.. ' - - ( I -l ? . : ' ar.rAriNaTQisr post ' ' ,JlTjtt THE P05T0FFICE AT J.. .hToK. N. C as Second Class IT I J V r ! t Matter-I ii ?ATBS Of ADVERTISING. Fifty cents per line for the first in .ortioB and twenty-five cents per line 1 (oreaehiadditional insertion. ' Allcomrflunicationsonbusinesshould ..ed l .to THE IWlLMIirGTOK . Post, Wilmington, N. C. v v , -A iii'.iffarraiTn(nts will be charged : AH . T .V I rtie above rates, except on special con. ' tracts I .The Subscription price to The Wil- ifivaTdJf Fost is fi uu per, year ix motitbs 75 cents Eight (?) life, Nonpareil type, con tiAPK jfNAll llAHBOlt... TiiviiXK,j.N.-C., Sept. 10, 8l. or roKT.j-You may well imag ine my gratification, at the publication of my f ast defence ot pur Harry Bacon, jibd what is more, be feels rally as grat ified a h nffyelf, Willi tm X. Snooks, dues. J To-day I met bim, and he shook my band: ai Only one honest man will another, and said, my dear SnooksJ you know not: how over-joy fuM feel at vour ifaaulv, courageous and fearless! defend; ot my official eondnct in the matiajjeuient of "this work. You have piscfd me and ray dear friend Harper lumlerllasting.es, everlasting, oblige lions to - yew, : by such chivalry, and miy tbe-lime come' when I can repay ou. Hamer says it you would only' ngree tu trade with Joim be would em - pivy ou to-morrow; but he thinks you will see the lido you can get your bread buttered on, and as soon as you do, dear uook a job yod shall have, . (ff, says, our Henry liacon, my dear fcoooks," lyou see those miserable li!utp, jpn ' down tax. payers and a few if those merchants are grumblings and for what? ' Why, -you see Capt. Har :- svaa Teasel went to Little River, got uneasy about her and ieft his dredging to-day about 2 o'clock, weni duwu the beach about ten miles, fouud ' hia vessel, the Charles Thomas, towed Itf up to the bar at about 5 o'clock J r then went tq work , and worked until 5,-13 and look his vessel on to Smith Title. .It is true the dredge-boat lost about three hours work and Capt; Har per got the benefit of it, but what right . have they to grumble? The United $tate guveratnent is rich and Captain Harper is in or. t t ., Now, lies; merchants here, who don't likeCapt. Harper, grumble and say that Cipt, Harper has freightei ?30,00O worth of goods on the govern meut boot but what ritht has sush poor ItusIi us Wweott, Davis aud Morse .' to say aiiTtbii g, if I am willing for tbs gOTernmrnt boat to do Capt. Har i per a' favor? Some of these low down tax pajeis grumbled because Captain Harper towed in the OrientaTa'nd the pray, two small vessels, the other dayJ - while i wrecking, but they hare nothing . , to do wit,h it. . . An I, says brother Bacon, friend: ' oojks,, the i thet day while my dear Harper was away in Baltimore I did'nt ' pay off until he got home, so that he . could get hi money irom the men, and iboiv teHows complained of that. It i an outrage ! that I have got to be ' talked abjut; bY tuch low down trash. , Aad you,' who are. standing . by me so . nobly will certainly reap your reward. ; The most of ihcae fellows don't know ho it is wilting i for the Tost, bat! brother W. X. Snooks, I spotted you I V K! L-U. 1 -.ltl ir t ouce. ;"o newspaper p ebrreipon can t fool me. I'll see you againJ brother Bacon, and give you some m e poiuts soon and he walked away. l am glad you said nothing snore gainst brother Henry Bacon last week. 1 thought you would