:': :k:y 'iiv,:.'U-:.'';,:--i: -i; 'i--'.'';:-5'.'' v'""-. ':t's'x: :' -U; .';.";-: -.'via w1rfiittdJlotaol'ialaw4 THIA'T ' I '. AX 5 rv e? f 3 h n 2 1 5 ia ?i srni pit . - ,'?: i.TV ' ! "I volume- x ri, vvirjMlNgTONPOOT j&j Totloffice at WJming. LUJ X C, a econdClim Mailer, t 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Fifty cents 'per line for the first in .1 Tan,! tweatv-five cents per line for each aaaiuonm imwmvu. ; i All communications on busincs must, addressed i to Tub Wilmjkqtoh. U ....... ' . T Tl - . ' i' ' iw-e wi miniriOD.ni v. . -u All advertisements will be charged ."at tk&aboe ralei, except on special contracts. 'j'.y ..'- . : ' J M.'SofoN Post is $1 00 per, year; six Eight (8) lines, Noffparen type, con stitute a square. -.H :k "i". 'llBftBY BACON AND A, II. ,. ROKKISLEN, ESQ. '; , VAN . Taee geatlemea had. an official ex ctiriiou down to the bar' iroprovement'i ... it 'Thai !a lVir nrltrilenro hill it is also -ours lo make a .Tew remarks about their way ol conducting matters. It had tie look of an attempt to white- wa-sli somebody, from the fact that not n Kr publican" was Jn the crowd; Only one paper had a! representative the leading benibvratic paper was invited to send a man, but the Republican paper was tntjrely pfgUcted, and- pur jmsely, beyond doubt. ; - . r- Sow, il these two gentlemen want cirtain tliicgs kept secret; if they want noliiiig but jconiplimenti : from . the preVf, .tl-y 'are.rigbt in not .inviting or il'.uwinj? the Tost to' have a irepresen Uiive aboard, lor the Post will'at all' timr.H irive ' an hotUht criticism of pub- ' public men' j And when . jjt?r, lUcoii cc V anikikkelen get up iter mile political , excursion. Ihey may bnve. a p'easaut time, but a Re- j.ubiicao Congress has to act upon the -iifxt apitropriaiiou, anq u win De very Utc when another hundred thousand igivei ly be expended under such Management for the entertainment of i!'uical excursions, Ac. . r H ' Vi.tmn IVrt Dkaii Str: I no tified in the j columni of the Post, a fortnight ago,- "A Dead-bead Adver timen':" signed J. T. Harper. What ias : the Noble Duko (IJarpcr) mean by iimertittg such a foolish and eccen .UoeWlie wisli to briig hrmsell into gre iVt-r - inV.ot iIy tuan what , ne is al- tfiK? Ordufj e wi-.ll to inform thfl Juiblic generally tb.&Lhe U a bigger ass thau.what hhas been lakn for?. ; Mr.. ; ilarj-er also warns Mr. V. P. in the , tiaie adTertisement that if he (Mr. WY 1'.) dou't ksep fhis tongue between his ' l...iU' t.' .1.1 tT J.'' itiu, nuy, m iiarper wui oe unner me painiut rccesity ot giving Mr: Wi ,,P.-iray.. : ; .'j, - ,!; 'X'.'j Vjj . Mr. Editor, I wonld like to say a ftSv words to Ir. W. P., if you please. I ihto (ell him thai it he lias a littia tioa tlht pays him a little more than enouhto feed acd clothe himself, my jTi to him to this: Ie had better Ktit'oti h's boss, immediately, for it J'fJuction to h'is "sal's ry.,! and be sure to Mre U reduced to its ery Jowest, as Friday i ut of f mplovment, and says V"SDg lo resort lo;his uM . iricLs H Uk jig gooie t.tlu r ei ou'ajji.b for mwj:' If Mr VV, P. seja a sat- : V) of one Lund ml Vni twenty-five ilur nr mouth,; Friday says that he Vil to Uke the situation iorrry ars per month -an o'd triet j "' Thai"i$ tbe whole ihing in a !srP th,t FiiU means byni . t-:uirT."