'-'-, v..-.-'.-'--".--": .-i . -, " - "- " -'. ' - : . : v; : i . . " .- - r - .. t ." -' :. : -"- i ' : ... '". - 1- , : - ! ' - r . . . - P.-'--;.-" 1 - . 1 ------ I - . j - - r . ! - ;, ' ; : --"!' i ' : - i ; -. -'" i -'-."- ';:- " ; -t I ; I ; ' '-"., ; - ' : i -i .' rT -- - -' - " " . . f ' - 1 : ' ' J ' 1 ' - . .'.I- "' v- -:';"' K'i;1: . . : ' -f ' y - . f.-i J:-L!V vi ; ' :i -'-:.: :.'.': .. ; . i , - -- .-- ' fvz-- . :;:- ;: v-. t:;. 1 i 6 Doacou. icon Wilder, I want jou lo -tell : i, ... . and family . ' 1 1 ' K r 1 1 L. - hie " . ' . .1 '. .i. r ast reag'op, when all the rest lei1 . ..:.). . mmli nn1 havfl . liO. VH been siliv civ i lltbc doctor visiting us so often." ;. TivUir..tte answer ja very easy, r used Hop Otters in tiror; kept my t nilv well aTid saved the doctor bills, ihrdollar' worth of it kept us well J ab'e t' 'WijfJcjjIlj.tne "me. I'll and the neieh- fV ' , - ipr Jr?bllattheWWGoTernment.and l,..rCtUie e to iw liui.uvvf -i I 1 Dcacbn, I'll u'sf.ycur medicine Uere Ve have received so many letters iftquiiing ut tbe" Judicial Diatricis of.tlie stale that we publish below the ''(Vw jiitiria vurruuv! viuucu, Painuotank; Perquimans, Chowan, Hertford, tiate- Washington, Tyrrell, Vre Hyde, 'Pamlico and Jieaufort. Ituiml Vti rf Wake, yarren, Ual i.ix, Northampton, Edgecombe, Bertie, jitrtiii and Craven.; ! ' l Third 7.a'i .Nabb-, -Wilson Pitt, tfrecnr, - Wayne, Lenoir, :Jo.nci Oar Vret, Wnstow; Dujiliu' "Sampson, New Jl nu'jvcr and Peuder. , ,-- . v ! fourth tttxtrict-llaTuea, Moote, An Kiclimond, Jlobt son, Columbus, 'Lruu-vnik, Uiade;, Cumberland and Jjlii.i"i. I . , i" ' j ,)fifi l)'ttrid Alamanve, Kandoiph, i I..'. ! mi j4i .' I.' .. l.il ; i. , ajlllonJ, lUlUli;nu, riaumui, vwAtige, l.r.uiH'lc, Person indium. U.Viwell audiliock- ., i i l.i i, f.i.... ,w S'ntilv. Moiitiiouiery, Union, Lin- tia.loii, Clfiivebnd, tullieri'ord fuiii Jllll I ' . V- ! ' W ' I 1 1 I I. - :. ' Yadkin, Siokes, . "ftilkrs, Allriil.iiny,;:. Surry, D.ividsosi and ltowati.' ii-c-!Ualawb!, : Burke, f ..'' jclowtlu liiiicey, litciicJi, watauga, llhc, Caldwell, Alexander 4d Iredell. )rinlh Ditto-let Buncombe, Madison, lUirUi-r-on, lranstjlyani.1, ' llay.wood, JttkMHi, .waiii, iMiicon, Clay, Oraham mi J Cberokt f. , ' , ; . ' , l)lKE('Ti)Uy OF LODGES. M isoC,i(fi.Viti4 K(4 , i.,l)li!i'n Kn' Itliiirwlny fVi-nnii i -f- & A si, meet last ; of c.wti 1 1 ion 1 11, at .Ma- Viiifii Hull; !; - . : ' . .WlluMHKt.n I.o Ik ;!!, h.A ' M. aieets H 'uiliiy in each mouth'; at MiisouUj Hall .Yiiii il li;'l'tr No 1. It A M, . meets 3d ' JU i'i'tuy t1' '"nil mouth,' rtt Mtisoiilij Hall.. W'ilin iiittill Cuunuil No. 4, 11 Hlid O M, (m-cU'-l Monday in each mouth, at Mfspmc W 11 in I ii sr. ! ("ommandery No. 1,'K T, menu:''! WcducsJay in each month, at Ma- Kill IV llllll.' ' 3 ; : KNiuin Of honor. . - r:ir.illn:i I.'mIj?o t.fl, meet 1st and 3d Mnn du la c.k Ii mwiith. ut UJd 1- ellowH Hall. i-1. o. r. ; . - .-i'l'upc Kcar I.ode No 2, meets every Tuea- i:iyivi-iilii ' - i ' V - , lormu.lKMiKC No 7, meets every .wednesr iiiy evening. - ' Kncnvipn'ierit No. 1. meets 1st .' k'ul M If'riilav eyeningo enc'U month. Ui-iiwcii liOilKe mceifi tf tund 3d Thursday i .wii!nss ot ciun in on t h . i l Uliiiiliijl'tii Dfifico liOiliro meets ?d and l!i flnirs. Hiv e veneluK of each mouth, ' O. K. 8. . I- - " ! "'."" v tfml, ii'iin V,(k1c No "lis, neot8.2d and Ijlr'siiiul.iy tn lach mouth, at 3 o'clock p m I UUYA AjW-'ANUM. - ? 