. : .'...'.!.:": .. t - ! " V:- : :y , !- v : ; 1;-': . - . . '' .V'";. : -" -'.j . ... -. r tLa j .wulrff ? 1 1 ! S . -311 If 9 JJ 1 RG.jB'if 6f !? 3'r'T -1 'P .1 V A '3 ti'.'". f i ' "' Stir'ro'SAW ni.i.i . ... i 1' orf ? Jt$f tuo Ti -rt WILMINGTON, NOBTH GAEOLIN'tJNDjpV OCR --16? 188U h,1- aT lN V I I I I I I I I II - . .- I In-awl I. I k m l.i - I cm ? B it ii f it i i XI J. "... a LMlN(TONPOST 'WrvLai (he rasfoffict at miminff ' xt . Srr.oml Class Matter, r tutu . v- " t PATES OP ADVERTISING. rirtv cents per line for .thq first in- or eaca aaauio " "r i communications on busiheslnuat i'-Afi ;lvcrt!semeot8'- will be charged . t the aoovp it".c, rw.. contracts, j -, : t The subscriptitjn price to-1 he Wir,-.jiiSaT- rpsx is $l 00 per year; six montIi75cent.i . y i JEiglit (S) Unas, Nonpareil type,con rat.itute a square. ' " : TUIl' TlMUUllllI. . lei i here on WeJucsJay evening, oc'ihe Z:'o) train on the C C. foilmHil with no sleeperj bad to traveU 4.K' ------ aj aiglit, awl from Luaibcrton to Ral igli. we just had to occupy about 3 iijV.icsj'crpendicular.'' Not less that 90. ;m..-jle were in a car -that is only in pTcnJeJ. V n ixtraordinarly occasions to 'carry 50 ptrsoui. We finally arrived at vlUlcih at !a. ui., on Thursday irioru ' jne, tirtd,, dusty aud mad, (fighting ' mill ill (x:). bu' Fcank Clarlt was at. f leist 10U miles away, so we bad to sjuolhtr our wrath. The very- ida of i man having to' set up goiug fronv AViliiiiiigtou'tu Italeigh,. travelling all Hight, U an utrage. - ; We ;stoipcd .' at thftVYaibjrough JI.tiv.-, aud I hero we were put in a r(,i,i wiih a few Uvs than 65 others, !-nvA ttie toi.Httiueueo was that in our 'iuiry to leave we got the w-ron,g uiau's c'otlu-s on": some fellow who bland Vft-ctui iuclies, while, we stand G feet at iesft, .So our Jrh;iid pari very well ee . iiiir 1 1 Tdicutueu t wLeu w e went to uMsthe'.uexr morning, and all " this (ming to old Dr. Ii!ackweH'8 capacity . f ritowiui;. away men .in the same ;.; r "Jin. ' ' s.). . ; ; Wliilo at; Ualtih wo met sevejrai Itoii.i oi" iH.te and fa w it (nv others. -. Yf e saw "lloid liobcsoh aud Save. the iv.c" C'x, who by the i way is now a ;JI?mbir uf.t'ong'res ; we saw Jolio'W. !SiiH:keUwril, who by.frau4 and rascali i.,; han a etrtiticato for Cougrcs. ;We iiut Dr. .1. J. Molt, M r. ThomaT N. t'oi'ftr, Vi J.oh'fl iV liavea, Col. I. J. Ymniir.lltiu. O. 11. Dotkery, ilon. 1C, t'. I'.ar, lion. (ieo. I'.. Kvcrltt, Hon. ):M J Jdilge IVarspu of Mor- .iiii.iii, il.J. J. ' Mlliae cf Fayette. v i ! I ', u 1 1 I 1 ) r , l"a go t f M co i e -'county, nil tlit cc were looking well. ' I ; , j l.Mjj. Mcliso wai looking well for a ..'"iuali who had ju-t been beat by a hun . dred md eighteen thousaad inajority. Jl wa.i the Chi el Mogul in the Prohi- li'.ion moveufcut, and the ;bnly man wad u ailo a tonajide Prohibition speech . d,iring the last campaign. But the Major ia a very plucky little man, and , when a inau advocates a cause from : pure tnalivps, as the Mnjor always does, he diu't luitd bcine beat so . much on - his oiv bcc )ukLas he does for others. y. Ue Young wi.tf uot iook'ng as healthy a son e '-other, b it we dou't believe u wj!. on accjunt of his tenure, for Ike ' ow of the lt holder's in. the state. : I'r. Mi trwi s just boiiiugvover with n.tbuxiuMn. IU- taya the . liepliblican puiy will vatry tho itate nrt time by -V.'.i.ki wnjouty ; and Tom , Cooper df tu'tjhet ten gallons of bis best on it; M'C4t.-Kaver! from' the mountains, - Vudt Uj to hi fol!cfgu.'4 in this jMi.l'iifjun of Morganlou, wiuU to .Su iiany tito evcu doubt it, (and . au 5iu wtnts to fight we don'i), r iul uM K-atUcc Jilukius' has his party pi u ou again, and -we " may ex.