- j M - ;) mr word, Mr. Editor, and u t Will ''m ifmaik uttered . by tUia Xobti tkf: a xat, j. t. u., ""Hd to me smile, but I. could it Ii waslhU: "We can't all I wonder if it eter oc ? to Mr. Uarpcr that he himsel f the title of Captain (a title mest delrly) under raise It ix has not, it ia hish. Urne w tegia to think of iU i Don . arp wppote ttai if u wen r ie a rigid t xaminaUon that :4 lanrer aU proper qaeatlons? rptr U a ery smart man, able but lln spite of hU beat I . j ' 1 ' " f ' ;,v.s: W Jam, with rtfpcct,v ?':; Li Joa Tboma gyooics ; Vr4 lion ciuaberlABd. . v October lOtb, IS-SU - J v utoi: Matt lot a loat Ua .r 1 tiUnj yoo abort r4c atttloa of the cooatry. Wt . Ppd U gathtrUn oar cnpaDd v 'wj dkuli to obtain laborer yt eottoa many of ct lam mc ettr their ceUoo the firU V r deal of will U taulU aU & trouUa;wt U rfT to tblak ottr the Jgare & rousing majority against the ini quitous prohibition bill, and they will at the t ext election show their hand in favor ol The people rulingy and against the one Van power. They are deter mined; to tote fur no man who is not in fayor of restoring to the people the right to Tote for eonnty commissioners, magistrate and school committeemen. We will' not rote for J'any roan who in the past, by word or deed, tried to! a bridge th rights and pririlegea of any class of or citizens. The Democratic party is v4iot in. fa tor of tho msjrity :raliog,;mvaseB.fioe:''ija'jgfMt' many , cs. The rery ' leaders, Mr. Ediu.r; j ttwyiutrt tw tBto wgVeat civil r,are in a great measure ruling the ..!( h o-day.; And I thiok the time come when the people will arise in, their might and demand: jus tice. And with a free ballot, fair count, old Cumberland will give a large Republican majority in the next elec tion. Let us all pull together and ire will be sure of the next Governor and Legislature. .'..;" :. ;B. A True Home. Tle most perfect home I eyerj saw was a little home in the sweet incense of whose altar fires . went no costly thing. .'A thousand dollars !a jyear served as as a liyint; for father, mother and three children. But the mother was-the creator of the home. Her re lations with hr children were the most beautiful! I have ever seen. Even; the dull an common p1 ace man was lifted up and enabled to work' for souls by the atmo-phere which"; this woman icre ated. Every inmate of her hcue in Toluhtarily looked into Tier face for the keynote j'f the day, and it always rang clear. From the rosebud or clover leaf. whkJv in epite of her bard housework slie always found time : to put. beside our plates at breakfast down to; the story which she had on hand to be read; there was no interruption of her in fluence. She baa been, and always will be, my ideal of a wife, mother and home maker. If to her quick brain, loyjng heart aiid exquisite face bad been added . the appliances of wealth and the, 'enlargement of wide culture, hers would would have been the ideal home. V As it waft, it was- the best I have eer seen. ' '.; lilt N. l- (tored Ua'or -He Aston Irhes lhe k ctulonere. j j The sensation of the day's session was the speech of delegite of the Afri can Methodist' Zion Church, the Rev. J. C Trice, from North Carolina. He is a very black man, but a decidedly iutellcclual face. His utterance was rapid, but