f A vaa l (r 1 1 1 a i r4 t .1 cretion wbicV they have so constantly -exercised i a astociate counsel in the uianemenJ j ol his up to ihespresent time. . . : v (Sigunl) ; , .'.ill ; 1). W. Dlis8, F. II. Hamilton. September 9. . 1 1 is ieic is to fpeud time, in quoting tlu' tilniptr of fcrurgcons. a Blight j turn of langigge will create a positive : jlninTri'i lta 41A Tlrv lltiaa taMMliA President wjis "convalescent because j LiV pulse was down to-92," -''it was re etcd on the nings of all the tele j'granM. ; :j ' "" :' lr. llimilton spjle very eucoura'einc 16 lr. Panccast the other evening, and o away- w ( t! o telegram. ; ' '"The President ate a portion of a laririuel wnn ine soiier paria oi a slice of ti ast," and another gauzy tele- . gran. , " Tit A. SkofiB-f (ar!i nv hiA retary Kirk wood is going to Ohio where be was bum to meet Mrs. Kirk wood. . -Secretaries Windcm, Hunt, Lincoln and James are planning a trip to the White Xlf unlains. and reODla a well : th?Prf8ident breathe ftetr. U j Secretary Hlaine from Long Branch baiuth more'cheerlul than he wa from the biid'summer miasms pf the Poto c, an4 we will soon hare a fresher resident and a livelier Cabinet, and a ; fc'Pi'irr Nation. : j Personal. lney I tinier, aged about 40, died oi tbc ih iustant, at a place called Ijaal ia Polk county, North Carolina. lie was a poet, scholar and writer, and M traveled iuueh over the south. ; : Prince VrcJerick. uncle to the Kinr w tbe Nttherland-s Is dead. ' U-rea P. Waldo, a distiuguUhed Jastice cf the Matstchusetts Supreme ..wt,i iini on Thursdty t midnight, -Ctd80. Vwldnin Smith U appointed Matter f ib U niteruty Collete t Oxford. Slfphf n 8. Fester, celebtatedi as an : 7iDtilaur7 aeUator.andhasband - yvj rvvlil j , wwvui . m ui mm la aJr(v-tii ftf woman's riehta. died Uais fara near Woixee'.er, Maitv, o - "'"It XXU I ;v. I v V' . "iace Usmarck and tbe Eiperor . WiliUtt lutched tottther m Danxle, Eaperor btf on his way to as ni with the Ciar. " twHs Rkr. Stats. Ex. Cot. I ; Statestiixk, N. ' - - t ' AB. SWh, : TWt will be a mtetinz of the IU- W-caaSta Exrcutlve Cbmsailtee ty of Rale!, oa Thanday, all rteettd to U pmtaU Z ' Johjt" J. IIOTT. Ckairets. . VuiU atU for twtaty-fire ctaU i com. . Frm onr Traveling Corrcspen : . . 'dent. .. .... .. ! . Mt. Tryon, Sept. 2. 1881. Dear Post : Your correspondent has visited the celebrated Thermal Belt; of which we have heard so much. .The The Thermal Belt is' certainly warmer in sumrrer than is the country up on the mountains, and it must be a warm, nice place : in' Vinter. This section, said to be so thermal as to prevent the killing, or hoar frosts in the early sprinr. which are bo fatal to all fruit crops, is situated in Polk cbunty at; the foot of .the Blue Ridgeand at a point where the Ridge turns from its general southwestern course to an abrupt western direction', thus presenting to tbo sun a mountain-side" and a t alley below pro tected from the northerly winds, jbut exposed ail the while to south air and sunshine. What a wall on the north! The noted peaks i us t north and east of north are the White Oak mountaius and Mt. Tyroa. and to the west of north, Hogback. There are hills to the south, but the mountain range (be gins abruptly, and "alt of a tudden"9A a forcible writer would say, and rather hedge around the "Belt," from north east to northwest. The frost Hue, that! is for the early frosts. of autumn and late frost snaps, of the spring, only extends' about halfway down the mountain and resumes right at the lowest base where there isjals j frost, as on