'Cini.'liiu- UarnetJt Council Xo 231, meets nn. I Mouilur evening of each mouth. . ITliu uliovo I-ImIkcs HHHt at Odd r'el lows Unit mi Third hclwccu l'rluccs and Chest n ii I slretts. : ) - ' i" KNIUUTSOF l'YTIUASj 1 ' su :cvaii 1 Axiis'e No. 1, Meets every Mod l i v .1 "Mtllo Halt, on Third ptrco. ' t icnua n la I.odso No. 4, meets every Tburs . cvfulnut Castlo Hall. : 'i-.inlnvnijiit Itank No. '.Ml, meet 2d Friday .lin-.irii lyonili. nl .tue llall, r. O. H. M, - Wyi:upg Trll.e 'o. 1, meets every Tues .l.iy rv..tli;, at . llictr.liall on lrliice-s be Iwtvii troul aud Second streets. 1 ' M.VsONiU (Colokkd.) . ,? Ml. Noho Lodge meet 1st aid 3d Nfonday liii':u lt tu'inili,m sixth bclweeu Walnut : and Ki t'ros Jtre't. -. i - ' . uiUlfiu L(l;e. iiiot't 2d and 4th Monday la viwn month, corner Kijjhth and 1 Incess U, U. U. O, E, Yr !,t.v I,oil je, h;ee t lt and 3d Tuesday lu mu JU'iuih corucr Dock and Water su MA vit Lvr Loiiice, meet 1st aud 3d Mon Jy Uie.u-h iiuinih, comer Market and WU'rMt'et. m:w auvektisements. -7 TllP UPA'r rVOltUANS.Hwt-. ..'iwi-.i'Man. "reeU. Only t!W. , jlir.s I'ANIr.u F. IlKATrY. Watihlng Urn, N.J.,. - octl(llw . 'w L 9L - Moon! rtrr uvsiskssinivkiisity Itasjb AUanta, Co. l rLitn,u.H lrculnr. A llv acttMkl BuslncS ijfuNiMid uxrvfy ycort, .i v oc li-iw i r : ; : .'; i- WMOFRFUl DISCOYERY.r W-tLTlP LAMP WICK I rwq Dc. 7.18SO. ",'irnrrvniifla' tiTw i Edfiiant, Wluto and Stood rjulret no rlmmlnc, and lasts for i."'"-:"ainin wica iuctsHa wicks cis., i u ' v 'tktKe paltL Have three lses tf.Jf.-H Afnm wantovl. Address v XV M 1 n 1-V Ml WICKlt) , 71) Corllandt r:s I'aivine Porous ' PUbler. ijirr .tilruci.t and Thyslclaus have Cartl a ianar .1.1 1 lit Hun' tin- Tl!!'-Vru. rianlera ara uiHsrlr t all -Tl r''c ua i act l-lw tUTIClJ RA Permanently Caws Hu jaora of the Scalp and Skin. , .'jiiVura ivmpUp.' ar. ftvp sale by all; rf;.la, piut cvtui BA.a Medicinal ?rT. rcU boxra, Aiv.; larva boxe. L t J . "A 't vKXT.ihe aew Itloed Purl- ?r,Vi: ','r l,te. mto iu Mkduixai. S..V "P Z' CrTIVVK. MKUtClKAI. HjinH,Al., iv.jm bar. tor barbers and t nirm. l-v. lvtncl pa depot. aiea rtD on rtreviri-pi price. WlDjtEfiAL AWARDED THt AUTWOsV A KM A ... I VTlaUMl .wi a. 4 - MM auMMMlrcJ illiwri Lktk4 k aatit 'ata.Mlml'NMltiM. i . , 5 1 lmmf l w . r.a. .d Ul&ai. haaaxhsUi aa ia PARKER'S C1UCER Tiriii "2 r.Ui and Strenrth Kestorer Used Ctaeantainia af U natd and diseases 1 i """Mfiaiaii-i Ijinn. liver ai tt.?4 eaUrely dianM1 Mfrwas Hi H , Vlv tiweaeaa aad other Tnalea. aa ir,nv tatoxiate. 3J. and ti elate. nliTi. tl m. - -L. ' Htfa? OseaaliTSa Y. riAVO? . Ot-r ON IXBTAt.LMKNTSt ft..7r.. aad abipp4 t ail parte vlwG V?MUieeouary. I RlClS LOW . " aad teem, of saTiel 77 Caiaharaa. t(iHACK Vf ATTKtwt I,rM-t--rr aad dealers. -J roa. jT . TA 1 r2C3.a Nji i Luk.abHi IF Vs t ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS prospectus, ; NATIONAL 1 IbEUPBLICAH. mnn th Washington, d. a, DAILY AND WEEKLY. .rllil" Jevote.? to Ne. Politics, and Gen eral Information. It is the BET NEWSPAPER ".irs pertaining to Governmental. fOllMCal. and cVwin.l KfFalra h XT-. 