very concise, his action was natural and graceful, his wit keenj his thought striking and eloquent. He got the floor ' under the five minutes' rule. His speech' was evidently impromptu, but completely upsel for the time the prevailing good order. His keen wit drew out peals of laughter and his elo quence rounds of pplaue. The old Bishop found it hard to hold the learn in hand,' skilful driver as he was. The speaker was wrung dowu id the midst of a rentenco and promptly yielded, when Rev. Dr; Marshall, of the Melh odht Church South, from Mississippi, arose, and . in an impromptu speech, responded. - As the. African - speaker sitting' j'ist back of Dr. Marshall,! it was a B.ot uatnral proceediag lor nim to turn aud vffet him bis baud in to ken i the SHine gtMd will the southern roan c herished to the emancipated rate that h had always show o to aim wbil enslaved. Thia unexpected transaction evidently so' entirely impromptu, wa$ greelel with great applauw..--tarcn " Midnight In a lrlsoo. There U something very solemn in a lirge convict prison at midnight, j. iA faint sound of healthy alumber cornea from the cell were the convteta aleep, Perhara there are a thousand, perhaps Only five hundred, undergoing punish meat; but whatever nay be the num ber, one is conscious that nowhere else save m convict prison could to many human belags sleep with s utjlt to in terrupt tho tens of wl tepoae. u the tame number ol peop! takes from tbV'crdiaarr worid, theru wouM b slight sounds arUlag from ; srfgatseare followlaf on ldlgtU ptrMP some itmlufccctct troubllar the eoe sdeace n the question whether the strong steps taken fsr pajmenl of UM bill vrero not Isi tho jeiicumsUswe slightly harsh, or sbrno Othw dlsturb- in , NfAUMUOB: LHC(W " BBIKW mtw wo uaeasy thocghu and dreams crtativa ef mtiesMMss. r None of Us troobk. disturb th sleep of tno habitual crim inal. This n not sciencu 11 W M. b6 hdot Bctaettht ajtklo huown to the rte of thw worM as s eouMissioe. ii II ..;tw m1vu th ssxtafae- Oona, and itb Hkl5tiK "laeta at Xxtracta," P" r. The CUmeen PrUcmV art IjmJ .jVIljtING"TON Canine Favorites. I was in a hotel recently where almost levery other woman had her pug," terrier jor , skye., ,In more than one instance !iave I known a nurse to be especially ngaged to do nothing but look after he dog, and a certain' young New York physician, will probably qwe his rise in ue to tne devoted care or an eideny lady's cub.Vhb had dogchollc, or some uch , disorder. Positively I tnow a most ; intelligent and estimable lady who not only has a nurse to take care yi uer pup, out , wno, wim ner. ?wa white hands, on which glitter jewels worth many thousands of dollars, regu larly ..washes her pet; combs hia hair, and wilL. yon believe it? cleans his teth with , an,' ivory-handled tooth bjrnsb'every'moroing of bis life. And she ia the mother of lovely children, op whom she probably does not lavish one-half so much care. New York letter. ;-';: ' , . , CIT r ITEMS. M a. V. E. N. Selleeb is the au- TIIOKIZED AGENT FOB THE POST. All subscriber to the Post not re ceiving the same regularly, will please report the same to Mr. W. E. N. Sellers orjat this office. . : V j jltev. W. II. Banks of Wilmington, djd on the 11th instant.' - m- ' ' aeuator. Ransom ' will accept our lb links for