and 'above the belt uii tbe.mountain Bide. Thus it will - i . be seen that the moderately elevated grounds in the valley and ou the sides ot the mountains southward are in the bell'' which extends southward a lew miles bt fure it looses its character, and about ten ; miles east and west. The finest of. fitit.can be. had, in this val ley, from , June io 'November, 'of all kinds, but this year the crop is not so bouuliful as usual. It is claiuieJ, how- everthat there is never a total failure . . - . i . i . in the celebrated ' -thermal lielt.' Pears are magnificent, and Dr. JSIcAboy, who has a Coneumptivev Saqitarium two miles from Tryon depot, on the Spartanburg and Asheville' railroad, declares that there is, or will be, as big profit in a pear orchard here as in an orange' grove in Florida. The Doctor seems to regard tbij place as a small slice of Florida, strayed off from the parent peninsula.! His home, as be fore staled, is a sanitarium, and is alp ways full winter and summer. All kinds of '-fruit do well, but' the peach: pear and grape are probably the most profitable aud most perfect in growth and quality., Lands can be bought in this valley for, from five to twenty ool lars per acre, according to situation and iaiprovements. The mountain timber, must of it in accessible, is prodigious in growth t saw hivkory trees alongside ' the rail road booming up- from raving below fully one hundred feet to the limbsj straight and of uniform s;r j all the way such magoificeDt timber! "rAt Tryon depot- the railroad from Spar4 tanburg to : Henderson ville begins to ascend the mouotaito, and going upj when yea reach Saluda, twelve mitre, from Tryon, you are practically on the top of the Blue Ridge.. This road will; go through to Asheville before a great while, it being already graded most of the way from its present running ter minus at Uendcrsonyille. The scenery aloog the road from Saluda to Tryon is wonderfully grand and touching. I rode on , the engine going iWit and woudercd what, on. that precipitous grade would be the result if our iron horse should get unruly and tear away from its mastet's control ! A strange feature indeed, Is so much level coun try on top of the asountain. : A stranger, blindfolded and brought to Hender son ville, ou the top of the Ridge, would suppose from the lerel country around that he was one hundred and fifty miles east of the Rid gt unless hia eye fell upon some of the more elevated peaks some miles distant A wonderful coun try, indeed I Your, troly. u Caps Fkail r, S. Touchier the theory of frost lines and belts bn mountain fronting sou ta as with Tryon, White Oak and Hogback in the Ihermal Bell; might not the louth sea air eren Irosa in rmlf strtam wnicli tta not U more than two hundred mtlee southeast, when lodd acalnst thia, mUca-klgn and mUte-loag wall ri? c setfOea," settle until it met the lower stratasa ot frost cold damp alt rising from the base of the mountain and Una losing lie char acter, the normal Umperatare and frost begin ajaia at oa the top of the moon tain? If sw then the fnt oa the top and base of Tryon and the thermal atralam abore the baso and below the height is explained ad thk locality Is a rtcrasdUl ami payueai anomaly I regret that I did not Uto time to gvt Dr. UeAboTt aoUoes of thk theory ot hb own Ideas cf tho pheoomtaca, bat I waoaboiaand had to peah oa U a harry. Yoara, ;CMTx Look out lor tie drcaa, ocjal - Newbekn, N. C, Sept. 6, '81. Mr. Wm. P. Canada y, EDITOB W'LMINOTON I'ObT: v Deae Sis: I notice in your editori al comments on an article