hold off when you! ni irom i, wiiuam .v. cnooxs, i ,taM Mr. nooks that all would be tU. -Say I, darling Sally Snooks,! in this man Canaday is a Repub-J ;!aB, and when he takes up your d jar! Mf . I w illiaai'a communication, he w . .1 : I L , . . . . I iLHmxrat captured, and m: P uit communication, and your dear! 1 WiUians X. Snooks will bo on the got rnsieBt Urks. MBut.w says say dar bog Sally, say she, lou are a Demoi and Mr. Henry Bacon la a Radk! ' Kepublkan. and he wonV flvo yoc, "l-ck these women art at taxing a paUt, and my Sally taono of tho UXA "twvomtai ever saw. dsuitpuu. . r ..- .. yaairomeUwhIa.otlatt, wtleVii re th white wlad hlrdi of tha Ai!.t! mnl thn 1 rrmm he. fc:' it. r..,. o v i.' MtkiB cquou isaisi sw mrm avv-wij . 'Wdied; ar4 anooked,tn4 thtroaruac aat U take two of na to stow ltm way la good shape. I.! w. tL k..i tf t hi, orr, neglected or Vkkle, our Uenry Tkeyflo tavlhatha fxlrtr . ktub f Mr...... I.' M mm. 11' I . V. : r iinr. iiTi a. nm mmm a s ' aiMiniitit mna iui mm uiu nw , r . . . . . , . " - , ,v . , v r i aureus nrrs V7 wra BU Banyi trsj. w th Capuln JJarpet Wollect the nasio, but Ii iraa aaaal ft.VWnd, employing over tW iU make It oJl rlxhU 'Or aayt W About el.Teu mUes frost Rocky CTT. . . 7tl- ..:i-r ri.l mi rww . v. ixt w twP i v- v ard aaetarerie betUe' jlate criticiami on h harbor ImproTe Imenfs. The fact is. h iikea me lie and (brother Henry both. Did you ver see! Ithe dear boyr Micklt? Wel)khe. ia ubivi nuiktu yuutuiriDj, M inc uiuci that we all,, including Sally and the children the younr Snooksea have Iscoured our eyes on his account Sally always takes up forIlckle. She says he' is wi naousome, ana is men a spienaiu marble pliyer that it Is a pity to work him so. The other day I went homej and found, bit dear Sally; wiptar the jpertpiratioQ from his ( 11 ickle'a) noble uiuw, . on maniDg me sweri uaruog with her aj ron. I didn't tee the spoon but it looked as if she bad been feed ing him. Yon may Jnsf rrear that no one eLe would have been allowed suck pririiygrV 6ut we bate an Itching for the si! ndid plant, and hope in time tsmake a man of him. i ' - v. ' .Yours with love,, i . ' f William Skooks. I ,;:; " 3ITX ITEMS. ah subscribers to the tost not re ceiviog the same regularly, will please report the same to Mr. W. E. Sellers or at this office. I - ' T - - CooH have made their appearance. The river has risen about one foot at! F7etleville, and the steamers are now running through. ; f ! i - Third street, in front of the City Hall, is being ballasted from Princess to Chestnut streets. Mr. W. P. Canaday, the editor of this paper, has been quite sick for the past 4 wo weeks..-: .-- ' V A. Gamberg's jresidence at Rocky Point was draped in mourning out ol respect for the late President. There is to be a sabre tournament at the State Fair, and Hon. A. M. Wad pell is to deliver the ' coronation ad- Mress. ' -C;- ! V.-' :- i'-' : .' : Mayor . Smith expects to call tbej memorial meeting on, Monday at the hour the fu neral services of the lamented' President are being held. 1 : j ;; The Wilmington Light Infantry have received the necessary equipments for the trip to Yorktown next month and uay iney wi I Gen. Ma punday ,ni ay tbey will carry fhlrty-five toew. l 1 annmg . arrivea nome ; last - mi i eht from his Irip of-four mcn -hs at the north, and "is in great! mproTed health we are glad to state. There will bo a baptising to day at the fit of