1 l Congress and the De partments. iarDllh A tatfltflUttOT MnAt Af 4K. . ceedlngB and w411 t all times glre m pleto and reliable Information of the official doingt in the various ExecuUve Depart ments. AND NAVY. A faithful record will be given of all ap polutmeut, promotions, . dismissals, its slgnmeots, and other matters of interest connected with the Army and Navy. T in politics it will, as hitherto, be , REPUBLICAN. i :. andwill advocate in a fearless and inde pendent manner what shall appear to be for the best interests of the country. It will furnish a reeord of the interesting wclal events of the day, making its Society Department a special leature. Thelooation of. Th k llKPUBLieAHf gi ves it superior facil ities for prcHeniing to its readers faithful repoits of all that occurs at the national ceuu-e wi literature, Hclencn and Art, while its intercourse with public men en ables it to make a special feature of the Social and Political Events and Gossip pe culiar to the National Capital. In Tele graphic Communications with all parts of the worlu reached by the wires, and will contain each day a full reeord of the latest occurrences abroad" as well as at homo, if a Special Correspondence from all parts oi uio worm win De an interesting leature. In its editorials and Its Foreiern. T)omesii. and City News, the management intend to in 1d tain i the high standard already noUlevi d aud make such improvements as my from Mine to tm be suggested by the requ rtiuouts of n nrst class newspaper, : f THE iaSUE OF THE" : WEEKLY REPUBLICAN, 5 : . ' ; v . : 'I ; r. 1 A:DouUs Sheet of Eight Pages and Filty vj Six Columus, . j v'Wili tie M-mmcncedThursday, September 1st, and will contain in a condensed foittn, all iIih contents of the dally, and a large afioim tot Interesting literary and scientific mutter prepared especially for the weekly - edition. I' ! - - i A rmy and Navy matters will be made an especial feature, it being the aim and in teution to make it the recognized authority In all ihimca relating to these -very imoor- taut brunches of the public service In lact the f. i - ...;' , . - W EKKLY P.EPUBLICAN willtio a current history of this time?, which no one cunaiioru to ao witnout. A large amount of space will be devoled f specially to the Agricultural and'Trcdnc lng Interests ol the Country the facilities of constant communication with the Oni clali oS the Agricultural Bureau, enabling it to place before Its readers all matters ot information earlier and in? better shape than any other weekly paper In the Country The following unusually liberal rates will bring It within th reach xfa)l elivsses, All sudaciiplions pay sble in advance. TERMS: with Poslajo rrepall. DAILY One Year....;....... ...... f6 00 On Month... 50 WEEKLY One Year 11.50. Ten Ctplesoriinoio to cue address, each 1.00 Address,; - I NATIONAL REPUBLICAN, 1308 and WOVcupa. Ave., : . . Washington. D. C. 45 Years Before the Public. THE CENUINE DR. C. HcLANE'S .' CELEBRATED '. LIVER PILLS 1 - ,J::r ;-.: FOR THE CURE OP ; Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, bvnia and lies HSADACMa. ' ,87mptoms of a Biseasei Liver. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side ; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frecmcntly extends to the top of the shoulder,-and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head is troubled vrith pain, accompanied -with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. I A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, bis feet are cold or burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the . k in hi snints are low : and although he is satisned that exercise would be j 1 .c.i.l in him vrt he ran WaTeelv ucnciaHu v. . j - ; v summon up fortitude enough to try it. fin. ha distrusts every; remedy. LSeveral of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases nave occurrcu where few of them existed, yet txain- inaUon of the body, after death, has shown the urn to have been exten . lively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C