-; P'-tjo.il ork out of him la the future, - As iihe lU'cih Fair, the ajriaul .. Url I art of it was a grand failure, and ; jfbwhrr l'vlk cau'i; do. better, we v.ald tdrUe him to turn his attention ' ootaer ditrcliou. The races were fx, the Se iowj vere mean ao. Vwao, and wMcfl in disgust at the "e fAhitiaon. "-: ' : . ' ; Vtirft !U!tJgh on the 8 o'clock tja aud arrived here at 10 o'clock '- r,Mr aorning, ; and congratulated "!f on th fac that we were onct fia ia the land of civUiaatioo. Tbe autcbn U I te ratal Arthur. I h d tWn will increase new e?ery 7. . Alrtaly lie U overwhelmed with aaiaou cprrwpondeBce, whica -r? Qitn witb bu stenographic ww 77 cr tbree hour aday. U SaieJtWfen! iha thev could throw 1 (- W.i;y ttt) their advice, If they ... FMvUed with a good round aalar; Keaiackj baa 35,0OO,OW gallon ,of laatcife. It is the home of .iea .Naxby, and,a relUble Av CtrreU, ymldtnt ol Iba uaisn aai Ohio CAllroad coat J. ka ttaUlbuted 15,000 to the Owitld fend. SMITIIVILLE, W C , Oct. 19,-1881 I did not intend to. bother .you with any radre communications concerninjr i the River and Harbcr ' improttments. I and Bacon & Co '. It is so 1 plain that a f wayfaring man, thougu a, fool, can aee through the whole thine. Bat as it nas. ocen that all the r.ould writ. a know there i wis on mnre' who inhabit- ed this beautiful world of ours. "Now. I fr VAUnr ' J. Vta t a in mmm nliini ( about the CDtaio he is such a nice clever! fellow in his war : but when tbe I Captain advertised in nhe Post, and 1 LgeU; fthj buck up, talks of his large I latzea trouna isit ituie Darg vemoprauc cwa jenirw : uomuiiuev, i ,i"t puwiww. in ifff SnookV were, desd ihatl says the indications now are that Foa- mlngton, wber mph aiii outrage t waa T mnotii1rl (ri U Ikoni I If r'a mninritv will h nhniit oYfrht thoil-J Committed to' TftfuM to Ouh&H Mfl stock ana low prices, ana tne snooxs l oeen aeara irom in lull, ana oniy inree i iniegruj, oat wnies4oyer upwn rig fwmily owing him, and he, ih Oaptaio, or!fouir.had given reports aa to the head I nature. : We feeV terx'&ent' ffiaf wants them to come up and settle all old scores and commence anew, I can I speak tor the boys, lhey owe tne Crptain nothing on old scores or new I ones, auu wnat is more tney never win. i Bvthe wav. I wonder ifthe Cabtain ddn'l think the feUow he had his clerk I looking for all over town ; one night, andjaftcr finding him, took the poor fellow in the store and j kept , him an hour ortwo, and thea slipped him out at the back door ; Captain he wa not. a Snook'", "an 1 don't you forget it." Well, the Captaia speaks of bis busi ness still improving. Ia ibert aaylhinir green in thattWjth a plenty of Bacon to back him, and the government steamers to freight goods, and tow the unanes i nomas, ana? run around to drum 11 trade, almost any one's busi ness would prosper. But the old Wood : bury is; stopped towing fori the old hulk ia laid up . to rest. , But it is paying the government more now than it has for a long time, here will be no more shares of guano for her services; the Crew have all been discharged. J But our friend Bacon came to the rescue of the Captain's pets with tears in . bis ejes, and says, "Boys you will be out of employment for a, few days, then I am going to make another gr&ed sur vey of Corn Cake Inlet and will take you all back, and you, Captain, I must recompense in some way, so I will take all the white cloth and red flannel that neca ior nags irom , you, ana m ine meant i me you must get the Snooks I family to settle up, for we dou't know what. may Inppen, it looks very much like a s'orm wa githeringi around Com Cake Iulet tuw, we both may be swept awn by the brej ikrrt.: Mickel, dear If How, will do well enough after he gets all his items together in book form. I know it will sell well, for the I people are all very, anxious to know how we filled up Corn -Cake Inlet.' j Good-by e--we can't all be Ca ptain's "and dou't you forget it.".. . --'--- . . i . t . lours nam aeam, - j ' 1 Jacob Snooks, There, are any number of men who are ready to give President Arthur a great deal Of advic upon every ques- tlon connected with bUadmioistraUon. And thty would pack: his Cabinet with no more compunction1, of conscience ! than they would a jury or a political contention.