public documents. . . Mr. Samuel Potter died on Monday morning last near this city. Ex Sheriff Johnson of Cumberland county, died on the 9th of October. jrhe painters have completed the finishing touch to their operations at tbl City Hall. i The wife of Col. VVui. Juhnsoa of Cn arloile, died in that city on the 1 2 h October. of Mr. R. A. Fenton of New York, nephew 'of Senator Fenton, was in the city the past week. " Subscription price to the; Wilming ton Post will be two dollars per an aun in the future. . i bird street, near the City lull, is much improved by red rock marl from the west coast, of Africa. . fir. Sam'l. Gi Hall, one of the noble ba nd that, went' to Yorktowp returned yesterday morning to the city. Mr. Stacy VanAmringe, Clerk of the Superior Courr. will please; accept our thanks for many courtesies. be South Carolina aud Georeia troops passed through here yesterday on their return from Yorktown. Col. Geo. L. Mabson will deliver the address to the ; Good Samaritans, at their annual parade, to-morrow. t. E. R, Brink returned yesterday frojn Yorktown. He gives a glowing description of the ceremonies, grand disblsy, Ac. . ' f '.- x-U'v. Alar&haU Jewel:, of Uon- necticut, and the present Chairman of the (National Coroinilte, passf d through the ciiy going south last night.' 1 Fairfax Irwin, Surgeon iu charge Marine llosbital, has contracted U. to bve a sutstuntial fence placed around the hospital in thU cit. Vre understand that our friecd, Dr. R. II. Normeut, ao long a resident ol sou county, has removed to Char- We wish him well wherever he Sher:fT Manniog has turned over so R Hewlette, CouatT Treasuer, 1 2,464, for (account of gentral fund fr;uxes for 1SSI, and 1 763 on account of special tk Spring and the sewer leading e riTtr oear the foot of Cheanut to t is being , taoroogniy oretnsuea and sll neceasarf repairs will soon M completed. Wilmington Lht IofaaUJ left ou aionuay iur of.iw. nv rd 41 saea rant, and fits. ' Lieut. Oldham was " sosde f Ajutsat ol tht rTgimtoi by Col. Worth. , . ; s The "tfethodist woefmnca Ul meet thia year aV Durham, on the Unl day f NovtstUr, Bishop Wtghtaaan pen- miirg- tin uiw4 ivN be eibtalneU on tbe mlroada. ; Our worthy Pastas asur has conn In Vfitown. and now t am fust on the Erfnk' tf bavier n mall, and son other mi n trnrt wtU SpriarX) hut wn hntn rsy stru Osdl! rennypnehnr, iM hi Major MaVrkhr of Umponl, eklu tan m Indlsk at his rancn ta- iayj Ini IWer, asd we rroms thent salUury gentle anti n Cod time.aa rt frit rteocn newt 4mo thlfw hi Robe lou. goei an cam k Sub.cription ' price ;i?6onlj two : Cocoanuts hate dvnce4 rdrlce from W per tbonsabw, CSfrtmp'rlco dollars send aiki.Uka al .once. -LwsA''.jsnnnHMMw - i, are tne principal piaees wneru'coeoa-iY!' ; AsssssmenU duoand UBpnl on jrab- . . 11 scriptluna iq, Ah capita; fag)t oJaJ Duplin : Canal .AreeaUedanffnpt paid, bythn :lftth p Ttmbe&l, necemary. Jejel,;ai wj bjakeno 411 tm;ncenW alternpnrandfei pairs f the rtehmePpWborl havfrbeeli completed, : and she Wll-be Vngsetl ftf the towiner busing son having beearBtipp1!rtl with itae1 :-:Jl.i -swsasjir .; ..i..rK - Senaiox M. W.