McUw's Xjvw XtixSj, w cases or Acv and Fever. hc taken with Quinine, are PvdcU the moat hanor results, ffo better catharUc cane used, preparatory to. or after taking Quinine. e wouw advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a FAi TtJU For aU bOiotis cnrrtnents. and , a simple positive, they are Ur- k " as equaled, BBWASUB OP IXTTATTOBB. The crkine ate nvtrr str coated. rrr to has a ted wax are) en the TiJ, with the lmpilosi Da. McLarafa Uvxa Tiixs. vt. I-La.xxs Lrrra Pttia Kat Ik. sknats oi CIxLaN r irmsa Eaos. on the wraffers. Ialt p kavixrtte 2; C McLaxk's Uvxa ratJ. fff1 , Flrmia Bw, of nitthsjrsK Ta, ..i Li,, ri r laait at aaa of 1st nukii v-. sa m v- a NE W ADVEETISEMENTS. ROSENTHAL'S NkW BOOT AND 10E STORE, 32 Market Street. Word'oi Advice to My 3?atrons. , STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL lu, Branches, and my arrangements enabl - - -J m to reclcve New Arrivals of Styles, of th Dest Make, Weekly. s My Stock will tell In the Future as It has In jthe Past. Call and examine before you purchase. H' ,::: My School Shoes cannot be surpassed by any In the State. : ' Ti '.' - ' . " 6 ' v. : : 1 emember the new sign of the Show-Case, Next week I will give you some of my Popular Prices; no time this week. . ,r-. -' '.-.' : l ' ' ' -i ; - - -'' Respectfully, ; ; : j ' '' " " "' ; '" '- 6. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market St. i t 13 , Sign of the Show Case. SITUATION WANTED. COLORED PRINTER, of six years ex perience, .wants a steady Situation. Can "make ud" a nansr. run a press, and is competent to takecnarge of the mechanical department of a newspaper, Will work very cheap during the summer. Address, jily 11 Care Observer, Charlotte, N.'c. J f von aro h man v:,j!'lt Ton hrnu i iLa. i:ic.--M.v. a::-I"' ii: ct l t- Jfour (lulled pvui.i iikII uuit, to rw- Ssumiuam-i-.nii uj , i: oruin ncrrnu Ho Bitters. . Rlwaio. use Hop B. If vrn arc T-.-in-r'i'n'lMntTcrinir from anr In- JdLs-.-i'.it.!i .i-r u, .-ipay lion : ii' you cro raar jriC'l Tr sin,-!-. ,; I iTjSyouu.:, s-ui-rinir from jpoorhi-altli u- lfU'',-:li.titc.inir c.'l a lnl of aiok-!ness,,ic'j- o- HoDSSittero. DCTf.r y-ilnni.E Tlmumndi dl an- iwh' iicvor To'i .Ii i l :.V'rt - r.nallv f ro m some that y o n r yyi Ai EKJjJ form of Kidney! laccds cK'anin-r,t )is-rtynt!iaB that mights Iwithoutintoxr UK or riini'viiii.ni; . j nare Doen pnnented 1 1 m c It HopBI tako Hod Ittert IBIIIUIB. IlaT yon ('in- Wprpaw, Hiti.icv o. t. c. r u rwaiy com plaint, li3ea.st of the ttoimich, la an sbsolnte and Irrcsint ble euro for IvmreJl, Mood, lii'ivr ar verve i ii-unkone uao of oniam lion win no IffuredirTouotc- tobacco, or mop Bitters luarowuca. :.. '1. ! Ifyonarnlm- tftta.tteadtur ,iilrinu,iry Urcutar. Ibti It may a vey ou r bopbrtibs lire, it has saved hun Id red a. Toroato,Oat. aprU 21lv . MAKYLANJL) EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, 54 Saratoea St., Baltimore Md. . The Board of Directors take this opportu nity of Informing the public of the superior advantages of this Institution to patients suffering from Eye and Ear affections. Tbe Institution has been in operation for tbe poet twelve years, and is xnott centrally loeated. two doors below St. Paul's church. Indigent patlenU will find admission, free ofehArge By order of tbe Board of Dlreot- orn. it, w, DUBBIN, president. 