- i ; bcuator IMatt, of Connecticut, is suf- feting from a cancer in the breast, and it i believed that he will never again be in his scat ia the Senate. He will be pairtd alt tbe called session with senator Fir, of Nevada. Fij,of": Tun Missouri train robbers have been captured. Their crime waa one of the boldirst oi modern Umea and. as their ideitiiy appjearato be eatablUhed be. yond a doubt, a aummary Uial and prompt punjshment ia what ia required. JLJZl " . .v. u. wKT'Trr: death that the whole country wiu eooa nave I the gratification of bearlog of the cow- yfi?odkicklng at the end ,of a ardly roe Had President Gatflald : lived it U inted Jodce Qri of MasaachusetU, to the Tacaney inithe tpreme Owirt eaaaed by the deati of Judge Clifford. . Senator Johneon of trgtaia, credited with aayiog that Bea Hill wiu never gi be able to fully discharge ia be able to tuuy qmuw If a Senator, i" ,1 ' having lot one-fonnh of I the dutie (UU lln lemt on4Ort0 Oi at XontWt gjtt Ben Hill ha beta tab- jected to hurgkel peraUoaa 1 ' - 1. . " . lw- r .' any ChuiCb, hut aiteeoe tne xucvt-m I ....... 1 . v ijt : ,. Charcb. ''. r" ' . . Ur. Lincoln cU a mmm w ewj $3,000 a year, Iron the government. - - - w . , t - The 3aiBeU soaeet taad baa reached tomtthUg oeet . I i.aaaaBaaHW .-' 'ti it Til rnRee ef ! tAllroad. If wa: to ba will : Utlatl I ttJ lair. anvthbe vet. except that the Eepub licanslhave carried the state.,. He Bays the returns have not come in sufficiently to justify him in- fixing the estimated majority; : Mr. Clark, chairman of the I sand, and that the conmlexion of the I legislature will deDend UDOn thexesult l !n I S rtsi n na t i anH TTmilfnn rnnnlr - I : CiiflcixiJffATi. Omo. Oct. 11. There is small nrosDect of beiDsr able to cive t returns from Hamilton county to-njgbt. I Atjhairpast ten not one precinct haoSfnod none, He is n4lt only; amaa of of the ticket. These all indicated a 1 falling off in the total vote amounting to 10 Or J per cent., with slight lie- publican gains. There is nothing what- ever at ima.nour to uase au estimate oi the result of the countv ticket, excebt I that more scratching was done by Re-1 puDlicans than IJemocrats. CoiuMBus. O.. Oct. 11. One bun-1 dred 4nd sixty-six wards and precincts show a net Democratic gain of 278.1 Therei are 2.232 wards and precincts in the stkte. At this rata ofwain Book- waltei will gain in the stale less than lieve that the President and Superih 4,000, which would leave Foster a ma- tendent! will give this matter very care- jonty of lO.UUU. ine total vote of J?os- ic .auu uuu&nitiLci iu tus iuv naiur and precincts is 43,292: temperance vote, U0U. ; UoIumbcs. Ohio, Oct. 11. Forty four townships show a net Democratic gain of 85 and a total temperance vote 217, (At the Bame rate the temperance vote will amount to about' 10,000,- Comparisons of the returns are based on the election of October 1SS0, for secretary, of fetate. borne well known Republicans and Methodists scratched Foster, ,and perhaps a corresponding number of Democrats Jailed to-.vote or scratched Book waiter. 