Princess street at a eleven o'clock, from Athe First Baptist Church on the corner of Campbell I and eight streets, conducted by A M. Conway. Duplin county Inferior Court con vened in its first acrsion at Ktnansville! ion last Monday, the 19;h instant, bat: 1.1 . t S " mere was out mug ouainesa iraosacieu save the oecfsaary sets of organiza The pew round house of the Caroli f oa Central Railroad at LaurinburgJ which has been under process of ereo- tiun for some months past, has been completed It has a capacity for ten bnginea. . Friday evening last was the, begin oing of the great Hebrew festival, "Reab trw a . re .T m-p -l TV.- 1.' ririT m I vs iww . stores of car JewUh miaenu were: fclowd. tt it wu a JeMt day and a time! bf high celebration. Rev. C. O. Brady, minister In charge of Su: Mark's Church in this city, re turned here last Saturday night from I Colonel ntar k'n tin Kmh cnlledinr tneclmeni jof woods peculiar to eastern North Car- j iolina. has sent Trofeaeor V. U Ken' 29 Tarietiee,' These are te U shewn at lAtlaBta: and it b thought that they 'make the exhibit of our wood com I Cv" .P1' CuEKX.-The other day a the traic. was rounding the eU Dghth street, 'coaiog from Waldos, natnngerateppsc t0 Mr. George Z French and L-t-a whi lace Is thkvt llr. h ii.a.i Wami4 m small coat. Tv aos tAava mi vwiiroad ina liiu i -- ta YadWn alley rvtrooo, ana wwca w CtU U. mvptj 00ad a sMUtha, haa bet aeU to tho I Si Urt l J?flr!?5VSS ww - . . .- . Vr lUth ,krif; '.t aboard. Wo kftot iesUBoJwht U. .Dm n.Hntar rl aoo$h frequeuUy announced, (resumed at St. Mark', o. Sunday. . H. aShort,of Lake Wacca-1 'Monster Shows has ever a m, MMm - v. ' - - ' m awsoiKaww n m nm mt ortrlookod dea.- -.TTL.'T.T t .eidetfklttaand Aiaoona asasKaai. w; .;vvr r' 'Mn!Mlatsauak of WILMINGTON, NOETH The Lancaster (8. O.) Review that on the 14th inst. cotton sold WiH fmicrtan. llf cents: Savannah 11 iviiuno ill laic uicii acLa iiauicvi. ti ii-i I . ft New Orleans, 11 Mobile, Hi; Augusta,! 111;. Charleston, 11; Columbia, 10i;;not in wrath, by' Him .who dbeth all! Charlotte, 111; Camden, 11; Lancaster, HI-: The fall term of the Criminal Court J His ! Honor, Judge Meares, presiding,' i i r a will convene in this city to-morrow au 11 : o'clock. . Several cases will bef brooght against the city, growing out bf-the VPoor man's bill." in relation to the disposal of the market carts and other matters pertaining thereto. Second Lieutenant R. H. Beery, of . 1 jthe mlmingtoa Light Infantry, .ha urea eijecieu rirst fj:euieuant to mi i vacancy caused by the resignation o Lieut. V. J. Gordon, and Junior Sec-! lond ' Lieutenant Geo. W. Doyle has been made Second 'Lieutenant, Vice Lieut, j Beery, promoted. A vacancy Junior SecondLieutenant, stia exists land will be filled by election at the! next regular meeting of the company, The Chops. -And now it turns outi exactly as we thought, that the condi tion of the crops throughout the state has bepn very much exagerated. A merchant who is pecuniarily interested in ine jwelfare of the larmers Bays neJ finds the situation much better tbau he was led to believe it to be. It would seem as though a county or a neighbor hood is too often judged, in the crop estimates, by the evil rather than by the gooid reports. A Pbikce or Breffny is the title , , ; (of Mr. Thomas P. May's new novel,! whi:h is in press and shortly to be published by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, bf