1 1inECTOK B. F. Newcomer, Sam'l M. Shoemaker. Prof. II. E.iShepherd.Sup. Pub. Schools, John H. B. Latrobe, IX J. Foley, C Morton ' ntewart, cnrisuan ax, uenj. r . Ulntan, and others. i i 'or special Information apply to -T ' DR. GEO. BKUUNO. NO. 79 W. Monument St.,(Mt. Vrrnon Place) Surgeon lu charge. may 22 iw For faw-9t1llM. fMaarin, mmm Marhine bop. 1 mr cirevlan, mdditm THT, T AXTTE CO. ; stroudFrmiw, Monroe Co., Pa, EMERY WHEEL8u4 ORINDINQ MACHINES may 2i 4w VT ean mui iuttiier laster at work lor U- 1 I than atauythlnit else Capital not res Inquired; we will .tart you. ut peraay at home iade by the Industrious. Men women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work Tor us. Now Is tbe time. Costly on t 111 and terras free. Addreas Taa Co Ansnsta. Maine. - U 1 rnt... ii.(iii. l' 1 li ' 3 ! Clark sC.Ia B 1 A rw W uar. r.t iHf ml imrim, or. iw at ..llM. Mn af TMfe aa4 FrtM.ltr wl r.K.I 111 IMI C-wmltalloa (r. CO 4 Orata a mi t CO tlltil nualk laprMl. M rnmf rvu, a m lu. FVI.aW Mn mm mi l,lln .anas tlx iar a. ieo 81U0.A'MONTITaas aad UuUe. taking order tor tne life of J to baalaeas r onirra tor ine me of jei- Alabama. Including a full htstory of the Imti'iiml liiuttratad. Now read. Bean fr partKlar. . E. It. TRKkT; lublUber, ' Broadway. New York. jrrtTTA0atnftlAi80 FiKatANi ro AuaM-iaa; tats. I GE3T. J AXtXS A. OAttnTTT.D. g.SWu: Uuatwrta4 aaa clvva f irsaaal as- a . a. - - - sat fca 1 1 an a t ausvabkB prtaM ad; a ua aaa aajea. m - . mil IJtatuar. "The iiataM. -rae aaen a wwea. hmifi i -i t. ra.aaa. nu kMMth peralt ay llall. Iraaa a ara HaMk etMeaatr lur thia ware Aeuve aVa aStl , ATsV Aii.iai I CO- III ej ii w I4eea . reanaatw AL OF LAW OFFICl. ,1 ,av y , a ft iiaybbbWuomt prrx to uei 'aatta af teae tret tar a i Kasnank ristraaaa a hath Jttrvfta. Hmva - '- t wwmt; a nan. a-t aa wiiiii ia . riiia. M lam ail r. W. .m Sua las arari a. fmi aim 4 n.aiii ! ! aa.ar Wan ,..,. ' a tkmntf imu a, alia u. it ).n4rtHa . rwiwt an isn i n .usail aartaralar a4 in as . i ' AD VEB TISESIENTS. Every Maix.oitBois Own TJLaaciu. 1 t ,r 1. .1 - A Good Chanre f or Am arureo. orfor-fiomorPAC lor Amucsnnta rr v-.j CONCERT ;CJ B3. W. B0F. BAZ01f HIa(artitlrid maellit Ting aa iaexhaaiUkl Gablaei 01 troo derfol "Slight of Hand, MaglcmX and, Uim sion tricks, eomprlalitf Hat at :rer time hundred different tricks, will supply Amsx ton Clubs with tell spmniii, svnd deli lastraetioas as will anabla a aoy U yaara old. to baeosn. a first nla Magieia-a la s a few kours. Or pars ma aaa obtala aay nnmberof triaka from am asia inmdrad; Fnll explanation and diraO wtTlvaa arUh eaehtrlek. - -..iivs4..'i' v ', ' Hen t by mall or express. ' : ' Among tha many irtetuara tha Daren port Brothers "RomTtwl," steading and answering a saalad let tea, (maltt and etet ad by tha person who w.ata iY, pouring' wine and watar altaraataiy rnwaa apltoher1 of clear water ; taking m nnns aar of artloles from a gent's hat w fromnuhlisa bandker chief; baking a podding a gent's hat; money apparentljRthrewn ( hat by In visible handa; person .anasaandad In tha i ir 4 feet from the -floor; n.aaiid steal ring put npon a solid steal roa wntta ; each ana Is held by a man; -"ng an unlimited number of eggs from aa, asapty bag; tha conjurors' cards by wal a ana hundred tricks ban be perform e, -Vantrlloqulsm Sully explained; live flsna swimming in bowls of water; eages on iiTe aanary birds taken from a lady s hanaxerahlef. a glass or water disappears ana rea,ipars at will and finally taken irom a aaaa's back; Punch and Jndy, C..Ae. Hnndraasoa trleks per formed by Wy man and oiaar aaagleians. A good chance for amataref or for even ing entertalnmenU, pattar amusements, tc. Band 5 three cent staaavs for eatalagne Address, PROF. fLliONHIE. lebaotf Box 357. Wiisatagton. N C, THE UNIVERSITY L- OF 1 , NORTH CAROLINA. -'.;:-.H-: ' i'.''fc-.;.