-Rapsflm: n4b he Fayetteviile GcoeUe th s hjs.wa look oat for the appropriation niriad'made to improvo the navigation the Cape Fear jRivei betwettf thntupkco nad Wilmington, and sosv that Jfc does not lapaav ( sjj; inr'SCsvtm r.fT .1' ,v'--iTs"i f tU t HOOf-U - xja.av, iuc poysician in. enarge pi the city hospital, is working vejrynard' in his efforts to'get the new publie hos pital for the city and county open at an eany eayr it noped tnai tt win be ready to receive pstienbrby the first of November, ' 4 t ' -: ' U i i '. i i-r ' ' A NxwPkopbllsb. Tht steam tog Belle Sparks, a doubln propeller, bound for Cedar ' Keys, Florida, recently pat into this port for coil. I She hails from Ruflalo, N. i Y:, of light draft. f water,' 3 feet; 63 feet in length,' 17 feet beam steel boiler, and two'eagines., u ' n I Snake Stobi PiWjsn. Coukty Ahead. Mr. J. D; Bordeaux recently killed a rattlesnske, white bunting in Bee Swamp, Caintuck iowmhipt3 feet 5 inches long, and the possessor ot 40 rattles. In a post mortem examination, of his snakerihlp .were fyuad five large rabbits andtwo equirrela'.ui . hi. stomach.- . v.MWiiU.. i.! ji j js'ii ; r-j i U ;Ki NlW.. GOAKO WABEflOtttESk-r-The Champion Ctmprea Company ia build ing, on the west sideof the river, nearly opposite the foot of Chestnut street, twq Urge warehouses' for : the i fetoragn 3of guanO. Each building Is to baV 45x125 feet and with n pitch of 1$ , feet, and will be fitted with a platform and rail way, so that the guaao can bt dtmped from the upper part of the buUdingSil j The publication of At' jpme.dnd!. Abroad is hereafter to be removed to Charlotte,' 'at bieh( ' point theTpext number wjll be UtiJtnhjimk family, we understand, ' are to"ejs6ve also, but : that gentleman will not abandon his residence hart until Jan uary neit, si which UmtlU connection with Paul's Lutheran sCnurch will abandon his residence here untif vr cease, JJeatd of CArr.VJdBEiudCiptaiw Thomas Jones dred tm the ISlh listen Brooklf a; sged aboorv55iyenrt: Captain Jones was weli knoWn ht this port, s: bosaiDfMlrr isf the- steamer Benefactor, 4tt the Ne Yrkn4 Wil mingloo steamship Hoe; Hets4een f regularly engaged sintn ISQOen varVHis ' steamers running' to thiori of Wil- miogtoto, awl by snilbVm coOrfeVy and attention' '-o hsbaesssevrrd many warm Triewda, who will sacete?y mourn with hU AmiljIsr,fhelrsn4 he- renvement.l:'?'" n tor svri saw The police force of thia city- will soon be furnished with their , new uafonns of gray u clothv anajBudred aj - ht Be than la Mills, in looythe count v. by Mr. T. B. Lash. .The Jexluruja repre sented as beiog soil and smooth and oi exceiieaimateriau. Messrs. o&a jyer & Son, Merchant TsJlors, were awarded thn '. contract for maklucUD the'Ww nnUbrms, and will be ready Lr delivery John H. Wiiiatason, &etary win please accept owx tharia tet t ttrtOF lion to tialt thn U!rd) htSaal Hiarl tion oX thn eth CifiAii tUiitrU Aanefatlsm. whralastAW W tW Slst sfOctsWr. 1st, tn Xrdnnd U of November, ISSK- Cmy &orf an in thn atato should bt presetrt tnd havn aosM of il very host We pro ducts te exhibit. : We WTleT a rair will be n womplete'enceesw. TW Xmo- daiion' enrtalary W nlr- VtM whnet, Much uiW hns ,jnavf-3. J?n raaJn. IXr. JJCk JZTA f 15 Signal Scnk InJliJctt-v nothins dr.?: airs trs ber xr them and isntW Irab i n ltxrjfot annonncea thn tntaxsnl the knkmnwfrs CUnwwn? raX XTsmsm 's." h Ini , hnvinx bmmlM in Xi srCsn BOABCOF AUDIT AKD FlJfAHCE. At n nieetiBg of the