Philadelphia, Pa. The hero of this charm ipg book was a famous Irish sol pier of fortune and the first Spanish Oovernbr of Louisiana. The book hasi a clearlj defined, healthful value, while ihes author's power of narrative is re markable, and the work will amply. re Jpayjperusal. : We recommend it to ill Xour'fl .Palace Advektisi no Cae, !a magoificentry decorated and elegant It appointed affair, is now Iving n. the Jdepot. The second car, which is sa to be equally as fiae, will be-hete net t weex' j lnere juiaitrno-be as many men 4employedas agents and adrer- in advance uf UoupVshow, as are Icontaiied in some whole shows, agents and all. Really .Coup; is out doing himself this year. "i Mr. p. J. Piver.one of the pilots at pmithyille has ' taking the soundings bn thet new inlets between the Stone iWall across Federal Point and. Bald - i - - Head beach, and he reports from 10 U 11 feet Of water on each one of "the in- lets. XhU looks tery much as though wo would have as much water eojn on these new inlets as on the old bar. We sincerely hope that this matter will 1 turn out better than many of os ex peet. 1 ' ' BC!E Crop, The recent storm in Jjured ,the rice crop on the river about 25 pe cent, but this loss it is thought wQl be equalized to the planters by an increase in the price. The highest price obtained here last year for, low jland Srice was about $1.40 per bushel lout it is said that offers of f 1.50 hare a i : piwuiicra 10 q civr m ovum lum... iH W course, hire an effect on the imarket. it is expected that the first rough rice will reach market this season about the 10th of October. t . " Cour'a Gieat'Show asd a Paws; Comiko OcTri3.-rAW . no tea as that! United ppeared in hm anulh. I Our readers may rest assured that jwhat Mr. Coup promises will be ful ailed to the letter on the 13th of OctJ u announced in the advertbemenU U U a ttnUeman ia whom our reader! 'may place the moat implicit coafileoce I i . ttt.rA n imnanaau L 0a the moat grand, . mtit tWturra added be- in a maruificenl hippodrome, with a Vacs) track, completely eeclrcl teg three - i , i..- -. ...i. .i. - - SSk rra?'! U CrSr!! iJthesu are thr is lthe press. La) L whoar M&roaaaceo hart tho asagt a. i . i sr -w a I Wl mmm adao. bands of music lib' i i ,. ....I. 1 fra .mm iWaSenaf thCriilk .1 fw.' ireao, nuay w w w , .vww, - riJ J " It Is twouxh. t i . . . m . . t. - - - ... - . r . . - m Bg-y ii .iiii.- ; . -. - : . ; CAROLINA; SIINDAy; SEPT. 25. 1881. "ynj f The Natios's V bswsstt. J 1 as! (The death of Mtden GarfipT4 has' .cast a rloom over this city: which will, l:UlonzbM VMk m kiuuui uidi auu u&t w uivi uu Jbeen afilicted, tettitfliope in mercy and: !th!n ..11 T,Ut-.knfJ.mAl fn.-xs-i i J 'greatest men the world ever produced, IE W m ai---B-rl k IiMA-i M m MFtlATl to unite the people' of : this nation. JlTw (the ere is now no sectional feeuosr, out: i, north and the south; the east and J.r i 1 , ; ; i over tne aortal rematna;b( our n.mur- dered Prwident. In thUdthe' r rresldent Garfield, i -updf alable. The faces of the good people show their! grief, and in many streets the stores? and dwellings are draped in the garbl of mourning, and the entrances to the various Church edifices were draped on Friday and Saturday . r j :H-i On Tuesday a joint meeting ;of the Chamber of Commerce and the Produce Exchange was held at 12, o'clock, to adopt resolutions of respect to the memory of President