-!ri;!;. NEXT SESSION WILL BE(?IN , AUGUST 26th, 1831. . Combines the advantages ol the old Cur riculum, with special and extended In struction according to the UnlverMty sys tem. . - ...... Conneete 1 with It are schools ot LAW, of MHimuiNK, ana or rtiAKMAi;x. -- Special faculties given for practical studies sucn as :. Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry, Land Surveying, Drawing, Book-Keep-ing. Business, Law, Phonography, ata. . Expeasrs, Including tuition and room rent, S183 to 2 per annum. - ,' . , . v Address, for eaialacue and particulars, . : t . - .. President. Chapel Hill, N, CJnl t .,' . Jy l7-2t - NASBY IN EUROPE. Xfov 1 II K VTi- Tfc T tMk iD TIm. leum V. Nasby) wUlaall ftnvurop,Ior tha purpose or contriouMag a sex tee - or jeueri , to the ToideDa Bia na. Thsaa let tare-wlll w pwnuu oi .u. "iTiywiilHliBlll June 1st. .- -. AV They will be written ln Ur,NrfthrS jmoi' liar vein, and will be sLUTelT M iM oaa nktkm. v . ... . taaA.A.u I UIOUU tf GCKIJ ' uiauo Is the LARGEST Political and Family pa per lu tbe United States, and In addition to tms feature, contains a aosea otners. Known to and ap jrovt d by a majority of the msal lies In every State and Territory. , : J TERMS, For Three Months, post-paid, -, oO.eteJ For Six Months. - $1.00. NASBY PORTRAIT FREE. Every subscriber to tha Buus, during the publleatlon vt Mr. Locke's European Letters, for either three or six months will receive free of charge a splendld , . la slse and style similar to tbe one of Presi dent Oarn eld which we Issued last summer. This portrait in the picture stores would sell for SO eta. It will not be put upon the market at all. ana can only ae had by sub scribers to th. Blasb. r - 1 Ihose desiring these letters ooanpleUWl the portrait, will do wall to sand their otdere early. We shall print an extra edition, to be anie to sena Decs: namaera. bat the bd- pit wil ly will doubtleaa be exhausted la a month. bend your orders Immediately. Specimen eopiee of the BLann mailed to any ad a re s apon appHcatraaw Bead yous subscription at onea. Addreas BLADBCO ' Toledo, O. ' SPIRIT o? the south a n iNDRrcBDKr pamilt RsrrspA V PKR, devoted ta aewa. poUUes. litera- iure,rc , . . -- .1 PUBuanKD insxLT at Bocsnvo- HAaUXr.V. -i BAB BY FAR TBS LABQEST dBCVLA TIO OP AHT OTBXB FAFBB PTJBLZSBXX) IB TDK rSI i DKB GOUBTBT. TXBM9 IB AIT? AS Oft. One copy ana pet Oaeeepy six aaa One copy three : W, M. T&tOlf FLOWBB rEElLBEUlBLE nnnno Traa. sat haann. l"TBarriii tasassa .i 1 jc-rwrrv a V. I li.i . nTtaaPsnen.enn. O JDrOJL.a-a pea v w. s-r ay Its tea . aa-aa ,., , I i . . u. a MertniPT rr, . . W ' ; - raiiaJetaXarsw tin Is T- v iaU Um0 a aii a.AaL' tl 1 1 n u - 1 .. iai iiia,r--- " "'' haa a4 . ' ' gvrr v tori, PasaSan a- - ... MISCELLANEOUS. H. X (mi HBLIIBOLD'S - -J" -4: COMPOUND il i! i 1 FLUID EXTRACT LP 1 1 Ar M AC E U T I C A L . A' SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF TEr. I ;' -BliADDEPi & KIDNEYS: QFor Debility. Loss of Memory, Indisposlf lion o Jbxertiou or Business, snoriness o. Breath, Troubled with Thoughts or utsease, Dimness cf Vision, Pain in the Back, Chest, and Head, Rush V Blood to the Head, Pale Countenance and Dry Skin. if these symptom are allowed to' go on. very irequenuy n,piiepno nis anq uon sampU on 'follow. - When the constltnt Ion neeomes affected It requires tbe aid of an Invigorating, mediolne to strengthen and tone