1 October 12. At 1.20 a m. 513 wards and Jprt-eincU show a net Democratic cram pt 1.1JU. iais ratio throughout the entire state will give roster over j VT . PmraIU?' . , xtepubiicans of the legislature, and one if not both branches of that body. A very large Republican gain was made at ihe Hoi diersf Home in Dayton. ClilCAOO. Oct. 11. The Trib-ne has a snaoial from Oolilnihus Ohin indirn ting tt.he eleaion of Foster by a maj ri ty ofi irom 15,000 to 17,000. The re turn are being counted very slowly thouJghout the slate Aahonal Rrpnb heart Tfiu UrPEK Cate Fkar The- ful- lowipg letter has been received by Mr. VauBokrelcn, Pre-sident of the Cham- ...... ber of Commerce, in reKuse to a com- mudicatiou from him relative to work oa the Upper Cape Fear: NoRPOl.K, Va., Oct. 12, 1881. Mr. A. 11. VanlioAlelcn, resident Qiambcr of Comuicfie, Wilmington, M a.- .- . ... Sin: Ynnr lpttpr of the 10th insL is received. I would be very glad to avail myself of the low water for making a I survey ol tb river, but am deterred from spending any money u pon the rivejr before the full legal technicalities relC0C1Pleted 1 tm d to commence work by tbe War Depart-1 merit. .Thanking you for your eugges- tions and previous courtesies, I remain very respectfully, your obedient servant. JAMES MF.RCUR, Captain of Engineers.. akuow Gcagk Railroad. TheriB is now rome talk of a narrow gusge railroad from Poiut Caswell to Clinton, a distance ot forty miles, running thrbugh a fertile but Undeveloped country The road ; will- cross l'ack River about two ipilcs below Black Riter ChiDcl and the Couarie in Satepsou county. Ihese are the only water courts of any imporUnce od the bridging will be very light, mere ri high bluff on Black River and the "V'V: A r quipped about $150,000, or Mio M. r.,, Minimriinn v ulLtrs wd lhat lte of Sampson Xty wHl .ubscrtbut $50,000 to thb enterprise, and the prrjector, tapu BJP. Paddwon, U in hope of raSuog Bberal subscription in thu city. If the rosd U built ti e freight of the road U be brought to this city by steamer frjavPoiot Caswell. 1 be route U fehible one, and we are encon raged in I the belief that at not a very remote U4riod the Pool Caswell A v3tntoa tfunw Gug Ra4 wilt be in fuU last. K. W. M.i-A Preparatory Ciob baa ait ta the town ef OoJd I bienx and at an early day a Lodgw af Kabjht efWUe Men wi!l be rabed U ' the -cewral eity -ill . . J 1 ' - - - - -. Laariebarg Caio aaye that t, M car were baiU foe the Caw- I 1 ai 1 11.. rwmi iLiuni uf vwniT -p- " r" . j.. .vl " . &i.--&wnft.AW- nn m nsirr n wb rai hoea tbal tpwa aanaf .; ut pm fL IX BtlJul thU J: v.-1 iwuiil Sectw rwtit rim a&!r. uer. u Jk. Maaa, a UkMIcUa. ill, waa v 11... was infamous. A)" jTj'Tn. papers of Mr. tJldHun,'a own pouucai communication, tdacisir the ' imde celote TftrT had- been .. of: doublfuL rbaraclcr tuere iimcht D' a b6bW v txcUse put under tbe cjreutuccs wecan' Mr. Uridgers andOtptain Pivine wyl have this matter thoroughly , investi- g&tea, ana wm punisn inpse wno nave refused pr neglected to.periofra hot only uuiciai uuiy, us a,auiy inw offioialalowe 0 PMr suffenoe tfamailitr Railroads mWt respetin toe rights 'of roiuera; iiney nave exiraorainary. privi-. leges, t&eir .rients nave to De respectea. and their omcials should he made to w'A.nAii rAi?i.iirini Hix'ihm 't.r PMic;n we sincerely nope. ana. w give flll inTMtWtion. Mrl "WJ' P.' Oldham ful investigation. ; Mr is well known in Korth Carolina to he a gentleman of high standing; firian- ciaiiy, politically aoa socially, ana ine railroad officials should aive full con sideratipn to his communication. ' Betjtal Neglect of a Dying Man I by R. R. Officials. Q. W. juldham'i dying declaration in regard to the treatment shown, him by certain railroad officials on bis return in a. weak and exhausted con gave my cheeky to Lark u -and then went under the shed. .My kaeea be- coming very; weak I fell to the ground where I remained until just before the -next train came in when ; two negro men removed mp ijata the, office -wacre I had to spend tbOj night . Iaw Capt. Knight and, told him ojf my eeble con dition,! and,! called ,'palhu, tojQie home in some way. He 'replied: ham, have'i't you been driokiog? , I ioiu i.im i cau noi oni x, naa.neea x .1 r. i j . !...' l.' j 1 up the country for .my , health. Vapt Knigh lett, sifting;. 