Garfield. lion. A. U. VanBoxkelen, President bf the Chamber of Commerce, called the meeting to order. He stated that the meeting, had been called by thd Presidents of the two bodies present, with the view of taking some action with regard to the death Of James A. Garfield, President of the United States. On ntotion of Mr. R, E. Calder, Pres ident of the Produce Exchange, a com mittee of three was appointed by - the Chair to report 'suitable resolutions ex Jpressive of the sense of the meeting Dr. A. J. DeRosset and Mersrs. David u, worm and William uaider were appointed this committee. ' The committee retired and upon their return submitted, through their Chair man, Dr. DeRosset, the following pre amble and resolutions .i . Whereas, In the wisdom of a Divine Providence it has been decreed that the skill of man, the devotion of friends, the DraTers of a ddodIs and the desire! bi all nations could not avail to save - a --r . from an untimely and cruel' death the! Chief Magistrate pf these United fc tates, we desire to put upon record,' with pro found-emotions,; the grief which fills our nearia, Dummy oowing in su omis sion to the Will of that Ruler ? which . i . i . i i i - reigneth over the rings of the earth' i and "doeth all thines well." Ecsolved, That in the death of Presi- Jureatest' calamities tnat has befallen ur country, one calculated to test tol uttermost. uur pevuiiar luaiiiukiuusj Hi'i.d rtquiring of our citizens, without regard to former afhiiationa, the exer Icise of great forbearance and such i Surrender of individual desires to' the! public good as may enable u to safely and q'lietly pass through! the Ordeal to wnicu we are surgecieu, Hcsolcctl, That his long and painful ktruRirle fur life, endured with such manly fortitude and Unrnllan reaigna-l tion, has endeared him to our peopl d, cas enaeareu aim to our peopiei as the mot successlul administration! Jof public affairs could not have done land that in bis martyr death the nam Jof James A. Garfield has been enrolled. among these whose memory the south will ever bold most sacred. . , Hewlveti, That in respect to his mem brv the rooms of thts body be draped in mournintr until toe obsequies or tbei kleceased President are completed. The preamble and resolutions were? adopted by a unanimous vote. Oa mo kion of Mr. R. E. Calder, the rooms of lt. a XwtaM0A tmrnm kwA9A Ia V.m land business, as far as practicable sus 'nended dnriasr tha dar. : s i. ' On. motion of Mr. D. McRae, 2nd Vice-President of the Chamber of ComH merce. it was AefotertL That this meeting recom-1 mend a ceneral suspension t bosinestl Pf??t,.y5!!F!:a? jappotatea lor roe unerai services oi. jour late x rrsrarnt. j( ; l' I ll)r a fw HinirVl fmwt Mr. Wi JCalder, expressive ol the eorrow and. Umt nf Mr ambI. Ill leetlag, on 'motion, adjourned. ! . , I - i The Mayor of this city has called a. masa.meeting of the citixens to aseesaj Jiho purpose of expressing the grief and recrei ol the people ol taiscoamaaur. 1m the death of Ieident Oarfiekl,l w . - tfoaday has been selected because it fc bu that day the remalna will be lner- red. His Honor haa also issued a ycoJ wOamatioa calling Car an entire Mow of beelues on thai day.1 Jllouse, rosioCca, rrodnco xchasgJ lr.tM.uk n&e. BirusJ OSce. Tsorali tt rmmm ,'. BtflM. llMa A Sheioatein, A. DafU, Vstt A SoasJ I.. v , v - Unra. P.Ueishtfjf,na4th Jewkr Stnateguo nro rrpiatry drop! amormiax.adthe wlaAewf ether; nUk, Nerwxj, Drrxii aa4 Swe- S kfSUaat u ur ic3,th CssrUecBKaai Dr. TT. LLGrvrau Coward EalkSteaat 1 l " . ' , . . . 