np the system- which 'HELMBOLD'S BUCHU' DOES IN EVERY CASE HELMBOLD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUALLED Br any remedy known. It Is prescribed by the most eminent physicians all over the "is ; ; BbfamaUsm, Spermatorrhoea . iervoasnesav, : Dyspepsia, Indigestion, I 'i ' . Constipation I ' ' Aches and Paics, QeneraiDehilUy, KJiney Diseases. . ... ra liter Complaint, Nervous DebilUj. Epilepsy, ' h Head Troubles Paralysis, , r General ill Health, ' Spinal Disease; i : ' DCiauca, Deafneati, j uecitoe, I Lumbago,Y Catarrh, it .nervous Complaints, . Female Complaints. 0 f - ueaaacne. rain in toe snoukiers. Coorb. Dtssxaeam, Boor StooLach, KxanUoas, Bad Taata In the Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart. Pain la the region of the Kida.ys, and a thousand other painful symptoas,are j tne ojxspnnga ot vyspepata. - HEL11B0LDS' BUCHU INVIGORATES THE STOMACH, And sUmalataa the torpid Liver. Bowela, , KMaey to aeaitay acuoa. in aaaif Mood of ail tmaariUea. aai tatparUag aew Urn aad vtror to the w bole ayauaa. A. single trial win a aaita aameieas o asistaee tha seoat hsaltsUag of 1U valaaale SjanHlles, : PB1CE $1 PER BOTTLE, 1 Or SU Lttf fw fS. MrTvredtoasaaVtreaslrvafiaaa rattiea. ? . -v -Pauvata-nvay sit by totter, fee, s aa by -Meg. ntiat Oacap t raynsiaae awai AB tettare shea It i 3. T. ILtl-IlBOLD, Drwsint al CetwSsC t . f i raat7Tio.ri Ull t2 TTtYXlt PrtyrtttlTJ ' . - ... 1 O. mm m - JIJSCELLAJTJSOVS., THE WONDERFUL KEMEMES OV TBB LATE FIjOBA.AND GATHA BINE M .Donald, of Bladen Count, eaa be found at Harrr Loeb's Qrooery Biore 1 in tal dty, and at Sed berry's Drug Store 1 in Payettevlile, K. C Tha Pain Kxtermi I nator : cures Dtptherta, Neuralgia, Bora : Throat, Toothache, Headache. Sprains, jsraiaes, corns ana FroaVbite. xnis cele brated medicine eaa be recommended by everybody in Bladen County. Tha money will be refunded unless tha Ex terminator : gives saUsiaetioo. - - ' -' , ALrA.. m m. acijj&Lu, Sola agents, F. O. Box 1S, Wilmlngton.K.O i By permission we refer to tha following letter; j - , - I -, :. t HotXTBTOSm, - . Sampson Co , N. C Feb. T. 188L I I eartlfy with pleasure that M.' McDonald has eared me of an eating cancer. And any one suffering with saeh a terrible disease will do well to see him. For further lnfor mataon apply to mej - I - JEBSB TEW. ! march 27 1881 tf D.'..M-.iDABT. PRACTICAL PLOMREH, STEAM AND OAS FITTER, . ' , WILMttQTOX, N. C.t QAH STILL BX FOUND AT HIS OLD stand. Journal Bsdldlng, Prlneess street where he is prepared to do all kinds of work In his line, cheaper than ever before oflered to the pabllo. HaaeonstSMStly on hand Bath TUDB, Water Cloaeta, Wash Stands. Pumps of all descriptions. Drain Pipes, j I . Gas Pipes, : ; ; . .' - ' .. . Gas Fxtures, Ac., &c Personal attention given to all work. . Satisfaction guaranteed. ' deoember 21 tf FAST MAIL AND PASSENGER THE NllRTH AND ROUTE TO EAST, "VIA. THE RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG A KD POTO MAC RAILROAD. I Entire trains rnn throngs from Wllmlag ton to Washington, via. ihi mutawuhnui change. .( Leave Wilmlagton, WsWKR.1 i dally at . a m and 8.40 p a Leave Richmond....i5 g.12 a m I Sunday excepted. I ATT rive at Washington at m andlJO i p nv, bunday excepted. Arrive at Baltimore at aLW I m, Sunday excepted. Arrive at Philadelphia at . I p m, Sunday excepted. t andS.0S p m and 6 SO and 10.05 p Arrive at New York at a. I . au Sunday excepted. Pullman Palace Sloeiaina ars on the 6 50 , m. trains to New Ynrk. au. J n it., a An n m. trains to saahlngtor. i C. A. TAYLOR, . General ticket Agent. B.T.1). MYERS, Qen'L BspU ; mchZltf EH e Paq . a s S P . :'hn : H 0 -. i do p; ; xJOt ! 