from the North State, jou say that "Hubbs and r - - ' . . . . ... . Planning were too loyai io meir party to fight against the advice of the State Committee." You are right, when you except Congressman Hubbs from the position the articje in the North Stale places him, as well as other prominent Republican leaders. And I hardly think the editor intended to place the gentlemen named in the attitude his article puts them in. As loDg as the grea't Republican! party stands, bo long will Congressman Hubbs stand by it, and uphold its glorious principles; and the article does ; him great injustice when .it states that he, with other lead ers, are in a hostile position toward the party, or when it includes him with the lathers of the party, whom it says, see fit to denounce its organization. Mr. Hubbs has . never placed himself in such a position, and has up to this time never seen any occasion to de nounce the organization of his party. Ife was co repelled to absent! himsel from the state'for a few mouths on ac count of his failing health, which had been severely taxed during the spring and early summer months. But be fore he left his; friends knew his posi tron on the question then; 'before the people. Mr. Hubbs Is an advocate cf temperance ih its proper sphere? but is opposed to anything like class legis- alion, hence he objected to the recent prohibition bill, and could not advo cate its passant he houghf it would injure instead of improve the temper? ance cause. The people whom Mr. Hubbi represents luiy ri'st assured he will never advocate any question that will abrigde any of their rights, u he believes in equal business rights as well as equal political right, and that no, side issue will ever bo liie cause of his denouncing the Republican organiza tion, or placing himself in a hostile attitude against. the success and tri umph of the Republican party.'-. lie iLl always be lound standi.t g up to the principles of the party. A letter received from him a few days ago slates that his health is a little improved, und he hopes to be able to return in a few days. Yours, truly. ; j ; Robert Hancock, Ju. STATE NEWI5. The falcon: Changed, schedule of the 15: C. & II. R. in this issue takes effect to-day. Two trains a day, to and rom Elizabeth, mat ing it very con venient to travelers. Theiad vantage in our mail 'matter is incalculable. : Hreenville Fjjrcs': Any vessel that can come iu at Uatttras 'cau come up toAVashington iu the present condition of the channel, except on rare cca- eions wh?n eome strong westerly I wind blowsjfhe water out. Time, money ami abor, therefore, have been wasted be low Washington that should have been bestowed on Tar River or conveyed nto the national treasury. Coucord Rtghkri Our tagcr" beer makers use glucose. Iu some of the neighborhoods where it is manufactured the twigs of trees wither and the people iave sore throats. The sulphuric (oil of Titriol) UM;d destroys . pipes, ma chinery and even buiiJiWs. iThe oil of vitriol is found in the glucose; I also. me copperas, tin and lead.. The Edenton Clarion.' Dr. Sum- mcrell who has just died in Edenton was eraduated at Madison'CoIlege, Pa., On December lSoO, he was married to Elizabeth J. Skinner, m Edenton, N. C and for several years followed the practice of medicine in sajd town; sub-. sequently he moved to Norfolk, and afterward to Berley. Va., where he engaged in the active duties of his pro fession, until hi tailing health, admon ished him, that death bad marked him for hia own. He returned to Edenton, where he lingered on in weakness and fee blent s several months, unlil it pleated our Heivealy Father to call him home. i- The CMmkt SopeiiaUadent UUIe of Oxford Orphan Ay!om, comes be fore the public ia a touchier appeal for the helpless one cum milled to hi charre. The cumber of boy and tirl la the Asylum U treat er and the re ceipts are smaller than meat Nearly every one who read tat article can contribute something fc ta,chilrc, and many caa di a great deal for them. ! M M k Will MMkJ Id lh appeal, "lie thai givtth t the poor leadeU U the LorO.