4lut O!gtao oajti;, u p t-cnr 1tani H Xataa Osenftay, ciar, J .viiuatterpr ufMcaawau; Jhare been half-masted. The sorabrej Mecorations of grief will remain noUl' .the: funeral obseqnies are held, and J i those on the federal buildings perhaps' for thirty days longer. - THE VlCAU GENERAL OF NOHTH iCAJLOLUTA. Father Harrv P. Northrop! t"" appointed Vicar-Apostolic of) 1 ' .being a diocese, bnt a Vicariate-Apos tolic the ecclesiastic , in charge ol it JtT T ! .consecrated as bishop and has that i u r i. r I iTather H. E son Of Aha IaIa fJ. T. Knrtlimn. an m lawyer of the Charleston bar. He was! born in Charleston, S. C, and is in his! fortieth year. f, : ,r - .'.:v;';- "On 'his arrival in Charllon from Rome he was sent to supply the place bf Dr. Cocoran, at Wilmington, N. C. jSubsequently he was' appointed pastor bi tne church at Newbern. N. C. tcH which church, were attached several! missions. North Carolina, which hadj until then been attached to the diocese of Charleston, was at that time made a Jsvparato vicarate, the present Arch- .bishop Gibbons, of Baltimore teingitw "Father Northrop remained in North OaroIinA two years after the division of the diocese and returned to Charleston in J871. He was then stationed at the Cathedral as assistant pastor,' and was in 1877 appointed pastor of 8t. Patrick's KJuurcn. father -Northrop has eterl been thoroughly efficient and conscien tious in the discharge 1 of his duties. He is possessed of high intellectual lability, is genial in manner, but id of a retiring disposition and more inclined to continue in his present sphere than to enter; into a' more public and ele vated position. The honor done him is one that he well deserves, and which will be gratifying to the many friends! who have confidently expected that hd would be raised to the Episcopate." Prsder County Affairs. The to tal of all taxable property in Pender bounty, for this year; 1SS1, as taken from the list in the effice of the Register of Deeds, amounts to $I,189,3G3, divided as follows: 363,684 acres of land, valued At $854,141; 141 town lots, 127,939; 679 horses, $39,531; 2 jacks, $150; i jenny; .125; 275 goats, $250; 7,086 cattle, $40, 1395; 16,882 swine, $18,216; 5,336 sheep, j$5,519; farming uteasils, 67,916; money liu hand $9,655; solvent credits, $33,473; stock in insurance companies,! $6,877; other personals, $13,641; rail road franchise, 1 90. j The special state tax is $2,626 50i , Theschodl tax for the year is as fol lows: 911 white polls at $1 21 j" each, 1 lAfi'&A- Cufi MvlnilsJ .will tl 4I1...V '! f177 7ft. 141 rand nn . tlHA - vW . taxable property J $1,486 70. ToUlJ $3.671 26. The taxes for county purposes ard 126 1-6 ' cents on every $100 of taxable property,: and 78 j cents on each-poll J $3,521 59. ! . Special county taxes at 16 cents on kvery $100 of taxable property, and 501 bents on each poll, amounting to $2,-1 S84 27. Total county Ux, $7,412 86. I Total sute and county tax. including! income,$14,423 99. Since the year 1831 opened the Reg ister of . Deeds of Pender county has: ssued marriage licenses to forty white couples and forty-nine colored coupiesJ the fees from which, up to and Includ jing the 221 "instant, amounting o $133j Kessurer. U1TI imu ymtVj vwvt iu kmc vuuutj The county warrants of Tender are worth their face value in gold. rttRFKCT TRUST. 