Board of Audit and JPiaance'hre1d MotiHay afternoon, jit wasoruereu.uiai owing to causes cpn- ' 4 V 4 3 v.t. t l per gay- yn t aiee, i.ow per nay; nigns ' ' . " f . . m. . . v . janitor: 'MOi per J inontb; day janitor, t5,m6ntK v -Honi -Bamuel limits died ; at ffmHEviire. N. C. on Thunjdjy. the 5th fo5 Oetbhnr,JJ.ndge- Watts served as onVJiof !the' Snperier Uoart Judges of ifiis'kie jffdm antjl lT when lie" resigned &Ad returned io the prae- uee-ori ne-iaw. was certainly a manf ofj tery grent ability; 'at A lawyer, androne 'ef the best s'.ump orators In this'atite iBiVew ,'men in the slate daiSed3 tcr meet him, and there were none Whow(rtfnnxiou to do so. He could eoteriain nntiddiece as well as any ffiinilt .Ofth, Carolina. But a good marr tiis: gone the Toad .that- we must alr! travel sooner rH later. May God . ; ; ; i- a .i t.is- .. r j ?.i5 y-, TCuFEbkBA'1E BOXD3; There is hriski trade, in Confederate bonds throughout the country. The demand forthem-in thi city is large, but hold era nereTOr ne most, pare refuse to sen, The reason for thU; demand is said to be as follors: When the war between the, states closed in JS6-5 the Confed erate plates 4iaf on deposit in the Bank Of Eog!od lO.OOOO; which has and as suit iu iank awaiung an owner: The (in't crest I which.-, has accrued upon the prin'dp'al 'durihg the. last 16 years wiil aih6uiit also to a snug little sum.1 The.Coofederate bond holders in Eng land have concluded tx try and have the, Confederate bonds paid for out of the money which is there to the credit o3 Jhe Confederate ? States, and the speculators Oa this side of the water Eaye.ee3t in the gtim distance an dp pprtuaityio make a million or so out of these-: bonds.' The United Slates goverpmentiihas made three attempts to-obtain the .money from the English government, and once made a formal demand for it whilo Reverdy Johnson ,was Minister to the Court of St. James. The. English government refused the demand of the United States, as the ynjje.d States government did not pro pose to liquidate the indebtedness of the Confederate , States in England. Mt.Secretary Blaine is now preparing n,,paper rwith- a view of obtaining the money' for the government. Since the demands for these Confederate bonds it has : been ascertained that at least fQUrrfifiha! of the' .bonds formerly held In, the south have been destroyed or 5r Per fojim i so Elephants Tu ki r WOXbEBFUL EXH1BIT1058 OF IjTTEL-tlGESCE-TriOUSAKDS FL0CKI50 TO EE EM.-r0n Saturday, the 12lh of NorembeTForepaogb will exhibit here with ' his', nnpsrallejed establishment.. Oflhe w.6dr,tnoving icenes presentrd by Ms irehtj' .trained elephants, a re cent exchange remrt; Mgsclty of lb elephant. and from time Immemorial among the favorite si oriel en'enea a entertain, the infant mind, Ysrled ; and Interestinc anecdotes of these ponderous beasts. Even those of more mature year delight in reading IhexploRs of elephant buntibg. No animai wnen rouren m more impuctoit or more difficult tn avert from, the ob ject of P fury., In view of tbe facta Mr. Torcpaogh ii entitled lo uoboupded credit for. Abeenterprlse exhibited in collecAmg! twenty of these hog beasts and rtdaeiag them to such subjugation as 1 0" task rowibTe this exhibition In n ericv us yiicu sw itwukubi tuat ur- paaa hay anecdotes written