- ie UMami itoMrt of the Western Xcrth Carollaa Ittllrffi hate cJScially aotiaod the Oettraor tlU Ue aa!goea of the road are not tomltz mp to their contract and: made mr tpciclSe charge; three of which rtSatt to 4tli li complin the work of beltiieg the road asd the fofert charre them wan dcrialaa tiag tltlaat Nxth Caroliaa town aad cities.' Senator Vanee, one of the Com 'missionerB,' was interflowed by, a repre sentative of the Charlotte, Qbrper, and made the statement thatrtbe ftrarmontha extension of Ume r granted Q the jm signees was: otaine-.bXx fraud.; To this charge as well .as Ihe othera)Col.' Andrews, President of the road, has re plied.. As matters stand at present Got. Vance' Te" seronaly qnes tioned, and it wonfd seemi with reason for it. r-. . , ,..r r- Iiaurinburg ' Enterprise; ? -Col H.'. fe. Guthrie of Chapel Hill died at hU home in that town of paralysis," oa Tuesday, the 23rd u4 at 3f0'tlockK M.; aged 67 years.1 fHe !was a "promiM nent citizen, haviBbeenherinreftbeT county of Orange and a member of the General Assembly. He was tht? ' father of our townsman,' W. A. Gnthrie, Esq. John Powers, 89 years old.died the last of August. -' He was a soldier of the war of 1812,' and was in teceipt'of a pensioa from the United Slates Gov ernment up to the time of his death. He waSjiBS years of age; and forty years had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was the brother- in-law of Mr. Jesse Power, of this -. i town, having married his sister. Gastonia Gazette: The drouth still continues; wells and springs are; failing; small streams are going dry; timber on the ridges is dying; pastures scarcely afford grass enough to keep stock alive; up-land corn is burned up by the ex cessive heat; the crop prospects look gloomy, and unless we are soon visited with refreshing showers there will not be food enough raided to supply the wants of man and beast. pro tracted meeting is now progressing at Zion- Church near High Shoals,' con ducted .by the Rev. Mr. Jenkins, of LincOlnlon, and 'the R,ev. M. I: Car penter, of Gaston. Considerable ex citement exists in this' vicinity in re gard to the disappearance of Emeline Boyd, colored; fears are : entertained that 8he has been murdered by her husband, Jack Boyd, who has been odged in Dallas jail for running over the neighborhood start baked in a fit of insanity supposed to be delirium trc- inens. A" man named BlalockV a drunken dog, killed Pikney Abernethy at Ball's Creek, in Catawba.- Three hundred and fifteen tents at Denver camp meeting in Lincoln. CIT i' ITEMS. The Equinoctial ok Cyclone- Dam au e to Property not yet Esti mated. On Friday morning a storm, tenific in its effect broke over; this city and lusted for the greater portion of the day, though the wind reached its maximum velocity, 89 miles ad hour, about l.SU o'clock P. MJ- The storm was accompanied with heavy rains, and tho city-.i flooded. We are unable to asceriaiu liow lar the storm extended, as the telegraph, telephone and goT- etnment wirrs are prostrated. . The