1 i i wieh ato. Ind lmnu to: 'know not of the ills to meet . I Before I get scros- T xhe fitful voyage may be; ,cat nutieat m abide bu time "ii . ..... . . .M. Who built the boat for me. Tis fally manned ia erery pari. l-IIope is lae aacbor lair; The com mm that it haa is Fail. And every oarj as prayer. L ( The ocean madly roar, au i ao b iwihj w v Eend closer to Ue oars. i-. 1 Usees the wuvee rwa saoustUto hlg V Ajb4 thresuesi mo to strand; tVr smt tot Ue theea ia . The holiew of U hand. tho log at tisse ebarmrta my count, 1 see tho way ht dim; Sat well t know I csaawt drift ' Cryood the tight of Hlav kw swt whww tho ihoa la may lie. the autri be. , Jear Lsed. to fcei are kaowuto AnAthws content I glWe aig. If e-cv slow eUkawwiaxlI.wlWUx ; I I tv. sw - aa t-mm II . - - -- i t ayWr..i. J m escho Us 3uVm U Wm asat rreaci Single Copies 5 Cexts; j I NEW ADVEBTTSEilENTSJ ONLY R!NG;;CIRCUSN JIIE VORtD. OX j ITS S ECO Wl TTRt t?3f Ml LEADING CITIES NEW 'TTNTTTH FiLEV TnrtEE iiW Im!Ei, nii". GREAT PARIS WITH RACE TRCK FORTY FEET tVlfJK AND NEARLY HALF A JIILE AKOI XD WILMINGTON, THURSDAY OCT. 13TH. , After oorapleUnt a three week' brilliant and rcoi!ful enramnl In lb Madison ?qnare Gardens, formerly known as the OUEAT NKW QHK UieiOUIULK UiitUlloa, WDlch Mr. COUP ballt htmiwlf In N Vtrk In Ml halmnsnn hia nr In Lhn leatdlnff of the South with a MAGNIFICENT LAHGEST AND DEST since exhibiting In this city last season Mr. Cotrr has enlarged hit exbibiUona in fulir THREE TIMES THET R VTt RM KKPItlim RTTONw I Ui th ait.lltlnm nf m. VAJN1KI. CtNT HIPPODROME AND THREE (URVWB COMPANIES, bbUIr mulUDMiJy la THREE IMMENSE C1RUITS RINGS. emnloTlng nearly TWO HUNDRED AKTlSTti of all nailonaUUea. Also, a 8PLKNDID MUSEUM AND 1RAND MENAGERIE- Amoni the leadina sensational featurea are tha rreat and only L.U L.IL who la hurlml mora tban lone hundred feet tbrongh the air from a powerful Iron catapult, periormlna- two complete ueo, exciuux Hippodrome Races, Chariot Raees, Jockey lUeea, ImiIt Hurdle luus, t at Jan4 8tandiog Races, Zulu and Indian lUcea, tho Wonderful BRONCHO HUKMfei, th iMma none rovuie; iTTerarony ana uog ora, c giving a series oi tue most novel witnessed in any show in the world, without Grandest Street Pageant Ever Known. are fully enal to the combined melodies M UcltJlAril?. Such a startling, Four - Circus and w-as never before known In connection " est. either In Knrope or America. In fact. prcpurtiona, and tbe daily aegreeate expenses are mo exlraorilnartly large, that he la compelled by neewslty, not by choice, to ndulu, and 60 oenjut fur children over ntoa "Xtra. ' -S . ' .-'. IT WO EXIIiniTIOXM IAII.TAFTi:nXOO AND EVE.I.;. Cheap excursion trains will run oa all railroads on the day of exhibition., Taoae with Ing to avoid the crowds at the tleket offlce jbition at Dyer Son's Clothing House, at a Trylnir on the Bonnet A New1 Haven gentleman, whose bn- jiiness keeps . him up late at night, was persuaded to db a millinery errand fori his wife the other night, and as n re kult stumbled op the front stairs about two o'clock in the motiiinr with lire: bran-new bonnet held carefully under his arm ia a tisane paper. As soon, art he! turned oa the gas 'his better half rubbed open her eyes and drowsily in nuired: i. ', - f; . - y. ; fYou loot; mv bonnet, didn'tH lyour . .- ; 'l.; f No, I didn't. Here's the busiuess.'1 MO, t. Jit mA thai wnmea .artn d and rioned; thewraDDianoff in a! 