or- related oelepbantla sagacity. This ts the tartest aiid mdsr perfectly trsiaed herd c? elephant ever under the control of -' ... . . . eat manyand inn lawrtM nt tno per rmacWiB wcaderfully enhinced by its rfcrvmVywith of their tnlner, lie Adim ferrpanglC Jr who, only etgh- teen ycararsc ha thin encepilensl nmbet T mownfnlaona hesnte anbyect to IVslbTestwin. Tit pcrfNsnaet offsah In& bone bnn descriptieo and almost cUHregn Thoy iancn, - gn trocrh the mlrtary rrotst toe, give acrotic xkitU-3t, ptfrfl i n the Uht rrjjT and do a varisy and nnas- IrtrcnTarlntSon. lthara tin annat EiTttlot ME til: llt j rvrfcmiacsn Ust CTd cWtXaaUnepnatssnlan whkb wan f i f swni rwemry sW thsram, ami tnU annf -wnkb tin sjcin Vnsts gfvn Vtat tt sscrftX- tZpy iar-v avtraliuus hnaan ka I'j a ta?.2 XbslrfTi mnitisa are tttaret 4 'nr&ar naVtwsnJeJ yhnaS:, ntVetrV 4?w-fA al ci&l la inrsM vt Tt i ;i U n - 1 , 1 ' " ' ' t " 1 -' 1 1 t r- "T. - i ' Single Cojics 5 Cests . - 'i;NXJMBER '43 vC-'Uj ' ' KEW' Ai)VEBTisEMESTaT 1 V " ' " ' fit ' . i NOVEMBER) : tu. rTTTt; fTH inY S S r i -' ' ,l :" s 1 - i .HaSHOWI i v,i j,; Firct Really Cre&tOhow the Will exhibit at WILMINGTON ONE DAY, Afternoon and NiLl t SATURDAY. NOVEMBER B-'7.th ncatlv season, and first tmad Southern Toar. reatitvely larswif tmist p v: talbltton in the world. Everywhere thonsandsnnabls to cat a adsulsMon At IxVuUv JsevUlonV most mlnn respecuble men and women ihroB(luV-Tbe l-'i" av7ra( Wor theHeason. Million ExMttded fbr a Klngls Holiday.' Th nv y?,r,d ,?ndr.' L&UGB PERFORMING ELEPHANTS. All aprartnalS . loutT. l,auu iiiiAsm UIBDS 3 Great Hallway Trains! Beats Awl niojinocn Menaterte. Trains Uvlna Wonders! Just added! 20 Trninri PAnnnn.nifri Ct-olllAMT ?5rAi5,iI?n ,n lLT'SXkKM.d nrvo perform n cp. V . WHEELINQ A BABY OVER 84 JNUH WIRE 100 FEET IN Mjl) Alii ! ' Riding a Velocipede Over a Slender Wire I 1 ..i"- 100 Feet Above the Heads of Ibo Audience. LOYAL, tiib Mtv Mbteob, BLOWN FROM A CANNON LOADED WlTtt -Wt WWW pX. W w aw.- m my m- j aumijm'i Greatest Riders In tbe Clrena In Peparats Rlnr. -Trained nirsn iv... . rormlnt Lfona, Tlnrs and olber animal. Bible BibTmolh, I bIsoVbl I " oi, I " dern of rare anTnsand birds. Every forenoo. or the iahibm "Viaytue' .GREATEST, GRANDEST PAGEANT in araencs. WMni expenaeo lo taie marvelous snovlDt peaormma of lUwot r v' ,1.1. and Orandear. Tbe PrfneeM LnlU Hookb, personated byfthe ilandlon Amerleal For assearla la this tenant durisv h k. .7 . . "I.." " ' ',v nf tin Ann In MU,.U.M sr ....V. k.i ' Parade sad review of tbe reeoarees Of tbe Great Poreranch Miowi i. ie lonreet, lanrestaadinoet lavtab epecteealar street paaaBt ever made 1'VVuy tbe In before ootanenelng by tbe two Oreat Bands. Ex omrs loo Train and Lowii, ,n l,Z 1 Railroads, NevemSer lStb. Prererrad eeau will be ooi a DYait AhO, Vij?i n ; L ! STORE, ooraer Frent and Prl.eea. etreeta. wni?l!al7iiVt ot thV Ul,t i" astoa, as rrsiornarr wltb eome eablbltlona. Kvenbody sees Ue "whole uo w la i n vast entirety at alfbt as wl a In tbe aflernooo. T w,"r 1tt " oetasonovs i f atiam ronKPr;M iwin . EW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO THE PEOPLE V SOOTH, KIXOH AIOUMTAIS and Iu HEROES. A illstorv of the TUttie. fW. V. ITse. aod the erenu which led to It. afWr two years pent la ftreparatloata oow