most Beriou disaster occurred at the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta freight depot. The roof was blown in and four colored uitn, who were at work there at the time,! were injured, three of them, it is thought, seriously. Other sheds "t the depot were unroofed. A house near the eastern extremity of Castle street was blown over, but a colored woman and two children, tbe occupan'e, escaped unhort. A small dwelling, near the corner of Eighth ind Church streets, was blown down but no one was Injured. - A new house being erected by Mr. Geo. Honuet, corner Front and Nun, was blown down and one cow was killed and two hurt, the property of Mr. John Uaar. ' V- . :- The front window of the City Uall were broken and damaced. ; ' The root of Messrs. Aaron H Rneie- ttetn, store, cn Front street, was car ried away and the upper loOr flooded, causing heavy damage to the ttocr es timated at from 13,000 to $5,000. A part of the roof of the rarcell House wis taken off acd the upper pUsxa ln the rear, fxdog to the aortb waa taken ' up and! carried orer the building and throw partly upon the L of Mew. Brown A noddkk'a new ktore and partly iu the rear of Mr. J. Samson. The new L of MeaarvCrowa k Roddick will have to be "rebuilt. while Mi. Sasnoaw roof was coaalder ahty damaged. V ' r ' " Part of the roof of Mrc,; Mitchell & Sea torv ow Water etreet, m canird awaT. " :,: : ''' u " A large hed oa the wntaUe ef the ri w waa fwiraUd - The large warthesso of tlu Nrw Yock A WUmiarloa Eleus&p Iiae wa aaot the tnt tajkU to Ihefary of the UU. It k aiaKt aa ea'ar The arfo Carl Half taotndi a SIrssrt, Pelaxt 4 Co", wliii; w tU wteiLVeriTtr.waUjwaUtli8 Mt cxryix wfch her a frt of tie wharf to whfch aho waa mwwed. The ihlpia uninjured, and was safely moored at the wharf near Dock street. f The rirer lront of Messrs, P." Cum ming & Go's, mill foot of Dock street, waa badly damaged. ..-4 . I .The roof of the warehouse on Messrs. Worth & Worth's premises was taken Off and a lot of hay stored there ! was damaged. .' Other ' roof in the same locality were also carried off, but we did not bear; of any special damages UieYby:;;-V j 'Jfart of the roof of the Person build as, foot of Chestnut street, was lifted laoding the offices with water. Wooden fences and even brick walls iTarious directions, yielded to ! the fuxjlof the wjnd. . Time and space fail and WM CABnnt rnrtimlnriro thao H- I The maximum Telocity of the wind was 80 miles an "hour, acd it blew at that rate between 1.35 and 1.40 o'clock. The ' minimum1 ' velocity of the storm was 25 miles. " The rainfall was about 1.90. . At Masonboro Sound "a. breach was made by the sea in the banks rand a new inlet has been formed below ! Big Bayabout two miles south of the told inlet. The break is a wide one and the surf was reported, breaking over icto the Sound, .- " ' ', ' ' ! " : The signal service wins are pros trated aud we cau hear nothing thereby from Sinithville or the Sounds, but fears are cukrtained for the safely! of the stfjira tug Blanche which is said to be at, sea. .- ..-j:.: : ;. . The te.iiier Passport picked up the crew of the schooner Maggie, which capsized off Old Brunswick. ' Several y essel, iricluding the government dredge boat, JVe rcjkn led ashore down the river... . .