'jiiy, Ond, alatting her uhtcap into the; corse, adjusted t ae new pore base care- rally on her head, -now do you liar it It's becoiBdnr. isn't Itr "Madam." reeponded tho huoband. rtfao bonnet certainly is becomiog, no komehosr tha remainder or vour coe Ume don't jibe. Yoordma, If I amay iotll it such, lias too mucu uamo T i 1 II Wrinff and not enoosh otentirL Aiak you ueea a luue nue-fnemuor . ...r.. tr .t i tod a couple of extra ruraea ! i "OhTOU horrid- I i - - - ";--Tw7- T . 1 eaacav com ui u im i ut wi Vmtrmlit, if I ! may borrow from the: 1 mawtawlb, - I fk on hatefol; 111 throw tho thief u . rwaTttjat Vwt of the window if fa doo't teU ate. j wa aw Vuat how U looks-ao thete- - I ZSmmlVmJl I "That's what I'm trying to fc, y I f v . sdmuji attatc ro. Wear. The bonnet tools imsseei f !( your present coatame year callnnU j -r '"-' "' L.; ' V ail to aaako a art cm tno oiraes. mmafJUmJU mi Berth m ae like aa not Ua4 in tho poJicefl s ; . B houwa, a asooMa taw aoamw mtufi, 'tod lectstred, aa4 utaU. nil ka ia4 leciartJ, aia the, html netw heonoi t U by tho mimwcej of kwr vwienl 3ai aho sUIn Uke thai boeArt e Jiho west aaai riytri htntvf up ia thf Vst dads aho k an4 tea he aowkt n tie nwralcg aho. emt mwmwmsCH bout tho swsjsn, trying UsrMt '?oa4 ia s"'Twiftrs neiato tho nUrrutv- TorrrTtl the oa we Im kt a.V.s U comrr4 to lit 3afty a litir; tth oam ere hatfav !. . - .' Thett MnCertraA trrrrth wVk! art tint Taiolvllaty a4 Lirv-Lw; I Tli:iite4ctsUn 4iss nasal's owiii osKarn tltr arr atS IV. lltUM Xaawtkia NUMBER 3D AT vA vwt T a w. k t avti OF.TJIli MOlTU. T , to Tnn STrriWei .VCD 'Hllllolllb 'I I I , - . . . i t .. HIPPODROME ! EXHIBIT IX NEW gOMSOLl DATlON, every wher 4mlt IsnOW IiV THE WORLD.' bdowb, ine jpinc iiiian urer tfounua.. ana intensely lntotestinc prioruanc ever.' exoeptlou The N1NE K1ND3 OK MV8IO 1 ! of TWELVE llUNpRED SKILFUL' array of features as is presented in the Hippodrome Kings with any exhibition North or Houtb, r jut nr Ms. COUP'd MHO W lias rrown 10 uf h tiii Increase the price ol admtslon to 73 coal fbr years of asc. Chbolco reaerved acaisSicenu : I - : can Procure their ticku on tbe dar of exhU fining advaae. - Acaiits Wanted for the Standard EdiUoo. REVISED NfcW TESTAMENT. to STYLES : I Elegant EdlUon. abut W trfTmft I AU lum. itannuniln From SUM to V7.00. 1 Kdiuoa.over liuo pagea. Old uil new varluaa loa oppaMlo l. -HUtory or Ihe liibl ItevHIon" given to sub" Ma or the New 'ecrtDers. The eecrvt of auweaafnt caav ling given every agent. I twnd lor our liberal iter. (Mention tht iHttwr.l JterwM.' (Men I TUKH6.NRY HLULPCBUlHHlSooa. NwKWiiU, Co aep lwt THE LATE3T AND JIOST WOS- DERFUL 1NTE.YTI0NV r EDISON'S IN8TANTANE0US f; : GUIDE TO T3C ' - PIANO OR ORGAN B. f." cw4 ran(ay ear rllliT'1' Aira by tal Ma lu. Vt irnfliy. nu." fot WtJUTu-gL ifx arrt Fiiurtar sm tmr im fdjimnmii U AST OJtH mf frlr u Tae UMHkur ana wvti M.m iH'i h an- twratria I5 I J m 0tf , at ' y. WaJbaU AStttraar Ot UmmU mmn aw i aa u a Jeaaa rav 1 . as! aw. rtM iaMMM, a4 M- A- f. at" I J. Ma aaa 9a. laimi a. : ,- aa IU eai 4 U um. tt. St bn Siav i aJ It, ,1 . ,sji4iuaus g 1 a aiar SUMS av JM) i -immUt mtitm tta l irinj nt, ,aMM t ta . - .- aS Sua ta I aima g n,! ? art y wmi iui,i,j aw-J!Ll". S .atSaWof oaar ' sv tt4t :..: tvt u.iW,;. T v'Afrtatje. e(r-ias I sa VO. , e A sms mjajap. fa m a aa4 ta. IwaamtMt artitorles. ICXrraay as4 aa tin 17742 fy asi www aan- rtlUlU cwaki!reaat?os3tef rcir . . w t a ; t-l 11