4.. will flo a.u.i caa lutl you. ; -1 (ben ioia.A Aim xinjic x had uitntjr lo paj mj waj od wiabed a conveyance. ine captain aia net f ... MM M . A, returnJ After waiting s ldDg", time, I asked a negro to see the watchman and try if be could not get me .home. Rffe did not return eitherw' So I was eei pelled to lie on the' hard floor all night; Alter tpe morning train ie l. tna got word to cousin Alexander, who sent me Ihome'h - . - i - it nJL : w nti lh)M lh m.hlir thinfr that i wronr has been committed. - Sous ONE w to bfamsjor (hi inhumax irwinaU V . j, . i . j , .., . s Three official of -the same road over which ho came saw him there in an al most dying condiiioo, end not j one of them gave any heed tj hU haart-rending appeals, bet allowed .him ta re main in a most filthy ' etate during the entire night. Net even a drop of water to qqench his burning thlrst--not a kind word and . all asaistance denied him ! The hungry: mosqnitoea almost drew the laat drop of blood from hi depleted veins, and he not able to brush ueM from hia emanciated brow L Hip clotheJ 5, wet wila tm aad Bight .LJ tbe Ued upon him and caused! hint to took a. though ,he had ha dr.rd throorfrheitmt. The jiocidBl ,pp Jthan "LS T bee. d by any tS three week ago, and not, a wont ia one. Carolina nra.:jn . tnaltT forthe abnee ukreamenteXtvbnt aone for j ,jtiatd ln ow , pBWic railroad, ier jf almost ;allotd" to dw Veffcle koaat,' Ithlherappr jj pablk mxy to ut ia approach I .1.1 1.. iv. tuHmi eVI.t I . flt ttm Iflhej are I'.Jjii-J l9 any tmbaUatial nawiHiag to sma i amend for the rr. iJ (aWry, Ma' 1 DxAabxa lUtinj apflie tU JtW. ar aad rtal rninr. two daily eaaasratk pep. Pb2hrthe abwvei coaaeintina, aaAlaOed ta ch tkeea taaa twywu-r t - . - , . . L,teiyMio.ai 11: . . . .iLiJr-,,.. 1 6 ef lae anoet ucsa. , w lml k ia bJa lapet aadet the bcadeX aaadvee- tleeaeat.aea I aataww Vat eaaoi t ca aa aa a ccm. I r6- ?enr rtf.I "rV. 1 j,, ),.... i , w A, v XXJVt ' ft L dition from a trip up .country for healtepLih;1 j88iy t y. "I got from the caxa ! without " hefp, I . W. rixtauat , 3f. .r 9d! tWtebelftibrslit. the ' Posj n not re- cefving lfib same regularly; will please fcbori the aim to MrVHT: E. Sellers of ?et f ui "!'" ,':'Tfhn i.-,."!-'!--.;. )ujtyia? at Baxtqji.os , Tnuas- PijX JJFTt TflJE 18XH IHSTAISX. '.JLZlQBX LrESI A2tt), ADOFJEDN ADDRESS BB OCX. IS A K DAYS, Rba'SaVipglii quhe'ireelyi sdl k)A Jharioerop is nearly, all honsed. . T . . . Npmagisterial reports vesterd; -? i ""'"' lay. h Quite' a large number of strangers in 4h city last week.5 ' -- iii i fea. ? "', .j'-;'') ii- ',j:r '.il'rv: lbe steamer passport i having eome slight repairs made... . , ; J . : ? i jorepaogh's circus is billed for this ; for November 11th: J" city; .;, The State Liquor t Dealers' Associa tiou of liTorth. Carolina : met in Raleigh on, Wednesday last j - f r .' .:'.' : ;. . " ;i. ' .. . 1 1 ;-; ..-; . 1 ;-. t';"The tlra:nd,Jury:at tti3 last term of Qe Criminal Court fiVilnd 29 true bills and 4 not true bills. ! r ; ;Ny y ; 1 1 -mm'trnm ' - ', Jlorace atera & Co. . Of New York, now sell Pianos and Organs on install- jnent iu all parts of the country. 