-'.. ' ) . f ; The roof of Mr. J. W. Taylor's mill, Messrs. Alia tier, . ! Price & Coin pa ny ' sash and blind lactory, Crouly & Mor ris's auction, room, Hall & Pearsatl' warehouse, three warehouses owued by Messrs. J, R. Blossom & Evansj, the residence ot Mr. H. G. Smallbonesi Some, of the slatine of the roof of the First Presbyterian Church and a portion of the wooden oruament of the steeple were blown off. V H A portion of tho roof the new St. .Stephens' A. M. E, Church, aud the tin on the store ol Messrs. George R. French & Suns, the Eli Hall house, W. D. Goodman's , store, the Cape Fear Tobaccs . Works and the Hevicw office were blown off. j Every building on the Carolina Central Railroad yard was unroofed, the brace included. ? The residence of the Rev. W. V. Cowan, at Masonboro was blown down, and his wife acd four children were injured, though not. seriously. ! !. Trees were blown down aud taken up by the roots. The storm is thought to be the : most terrific which ever passed lover this city. -J", r'' ; . j I ' We shall ucdertake to give in io'ur next a full report of all damages in and around this city. "'(- -; ;-i -.' New Inlet. The water passed .over the sand strip between the stone work and the government buildings at Fed eral Point. It also cut out another channel at about half a rail; below the southern end of the stone work. Three of the government flit were sent up in the woods, and considerable other property bdoogiog to the government destroyed. ! I ; , i We suppose there has been another telegram sent by the officer in charge, to tbi city, sUtiag that "the1 work hare received no damage." 1, A gentleman, who is well informed, said a few dy ago, "If Congrcs will only , appropriate twenty-five millions, he believed the prcaeet officer in charge of the river and harbor improvements would be able to close New Inlet. We Tery incerely doubt it. Tho aire of the appropriation would have to be in creased. ' .'.-;., ! The damage by the torm ou Friday last, toCproperty in thi city, will reach 1100,000. It wa cettaicly one of the t terere ever experienced here, as welt as along the coast ia this vicinity. At ISmithTiUe. one pilot boat, tho BwiA. was lost, the crew barely eveap- tag with their v Be. , Te pilot boat Tlmmou. wa uk: aaother wa blown up la the marth. Oaobark be- lougiag to Mr. Uaaaea, of thi city, and a othoooer werohkrwo aahorc The Cutter Cbifax, aader crxnmaad of Lieut. M aarer. eared two mea off of a wreck; J af ctud toe bur. Tho Jaeaa t .'XpJUur, U the of a haa4eae S coutu rrr ja4 Urted at Ceaafart, N C by Uemn. lotttr ami Cadkk. It well ed.tl aadUitOirtaWaMcrrm. Mr. Pa- tee haa beca wm W asaay yearu. Ma le a mam f caurgT d upriv ami wo bdkvo Im ea a4 wi2 saahtatuv per.pey h aU Cartmt. Tho peaela of the couatr ahould JJ lim Vr - NtUX uul fak (at tho ca&ryrM ctmfal ctwrrry prrr- : i NEW - aDVEETISEMENTS.- 7 THE ACKNOWLEDGED BIG - SHOW ! MONDAY, I rn THP1 Tfn.T?T rn? . " ir"i is-t m OLD JOHN ......... ... :: ' . :i . - ..: mm ! - - . -1 ; .-i- ! . i . ' World's KJioTivior! TO MY, MANY FRIENDS: Doriae period Ofarer Bny TMn I hm public tbe MPpslUon. which 6W m namiI hiV. VtrMiiFlmp yT br reTr wy oreanixailon.addlng to tu merits and IncreMlng tta Utmonelon. until lihaa MuZ( bucu vast proporUons m to entitle It to the namo of """""'"""'"f" u uaa utta THE; -B.I MONDAY. SEPTEMBER lore; wm u iiDii u wiiiniDtioo an nneqnaJied Menagerie n nurtvaakid iimir. tiu. ..