pabllsbed and rsMy qor oeii very. Te auor, i.tmak t; Paarsw. M. O. has sreet 0 rears la eethrr. log luatertals tor this work, wbtofa ahoands la aurrug reel i is of adventarse and bair breadtn earepea, alike tntereerlaw to old and roasg. Tbe deeeenda.au of each men as Canpball. Fh fr4 Kewier. Oeveiaad. I.t. William. Hanibrlgbt. MeXknwaiC Wlntino, Hssnnsawd, aad Ibelr afflcvr. now II nag by the tfi seaw ads throaaboot tbe Aooth. will w el eome tbU peraaeaeat reoord of that glertooa event wMcn taraed toe Ude of lbs Kevolotloq. Tbe work sno talsa Six page. o 0et, taper. beaaUraliy boaad. wlut erne ateef portraits of ib Heroea, and asnerooe wood rata, wtib la. des of ASoe refer sosos.1 PrJee St. swat poe. paid on raeetpt of piic.or taay be bad of Areata la every eoweiy: I rr o. Tiiowtsox pbJsber, .o. irt erHret.UaiBaU.O. .Agrais Wavtted fw aaaaare terrt- oeaa tor leraaa. ctresuare ae snsBpto opy i.. ' i i wau HE 1TATK3T AND MOST WON DERFUL INVENTION. EDISON'S INSTANTANEOUS GUIDE piano or onoAn ny waseti ay CfcOM e TMiw aaa eeay j etbo pwewtar Area by e.4 wttav tfmmt Area by aMsba.eS eSVsftae)- antVv, rnrv 101 rAci i at i WMeraj Tbu TVe Gamrssmy ana roafxrr sum 'orjo4 saw SUat b pay AStoaaw esaT rriae Twa-aa east FtASm CRuaJS asr Mku. lis asVjawt rrrTiTsT? eSvOd mm aast wiS Us Kwva tuma, 1 Ptttts tt n tct,wiii UttrtrUsxt, ItlMfllM. la-sow at iwse co . tst llnsU Wtaltd far U tusinrl in STTTXn I a I aa a .. as4 Ssrar eas -o earn 4BV 1 V -i spij :msbwss aaA, That Has Ever Visited South I ndLWIns Wonders la Two Uut, AND TRAIXKIs AXIWtlvi ravllloas Oorer Aorvat Aluuc, n scutoiivw.ua.n oriu rur ( im.l itr-rl 11 , r i: .... i. Z.l. . 1 .' '"r" niskmi . . ..... HOP BITTERS, roiw sit cUsraaee f f tbe irth, .e. bioaMULsaer.KldBeyBfM t'naary waa. ? 1 Ttoo. Mlirpla n ea. asvS tuir '"a1 eoenpialau. Asb sr emit ar nop klUeraaosl irt tft.a lt. . . Take WO Otbec. rvrod tr rErea It imieeb MaBBtbetortsg Cawnaay. rtrw. ter. iTadTorootev.Cfi. .iiiiw I HAVE T0U ER tiKSOWN Aay pweeoei to be iamlr 1:1 si'i a wea Ml sidi or tstawtisw mw sw bHHNraf And Us tbase tweeae are la gwuS Uosi do-yew sm Bad tSHrtr f mn ,i ir rmer taw nes-S Skssatbt l-arser e 4avr Tat aJways reralatea thwe tawtl teM. oosl aesei Bute aaako taw SSuS rytm aa.i sued lo atreskcis-eo rmy wrt rf t. eysarfsu It bast swtwS sn4i ara. uag te. am yrr avebSMS aw u. . es bs-ew - t . - y A:heArssria pnACTitjie Lire. . h r TV gr-I peunAssa aafs4. TW liftft ol arwfavy r nailHsn I reans ta e ad iaiaimuvy p r aMMr;t, t ws tm ' f isablJso, It anii it Is set.y. Ui H!, fleaSSpaW SIspa SWwaA taase w awaai Vitaxra. TW i s .. o tw eartatasj tawasawta. rao I i raaai is a . taia Ms easataMWMaa. rMar hw t isiia . sent mm o awaav mm taA. li. bfcrcsrs.fc-r e l-iT.madelra. " - aa sat4 NrMea70rfrtSaUSMM4, wi tr nmim eitnm?. sn ttaoMbaaV n to n twr ba fsssa bf Sjwnirtia Wtk&t f..i n ' rsnS.laiSL- 1b mi.'oiii faaal t fsejil ill k Twsw4a basv'easw Ary wK.-; ia.iM. gus'iaa i esHaslri " n ed tae san'aa. aay tea -sa. St, irtstot, Lass faav , SVy Sat Sb " " sn - Ml., ilm'SMkM baeaav.. -w S .a an aim sw.. 4 iHsI. ivt-JWtSi,1 tSfl "',HibSSTL SI sirens ""Sj - v ltN . CTTrfa i suttt n I I t I aeiiag4isw,Aa sawa. .s I . . a . an tass wa, ,. 1 1 'I -" Cay. Paris, bocit 5 f iMMM i- w w? t r jls sit: y rri.r,' eerily, la Atalluti ... i 1 . b