'Mr.'Jre IfewTett and tho crew of his brat landed Friday on Masonboro be'ach 14C00 bunches of mullets at one haul of the Seine, i K . s-vm - . t: . ;-"'t- - TheiWilmington Light Infantry ex- pect to go to Yorktown 40 strong, rank and file.',. They will leave to-morrow under command of Col. Jno. L. Cant well '" The little, .steamer Elizabeth,, whose boiler was condemned a few weeks ago by the U; S. Government, inspectors, pas ogam resumed her regular trips, having been throughly overhauled,, en larged andrepaired. K :. v ; ; , j ' Work at Hilton on the water works! 'is ! progressing rapidly. Tbe surface pipe yet to be laid in the city, will, be piagea in position as soon as tue au- tbbritie .wijl permit' the digging up of the streets. ; , ij ; ; The colored women of lie city wi.o usually - hire Out,! held a meeting cn last Mondaynight, for the purpose ol aen resolved, to j it tike laud luey have establish ed a code of rates oi wages fiich' are' bjona 'reason.; i C, We were' pleased to receive a ca'l from, Rev. J. G. , W. Edmunds, of Mayeaville, S. (X, . who payed a short tiait to our city a few days ago. He says thie Tobt' receives a general en dorsement from all true Republicans in hia Tincinity. - ..That is as, it should be. Tits State Band. The gentlemen from this city members of the Cornet Concert Clob, who are to j form a part of the State Baad at lorktonn, under the direction of Prof- Neave of SaIh bury, Wit here on last Thursday morn- ng lpr rUleigb, where the Bxnd will be erganixed.. They are Mr. James E. Wilson, Leader, E llxt corutt ; Mr. D. B. Mitchell, B flat cornet and Mr. S. G.mU, tuba. f I 1 1 ' 3 IMoTAL.t-ltev. Thomas D. TittJ, Rector, of t John's Church, . Itfi here Ust Tutsdaj. to Baltimore, and will be absent until the latter i part of this coming week; Rey.Dr. PaUeron, who 1a been ia Georgia during the past summer, in the interest of the Univmity of the south. arrived here Tuesday last,: and is the guest of MrR. IL; Bridge r. He will erve ia SuiJaba' Church to day, in the absKiee of tbe Rector. . & 1 i i. iin.i '1 '.;;-. G. Rosenthal, the , txot aad hoe ataa.ca Maiket lrret, between Fratt aad Second ftttetU, has one of lh very best adcctha of good on hand ever hroegat to that market, i we taa gear aatet that hi atoct I of the rery! bet avatefial. ll t noi Ilea we da Ihl, but wheat a seaa ah a dcteraiUuUaa to give hi eastern aewe bat th eery beat, Jie belkee It ear daty to gi ve Um th beseit of U ia oat Cain. If a aa caaaot gHaatkaed at G. Rawa thalV ta : W' eaaA be ia the eeaairy, I ' 31 v v MtUTAkT JftwtL A graral rdr baa Wra hwad JWee the, Ailataat tatalai.ldcaac the scrvaUea cpaar etaCxatry aair wtit fata Teebt ewa, lata yeetilaal ba4e, U caaust el u ft ijd Wtlal la bw isMtwa a iksiWaU btowd Teeltawa lUiuli- Tbe hfigI wl be tcsAiairi ty GeaCE! C Jarf. Cot R.D.lUao.xk aa4 IUWl r. Jaaaa wti wmaTtai iba 11m Yb Mi Cuu. aa4 CJL JUbm XL Cm f neJ TitVuea nt ur.rta. The First Battalion.will cousist of the follpwing companies: Bleig laght Infantry, Goldsboro xtiflesi ijgeebmbe Guards, Waihingtoji ilgM'jjdwtry Winston jldght Infantry bearle uoards,. Durham Light. infantry, ;UuU: ora uraya and Aiocgwu, iuardajj,, The Sepond BtUll04 w.ril, consist $1 he following companies:.. Fayettexjlio Independent Light Ipfantiy1LaFay.elte .uiga w. xoiaziiry, n umingfcoa 1 xigub xn fantry, VD'upliu ' Jjifiw,, .HorueU' Nest Riflemen, - h800; eteraiukf tredeil gluea and,84tlisbury fiiflej?R j , Board of ALDElivihjl The Board Of Aldermen snet tar; special' session wt the iCily Hall last Monday hlghf. V Northrop,' Bowden, Chadbourh xand Sampson.1 v Alderman Chadbourn cflVred the fol lowing resolutions, which were adopted: Eetokcd. That the Treasurer shall be held responsible for the amount of. the city tax list for