55-: t 4 j -- 1 aa , Bm -.'Qr;r-; 5 a. n . esq CO E3 na!atihr. cintiteT ni chili UllaTe Qa gscsMii Crt wrv .- djl innutvutivirix. cas wnn suae tsara. aa tha) 00 a sj WI swav ataa. w aaad sja taanr s t ? i assaa at. M tv aaa-akaadwsaasaistal. Wf am ee tew aa any la tae) satF em aa4 r-cts twl a aa-.aWAe.if sj wwwjjBs" Bjn(sl(l nscE G OCTBBJJBSa lull stock always on stand, eonatatlaf In part of Butter, Cheese and , ; . !-- -: jHajnj,S.aoanvai , i Meats, Smoked and P. B Mackerel. ...l vleuf.all grades, :. I . . I Meal,' water-iroux . ' ! ' Potatoes, Northern I . ; . Oder, , ' . - i 1 Sugar, Cruxhed, Powdered. FrsfiulaUd. 'sand Yellows. Coffee. Java, tAgulra and Rlo grades, Molasses and Symps, - i , Tobacco, chewing, and 'smoklag, all - arndes, - ; . . , Nsiia, - -, . . r . AppollnarU Mineral Water, fresh ar ' ;frlval.-: ' ' i!-'-'-. Sen-fonn,SterIlng, PaUpsco, ana other it! - - ' f I 1 ' ; brands of Baking Powders, Soaps, laundry and to 1st, . i 8Urch,'aVcn&c. ADRIAN & VOLLCR0, WHOLESALE GROCERS, . Southeast cor. Front and Dock Bit. WHiIVlINGTON, N. O. aug lo u i (A JttediclWaeC a.Drlak,)t .. V XOSTAlXflt '. . nops,Brcnr, mandbahx. j DANDELION. Axo tbs PntssT AST) n-cTMrritrAr.QcxJ THEX CUBE All iltases of tlKtVenach. Bowels, Bleed J Liver, KluneTs.and Vrtnarr Organ.. fer V0usaaiajltiiaaai.ajid esneUauf Femal. ComphuaU. . w OIOOO IN COLD; Wlh be pal a for a ease they wfB set rare art Oil, H w hiiwih' impiui iHiajmaa. fooad la them. ' -: e,,m TT a k - . . itkeia before Ja sleep. Takit aa Other. I. C. 1. aa abaolate and trmlatrbla ear. sr. for , as. oi opium, kosaeoe aarcoucs. Bs vox Cixcruaa.' aaa a. . . a a a a . . $1500 TO 16000 A YEAR or $5 to tM a day lDVon own loraltty No risk. VV omen do as wail as men. Many make more than the amount seated above. No one can fall to make money fast. Any one eaa do tbe work. Yon can make from 60 eta lot? an hoar by devo ting your evenings and snare time to tha business. Nothing like it lor money mak ing was ever oflered before. Business pleas ant and strictly honorrble. Header, If you want to know alt about tha beat paving be fore th. public, aend us your acdreas and we will send you full partioaiars and private terms free: samples worth IS also free: von . can then mseuprHurmlndforyourelL Addreas UKORUK ST1NSON CO. angustlO-ly Hortiandaln Me OLD AUD RELfME. Dn. Sxxrono'a Litvxa I-vTroonjiTOn' is a standard Family IfcniNl j fur ar wlseaaesof the liver, Stomach ,3 and liowela. It is rurely Vegetable. It never af DehUitatra It is -VHTl Cathartic Tonl .-.rs tioapv v W o--V the publte. a more than 53 yan tjjrrwdrtoJ rr-t!ta, FOR OIRCULAQ. t,T.n, uxrtis. B.D., 'ar:-;a,r an ess await aatnunain , Itr Jriiln BKlgairgL j. i ti5ncb, sai& Fcoxr Jftrtrf. TTCmUffcxa. !f. C, a II MIJMl I 111. .1 iVI Hiyi.-wiii, V as no Keatree t t.sWsa fa - ' td " tae" te ' tr.aat taraasr euil, rnty aa4 aay awn .et aaadsn tf saaai wval atiiaal tav net U if . Ji' WtSiK ta p-i teea.aad aa -y Av AWtS.-'Pstn-'eP' m 1 I aai sg iaiiesv-v worm - r ITtrTrninn n-iH warn, tea Sii aa iry suit aa eaaajaaaJpaa mmlmi raw aaai naawaa. tawaa 1'iain yeaw taaaai, eava3 aae-ke gias ty fcay a .t y amr taaa peal Sweqfc afaanat in t-MaTsas ' 'a?sa?liMav -yee ..IX . ar-fc. iaaii. - avtajanv-i t-4tt r YT a,r;"BTTVCrtU0 Am.A Ja & Wa Itaam eae t .v A.nrwsm tjaajal - t-. V A, a-kaa-ew ...1- - :

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