-lv...uvimx viii uii uvu, vi on un i rmrr. wonucrilll kliil curious in the ZooloxlceJ Kingxlom , j ' TIII3 tJlRCUS IS THE VEttY llliSX " - . - 'if . j i - i ... i ... ' Among thcupeclalUcS toheullnriwod will AnvT,ifuu.ex,,,WUo,,; TUKOiaNTOX Urcer than en lphn; TflK onLv m f I.VKft ANTELUFK ever on exhibition: THK i.AltCiEST JjOl.'HLIKill.li . X.kYZ L,.!i LAIM1E KLEFILAAT8: ft group LlVHiti CJI RAFKfT cl.oo4 .Irf MKA 1 JUNK i i?.VA5'?ONJHLU Thiereiolble KXTItA KlliTUKfc ethTb wVihr? SHOW ONLY, in addition to At- hundred other peel mean, maklnc mv eotieVna ill La HO EST IN THE WOHLIj The arcn. I. m it buair.;. ir"EU?wVr vfr w InMMil- TIT V wuiTif Mir in ni- a le . T ""- " ciuiuiwu. j wm in pciwi Tim ui I rl y end ail BAlnla Huth at which my Ureal how exhlblia. I will care for U vomUHlimy Lulllml allow no more UckcU to be Sold than J have place to aecommoJaie the hoU7r 1 Dledce the renntaUon whtoti flnv.ai mr nf m...i . . "i . TV which I'holH rmf .rMl.rnln. lk. . . 1 1 - I - AdmtMlon as nxaal. Reduced ratea ou alt Railroad. j, 1 '- . .. .;'-" i- v iv-i Very rwpeetlUUy, i''r- ;..i-:f -vj:-' AIohtuauv. Dr. J. CL Walker. uT) penntendent ot ileal to. makes the fol lowing report ! of deaths in this city during the month of Augu,t: ; Whites 3 male aad 4 female: 6 adult and 1 child. Total. 7. Colored 16 male and 5 female; o duU and 12 children. Total. 23. Total deaths,; white and colored, 27. Laborers on lighters and oa the Ciy Waur Work track for higher on Aioodayt the ibrmcr for 25 ceuta and the JaUer for 65 ceets.. The former w accorded to aad the latter rrjected. te learn that Dc Cloud ha sent north for labor.-. . , ; ikm change are being made ia the interior of the PotoQce. The mosey order and tamp office I to be moved ti the lower end of the main lobby. thus giviog better factliUea'for work ia the interior. . - '.";,"-'ll."j.;v. . ' f ' Hockrtenog froe barrel, box or stand of any decripUo, ov- tho aide- walks without the coaaeal Of tho Chief of Iotce, and erithia the city market limit, U to bo prohib Ud ou aad after to-morrow. r-".:'W :..f l ' Eadowmeat lUak, aectiou Ul. Jk- ef oa Tady Ut mmrol a check tut f2tW9, the benefit em tho liJ of tho Georgo Stlaokco, which wa paid mr ta lira. Frederiha A. SUeakea. lh nUom. mrahoawtmauSiHwa aaado Uaial acwa, I,aXi;Wa CWlambw cooaty, La reoritud am p pvhumnl a om ef the Cum mi ua mw em behalf of tho Cu: AxrkUxnI Saorty to 'tho. .KtyteaMs at AlUaia, . Ueary Luciav od ef thi y4 urml i XUatrmaa fjvm cJUe uasY tmIHUy bat. TV Ttcy UaTtaxanctfitrriaaii iatrrtdl la tao rmat Cescy V . Ur.fi. A. JhtJLU$x&E& aal CKwurvsr aitai fwta, hem ram a Charlaoa to takw tc?7rarr t&ar tf ocaiiiaitat ; , SEBTEliBKR I 4m - ; A x t Tuai: eirriW-ssf 4 if a j s i uiu unvy i r .sJ..v..;-; iUtSfJir - id- 1- annnkll nunnil u..j. .' .i .i K SHOW; . ... . i . :. . be THE U'OSItKlri'rr. uivi it u. . .r b ... u .. ..v T lTKTLVTr i 1111 W1D1 I.JT Stata of North Caroliaa, Couaty 1 , or jfw ixamoruw II. W. Wahat. AdmiBUtratoedeboaUenMi . ' t JM, w1nd4Kl.derSatSi boVTlS 1 , ttooftb ut or iame motel, 40- Vri ''('.-.eM'i V'r."'fi C. W. Oldham. Ex em tor oiamee MiokvVy, ' L'r.T71 1 i -T'J f- -'iri wiL lAraina. Oi at. tewdes. mmfttTAUS man, Ahly Ultrt and Jaaaea Cttwaav taeitamutraeiUe Ir.f.w.linie m t.' rare a cUjMHt ot J4 xH4.7t P law. AU cradivm ot aatd mum m " mmm id 1 1 av m, a . . L la. and aietA khncM t4 Uwtf 1ela mi aau ih bvbmu at tmii muaia . -p... n vaAmtctiR ;1 j of few l&MMTer Ctojy. JOHN WERNER, Thm Prskctiatai O 1 V j aiad PHumoW rnwmr tw jrrcKBAor aV am1 NEW Ul4 iVlii3n , IXC . 8ALOON ; t i . . t. ' Ko. f? Haiirt &ra. ew Asmfe; AjudalnarHaavl om tht ";rro o4 ' lnaoam) Caecr,;' 3, t wiLivitncTon;Mic UamfattaroofratUam Ca!srr ; ' I rir taa aad I ni' An tZxsxmSitL. 'Otterim, rTtJ IU 0."hv a3r:' fcu, Ler. Im&r, lltzrvU : f - MHU!. ?. f a yn no4fcaML..'- 1 vtws Tii miii ei 'a i t.. ; a t mmm a-i JciUi5JJNb0I ma XUrwcv llTtfiiri t. .aiii

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