the year 1831. now in hia handsk with; interest at the irate of eight per ceqt. per annum from JS p vem ber.lst, 1881, and that he be credited only with such amounts as he shall collect. " Provided that, oa. or 1 before the first day of April, 1SS2, he shall be also credi'ed with such: amounts as appear against real esUte not collected, but for which a deed has been made to the city in ' legal .form: 5 one copy' of wpicn snau be placed among the re cords of the Treasurer's office, and one copy among the records of the Reclster of Deeds of New Hanover pounjty.- i . Mc8oivcd, lhat tbe Treasurer - shall not be credited with any uncollected poll or personalty tax. unless he 'can show that proper and dilligen effort has been made to collect the same, and men oniy oy a majority, vote pt the Bpard of Aldermen. 4 f, v: . : 'V lEesoiveJ, That any balance that may remain charged to the Treasurer after tbe above credits have been made shall be raid bv the Treasurer, and hi bond shall not be released until the tax ac Resolved. That all license takes more than sixty days In arrears, commencing April 1st, 1881, shall also be ehanred to the Treasurer, and deducted from his pay unless otherwise ordered by a ma jority vote of the Board of Aldermen, and a list of delinquent tax payers sball be presented to the Board by the Trees . .... ..7' . urcr at, every recuiar meeuosr. ) f Rcsohcd, That the Treasttrer4 having riven good and sufficient bond, ia here by permitted to deposit thef city Kinds in whatever bank no may wiect a merman xiuggio aubmittod a re ft I 1 w a". port of the committee of Fire Depart ment relative to the erection of a belfry 011. tiie Uiiy Jlail building, and the placing of a fire-alarm thereon Alderman Chadbourn mbyedhat the resolution adopted August .St i' 1SS1, empowering .the comnittee Wr erect a belfry on the City II all and remove the fire-alarm bell thereto be reconsidered, Adopted. ;' I - 'ii;. 4. '(;:. n: j The meeting then adjourned. , KjfiuiiTB of Wise Mes. Mt He bron Lodge, No. , K. W. M.( ; orgah- ized at Kinalon, N. C, Sept 28 Jx, elected the following officers for? tbe ensuing term: R. II. W. Leal. E A. VI. McCleas, 1 A. j i r T. ilr t x . x. i oura, i v. ' -.: fl PL 4fnrrt ; W- tl' -4- R. L. Parrott, if. 9. O. W. Parrott, F. S. L. II. FUher, W. Tj Arnold Mills, Inspector Oeneraf. W. II. Washlogtoo, W. Prelate. CMrpnea uoivaaan, n . ji. : Dempay King, W. W. HI. A. Gifkrit-, W. BeotihtL Jv'djre R.rtu 2nd hod; 4th -Tuesday fni.'.a of each moot h at liabers IlalL The Urrua Cu'B. At a meeting ofi thb PJeawra Club, held laat Taeaday eveciag, tbe louewtsg owctr were PrtaUeot-R' f i Uizicr. ;;f ';. ; Vice-Preaidcat-r-N. lI. Qaioce. . Secretary aad Trerer U. 3d . Dix. Governing CaotaiUre -It. F llaa-. me. N. II- Qaiace R. Ui$iz, WL PalUmet, Jr, lltary OUvcr. John Pegh aad Waa. Paraiey. ;- ; NEW ADVERTISE! EXTP. HOP DITTEdS, rwaK iwfwiru. Ayra)i Hj auu a4 try Uwaa Wxi uhmp. TA a ar wmar. Uf Ktan MMMwwnM w aay. w n , mr.2. T,a hwM,0t k Jfw a W dftaav'f ttt nMt a Aa ,ra tsi nraaa r9ta rwM aae I rtxicnu i t.trf. - Ta -" s imihi. c.-y ) waii iwi I n H aw aAw 1UTE Aay m tr mmmim' joy t wi 'i - war rMMrKr aja a mia 11. mi im r-iwnr tag iatia. - ,aaa J ' aaaM ifcaai av, 1M4 , ;. j- ; i V - - J" imiwiriin'r vy wrrr. v vra (MMtmaa, aWtwt a a aba4iMW ,4 mi 1 1 i ii ii va , '' 7 d: m CKOX LT, Auetioaeei Jf 1 1 i nl.i,,, o ;ytd.- hfytt X - s! H - . -rs - - i-?m HWrnereliilh L-r 10 Vffi.at ,'7j-sf rd-. h ,V!1 i'B 3 941 V Ui0i ;;,d ! "i'TjanDtA-hq J MmtacDdii a 14T wui sell, .tonr Halea iS w anIm ax n. aaderthelmpecUon or Hot. ha a, on - i erai Fxeifeht seot of the abev named- ) ,-. . Corporations, the following UNCLAIMED ARTICLES, now Id tna. Wafcbooaaii of male , , Companies, upon which freigbt aad olhar charges nave not been paift, via: ' viu- Artleles. Owner or Conil irnee. DaattnaUon. ' ' I H s ..-.. ,!f.r 4MBgaTao, ?; f.nt.-5va.-- t ' :lL- dXi truu: Whit ylilo. 5,jt, 1 box OartrWaea. IL. Ammjoaa. xVobcftom ' CO., Aug. 9 187. , .. 1 . Aul. O,' 150. ' . . . .. - . j. , lW. F', ineno'.i:May,18W. M rulraSi,1, W ,UVr. yaegari B. MoKoy; WUmtaWJB, 2, Batoadi,'! A.t iXarWeli;? Imtegioa,' 1 box encar CSane. Bryan Moore ' Eiaptylhhds, J. K. Llppttt,' Wilmington,1 5 ' 1 box Gjtaa. A. Prldfren, Peacocks. , uiiuskua.juarcn 4, 16?u. i i uiiw; uin, jars, inrrueiee. J1 '- ? 1 box Xtdse. w.H. llarUin. ?S?.t?Ab Sldet A. J.AlUJurauo. , ; f .T: 3 lbbl MfneralWr'aier, J. W. Clark, Wll- v mlriKton; May 1, lSTiC , -,-".-(- ... t -.-."j-v. , r-.i Ij-jf I box Cftaita, IUcbardson A W- AVllmln. '" ton. Hep t 27, 1st. -. , - . ..... i rr"7:,l.- apn-'' .WUmfngto. 8e.?.n0d. a' W , 1 box QIkcs War. TBI Wllmlnvtrni. . . - 11?' Am p8h Wilmington, June 4, BS0. 1.5 ! i, " s 1 1 bbl FJ MtWUnilnaton. Nov. J5,1880t,l.,,jj I box. array, WUmlnglwn, Aug. IK, IN!, i iji aai. a lOuirti i-tsinTsK. it warn iiaawafli a. llox of Koed, Qhelson t Moore. Clinton. nUox jiu Ware, A. Jv UarrU, iHipila Road, f ' - :" ; bag Coffoe, WJ or H, Wllmlniton. ; 4 t bucket tnuy,rl, W?tmlogton.r , 10 boxw Mtarrfc. t W). wnmiDfftoaI 1 7 ? . I box Mdse, B. Barocb. Wllmlortn. lboxtand. Hall A rcamall, . Wllmlag ton. I , - a-Chalr S,'Wfm1ngUn.' :-.""'-! j - - E; . 1 box Muse, K. Hahn, WUmlngUM. , t box f Pepper iBauce, Worth A Worth, -Wilmington. - . - 1 box. jfc A.Hnll Old Kerry. uunsvsoneo, IV. K.C bornegmy, oar PalUraoa A Hick. a boxes Candi Fundr, Caoady A Wood, Jack ton HaUA Jtaaraall.' , . Title, car M bbl Mnurr. Uall .1- Fearaall. 'U'llmlnctna ?..bb?JCr0,iet,' WllUaaia a Maroblaom, niuuiqUHi. , aept2.U THE LATEST AND MOST WON tERFDLINVENTION. EDISON'S INSTANTANEOUS GUIDE TO TUB ' :! ,. ! - PIANO OR ORGAN By vhtrh any Child or Peraoa ran play aay of lb lHlar Airab doi. at rtcht, wlta ooi trruiv riiEViot i nukCTiCK, o ev Mnlrl Talent, Tba Cocnmny wilt 1 Koitrmr ll,W if any iild afanM fail i lay ANY WK of oar ItwaUtr Tnniia) Uia flANM OKUAM or MK1AK j'wt rvituin mi. u aiurr teopuviag tbe MBtie and laatrttctiaaa. yrevMxl al4 thJld can e-uot. wllb Lb Ogun ll frotn 1 o lo enrreclxy. i ! .) 7 Pieces of Musicwith InatmctioBa. MaUoil; to any addraa oo rM4pt of funk Kodam Wi n at ynatag vtamp Pw -. toga ufTaiMM. J1iiiU waat4 la rvry lHai and Cwaaty ta n t'aln. J fcfi HUilCOO, T 515 K? Wa'anl ntrKt. liaiada, I-a. 1 arfthU . - Statd ef ITortb Caralbna, Ca-aatx -. . Haw 'llaaawac; ; ", : . 11. W.Jufaltat. AdmtalrtrabEW Wnte srw . rj nrtaaii,a aa A. vka on aalialto bin f aa.rll aa all etXf 3T4 traki4TUiaM4 of Jatnea tUnkwirr. a a C W. Oldham. Extent 4rrawd. MtMfW A. f. ivdJHUB) mm wua. A. fadiaaa, l.t-r j, No)r, LMrrtU arr, Vaitmaan ti. Noacir a4 Atoiar f. KiAtk, witr 2. MotMq, a ttMM Latklaa, ft. M. Ietrat, a. It. Ai '. AUy t.ilMt aa Im i f n 1 nHK C-RUlth. 4 U cwtet a aaxg I Jain hq "T ar aaway a nara mt ta4 CMitart luil tat kwr ta r AmmI aw ta ttouiraajaaa ! a ar a ani m 4 M innf u g t tew. AU r4M aa4 Mat nataay rany ia.i a a )i fcnlta. l In. g, I i UtaWaviiM4lNMWta ttat a5vWfata. v;mynav T lmi tan ty. . t . l-U 15 ITTTUI I ff ' fcT 1TT 1 ' aai rrw sua a r j 1 r 4 1 TV mm ttt 4 a-j . ' Wn .. . y n aa a v pu, g xjrrii CO, r- . . .. -j,- aoexts trmirr7.r tAaaa?!! lira cr nmini c-i-rnir, f iiaaa. tt m a vmsss-m MWaigy M fcawa. -.. s. a... t-t ad faaa. w t.a ji AlaiwyoM aamr i in , m. a .ag.4 Mi 4 A fr!, . -- Hit Hi t DAyiD-lAKDRETH &S0;3; PH1A- 4tXtawUtaia eg M a" 'V1. 4K a-.a an f m . m I4 'in i ii u. .1 Ink r Atnia ay i -a i.H'ira, Aa, aaaa w, v1 Pt-tf in A I ha I " irl i